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Prepared for:

CJSC “Cryogas Vysotsk”

Prepared by:

Ramboll Environ CIS

(in cooperation with Branan Environment)

Moscow, Russia


September 2016

Project number:

Contract No: 1100152

Issue: 2

Author Ramboll Environ CIS and Branan Environment teams


Project Manager/Director Ivan Senchenya


Date: December 8, 2016

This report has been prepared by Ramboll Environ (in cooperation with Branan Environment) with
all reasonable skill, care and diligence, and taking account of the Services and the Terms agreed
between Ramboll Environ and the Client. This report is confidential to the client, and Ramboll
Environ accepts no responsibility whatsoever to third parties to whom this report, or any part
thereof, is made known, unless formally agreed by Ramboll Environ beforehand. Any such party
relies upon the report at their own risk.

Ramboll Environ disclaims any responsibility to the Client and others in respect of any matters
outside the agreed scope of the Services.

Version Control Record

Issue Description of Status Date Reviewer Author

Initials Initials

A Final Draft 30/09/2016 IS IS, JK, EZ,


1 Final report 30/11/2016 IS JK, EZ

2 Final updated report 08/12/2016 IS IS, JK, EZ

Final Issue ESIA


List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... 14

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ 17

List of Abbreviations...................................................................................................................... 25

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 29

1.1 Introduction to Vysotsk LNG Project ............................................................................... 29

1.2 Objectives and development of the ESIA ........................................................................ 31

1.3 Vysotsk LNG Project Categorisation ............................................................................... 32

1.4 Structure of this ESIA...................................................................................................... 32

2 Legislative and Policy Framework .......................................................................................... 35

2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 35

2.2 National legislation .......................................................................................................... 35

2.2.1 Federal government structure .................................................................................. 35

2.2.2 Hierarchy of legislation............................................................................................. 36

2.2.3 Federal legislation.................................................................................................... 36

2.2.4 Regional legislation of Leningrad Oblast .................................................................. 40

2.3 International Treaties and Conventions ........................................................................... 41

2.4 International Financial Institutions (IFIs) Requirements ................................................... 43

2.4.1 IFC Performance Standards .................................................................................... 44

2.4.2 World Bank IFC Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines ................................ 44

2.4.3 Corporate polices and standards ............................................................................. 45

3 ESIA Process......................................................................................................................... 46

3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 46

3.2 Definition of terms ........................................................................................................... 46

3.3 Scoping and consultation ................................................................................................ 48

3.4 Significance criteria overview .......................................................................................... 48

3.4.1 Known/certain impacts ............................................................................................. 49

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3.4.2 Uncertain impacts and risks ..................................................................................... 50

3.5 Significance criteria by topic............................................................................................ 51

3.5.1 Severity of impact – air emissions ............................................................................ 53

3.5.2 Severity of impact – topography, soils and marine sediments .................................. 54

3.5.3 Severity of landscape impacts ................................................................................. 56

3.5.4 Severity of impact on surface water resources (marine and freshwater) .................. 57

3.5.5 Severity of impacts on flora and fauna ..................................................................... 58

3.5.6 Severity of impact – noise ........................................................................................ 59

3.5.7 Severity of impact – waste ....................................................................................... 60

3.5.8 Severity of impact – social ....................................................................................... 61

3.6 Cumulative impacts ........................................................................................................ 64

3.7 Consideration of mitigation.............................................................................................. 64

4 Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation ......................................................... 65

4.1 Identification of Key Stakeholders ................................................................................... 65

4.2 Consultation Activities Undertaken to Date ..................................................................... 67

4.3 Future Engagement Activities ......................................................................................... 70

5 Project Description ................................................................................................................. 71

5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 71

5.2 Project Location .............................................................................................................. 72

5.2.1 Wharf for Handling Oversized Cargoes and Building Materials (Phase I) and LNG
Production and Handling Terminal (Phase III) ........................................................................ 73

5.2.2 Gas Pipeline Branch (Phase II) ................................................................................ 76

5.3 Project Timeframes ......................................................................................................... 77

5.4 Major Facilities Description ............................................................................................. 86

5.4.1 Phase I – Wharf for Handling Oversized cargoes and building Materials ................. 86

5.4.2 Phase II – Gas Pipeline Branch Off Of Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border Main Gas
Pipeline Leading to LNG Plant ............................................................................................... 92

5.4.3 Phase III – LNG Production and Handling Terminal ................................................. 94

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5.5 Project Infrastructure..................................................................................................... 100

5.5.1 Production Infrastructure FacilitIes ......................................................................... 100

5.5.2 Worker Accommodation and Auxiliary Facilities Complex ...................................... 107

5.6 Associated Facilities and out-of-scope facilities/activities .............................................. 108

5.6.1 Associated Facilities .............................................................................................. 108

5.6.2 Out-of-Scope Facilities........................................................................................... 109

5.6.3 Summary of the Project, Associated Facilities and Out-of-Scope Facilities/Activities ...
.............................................................................................................................. 110

5.7 Project Area of Influence............................................................................................... 111

5.7.1 Direct Impacts ........................................................................................................ 112

5.7.2 Indirect Impacts ..................................................................................................... 113

5.7.3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 113

5.8 Construction and Commissioning.................................................................................. 114

5.8.1 Construction Phases .............................................................................................. 115

5.8.2 Construction Procurement ..................................................................................... 116

5.8.3 Contractors and Suppliers which may be Engaged for Project Implementation ...... 116

5.8.4 Project Transport Arrangements ............................................................................ 117

5.8.5 Construction Schedule ........................................................................................... 117

5.9 Socio-Economic Rationale ............................................................................................ 117

5.10 Market Rationale........................................................................................................... 118

5.11 Project Management Strategy ....................................................................................... 119

5.11.1 Project Management Organizational Structure ....................................................... 119

5.11.2 Environmental and Social Policy ............................................................................ 120

5.11.3 Contractors’ and Subcontractors’ Management ..................................................... 121

5.11.4 Management Plans for Construction and Operation Stages ................................... 122

6 Analysis of Alternatives ........................................................................................................ 123

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 123

6.2 The Need for the Development ..................................................................................... 123

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6.3 Siting Alternatives ......................................................................................................... 123

6.3.1 Wharf for Handling Oversized Cargoes and Building Materials and LNG Production
and Handling Terminal ......................................................................................................... 123

6.3.2 Gas Pipeline Branch .............................................................................................. 127

6.4 The “No Project” Alternative .......................................................................................... 127

7 Environmental Baseline ....................................................................................................... 128

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 128

7.2 Climate, Meteorology and Air Quality ............................................................................ 129

7.2.1 Climate and meteorological parameters ................................................................. 129

7.2.2 Air Quality .............................................................................................................. 133

7.3 Carbon (Greenhouse Gases) ........................................................................................ 135

7.4 Geology, Geomorphology and Seismicity ..................................................................... 136

7.4.1 General Stratigraphy .............................................................................................. 136

7.4.2 Geomorphology ..................................................................................................... 137

7.4.3 Exogenous Processes ........................................................................................... 138

7.4.4 Fluvial Processes at the Shoreline ......................................................................... 138

7.4.5 Hydrogeology ........................................................................................................ 139

7.4.6 Seismicity .............................................................................................................. 140

7.5 Landscape, Topography and Soils ................................................................................ 140

7.5.1 Historical Land Use................................................................................................ 140

7.5.2 Landscape and Topography .................................................................................. 141

7.5.3 Hilly Moraine Plain ................................................................................................. 144

7.5.4 Hilly Glacial Lacustrine Plain .................................................................................. 144

7.5.5 Modern Marine Terrace ......................................................................................... 145

7.5.6 Soils....................................................................................................................... 146

7.6 Hydrology and Water Quality ........................................................................................ 150

7.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 150

7.6.2 Onshore Surface Water Bodies ............................................................................. 150

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7.6.3 Hydrological Regime of Surface Water Bodies ...................................................... 152

7.6.4 Rivers and Streams ............................................................................................... 152

7.6.5 Lakes and Swamps ............................................................................................... 153

7.6.6 Ice Regime ............................................................................................................ 154

7.6.7 Vyborg Bay ............................................................................................................ 156

7.6.8 Groundwater .......................................................................................................... 158

7.6.9 Water Protection Zones ......................................................................................... 159

7.6.10 Dangerous Exogenic Geological Processes and Hydrologic Phenomena .............. 161

7.6.11 Hydrochemical Characteristic ................................................................................ 162

7.6.12 Bottom Sediments ................................................................................................. 169

7.6.13 Surface Water sources .......................................................................................... 171

7.7 Noise and Vibration ...................................................................................................... 171

7.7.1 Background Noise Assessment ............................................................................. 171

7.7.2 Natural Radioactivity .............................................................................................. 171

7.8 Biodiversity ................................................................................................................... 172

7.8.1 Ecosystem Services .............................................................................................. 172

7.8.2 Protected Areas, Habitats, and Species ................................................................. 180

8 Social Baseline .................................................................................................................... 211

8.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 211

8.1.1 Administrative structure and local government ....................................................... 211

8.1.2 Location of settlements relative to the Project facilities .......................................... 212

8.2 National and Local Economic Conditions ...................................................................... 216

8.2.1 National economic indicators ................................................................................. 216

8.2.2 Overview of regional and local economy ................................................................ 217

8.3 Population and Demography......................................................................................... 223

8.3.1 Population.............................................................................................................. 223

8.3.2 Demographics ....................................................................................................... 225

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8.3.3 Vulnerable Groups ................................................................................................. 226

8.3.4 Migration Trends .................................................................................................... 227

8.3.5 Employment and Livelihoods ................................................................................. 228

8.4 Land Use ...................................................................................................................... 232

8.4.1 Current Land Use and Land Tenure....................................................................... 232

8.4.2 Traditional and Customary Land Use ..................................................................... 235

8.4.3 Informal and Non-Regularised Land Use ............................................................... 237

8.5 Social Infrastructure and Services................................................................................. 237

8.5.1 Public Health and Community Healthcare .............................................................. 237

8.5.2 Educational Services and Facilities ........................................................................ 238

8.5.3 Traffic and Transportation ...................................................................................... 239

8.5.4 Other Social Services and Means of Social Cohesion............................................ 241

8.6 Community Safety and Security .................................................................................... 244

8.6.1 Overview of Regional and Local Safety Issues ...................................................... 244

8.6.2 Transport Infrastructure ......................................................................................... 244

8.6.3 Current Security Trends ......................................................................................... 244

8.7 Cultural Heritage ........................................................................................................... 244

8.7.1 Tangible Cultural Heritage ..................................................................................... 244

8.7.2 Intangible Cultural Heritage ................................................................................... 247

9 Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring ............................................................... 248

9.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 248

9.2 Air Quality ..................................................................................................................... 249

9.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 249

9.2.2 Construction Phase ............................................................................................... 250

9.2.3 Commissioning Phase ........................................................................................... 268

9.2.4 Operational Phase ................................................................................................. 268

9.2.5 Decommissioning .................................................................................................. 280

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9.2.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 280

9.3 Climate ......................................................................................................................... 286

9.4 Landscape, Topography and Soils ................................................................................ 287

9.4.1 Construction Stage ................................................................................................ 287

9.4.2 Operational Phase ................................................................................................. 289

9.4.3 Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 289

9.4.4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 290

9.5 Hydrology and Water Quality ........................................................................................ 292

9.5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 292

9.5.2 Impact during Construction .................................................................................... 292

9.5.3 Impact during Operation ........................................................................................ 316

9.5.4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 328

9.6 Carbon .......................................................................................................................... 334

9.6.1 Impact of GHG emissions ...................................................................................... 334

9.6.2 Mitigation and Monitoring ....................................................................................... 335

9.6.3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 336

9.7 Geology ........................................................................................................................ 338

9.7.1 Outline of General Types of Impact........................................................................ 338

9.7.2 Outline of General Mitigation Measures ................................................................. 339

9.7.3 Construction Period ............................................................................................... 339

9.7.4 Operational Period ................................................................................................. 341

9.7.5 Monitoring .............................................................................................................. 342

9.7.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 342

9.8 Noise, Vibration AND ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS .................................................. 344

9.8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 344

9.8.2 Acoustic impact...................................................................................................... 345

9.8.3 VIBRATION ........................................................................................................... 353

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9.8.4 Electromagnetic impact.......................................................................................... 353

9.8.5 Sanitary protection zone ........................................................................................ 354

9.8.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 355

9.9 Biodiversity ................................................................................................................... 360

9.9.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna ................................................................................... 360

9.9.2 Marine Flora and Fauna......................................................................................... 371

9.9.3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 381

9.10 Waste Management ...................................................................................................... 384

9.10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 384

9.10.2 Environmental impact of waste management during construction .......................... 385

9.10.3 Environmental impact of waste management during operation .............................. 396

9.10.4 Impact assessment ................................................................................................ 404

9.10.5 Summary ............................................................................................................... 409

9.11 Resource Efficiency ...................................................................................................... 415

9.11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 415

9.11.2 Resource requirements (fuel, energy, gas, water and electric power) .................... 415

9.11.3 Material and chemical agent requirements............................................................. 419

9.11.4 Utilisation of feedstock, secondary energy resources and waste ........................... 419

9.11.5 Summary ............................................................................................................... 420

9.12 Emergency Preparedness and Response ..................................................................... 421

9.12.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 421

9.12.2 Summary of most probable and hazardous emergency scenarios ......................... 422

9.12.3 Environmental impact of potential emergencies ..................................................... 423

9.12.4 Assessment of the environmental impact of emergencies...................................... 425

9.12.5 Emergency prevention and containment measures ............................................... 433

9.12.6 Summary ............................................................................................................... 437

10 Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring......................................................................... 442

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10.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 442

10.2 Community Health Safety and Security ......................................................................... 442

10.2.1 Safety of Project Infrastructure, Traffic and Transportation .................................... 442

10.2.2 Construction .......................................................................................................... 445

10.2.3 Community Exposure to Health Effects .................................................................. 445

10.2.4 Community Safety ................................................................................................. 449

10.2.5 Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and Operation .............................................. 452

10.2.6 Presence of Security Personnel ............................................................................. 453

10.2.7 Summary ............................................................................................................... 454

10.3 Population Influx ........................................................................................................... 458

10.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 458

10.3.2 Construction Stage ................................................................................................ 459

10.3.3 Commissioning and Operation ............................................................................... 465

10.3.4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 467

10.4 Land Use ...................................................................................................................... 470

10.4.1 Construction Stage ................................................................................................ 470

10.4.2 Commissioning and operation................................................................................ 472

10.4.3 Applicability of the concept of physical displacement and economic displacement 472

10.4.4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 474

10.5 Labour and Working Conditions .................................................................................... 476

10.5.1 Occupational Health and Safety............................................................................. 476

10.5.2 General Camp Issues (Construction and Operations) ............................................ 477

10.5.3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 479

10.6 Economy and Employment ........................................................................................... 480

10.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 480

10.6.2 Construction Phase ............................................................................................... 481

10.6.3 Post-Construction Work Force Demobilization ....................................................... 483

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10.6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................... 486

10.7 Cultural Heritage ........................................................................................................... 487

10.7.1 Memorial Places and Burial Places ........................................................................ 487

10.7.2 Archeological sites ................................................................................................. 487

10.7.3 Summary ............................................................................................................... 489

11 Decommissioning ............................................................................................................. 490

12 Transboundary Impacts .................................................................................................... 492

13 Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions .................................................................... 493

13.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 493

13.2 Definition and Applicable Guidelines ............................................................................. 493

13.2.1 IFC Guidance Notes: Performance Standards on Environmental and Social

Sustainability, 2012 .............................................................................................................. 493

13.2.2 Good Practice Handbook on Cumulative Impact Assessment and Management

Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets (August 2013) ................................... 494

13.3 Project Context ............................................................................................................. 495

13.4 Approach to CIA ........................................................................................................... 495

13.5 CIA methodology .......................................................................................................... 496

13.6 Scoping Phase I –VECs, Spatial and Temporal Boundaries ......................................... 500

13.7 Scoping Phase II – Other Activities and Environmental Drivers .................................... 500

13.7.1 Historical Activities ................................................................................................. 500

13.7.2 Existing Activities ................................................................................................... 500

13.7.3 Planned Future Activities ....................................................................................... 502

13.8 Assessment, Significance and Management of Cumulative Impacts ............................. 504

13.8.1 Atmospheric Air ..................................................................................................... 504

13.8.2 Marine Environment and Hydrobionts Habitats ...................................................... 505

13.8.3 Surface waters and Hydrobionts Habitats .............................................................. 505

13.8.4 Natural Terrestrial Habitats and Landscapes ......................................................... 505

13.8.5 Ecosystem services and Recreational activities of local communities .................... 505

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13.8.6 Local Infrastructure ................................................................................................ 506

13.8.7 Employment and Economy .................................................................................... 506

13.8.8 Management of Cumulative Impacts ...................................................................... 506

14 Environmental and Social Management ........................................................................... 508

14.1 Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) .................................................. 508

14.2 Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP) .............................................................. 508

15 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 509

References ................................................................................................................................. 512

Appendix 1: Project Standard Document .................................................................................... 516

Appendix 2: Book of Drawings .................................................................................................... 517

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Figure 1.1.1: Location of Project ................................................................................................... 29

Figure 5.1.1: Project’s schematic diagram .................................................................................... 72

Figure 5.2.1: Project facilities location ........................................................................................... 73

Figure 5.2.2: Jetty and Terminal locations ..................................................................................... 74

Figure 5.4.1: LNG production flow diagram ................................................................................... 86

Figure 5.7.1: Project Area of Influence ........................................................................................ 114

Figure 5.11.1: Cryogas Group structure ...................................................................................... 119

Figure 7.2.1: Yearly Wind Speed and Direction Frequency Diagram (10-minute distribution) based
on the 2005-2015 Vyborg weather station data ........................................................................... 132

Figure 7.5.1: Karelian Isthmus Landscape map, Baltic-Ladoga region ........................................ 142

Figure 7.5.2: Hilly moraine plain landscape, with large boulders on surface ................................ 144

Figure 7.5.3: Hilly glacial-lacustrine plain landscape ................................................................... 145

Figure 7.5.4: Modern marine terrace landscapes ........................................................................ 146

Figure 7.5.5: Different types of podzol soils in the area ............................................................... 146

Figure 7.5.6: Contaminated land plot at the southern part of the LNG Plant area. Unauthorized
military landfill ............................................................................................................................. 148

Figure 7.6.1: Bay crossings in Vyborg bay .................................................................................. 157

Figure 7.8.1: Salmon spawners fishing locations in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland in 2014
................................................................................................................................................... 176

Figure 7.8.2: SPNAs in the Leningrad Region ............................................................................. 185

Figure 7.8.3: SPNA Locations ..................................................................................................... 186

Figure 7.8.4: Leningrad Region forest cover map........................................................................ 188

Figure 7.8.5: Inundated club moss (Lycopodiella inundata) near the route of the existing gas
pipeline east of the Saint-Petersburg-Vyborg railway .................................................................. 193

Figure 8.2.1: The structure of employed on large and middle-sized enterprises by types of
economic activities in the districts of the Project realization in 2015 ............................................ 217

Figure 8.2.2: Building of plant management of Pilot-production machine-building plant in Perovo

................................................................................................................................................... 220

Figure 8.2.3: Storage of timber and converted timber in Cherkasovo settl................................... 220

Final Issue ESIA

Figure 8.3.1: The building of the Children's antituberculosus health camp «Sosnovy mys» ........ 227

Figure 8.3.2: Structure of employment by types of economic activity within the areas of the Project
implementation in Y 2015............................................................................................................ 229

Figure 8.3.3: The average monthly salary based on the large-scale and average-scale entities
within the areas of the Project implementation in Y 2015 ............................................................ 232

Figure 8.4.1: The total area of lands within the borders of municipalities of the Project as on
January 1, Y 2016. ...................................................................................................................... 233

Figure 8.4.2: The structure of the land fund within the borders of municipalities of the Project as on
January 1, Y 2016 ....................................................................................................................... 233

Figure 8.4.3: The canopy illegally built by holidaygoers. The coastal band of the LNG terminal
construction site .......................................................................................................................... 236

Figure 8.5.1: Traffic framework in the Project area ...................................................................... 240

Figure 8.5.2: Primorskoye highway in the district of the Popovo station ...................................... 241

Figure 8.5.3: Housing stock of the town of Vysotsk ..................................................................... 243

Figure 9.5.1: Increased turbidity area from sheet pile driving ...................................................... 296

Figure 9.5.2: Increased turbidity area from sand filling ................................................................ 296

Figure 9.5.3: Increased turbidity area from mechanical excavation ............................................. 297

Figure 9.5.4: Additional turbidity plume resulting from the dam construction at the Cherkasovka
River crossing ............................................................................................................................. 302

Figure 9.5.5: Increased turbidity plume from subsea soil dumping in Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay .. 303

Figure 9.5.6: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay (central
area) ........................................................................................................................................... 304

Figure 9.5.7: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay (coastal
areas) ......................................................................................................................................... 304

Figure 9.5.8: Increased turbidity plume from subsea soil dumping in Malaya Pikhtovaya bay ..... 305

Figure 9.5.9: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Malaya Pikhtovaya bay (central
area) ........................................................................................................................................... 305

Figure 9.5.10: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Malaya Pikhtovaya bay (coastal
areas) ......................................................................................................................................... 306

Figure 9.5.11: Increased turbidity plume from subsea soil dumping in Klyuchevskaya bay ......... 306

Figure 9.10.1: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage I
construction work ........................................................................................................................ 391

Final Issue ESIA

Figure 9.10.2: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage
II construction work ..................................................................................................................... 393

Figure 9.10.3: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage
III construction work (harbor facilities) ......................................................................................... 394

Figure 9.10.4: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage
III construction work (production facilities) ................................................................................... 395

Figure 9.10.5: Temporary waste accumulation areas during operations of LNG plant ................. 402

Figure 13.7.1: Investment sites of Vyborg region ........................................................................ 504

Final Issue ESIA


Table 3.4.1: Generic (Qualitative) Severity Criteria ....................................................................... 49

Table 3.4.2: Likelihood criteria ...................................................................................................... 51

Table 3.5.1: Criteria to define severity of air quality impacts .......................................................... 53

Table 3.5.2: Criteria to define severity of impacts on topography, soils and marine sediments...... 54

Table 3.5.3: Landscape impact severity ........................................................................................ 56

Table 3.5.4: Criteria to define the severity of impacts on surface water resources ........................ 57

Table 3.5.5: Criteria to define the severity of impacts on flora and fauna ...................................... 58

Table 3.5.6: Сriteria to define the severity of noise impacts .......................................................... 59

Table 3.5.7: Criteria to define the severity of waste impacts .......................................................... 60

Table 3.5.8: Criteria to define the severity of social impacts .......................................................... 61

Table 4.2.1: List of Consultations Performed to Date .................................................................... 67

Table 4.2.2: Consultations during Social Survey ........................................................................... 68

Table 4.2.3: Key Public Concerns and Expectations ..................................................................... 69

Table 5.3.1: Work Performance Schedule ..................................................................................... 77

Table 5.6.1: Summary of the Project, Associated and Out-of-Scope Facilities/Activities ............. 110

Table 6.3.1: Comparison of the Project Phase I and Phase III facilities principal siting alternatives
................................................................................................................................................... 125

Table 7.2.1: Average, average maximum and average minimum air temperature data ............... 129

Table 7.2.2: Relative Humidity .................................................................................................... 129

Table 7.2.3: Precipitation ............................................................................................................ 130

Table 7.2.4: Dangerous atmospheric phenomena ....................................................................... 131

Table 7.2.5: Wind Direction and Calm Air Frequency, (%) .......................................................... 132

Table 7.2.6: Wind Speed Frequency (%) .................................................................................... 132

Table 7.2.7: Terminal Site Climate Characteristics ...................................................................... 133

Table 7.2.8: Terminal Site Background Concentrations .............................................................. 134

Table 7.2.9: Background concentrations of air pollutants within the Project area ........................ 134

Table 7.2.10: Air Samples Lab Testing Results ........................................................................... 134

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Table 7.4.1: Onshore General Stratigraphy ................................................................................. 136

Table 7.4.2: Offshore General Stratigraphy ................................................................................. 137

Table 7.5.1: Levels of soil contamination with chemicals according to Federal Healthcare Standard
on soil quality SanPiN .......................................................................................... 149

Table 7.5.2: Levels of soil contamination with chemicals according to Federal Healthcare Standard
on soil quality SanPiN .......................................................................................... 150

Table 7.6.1: Overview of rivers and streams crossed by GPB route ............................................ 151

Table 7.6.2: Widths of water protection zones, shoreline buffer strips and riparian strips for
construction site water bodies ..................................................................................................... 160

Table 7.6.3: Groundwater chemical testing results ...................................................................... 168

Table 7.6.4: Groundwater hardness testing results ..................................................................... 168

Table 7.7.1: Measured Noise Levels ........................................................................................... 171

Table 7.8.1: Ecosystem services ................................................................................................. 173

Table 7.8.2: Fishing area and fishing base .................................................................................. 175

Table 7.8.3: Commercial catches (annual catch, t)...................................................................... 175

Table 7.8.4: Quantitative thresholds for Tier 1 and Tier 2 critical habitat criteria 1 through 3 ....... 182

Table 7.8.5: Vegetative cover...................................................................................................... 189

Table 7.8.6: Information on the numbers of game species in the Vyborg district ......................... 197

Table 7.8.7: Information on the numbers of game species in the Vyborg district ......................... 198

Table 7.8.8: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Cherkasovka river in
December 2013 .......................................................................................................................... 201

Table 7.8.9: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Dryoma river in December
2013............................................................................................................................................ 201

Table 7.8.10: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Matrosovka river .............. 202

