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I of course, at that time, did not realize that I was indeed always looking
outside of myself for answers. Please do not misunderstand me here.
This was a very valuable lesson - and an important part of my journey.
By my willingness to share and ask questions I was being helped along
on my own journey, while assisting others upon theirs. As I was asking
questions and being a student, I was allowing others, to be the teacher.
I also devoured one book after another, attempting to find the answers to
my questions. I found many answers, and in doing so, I found that I was
finding even more questions. Every single book provided answers and
more questions!
I would take these questions into conversations either online (internet) or
offline. One of the main lessons and perhaps the most important, was
that I have and always have had the belief, that there are no stupid
questions - only people who remain in ignorance because they did not
ask their questions.
At a certain point in my journey I started to learn and realize that I was,
indeed often receiving answers to my questions from within. I know you
are going to recognize this next statement because I know we have all
experienced it, or will. In the beginning, I doubted those answers. I did
not totally trust them. Those of you who are still in that space, I can hear
you asking now: "Well how did you come to learn to trust them?"
Although I can feel my OPOM’s* chuckling at this one, however I am
taking it absolutely serious. The simple answer to that one is “TIME” and
the willingness to play with it.
The simple fact of the matter is, the more you play with it and the more
you share, the more chances you create of having what you are
receiving, confirmed from other sources. “SHARING!” This builds the
trust factor and at some point you learn to totally trust what is coming
from within.
Another fascinating fact I would like to share with you here is - we have
been receiving our messages all of our lives. We just didn’t know what it
was and we didn't trust it or give it a second thought. We didn’t recognize
it for what it was. The realizations I am sharing with you now came to me
because I shared my experiences with others We exchanged
experiences and we all got our confirmations. This is why I feel that this
part of our journey is so important.
There are many great speakers around the world, many wonderful
writers and authors. I would certainly recommend you listen to or read
their work. You see it is my belief, that all of us are a part of the big
puzzle. We are all, to a certain extent, answers to all the questions. We
just have to share and intermingle to get the 'right' combination to
decode the puzzle, so-to-speak. This is a whole different subject and I
will definitely be coming back to that one in a later chapter as to why I
know this is so.
You could also, of course, go within after reading or listening to these
writers and authors and ask whether it is still current or accurate. The
reason why I say 'current' is that we are evolving at such an unbelievable
rate right now, sometimes some of the information written will already be
out of date or at the very least have changed to a certain extent.
I do firmly believe that we are all important. Yes! YOU too. You, who may
be just starting out on your journey. “YOUR” questions will refresh or
bring more clarity to those who have been travelling their journey for
many a year.
Sometimes it takes a little courage to share your experiences. Once you
get past whatever blockages are preventing you from sharing, you will
find that you discover your own answers, or others will provide them for
you, as if by magic! I use the term magic as I feel the way this always
happens, has a very magical quality to it.
Here is something you could try experimenting with. Put it out to the
universe that you wish to share with someone a particular experience
you are living right now. Trust that the right person will be placed on your
path to assist you. It has never failed me yet. All I had to do was put it out
there, then simply be open to whatever was happening around me at the
time. Quite often, during normal conversations, the opportunities would
arise. One or two words are generally enough. I truly love the way this
has always worked for me.
Enjoy in JOY your sharing experiences.
* The Celestine vision chat rooms can be found at: This is also the main site of James
and Salle Redfield.
* OPOM’s = Other Parts of Me… (we are all one)
Learning Process
For many traveling the awakening journey, no matter which level of
awakening you are at, it is always an advantage to look into healing
Whether you choose Reiki, Shambhala MDH, EMF or something elsethere
are so many out there- you may find it a little confusing to start
with. Persevere and trust your own inner intuition. It will guide you. You
may like to experience a few different modalities first and then you can
choose what interests you the most.
