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International consensus statement on the use of uterotonic

agents during caesarean section
M. Heesen,1 B. Carvalho,2 J. C. A. Carvalho,3 J. J. Duvekot,4 R. A. Dyer,5 D. N. Lucas,6
N. McDonnell,7 S. Orbach-Zinger8 and S. M. Kinsella9

1 Professor, Chairman, Department of Anaesthesia, Kantonsspital Baden, Switzerland

2 Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA
3 Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Toronto, ON,
4 Consultant, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the
5 Professor Emeritus, Department of Anaesthesia and Peri-operative Medicine, University of Cape Town, Cape Town,
South Africa
6 Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, UK
7 Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, King Edward Memorial Hospital for
Women, Subiaco, WA, Australia
8 Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesia, Beilinson Hospital, Petach Tikvah, and Sackler Medical
School, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
9 Consultant, Department of Anaesthesia, St Michael’s Hospital, Bristol, UK

It is routine to give a uterotonic drug following delivery of the neonate during caesarean section. However, there
is much heterogeneity in the relevant research, which has largely been performed in low-risk elective cases or
women with uncomplicated labour. This is reflected in considerable variation in clinical practice. There are
significant differences between dose requirements during elective and intrapartum caesarean section.
Standard recommended doses are higher than required, with the potential for acute cardiovascular adverse
effects. We recommend a small initial bolus dose of oxytocin, followed by a titrated infusion. The recommended
doses of oxytocin may have to be increased in women with risk factors for uterine atony. Carbetocin at
equipotent doses to oxytocin has similar actions, while avoiding the requirement for a continuous infusion after
the initial dose and reducing the need for additional uterotonics. As with oxytocin, carbetocin dose
requirements are higher for intrapartum caesarean sections. A second-line agent should be considered early if
oxytocin/carbetocin fails to produce good uterine tone. Women with cardiac disease may be very sensitive to
the adverse effects of oxytocin and other uterotonics, and their management needs to be individualised.

Correspondence to: S. M. Kinsella
Accepted: 7 June 2019
Keywords: caesarean section; carbetocin; haemorrhage, obstetric; oxytocin; uterus, tone
This article is accompanied by an editorial by Monks and Palanisamy, Anaesthesia 2019;
Twitter: @HeesenMichael, @CarvalB, @nolanmcdonnell, @noolslucas

Re-use of this article is permitted in accordance with the Creative Commons Deed, Attribution 2.5, which does not permit
commercial exploitation.

© 2019 Association of Anaesthetists 1

Anaesthesia 2019 Heesen et al. | Consensus statement on uterotonic agents during caesarean section

What other guideline statements are 3 Oxytocin has significant adverse effects when given
available on this topic? as a rapid high-dose bolus. It should therefore be
There are currently no other guidelines or given slowly to reduce these effects. A small initial
recommendations that deal specifically with uterotonic dose followed by a controlled infusion is the
management at caesarean section. There are existing optimum approach. Suggested doses are given in
guidelines that cover: management of caesarean section; Box 1.
management of uterine tone at vaginal delivery; and 4 Research is lacking on oxytocin dose requirements
management of postpartum haemorrhage. for women having elective caesarean section who
are at high risk of uterine atony and haemorrhage.
Why was this consensus statement In this situation, it may be appropriate to follow
developed? the dose regimen for intrapartum caesarean
There is wide variation in the use of uterotonics at section.
caesarean section including: choice of drug (first-line and 5 Infusion regimens for oxytocin are highly variable,
second-line uterotonics); timing of administration; dose; but large total oxytocin doses should be avoided
route; speed of administration; and maintenance regimen. to minimise the antidiuretic effect. Administration
Practice is based largely on tradition, rather than robust of a concentrated solution using a syringe pump
scientific data. There is evidence that adverse effects of may be required for women who require fluid
oxytocin may be reduced by alterations in dose and rate restriction.
of administration, without compromising effectiveness. 6 Carbetocin is a longer-acting analogue of oxytocin,
with a similar mechanism of action and adverse effects
How does this consensus statement profile. The increased duration of action of carbetocin
differ from other available guidelines? compared with oxytocin eliminates the requirement for
This statement recommends: doses of oxytocin for routine an infusion after the initial dose. It may, therefore,
elective caesarean section that are lower than in other become the preferred first-line drug, rather than
guidelines; higher oxytocin doses in women at increased oxytocin.
risk of postpartum haemorrhage; use of second-line 7 If oxytocin/carbetocin do not provide adequate uterine
uterotonics; use of carbetocin as an alternative to oxytocin; tone, a second-line drug (ergot alkaloids or a
and a strategy for the use of uterotonics in resource-limited prostaglandin) should be considered early.
environments. Administration of a second-line agent should be
guided by the clinical context and presence of contra-
Why does this statement differ from indications, and follow local hospital policies and
existing guidelines? availability.
This statement reviews the recent scientific literature to 8 In resource-constrained settings, where controlled
provide evidence-based recommendations, and focuses on intravenous (i.v.) infusions are not readily available, the
the optimal dose, route and rate of administration of intramuscular (i.m.) route can be considered for
uterotonics during caesarean section. sustained duration of drug action.
9 Women with significant cardiac disease may be very
Recommendations for clinical practice sensitive to the adverse effects of oxytocin and other
1 Oxytocin or carbetocin are recommended for routine uterotonics, and their management needs to be
administration immediately after delivery of the fetus individualised.
during caesarean section to prevent postpartum 10 As accidental administration of uterotonic drugs
haemorrhage. before delivery of the fetus may result in a
2 Oxytocin and carbetocin dose requirements for catastrophic outcome, extreme care must be taken
intrapartum caesarean section are several times greater to ensure that pre-prepared syringes or solutions
than that for low-risk elective caesarean section, and are not confused with other drugs that may be
therefore a universal dose for all cases is not appropriate. given during this period.

