Sei sulla pagina 1di 105



Adm in istrative Division

Human Resources Management and Development Section
Manpower Recruitment and Placement Unit (MRPU)
Publ jcation/posting of vacant positions

List of vacant oositions

Matrix of next in-rank candidates
Posting of lhortlist candidates deliberated
0eliberation Sheets
Notice of proposed appointments
Verification of eligibility ratingsforthe proposed appointees
Appointments preparation
Seruice record of employees
Posting of approved appointments
Notice of approved appointments
Oath of Otlice of new employees

Qualification Standards for Job Order Dersonnel

Nervly hired Job Ordercontract personnel

Renewalof Job Order contract personnel

Indorsement letter for opening of Landbank payroll account
Reply letter to applicants through electronic mail
Notice of application for grant of skills eligibility under CSC MC. 1'l S. 1996
Notice of application for change of personal information
Bureau of Intemal Revenue (8lR)Electronic registration forthe newly hired employees
BIR Electronic "data entry module'for updates ofexemption and of employe/s and employee.s information
(BlRform 2305)forthe newly hired employees and personnel
Transmittallist of employees' membership and updates to gureau of lnternal Revenue Office
Transmittal list ot employees'for membership and updates of theh record at philHealth
Transmittallist of employees' record sepa.ated from employment at philhealth
Transmittal liEt ofemployees for membership and updates ottheir record at pag-lBlc
Publicationi posting of Vacant Positions
Rating Quality
15th and end of the month
5 100% prepared and posted the list ol vacant
v/ith no wastage

positions in 3 conspicuous places wilh n0 error

with 1-15% wastage 1-5 days after the 15th and end of the month
4 100% prepared and posted the list 0l vacant
positions 3 conspicuous places with 1'15% minor enor

ten (10)days before lhe scheduled dehberalion

with'16 300/" wastage
3 100% prepaed and posted the list ol vacant
itions 3 conspicuous places with 16'30% minor

than len (10) days before the scheduled

with 31-50% waslage
2 80% prepared and posted lhe list of vacant
3 conspicuous places with'115% major

Non-posting ofthe list of vacant

with more than 50% wastage
1 Below 80o/" prcpared and posted lhe listof vacant
posrtrons 3 consprcuous places wth16-3006 majol
Basisl promote equal opponunry
legislature in luly 1990 to provide transparenq/ and
Republic Act 7O41 (commonly known as the Publication Law) was passed by the Philippine
post announcements regarding lhe vacancy ln three
conspicuous places for at least 10 worklng
in hinng government personnel. speciiically, agencies are required to
required; and the work station)
(position tite; item number;the full qualillcation standards
days. The announcements shoutd Indicate full details about the vacancy
Operational Defi nition:
Minor enor typographical errcr/s in spelling and punctuation
lvlajor error- enor/s in item number and Division/station
Ligt of Vacant Positions
Rating Quality Efficiency Timeliness

5 '100% prepared and updated the copy olthe list o1vacant with no wastage every 15th and end ofthe month

positrons with no error

4 10070 prepared and updated ihe copy of the list of vacant with 1-15% wastage 1-2 days after posting ol the publication

positions with 1-15% minor erors

3 100% prepared and updated lhe copy of the list of vacant with 16-300/0 waslage 3 days after posting olthe publication
positions with 16-30% minor enors

2 99-800/" prepared and updated lhe copy ofthe lisl of wilh 31 50% wastage 4 5 days after posting ofthe publication

vacant positions with 1-15o/o major enols

1 Below 80o/o prepared and updated the copy of the lisl of with more than 50o/o wastage **"..",. ** posling of the publication

vacanl positions for with 16-30% major enorc

Matrix of next-in-rank candidates

100% PreDared. uodated and reviewed the matrix of next-in-rank i-working

days aftertne scheduled deadline
ndicated in the publication of vacancles
ndidales based on the qualifrcation standads and Pemonnel
Evaluation Sheet (PES)cdteria with no error

of nexlin-rank with 1-15olo wastage in 5-6 workrng days aler the scheduled deadllne
100% P|epared, updated and reviewed the matrix
indicated in the publication of vacancles
candidales based on the qualillcatbn slandads and PeBonnel
Evaluation Sheet (PES)crilena with 1-15% minorerrors

100o/o Preoared. uodated and reviewed the matrix of nexlin rank with 16-30% wastage within 7 working days after the scheduled deadllne
icated in the publication of vacancies
ndidates based on the qualiiication standads and Personnel
Evalualion Sheet {PES) criteria with 16-30% minor erors

80o/o Preoared. uDdated and reviewed the matrix of nexl in-rank with 31-50o/o wastage in 8 9 working days alter the scheduled deadline
indicated in the publication of vacancies
idates based on the aualification standards and Personnel
luation Sheet (PES) criteria wilh 1 15% major enors

within 4 working days after the sched u led dead line

80"/o prepared, updaled and reviewed the matrix of nexfin- with more than 50% wastage 1 0-1

icated in the publication ol vacancies

candidates based on the qualillcation standads and
nel Evaluation Sheet (PES)critena wilh 16-300/0 major enor

Note The current IVDIU emDlovee data records will be the basis for the matrix of nexlin-rani employees while Curiculum Vitae/Personal Data Sheet submitted through
online/hand'camed aoplication will be the basis foroutside applEants
Postino of Shorllisted Candidates Delibe.ated :

Efficiency Timeliness
Rating 0uality
5 100o/o Prepared the deliberated shortlist of candidales tor wth no waslage witlrin 12 wo*ing days aftef the scheduled PSB meeting
posting in lhree (3)conspicuous places with no eror

4 100o/o Prepared the deliberaled shortlist ofcandidates for with 1-15o/o wastage within 3 working days afterthe scheduled PSB meeting

posting in three (3)conspicuous places with 1-15%

minor enors

3 100o/" Prepared the deliberated shortlist ofcandidales lor with 16'30% wastage within 4 working days after the scheduled PSB meeling

posting in lhree (3) conspicuous places with 16-30%

minor erors

2 99-80% Prepared the deliberated shortlist oJ canddates with 31-50% wastage within 5 6 wo ing days atter the scheduled PSB meeting

for posting in three (3) conspicuous places with 1'15olo maior


1 Below 80o/o prepared the deliberated shortlist of candidales for with more lhan 50% wastage 7 8 working days after lhe scheduled PSB meeting

in three (3)conspicuous places with 16-30% major


Deliberation Sheets :

Rating Quality
'1000/0 Prepared deliberation sheets fot signature of Mth no wastage t-l d"ys
tt" scheduled PsB meeting
5 "o*inq
PSB memberc and aoDroval of the Head oflhe
cy wilh no er|or

with 115% wastage 4 working days after the scheduled PSB meeting
4 100o/o Prepared deliberation sheets forsignature of
SB members and aooroval oflhe Head ofthe
ency with 1-15% minor enorc

16'30% wastage 5 working days after the scheduled PSB meeting

3 100% Prepared deliberation sheets for s0nature ol
B memb€rs and approval ofthe Head of the
with 16 30% minor errors

6 8 working days after the scheduled PSB meeting

2 % Prepared deliberation sheets for signaturc of
PSB members and aooroval of the Head oflhe
ncy with 1-15% major eno|s

ith more than 50% wastage in 915 working days after the scheduled PSB
1 Eelow 80% prepared deliberation sheets for signalure of
PSB members and approval ol the Head ofthe

Agency with 16-30% major eno|s
I'lotice of Proposed Appointments

1000/0 Prepared, signed and lorwarded the notice 0f proposed with no wastage within 1 -3 working days upon receipt of the approved

appointment to the concemed candidateis with complete eliberation sheets irom the Administralo/s Ofiice

nts with no enor

100% Prepared, signed and foMarded the notice of proposed wiih 115% wastage n 4-5 wo ing days upon receipt ol lhe approved

ppointmentto concemed candidate/s w h complete attachmenls iberation sheets fiom the Administralo/s Ollice

1 15% minor errors

100% Prepared, signed and fotuarded the notice of proposed with 16-30% wastage in 6 working days upon receipt of lhe apprcved

appoinlment to concemed candidate/s with complete attachmenls llberation sheets from the Administratols Ofiice

with 16 30% minor eno|s

Prepared, signed and lorwarded the notice of proposed with 31-50o/o wastage within 7'8 working days upon rcceipl olthe approved

ppointment to concemed candidate/s wilh complele atiachments ration sheets lrom lhe Administrato/s office

1-15olo major etrors

Below 80% prepared, signed and forwarded the notice ot wilh more lhan 50% waslage within 9-10 working days upon receiptollhe approved
proposed appointmeni to concemed candidate/s with complete ion sheetfiom the Administrato/s Offce

ments with 16'30% major enor

Notice of Proposed Appointments
Attached FormE
Newly hired Promotion
Personal Data sheet (3 copies) Personal Dala sheet
Position Description Form (PDF) (2 copies) Position Description Form (PDF)
Personal Hislory Slatement (PHS)
lvledical Certificate Form {CSC Fom No. 211)
Swom Stalement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth
8lR Form No. 1902/1905 and 2305)
Vedfication of eligibility ratings torthe proposed appointees
Rating Quality Efflciency TimelinesE
5 100o/o Verified lhe submitted license/eligibility ratings ofthe with no wastage within 1-2 working days
candidates proposed for hinng/promotion in the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) and or Professional Reg!lation Commission
websites before the processing of their appointments

4 100% Verified the submitted license/eligibility ratings ofthe with 1-15% wastage within 3-4 working days
candidates proposed for hi ng/promotion in the Civil Service
Commission (CSC) and or Prclessional Regulation Commission
websites before the processing oflherr appointments

3 100% Ve fied the submitted license/eligibility ratings oflhe with 16-30% wastage lwithrn 5 workrng days
candidates proposed for hiring/promotion in the CivilSeNice
Commission (CSC) and or Professional Regulation Commission
websites b€fore the processing oftheir appoinlments

o/o 6 7 working days

2 99-80o/o Verified the submitted license/eligibility ratings olthe with 31-50% wastage
candidates proposed for hiring/promotion in the Civil Sewice
Commission (CSC) and or Prolessional Regulation Commission
websites before the processing of their appointmenls

1 Below 80o/o veriied the submifted license/eligibility ratings ofthe with more than 50% wastage 8 days or more

candidates proposed for hinng/promotion in the CivilService

Commission {CSC) and or Professional Regulation Commission

websites before the processing of their appointmenls
Appointments Preparation
Rating Quality Efticiency Timeliness
5 100 % preparcd appointment papers upon complete ,vith no wastage ,'/ithin 1 2workingdays
submission ofthe required documenls with no enor

4 100 % prepared appointment paperc upon complete iiilh 1-15% wastage .iith n 3 wo ing days
submrssion oflhe tequ red documenls w(h 1.2 mrnol

3 100 % prepaed appointment papers upon compele with 16-30% wastage wilhin 4 working days
sJbn,ssion oflhe requ{ed docun'ents wlh 3-4 mrnor

2 100 % prepared appointment papers with complele wilh 31'500/0 waslage within 5 working days
submlssion ofthe requrred documents wilh 1 2

1 100 % prepared appointment papeN wilh complete wth more lhan 50% wastage withln 6 wofting days or morc
submission ofthe rcqurred documents with 3 or more maior

Service record of
Efficiency Timeliness
Rating Quality
5 100o/o Prepared and updated the seNice recod ofemployees with no wastage rithin the day

issuance ofthe appoinlment and assumption to duty

4 100% Prepared and updaled the sewice record of employees with 1-15% wastage wilhin 2 days

upon issuance ofthe appointment and assumplion t0 duty

with 1-15% minor errors

3 100% Prepared and updated the seruce record ot employees with'16'30% wastage in 3 days

pon issuance ofthe appointment and assumptton to duty

16-30% minor enors

2 00% Prepared and updates the service recod ofemployees wilh 31-50% wastage wilhin 4 days

issuance olthe appointment and assumption to duty

1 I 5olo major eflors

1 100o/o PreDarcd and updates lhe service record of employees with more than 50o/o wastage 5 days

issuance of the appointment and assumption to duly

6-300/0 major eno's

Posting of Approved Appointments
E ficiency Timeliness
Rating Quality
with no wastage within 1-2 working days after receipt of the approved
5 100o/o Prepared signed and posted the list of approved
appointmenus from the Administrato/s Oflice
appointmeots in 3 conspicuous places with no enor

with 1-15% waslage within 3 working days after receipt of the approved
4 100% Prepared, signed and posted the list of approved
appointmenus from the Administrato/s Oflice
appointments n 3 conspicuous places with 1-15% minor

$/ith'16-30% wastage 4 worx,ng days atterece,pl orlne approved

3 100% Prepared signed and posted the lisl of approved lw'rh'n
appoinlments n 3 conspicuous places with 16-30% lappolntmenus from the Admrnrslrato/s Office

minot enors

2 99-800/" Preparcd, signed and posted the list o{ approved with 31 500/" wastage 5'6 working days after receipl ofthe approved

appointment/s frcm the Administrato/s Oflice

appointments in 3 conspicuous places with 1-15% major

with more than 50% wastage 7-8 working days after receiptofthe approved
1 Below 80% Prepared, signed and posted the list ofapprcved
appointments in 3 conspicuous places wilh 16-30% major

Basis/Reference : Rule V-Non-Disciplinary Cases

A, protest (Against an appointment made in favor ofanother who does nol possess the minimum qualilication requlrements)
When to File : i5 days from the issuance ol the appointmenti all appointments shall be duly posted in the bulletin boards
orat (3) conspicuous places in lhe Depariment or Agency
Notice of Approved &pointments

100% Prepared, signed and forwarded the notice ofapproved in 1-3 days upon receipl ot the approved appoinlment
ppointment to the concemed personnel with complete lhe Administrato/s Office
nts with no error

00o/o Prepared, signed and loMarded the notice ofapproved with 1 150/0 wastage 4-5 days upon receipt oi the approved appointment

rnlmenl to the concemed oersonrel wlh comDlele the Administlato/s Otfi ce

hments with 1-15olo minor erro6

100o/o Prepared, signed and loMarded the notice of approved with 16-300/0 wastage 6 days upon rcerpt of the approved apporntment
ppoinlmenl to the concemed p€rsonnelwth complete m the Administralo/s Ofllce

ts with 16-30% minor enorc

9-80o/o Prepared, signed and forwarded the nolice ofapproved with 31-50% wastage in 7-8 days upon receipt ofthe approved appointment

intment to the concemed Dersonnelwrth comolete ilom the Adminislrato/s Office

ments with 1'15% major enorc

Eelow 80o/o prepared, signed and forwatded lhe notice of with more than 50% wastage wilhin 9-10 days upon receipt of the approved appointment
approved appointment lo the concemed personnel with complete fiom the Adminirtrator's Ofiice
ments with 16-30% major eroN
Notice of Approved Appointments :

Attached Forms and documents

Newly hired Prcmotion
Assumption to duty Assumption to duty

Philhealth Salary Differcniial Form

Pag lElG Appoinment paPer

Provident Fund Position Description Fom

ldenlilication Card Form

Oath of Oflice
Appoinmenl paper
Position Description Form
of Office of new employees
Efficiency Timeliness
Rating Quality
10006 Scheduled lhe oalh of office for the newly with no waslage heduled tl'e oath of 0ffi." before/during the deadline
processing of the initialsalary
inled personnel at Central Ofiice in coodination with the

1 in the schedule forthe oath of oflice oflhe wilh more than 50% wastage the oath of office for lhe newly
ired personnel afterthe set cut off for the initial salary
hired personnel at Central Otfice due to lack ol coordination
the Adminislrato/s Office

Nole: Delayed in the schedule lor the oalh taking d ue to inavailability of the schedule of ihe Ad ministrator which s beyond ihe contrcl of the lalee and
not be the basis for the failing rate ofthe latee.
Qualification Standards (QS) for Job Order (JO) Personnel
Rating Quality Effectiveness Timeliness
5 100% Prepared the proposed QS and salary rates ofJO with no wastage wilhin 1-3 days
positions for approvalolthe Administralor based on the
submitled approved request from the Division Chiefs/OlC's
wm no enof

100% Prepared and routed proposed QS and salary with 1-15% waslage within 4 days
rates for JO positions forapproval based on the submitted
approved requesl from lhe Divrsion Ch'efs/OlC's
wilh 1-15olo minoreror

3 100% Prepared and routed proposed QS and salary with 16-300/0 wastage within 5 days
rales for JO positions for apprcvalbased on the submitted
approved request frorn lhe Division Chiefs/OlC's wilh 16-300/"
mtn0r erors

2 99-80% PEpared and routed proposed QS and salary with 31'500/0 wastage within 6 days
rales for JO positions for approval based on the submitted
approved requestfrom the Division Chiefs/Olc's with 1-15%
major erors

1 Below 80o/o prepared and routed prcposed QS and salary wilh more than 50% wastage within 7 days or more
rates for JO positions for approvalbased on the submitted
approved request from lhe Division Chiefs/Olc's with 16-300/0
major enors