Be alert for any modalities appearing on your path more than once or
twice. If a particular modality is being placed in your field of reference
Learning Process
When it is your time to awaken and remember
who you are and why you are here - whether
through a personal tragedy or a natural process
- there will come a time when you will feel
guided to expand your awareness. Whether it
be through some kind of healing modality or
spiritually enhanced initiation, trust those inner
feelings, or physical 'signs'.
Do the research and when you feel you have
found something that provides some kind of
recognition or stirring inside you, trust it and
go with it wholeheartedly!
regularly, you can be assured that your guides are doing that for you by
bringing something into your awareness until you take notice. Yes, and
this happens whether you are aware of your guides or not. Trust! They
ARE there.
It is also good to remember, that as you work with these healing
modalities you are not only a conduit for the energies to travel through to
another being, you will also receive healing yourself. I am sure you have
heard the saying-'what goes around, comes around'. This applies to
healing and loving also - whatever we give out will always come back to
While working with any of these healing modalities, you will, after a
period of time, begin to receive and trust your intuitive feelings and
thoughts. This too, is your guides passing on messages through you, for
whomever you are working on.
So you see there are many advantages to finding a healing modality to
study and expand with. There are a great many out there and I am sure
you will hear from one practitioner to the next, that their modality is the
most beautiful and most powerful. This is the reason I recommend you
trust your own guidance and intuition. Your guides will never steer you
wrong. NEVER!!!!
Enjoy and be in JOY in every moment of your expansion, with what ever
you choose, it truly is a magical and wonderful experience.
Soul Contracts
We are Spiritual beings here on Earth, having a human experience.
It is thought by many that it is the other way around. Rest assured, it is
During seminars, conversations or guidance, I have been asked to talk
on this subject. I have watched the many different reactions to the facts
that I am about to share with you. it is for this reason, that I state in
advance, that these are for me, irrefutable facts. They are a part of my
inner knowing. This does not mean that you have to accept them as total
holy truth. Please use your own discernment as to what you take out of
this and what you do not.
Soul Contracts
Yes, we all have them - whether you
believe it yet or not. Even before
you incarnated into this life cycle,
you made many agreements with
many other souls to have particular
experiences with, while here.
Please just be open to the
possibilities within this next
parable. You will find that it serves
you well as you are more and more
open to the potential for growth
from every experience.
Before we ever even enter into any particular life cycle on this planet
there is a process beforehand that will more or less guide us through out
our entire lives. One would need to imagine a whole group of souls
planning and preparing. Some of who will have experienced many
incarnations together. It is a beautiful, meticulously and intricately
planned event for each and every time a soul desires to re-incarnate.
There are plans made and within those plans there are back up plans
created, several in fact. Why? Certainly one of the reasons for this is the
times we are now living in. So many are becoming very aware of our true
potentials here on earth and we are continually manifesting and cocreating
new experiences. Within those new experiences the original
plans are continually being adapted and changed. Our choices within
every moment, our every thought and all words shared, are creating new
realities all the time.
One of the most asked questions after sharing much of this kind of
information is: “If this is all true Ian, then I must ask myself if I do indeed
have free will while here on Earth?” My answer to that would have to be
“YES” to a certain degree. We have free will in that we are throughout
our life cycles, continually faced with choices. At times we will make
certain choices intuitively and they will be in total alignment with our
original soul contract. Sometimes we will deviate from the original plan
and this is where those back up plans come in. Certain members of your
soul family, or soul group will be around to offer assistance and guidance
helping you find your balance again. Why do I use the term balance?
Because so many are not aware of the original contracts - or even the
purpose of being here on earth. We often make choices that are not in
alignment with our original soul contracts. This creates an imbalance and
often leads to illnesses, lack of energy, depression etc.
It is important at this point to make a clear statement - that our souls are
never in judgment of our choices. It is us, in our human form, that
because of the distortion through ego, will choose to judge. Our soul
groups, family, and mates, are certainly those on this side of the veil,
also following a pre-agreed contract.
