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National Institute of Fashion Technology
Department of Fashion Communication | New Delhi

SMITI PATNI | 2016 - 2020

Copyright © National Institute of Fashion Technology, Delhi, Year 2019
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form by means of
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission from National Insti-
tute Fashion Technology, except by a review/reader who wishes to quote a brief passage in connection with
paper review/essay written for inclusion in a periodical, newspaper or broadcast.
Name: Smiti Patni
Bachelors in Design
(Fashion Communication)

Company Name: Lovestruckcow

Industry Mentor: Ms. Surabhi Chauhan

Internal Mentor: Mr. Vishesh Azad

Signature: _______________

This document is a concise report of the eight

weeks summer internship, starting June 3, 2018
and ending July 27, 2018, that I underwent at Love-
struckcow based in New Delhi. The report is an
overwiew of all the projects and assignments done
during the course of my internship. The objective
of this internship is to ease students into the rou-
t i n e o f a p r o p e r w o r k e n v i r o n m e n t a s w e l l u n d e r-
stand the functioning of the respective industries
they work in. The report highlights the profile of
t h e c o m p a n y, r o l e s p l a y e d b y e a c h d e p a r t m e n t
a n d a n a l y s e s t h e l e a r n i n g a t G e n e s i s L u x u r y. T h i s
company provided me with a platform where I en-
hanced my skill set in Fashion Marketing for various
homegrown brands. Overall it was a successful ex-
perience in terms of gaining knowledge and giving
my best contribution to the organisation.

At the very outset, I am very much thankful to everybody for giving me the
strength, courage and ability to accomplish the internship program as well as
the internship report in a scheduled time.

It gives me immense pleasure to thank a large number of individuals for their

cordial cooperation and encouragement which has contributed directly or indi-
rectly in preparing this report. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude
t o m y i n t e r n s h i p m e n t o r M r. V i s h e s h A z a d f o r h i s g u i d a n c e a n d f e e d b a c k w h i c h
made everything clear to me to complete this report. He kept me on track to
complete this report and his suggestions and feedback were very dynamic in
making this report as impeccable as possible.

M o r e o v e r, I m u s t s h o w m y g r a t i t u d e t o m y I n d u s t r y M e n t o r M s . S u r a b h i C h a u -
han, founder of Lovestruckcow who willingly took my responsibility and gave
me lot of time and shared her working experiences with me. Her guidance
showed me a way not only to understand the office culture but also how to
work with all the co-workers of the organization and meet the client demands
with great team-work.

I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the employees of Love-
struckcow who helped me during my work tenure and made my experience
an unforgettable one. All these employees helped me to gain more practical
knowledge which made my Internship journey more fruitful.

Topic Page

1. Introduction
1.1 Lovetsruckcow Overview 11
1.2 Lovestruckcow Services 13
1.3 The Clients 15
1.4 The Job 16
1.5 Key Roles 17
2. Projects
2.1 Kanelle
Social Media Calendar 19
Content Creation 29
Friendships Day Campaign 35
2.2 Indigene
Advertising -Summer Solstice Sale 41
Content Creation 47
Social Media Calendar 53
2.3 Lovestruckcow
Social Media Calendar 59
Pride Month Campaign 63
Indigene Case Study 65
2.4 Sari Sunday
Interview with Nikhil Dudani 67
2.5 Bodilingo
Bodilingo Universe - Boss Lady 71
Bodilingo Universe - Navy Bloom 73
Social Media Calendar 77
Content Creation 83
2.6 Shades of India
Afsana Pre Festive Launch 89
Public Relation Activity - Summer Cooler 95
2.7 Yavi
Content Creation 99
2.8 Marketing Reports 103
3. Conclusion 109
4. Appendix 111


Lovestruckcow works to create a mark- makers. Strong network into a circle of

t i n g s t r a t e g y, w h i c h h e l p s t o r e a c h influence in offline and digital worlds.
your desired audiences and get peo-
ple buzzing. Lovestruckcow is bou- LSC works closely as a partner to shape
tique marketing and communication a n d s t r e n g t h e n t h e b r a n d ’s c o m m u n i -
strategy advisory agency based out of cation strategy and its touch points.
Delhi, India, embodying a pioneering From devising engaging campaigns to
entrepreneurial spirit. creating a roadmap to strategic col-
​ laborations work as a partner to meet
Lovestruckcow creates personalized t h e b r a n d ’s p u r p o s e .
and goal-oriented communication for
your baby/brand.

Lovestruckcow has represented entre-

preneurs and brands with long term
relationships. Has helped create suc-
cessful entry level strategies for sev-
eral international and new brands.
Helped to strongly position and dif-
ferentiate them through competitive
market scenarios.

With exhaustive network development

and collaborations with social media,
cultural and digital experts & opinion


Brand Language Strategy views is what Lovestruckcow is an ace

A relationship with a client will be-
gin with Lovestruckcow knowing the
brand inside out, and blooms with
t h e m b e i n g t h e b r a n d ’s m o u t h p i e c e . Love grows when many stellar hands
j o i n t o g e t h e r. L o v e s t r u c k c o w i s h a p p y
Social Media Strategy to suggest and strategize collabora-
tions for your brand.
Creating and maintaining all of the cli-
e n t ’s s o c i a l m e d i a p a g e s n a m e l y F a c e -
b o o k , Tw i t t e r, I n s t a g r a m , P i n t e r e s t
a n d t h e i r v e r y o w n n e w s l e t t e r.

Content Curation
Lovestruckcow works very hard to
create content for their clients that is
interactive and personalized, which
connects in an honest way with the
b r a n d ’s a u d i e n c e .

Public Relations
Media loves honest and creative com-
m u n i c a t i o n . P o s i t i v e v i s i b i l i t y, i n t e l -
ligent endorsements and honest re-


1.4 THE

The job at a glance

The job that I was offered at Lovestruckcow was

t h e p o s i t i o n o f I n t e r n i n M a r k e t i n g . D i g i t a l M a r-
keting facilitates the clients with different kind of
digital marketing solutions. It was a 2 month long
internship program.


Client Servicing
Campaign Management and Execution
Query Management
Content Management
Research and Development


Founder/Director - Surabhi Chauhan

Associate Director - Ribhu Bhorpukan

Senior Marketing Manager - Dolly Sharma

Senior Marketing Manager - Sukanya Chaterjee

Senior Graphic Designer - Nitika Mitla

Social Media Manager - Malvika Mehta

Social Media Manager - Anmol Gupta

Marketing Manager - Diksha Sharma

Photographer/Editor - Anmol Arora


Complete project on page 112

Social Media Calendar

A social media marketing calendar can be

anything you use to plan and execute your
social media posts.

S o c i a l c a l e n d a r s g i v e y o u r t e a m a n o v e r-
view of what content needs to be published,
w h a t ’s c o m i n g n e x t , a n d t h e s t r a t e g y b e h i n d
why content is being published at a certain
date and time.

For Kanelle, the social media calendar for
June and July consisted of ‘Mystic Mead-
ows’. The strategy was to increase sales by
targetting customers on social media. The
captions and grid were curated according to
the above objective.

Date Day Artwork Caption

Feelin’ blue. 💙
Kanelle bottom frill top to embrace the summer
eclipsing in the rain. Shop #linkinbio
July 22 Monday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows #SpringSummer19

Nothing but blue skies.

Frill Details on Frill Detail Shirt in aqua. Shop
July 24 Wednesday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows#SpringSummer19

Frills for days.