Noter Qualification Slandads lortheJob Order position willbe based on the submitted actualduties and rcsponsibillties ofthe proposed JO personnel
Newly Hired Job Order Contract Pe6onnel
in 1 working day
100% Pepared the Job order contnct with complete altachments
signature of the JO personneland approval ollhe Head ol the
Agency wth no enor

with 1-15% wastage within 2 wo ing days

100% Prepared the Job Order contract with complete attachments
signature ol the JO personneland approval olthe Head ollhe
Agency with 1-15% minorerc|s

00% Prcpared the Job Oder contracl with complete atlachments with'16 30o/o $rastage

signature oflhe JO personneland approval ofthe Head ofthe

Agency with 16-300/0 minorenors

with 31'50% wastage in 4 working days

Prepared the Job Ordercontract with complete attachments
r signaturc ofthe JO personneland approval of the Head ofthe
ncy wilh '1-15 % major errors

with more than 50% wastage 5 workrng days

Below 80o/o DreDared lhe Job Order contracl with complete
nts for siqnature ol the J0 p€rsonneland approvalofthe
ofthe Agency with 16'30% major errors

Attached Forms and documents

Attached Forms Required documents
Iooroueo req,,ust ttot the Administrator requestfor a Job order Personnel
Personal Dala Sheet (PDS)
Pe6onal History Sheet Statement of duties and rcsponsibilities

[.1edical Certilicate Form Approved Qualitication Slandards fotthe Job Order position

BIR form (1902/1905,/2305) Medical Certiicate Form w/ Neuto-Psychiatric Evaluation

Authenticated Diploma and ToR
Renewal of Job Order contracts
Effectiveness Timeliness
Rating Quality
5 100% Prepared the renewal ol the Job Ordet contracl with complete with no wastage within 1 working day

attachments for signature ofthe JO personnel and approvalofthe

Head ollhe Agency with no enor

4 100% Preparcd lhe renewal of the Job Order contBct wilh complete with 1 15o/" wastage within23wo*ingdays
attachments for signalure oithe JO personnel and approvalofthe
Head ol the Agency with 1-150/0 minor enors

3 100% Prepared the renewalofthe Job Ordercontracl wlth complele with 16-30% wastage wilhin 4 working days
attachmenls for signature ofthe JO personnel and apprcvalofthe
Head ofthe Agency with 16 30 % minor erro$

with 31-50% wastage 5-6 working days

2 99-80% Prepared lhe renewalof the Job Order contEct with
complete attachments for signature ofthe JO pe|sonnel and
approvalof lhe Head ol the Agency wth 1 1506 majorenors

with more than 50% wastage 7 working days ot more

l Below 80% Prcoared the renewalofthe Job Order contEctwlth
complete attachmenls for signaturc oflhe JO personnel and

lapprovalofthe Head ofthe Agency with 16'30% major enols

Indorsement letter for opening of Landbank payrollaccount
E ticiency Timeliness
Rating Quality
with no waslage ithin 1 working day
5 100% Prepared, signed and endo6ed to the Cashier Unil
he letter lor lhe openrng ofthe Landbank payroll
account lor newly hired regular/Job Order peFonnelupon
receipt ofthe assumption to duty with no ercr

with 1-15% wastage in 2 working days

4 100% Prcpared signed and endorsed to lhe Cashier Unit
letterforthe opening ofthe Landbank payroll
ntfor newly hired regular/Job Ordel peGonnel upon
ofthe assumDtion to dutY with 1-15% minorerrors

with 16-30% wastage within 3 working days

3 00% Prepared, signed and endorsed to the Cashier Unit
letterforthe opening olthe Landbank payroll
nt lor newly hired regular/Job Oder personnel upon

receipl ofthe assumption to duty wilh 16-300/0 minorerors

with 31-50o/o wastage in 4 working days

2 99'80% Prepared, signed and endorsed to the Cashier Unit
e letler for the opening of Landbank payrollaccount tor newly
hired regular/Job Order personnel upon rcceiptof the assumplon
to duty with 1'15% majorerors

l Below 80% prepa.ed, signed and endorsed to the Cashier Unil with more than 50% wastage n 5 workrng days or more

letter for the opening of Landbank payroll accou nt for newly

hired regulariJob Order personnelupon receipt ofthe assumption
duty wilh 16-30% maiorenoE
Reply lener to electronic mailapplicants
Elfectiveness Timeliness
Rating Quality
wath no waslage uithro 1'3 working days after the scheduled deadline
1000/" Prepared and foMarded the reply letter to applicanls
wm no eror

100% Prepared and loMaded the reply letter t0 appllcanis with 1'15% wastage ithin 4-5 working days after the scheduled deadline

with 115% minor errors

3 100% Prepared and forwarded the reply letter to applcanls with 16'30% wastage .vithin 6 working days afterthe scheduled deadline

with 16-30% minor errcrs

with 31-50o/o wastage within 7'8 working days aflerthe scheduled deadline
2 100% Prcpared and forwarded the reply letter to applicanls
with 1-15 % major errcrs

with more than 50% wastage 9-12 working days after the scheduled deadline
1 100% Prepared and foMarded the reply letter t0 applcants

lwith 16 30 % major enoN

required to evaluate the applicants

Note: FoMaded reply tetter to appticanls through HRIIIDS electronic mail account who had submitted the complete documents
Notice of application for grant ot skills eligibility under CSC MC. it S, 1996
Rating Quality Effecliveness Timeliness
5 100o/o Prepared and forwaded the notice of application fofskills with no waslage 1 monlh before the renewalofthe appointment
eligibility under CSC MC. 11 S. 1996 t0 the concemed perconnel
with complete attachments with no errcr

100% Prepared and foMarded the notice of applicalion forskills wilh 1 15olo wastage hin 3 weeks before the renewalofthe aDDointment
ibility underCSC MC 11S. 1996 totheconcemed peFonnel
wilh complele attachmenls with 1-15olo minor errors

100% Prepared and foMarded the notice of application lof skills wilh 16-300/0 wastage within 2 weeks before lhe renewalofthe aDoointment
eligibility under CSC [,1C. 11 S. 1996 to the concemed peEonnel
ith complete attachments with 16 30o/o minorercrs

99-80%% Prepared and fonlarded the notice ofapplication for skills wilh 31-50o/o waslage in 1 weel before the renewa ot tte dppointment
ibility under CSC lt4c. 11 S. 1996 to the concerned personnel
wrth complete attachments wilh 1-15% majore|roN

I Eelow 80% prepared and lolwarded the nolice ofapplication with more than 50o/o wastage within 1 ,6 d ays before the renewal of the aDooinrmenr
r skills eligibility under CSC [,,1C. 11 S. 1996 io the concemed
perconnel with complete attachments with 16,30% major erroE

Attached Forms and documents

Required documents
Application fom Birth Certificate (NSO copy)
Actual outies and Responsibilities l\.larriage Certificate( NSO certified)
Certiticate of no pending administrative and/or crjminalcase Passport size lD picture with label
Certitication of applicanl's Perfomance Rating original and photocopy ofcompany tO
Authodzation letler Appointment paper of the employee concemed
Notice ofapplication for change ol peGonal information
Rating Quality Effectiveness TimelinesE

J 1 00% Prepared lhe transmittal and the application for the change with no wastage wilfrin 1 month before the renewaloflhe appointmenl

of personal inlormation ollhe concemed employee with complete

attachments wilh no enor

100% Prepared the transmitaland the application for the change with 1 15% wastage in 3 weeks before the renewalofthe appoinlment

personal informalion ofthe concemed employee with complete

nts with 1-15% minor enors

3 100% Pfepared the transmittal and the application for the change with 16-30% wastage within 2 weeks before the renewalofthe appointment
personal informatioo ofthe concemed employee with complele
attachmenls with 16-30% minorerrors

2 99-80%% Prepared the transmittaland lhe application for the with 31'50% wastage wiihin 1 week before the renewalofthe appoinlment

of personal infomation ofthe concerned employee with complete

with 1 15% minor erors

ow 80% prepared the transmittaland the application for the wilh more than 50% wastage n 1.6 days before tl'e'enewalof the appoinlment

perconal informalion of lhe concemed employee wilh complele

nts wilh16-300/o minor errors

Attached Forms and documents

Required documents
Bifi Cerlificate (NSO copy)
l\,4aniage Cedifcate( il mamed only NSO copy)
Affidavit of (2) d isinterested pemons
Bureau of Internal Revenue (8lR) Electronic registration forthe nelvly hired employees
Efficiency Timeliness
Rating Quality
5 100% Encoded and registered lhe BIR Form 1902 with its with no wastage wilhin 1-2 working days
I in the BIR "eREG'website with n0enor

4 100% Encoded and rcgistered the BIR Fom 1902 with its with 1-15% wastage within 3 worNing days

attachment in the BIR "eREG " websile with 1 15% minorerors

3 100% Encoded and registercd the BIR Fonn 1902 wilh its with 16-30% wasiage ithin 4 wo ing days

attachment in the BIR'eREG" website with 16-300/0 minorercm

2 % Encoded and registered the BIR Form 1902 with ils with 31 50% wastage within 5 working days
ment in lhe BIR'eREG " websile with 1-150/o maior errors

1 Fofin 1902 at its

BelovJ 80% encoded and regislered the BIR with morc than 50% wastage within 6 working days or more

a(achment in the BIR"eREG" website with 16 30% maiorenols

and must adherc with its policies and guidelines.
Note: Problems/error encountered in loading in the B lR "eREG" system will not be the basis for the failing mark ol the ratee.
and personnel
BIR Etectronic "data entry module" for updates of exemption and ofemployer's and employee's information (BlR form 2305)for the newly hired employees
Ratlng Efficiency Timeliness
5 100% Encoded and updaied the BIR Forns (1905 and 2305 ) wiih no wastage withinl2workingdays
with attachments at the BIR website'dafa onlry modrle"
with no error

4 100% Encoded and updated the BIR Forms (1905 and 2305 ) with 1 15% wastage /ithin 3 working days
anachments at lhe BIR v/ebsile " data enty nodule"
1-15% minorerors

3 100% Eocoded and updated the BIR Fom (1905 and 2305 ) with 16-30% wastage within 4 wo*ing days

wilh attachments at the BIR website "data eniry modure"

with 1-30o/o minor ercrs

2 -80% Encoded and updated lhe BIR (1905 and 2305 ) with 31-50% wastage in 5 wo*ing days
attachments at the BIR websile " data enty module"
1-15% major errors

1 Below 80% encoded and updated the BIR (1905 and 2305 ) with more than 50% wastage ithin 6 working days or more

its attachment at the BIR website "d.ta or(ry rnodute"

16-300/0 major enors

Note: Problems/eror encountered in loading/offline inthe BIR system "data entry module" willnot bethe basis olfailing markofthe ratee
Transmittal list of employees' membership and updates to the Bu.eau of Internal Revenue Otfice
Rating Quality Efficiency Timeliness
5 100% Pfepared, encoded and verilied the transmittal letter with no wastage wilhin the 1sf4th day ofthe following month
and its attachments for submission to BIR Revenue Dislrict Oflice
(RDO) 39 with no enor

4 100% Preparcd, encoded and veified the transminal letler with 1-15% wastage within lhe sth'gth day ofthe following month
and its attachments for subm ssion to 8lR Revenue Distnct Ofllce
(RDO) 39 with 1 15% minor enors

3 '100% Prepared, encoded and verified the transmitlal letter with 16-30% waslage on lhe 1oth day of the following month
and its attachments lor submission to BIR Revenue District Ottice

{RDO) 39 wilh 16-30% minor errors

2 100% Prepared, encoded and verifed the transmittal letter wilh 31-50% wastage within the 11lh-151h day ofthe lollowing month
and ils atlachmenls for submission to BIR Revenue District Office

{RDO) 39 wilh 1-15% major enors

1 Below 80% prepared ,encoded and verifred the transnittal letter with morc than 500/0 wastage wrtnrn tne 16th day or more ot lre lollowrng rnonth
transmittaland its attachments forsubmission to BIR Revenle
Disttict Ofiice (RDO) with 16-300/0 major errors

Basis I Revenue l,lemorand um Order Nos 20'201 5 and 59'201 5 on " y. Submission of supp oding documents: Enployer shall lhen validale and ensure lhe conpleteness
of the documents and shallsubmit the following supporting documents on or before the loth day ofthe tollowing month"
Transmittal list ofemployees'for membership and updates ot their record at PhilHealth
Rating Quality Efficiency Timeliness
5 100% Prepared, encoded and verified the transmittal with no wastage .iithin 1-14 days
and its attachments for submission to Philhealth Office wilh
no error

4 100% Prepared, encoded and verilied lhe trcnsmittal with 1 150/0 wasiage wilhin 15-29 days
and its attachments for submission lo Philhealth Oflice with
1-15% minor enors

3 100% Prepared, encoded and verified the transminal with i 6-300/0 wastage on the 30lh day
and its attachmenls for submission to Phihealth Ofllce wilh
16-30% minor enors

2 99-80% Prepared, encoded and verified the transmina with 31'50% wastage 31-40 days
and its attachments for submisslon to Philheallh Oflice with
1'15% malor enors

1 Below 800/o Prepared, encoded and veritied the transmitta with more lhan 50% wastage within 41 days or more
and its attachments for submisson lo Philhealth Otlice
with 16 30% major enors

Basis: Employe/s Ouick Guide: PhilHealth membership and contnbution

"Newly hired employees must be reported to PhilHealth wilhin 30 calendar days using E12 Form"

Attached Forms and documents

Er-2 Forn
PhilHealth l.lember Registration Form (PL,lRF)
Birth Certilicate (NSO Certified)
l\.laniage Cerliticate (NSO Certiiied)
Birth Cerlificate of dependents (NSO Certified)
Transmittal list of employe€s' record separated trom employment at Philhealth
Qualily E ficiency I Timeliness

5 100% Preoared. encoded and verified the transmittal of with no wastage within 1-14 days alter separation
emDlovees for submission to Philhealth Oflice with
no eror

4 100% Prepared, encoded and verilied the transmittal of with 1-15% wastage ithin 15-29 days after separation

separated employees for submission to Philheatth Office wilh

1-l5olo minor enors

3 100% Preoared. encoded and verified the tEnsmittalof with 16'30% wastage the 30th day after separation
parated employees for submission to Philhealth Oflice
16-30o/o minorerrors

2 Prepared, encoded and veritied the transminalfor with 31-50% wastage n 31-40 days atter separatron

separated employees lor submission to Philhealth Ofiice with

1-15% major erors

1 Below 80% prepared, encoded and ve fied the transmittalfor with more than 50% wastage within 41 days or more after separatlon

separated employees lorsubmission to Philheallh Oflice with

1-15% major erors

Basis: Employe/s 0uick Guide: PhilHealth membership and contribution

"Alt enptoyees separcled frcn enploqent nust be fomally rcpoded to PhilHealth wilhin 30 calendar days aftet separation'

Transmittal list of employees' for membership and updates oftheir record at Pag.lBlG
Rating Quality Efficiency Timeliness
5 100% Prepared, encoded and verilied the transmitlal list of wth no wastage within 1-14 days upon assumption to duty

mployees membeFhip and updates and lts attachments for

bmission to Pag-lBlG Omce with no enor

4 00o/o Prepared, encoded and verified the transmittal list of with 1 15% wastage wilhin 15 29 days upon assumption to duty
ployees memberchip and updates and its attachments for
ubmission to Pag-lBlG Office with 1-15% errors

3 00% Preoared. encoded and verilied the transmittal list of with 16-30% wastage ihe 30th day upon assumption to duty
yee membership and updates and its attachments for
!bmission to Pag-lBlG otlice wilh 16-300/0 minorerrors

2 '80% Preoarcd. encoded and venlied the transmittallist of with 31-50% waslage n 31'40 days upon assumplion to duty
mployees membeEhip and updates and ils attachments for
ission to Pag-lBlG Oflice wilh i'15olo major errc|s

1 ow 80o/o prepa.ed, encoded and verilied lhe transmittal list of with more than 50% waslage in 41 days or more upon assumption t0 duty

mployees memberchip and updates and its attachments for

ission to Pag-lBlG oflice with 16-300/" major enors.