Perhaps it is also important right now to define the word contract. It is not
like a contract that one might make here on this Earth plane. On a soul
level, you will never be sued for different ('different' may be translated as
wrong) choices, nor will you be judged or called to answer for any of the
choices you make. Any and all choices you make while here on this
Earth plane, are always seen as experiences, which often may well
prove to enhance the souls' original contract.
At this point I would like to share some examples of how a soul contract
might develop while on the Earth plane.
Recently a young man contacted me, he and his wife were clearly
confused and distraught. They had just experienced a miscarriage.
There are of course, many reasons why a soul would decide at some
point not to live out the term of pregnancy. Imagine with me for a
moment, that in the original contract of the two parents they had agreed
to be abusive towards each other. Imagine again with us that at the
moment of discovering a pregnancy both partners enter an agreement
with each other that all abuse would cease and desist for the sake of the
new born. The newly entering soul had as a specific desire to experience
and grow from the abusive experience. It would feel the sincerity of the
new agreement the parents had made and would choose to seek other
parents whereby it would be able to fulfill the desired experience. Often
times this would result in a miscarriage by the originally intended
Another example of this type of contract was shared with me by another
friend. She discovered that she was pregnant with a child that she could
ill afford to have due to her circumstances as they were at the time.
Being aware that she could contact this new soul entering into her body,
she connected with it, discussed the options and mutually decided that it
was not in her best interest to continue with the pregnancy. They
therefore, both mutually agreed to terminate the contract and a
miscarriage followed as a result. Imagine more people being aware that
this is possible? We would no longer have the conflicts in human
emotions around abortion. It could all be taken care of on a soul level.
In my own personal experience, I had contracted to become spiritually
aware at a certain stage in my life. With my soul family, mates, group, I
had set up certain potentials/possibilities. My awakening was originally
set up to kick in after the death of a very close and dearly beloved friend.
Although that pained me greatly, it had not had the desired result. The
next stage, or back up plan if you will, was to lose another being that was
extremely close to me. This too failed to create the desired result of
awakening. It was not until I experienced the loss of my own daughter,
that I had been affected to such an extent, that I did start to ask
questions such as “Why me?” Obviously, this has led me to where I am
now, and I am now fulfilling my desired contract here on this earth plane
during this life cycle. Does this mean that everything is now plain sailing?
I would have to answer that question with a “no”. There are many
reasons for that too, suffice to say that I am still often not quite seeing
the full soul contract or purpose for my being here. Much of it has been
revealed and I am following to a largely accurate degree the contract, yet
while in the human form there are always going to be issues around the
ego that desires to lead us astray. I always attempt not to judge these
experiences because of the knowledge I now have, but I am still human
and I am still functioning from behind a veil, so now and then I do deviate
from the original plan.
Because in the beginning of this chapter, I also mentioned soul groups, I
will share with you something that is becoming very visible to so many
around the planet in these wonderful and magical times. Many of us are
now stepping into our fullest potential and because of this we are
drawing others to us that agreed to assist. We are finding and
reconnecting with many individuals from all corners of the planet. We are
ending the illusion of separation. We are working together for a common
goal. The common goal being, the ascension of all beings present on the
planet earth at this time and assisting to see through the illusion of fear,
ego, personality etc. We ARE returning to oneness together. We are
returning to the fullest state of LOVE in oneness as one heart
beating/being. Heaven on earth is being created by all of us in this now
moment. Congratulations one and all!
How do you know if you have met someone from your soul family or
group? Have you ever just been walking down the street or out shopping
for example, and all of a sudden you see someone who looks very
familiar? You might spend days afterwards pondering on where you
know them from. Chances are you don’t know them in this lifetime.
Chances are that they have been a part of your journey in previous lives.
It is their vibration that you are recognizing. I have experimented with this
many times. When it happens to me now, I simply walk up to this person
and begin a conversation. Sometimes I found that they were not yet
awakened and that was ok, so I walked away, often leaving a very
puzzled being behind me! (chuckle)
More times than not though, it has opened many new doorways and new
friendships and I love to discover the similarities in our journeys. Most
times we meet again for a reason and it is always exciting to discover
what that is!