Shop #linkinbio
July 26 Friday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows #SpringSummer19

A delicate balance, the circle of life embroi-

dered on mustard.
Kanelle back embroidered blouse. Shop #link-
July 28 Sunday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows #SpringSummer19

Social Media Calendar

The target was to increase sales by pushing
Kanelle SS’19 through social media. The grid
and captions were curated to symbiotical-
ly convey the inspiration of the collection
along with pushing the products from the
line through catalog and detail images. The
grid had to reflect the color scheme and in-
spiration from a flower visually and thus we
stuck to a coral and floral colour palette. The
captions used keywords such as ‘bloom’ to
be in sync with the visual theme.

Social Media Calendar

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni

Content Creation
SS’19 Detail Shoot

Content Marketing can be defined as “The

process of developing and sharing relevant,
valuable, and engaging content to target an
audience with the goal of acquiring new cus-
tomers or increasing business from existing

To c r e a t e content for Kanelle with a focus on
products to follow the social media strategy
centered around Business Growth and drive
sales and grow brand awareness


Content Creation
SS’19 Detail Shoot

As a result it was decided 80 percent of
t h e p o s t s s h o u l d i n f o r m , e d u c a t e , o r e n t e r-
tain the audience about the products and
20 percent will directly promote the brand.
The detail shoot was a part of this rubric and
was shot for social media. It was also im-
portant to maintain a visual aesthetic during
the shoot for it to be translated to the social
media platforms. A moodboard to set a color
palette and the feel of the shoot was made to
dictate the styling and direction.

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Malvika Mehta and Smiti Patni

Friendships Day Campaign

To f o c u s o n m e s s a g i n g a n d v a l u e p r o p o s i t i o n s
t h a t h e l p t h e t a r g e t a u d i e n c e d r i v e K a n e l l e ’s
business goals, through an aligned editorial
m a r k e t i n g s t r a t e g y, w h i c h t a r g e t s t h e a u d i -
ence through stages they go through during
t h e e n t i r e y e a r, c u r a t e a F r i e n d s h i p s D a y C a m -
paign the various personalities of a Kanelle
woman to make Kanelle more approachable
and relatable.

U s Tw o
By A.A Milne

W h e r e v e r I a m , t h e r e ’s a l w a y s P o o h ,
T h e r e ’s a l w a y s P o o h a n d M e .
Whatever I do, he wants to do,
“Where are you going today?” says Pooh:
“ We l l , t h a t ’s v e r y o d d ‘ c o s I w a s t o o .
L e t ’s g o t o g e t h e r, ” s a y s P o o h , s a y s h e .
“ L e t ’s g o t o g e t h e r, ” s a y s P o o h .

“ W h a t ’s t w i c e e l e v e n ? ” I s a i d t o P o o h .
( “ Tw i c e w h a t ? ” s a i d P o o h t o M e . )
“I think it ought to be twenty-two.”
“Just what I think myself,” said Pooh.
“It wasn’t an easy sum to do,
B u t t h a t ’s w h a t i t i s , ” s a i d P o o h , s a i d h e .
“ T h a t ’s w h a t i t i s , ” s a i d P o o h .

“ L e t ’s l o o k f o r d r a g o n s , ” I s a i d t o P o o h .
“ Ye s , l e t ’s , ” s a i d P o o h t o M e .
We c r o s s e d t h e r i v e r a n d f o u n d a f e w -
“ Ye s , t h o s e a r e d r a g o n s a l l r i g h t , ” s a i d P o o h .
“ A s s o o n a s I s a w t h e i r b e a k s I k n e w.
T h a t ’s w h a t t h e y a r e , ” s a i d P o o h , s a i d h e .
“ T h a t ’s w h a t t h e y a r e , ” s a i d P o o h .

“ L e t ’s f r i g h t e n t h e d r a g o n s , ” I s a i d t o P o o h .
“ T h a t ’s r i g h t , ” s a i d P o o h t o M e .
“I’m not afraid,” I said to Pooh,
And I held his paw and I shouted “Shoo!
S i l l y o l d d r a g o n s ! ” - a n d o f f t h e y f l e w.

“I wasn’t afraid,” said Pooh, said he,

“I’m never afraid with you.”

S o w h e r e v e r I a m , t h e r e ’s a l w a y s P o o h ,
T h e r e ’s a l w a y s P o o h a n d M e .
“What would I do?” I said to Pooh,
“ I f i t w a s n ’ t f o r y o u , ” a n d P o o h s a i d : “ Tr u e ,
I t i s n ’ t m u c h f u n f o r O n e , b u t Tw o ,
C a n s t i c k t o g e t h e r, s a y s P o o h , s a y s h e . “ T h a t ’s h o w i t
is,” says Pooh

Friendships Day Campaign


The inspiration behind this campaign came

f r o m t h e p o e m ‘ U s Tw o ’ b y A . A M i l n e . T h e
campaign focused on two best friends with
varied personalities twinning in their Kanelle
outfits in three scenarios doing different
things together portraying their respective

In the first image they are seen at a picnic,

while one reads a book the other draws. In
the second image, one friend patiently cuts
an apple while the other impulsively picks
it up and eats and it. The last image shows
them in the same dress, one in sneakers and
t h e o t h e r i n s a n d a l s a l s o r e f l e c t i n g t h e i r p e r-
sonalities but leaving it open for interpreta-

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Malvika Mehta and Smiti Patni

Photography - Nitika Mitla
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni

Summer Solstice Sale

Social media advertising is the most cost-ef-

f e c t i v e f o r m o f a d v e r t i s i n g a v a i l a b l e t o d a y.
Advertising through social media is powerful
because a brand can target their exact de-
mographic. First and foremost, it is essential
to know your audience.It is crucial to know
what platforms your target audience are on,
when they use social media and how they
behave online. Also understand not just who
you’d like to target, but who the brand al-
ready resonate with. It pays to expand your
target, but don’t forget the core base.

To c r e a t e a r t w o r k s f o r I n d i g e n e S u m m e r S o l -
stice Sale advertisements and research ap-
propriate target sudience for the sale. The
sale had to target an audience in the Delhi
NCR region.

Make the most

Summer Solstice Sale


T h e r e s e a r c h i n c l u d e d t a r g e t i n g I n d i g e n e ’s
audience in the Delhi NCR region, through a
s e a m l e s s a p p r o a c h , t h e a r t w o r k a n d t h e t a r-
get audience were decided keeping in mind
the the brief given from the client. In order
to target the right demographic, the artwork
and research had to be approriate to the call
to action which was increasing website traf-
fic and eventually convert them into sales.
For the Summer Solstice Sale, the tagline ‘The
last days of summer spent wearing your most
comfortable clothing’ was used and the art-
works were also shot and created to give a
summery feel. A moodboard and a list of key-
words were developed for the same.

Photography - Nitika Mitla
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni

Photography - Anmol Arora
Concept - Smiti Patni and Anmol Arora
Styling - Anmol Arora

Content Creation
Layering love on a chair an
Indimade affair

A campaign directed towards making Indi-
gene more approachable and relatable. The
suggested campaign was a take on the chair
b u r i e d i n a p i l e o f a p e r s o n ’s g o t o c l o t h e s ,
making the brand more milennial friendly as
w e l l a s c r e a t i n g a w a r e n e s s t h a t I n d i g e n e ’s
clothes are easy to wear and timeless.

This chair exists because you plan to wear those clothes again in the near
future, so you want them to be easily accessible. And you don’t want to mix
them with the 100% clean, folded and ironed clothes in your wardrobe.

Content Creation
Layering love on a chair an
Indimade affair

The inspiration for this campaign came from
the ‘If the chair in your room was an actual
person’ meme. Indigene wanted to target a
generation who believes in pop culture and
thus the inspiration seemed justified after re-
searching abouut this chair and asking mille-
n i a l s i f t h e y f e l t t h e s a m e w a y. T h e c a m p a i g n
was shot in a natural indoor setting with In-
d i g e n e ’s c l o t h e s s t y l e d o n a c h a i r. T h e c a m -
paign got excellent traction on social media
and resulted in sales.