Basis: R.A. No. 9679 under Section 6 stales that lor ' Newly hied enployees, the enployerc shall regislet lhen with the Fund wilhin 30 days lrn the statl of lhei enploynent'
1.2 Manpoler Devslopment & Informalion Unit (MDIU)

L H R D E other HR-related Activity Progtam
1 n-Houso TEinings
1 1.a Training Prcposal

1 b Coordination/pre implem€ntation
1 ResouDe Sp€akoc Concemod Offcials. Participants Venle & accomodatjon requ roments, Training Cerlfrcales
I 1c Condlcu mp €montation
1 1 .d Train ng Eva uat on Report

ll. performancc Management I 1 Co €ction Encoding and Filing of ndividual Pedormance Commitmenl and Review ( PCR) Forms

lll. Benelit3: 1. Processing ol Rellromenu Soparation Cla rns

lV. Informauon and Staustlca

1 Updeting ol [4aste{ Dtabas€ basod on Plantilla ol Positions and Aclual Wam Bod 6s
2 R€ports end olhgrs
3 Cerlrficaiions

V. Other PeEonnel Mater3

1 Lettors, lvemoranda & Sp€cial Ord€c
2 R€p]y to ouen€s
3 M nulgs ol Nleetiigs
4 Rgquests, invitatons and coordinal on ol activtes
5 Accoptance of oJT
6 Coordinatron in tl€ provrsion ol Employees Oflce UnLlorm

Intervening Talksl
1 l'/emb€rshrp to Committees/Oilicial Dos gnalions
l. HR0 &olhorH R.Rel ated Activity/Progfam
1. In-Hous6 T€inings


SLrbmitted and €ndorsed by thg ihe Diusion Chieffor

5 approva wth no 6rror upon its 2nd subm ssron Slbmrtled wrlhrn 10 wor*ing days

S-bmrlled o lh€ lh€ Dvrsro' chr€r w ll 1 2 'evison9

of mrnorsrcrs upon its 2nd submssron Approved wjlh n 11 to 14 work ng clays

SJom ttso lo lhe tn€ D r s,on Cnr€l uh 3 rev 9ro1s o'

3 minor efioc on 3d submission Approv€d wilh n 15 wo rng days

Submittod to th€ tho Dvision Chlef with 4 revisions

2 ol m nor erors upon 3rd subm ss on DeLayod by 1 to 7 5 {16-22 5) woi(ng days
Subnrtted to th6 Divrsion Chrel wrth 1-2 r9M6ions of
1 majoT eflors D€layed by 8 or mol€ (23 & more) workino days

PAGASA Order/Memoranda

'00% ol th€ Sp€oal 0de/ltlemo?'da a'E pr6pared

5 and submiltgd loth6 Chi€lAD wilh no erlor Wiih no wastage 10 days beforg th6 training

90 99% of lhg Sp€cial O.d€r/l\,lomoranda are

pr€p6€d and submrtted lo the Chl€lAD wlth 1-2
4 Wlh 1'2 wastag€s 7-9 days b€lore th6 trarn ng

80-890,6 ol lh€ Spoclal Ord€r/l\,4emoEnG ar€

pr€p€red and subm tted to lh€ Chlel AD wft14
3 antnot erols Wrth 3-4 waslag€s 5€ days b€iore ths tarn n!

70-790i of th€ Sp€cial Order/l4emoranda arc

pBpared and submitkd to the Chief AD with 1-2
2 malor €rlors 2-4 days b€lo€ the tla ning
50-69% of th€ Sp€cial oder/Momoranda ar€
prcpared and slbm llod lo th6 Chief AD with 3 &
1 more malor ofToTs Vl,ith more than 4 waslages 1 day before the trainlng

Resou rce Sp€ake6

100% ol th6 ResourcoSpeakeG ar6 rnfomedand

comm tted their availability/lime to the
5 lra aing/senrnar wth no aps6s 1 month b€loro the tr3rnlrg

100 % ol he Resowca sp6ak6rs arc inforn€d and

committed thoir availabr rty/time lo the
4 tra nin!/s€mind Mth 1'2 mrnor lapses 20 days b€foc the tra nrng

100 oA ot th€ Resource Spo€kors are niom€d and

commiited tfeir availability/lime to lhe
3 t|ainrng/sem nar wth 3'4 minor lapses l5 days belor€ the trafrng

100 % of th€ Rssoura€ Speak€rs ar€ infornod and

comrnitlod th6rr avarlabllriy/t mo to the
2 lEininq/s€minar with 1'2 major lapsos 10 days b€for€ tho traintng

100% of ih€ Resolrc€ Sp€akers are infomod and

comrnltted thar availab tynrrno to the
major apses 3 (hys b€lor€ the t|arning
1 lrarningy'sominar wlh 3 & more

b)Concem€d Ofticials

100% ot th€ concomod officials are nfofrned, and/

conlirmed attendance to th€ tmrning/semnar if
5 €qLrrred, with no laps€s 5 days belorc lho l,? ning

100 % otthe concemod oflicials ar€ inform€d, ancl/

conl ni€d attondance to lh€ l,?in ng/semimr rt
4 r8quircd with 1-2 mrnor apsas 2-4 days b€lor€ lhe lrarn ng
3A 88 a3g @34 dR!e
+a ;* El .-
=id 6iL E:.r s; s
6q {3q es3
EJ 9r Ti
g3 !1 ? FSE Nr6 !*a
I6o d96 iqo
:l o E;E
6d €g:c
;a =
I 6dd=;- qo
k9 v=d ?+ 1i;
dl gf E5 .?a
da 5= ;E
). 3_
- - :e

& s &
F E.
- =
a d d d
d E.
6 a z. 5
d d.
d E = ?. =
= =

d) Cenifical,es ol Atendance/Pa icipalion


100% ofll^e Celifcates ol Att€ndalce/ oan ctpa o_

5 ar€ propared and signod with no onor 4 days beforo lhe t|aining

100 06 o' h6 Celll.cates ol Aflerda1cd Datuc pal,o.

4 ar€ proparaj and sign€d withl-2 mrnor enors Wlh 1-2 wastages 2-3 days b€lo€ lhe lra nrng

90-99 % of the Cerlrfcrtes ol Atl€ndance/

Pancipation are prcpared and srgn€d with 3-4 rninor
3 Wth 3 4 wastag€s 1 day belore & dufng th6 irainlng

80-89 % of th€ Certrllcates ol Att6ndanc6/

Partcipaton are pr€pared and signed wth 1,2 rnajor
W th 4 waslagos 2-3 days afler th€ tm ning

79 oA & below ol th€ Cedilicat€s ol Attendafce/

parl croato.
a€ p€parBo and rgreo wl'no€ than
1 2 malor enot^s Wlh moG lhan 4 wastages 4 clays after th€ tra nrng

e)Venue !accommodation requiremenb (Canva$/Quotetion, Purcha3e 0rde6 & Contrac! Incloding paynentsl
100% of the requLred documontsarg process€d and
5 apprcvod with no laps€s lry th no wastage 5 days boforB lhe training

90-99% of the reqlired documonls aT€ pDcessed and

4 approved wth 1 2 mrnor aps6s Wlh 1-2 wastages 2-4 days b€lors lh€ trainlfg
80€9% of the requi€d documents ar6 p.ocossed and
3 aPpoved wrth}4 minor aps€s Wth 3.4 wastages 1 day belor€ lie training
70 79% of lhe.equ €d docurerrs are process€d a'o
2 approvod wlth 1 2 major laps€s lurjng the d€y ol th6 ttain ng

50 69% ol lhe requ €ddocur64rs are processed a_o

1 approved uth 3 & more malor apses With more than 4 wastages a day & morealter the training
Conducl ol Train in lemenlalion

Av6rag6 rating ol patcipants to lhe conctuct ot

trarn ng s 'oLrtstanding' ln allalning ts objeclrv€s
(ovaluatron ol both he Train ng Des gn and

5 Rosour.€ Sp€aksls orpert se) 100% ol lhe targeted parl crpants allendod Cond]lcted bul r*sch6drl6d onc€

Ave|ag€ rat ng ol parlrc panls to tho conducl ol

training rs Very SaUsfactorl in allaining its
obl€ctrvos (eva uation of both th6 TraLiing Dos gn
4 and Resouoe Sp€eke/s exp€rlis€) 90 99 oi oJ th€ targoted paidcipants atlended Conducted but r€-schedulsd 1-2 t mes

Avorage rating ot participants to lh6 Conducl of

Trainlng is'Salisfactov n attaining ls obl€ctives
(€va uatron ol both th€ Trainrng Dgsrgn and
3 Rosourco Sp6ak#s expense) 80-89 % of lhe taEot€d partcipants att€nd€d CondLrclod but rc sah€duled 34 trmos

Av€rag€ €lng of p€rtic pants to th€ Conduct of

Trarnrng is '1.1nsatrslactory' n attarning (s obi€cl ves

{€valuation ol boh the Trarning D€sgn and

2 Rosou|ca Speakols exp€dis€) 70.79 % ol h€ targgt€d panrciFnts attended CoidLrctod but re-sheduled 5 trm€s

Average rabng ot padrcrpants to ihe ConductoJ

Trainrng is Poo/ in attaining ils objeciives
(ova laton 01 both the T€in ng oesrgn and
1 Rasource Sp€ak6/s op€rtise) 50'69 % ol l,h€ laruet€d partrcipanls att€nded Coidlcted bul rc-scheduled more than 5 tmes
Trainin0 Evalu.tlon
Train ng €valuation €ports submitted to lh€ Ch el
5 AD with no €nor W thin 2-3 workirg days aft€r th€ conduct ol tarning
Trainlng gvaluation €ports subnritted to lh€ Ch €{,
4 AD with 1-3 rnrnor 6nors Wiihrn 4-5 WDs after the conduct oi tra nrng

Trarn ng €va ualron r@rts submrtted to th€ Chrel

3 AD wrih 45 rnrnor efrors Wrh n 6-8 WDs ailerthe conduclot tlarn ng
Trarn ng ova uation r€poris subm lted lo the Chi€f

2 AD w lh 1 2 melor enols Wthin 8'13 WDs atler the mfduct ot trarn ng
Trarning eva uation rcports subm tted to th€ Ch el
1 AD ulh more than 2 rnajor €nors Withrn mor6 lhan 13 WDs alter he conduct ol training
ll.1 Colle6ton, encod Commitnent and Revlelr (IPCR) Form
and filing of lndividual Perto rmance com

100% ol IPCRS rn eadr semester a€ collscled,

15 wofdng days after th€ setdeadrne
5 encoded and liled wtlr no onor

90 99 0,6 o{ PCRS in€ach semsster are co ecteo

gncoded and f led with 1'2 minor€nors Wrth 1-2 wastages 25 workina days after the set deadl ne

8O 89 % ol lPCRs in each somoslsr a€ coLocted

30 work iq &ys afler the set cl€adl ne
3 eicod€d and f 6d wilh 3.4 minorercls Wth 3-4 waslagos

70'79% ol IPCRS in each s€meslol alg coll€cted.

45 work ng days aller the sel cl€adl ne
2 €ncod€d and iiled wlth more 5 minor €nols

69% and B6low off PCRS in 6ach $mest€r are

f edwth major 6nols With mor6 than 4 wastagst b€yond 45 wo ng days after tho s€t deaollng
l collectod, €ncod€d and

100% ol r€tr€menrs€paratron cla ms ale processed
Wb,n 2 l wo{'q days alor subnsson oJ corDlele
upon submission ofth€ compl€16 allachmonts w(h

1000/6 of rehromonLrs€paratron cla ms arc pTocessed

upo- s-bn ss o" ol l's corpl€16 d'ta( h'n€rts wil' '_
With n 4 5 WDs altersubmssion ol complot€ attachments

100% oi r€trremenl/s€parat ori c a ms are pTocgsssd

.pon subrflssion o'h€ @roele altac m€nls wrlr l
Within 63 WDs aftersubmisson ol complet€ atlachments

90'99% of letir€menus€paratiof clairns aI6

pr@6ssed upon submission ol tho complete
Wthin 8-13 WDs altersubmission of compl€te attachments
2 attachnenis wlh 1-2 najor erors

89% of r€tirementseperation clalms ar€ prccossod

Wilhrn mo€ than 13 WDs alter altor suDmlssm 0l
upon subrnission ol ths complete attachments wrlh
compl€te atlachmsnis
1 mor€ lfan 2 malor enors
1V.1. UP0ATINGof MASTER 0ATABASE Bared on Plantillaof Poiitions and ActualWann Bodies
1000,6 of personne
movem€ntyappointmonts/rosignationV sepatattons
a€ acoporaled/uFdal€d In firasl€'Darabase wrh ro
5 Withrn 2.3 wo ng cJays alter th6 ond ol each rnonth
100% of porsonn€
movemsntJappointm€nls/r6signal ony s€paratioIs
ar€ ncoForat€dupdal€d In l,1aslgr Databalo w th 1 .

4 2 ninot €fiors Wlh n 4-5 WDs after the end ol each month
90-99% ol personas
movom€ntyappornlr€nlvreslgnal ony s@arat ons
are ncorporate<l/Lrpdal€d In [4ast6r Databas4 with 3.
3 4 mtnor orors Within 6{ WDs alt6r the end of each month

80-89% of p€rsonne
movom€ntyappoinlmsnls/resignatronv s€paralons
arc incoporatedupdal€d in l',,last6r Database with 1 .
2 2 major erors Wth n 8 13 WDs altef the end ol each month
/9% & Eelow of pelsonnel
movemenlsrappointmentshoslgnalrons/ separalrons
arc incoporalecl/uFal€d in l!4ssler Database with
1 rnore lhan 2 major eno's Within rnor€ than 13 WDsafler th€ end of each month
1v.2. RE PO RTSandother.
I Compl€x
1.1. R€port R€quBt€d wilh Urg€nq:
- Stalistical Dat€ ' CSC, CES8, Office of ttu Pr€sident, DOST DBM, S€nate & otherenliti€s
'Magna carta Roq.rircm€nts - DoST & DBM
-G€nder & Deve opmont - DoST & PcW
'AccorFlshmdlt R€porl to FPMD/PPDU
| 2 Rsgular R€pon
-Plantilla ol llomizaton of Personnel PositJons {PSlPoP)to DBM
'Stat€m€nt ol Assets, Liabililos & Net Worth (SALN)- CSC E Ofircg ol ths Onbudsman
- Carc€r Er€drtiv€ SeMco Peiloflnanc€ Evaluation Shoots (CESPES) for he 3rd Lovol Ofiicisls to CESB
'Agency Rgmitiance Aakic€ lo Gsls
- Pfintng ol DTRS
I Sinpl€
ll.1 Repod Reglaeted wlh Urg€ncy
- Invontory ol Gov€mmenl A!€ncy Persoflnel

' Stel stic€l R€pon lP€rsonnsl D€mographys and Wann Bodios )

ll 2 Prealatioll of ldgntiticalron Cad (lD)for R€€ula/pennan€nt Job oder Conl,€ct p€Eonnd and On'theJob Tcir€€s

Repod Requested with urgency


100% ol Reports l€quested with lrgency & ass gi1€d

5 for rmmodral€ act on p€par€d and submitted
rooplex , wth n 1 to 2 Gys upon r€quest or with n 1fe set
100% co.rpl€x - wlh 1 to 2 €visions Complsr - with 1-2 waslagos l€adlrfe
100% simplg - wth rD rcvrsion {no €nod S mpe wilh no wastag€ simple 1 to 4 hous upon rcquest

10%-1000,6 ol Reports rcquosted with urg€ncy &

,ssign€d for mm€diat€ action propared and
3 rubmitted

30%'99% comdex $th3to4 6nors Complox with 3 to 4 wastages Complo( -wlh I th6 s6t d€adlin€ or poriod of oxlsnsion

]5%100% simple - with 1 to 2 eno|s 3impls - with 1to2 wastages Simp 6 ' 5 hours to 1 day upon rcquest

8€ ow m% of Repolts requested w lh lrgency &

assigned lor mm€diat€ action pr€pared and
l subm tted

B€ow 80% complex - wljr5 and morg rovrsions :ompler - with 5 and nrore wastages Complex €ller lhe extens on p€hod
Beow95% simple - wh 3 and more revrsions S mp€ ' ulh 3 and mo€ wastages Sinrpls- alter he deadline

Preparatlon ol ldentificalion Card (10) lor Regu lar/pemanent, Job Oder employe€3 and On.the-Job Tfaine€s


1000,6 of lDs ar€ pr€parcd and submiltodfor

signature of concemed officialupon submssion oi W,lh - 2-3wofting days aller subnss'on o/ coTpLelo
5 tompleto p€rsonal information wilh no gfior With no waslage attachments

100% ol lDs are prepaBd and subm lted lor

s gnalure of concerned oific al upon subrnrss on ol
complete p€Tsonal intormatron wlh 1.2 m nor enors Wrth 1-2 wastages Wh n 4 5 WDs alt6r sutrn sson ol complele attachm€nts

100% ol lDs are pr€p€red and subm lted lor

sgnalu€ of concerned ollic al upon subrnrsson ot
comp et€ pe.sonal infonnation ulh 3-4 minor enors W th 3-4 wastages Within 6-8 WDs aft€r submrssion ot comolet€ attachments

80-99% ol lDs are preparcd and submitt€d lor

s gnaturo of concemed offrcia upon submission of
2 comp ete porsona n{omat on with 1 '2 major eror With 4 waslages With n 8-1 3 WDs after subrnission of comolste attachments