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Box 1 Suggested dose regimens for uterotonic administration at low-risk elective caesarean section, and caesarean section
in labouring women. N.B. take account of national drug license restrictions. See text for further information.

First-line drugs

Elective caesarean section Intrapartum caesarean section

Bolus 1 IU oxytocin; start oxytocin infusion at 2.5–7.5 3 IU oxytocin over ≥ 30 s; start oxytocin
IU.h 1 (0.04–0.125 IU.min 1). infusion at 7.5–15 IU.h 1 (0.125–0.25 IU.min 1
If required after 2 min, give a further dose of 3 IU over ≥ 30 s.
Consider second-line agent early in the event of failure of this regimen to produce sustained uterine tone.
Review the patient’s clinical condition before discontinuing the infusion; this will usually be between 2 h and 4 h after

Alternative – carbetocin

Elective caesarean section Intrapartum caesarean section

100 lg over ≥ 30 s. 100 lg over ≥ 30 s.
Smaller doses (as low as 20 lg) may be sufficient; in this case, Do not exceed 100 lg – if required move to second-line drug.
doses can be repeated if required, up to 100 lg.
Do not exceed 100 lg – if required move to second-line drug.

Second-line drugs
These drugs should be considered for both prophylaxis and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage.
Consider early use in the event of failure of first-line drugs to produce sustained uterine tone.
Depending on local availability, the following drugs can be used:

1 Ergometrine (ergonovine) 200–500 lg/methylergometrine (methylergonovine) 200 lg: i.m., or slow i.v. in exceptional
circumstances; may be repeated after 2 h.
2 Misoprostol 400–600 lg: sublingual, rectal, vaginal, oral; repeat after 15 min if required, maximum
dose 800 lg.
3 Carboprost 250 lg: i.m. or intramyometrial (contraindicated i.v.); up to every 15 min if required, maximum eight doses.
4 Sulprostone 500 lg: i.v. at 100 lg.h 1
; maximum dose 1500 lg.

Consider early use of adjunctive medication to counter adverse effects, for example, antiemetics.
Further uterotonic administration (third-line drugs) should be considered within a multimodal postpartum haemorrhage
regimen (pharmacology/haematology and antifibrinolysis/surgery/interventional radiology).

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Anaesthesia 2019 Heesen et al. | Consensus statement on uterotonic agents during caesarean section

Introduction greater than would be anticipated (potential postpartum

Management of uterine tone after delivery involves giving haemorrhage).
a prophylactic uterotonic, and the use of controlled cord Postpartum haemorrhage is usually defined as blood
traction to facilitate delivery of the placenta and minimise loss > 500 ml, with major/severe haemorrhage being blood
blood loss. This is usually accomplished with a single loss > 1000 ml; these thresholds have been recommended
drug – however, supplementary drugs are sometimes as standard outcome measures for reporting postpartum
required. haemorrhage trials [21].
Oxytocin, or its analogue carbetocin, is the first-line
drug. Oxytocin has its primary effect on oxytocin receptors Oxytocin
in the uterus; it also has adverse effects that are mediated by Oxytocin exerts its effects through binding to G protein-
oxytocin receptors as well as other receptors in the coupled receptors. Oxytocin receptors are widely
cardiovascular system [1]. Adverse effects such as ST expressed throughout the body, including the myometrium
segment depression, hypotension and tachycardia are well and endometrium, cardiovascular system and central
recognised, and have been implicated as a contributory nervous system. Towards the end of pregnancy there is a
cause of maternal death [2, 3]. Ergot derivatives and dramatic increase in oxytocin receptors in the uterus. The
prostaglandins, the second-line drugs, also have significant uterotonic effects of oxytocin are mediated in two ways:
cardiovascular and other adverse effects. firstly, by stimulation of the receptor leading to a direct
International guidelines on uterotonic use during contractile effect in the myometrium; and secondly, by
caesarean section are variable (Table 1) [4–13]. Most stimulating production of prostaglandin PGF2a in the
guidelines make a single recommendation for uterotonic endometrium [22].
use, and do not discuss the use of additional agents in the Similarly to other G protein-coupled receptors, oxytocin
presence of persistent uterine atony. receptors undergo rapid homologous desensitisation [22].
A number of surveys of uterotonic administration by This phenomenon has been shown to occur both in vitro
obstetricians and anaesthetists show huge variation in and in vivo, and has significant clinical implications,
practice, including mode of administration (bolus vs. including the uterine response to subsequent administration
continuous infusion), frequency (routine vs. selective of oxytocin. It is, therefore, important to distinguish between
use) and single vs. repeat bolus administration (Table 2) two clinical situations; elective or scheduled caesarean
[14–20]. section (oxytocin-naive) and intrapartum (emergency)
It is clear that focused recommendations on uterotonic caesarean, where the woman was in labour and/or having
use at caesarean section, including prophylaxis and exogenous oxytocin infusion (oxytocin-exposed), as there
escalating treatments, are required [19]. are major differences both in circulating hormone levels as
well as acute changes in receptor-sensitivity in these

Definitions circumstances.