Table 7.8.11: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Medyanka river ................ 203

Table 7.8.12: Fish density (N, fish/ha) and biomass (В, kg/ha) in Vyborg Bay near Vysotsky Island
................................................................................................................................................... 210

Table 8.1.1:Settlements location with regard to the Project facilities ........................................... 212

Table 8.2.1: Main indicators of economic development of the districts of the Project realization (in
current prices), mln rub. .............................................................................................................. 216

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Table 8.2.2: Revenues of budgets in the regions of Project realization in 2015 ........................... 221

Table 8.2.3: The structure of budget expenditures within the districts of Project realization in 2015
................................................................................................................................................... 222

Table 8.3.1: Dynamics of population of the Project realization territories ..................................... 223

Table 8.3.2: Age pattern of the population of Vyborg district in 2015 ........................................... 223

Table 8.3.3: Ethnic composition of population of the Project realization territories in 2010 .......... 224

Table 8.3.4: Main demographic indicators of the Project realization districts in 2013-2015 ......... 225

Table 8.3.5: The composition of vulnerable groups of population in the Project realization districts
in 2016 ........................................................................................................................................ 226

Table 8.3.6: Migratory Gain Coefficient within the areas of the Project implementation, persons per
1000 inhabitants ......................................................................................................................... 227

Table 8.3.7: The main parameters of population employment within the districts where the Project
is implemented, thous. people..................................................................................................... 228

Table 8.3.8: The main indicators of unemployment within the areas of the Project implementation
................................................................................................................................................... 230

Table 8.4.1: Use of agricultural lands by garden non-commercial partnership within the areas of the
Project implementation................................................................................................................ 234

Table 8.5.1: Network of educational institutions of Vyborgsky district in Y 2015 .......................... 238

Table 8.5.2: Main housing indicators in the Project area as of January 1, 2016 .......................... 242

Table 8.7.1: Objects of cultural heritage of regional importance in the areas of Project
implementation ........................................................................................................................... 245

Table 8.7.2: Identified objects of cultural heritage in the areas of Project implementation ........... 246

Table 9.2.1: Air quality standards adopted for the Project ........................................................... 250

Table 9.2.2: Baseline air quality, mg/m3 ...................................................................................... 250

Table 9.2.3: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage I construction
activities ...................................................................................................................................... 252

Table 9.2.4: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling....................................... 254

Table 9.2.5: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage I
construction (without reference to background concentrations) ................................................... 254

Table 9.2.6: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage II construction
activities ...................................................................................................................................... 258

Table 9.2.7: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling....................................... 259

Final Issue ESIA

Table 9.2.8: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II
construction (including background concentrations) .................................................................... 259

Table 9.2.9: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II
construction (including background concentrations) .................................................................... 260

Table 9.2.10: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II
construction including background concentrations for all measurement points ............................ 260

Table 9.2.11: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage III construction
activities ...................................................................................................................................... 262

Table 9.2.12: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling ..................................... 264

Table 9.2.13: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage III
construction (including background concentrations) .................................................................... 264

Table 9.2.14: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from operation of Stage I
facilities ....................................................................................................................................... 270

Table 9.2.15: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling ..................................... 271

Table 9.2.16: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage I
operations (without reference to background concentrations) ..................................................... 271

Table 9.2.17: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage I
operations (including background concentrations) ...................................................................... 272

Table 9.2.18: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage II operations .... 273

Table 9.2.19: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling ..................................... 273

Table 9.2.20: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II
operations ................................................................................................................................... 273

Table 9.2.21: The list of pollutants associated with Stage III operations ...................................... 275

Table 9.2.22: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling ..................................... 276

Table 9.2.23: Summary of Air Quality Impacts and Mitigation Control ......................................... 281

Table 9.2.24: Summary of Air Quality Impacts Monitoring Requirements .................................... 284

Table 9.4.1: Summary of Landscape and Soils Impacts and Mitigation Control .......................... 291

Table 9.4.2: Summary of Landscape and Soils Monitoring Requirements ................................... 291

Table 9.5.1: Summary of aquatic environment pollution sources intensity/capacity ..................... 294

Table 9.5.2: Parameters of increased turbidity plumes generated by construction operations ..... 295

Table 9.5.3: Volumes of water passing through turbidity plumes, m³ ........................................... 295

Final Issue ESIA

Table 9.5.4: Water balance for the construction period ............................................................... 299

Table 9.5.5: Parameters of domestic effluents before treatment ................................................. 299

Table 9.5.6: Parameters of rainwater runoff ................................................................................ 300

Table 9.5.7: Capacities of water pollution sources during soil excavation ................................... 301

Table 9.5.8: Volume of water flowing through increased turbidity plumes during construction of
pipeline crossings ....................................................................................................................... 302

Table 9.5.9: Volumes of water passing through the dredger and the area of affected seabed ..... 303

Table 9.5.10: Quantity of pollutants released to water during bottom soil excavation and dumping
................................................................................................................................................... 307

Table 9.5.11: Water balance for the LNG Terminal construction period ...................................... 311

Table 9.5.12: Permissible discharge limits .................................................................................. 312

Table 9.5.13: Results of calculations of environmental damage from ignition and burning of an
offshore oil spill ........................................................................................................................... 316

Table 9.5.14: Results of calculations of environmental damage from evaluation of an offshore oil
spill ............................................................................................................................................. 317

Table 9.5.15: Results of calculations of environmental damage from pollution of a water body due
to an offshore spill fire ................................................................................................................. 317

Table 9.5.16: Results of calculations of environmental damage from pollution of a water body due
to an offshore diesel spill............................................................................................................. 317

Table 9.5.17: Water consumption balance .................................................................................. 318

Table 9.5.18: Wastewater disposal balance ................................................................................ 319

Table 9.5.19: Stages and efficiency of industrial effluents and rainwater treatment ..................... 321

Table 9.5.20: Permissible discharge limits .................................................................................. 321

Table 9.5.21: Quality of treated industrial effluents and rainwater ..................................................... 324

Table 9.5.22: Permissible discharge limits .................................................................................. 325

Table 9.5.23: Summary of potential impacts on water bodies, embedded controls (mitigation
measures), and significance of bare and residual impact (i.e. before and after mitigation) .......... 329

Table 9.6.1: Anticipated emissions of greenhouse gases and gases with an indirect greenhouse
effect during operation of the LNG complex ................................................................................ 335

Table 9.6.2: Annual methane emissions during the operational phase ........................................ 335

Table 9.6.3: Summary of Carbon (greenhouse gases) Impacts and Mitigation Control ............... 337

Final Issue ESIA

Table 9.6.4: Summary of Carbon (greenhouse gases) Impacts Monitoring Requirements .......... 337

Table 9.7.1: Summary of potential impacts on the geological environment ................................. 338

Table 9.7.2: Summary of Geology and Geomorphology Impacts and Mitigation Control ............. 343

Table 9.7.3: Summary of Geology and Geomorphology Monitoring Requirements ..................... 343

Table 9.8.1: Noise level standards accepted in the Project (equivalent sound level LAeq dB(A)) 344

Table 9.8.2: Noise and vibration sources at the construction phase ............................................ 345

Table 9.8.3: Regulatory noise level values .................................................................................. 347

Table 9.8.4: Regulatory noise levels ........................................................................................... 350

Table 9.8.5: Regulatory levels of electromagnetic radiation ........................................................ 353

Table 9.8.6: Summary of Noise and Vibration Impacts and Mitigation Control ............................ 356

Table 9.8.7: Summary of Noise and Vibration Impacts Monitoring Requirements ....................... 359

Table 9.9.1: Summary of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Impacts and Mitigation Control ................ 367

Table 9.9.2: Summary of Flora and Fauna Impact Monitoring Requirements .............................. 370

Table 9.9.3: Potential impacts on marine flora and fauna during construction phase .................. 371

Table 9.9.4: Parameters of increased turbidity plumes formed during performance of work ........ 373

Table 9.9.5: Potential impacts on marine flora and fauna during the operation phase ................. 376

Table 9.9.6: Impact of petrochemical spills on marine organisms in open waters and littoral zones
................................................................................................................................................... 377

Table 9.9.7: Summary of Marine Flora and Fauna Impacts and Mitigation Control...................... 381

Table 9.9.8: Summary of Marine Flora and Fauna Impacts Monitoring Requirements ................ 383

Table 9.10.1: FWCC waste classification .................................................................................... 384

Table 9.10.2: Types and amounts of wastes generated during the construction period ............... 387

Table 9.10.3: The amount and types of wastes generated by motor vehicles servicing operations
outside the construction site ........................................................................................................ 390

Table 9.10.4: The amount and types of wastes generated by marine vessels servicing operations
outside the construction site ........................................................................................................ 390

Table 9.10.5: Types and amounts of wastes generated during the operation period ................... 397

Table 9.10.6: Summary of Waste Impacts and Mitigation Control ............................................... 409

Table 9.10.7: Summary of Waste Impacts Monitoring Requirements .......................................... 413

Final Issue ESIA

Table 9.11.1: Performance parameters ....................................................................................... 415

Table 9.11.2: Requirements in fuel, gas, water and electric power .............................................. 415

Table 9.11.3: Material and chemical agent requirements ............................................................ 419

Table 9.12.1: Factors contributing to the likelihood of emergencies including their potential causes
................................................................................................................................................... 421

Table 9.12.2: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions ........................................... 426

Table 9.12.3: The highest ground-level concentrations of pollutants from combustion of petroleum
products at the boundary of the nearest rated area ..................................................................... 427

Table 9.12.4: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions ........................................... 427

Table 9.12.5: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions ........................................... 427

Table 9.12.6: The highest ground-level concentrations of pollutants from combustion of petroleum
products at the boundary of the nearest rated area ..................................................................... 428

Table 9.12.7: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions ........................................... 428

Table 9.12.8: Impact of spills of petroleum products on sea organisms in open and coastal waters
................................................................................................................................................... 431

Table 9.12.9: Summary of Emergency Preparedness and Response and Mitigation Control ...... 437

Table 9.12.10: Summary of Emergency Preparedness and Response Monitoring Requirements441

Table 10.2.1: Project aspects related to community health, safety and security risks ................... 442

Table 10.2.2: Summary of Community Health, Safety and Security Impacts and Mitigation
Measures .................................................................................................................................... 454

Table 10.3.1: Project aspects related to population demographics/ influx ................................... 458

Table 10.3.2: Summary of Population Influx Impact and Mitigation Measures ............................. 467

Table 10.4.1: Project aspects leading to impacts on land ............................................................ 470

Table 10.4.2: Summary of Land Use Impact and Mitigation Measures ........................................ 474

Table 10.5.1: Summary of Labour and Working Conditions Impacts ........................................... 479

Table 10.6.1: Project aspects leading to impacts on economy and employment ......................... 480

Table 10.6.2: Workforce (Construction Phase and Operation Phase) ......................................... 481

Table 10.6.3: Summary of Economy and Employment Impacts and Mitigation/Enhancement

Measures .................................................................................................................................... 486

Table 10.7.1: Summary of Cultural Heritage Impacts and Mitigation Control ............................... 489

Final Issue ESIA

Table 13.5.1: Criteria for including valued environmental and social components ....................... 498

Table 13.7.1: Major Future Investment Projects in the Vyborg Region ........................................ 502

Final Issue ESIA


AD - Anno Domini
AH – Apartment Houses
AP – Action Plan
APC - Agricultural Production Cooperative
BPS - Baltic Pipeline System
CDE - Civil Defense and Emergencies
CJSC - Closed Joint Stock Company
CIA – Cumulative Impact Assessment
CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna
CIW - Construction and Installation Work
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand
CP – Cathodic Protection
CSER - Chief State Experts’ Review
CSP - Commercial Seaport
CPS - Cathodic Protection Stations
CR - Critically Endangered
DD - Detailed Project Documentation
DEGP&HP - Dangerous Exogenic Geological Processes And Hydrologic Phenomena
DP - Drainage Protection
DSW - Design and Survey Work
DWGSDL - Draft Waste Generation Standards And Disposal Limits
EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction of Development
EC – European Commission
EDR - Exposure Dose Rate
EF – Electric field
EHS – Environment, Health and Safety
EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment
EMF – Electromagnetic Field
EMR - Electromagnetic Radiation
EMS – Environmental management system
EN – Endangered Species
EPAP - Environmental Protection Action Plan
EPC – Engineering and Procurement Contractor
ES - Ecosystem Services

Final Issue ESIA

ESAP – Environmental and Social Action Plan

ESIA – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMP – Environmental and Social Management Plan
EU – European Union
FBUZ – Federal Budgetary Unitary Entity
FSPP - Federal Special Purpose Program
FWCC - Federal Waste Classification Catalog
FZ – Federal Law
GHG – Greenhouse Gas
GIIP - Good International Industry Practice
GPB - Gas Pipeline Branch
GPH - Good Practice Handbook
GPP – Gas Processing Plant
HDD - Horizontal Directional Drilling
HDR - Harmless Dilution Ratio
HGV – Heavy Goods Vehicles
HFC – Hydrofluorocarbons
HM - Heavy Metals
HHM - Medium Pressure Liquid
HS - Hydraulic Structure
HS-MS - Health And Safety Management System
HSE MS - Health, Safety & Environmental Management System
HSS - Heat Stable Salts
HTF - High temperature fluid
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation And Air-Conditioning
IFC – International Finance Corporation
ILO – International Labour Organization
ISM - International Safety Management
IUCN - International Union for the Conservation of Nature
JSC – Joint Stock Company
LHG - Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gas
LLC – Limited Liability Company
LM - Light Mixture
LNG – Liquefied Natural Gas
MAPP - International Automobile Checkpoints
MARPOL - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

Final Issue ESIA

MDAE - Methyl Diethanolamine

MF – Magnetic Field
MM - Measurement Methodology
MNR - Ministry of Natural Resources
MO – Municipal Entity
MOF – Marine Offloading Facility
MPC – Maximum Permissible Concentration
MPE - Maximum Permissible Emission
MPL - Maximum Permissible Levels
NA – Not Applicable
NGLC - Natural Gas Liquefaction Complex
NGP - Non-Commercial Gardening Partnership
NORM - Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
NRB - Radiation Safety Standards
NS – Noise Sources
NPO - Non-Commercial Partnerships
OC – Oversized Cargo
OHE - Oversized Heavy Equipment
OHS - Occupational Health and Safety
OHSAS - Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
OPRC - International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-
PCL - Permissible Contamination Level
PCO - Plan of Construction Organization
PD - Project Documentation
PFC – Perfluorocarbons
PMMA – Polymethylmethacrylate
PPE – Personal Protective Equipment
PPR - Project for Performing Construction Works
PS – Performance Standard
POS - Project for Construction Phase
RCIA - Rapid Cumulative Impacts Assessment
RDB RF - Red Data Book of Russia
REACH – Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals
RF – Russian Federation

Final Issue ESIA

RR, RUR, RUB – Rubles

RS – Rural Settlement
ROT - Remote Offshore Terminal
RSFSR - Russian Soviet Federative Socialistic Republic
SDW – Solid Domestic Waste
SEP – Stakeholder Engagement Plan
SEER – State Environmental Experts’ Review
SMES - System of Structured Monitoring and Management of Engineering Systems of
buildings and Installations
SIDW - Solid industrial and domestic wastes
SNT - Non-Commercial Communities of Gardeners
SOLAS - Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
SP – Sacrificial Protection
SP - Site Plan
SP - Code of Practice
SPNA – Specially Protected Natural Area
SPZ – Sanitary Protection Zone
TCC - Temporary Construction Camp
TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
TEM - Technical Engineering Measures
TPC - Tentatively Permissible Concentrations
TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
TS - Technical Specifications
TSE - Technical Security Equipment
TWAA - Temporary Waste Accumulation Areas
UN – United Nations
VEC - Valued Environmental And Social Components
WB – World Bank
WPI - Water Pollution Index
UNCLOS - United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea
UNEP – United Nations Development Program
UK – United Kingdom
US – United States
US – Urban Settlements
USSR – Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics

Final Issue v.5 ESIA – Chapter 1: Introduction



Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) “Cryogas” hereinafter designated as Cryogas is developing
the project named «Terminal for production and transshipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the
port of Vysotsk in Leningrad Oblast» Vysotsk LNG Project (the “Project”). The Project was
launched at 20th St.-Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 17, 2016 by signing an
agreement on Project implementation between Administration of Leningrad oblast and Cryogas.

Project facilities being constructed are located at the territory of Vysotsk and Sovetsk urban
settlements and Goncharovsk rural settlement of Vyborg district, Leningrad region. The proposed
construction site occupies the territory of the Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula and the adjoining water
area of Bolshaya Pikhtovaya Bay in the Baltic Sea. Vyborg district is located in the north-western
part of the Leningrad region. The region borders with Finland to the west, Republic of Karelia to the
north, Priozersk district to the north-east, Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region to the east,
and with Saint-Petersburg, City of federal importance, to the south-east (see Figure 1.1.1).

Figure 1.1.1: Location of Project km

Final Issue v.5 ESIA – Chapter 1: Introduction

The production facilities and infrastructure required for the Project will comprise:

 a jetty for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with a temporary access road
and a temporary storage zone for equipment and materials (hereinafter, the “Jetty”) –
Phase 1;
 a gas pipeline branch off of the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline leading to
the LNG plant in Port Vysotsk in the Vyborg District, Leningrad Region (hereinafter, the
“GPB”) – Phase 2;
 a terminal for production and handling of LNG in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad Region, with the
production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year (hereinafter, the “Terminal”) – Phase
 a gas pressure reduction station within the Terminal site for supplying gas to third party
consumers in the town of Vysotsk – Phase 4, as well as
 Supporting infrastructure in the form of local roads, aerial electrical transmission lines,
workshops, fuel storage and refuelling area, water treatment facilities, waste management
facilities and other workers’ facilities.

Cryogas Vysotsk will operate as a project company for the purposes of implementing the Project,
i.e. designing, developing, constructing, operating, managing and decommissioning the Project.

The Company is seeking to procure project financing for the Project and funding is expected to be
raised from Export Credit Agencies (“ECAs”), commercial banks (“Banks”), and other prospective
lending institutions (collectively, the “Lenders” or “Vysotsk LNG Lenders”). In line with this
financing strategy, the Project is being developed in compliance with the following environmental
and social requirements (see Chapter 2 for further details):

 Russian law, codes and standards.

 All applicable international laws and conventions to which the Russian Federation is a
signatory and which have been ratified into law in the Russian Federation.

 Applicable international Lender requirements, including:

o The Equator Principles (2013)

o The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Common

Approaches (2016)

o The World Bank/IFC Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (April 2007)
including the General EHS guidelines and applicable Industry Sector Guidelines

o The IFC Performance Standards (January 2012).

The Project performance will therefore be assessed against the standards provided within the
above national and international environmental and social requirements.

Final Issue v.5 ESIA – Chapter 1: Introduction


This ESIA has been prepared to identify and assess potential environmental and social impacts of
the Project on the biophysical and human environments and to set out measures to avoid,
minimise, mitigate and manage adverse impacts to acceptable levels as defined by Russian
regulatory requirements and international good practice as defined by the applicable international
Lender requirements. To do this, the ESIA has incorporated and documented the following

 description of the Project (including definitions of the Funded Project1, Associated Facilities2
and the Project’s Area of Influence – see Chapter 5);

 characterisation of a detailed environmental and social baseline;

 identification and assessment of potential environmental and social impacts and issues,
both adverse and beneficial, associated with the Project;

 documentation of measures adopted to avoid, or where avoidance is not possible, minimise

or mitigate and manage adverse environmental and social impacts;

 identification of feasible opportunities for improved environmental and social performance

by the Project;

 development of robust management systems that will manage environmental and social
performance in an integrated manner across all Project activities and throughout the life of
the Project; and

 demonstration of how environmental and social performance will be improved through a

dynamic process of performance monitoring and evaluation.

In support of this process, the ESIA documents previous engagement by the Project with
stakeholders that may be affected by the Project, and summarises how they have been informed
and consulted on matters that could potentially affect them. The ESIA also provides a framework
for how the Project aims to maintain a process of meaningful engagement with stakeholders over
the life of the Project.

Scoping and consultations are integral elements of the ESIA development process. Scoping is the
process of determining the content and extent of the matters that should be covered in the ESIA
and associated documentation. A scoping assessment has been informally completed for the
Project and has been used as the basis for the development of this ESIA.

Engagement with stakeholders is of key importance in ensuring both that stakeholders are
provided the opportunity to input to the impact identification, mitigation and monitoring process and
that the performance of the Project results in the greatest possible benefits to the community.

1 I.e. the scope of the Project for which funding from Lenders is sought.
2 As defined under the IFC performance Standards – see Chapter 5 for further details

Final Issue v.5 ESIA – Chapter 1: Introduction

Initiating the engagement process in the early phases of the Project and ESIA process is
necessary to ensure timely public access to all relevant information. To facilitate this process the
Company a further description of the stakeholder engagement processes for the Project is
provided in Chapter 4.

This ESIA has been developed as a comprehensive integrated assessment of the Vysotsk LNG,
and reflects compliance with applicable Russian regulatory requirements, international good
practice and applicable international Lender requirements.


The first Equator Principle establishes requirements for project categorisation (А, В, С) based on
the magnitude of its potential impacts and risks in accordance with the environmental and social
screening criteria adopted by the IFC and presented in the Exhibit to the Principles.

According to these project categorisation criteria, the Vysotsk LNG Project can be rated as a
Category А project:

 Equator Principles define Category А projects as those with potentially significant and
complex adverse social or environmental impacts, as well as facilities with potentially major
negative environmental impact.

With reference to the Vysotsk LNG Project, the Category A rating means that the scale and nature
of potential impacts expand beyond the project site, which requires development of comprehensive
actions for mitigation of these impacts and the prevention/mitigation of various environmental and
social risks.

The Vysotsk LNG Project can be rated as a Category А project according to the Annex 1 of
Directive 2011/92/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the
environment (the Environmental Impact Assessment, or EIA, Directive) and Annex
Recommendation of the Council on Common Approaches for Officially Supported Export Credits
and Environmental and Social Due Diligence (The “Common Approaches”) as:

a) Pipeline for the transport of gas is more than 40 km (Annex 1(16) of EIA Directive)

b) Piers for loading and unloading connected to land and outside ports can take vessels of
over 1350 tonnes Annex 1(8) of EIA Directive)

This means that with reference to Vysotsk LNG project the possible impacts it may have on the
environment (either from its construction or operation) are to be identified and assessed.


This document is structured in manner that addressed the objectives of the ESIA described above
as follows:

Chapter 1 Introduction (present chapter)

Chapter 2 Legislative and Policy Framework. This chapter provides an overview of the
main regional, national and international policy and legal framework within which

Final Issue v.5 ESIA – Chapter 1: Introduction

the Vysotsk LNG Project is being developed. The overall policy and legal
framework in Russia and in Leningrad region is considered, together with an
overview of applicable international Lender requirements. A more detailed
description of legal and regulatory requirements is given in Appendix A – Project
Environmental and Social Standards Document.

Chapter 3 ESIA Process. This chapter provides an overview of the overall ESIA process
and addresses: definitions of key terms; identification of potential environmental
and social impacts (through scoping and consultation process); description of the
criteria used to determine the significance of impacts for various environmental
and social topics; and how mitigation measures are considered within the
assessment process.

Chapter 4 Stakeholder Engagement. This chapter describes the stakeholder engagement

process adopted by the Project. It describes the results of consultation
undertaken to date, including cross references to where issues raised in the
consultation process have been addressed within the ESIA.

Chapter 5 Project Description. This chapter describes the Project elements, including
descriptions of: permanent and temporary Project facilities; and construction,
commissioning and operational processes. This Chapter also defines the scope
of the Project in terms of the Project Area of Influence; Associated Facilities 3; and
out-of-scope activities/facilities (i.e. activities/facilities that are not to be addressed
by the ESIA as they fall outside of the Project’s Area of Influence and the
Company’s control).

Chapter 6 Project Alternatives. This chapter describes the Project development options
considered, including the No Project Alternative, and provides a justification for
the selection of the preferred Project development option.

Chapter 7 Environmental Baseline. The existing environmental baseline is described and

characterised in this section.

Chapter 8 Social Baseline. The existing social baseline is described and characterised in
this section.

Chapter 9 Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring. This chapter presents the
assessment of potential environmental impacts, including identification of
mitigation measures and monitoring requirements. Impacts during each phase of
the Project development are assessed on a topic-by-topic basis.

Chapter 10 Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring. This chapter presents the
assessment of potential social impacts, including identification of mitigation

3In accordance with IFC Performance Standard, Associated Facilities are those activities and facilities that
are not part of the financed project and would not be conducted, built or expanded if the Project was not
carried out, and without which the Project would not be viable.

Final Issue v.5 ESIA – Chapter 1: Introduction

measures and monitoring requirements. Impacts during each phase of the

Project development are assessed on a topic-by-topic basis.

Chapter 11 Decommissioning. Potential impacts specifically associated with

decommissioning are addressed in this chapter.

Chapter 12 Transboundary Impacts. This chapter considers potential long range

transboundary impacts.

Chapter 13 Cumulative Impacts. This chapter addresses potential cumulative impacts in

terms of both aggregated impacts from different elements and phases of the
Project and also as a result of other third party anthropogenic activities in the

Chapter 14 Environmental and Social Management. This chapter describes the

approaches to environmental and social management that are adopted in order to
ensure that environmental and social performance is managed in an integrated
manner across all Project activities and throughout the life of the Project.

Chapter 15 Conclusions

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework



This Chapter provides an overview of the regional, national and international policy and legal
framework relevant to the Project. The overall policy and legal framework in the Russian
Federation (RF) and Leningradskaya Oblast is considered together with specific sectoral laws on
environment, land use and health and safety. Specific standards that are applied to this ESIA are
described in more detail in the Project Standards Document which is provided in Appendix 1.


