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Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61 – 84

Biochemical analysis of pleural, peritoneal
and pericardial effusions
L.J. Burgess *
TREAD Research/Cardiology Unit, Stellenbosch University, P.O. Box 19174, Tygerberg 7505, Parow, South Africa
Received 18 August 2003; received in revised form 30 January 2004; accepted 2 February 2004


Body fluids other than blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid are often submitted for biochemical analysis. Of these, pleural,
peritoneal and pericardial fluids are the most common. Laboratory tests are a useful tool to assess the aetiology,
pathophysiology and subsequent treatment of effusions. A wide range of biochemical tests may be requested. This review
critically examines the various analytes that have been used to investigate these body fluids.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biochemical analysis; Pleural fluids; Peritoneal fluids; Pericardial effusions

1. Biochemical evaluation of pleural effusions mined through analysis of the pleural fluid obtained
by thoracentesis [4,5].
Pleural fluid is an ultrafiltrate of plasma and there Diagnostic thoracentesis should be attempted
is usually less than 10 ml of fluid in each pleural whenever the thickness of pleural fluid on the
cavity [1]. The accumulation of clinically detectable decubitus radiograph is >10 mm or whenever locu-
quantities of pleural fluid is distinctly abnormal [2]. lated pleural fluid is demonstrated with ultrasound,
Pleural effusions may indicate the presence of pleural, unless the patient has typical congestive heart fail-
pulmonary or extrapulmonary disease. In some cases, ure [2]. Thoracentesis may be associated with a
the aetiology of the effusion is obvious from the number of complications including pain, cough,
clinical picture (e.g. bilateral pleural effusions in haematoma, pneumothorax, haemothorax, syncope,
congestive cardiac failure) [3]. In other cases, the splenic laceration, re-expansion pulmonary oedema
cause and clinical significance is not apparent. In and pleural infection [6,7]. Performance of the
approximately 70 – 80% of cases, a definitive or procedure by an experienced operator, especially
presumptive identification of the cause can be deter- under ultrasound guidance, considerably reduces
the risk of complications [7].

1.1. General appearance of the pleural fluid

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +27-21-931-7825; fax: +27-21-
933-3597. The gross appearance and odour of the fluid may
E-mail address: (L.J. Burgess). provide useful information regarding the aetiology of

0009-8981/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
62 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

the effusion [8]. Most transudates and many exudates volvement of the pleura by an inflammatory or
are clear, straw-coloured, odourless and non-viscous. malignant process causing increased capillary perme-
Frankly purulent fluid indicates an empyema [2]. In ability. Common causes include pneumonia, cancer,
the case of grossly bloody fluid, a haematocrit should pulmonary embolism and, especially in developing
be performed. A pleural haematocrit >50% of the countries, tuberculosis [16,17]. Some of the causes of
peripheral haematocrit indicates a haemothorax which pleural effusions are shown in Table 1.
often requires tube thoracostomy, a pleural haematoc- Separation of exudates from transudates is useful
rit of 1 – 20% is suggestive of cancer, pulmonary in determining the cause of a pleural effusion and in
embolism or trauma and a value < 1% is insignificant deciding whether further and often more invasive
[9,10]. investigations should be carried out on the patient
A chylothorax is suspected when milky fluid is [18]. Historically, specific gravity was used to sepa-
obtained on thoracentesis [11]. Milky, turbid fluid can rate these two entities [15]. Later a pleural fluid
also be caused by cells and debris or by a high lipid protein level of 30 g/l was used [19,20]. Many
level [2]. These two entities can be differentiated if the misclassifications were made resulting in patients
supernatant is centrifuged and then examined. If tur- enduring unnecessary and often more invasive inves-
bidity remains after centrifugation, it is probably due to tigations. Chandresekhar et al. [20] thus proposed the
increased lipid content and the fluid should be sent for
lipid analysis. Alternatively, if the supernatant is clear,
the original turbidity was due to increased numbers of Table 1
cells or other debris [2]. Other causes of a milky Causes of pleural effusions
pleural effusion include total parenteral nutrition fluid Transudative effusions
of lipid-containing solutions infused into the pleural Congestive cardiac failure
space and pseudochylous effusions (namely, an accu-
Nephrotic syndrome
mulation of cholesterol and/or lecithin- or globulin- Hypoproteinaemic states
rich fluid in long-standing pleural effusions) [12]. Pulmonary embolism
Pleural fluid that resembles anchovy paste or Peritoneal dialysis
chocolate sauce is suggestive of amoebiasis with a Urinothorax
Acute atelectasis
hepatopleural fistula [13]. This is due to the presence
of blood, cytolyzed liver tissue and small solid par- Post-thoracic and abdominal surgery
ticles of liver parenchyma that have resisted dissolu- Post-partum effusion
tion [2]. A clear or bloody viscous fluid suggests a
malignant mesothelioma; the high viscosity results Exudative effusions
from an increased fluid hyaluronic acid concentration
e.g. parapneumonic effusions, tuberculosis, amoebiasis,
[14]. A putrid odour may be indicative of an anaerobic subphrenic abscess etc
infection whereas an odour of urine suggests probable Malignant disease
urinothorax [2]. e.g. primary lung carcinoma, metastatic carcinoma, lymphoma,
leukaemia, mesothelioma, etc
Connective tissue disease
1.2. Distinguishing between transudates and exudates
e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus
Traditionally, pleural effusions are classified as . Drug-induced (including minoxidil, amiodarone, bromocrip-
transudates and exudates [15]. A transudative pleural tine, nitrofurantoin, methotrexate, dantrolene)
. Endoscopic oesophageal sclerotherapy
effusion derives from ultrafiltration of the pleural fluid
. Radiotherapy
across a membrane. Its presence implies a non-in-
Other inflammatory causes
flammatory process and occurs when pleural fluid e.g. pulmonary embolism, pancreatitis, uraemia, Dressler’s
accumulates due to an imbalance between hydrostatic syndrome, asbestos exposure
and oncotic pressures. Common causes of transudates Diseases of the lymphatics
include congestive cardiac failure, cirrhosis and pul- e.g. chylothorax (trauma, malignancy), lymphangiomyomatosis
Haemothorax (trauma, spontaneous)
monary embolism [2]. Pleural exudates imply in-
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 63

use of absolute values of pleural fluid lactate dehy- for serum [26]. Due to the fact that they share a
drogenase (LDH) in making this distinction. Com- common test (namely pleural fluid LDH), the critical
bining these two entities resulted in the formulation pleural fluid LDH and pleural fluid/serum LDH ratio
of the well-known ‘‘Light’s criteria’’ [21]. are highly correlated and thus suffer from mathemat-
ical coupling. Diagnostic test rules do not perform as
1.2.1. Light’s criteria well if they include highly correlated criteria. It has
Light’s criteria [21] were retrospectively designed thus been suggested that one of these parameters be
to be close to 100% sensitive and 100% specific in removed from Light’s criteria [25]. A further problem
identifying pleural exudates. According to these cri- with Light’s criteria arises from the combination of
teria exudative pleural effusions meet at least one of multiple tests in parallel with an ‘‘either/or’’ rule,
the following criteria, whereas transudative pleural namely the increase in sensitivity at the expense of
effusions meet none: decreasing specificity. This would further explain the
misclassification of transudates as exudates [25]. In an
 Pleural fluid/serum protein ratio >0.5. attempt to improve diagnostic specificity, numerous
 Pleural fluid/serum LDH ratio >0.6. investigators have attempted to modify Light’s criteria
 Pleural fluid LDH activity >200 U/l (later modified [25,27,28] while others have proposed new tests to
to 2/3 the upper limit of serum LDH). differentiate between exudates and transudates.