Drugs that induce uterine contraction as their primary

pharmacological action may be referred to as uterotonics, Elective caesarean section
and we will use this term hereafter. ‘Oxytocic’ is sometimes Most studies evaluating uterotonic use in elective caesarean
used with the same meaning, but as some drugs that cause section have been conducted in uncomplicated low-risk
uterine contraction are not derived from oxytocin, this could women as this aids consistent responses.
lead to confusion and so is not used here. We use the
following terms: Bolus
First-line drug – a uterotonic drug used prophylactically Two studies have examined the optimal dose for elective
after delivery, as part of an active management strategy to caesarean section in healthy uncomplicated pregnancies at
establish uterine tone and prevent primary postpartum low risk for uterine atony. Carvalho et al. [23], using an up–
haemorrhage. down sequential allocation design, showed that a dose of
Second-line drug – a uterotonic drug used after the 0.35 (95%CI 0.2–0.5) IU was effective in obtaining adequate
first-line drug when: a woman is considered at higher uterine tone in 90% of women at 3 min after administration.
risk of postpartum haemorrhage; the obstetrician’s Once adequate uterine tone was achieved and the study
subjective judgement is that uterine tone is inadequate was completed, an infusion of 2.4 IU.h was started as a
after the first-line agent or intra-operative blood loss is maintenance regimen for 6 h.

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Table 1 Recommendations for the use of uterotonic agents during caesarean section from official bodies.
First-line drug for PPH prophylaxis Second-line drug for PPH prophylaxis
Royal College of Obstetricians Oxytocin 5 IU by slow i.v. Ergometrine–oxytocin may be used in the absence of
and Gynaecologists, UK, 2016 hypertension in women at increased risk of
[4] haemorrhage as it reduces the risk of minor PPH
(500–1000 ml).
For women at increased risk of haemorrhage, it is
possible that a combination of preventative
measures might be superior to oxytocin alone to
prevent PPH.
American College of Prophylactic oxytocin by dilute i.v. infusion Not discussed.
Obstetricians and (bolus dose of 10 IU) or intramuscular Guidance moves to discussing management of
Gynecologists Practice Bulletin injection (10 IU). established haemorrhage recommending that
number 183 Postpartum uterotonic agents are the first-line treatment for PPH
Hemorrhage, 2017 [5] secondary to uterine atony but the specific agent
selected is at the healthcare provider’s discretion.
Royal Australian and New Active management of the third stage of Not discussed.
Zealand College of labour (use of prophylactic oxytocics and Guidance moves to discussing management of
Obstetricians and assisting delivery of the placenta) should established haemorrhage recommending that
Gynaecologists, 2017 [6] be practised as this reduces the risk of uterotonic agents are the first-line treatment for PPH
PPH and the need for blood transfusion. secondary to uterine atony.
No agent/dose recommended
Society of Obstetrics and Carbetocin 100 lg given as an i.v. bolus Second line recommendation of oxytocin infusion or
Gynaecologists of Canada, over 1 min ergonovine (ergometrine) would appear to apply to
2009 [7] vaginal delivery only. No specific second-line
recommendation for caesarean section
French College of Obstetricians Oxytocin 5–10 units i.v. except for women Not discussed
and Gynaecologists in with overt cardiovascular risks when the Guidance moves to discussing PPH management
collaboration with French injection must last at least 5 min to limit algorithms for PPH following vaginal delivery,
Society of Anaesthesiology and its haemodynamic effects. Routine occurring during caesarean section and delayed
Intensive Care, 2015 [8] maintenance 10 IU.h 1, review after 2 h. PPH after caesarean section. An oxytocin infusion
The guideline states that carbetocin and sulprostone are recommended.
reduces the risk of PPH but in the
absence of non-inferiority trial oxytocin
remains the drug of choice for
Deutsche Gesellschaft f€
ur Oxytocin 3–5 IU slowly i.v. Carbetocin 100 lg slowly i.v.
akologie und Geburtshilfe,
2016 [9]
World Health Organization The use of an effective uterotonic for the Not discussed.
Recommendations for the prevention of PPH during the third stage
prevention and treatment of of labour is recommended for all births.
postpartum haemorrhage, To effectively prevent PPH, only one of
2018 [10] the following uterotonics should be
• oxytocin (10 IU, i.m./i.v.)
• carbetocin (100 lg, i.m. /i.v.)
• misoprostol (either 400 lg or 600 lg,
• ergometrine/methylergometrine
(200 lg, i.m./ i.v.)
• oxytocin and ergometrine fixed-dose
combination (5 IU/ 500 lg, i.m.)
In settings where multiple uterotonic
options are available, oxytocin (10 IU,
i.m./i.v.) is the recommended
uterotonic agent for the prevention of


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Table 1 (continued)