7906 andbelow of lDs are prcpared andsubmlled

Io'srg^alufe o' concered offrcal upon subTrssro' o'
comp ete p€Eona nlormat on with morc lhan 2 Wrth n 14 WDs or more after afler submission ol complete
I major 6nors Wth morc than 4 wastages allachments

100% 01 Regular R€po.ts assignod lor action
actedcoordnat€d and submitied wlh no 6r,.0r 2 woi(ng days pnor the set d€adline

100 % ol Regular Repolts assrgned {or aclton acted

/coordinaled and submriiod wrlh -2 mrnor enol.s
1 I work ng daypior the s€t d€adline

100 % ol R€gLrlar Rqorts assrgn€d lor actim act6d

/mordinatod and submitt€d with 34 rninor enors

80-9906 o' aeg-la' R€pons ass gned 'o act on ac€o

/coordrnated and submilled w th more 5 m nor
sllofs 1 fty alt€r the set deadlin€
79% and Bdow ol Regulaf Repons assign€d lor
actron acl€d/coo.d nated afd subfir tted $th maior
sr0G th mor€ lhan 4 waslages 2 days aller or beyond
1 E.npioymenl & Comp€nstion 6 Performance Ratrng
2 No Pending Adrninistratve Cas6 7 NetTaks Horne Pay
3 S6Mce Rocod 8 Refercnco Pupos€s
4 Declaralron of Depend€nls I Employm€nt lcgnrfcate of Empioym€nt)
5 L63ve Wlhout Pay 10 Loan Purpos€s
100% of Cedificat ons r6quesl6d a|e acted upon with
5 With no wastage Wthin 1 lo 4 hours upon bquesl
100% ol C€rt llcatrons rcquost€d are act€d Lrpon w th
4 1-2 mrnor enols Wth 1-2 w6stag€s Within 5 hours to 1 working d€y upon rcquest
100% ol Cerlflcations reqr6st6d are acted upon
3 wilh 3-4 minor efroc With 34 waslages Withn2 workng days
80-99% oJ Ceidfications requostod are acled upon
2 wlir more lhan 5 rninor 6rmrs Aiter 3lo 4 wo ru days
B€low e0o,{ Csrtrfcations reqr€sted are acted upon
l with major eno6 Wth more than 4 wasiagos Aft€r 5 worklng days or boyond
Complex Leller & Memo

100% ot complox ett€rs, memos ass gned lor action

5 aclod upon wrli no eror upon rls 1 st subm ss on 1 wo ng day
90.990,6 ofcomplex lollers memos assignedlor
aclion acted upon wth 1-2 minorenors upon its 2nd
4 subm ssrcn Wlth 1-2 wastages 1 day afd 2 hrs
80 89% ol complex etto|s, memos assrgnedfor
actron actsd upof wh3-4 m nor 6|rors lpon its
3 2nd submission With 3-4 wastag€s 1 day and 4hrs
70-79% ol cornplex l6lters, memos assignod lor
actton actod upon wrlh 5 minor 6arors upon ils 3rd
2 suomsson 1 day and 6hrs
Bglow 70% oi complgx lstlers m€rnos assignsd for
aclion act6d upon wilh major enols upon tts 3d
1 suDm ss on Wrth more lhan 4 wastages 2 days
Simple Letter & Memo

1 00% ol sirnplo letters m€mos assignod for action

5 preparod wiih no onor upon its 1st submission ld th no wastag€ W thin t how
100 % of srmpio €ltors, memos assigned loraction
prcpared $th 1 2 minor eno|s upon ts 2nd
s!0msslon With 1,2 wastages Within 2 hours
100 % of simple ettsrs, memos assignod iof acl on
pr€pared wth 3-4 minor 6nors upon its 2nd
3 submrss|0n Wrlh 3-4 wastag€s Within 3 hours
1 00 of simple letters momos ass gn€d for action
prgoared */ - I oay ,ti h 3-4 T,nor orrcs rpor its lrd
2 suDmtss|on With 4 wastages
Belowg0% of simpl€ €llers memos assigned for
action pr€par€d with majorenors upon ils 3rd
1 submission With more lhan 4 wastages With n 2 days

A{prcved by the D vislon Ch ef upon 1 st sL,bm ss on
5 of ihe drall €p y lotl€r Reples lo qu€nos s€nt reth n an av€rage ol 10 days

Approved by th6 D Msion Ch ef upon 2nd submisson

cf ihe draft €p y lgtter with 1 -2 m nor
4 "_hanggyrolrsions With 1 2 wastagos R€p|es to qu€r es sent w th n an av€rage ol 1l to 14 days

Approved by th6 Division Chiel upon 2ndsubmission

ol the draft leply lettor wllh 3-4 rnnor
3 changevrevrsions !!ith 3-4 wastages R€p 6s to quories sent within 15 days upon |€ceipl

Approved by tho Divrsion Chief upon 3rd subm ss on

of the dralt rcply 6tterwlh morcthan4minor
2 changedaevgons Reples s€nt clelayed by an av€Gge ol 1 to 7 5 days

Apprcved by the Divrsron Chiel upon 3rd subnrs9on

l ofthe drafi €ply €tterwth rnalor changeJrcvis ons With moro than 4 wastages R€plies sent d€layed by an av€rage of8 or rnoE days


lvlinlles ot m6etng subm ttod to the Chiet, AD W no
5 6nor lpon ils 2nd submission 5 work ng days alterconduct of the meelrng
lV l-les or neel'g subr rred o lhe C\6' AD flh I

4 2 m noTenors ls 2nd submrssrm With 1 2 wastages 6 WDs allerconductol lh6 me€ting

M nirtqs oi meeting subm lt€d to lhe Chief AD
3 with}4 minor€rors ts 2nd sLrbm ss on Wrth 14 wastag€s 7 WDs aflercondLrctot lhe meeting

M nutes of m€€ling submitt€d to lhe Chiel AD with

2 more than 4 €nors iis 3rd submssion With 4 wastag€s I WDs after conduct of the meeting
l\,1 nut€s ol mo€lrng submitted to th6 Chiel, AD wilh
1 major €Irors its 3rd sub.n ssion With more lhan 4 waslages mo€ than 8 WDs aller conduct ol th6 mesting
B!P aR= 3gP 3AA o
€d3 BeS o
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V.6. C 0 O RD INATE D lhe Provision of Employees ofllce Unifom
90 100% coordrnated the m€asurom€nts, paymonts,
delivgry and distfbut on ol Office lJnilorm to the
5 €mployees with no apses within the 1'15 days altor d€livory

80 89% coordrnated the measuremonts, pafnonts,

d€ vory and distibutiof ol Otfce lJniform to th€
6rnp oyees wrthl-5 minor laps€s wrthin the 16- 30 days afl€r deliv€ry

70 79% coordinaled the rneasurcmonts, pafnonts

deliveryand drstrlbution ol Ollic€ ljn fofln lo th€
€mployees wrth 1-5 rn nor lapses wrlh n th€ 31- 45 days afler delivery

60-690,6cmrdlnat€d the measlremonts, paymonts

d€ very and distribulron oloflico ljnifom lo th€
2 8mp oyoes with 1-2 major laps€s wthin the 46- 60 d€Ys aflor dellvery

Bolow 600,6 coord nat€d the msaslrements

Fyments d€l very and d slnbut on of Otlce Unlonn
1 to tho employe€s wth mo€ than 2major lapses wthin the 61 days and more days after d€livery

Category D€.linition
are ach gved
The oxtont to which actua p€rformance compar€s w th tarueted perlofrnance The d€gr€€s to which obieciives
Th6 ellent to which ttfi€ or rcsouoes is used lor the ntended task or purpos€ lveasurcs wholher targots are a@ompllshed
Efriciency *ilh a minimum amowtor quanltty of waste, €xpense or unnecesgary elfotl

performance indicators eva uate such things as pDjecl comp etion de€dlinos limo managemont skil s and olh$ lime_
Timelinest s€nsilrve exp€clattons
Ra0ng D6criptlon
perfomanco €presenls an extraodinary level of achievement and commitrn€nt in t€nns olquality and time, t€chnicalskills
and knowl€dge, jngenuity crgalivily and inilia[ve Emp oye€s at this p€donnance lev6l shou]d have clemonst€led
exc€plronallob rnastery n alimalorareas ol fgsponstbrlv Ernp oy€e achi6vem6nt and conlnbul ons to lhe organzallon are
5 0utstanding ma od e)(@ll6nce.

4 V€ry Satistactory Perlorrnance exceoded exp€ctations Allgoa s oq*tiu@

goals w€re
Porlomancs rn€t er!€ctaiiois In tsms of qlalLty of work, €tliciencf and timsliness Th€ ftrcst cntica annual
3 Sairslactory m€t.

2 Unsatislaclory P€dormance lailsd to me€t sxp€clations, andor on€ of mo.€ oJ lh€ most cdticsl goals w€r€ not mqt

Psrformance was mnsistenuy b€low epeclattons andor reasofab e pogress Iowad cntlcai goa s was nol rna{b
I S onrircenl ,mDDvement ,s ne€o€d In one o nore rmpolanl areas

Mlnor Enor eFor 1 senl€nc€ sll.ictuG slct as sLqecl v€lb agroe-gnl. 'aFprcpnae -s€ 9r !.onou^ fo'g sp€llrng. wong punclualon slrro o gramna' 6'10r' ola_lzator

*j", Er.", - r"r.**"*"t"r t bg rnappropnalo onlry oT nam€s, erongols r€commendation of poiod accredited/not accrBdirgdresolution/oplnion and nappropnate

Urgent Repod means ttps€ r€qrosted wth ueency The tlmg hame of recsipl and the r€quirod subrnission is 1 wo* ng day to 3 wo ng days (DoST, DBIM Ofiice o{ th€ Presid€nt,

PAGASA'FPMo for Congress & S6nate, & othels)


Simple Repo - data arc available and c€h bo consolidat€d and generat€d wlhin 1 to 4 houls

Complex Le[€r E Merno - requires citallonJreler€nc€s of ]6gal provisions oprnions andguidanco lrom th€ manag€rnenl and other conc€m€d p€.sonnel

a-t- *"r - **t -, --"tt ," -urse ol work (re, lormai lotlers qlswer to Eg!!L9!!11!]g!9E

lll. Manpower Assistance and Benefits Unit (MABU)



5 '100o/o GPs acted upon with no error no wastage within '1 hour or less

4 100o/o GPs acted upon with 1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages within 2-3 hours

3 100o/o GPs acted upon with 4-6 minor errors 34 wastages within 4-5 hours

2 100% GPs acted upon with 7-9 minor errors $6 wastages within 6-7 hours

1 100o/o GPs acted upon with maior error 7 and more wastages beyond 7 hours


'1. Magna Carta Benefits 5. Collective Negotiation Agreement
2 Bonus and Cash Gifi 6. Medicat Allowance
3 Productivity Enhancement Incentive 7. Performance Based Bonus
4. Clothing Allowance



5 1OO% GPs acted upon wrth no error no wastage within t hour or less

100% GPs acted upon with 1-3 minorerrors 1-2 wastages within 2-3 hours
'100o/o GPs acted upon with 4-6 minor 14 wastages
3 eftors within +5 hours

2 100% GPs acted upon with 7-9 minor errors $6 wastages within 6-7 hours

1 100% GPs acted upon with major error 7 and more wastages beyond 7 hours


1 .
Salaries & PERA of regular employees paid at the end of the month
2. Salaries & PERA and MC Benefits (late submission of DTRS)
3. Monetization
4. Salaries of Job Order personnel
s.RATA of key officials

D t S B U RS E MEN T vO UC H E RS ( DVs)

100o/o DVs acted upon with no error within 10 minutes or less

4 10070 DVs acted upon with 1-3 minor errrors 1-2 wastages within 1 1-'15 minutes

3 90-100% DVs acted upon with 4-6 minor errors 3-4 wastages within 16-20 minutes

2 51-89% DVs acted upon with 7-9 mlnor errors $6 wastages within 21-25 minutes

I Below 50% DVs acted upon with major error 7 and more wastages Deyono 25 minutes


1. Initial salaries 5. RATA

2. Salaries & PERA and Benefits 6. Overtime & Nighldifferential pay
3 Salaries and Magna Carra difiercnt|als due to promotion
4. Monetization of leave credits



100% AFUClearance acled upon with no error no wastage acted upon within '1-2 minutes

100% AFUClearance acled upon with '1-2 minor errors 1-2 wastages acted uoon within 34 minutes
90-100o/o AFUclearance acted upon with 3-4 minor errors 3-4 wastages acted upon wilhin t6 minutes

5'l-89% AFUClearance acted uoon with 5-6 minor errors 5-6 wastages acted upon within 7-8 minutes

Below 50o/o ofAFL/Clearance acted upon with major error 7 and more wastages acted upon beyond 8 manutes

Vacation Leave 5. Special Privilege
Forced Leave
6. Maternity
Calamity Leave 8. Parental
Leave I
Rehabilitation Leave
Magna Carta ofwomen
VAWC Leave
Terminal Leave
Study Leave

5 100% leave certificate acted uoon with no errors no wastage oreoared within 15 minutes or less

100% leave certificate acted upon with 1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages prepared within 16-20 minutes

3 100% leave certificate acted uoon with 4-6 minor errors 3'4 wastages prepared within 21-25 minutes

2 100% leave certificate acted upon with 7-9 minor errors 5-6 wastages prepared within 26-30 minutes

I '100% leave certificate acted upon with major error 7 and more wastages prepared beyond 25 minutes

GENERAL PAYROLLS (Overtime and Night-diflercntial Pay)


100o/o of ND/OT pay acted upon with no error no wasrage acted upon within 3 hours or less

100% ND/OT pay acted upon with '1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages acted upon within an average of 4 hours

90-100o/o ND/OT pay acted upon with 4-6 minor errors 3-4 wastages acted upon within an average of 5 hours

51-89% ND/OT pay acted upon with 7-9 minor errors 5-6 wastages acted upon within an average of 6-8 hours

1 Below 50o/o ND/OT pay acted upon with major

7 and more wastages acted upon beyond 1 day
DISBURSEMENT VOUCHERS (Nigh,-difterential & Overtime Pay)

5 acted upon within 10 minutes or less

100% ND/OT pay acted upon wath no error no wasEge

4 acted upon within 11-15 minutes

100o/" ND/OT pay acted upon with 1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages

90-100% ND/OT pay acted upon with 4-6 minor errors 3-4 wastages acted upon within 16-30 minutes

51-89o/o ND/OT pay acted upon wilh 7-9 minor errors 5-6 wastages acted upon within 31-60 minutes

Below 50% ND/OT pay acted upon with major error 7 and more wastages acted upon beyond t hour

Ce d i fi c at i o n s,/ M e m o s/N oti c e s/L ette rs (w i th to rm a t)

5 1 00% certitications/memos/notices/letters prepared within an average of 30 minutes or

no wastage
acted uoon with no error tess
4 1 00% certifi cations/memos/notices/letters
1-2 wastages prepared within an average of 31-45minutes
acted uoon with 1-2 minor errors
J 90- 1 00% certifi cationVmemos/notices/letters prepared within an average ot 46-59
3-4 wastages
acted uDon with 3-4 minor errors mrnutes
2 51 -89o/o certilications/memoVnotices/letters prepared within an average of 1-2 hours
5-6 wastages
acted uoon with 5-6 minor errors

Below 50o/o of certifications/memos'/notices/letters 7 and more

1 prepared beyond 2 hours
acted uDon with maior error


/cl \z
Leave Without Pay Habitual Tardiness Salary Overpayment Non_submission of DTRS
Nei Take Home Pay Habitual Absenieism Magna Carta Overpayment Inconsislenyhandw.itten entrres

DAILY TIME RECORDS (DTRS) of Job Order employees


5 100o/o DTRS verified with no error no wastage verified within 'l-5 minutes

100% DTRS verified with 1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages verified within 6'10 minutes

'100% DTRS vefified with 4-6 mrnor errors

3 34 wastages verified within 11-15 minutes

2 100% DTRS verified with 7-9 minor errors S6 wastages verified within 1G20 minutes

100% DTRS verilied with major error 7 and more

1 verified beyond 20 minutes

DAILY TIME RECORDS (DTR') ot Regular and Part-time emptoyees

5 100% DTRS verified with no error no wasrage verified within '10 minutes or legs

4 100% DTRS verified with 1-3 mtnor errors '1-2 wastages verified within 11-15 minutes

3 100o/o DTRS verified w{h 4-6 mtnor e.rors 3-4 wastages veritied within 16-20 minutes

2 100o/o DTRS veflfied wrth 7-9 minor errors t6 wastages verified within 2l-25 minutes

7 and more
1 100o/o DTRS verified with major enor verified beyond 25 minutes

lll. Manpower Asslstance and Benefits L.lnll (MABIJ)

5 100% GPs acted r.rpon with no error no wastage wthin t houror less

100% GPs acted upon with 1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages wth n 2-3 hours

