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The Straight-Wire Appliance

17 Years Later

In 1976 this author published an article in or at least not fall behind in a situation where it
the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics entitled was becoming obvious that some form of pre-
"Five Year Clinical Evaluation of the Andrews adjusted appliance would soon become the
Straight-Wire Appliance".1 This article will standard of the specialty of orthodontics.
serve as a follow-up regarding the same topic, This step has added to our progress, but
namely, the Straight-Wire Appliance as de- has also added to confusion regarding what
vised by Dr. Lawrence F. Andrews of San the "Straight-Wi re Appliance" really is and
Diego. what it is not! Perhaps it is unpopular or even
The Straight-Wire Appliance became professionally dangerous to put this in print;
commercially available to the profession in however, it is this author's belief that the truth
1970, and shortly thereafter, there was a great eventually will win out. The Straight-Wire Ap-
deal of excitement about it and the value it pliance as invented by Andrews is the only true
would have in making treatment time shorter, Straight-Wire Appliance currently available, in
results better and more consistent, and chair- that it has the design features necessary to
time less for the orthodontist. By 1973 it was place the teeth in desired positions and at the
apparent that the Straight-Wire Appliance had same time have the bracket slots line up
had an impact on the marketplace, and more around the arch parallel to each other and to
and more manufacturers sought to compete- the occlusal plane while providing tip, torque,
rotation, and inlout (Fig. 1).
Dr. Roth is a Contributing Editor of the Journal of Clinical Orthodon· It is probably true that in 1973 more orth-o-
tics and in the private practice of orthodon t ics at 320 N. San Mateo dontists really understood the Straight-Wire
Drive, San Mateo, CA 94401 .
Appliance than in 1987. So much confusion
Straight-Wire Applian ce , Attract , and Starfire are reg istered and rhetoric have shrouded the real issues
trademarks of " A" -Company , Inc . Dr. Roth is a consultant to
" A"-Company, Inc. that it is almost impossible to find an ortho-

I..eYeI Slot Une-Up

t . ·1·, .1-.4-
. ~~~~ .~.\-.--

Fig. 1 Contours and torque needed in bracket bases Fig. 2 Difference between pretorqued edgewise (A)
to attain level slot lineup when teeth are in desired and Andrews Straight-Wire (B) appliances. (Courtesy
finished positions. of "A"·Company, Inc.)

632 © 1987 JCO, Inc. JCO/SEPTEMBER 1987

©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.

dontist who can visualize, explain, and grasp ed at great expense. The first set of brackets
the concept of the Straight-Wire Appliance as was an upper 5 x 5 set (Fig. 3). I immediately
devised by Andrews. There is no perceived dif- liked what I saw as treatment progressed on
ference in the minds of most orthodontists be- that first patient. I purchased the first commer-
tween pretorqued and preangulated edgewise cially available brackets and started all my
brackets and Straight-Wire brackets. Yet there new cases with the SWA. By mid-1973, I
is a difference, and it does make a difference switched my entire practice over to the SWA
in the results in terms of tooth positioning if and rebanded all the active patients who still
one is to treat without putting offset bends had pretorqued and preangulated edgewise
into the archwires (Fig. 2). brackets (about 30 % of my practice at that
Nevertheless, it would be ludicrous to point). My practice has been totally SWA since
think that an article of this type could change that time.
the thinking of the majority of orthodontists. The original brackets were of the stan-
The information necessary to understanding dard Straight-Wire prescription-that is, they
the uniqueness of the real Straight-Wire Appli- had the exact numbers found on the non-ortho-
ance can be found in Andrews' writings.2-s In dontic normal sample of Andrews. It was not
this article, when I refer to the Straight-Wire too long after this that the Andrews extraction
Appliance, I am referring to the Andrews bracket series became available. The extrac-
Straight-Wire Appliance and none other, and I tion brackets had counter-tip and counter-
will abbreviate the term as SWA. rotation built in to offset relapse, and to keep
teeth from rotating and tipping into the extrac·
Experience with SWA tion sites as they were being moved along a
rectangular wire. In other words, the brackets
I began using the SWA in my practice in
were constructed to allow translation of teeth
1970 when Andrews gave me the first set of
as much as possible and to offset any relapse
prototype brackets that were welded onto
tendency by overcorrection.
pinched band material and had been machin-
The original standard Straight-Wire
brackets were designed to treat only non-
extraction cases with an ANB differential of
less than 50 without the necessity of putting
offset bends into the wire.
Andrews later introduced different series
and sets of brackets for different combina-
tions of extractions, ANB differentials, and
anchorage requirements. He developed a
special classification of malocclusions and
prescribed various bracket series for treat-
ment of each, to allow translation of teeth
without the need for bending offsets and also
to allow for overcorrection in view of relapse
Fig. 3 Case with first commercially available tendencies.
Straight·Wire Appliance. As the various extraction brackets be-