First-line drug for PPH prophylaxis Second-line drug for PPH prophylaxis
FIGO (International Federation Within 1 min of delivery of the infant, Not discussed. Guidance moves to discussing
of Gynecology and Obstetrics) palpate the abdomen to rule out the management of established haemorrhage and
Safe Motherhood and presence of an additional infant(s) and recommends that, for management of PPH, oxytocin
Newborn Health Committee give oxytocin 10 IU intramuscularly. should be preferred over ergometrine or
Prevention and treatment of Oxytocin is preferred over other methylergometrine alone, a fixed dose combination
postpartum hemorrhage in uterotonic drugs because it is effective 2– of ergometrine and oxytocin, carbetocin, and/or
low-resource settings [11] 3 min after injection, has minimal prostaglandins such as misoprostol. If oxytocin is
adverse effects, and can be used in all not available, or if the bleeding does not respond to
women. oxytocin or ergometrine, an oxytocin–ergometrine
If oxytocin is not available, other fixed dose combination, carbetocin, or misoprostol
uterotonics can be used, such as: should be offered as second-line treatment. If these
ergometrine or methylergometrine second-line treatments are not available, or if the
0.2 mg intramuscular; syntometrine (a bleeding does not respond to the second-line
combination of oxytocin 5 IU and treatment, a prostaglandin such as carboprost
ergometrine 0.5 mg per ampoule tromethamine should be offered, if available.
intramuscular [10]); or misoprostol
600 lg orally.
National Institute Of Health and Oxytocin 5 IU by slow i.v. injection Not discussed
Care Excellence (NICE), UK [12]
Association of Women’s Health, Administer i.v. oxytocin by providing a Not discussed
Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, bolus dose followed by a total minimum
USA [13] infusion time of 4 h after birth. For
women who have had caesarean births,
continuation beyond 4 h is
recommended. Rate and duration
should be titrated according to uterine
tone and bleeding.
PPH, postpartum haemorrhage; i.m., intramuscular.

Butwick et al. [24] performed a dose–response IU.min (17.4 (9.0–25.8) IU.h 1) [26]. Lavoie et al., using
study of oxytocin doses between 0 IU and 5 IU. They comparable methodology, found a very similar ED90 of 0.27
found a ceiling effect, with limited benefit for doses (0.21–0.32) IU.min (16.2 (13.1–19.3) IU.h 1) [27]. Given
> 0.5 IU to obtain adequate uterine tone after 2 min. that the end-point of adequate uterine tone was assessed at
Interestingly, adequate uterine tone, without need for 4 min, the total dose administered at this point was
additional oxytocin, was obtained in 73% of women in approximately 1 IU, consistent with the studies using a
the 0 IU group. There were no differences in adverse single bolus dose. Both of these studies switched to a
effects between 0.5 IU and 1 IU; however, adverse standard fixed oxytocin infusion rate, one at the end of
effects increased with doses > 1 IU. surgery and the other after 1 h.
A study that investigated change in haemoglobin after
Infusion 1
delivery found that oxytocin 40 IU.h in 500 ml, infused
It is common practice in North America to administer 1
over 30 min, was as effective as 60 or 80 IU.h over the
oxytocin by a rapid, often unregulated infusion, for example, same infusion time [28].
30 IU oxytocin in 500 ml crystalloid solution, rather than by Oxytocin has only weak antidiuretic activity when the
a bolus [25]. These high-rate infusions, designed to initiate infusion rate is < 2.7 IU.h [29], suggesting that the
uterine tone, must therefore be distinguished from lower infusion rate should be restricted, if possible, to minimise
rate infusions for maintenance of tone. the effects of oxytocin on renal haemodynamics and water
Two dose-finding studies have determined the optimal and electrolyte excretion.
calibrated oxytocin infusion rates to initiate adequate uterine
tone. George et al. found that the ED90 (95%CI) of an Bolus plus infusion
oxytocin infusion to obtain satisfactory uterine tone, at an Duffield et al. compared infusions of 2.5 IU.h 1
and 15 IU.h 1

initial assessment 4 min after delivery, was 0.29 (0.15–0.43) after an initial 1 IU oxytocin bolus. They found no evidence of

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Table 2 Surveys of clinical practice of uterotonic use at caesarean section (CS).

First dose of oxytocin
Respondent/ Second-line
Name, Country Population response rate 5 IU 10 IU Infusion protocol after initial bolus protocol

Bolton, UK [14] Lead obstetric 179 (75%) 10% (5% rapid, 87% (50% rapid, Not discussed Not discussed
anaesthetists 5% slow) 50% slow)
Bolton, UK [14] Lead obstetric 198 (77%) 82% (20% rapid, 15% (23% rapid, Not discussed Not discussed
anaesthetists 62% slow) 77% slow)
Wedisinghe, Lead 365 (84%) 90% slow 12.1% slow Routine – 20% Oxytocin 5 IU
UK [15] obstetricians Selective – 80% bolus – 17%
and lead obstetric
30 IU over 4 h – 43%
40 IU over 4 h – 53%
Marcus, Chairs of 346 (48%) 1–3 IU 5–9 IU 10 IU 12–40 IU 3–9 IU – 17%
Germany [16] anaesthetic 10 IU – 50%
52% 21% 12% 1.8%
departments 12–20 IU – 15%
23–40 IU – 6.4%
Mockler, Obstetric fellows 700 (45%) 32% 67% 68 different infusion Ergometrine – 26%
Australia and (members of regimens; Syntometrine
New Zealand Royal Australian most common is 40 (oxytocin 5 IU +
[17] and New Zealand IU in 1 l over 4 h ergometrine
College of 500 lg) – 20%
Obstetricians and Oxytocin bolus
Gynaecologists) –19%
of oxytocin
infusion –21%
(no details about
routes of
administration or
Sheehan, UK Lead obstetricians 391 (82%) UK – 12% UK – 89% Routine: Not discussed
and and lead Ireland – 9.0% Ireland – 85% UK – 19%
Ireland [18] anaesthetists Ireland – 36%
UK – 80%
Ireland – 67%
30 IU over 4 h:
UK – 43%
Ireland – 3.0%
40 IU over 4 h:
UK – 40%
Ireland – 43%
West, UK [19] Lead obstetric 150 (73%) <5 IU 5 IU > 5 IU Routine – 24% Identical
anaesthetists Selective – 76% oxytocin
Elective 5.4% 95% 0%
(OAA members) 7–10 IU.h 1 bolus
Emergency 4.7% 95% 0% over 4 h – 86% repeated –90%
Smaller repeat
bolus –8.7%
Larger repeat
oxytocin bolus –
Orbach-Zinger, Obstetricians and 390 (90%) 1 IU 5 IU 10 IU 10 IU in 1 l 20 IU in 1 Second line –
Israel [20] anaesthetists; six Ringer’s l Ringer’s usually increased
university hospitals; lactate lactate bolus of oxytocin
all grades or increase rate
First CS 4.3% 31% 11% First CS 32% 21%
Repeat CS 4.1% 27% 17% Repeat CS 30% 21% methylergometrine