3 10070 GPs act€d upon w th 4$ minor errors 34 wastages within 4-5 ho!rs

2 100% GPs acted upon w th 7-9 minor errors 5{ wastages within 6-7 hours

1 100o/o GPs acted upon w th major error 7 and more wastages oeyon0 7 holrs


1. lragna Carta Benefts 5. Co ectrve Negotaton Agreement
2. Bonusandcashcft 6. MedicalA owance
3. Productrvrty Enhancemenl Incentrve 7. Performance Based Bonus
4 C oth ng A owance

100% GPs acted upon wilh no enor no wastage within t houror less

100% GPs acted uoon wth 1-3 mlnor errors 1-2 wasiages within 2-3 hours

3 100o/o GPs acted lpon with 4-6 minor errors 3-4 wastages within 4-5 hours

2 100% GPs acted upon wilh 7-9 minor errors 5-6 waslages within 6-7 ho!rs

1 100% GPs acted uoon with maior error 7 and more wastiages beyond 7 houfs
1 . Salar es & PERA of regu ar emp oyees pa d at the end of the month 5 ) RATA of key officra s
2. Sa ar es & PERA and I\rC Benef ts ( ate submission of DTRS)
3. I\,,lonetzation
4. Salaries of Job Order personne

5 100% DVs acled lpon wrth no error no waslage within '10 minutes or less

4 100% DVs act€d upon with 1-3 minor errrors 1-2 wastages with n '11-15 minutes

3 90-100% DVs acted upon with 4-6 minor enors 3-4 wastages with n 16-20 rn nutes

2 51-89% DVs acted upoo w th 7-9 mlnor errors 5$ wastages wrthn2l-25mnutes

1 Below 50% DVs acted lpon wth major error 7 and more wastages beyond 25 minutes

1 In(ral salar es 5 RATA
2. Sa aries & PERA and Benetlts 6 Overt me & N g hld ffereniia pay
3. Salar es and lragna Carta d fferent a s due to oromotion
4. Monetization of leave credits
100% AFL/C earance acted uoon wth no error no wastage acted upon w thin 1-2 minutes

100% AFL/C earance acted upon wth 1-2 rn nor efiors 1-2 wastages acted upon within 3-4 minutos
90-100% AFL/C earance acted upon with 3-4 rninor errors 3-4 wastages acted upon wrthrn $6 m nlrtos

51-890/0 AFUClearance acted uoon with 5-6 minor errors 5-6 wastages acted upon wth n 7-8 m nltes
Be ow 50% ofAFL/C earance acted lpon with major error 7 and more wastages acled upon beyond I minutes

1 Vacatron Leave 5. Specal Priv ege Leave 9. Rehabil tat on Leave

2. S ck Leave 6. Maternrty Leave 10 Magna Cada ofWomen
3. Forced Leave 7 Palernrty Leave 11. VAWC Leave
4. Calamlty Leave 8. ParentalLeave 12. Temina Leave
13. Stldy Leave
5 100% l6ave c€rtificate acled uoon with no errors no wagraga prepared wlthin 15 minutes or less

100% l6ave cerlificate acted uoon with 'l-3 m nor errors 1-2 wastagas pfepared w thin 16-20 m nutes

3 100% leave certificate acted upon with 4-6 m nor errors 3-4 wastages prepared w thin 21-25 m nutes

2 100% leave certrfcate acted upon wilh 7-g m nor orrors 5€ waslages prepared w thrn 26-30 m nutes

1 100% eave certficate acted LJpon with malor error 7 and more wastages prepared beyond 25 m nutes

GENERAL PAYROLLS and t-dlfferentlal Pa
100% of ND/OT pay acted lpon with no error no wastage acted upon with n 3 hours or ess
10070 ND/OT pay acted upon wrth 1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages acted upon within an avorage of4 hoLrrs
90-100% NDiOT pay acted upon w th 4-6 mrnor errors 3-4 wastages acted upon within an averago of 5 ho!rs
51-89% ND/OT pay acted upon with 7-9 minor errors 56 wastages act€d upon within an average of 6-8 hours
1 Be ow 50% ND/OT pay acted lpon with major
7 and moro wastages actod upon beyond 1 day


100% ND/OT pay acted lpon with no error no wastage acted !pon within 10 minutes or less
4 '100%
ND/OT pay acted upon with 1-3 minor errors 1-2 wastages acted upon with n 11-15 m nutes
90-100% ND/OT pay acted !pon with 4-6 minor errors 3-4 wastages acted upon wthin 16-30 minutes
51-89% ND/OT pay acled upon wrth 7-9 m nor errors 5{ wastages acted upon w thin 31-60 minutes
Below 50% ND/OT pay acted lpon wth major errof 7 and rnore wastages acted upon beyond t hour

C e n I f I c a t I o n s,lMe m o s / Notices/tetf ers
5 00% certifications/rnemos/notices/letters
1 preoared wrtn l a- average ot 30 rrrn-les or
no wastage
acted upon wth no error less
1 00% cerUfications/memos/notices/letters
1-2 wastages pfepared with n an average of 31-45minules
acled uoon with 'l-2 minor errors
3 90-1 00% certif ications/nemos/notices/letters
acted upon with 3-4 minor errors
3-4 wastages prepared within an average of 46-59 fi nutes
2 51 -89o/o cen f rcalrons/mernotnotrces/leners
55 wastages propared with n an average of 1-2 ho!rs
act6d upon with 5S minor errors
1 Bolow 50% of cedificat ons/memos/ootrces/l€tters
7 and mora waslages Prepared beyond 2 hours
acted !oon with maiof error


Leave Without Pay Habilua Tard ness Salary Overpayment Non-submiss on of DTRS
Net Take Home Pay Habitual Absenteism l\ragna Carta Overpayment lnconsisienuhandwr tten enlries on DTRS


5 1007o DTRS venfied with no error no wastage verified wlhin 1-5 minutes

100% 0TRs verified wlth 1-3 minor orrors 1-2 waslages verfied wrthin 6-10 minutes

3 100% 0TRs venUed wrth 4-6 rninor errors 3l wastages verifred withrn 11-i5 rn nutes

2 100o/o DTRs verified wrth 7-9 m nor errors 5€ wastages verified within 16,20 minutes

l 100% DTRS verifed with malor error 7 and more wastages ver fed beyond 20 mrnutes

DAILY TIME RECORDS (DTR') of Resular and Part tlme
5 100% DTRS verified w th no error no waslage verilled wth n 10 minules or less

4 100% DTRS verfied wth 1-3 mrnorerrors 1-2 wastages verfied wrth n 11-'15 minutes

3 100% DTRS verifed wth 4-6 m nor errors 34 wastages verified wrthrn 16-20 m nutes

2 100% DTRS verified with 7-g minor errors 5-6 wastages verified within 21-25 m nutes

1 100% DTRS verified with malor error 7 and more wastages verified beyond 25 m nutes

b.-'- ',t-.*
Chief, HRMDS
4 fq


within 2 minutes (Per oR)
5 130% Prepared and issued official s for PAGASA collections

with 1 2 wastaees within 4 minute5

4 120'129% Prepared and issued Official Rece for PAGASA collectrons
with i'2 minor error ithin 10 minutes
with 3 4 wastages
3 100-119% red and issued Official Receipts for PAGASA collections
with 2'3 minor errors
with 4-5 \x ast within 15 minutes
2 90-99% Prepared and issued official Receipts for PAGASA collections
with 4-5 minor errors
with 6 and more wastages within 30 m nutes
I red and issued Official Receipts for PAGASA collections
with 1 maior error


Banr within t hour
5 130% Prepared Deposit Slips for PAGASA collections and deposited the sarne to Land l
with no error
pAcrsn .olle.tlon' and deposited th' with 1 2 wastages within 1.5 hours
4 l20lli4E6l[d D6*it Slips for.
'a-' to Lund Eank
with i-2 minor error within 2 hou rs
th' to L"nd B'nk with 3-4 wastages
3 l6ij1;t;;-"*d slip, fo, PAGAsA .oll".tiont
P..p"*d :r'9ol

with 2-3 minor errors
with 4-5 wastages ithin 3 hours
2 66164 Prepared oeposit slips for PAGASA collections and deposited the same to Land Bant
with 4-5 minor errors
with 6 and more wastages within 4 hours
1 i0..F%PrepareJ Deposit Slips for PacASA collections and deposited the same to Land Bant
with 1 rnajor error

Page 1of 8


5 130% Prepared and recorded checks/LDDAP-ADA
withan 30 minutes per

12o 129% Prepared and recorded checks/LDDAP ADA with 1-2 wastages within t hour per

with i-2 minor error

3 100 119% Prepared and recorded checks/LDDAP-ADA with 3 4 wastages within 1.5 hour per

with 2-3 minor errors

2 80 99% Prepared and recorded checks/LDDAP-ADA with 4-5 wastages within 2 hours per

1 70 79% Prepared and recorded checks/LDDAP ADA with 6 and more wastages within 2.5 hours per

with 1 major error

PREPARATIoN oF ADvtcE oF cHEc$ & tssuED (AcrclFoR suBMrsston ro urrro arui or rnETFiIiFFiIiSTEii
Rating qUAUTY
5 130% Prepared ACIC and submitted to LBP 1o wastages within 30 minutes per

4 120% Prepared ACIC and submitted to LBP with 1-2 w t hour per
1-2 minor error
3 100 119% Prepared ACIC and submitted to LBP with 3 4 wasta 1.5 hour per
2-3 minor errors
2 80-99% Prepared ACIC and submitted to LBP rth 4-5 wastages wathin 2 hours per
ith 4-5 minor errors
1 lO 19% Prcpared ACIC and submitt€d to LBP with 6 and more wa within 2.5 hours per
ith 1 major error

Page 2 of 8


5 100% Prepared and reviewed remittances and remitted the same to LBP within 5 hours

100% Preparedand reviewed remittances ard remitted the same to LBP with 1-2 wastages within 1 a day
with 1-2 minor error
3 100% Prepared and reviewed rernittances and remitted the same to LBP with 3 4 wastages within 2
with 2 3 minor errors
2 90 99% Prepared and reviewed remittances and remitted the same to LBP with 4-5 wastages within 3 davs
with 4-5 minor errors
1 below 90% Preoaredand reviewed remittances and remitted the same to LBP with 6 and more wastages within 4 days
with 1 major error



100% red application forms and other docum€nts for openine PAGASA Bank Accoul,1t within 5 hours

100% Prepared application formslnd other documents for opening PAGASA Bank Account with 1'2 wastages within 1 a day
with i-2 minor error
100% Prepared application forms and other documents for opening PAGASA Eank Account with 34 wasta within 2
with 2 3 minorerrors
90-99% Prepared application forms and other documents foropening PAGASA Bank Account with 4 5 wastages jthin 3 days
below 90% Prepared application forms and other documents for opening PAGASA Bank Account with 6 and more wastages
ith 1 major error

Page 3 of 8


5 100%Prepared and submitted reports complete with attachments 3 davs before the deadline
4 100%Prepared and submitted reports complete with 1 2 incomplete attachments with 1 2 wastases 2 davs before the deadlane
3 100%Prepared and submitted r€ports cornplete wrth 1 minor error with 3-4 wastages
2 90-99%Prepared and submitted reportt comp ete with 2_3 minor errors with 4-5 wastaees 2 days delay
1 below 90%Prepared and submitted reports complete with 1 major error with 6 and more wastages 5 days delay



5 100%Prepared and subm tted reports complete with attachments 3 days before the deadline
100%Prepared and subm tted reports with 1-2 incomplete attachments with 1 2 wastases 2 days before the deadline
3 100%Prepared and submitted reports with 1 minor error with 3-4 wastages on time
2 90-99%Preoared and submitted report5 with 2 3 minor errors with 4 5 wastages 2 days delay
1 below 90% Prepared and submitted reports with 1 major error with 6 and more wastages 5 days del


offlctAL REcErPrS{oR) & cHEcKs
5 100%Prepared ,reviewed and submitted reports with no error no wastaSes 3 days beforethe deadline
4 100%Prepared . reviwed and submitted reports complete with 1 2 minor errors wjth 1-2 wastaees 2 days before the deadline
3 100%Prepared reviwed and submitted reports complete with 3 4 minor errors with 3-4 wastages
2 90 99%Prepared reviwed and submitted reports compl€te with 5 errors with 4'5 wastaqes 2 d
1 Prepared reviwed and submitted reports with 1 major error with 6 and more wastages 5 d

PaBe 4 ot 8
AtLOCntloN {NcA) uTlLlzATloN FOR MDS


no wastages 3 days befor€ the deadline

red and monitored NCA UTILIZATlON with no error 2 days beforg the deadline
with 1 2 wa
1OO%Prepared and monitored NCA UTILIZATION with 1 minor €rrd
with 3-4 wast
100%Prepared and monitored NCA UT LI
with 4-5 wast
O'99%Prepared and monitored NCA UTILIZA 5 davs deley
with 6 and more wastages
Pr€pared and monitored NcA UTILIZATIoN with I maior error


no wastages oarry
5 Prepared ceftification and monitored Account Balances w th no error weeKry
with 1-2 wastages
4 Prepared certification and monitored AccoLrnt Ealances with 1 minor error
with 3{ wastages
3 Prepared certification and monitored Account Balances w th 2 minor errors more than a month
with 4_5 wastages
2 Prepared certification and rnonitored Account Balances with 3 4 minor errors
with 6 and rnore wastages
1 Prepared certification and monitored Account Ealances with 1 major error

;i-TEcE'vmC7 ourco'NG or voucHERs (oally)

no wastages acted uoon recelved
5 130% Received approed for payment vouchers complete with attachmenls acted in l daY uPon recelveo
wlth 1 2 wastages
4 120% Received approed for paYment vouchers with | -2 Incomplete attachments acted within 2 daYs uPon
with 1 minor error with 3-4 wastages
3 100% Received spproved for payment vouchers recerved
with 4-5 wastages acted within 3 daYs uPon
2 90 99% Received approed for paYment vouchers with 2 3 errors

with 6 and more wastages acted within 5 days uPon

I 70-89% Received approved for payment vouchers with 1 major error

Page 5 ot 8


5 130% Prepared and signed certficiations/ letters without error within t hour
4 120% Prepared and signed cedficiations/letters with 1 minor error with 1 2 wastages within 2 hours
3 100% Prepared and signedn certficiations/letters with 2-3 errors with 34 wastages within 3 hours
2 90 99"1 Prepared and signed certficiationtletters with 3-5 minor errors with 4 5 wastages within a dav
1 below 90% Prepared and signed certficiations/letters with 1 major error with 6 and more wastages within 2 days

ro DEPARTMENT OF BUDGET & M4I49!!!!f_19!Ul! qEEM!!41!9!!F ACCouNr BA|-ANCES rO tANo BANK OF rHE pHrLtpptNEs
5 130% Prepared and signed certficiations/ letters watho!t error no wastaSes within 2 hours
4 120% Prepared and siSned certficiations/letters with 1 minor error with 1-2 wastages within 3 hours
3 100% Prepar€d and signedn certficiations/etters with 2 3 errors wjth 3-4 wastages within 4 hours
2 90-99% Prepared and signed certficiations/letters with 3-5 minor errors wrth 4 5 wastages within a dav
l below 90% Prepared and signed certficiations/letters with 1 major error with 6 and more wastages within 2 days



5 110% Paid pettv cash vouchers with complete attachments no wastaSes pajd wjthin 30 mins. (per

4 101-109% Paid petty cash vouchers withl incomplete attachments with 1 2 wastages paid within t hour (per

3 100% Paid petty cash vouchers withminor effor with 3 4 wastages paid within 2 ho!rs (per
2 80-99% Paid oettv cash vouchers with 2-3 rninor errors with 4-5 wastaSes paid within 3 hours (per

1 below 80% Paid petty cash vouchers with l major error with 6 and more wastages paid within 4 hours (per

Pase 6 of 8
withrn t hour Per voucher
100 %Prepared vouchers with no error with 1-2 was irthin 2 hours Per uouct'er
100%Prepar€d vouchers with 1_2 minor errors
3 4 wastages wrthrn 3 hor-rrs Per voucher
100%Prepared vouchers with l-4 minor errors
with 4 5 wastages ittrin C S hours Per vor,ct'er
90 99%Prepared vouchers with 5 minor errors within a day Per vouchet
with 6 and more wastage5
80 89%Prepared vouchers with 1 maior error

tit_EELEA",".JG6a cHEc'G ro PAYEES/suPPLlERs

within 15 mrnutes
130% Releated checks to s/suppli€rs with no error witihin 30 mrnutes
with 1-2 was
120% Released checks to ees/suppliers with 1 minor error within 45 mrnutes
with 3-4 wastages
100% Released checks to /suppliers with 2 3errors within t hour
with 4'5 wasta
90 99% Released checks to payees/suppliers with 4-5 €rrors with 6 and more wastages
uTro*e0% R.t"rt"d to oavees/supoliers wrtts I r'rdior ero'

fl18 ;REp-;ilffiN ot MoNTHIY AccoMPLtsHMENr REPoRT FoR cAsH uNlr


Rating OUAIITY within2 daYs before the

no wastages
no error
5 1Oo%Prepared and submitted accomplishment report wrth deadline

with 1 2 wastages within 1 daY before the

4 foo'lpr"p"r.d .ritmitted accomplishment report with 1-2 minor errors Ldeadline
with 3 4 wastages lon rlme
3 100%Prepared and submitted accomplishment repon wrrn r-a
mrnor crrur: delayed bY 3 day:
with 4'5 wastages
90-99"t o'eFared d'd s'Jbrnitted ac'omplishnenl Iepon \^/rlr
5 mrnor delayed by 5 davs
2 with 6 and more wastages
L 80.8qonPr epareodnd sub-'n.d i.itlll:llIllfq9llylllll:]g