Photography - Anmol Arora
Concept - Smiti Patni and Anmol Arora
Styling - Anmol Arora

Complete project on page 117

Social Media Calendar

Indigene is an ethical and sustainable brand,
the key message that had to be delivered
through social media was the same. The cli-
ent also wanted social media call to actions
resulting in increased sales.

Date Day Artwork Caption

Khadi cotton is one of the most familiar tactile

experiences in the world. As iconic from the
July 3 Wednesday time of Gandhi, as old as the land itself. Visit our
eshop to explore more handmade sustainable
#Linkinbio #Indigene

At the Indigene studio we take inspiration from

the nature’s colour and form and try to make it a
part of our everyday utilitarian lives.
July 4 Thursday
Indigene, 145/1B First Floor, Shahpur Jat Vil-
New Delhi 110049 #Indigene #Indigene

A gentle accent of colour could help lift your

monsoon wardrobe, explore our Indigo dyed
July 5 Friday clothing to find such accent pieces. Visit our
eshop to discover more.
#Linkinbio #Indigene

Specks of the rainbow from where we stand.

July 7 Sunday #Indigene

Social Media Calendar

S u b t l y, b y c r e a t i n g a v i s u a l t h e m e o f i n d i g o
and green the motive was to create a con-
nection with the colors of the earth. The
captions were to be written in a manner that
they talk about the sustainable aspect but in
a l a n g u a g e t h a t a l a y m a n w o u l d a l s o u n d e r-
stand. The social media calendar was made
to schedule posts for the month of June and
J u l y, w i t h c a p t i o n s a n d a p p r o p r i a t e h a s h t a g s .

Social Media Calendar

Social Media Calendar

To d i s p l a y t h e a r r a y o f w o r k t h a t L o v e s t r u c k -
cow has done for their clients and indirectly
build awareness about their services.

Social Media Calendar

Through careful research, the work that best
displayed the wide variety of services LSC
offers was curated into a grid. The images
were then put in a spreadsheet and sched-
uled as per day and time for the month of
J u l y.

Pride Month Campaign

To c o l l e c t r e v i e w s a b o u t q u e e r m o v i e s a n d
tv shows and curate a grid for social media.

1. Indimade 4. An Indimade Affair
Every product has a story of its inception
waiting to be unfolded. Indigene is one such Perfect the creative
brand, with sustainability embedded in their When Indigene decided to change base and
DNA and a desire to empower the rich craft move to a brand new studio space, we want-
in India. For Indigene we took the route that e d i t t o b e a c e l e b r a t i o n . We h a d t o p r o v i d e
f o l l o w e d t r a n s p a r e n c y, t a k i n g t h e i r c o n s u m - a n e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t i n d u c e s c r e a t i v i t y, c o n -
er behind the scenes and letting the varied tent creation and encouraged social sharing.
crafts do the talking. From the field to the
cutting table, each garment had a story and Nail the guest list
thus was the start of ‘Indimade’. By educating We p i c k e d p e o p l e f r o m a l l w a l k s o f l i f e t h a t
consumers about the craft of making cloth- fitted well with the brand and dressed them
ing, we hoped they will begin to understand in Indigene Clothing. This was to ensure that
what is required of producing a well-made we capitalised on engagement and authen-
garment that will withstand the test of time. tic coverage while creating a relaxed atmo-
2.Indigene Dresser
Being kind to the environment, responsible Product engagement
towards our resources and empowering the We w o r k e d w i t h I n d i g e n e t o c o m e u p w i t h
craft in India lies at the heart of Indigene. the best possible ways to get the influencers
With these ideologies in mind we went on engaged with the product by displaying their
lookout for people who shared the same vi- collections during the studio launch. The
sion and it resulted in an informed new studio space provided the influencers
community of people from all walks of life with plenty of instant photo opportunities in
called ‘Indigene Dresser’. an aesthetically pleasing environment.

3.Social Media The Event

We a i m t o t e l l t h e b r a n d ’s s t o r y o n s o c i a l The event was a key opportunity to spread
m e d i a i n a w a y t h a t t h e a u d i e n c e u n d e r-
brand awareness while gaining influencer
stands and registers the signature styles in
c o v e r a g e . To m a x i m i s e t h i s w e p u l l e d o u t a l l
their mind. With use of strong visuals and
the stops to encourage social sharing on the
content we want the audience to recognize
e v e n i n g . We h o s t e d a s m a l l a c t i v i t y t o k e e p
t h e b r a n d ’s p r o d u c t s o r s t o r y e v e n w h e n n o t
the bustle alive but still being true to Indi-
p u b l i c i s e d o n t h e i r o w n p a g e . We a l s o w a n t
g e n e ’s i d e o l o g i e s a n d a s k e d t h e g u e s t s t o
to promote the philosophy that the brand be-
add to the sentence “I am so sustainable that
lieves in, so from time to time we introduce it
I….”, this added an extra interactive element.
on our pages as well.

Lovestruckcow Website
Indigene Case Study

To w r i t e a c a s e s t u d y f o r I n d i g e n e f o r t h e
Lovestruckcow website which talks about the
numerous marketing activities Lovestruckcow
has done for Indigene.

Photography - Bikramjit Bose
Creative Direction and Styling - Nikhil Dudani
Hair and Make Up - Mitesh Rajani
Art - Vartika Sharma

Interview with
Nikhil Dudani

To i n t e r v i e w s t y l i s t a n d c r e a t i v e d i r e c t o r
Nikhil Dudani of Feat Cast for Sari Sunday fo-
cusing on the Ekaya X Masaba Campaign. This
interview was carried out to increase traction
on social media and reflect on breaking ste-
reotypes while wearing a Sari. The objective
was to make the blog more relevant for the
t a r g e t a u d i e n c e t h r o u g h c o n t e n t t h a t i s i n t e r-