CS, caesarean section.

improved tone or reduced blood loss, despite a six-fold their standard regimen of a ‘wide open’ (full flow rate,
difference in infusion rate, suggesting that very low doses are uncalibrated) infusion of 30 IU in 500 ml. There were no
required by infusion after an initial bolus. Furthermore, this differences in uterine tone, haemodynamic changes or
study corroborates the efficacy of a low-dose bolus of 1 IU to other adverse effects, or the requirement for alternative
initiate appropriate uterine contraction [30]. uterotonic agents.
Kovacheva et al. [25] found that a 3 IU oxytocin bolus The reported benefits of oxytocin infusion after bolus
over 15 s, repeated twice if necessary and followed by a compared with bolus only include: reduced estimated
maintenance infusion of 3 IU per hour, was as effective as blood loss; less postpartum haemorrhage; fewer blood

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transfusions; and a lower requirement for additional differences in the need for additional uterotonic drugs
uterotonics [31, 32]. in the first 24 h when comparing 5 IU oxytocin
The optimal duration of oxytocin infusion after initiation administered over 30 s, with a placebo bolus followed
of tone is unknown. A convenient time to review this is at the by an infusion of 40 IU oxytocin in 500 ml over 30 min.
point of discharge from the postoperative recovery area. There were small differences in uterine tone
immediately after delivery of the placenta, which was
Intrapartum caesarean section no longer apparent 5 min later [36].
The ED90 for adequate uterine tone in women undergoing Adverse effects
caesarean section for failure to progress (arrested labour) Haemodynamic effects
was found to be 2.99 (95%CI 2.3–3.7) IU [33], nine times the The haemodynamic effects of oxytocin are related to the
dose found at elective caesarean section using similar following: the dose administered; rate of administration;
methodology [23]. This is likely to result from oxytocin the presence of comorbidities, such as pre-eclampsia or
receptor desensitisation, as the women received oxytocin cardiac disease; the volume status of the patient; and
infusion during labour for a mean (SD) of 9.8 (6.3) h before whether repeated doses are administered. Recent studies
caesarean section. As with this group’s earlier study, a of oxytocin administration during caesarean section under
maintenance infusion of 2.4 IU.h was used for 6 h after regional anaesthesia, using non- or minimally invasive
achieving adequate uterine contraction and completion of monitors employing beat-by-beat pulse wave form or
the study [23]. transthoracic bioimpedance technology, have shown
peripheral vasodilatation, hypotension, and increased
Infusion cardiac output, mediated by an increase in heart rate and
Lavoie et al. [27] studied labouring women having stroke volume after oxytocin administration [37].
caesarean section, using identical methods to those in The effects of oxytocin on the pulmonary and systemic
women having elective caesarean section. They determined circulation have been measured in a study using pulmonary
the ED90 (95%CI) for oxytocin infusion to obtain satisfactory artery catheterisation. A 10 IU bolus of oxytocin was
tone at 4 min after delivery, in women who had had an followed by a 40% decrease in femoral artery pressure, and
oxytocin infusion during labour, as 0.74 (0.56–0.93) a 59% and 40% decrease in systemic and pulmonary
1 1
IU.min (44.2 (33.8–55.6) IU.h ), almost three times higher vascular resistance, respectively, after 30 s. Heart rate
than women not in labour. The oxytocin dose at the 4-min increased by 31% and stroke volume by 17%, and cardiac
assessment mark was approximately 3 IU. Additionally, 34% output increased by 54%. At 150 s after injection,
of women having caesarean section during labour required pulmonary artery and pulmonary wedge pressure had
supplementary uterotonic agents, compared with 8% increased by 33% and 35%, respectively. However, all
women having elective caesarean section [27]. women in this study had undergone general anaesthesia,
Munn et al. [34] found that additional uterotonics were which limits comparability with women having regional
required in 39% vs. 19% (RR 2.1), when using 10 IU given anaesthesia [38].
over 30 min compared with 80 IU oxytocin, respectively. Slow administration of oxytocin results in less
A retrospective chart review found that women who cardiovascular effects. A 5 IU dose administered as an
had a caesarean section after receiving oxytocin during infusion over 5 min was associated with a 5 mmHg
labour required a higher postpartum oxytocin infusion rate reduction in mean arterial pressure and a 10 beats.min
than those who did not, with an adjusted OR of 1.94 (95% CI increase in heart rate, compared with a 27 mmHg decrease
1.19–3.15; p = 0.008]) [35]. The former group was also and a 17 beats.min 1
increase seen after the same 5 IU
more likely to require additional uterotonic agents. dose given as a bolus [39]. Repeated doses of oxytocin are
associated with an attenuated cardiovascular effect,
Bolus plus infusion possibly from receptor desensitisation [37].
A trial in a mixed study population of elective and Co-administration of 80 lg phenylephrine with 2.5 IU
intrapartum caesarean section in women with ≥ 1 risk oxytocin, given over 30 s, has been shown to obtund but not
factors for uterine atony (overdistended uterus; oxytocin prevent the decrease in systemic vascular resistance and
infusion during labour; chorioamnionitis; clinical history; increase in heart rate and cardiac output [40]. In another
placenta praevia; high parity) showed no significant study, administration of 50 lg phenylephrine before a 3 IU

