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1. Describe in detail about Newton’s laws of motion.
2. Discuss the biomechanical analysis of running gait versus walking.
3. Explain the structure configuration of hip joint in relation to weight bearing in unilateral and
bilateral stance along with factors contributing for its stability.
4. Describe the normal curves of vertebral column and discuss the factors responsible for its
mobility and stability.
5. Analyze posture and explain the postural deviations.
6. a. Enumerate the effect of limitation of hip joint motion on lumbar spine.Write the structure
and function of the Hip joint, with the Hip joint pathology
b.Compare architectural characteristics on functions of quadriceps versus hamstring
7. Describe the tissue present in human joints and mention general effects of injury and
8. Explain about effect of injury and developmental defects of vertebral column
9. Discuss in detail the articulating structure, osteokinematics and arthrokinematics of the
tibio-femoral joint. Add a note on pathomechanics of knee joint
10. Explain the general properties of connective tissue
11. What is Prehension? Explain power grip and precision handling in detail with examples.
12. Explain the structure and function of Plantar arches in detail
13. What is Scapulohumeral rhythm? Explain the phases of scapulohumeral rhythm in detail
with neat diagram.
14. Describe why using a cane on the side opposite to hip joint pain
15. or weakness is more effective than using the cane on the same side.
16. Describe in detail about the articulating structures kinematics of Tibiofemoral joint and
related Pathomechnics.
17. Pathomechanics of gait.
18. Describe the structure and function of vertebral column.
19. Kinetics, Kinematics and Pathomechanics of lumbar spine.
20. Biomechanics of Knee joint.
21. Factors of mobility and stability in Spine.
22. Compare and contrast biomechanics of Hip and Shoulder Joint.
23. Biomechanics of Gait
24. Discuss in detail the prehension activities of the Hand.
25. Discuss in detail the kinematic variables that describe the motion
26. Explain three orders of Levers with examples. Add a note on mechanical advantage.
27. Describe the relationship between the Zygapophyseal joints and the Interbody joints of
vertebral column.
28. Write the structure and contractile unit of a muscle. Write the types of muscle fibre and the
types of muscle contraction.
29. Difference between Phasic and Tonic muscle and add the notes on active and passive
30. Describe the general effects of injury and disease of the joint structure.

1. Calculation of centre of gravity of the body.Also line of gravity.Application of center of
2. Muscular weakness and atrophy
3. Closed chain motion of the elbow.
4. Functional position of the wrist.
5. Analyze placing the hand behind the head.
6. Balancing of the head and vertebral column.
7. Load-deformation curve.
8. Loading of the foot.
9. Parameters of gait
10. Scapulo humeral rhythm
11. Determinants of gait
12. Bursae around knee
13. Talocalaneo navicular joint
14. Optimal posture
15. Reverse action
16. Pivot joint
17. Composition of the connective tissue.
18. Axial rotation in the knee joint.
19. Ways to reduce forces acting on the femoral head.
20. Rotator cuff stabilization.
21. Excitation-contraction coupling.
22. Compare action of anconeus and triceps.
23. Cross-eyed patella.
24. Structures limiting motion in supination and pronation
25. Cumulative strain in tendons
26. Clavicular contribution to elevation of arm
27. Effects of immobilization in a lengthened versus a shortened position
28. Compensatory posture
29. Index of Insall and Salviti
30. Joint receptors
31. Triceps surae
32. Codman’s paradox
33. Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC)
34. Pelvic tilts
35. 6. Pronation twist of tarsometatarsal joint
36. Lordosis and Kyphosis
37. Power grip
38. Explain about Pes planus
39. Phases of Gait cycle
40. Explain patella as an Anatomic Pulley
41. Stress and strain
42. Explain about the function of cervical region
43. Advantages and disadvantages of Coracoacromial arch
44. Explain Tennis Elbow
45. Differentiate Coxa valga from Coxa vara
46. What is “Q” angle of knee joint? How is it measured and what implications does it have for
patellofemoral problems?
47. Explain the coupled movements of subtalar pronation and supination
48. Fixed support synergies
49. Explain stair gait cycle.
50. Explain the factors affecting muscle function
51. Explain the ligaments of Radioulnar joints
52. Explain about the extensor mechanism of wrist and hand
53. Explain Newton’s law of inertia with example.
54. Osteokinematics of hip joint
55. Winging of scapula
56. Locking and Unlocking of knee
57. Tensile forces
58. Functions of hand
59. Trabecular system of hip joint
60. Triangular fibrocartilage complex
61. Proprioception.
62. Shoulder joint stability
63. Nurse maid’s elbow.
64. Tonic and Phasic muscles.
65. Metatarsal break.
66. Inversion and Eversion.
67. Osteokinematics and Arthrokinematics.
68. Lumbricals.
69. Active and Passive insufficiency.
70. Torque.
71. Factors affecting normal posture
72. Explain active and passive tension.
73. Plantar arches – mechanism.
74. Reverse scapulohumeral rhythm.
75. Weight transference in single stance.
76. Prehension.
77. Mechanical advantage - therapeutic use
78. Squat lifting versus stoop lifting
79. Factors affecting muscle functions.
80. Functions of intervertebral disc.and what is it
81. Gravity its uses in therapeutics.
82. Describe coupled motions with two examples.
83. Intervertebral disc – its structure and function.
84. Pathomechanics of supraspinatus impingement.
85. Kinematic chains.
86. Mechanical stress and structural adaptation of femur.
87. Effects of gravity on posture.
88. Temporal and distance variables in gait.
89. Describe dynamic stabilization of glenohumeral joint.
90. Explain the structure and function of the ligaments associated with proximal radioulnar
91. Draw and explain the angulation of the femur.
92. Explain fixed support synergies with examples.
93. Differentiate isokinetic and isoinertial exercise and testing.
94. Explain the structure and function of plantar aponeurosis.
95. Write about the attachments and functions of cruciate ligaments of tibiofemoral joint.
96. Concurrent force system.
97. Synovial joint and its subdivision.
98. Knee joint incongruence.