Requirements for use and protection of natural resources, environment protection, health and
safety are regulated extensively at the national and regional levels. Russian legislation is
represented by the RF Constitution, laws, decrees, directives and codes with further amendments
at the regional level. Regional legislative and regulatory legal acts and requirements related to the
Project are administered by Leningrad oblast.


The RF is structured as a multi-party representative democracy, with the federal government

composed of three branches: legislative (the State Duma and the Federal Council), executive (RF
Government, Federal Executive Authorities) and judicial (the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court,
Supreme Court of Arbitration and lower federal courts).

National level government executive authorities (ministries, agencies, services) with EIA
regulatory functions relating to the Project include:

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (Minprirody);

 Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities (Minstroy)
 Federal service on customers' rights protection and human well-being surveillance
 Russian Federal Service for Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision
 Russian Federal Fisheries Agency (Rosrybolovstvo).

Federal ministries, such as Minprirody, create policies and legislation and perform compliance
assurance functions. Minprirody also coordinates and supervises the activities, within its
jurisdiction, of the following:

 Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rosgydromet);

 Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Management (Rosprirodnadzor);
 Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosvodresursy);
 Federal Agency for Subsoil Management (Rosnedra);
 Federal Agency for Forestry (Rosleskhoz).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

The federal services and agencies listed above supervise environmental management and issue
licenses and permits for activities under their jurisdiction.

Rostekhnadzor activities are managed by the Government of the Russian Federation and include
supervision of the following:

 Safe work practices relating to the use and protection of subsoil resources;
 Industrial safety (during design, operation, conservation and closure of dangerous industrial
facilities of mining and metallurgy industries)
 Safe use of nuclear power;
 Safety of electrical and heating units and networks;
 Safety of hydroelectric facilities at industrial and power generation facilities; and
 Safety in production, storage and use of industrial explosives.


The hierarchy of the RF legislation can be summarised as follows:

 Level 1: Federal Laws are created by the State Duma (the lower house of the Federal
Assembly of Russia) and then adopted by the Federal Council of Russia (the upper house
of the Federal Assembly of Russia); and

 Level 2: Bylaws (includes three groups):

o Group 1: Presidential decrees and directives – In accordance with Article 90 of the RF

Constitution, the President can issue decrees and directives. Both decrees and
directives are legal acts binding in all jurisdictions.

o Group 2: Acts of the RF Government– In accordance with Article 114 of the RF

Constitution, the powers of government are exercised via acts based on the RF
Constitution, Federal Laws, and Presidential decrees and directives. Acts issued by the
RF Government are binding throughout the entire territory of the RF; and

o Group 3: Acts of the Ministries and other executive federal / government agencies – All
environmental protection ministries and agencies have the right to issue legal and
regulatory acts within the scope of their competence. Such acts are binding upon any
other ministries or agencies, individuals or legal persons, and are issued as orders,
resolutions, instructions, rules, provisions, articles, and directives.


There are a number of national regulatory requirements and norms that apply to the Project. The
primary Federal regulatory controls relevant to the Project are listed below. More comprehensive
details are provided in the Project Standards Document (see Appendix 1).

Environmental Protection

 Federal Law of 10.01.2002 # 7-FZ “Environmental Protection” (as revised on 29.12.2015)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

 Federal Law of 27.12.2002 #184- FZ “On Technical Regulations” (as revised on

 Federal Law of 04.05.2011 # 99- FZ “On Certain Activities’ Licensing” (as revised on
 Federal Law of 23.11.1995 # 174- FZ “On Environmental Review” (as revised on
 RF Government Decree of 28.09.2015 # 1029 "On endorsement of criteria for enterprises
that have negative environmental impact to I, II, III and IV categories”
 Order by Goscomecologia of 16.05.2000 # 372 “On the Regulation on environmental
impact assessment of planned economic and other activity in the Russian Federation”.

Land Use Planning

 RF Urban Development Code of 29.12.2004 # 190-FZ (as revised on 30.12.2015)

 RF Land Code of 25.10.2001 # 136-FZ (as revised on 30.12.2015)
 Federal Law of 14.03.1995 # 33-FZ “On specially protected natural areas” (as revised on
 Federal Law of 21.12.2004 # 172-FZ “On lands’ and land plots’ reclassification” (as revised
on 20.04.2015)
 RF Government Decree of 07.05.2003 # 262 “On adoption of Rules for compensation to
owners of land plots, land users and tenants of land plots for damage caused by withdrawal
or temporary occupation of land plots, limitation of land owners’ rights or by worsening land
quality as a result of other persons’ activities” (as revised on 31.03.2015)
 RF Government Decree of 23.02.1994 #140 “On land reclamation, removal, storage and
sustainable use of the fertile top soil”
 RF Government Decree of 16.02.2008 # 87 “On the structure of sections of design
documentation and requirements to their contents” (as revised on 23.01.2016).

Subsoil protection

 Federal Law of 21.02.1992 # 2395-1 “On Subsoil Resources” (as revised on 13.07.2015)

Waste Management

 Federal Law of 24.06.1998 # 89-FZ “On Waste of Production and Consumption” (as revised
on 29.12.2015)

Water Resources

 RF Water Code of 03.06.2006 # 74-FZ (as revised on 28.11.2015)

 RF Government Decree of 05.02.2016 # 79-FZ “On approval of Rules on surface water
bodies protection”
 RF Government Decree of 11.02.2016 # 94-FZ ”On approval of Rules of underground
water bodies protection”
 RF Government Decree of 30.12.2006 # 844 “On Procedure for drafting and making a
decision on a water body’s allocation for use” (as revised on 28.09.2015)
 RF Government Decree of 12.03.2008 # 165 “On Water Use Agreement Preparation and
Conclusion” (as revised on 28.09.2015)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

 RF Government Decree of 23.07.2007 # 469 “On procedure for adoption of permissible

standards of substances’ and microorganisms’ discharge into water bodies for users of the
water bodies” (as revised on 08.06.2011).

Air Quality

 Federal Law # 96-FZ on Air Protection (as revised on 13.07.2015)

 RF Government Decree of 02.03.2000 # 183 “On Maximum Permissible Emissions into the
Atmospheric Air and Adverse Physical Impacts” (as revised on 05.06.2013).

Wildlife and Habitats

 Federal Law # 52-FZ “On Animals” (as revised on 13.07.2015)

 RF Forest Code of 04.12.2006 # 200-FZ (as revised on 13.07.2015)
 Federal Law of 20.12.2004 №166-FZ “On fishery and water biological resource
conservation” (as revised on 29.06.2015)
 RF Government Decree of 29.04.2013 # 380 “On endorsement of Regulation on measures
for conservation of aquatic biological resources and their habitats”
 RF Government Decree of 13.08.1996 # 997 “On endorsing Regulations on the prevention
of killing animals due to industrial processes, and due to transport link, pipeline,
communications line and power transfer line operations” (as revised on 13.03.2008)
 RF Government Decree of 30.04.2013 # 384 “On the agreeing with Federal Agency on
Fishery of construction and reconstruction of capital construction facilities, implementation
of new technical processes and other types of activities which can impact on aquatic
biological resources and their habitats”.

Emergency Response

 Federal Law of # 68-FZ “On the Protection of the Public and Areas against Emergencies of
Natural and Technogenic Nature” (as revised on 15.02.2016)
 RF Government Decree of Decision of 15.04.2002 # 240 “On the Procedure of
arrangements for oil spills prevention and response at the Russian Federation” (as revised
on 14.11.2014)
 RF Government Decree of 14.02.2000 # 128 “On adoption of Provision on disclosure of
information on natural environment conditions, its pollution and emergencies of technogenic
nature, that did/do/might cause an adverse environmental impact”
 RF Government Decree of 24.03.1997 # 334 “On RF Procedure for collection and
exchange of information on public and areas protection from natural and technogenic
emergencies” (as revised on 10.09.2013)
 RF Government Decree of 30.12.2003 # 794 “Russian System of Prevention and Response
to Emergency Situations” (as revised on 14.04.2015)
 RF Government Directive of 01.03.1993 # 178 “On establishment of local warning systems
within potentially hazardous facilities location”
 RF Government Directive of 10.11.1996 #1340 “On procedure for establishment and use of
reserves of physical resources for natural and technogenic emergencies response”
 RF Government Directive of 21.05.2007 # 304 “On natural and technogenic emergencies
classification” (as revised on 17.05.2011)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

 RF Government Directive of 26.08.2013 # 730 “On developing of action plans for

localization and elimination of consequences of accidents at hazardous industrial facilities”.

Industrial Safety

 Federal Law of 21.07.1997 # 116-FZ “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Sites”
(as revised on 13.07.2015)
 Federal Law of 30.12.2009 # 384-FZ “On Building and Structure Safety Technical
Standards” (as revised on 02.07.2013)
 Federal Law of 21.12.1994 # 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” (as revised on 30.12.2015)
 Federal Law of27.07.2010 # 225-FZ “On mandatory insurance of civil liability of a
hazardous facility’s owner for bringing harm as a result of an emergency at hazardous
production facility” (as revised on 04.11.2014)
 RF Government Directive of 10.06.2013 # 492 “On licensing of operating of explosive and
chemically hazardous industrial facilities related to I, II and III hazard classes" (as revised
on 24.12.2015)
 RF Government Directive of 24.11.1998 # 1371 “On registration of facilities in State register
of hazardous facilities” (as revised on 24.12.2015)
 RF Government Directive of 10.03.1999 # 263 “On organisation and implementation
industrial control on compliance with the requirements of industrial safety on hazardous
industrial facility”, (as revised on 30.07.2014)
 RF Government Directive of 11.05.1999 # 526 “On the approval of submission rules for
safety declaration of hazardous industrial facilities” (as revised on 21.06.2013)
 Rostekhnadzor Order of 06.11.2013 # 520 “On approval of Federal norms and regulations
in the field of industrial safety "Safety requirements for hazardous industrial facilities of the
main pipelines”
 Rostekhnadzor Order of 29.11.2005 # 893 “On Approval of the Procedure for the Execution
of the Declaration on Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities and the
Incorporated Data List”, of 11/29/2005 (as revised on 18.11.2014)
 Rostekhnadzor Order of 11.04.2016 # 144 “On Approval of Safety guidelines
"Methodological baseline for hazard analysis and emergency risk assessment at hazardous
industrial facilities”
 Rostekhnadzor Order of 25.03.2014 # 116 “On Approval of Industrial safety regulations of
hazardous industrial facilities, where equipment working under excess pressure is

Health and Safety

 Federal Law of 30.03.1999 # 52-FZ “On Public Sanitation and Epidemiology Welfare” (as
revised on 28.11.2015)
 Federal Law of 21.11.2011 # 323-FZ “On Fundamental Principles of Health Protection of
the Citizens of the Russian Federation” # (as revised on 29.12.2015)
 Federal Law of 09.01.1996 # 3-FZ “On Radiation Safety” (as revised on 19.07.2011).


 Merchant Shipping Code of 07.03. 2001 # 24-FZ (as revised on 03.07.2016)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

 Federal Law of 31.07.1998 # 155-FZ “On Internal Seawaters, the Territorial Sea and the
Contiguous Zone of the Russian Federation” (as revised on 03.07.2016)
 Federal Law of 17.12.1998 # 191-FZ “On the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Russian
Federation” (as revised on 03.07.2016)
 Federal Law of 30.11.1995 # 187-FZ “On the continental shelf of the Russian Federation”
(as revised on 03.07.2016)
 RF Government Directive of 24.03.2000 # 251 “On approval of the list of harmful
substances, which discharge in an exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation
from ships, other watercrafts, aircrafts, artificial islands, installations and constructions is
 RF Government Directive of 03.10.2000 # 748 “On approval of limits of maximum
permissible concentration and conditions of harmful substances discharge in an exclusive
economic zone of the Russian Federation”
 Minprirody Order of 03.03.2003 # 156 “On the Approval of Guidelines for the Determination
of the Lower Level of Oil and Oily Products Spills for the Accidental Spill Transfer to the
Emergency Category”
 Mintransport Order of 10.09.2013# 285 “On the determination of measures to ensure the
safety of navigation in safety zones around the artificial islands, installations and structures
on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation”
 Guidelines on the Application of Provisions of the Technical Code on Control of Emission of
Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Engines, ND N 2-030101-025-E, Saint-Petersburg,
 Guidelines on the Implementation of the Regulations of the International Safety
Management (ISM) Code, ND № 2-080101-013-E, dated 14.02.2012
 Guidelines on Ship Inspection for Compliance with Requirements of ILO Conventions No.
92 and No.133, ND No 2-080101-017-E, 2010
 Guidelines on the Application of Provisions of the International Convention for Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL
73/78), ND No. 2-030101-026-E
 Rules for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships Intended for Operation in Sea Areas and
Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation, ND No. 2-020101-063, 2010
 Instruction for the Development of Ballast Water Management Plans, ND No 2-029901-003-


The main regional law and regulations of Leningradskaya Oblast relevant to the Project are given
(below. Detail information is provided in the Project Standard Document see Appendix 1).

General environmental aspects

 Leningrad Law of 04.03.2010 # 11-оz “On Environmental Monitoring in Leningrad Oblast”

(as revised on 12.05.2015)

 Leningrad Oblast Government Decree of 22.03. 2012 # 83 “On Approval of regional norms
for urban development planning in Leningrad Oblast” (as revised on 26.08.2016).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

Waste Management

 Leningrad Law of 04.03.2010 # 7-оz “On waste management in Leningrad Oblast”

 Order of the Committee of State Environmental Supervision of Leningrad Oblast of
30.12.2015 # 1-7-15 “On approval of Procedure of development and approval of norms of
wastes generation and limits of wastes disposal in relation to the type of industrial activity or
other activity of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (except for small and medium
enterprises), that result in waste generation at the facilities supervised by state regional
state environmental supervision authority”
 Order of Leningrad Oblast Committee of natural resources and environmental protection of
23.01.2006 # 4 “On the approval of rules for environmental protection, industrial safety and
sanitary-epidemiological welfare working with mercury, mercury compounds, equipment
containing mercury and waste containing mercury on the area of Leningrad Oblast”.

Protection of Wildlife & habitats

 Leningrad Oblast Government Decree of 08.04.2014 # 106 “On Red book of Leningrad

Occupational health and industrial safety

 Leningrad Oblast law of 27.12.2013 # 106-оz “On health protection of population of

Leningrad Oblast”
 Leningrad Oblast law of 13.11.2003 #93-oz l Law of # 68-FZ “On the Protection of the
Public and Areas against Emergencies of Natural and Technogenic Nature”.


The RF has ratified a number of international conventions concerned with environmental and social
protection, requirements of which need complied with throughout the development of the Project.

A description of the relevant international convention is given in the Project Standards Document
and a summary is provided below.

Impact Assessment

 Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, 1991

(amended in 2004) (Espoo Convention)4 .


 Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992

 Convention on the Protection of Migratory Species, 1979 (Bonn Convention)

4 It is noted that at the time of writing the Espoo Convention has not been ratified by the Russian Federation,
but is included here as the RF has announced its intention to do so. It is also noted that the Convention will
only be relevant if the Project Area Influence as identified in the ESIA extends beyond international

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna,

1973 (CITES).

Air quality and climate change

 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992

 Kyoto Protocol, 1997
 Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, 1988
 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1989.
 Sofia Protocol on the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary
Fluxes, 1988.


 Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their

Disposal, 1989 (Basel Convention)

Stakeholder Engagement

 Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in decision making and

Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, 1998 (Aarhus Convention)5 .

Cultural Heritage

 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972
 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, 2003.

Community and workforce

 ILO conventions including the core conventions protecting workers’ rights and the UN
conventions protecting the rights of the child and of migrant workers:
 ILO Convention 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize
 ILO Convention 98 on the Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining
 ILO Convention 29 on Forced Labour
 ILO Convention 105 on the Abolition of Forced Labour
 ILO Convention 138 on Minimum Age (of Employment)
 ILO Convention 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour
 ILO Convention 100 on Equal Remuneration
 ILO Convention 111 on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
 ILO Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples
 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and specifically Article 32.1(6 )

5 It is noted that at the time of writing the Aarhus Convention has not been ratified by the Russian Federation,
but is included here as the RF has announced its intention to do so.
6 Article 32.1 of the Convention requires that States’ Parties recognise the right of the child to be protected

from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with
the child's education, or to be harmful to the child's health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

 UN Convention on the Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers and Members of
their Families.

Marine protection/ Shipping7:

 Convention on the protection of the marine environment of the Baltic Sea area (Helsinki
convention, as amended in 2007), 1992
 Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other
Matter, 1972 (The London Convention)
 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as amended by
the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78)
 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969, and the
Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution
Damage, 1969
 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for
Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971, and the Protocol of 1992
 International Convention Relating to Intervention of the High Seas in Cases of Oil
Pollution Casualties, 1969
 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and
Sediments (ratified by Russia - not yet in force)
 International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships, 2001
 United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea, 1994 (UNCLOS)
 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation
1990 (OPRC 90)
 SOLAS Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.

Industrial safety

 Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, 1992 (amended in



The Project is being developed in accordance with the following international lender standards:

 The IFC Performance Standards

 The Word Bank (WB)/IFC EHS Guidelines (2007).

Detail description of each of these international lender standards is given below.

7In the context of vessels used during the construction phase and as Associated Facilities/activities in the
operations phase of the Project

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework


IFC’s Sustainability Framework articulates the Corporation’s strategic commitment to sustainable

development, and is an integral part of IFC’s approach to risk management. The Sustainability
Framework comprises IFC’s Policy and Performance Standards on Environmental and Social
Sustainability, and IFC’s Access to Information Policy. The IFC’s Policy and Performance
Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability describes IFC’s commitments, roles, and
responsibilities related to environmental and social sustainability. These documents provide
guidance on how to identify risks and impacts, and are designed to help the client prevent/avoid,
mitigate, and manage risks and impacts. The latest Policy and Performance Standards were
issued in January 2012. Together, the eight Performance Standards establish standards that the
Project is to meet throughout the life of an investment by the IFC.

Performance Standard 1: Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social

Risks and Impacts

Performance Standard 2: Labour and Working Conditions

Performance Standard 3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention

Performance Standard 4: Community Health, Safety, and Security

Performance Standard 5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement

Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of

Living Natural Resources

Performance Standard 7: Indigenous Peoples

Performance Standard 8: Cultural Heritage


The EHS Guidelines are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific
examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP), as defined in IFC’s Performance Standard
3: Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention.

The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are normally acceptable to
IFC, and that are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities at reasonable costs by
existing technology.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 2: Legislative and Policy Framework

The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are normally acceptable to
IFC, and that are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities at reasonable costs by
existing technology.

When host country regulations differ from the levels and measures presented in the EHS
Guidelines, projects will be required to achieve whichever is more stringent. If less stringent levels
or measures than those provided in the EHS Guidelines are appropriate in view of specific project
circumstances, a full and detailed justification must be provided for any proposed alternatives
through the environmental and social risks and impacts identification and assessment process.
This justification must demonstrate that the choice for any alternate performance levels is
consistent with the objectives of Performance Standard 3.

The General EHS Guidelines contain information on cross-cutting environmental, health, and
safety issues potentially applicable to all industry sectors. This document should be used together
with the relevant Industry Sector Guidelines. For the Project the following sector specific guidelines
are relevant:


 Crude oil and Petroleum Product Terminals

 Ports, Harbors and Terminals
 Shipping
 Waste Management Facilities
 Water and Sanitation.

Oil and gas

 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Facilities.


CJSC “Cryogas” is committed to conduct its activities to ensure environmental safety, environmental
protection and sustainable use of natural resources by developing and implementing an
Environmental policy approved by the Order # 19-P dated 13.03.2015.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process



This section provides an overview of the overall ESIA process and addresses:

 Definitions of key terms (Section 3.2).

 Identification of potential environmental and social impacts through scoping and
consultation process (Section 3.3).
 Description of the criteria used to determine the significance of impacts for various
environmental and social topics (Sections 3.4 and 3.5).
 The approach to cumulative impacts (Section 3.6, with a detailed description provided in
Chapter 13).
 Consideration of mitigation measures in the assessment process (Section 3.7).


Definitions of key terms used in this section are provided below.

 A Project phase is a series of related activities, which together form a distinct stage in the
life of the Project. Four phases are considered in the ESIA as follows (although for
simplicity these may be combined in some sections of the ESIA where appropriate):

o Construction
o Commissioning
o Operation
o Decommissioning

 Environmental and social receptors are those elements of the environment and/or human
society that may be affected by the Project.

 Environmental and social impacts are changes on environmental and/or social receptors
that occur as a consequence of the Project. Impacts to individual receptors may be either
adverse (having a detrimental/negative effect on a receptor) or beneficial (having an
advantageous/positive effect on a receptor). Different types of environmental and social
impacts are defined in terms:

o Duration. The precise definition of the ‘duration’ of impacts is dependent on the nature
of the impact and the receptor of the impact, and includes both the period over which
the source of impact occurs and also, for reversible impacts, the period over which
recovery may occur (see also ‘reversibility’ below). Generic terms are used in Section
3.4 based on the qualitative descriptions below. More specific definitions are provided
where appropriate on a topic-specific in the tables presented in Section 3.5.

- Short-term impacts are predicted to last only for a limited period (e.g. during the
period of a certain limited duration construction activity) but will cease either on
completion of the activity, or rapidly as a result of mitigation/reinstatement
measures and/or natural recovery.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

- Medium-term impacts are predicted to last for a moderate period. Examples

include impacts during the period of extended construction activities or else
impacts during limited duration activities but which extend for a moderate period
after the completion of that activity.

- Long-term impacts are predicted to continue over an extended period, (e.g. noise
from operation of a development, impacts from operational discharges or
emissions). These include impacts that may be intermittent or repeated rather than
continuous if they occur over an extended time period (e.g. repeated seasonal
disturbance of species as a result of well operations, impacts resulting from annual
maintenance activities).

o Extent. The precise definition of the ‘extent’ of impacts is dependent on the nature of
the impact and the receptor of the impact. Generic terms are used in Section 3.4 based
on the qualitative descriptions below. More specific definitions are provided where
appropriate on a topic-specific in the tables presented in Section 3.5. Extent of impacts
depends on operating mode (routine mode, non-routine situations and emergencies)
and is characterized by such indicators as surface of affected area, impact magnitude
and depth, affected population).

 Local: impacts that affect environmental or social receptors in areas localised to

the source of impact and typically within the Project Area.

 Regional: impacts that affect regionally environmental or social receptors or are

felt at a regional scale as determined by administrative boundaries (Leningrad

 National: impacts that affect nationally important environmental and or social

resources or are felt at a national scale.

 International: impacts that affect internationally important environmental and

social receptors/ resources, such as areas protected by International Conventions
or else are felt at an international scale.

o Irreversible impacts are defined as those impacts that cause a permanent change in
the affected receptor.

o Reversible impacts are those impacts that can be reversed back to pre-existing
conditions as a result of mitigation/reinstatement measures and/or natural recovery.
The periods over which impacts may reverse/recover is a key link to the duration over
which an impact is felt (see ‘duration’ above).

o Where an environmental/social impact is not certain to occur (e.g. due to the inherent
stochastic nature of the potential impacts from routine/planned activities, or else where
impacts are associated with unplanned/emergency events), the significance of the
impact risk is a function of the likelihood that it occurs and the severity of the impact
should it occur.

o Residual impacts. Impacts are assessed both on the basis of mitigation and best
practice that have been incorporated into the Project design prior to the ESIA

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

development and also after the consideration of any additional mitigation or

enhancement measures (the Residual Impacts).

o Cumulative impacts. Those impacts that result from the incremental impact of the
Project when added to other existing, planned, and/or reasonably predictable future
projects and developments that are not be directly associated with the Project.

o Area of Influence. The Area of Influence (AoI) includes areas both directly and
indirectly affected by the Project within and beyond the Project license area. Further
definition of the AoI is provided in Chapters 4, 7, 8 and 13.


Scoping is the process of determining the content and extent of the matters that should be covered
in the ESIA and associated documentation. The scoping process aims to identify the types of
environmental and social impacts to be investigated and reported in the ESIA, and to identify those
aspects that are of potentially greatest significance. The primary methods for identification of
potential environmental and social impacts are through:

 Review of existing project assessments and information.

 Stakeholder Engagement. Engagement with stakeholders is of key importance in

ensuring that stakeholders are provided the opportunity to input to the impact
identification, mitigation and monitoring process and that the Project results in the
greatest possible benefits to the community. Initiating the engagement process early in
the Project phases is necessary to ensure timely public access to all relevant
information. A further description of the stakeholder engagement processes for the
Project is provided in Chapter 5.

 ‘Source-Pathway-Receptor’ Analysis. Identification of potentially significant

environmental and social impacts is also undertaken through a structured consideration
of the potential sources of impact, the pathways through impacts may affect the
environment and humans (e.g. transport of emissions/discharges through the
environment) and the nature of receptors (e.g. humans, flora and fauna etc.) that may
be impacted. These structured approaches include interaction with design engineers.


This ESIA adopts an approach to categorize impacts by significance, which is commonly used in
preparation of large project ESIAs, making use of quantitative criteria where available and where
not available using qualitative criteria and expert judgement.

It is important that impacts are described consistently throughout the ESIA and therefore the
terminology used in the remainder of this section is used throughout the ESIA in the assessment of
impact significance.

In order to describe whether an impact is positive or negative, the following terminology should be

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

Adverse – refers to a detrimental/negative effect on a receptor.

Beneficial – refers to an advantageous/positive effect on a receptor.