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oxytocin dose given over 15 s did not prevent hypotension doses, showing that there is no tight linkage between ST
and tachycardia [41]. depression and myocardial injury. Interestingly, one third of
In women with pre-eclampsia, similar transient episodes of ST depression were either before or after more
haemodynamic effects were seen after a 2.5 IU oxytocin than 3 min following oxytocin administration, furthering the
bolus when compared with healthy women [42], although in suggestion that oxytocin is only one of several factors
another study the response to a 5 IU bolus was less producing ST depression [53].
consistent, with five out of 18 women experiencing a The haemodynamic effects of oxytocin are also
decrease in cardiac output due to inability to increase stroke dependent on the mode of administration. ST depression
volume [43]. occurred in three out of 40 women when 3 IU oxytocin
A further observational study of 0.1–0.5 IU oxytocin was given over 15 s, but in none when it was infused over
doses in women with various cardiac conditions, including five min [54].
aortic stenosis, peripartum cardiomyopathy and congenital Several reports, during both caesarean section and
heart disease, showed considerable, although transient, vaginal delivery, indicate that rapid administration of bolus
decreases in blood pressure and increases in cardiac output oxytocin to women who are hypovolaemic may cause
[44]. extreme haemodynamic instability or collapse. A 10 IU
A negative inotropic effect of oxytocin has been found bolus of oxytocin was the precipitating cause of death in two
in the atrium of dogs [45]. In human atrial myocytes, women, one of whom had a high spinal block and was also
this effect has been attributed to the preservative hypovolaemic, and the other who had pulmonary
chlorobutanol rather than to oxytocin itself [46]. hypertension [2]. An oxytocin bolus was thought to have
The significance of ST depression at caesarean section, contributed to five maternal deaths in the South African
and its relationship with myocardial injury, has been Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths between 2005
debated. ST segment changes at caesarean section occur in and 2010 [3].
up to 25–47% of women [47, 48]. Chest pain in association
with ST depression has an incidence of 5–33% [47–49]. Other adverse effects
Suggested precipitating factors include hypotension, Oxytocin can cause water retention and subsequent
tachycardia, venous air embolism and ephedrine-induced hyponatraemia, as the drug has a structural analogy with
tachycardia; although there are conflicting opinions and no antidiuretic hormone (ADH; vasopressin), and therefore
definitive evidence on causation, oxytocin is likely to play a activates the ADH receptor [55, 56]. Oxytocin can cause
contributory role [47–50]. nausea and vomiting; vomiting occurred in 15% of women
One study found that 11 out of 26 women developed after a 5 IU bolus followed by a 10 IU infusion over 24 h
intra-operative ST segment changes. Only two women had [57]. This adverse effect is dose related, as nausea occurred
an increase in cardiac troponin I, indicating myocardial in 5% vs. 33%, and vomiting in 2.5% vs. 15% of women after
ischaemia, and these women showed ST segment changes 2 IU or 5 IU oxytocin, respectively [58]. Butwick et al. did not
only in the postoperative period [50]. Although the find a relationship with nausea using doses up to 5 IU,
mechanism is unclear, the evidence for myocardial injury in although the study was not powered to study this outcome
a minority of women at caesarean section is likely to be [24]. Other adverse effects observed with oxytocin include:
significant, as troponin I is not elevated after vaginal delivery feelings of warmth; palpitations; flushing; nasal congestion;
[51]. xerostomia; metallic taste; headache [59]; shivering; and
Oxytocin use can cause ST depression independent of pruritus [60].
anaesthesia. A bolus dose of 10 IU oxytocin produced
transient ST depression in approximately 50% of women
undergoing caesarean section with spinal anaesthesia, but Breastfeeding
this effect was also seen in a similar percentage of non- The use of oxytocin during labour has been implicated in

pregnant and non-anaesthetised women given the same reduced rates of breastfeeding. Potential mechanisms by

dose [52]. This adverse cardiovascular effect of oxytocin is which exogenous oxytocin might affect breastfeeding

dose-dependent. A randomised trial found that ST include down-regulation of oxytocin receptors in the

depression occurred in 8% of women after a 5 IU oxytocin mother [61], as well as transplacental passage [62]. There

bolus vs. 22% after 10 IU (53). This was related to more are no relevant data on the effect of oxytocin vs. other

severe hypotension in the latter group. However, troponin uterotonics on breastfeeding following caesarean section;

elevation occurred with a similar incidence of 4% after both however, reassuring data come from a prospective