In the original study by Light et al. [21], only two 1.2.2. Serum-effusion albumin gradient
effusions (out of 150 patients) were misclassified, The main disadvantage of Light’s criteria is the
giving a diagnostic sensitivity of 99% and specificity misclassification of transudates as exudates [29]. This
of 98% for an exudate. One patient (out of 47 appears to be due to the occurrence of an exudative
transudates) with congestive cardiac failure met two range of protein levels in many patients with conges-
of the three criteria for an exudate and one out of 103 tive cardiac failure following diuretic therapy. This
exudates contained malignant cells in the fluid, al- phenomenon was first reported by Pillay [30] who
though the effusion appeared to be due to congestive demonstrated an increase in pleural protein concen-
cardiac failure. Several other prospective studies tration from 15 to 29 g/l after diuretic therapy in
using these criteria, while reproducing the sensitivity, patients with heart failure. Chakko et al. [31] con-
have reported much lower specificities (65 – 86%) firmed this phenomenon demonstrating a significant
[18,22,23]. increase in both protein concentration (from 22 to 32
Several reasons for this lack of reproducibility have g/l) and fluid/serum LDH ratio (from 0.39 to 0.64).
been proposed [24,25]. Firstly, the original Light The origin of pleural exudates and transudates is
report was a derivation sample. Diagnostic tests have uncertain. The classic teaching has been that pleural
been shown to work better in derivation samples when effusions arise from the pleural capillaries [32]. There
compared with subsequent validation samples [25]. is a steady flux of fluid across the pleural space [33].
Secondly, rigorous diagnostic criteria were used by The pleural microvasculature endothelium is semiper-
Light et al. in their retrospective study resulting in 33 meable resulting in the protein content of the pleural
of the original 183 patients being excluded. It has thus fluid being lower than that of the serum [10,33]. The
been suggested that the low false-positive and false- pleural albumin and globulin components are believed
negative results obtained were the result of these to originate from the serum via diffusion [34 –36] and
exclusions and that the diagnostic cut-offs could not, then cleared via the subpleural lymphatic vessels [33].
therefore, be applied to unselected populations [18]. A In the case of exudates, there is an increased leakage
third reason proposed for the poorer diagnostic accu- of fluid out of the pleural microvasculature which has
racy of later studies is the inappropriate use of an a higher concentration of protein, resulting in a low
absolute LDH cut-off value of 200 U/l [24]. This gradient between serum and fluid protein (and albu-
value was originally proposed by Light et al. and later, min). Exudates can also be formed by a decreased rate
in order to account for different assay conditions, of re-absorption of fluid from the pleural space. In the
modified by the same authors to two-thirds of normal case of transudates, the effusion results from an
64 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

imbalance of hydrostatic and osmotic forces and this tion and serum leakage reflecting increased pleural
gradient is thus maintained [2,10,33]. permeability have been postulated [24].
Application of this principle resulted in the adop- In the study by Hamm et al. [38] a cut-off point of
tion of the serum-effusion albumin gradient (SEAG) 60 mg/dl (1.55 mmol/l) yielded the best results and
as a means of distinguishing between exudates and exudates were accordingly classified as having a
transudates. The SEAG, defined as serum albumin cholesterol concentration >60 mg/dl and transudates
concentration minus effusion albumin concentration, < 60 mg/dl. Of the 70 effusions included in this study,
was extrapolated by Roth et al. [23] from work done all 31 transudates had cholesterol levels < 60 mg/dl.
on peritoneal fluid. Transudates were accordingly However, three of the 39 exudates were erroneously
described as having SEAG >12 g/l, while exudates classified as transudates (sensitivity 100%, specificity
were described as having a SEAG V 12 g/l. Using 95%). Use of Light’s criteria resulted in all the
this cut-off point resulted in the correct classification exudates being correctly classified but with an overall
of all the transudates but incorrect classification of misclassification rate of 16%. These findings were
two malignant effusions (sensitivity 95%, specificity confirmed by Valdés et al. [39].
100%). Of particular note was the fact that fluids from Subsequent studies have failed to reproduce these
five patients (of whom four had received previous results [27,29]. In an attempt to improve diagnostic
diuretic therapy) were misclassified as exudates by efficiency, a number of groups have studied the effect
Light’s criteria. of varying the cholesterol cut-off level [29,39], of
In a subsequent study of 393 patients from South using fluid/serum cholesterol ratios [29] and of using
Africa, poorer sensitivity and specificity (87% and cholesterol in combination with LDH [40]. While
92%, respectively) were found when applying the cholesterol reduces incorrect classification, it does so
SEAG [29]. Nevertheless, use of the SEAG signifi- at the expense of missing a significant number of
cantly reduced the misclassification of transudative patients with exudates where further testing is often
effusions from patients receiving diuretic therapy. warranted [24]. This apparent lower sensitivity may
Light [2] suggests that if, clinically, it is thought that be explained by the fact that a simple test is employed
a patient has a transudative pleural effusion but as opposed to the three-test combination of Light’s
Light’s exudative criteria are not met, then it is criteria [25].
reasonable to measure the SEAG. This recommenda-
tion is based on deductive reasoning but has never 1.2.4. Other biochemical analytes used to differen-
been validated in an independent sample. Further- tiate between transudates and exudates
more, combination tests have enhanced sensitivity Meisel et al. [41] concluded that a serum/fluid
but pay a price in lower specificity [25]. A further bilirubin ratio >0.6 was an alternative to Light’s
argument against this recommendation is the obser- criteria for diagnosing pleural exudates. A total of
vation that SEAG and each of the three elements of 51 pleural fluids were evaluated and the diagnostic
Light’s criteria have the same diagnostic operating sensitivity and specificity were calculated as 96% and
characteristics [25]. According to Heffner et al. [37], a 83%, respectively (compared with 90% and 82%,
better approach to managing the uncertainty that respectively, for Light’s criteria). Subsequent studies
arises from Light’s criteria, especially in the setting have failed to reproduce these results [29].
of a patient with congestive heart failure treated with Pleural/serum cholinesterase ratios were shown to
diuretics, is to use a Bayesian approach. have a similar accuracy to Light’s criteria in the
separation of pleural exudates from transudates [42].
1.2.3. Cholesterol A significant number of misclassified exudates by this
Hamm et al. [38] demonstrated that exudates tend method were malignant, however, thus limiting its
to have a higher pleural fluid cholesterol level than clinical use [43]. Many of the parameters used for
transudates and proposed this as a means for distin- identifying exudates are based on the fact that pleural
guishing between transudates and exudates. The ra- exudates more closely resemble plasma than transu-
tionale for this mechanism is poorly understood, dates. Pleural/serum ratios of various other parameters
although cholesterol release due to cellular degenera- (including aspartate transaminase, alanine transami-
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 65