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came available, it became apparent to me that teeth into those positions with the appliance
inventory was becoming a problem because in place, would the teeth remain in those posi-
the brackets were only available on bands (at tions? Probably not, for I have never seen a
that time there was no bonding). Since my case with fixed appliances in which the teeth
mechanics were not concerned with transla- did not move or "settle" into occlusion after
tion per se, I began to wonder if it would be appliance removal. The issue then is, "Where
possible to come up with a prescription for a should the teeth be at the time of appliance
special set of overcorrection brackets that removal so that the most likely thing to occur
would be applicable to most cases. would be for them to settle into the non-
orthodontic normal tooth positions?" Overcor-
rection is obviously necessary, but how much
The Roth Prescription
and where?
This was the beginning of the Roth Pre- Andrews spoke about relapse of tooth
scription. I had noticed that to achieve desired pOSitions, how teeth tend to tip and rotate into
tooth positions with the standard SWA, it was an extraction site, and how they tend to
necessary to finish the mechanotherapy relapse back to the rotation and root diver-
phase of treatment by placing compensating gence. He also talked about the necessity for
and reverse curves in the upper and lower arch- incorporating more torque into the anterior
wires, respectively. I had also noticed that with teeth if they were to be retracted , and the
the standard SWA, it was necessary to be necessity for leveling the curve of Spee before
careful with anchorage control, especially on appliance removal as a form of overtreatment.
extraction cases, because the mesial inclina- My reasoning went like this: If teeth tend
tion of the teeth in the buccal segments would to relapse back whence they started, and if
tend to make those segments drift mesially counter-tip, counter-rotation, counter-torque,
during treatment. and leveling of the curve of Spee were applied
I thought about the mechanics that I to the SWA in every possible direction, then it
used, and came to realize that not only did I not should be possible to use primarily one pre-
attempt to translate teeth, but that I did not scription for most cases, and to finish to an
believe there was an efficient mechanism at "end of appliance therapy" goal in which all
the time to translate the teeth by sliding them tooth pOSitions are slightly overcorrected and
on rectangular wire without dealing with the
disadvantages of overcoming friction. I also
did not want to tip teeth excessively and then
upright them, because I have found it to be a
tremendous amount of effort to overcome the
effects of extreme tipping. My treatment
mechanics permitted tipping to a fair degree,
but not so much that one could not recover
from the tipping with a continuous wire within
three months.
Another issue was the question of where
the teeth should be at the end of the appli-
ance therapy so they would settle into non-
orthodontic normal positions. In other words,
if we built into the appliance the precise tooth Fig. 4 Case immediately after removal of Roth
positions that we would like at the conclusion Prescription SWA brackets, showing "end of ap·
of treatment and were clever enough to get the pliance therapy" tooth pOSitions.


©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


from which the teeth will most likely settle into settling. I found it was practical in the vast
non-orthodontic normal positions (Fig. 4). It majority of cases to use a single prescription
should make no difference how the teeth were with overcorrection in all planes of space and
moved or how far they were moved or how still meet the objectives of the "Six Keys to
much they were tipped if the clinician properly Normal Occlusion" as laid down by Andrews. 4
placed the brackets, filled the slots with a full- Better yet, it was possible to do this and hardly
size (.022" x .02S") rectangular wire, and ever place offset bends into archwires-fin-
waited for bracket expression of tooth posi- ishing with full-size wires that had only arch
tions to occur. For instance, if a lower cuspid form bent into them and were flat in terms of
had r of crown tip in the bracket and 2 0 of curve of Spee or compensating bends.
counter-rotation, and the bracket was tied In the Roth Prescription of the Andrews
securely to the archwire and the archwire fully Appliance, the anterior brackets were placed
engaged in the slot, whether the tooth was slightly more incisally from Andrews' "middle
moved 2mm or Smm it should end up in the of the clinical crown", and the ingredients of
same position, given sufficient time. those brackets were adjusted accordingly.
This was to eliminate the need to place reverse
Overcorrection and compensating bends into the finishing
wires. The Tru-Arch Form was developed to
I naturally started with the concept of playa role in this overcorrection concept,
overcorrection when designing a comprehen- because arch form affects the rotational posi-
sive prescription using then-available An- tioning of the teeth as well as the brackets
drews extraction brackets. This started a (Fig. 5).
clinical trial-and-error evaluation that lasted Auxiliary attachments were added to the
several years. Cases were evaluated by the brackets, such as double and triple tubes for
use of intraoral photographs and mounted headgears and lip bumpers and rectangular
study models for tooth positions during treat- auxiliary tubes for Burstone or Bioprogressive
ment, at the end of appliance therapy, and into mechanics. Additional hooks on each bracket