Interview with
Nikhil Dudani

Did you have a particular character or muse in What do you think of Sari as a garment?
mind for this campaign? I do struggle with draping a perfect saree for
Madhuri Dixit In hum aapke hain kaun. But also m e i t ’s a b o u t h o w v e r s a t i l e i t i s a n d h o w n o t w o
while researching I found images of Audrey Hep- drapes can come out exactly the same so for me
burn playing cricket with a plank of wood and i t ’s a l w a y s a b o u t p l a y i n g w i t h t h e d r a p e e a c h t i m e
wanted to mix the two. to the persons body and how they would use the
palla to their personal needs. I have worked ex-
The campaign looks very much vintage but at the tensively with sarees and I’ve enjoyed thinking of
same time breaks certain stereotypes and is equal- endless ways to make them look different each
ly modern. Could you share the conceiving of the t i m e e v e n i f t h e d r a p e i s c l a s s i c t h e p e r s o n w h o ’s
c a m p a i g n ? We a r e c u r i o u s t o k n o w a b o u t t h e p r o - wearing it uses it differently which I think is the
cess and its development. purpose of the unstitched garment for me.
Masaba wanted a very movement oriented cam-
paign showing girls doing things They wouldn’t be Do you think the campaign would help break the
usually seen doing. Something where they could s t e r e o t y p e s a r o u n d S a r i a s a w o r k a n d p l a y g a r-
possibly climb walls if needed and Palak want- ment?
ed to me keep the essence of Ekaya woman so I don’t know about stereotypes Iv only seen wom-
I thought this was a good middle ground three en working in sarees be it my mom who was a stew-
girls going to a wedding and stopping on the way ardess and worked in service through turbulence
to break into a match with the boys on the field. in a saree to every construction workers around
Wa n t e d t o s h o w t h e s a r e e i n m o v e m e n t a l s o t o the country women on tea plantations , women’
show that it actually can allow a long stride cause doing household work so why should women not
of the pleats and can come in handy to use as p l a y s p o r t s i n t h e m . I t ’s a b o u t w h a t y o u w a n t t o
a handkerchief on a hot day :) also looked great do in them no one said it was a serious garment
bowling. Also being the most commonly played ever so to me no stereotype was broken.
s p o r t i n I n d i a I w o n d e r e d w h y i t w a s n e v e r a n a r-
rative of a campaign let alone a saree/indianwear The creative industries are undeniably fraught with
campaign. gender biases. Is this something you’ve encoun-
tered in your different fields of work?
How was it working with Palak Shah and Masaba I haven’t I thought women had an advantage when
Gupta on their collaboration? It came to styling women cause they obviously un-
I have worked with Palak many times before cre- derstand the female body better which is in sure
ating campaigns for Ekaya. I really appreciate the t h e c a s e b u t I t h i n k i t ’s h o w a m a n h e t e r o o r n o t
f r e e d o m a n d t r u s t s h e h a s i n m y w o r k a n d l e t ’s m e perceives a woman that also adds an edge to how
really take her campaigns to feel and look more the female body is perceived. However I don’t
authentic as there is more room to experiment and ever generalize anything in life so I havnt paid
tell stories when the brand and talent share an much attention to any biases and just focussed on
u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f w h a t t h e o u t c o m e m u s t b e . Wa s what I really wanted with my work. I have most-
my first time with Masaba she is very meticulous ly had strong female bosses and surrounded by
about styling and mixing colors. She was very keen strong women so I always looked upto women
on doing an unusual and unexpected mix of colors more for inspiration in my work and personal life.
when it came to the blouses. So that was great
c a u s e I l o v e t o m i x o d d c o l o r s t o g e t h e r.

Bodilingo Universe
Boss Lady

To c u r a t e a g r i d a n d w r i t e c a p t i o n s f o r ‘ B o -
dilingo Boss Lady Universe’. The objective of
the campaign was to give a personality to the
product and the captions had to be written
to reflect the same.

Bodilingo Universe
Navy Bloom

To c u r a t e a g r i d a n d w r i t e c a p t i o n s f o r ‘ B o -
dilingo Navy Bloom Universe’. The objective
of the campaign was to give a personality to
the product and the captions had to be writ-
ten to reflect the same.

Navy Bloom
Ti m e O u t

Boss Lady

Photography - Anmol Arora

Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni

Bodilingo Universe

The process included researching for key-
words to reflect the personality of the prod-
ucts in the captions and illustrations. The
grid was curated in a manner that it reflect-
e d t h e l i f e s t y l e o f B o d i l i n g o ’s B o s s L a d y a n d
Navy Bloom Muse.

Social Media Calendar

Bodilingo is a new lifestyle and athletics
brand which targets millenials, the social
media strategy is to target this generation
t h r o u g h c o n t e n t t h a t i s q u i r k y. T h e o b j e c t i v e
of this project was to curate a social media
calendar which while pushing the products
also focuses on health and wellness.

Date Day Artwork Caption


Saniya Jaiswal | Ballet Dancer

Saniya finds her power not in a tutu but in her
#Bodilingo. She started training at the age of
July 3 Wednesday 19 and fell in love with ballet. She followed her
passion and nothing in the universe could stop
the badass in her.

Saniya sports our ‘Boss Lady’ leggings from

ballet to beaches.

#RealWomen #RealBodi #BossLadyUniverse

We’ve created the ‘Boss Lady’ leggings to pow-

er you round after round. Fun fact: stretch these
July 4 Thursday leggings as far as you can, and the crown print
never breaks.

#Bodilingo #BossLadyUniverse #Linkinbio

Get, set GO in Bodilingo!

Fuel for any duel with a punch of raspberry.

Catch the recipe by below:
July 5 Friday
3 Frozen Bananas, 1/2 cup raspberries,1/2 cup
beetroot and blend it all to a smooth

#Bodilingo #Bossladyuniverse #Linkinbio

More power to all our queens who stretch, skip,

fall and get back-up, never without the support
July 7 Sunday of their Bodilingo ‘Boss Lady’.

#Bodilingo #Bossladyuniverse

Social Media Calendar

Bodilingo is a new lifestyle and athletics
brand which targets millenials, the social
media strategy is to target this generation
t h r o u g h c o n t e n t t h a t i s q u i r k y. T h e o b j e c t i v e
of this project was to curate a social media
calendar which while pushing the products
also focuses on health and wellness.

Social Media Calendar

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni

Content Curation
Bodilingo Flat Lay

To c r e a t e c o n t e n t f o r B o d i l i n g o s o c i a l m e d i a
using their products to generate awareness
about their products and in turn increase


Content Curation
Bodilingo Flat Lay

To r e f l e c t B o d i l i n g o ’s b r a n d l a n g u a g e w h i c h
consists of quirky and pop colors, the prod-
ucts were shot in a flat lay setting against
s h e e t s o f q u i r k y c o l o r e d p a p e r. T h i s s t y l e w a s
a l s o s e l e c t e d t o m a i n t a i n B o d i l i n g o ’s b r a n d
language and visual theme.

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni

Complete project on page 122

Afsana Launch Campaign

To c r e a t e a c a m p a i g n p l a n f o r s o c i a l m e d i a
consisting of 30 posts to launh ‘AFsana’,
S h a d e s o f I n d i a ’s p r e f e s t i v e c o l l e c t i o n .

Date Day Artwork Caption

Chapter 8: Alyona and Olga

July 3 Wednesday
An ode to the nostalgia that lives within the folds
of fabrics.

#ShadesofIndia #Afsana #PreFestive

Chapter 8: Alyona and Olga

A sombre cloud over the mysterious grey sky.
Speckles of mukaish over sheer silk, adorned
with motifs of flowers using patchwork and laced
July 4 Thursday with hand tucked beads.

Rashmi Mann (@rashmimann) photographed by

Tenzing Dakpa (@dakpadakpadapka)
Styled by Jahnvi Bansal (@jahnvibansal)
#ShadesofIndia #Afsana #PreFestive

Chapter 9: Ezhda and Taisiya

Inspired by history and charmed by nature.

July 5 Friday Rashmi Mann (@rashmimann) photographed by

Tenzing Dakpa
Styled by Jahnvi Bansal (@jahnvibansal)
#ShadesofIndia #Afsana #PreFestive

Chapter 9: Ezhda and Taisiya

Letting dusk arrive at peace at the summer


July 7 Sunday The sheer simplicity exudes the exquisite colour

harmonization seen within 18th century chintz,
with hand painted motifs and hand tucked
beads across a family of pastels.

Rashmi Mann (@rashmimann) photographed by

Tenzing Dakpa
Styled by Jahnvi Bansal (@jahnvibansal)
#ShadesofIndia #Afsana #PreFestive

Afsana Launch Campaign

Using the inspiration and design notes pro-
vided by the client, each garment was called
a Chapter on social media. The three posts
dedicated to that particular garment, talked
about the inspiration, the elements and the
muse of the garment. This was done to create
a value proposition and make the garments
part of an ongoing story called ‘Afsana’.

Photography - Tenzing Dakpa
Styled By - Jahnvi Bansal
Talent - Rashmi Mann

Public Relations Activity
Summer Cooler

To c o v e r ‘ S u m m e r C o o l e r w i t h M a l a ’s L i m i t e d
B a t c h ’ f o r S h a d e s o f I n d i a ’s I n s t a g r a m .

