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The wealthy and powerful clans of Mecca did not like Muhammad's message.

So, they wanted to

persecute him but his Uncle Abu Talib was the leader of "The Banu Hashim Clan". Unfortunately, his
Uncle died no one wanted to keep him nor protect him. Allah advised him to went to Medina.


•Hijra- This refers to Muhammad's departure from Mecca to Medina in 622 C.E., marking the
consolidation of the first Muslim community.


Ummah- This refers to the whole community of Muslims bound together by ties of religion.


At the time that Muhammad went to Medina it was an agricultural settlement around an oasis and
deprived of political order.


Once the Muslim have settled in Medina, they begun to challenge the " abusive trade system" of Mecca.


With the start of the conflicts between Mecca and Medina, Muhammad realized that peace is necessary.

•Hajj- This is the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, which takes place in the last month of the year and which
all the Muslims are expected to make atleast once during their lifetime.


There, a truce was made.


Mecca fell, Muhammad became the supreme political and religious leader of "Ummah".

What is the Five Pillars of Islam?

It is the foundation of the faith of the Muslims. They follow and practice these pillars.


Shahadah (Creed)

•Muslim profession of faith.


•In Contrast to the Christian Creed.

Salat (Prayer)

•Muslims pray five times a day. Before dawn, Midday, Midafternoon, Sunset and Night time.


•Individual cleansing ritual with water washing hands, arms, face, neck and feet.


Zakat (Charity)

•Zakat is the payment made anually under the Islamic Law on certain kinds of property.


•Used for charitable and religious purposes.


Sawm (Fasting on Ramadan)

•During the month-long Ramadan, people abstain from food, drinks, tobacco and sex from dawn until

•The purpose of fasting is to discipline and develop sympathy.


•Fasting is tough to be good for individual spiritual growth.


Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca)

•Pilgrimage it is the religious journey by a believer to sacred city or site.


•All Muslims are expected to visit Mecca atleast once in their lifetime.


This is the most common type of headscarf worn by Muslim women here in the UK. It is a headscarf that
covers the head and neck, but leaves the face clear. The scarves come in many different shades and
shapes and are often colour co-ordinated with women’s outfits.


The niqab is a combination of a head covering and scarf that covers all of a woman’s face except for her
eyes. It usually flows down to the mid-back to cover a woman’s hair, and may flow down to the mid-
chest in the front. It is most often worn in Arab countries, but an increasing number of Muslim women
in the west are choosing to wear it.

Although the majority of scholars agree that hijab is obligatory, only a minority of them say that the
niqab is.


The terms niqab and burqa are often incorrectly used interchangeably; a niqab covers the face while a
burqa covers the whole body from the top of the head to the ground. It is the most concealing of all
Islamic veils. It covers the entire face, including the eyes (with a mesh cloth to see through) and the


The chador is a body-length outer garment, usually black in colour, worn mainly by women in Iran. It is
not secured at the front by buttons or clasps, so the woman holds it closed


These are long, loosely fitted garments worn by Muslim women to cover the shape of their bodies. They
are often worn in combination with the hijab or niqab.

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