nase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine kinase and g- meant that no clearly superior combination could be
glutamyltransferase) have also been considered as selected.
diagnostic tools [29,44] and all compared poorly with
Light’s criteria. 1.3. Specialised biochemical tests for detecting causes
The use of urinary dipsticks as a side room test of pleural effusions
was also evaluated as a rapid screening test for
pleural exudates [45]. Pleural fluid was diluted in Apart from differentiating between exudates and
normal saline (1:10) and then tested for protein with transudates, biochemical tests also serve as a guideline
Combur9 reagent strips. The results of the study when assessing the aetiology of the effusion.
demonstrated that a 1+ protein reading indicated a
transudate, as defined by Light’s criteria, with a 1.3.1. Glucose
specificity of 97% and a 3+ reading indicated an The measurement of glucose levels in pleural fluids
exudate with a specificity of 94%. A 2+ reading has been used in the differential diagnosis of exuda-
provided too much overlap between transudates and tive disorders. A pleural fluid glucose concentration
exudates to reach any conclusion. Using this method, greater than 60 mg/dl (3.4 mmol/l) or a pleural/serum
69% of pleural effusions could be correctly classi- glucose ratio >0.5 have widely been accepted as the
fied. Similar results were obtained when compared to cut-off values [48]. There is dispute as to how the
gold-standard diagnoses. The classification of pleural specimen should be collected. Some investigators
effusions into transudates and exudates with urinary believe that thoracentesis should be performed when
reagent strips should not be regarded as a substitute the patient is fasting and that both pleural and serum
for laboratory investigations, but rather to add further glucose levels should be performed simultaneously. If
weight to the clinician’s initial assessment in order to the fluid cannot be analysed immediately, it should be
allow him/her to plan further investigations and frozen or collected in a sodium fluoride tube to
management with a greater degree of certainty. In prevent in vitro glycolysis [49]. Light, however, is
many cases, especially in rural areas far removed of the opinion that it is not necessary to obtain a
from laboratories, time will also be saved by arriving fasting specimen, nor is it necessary to consider the
at an answer sooner with a resultant reduction in serum glucose level when evaluating the pleural
costs [45]. glucose level [2].
Low pleural fluid glucose levels ( < 60 mg/dl)
1.2.5. Meta-analysis of tests used to distinguish usually indicate the presence of one of the follow-
between transudates and exudates ing: complicated parapneumonic effusion [50], ma-
A meta-analysis by Heffner et al. [46] examined lignant disease [51 – 53], tuberculosis [54], or
the accuracy of the various tests most frequently used rheumatoid disease [55]. Rare causes include para-
to distinguish exudates from transudates, either when gonimiasis, haemothorax, the Churg-Strauss syn-
used alone or in combination. The authors used the drome and lupus pleuritis. The low pleural fluid
original criteria of Light et al. [25], as well as more glucose level appears to result from a combination
suitable cut-offs, by subjecting the meta-analysis data of increased glycolysis from pleural tissue, pleural
to ROC analysis [47]. The area under the curve is fluid inflammatory cells and bacteria in conjunction
generally recognised as the most accurate method of with an impairment of glucose transport from blood
comparing discriminative properties. Accordingly, to pleural fluid [48].
single tests except for the bilirubin ratio all performed
reasonably well, although the protein ratio appeared 1.3.2. pH
marginally the best. For tests used in combination, the Measurement of the pleural fluid pH using a blood-
highest odd ratios were found for pairs or triplets that gas machine has also been used as a diagnostic tool. A
included the albumin gradient. The combination of pH level < 7.20 suggests that the patient has one of
three tests tended to give the highest sensitivity and the following: complicated parapneumonic effusion,
odds ratio, although the specificity was lower. Exten- oesophageal rupture, rheumatoid pleuritis, tuberculous
sive overlap of the confidence intervals, however, pleuritis, malignant pleural disease, haemothorax,
66 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

systemic acidosis, paragonimiasis, lupus pleuritis or in the blood gas analyser [70,71]. Litmus paper is not
urinothorax [2]. a suitable alternative [72].
Pleural fluid pH has traditionally been used to
determine whether or not a parapneumonic effusion 1.3.3. Lipids
should be drained [56 –59]. Lower pH levels increase A chylothorax is defined as the accumulation of
the likelihood for pleural drainage, while higher levels lymph or chyle in the thoracic cavity following a
suggest that medical treatment is adequate. Primary leak from the thoracic duct [11]. Although this may
studies attempted to identify specific cut-off pH levels occur spontaneously, the most common cause is
for this purpose but these studies were small and malignancy [11,73], especially lymphoma; the rest
limited by poor study design. Of particular importance are secondary to metastatic carcinoma [73]. The next
is the fact that the investigators who determined the most common cause is trauma, usually post-surgical
outcome were not blinded to the pleural pH test results or secondary to blunt trauma. Less common causes
[50,60]. include tuberculosis, filariasis, cirrhosis, lymphangi-
Pleural fluid pH has also been implicated in ma- tis of the thoracic duct and obstruction of the
lignant effusions, most notably in predicting survival. superior vena cava [2].
Sahn and Good [61] demonstrated that patients with Although a chylothorax may be suspected by its
pH levels < 7.30 had a shorter survival time. The low milky appearance, the most reliable test is the dem-
pH in these effusions is probably due to the end onstration of chylomicrons by lipoprotein electropho-
products of glycolysis in the pleural space caused by resis [11]. Alternatively, the diagnosis can be made by
extensive tumor deposits, signifying a late stage of measuring triglyceride levels in the pleural fluid. If the
aggressive malignancy with a poor survival [62]. triglyceride level >110 mg/dl (1.24 mmol/l), the
Lower pH levels were also noted with more extensive patient has a 99% chance of having a chylothorax;
pleural involvement, higher yield on cytological stud- if the triglyceride level is < 50 mg/dl (0.50 mmol/l),
ies and decreased success of pleurodesis [61]. Rodri- the patient has only a 5% chance of having a chylo-
guez-Panadero et al. [63 –65] reported a correlation of thorax [73,74].
low pH with both survival of and the extent of
intrapleural tumor collections. These observations 1.3.4. Adenosine deaminase and other biochemical
have resulted in recommendations to utilise pleural markers of tuberculosis
fluid pH in selecting patients for pleurodesis [66]. If tuberculous pleuritis is not treated, the effusion
Other investigators have not observed an association usually resolves, however, pulmonary or extrapulmo-
between pH and survival [67]. Heffner et al. nary tuberculosis subsequently develops in more than
[37,60,68] performed meta-analyses of a number of 50% of patients [75]. Tuberculous effusions are usu-
studies (both published and unpublished) that reported ally lymphocytic. Less than 40% of patients present-
pleural fluid pH values in malignant pleural effusions. ing with a tuberculous pleuritis have positive pleural
Accordingly, pleural fluid was found to have limited fluid cultures. Alternative tests, such as adenosine
clinical utility for predicting survival and only mar- deaminase (ADA) or interferon-g (IFN-g) are thus
ginal value in predicting the outcome of pleurodesis. required to establish the diagnosis [16].
Pleural fluid pH correlates closely with pleural Numerous studies have demonstrated the diagnos-
fluid glucose levels [69] and for parapneumonic tic significance of increased levels of pleural ADA in
effusions, pleural fluid pH is more predictive of tuberculous pleurisy [76 –84] whereas other studies
complicated effusions than pleural fluid glucose have shown that ADA is of limited value [85,86] as
[50]. Pleural samples should, however, be handled raised levels are also associated with a number of
as carefully as arterial samples for pH measurements, other diseases including malignancies (especially
with fluid collected in heparanised syringes and trans- those of haematological origin), bacterial infections,
ported on ice for measurement within 6 h [56]. Prob- empyemas and collagen vascular diseases (including
lems with measurement include failure to recognise systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthri-
the importance of anaerobic collection, the need for tis) [2]. Various cut-off levels ranging from 30 to 70
prompt analysis and the possibility of clot formation U/l have been used to make this diagnosis; corres-
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 67

