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ð18Þ Figure 100.1.2-1 Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — An Example of Forced Flow Steam Generators With No Fixed
Steam or Waterline
Turbine valve or
code stop valve,
para. 122.1.7(a)

To equipment


and radiant
section Start-up system
may vary to suit
boiler manufacturer
Paragraph 122.1.7(b)

feed pump

Alternates, para. 122.1.7(b)(9)

Administrative Jurisdiction and Technical Responsibility

Boiler Proper — The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPVC) has total administrative jurisdiction
and technical responsibility. Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble.
Boiler External Piping and Joint (BEP) — The ASME BPVC has total administrative jurisdiction (mandatory
certification by stamping the Certification Mark with the appropriate Designator, ASME Data Forms, and
Authorized Inspection) of BEP. The ASME Section Committee B31.1 has been assigned technical responsibility.
Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble, fifth, sixth, and seventh paragraphs and ASME B31.1 Scope, para.
100.1.2(a). Applicable ASME B31.1 Editions and Addenda are referenced in ASME BPVC, Section I, PG-58.3.
Nonboiler External Piping and Joint (NBEP) — The ASME Code Committee for Pressure Piping, B31, has total
administrative and technical responsibility.

ASME B31.1-2018

ð18Þ Figure 100.1.2-2 Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — An Example of Steam Separator Type Forced Flow Steam
Generators With No Fixed Steam or Waterline
Turbine valve or
Code stop valve,
para. 122.1.7(a)

To equipment

and radiant

Start-up system
may vary to suit
boiler manufacturer
(if used)
(if used)
Recirculation pump
(if used)

(if used) (if used) Paragraph 122.1.7(b)

Boiler feed pump

Alternates, para. 122.1.7(b)(9)

Administrative Jurisdiction and Technical Responsibility

Boiler Proper — The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPVC) has total administrative jurisdiction
and technical responsibility. Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble.
Boiler External Piping and Joint (BEP) — The ASME BPVC has total administrative jurisdiction (mandatory
certification by stamping the Certification Mark with the appropriate Designator, ASME Data Forms, and
Authorized Inspection) of BEP. The ASME Section Committee B31.1 has been assigned technical responsibility.
Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble, fifth, sixth, and seventh paragraphs and ASME B31.1 Scope, para.
100.1.2(a). Applicable ASME B31.1 Editions and Addenda are referenced in ASME BPVC, Section I, PG-58.3.
Nonboiler External Piping and Joint (NBEP) — The ASME Code Committee for Pressure Piping, B31, has total
administrative and technical responsibility.

ASME B31.1-2018

ð18Þ Figure 100.1.2-3 Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — Drum-Type Boilers
Vents and

Single installation Paragraph 122.6.2

Multiple installation Paragraph 122.1.2

header Level indicators, para. 122.1.6
Drain Steam drum Surface blow
Control device, Continuous
Paragraph 122.1.4
para. 122.1.6 Inlet header blow
(if used) Chemical feed
nt Drum sample
Integral Ve
Drain superheater Soot blowers
(if used) Single installation

Main steam,
para. 122.1.2 Soot blowers
Multiple installation
Drain Common header
Paragraph 122.1.5

Integral nt Single boiler

economizer Single boiler
(if used)
Boiler no. 1
paras. 122.1.3 & 122.1.7

Two or more
Boiler no. 2 boilers fed from
Feedwater systems,

a common source
Paragraph 122.1.4 Water drum
Regulating valves
Boiler no. 1
Two or more
single and multiple
Boiler no. 2 boilers fed from
a common source

Administrative Jurisdiction and Technical Responsibility

Boiler Proper — The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPVC) has total administrative jurisdiction
and technical responsibility. Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble.
Boiler External Piping and Joint (BEP) — The ASME BPVC has total administrative jurisdiction (mandatory
certification by stamping the Certification Mark with the appropriate Designator, ASME Data Forms, and
Authorized Inspection) of BEP. The ASME Section Committee B31.1 has been assigned technical responsibility.
Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble and ASME B31.1 Scope, para. 100.1.2(a). Applicable ASME B31.1
Editions and Addenda are referenced in ASME BPVC, Section I, PG-58.3.
Nonboiler External Piping and Joint (NBEP) — The ASME Code Committee for Pressure Piping, B31, has total
administrative jurisdiction and technical responsibility.