A standardized approach to impact assessment allows potential impacts to be categorised

consistently across all aspects. This approach is applied to the assessment of impacts in all
phases of the Project (i.e. construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning).


Where impacts are certain to occur and the extent of such impacts can be reasonably predicted
(for example in relation to routine and/or planned events with reasonably predictable

Severity: Severity is dependent upon the magnitude of the impact for example in terms of the
duration (long, medium, short term), the extent (site, local, regional, national) and reversibility
(reversible, irreversible) as well as on the sensitivity of the receptor (as a resource and/or to
the change or impact).
consequences), the significance is defined by the assessed severity of that impact.

Table 3.1 below details high-level generic severity criteria for negative impacts. The generic criteria
below are by necessity qualitative in nature as they are intended to cover a wide range of different
environmental and social aspects. However, where appropriate, these qualitative generic criteria
are supplemented by more detailed and quantitative criteria that are presented on a topic-by-topic
basis in Section 3.5.

Table 3.4.1: Generic (Qualitative) Severity Criteria

None/Negligible No discernible impact – Effects are non-existent or the impact of a

particular activity is deemed to be ‘negligible’ or ‘imperceptible’ and is
essentially indistinguishable from natural background variations.

Low Slight effects, well within Project Standards 8 .

Duration: short term

Extent: localised to immediate area

Reversibility: reversible

Sensitivity of the receptor: low sensitivity/value9.

Moderate Noticeable effect but still within Project Standards.

8 The Project Standards are as defined in the Project Standards Document and as summarised in Section 2 of this ESIA.
9 For example, low sensitivity might refer to and abundant common species where the Project would not result in any
local or regional threat to population numbers. The sensitivities of specific receptors are further described in the baseline
characterisation section of the ESIA.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

Duration10: short-term (moderate receptor sensitivity/value), medium

term (low receptor sensitivity/value)

Extent3: local (moderate receptor sensitivity/value) or regional (low

receptor sensitivity/value)

Reversibility: reversible

Sensitivity of the receptor: see duration and extent above.

High Considerable effect and/or repeated breach of regulatory/project limits.

Duration3: medium to long term (moderate to low value receptors),

short-term (high value receptors, protected habitats/species)

Extent3: local (high receptor sensitivity/value, protected

habitats/species) or regional (moderate receptor sensitivity/value)

Reversibility: reversible (moderate/high value receptors), or irreversible

(low value receptors or localised moderate/high value receptors/habitats)

Sensitivity of the receptor: see duration, extent and reversibility above.

Major Major effect, continuous breach of Project Standards.

Duration: Long term

Extent: regional, national or international effect

Reversibility: Limited reversibility/irreversible

Sensitivity of the receptor: highly valued/sensitive receptors.

Where positive impacts are envisaged these are identified as being ‘beneficial’ and the nature of
the benefit will be described, although the scale of benefit will not be assigned a specific
significance level. In the case of assessment of compensation or offsets, for example in relation to
socio-economic or biodiversity impacts, a detailed and bespoke analysis of the overall
effectiveness of the compensation/offset will be undertaken.


Where an impact is not certain to occur (e.g. due to the inherent stochastic nature of the potential
impacts from routine/planned activities, or else where impacts are associated with
unplanned/emergency events), the significance of the impact risk is a function of the likelihood
that it occurs and the severity of the impact should it occur. Table 3.2 below provides a description

10The precise definition of the ‘duration’ and ‘extent’ of impacts is dependent on the nature of the impact and the
sensitivity of the receptor. Generic terms are therefore used in this qualitative table, but more specific definitions are
provided where appropriate in the topic-specific tables presented in Section 3.5.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

of the likelihood categories applied in this ESIA. These are set and do not vary according to impact

Table 3.4.2: Likelihood criteria

Probable Events that are known to occur within the specific industry and likely to occur on
multiple occasions with frequency over once a week. Probability of occurrence –
more than 50%.

Possible Known to occur periodically within specific industry and reasonably foreseeable to
occur once during the design lifetime of the Project. Probability of an occurrence –
less than 50%.

Unlikely Known to occur rarely in specific industry or periodically within wider industry.
Realistically feasible but unlikely to occur during the design lifetime of project.
Probability of occurrence – less than 10%.

Improbable Rarely heard of within wider industry and extremely unlikely to occur during the
design lifetime of the Project. Probability of occurrence – less that 1%.

The significance of the overall impact risk is then determined using the following risk matrix.

Severity of impacts
of impact
Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Probable Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Possible Negligible Negligible Low Moderate High

Unlikely Negligible Negligible Negligible Low Moderate

Improbable Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Low


Significance criteria defining the Impact Severity are defined on a topic-by-topic basis in the
following sub-sections. Where topic-specific criteria are not directly applicable, the generic severity
criteria in Table 3.1 will be used. The topic-specific criteria tables in the sections below make
reference to:

 Project Standards are defined within the Project Standard Document (Appendix 1).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

 Receptors. Specific receptors are identified in the relevant sub-sections of Chapters 7 and
8 (the environmental and social baseline respectively) and Chapters 9 and 10
(environmental and social impacts respectively), including identification of their
significance/importance and sensitivity.

Where multiple criteria are identified for individual significance classifications, the significance
classification is based on the highest significance ranking for which one or more of the criteria are

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


The criteria to define the severity of air quality impacts are defined in the Table 3.5.1 below.

Table 3.5.1: Criteria to define severity of air quality impacts

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Air quality

Trivial contribution Concentrations (including background Concentrations (including Regular (1% of time for short Dominant contribution to long
(<1%/non-measurable) to concentrations) at nearest sensitive background concentrations) at time average period standards) term, severe exceedances of
background concentrations receptor well within (<50%) Project nearest receptor approaching but exceedance (including Project air quality standards at
predicted at locations Standards. within (50 – 100%) Project background concentrations) of nearest sensitive receptor.
outside of the boundary of Standards. Project air quality standards at
Concentrations (including background SPZ for air quality purposes
the Project nearest sensitive receptor.
concentrations) at offsite locations (i.e. Concentrations (including encompasses sensitive
outside of the Project facility/asset background concentrations) at SPZ for air quality purposes receptors and levels at the
boundaries) without sensitive receptors offsite locations without sensitive encompasses sensitive receptors within the SPZ are
approaching but within (50 - 100%) receptors marginally above (<110%) receptors and levels at the expected to exceed the MPC
Project Standards. Project Standards. receptors with the SPZ may on a long-term basis.
exceed the MPC on a regular
Air quality impacts do not result in the SPZ for air quality purposes extends
SPZ extending beyond the Project beyond Project facility/asset
facility/asset boundaries. boundaries, but does not
encompass any sensitive receptors.

Numeric Project Standards for the air quality pollutants of primary concern are provided in the relevant sections of this ESIA.

11 The boundaries of the Project assets/facilities are defined in the Chapter 4 (‘Project Description’) of the ESIA.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


The criteria to define the severity of air quality impacts are defined in the Table 3.5.2 below.

Table 3.5.2: Criteria to define severity of impacts on topography, soils and marine sediments

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Soil erosion (see note 1)

Trivial loss of top soil Some loss of top soil due to Net soil erosion anticipated but Significant loss of top soil in Loss of >50% top soil over an extended
(too small to be erosion expected, but soil erosion some (>75% of) top soil cover affected areas, limiting area severely restricting/preventing
measured). No potential expected to occur at the same rate retained in affected areas. vegetative cover. Retained vegetative cover.
for rills and gullies to be as soil formation. Formation of rills topsoil between 50% and 75%
Formation of rills and gullies likely.
formed. and gullies not anticipated. of original cover.

Soil contamination (see note 2)

No discernible change in Change of pollutants’ Change of pollutants’ Significant volume of soil is Significant volume of soil is heavily
soil/ground baseline concentration <50% from baseline concentration by 50-100%, but contaminated exceeding limit contaminated significantly exceeding limit
conditions. conditions, but below limiting below limiting values. values. values.
Expert site/pollutant- Soil quality may require Expert site/pollutant-specific Expert site/pollutant-specific assessment
specific assessment not Expert site/pollutant-specific reinstatement but should naturally assessment required to required to quantify and mitigate impact.
required. assessment not required. recover within 3 years. quantify and mitigate impact.
Soil productivity losses predicted to be
No loss in soil productivity. Expert site/pollutant-specific Productivity losses predicted permanent in the absence of mitigation.
assessment should be considered to last over 3 years following
in order to prevent escalation of reinstatement in the absence
impact. of mitigation.

Physical disturbance of marine sediments

No discernible Short term disturbance that is Medium term localised disturbance Large scale disturbance with Long term/continuous/ irreversible
disturbance of reversible and restricted over a or short term wider disturbance detectable adverse to marine disturbance/loss of a large area/volume of
sediments. small area e.g. localised and likely to result in a short term biota (as defined under marine sediment over an extended period
isolated activities. Section 3.5.5).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Negligible impacts on biota (as negative impact on marine biota with potential to severely impact marine
defined under Section 3.5.5) (as defined under Section 3.5.5). organisms.
Character of sediments is permanently

Contamination of marine sediments (see note 2)

No discernible change in Increase in pollutant concentration Increase in pollutant concentration Contamination of sediments Long term and widespread contamination
baseline conditions of <50% from baseline conditions, by 50-100%, quality of sediments above limit values. Quality of with little chance of natural recovery within
bottom sediments. but below limiting values. recovers within 6-24 months. sediments predicted to recover 5 years.
naturally within 2-5 years.
Expert site/pollutant- Expert site/pollutant-specific Expert site/pollutant-specific Expert site/pollutant-specific assessment
specific assessment not assessment not required. assessment should be considered Expert site/pollutant-specific required in order to quantify and mitigate
required. in order to prevent escalation of assessment required in order impact.
Quality of sediments recovers
impact. to quantify and mitigate
naturally within 6 months. Likely to cause severe harm to benthic
Negligible impacts on biota.
Likely to cause considerable
harm to benthic organisms.

1) The soil erosion criteria apply only areas that will be disturbed and then subsequently reinstated during the construction of the Project. The significance of impacts to soil
permanently lost to structures required for the operation of the Project is dealt with in terms of impacts to flora and fauna (see section 3.5.5).
2) Generic quantification of impacts is not possible unless assessed using site specific information (i.e. the type of contaminant, its toxicity, the sensitivity of receptors etc.). The
given impact criteria are intended to indicate whether expert site/pollutant-specific assessment is required.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


Landscape assessment criteria are based on consideration of both the landscape sensitivity and
the magnitude of change to the landscape resource.

Landscape sensitivity is defined on a 3-point scales as follows:

o High Sensitivity: Highest/very attractive landscape quality with highly valued, designated
or unique characteristics susceptible to relatively small changes.

o Medium Sensitivity: Good landscape quality with moderately valued characteristics

reasonably tolerant of changes.

o Low Sensitivity: Ordinary/poor landscape quality with common characteristics capable of

absorbing substantial change.

Magnitude of Landscape resource change is defined on a 3-point scale as follows:

o High Change: Total, permanent loss or alteration to key elements of the landscape
character, which result in fundamental change.

o Medium Change: (a) Permanent partial/noticeable loss of elements of the landscape

character; or (b) Temporary (<3 years) loss or alteration to key elements of the landscape
character, which result in fundamental change

o Low Change: Minor alteration to elements of the landscape character.

The severity of impacts on landscape is then assessed as follows (Table 3.5.3):

Table 3.5.3: Landscape impact severity

Magnitude of Landscape Sensitivity

landscape resource
change Low Sensitivity Medium Sensitivity High Sensitivity

No change Negligible Negligible Negligible

Low change Negligible Low Moderate

Medium change Low Moderate High

High Change Moderate High Major

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


The criteria to define the severity of impacts on surface water resources are defined in the Table 3.5.4 below.

Table 3.5.4: Criteria to define the severity of impacts on surface water resources

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Freshwater quality

No discernible change in Effluent Effluent discharges occasionally Repeated (<=5 incidents per year and/or <=20% of time of Persistent breach of effluent
baseline concentration in discharges (<= once per year and/or <= 10% of operation) breach of effluent discharge discharge limits and/or water
receiving water bodies. within discharge the time of operation) breach quality Project Standards (at
limits. discharge limits, but receiving edge of mixing zone).
No discernible changes
waters have rapid dilution capacity. Occasional (<= once per year and/or <= 10% of the time of
in water levels/availability Water Persistent breach of
operation) breach where receiving waters have a poor
abstraction rates Water abstraction rates abstraction limits and
dilution capacity and/or water quality Project Standards (at
within occasionally <= once per year prolonged significant effects on
the edge of mixing zone) are exceeded, significantly
abstraction and/or <= 10% of the time of water levels/availability.
affecting aquatic organisms (as defined under Section
limits. operation) exceed abstraction
limits, but water body has rapid
No discernible
recharge Repeated (<=5 incidents per year and/or <=20% of time of
impacts to water
operation) exceedance of abstraction limits
quality or Some limited impact to aquatic
ecology. organisms likely (as defined under and/or
Section 3.5.5).
Occasional (<= once per year and/or <= 10% of the time of
operation) exceedance of abstraction limit from water body
with slow recharge rate leading to significant change in
water levels/availability.

Numeric Project Standards for the pollutants of primary concern are provided in the Project Standard Document (see Appendix 2).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


The criteria to define the severity of impacts on flora and fauna are defined in the Table 3.5.5 below.

Table 3.5.5: Criteria to define the severity of impacts on flora and fauna

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Ecological impact

Insignificant impact on Slight effects over a Noticeable effect on integrity of: Noticeable impact on integrity of: Reduction of nationally or
habitats integrity – no localised area (up to 10 internationally protected
 Localised area (up to 10km2) of  Locally valuable habitat, or loss of
fragmentation or physical km2) affecting low value habitats and species, or loss
moderate sensitivity/importance habitats between 25-50 km2.
impact. habitat. of habitat over 50 km2.
 Low value habitat or loss of
No fragmentation, No
 Wider area (10-25 km2) of low habitats >50 km2
discernible change in
value/sensitivity habitats
behaviour Long term decline in local population
Species abundance/ distribution may be abundance of low value species distribution
Full recovery expected to
affected but no threat to the integrity of the taking several generations (of affected
occur shortly (<1 year)
population. species) and >5 years to recover.
after impacts cease.
Full recovery expected to within 5 years Short-term decline in population abundance
after impacts cease. of moderate or high value species
distribution taking several generations (of
affected species) and <5 years to recover.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


The criteria to define the severity of noise impacts are defined in the Table 3.5.6 below.

Table 3.5.6: Сriteria to define the severity of noise impacts

Negligible Low Moderate High Major


Noise levels remain at or close to Noise level increases Noise levels at sensitive receptors Noise levels at sensitive Long term or continuous
ambient levels that are detectable but remain below occasionally exceed Project Standards receptors repeatedly exceed exceedances of Project
imperceptible to receptors. Project Standards. during exceptional events. Project Standards. Standards at sensitive receptors.

Increase at sensitive Increase in noise levels at sensitive Increase in noise levels at Increase in noise levels at
receptors <5dB above receptors 6 to 10dB above sensitive receptors 11 to 15dB sensitive receptors >15dB above
ambient background levels. background. above background. background.

Little or no adverse effect on Moderate impacts to fauna as defined Major impact to fauna as defined
sensitive receptors in Section 3.5.5. in Section 3.5.5.
anticipated. High impacts to fauna as
defined in Section 3.5.5.

Numeric Project Standards for the noise are provided in the Project Standard Document (see Appendix 2).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


The criteria to define the severity of waste impacts are defined in the Table 3.5.7 below.

Table 3.5.7: Criteria to define the severity of waste impacts

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

No hazardous waste (Class I Limited hazardous waste Moderate volumes (requiring small- Significant volumes of hazardous Significant volumes of hazardous
to III) and very limited non- (Class I to III) and moderate scale dedicated storage, transport waste (Class I to III) and significant waste (Class I to III) and significant
hazardous (Class IV to V) volumes of non-hazardous and/or disposal facilities) of volumes of non-hazardous (Class volumes of non-hazardous (Class
generated. (Class IV to V) generated. hazardous waste (Class I to III) and IV to V) generated. IV to V) generated.
significant volumes (requiring large-
Approved disposal facilities Approved disposal/treatment scale dedicated storage, transport Approved disposal/treatment Approved disposal/treatment
available for all wastes that facilities available for all and/or disposal facilities) of non- facilities available for most wastes facilities available for some wastes
meet Project Standards. wastes that meet Project hazardous (Class IV to V) that generally meet Project that partially meet Project standards
standards. generated. standards (Project operated (Project operated facilities) and RF
No impact on long term facilities) and RF standards (third standards (third party facilities), but
capacity of third party waste No significant impact on long Approved disposal/treatment party facilities), but minor significant deficiencies to standards
disposal/treatment facilities. term capacity of third party facilities available for all wastes that deficiencies to standards identified. identified.
waste disposal/treatment meet Project standards (Project
facilities. operated facilities) and RF Long term disposal/treatment Long term disposal/treatment
standards (third party facilities). options not available for small options not available for significant
volumes of hazardous waste (Class volumes of hazardous waste.
Moderate impact on long term I to III).
capacity (<10% of available Significant impact on long term
capacity) of third party waste Significant impact on long term capacity (>30% of available
disposal/treatment facilities. capacity (10% to 30% of available capacity) of third party waste
capacity) of third party waste disposal/treatment facilities.
disposal/treatment facilities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


The criteria to define the severity of social impacts are defined in the Table 3.5.8 below.

Table 3.5.8: Criteria to define the severity of social impacts

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Direct Impacts on Communities’ Health, Safety and Security

Marginal, readily Minor and readily reversible Noticeable and reversible changes in Substantial changes in the current Wide-spread and irreversible
reversible changes or changes in the current the current health, safety and health, safety and security status of disturbance/disruption to the health,
imperceptible changes in health, safety and security security status of local communities. local communities. Reversibility of safety and security status of local
the current health, safety status of local communities. the changes depends on communities.
Number of affected persons:
and security status of application of a range of technical,
Number of affected persons: moderate (100-500). Multiple cases of serious injury or single
local communities. organisational, financial and other
limited (10-100). case of fatality.
Duration: medium-term (up to a measures.
Number of affected
Duration: short-term (3 to 6 year). Number of affected persons: high (more
persons: very limited (up Single case of serious injury.
months). than 1,000).
to 10). Likelihood: likely.
Number of affected persons:
Likelihood: unlikely. Duration: long-term to long-term (more
Duration: very short-term moderate to high (up to 1,000).
than 3 years or permanently).
(1 to 3 months).
Duration: medium-term to long-term
Likelihood: certain.
Likelihood: highly unlikely. (1 to 3 years).
Likelihood: certain.

Impacts on socio-economic resources (economic activities, governance practices and social infrastructure)

No effect on social No effect on socio-economic Potential effect on a limited range of Socio-economic resources of Socio-economic resources of critical
resources of critical12 resources of critical valuable socio-economic resources critical importance, or primary importance, and a broad range of
importance or primary importance, non-replicable or livelihood assets of communities livelihood assets of communities livelihood assets of communities
livelihood assets of local heritage (tangible and (including indigenous communities) (including indigenous communities) (including indigenous communities) are

12 The critically of resources is determined based on a combination of existing designations, expert judgment and stakeholder engagement as appropriate.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

communities (including intangible), or primary that are not of primary importance to are affected on the local and affected, including on the local, regional
indigenous communities). livelihood assets of community/individual subsistence. regional levels. and national/international levels.
communities (including
Number of affected users Core assets and resources of the Core assets and resources of the Core assets and resources of the local
indigenous communities).
of socio-economic local communities may be partially local communities are affected communities are affected, leading to
resources: very limited (up Number of affected users of affected but this does not lead to leading to deterioration of the main irreversible disruption/disintegration of
to 10). socio-economic resources: overall deterioration of the main livelihood. the main livelihood.
limited (10-100). livelihood and its viability.
Duration: short-term (1 to Number of affected users of socio- Number of affected users of socio-
3 months). Duration: short-term (3 to 6 Number of affected users of socio- economic resources: moderate (up economic resources: high (more than
months). economic resources: moderate (100- to 1,000). 1,000).
Likelihood: highly unlikely.
Likelihood: unlikely. Duration: medium-term to long-term Duration: long-term to long-term (more
Duration: medium-term (up to a (1 to 3 years). than 3 years or permanently).
Likelihood: certain. Likelihood: certain.
Likelihood: likely.

Impacts on cultural resources

No effect on cultural No effect on cultural Potential effect on a limited range of Cultural resources of critical Cultural resources of critical importance
resources of critical13 resources of critical valuable cultural resources of local importance of communities of various communities (including
importance, non- importance, non-replicable communities (including indigenous (including indigenous communities) indigenous communities) are affected,
replicable heritage heritage (tangible and communities) that are not of primary are affected on the local and including on the local, regional and
(tangible and intangible) intangible) of local importance to communities. regional levels. national/international levels.
of local communities, communities, including
Number of affected users of cultural Number of affected users of cultural Number of affected users of cultural
including indigenous indigenous communities.
resources: moderate (100-500). resources: moderate (up to 1,000). resources: high (more than 1,000).
Number of affected users of
Duration: medium-term (up to a Duration: medium-term to long-term Duration: long-term to long-term (more
Number of affected users cultural resources: limited
year). (1 to 3 years). than 3 years or permanently).
of cultural resources: very (10-100).
limited (up to 10). Likelihood: likely. Likelihood: certain. Likelihood: certain.

13 The critically of resources is determined based on a combination of existing designations, expert judgment and stakeholder engagement as appropriate.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process

Negligible Low Moderate High Major

Duration: short-term (1 to Duration: short-term (3 to 6

3 months). months).
Likelihood: highly unlikely. Likelihood: unlikely.

Physical Displacement

No physical displacement No physical displacement Short-term and reversible physical Permanent physical relocation Permanent physical relocation is
entailed entailed, apart from short- displacement of minimal extent (up to (regardless of the number of entailed, resulting in the irreversible
term/readily reversible 10 households), without an effect on households affected), resulting in transformation of traditional lifestyle and
(regular) movement of their traditional lifestyle and the change of their traditional the cessation of traditional activities.
population employed by the associated activities. lifestyle and activities. The
Project as related to the reversibility of such changes
rotation-based work requires a range of technical,
organisational, financial and other
support measures.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 3: ESIA Process


Cumulative impacts are those that result from the incremental impact of a project when added to
other existing, planned, and/or reasonably predictable future projects and developments. The
approach taken to cumulative impacts in this ESIA is described in Chapter 13.


Mitigation measures are applied, where necessary, to reduce the severity and/or the likelihood of
the impact and therefore reduce the overall impact/risk significance. In this ESIA the significance of
a potential impact/risk is assessed in terms of the residual impact.

For each topic this ESIA describes potential impacts during each phase of the Project
(construction, commissioning and operation14) and then assesses their significance. It then
describes mitigation measures, developed in line with the mitigation hierarchy15 that will be applied.
In developing mitigation controls, the primary focus will on mitigation of those impacts that have
been categorized as having a High or Major significance. However, mitigation measures will also
be considered for impacts of Low and Moderate significance to ensure that environmental and
social impacts/risks are minimized wherever possible. Following the initial assessment of the
impact significance (typically inclusive of any mitigation measures in the design but prior to the
application of any additional mitigation measures), the significance of the residual impact is then
assessed based on the application of any additional mitigation measures deemed necessary to
reduce significance to acceptable levels.

Methods of prediction of impact significance within this ESIA are either quantitative or qualitative
or, in certain instances, both. Quantitative methods predict measurable changes as a result of the
Project (e.g. air quality predicted by numerical modelling), while qualitative assessment techniques
rely on expert judgement and the experience in projects of similar nature/scale, within a structured
framework to ensure consistency. It should be noted that impacts on the social environment may
not always be readily amenable to the quantification or application of numeric standard values due
to the immaterial nature of an effect (e.g. psycho-emotional and perceptive impacts) or correlation
of a change with the specific local context (i.e. a scale of in-migration compared with the size of the
original host population). Accordingly, qualitative parameters are applied when assessing those
social impacts that cannot be measured in quantitative terms.

14 Note that Decommissioning is considered separately. Also in some cases it is appropriate to combine commissioning
with either construction or operation phases.
15 In line with good ESIA practice mitigation measures will be developed using the ‘mitigation hierarchy’ which broadly

require that consideration should be given to avoidance, minimisation, mitigation and offsetting for impacts in that order
of preference.

ESIA – Chapter 4: Information Disclosure, Consultation, and
Final Issue


This chapter describes the stakeholder consultations performed to date (including disclosure and
consultation activities) carried out for the Vysotsk LNG Project as part of the overall RF EIA
(OVOS) and ESIA process.

Identification of the stakeholders at the early stage of the Project and their continued engagement
through the lifespan of the project is fundamental in managing adverse impacts and highlighting
the positives. Proper engagement procedures ensure clear identification of social impacts and
major public concerns, as well as allowing stakeholders to have involvement in the Project design.

This chapter includes the following key sections:

 Stakeholder identification
 Consultation and stakeholder engagement activities undertaken to date
 Future engagement activities.


Project stakeholders have been categorized in the following key groups:

 Affected Parties – persons, groups and other entities within the Project Area of Influence
(see Chapter 5) that are directly affected (actually or potentially) by the Project and/or have
been identified as being susceptible to change associated with the Project. Affected parties
should be engaged in the identification of impacts and their significance, as well as during
the decision-making process regarding mitigation and management measures;
 Other Interested Parties – individuals/groups/entities that may not experience direct impacts
from the Project but who consider or perceive their interests as being affected and/or who
could influence the Project and the process of its implementation; and
 Disadvantaged or Vulnerable Parties – persons who may be disproportionately impacted or
further disadvantaged by the Project relative to other groups due to their vulnerable status16,
and for whom special engagement efforts may be required to ensure their equal
representation in the consultation and decision-making process associated with the Project.

