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I was an orphan, lost at the fall;

running away when I’d hear you call,

But Father, you worked your will.

I had no righteousness of my own

I had no right to draw near your throne,

But Father, you loved me still.

And in love,

before you laid the world’s foundation,

You predestined

to adopt me as your own.

You have raised me up

so high above my station;

I’m a child of God by grace,

and grace alone

You left your home to seek out the lost;

You knew the great and terrible cost

But Jesus, your face was set.

I worked my fingers down to the bone;

Nothing I did could ever atone,

Jesus, you paid my debt.

By your blood

I have redemption and salvation.

Lord you died

that I might reap what you have sown,

And you rose

that I might be a new creation.

I am born again by grace,

and grace alone.

I was in darkness all of my life,

I never knew the day from the night,

But Spirit, you made me see.

I swore I knew the way on my own;

Head full of rocks,

a heart made of stone

But Spirit, you moved in me.

And At your touch

my sleeping spirit was awakened;

On my darkened heart

the light of Christ has shone.

Called into a kingdom

that cannot be shaken;

Heaven’s citizen by grace,

and grace alone.

So I’ll stand in faith by grace,

and grace alone

I will run the race by grace,

and grace alone

I will slay my sin by grace,

and grace alone

I will reach the end by grace,

and grace alone

Grace Alone

Words and Music by Dustin Kensrue

© 2013 Mars Hill Church

CCLI License #1501423

Eternal God, unchanging

Mysterious and unknown

Your boundless love, unfailing

In grace and mercy shown

Bright seraphim

in ceaseless flight

around Your glorious throne

They raise their voices

day and night

in praise to You alone


Glory be to our great God


Glory be to our great God

Lord, we are weak and frail

Helpless in the storm

Surround us with Your angels

Hold us in Your arms

Our cold and ruthless enemy,

his pleasure is our harm

Rise up, O Lord, and he will flee

before our sovereign God


Glory be to our great God


Glory be to our great God

Let every creature in the sea

and every flying bird

Let every mountain, every field

and valley of the earth

Let all the moons

and all the stars

in all the universe

Sing praises to the living God

who rules them by His word


Glory be to our great God


Glory be to our great God


Glory be to our great God


Glory be to our great God

Our Great God

W and M--Fernando Ortega and Mac Powell Arr.--John Martin

© 2002 New Spring Publishing, Inc

CCLI License #1501423

Though the dark is overwhelming

And the brightest lights grow dim

Though the Word of God

Is trampled on by foolish men

Though the wicked never stumble

And abound in every place

We will all be humbled

when we see Your face

And the demons we’ve been fighting

Those without and those within

Will be underneath our feet

To never rise again

All our sins will be behind us

Through the blood of Christ erased

And we’ll taste Your kindness

when we see Your face

We will see, we will know

Like we’ve never known before

We’ll be found, we’ll be home

We’ll be Yours forevermore

All the waiting will be over

Every sorrow will be healed

All the dreams it seemed

Could never be will all be real

And You’ll gather us together

In Your arms of endless grace

As Your Bride forever

when we see Your face

We will see, we will know

Like we’ve never known before

We’ll be found, we’ll be home

We’ll be Yours forevermore

We will see, we will know

Like we’ve never known before

We’ll be found, we’ll be home

We’ll be Yours forevermore

And You’ll gather us together

In your arms of endless grace

As Your Bride forever

when we see Your face

When We See Your Face

Music and Words by Bob Kauflin and Jordan Kauflin

© 2017 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI) Sovereign Grace Music

CCLI License #1501423

O sacred Head, now wounded,

With grief and shame weighed down,

Now scornfully surrounded

With thorns, Thine only crown;

How pale Thou art with anguish,

With sore abuse and scorn;

How does that visage languish,

Which once was bright as morn!

What Thou, my Lord, hast suffered,

Was all for sinners’ gain;

Mine, mine was the transgression,

But Thine the deadly pain.

Lo, here I fall, my Savior!

’Tis I deserve Thy place;

Look on me with Thy favor,

Assist me with Thy grace.

What language shall I borrow

To thank Thee, dearest Friend,

For this Thy dying sorrow,

Thy pity without end?

O make me Thine forever,

And should I fainting be,

Lord, let me never, never

Outlive my love to Thee.

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

W--Paul Gerhardt M--Hans Leo Hassler

CCLI License #1501423

My hope is built on nothing less

Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;

I dare not trust the sweetest frame,

But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,

All other ground is sinking sand.
When darkness veils His lovely face,

I rest on His unchanging grace;

In every high and stormy gale,

My anchor holds within the veil.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,

All other ground is sinking sand.
His oath, His covenant, His blood,

Support me in the whelming flood;

When all around my soul gives way,

He then is all my hope and stay.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,

All other ground is sinking sand.
When he shall come

with trumpet sound,

O may I then in him be found;

dressed in his righteousness alone,

faultless to stand

before the throne.


On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;

All other ground is sinking sand,

All other ground is sinking sand.

The Solid Rock

W—Edward Mote M—William B. Bradbury

CCLI License #1501423

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