1. Ballistic movement.
2. Articularis genu.
3. Postural set.
4. Corset muscle.
5. Tarsal canal.
6. Common hip axis.
7. Kinesthesia and proprioception.
8. Pelvic balance.
9. Gluteus medius limp.
10. 10.Patellar plicae.
11. Synergist
12. Angular Velocity
13. Concentric Exercise
14. Sacral vertebrae
15. Acromic clavicular joint
16. Second class lever
17. Point of application of force.
18. Junctura tendinae.
19. Scaption.
20. Isoinertial exercise.
21. Perturbation.
22. Quadriceps angle.
23. Convex-concave principle.
24. Sustentaculum tali.
25. Volar wrist musculature.
26. Vincula tendinum.
27. Bunnell’s sign
28. Pes Anserinus
29. Lister’s tubercle
30. Dowager’s hump
31. Sternoclavicular disk
32. Nutation and counternutation
33. Divergent muscle pull
34. Voluntary control
35. Hysteresis.
36. Cadence
37. Agonists and Antagonists
38. Waddling gait
39. Volar plate
40. Pars interarticularis
41. Subacromial space
42. Functional position of the hand
43. Close – packed position
44. What is Calcaneal gait?
45. Define Torque
46. What is the instantaneous axis of rotation?
47. What is a motor unit?
48. Attachment of thoracolumbar fascia
49. What is glenoid labrum?
50. What is patella alta and baja?
51. Ligaments of hip joints
52. Attachment of medial collateral ligament of knee joint
53. State the ligaments of Talonavicular joint
54. What is the normal postural sway?
55. Define moment arm
56. Give example for a trochoid joint
57. What are zygapophyseal joints?
58. What is lumbosacral angle?
59. What are the pelvic floor muscles?
60. Fibrous joint
61. Slow-twitch oxidative fibres
62. Lumbar-pelvic rhythm
63. Cross eyed patella
64. Junctura tendinae
65. Dowgers hump.
66. Seasamoid bone.
67. Claw toe and hammer toe.
68. Levers.
69. Pulleys.
70. Supinator twist.
71. Vertical steering muscles of Shoulder joint.
72. Fast-twitch fibres.
73. Cubitus Valgus and Cubitus Varus.
74. Force and Acceleration.
75. Extensor hood.
76. Trendelenberg sign.
77. Accessory movements.
78. Role of upperlimb in gait.
79. Rocker bottom foot.
80. Grip.
81. Arcuate lines.
82. Tensile forces.
83. Nucleus pulposus.
84. Posture.
85. Grasp.
86. Angle of femoral torsion – function.
87. Resistance.
88. Hookes law.
89. Optimal length.
90. Ataxic gait.
91. Force couple.
92. Arthrokinematics.
93. Enthesis.
94. Layers of articular cartilage.
95. What is synostosis?
96. What is dorsal inter-calated segmental instability?
97. Write the attachment of spring ligament.
98. What is Genu recurvatum?
99. What is metatarsal break?
100. Draw the Feiss line.
101. Name two structures that maintain the palmar arch.
102. Axes and planes.
103. Arches of foot.
104. Spurt and shunt muscle.
105. Facet joint.
106. Tenodesis.
107. Shear.
108. Golgi tendon.
109. Synarthrosis.
110. Pescavus.
111. Postural muscle.
112. Pad to pad grip.
113. Scapulo humeral rhythm.
114. Force vectors.
115. Accessory movements.

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