Fig. 5 A_ Extracted teeth with SWA brackets and Tru·Arch Form. Note normal shape of dental arch, which
necessitates exaggerated arch form. B. Ideal typodont with SWA brackets. Note similarity of arch form to that of
extracted teeth in A.


©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


evolved for the use of short Class II or Class III rotate mesially, thus necessitating extra distal
elastics, so that less unfavorable canting of rotation. The torque in the lower buccal
the occlusal plane and fewer posterior inter- segments remains normal, because overcor-
ferences would be created with interarch rection in this plane only leads to problems
elastics. and interferences. The two lower molars have
exactly the same degree of root torque since
Maxillary Prescription the appliance rests on the mesiobuccal cusp
(the torque measurement for the non-
The Roth Prescription has extra torque in
orthodontic normals was taken from the buc-
the maxillary incisors (5 ° more than normal).
cal groove).
There is correspondingly less negative torque
in the upper canines to offset the reciprocal ef-
fect of building more positive torque into the Archwires
incisors. The upper canines have 2 ° more
The archwires are relatively flat around
distal tip, because they are being retracted in
the incisors (both upper and lower), curve more
most treatment. In addition, they have a 2 °
tightly around the cuspids and bicuspids, and
rotation to the mesial. There is a "Super
then curve gently toward the distal through the
Torque" set of maxillary anteriors for cases
entire buccal leg. The most prominent point in
like Class II, division 2, where an extreme
the front curvature of the arch is the first
amount of torque may be needed.
bicuspid; the most prominent and widest point
The upper buccal segments are distally
in either arch is at the mesiobuccal cusps of
uprighted to 0°, the bicuspids are rotated 2°
the first molars.
mesially to offset the rotation that accom-
One must remember that the archwire
panies distal traction, and the upper molars
does not fit at the cusp tips and incisal edges,
have 14 0 distal rotation (twice the amount
but at the approximate middle of the crowns. If
found on the non-orthodontic normals) and
one looks at the arch from the occlusal and
14 ° buccal root torq ue (50 more than normal).
notices where the bracket slot is in relation to
There is a 0 0 upper molar rotation set for cases
the tips of the cuspids, it is easy to see why the
where only two upper bicuspids are extracted;
archwire has to be shaped in the form that we
it is recommended that the "Super Torque"
anteriors be used in these cases to minimize
It is also necessary to understand that to
the tooth-size discrepancy created by taking
develop an anterior guidance in harmony with
out only two upper bicuspids (half a molar is
average mandibular movement, the labial sur-
smaller than a full bicuspid). The increase in
face of the front of the lower arch and the
torque and tip of the upper incisors makes
lingual surface of the upper arch must be
them occupy more space in the arch, as does
curved in harmony with the arc of movement of
the mesial rotation of the upper first molars,
the mandible past the maxilla in a lateral
due to the 0 0 rotation brackets on those teeth.
border movement. Average mandibular move-
ment requires a fairly broad arch form across
Mandibular Prescription
the anterior teeth. According to Lee and Lun-
In the mandibular arch, the incisor deen's work with mandibular movement,6 a
brackets are the same as the non-orthodontic fairly broad anterior arch form would be re-
normals. The lower canines have r mesial tip quired on 73% of our population! Of the re-
and 2 distal rotation. The entire lower buccal maining 27%, half would require an even
segment has a 3 distal tip from normal and a broader anterior arch form, and only 14%
4 ° distal rotation. These teeth settle more would require the commonly used "orthodon-
mesially than the uppers and simultaneously tic" narrow anterior arch form. If one violates


©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


mandibular movement with anterior arch form original positions.