Public Relations Activity
Summer Cooler

O r g a n i s e d a t S h a d e s o f I n d i a ’s g u r g a o n s t o r e ,
the event was about healthy summer salads
and drinks. The event was covered by cap-
turing images and videos and talking about
t h e e v e n t o n S h a d e s o f I n d i a ’s i n s t a g r a m a n d
cover it live.

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni
Assisted By - Aradhita Jain

YAVI 2.7
Content Creation
Yavi Sari SS’19

To p r e p a r e a n d c u r a t e c o n t e n t f o r Ya v i S S ’ 1 9
Impressionist Saris to be launched at Ogaan.

Photography - Anmol Arora
Creative Direction - Smiti Patni
Styling - Smiti Patni
Assisted By - Aradhita Jain

YAVI 2.7
Content Creation
Yavi Sari SS’19

Ta k i n g i n s p i r a t i o n f r o m t h e i m p r e s s i o n i s t
print of the saris, the saris were shot and
post processed to create abstract content in
a natural outdoor setting. The objective was
to reflect movement and fluidity of the fabric
and in turn showing the prints on each sari
to be later posted on Social Media. The saris
were hung and pleated in an outdoor grunge
setting to portray the mood of the collection.

Kanelle Marketing Report Brief - June 2019

Monthly Marketing Reports

A marketing report is a document that com-

bines data from across multiple platforms to
show the overall performance results of your
g l o b a l m a r k e t i n g s t r a t e g y. T h e p u r p o s e i s t o
understand whether your current marketing
strategies are going in the right direction, as
well as how to optimize them.


To c r e a t e M o n t h l y m a r k e t i n g r e p o r t s f o r Ya v i ,
Kanelle, Shades of India and Indigene ana-
lysing insights from Facebook and Instagram
and reflect on how the marketing strategy is

Yavi Marketing Report Brief - June 2019

Indigene Marketing Report Brief - June 2019



Wo r k i n g i n a m a r k e t i n g c o m m u n i c a - It was a great journey working with so

tions agency like Lovestruckcow was many local andinternational brands
one of my dreams when I started as which concludes that, it has been a
a n u n d e r- g r a d u a t e l e v e l s t u d e n t . I a m great learning opportunity for me.
so happy that, I could complete this
phase of my undergraduate life work- This has been a great learning expe-
i n g i n s u c h c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a g e n c y. r i e n c e f o r m y c a r e e r. T h e p r o j e c t s i n
this report are done based on the
For a young blood like me working with digital marketing education I have re-
the creative minds and professionals cieved. Both conventional and digital
definitely was a great experience for marketing communication is highly im-
me. The office and people there were portant to uplift brand awareness and
g r e a t l i k e h o m e . We u s e d t o h a v e f u n , brand performance. Digital marketing
work lately with high encouragement communication is essential to make
because we felt like, we are working t o d a y ’s b r a n d s s u c c e s s f u l a n d r e a c h
not only for the client but also for the not only locally but also international-
nation and its people. Every commu- l y. A g a i n , t h i s r e p o r t i s d o n e w i t h a l o t
nication counts. 360 degree commu- of limitations and obstacles. Thanks to
n i c a t i o n i s d o n e b y L o v e s t r u c k c o w, the many people who helped me to
though 2 months attachments is not complete this report.
enough for a person to learn all those,
but the relationships made there are
a lifetime asset who are still with me
helping learn so many things.


Date Day Artwork Caption

This view.
July 1 Monday Mesmerizing Taj Mahal in the
backdrop as #KanelleWoman Te-
resa Mineiro twirls in Kanelle assy-
metric frilled dress.

The hands that make each

detail so unique.
July 3 Wednesday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Blooms on handloom
Kanelle bow-tie top to add a
twist to the traditional six yards.
Shop #linkinbio
July 5 Friday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Happy summer days!

Shop #linkinbio
July 7 Sunday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows


Date Day Artwork Caption

Golden glow with print-on-print!

July 8 Monday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows
#SpringSummer19 #LinkinBio

Delicate florals speckle silken

July 10 Wednesday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Flower-power got us good.

Shop #linkinbio
July 12 Friday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Breeze through the haze.

Seize the sleeve with Kanelle
Printed wrap dress. Shop
July 14 Sunday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows


Date Day Artwork Caption

Actor and Content Creator, Kusha

Kapila strikes a pose at Cannes in
Kanelle printed wrap dress.
July 15 Monday Shop #linkinbio
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

“I see flowers as symbolising

life, when a flower is cut and
removed from the soil, it begins
a new life.” - Azuma Makoto,
July 17 Wednesday Artist.
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Mystic Meadows: A whimsi-

cal chapter from the book of
Shop #linkinbio
July 19 Friday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Our go-to pick for comfortable

formal wear - the Kanelle apron
dress Shop #linkinbio
July 21 Sunday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows


Date Day Artwork Caption

Feelin’ blue. 💙
Kanelle bottom frill top to em-
brace the summer eclipsing in the
July 22 Monday rain. Shop #linkinbio
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Nothing but blue skies.

Frill Details on Frill Detail Shirt
in aqua. Shop #linkinbio.
July 24 Wednesday .
#Kanelle #MysticMead-

Frills for days.

Shop #linkinbio
July 26 Friday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

A delicate balance, the circle of

life embroidered on mustard.
Kanelle back embroidered
blouse. Shop #linkinbio
July 28 Sunday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows


Date Day Artwork Caption

No watering required, but just as

beautiful as the real thing. 🌸
Assymetrical top with belt in
August 6 Tuesday chanderi. Shop #linkinbio
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Blogger, Shereen Sikka (@

shereenlovebug) serving some
holiday inspiration in our Print-
ed Wrap Dress.
August 8 Thursday Shop #linkinbio
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Assymetrical Top with Belt,

sublime for summer – airy and
effortlessly elegant.
Shop #linkinbio
Auugust 11 Sunday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows

Soft linens blend at the golden

hour in The Oversized House
Shop #linkinbio
August 13 Tuesday .
#Kanelle #MysticMeadows


Date Artwork
DAY Artwork Facebook Caption Facebook Caption
Instagram Caption Instagra

Khadi cotton is one of the most familiar tactile
Khadi cotton is one
of the
one oftactile
the most familiar tactile #sus
Khadi cotton is one of
experiences in the world. As iconic from experiences
the time of in theexperiences
world. As iconic
in thefrom
theAstimeiconic the time of in the #whom
of from experiences world.
y 3 July Wednesday Gandhi, as old as the land itself. Visit ourGandhi,
eshop to
as old as Gandhi,
the land as
old Visit
as the
to Visit ourGandhi,
eshop to #reuse
as old as #
the lan
explore more handmade sustainable clothing. explore moreexplore
more sustainable
handmade sustainable
clothing. clothing.explore more handmade #de
#Linkinbio sus
#Linkinbio #Indigene #Linkinbio #Indigene #Indigene #handwo

At the Indigene studio we take inspirationAtfromthe Indigene
the studio
At the
take inspiration
studio we from
the Indigene
the #sus
studio we
nature's colour and form and try to makenature's
it a part colour
of our and
form andcolour
try toand
makeformit and
a part
it a part colour #whom
of our and form an
4 July Thursday everyday utilitarian lives. everyday utilitarianeveryday
lives. utilitarian lives. #reuseut
everyday #
�Indigene, 145/1� First Floor, Shahpur Jat �Indigene,
Village, 145/1�
First Floor,
First Floor,
Jat Village,
Shahpur Jat�Indigene, 145/1� First #de
Village, New Flo
New Delhi 110049 #Indigene #Indigene New Delhi 110049 #Indigene Delhi 110049#Indigene
#Indigene #Indigene #handwo
Delhi 110049 #In