Preliminary list of stakeholders includes:

 Government federal, regional and local authorities:

o RF authorities
o Leningrad Oblast authorities
o Vyborg region authorities
o Vysotsk district authorities
o Local settlements authorities

16Vulnerable status may stem from an individual’s or group’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth, or other status. Other factors such as age, ethnicity, culture, literacy, sickness, physical or mental disability,
poverty or economic disadvantage, and dependence on unique natural environment and natural resources should also be considered.

ESIA – Chapter 4: Information Disclosure, Consultation, and
Final Issue

 Local communities such as:

o Towns:
 Vyborg
 Vysotsk
 Sovetsky
o Rural settlements:
 Goncharovskoye
 Medyanka
 Cherkasovo
 Perovo
 Sokolinskoye
 Roshino
o Household plots’ entities (SNT – Non-commercial Communities of Gardeners)
 SNT Vysotskoye
 SNT Solnechnoye
 SNT Sputnik 2
 SNT Berezovaya Dolina
 SNT Rechnoye
 SNT Lesnoye
 SNT Belye Nochi
 SNT Sosnovy Mys
 SNT Lada
 SNT Perovskoye
o Recreational centers:
 Residential and recreational complex Pikhtovoye
 Island
 Community Service and Infrastructure organizations
 Children tuberculosis clinic
 General Public including residents and visitors of the nearby communities – coming for
fishing, mushrooms and berries collection, recreation etc.
 Companies operating in the Project Area:
o OOO Port Vysotsky (port)
o OAO RPK Vysotsk Lukoil II (oil transshipment terminal)
o OOO Vyborgskaya Lesopromyshlennaya Korporatziya (pulp and paper)
o OOO Primorsky Rybaki (fishing)
o Etc. (Quarries, Farms and other facilties)
 Landowners
 Land users
 Marine area users
 Media
 Business associations
 NGOs
 Academic and Research Organizations
Comprehensive list of stakeholders at the local, regional, Federal and international levels has to be
identified in the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (to be developed by the Company in due course).

ESIA – Chapter 4: Information Disclosure, Consultation, and
Final Issue


Engagement activities were undertaken on the following levels:

 Regional engagement
 Local engagement
 Engagement with business partners and neighboring businesses

The Vysotsk LNG external engagement process included the following key consultation activities:

Table 4.2.1: List of Consultations Performed to Date

Type of Consultations Date Place Brief Description

Public hearings on December Leningradsky Public hearings were announced in federal,
Vysotsk LNG Terminal 23, 2014 region, Vyborgsky regional and local press in November 2014.
Project including EIA district, Vysotsk, 42 persons were present (among them 9
(OVOS) Leninskaya persons were representatives of Project
street, 4, “Vysotsk Proponent and 5 persons were
Secondary representatives of administration including
School named environmental protection committee and 28
after Rostotzky” public representatives). Major concerns
raised during the hearing are outlined in the
table below. The outcome of the public
hearing was to approve the Project. All
comments made during the hearing were to
be considered during Project development.
Disclosure of EIA report November EIA report was disclosed at two locations:
to the Public allowing 20, 2014 – Vyborg, Sovetskaya street, 12 and Vysotsk,
free access along with December Kirovskaya street, 3
the comments register 23, 2014 No comments were made

Consultations with Access roads, gas supply

Consultations with Land lease
kolkhozes (agricultural
Consultations with Access roads, informing about planned
neighboring dachas and construction
gardening communities
Consultations with Regarding the issue of old wastes disposal
regulators excavated on site during site preparation
Consultations with August See detailed list in the Table below
stakeholders during the 2016
social survey

During the social survey undertaken during the ESIA process in August 2016 the following
meetings/consultations were performed:

ESIA – Chapter 4: Information Disclosure, Consultation, and
Final Issue

Table 4.2.2: Consultations during Social Survey

Organization Contact person Contact details Issues discussed

Vyborg Region Head of (8-81378) 222-27 Project interaction with
Administration Administration administration, concerns
Assistant and expectations
Samokhovetz associated with the project
Meetings with representatives of different administration departments
Department of Economic Head of (8-81378) 274-60 Socio-economic
Policy and Coordination Department information on the region,
of Investment Programs Shashkina Olga concerns and expectations
associated with the project
Department of Head of (8-81378) 24143 Household plots
Environmental Department (gardeners communities) in
Protection Kagromonyan the project area, concerns
Anna and expectations
associated with the project
Department of Head of 8(81378) 253-24; 244-14 Current status of
Agricultural Policy Department agricultural sector in the
Merzlikina Elena region, concerns and
Chief Economist expectations associated
Russkikh with the project
Education Committee Acting Head of (8 81378) 251-26 Education and its current
the Committee development in the region,
Chudaeva Elena concerns and expectations
associated with the project
Social Protection Vice Head of the (8-81378) 219-11 Vulnerable groups in the
Committee Committee region, concerns and
Shukurova expectations associated
Olesya with the project
Committee on Sport, Head of the Tel: (8-81378) 212-09 Sport and culture in the
Culture, Youth Policy Committee Fax: (8-81378) 205-68 region, tourist
and Tourism Dolgikh Vladimir organizations, concerns
Head of and expectations
Department of associated with the project
GKU Vyborg Centre of Director Labour market information,
Employment Finogenova +7 (81378) 2-19-83 current situation on the
Margarita labour market in Vyborg
region and in particular
settlements, concerns and
expectations associated
with the project
GBU “Vyborg Head Physician 8 (813 78) 2-14-10 Public health system and
Interdistrict hospital” Ismagilova Irina population health in the
region concerns and
expectations associated
with the project,

ESIA – Chapter 4: Information Disclosure, Consultation, and
Final Issue

Organization Contact person Contact details Issues discussed

Goncharovo rural Head of (81378) 63-817 Socio-economic situation,
settlement Administration traditional land and natural
Simonov Andrei resources use in
Goncharovskoye rural
settlement, concerns and
expectations associated
with the project
Vysotsk town settlement Head of Tel: 41-334 Socio-economic situation,
Administration Tel:: (81378) 41-330 traditional land and natural
Rogov Sergei Fax: (81378) 41-330, 41-347 resources use in
Head of the Vysotskoye urban
Urban settlement, concerns and
Settlement expectations associated
Erofeev Igor with the project
Sovetskoye Town Head of Tel: (81378) 74–757 Socio-economic situation,
Settlement Administration Fax: 71-939 traditional land and natural
Nekrasov Andrei resources use in
Sovetskoye urban
settlement, concerns and
expectations associated
with the project

Key public potential concerns and expectations are summarised in the Table below:

Table 4.2.3: Key Public Concerns and Expectations

Expectations and Concerns associated

Concerns associated Concerns associated
concerns associated with Project
with adverse with adverse socio-
with potential positive Management
environmental impacts economic impacts
impacts Practices

There are two major

facilities in the region Adverse impacts
already – RPK Lukoil associated with the Waste management on
Vysotsk II and Vysotsk workers’ accommodation Gasification of Vysotsk construction stage
coal terminal in Vysotsk camps during
Port – what will be their construction period
cumulative impact?
What management
What is the exact route access to recreation High level of costs of
plans are developed for
of the planned pipeline areas (used for fishing, gasification for local
emergency cases?
and related impacts? foraging etc.) residents

What particular access

roads are to be used for
Measures to be
supplying materials and Level of investment in
Increased load on social undertaken to prevent
equipment? Noise, dust the social infrastructure
infrastructure oil products’ spills
and other adverse
impacts associated with
access roads

Dredging for
Land withdrawal
construction of jetties

ESIA – Chapter 4: Information Disclosure, Consultation, and
Final Issue

Expectations and Concerns associated

Concerns associated Concerns associated
concerns associated with Project
with adverse with adverse socio-
with potential positive Management
environmental impacts economic impacts
impacts Practices

Air pollution,
consideration of wind Marine area withdrawal

Environmental impacts Outflux of work force

and their level from Port Vysotsk

Adverse impacts
associated with
equipment storage

Water logging of the



In due course the Company will develop a comprehensive SEP along with Grievance Mechanism
and other relevant procedures. A detailed list of stakeholders, forms and timing for future
engagement activities are to be outlined in this Plan.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description



The proposed project is to construct a Terminal for the Production and Handling of Liquefied
Natural Gas in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad Region, with the Production Capacity of 660,000 tons of
LNG per year including a Gas Pipeline Branch Connected to Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border Main
Gas Pipeline” (hereinafter, the “Project” or “Terminal Construction Project”) being implemented by
ZAO Cryogas (hereinafter, the “Company”). The project comprises the construction of a Terminal
intended for reception and pre-treatment of natural gas with subsequent production, storage and
offloading of LNG to consumers. To enable gas transportation by sea it is proposed to use gas
carriers with design capacity of up to 20,000 m3. The liquefied natural gas produced at the
Terminal will be suppled both for domestic needs and for export to Scandinavian countries
(particularly, to regasification terminals in the Gulf of Bothnia located in Pansio and Torino,
Finland). LNG is produced from natural gas supplied to the Terminal from Russia’s Unified Gas
Supply System.

The Project comprises the following facilities::

 a jetty for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with a temporary access road
and a temporary storage zone for equipment and materials (hereinafter, the “Jetty”) –
Phase 1;
 a gas pipeline branch off of the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline leading to
the LNG plant in Port Vysotsk in the Vyborg District, Leningrad Region (hereinafter, the
“GPB”) – Phase 2;
 a terminal for production and handling of liquefied natural gas in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad
Region, with the production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year (hereinafter, the
“Terminal”) – Phase 3;
 a gas pressure reduction station within the Terminal site for supplying gas to third party
consumers in the town of Vysotsk – Phase 4.

For the purpose of this Project’s Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) the Project
includes the first three Phases of Terminal construction. Phase 4, the gas pressure reduction
station for supplying gas to third-party consumers in Vysotsk, relates to the prospective
development of the Terminal and is outside the scope of this Project.

A separate package of project documentation was developed for the implementation of each of the
phases in accordance with the requirements of Russian laws. The project documentation was
prepared based on the design assignments, the results of comprehensive engineering-ecological
survey, and the technical specifications issued by the stakeholders.

The Project’s schematic diagram is shown in Figure 5.1.1 below.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Figure 5.1.1: Project’s schematic diagram

The following sections provide general information on the Project including:

 Project location;
 Project timeframes;
 Description of the Project’s primary facilities and technological process;
 Associated and out-of-scope additional facilities;
 Project area of influence;
 Construction phase description;
 Socio-economic rationale;
 Market rationale;
 Project management strategy.


The Project’s construction site is located in the Vyborg District of the Leningrad Region. The
Project facilities are positioned as shown in Figure 5.2.1.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Figure 5.2.1: Project facilities location



The proposed construction site occupies the territory of the Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula and the
adjoining water area of Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay. The location of these facilities is shown in Figure

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Figure 5.2.2: Jetty and Terminal locations

The oil-loading terminal RPK-Vysotsk LUKOIL II is located in close proximity to the Terminal
facilities (800 m to the south) and is joined by a railway line and a road. The road connecting the
Saint-Petersburg-Primorsk-Vyborg highway and the town of Vysotsk passes east of the
construction site. The nearest railway station of Popovo (the Oktyabr Railway, Saint Petersburg
Division, an OAO Russian Railways branch) is approximately 8 km east of the construction site.

Portions of land on the Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula (the northern cape) belong to the Ministry of
Defense; currently vacant.

To the north of the Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula is the town of Vysotsk with a military base and the
port of Vysotsk comprising three terminals: a coal terminal, an oil-loading terminal and the Remote
Offshore Terminal (ROT) on Cape Putevoy. The three terminals have no common land borders
and are located 12 km apart along the highway.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The closet residential housing areas are located as follows:

 2,502 m to the northeast – a residential area in the settlement of Pikhtovoe;

 2,295 m to the north – a residential area in the town of Vysotsk;
 1,379 m to the northeast – a residential area in the village of Suikkila;
 2,262 m to the southeast – non-commercial gardening partnership Vysotskoye.

There are no residential housing areas (including individual homes), landscape and recreation
zones, rest zones, resort, sanatorium or rest home areas, gardening partnership or cottage areas,
collective or individual summer housing projects or gardening communities, or any other territories
with regulated environmental parameters (sporting facilities, children’s playgrounds, educational or
children’s establishments, public medical or health establishments) within a 300 m radius of the
proposed construction site.

The layout of the Jetty and Terminal site is shown in Figure 5.2.3, Appendix 2.

Phase I – Wharf for handling oversized cargoes and building materials

The wharf with an approach channel, shore stabilization structures, water intake and discharge
structures, and a fire water pumping station is an hydraulic structure (HS).

The proposed HS is located on the northern shore of the Gulf of Finland on the way to the Inner
Vysotsk roadstead of Vyborg bay near the northwestern part of South Transund Point in Vysotsky
Island. Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay creates a natural enclosure for anchored vessels. Bolshaya
Pikhtovaya bay oriented in a southeast to northwest direction.

Navigation channel #6 is located 700 m from the shore and leads to Port Vysotsk.

The shoreline near the construction site is covered by forest, trees and shrubs grow at the water’s
edge. The shoreline included a narrow beach, 5-15 m wide. Beach soils consist of sand, pebble,
gravel, rocks and boulders.

The seabed is a terraced marine plain with boulders on its surface. In the littoral zone seabed soils
consist of sand, gravel, pebble and rock; silt appears at the depth of over 7-9 m.

Phase III – Liquefied Natural Gas Production and Handling Terminal

The proposed Terminal is located in the Vyborg District, Leningrad Region, on the northern shore
of the Gulf of Finland near the northwestern part of South Transund Point in Vysotsky Island, on
the Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula, 90 km from Saint Petersburg and 50 km from the Russian-Finnish
border. The Terminal will be constructed in close proximity to the entry zone of the Commercial
Seaport (CSP) of Vysotsk and 800 m from the RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil II terminal.

The proposed construction site comprises a vacant, undeveloped plot of land.

The terrain is uneven, sloping towards the sea. It has been modified as a result of preparatory
grading operations. Surface elevations vary from 0.0 m to 11.0 m, gradually dropping in the
direction of the sea.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The total area of the site (taking into account Phase III construction) is 57.18 ha. The selected site
on the Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula can fully accommodate the Terminal with the necessary


The 41-km gas pipeline branch (GPB) will be built on the lands of the Goncharov rural settlement,
the Soviet urban settlement and the Vysotsk urban settlement of the Vyborg District, Leningrad
Region, within the boundary of the following areas:

1. State Forest Fund lands of the Northwestern and Roshchinskoy forestry administrations;
2. Agricultural lands of the agricultural production cooperative (APC) Matrosovo;
3. Agricultural lands of APC Kirovskiy Transportnik;
4. Industrial, energy, transport lands of OAO Russian Railways, Leningrad Region Roads
Committee, Federal Motor Roads Authority, OAO RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil II;
5. Water Fund lands of Federal Water Resources Agency;
6. Lands owned by the state in general, with no specific owners designated: municipal lands
of the Vyborg District, Leningrad Region.

The approximate area of the land allotted:

 for long-term lease throughout the operation period: 9.84 ha;

 for short-term lease throughout the construction period: 149.19 ha.

The pipeline’s starting point, the connection point, km 0 (Ch 0), is located on a section (km 112) of
the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border II main gas pipeline. The pipeline branch end point is located
on the southwest shore of Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay, south of Port Vysotsk near the proposed
Terminal site.

The GPB is expected to pass through densely populated residential and recreation (gardening)
land (the settlement of Cherkasovo, the non-commercial gardening partnership (NGP) Rechnoye ,
NGP Lesnoye, NGP Beliye Nochi, children’s tuberculosis sanatorium Sosnovy Les). The gardening
communities and population centers are situated close to each other. Some of the houses and
dachas are located on the roadside. The surrounding area is actively used by residents for

The gas pipeline will cross numerous roads: the A-181 Scandinavia highway, the Primorskoye
(Vyborg-Primorskoye) highway, the Saint-Petersburg – Vyborg railway, the Vyborg-Primorsk
railway, the Popovo-Vysotsk railway (a branch off of the Vyborg-Primorsk railway line).

The gas pipeline will cross several major water bodies (Klyuchevskaya bay, Malaya Pikhtovaya
bay, Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay).

The gas pipeline will cross 11 watercourses (5 small rivers and 6 streams).

The proposed GPB route is shown in Figure 5.2.4, Appendix 2.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description


The Project’s work performance schedule is given in Table 5.3.1 below.

Table 5.3.1: Work Performance Schedule

Task Description Commencement Completion
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Production and Handling Terminal in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad Region, with the
production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year, including a gas pipeline branch off of the Leningrad- 1732,25 10.01.2012 17.09.2018
Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline
Interacting with government agencies 1052,25 13.05.2014 11.06.2018
RF Government Order on including the GPB in the RF territorial planning scheme 262 14.05.2014 15.05.2015

RF Government Order on including the Terminal in the RF territorial planning scheme 163,38 01.12.2014 16.07.2015

RF Government Order on including the Terminal and its water area inside the Port Vysotsk boundary 385 16.02.2015 24.08.2016
RF Government Order on opening an offshore RF state border checkpoint 827,88 23.03.2015 11.06.2018
Registration of rights to the land plots 766,38 13.05.2014 05.05.2017
Signing a lease for the land plots intended for the Terminal for conducting design and survey work (DSW) 60 14.08.2014 06.11.2014
Signing a lease for the land plots intended for the GPB for conducting DSW 220 13.05.2014 16.03.2015
Signing a lease for the land plots intended for the Terminal for conducting construction and installation
187 06.04.2015 22.12.2015
work (CIW)
Signing a lease for the land plots owned by the Northwestern Forestry Administration intended for the GPB
356 06.04.2015 01.09.2016
for conducting CIW and registering the lease with Rosreestr
Signing a lease for the land plots owned by the Roshchinskoye Forestry Administration intended for the GPB
356 06.04.2015 01.09.2016
for conducting CIW and registering the lease with Rosreestr
Signing a lease for the land plots intended for the GPB with the members of the agricultural production
237 18.09.2015 01.09.2016
cooperative (APC) Kirovskiy Transportnik for conducting CIW
Signing a lease for the land plots intended for the GPB with the members of APC Matrosovo for conducting
237 18.09.2015 01.09.2016

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion
Changing the category of lands intended for the Terminal 370 18.11.2015 05.05.2017
Including the Project in the Marine Transport subprogram of the Federal Special Purpose Program (FSPP)
312 23.03.2015 17.06.2016
“Development of Russia’s Transport System (2010-2020)"
Pre-design preparation and baseline data collection 1254,25 10.01.2012 16.11.2016
Pre-design preparation 1200,38 10.01.2012 01.09.2016

Developing and approving site plans (SPs) for Project construction, Vyborg District urban development plan 238,88 25.08.2015 10.08.2016

SP and Action Plan (AP) for the Terminal 195,88 25.08.2015 10.06.2016
SP and AP for the GPB 119,88 16.02.2016 10.08.2016
Compiling Technical Specifications 800,25 07.10.2013 16.11.2016
Technical specifications (TS) and Measurement Methodology (MM) for the quantity and quality of LNG 519,25 04.11.2014 16.11.2016
TS for power supply and a technological connection agreement 354 02.02.2015 28.06.2016
PHASE I – PAO Lenenergo 313 02.02.2015 27.04.2016
PHASE II - 2 connection points LOESK, 2 connection points PAO Lenenergo 127 14.07.2015 15.01.2016
PHASE III - АО "LOESK" 115 11.01.2016 28.06.2016
TS for technical engineering measures (TEM) for Civil Defense and Emergencies (CDE) and the System of
330 13.05.2015 02.09.2016
Structured Monitoring and Management of Engineering Systems of buildings and Installations (SMES)
PHASE I 280 13.05.2015 24.06.2016
PHASE II 40 08.07.2016 02.09.2016
PHASE III 260 13.05.2015 27.05.2016
TS from the State Inspectorate for Road Safety 20 13.05.2014 09.06.2014
TS for communications 33 01.05.2015 17.06.2015
DSW – design and survey work 865,38 20.06.2014 31.10.2017
Singing contracts with contractors for the development of project documentation (PD) 350,38 20.06.2014 23.10.2015
Surveying the access road to the Terminal 223 01.06.2015 20.04.2016
Signing a sublease for the land plots intended for the construction of a section of the access road 40 20.04.2016 20.06.2016

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion
Signing an agreement for the joint use of the RPK-Vysotsk-LUKOIL II access road during the operation
38 11.07.2016 01.09.2016
Conducting archeological survey at the Terminal site 119 07.07.2015 21.12.2015
Surveying the aquatic area 380,38 04.09.2014 29.02.2016

PHASE I. The wharf for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with a temporary access road
588 21.10.2014 07.02.2017
and a temporary storage zone for equipment and materials

Conducting engineering survey at the Terminal site as part of PHASE I activities 246 21.10.2014 30.09.2015
Collecting and analyzing baseline data 24 25.02.2015 31.03.2015
PD: compiling the Rosrybolovstvo package 148 31.03.2015 23.10.2015
PD: main sections 140 31.03.2015 13.10.2015
PD: ecological sections 8 13.10.2015 23.10.2015
PD: compiling the SEER package 175 31.03.2015 01.12.2015
PD: main sections 144 31.03.2015 19.10.2015
PD: ecological sections (Environmental Protection Action Plan - EPAP) 35 13.10.2015 01.12.2015
PD: compiling the full package for chief state experts’ review (CSER) 289 01.05.2015 27.06.2016
PD: main sections 277 01.05.2015 27.06.2016
PD: ecological sections (sanitary protection zone - SPZ) 168 01.10.2015 27.06.2016
Approving PD with FGUP Rosmorport 90 04.10.2016 07.02.2017
PHASE I. Approving PD with Rosrybolovstvo 34 13.10.2015 30.11.2015
PHASE I. Conducting state environmental experts’ review (SEER) 107 02.12.2015 17.05.2016
Conducting preliminary experts’ review of PD 36 28.03.2016 20.05.2016
PHASE I. Conducting chief state experts’ review (CSER) 71 27.06.2016 04.10.2016
Developing detailed project documentation (DD) 80 09.08.2016 29.11.2016
Securing authorization to use a water body 32 04.10.2016 17.11.2016
Securing authorization to proceed with project construction 20 04.10.2016 01.11.2016

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion
PHASE II. The gas pipeline branch off of the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline (GPB) 561 14.11.2014 25.01.2017
Conducting engineering survey at the GBP site 177 14.11.2014 21.07.2015
Collecting baseline data 255 31.12.2014 22.12.2015
PD: compiling the Rosrybolovstvo and SEER packages 316 23.01.2015 22.04.2016
PD: main sections 301 23.01.2015 04.04.2016
PD: ecological sections (EPAP) 137 01.10.2015 22.04.2016
Approving GBP’s PD with OOO Gazprom Transgaz Saint Petersburg for the compliance with TS 66 09.03.2016 14.06.2016
PD: compiling the full package for CSER 489 23.01.2015 26.12.2016
PD: main sections 489 23.01.2015 26.12.2016
Special technical specifications (STS) 115 18.03.2016 31.08.2016
PHASE II Approving PD with Rosrybolovstvo 66 18.01.2016 22.04.2016
PHASE II Conducting state environmental experts’ review (SEER) 92 22.04.2016 02.09.2016
Conducting preliminary experts’ review of PD 36 03.06.2016 25.07.2016
PHASE II Conducting chief state experts’ review (CSER) 70 09.09.2016 16.12.2016
Developing DD 30 14.12.2016 25.01.2017
Securing authorization to use a water body 120 29.07.2016 13.01.2017
Securing authorization to proceed with GPB construction 20 16.12.2016 13.01.2017
PHASE III The liquefied natural gas (LNG) production and handling terminal in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad
686,88 14.11.2014 20.07.2017
Region, with the production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year
Conducting engineering survey at the Terminal site as part of PHASE III activities 101 21.03.2016 12.08.2016
PD: hydraulic structures (HS) 513 25.02.2015 01.03.2017
PD: gas treatment and metering zone 409 14.11.2014 27.06.2016
PD: LNG commercial testing unit 80 01.03.2016 28.06.2016
PD: development by general contractor 234 01.09.2015 10.08.2016
STS: development and approval 139 20.01.2016 10.08.2016
PD: Airliquide 201 01.09.2015 24.06.2016

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion
PD: gas compressors 128 11.01.2016 15.07.2016
PD: TGE storage tank 197 01.09.2015 20.06.2016
Presentation by the general contractor and approval by Customer of the overall process flow diagram 59 06.04.2016 01.07.2016
Conducting HAZOP/HAZIP studies and quantitative risk assessment 19 27.06.2016 22.07.2016
PD: compiling the Rosrybolovstvo package 269 25.03.2015 18.04.2016
PD: main sections 269 25.03.2015 18.04.2016
PD: ecological sections 52 01.02.2016 18.04.2016
PD: compiling the SEER package 301 25.03.2015 06.06.2016
PD: main sections 301 25.03.2015 06.06.2016
PD: ecological sections (EPAP) 30 15.04.2016 01.06.2016
PD: compiling the full package for CSER 404 25.03.2015 27.10.2016
PD: main sections 404 25.03.2015 27.10.2016
PD: ecological sections (SPZ) 70 21.07.2016 27.10.2016
PHASE III Approving PD with Rosrybolovstvo 26 18.04.2016 27.05.2016
PHASE III Conducting state environmental experts’ review (SEER) 90 06.06.2016 10.10.2016
PHASE III Conducting chief state experts’ review (CSER) 67 27.10.2016 30.01.2017
Developing project detailed design (DD) 387,88 15.01.2016 20.07.2017
DD: HS 100 04.05.2016 22.09.2016
DD: gas treatment and metering zones 29 24.10.2016 02.12.2016
DD: technological processes 306 15.01.2016 28.03.2017
DD: storage tank 192 01.04.2016 30.12.2016
Full DD package 188 05.09.2016 25.05.2017
DD adjustment and approval 40 25.05.2017 20.07.2017
Securing authorization to use a water body 120 12.09.2016 27.02.2017
Securing authorization to proceed with project construction 20 30.01.2017 27.02.2017