that is too narrow, the result is improper 4. We need to build in offsets for the unde-
anterior guidance, or what is called "over- sirable side effects of tooth-moving
coupling " of the anterior teeth. On a post- mechanics.
orthodontic case, this usually results in either The overcorrection concept built into the
anterior collapse or restricted lateral move- Roth Prescription has worked very well, as has
ment. In any event, the arch form shown is ap- the concept of hav ing one prescription for
plicable to the vast majority of cases. most cases. The Roth Prescription was intro-
duced in 1976, and the values have remained
Root Positions unchanged since that time.
If one looks at the root pOSitions of a set
Appliance Configuration
of extracted teeth with the Roth Prescription in
place, it becomes apparent that there is a lot of The configuration of the appliance has
overcorrection in the appliance and some in changed since its introduction. The original
the arch form , but this is what it takes to get standard SWA was introduced with single-
the teeth in the desired positions (Fig. 6). The wing brackets, and shortly thereafter Siamese
amount of overcorrection shown on the ex- brackets were introduced. The molar tubes
tracted teeth will never be expressed intra- were bulky and were "capped" to form tubes.
orally for the following reasons: Later the brackets were made smaller, and
1. There is an angle of deflection between the power arms were cast as integral parts of the
bracket slot and the archwire. brackets designed by Andrews to place the
2. Ultimately the force values drop so low that force at the centroids of the teeth and effect
they are below the values needed to move the translatory movement.
teeth , even though full bracket expression has Because the brackets had to be cast
not been obtained. rather than machined to be cost-effective and
3. The teeth tend to relapse back to their still have the contours and torque in the

Fig.6 A. Extracted teeth with Roth Prescription SWA brackets and full-size rectangular wire, showing overcorrec-
. tion built into brackets. B. Extracted teeth with standard SWA brackets, showing non-orthodontic normal tooth


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Fig.7 Case treated with Roth Prescription SWA. A. First archwires. B. Second archwires. C. Third archwires. D.
Fourth archwires. E. Fifth archwires. F. Finished case one day after appliance removal. G. Typodont of same
case after complete settling of occlusion. Note that standard SWA brackets have level slot lineup, indicating at·
tainment of non·orthodontic normal tooth positions.

©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


bracket bases, the early Roth Prescription also slot was the width of a twin bracket, and with
included power arms (Fig. 7). With most of the the use of the new nickel titanium wires it was
Roth Prescription brackets having the same possible to rotate teeth while maintaining
values as some of the Andrews extraction minimum size for esthetics and patient com-
series brackets, this avoided the costly and fort. These brackets were also made with short
time-consuming step of making new molds to ball hooks in the Roth Prescription.
provide shorter elastic hooks. The latest version of the SWA is a perfect-
At first the brackets were available ly clear bracket containing an agent that is
welded to special bands that were designed to chemically bonded to the bracket base and
get the bracket to fit on the middle of the will also chemically bond with standard direct
clinical crown. Later, as direct bonding bond adhesives (Fig. 9). These brackets are the
became a reality, the appliance was made same size as the metal twin brackets and do
available on coined bases and then on flexible not require the bulk of ceramic brackets to pro-
mesh pads. Ultimately a brazed micromesh vide sufficient strength. They are grown from
became an integral part of the bracket base 100% pure liquid alumina (sapphire) into a
itself. The effect, of course, has been to single crystal, which gives the unique crystal-
diminish the size of the appliance as much as clear appearance. All Straight-Wire angula-
possible for esthetics and patient comfort. tions, tips, and torques are grown integrally in
Later versions of the Roth Prescri ption i n- the crystal (compound-contour, torque-in-
cluded shorter "L"-shaped hooks made by base) or, as in the case with tip, machined to
blocking out part of the molds when making tolerances better than .005". State-of-the-art
the plastic patterns. As the prescription diamond machinery is used to fabricate these
gained popularity, new molds were made that brackets. Sapphire is the second-hardest
had short ball hooks for elastics cast as in- material next to the diamond.
tegral parts of the brackets. At that point the Over the years, thanks to technological
prescription was available only with twin advances, the appliance has become smaller,
brackets. more comfortable, and more esthetic. The
In 1984 the "Attract" brackets were intro- bracket configurations currently available are
duced (Fig. 8). These were single-width twin, single, Attract, Steiner, and Lang-bond-
brackets that had rounded contours and able, on bands, and in a variety of prescrip-
micro-molar tubes. The base of the bracket tions.