ponding diagnostic efficiencies range from 83% to pleural fluid has been investigated in recent years as a
100% (sensitivity 75– 100%; specificity 79– 100%) possible means for diagnosing tuberculous pleuritis. A
[76 – 86]. study by Baig et al. [100] demonstrated that the mean
Initially, the presence of ADA in pleural fluids was level of tuberculous antigens was higher in the pleural
thought to reflect the cellular immune response, in fluid of patients with tuberculous pleuritis. There was
particular the activation of T-lymphocytes [78]. When considerable overlap, however, that limited the diag-
the lymphocytic/neutrophil ratio was considered to- nostic utility. Similar results were demonstrated when
gether with ADA activity, the diagnostic efficiency the level of tuberculostearic acid in pleural fluid was
improved—most notably the specificity [87]. Howev- analysed [101]. A number of reports have also dem-
er, numerous studies have failed to find a correlation onstrated that patients with tuberculous pleuritis tend
between number of lymphocytes or lymphocyte sub- to have higher levels of specific anti-tuberculous
populations and ADA levels [78,88,89]. antibodies in their pleural fluid than patients with
ADA is a polymorphic enzyme involved in purine effusions of other aetiologies [102 – 106]. Once again,
catabolism. Two molecular forms of ADA, each there is too much overlap for the test to be used
having unique biochemical properties, have been diagnostically. The anti-tuberculous antibody levels in
identified in humans: ADA1 and ADA2 [90]. ADA1 the pleural fluid appear to be due to passive diffusion
isoenzyme, while found in all cells, has the highest from the serum rather than local antibody production
activity in lymphocytes and monocytes, whereas in the pleural space [103].
ADA2 isoenzyme originates from monocytes [91]. Other biochemical markers of pleural fluid are of
These results were confirmed by Valdés et al. [92]. limited value in establishing the diagnosis of tuber-
In a subsequent study, Ungerer et al. [93] found that in culous pleuritis. Although previous studies demon-
tuberculous effusions, the ADA2 isoenzyme was pri- strated reduced pleural glucose levels in most cases of
marily responsible for total ADA activity, while the tuberculous pleuritis, more recent studies show that
ADA1 isoenzyme contributed mainly to the ADA the majority of these patients have a pleural glucose
activity in parainfective effusions. These results were level >3.33 mmol/l [107,108]. A low pH was also
confirmed by Carstens et al. [94]. A few investigators previously regarded as being suggestive of tubercu-
have now suggested a monocyte-macrophage origin lous pleuritis, subsequent studies suggest that pH has
of ADA [95,96]. the same distribution in malignant as in tuberculous
The IFN-g level is also useful in diagnosing pleural effusions [56,109]. Elevated levels of 1.25-
tuberculous pleuritis [87,97 –99]. IFN-g is produced dihydroxyvitamin D has also been described in tuber-
by the CD4+ lymphocytes from patients with tuber- culous pleurisy [110].
culous pleuritis [97]. In one report, 33 out of 35 Lysozyme has been proposed as a diagnostic tool
patients with tuberculous pleuritis had IFN-g levels for tuberculous pleurisy [82,83,111]. A pleural/serum
>140 pg/ml, while only 9 of 110 other pleural fluids lysozyme ratio >1.2 has been proposed as a good test
had levels that exceeded this [87]. With the exception for diagnosing tuberculous pleuritis [111]. When the
of empyemas, there was only one non-tuberculous utility of this ratio is compared to that of the pleural
pleural fluid that had an IFN-g level >200 pg/ml [87]. ADA or IFN-g level, the lysozyme ratio is distinctly
Comparable results have been reported in other series inferior [83]. However, Verea Hernando et al. [111]
[97 – 99] but comparison of the series is difficult have concluded that the use of lysozyme together with
because different units are used. Pleural IFN-g levels ADA would give a sensitivity and specificity of 100%
can be used in a similar manner to pleural ADA levels in a population with a high prevalence of tuberculosis.
to establish the diagnosis of tuberculous pleuritis with
reasonable certainty. The diagnosis of tuberculosis can 1.3.5. Malignant pleural markers
be made with a pleural fluid IFN-g level >200 pg/ml Various tumour markers and biochemical parame-
and a clinical picture compatible with tuberculous ters used in mainstream practice have been measured
pleuritis [16]. in pleural fluid to help distinguish malignant from
The demonstration of tuberculous antigens or spe- benign effusions [112,113]. This includes: carcinoem-
cific antibodies against tuberculous proteins in the bryonic antigen (CEA) [112 – 121], neuron-specific
68 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

enolase (NSE) [120,122,123], CA125 [120,121],  Elevated h2-microglobulin levels have been asso-
squamous cell carcinoma antigen [119,120], CA 19- ciated with tuberculosis, leukaemia, lymphoma
9 [112,121], tissue polypeptide antigen (TPA) [112, and, when expressed as a pleural fluid/serum ratio,
119,121], a-foetoprotein [119] and CYFRA 21-1 in some autoimmune disorders [140].
[116,124].  Elevated levels of ferritin have been associated
Measurement of the levels of tumour markers in with malignant effusions [117,141], however the
the pleural fluid has proved disappointing in diagnos- clinical utility thereof is questionable [113,142].
ing pleural malignancies [124]. Tumour markers are
highly suggestive of malignant effusions when pleural High lactic acid concentrations have been re-
antigen levels are very high, but because of low ported in both bacterial and tuberculous effusions;
sensitivity, they are not helpful if values are only intermediate values have been associated with ma-
modestly increased [120,125]. lignancy [143]. An increased pleural fluid urea or
The creatine kinase BB-isoenzyme has also been creatinine may be specific for the diagnosis of
suggested as being useful for differentiating between urinothorax [144].
malignant and benign effusions but it was shown to be
diagnostic in only 20% of cases [126]. LDH isoen-
zyme pattern was suggested as an aid to diagnosing 2. Biochemical evaluation of peritoneal effusions
malignant pleural effusions [127] but subsequent
studies have demonstrated poor results [128]. Simi- The peritoneal cavity normally contains less than
larly, pleural fluid zinc, copper and iron ratios have 50 ml of fluid [145]. Ascites, the pathological accu-
also failed to show any significant diagnostic utility mulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, are found in
[129,130]. a wide variety of conditions. In the USA and the
western world, ascites are the commonest cause of
1.3.6. Amylase liver cirrhosis accounting for approximately 75– 80%
An elevated amylase level is found in patients with of cases [146 – 150]. Ascites occur in about 50% of
pancreatitis (with or without pseudocyst formation) these patients within ten years of diagnosis of com-
[131 – 133] and oesophageal rupture [131]. Amylase pensated cirrhosis [151] and its development heralds a
should thus only be measured if the patient’s history progressive deterioration in a patient’s clinical condi-
and clinical picture are suggestive of one of these tion and only 50% of affected patients survive two
diagnoses [131]. In addition, approximately 10% of years after onset [152]. In many developing countries,
malignant effusions are associated with an elevated ascites secondary to tuberculous peritonitis are as
pleural amylase levels (salivary isoform), with ex- common as liver cirrhosis [153,154]. There are, how-
tremely high values being found in adenocarcinomata ever, a number of other causes including malignancy,
of the lung and ovary [134]. congestive cardiac failure, nephrotic syndrome, pan-
creatic disease and dialysis [155].
1.3.7. Other biochemical analytes The pathogenesis of ascites formation is multifac-
A number of specific proteins have been studied in torial as shown in Table 2. Initial evaluation of ascites
pleural fluid, including haptoglobin [135], a1-anti- should include diagnostic paracentesis to ascertain the
trypsin [135], specific immunoglobulins [136,137], cause. In most cases this procedure may be safely
pseudouridine [138], complement factors [135], oro- performed despite the presence of coagulopathy and
somucoid [137] and a2-macroglobulin [137] yet little thrombocytopaenia [156,157], provided the ascitic
clinical information has been gained from these stud- fluid is accurately localised, abdominal surgical scars
ies. A number of disease associations with specific avoided, aseptic technique followed and a small gauge
proteins have, however, been demonstrated: needle used [156]. Diagnostic paracentesis should be
routinely performed in patients presenting with new-
 Fibrin degradation products may be elevated in onset ascites, those requiring hospitalisation due to
patients with malignancy, pulmonary embolus and ascites and those with ascites and unexplained clinical
infective effusions [139]. deterioration [158].
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 69