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion

Ordering, manufacturing and delivering equipment and materials 517,88 28.01.2016 31.01.2018
PHASE I 144 29.03.2016 20.10.2016
Structural steel for the checkpoint, the office building, and the warehouse 70 30.06.2016 06.10.2016
Sandwich panels for the checkpoint, the office building, and the warehouse 70 07.07.2016 13.10.2016
Concrete slabs for road surface 110 19.05.2016 20.10.2016
Sewage pump station 90 12.05.2016 15.09.2016
Fire water pumps 100 25.04.2016 15.09.2016
Wharf structural elements 110 29.03.2016 02.09.2016
PHASE II 220 12.05.2016 16.03.2017
Pipes for the GPB 220 12.05.2016 16.03.2017
Valves for the GBP 220 12.05.2016 16.03.2017
Fittings 220 12.05.2016 16.03.2017
PHASE III 517,88 28.01.2016 31.01.2018
Equipment: Air Liquide 148 28.01.2016 31.08.2016
Equipment: gas compressors 50 01.04.2016 15.06.2016
TGE LNG storage tank 475 01.04.2016 31.01.2018
Ancillary systems and off-site facilities 357 15.06.2016 27.10.2017
Structural steel, pipelines, instrumentation 241 15.07.2016 19.06.2017
CIW Construction and installation work 590,88 05.02.2016 22.05.2018
PHASE I The wharf for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with a temporary access road and
484,88 05.02.2016 25.12.2017
a temporary storage zone for equipment and materials
Signing contracts with contractors for PHASE I CIW 100 04.04.2016 25.08.2016
Terminal site deforestation 24 05.02.2016 15.03.2016
Terminal site preparation 73 10.02.2016 31.05.2016
PHASE I CIW contractor mobilization 15 25.08.2016 15.09.2016

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion
CIW at the Terminal site 80 15.09.2016 05.01.2017
Building construction 80 15.09.2016 05.01.2017
Road and on-site accessway construction 45 15.09.2016 17.11.2016
HS CIW (cargo wharf) 325 02.09.2016 01.12.2017
Preparatory work 111 02.09.2016 06.02.2017
HS construction 160 31.10.2016 12.06.2017
Site and road improvement, navigational aids (navaids) installation 307 28.09.2016 01.12.2017
Offshore checkpoint CIW 120 12.06.2017 27.11.2017
Delivery of checkpoint facilities to Interdepartmental Commission (IDC) 20 27.11.2017 25.12.2017
Delivery of PHASE I facility 19 22.11.2017 19.12.2017
PHASE II The gas pipeline branch off of the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline (GPB) 414,38 01.09.2016 04.04.2018
Signing contracts with contactors for PHASE II CIW 60 21.10.2016 13.01.2017
GPB site deforestation 60 01.09.2016 24.11.2016
PHASE II CIW contractor mobilization 5 13.01.2017 20.01.2017
Preparatory work 59 20.01.2017 13.04.2017
GPB construction 200 13.04.2017 18.01.2018
Site improvement and reclamation 6 10.01.2018 18.01.2018
GPB testing 14 21.12.2017 10.01.2018
Preliminary delivery to a working commission and obtaining a certificate of readiness for transportation of
20 10.01.2018 07.02.2018
natural gas
Securing authorization to connect to the main pipeline 20 10.01.2018 07.02.2018
Performing connection to the main gas pipeline 20 07.02.2018 07.03.2018
PHASE II project delivery 40 07.02.2018 04.04.2018
PHASE III The liquefied natural gas (LNG) production and handling terminal in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad
544 15.04.2016 22.05.2018
Region, with the production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year
Provision of a topographic map for construction 0 15.04.2016 15.04.2016

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion

Preparatory work (building a construction camp, a rotational village, temporary utilities and roads) 97 15.04.2016 02.09.2016

Terminal site CIW 544 15.04.2016 22.05.2018

Building foundations for main process equipment 65 22.08.2016 21.11.2016
Storage tank 470 04.05.2016 22.02.2018
LNG loading/offloading system 181 02.08.2017 12.04.2018
Technological zone 544 15.04.2016 22.05.2018
Signing contracts with contractors for CIW at the main wharf 40 02.01.2017 27.02.2017
HS CIW (main wharf) 200 27.02.2017 04.12.2017
PHASE III project delivery (execution of a CIW completion certificate) 15 01.05.2018 22.05.2018
SAW: PHASE III Startup and adjustment work 85 26.02.2018 25.06.2018
Developing a SAW program 22 10.04.2018 10.05.2018
Securing Customer’s authorization to proceed with SAW 0 01.05.2018 01.05.2018
Preparing an operation staff training program and sending it to Customer 12 20.03.2018 05.04.2018
Training Customer’s staff 18 05.04.2018 01.05.2018
Notifying Customer of the Individual Tests 0 06.04.2018 06.04.2018

Informing the general contractor of the representatives (inspectors) for participating in equipment testing 0 20.04.2018 20.04.2018

Individual project testing 11 02.05.2018 17.05.2018

Notifying Customer of the successful completion of the Individual Tests and of the Project’s readiness for
0 18.05.2018 18.05.2018
operational tests
Securing a startup readiness certificate from Customer 14 18.05.2018 07.06.2018
Furnishing Customer with the Operational Testing Program 0 26.02.2018 26.02.2018
Notifying Customer of the operational tests 0 20.04.2018 20.04.2018
Conduction operational tests on the project 2 17.05.2018 21.05.2018
Executing the Operational Testing Certificate 8 21.05.2018 31.05.2018

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Task Description Commencement Completion
Furnishing Customer with the Control Testing Program 0 12.03.2018 12.03.2018
Notifying Customer of the control tests 0 07.05.2018 07.05.2018
Conducting control tests on the project 1 01.06.2018 04.06.2018
Executing the Control Testing Certificate 12 04.06.2018 20.06.2018
Executing the Project Construction Completion and Acceptance Certificate 2 21.06.2018 25.06.2018
Project commissioning 60 25.06.2018 17.09.2018
Obtaining a Report to the effect that the completed volume of capital construction is in accordance with the
30 25.06.2018 06.08.2018
applicable technical regulations
Registration of hazardous facilities 30 25.06.2018 06.08.2018
Securing license to operated hazardous facilities 30 06.08.2018 17.09.2018
Securing authorization to commission the project 30 06.08.2018 17.09.2018

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description


In the course of the implementation of the Project it will be necessary to commission a large
number of facilities intended for production, preparation, storage and transportation of liquefied gas
(major facilities). These facilities are described below. The LNG production flow diagram is shown
in Figure 5.4.1 below.

Figure 5.4.1: LNG production flow diagram



The wharf for handling oversized cargoes (including a temporary access road and a temporary
storage zone) will be used for cargo intended for the Terminal construction before being
transferred by tracks to a temporary storage yard within the Project site. During subsequent
construction phases the wharf will be used for docking support vessels.

At its full capacity the facility will handle:

 21 units of oversized heavy equipment (OHE) with the total gross weight of 3,343 t;
 accessory equipment with the total gross weight of 4,640 t;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

 building materials with the total gross weight of 75,474 t, including general cargoes –
7,974 t; bulk cargoes – 67,500 t.

Working regime – navigation period, 7-8 months in duration, 24 hours in two shifts.

The wharf facility includes the following key (structural) process facilities:

 berthing face; Liebherr LR 1750 crawler crane installation site;

 parking zone for a modular transporter for oversize cargoes;
 yard for temporary storage of oversize cargoes;
 temporary storage zone for equipment and materials with the area of at least 5 ha;
 unheated warehouse with the floor space of 2,500 m²;
 key handling equipment.

In addition, the following items will be located on the wharf site:

 utility systems;
 modular buildings: a checkpoint and an office building;
 temporary customs zone at the storage yard. LOCATION OF FACILITIES AND INSTALLATIONS

The Phase 1 area inside battery limits is 22.08 ha. The facilities and installation layouts were
based on zoning requirements and in accordance with functional purpose; they are tentatively
divided into the following zones:

А. Company owned facilities:

1. Offshore installations zone, including:

 180-meter berthing face with the seabed depth of minus 8.50 m;

 designed offshore area;
 shore stabilization structures;
 loading quay;
 navigational aids.

2. Onshore facilities zone, including:

 office building with the floor space of 295 m2;

 checkpoint;
 designed harbor facilities (fire water pump station, transformer substation, wastewater
treatment facilities, sewage pump station);
 open storage yards for construction-related cargoes, with the storage area of 7.90 ha;
 sheltered cargo warehouse with the storage area of 2,593 m2.

B. Facilities owned by the federal government:

 floating and stationary navigational aids for safe navigation.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Yards for storing and handling construction-related cargoes are located throughout the Terminal
site and account for the majority of the Phase I facilities. The location of the yards is determined by
technological solutions on handling and storage of construction cargoes and access ways will be
built between yards to be used by special warehousing equipment and cargo transporters. The
cargo warehousing facilities consist of open yards for short-term storage and stacking/de-stacking
of batches for shipment.

Cargoes will be offloaded from vessels using special equipment for handling heavy and bulky
loads, (caterpillar cranes). Multi-axle trailers will be used in loading and unloading operations for
transporting oversize cargoes.

Motor vehicles will enter the site from the external road through a checkpoint located at the
southwestern site entrance.

The office building will be located in the southwestern part of the Terminal site, near the site

A block-modular transformer substation will be built near the office building. Power will be supplied
to the Terminal over two power lines with the distribution voltage of 10 kV from the RPK Vysotsk
Lukoil II GPP (main step-down substation) ZRU-10 (enclosed distribution unit).

The warehouse structure is located in the southwestern part of the Terminal site; comprising a
single-story building 30x84 m.

The underground rainwater treatment facilities will discharge treated and disinfected industrial
effluent and rainwater into the sea; they will be located in the docking area.

Domestic effluent from the proposed buildings will be supplied to the underground local biological
treatment plant (located near the office building) and then discharged into the soil through a
filtering trench.

The fire water pump station, sized 9.0×11.0 m, will take water from the bay and will be located on
the wharf.

Bio-toilets will be installed on the wharf near the rainwater treatment facilities.

To ensure the mooring and anchoring of vessels, the wharf will have a berthing face with the total
length of 180 m. The length of the docking area was determined based on the design lengths of
the types of vessels to be used and the tolerances which should be observed for the safe mooring
and docking at the wharf, as well as based on territorial constraints given the phased character of
the construction work.

The wharf structure consists of two zones: a front zone and a rear zone. Due to its functionality the
front zone has a harder surface. The wharf itself has a bulwark structure. The rear zone is located
onshore and is fortified by slope stabilization structures. The shoreline is stabilized by rock slope

The natural seabed along the berthing face has elevations of approximately minus 9.0 m B.S., the
berthing face elevation is 3.50 B.S.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

For approaching the docking area it is proposed to use the existing navigation channel which
passes between the Greater and Lesser Transund roadsteads.

The channel allows for two-way vessel traffic up to the Syuvyamatala shoal. Then the channel
becomes narrower and further traffic to Port Vysotsk is one-way.

Vessels enter the port following natural depths.

The turning basin is located in an area where the natural seabed level allows it to meet safe
maneuvering requirements. The size of the turning basin is such that it can be inscribed in a circle
240 m in diameter, i.e. twice the design vessel length.

Towing assistance will be provided to all vessels at the wharf. The specified design seabed
elevations are provided by the existing terrain, no additional dredging operations are required.

The offshore area bordering on the wharf is of sufficient size to enable vessel maneuvering.

The general layout of the facility is shown in Figure 5.4.2, Appendix 2. HYDRO-ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS

The construction phase I hydraulic structures include:

 wharf for handling oversized cargoes and building materials (at phase III it serves for
mooring, anchoring and servicing support vessels and for loading LNG onto bunker
 shoreline stabilization structures: western and eastern ones.
The 180-m long wharf consists of:

 berthing face 180.0 m long for Phase I vessels docking;

 western wingwall 84.4 m long;
 eastern wingwall 71.0 m long (along the border);
 the rear area 102.5 m long.
The shoreline stabilization structures form parts of the Terminal site’s boundary and are intended
for protecting the area from washout and sloughing.

The shoreline stabilization structures consist of:

 western shoreline stabilization structure, with the overall length of 84.0 m;

 eastern shoreline stabilization structure, with the overall length of 148.95 m.
The western shoreline stabilization structure is a slope structure which has a 30-100 kg rock prism
at its core. The structure’s outer slope (inclination 1:1.5) is covered by a 500-1000 kg fill of graded
rock. The top of the fill has the elevation of plus 3.50 m.

The eastern shoreline stabilization structure is built as a slope. The slope is stabilized by reinforced
concrete slabs place on a foundation made of crushed rock sized 40-700 mm (inclination 1:2). At
the base of the slope there is a reinforced concrete support structure on a crushed rock foundation.

At the top of the slope reinforced concrete curb is installed on a crushed rock foundation prepared
in advance.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

A marine water intake structure will be built at the site of the western shoreline stabilization
structure near the wharf’s wingwall, and a provision will be made for future installation of a fire
water pump station.

The water intake structure comprises two inlet chambers. They consist of water inlet openings and
720x9 mm pipes. The water inlet openings are fitted with bar screens with gravel and crushed rock

A treated effluent discharge structure is located at the western shoreline stabilization site.

A 720x9 mm discharge pipe passes through the shoreline stabilization structure. A mesh screen is
fitted to the end of the pipe to stop garbage from the sea from entering the sewage system. The
water discharge is protected by a reinforced concrete head wall. TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES DESCRIPTION

The type of cargoes intended for the Terminal facilities construction is varied in terms of both
weight and size.

The equipment consists of various devices, including column devices, and process modules.

The following marine vessels will be used for cargo delivery:

 Cargo Vessel;
 m/v ESENIYA.

Liebherr LR 1750 (SDB) crawler cranes will be used at the wharf as the main loading equipment
for handling oversize cargoes. Cranes like these will be used both for loading operations involving
heavy loads and for installation work, including two-crane lifts.

The wharf will have two different load zones::

 zone 1– Liebherr LR 1750 (SDB) crane operation area, should withstand the load of 30
 zone 2 – the area for parking or turning around a transporter, driving or parking a laden
transporter, parking additional mobile for assembling Liebherr LR 1750 (SDB) cranes,
should withstand the load 8 t/m2.

A Liebherr LHM 320 mobile harbor crane with the lifting capacity of 104 t and the radius of up to 43
m is used for offloading accessory equipment and building materials, including bulk cargoes, from

The wide range of construction cargo to be handled at the wharf, including general cargo
transported in individual crates or packages and bulk cargo, requires versatile handling

The following loading/offloading operations are performed at the wharf’s storage area:

 stacking/unstacking general and bulk cargo;

 loading/offloading various types of general and bulk cargo into/from trucks.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Forklifts of various lifting capacity are used to handle general cargo, and front loaders with 2-6 m3
buckets and bulldozers are used for handling bulk cargo.

An enclosed, unheated warehouse with the floor space of approximately 2,520 m2 is provided for
construction cargo which must be stored in a sheltered area. The warehouse covers an area of
30×84 m. Diesel loaders with the lifting capacity of 1.6-3.0 t are used for warehouse operations
(staking/unstacking cargo), delivering and removing cargo from the warehouse.

If necessary, the warehouse structure can accommodate a manually operated overhead crane with
the lifting capacity of up to 5 t.

Packaged construction cargo which are transported on pallets will be stored in stacks.

Scheurle modular transporters are used for transporting oversize cargo in the harbor area.

Platforms towed by articulated trucks are used as in-port transport for carrying long cargo from the
wharf to the storage yards. A selection of highway trucks are used to carry combined general
cargo, generally 12-15 m long.

Dump trucks are used for transporting bulk materials such as crushed rock.

A Liebherr LHM 320 mobile harbor crane, forklifts and front loaders are used for loading/offloading
goods into/from highway trucks in the working areas within storage zones.

All the wharf’s cargo handling equipment is leased as necessary.

All cargo handling equipment should be certified and cleared for operation in the Russian
Federation by the relevant supervising agencies. All the repair and service operations that are
required to be performed on the equipment (including loader washing) are carried out at the
contractor’s facilities outside the wharf area.

A refueling truck is used for refueling cargo handling machinery.

Handling of vessels loaded with oversize cargo at the wharf include the following operations:

 vessel mooring/unmooring (up to 3 h 35 min);

 unfastening cargo on board the vessel, preparing equipment units for hoisting using lifting
slings attached to the equipment;
 transferring cargo with possible travel of Liebherr LR 1750 caterpillar cranes along the
 loading the equipment onto the modular transporter and securing the loaded equipment;
 technological breaks, including rest and lunch breaks.

The total time for handling one oversize cargo unit weighing 250 to 450 t may constitute 1 day.

Handling lighter cargo (18-250 t) usually takes between, 1 to 20 hours.

During unloading, vessels with oversize cargo enjoy priority over vessels with ordinary cargo.

Accessory equipment and construction materials are offloaded from vessels only in the absence of
vessels with oversized cargo.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The total turnover of such cargo is 86,150 t.

The Eseniya will be used for cargo transportation. With the average load of 2,700 t, the number of
vessel calls during the navigation period will be 32.

Given the diverse variety of goods offloaded by a single Liebherr LHM 320 mobile crane it may
take up to 3 days to handle a vessel.

Thus, the wharf’s throughput capacity for handling other types of cargo may be up to 90-92,000
tons per navigation period.



LNG is produced from natural gas prepared in accordance with Gazprom’s 089-2010 Organization
Standard. Natural gas is fed into the LNG production line via a 350 mm diameter pipeline. Gas is
taken from the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline. The tie-in point on the main
pipeline and the design criteria are determined by the technical specifications approved by

Along the entire gas pipeline branch route pipes will be installed underground at the depth of at
least 0.8 m from the crown of the pipe to the top of the ballast structures.

The gas pipeline branch consists of:

 main gas pipeline (530 mm in diameter, working pressure 5.4 MPa, length 41,277 m) from
the tie-in points on the existing Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border 1 and 2 main pipelines to
the proposed LNG Plant in the vicinity of the Ryuevyalinniemi peninsula, Port Vysotsk;
 pig launcher chamber - 60х90m;
 loop lines through the Gulf of Finland’s water areas - 3;
 pig receiver chamber - 60х90m;
 block valve stations as part of the GPB’s linear section;
 cathodic protection stations (CPS) - 3;
 electrochemical protection cabling with anode earthing devices (3).

The project documentation provides for a comprehensive protection against soil corrosion of the
proposed GPB: insulating coating (passive protection) and electrochemical protection (active

Based on the calculations, three cathodic protection stations will be installed along the entire GPB
route. To ensure electrochemical protection of the pipelines from corrosion cathodic, sacrificial and
drainage protection units will be used (CP, SP, DP, respectively), complete with appropriate
equipment approved by Gazprom.

The following items are provided for the pig launcher, pig receiver and block valve station sites:

 electric power supply with commercial power metering;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

 telematics equipment;
 lightning protection;
 protective grounding;
 fire alarm system;
 technical security equipment (TSE) with an access control system;
 technical vehicle access way and turnaround using the proposed access roads;
 site improvements. PROCESS DESCRIPTION

The proposed gas pipeline branch is connected to the km zero block valve stations at km 112 of
the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border 1 main gas pipeline and km 107 Leningrad-Vyborg-State
Border 2 main gas pipeline.

A pig launcher chamber will be installed at the beginning of the gas pipeline branch, and pig
receiver chamber will be installed at the end of the gas pipeline branch, km 39. At km 26, a linear
block valve station will be built with gas purging possible in both directions; the linear block valve
station will be combined with a bridging section to the gas pipeline branch connected to the
Vyborgskaya Tsellyuloza gas distribution network.

Pipeline looping will be used in places where the GPB will cross the Gulf of Finland; block valve
stations will be built on both shores. On each side of the bays block valve stations will be built with
gas purging possible in both directions.

A 700 mm diameter pig launcher chamber and a 700 mm diameter pig receiver chamber will be
built to clean the pipes and conduct non-destructive inspection of the gas pipeline branch.

To secure the pipeline at the design elevation, ballasting structures will be installed at river, stream
and wetland crossings and in waterlogged areas. Individual saddle-shaped reinforced concrete
weights will be used for pipeline ballasting.

When crossing the rivers Perovka, Matrosovka and Medyanka the gas pipeline will be constructed
using the method of horizontal directional drilling.

When crossing the Gulf of Finland bays 720x9 diameter K52 pipes will be used with ZUB concrete
weight coating in sheet steel jacket.

At the sites where the gas pipeline crosses dirt roads crossings made of reinforced concrete slabs
will be built.

When crossing railway lines and motorways of certain categories the gas pipeline will be installed
in a protective encasement using trenchless technology (pipe ramming).

Once the pipeline installation is completed and the block vales are installed, the pipeline is
subjected to strength testing prior to commissioning. Hydraulic tests at production sites, junction
points and break valves are performed in accordance with Code of Practice (SP) 86.13330.2014
and Gazprom STO 2-3.5-354-2009.

All pipelines should be cleaned, subjected to hydraulic and pressure tests with subsequent drying.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

To ensure the safety of the installations and pipes a set of technical security measures will be
implemented; pipeline aboveground installations, block-containers and antenna equipment and
masts will be fenced off and fitted with primary firefighting accessories.

To meet the civil defense and emergency requirements a provision is made for a civil defense and
natural and human-caused emergency response action plan.


The liquefied natural gas production and handling terminal is intended for raw gas reception, pre-
treatment and subsequent production, storage and loading of LNG to consumers.

The Terminal’s total production capacity is 660,000 tons of LNG per year. To produce the specified
amount of LNG the LNG Plant will require delivery of 1 billion m3 of natural gas per year.

The Terminal should be in operation at least 330 days a year.

The Terminal site is comprised of the following zones:

 Gas treatment and metering zone

 Production zone
 LNG storage zone
 LNG release zone
o LNG release zone (marine vessels)
o LNG release and reception zone (trucks)
 Flare system zone
 Auxiliary production zone
 Administrative zone
 LNG filling station zone
 Prospective development zone
 Free access zone
 Fire depot site
 Offshore zone.

The gas treatment and metering zones (located north of the gas pre-treatment unit) houses
equipment for metering raw gas flow rate.

The production zone (located in the central part of the site) houses an LNG train consisting of a
gas pre-treatment unit, two liquefaction units, and a high-temperature fluid unit. The zone also
includes storage tanks for mixed refrigerant components, a fuel gas system, a technical and
instrumentation air system, and a nitrogen supply system.

The LNG storage zone (located west of the production zone) has a 42,000 m3 isothermal tank and
a boil-off gas compressor unit. The working pressure inside the LNG storage system is below
0.024 MPa (gauge). The relief valves of the LNG storage system are set for pressure below 0.03
MPa (gauge).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The LNG release zone (marine vessels) (in the western part of the site) includes a system for
loading LNG into carriers and bunker barges.

The LNG release and reception zone (trucks) (north of the gas liquefaction units) includes a
system for loading LNG into tank trucks and for reception of LNG delivered by third-party suppliers.

The flare system zone (in the northwestern part of the site) houses a built-in flare unit for
emergency and blowdown discharges of hydrocarbon fluids during operation (startup, shutdown,
blowdown and drainage of pipelines and equipment, pressure stabilization and letdown) and their
subsequent burning.

The auxiliary production zone (east of the production zone) includes auxiliary systems supplying
heat, electricity, water to the Terminal as well as wastewater treatment systems. The site for a
mobile snow-melting unit is also located in the southwestern part of the zone.

Within the prospective development zone (south of the production zone) according to the design
assignment a provision is made for additional land to allow a possible expansion of the Terminal to
accommodate a third LNG train with the production capacity of 660,000 tons per year.

The administrative zone includes the following facilities located in the southeastern part of the site:
checkpoint, office building, service/operational unit, sheltered parking lot, transformer substation;
warehouse and mechanical repair shop. A domestic effluent post-treatment facility is located in the
northwestern part of the administrative zone

The free access zone is located outside the Terminal site (west of the administrative zone used as
a parking lot and drop off area.

The LNG filling station (in the northeastern part of the site beyond the fence surrounding the
terminal site, relatively close to the LNG release and reception zone (trucks)) is intended for the
operation of a mobile truck-mounted LNG filling station.

A fire depot and rainwater treatment facilities are located In the east, on the western side of the
administrative zone. The fire depot site accommodates a fire depot for two fire engines, and
auxiliary structures ensuring fire depot operations and fire team training.

The general layout of the Terminal site is shown in Figure 5.4.3, Appendix 2. HYDRO-ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS

The Phase III Hydraulic structures include:

 Quay for handling liquefied gases. The quay is intended for mooring, docking and handling
vessels onto which LNG is loaded. The wharf has special equipment for performing
necessary technological operations. The wharf consists of a mooring area, a system of
mooring and breasting dolphins and long-span supports. In the future it will be possible to
bunker SMB 1400-45 LNG vessels at the wharf;
 Approach jetty. The jetty is intended for motor vehicle access and process pipeline
 A wharf for bunker barges and support vessels. The wharf is intended for handling bunker
barges and loading LNG as well as for docking, mooring and servicing support vessels. In

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

the case of further expansion of the Terminal the wharf will still be able to handle oversize
The hydraulic structures area layout is shown in Figure 5.4.4, Appendix 2. TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS DESCRIPTION

Guaranteed annual volume of LNG transshipment is 660,000 tons per year. Guaranteed daily
production capacity of one LNG train is 1,920 tons per day. Guaranteed hourly production capacity
of one LNG train is 80 tons per hour.