ð18Þ Figure 100.1.2-4 Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — Isolable Economizers Located in Feedwater Piping and Isolable Superheaters in Main Steam Piping
(Boiler Pressure Relief Valves, Blowoff, and Miscellaneous Piping for Boiler Proper Not Shown for Clarity)
Paragraph 122.6.2
Vent Vent

Isolable Vent
Main steam Feedwater
(see Figure systems
100.1.2-3) superheater
(see Figure
Intervening valve Drain, para. 122.1.5 100.1.2-3)

Inlet header
Drain, para. 122.1.5 (if used) Boiler proper Drain, para. 122.1.5
(see Figure
(1) Economizer Within the Limits of BEP
Drain, para. 122.1.5
Intervening Paragraph 122.6.2
valve Note (1) Vent

Isolable Vent
Administrative Jurisdiction and Technical Responsibility

ASME B31.1-2018
Boiler Proper — The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPVC) has total Feedwater systems
Drain, para. 122.1.5 (see Figure 100.1.2-3)
administrative jurisdiction and technical responsibility. Refer to ASME BPVC,

Section I, Preamble.
Drain, para. 122.1.5
Boiler External Piping and Joint (BEP) — The ASME BPVC has total administrative
jurisdiction (mandatory certification by stamping the Certification Mark with the
(2) Economizer Within the Limits of BEP
appropriate Designator, ASME Data Forms, and Authorized Inspection) of BEP. The
ASME Section Committee B31.1 has been assigned technical responsibility. Refer to Paragraph 122.6.2
ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble and ASME B31.1 Scope, para. 100.1.2(a). Vent
Applicable ASME B31.1 Editions and Addenda are referenced in ASME BPVC, Note (1)
Isolable Vent
Section I, PG-58.3.
Nonboiler External Piping and Joint (NBEP) — The ASME Code Committee for
Feedwater systems
Pressure Piping, B31, has total administrative jurisdiction and technical responsibility.
(see Figure 100.1.2-3)
Drain, para. 122.1.5

Drain, para. 122.1.5

(3) Economizer Outside the Limits of BEP

NOTE: (1) With feedwater regulator located between the boiler and economizer, the economizer may be constructed utilizing austenitic stainless steel (see ASME BPVC, Section I, Part PFE).
ASME B31.1-2018

ð18Þ Figure 100.1.2-5 Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping — Reheaters and Nonintegral Separately Fired Superheaters


Hot reheat, Vent
para. 122.1.7(d)
Drain Nonintegral
separately fired
Steam out
Vent superheater
Steam in

Inlet header
Cold reheat, Drain, para. 122.1.5 (if used)
para. 122.1.7(d)

Drain, para. 122.1.5


Administrative Jurisdiction and Technical Responsibility

Boiler Proper — The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME BPVC) has total administrative jurisdiction
and technical responsibility. Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble.
Boiler External Piping and Joint (BEP) — The ASME BPVC has total administrative jurisdiction (mandatory
certification by stamping the Certification Mark with the appropriate Designator, ASME Data Forms, and
Authorized Inspection) of BEP. The ASME Section Committee B31.1 has been assigned technical responsibility.
Refer to ASME BPVC, Section I, Preamble and ASME B31.1 Scope, para. 100.1.2(a). Applicable ASME B31.1
Editions and Addenda are referenced in ASME BPVC, Section I, PG-58.3.
Nonboiler External Piping and Joint (NBEP) — The ASME Code Committee for Pressure Piping, B31, has total
administrative jurisdiction and technical responsibility.

specially designed component: a component designed in defect: a flaw (imperfection or unintentional disconti-
accordance with para. 104.7.2. nuity) of such size, shape, orientation, location, or proper-
standard component: a component manufactured in ties as to be rejectable.
accordance with one or more of the standards listed in discontinuity: a lack of continuity or cohesion; an interrup-
Table 126.1-1. tion in the normal physical structure of material or a
covered piping systems (CPS): piping systems on which product.
condition assessments are to be conducted. As a employer: the owner, manufacturer, fabricator, contractor,
minimum for electric power generating stations, the assembler, or installer responsible for the welding,
CPS systems are to include NPS 4 (DN 100) and larger brazing, and NDE performed by his/her organization
of the main steam, hot reheat steam, cold reheat including procedure and performance qualifications.
steam, and boiler feedwater piping systems. In addition
to the above, CPS also includes NPS 4 (DN 100) and larger engineering design: the detailed design developed from
piping in other systems that operate above 750°F (400°C) process requirements and conforming to Code require-
or above 1,025 psi (7 100 kPa). ments, including all necessary drawings and specifica-
tions, governing a piping installation.
creep strength enhanced ferritic steel: steel in which the
microstructure, consisting of lower transformation equipment connection: an integral part of such equipment
products such as martensite and bainite, is stabilized as pressure vessels, heat exchangers, and pumps, designed
by controlled precipitation of temper-resistant carbides, for attachment of pipe or piping components.
carbonitrides, and/or nitrides. erection: the complete installation of a piping system,
including any field assembly, fabrication, testing, and
inspection of the system.

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