Table 2 tap was traumatic and not due to pre-existing hae-

Pathogenesis of ascites formation moperitoneum [146]. Pink-coloured ascitic fluid con-
Increased hydrostatic pressure tains z 10,000 red cells/mm3 and blood-stained
ascites z 20,000 red cells/mm3. In a traumatic tap,
Budd-Chiari syndrome (Hepatic vein occlusion)
Inferior vena cava obstruction the fluid tends to clot when removed and left to
Congestive cardiac failure stand whereas non-traumatic bloody ascitic fluid
Constrictive pericarditis tends to be homogenously red and does not clot on
paracentesis [146].
Decreased colloid osmotic pressure
Milky or turbid ascitic fluid results from the
Chronic, end-stage liver disease with poor protein synthesis
Nephrotic syndrome with protein loss presence of lymph and has a high fat concentration
Malnutrition (chylous ascites) [145]. The turbidity of these speci-
Protein losing enteropathy mens can be cleared by the addition of a few drops of
ether and microscopic examination shows large
Increased permeability of peritoneal capillaries
numbers of fat globules [146]. Milk-like or chylous
Infective peritonitis (bacterial, tuberculosis)
Malignant disease of the peritoneum ascites are generally due to the presence of a large
amount of triglycerides, usually in a concentration
Leakage of fluid into the peritoneal cavity >1000 mg/dl. Slightly less milky fluid tends to con-
Bile ascites tain between 100 and 500 mg/dl of triglycerides [150].
Chylous ascites
Chylous fluid may also be characterised by a lack of
Pancreatic ascites (secondary to a leaking pseudocyst)
Urinary ascites odour, separation into a creamy layer (chylomicrons)
after refrigeration for 48 – 72 h and sterility [161].
Other causes Turbid fluid due to pseudochylous ascites may be
Meigs’ syndrome (ovarian disease) confused with chylous ascites but the turbidity is not
cleared by ether [146].
Chronic haemodialysis
Sometimes the ascitic fluid may have a striking
appearance. A tea-coloured appearance is occasional-
ly seen in pancreatic ascites. This is due to degrading
2.1. General appearance of the peritoneal fluid ascitic fluid red cells [146]. This phenomenon can be
exaggerated in haemorrhagic pancreatitis, resulting in
The general appearance of the ascitic fluid may a black-coloured fluid. Black ascites has also been
provide diagnostic information. Usually ascitic fluid is reported in malignant melanoma [146,162]. Ascitic
straw-coloured or yellow-tinged but in patients who fluid secondary to perforation of the gut may have a
are deeply jaundiced, the fluid may have a deep characteristic dark, molasses coloured appearance
yellow colour (due to the presence of bilirubin) and [162]. Purulent ascitic fluid, usually characterised by
a ‘‘detergent’’ type of appearance [146]. a polymorphonuclear leukocyte count z 50,000 mm3,
If not related to a traumatic tap, bloody ascites are may be seen when there is gross intra-abdominal
most commonly due to malignancy. In one study, infection [146]. Bile-stained fluid is green and may
approximately 20% of malignancy related ascitic be seen with perforation of the gallbladder or intes-
fluid samples and 10% of samples from patients tine, with duodenal ulcer, in cholecystitis and acute
with peritoneal carcinomatosis were bloody [159]. pancreatitis [49].
It can also be caused by tuberculous peritonitis or
abdominal trauma [145]. Bloody ascites in a patient 2.2. Distinguishing between transudates and exudates
with cirrhosis suggest complicating hepatocellular
carcinoma, although it can rarely occur in such 2.2.1. Total protein
patients without an apparent cause [160]. If a trau- Traditionally, the exudate-transudate concept
matic tap is suspected, a separate needle immediately based on ascitic fluid protein concentration has been
inserted into the opposite flank will usually yield used to identify peritoneal exudates [163]. This
clear ascitic fluid and quickly establish that the initial concept was based on the fact that fluid formed by
70 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

‘‘exudation’’ from an inflamed or tumour-laden 2.2.3. Other biochemical analytes used to identify
peritoneal surface (e.g. bacterial peritonitis, tubercu- peritoneal exudates
lous peritonitis, pancreatitis and peritoneal carcino- According to Elis et al. [170], ascitic/serum biliru-
matosis) was high in protein. Fluid that ‘‘transuded’’ bin ratio is an additional marker for distinguishing
from a normal peritoneal surface due to an imbal- ascitic exudates from transudates. A ratio >0.6 was
ance of Starling forces (as in cirrhosis, congestive found to be significantly associated with an exudate.
cardiac failure and nephrotic syndrome) was as- A number of researchers have also investigated the
sumed to be low in protein [164]. Different ascitic use of ascitic cholesterol and ascitic/serum cholesterol
protein levels have been suggested as cut-off levels ratios in making a differential diagnosis of ascites
for identifying exudates, ranging from 25 to 30 g/l [163,173 –177]. Lack of reproducibility between stud-
[163 – 166]. ies has meant that these parameters have not been
Numerous problems and exceptions have been routinely adopted in clinical practice.
noted with this approach. Many infective or malig- Alexandrakis et al. [178] studied the value of many
nancy-related ascites have an ascitic protein level in different proteins in the serum and ascitic fluid and
the transudative range, while those with cirrhosis and assessed their potential in discriminating between
congestive cardiac failure often have an ascitic protein malignant and non-malignant ascites. A total of 57
level in the exudative range [164,167]. Of particular different measurements (30 in serum and 27 in peri-
importance is the fact that this approach makes no toneal fluid) were performed in 61 patients with
provision for patients having ascites of mixed origin ascites (25 with malignant exudates, 13 with non-
[164] and it has become customary to include these malignant exudates and 23 with transudates). Using
patients in the exudates group [164,168,169]. In correlation tests and one-way ANOVAs, discriminant
addition, peritoneal fluid obtained from healthy wom- analyses were used to assess the significance of each
en frequently has a total protein concentration >40 g/l, parameter in the differentiation process. Accordingly,
well into the exudative range [164]. Other biochem- five ascitic fluid measurements—namely total protein,
ical parameters have thus been suggested to identify LDH, TNF-a, complement factor C4 and haptoglo-
exudates. bin—were sufficient for a model to correctly classify
89% of cases. Cross-validation demonstrated that 70%
2.2.2. Boyer’s criteria of unknown cases were correctly classified using this
A variation of Light’s criteria [21] was suggested model.
for identifying ascitic exudates [170]. An exudative
peritoneal effusion was described as having at least 2.3. Tests for portal hypertension
one of the following: ascitic fluid/serum protein
ratio z 0.5, ascitic fluid/serum LDH ratio z 0.6 The serum ascites albumin gradient (SAAG) has
and/or ascitic fluid LDH activity z 200 U/l. Boyer been proposed as a physiologically based alternative
et al. [171] modified these criteria. Using an ascitic to the exudate-transudate concept in the classification
LDH level z 400 U/l, he demonstrated that at least of ascites [164,166,168,169,172,173,179]. It is calcu-
two of these criteria should be present in order to lated by subtracting the albumin concentration of the
exclude a transudate. Accordingly, an exudate was ascitic fluid from the albumin concentration of a
diagnosed when two or more of the following were serum specimen obtained on the same day. This
present: concept is based on the fact that when portal hyper-
tension is the cause of ascites, the osmotic gradient
 Ascitic fluid/serum protein ratio z 0.5. between serum and ascitic fluid has to be increased to
 Ascitic fluid/serum LDH ratio z 0.6. counterbalance the high hydrostatic pressure driving
 Ascitic fluid LDH activity z 400 U/l. fluid into the intraperitoneal cavity [166]. Since albu-
min is the single most important factor in osmotic
In an attempt to improve the diagnostic efficiency, pressure generation, the difference between the serum
these criteria were also tested by various investigators and ascites albumin concentration (i.e. the SAAG) can
individually [168,172]. be used to separate ascitic fluid into two main cate-
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 71