The LNG Production and Handling Terminal should ensure the following key technological

 Receiving feedstock (gas), analyzing its component structure, stabilizing its physical
parameters (pressure, temperature, flow rate);
 Removing unwanted components from the row gas that may damage the equipment:
carbon dioxide, mercury, methanol, heavy hydrocarbons, ensuring that the composition of
the LNG meets the parameters prescribed by the relevant technical specifications;
 Drying the gas supplied for liquefaction;
 Preparing mixed refrigerant to ensure the required performance of the cooling cycle to
produce the required amount of LNG of the required quality;
 Liquefying natural gas using the mixed refrigerant cycle;
 Storing LNG;
 Receiving LNG from third party producers delivered by trucks;
 Loading LNG onto carriers, bunker barges and into tank trucks ;
 Equipment heating system;
 Fluid control system;
 LNG quality control;
 Monitoring the amounts (by weight) of finished product intended for loading into trucks;
 Providing necessary energy products and auxiliary fluids for the production cycle.

The technological process of LNG production includes:

 adsorption of mercury from natural gas;

 absorption of CO2 from natural gas;
 drying natural gas prior to liquefaction;
 separation of the С6+ fraction, refrigeration and liquefaction of natural gas;
 preparation and compression of mixed refrigerant by cycling compressors.

LNG reception and metering

The purpose of the gas reception and metering unit:

 monitoring pressure of raw gas supplied to process equipment, ensuring protection from
pressure in excess of the permissible working pressure;
 separating liquids and mechanical impurities from gas;
 metering the flow rate of raw gas supplied to process equipment.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The gas reception and metering unit consists of parallel metering lines each of which includes a
row gas separator, a flow meter and a pressure regulator.

LNG Production

The LNG production process proposed by Air Liquide is based on using mixed refrigerant cooling
cycle, drying natural gas and removing mercury, CO2 and methanol prior to liquefaction. Mercury is
removed using the non-recoverable PURASPEC adsorbent. The mercury content of natural gas
reduces after the gas passes through the adsorbent.

The activated MDEA (methyl diethanolamine) process was chosen to remove carbon dioxide from
natural gas. The amine absorbent also partially absorbs methanol from natural gas.

Acid gases are removed from raw natural gas by chemical absorption using MDAE solvent and an

Raw natural gas contains oxygen which is partially absorbed by amine solvent and as a
consequence heat stable salts (HSS) form during MDAE degradation. To reduce this negative
effect created by oxygen a dissolved oxygen absorbent introduction system is used. This chemical
substance also acts like a corrosion inhibitor. An anti-foaming agent is also added.

After removal of acid components (mainly CO2) from the raw gas with the help of MDAE it is
necessary to reduce the water content of the gas to 1 ppm (volume) with the help of adsorption on
a molecular sieve. The adsorption/desorption process runs in drying adsorbers.

Cleaned and dried natural gas is liquefied in the “cold” unit. The liquefaction process offered by Air
Liquide is based on refrigeration to minus 160°С using a coolant (mixed coolant). Natural gas
liquefaction takes place in the “cold” unit consisting of a cryogenic heat exchanger, and pressure
separators. These vessels are situated within the same module and are isolated from the other
equipment. During the liquefaction of natural gas its C6+ fraction is separated.

The cooling process is aided by a mixed-coolant compressor unit manufactured by REP-Holding

based on a REP-Holding centrifugal compressor and a Titan 250 gas turbine manufactured by
Solar Turbines.

In each liquefaction train the cold unit consists of compact liquid heat exchangers and a cryogenic
heat exchanger operating under pressure. These vessels are situated in the same module and are
isolated from the other equipment.

The LNG liquefaction process is implemented based on the mixed coolant refrigeration cycle.

In each liquefaction train the component mixture is compressed in a centrifugal compressor with
intermediate and final cooling using air coolers.

During the first compression stage the component mixture is compressed to average pressure and
then fed into an air cooler where partial condensation occurs.

A separator is used for separating lighter components (gaseous phase) from heavier components
(liquid phase). After the separation of the liquid phase the mixture is supplied to the second
compression stage where it is further compressed to a higher pressure.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Thereafter, the mixture of components is fed into an air cooler at high temperature where the
second partial condensation takes place.

Gas/liquid separation takes place in the second separator.

High pressure gas after the compressor’s air cooler is called light mixture (LM), high pressure liquid
is called heavy mixture (HM), and medium pressure liquid is called HHM as it contains components
which are heavier than HM.

LM, HM and HHM are fed separately into the main heat exchanger and are used as refrigerants at
different temperature levels.

After expansion, the HM and the HHM are mixed with the evaporated LM supplied from the cold
side of the heat exchanger. The resulting mixture combined at the same ratio as before is
reintroduced in the two-phase state and evaporates from the hot side of the main heat exchanger.

After exiting from the hot side of the heat exchanger the recovered mixture is recycled back to the
cycle compressor.

Each cycle compressor is driven by a gas turbine.

Heat exhausted by each gas turbine is recovered to be subsequently used in the technological

Hot flue gases from each gas turbine pass through a convection chamber where they transfer their
heat to a heat-stable oil, heating it to the required temperature.

A provision is made for a flue gas bypass line with a control valve to prevent the oil from
overheating and degrading.

LNG storage

The LNG storage zone is intended for storing liquefied natural gas prior to its transfer onto trucks
and marine vessels. The LNG storage zone includes:

 A 42,000 m3 LNG storage tank 160V01 with submerged pumps 160Р601А/В/С,

 Boil-off gas compressor unit for compressing the liquid phase produced during LNG
loading/offloading, including a boil off gas compressor 161С01A/B and the compressor’s air
coolers 161E01A/B and161E602A/B.

LNG loading (marine vessels)

The LNG loading zone is intended for loading LNG into gas carriers and bunker barges. The LNG
loading zone includes special equipment (loading arms) for loading LNG into marine vessels -
162L01A/B and 162L01C/D.

LNG loading (trucks)

The LNG loading zone is intended for loading LNG into trucks. The LNG loading zone includes
special equipment for loading LNG into trucks – a single rack for loading/offloading LNG into tank
trucks, 162L03. To keep record of the LNG quantities weighing equipment is used.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Thermal decontamination plant

The thermal decontamination plant is intended for disposal of liquid and solid wastes generated at
the Terminal.

Substandard products collection and disposal system (drainage)

The system is intended for collecting and disposing of, or recycling, various streams from the LNG
unit. The LNG production unit includes closed drainage systems.

Flare system

The flare system is intended for emergency discharges and blowdown discharges of hydrocarbon
fluids during operation (startup, shutdown, blowdown, equipment and pipeline draining, pressure
stabilization and letdown) and their subsequent burning. It includes systems of “cold” and “warm”
discharges. it also has a low-pressure flare system intended for discharging fluid from the
regulators installed on the LNG storage tanks.

The main elements of the flare system are three flare stacks installed on a single foundation, and a
support tower intended for keeping the stacks in vertical position.

The flare system zone also includes flare separators and drainage system equipment - drain tanks
for “cold” and “warm” hydrocarbon discharges.

Fuel gas system

The fuel gas system is intended for production zone and auxiliary facilities zone consumers. The
gas to be used in the system is taken from the raw gas pipeline and throttled. Before being
pumped to consumers the gas is heated and fed through a separator and a mechanical filter.

No provision has been made for using fuel gas for the LNG plant’s energy needs (fluid heating,
including at startup).

Technical and instrumentation air system

The technical and instrumentation air system is intended for supplying the Terminal’s consumers
with instrumentation air (for instrumentation systems and devices) and technical air (for purges and
repair operations). To produce instrumentation air an air compressor unit is to be installed (as part
of the nitrogen supply system) sharing a common module with the apparatus for drying air to dew
point temperature at or below minus 40°С. Technical air is taken from the compressor’s discharge
line upstream of the scrubbing and drying apparatus. Three 100 m3 air receivers are provided for
creating an emergency instrumentation air reserve.

Nitrogen supply system

The Terminal’s operations require the availability of gaseous nitrogen with the dew point
temperature at or below 70°С of various quality: with N2 content of between 99% and 99.995%.

Gaseous nitrogen with N2 content of at least 99% is mainly used for:

 creating a gaseous “cushion” in the absorbent tank, 112V21,

 creating a gaseous “cushion” in the hot oil tank, 192V91,

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

 creating a gaseous “cushion” in the amine drainage tank, 112V22,

 venting flare manifolds in the absence of fuel gas,
 venting pre-treatment vessels before shutting them down for repair,
 creating a gas seal on mixed refrigerant compressors.

A modular membrane air separation station manufactured by NPK Grasis is used for the
production of 99% nitrogen. Nitrogen and instrumentation air are produced by an air compressor
unit intended for compressing atmospheric air and supplying it to consumers (into the technical air
system), to the drying apparatus (instrumentation air system), membrane air separation unit (99%
gaseous nitrogen system). The air compressor unit is shared by the nitrogen supply system and
the technical air and instrumentation system.

Four 200 m3 receivers are provided (on a preliminary basis) for creating a technical nitrogen

A storage system, BSH- 26/1,7, is used for the production of 99.995% nitrogen; an atmospheric
evaporator manufactured by PAO Kriogenmash is used for liquid nitrogen regasification.

Two 125 m3 nitrogen receivers are provided (on a preliminary basis) for storing highly pure
gaseous nitrogen.

Demineralized water plant

Demineralized water is used for the replenishment of the amine system. A modular demineralized
water plant will be installed for the production of demineralized water.


Infrastructural facilities necessary for the Project implementation will include the following: power
and heat supply, water treatment and wastewater removal plant, waste disposal sites, access
roads, bridges (for river and stream crossings), overhead high-voltage lines, fuel storage areas
filling stations, etc. as well as dwellings for the staff (for the construction period) and associated
support infrastructural facilities.


Phase I – Wharf for handling oversize cargo and building materials

The wharf will have a 10kV power supply via two feeders emanating from kV from the RPK
Vysotsk Lukoil II GPP (main step-down substation) ZRU-10 (enclosed distribution unit).

In terms of power supply reliability the Project’s power consumers are mostly category II
consumers, 75% (process equipment, lighting, sewage pump stations, sewage treatment facilities),
category III consumers, 5%, and category I consumers, 20% (communications center, navigational
aids, fire water pump station, fire alarm and security alarm systems).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Reserve power will be provided to the navigation marker from batteries supplied together with the

The facility’s main power consumers are:

 buildings’ consumers (office building and warehouse), power tools, heating, ventilation and
air conditioning systems, lighting, electrical heaters, etc.;
 Wastewater treatment facilities, sewage pump station;
 external lights;
 fire water pump station.

The facility’s installed capacity is 490 kW.

Phase II – Gas pipeline branch

The construction site will have a 6 kV power supply via 6 kV high-voltage power transmission lines
to the proposed block valve stations and pig launcher chamber.

I. According to the technical specification for connecting the pig launcher to the main gas pipeline’s
10 kV power transmission lines LVG-1, 2:

 the connection point is on tower No. 1125 VL-10 kV “VL-10/8516-VDTL”;

 power supply category III;
 voltage – 10 kV;
 licensed capacity– 15 kW.

II. According to the technical specification for connecting the pig receiver to the AO LOESK power

 the connection point is on the existing tower, No. 39 VLZ-10kV;

 power supply category III;
 voltage – 10 kV;
 licensed capacity – 10 kW.

III. According to the technical specification for connecting block valve station #36 to the AO LOESK
power grid:

 the connection point is on the existing tower, No. 4 VLZ-10kV;

 power supply category III;
 voltage – 10 kV;
 licensed capacity – 5 kW.

IV. According to the technical specification for connecting block valve station #26 to the PAO
Lenenergo power grid:

 the connection point is on the existing tower, VLZ-10kV;

 power supply category III;
 voltage – 10 kV;
 licensed capacity – 10 kW.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Phase III – LNG Production and Handling Terminal

Electric power is supplied from the 10 kV distribution unit PS110/10. The main power source: 400
kV transformer substation Vyborgskaya (PS No. 5), AO Leningrad Regional Managing Electric Grid

A diesel power plant is provided for emergency power supply. The emergency diesel fuel reserve
necessary for its continuous operation for at least 24 hours is approximately 14.4 м3. The capacity
of the diesel fuel storage tank is 25 m3. HEAT SUPPLY

Phase I – Wharf for handling oversize cargo and building materials

Heat will be supplied to the facility from an onsite heating plant which will be built during Phase III
(Terminal construction).

Phase II – Gas pipeline branch

Not required

Phase III – LNG Production and Handling Terminal

Heat will be supplied to the Terminal from an onsite heating plant which will be built during Phase
III. The heating plant will supply the heating and ventilation systems of the buildings and
enclosures located on the Terminal site. The emergency diesel fuel reserve necessary for a 3 day
continuous operation of the plant is approximately 20.8 м3. The capacity of the diesel fuel storage
tank is 25 m3.

The facility’s demand for fuel, gas is met as follows:

 high-temperature fluid for the boil-off gas heat recovery system is delivered by a tank truck;
 fuel gas for gas compressors’ gas turbines, flare pilot burners, thermal decontamination
complex and for venting flare manifolds is suppled from the feed gas pipeline;
 in the absence of fuel gas diesel fuel for the emergency generator and stand-by boilers is
delivered by a tank truck. WATER SUPPLY

Phase I – Wharf for handling oversize cargoes and building materials

Potable water is used for domestic and drinking needs of workers and office staff and for showers.
Potable water is delivered to the site. The estimated water consumption rate is 2.86 m3/day
(1,043.9 m3/year).

Water will not be supplied to marine vessels.

The site will be sprayed with water brought in by water trucks, 204.0 m3/day (24,480 m3/year).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The source of water for fire water supply is the port’s offshore area. The water is taken from the
gulf through two water inlets located in the shoreline stabilization structure. The fire water pump
station, sized 9.0x11.0 m, takes water from the gulf and is located on the wharf.

The area of water inlets is determined by the flow rate at full capacity (1,600 m3/h), each inlet
opening has the area of 12.25 m3. Inlets are fitted with bar screens filled with gravel and crushed
stone sized 25-30 mm.

The speed of water passing through the inlets is 0.1 m/s which meets the fish protection

The required fire water flow rate is set based on the flow rate required to extinguish a fire at the
warehouse, i.e. 51.4 l/s, with the pressure head being at least 30.0 m; two WILOK 126 pumps with
NU 801-2/35 motors will be installed (one operational and one stand-by); discharge rate 51.5 l/s,
head 30.0 m, motor power 24.0 kW.

Phase II – Gas pipeline branch

Water supply during construction is intended for production, domestic, drinking and firefighting
needs and for pipeline hydraulic testing.

Water for production needs is used to spray the site and replenish recirculated water systems for
the car wash.

Water intended for domestic (0.681 m3/day) and production needs is delivered by tank trucks. The
construction staff is supplied with bottled drinking water that is delivered to the site.

Fire water is delivered to the site. Fire water consumption rate is 10 l/s.

Water for hydraulic tests is taken from Vyborg bay (2000 m3/day, 28,000 m3 per period). The water
intake structure should be fitted with a fish protection device.

Phase III – LNG Production and Handling Terminal

Water is supplied to the Terminal from the following sources:

 water for production needs is delivered to the site by tank trucks (an additional source is
used when there’s a lot of precipitation – meltwater/rainwater);
 water for domestic needs is delivered to the site by tank trucks;
 water for firefighting needs is taken from the Gulf of Finland using fire pumps;
 water for drinking needs is delivered to the site in bottles by truck.

The consumption rate of domestic water for the Terminal’s needs is 17.602 m3/day, 5,455.97

The consumption rate of production water for the Terminal’s needs is 41.2 m3/day, 8841,87

The total consumption rate of water for the Terminal’s needs is 58.802 m3/day, 14,297.94 m3/year.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISCHARGE

Phase I - Wharf for handling oversize cargoes and building materials

Domestic sewage system

The total volume of domestic wastewater is 2.86 m3/day (1,043.9 m3/year).

The domestic system is made of polyethylene pipes. Sewer manholes from precast concrete are
installed to provide access to the sewers. Domestic effluent from the facility is directed to the
underground local biological wastewater treatment plant and then discharged into the soil through
a filtering trench. The wastewater treatment plant is manufactured by OOO Ecoline. An ECO-R
modular water treatment unit is sued for biological wastewater treatment.

Bio-toilets will be placed at the wharf site in the vicinity of the rainwater treatment facilities.

Rainwater sewage system

During the first construction phase the Terminal’s total catchment area will be 22.08 ha, including:

 lawns – 6.80 ha;

 crushed stone surfaces – 8.83 ha;
 hardtop surfaces – 6.45 ha.

Rainfall from the site is collected in rainwater gravity sewers; sewer pumps feed the rainwater into
accumulation tanks and then to the treatment plant. Upstream of the accumulation tanks is a
separation chamber through which passes the most polluted portion of the rainwater. The
underground rainwater treatment plant located within the docking area discharge treated and
decontaminated water into the bay. The wastewater treatment plant is manufactured by OOO

Industrial sewage system

Industrial wastewater gravity sewers are intended for removing accidental effluents from the 100
mm diameter floor drain located in the office building’s water metering/boiler station into the
external stormwater drain system.

Phase II – Gas pipeline branch

Domestic wastewater is transported from the construction site to a waterproof tank and the bio-
toilets with subsequent removal by cesspool trucks and decontamination by specialist

There is no industrial effluent.

Wastewater from the hydraulic testing of the gas pipeline is collected in special sedimentation
ponds which should be in operation during the entire period of work performance. After
sedimentation the water is transported by tank trucks to the wastewater treatment plant to be built
during Phase I construction.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Surface wastewater is collected in accumulation tanks and then removed from the site to the
wastewater treatment plant to be built during Phase I construction.

Phase III – LNG Production and Handling Terminal

A domestic sewer system, K1, a rainwater sewer system, K2, and an industrial sewer system, K3,
will be built to remove wastewater from the site.

Wastewater treatment facilities will receive and treat domestic and industrial water and rainwater
from the Terminal site; the water will then be subjected to additional treatment and partly recycled
with the surplus discharged into the Gulf of Finland. The domestic and industrial wastewater and
the rainwater will be directed to the wastewater treatment facilities and subjected to mechanical
and biological treatment. Domestic wastewater and rainwater will be treated in separate unrelated

The wastewater treatment facilities receive domestic effluent from sanitary fixtures and industrial
wastewater from the heating plant floor drains.

The rainwater treatment facilities receive rainwater and meltwater from storm drains.

Wastewater treatment facilities consist of the following:

 domestic effluent receiving tank;

 biological treatment plant;
 rainwater accumulation/sedimentation tank;
 biological treatment plant;
 grit dewatering bays;
 treated water tank.

After treatment at the biological treatment plant the treated and clarified effluent is disinfected by
ultraviolet light in a disinfection unit.

The volume of treated wastewater to be discharged into the Gulf of Finland is 1,670 m3/day. A 700
mm diameter discharge sewer was designed by OOO Morstroitekhnologiya, Saint-Petersburg. The
designed throughput capacity of the discharge outlet is 323.5 l/s.

The following installations are located in the auxiliary production zone:

 industrial effluent and rainwater treatment plant;

 domestic wastewater aftertreatment plant.

The following installations are located in the administrative zone:

 domestic wastewater treatment plant;

 domestic wastewater aftertreatment plant. WASTE MANAGEMENT

A thermal treatment plant intended for utilization of liquid and solid wastes generated at the
Terminal will be built as part of the LNG Production and Handling Terminal facilities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Other industrial and domestic wastes not subject to thermal treatment will be transported to waste
utilization and disposal sites for wastes of hazard classes I-IV under contracts with the following
companies: ООО RASEM (Vyborg municipal landfill), ОАО Waste Management Company for the
Leningrad Region, OOO Profspetstrans, OOO Merkuriy. OTHER UTILITIES INFRASTRUCTURE

Other Project infrastructural assets include onsite and access roads, transport, fire depot,

An onsite network of roads with the following parameters will be built on the Terminal site:

 primary driveways 6 m wide;

 secondary driveways 4.5 m wide.
 the roadway width on the segment intended for dual-lane multi-axle low-bed platforms for
oversize cargoes is 9.00 m.

The following types of surface will be used:

 warm mix asphalt concrete;

 road slabs;
 sand/cement leveling course;
 crushed stone foundation;
 coarse sand bed (GOST 8736-93).

Road posts should be installed along the roadway.

To connect the proposed sites with the existing road network a motor road about 1,473 m in length
will be built to provide access to the Terminal. The main access will be from the southeast, from
the existing motor road leading to Vysotsk, in accordance with the available approvals (a Phase I
Project asset).

The road design parameters are set based on its intended purpose and traffic intensity: number of
lanes: 2; roadway width: 6.0 m; shoulder with 2.0 m; roadbed width 10.0 m; surface type –
permanent (single-layer asphalt concrete over reinforced concrete road slabs).

The roadbed is designed in accordance with the SNiP requirements taking into account the
region’s geological, hydrogeological and weather conditions.

No roadside reserves are provided for, therefore the backfill for the roadbed will be taken from
concentrated soil reserves (quarries). Water will be drained from the road and will be directed
downhill via roadside ditches.

At watercourse crossings, both temporary and permanent, culverts constructed of precast concrete
will be installed.

A second access to the site, 615 m in length, is provided for on the southern side of the Terminal
site (a Phase I Project asset).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Besides, during Phase III of the Project construction a bypass will be built to ensure a back-up
access to the Terminal site, an access to the LNG receipt and release zone (trucks) and block
valve station #41, and to restore access to the navigational aids in the northern part of the
peninsula. The road will pass of east of the site along the fence line. The overall bypass length
including the exit to the filling station is 801 m, the number of traffic lanes: 2, roadway width: 6.5 m,
shoulder width: 2.0, roadbed width: 10.5; surface type: permanent (dual-layer asphalt concrete
over a layer of graded crushed stone). Sandy soil removed from the site by graders during the site
preparatory phase will be used as backfill for the roadbed.

Another 6 access roads will be built to access the gas pipeline’s block valve stations, pig launcher,
and pig receiver (150 m, 1,600 m, 3,000 m, 550 m, 150 m, 600 m in length, respectively). The pig
launcher chamber and the zero-km block valve stations can be accessed from a local road in the
Goncharovskoye rural settlement as well as from the proposed road leading to the block valve
stations and telematics command center of the main gas pipeline SEG at Kilometer marker 808.3
(an OAO Giprospetsgaz project “Access Roads to SEG’s Linear Facilities”), the pig receiver
chamber can be accessed from the local road “Accessway to OAO RPK Vysotsk Lukoil II”, block
valve stations ## 25, 7, and 26 can be accessed from a local road in the Sovetskoye urban
settlement, block valve station # 34 can be accessed from the regional road “Acessway to
Vysotsk”, block valve stations ## 35, 36 can be accessed from the local road “Acessway to Maiskiy
Island”, block valve station # 37 can be accessed from the local road “Accessway to SNT
Vysotskoye”, block valve station # 40 can be accessed from a proposed road to be built during
Phase I construction, block valve station # 41 can be accessed from a proposed road to be built
during Phase III construction.

A fire depot is located In the east, west of the administrative zone within the Terminal site. The fire
depot site accommodates a fire depot for two fire engines, and the auxiliary structures ensuring fire
depot operations and fire team training.

The warehouse which is to be built as part of the LNG Terminal facility is intended for storing such
chemicals and accessories as may be necessary for the Terminal facility. The warehouse includes:

 amine storage area;

 lubricant oil storage area;
 accessories storage area.


The Project construction work will be performed in shifts. Saint-Petersburg will be the base city
(intra-regional rotation). The choice of a base city for setting up an intra-regional rotation system
was made based on the city’s proximity to the proposed project site and on the size of its
population. The workers are transported from the base city to the railway station Vyborg by train. At
the peak of construction work, the total workforce on the Terminal site is estimated at 1,200

During the preparatory phase of construction (construction site clearing, deforestation, boulders
crushing and removing, site grading) the construction workers will live in cabins (trailers). The total
number of workers will not exceed 20.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

It is currently envisioned that the construction workers for Stage I of the Project (employees of the
Contractor located in St. Petersburg) will be accommodated (if required) in the housing stock of the
towns of Vyborg and Vysotsk.

The construction workers for Stage 2 of the Project (presumably also residents of St. Petersburg)
will be accommodated in the housing stock of the settlement Sovetsky. A TCC will be set up
presumably in the settlement of Sokolinskoye for the construction. A 3 hectare site will be used for
building a construction camp and for setting up a pipe storage yard.

As for Stage III of the Project (the number of employees to be involved in the works will be about
1200) construction workers will be housed in the dedicated autonomous full-service camps: an
onsite temporary construction camp and a Temporary Construction Camp (TCC) on the OOO
BaltNPP site in the Roshchinskoye Forestry area (4.19 ha), 4.4. km from the construction site. The
TCC site location in the Roshchinskoye Forestry area is shown in Picture 5.5, Annex А. The site
has been graded and can be accessed by a road. From the Vyborg railway station the workers will
be transported by LiAZ-5256 buses, each accommodating 40 passengers, 39.9 km to the TCC in
the Roshchinskoye Forestry area, or 41 km to the onsite construction camp.

Heat will be supplied to the TCCs from electric power sources. A water supply system should
provide water for the workers according to GOST 2874-82*. A sewer system is being constructed
primarily for serving cafeterias, toilets and showers.

The TCC sites should be enclosed by a fence at least 1.5 m high with an access gate for motor

The TCC sites should be illuminated on evenings and at night.