Page 7 of 8
,19 pRCpaRATroN of Mol{THty scHEDutr oF cHEcxs cAttcEltED & scH€DutE of uNRELasED cHEcl(s


1OO%Prepared and submitted accomplishment report with no error
ithin2 days before the
100%Prepared and submitted accomplishment report with 1_2 minor errors with 1-2 wastages within 1 day before the
100%Prepared and submitted accomplishment report with 3'4 minor errors with 3-4 wasteges
2 90-99%Prepared and submitted accomplishment report with 5 minor errors with 4'5 wastages l
1 80-89%Preparedand submitted accomplishment report with 1 major error with 6 and more wastages delayed by 5 days



5 130% Prepared and signed certficiations without €rror within t hour
4 120% Prepared and signed certficiations with 1 minor error with 1-2 wastages within 2 hours
3 100% Prepared and signedn certficiations with 2_3 errors with 3-4 wastages within 3 hours
2 90-99% Prepared and signed certficiation with 3-5 minor errors with 4-5 wastages
1 below 90% Prepared and signed certficiations with 1 major error with 6 and more wastages within 2 davs


chief, PPGSS

DATE: November 2,2015 DATE: Nov€mber 2,201s

Page 8 of 8

Administrative Division
Procurement, Property and General Services Section

no wastage within l day
looU coordinated with different divisions the submission of APP
for consolidation with no error
with 1 wastage within 2 days
roo% coordinated with different divisions the submission ot APP
for consolidation with minor error
with wastages within 3 days
rooZ coordinated with different divisions the submission of APP 2

for consolidation with 2 minor errors

within 4 days
so-992 coordinated with different divisions the submission of APP with I wastages
for consolidation with I minor errors
within 5 days
5o-792 coordinated with different divisions the submission of APP with rnore than I wastages
for consolidation with more than J minor errors

within 5 days
rooZ checked and reviewed the comPleteness of APP subrnitted by
different divi5ions with no error
within 7 days
looz checked and reviewed the completeness of APP submitted by with 1-4 wastage/s
different divisions with 1-15 minor error/s
within 1o days
6t:n".t"a ""a
r.""** "
t .".pleteness of APP submitted by with 5-20 wastages
different divisions 16-lo minor errors

Page 1 of 14
2 8o 992 checked and reviewed the completeness of APP submitted with z1-Jo wastages within t5 days
by different divisions with 1-15 major error/s

1 5o-79% checked and reviewed the com pleteness of APP submitted with more than 3o wastages within 20 days
by different division5 with more than 16 maior errors

3 aonsolldltlqn of the Annual Pro<urcmcnt Plan (APP)


5 looZ (onsolidated and encoded the APP for approval of the Head no wastage within 3-4 days
of the Agency with no error

4 iooz <onsolidated and encoded the APP for approval of the Head with 1-ro wastage/s within 5-7 days
of the Agency with 1-1o minor error/5

3 looU consolidated and en<oded the APP for approval of the Head wath 11-JO wastages within 8-1o days
of the Agency with 11-2o minor errors

2 80-992 consolidated and encoded the APP for apProval of the with Jr-4o wastages within r1'15 days
Head of the Agency with 1-1o major error/s

1 5o-792 consolidated and encoded the APP for approval of the with more than 40 wastages more than 15 days
Head of the Agen(y with more than lo mdior errors

Page 2 of 74
4 submlsslon of approved Annual Procurement Plan to Department of Budget and Manag€ment (DgM), Procurem€nt Service (PS), Govemment
Procurement Pollcy goard (CPPB), D€partment qf S<ience and Technology (DOST) and other PAGASA concerned Divisions


5 ioo% submitted the Agencyrs approved APP (soft & hard copy) to no wastage within 2 days
DBM, PS,C,PPB, DOST and other concerned Divisions with no error

4 1oo%submitted the Agencyrs approved APP (soft & hard copy) to with 15 wastage/s within 3 days
DBM, PS,CPPB, DOST and other concerned Divisionss with 1-1o
mtnor error/5

3 1oo%submitted the Agencyrs approved APP (soft & hard copy) to with 6-1o wastages within 4 days
0BM, PS,6PPB, DOST and other concerned Divisions with 11-2o
minor errors

2 8o-992 submitted the Agency's approved APP (soft & hard copy) with 11-15 wastages within 5 days
to DBM, PS,CPPB, DOST and other concerned Divisions with 1-10
major error/s

1 5o-79% submitted the Agency's approved APP (soft & hard copy) with more than 15 wastages more than 5 days
to D BM, Ps,C PPB, DOST and other concerned Divisions with more
than 1o maior errors

Page 3 of 14
curcment Plan


rooX received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to within 4 hours
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with APP with no

rooreceived PR, assignedcontrol numbers, reviewed (as to with 1-2 wastage/s within 5 hours
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with APP with 1

minor error

1oo% received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to withl-4 wastages within 1 day
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with APP with 2

minor errors

8o-992 received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to with 51o wastages within 2 days

specifications, amount, unit, etc,) and reconciled with APP with 3 5

minor errorS

with more than wastages within 3 days

50-79% received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to

specifications, amount, unit, €tc.) and reconciled with APP with

more than 5 minor errors

PaEe 4 of 74
6 Recelving of Purchase Request (PR), assighing control numbers and reconcillation with the approved Annual Procurement Plan
(complex Purchase Reques(s)*
5 1oo% received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to no wastage within 5 hours
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with APP with no

4 10o% received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to with 1-l wastage/s within 6 hours
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with AP with 1

mlnot effor

J looZ received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to with 4-5 wastages within r day
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with AP with 24
mlnor errorS
2 8o-992 received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to with 6-1o wastages within 2 days
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with AP with 5'5
mtnor errors

1 5o-79% received PR, assigned control numbers, reviewed (as to with more than 1o wastages within J days
specifications, amount, unit, etc.) and reconciled with AP with
more than 6 minor errors

Note: * Simple Purchase Request - common use/supplies ond equipmenl

* Complex Purchdse Request , items with h ighly technicol specifications; mixed items (common supplies, equipment, construction moterials & others) in
one Purchase Request.

Page 5 of 14
7 Preparation of Purchase for quotation based on approved Purchase Request (PR) for postlngat philcEps & PAGASA webslte


5 looZ prepared Purchase for quotations (Canvass) based on no wastage within t hour
approved PR for posting at PhilCEPS& PACASA Website with no
4 1oo%prepared Purchase for quotations (Canvass) based on with 1 wastage within 2 hours
approved PR for posting at PhilcEPS& PACASA Website with j
minor error

3 looZ prepared Purchase for Quotations (Canvass) based on with 2 wastages within j 4 hours
approved PR for posting at PhiICEPS& PACASA Website with 2,1
minor errors
2 80'99% prepared Purchase for quotations (Canvass) based on with J wastages within 8 hours
approved PR for posting at Phi16EPS& PACASA Website with 4-5
minor errors
l 50-79% prepared Purchase for quotations (Canvass) based on with more than 3 wastages within 16 hours
approved PR for posting at PhiICEPS& PACASA Website with more
than 5 minor errors

quotation at PhIIGEPS and PAGASA

iooZ posted Purchase for quotations (Canvass) to the philcEpS within t hour
and PAGASA Website with no error

ioo% posted Purchase for quotations (Canvass) to the PhiICEPS with 1 wastage within 2 hours
and PACASA Website with r rninor error

Page 6 of 14
quotations (Canvass) to the with 2 wastages within 8 hours
3 loo% posted Purchase for PhiICEPS
and PACASA Website

2 8o-99% posted Purchase for quotations (Canvass) to the PhiICEPS with I wastages within r2 hours
and PACASA Website

with more than J wastages within 16 hours

1 50-792 posted Purchase for quotations (Canvass) to the PhiICEPS
and PACASA Website

@€ supplicrs/contractors


looZ served lnvitation to Bid to at least three (3) prospective no wastage within t hour
bidders with comDlete items and specifications with no error

with 1 wastage within 2 hours

looZ served Invitation to Bid to at least three (3) prospective
bidders with complete items and sPecifications with no error with
1 minor error

1oo% served Invitation to Bid to at least three (3) prospective with 2 wastages within I hours

bidders with comDlete items and specifications with 2 minor errors

8o-992 served Invitation to Bid to at least three (l) Prospective with 3 wastages
within 4-5 hours
bidders with complete items and specifications with 3 rninor errors

Page 7 of 14
l 50 792 served Invitation to Bid to at least three (l) prospective with more than I wastages within 6 8 hours
bidders with complete items and specifications with more than J
minor errors

10 Opcningand Evaluation of submltted Quotations/Canvass by prospectlvc blddert


5 1oo% received, opened, reviewed and evaluated quotations as to no wastage within 2 hours
comDliance with sDecifications and amount with no error

4 1oo%received, opened, reviewed and evaluated quotations as to with 1 wastage within J hours
comDliance with specifications and amount with 1 minor error

3 iooZ received, opened, reviewed and evaluated quotations as to with 2 wastages within 4 hours
comoliance with sDecifications and amount with 2 minor errors

2 8o'992 re<eived, opened, reviewed and evaluated quotations as with 3 wastages within 5 hours
to compliance with specifications and amount with I minor errors

5o'792 received, opened, reviewed and evaluated quotations as to with more than J wastages more than 5 hours
compliance with specifications and amount with more than 3
minor errors

Page 8 of 14
tl Preparatlon ofAbstract of Canvasr and Purchasc Ordcrs


5 looZ Prepared Abstract of Canvass and Purchase Orders for all no wastage within t hour
winning bidders with no error

4 1oo% Prepared Abstract of Canvass and Purchase Orders for all with 1 wastage within 2 hours
winnins bidders with 1-2 minor errors

) loo% Prepared Abstract of Canvass and Purchase Orders for all with 2 wastages within I hours
winning bidders with J-4 minor errors

2 80-99% Prepared Abstract of Canvass and Purchase Orders for all with I wastages within 4 hours
winnins bidders with 6 ro minor errors

1 5o-79% Prepared Abstract of Canvass and Purchase Orders for all with more than J wastages more than 4 hours
winning bidders with major error

L2 Portlng of the approved Purchase ordcrs at phtlcEFs a peclsl;EUfiG

1ooposted the approved Purchase Orders at PhiICEPS & PACASA within t hour

1oo%posted the approved Purchase Orders at PhiICEPS & PACASA with 1 wastage within 2-j hours

1oo%posted the approved Purchase Orders at PhiICEPS & PACASA with 2 wastages within 4 5 hours

Page 9 of 14
2 80-99% posted the approved Purchase Orders at PhiICEPS & With J wastages within 6-8 hours
PACASA website

5o-79% posted the approved Purchase Orders at PhiICEPS & with more than 3 wastages more than 6 hours
PACASA website

13 Servlng of approved Purchase Order to the wlnnlng bidder


5 1oo% s€rved the approved Purchase Order to the winning bidder no wastage within Jo minutes
with no error

4 1oo% served the approved Purchase Order to the winning bidder with i wastage within r hour
with 1 minor error

3 1oo% served the approved Purchase Order to the winning bidder with 2 wastages within 2 hours
with 2 minor errors

2 8o'99% served the approved Purchase Order to the winning bidder with j wastages within I hours
with J minor errors
5o 792 served the approved Purchase Order to the winning bidder with more than J wastages more than j hours
with more than J minor errors

1oo%prepared all approved and cancelled Purchase Orders to be within l day
submitted to COA with no error.

Page 10 of 14
4 1oo%prepared all approved and cancelled Purchase orders to be with 1 2 wastage/s within 2-4 days
submitted to COA with very minimal error

) ioo% prepared all approved and cancelled Purchase Orders to be with 3-4 wastages within 5 days
submitted to COA with minimal error.

2 80'99% prepared all approved and cancelled Purchase orders to be with 5-1o wastages within 7 days
submitted to COAwith 15 major errors,

5o-79% prepared all approved and cancelled Purchase Orders to be with more than 1o wastages more than 7 days
submitted to COA with more than 5 maior errors.

15 Rccciving and asslgnlng control numbers for all Purchase Requcsts attached to Rdmbursemcnts, Llquldatlons, Dlsburscment vouchers' and other
Pors emanating from PRSDTS and ForeiBT & Locally Funded Prolects
5 1oo% received and assigned control numbers to all Purchase no wastage within t hour
Requests attached to Reimbursements, Liquidations,
Disbursement Vouchers, and other Pors emanating from PRSDTs
and Foreign & Locally Funded Projects with no error

4 1oo% received and assigned control numbers to all Purchase with i 2 wastage/s within 2 hours
Requests attached to Reimbursements, Liquidations,
Disbursement Vouchers, and other Pois emanating from PRSD's
and Foreign & Locally Funded Projects with 1 minor error

Page 11ot 14
looZ received and assigned control numbers to all Purchase with 3-4 wastages within I hours
Requests attached to Reimbursements, Liquidations,
Disbursement Vouchers, and other Pois emanating from PRSDTs
and Foreign & Locally Funded Projectss with 2-J minor errors

2 80-99% received and assigned control numbers to all Purchase with 5-10 wastages within 4 hours
Requests attached to Reimbursements, Liquidations,
Disbursement Vouchers, and other PO's ernanating from PRSD's
and Foreign & Locally Funded Projectswith 4 5 minor errors

1 5o-792 received and assigned control numbers to all Purchase with more than 1o wastages within 5 hours
Requests attached to Reimbursernents, Liquidations,
Disbursement Vouchers, and other POrs emanating from PRSD's
and Foreign & Locally Funded Proiects with more than 5 minor

of PACASA offlclals & employees


looZ Prepared quarterly Purchase Request for Cellcards with no waslage within day

complete attachment with no error

looZ Prepared quarterly Purchase Request for Cellcards with with 1-4 wastage/s within 2 days
complete attachment with 1-5 error

loo% Prepared quarterly Purchase Request for Cellcards with with 5-1O wastages within 3 days
complete attachment 6-1o error

8o-99% Prepared quarterly Purchase Request for cellcards with with 1o-15 wastages within 4 days
complete attachment 1-5 maior error

PaCe 72 ol 74
1 50'792 Prepared quarterly Purchase Request for Cellcards with with more than 15 wastages within 5 days
complete attachment with more than 5 error

17 M{ntalns Racord of Suppllcrir Accrcdltadon Documcnts


5 rooZ encoded, update, filed/maintained record ot Suppliers' no wastage within t hour
Accreditation Documnets (including the list of its competitors) are
properly encoded and updated with no error

4 looZ encoded, update, filed/maintained record of Suppliersi with 1 wastage within 2 hours
Accreditation Documnets (including the list of its competitors) are
properly encoded and upddted with 1 r'ri^or error

3 looU encoded, update, filed/maintained record of Suppliers' with 2 wastages within I hours
Accreditation Documnets (including the list of its competitors) are
properly encoded and updated with 2-l minor errors

2 8o-99% encoded, update, f iled/maintained record of Suppliers' with I wastages within 4 hours
Accreditation Documnets (including the list of its competitors) are
properly encoded and updated with 4-5 minor errors

l 5o-792 encoded, update, filed/maintained record of Suppliers' with morethan 3 wastages within 5 hours
Accreditation Documnets (including the list of its competitors) are
properly encoded and updated wiLh 1 mdjor error

Page 13 of 14
18 Prcparatlon of A€complbhmdrt Rcport


5 looZ prepared the Accomplishment Report with no error no wastage j days before the deadline

4 looZ prepared the Accomplishment Report with t-5 minor error/s with 1-4 wastage/s 2 days before the dedline

) looZ prepared the Accomplishment Report with 6-10 minor errors wath 5-1o wastages on the deadline