gories: patients with ascites related to portal hyper- ascitic fluid, classically categorised as exudative, had
tension have a SAAG z 11 g/l, whilst those having a SAAG >11 g/l, indicating the possible role of portal
ascites associated with normal portal pressure have a hypertension in the development of the ascites.
SAAG < 11 g/l [167]. Hoefs reported a linear corre- The value of the SAAG in non-alcoholic chronic
lation between SAAG and portal pressure in 56 liver disease is controversial. Whilst no difference
patients with chronic liver disease, 52 of whom had could be found between alcoholic and non-alcoholic
an alcoholic liver disease (r = 0.73, p = 0.0001) [167]. groups by Akriviadis et al. [168], Kajani et al. [180]
Likewise, Rector and Reynolds reported an excellent demonstrated no correlation between measured portal
correlation in 18 patients with alcoholic liver disease venous pressure and SAAG in 24 patients with
(r = 0.81, p < 0.001) [179]. With a diagnostic accuracy chronic non-alcoholic liver disease (r = 0.398). A
of >90%, the SAAG is regarded as a reliable bio- subsequent study of 132 patients in Saudi Arabia
chemical marker to differentiate between patients with demonstrated that SAAG had a diagnostic efficiency
ascites due to normal and elevated portal pressure of 91% in separating ascites of liver disease (non-
(Table 3) [164,179]. alcoholic) from other causes of ascites [149].
There have been a number of studies demonstrat- The difference between these two groups of liver
ing the superiority of the SAAG compared to the disease may be due to an intrinsic difference in
exudate-transudate concept [164,169,173]. Mauer and portal shunting between patients with alcoholic and
Manzione [169] analysed ascitic fluid from 96 non-alcoholic liver disease [180]. The wedged he-
patients and confirmed the superior diagnostic utility patic venous pressure correlates closely with direct-
of the SAAG. This study also demonstrated that ly measured portal pressure in patients with
malignant ascites without liver metastases had fea- alcoholic cirrhosis whereas it tends to underestimate
tures of nonportal hypertensive ascites and this was portal pressure in non-alcoholic liver disease [171,
confirmed by the SAAG (SAAG < 11 g/l). The char- 181]. In addition, structural change of the hepatic
acteristics of malignant ascites associated with liver microcirculation, including sinusoidal hyalinisation
metastases, however, were shown to resemble those of and capillarisation, have been reported in alcoholic
portal hypertensive ascites complicating liver disease liver disease [182]. This may account for the close
(SAAG z 11 g/l). Of particular note, myxoedematous relationship between portal pressure measurements
obtained at presinusoidal (i.e. portal venous pres-
sure) and postsinusoidal (i.e. wedged hepatic venous
Table 3
Classification of ascites according to portal pressure
pressure) sites and the association between portal
pressure and the amount of hydrostatically filtered
Portal hypertension, Normal portal pressure,
Serum-ascites Serum-ascites
ascitic fluid. Specifically, the hepatic microvascula-
albumin gradient z 11 g/l albumin gradient < 11 g/l ture in alcoholic cirrhosis may be less permeable to
Cirrhosis Peritoneal carcinomatosis
albumin. As a result, higher portal pressures would
Alcoholic hepatitis Pancreatic ascites lead to increased water and not albumin filtration,
Congestive cardiac failure Biliary ascites thus lowering the ascitic albumin concentration and
Fulminant hepatic failure Tuberculous peritonitis thereby decreasing the SAAG [180]. No such
Massive lever metastases Nephrotic syndrome relationship would be expected in non-alcoholic
Portal vein thrombosis Serositis of collagen
vascular disease
hepatic injury where this microvascular pathology
Budd-Chiari syndrome Bowel obstruction is absent.
Veno-occlusive disease Bowel infarction The terms ‘‘high-albumin gradient’’ and ‘‘low-
Fatty liver of pregnancy Chlamydia/gonococcal albumin gradient’’ have replaced the terms ‘‘transu-
Myxoedema dative’’ and ‘‘exudative’’ in the description of ascites
‘‘Mixed’’ ascitesa
in many recent publications [147,148,166]. The ap-
a parent superiority of the SAAG over the traditional
Found in patients with portal hypertension and another cause
of ascites formation, e.g. cirrhosis with bacterial peritonitis. The exudate-transudate concept (as defined by an ascitic
portal pressure remains elevated in such cases, and the SAAG is total protein of z 30 g/l) in the classification of
thus high. ascites has largely been explained by factors influenc-
72 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

ing these parameters [167]. The SAAG correlates 2.4.1. Protein

directly with only one physiological factor (i.e. portal In some circumstances, the ascitic total protein
venous pressure) whilst ascitic total protein concen- concentration is of value other than for distinguishing
tration is directly related to serum protein level and between exudates and transudates:
indirectly related to portal pressure [167]. In patients
with cirrhosis, these two factors vary widely and  A high ascitic total protein level may suggest the
predictably lead to a highly variable ascitic total possibility of heart failure as the cause of ascites in
protein concentration [164]. The SAAG has the added a patient with a high SAAG [185].
advantage of providing a more rational approach to  Patients with low ascitic fluid protein levels are
the pathogenesis of ascitic fluid collection [168] and is known to be at high risk for spontaneous peritonitis
of particular importance when the patient is receiving [186].
concurrent diuretic therapy or has complicated cirrho-  Prophylactic, poorly absorbed oral antibiotics have
sis [164,168]. been shown to selectively decontaminate the gut,
Certain caveats need to be recalled when apply- thus preventing bacterial infections in this sub-
ing the SAAG in the clinical setting [146]. Firstly, if group of patients who are identified by ascitic fluid
a patient with cirrhosis has a serum albumin value total protein concentration [187].
< 11 g/l, the SAAG will be falsely low and if the  Ascitic total protein concentration may also assist
albumin assay is incorrect in the low range, errors in distinguishing between spontaneous and sec-
will occur. False values of the SAAG may likewise ondary bacterial peritonitis [186,188].
occur if the serum and ascites samples are drawn at
different times or if the patient is unstable or in 2.4.2. Lactate dehydrogenase
shock. Secondly, lipid fractions tend to interfere As a diagnostic test, LDH is of little value in
with the methodology for determining ascitic albu- determining the cause of the ascites. The ascitic
min. Patients with chylous ascites may have a fluid/serum LDH ratio is approximately 0.4 – 0.5 in
falsely high SAAG. A final pitfall is the presence uncomplicated cirrhotic ascites and increases in spon-
of hyperglobulinaemia (>50 g/l) which can falsely taneous bacterial peritonitis, presumably due to re-
lower or narrow the SAAG. This occurs in 1% lease of this enzyme from polymorphonuclear
of ascites specimens and can be corrected by mul- neutrophils [189]. If the LDH ratio is >1.0 it can be
tiplying the uncorrected SAAG (in g/L) by assumed that LDH is being produced by the perito-
(2.1 + 0.208  serum globulin) [146, 183]. neum or by the cells within the ascitic fluid. LDH
The SAAG may also be useful in predicting elevation is more commonly observed in mixed cases
therapeutic response. Patients with portal hypertensive of tuberculous peritonitis [190].
ascites (e.g. cirrhosis) usually respond to dietary
sodium restriction [184]. In contrast, patients with 2.4.3. Lipids
ascites unrelated to portal hypertension (e.g. peritone- Chylous ascites are defined as the presence of
al carcinomatosis) are refractory to diuretic therapy fluid in peritoneal cavity that has a triglyceride
[184]. concentration greater than that of plasma [191].
Although the mechanism of chylous ascites forma-
2.4. Specialised biochemical tests for detecting causes tion is not clear, it is believed to be related to
of ascites obstruction and damage of the intestinal lymphatic
drainage system and subsequent leakage of chylomi-
The SAAG allows differentiation of ascites into cron-rich fluid into the peritoneum [191]. Approxi-
one of two broad categories but it does not replace mately 87% of chylous effusions are secondary to
further evaluation such as histology to document liver malignancy, especially lymphomas and secondary
disease or cytology to diagnose malignant peritoneal carcinomatosis [192]. Other causes include primary
disease [146]. There are also a number of biochemical lymphatic hypoplasia, inflammatory and infectious
tests that may serve as a useful guideline when causes (e.g. tuberculosis, pancreatitis, filariasis, radi-
assessing the aetiology of the ascites. ation therapy and sarcoidosis) and trauma (e.g.
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 73

