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As a resident of Bangalore, a significant amount of my day is spent on roads.

Yes, for those of us

who travel to our workplaces and colleges know that there are more number of vehicles on the
road than the stars in the sky. But if you pay attention, take your gaze of your mobile phones and
laptops and look around, you'd be surprised to see that in the ten cars around you there are ten
people- the drivers. If there are two people, its a taxicab.
In today's world, apart from a few rare people who use public transport almost everyone takes
their own car or bike to their workplace. Only a single person or a group of well known people
travel together if they're going to the same place.
This may seem negligible to us in an economic point of view, but we are overlooking factors
like increase in traffic, time wastage and depletion of petroleum, increase in pollution, increase in
Global Warming etc that pose a hazardous threat to the future of this Planet.
My solution is to create an Interface or Application where people can connect to other people
around them. Everyone has to login to the application and submit their personal details and valid
Govt ID for security purposes.

There are two modes in the application.

1. The Driver(HOST) who has a vehicle and is willing to accommodate people. He or she
will have to submit their Start point, End point, duration and time of the travel in the app.
2. The Friend(CLIENT) who needs a ride. He or she will submit their location and will enter
the destination where they wish to go.

There will be a filter option where people can set their preferences based on age, gender,
location etc. The app will then find suitable matches and send details of the HOSTS and
CLIENTS to each other where they can accept or reject. The inbuilt map will show the route
taken by the HOSTS and will also navigate them to their CLIENTS. Once they pick them up, the
map will then navigate them to their destinations.
They can also share their music preferences with each other. The entire navigation of the HOST
will be recorded in the application for future references.

This idea is simple yet unique because it brings together people of different background and
culture in a car ride. People of the same office can travel together and make
new acquaintances. What more fun way to bond and interact with people! Commutation around
the city will no longer be boring and will be new and refreshing every day. People can talk and
interact over their journey creating new friends. The many social benefits will definitely attract the
youth of our country!
Apart from economic and social benefits, this will also reduce the number of vehicles on the road
thereby reducing traffic, reducing pollution, and helps conserve a lot of our precious time! We can
live a longer healthier life and be more productive every single day!

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