A gentle accent of colour could help lift your
A gentle
accent ofAcolour
helpof lift
help lift your
A gentle
accent of colour c
wardrobe, explore our Indigo dyed clothingwardrobe,
to find such
our Indigoexplore
dyed clothing
our Indigo
to find
to find such
explore our Indig
5July Friday #reuse #
accent pieces. Visit our eshop to discover accent
Visit our
to discover
our eshopmore.
to discover accent
Shop : Visit our esh
#Linkinbio #Indigene #Linkinbio
#Indigene https://shopindigene-com

7July Sunday Specks of the rainbow from where we stand.
of the rainbow
of where
the rainbow
we stand.
where we stand.
#Indigene #reuse
of the rainbow #


#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
Our philosophy is to create unique clothing that stands Our philosophy is to create unique clothing
philosophy #sustainableclothing
stands is to create #handmadeclothing
unique clothing that stands Our philosophy is to c
the test of time - both in design and in fabric. We the test of time - both in design and in fabric.
the test #whomakesyourclothes
Weof time - both #indimade
in design and in fabric. We #recycle
the test of time - bo
9 July Tuesday consider each step in the life cycle of our garments, consider each step in the life cycle of ourconsider
garments, #reuse
each step in the#zerowaste
life cycle of#womensfashion
our garments, #handmade
consider each step i
ensuring they are ethically and sustainably produced. ensuring they are ethically and sustainably
produced. #designers
they are ethically #greenliving
and sustainably #textiledesign
produced. ensuring they are ethi
#Indigene #Indigene #handwoven
#Indigene#handloomed #weaversofinstagram
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
Green Haze Green Haze #sustainableclothing
Green Haze #handmadeclothing
Capturing the beauty of nature through breezy Capturing the beauty of nature through breezy #whomakesyourclothes
Capturing the beauty #indimade #recycle
of nature through breezy Capturing the bea
10 July Wednesday silhouettes and transcending the notion of being bound silhouettes and transcending the notion ofsilhouettes
being bound #reuse #zerowaste
andtotranscending the notion#womensfashion
of being bound #handmade
silhouettes and transce
to a season. Explore sustainable handmade clothing on a season. Explore sustainable handmade toclothing
a season.
on Explore
our #designers
sustainable #greenliving
handmade #textiledesign
clothing on a season. Explore sust
our eshop. #Linkinbio #Indigene eshop. #Linkinbio #Indigene #handwoven
our eshop. #Linkinbio#handloomed
#Indigene #weaversofinstagram eshop. #
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

Breathable, comfortable and organic. Shop our Pink Breathable, comfortable and organic. ShopBreathable,
our Pink Plaid
comfortable and organic. Shop our Pink Breathable, comfortable
Plaid Gauze Tunic in Khadi cotton from SS’19 now Gauze Tunic in Khadi cotton from SS’19 nowPlaidavailable
Gauze Tunic in Khadi cotton from SS’19 now Gauze Tunic in Khadi
available on our eshop, https://shopindigene-com. on our eshop, https://shopindigene-com.myshopify.
available on our eshop, https://shopindigene-com. on our eshop, https: com/collections/white-center/products/copy-of-stripe- com/collections/white
#markrothko #bhutan #SS19 #sustainablefashion
of-stripe-woven-gauze-pintuck-kurta woven-gauze-pintuck-kurta of-stripe-woven-gauze-pintuck-kurta
#sustainabledesign #sustainableclothing #eshop woven-g
#nowinstores #whomakesyourclothes #indimade
NO 37 (RED), 1956: khadi oversized NO 37 (RED), 1956: khadi oversized
#recycle #reuse #zerowaste #womensfashion
dress layered
11 Julywith chanderi pocketed
Thursday dress layered with chanderi pocketed
Creative Direction, Production & Casting: Jahnvi Bansal Creative Direction, Production & Casting: Jahnvi Direction,
Creative Bansal Production & Casting:
#handmade Jahnvi #womenswear
#designers Bansal Creative Direction, Pro
dress dress
& Dolly Devi & Dolly Devi & Dolly Devi
#womensclothing #greenliving #textiledesign &
Photography: Dolly Devi Photography: Dolly Devi Photography:
#handwoven Dolly Devi
#handloomed #weaversofinstagram Photog
Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing Styling & M
Muse: Chimi Dolma Muse: Chimi Dolma Muse: Chimi Dolma Mus
#RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhuta
#SpringSummer19 #SpringSummer19 #SpringSummer19 #Sp

Our Spring-Summer collections have always combined Our Spring-Summer collections have always combined
Our Spring-Summer collections have always combined Our Spring-Summer c
the colours, textures and shapes of nature. Shop our the colours, textures and shapes of nature. Shop ourtextures and shapes of nature. Shop our
the colours, the colours, textures
timeless yet versatile garments, which transition timeless yet versatile garments, which transition
timeless yet versatile garments, which transition timeless yet versa
seamlessly between travel, holiday and home. Visit our seamlessly between travel, holiday and seamlessly
home. Visit between
our #markrothko
travel, holiday and home.
#bhutan #SS19Visit our seamlessly between tr
eshop to explore the 'White Center' collection. #linkinbio eshop to explore the 'White Center' collection.
eshop #linkinbio
to explore the 'White Center' collection.
#sustainabledesign #linkinbio eshop
#sustainableclothing to explore the 'W
#nowinstores #whomakesyourclothes #indimade
White cloud, 1956: khadi stripe trench White cloud, 1956: khadi stripe trench
#recycle #reuse #zerowaste #womensfashion
with pleated hem dress and
12 July chanderi
Friday with pleated hem dress and chanderi
Creative Direction, Production & Casting: Jahnvi Bansal Creative Direction, Production & Casting: Jahnvi Direction,
Creative Bansal Production & Casting:
#handmade Jahnvi #womenswear
#designers Bansal Creative Direction, Pro
pants pants
& Dolly Devi & Dolly Devi & Dolly Devi
#womensclothing #greenliving #textiledesign &
Photography: Dolly Devi Photography: Dolly Devi Photography:
#handwoven Dolly Devi
#handloomed #weaversofinstagram Photog
Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing Styling & M
Muse: Chimi Dolma Muse: Chimi Dolma Muse: Chimi Dolma Mus
#RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhuta
#SpringSummer19 #SpringSummer19 #SpringSummer19 #Sp


Blue and Grey Blue and Grey Blue and Grey Bl

Pleated hem dress with light wool hand embroidered Pleated hem dress with light wool hand Pleated hem dress
embroidered with light wool
#markrothko hand #SS19
#bhutan embroidered Pleated hem dress wi
overlay. overlay. overlay.
#sustainabledesign #sustainableclothing #eshop
#nowinstores #whomakesyourclothes #indimade
Blue and Grey, 1961: Pleated hem Blue and Grey, 1961: Pleated hem
Creative Direction, Production & Casting: Jahnvi Bansal Creative Direction, Production & Casting:
Bansal Production & Casting:
#recycle #reuse Jahnvi Bansal
#zerowaste Creative Direction, Prod
dress with
14 light
July wool handSunday
embroidered dress with light wool hand embroidered
& Dolly Devi & Dolly Devi & Dolly Devi #designers #womenswear
#handmade &
overlay overlay
Photography: Dolly Devi Photography: Dolly Devi Photography: Dolly Devi#greenliving #textiledesign
#womensclothing Photog
Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal Styling & Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal Styling &#handwoven
Make-up: Jahnvi Bansal #weaversofinstagram Styling & Ma
Muse: Chimi Dolma Muse: Chimi Dolma Muse: Chimi Dolma #zerowasteclothing
#artisanal Muse
#RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhutan #WhiteCenter #Indigene #RothkoInBhuta
#SpringSummer19 #SpringSummer19 #SpringSummer19 #Spr