© 2019 Association of Anaesthetists 9

Anaesthesia 2019 Heesen et al. | Consensus statement on uterotonic agents during caesarean section

randomised controlled trial evaluating active management some women having intrapartum caesarean section may
of the third stage of labour including oxytocin vs. not respond to the standard ampoule dose of 100 lg.
physiological management, which found no differences in However, doses higher than 100 lg have been associated
breastfeeding rates at hospital discharge [63]. with cardiovascular complications such as tachycardia and
intra-operative arrhythmias, and cannot currently be
Carbetocin recommended [71]. As for oxytocin, it is expected that
Carbetocin is a synthetic oxytocin analogue, with a women having intrapartum caesarean section will require
chemical structure of 1-de-amino-1-carba-2-tyrosine (0- more frequent uterotonic supplementation with a second-
methyl) oxytocin. This makes it less susceptible to line uterotonic after carbetocin than at elective caesarean
metabolism by deamination and disulphidase cleavage section.
[64]. It has a plasma half-life of approximately 40 min A Cochrane review published in 2012 included 11
following i.v. injection, 4–10 times longer than that of studies on 2635 women comparing a 100-lg bolus dose of
oxytocin. In addition, carbetocin has a higher lipophilicity carbetocin, by various routes of administration, with other
than oxytocin, which alters its tissue distribution and is uterotonic agents, following either vaginal delivery or
responsible for an increased half-life in the receptor caesarean section [72]. Where oxytocin was the comparator,
compartment [65]. the dose used varied considerably between studies. Pooled
Carbetocin has a similar affinity for the oxytocin data from the review showed that for women who
receptor as oxytocin. Despite a similar affinity, its potency in underwent caesarean section, carbetocin resulted in a lower
animal models is about one-tenth that of oxytocin on a mole risk of severe postpartum haemorrhage (measured or
per mole basis [65]; the decreased potency of carbetocin clinically estimated blood loss 1000 ml or more; risk ratio
compared with oxytocin has been confirmed in in-vitro (RR) 0.55, 95%CI 0.31–0.95), additional therapeutic
studies using human myometrial strips [66]. Oxytocin pre- uterotonics (RR 0.62, 95%CI 0.44–0.88) and need for uterine
treatment of term pregnant human myometrium attenuated massage following delivery (RR 0.54, 95%CI 0.37–0.79),
contractions produced by carbetocin [66], which was compared with oxytocin [72].
similar to the effects shown with further administration of Despite exhibiting a more favourable adverse effect
oxytocin [66]. profile than oxytocin, carbetocin is associated with
The recommended dose of carbetocin is 100 lg, cardiovascular adverse effects. It can cause hypotension,
which is equivalent to 10 lg (5 IU) of oxytocin. Several nausea, vomiting, ST depression, arrhythmias, flushing and
dose-finding studies have suggested that the ED90 of abdominal pain, as observed with oxytocin [71, 73, 74].
carbetocin at elective caesarean section in low-risk women Studies comparing the cardiovascular effects of standard
is as low as 14.8 lg [67–69], less than one-fifth the 100 lg doses of carbetocin and 5 IU oxytocin during
currently recommended dose. A recent non-inferiority caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia have shown
randomised study compared a dose of carbetocin of essentially indistinguishable hemodynamic effects for the
20 lg with 100 lg. The study did not demonstrate that two drugs [59, 75].
20 lg was non-inferior to 100 lg for the primary outcome Although pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are included as
of intensity of uterine tone at 2 min (i.e. the lower dose contra-indications in the manufacturer’s license, one
might be inferior). However, all the secondary outcomes of randomised controlled trial found that the use of carbetocin
uterine tone at 5 min, use of additional uterotonics in the in patients with severe pre-eclampsia had no major adverse
first 24 h and blood loss were similar in the two groups haemodynamic effect [76].
[70]. There is some indication, therefore, that a lower than Only very small amounts of carbetocin cross from
standard dose of carbetocin is acceptable during elective plasma to breast milk [77]. This is not of clinical concern, as
caesarean section, but these results need to be confirmed carbetocin is rapidly degraded in the infant’s gastro-
in future studies. intestinal tract.
As has been observed with oxytocin, the ED90 of In a simulated model of 1500 caesarean sections over a
carbetocin for intrapartum caesarean section is higher than 12-month period, using clinical data from a meta-analysis
for elective caesarean section at 121 lg, which is likely to and pricing data from the UK, carbetocin was found to have
be from oxytocin receptor desensitisation [71]. The a 91.5% probability of being associated with a lower
intrapartum-to-elective dose ratio is similar to that for incidence of postpartum haemorrhage (reducing cases with
oxytocin. This may have implications for clinical practice, as blood loss > 500 ml from 88% to 58%) and savings of

10 © 2019 Association of Anaesthetists

Heesen et al. | Consensus statement on uterotonic agents during caesarean section Anaesthesia 2019