2 8o-99% prepared the Accomplishment Report with i-5 major with 1o-15 wastages 2 days after the deadline
5o 79% prepared the Accomplishment Report with more than 5 with more than 15 wastages 3 days after the deadline
ma jor errors

submitted by:
Chief, Procur6ment Unit
NOV. 02,2015

Page 14 of 14
120% accepted deliveries from various suppliers, requested inspection to COA
and technical inspectors and issued to end-users with no-error No wastate with n 10 days
4 110% acceoted deliveries from various supp iers, requested insoection to COA
and technlcal inspectors and issued to end'user wlth 1-5 minor errorls 1-5 wastages within 12 days
3 90-100% accepted deliveries from varlous suppJiers, requested inspection to COA
and technical inspectors and issued to end-user with 6-10 mlnor errors 6'8 no. of wastaSes wlthin 15 days
2 90-100% acceoted deliveries from various suppliers, requested lnspection to COA
and technlcal inspectors and issued to end-user with more than 10 minor errors 9-10 no of wastages within 16'20 days
I Selow 90% accepted deliveries from various suppliers, requested inspection to COA
and technical inspectors and issued to end-user with major error/s more than 12 no. of wastages more than 20 days
5 100% conducted inventory of all PAGASA properties at Central Oftice/Radat/
synop/Agromet Stations including request from CMO and inspection for insurance
No wastaxe with n 2 davs
1OO % conducted inventory of all PAGASA properties at Central Oftlce/Radat/
Synop/ASromet Stations ncluding req{rest from CMO and lnspectron for lnsurance
with 1 -5 minor error/s 1-3 wastages within 3 days
3 100% conducted lnventory of a I PAGASA propertles at Centrai Olliae/Radat/
Synop/Agromet Stations includlng requestfrom cMo and inspection for insurance
wlth 6-10 mlnor errors 4-5 no. ot wastages within 4 day5
2 100% conducted lnventory of all PAGASA properties at Centra Ofli.elRadat/
Synop/Agromet Stations inc udinS request from CMO and inspection for insurance 7'10 no. of wastaSes wlthin 5 days
I 100%conducted lnventorv of all PAGASA oroperties at Centra office/Radar/
Synop/Agromet Stations lncluding request from CMO and lnspection for lnsurance
with major error/s more than 10 no. of wastages more than 5 days
5 1OO% prepared nventory and Inspection Report Of Unaserviceable Property(llRUP)
for computation of depreciation of Accounting Section, appra sal and in5pectlon of
nspection and Appraisal Committees and COA with no error No wastage within 12 months
4 1OO% prepared nventory and Inspection Report Of Unaserviceable Property(1lRUP)
for computation of depreciation of Accounting Section, appraisal and inspection of
Inspection and Appraisal Committees and COA with 1-5 minor errors 1-5 no, of wastages within 18 months
3 100% prepared Inventorv and Inspection Report Of Unaserviceable Property{llRUP)
for computation of depreciation of AccountinB Section, appraisal and inspection of
Inspection and Appraisal Committees and COA with 6-10 minor errors 5-8 no. of wastages within 18 months
2 100% prepared lnventory and lnspection Report Of Unaserviceable Property(liRUP)
for computation of depreciation of Accounting Section, appraisal and inspection of
Inspection and AppralsalCommittees and COA with more than 10 minor errors 9-10 no. of wastages within 24 months
1 100% prepared Inventory and Inspection Report Of Unaserviceable Property(l RUP)
for computation of depreciation of Accounting Section, appraisal and inspection of
Inspection and Appraisal Committees and COA with major errors more than 10 no, of wastages than 24 months
5 100% conducted disposal Unserviceable properties throuSh publlc
bidding 'as is where is " method with no error No wastage
100% conducted disposal Unserviceable properties through public
bidding "as is where is " method with 1-3 minor eftor/s 1-3 no. of wastases withln 5 weeks
3 100% conducted dlsposal Unserviceable properties through public
b dding "as is where is ' method with 4'5 minor errors 4-5 no, of wastages within 6 weeks
2 100% conducted disposal Unserviceable properties through public
bidding "as is where is " method with one major error 6-10 no. of wastages in more than 5 weeks
1100% conducted disposal Unserviceable properties through public
biddinB "as is where is " method with major error/s more than 10 no, of wastaRes l2 months
5 120% received waste materials assigned control n umbers,encoded, fi ed and
stored at the warehouse with no error No wastage within 15 minutes
110% received waste materials assigned control numbers,encoded, flled and
stored at the warehouse with 1-3 errors 1-3 no, of wastaEes within 20 min.
3 90-100% received waste materials assisned control numbers.encoded. filed and
stored at the warehouse with 4-5 errors 4-6 no. ofwastages in 30 min.
2 75% -89% received waste materials assiBned control numbers,encoded, filed and
wstored at the warehouse with more than 5 errors 6-10 no. of wastages in 40 min
I Below 75% received waste materials assi8ned control numbers,encoded, filed and
stored at the warehouse with major error/s more than 10 no. ofwastages more than 60 minutes
100% prepared/processed and submitted list of PAGASA properties De)
for insurance to GSIS with no error No wastage in 15 days
4 100% prepared/processed and submitted list of PAGASA properties
for insurance to Gsls with 1-3 minor error/s 1-3 no. of wastages within 20 days
3 100% prepared/processed and submitted llst of PAGASA properties
for insurance to GSIS with 4'5 minor errors 4-6 no. of wastages within 30 days
2 100% prepared/processed and submitted I st of PAGASA propertles
forinsurance to G5l5 with more than 5 minor errors 6-10 no. of wastage5 more than 30 days
I 100% prepared/processed and submittedto GSIS list of PAGASA properties
for insurance to GSIS with maior error/s more than 10 no. ofwastages more than 30 days
5 100% prepared and processed disbursement vouchers of PAGASA vehicles for registration within 15 days
to Land Transportation Office with no error No wastage
100% prepared and processed disbursement vouchers of PAGASA vehicles for registration within 25 davs
to Land Transportation Office with 1-3 minor error 1-3 no, of wastages
3 100% oreoared and orocessed disbursement vouchers of PAGASA vehicles for repistration within 30 days
to Land Transportation Office with 4-5 minor error 4'5 no. of wastages
2 100% oreoared and processed disbursement vouchers of PAGASA vehicles for reci5tration w th n 30 days
to Land Transportation Office with rnore than 5 minor errors 6 10 no. of wastaEes
I 100% prepared and processed disbursement vouchers of PAGASA vehicles for registration more than 30 days
to Land Transportation Office wlth major error/s more than 10 no. ofwastaSes
5 100% Prepared,reviewed and checked monthly Report of Oelivery and Supplies and No wastage within 45 davs
Materials lssued and submitted to Acountins Section and COA with no error
4 100% Prepared,reviewed and checked monthlv Report of Delivery and Supplies and 1-3 wastages within 50 days
Materials lssued and submitted to Acounting Section with 1- 5 minor error/s
3 100% Prepared,reviewed and checked monthly Report of Delivery and Supplies and 4-6 wastages within 60 days
Materials lssued and submitted to Acounting Section with 5-10 minor errorls
2 100% Prepared,reviewed and checked monthly Report of Delivery and Supplies and 6-10 wastages more than 70 days
Materials l5sued and submitted to Acountins Section more than 10 minor errors
1 100% Prepared,reviewed and checked monthly Report of Delivery and Supplies and more than 10 wastages more than 70 daYs
Materials lssued and s!bmitted to Acounting Sectionwith major errorls
5 100% prepared, reviewed, checked and submitted to COA and AccountinB Section
Report of Property Plant and Equipment (RPPE) with no error No wastage within 50 days
4 100% prepared, revlewed, checked and submitted to COA and Accounting Section
Report of Property P ant and Equipment (RPPE) wlth 1'5 minor errorls 1-3 no. of wastages within 90 days
3 100% prepared, reviewed, checked and submitted to COA and Accounting Section
Report of Property P ant and Equipment (RPPE) with 5-10 minor errors 4-5 no. of wastages wlthin 100 days
2 100% prepared, r€viewed, checked and subm tted to COA and Accounting Section
Report of Property Plant and Equipment (RPPE) with more than 10 minor errors 6-10 no. of wastag€s within 120 days
1 100% prepared, reviewed, checked and submitted to COA and Accounting Section
Report of Property Plant and Equipment (RPPE)with maior errorls more than 10 no. of wastages more than 120 days
5 120% reviewed and processed on various documents with no error No wastage within 10 min.
110% reviewed and processed on various documents with
1-3 minor error/s 1-3 no. of wastages within in 15 min.
3 90-100% reviewed and processed on variols documents with
4-5 minor errors 4-6 no. of wasta8es wthin 20 min
2 89'75% reviewed and processed on various documents with
more than 5 minor errors 5-10 no. of wastages within 25 mln
I Eelow 75% reviewed and orocessed on variou! documents with no error
with major error/s more than 10 no. of wastages more tha n 25 min
5 120% prepared/ numbered/recorded and encoded ARE/lCS with no error No wastage n5 m in.
4 110% numbered/recorded and encoded ARE/lc5 with 1 3 minor error/s 1-3 no. of wastages with 10 m in.
3 90-100% numbered/recorded andencoded ARE/lCS with 4-5 n 15 min.
mtnor error5 4-6 no. of wastages
2 90-100% numbered/recorded and encoded ARE/lc5 with more within 20 min
than 5 minor errors 5-10 no. of wastages
t 90-100% numbered/recorded and encoded ARE/lCS with major error/s more than 10 no. of wastages more than 20 min.
5 100% prepared Disbursement Vouchers for accepted equipment, supplies and No wastage within 5 min.
materias accepted and delivered with no error
4 100% prepared Disbursement Vouchers for accepted equipment, supplies and 1'3 no. of wastages within 10 min.
materias accepted and deiivered wlth 1-3 minor error/s
3 100% prepared Disbursement Vouchers for accepted equipment, sLipplies and 4-6 no. of wastages wlthin 15 mln.
materias acceoted and delivered with 4-5 minor errors
2 100% prepared Disbursement Vouchers for accepted equipment, supplies and 5-10 no. of wastages within 20 min
materias accepted and delivered with mre than 5 minor errors
I 100% prepared Disbursement Vouchers for accepted equipment, supplies and more than 10 no. ofwastages more than 20 min.
materias accepted and delivered with major errors
5 100% prepared Annual Procurement plan and quarterlv Purchase Request for AD with no error No wastage 15 days before the deadline period
100% prepared Annual Procurement plan and quarterly Purchase Request for AD
with 1-3 error 1-3 no, of wastaRes 20 days before the deadline period
3 1OO% prepared Annual Procurement plan and quarterly Purchase Request for AD
with3-5 errors 4-6 no. of wastages submitted during the deadline perlod
2 100% prepared Annual Procurement plan and quarterly Purchase Request for AD
with rfiore than 5 errors 6'10 no. of wastages 15 davs late on the deadline period
I 100% prepared Annual Procurement plan and quarterly Purchase Request for AD
with maior error more than 10 no, of wastaRes more than 5 davs late on the deadline geriod
5 100% Coordinated and reoorted malfunction 5 minutes after the mafunction/report
from Guard
100% Coordinated and reported ma function 10 minutes after the mafunction/report
from Guard
3 100% Coordinated and reDorted malfunction 20 min!tes after the mafunction/report
from Guard
2 100% Coordinated and reported malfunction 20 minutes after the mafunction/report
from Guard
1 100% Coordinated and reported malfunction more than 20 mlnutes after the
5 120% recieved/recorded and released ocuments with no error No wastaSe within 5 mln.
4 110% numbered/recorded and released documents with 1-3 minor error/s 1-3 no. of wastages within 8 min.
390-100% numbered/recorded and released documents with 4-5
minor errors 4-5 no, ofwastages within 10 min.
2 90-100% numbered/recorded andreleased documents with more
than 5 minor errors 6-10 no. ofwastages within 15 min

I 90-100% numbered/recorded and released documents with major error/s more than 10 no, ofwastages more than15 min.
Prepared by: Noted by:
Chief Pr rty Unit t,lalutl Chiet PPGSs

Administrative Division
Records Management Section
Records ManaSement Section
Admlnlstrative Division

Efficiency Timeliness
Maior Final Success Indlcators Quallty
With no *astage on ink, PaPer; Forwarded to concerned units for action
Records 1. HandlinB of incomin8 /outgoing 5 1Oo % Received, recorded, numbered,
and other resources/suPPlies or information within t hour
ManaSement communications and lssuances / photocopied, encoded and scanned
Programs/ with no error
CSC, Malacaiang and othet

4 95 - 99 % Received, recorded With 5 % wasta Forwarded to concerned units for action l

Minor Etrot: lncotrect encoding numbered, photocopied, encoded and other resources/suPPlies or information withint hour and 25

/rccot!!!s and scanned with 2 or 3 minor errors

Forwarded to concerned units for action
t Mojot Eftor: Misrouted/
Mishandled due to corclessness
90- 94 % Received, recorded,
numbered, photocopied, encoded
With 6 % wastage on ink, Paper,
and other resources/suPPlies or information within t hour and 45 l
and scanned- with 4 or 5 minor errors llltg]g:_
f Time Frome :Delivered within 2 85-89 % Received, recorded, With 8 % wastage on ink, paper, Forwarded to concerned units for action
numbered, photocopied, encoded andotherresources/supplies or information within 2 hours and 30
nours upon tecetpt
and scanned with 2 or 3 major errors minuteS
80-85 % Received, recorded, With 10 % wastaSe on ink. Paper, Forwarded to concerned units for action
numbered, photocopied, encoded and other resources/supPlies or information within 3 hours
and scanned with 4 or more major

I 2. Downloaded ooST lssuances 5

and other communications
documents recieved thru Emall
100%Downloaded, recorded,
photocopied, encoded and scanned
with no error
With no wasta8e on ink, Paper,
and other resources/supPlies
Transmitted to concerned action units
within t hour
95 -99 % Downloaded, recorded, With 5 % wastage on ink, paper, Transmitted to action units within
Minor Error lncotect rccotding photocopied, encoded and scanned and other resources/supplies hour and 25 minutes
with 2 or 3 minor errors

Major Error: 90- 94 % Downloaded. recorded, With 6 % wastage on ink, paper, Transmitted to action units within 1

M isrouted/M ishondled du e to photocopied, encoded and scanned and other resources/supplies hour and 45 minutes
cofelessness with 4 or 5 minor errors

Time Frome :
Deliveted within 2 2 86-89 % 0ownloaded, recorded, With 8 % wastaSe on ink, paper, Transmitted to action units within 2

hours upon receipt photocopied, encoded and scanned and other resources/supplies nours

with 2or3 major errors

80-85% Downloaded, recorded, With 10 % wastaSe on ink, paper, Transmitted to action units within 3
photocopied, encoded and scanned and other resources/supplies hours
with 4 or 5 major errors

3. Mail Matters rec€ived from 100 % Received, sorted, recorded mail Action taken immediately upon recelpt Released/delivered mail matters within
QCPO and other Couri€rs matters and forwarded to concern€d t hour and 30 minutes
(Registered/ Express Mails, officials / employees with no error
Parcels and other mall matters)
Minor Error: Incorrect recording 95-99% Received, sorted, recorded Action taken 15 minutes upon receipt Released/delivered mail matters within
mail matters and forwarded to 2 hours and 30 minutes
concerned officials and employees
with 2 or 3 minor errors
Major Error: Misrouted/ Mishandled 90-94 % Received, sorted, recorded Action taken 30 minutes upon receipt Released/delivered mail matters within
and forwarded mail matters with 4 or 3 hours
5 minor errors I

aEon taken qo minutes uPon receiPt Released/delivered mall matters wlthln
Time Frome : Dehvered/Releosed 86-89 % Received, sorted, recorded
3 hours and 30 minutes
within 3 hours upon receiqt and forwarded mail matters with 2 or
3 major errors

Action taken t hour after receiPt Released/delivered mail matters within

80-85% Received, soned, recorded
4 hours
and forwarded mail matters with 4 or
more major errors

ne;ded in the logbook immediately nehised dry sealed documents within

4. DRY SEAI { Weather ioO% Ory sealed documents with no
after dry sealed 10 minutes
Certificatlons, EmPloyee lD's, error
Certificates of Completion of
OJT's, Almanacs and other
alocuments arv t""t"O aocuments within
Recorded in the logbook after 5 Gf""t"a
Minor Eftor: lnoccutote entries in t 4 95-99% Drv sealed documents with 1
10 minutes
the logbook or 2 minor errors

Recorded in the logbook after 10 Released drv sealed documents within

Mojor Errcr: Dry seoled weother 90-94 % Dry sealed documents with 3
minutes 13 minutes
cedilicotions without OR's and or 4 mtnor errors
documents without signdturcs of
prcPer outhorities I

Recorded in the lo8book after 12 Released dry sealed documents within

86-89% checked and drY sealed
mrnutes 14 minutes
documents with 1 or 2 malor errors