Fig. 8 Roth Prescription "Attract" brackets. Fig.9 Roth Prescription "Starfire" sapphire


©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


Treatment Time saved for the orthodontist is significant. When

I take into account the SWA features , bonding,
So much for the technical aspects of the
and the use of nickel titanium wires, I can
SWA. The question remains: " Has the SWA in
honestly say the chairtime required to treat a
fact fu Ifi lied its prom ise of better, faster, and
case in my office has decreased to 20% of
more consistent results with less time and ef-
what it was when we were using pretorqued
fort on the part of the orthodontist? " In this
and preangulated edgewise appliances on
author's opinion, the answer is, unquestion-
bands and bending rectangular steel wire to
ably and emphatically, " Yes! "
detail tooth positions.
In certain cases the SWA will decrease
treatment time significantly. This is true pri-
Advantages of SWA
marily in the nonextraction case with relatively
mild dentoalveolar malocclusion, or in the per- The SWA will not diagnose cases, it will
manent dentition phase after the jaw relation- not set up the treatment plan , and it will not
ship discrepancy has been successfully figure out the mechanics needed to correct the
reduced in the mixed dentition phase. Another malocclusion. But a properly placed SWA will
example is where there has been an extreme detail the tooth positions better, more con-
arch length deficiency, permanent bicuspids Sistently, and faster than one can by bending
have been extracted early, and the remainder offsets into the archwires. The key is to get the
of the permanent teeth erupt leaving little if brackets properly placed; if they are not prop-
any space in the arch. In most such cases, erly placed, they must be reset. This requires a
proper placement of the SWA brackets and lot of self-discipline and persistence, but the
use of nickel titanium wires will reduce treat- benefits are well worth the effort: it allows one
ment time to six to 12 months. to detail and finish cases utilizing a rec-
In more severe cases or when full extrac- tangular wire with only arch form bent into it.
tion sites must be closed, the treatment time When the SWA is properly placed, arch-
saved might more realistically be three to six wire changes need not be scheduled. Arch-
months. However, in all cases the chairtime wires can be changed on a routine checkup ap-

Fig. 10 Case shown in 1976 article.'


©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.

pointment, because it takes so little time to blank, preformed archwires in the SWA allow
bend or place an archwire with only arch form full bracket engagement and expression effi-
in it. ciently and gently, as in the case of .0215" x
The SWA also allows one to take full ad- .028" Sentinol w ire (GAC international, inc. ,
vantage of the newer, multistranded braided Central ISlip, NY).
wires-in particular, nickel titanium wires. In addition, heavy steel wires such as
These wires are at best difficult to bend, and .021 " x .025" can be easily placed in the SWA
bends do not stay in nickel titanium wires. The with the fingers , without the use of pliers,

Fig. 11 Finished case from Figure 10 immediately after retention.

Fig.12 Case from Figure 10 nine years out of retention, demonstrating stability. Note how roots of anterior teeth
have subtly relapsed closer together and how cuspid roots have come back slightly from overcorrection.


©1987 JCO, Inc. May not be distributed without permission.


because by the time the teeth are well enough The Straight-Wire Appliance has been of
aligned to place such a large wire, the bracket great benefit to the patients and to that
slots are aligned in both height and torque pe rcentage of orthodontists who have been
with automatic in/out. We get what has been perceptive enough to realize its benefits.
called a "level slot lineup". This allows the use
of heavy wires without having to resort to
heavy forces. There is less trauma to the
tissues, less jiggling and roundtripping of
teeth, and less root resorption. REFERENCES
Cases that have been treated with the
SWA over the past 17 years have stood up well 1. Roth , R.H .: Five Year Clinical Evaluation of the Andrews
St raight-W ire App liance, J . Clin . Orthod . 10:836-850,
both in stability of tooth positions and in 1976.
periodontal health. The tooth positions have 2. Andrews, L.F.: The Straight-Wire Appliance, AAO Film
been esthetic and have allowed a good settl- Library.
ing of the occlusion as well as the attainment 3. Andrews, L.F .: The Straight-Wire Appl iance, PCSO
Bulletin , 1970.
of functional occlusal goals (Figs. 10-12).
4. Andrews, L.F.: Th? Si x Keys to No rmal Occlusion, Am.
All in all, the SWA is alive and well. I think J . Orthod . 62:296·309,1 972.
it has proven itself under the test of time. It has 5. Andrews, L.F.: The Straight-Wire Course Syllabus.
been upgraded with technical advances, and 6. Lee, R.L. : Mandibular Border Movements Engraved in
perhaps its more recent "facelifts" have made Plastic for Articulator Controls, Part 1, J. Prosth . Den!.,
it look like a different appliance. The tooth
7. Roth, R.H. : Treatment Mechanics for th e Straight Wire
positioning ingredients, however, are the Appliance , in Orthodontics: Current Principles and
same as ever. Techniques, C.V. Mosby Co., S!. Louis, 1985.


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