Have you ever heard of the fool's prayer?
It goes something like this…
I want my life to change.
I am not happy with how I am.
I am dissatisfied with my financial situation.
I want a partner that will love me for who I AM.
Fools Prayer
It is my sincerest hope, that by sharing
this next parable in the way that I have, I
touch your heartstrings.
That you may find points of recognition
and that you may be willing to change.
There is truly one constant that we can
rely on in this universe and our lives and
that is change.
When we resist change - especially
change that is placed in front of us so
that we are fulfilling our life’s contract -
we create imbalances within our physical
bodies that always lead to illnesses or
disease (dis-ease)
GOD: So dear child. What are you doing about it?
Fool: But God, I thought if I asked you. You would fix all that for me?
GOD: My dear child. I have been placing things on your path for so many
years, offering you the opportunity to change your circumstances and
your journey. Yet everything I have placed there, you have been blind to.
At times you have even scolded me for placing those wonderful gifts on
your path.
Fool: Oh my GOD… I did not… I wouldn’t dare!
GOD: Would you like me to quote you?
Fool thinks for a short while about this one and feeling a little bold and
thinking that this could not really be GOD anyway. “Sure! Go for it. Knock
yourself out.”
God ponders for a moment…(here we go again [chuckle]…. Doubting
GOD: Remember the time you asked me to take you into my arms?
Fool: Oh! Um, I think so. Was that the time that I was so depressed that
I didn’t want to be alive anymore?
God: Yes! And do you remember that huge Mack truck that just missed
you? The one that, at the last second you jumped out of its way? Do you
remember that cliff top you were walking along? What happened there?
You caught yourself on a branch and held on for dear life until you could
scramble back up?
Who do you think placed those things on your path?
Remember the time when you were so broke you asked me to help you
out? You had just lost your home. I placed an Angel on your path offering
you food and shelter. Do you remember what you did?
Fool: Oh my goodness. I couldn’t have gone with that person. First of all
he was colored, he was also a vagrant living and begging on the streets
to get by. Quite frankly he stank?
God: Ah my dear child… You asked for help and I sent you an angel that
knew of a warm safe place just around the corner of another angel friend
of mine who often gave him food, something to drink and occasionally a
little money. Were you not at that moment in similar circumstances? Was
it not an emergency? What did you do after that? Yes! That’s right. You
walked the streets for nights on end, sleeping on a park bench during the
day, and what did you do during those times? You scolded me yet again
for forsaking you - for not being there, in your darkest hour.
Fool: Oh, I know what is happening here. This is not GOD. You are the
Devil. You are playing tricks on me.
Get behind me Satan or I will call upon the LORD and have him deal with
GOD (chuckling at the thought) My dear child, I have walked behind
you. I have walked beside you. I have picked you up as you fell. I
watched over you as you slept. I have even placed my creatures on your
path performing their comical antics to provide you with a smile. I have
provided all that you asked of me and yet, you continue to choose to
blame it all on someone or something else, while quite clearly I have
been with you all the time and you have had choices made available to
Fool shuffles somewhat sheepishly with feet… feeling the truth in God's
GOD: My child, may I ask you a question?
Fool: Rather glad of the opportunity to stop squirming…
Oh yes GOD. Please do…
GOD: My child! Why is it that you fear change so much?
Fool: Fear change GOD? What do you mean by that? I don’t
GOD: Allow me to take you back to certain events in your life if I may?
Fool: Sure GOD, go for it…. Knock yourself out…
GOD (God rolls his eyes and sighs) Do you remember when you had
that beautiful home. You had everything your heart desires. You would
go out to eat with friends. Go out shopping, spend a small fortune on
clothes, shoes all manner of wonderful things and did you really need
them? No need to answer. We both know the answer to that one. You
had closets full of them all. didn’t you? You became so comfortable with
your life that you would rather go out of doors to get a cup of coffee and
a sandwich rather than make it at home. You would go out of doors
every morning bright and early to eat breakfast at one of those fancy

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