> £27,000 compared with oxytocin [78]. A similar study from significant bronchospasm, even in patients without
Malaysia found an even higher clinical impact of carbetocin, asthma [87]. Other effects include hypertension,
with a prevention of 54 cases of postpartum haemorrhage diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, flushing, hyperpyrexia and
and 52 transfusions per 1500 caesarean sections annually, myalgia [88]. Sulprostone may cause fever, diarrhoea and
when compared with oxytocin [79]. painful uterine contraction [89]. There are reports of
There are concerns about a loss in potency of oxytocin cardiac or respiratory side-effects, including cardiac
during storage at high temperatures [80], which were not arrest, when sulprostone was administered during
corroborated by other authors [81]. The manufacturer states haemorrhagic shock, combined with dinoprost, or off-
that carbetocin can be kept for 1 month at temperatures up license as a continuous i.v. infusion [90].
to 60 °C, 3 months at 50 °C, 6 months at 40 °C and 3 years A recent Cochrane network meta-analysis, including
at 30 °C [82]. 196 clinical trials with 135,559 women, studied all
combinations of prophylactic uterotonic drugs, after both
Other uterotonic agents vaginal and caesarean deliveries. There were no trials that
Second-line uterotonics include ergot alkaloids and investigated ergot alkaloids or prostaglandins, alone or in
prostaglandins. combination with oxytocin, vs. placebo as a first-line
Ergometrine (ergonovine) and methylergometrine prophylactic treatment at caesarean section. Prophylactic
(methylergonovine) are ergot alkaloids that increase the use of carbetocin alone during caesarean section did not
uterine muscle tone by sustained uterine contraction via decrease the rate of postpartum haemorrhage compared
nonspecific activation of adrenergic, dopaminergic and with placebo [83]. In a sub-group analysis evaluating the risk
5-HT receptors. They have a plasma half-life of 30– of blood loss ≥ 500 ml at caesarean section, only the
120 min. The most frequent adverse effects include combination of an infusion of 20 IU oxytocin plus sublingual
hypertension, nausea and vomiting [83, 84]. Ergot misoprostol 400 lg was superior to oxytocin alone (RR 0.69,
alkaloids may produce peripheral vasoconstriction that 95%CI 0.51–0.92; pairwise analysis). For major postpartum
leads to elevated systemic arterial pressure and central haemorrhage (blood loss ≥ 1000 ml), there was no
venous pressure. It is relatively contra-indicated in evidence for differences between any agent and oxytocin
women with pre-eclampsia and hypertension as alone [83]. The lack of directly comparable studies makes it
exaggerated hypertensive effects may be seen. They difficult to draw definite conclusions.
have been associated with coronary artery spasm, A propensity score-matched secondary analysis of
causing chest pain and palpitations. Besides nausea and registry data investigated the effect of second-line
vomiting, other side-effects include diarrhoea, headache, uterotonics given for persistent uterine atony after failed
abdominal pain and dyspnoea. oxytocin prophylaxis [91]. They analysed a registry with
The UK license for ergometrine is for doses up to 1335 women who had undergone caesarean section and
500 lg; however, in a number of countries lower doses of who had received carboprost or methylergometrine. The
200–250 lg are recommended. risk of haemorrhage-related morbidity (red blood cell
Prostaglandins are bio-active lipids derived from transfusion; need for additional surgical interventions to
arachidonic acid, which act as paracrine or autocrine agents control bleeding) was significantly increased in the
that bind to different G protein-coupled receptors. Some carboprost group, even after correction for confounders
prostaglandins stimulate myometrial contraction via (relative risk 1.7; 95%CI 1.2–2.6).
activation of FP, EP1, EP3 and TP receptors. Misoprostol is a There is some evidence that an escalating strategy for
prostaglandin-E1 analogue, which is licensed for the the management of increased bleeding after vaginal
prevention and treatment of gastric ulcers. It is in unlicensed delivery can reduce postpartum haemorrhage rates [92],
use worldwide as a uterotonic agent [85]. It is absorbed 9– and this may also be applicable at caesarean section [93].
15 min after sublingual, oral, vaginal or rectal use. The half-
life is 20–40 min. The most prominent side-effect of Resource-limited settings
misoprostol is hyperpyrexia [86]. Drugs that are reserved as second-line agents in high-
Carboprost, a synthetic PGF2a analogue, and resource settings may be appropriate as first-line agents
sulprostone, a synthetic PGE2 analogue, are also used when oxytocin is not available. Potential resource problems
during treatment of postpartum haemorrhage, but are not include lack of the following: drug; reliable refrigeration
used for prophylactic treatment during caesarean section facilities for non-thermostable formulations; infusion
due to significant adverse effects. Carboprost can cause pumps; and disposables.

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Anaesthesia 2019 Heesen et al. | Consensus statement on uterotonic agents during caesarean section

The limitations of resource-poor environments place regulations when incorporating these consensus
even greater emphasis on careful risk-benefit decisions recommendations into their practice.
regarding the use of uterotonic agents. The adverse Besides licensing, there are differences in availability,
haemodynamic effects of oxytocin are likely to be more and pharmacological formulation, of uterotonic drugs in
pronounced in hypovolaemic women, and therefore slow different countries. This applies especially to the second-
and judicious administration of the drug is even more line agents, and therefore we have not provided didactic
important than in routine cases. recommendations for administration of different agents,
The i.v. route is preferable to i.m. administration for the but merely the most common dosing schedules.
initial bolus of oxytocin [94]. However, if a postoperative
infusion of oxytocin is desired, but cannot be administered Future directions
reliably due to problems with staffing or equipment, i.m. Standardised protocols to study the effectiveness of
administration is an alternative. A suggested protocol is uterotonic drugs at caesarean section should be developed.
syntometrine (5 IU oxytocin with 500 lg ergometrine; or if Large studies with clinically important end-points, such
contra-indicated 10 IU oxytocin) repeated after 4 h [3]. as accurately measured blood loss [99], are required [21].
With an increasing prevalence of women at high risk of
Safety considerations uterine atony having caesarean section, information to
Uterotonic agents given accidentally before delivery can guide optimal administration of oxytocin and other
have catastrophic consequences for the neonate. A UK uterotonics in this group of patients is highly desirable.
survey of drug errors in obstetric anaesthesia reported that
three of 70 involved administration of oxytocin before
delivery [95]. Epidural administration of oxytocin has also
SK is an editor of Anaesthesia, and the manuscript has
been described, which, although undesirable, did not lead
undergone external review. No external funding or
to uterine tonic contraction [96].
competing interests declared.
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