following abdominal surgery, stab wounds and gun- 2.4.6. Malignant markers
shot wounds). In 1978, Lowenstein et al. reported that a CEA
True chylous ascites must be distinguished from level >10 ng/ml suggests malignancy, even if the fluid
chyliform and pseudochylous effusions, in which the is transudative [196]. However, others regard this test
turbid, milky appearance is due to cellular degener- as insensitive and of little clinical value [146].
ation caused by bacterial peritonitis or malignancy. Ascitic fluid cholesterol levels have also been
A low triglyceride level is characteristic of these suggested as a diagnostic test to supplement cytolog-
conditions. ical examination in the prediction of malignancy.
Jungst et al. [174] demonstrated that an ascitic cho-
2.4.4. Amylase lesterol concentration of 1.2 mmol/l is useful in
The ascitic fluid amylase concentration is useful in predicting malignant disease (sensitivity 85%, speci-
detecting pancreatic ascites and perforation of the gut ficity 88.9%). All patients with an ascitic cholesterol
into the peritoneal cavity [188,193]. Pancreatic ascites concentration z 2.4 mmol/l turned out to have ma-
may be missed without determination of ascitic amy- lignant diseases. In the fraction of patients with
lase. The values found in pancreatic ascites are malignant disease and a negative cytological exami-
generally of the order of 2000 U/l, higher than that nation, an ascitic cholesterol concentration >1.2
found in gut perforation [188,193]. mmol/l detected 76.5% of patients with cancer cor-
Clinically significant pancreatitis is caused by rectly. These results were confirmed by Mortensen et
extravasations of fluid from the pancreatic ductal al. [175]. Another investigation of malignant ascites
system, usually from a leaking pseudocyst or ruptured proposed that the ascitic fluid fibronectin concentra-
pancreatic duct. On rare occasions, various non- tion discriminated between malignant and benign
pancreatic tumours may cause an increase in the ascites better than cytology [197].
serum and ascitic fluid amylase, which can cause A number of other ‘‘humoral tests of malignancy’’
confusion with pancreatic ascites. However, if isoen- (including cyclic AMP and a1-antitrypsin) have also
zyme levels are measured, salivary type amylase will been proposed. These have since been found to be
be found [194]. Ascitic fluid amylase is usually within unhelpful [198]. This is largely due to the fact that
normal limits in uncomplicated cirrhosis, with a mean appropriate control groups were not included and
value of 42– 50 U/l (half serum values) [193]. patients were not stratified into subgroups of malig-
nancy-related ascites. Resultant analyses falsely im-
2.4.5. Glucose prove the results [159,199].
The measurement of ascitic fluid glucose is
relatively unimportant in elucidating the aetiology 2.4.7. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) and other markers
of a peritoneal effusion [49]. Ascitic fluid glucose is of tuberculous peritonitis
generally in the range of the serum glucose, as Tuberculous peritonitis is a common cause of
glucose tends to enter ascites rapidly. The exception ascites in undeveloped countries [153,154]. Early
to this is when glucose is being consumed in the diagnosis is important. Despite the availability of
intraperitoneal ascitic fluid pool by white cells or by effective treatment, the co-existence of malnutrition
bacteria. Despite this, ascitic fluid glucose levels do and compromised immunity often has an adverse
not generally tend to decrease during intraperitoneal effect on the outcome [200]. With a diagnostic effi-
ascitic fluid infections, such as spontaneous bacterial ciency of >90%, ascitic ADA provides a rapid diag-
peritonitis, tuberculous peritonitis and others [189]. nostic test for tuberculous peritonitis [200 – 209],
However, when there is perforation of the gastroin- especially in areas where there is a high prevalence
testinal tract with high bacterial counts, there is a of tuberculosis. Varying cut-off levels for ADA have
significant consumption of glucose within the ascitic been used, ranging from 30 to 40 U/l. No significant
fluid. This results in low ascitic glucose levels differences in ascitic ADA activities have been dem-
compared to serum glucose levels and may be onstrated between HIV-positive and HIV-negative
useful in identifying or excluding secondary bacte- patients with tuberculous peritonitis [210]. Ascitic
rial peritonitis [195]. ADA estimation allows empirical initiation of anti-
74 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

tuberculous therapy pending the confirmatory evi- Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity is high in the
dence of ascitic fluid mycobacterial culture and re- intestinal tract. Various studies have demonstrated that
sponse to antituberculous therapy [201]. ascitic ALP levels may be helpful in evaluating the
The low ascitic ADA activity found in the setting condition of certain patients with abdominal disorders
of underlying, concomitant cirrhosis and other con- [216,217]. Patients with obstruction, strangulation,
ditions associated with portal hypertension has been intestinal perforation or traumatic haemoperitoneum
cited as a major shortcoming in its use as a diagnostic may all have greatly elevated peritoneal ALP levels
aid [201,208]. Hillebrand et al. [201] demonstrated a [216,217], the corresponding serum ALP levels are
sensitivity of 59% in detecting tuberculous peritonitis, usually normal. Marx et al. [218] measured peritoneal
primarily because of the low sensitivity (30%) in lavage ALP activity in 81 patients following blunt and
detecting tuberculous peritonitis among cirrhotic penetrating abdominal trauma and concluded that the
patients (specificity 95%). This has been attributable peritoneal lavage ALP is a sensitive marker for small
to either a dilutional phenomenon and/or the concom- intestinal injury in the immediate posttraumatic peri-
itant immunosuppression associated with advanced od. Ascitic fluid ALP has also been noted to be a
liver disease [200,201,208]. ADA activity is a marker sensitive marker for the presence of liver disease and
of immune response [205,211]. Cirrhotic patients peritoneal carcinomatosis [159].
characteristically have poor reticulendothelial system Various other analytes measured in ascitic fluid
function [201]. In addition, they often have altered have proven to be clinically useful in selected cases:
humoral and cell-mediated immune responses result-
ing from abnormal T-lymphocyte activation and pro-  Ascitic ammonia levels are increased over plasma
liferation [212]. levels in cases of ruptured appendix, perforated
Ribera et al. [207] examined ascitic fluid IFN-g peptic ulcer, bowel strangulation with or without
concentration in a prospective study of 86 patients perforation and ruptured urinary bladder with
with ascites, including 16 patients with tuberculous extravasation of urine [219].
peritonitis. IFN-g concentration was significantly  The measurement of ascitic fluid lactic acid is
higher in tuberculous peritonitis than in other causes useful in diagnosing bacterial peritonitis, especially
of ascites ( p < 0.0001) and a cut-off between 3 and 9 in identifying spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in
U/ml reached a sensitivity and specificity of 100%. patients with cirrhosis [220].
The mean F SD IFN-g level in tuberculous ascites  An elevation in ascitic g-glutamyltransferase
was 39.3 F 18.3 U/ml for HIV-negative patients and (GGT) activity has been demonstrated in patients
14.2 F 4.7 U/ml for patients with AIDS. These find- with alcoholic cirrhosis; this is possibly a mere
ings were demonstrated by Sathar et al. [213]. reflection of the serum GGT levels [221].
 Elevated ascitic hyaluronic acid levels have been
2.4.8. Other ascitic fluid tests associated with mesothelioma [49].
Although not useful in the routine identification of  Ascitic lysozyme levels have been suggested as a
ascitic exudates, the ascitic fluid bilirubin concentration diagnostic aid for tuberculous peritonitis in chil-
may be useful in cases where the ascites is brownish dren [222].
or if there is a suspicion of a biliary leak or fistula
from either the intrahepatic tree or gallbladder. Gen-
erally this is elevated and greater than the serum biliru- 3. Biochemical evaluation of pericardial effusions
bin when there is bowel or biliary perforation [162].
Ascitic fluid pH has been proposed for differenti- The pericardial space normally contains 15– 50 ml
ating infection or malignancy related ascites. In gen- of fluid, which serves as lubrication for the visceral and
eral, ascitic fluid pH is time-consuming, difficult to parietal layers of the pericardium. This fluid is thought
determine accurately and has no impact on decision- to originate from the visceral pericardium and is
making [214,215]. Ascitic fluid pH is really an essentially an ultrafiltrate of plasma [223]. Pericardial
indirect measure of the ascitic fluid neutrophil count effusions, characterised by the accumulation of fluid in
which is easier to perform. the pericardial cavity, are present in a wide variety of
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 75