Pure Ghee X Indigene Pure Ghee X Indigene Pure Ghee X Indigene #sustainabledesign
#sustainablefashion Pure G
We joined hands with Pure Ghee (@puregheedesigns) We joined hands with Pure Ghee (@puregheedesigns)
We joined hands to with Pure Ghee (@puregheedesigns)
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing We joined handsWe with
to create a collective bigger than ourselves, a step create a collective bigger than ourselves, atostep towards
create a collective bigger than ourselves,
#whomakesyourclothes a step #recycle
#indimade to create
create a collective bigge
https://shopindigene-com.myshopify. https://shopindigene-com.myshopify.
16 July Tuesday towards minimal waste energy. Thus, we archived and minimal waste energy. Thus, we archivedtowards
and upcled our waste
minimal #reuseenergy. Thus, we
#zerowaste #womensfashion minimal wastetowards
archived and #handmade energy. mT
com/collections/textile-bags com/collections/textile-bags
upcyled our waste fabrics and paced towards the waste fabrics and paced towards the creation of our
upcyled our waste fabrics and
#designers paced towards
#greenliving the
#textiledesign waste fabricswaste fab
and pac
creation of our 'Gudri' Bags. 'Gudri' Bags. creation of our 'Gudri'
#handwoven Bags.
#handloomed #weaversofinstagram 'G
#LinkinBio #PureGheeXIndigene #PureGheeXIndigene #LinkinBio #PureGheeXIndigene
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing #Pure

Pure Ghee X Indigene Pure G

#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
Pure Ghee X Indigene Combining elements and textures from our excess Pure Ghee X Indigene Combining elements
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing
https://shopindigene-com.myshopify. Combining elements and textures from our excess fabrics, Pure Ghee X Indigene Bags comeCombining
https://shopindigene-com.myshopify. alive to form
elements and textures from our excess fabrics, Pure Ghee X In
#whomakesyourclothes #indimade #recycle
com/collections/textile- fabrics, Pure Ghee X Indigene Bags come alive to form something unique and also are best friends
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PuretheGhee X Indigene Bags come alive to form something unique an
17 July Wednesday #reuse #zerowaste #womensfashion #handmade
bags/products/gudri-double-pocket- something unique and also are best friends with the environment.
bags/products/gudri-double-pocket- something unique and also are best friends with the en
#designers #greenliving #textiledesign
messenger environment. Explore our full collection on the e-shop messenger environment. Explore our full collection on the e-shop
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now. #LinkinBio #PureGheeXIndigene Shop: https://shopindigene-com.myshopify. now. #LinkinBio #PureGheeXIndigene Shop: https://sho
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Pure Ghee X Indigene Pure G

#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
Our Gudri evening Mocha clutch will fit in all your Our Gudri evening M
Pure Ghee X Indigene #sustainableclothing
Pure Ghee X Indigene #handmadeclothing
essentials and help reduce your carbon footprint at the essentials and help red
https://shopindigene-com.myshopify. Our Gudri evening Mocha clutch will fit in all your https://shopindigene-com.myshopify. Our Gudri evening#whomakesyourclothes
Mocha clutch will fit in all#indimade
your #recycle
same time. s
18 July Thursday everyday essentials and be friendly to the environment com/collections/textile- everyday essentials #reuse #zerowaste
and be friendly to #womensfashion
the environment #handmade
bags/products/gudri-evening-clutch at the same time. Shop link in bio. bags/products/gudri-evening-clutch #designers
at the same time. #greenliving
Shop link in bio. #textiledesign
Shop: https://shopindigene-com.myshopify. Shop: https://sho
#PureGheeXIndigene #handwoven #handloomed #weaversofinstagram
com/collections/textile-bags/products/gudri-evening- com/collections/textile
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing


#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing
Made with care, our stoles are built with a rich history of Made with love by artisans, our stoles areMade
built with
withacare, #whomakesyourclothes
rich our stoles are built with a rich#indimade
history of #recycle
Made with love by arti
22 July Monday crafting techniques. history of crafting techniques. #reuse
techniques.#womensfashion #handmade history o
#Indigene #Indimade #Indigene #Indimade #designers
#Indigene #greenliving #textiledesign
#Indimade #Ind
#handwoven #handloomed #weaversofinstagram
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
Striped overlay layered with our Khadi Raglan sleeve Striped overlay layered with our Khadi Raglan
overlay layered with our Khadi Raglan sleeve Striped overlay laye
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing
dress. Visit our studio to discover more. dress. Visit our studio to discover more. dress. Visit our studio to discover more. dress. Visit ou
#whomakesyourclothes #indimade #recycle
23 July Tuesday #reuse #zerowaste #womensfashion #handmade
#designers #greenliving #textiledesign
�Indigene, 145�1� �irst �loor, Shahpur Jat Village, �Indigene, 145�1� �irst �loor, Shahpur Jat�Indigene,
Village, New 145�1� �irst �loor, Shahpur Jat Village, �Indigene, 145�1� �i
#handwoven #handloomed #weaversofinstagram
New Delhi 110049 #Indigene Delhi 110049 #Indigene New Delhi 110049 #Indigene Delhi
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing
A collection of traditional handcrafted methods, our A collection of traditional handcrafted methods,
A collection #whomakesyourclothes
our easyof traditional #indimade
handcrafted methods, our #recycle
A collection of traditio
24 July Wednesday easy Khadi summer must-haves are now available at Khadi summer must-haves are now available easyatKhadi
summer #reuse #zerowaste
must-haves are #womensfashion
now available at #handmade
Khadi summer must-h
Ogaan. Shop now at Shop now at Ogaan. Shop #designers #greenliving #textiledesign
now at Shop
#handwoven #handloomed #weaversofinstagram
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

"Layering love on a chair, an Indimade affair." "Layering love on a chair, an Indimade affair."
"Layering love on a chair, an Indimade affair." "Layering love o
There's always that 'chair' in the bedroom, you know, There's always that 'chair' in the bedroom, There's
you know,
the that 'chair' in the bedroom, you know, There's always that 'c
25 July Thursday the one perpetually buried in clothes. Those easy one perpetually buried in clothes. Those easy
the flowing,
one perpetually buried in clothes. Those easy one perpetually burie
flowing, true-blue clothes that never go wrong. true-blue clothes that never go wrong.flowing, true-blue clothes that never go wrong. true-blue clo
#Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair #Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair #Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair #Indigen


#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing
Effortless styles and silhouettes at an arms
length styles
from and Effortless
an arms
length literally
from an Effortless
arms length
styles and s
Made with care, our stoles are built with a rich history of Made with love by artisans, our stoles are built with a rich #whomakesyourclothes #indimade #recycle
your bed. Fend off the summer sweat and your
on off
bed. sweat
Fend off
good on sweatfrom
goodFend of
day 26 July Friday crafting techniques. history of crafting techniques. #reuse #zerowaste #womensfashion #handmade
the go every day. the go every day. on the go every day. on th
#Indigene #Indimade #Indigene #Indimade #designers #greenliving #textiledesign
#Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair #Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair
#Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair #Indigen
#handwoven #handloomed #weaversofinstagram
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

#sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign
Striped overlay layered with our Khadi Raglan sleeve Striped overlay layered with our Khadi Raglan sleeve
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing
dress. Visit our studio to discover more. dress. Visit our studio to discover more.
This might be the universe telling you to This
get up
and be the
might betelling
the universe
you to get
up and
you to
#indimade This
get up
and be
the unive
nday 28 July Sunday dress up in your go-to summer outfit. dress up#reuse
in your#zerowaste
in your outfit.
go-to summer#handmade
#womensfashion outfit. up in you
#Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair #Indigene#designers
#Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair
#greenliving #textiledesign #Indigen
�Indigene, 145�1� �irst �loor, Shahpur Jat Village, �Indigene, 145�1� �irst �loor, Shahpur Jat Village, New
#handwoven #handloomed #weaversofinstagram
New Delhi 110049 #Indigene Delhi 110049 #Indigene
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