80-85% Checked and drY sealed Recorded in the logbook after n"te-."0 aty t"at"a aocuments within I
mtnures 15 minutes
documents with 3 or 4 major errors
Filed records in its resPective
100% ldentifi cation, clasification and 100 % accuracY rate after
5. ldentification / classification folder/filrng cabinet within the day
and appraisal/ filing of recordg appraisal of records and documents sorting
and documents whether it has administrative, fiscal,
financial, operational, research or
archivalvalue with no error its resPective
98-99 % accuracY rate -iled records in
Minot Errcr: Misclossificqtion ol 4 gi-ig % identification, clasification folder/filinB cabinet within 2 days
rccords and appraisal of records and sorting
documents whether it has
adminitrative, liscal, financial or
archival value with 2 or 3 minor
errors FilJrecords in its resPective
9Ga4 % ldentification, clasification 96-97 % accuracY rate
Majot Eftor: Misfiling/ MisPloced folder/filing cabinet within 3 days after
Records and appraisal of records and sonlng
documents whether it has
adminitrative, fiscal, financial or
archival value with 4 to 6 minor errors iiFrecords in its resPective
86-95 % accuracy rate
86-89-ldent frcation, cl a sif ication a n d folder/filing cabinet within 4 days after
appraisal of records and documents sorting
whether it has adminitrative, fiscal,
financial or archival value with 2 or 3

cation an d 80-85 % accuracY rate

Fil-drecords in its resPective
nt ifrcat ion, cl a sifi atter
S-O-SS% | d e
folder/filing cablnet within 5 days
appraiSal of records and documents
whether it has adminitrative, fiscal,
financial or archivalvalue with more
than 5 errors
Ftrotocopiea ana r€corded in
ne I e as ed re ralto re q u esti n g p a rti e s

6, Loanlng out files isiuance of 100 % Retrieved/loaned out requesteo within 8 to 10 minutes
records with no error char8ed out logbook within 5
requested records (active and
inadive files)
Minor Etor: Foiled to log the 95-99% Retrieved/loaned out Photocopied and recorded in the Released records to requesting parties
looned out records in the chorge requested records with 1or 2 rninor charged out logbook within 10 within 11-15 minutes
out ertolS minuteS
Mojor Error: Unauthoized 90-94% Retrieved/loaned out Photocopied and recorded in the Released records to requesting parties
disclosure ofliles requested records with 3 or 4 minor charged out logbook within 15 within 16-20 minutes

I Time Frame: 15 to 45 minutes

ao{9% iiet rEve d/G a n ed o ut
requested records with 1or 2 major
80-85% Retrieved/loaned out
requested records with 3 or 4 major
Photocopied and recorded in the
charged out logbook within 20
Photocopied and recorded in the
charged out logbook within 25
Released records to requesting parties
within 21 -25 minutes

Released records to requesting parties

within 30 minutes to t hour
errors mtnure5

7. Handllng of requests for 100% Authenticated/certified records Acted upon immediately lssued copies within 5-10 minutes
certlfied copies of records and with no error
docum€nts for GslS,
Foreign Trainings/seminars/
Meetints, Court Hearings and for

other purposes
Minor Etror: Foiled to retdin o copy 95-99% Authenticated/certified Acted upon 5 minutes lssued certified/authenticated copies
of rccotds certified /outhenticoted records with 2 or 3 minor errors within 5-10 minutes

thot ote not in the custody of RMS
Mojor Eftor: Authenticotion of 90-94% Authenticated/certified Acted upon within 10 minutes lssued certified/authentacated copies
rccords without originol copies or records with 4 or 5 minor errors within 11-12 minutes

cerified rccords not ollowed by
NAP (e.q. Nso ond School Records
Time Frame; 15 minutes 86-89% Authenticated/certified Acted upon within 15 minutes lssued certified / authenticated copies
records with 2 or 3 major errors within in 23 to 15 minutes
l I
8. Date gas€/Master List of
oirectives /lssuances /
8O-85 % Authenticated/cenified
records with 4 or more major errors

100 % of Data Base /Master List

Acted upon within 20 minutes

With no backlog
lssued certified/ authenticated copres
within 15- 20 minutes

Updated everydaY

Instructions, MOA'9, De€d of Sale,

Contracts. Land Titles and othel
Permanent Records In the
Custody of RMS
95 - 99 % of Data Base /Master List With 5 % backlog Updated every 2 days
90 - 94 % of Data Ease /Master List With 10 % backlog Updated every 3 days
86- 89 % of Data Base /Master List with rs x u".lfog updated every 4 days
80 - 84 % of Data Base /Master l-ist With 20 % backlog Updated every 5 daYs

100 % accuracy rate 1OO % of records that have Passed

9. se8regation of records and 100% Segregation / elimination of
records which have passed retentlon
retention P€riod segregated
documents which have Passed
retentlon period period and are no longer required for
the operations and activities of the
Agency with no error
96 - 99 % accuracy rate 96-99 % of records that have Passed
Minot Enor: Fdiled to rcflect 95-99% Segregation / elimination of
records which have passed retentaon retention Period segregated
rctention codes on files
period and are no longer required for
the operations and activities of the
Agency with minimal errors

M ojor E rror : M isclassificotio n, 90-94 % SeSregation / elimination of 90-95 % accuracy rate 90-95 % of records that have passed
eftoneous identificdtion ond records which have passed retention retention period seg.egated
opproisol of recotds to be rctired period and are no longer required for
the operations and activities of the
encv with mor€ than 5 minor errors
86-89% Segregation / elimination of 86-89 % accuracy rate 86-89 % of records that have passed
records which have passed retention retention period segregated
period and are no longe. required for
the operations and activities of the
ncv with 2 or 3 maior errors
80-85% Segregation / elimination of
records which have passed retention
80-85 % accuracy rate
retention period segregated
t;*d l
p€riod and are no longer required for
the operations and actjvitjes ofthe
Agency with more than 5 major errors
10. Oisposal of Records lto be 5 100% Examined records that have 100 % of records properly handled ' Dirp*;l of-".-nr ; s
carried out every 4 years) passed its retention period with no and 6 months
Minor Errcr: lmproper segregotion 4 95-99% Examined records that have 96-99 % of records properly Disposalof records carried out in 3
of rccords passed its retention period with 2 or 3 handled years and 10 months
minor errors
Mojor Errcr: Unouthorised disposol 3 90-94% Examined records that have 90-95 % of records properly Disposal of records carried out in 4
ol records (Should be in passed retention period in aacordance handled years
qccordonce with the Agency's with NAP Guidelines and the approved
opproved Records Retention RDS of the Agency with 4 or 5 minor
Schedule (RDS) ond NAP errors
2 86-89% Examined records that have 80-85 % of records properly Disposalof records carried out in 4
passed its retention perjod with 2 or 3 handled years and 6 months
major errors
r 80-85% Examined records that have
passed its retentaon period with 4 or
more major errors
95 % of records ProPerly handled
-[oisp.tai carried

Dispatched all matters to the QCPo

11. Mailint ( Checks /Local and 1OO % ReceivinS, recordinB and With no wastage on ink, PaPer,
and other resources/suPPlies within the daY
For€ign Mails/oR's of PMO's preparation of individual transmittal
payslips of Field Personnel and addressed to PAGASA Field Personnel
other offlcial documents) for / Stations and a separate trasmittal
to QcPo for QCPO with no error
Wlth 5 % wasta8e on ink, Paper, olsoatchea att mait matters to the QcPO
Minor Errot: Assigned incofiect 95-99% ReceivinS, recording and
and other materials/suPPlies within 2 days
control numbers in the enveloqes preparation of individual transmittal
addressed to PAGASA Field Personnel
/ Stations and a separate trasmittal
for QCPO with 2 or 3 minor errors
With 6% wastage on ink, Paper, Dispatched all matters to the QCPO
Mojor Eftor: Misrouted 90-94 % Receiving, recordinS and
and other materials/suPPlies within 3 days
/i nsuffi cie nt odd re sse s preparation of individual transmittal
addressed to PAGASA Field Personnel
/ Stations and a separate trasmittal
for QCPO with 4 or 5 minor errors
With 8 % wastage on ink, Paper, o[p-atcfrea itt mait matters to the QcPo
at -89% neceiving, recording and
and other materials /suPPlies within 4 days
preparation of individual transmittal
addressed to PAGASA Field Personnel
/ Stations and a separate trasmittal
for QCPO with 2 or 4 major effors
With 10 % wastage on ink, Paper, Dispatched all mail matters to the QCPO
80-85 % ReceivinS, recording and
preparation of individual transmittal and other materials /suPPlies within 5 days
addressed to PAGASA Field Personnel
/ Stations and a separate trasmittal
for QCPO with 5 or more major errors

8 f
12. Postal Money Orders 100 % Prepared transmittal using 100 % accuracy rate ir"nrritt"a tJtftJ.ast'i"r;t r.tnit l
3 days upon receipt
(PMo'sl - Payment for weather COA's prescribed format and examined
certifications issued by PRSo's to for incon5istencie5 with no error
various requesting entities
95-99% Prepared transmittal usinS gg z accuiacv r.aG Transmitted to the Cashier's Unit within
trqnsm ittol f otm p tescri bed by COA's prescribed format and examined 4 days upon receipt
coA for inconsistencieswith 2 or 3 minor
Mojor Errcr: Lapses such os 90-94 % Prepared transmittal usinB 95 % accuracy rate Transmitted to the Cashrer's Unit wtthin
unsigned, undoted, incoftect poyee COA's prescribed format and examined 5 days upon receipt
or staled PMO's for inconsistencies with 4 or 5 minor
Time Frame: To be transmitted 86-89% Pr€pared transmittal using 85 % accuracy rate Transmitted to the Cashier's Unit within
to the Cashier's Unit within5days COA's prescribed format and examined 6 working days upon receipt
upon receipt for inconsistencies with 2 or 3 major
80 % accuracy rate Tran5mitted to the Cashier's Unit wrthin
7 working days upon receipt

major errors

13. Preparation ot Memo, 100 % Approved/lnitialed by the Memo, so's and communjcations Submitted 2 hours ahead of time
PAGASA Special ord€rs, Division chief with no changes prepared within t hour after
Communications instruction
Minor Error: Simple grommor 95-99% Approved/lnitialed by the Memo, SO's and communications Submitted t hour ahead of time
Division Chief with very minimal prepared 2 hours after instruction
Mojor Etrcrs: lncoftect entdes of 3 90-94% Approved/lnitialed by the Memo, 50's and communications
nomes, position titles, Division chief with 3 to 4 minimal prepared within 3 hours after
in opp lo pL9EJ9!9M4!!tl 9!, t changes instruction

Time Frame : 4 hours 85-89% Approved/lnitialed bY the r"l"rno, so s -ana.o.tuni.iiiont Submitted 2 hours delayed
Division chief with 5 to 6 minor prepared within 4 hours after
changes instruction
Approved/lnitialed bY the Memo, SO's and communications Submitted l daY d€layed
Division Chief with major changes prepared witihin 5 hours after
ri With no wastage on ink, PaPer, Submitted 2 davs ahead of the deadline
14. Reports (Accomplithments; 100 % Approved with no chanSes
Mlnutes of Meetlngs; Statement and other resources/suPPlies
of Accountability fo. Postat€
/stamps for submistion to COA &
Accountint Sectlon, FPMD;
Ascending and oescendint Meter
Reading as requlred by the
QCPo, and other
95-99% Revised and aPProved with With 5 % wastage on ink, Paper, sulmitied r dav ahead of the deadline
Minor Etror: simple grommor
very minimal changes and other resources/suPPlies
elrcrs/incor/ect entries
With 6% wastage on ink, Paper, Submitted on time
Major Error: Misteprcsentotion oJ 1 909a% Revised and aPProved with
informotioo inoccurcte or 3 minimal changes and other resources/suPPlies
86 - 89 % Revised and approved with With 8 % wastage on ink, PaPer, Submitted l day delaYed
2 or 3 major chan and other resources/suPPlies
With 10 % wastage on ink, Paper, Submitted 2 days delayed
80 - 85 % Revised and approved with 4
or more major changes and other resources/suPPlies
Answered queries or prepared replies Replies relayed thru telephone / texts
15. Coordination Functions (with tOO % nttended to requests / queries/
follow-ups of FT/PT Personnel within the day or mailed within the day
Stationr/ Personnel and other regarding utility bills, PMO's, salaries,
Offices {thru telephone/texts or benefits, PAGIBIG, GSIS and other
mail) gfficial transactions without lapses

Answered queries or prepare0 replles neptl"s r"tuy"a tnru telephone / texts
M inor Lo nicotion
pses : M i scomm u 95-99% Attended to requests /
lnoction; incomqlete queries/ follow-ups of FT/PT Personnel within 2 days or mailed within 1- 2 days
Mojot Lopses:
dato/attochments regarding utility bills, PMO's, salaries,
benefits, PAGIBIG, GSIS and other
official transactions with very minimal
Time Framer 1- 5 days - l 90 - 94% % Attended to requests / Answered queries or prepared replies
withln 3 days
nepti"s |."tuy"a tft,u telephone / texts
or mailed within 2- 3 days
queries/ follow-ups of FT/PT Personnel
regarding utility bills, PMO's, salaries,
benefits, PAGIBIG, GSIS and other
official transactions with minimal
Answered queries or prepared replies Replies relayed thru telephone / texts
86-89% Attended to requests /
queries/ follow-ups of FT/PT Personnel within 4 days or mailed within 4 working days
regarding ut!lity bills, PMO's, salaries,
benefits, PAGlElG, GSIS and other
official transactions with 1 or 2 major
Answered queries or prepared replies neplies relayed thru telephone / texts
1 80- 85% Attended to requests /
queries/ follow-ups of FT/PT Personnel within 5 days or mailed within 5 working daYs
regarding utility bills, PMO's, salaries,
benefits, PAGIBIG, GSls and other
officialtransactions with more than 2
major lap5es
lor-*"rded to tL" L'aiton officer within the
15. Encoding of Travel Orders too%encoded documents for action Checked/verified action taken by
and othej officlal docum€nts in or information ofDOSTthru EMSwith DOST in the DOST Portal every 1
the DOST Portal - Electronic no error nour

p-*-"rd"d to tn" Li"iton Officer within the
Minor Error: out few 95 -99% Encoded documents for Checked/verified action taken bY
DOST in the DOST Portal everY 2
following day
letters action or information of DOST thru
EMS with 2 or 3 minor errors hours
/numoers Forwarded to the Liaison Officer within 2
Major Error: Missed out 90-94% Encoded documents for checked/verified action taken bY
important data/information action or information of DOST thru DOST in the DOST Portal eve.Y 3
EMS with 4 or 5 minor errors hours
Checked/verified action taken bY Forwarded to the Liaison Officer within 3
86 - 89% Encoded documents for
action or information of DOST thru DOST in the DOST Portal every 4
EMS with 2 or 3 r errors hours
Forwarded to the Liaison Officer within 4
80-85% Encoded documents thru the
DOST'S the EMS with 4 or more malor
Checked/verified action taken bY days
DOST in the DOST Portalevery 5
Hand carried to concerned offices Picked up aPProved documents as
17. Liaison services { DOST, Office 100% Received, recorded,
photocopied documents for action / within the day scheduled
of the Ombudsman. GSIS,
PAGlEtG and other Offices) approval of concerned office complete
with the required attachments
Hand carried to concerned offices Picked up aPProved documents l daY
Minor Error: lncorrect 4 95-99% Received, recorded,
photocopied documents for action / the following day after the scheduled date of release
approval of concerned office with 1 or
2 minor errors
documents after 2
Major Error: Misrouted/ 9G94% Received, recorded, Photo Hand carried to concerned offices -icked up approved
days after the scheduled date of release
lMisplaced/ damaged records due copied documents for action / 2 days after receipt
to carelessness /incomplete approval of concerned with 2 or 3
attachments / no receiving coPies minor errors
recotded, Picked up approved documents 3 days
86{9% Receiu"d, I Hand carried to concerned offices
ohotocopied documents for action / 3 days after receipt after the scheduled date of release
approvalof concerned office but
lacking 1 ofthe required attachments

80-85% Received, recorded, Hand carried to concerned ofiices Picked up approved documents 4 days s

photocopied documents for action / 4 days after receiPt after the scheduled date of release
approval of concerned office but
lacking 2 or 3 ofthe required
18, Inventory oI Records In the (to Examined 90% of records series (type, 100 % accuracy rate
be carried out periodically ) volume, location and age of records) and
updated the Master List of records
holdings in the c!
Examined 85% of records series (tYpe, 96 - 99 % accuracy rate
vol!me, location and a8e of records) and
updated the Master List of records
holdin8s in the custodY of RMS
Examined 80 % of records series (type, 90-95 % acc!racy rate
volume, location and a8e of records) and
updated the Master List of records
holdings in the cu
txamined 75 % of records series (tYpe, 86'89 % accuracy rate
volume, location and ate of recordsl and
updated the Master List of records
holdings of the Age j
1 Examined 70 % of records series (type, 80-85 % accuracy rate

[--1- i1--_|--
volume, location and age of records) and
updated the Master List of records
holdinEs ofthe _l_

Prepared by: NOTED:

C'" r! V Dl0lllSr0 stltl{ t\, DAVIS

::iftctRI ild Ad.nrtdrftDni5rir

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