pathological conditions. The cause of abnormal fluid protein level >30 g/l, pericardial/serum protein ratio
production depends on the underlying aetiology, but is >0.5, pericardial fluid LDH >300 U/l and pericardial/
usually secondary to injury or insult to the pericardium serum LDH ratio >0.6.
(i.e. pericarditis). Transudative fluids result from ob- Another article reporting three ill-defined cases
struction of fluid drainage; exudative fluids occur with purported transudative pericardial fluid noted
secondary to inflammatory, infectious, malignant or specific gravities of 1.018 –1.022, protein levels of
auto-immune processes within the pericardium [223]. 44– 50 g/l and glucose levels of 70 – 90 mg/dl [230]. A
The advent of echocardiography has provided an further case series noted that inflammatory pericardial
accurate non-invasive method for diagnosing the fluid had a mean F SD pH of 7.06 F 0.07 compared
presence of such effusions [224]. However, the aeti- with noninflammatory fluid (7.42 F 0.06) [231].
ology of the effusion is often uncertain and cannot The biochemical characteristics of large pericardial
always be clearly defined on the basis of clinical effusions in various disease states were determined in
assessment or even autopsy [225]. With very few 110 consecutive patients presenting with pericardial
validated tests available, investigators have success- effusions in South Africa [229]. The biochemistry of
fully made correct diagnoses on pericardial fluid pericardial exudates differed significantly from peri-
analysis in 24 – 93% of cases in reported series cardial transudates. Light’s criteria [21] were applied
[224,226]. Rapid diagnosis and treatment are, howev- to pericardial fluids and shown to be the most reliable
er, crucial in reducing morbidity and mortality from diagnostic tool for identifying pericardial exudates
pericardial disease [227]. (sensitivity 98%, specificity 72%). As with pleural
Pericardiocentesis is used for both diagnostic and effusions, the major disadvantage of this method was
therapeutic purposes. Indications include haemody- the misclassification of transudates as exudates, espe-
namic compromise (cardiac tamponade), suspected cially in patients receiving concurrent diuretic therapy.
infectious aetiology and uncertain aetiology [228]. The occurrence of an exudative range of protein levels
In contrast to the relatively well-documented ability in patients with transudates receiving diuretic therapy
of tests on pleural and peritoneal fluids, very few has been described in both pleural [30,31] and ascitic
studies have reported the systematic evaluation and fluids [164,168]. It is probable that a similar mecha-
utility of various diagnostic tests with pericardial nism exists in the case of pericardial effusions.
fluids [225,229]. The SEAG, which has been successfully used in
pleural fluids [23] and ascites [164,166,169] to dis-
3.1. General appearance criminate between exudates and transudates, was also
applied to this series of pericardial effusions [229].
Normally only a small amount of clear, pale yellow Application of this concept resulted in a sensitivity of
fluid is present in the pericardial cavity. If the peri- 90% and specificity of 89%, respectively, for the
cardial fluid is turbid, infection or malignancy must be identification of pericardial exudates. The major ad-
considered. Blood-streaked, cloudy fluid is frequently vantage of this biochemical test was the reduction in the
associated with tumours and tuberculosis. A bloody number of patients with transudates receiving concur-
effusion is characteristic of cardiac rupture or punc- rent diuretic therapy being misclassified as having
ture. Uraemic renal failure is usually associated with a exudates. The use of effusion cholesterol levels, peri-
clear-or straw-coloured fluid. Chylopericardium may cardial/serum cholesterol ratios and pericardial/serum
result in a milky effusion [49]. bilirubin ratios was shown to be limited [229].

3.2. Distinguishing between transudates and exudates 3.3. Specialised biochemical tests for detecting causes
of ascites
Few studies have analysed the differentiation of
pericardial fluids into transudates and exudates. A 3.3.1. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) and other markers
study by Meyers et al. [225] demonstrated that exu- for tuberculosis
dates are best described by the following biochemical Tuberculous pericarditis, which occurs in approx-
parameters: specific gravity >1.015, pericardial fluid imately 1– 2% of pulmonary tuberculosis, remains a
76 L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84

major health problem in developing countries such as nostic utility of these tumour markers is limited by the
Africa and Asia [232]. There is considerable urgency small series of patients in these studies.
in establishing the correct diagnosis so that appropri-
ate treatment can be started but it is often difficult and 3.4.1. Other pericardial fluid analytes
time-consuming to establish a definitive bacteriologic There are few validated tests available for pericar-
diagnosis of tuberculous pericarditis [233]. Pericardial dial effusions. Case reports, however, have described
ADA levels provide a rapid and accurate means of fluid characteristics in several specific diseases:
detecting tuberculous pericarditis, especially in high
prevalence areas, thereby expediting the initial deci-  Infective pericarditis [225,244]: Purulent pericar-
sion-making process [234]. dial effusions are characterised by protein levels
To date, relatively few studies regarding the use of ranging from 33 to 63 g/l and elevated LDH levels.
ADA in tuberculous pericarditis have been conducted The pericardial fluid glucose levels vary; glucose
[233 – 239]. Varying cut-off levels for ADA activity concentrations < 35 mg/dl have been described.
have been advocated and these range from 35 to 70 U/ Significantly higher glucose levels have been
l. Corresponding diagnostic efficiencies for the test reported [225]; this is believed to be due to the
ranges from 83% to 100%, with sensitivities of 89 – fact that infective pleuritis may produce a diffusion
100% and specificities of 74 –100%. block to glucose [245 –247].
Additional markers that have been suggested for  Rheumatoid arthritis [225,248 – 250]: The fluid is
the diagnosis of pericardial tuberculosis include lyso- always serosanguineous and sometimes viscous.
zyme [238] and IFN-g [234]. Aggeli et al. [238] Pericardial total protein levels were 42 –64 g/l;
assessed the value of pericardial lysozyme in a series glucose levels varied widely. A notably elevated
of 41 patients, including seven patients with tubercu- interleukin-6 (IL6) concentration was described in
lous pericarditis. Using a cut-off point of 6.5Ag/dl one case [248]. More specific tests include
yielded a sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 91%, immunoglobulin complexes [249] and decreased
respectively. The utility of IFN-g as a diagnostic tool fluid complement [250].
for tuberculous pericarditis was assessed in a series of  Systemic lupus erythematosus and drug-induced
35 patients, including 19 patients with pericardial lupus [251 –255]: These effusions may be straw
tuberculosis [234]. The concentration of IFN-g was coloured or serosanguineous [251 – 253]. The fluid
significantly higher in tuberculous pericardial effu- is an exudative effusion, having a specific gravity
sions than in other diagnostic classes ( p < 0.0005). of 1.028 [252], a protein concentration of 29 – 75 g/
Using a cut-off level of 50 pg/l as being diagnostic for l [253 – 256] and elevated LDH levels. The
tuberculous pericarditis, resulted in a 100% sensitivity pericardial glucose concentration varied from 20
and 100% specificity. Technical and financial con- to 100 mg/dl [252 –254]. Diminished levels of
straints, however, limit the diagnostic utility of this pericardial fluid complement have also been
test. Nested polymerase chain reaction from as little as documented [255].
1 Al of pericardial fluid can also establish the diag-  Post myocardial infarction pericarditis [225,256]
nosis [240]. and post-pericardiotomy syndrome [226,257]: The
fluid appears serous or serosanguinous with a mean
3.4. Malignant markers protein level of 61 g/l.
 Uraemic pericarditis [225,258,259]: These are
CEA has been used to identify malignant pericar- serosanguinous fluids with haematocrits ranging
dial effusions [233,241 –243]. Koh et al. [233] have from 1% to 24%. The mean fluid total protein
shown that the pericardial CEA level in benign fluids concentration is 40.8 g/l (80% that of serum
is significantly lower than in malignant pericarditis. levels); the mean fluid cholesterol level is 94 mg/
With a cut-off level of 5 ng/ml, sensitivity was 75% dl (50% that of serum levels); and the mean F SD
and specificity 100% in the diagnosis of malignant pericardial fluid pH is 7.08 F 0.1.
pericarditis. NSE has also been shown to be associat-  Myxoedema [225,260]: Davis and Jacob [260]
ed with malignant pericardial effusions [243]. Diag- described the pericardial fluid secondary to myx-
L.J. Burgess / Clinica Chimica Acta 343 (2004) 61–84 77

oedema as having an amber hue; the corresponding with poor diagnostic efficiency and long culture
total protein level was 60 g/l (similar to serum) and periods [262].
cholesterol level 76 mg/dl. Meyers et al. [225] 5. If the effusion is transudative, additional tests
studied two patients with myxoedematous effu- provide no additional information and sometimes
sions; in both cases the protein levels were much produce misleading results [18]. The clinician must
lower (35 F 17 g/l; 50% that of serum levels) and establish or exclude common causes, such as
the observed cholesterol levels higher (100 mg/dl; congestive cardiac failure, liver cirrhosis and
similar to that of serum). pulmonary embolism.
 Chylopericardium: Chylopericardium is a rare 6. Biochemical results should be interpreted with
entity that may be congenital in origin or secondary reference to clinical acumen and other laboratory
to surgical trauma, malignancies (such as medias- tests, including cytology, microbiology and
tinal lymphangiomas-hygromas) or radiation [261]. haematology.
The effusion appears milky. Triglyceride analysis
is required to confirm the diagnosis.

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