An outfit so natural you could almost eatAn it.⁣⠀outfit so natural

#sustainablefashion eat it.⁣⠀
you could almost #sustainabledesign
#sustainableclothing #handmadeclothing
-⁣⠀ -⁣⠀
A collection of traditional handcrafted methods, our A collection of traditional handcrafted methods, our easy #whomakesyourclothes #indimade #recycle
nday 29 July Monday easy Khadi summer must-haves are now available at Ingredients:
Khadi summerOrganic cotton,
must-haves areorganic linen,
now availablenatural dyes
at Ogaan. Organic cotton,
#reuse organic linen,
#zerowaste natural dyes#handmade
Ogaan. Shop now at for color,
Shop salt
now at to taste.⁣⠀ for color, salt to taste.⁣
#designers ⠀
#greenliving #textiledesign
#Indigene #Indimade #Indigene #Indimade
#handwoven #handloomed #weaversofinstagram
#artisanal #zerowasteclothing

"Layering love on a chair, an Indimade affair." "Layering love on a chair, an Indimade affair."
There's always that 'chair' in the bedroom, you know, Influencer
There's Jean
always thatDominique Raibedroom,
'chair' in the (@thewhitehairedguy)
you know, Jean
the Dominique Rai (@thewhitehairedguy)
sday 30 July Tuesday the one perpetually buried in clothes. Those easy wearing
one perpetually buried our _____.
in clothes. Those easy flowing, wearing our _____.
flowing, true-blue clothes that never go wrong. #Indigene
true-blue clothes#IndigeneDresser
that never go wrong. #Indigene #IndigeneDresser
#Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair #Indigene #AnIndimadeAffair

Joan Dominique Rai Joan Dominique Rai

@thewhitehairedguy @thewhitehairedguy
•Fashion Blogger & Influencer. •Fashion Blogger & Influencer.
•Androgyny Model. •Genderless •Androgyny Model. •Genderless
Fashion. •Storytelling Through Fashion. •Storytelling Through
Fashion. Fashion.


Chapter 1: Islava and Uliana Chapter 4: Kiril and Iona

Resting in her organza dupatta and satin angrakha, unper- Draped in serenity while she waits under the mysterious sky
turbed by the wild whispers. adorned with beads of glass.
Delicate pleats adorn the ‘Islava’ angrakha, paired with the Drawing on prints from vintage textiles and translating the
‘Uliana’ dupatta featuring a chintz print on organza. The motifs into hand painted prints for the Kiril Sari and Iona
inception of chintz in Europe began with the Indian influ- blouse. The sea blue of the Kiril with the navy of the Iona
ence on the continent during the colonial era, spreading the strike a monochromatic contrast.
glazed colors over their homeground.
Chapter 4: Kiril and Iona
Chapter 1: Islava and Uliana Six yards of Kiril envelop the Iona.
Perched on the brink of conclusion, she calmly waits in the Art from 18th century Europe comprising of chintz, which
satin angrakha with delicate pleats and beadwork across the travelled to London during the colonial era, act as our inspi-
hems. ration for our vine-like motifs and translucent glass beads
We drew inspiration from the French and English artwork which sit on yards of luxurious gold tissue and silk fabrics.
which often featured scrolling vines to create the blooms on
the organza dupatta. Chapter 5: Zenya and Yana
Beginning her journey at the crack of dawn, and letting the
Chapter 1: Islava and Uliana light set against her skin.
Nested no longer, she’s a whirlwind amidst the floral bail Under the East India Company, bold prints and colors of
prints of her dupatta. chintz thrived. The city’s past remains a fascination and a
source of inspiration for the hand tucked printed flowers
Chapter 2: Vera scaterred across a field of deep blue on Zenya.
Drawing from the past, she pauses to reflect on the feeling of
nostalgia that floods her heart. Chapter 5: Zenya and Yana
A hint of glaze in the cotton fabrics highlight the floral motifs Stillness, a short story, in her reflection.
which were exclusively used for intricately embroidered The ‘Yana’ blouse encapsulates the philosophy behind this
quilts and bedsheets in Europe during the coloial era. collection. It comes in colors of the nature, inspired by the
hues of vintage textiles from 18th century Europe. The intri-
Chapter 2: Vera cately embroidered gold tissue blouse harnesses the power
A peak into the romanticism of the era bygone. of its heritage and the bold confidence of its wearer.

Chapter 2: Vera Chapter 6: Raisa and Luiza

Choosing bold over bright, dressed in delicate layers of The unforgiving sun turns softer at dusk, painting her on the
organza and tissue. landscape in gentle hues before it retires.
The digitally blended creation of motifs using different media ‘Raisa’ is the modern interpretation of a time-tested favour-
retains the raw charm of hand-painted art on the ‘Vera’ ite, its delicate embroidery paired against a flaming colour
dupatta. The floral dupatta strikes a beautiful balance against imbues this design with a youthful spirit.
the tissue and chanderi fabric.
Chapter 6: Raisa and Luiza
Chapter 3: Nadia The sunlight eclipses in silk.
A cloudy blue, blankets a field of zari. ‘Luisa’ a delicate flower of silk blooms amongst the restrained
The illusions created with the organza cape layered with the elegance of Mukaish over the translucent layers of silken
silken chanderi kurta strike an alluring contrast with the bold fabrics.
pink of the hand tucked flowers creating a theatrical experi-
ence. Chapter 7: Esfir and Anfiza
Within the four walls of the home, the walls that hold memo-
Chapter 3: Nadia ries of its past.
Beyond the veil lies the calm as peaceful as the sea. ‘Afsana’ exudes the exquisite details seen within chintz of the
The calm sea blue of organza is embellished with the bold- 18th century, with hand embroidered beading across a fami-
ness of fuschia, achieved by hand-tucked petals in a recol- ly of prints in hues of the earth.
lection of the chintz of colonial India.


Chapter 7: Esfir and Anfiza

The glass beads around her neck, reflect memories of years
gone by.
‘Esfir’ kurta is an ode to the chintz from centuries past. Taken
from upholstered vintage fabric, it infuses modernity by cre-
ating depth with sheer layers of tissue and silk fabrics.

Chapter 7: Esfir and Anfiza

Exuding an effortless yet distinct power in her beauty.

Chapter 8: Alyona and Olga

The mirror has seen the terrain change color and mood, as
she sits there solemnly.
Inspired by the delicate feel of vintage textile, the floral
print and motifs are placed on yards of silk as if considered
around a piece of 18th century chintz.

Chapter 8: Alyona and Olga

An ode to the nostalgia that lives within the folds of fabrics.

Chapter 8: Alyona and Olga

A sombre cloud over the mysterious grey sky.
Speckles of mukaish over sheer silk, adorned with motifs of
flowers using patchwork and laced with hand tucked beads.

Chapter 9: Ezhda and Taisiya

Inspired by history and charmed by nature.

Chapter 9: Ezhda and Taisiya

Letting dusk arrive at peace at the summer house.
The sheer simplicity exudes the exquisite colour harmoni-
zation seen within 18th century chintz, with hand painted
motifs and hand tucked beads across a family of pastels.

Chapter 9: Ezhda and Taisiya

Confident of her past and grounded in her roots.
Floral motifs are printed over luxurious tissue fabric laced
with beads of glass along the neck and cuff of the kurta.

3 June, 2019 15 May, 2019

Department of Fashion Communication | Batch of 2020


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