A lift-arm barrier and a guardhouse should be installed at the entrance to the site.

Upon completion of the construction work the contractor should carry out reclamation work on the
lands within its scope of responsibility.



In accordance with IFC Performance Standard (IFC PS 1, item 8), Associated Facilities are those
activities and facilities that are not part of the financed Project and would not be conducted, built or
expanded if the Project was not carried out, but without which the Project would not be viable.

LNG will be transported by third-party carriers. LNG carrier operations and other offshore activities
are not part of the financed Project and are not controlled by ZAO Cryogas; they are, however, vital
for the Project and are therefore considered as associated activities in the sense of the ESIA
(transportation within RF territorial waters).

The Project provides for the following division of responsibility between ZAO Cryogas and the
federal authorities in the aquatic area in littoral zone:

(а) ZAO Cryogas ensures design and construction of the following port facilities:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

 a wharf for handling LNG;

 a wharf for receiving oversize cargoes and building materials;
 a warehousing zone;
 an administrative zone;
 utilities and services.

(b) The following facilities are within the scope of responsibility of the federal authorities (they are
considered as Associated Facilities for the purpose of this ESIA):

 the maritime canal and the approach channel with the associated offshore area, including
dredging operations in the approach channel, the turning basin and the maritime canal;
 repair dredging operation, if necessary;
 marine traffic control system and navigational aids;
 buildings housing marine services.

Other associated facilities include facilities used as sources of raw materials (e.g. quarries
producing local building materials), including facilities which are created and developed solely for
the Project as well as existing facilities and installations whose products/output will be, to a
substantial degree, used for the Project’s needs.

Existing motor roads of local and regional significance (e.g. the approach road to Vysotsk), RPK
Vysotsk Lukoil II roads, and the Vyborg-Saint Petersburg railway line will be used during the
construction and operation of the Project; when in Project use those roads are considered to be
Associated Facilities.


A description of activities that will not be addressed by the ESIA, typically because they fall outside
of the Project’s Area of Influence and ZAO “Cryogas” control, is provided below.

The transport of LNG during operational phase along shipping routes outside the territorial waters
of the Russian Federation is considered to be outside of the scope of this ESIA.

Destination ports are also outside of the scope of this ESIA.

The operation of licensed waste utilization and disposal facilities currently receiving Project and
non-Project related legacy waste is also considered to be outside of the scope of this ESIA.

The Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline, from which natural gas is to be used for
LNG production, is also considered to be outside of the scope of this ESIA.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description



Table 5.6.1: Summary of the Project, Associated and Out-of-Scope Facilities/Activities

Major Project facilities

The wharf for handling Marine installations zone:
oversized cargo and
 180 m berthing face
building materials
 Designed offshore area
 Shoreline stabilization
 Loading quay
 Navigational aids
Onshore installation zone:
 Office building
 Checkpoint
 Open storage yards for construction cargoes
 Sheltered cargo storage warehouse

Gas pipeline branch  Main gas pipeline

 Pig launcher chamber
 Pipeline looping through water bodies
 Pig receiver chamber
 Linear segment block valve stations
 Cathodic protection stations
 Electrochemical protection cabling

LNG production and Natural gas flow metering equipment

handling terminal
LNG plant:
 Gas pre-treatment unit
 Two gas liquefaction process trains (with the production
capacity of 330,000 tons of LNG per year each)
 High-temperature fluid unit
LNG storage tank (42,000 m3)
Boil-off gas compressors
Equipment for loading LNG into sea vessels and trucks
Flare unit
Fuel gas system
Technical and instrumentation air system
Nitrogen supply system

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Infrastructure facilities
Production infrastructure Power lines, transformer substation, diesel power plant
Diesel heating plant
Fire water pump stations at the wharf; water intake for pipeline
hydraulic tests
Local biological domestic effluent treatment facilities, rainwater
treatment facilities at the wharf, domestic sewage treatment
facilities, rainwater treatment facilities at the Terminal site
Thermal decontamination of liquid and solid wastes generated at the
On-site and off-site access roads, fire depot, oil, lubricants and
accessories warehouses

Domestic infrastructure  Temporary workers’ accommodations at the Terminal site

facilities during the preparatory stage of construction
 Construction workers’ accommodation camps

Associated Facilities/Activities
Sea port and channel Facilities built by the federal authorities:
 Maritime canal and approach channel with the offshore area
(including dredging operations in the approach channel, and
the turning basin);
 Facilities for conducting repair dredging operations if
 Vessel traffic management system and navigational aids;
 Buildings of maritime services.
Transportation LNG carriers traffic within the territorial waters of the Russian
Facilities used as Local quarries producing construction materials
feedstock sources during
the construction phase
Access ways Segments of existing motor roads and a railway line
Out-of-scope facilities
Transportation  LNG carriers traffic beyond the Russian Federation
territorial waters
 Ports receiving cargo vessels
Waste management Licensed waste utilization and disposal facilities (not owned and
operated by ZAO “Cryogas”)
Source of feedstock for Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline
LNG production


Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The area of influence will include areas within the Project sites and beyond, affected by the Project
either directly or indirectly.


The areas directly affected by the Project include those affected by the direct physical impacts from
major Project facilities, infrastructure facilities (including Temporary Construction Camps) and
auxiliary facilities located within land plots allocated to the Project (approximately 180 ,000 m 2 at
the construction stage) and also include irreversible take of part of marine area (approximately
17,000 m2) for construction of wharf and jetty, hydro-engineering facilities, LNG Plant, wastewater
discharge outlet, water intake facility, coast protecting structures, etc.).

In addition to impacts within the Project land plots, the Project will have direct impacts beyond the
Project battery limits (fence line of the Project facilities), and beyond the wider allocated land plots,

 air emissions and noise impacts (within sanitary protection zone of the facilities – see Figure
 light and visual impacts (also within SPZ);
 increased turbidity area during construction of wharf, port facilities, bay crossings (turbidity
diffusion is shown in Figures of Section 9.5);
 increased water turbidity caused by construction of river crossings (diffusion of water
turbidity up to 150 m downstream);
 socio-economic impacts: in terms of direct impact on communities, the following urban and
rural settlements:
o Towns (Vyborg, Vysotsk, Sovetsky)
o Rural settlements (Goncharovskoye, Medyanka, Cherkasovo, Perovo, Sokolinskoe,
o Household plots’ entities: SNT – Non-commercial Communities of Gardeners (SNTs
Vysotskoye, Solnechnoye, Sputnik 2, Berezovaya Dolina, Rechnoe, Lesnoe, Belye
Nochi, Sosnovy Mys, Lada, Perovskoe);
o Recreational centres (residential and recreational complex Pikhtovoye, Island). ASSOCIATED FACILITIES

The area of direct impacts of associated facilities includes:

 shipping routes (within the RF territorial waters) as the major source of potential noise
impacts (underwater noise affects definite marine biota and is likely to spread at a
considerable distance);
 the approach channel (where maintenance dredging could be required);
 quarries for local construction materials such as sand, gravel, etc. (village Gavrilovo);
 existing transport infrastructure (automobile and rail roads):
o Roads to deliver cargos from Vyborg
o Roads to deliver containers from Shushary station

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

o Roads to deliver sand etc. from Gavrilovo II

o Roads to deliver gravel from Gavrilovo
o Roads to transport construction and sanitary wastes and access ground etc.


In addition to direct impacts, the Project may impose indirect impacts beyond the zone of direct
impact, such as:

• Potential impacts (including positive ones) on regional social infrastructure (health care
facilities, educational institutions);
• Socio-economic benefits for local communities and residential areas within Vyborg region.


Based on the above considerations, the area of Project direct impacts includes (see Figure 5.7.1):

• Land allocated directly for siting of Project facilities (Warf, LNG Plant and Jetty, temporary
construction camps) and areas of their sanitary-protection zones and gas pipeline buffer
• Part of marine area of Bolshaya Pikhtovaya Bay and islands within this area ;
• LNG shipping routes within the RF territorial waters;
• Affected urban and rural settlements ;
• Quarries for local construction materials (Gavrilovo);
• Access roads.

The following should be also taken into consideration:

• Different types of impact will be applicable to different parts of the Project Area of Influence;
• Different parts of the Project Area of Influence will be imposed to impacts of different level
of significance.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

Figure 5.7.1: Project Area of Influence


OOO Cryogas-Vysotsk acts as the customer, ZAO Cryogas acts as the developer, OOO OMZ-
DELIM acts as the EPC contractor. The General Contractor who is to perform the construction and
installation work in its entirety and coordinate the subcontractors’ activity is yet to be determined at
the time of writing the ESIA since according to the applicable law it should be chosen only after the
design documentation is approved following the tender.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description


The main construction phases are:

• Preparatory period
• Main period operations
• Startup and adjustment operations

Preparatory work:

• Organizational and preparatory measures (providing working documentation, negotiating

necessary contracts, allocating land plots for construction, agreeing upon cargo
transportation, etc.);
• Offsite preparatory work (constructing offsite utility lines, the high precision geodetic
network, repair of the existing roads and construction of brand-new access roads, etc.);
• Onsite preparatory work (deforestation, removal and dumping of topsoil, site cleanup and
grading, engineering preparation of the site, onsite driveways, temporary warehouses,
lighting, temporary buildings and installations, etc.)

Main construction period operations (general construction and installation work, installation of
onsite utility networks) commence immediately following completion of the required scope of
preparatory work and are deemed to run from the commencement of general construction work
until the completion of startup and adjustment work.

Startup and adjustment operations commence after the installation of all or part of the designed
equipment and the availability of energy resources and end when fully completed.

Currently, preliminary work is being performed at the Terminal site. The area has been cleaned
and the trees have been cut down. Some of the trees lining the site perimeter have been
preserved. The cut trees were placed at a temporary storage yard (settlement of Gavrilovo) and
sold to consumers. In the southern part of the yard there is a stump grinder. Logging residue is
placed in an abandoned sand quarry (an area subject to reclamation) owned by OOO TsBI
(Vorontsovskoye minefield, Ogonki settlement, located 110 km from the construction site, 7 km
north of the Scandinavia highway). Granite outcroppings (three groups of rock formation) were
discovered at the site (especially in the eastern part). Rocks are fragmented using non-explosive
gas-dynamic methods and then placed along the forest edge (approximately 10,000 m3). The
contractor performing this work is OOO TsBI. A waste dump left by the former military base (in the
1950s-1960s) located in the north of the peninsula (barrels, gas masks, footwear, metal, uniforms)
and a SDW landfill (from 10-15 years ago) were discovered during soil excavation work. The
wastes and the contaminated soil (approximately 50,000 m3) were removed to a quarry owned by
OOO TsBI (Vorontsovskoye minefield). Another 8,000 m3 are yet to be removed. The grading of
the site is performed using the existing sandy soil. The removed topsoil (8,000 m3) has been
accumulated at the site for subsequent use in reclamation work.

There are cultural heritage objects, charcoal kilns, within the Terminal site. Prior to the
commencement of construction Customer shall take measures according to a separate project to
perform rescue excavations with subsequent liquidation of the cultural heritage objects.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description


Mineral soil and crushed rock will be supplied for construction needs from the existing quarries. It is
proposed to use the Gavrilovo II minefield for supplying mineral soil and the Gavrilovo minefield
operated by OOO Salitar for supplying crushed rock. Excess soil excavated during construction
may be deposited at the quarry.

Power will be supplied to the construction site by a contractor in the form of mobile diesel
generator units.

Water for domestic, drinking and hygienic needs of construction workers and water for technical
needs will be brought in and delivered by a contractor under a contract with the specialist
organization (OOO Spets-Trans); special tank trucks will be used for water delivery.

Domestic and industrial effluents are accumulated in special tanks and removed by a contractor
under a contract with the specialist organization (OOO Spets-Trans); vacuum trucks will be used to
remove effluent waste.

Seawater for hydraulic tests is taken from the Gulf of Finland using a mobile pump station. After
hydraulic tests the water is pumped into a mobile unit which removes suspended matter by
sedimentation and produces purified water which complies with the standards set by Order # 20
dated 18.01.2010 of Rosrybolovstvo “On Approval of Water Quality Standards for Fishery
Classified Water Bodies Including Maximum Permissible Concentrations of Harmful Substances in
Water of Fishery Classified Water Bodies”. After treatment, the water is discharged back into the
Gulf of Finland.



Key process equipment related to LNG production will be supplied by foreign companies
determined on a competitive basis.

The Project seeks to engage as many Russian manufacturers of process equipment and pipes for
the LNG Plant, harbor facilities and the gas pipeline branch as possible. The volume of orders may
be significant, equipment and pipe deliveries may account for up to 45% of the Project value.

Factories and enterprises based in Vyborg, Saint-Petersburg and other Leningrad Region districts
will be engaged for manufacturing structured steel shapes and precast concrete products.

Process equipment and assemblies manufacturers:

• OAO Kriogenmash, Balashikha;

• NPO Iskra, Perm;
• OAO UMPO, Ufa;
• ZAO Zavod Kirov-Energomash, Kirov.

Manufacturers of pipes, including large-diameter pipes:

• Izhora Pipe Mill;

• Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

• Vyksa Metallurgical Plant;

• Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant.

Some of the other communications, energy, and automation equipment may also be ordered from
existing Russian manufacturers.

Both foreign contractors and Russian companies based in the Northwestern Region of the Russian
Federation will be engaged in construction and installation work.


Cargoes intended for LNG Plant and infrastructural facilities construction will be delivered by
marine vessels, rail transport and trucks.

LNG Plant process equipment will be delivered in the form of assembled modules. Oversized and
heavy equipment will be delivered by sea and offloaded at the auxiliary wharf. If necessary, the
auxiliary wharf will also be used for deliveries of large batches of building materials (sand, crushed
rock, etc.). Upon the project commissioning this wharf will be used for handling support vessels
and, if necessary, special purpose vessels.

The main railway station for offloading cargoes is Vysotsk station of the October Railway. It is
located on the Popovo—Vysotsk branch line, 18 km from Popovo and 43 km from Vyborg. The
main purpose of the station is serving Port Vysotsk. The other station for offloading will be the
container station Shushary.

Cargoes will also be delivered to the construction sites via existing and proposed motor roads. A
temporary motor road will be built up to the Vysotsk-bound road which joins the Primorskoye
highway (Route A123). Upon the Project commissioning the road will be repaired and will become
a permanent access road to the Terminal. Existing motor roads used for deliveries of cargoes,
sand, crushed stone, for removal of solid domestic wastes, solid construction wastes, scrap metal,
excess soil and for transporting shift workers are the property of the Vyborg District, the Leningrad
Region Roads Management Committee, OOO Vyborg Forestry Development Corporation, the
Saint-Petersburg Improvement Committee, FKU DSTO Saint-Petersburg, FKU Sevzapupravtodor,
OAO RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil II, OOO Salitar. The motor vehicle traffic diagram is shown in Picture
5.5.1, Appendix 2.


The total Project construction period is 31 months, including a 7-month preparatory period.

The construction work will be performed in 2016-2018.

The Project commissioning is scheduled for September 2018.

See Section 5.3 for the detailed construction schedule.


The Project is of exceptionally high socio-economic significance both for the region’s economic
potential and for the country as a whole.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

The Project will engage as many Russian manufacturers of key process equipment and pipes and
service providers as possible for constructing the proposed facilities. .

The Project will bring the Leningrad Region a lot of socio-economic benefits, including:

1. New jobs. Contractors based in the Leningrad Region will be engaged for construction. At its
peak (Phase III construction) the Project will employ nearly 784 people. During the operational
phase nearly 98 people will be permanently employed by the Project.

2. Tax payments to the Russian Federation and Leningrad Region budgets.

3. Solutions to infrastructural problems. After the launch of the Project it will be possible to gasify
some of the district’s remote areas by transporting LNG by special trucks. The construction of the
41-km gas pipeline branch leading to the Terminal will make it possible to supply gas to Port
Vysotsk and the neighboring communities.

The construction project will need building materials and require transportation services which will
certainly help:

 intensify the activity of related industries;

 increase the business activity of construction companies;
 upgrade the level of service;
 keep the previously created jobs and create new ones at companies involved in the


The implementation of the Project will allow the Russian gas industry and the Leningrad Region to
develop a new technological segment and to increase the competitiveness of Russian energy
products in the global marketplace.

The existing LNG demand on the part of the Baltic states can be satisfied by either the Project in
question involving the construction of an LNG plant in Port Vysotsk or the existing LNG
infrastructure (the LNG plant in Norway and the major LNG receiving terminals in Belgium and The
Netherlands). However, the LNG Plant to be built in the Leningrad Region has a number of
competitive advantages associated with its convenient geographical location and low feed gas

The liquefied natural gas produced by the Terminal will be supplied for domestic needs and
exported to Scandinavian countries.

At present, potential LNG exports to the Baltic states are estimated at 2.1 million tons of LNG per

The Scandinavian market can accommodate up to 400,000 tons per year of the produced LNG.
The remaining LNG will be sold on Russia’s domestic market as bunker fuel.

Potential demand for LNG at Russian Baltic Sea ports may exceed 800,000 tons per year by 2020.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description



Cryogas Group is currently 100% owned by OAO “Gasprombank”. General Group Structure is
shown on the Figure 5.11.1.

Figure 5.11.1: Cryogas Group structure

ZAO Cryogas implements several LNG projects, including Vysotsk LNG Project subject for the
current assessment which is also shown on the Figure above.

For Vysotsk Terminal construction Joint Venture between Daelim Industrial (South Korea) and
PAO “OMZ” (RF) was established. Daelim Industrial acts as an EPC Contractor for this Project.

For Vysotsk LNG Project implementation Port Group was established under ZAO Cryogas. This
Group reports directly to General Director of ZAO Cryogas and also to OOO “Cryogas-Vysotsk”.
Company OOO “Cryogas-Vysotsk” is organized and properly registered in the Vyborg region, town
of Vysotsk.

Their activities are coordinated by Managing Committee for Vysotsk Project Implementation
established on the basis of Gasprombank.

Port Group supervises all Project stages – from pre-project stages to operations.

Port Group personnel (both management and technical) is listed below:

 Technical Director – coordinates Group operations as a whole - including organizational,

administrative, human resources, financial and production issues
 Project Manager

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

 Project Vice-Manager
 Project Administrator
 Chief Engineer of the Project
 Lead Environmental Specialist
 Chief Power Engineer
 Project Coordinator
 Project Office Manager
 Engineer on hydrotechnical issues
 Engineer on heat supply
 Engineer of the Group (technology)
 Master Planner
 Personnel of design department of Cryogas (expert support in design work and in
approval/permitting process).

Port Group coordinates contractors and subcontractors performing surveys, design and
construction works and also ensures implementation of Investment Agreement.

In June 2016, during the St.Petersburg International Economic Forum the Head of Leningrad
Oblast Alexander Drozdenko and the General Director of ZAO Cryogas Richard Rudnitzki have
signed the Passport of Vysotsk LNG Project. This project is included in the list of Pilot Projects for
introduction of project management in the state bodies of Leningrad region and is to be personally
supervised by the Head of Leningrad Oblast.


Environmental Policy

In March 2015 ZAO Cryogas approved, introduced and disclosed Environmental Policy. Its key
objective is to ensure environmental safety, environmental protection and sustainable use of
natural resources. This policy is based on RF Constitution, Federal Law “On Environmental
Protection”, Helsinki Convention on the Baltic Sea Marine Environment Protection and other
international and national regulatory documents.

ZAO Cryogas declares the following major commitments in their policy:

 Adhere to the highest standards of national and international level in environmental

 Envision on all stages of their investment projects minimization of risks of adverse
environmental impacts
 Perform regular monitoring and analysis of environmental impacts
 Increase environmental safety of their facilities and operations based on technological
equipment safety and reliability
 Prevent emergencies which could lead to health and environmental damage
 Ensure decrease of negative environmental impacts, undertake all measures for climate
and biodiversity conservation and for environmental damage compensation

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

 Introduce advanced and economically viable technologies and treatment methods, and thus
move towards reduction of wastes, of polluting substances in wastewater and contaminants
in air emissions from all sources
 Ensure sustainable use and reduce consumption of water and energy
 Motivate personnel for resources’ saving and for performing their duties in environmentally
sound manner
 Increase level of environmental awareness and knowledge of personnel
 Ensure wide access to environmental information associated with Company operations in
routine and emergency mode and to information on relevant environmental protection

The policy is applicable for all structural entities of the Company, all partners of ZAO Cryogas and
serves as a basis for planning and implementation of all ZAO Cryogas operations and activities.

Social policy

Company manages social issues associated with their and contractors’ personnel in accordance
with RF Labour legislation and other relevant regulatory documents. As for public interaction
(including but not limited to Project Affected Communities), in the nearest future the Company will
develop Stakeholder Engagement Plan outlining key principles of such interaction and all required
engagement activities.


The set of requirements for contractors and subcontractors regarding environmental safety is
developed and incorporated in any agreement/contract for construction works. Each Contract
should include Annex 2 outlining “Requirements of ZAO Cryogas to Contractors/Subcontractors for
prevention of major environmental safety risks”. This document was developed in accordance with
the RF legislation and relevant corporate documents. It is subject to update if any changes occur in
RF legislation or in Company structure, but in any case it should be updated not later than January
31, 2017.

The document includes the following major sections:

 General Provisions:
o Definitions
o Applicability
o Applicable legislation and standards
o Organization of works:
o EMS system documents
o Contractors’ responsible person for environmental safety
o Contractors’ Plan/Program for minimization of environmental risks
o Checks, inspections and audits of Contractors’ sites by the Company
o Reporting

 Requirements for prevention of major environmental risks:

o Risks’ identification and development of prevention measures
o Limitations for dogs’ keeping

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 5: Project Description

o Training, qualifications
o Requirements for environmental safety
o Housekeeping and hygiene requirements

 Rights, obligations and sanctions:

o Rights and obligations of the Contractor
o Rights and obligations of the Company
o Sanctions

Contractors also should ensure inclusion of these requirements in their agreements with
subcontractors and monitor their fulfillment. All responsibility for subcontractors’ actions still lies
with Contractor. Contractors should report about any incidents, emergencies etc, as well as about
implementation of planned measures on risks’ minimization. Required training relates mostly to
environmental and waste management issues. Contractors should also obtain and update all
relevant permits, execute relevant reporting to the regulatory bodies and pay all relevant fees.

Key environmental issues related to contractors’/subcontractors’ activities include:

 Noise
 Production and sanitary wastes littering
 Pollution with chemical substances
 Emissions/discharges of strong odor and aromatic substances
 Contaminants’ discharge into water bodies and to the ground
 Impacts on natural landscape

Sanctions include fines and contract termination.


Environmental and Social Management Plan and all other relevant detailed management plans for
construction and operation stages (associated with environmental protection, social policy and
occupational health and safety, transport and other issues) should be developed by the Company
in the nearest future. When approaching stage of decommissioning all necessary plans and
procedures will be also developed. Relevant requirements and timeframes are given in ESAP.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 6: Analysis of Alternatives



One of the obligatory elements of environmental assessment is an analysis and comparison of the
project alternatives and options. The goal of including the review of the alternatives and options
into the environmental assessment process is to ensure recognition of environmental criteria in the
selection of the best option. Also it is to ensure that the review and comparison of the results are
systematic and accessible for the stakeholders.

The alternatives, which could be considered for analysis and comparison are as follows:

• Siting alternatives;
• Technical/Design alternatives;
• Shipping alternatives;
• The “no project alternative”.

The initial EIA developed to the RF standards (2014) and the following Design Documents (2015)
contain only description of the preferred option, without discussion of the alternative options.
However description of siting options was provided by the Company.


See Section 5.10.




Initially, in order to determine the location of the sites for Phase I and Phase III Project facilities
technical specifications (TS) were obtained from PAO Gazprom for connecting to the existing
Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline which supplied the necessary volume of natural
gas for liquefaction. After obtaining the TS for connection and the TS for designing a gas pipeline
branch several siting options were considered for the wharf for oversized cargoes and the LNG
production and handling terminal.

The main siting criteria were as follows:

• whether it is possible to route a branch gas pipeline to the site;

• availability or proximity of an operating port infrastructure;
• whether it is technically possible to open a Russian state border checkpoint;
• adequate natural depths ensuring harbor approach for tankers;
• minimum damage to natural resources;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 6: Analysis of Alternatives

• conformity to the territorial planning schemes of various levels.

Alternative sites for the Terminal were considered near the ports of Vyborg, Primorsk, Vysotsk.

Alternative 1 – Port Vyborg

According to the mandatory regulations applicable to Port Vyborg the maximum dimensions of a
vessel allowed to dock in the port are as follows: length up to 135 m, width up to 25 m, and draft up
to 6.5 m. The designed gas carrier to dock at the wharf has the draft of 7.3 m. To enable a vessel
with such a draft to enter Port Vyborg it is necessary to perform dredging work, particularly on the
approach channel. Furthermore, the port is situated inside Vyborg’s town boundary which makes it
impossible for the Terminal site to conform to the sanitary protection zone requirements.

Alternative 2 – Port Primorsk

The port has two operating OAO AK Transneft terminals hooked up to the existing oil and product
pipelines which may prove difficult to cross when building the gas pipeline branch. The option of
using the existing wharves for offloading LNG was considered and rejected upon receipt of OAO
AK Transneft’s official letter stating that it was impossible to use the wharves to offload two types
of cargoes – petroleum products and LNG – from a single wharf. Furthermore, if the Terminal is
built in Port Primorsk the total length of the pipeline branch will increase by 20 km.

Alternative 3 – Port Vysotsk

Two siting alternatives were considered for the Terminal in Port Vysotsk:

3.1 South of the OAO RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil II terminal on the Ryuevyalinniemi peninsula;
3.2 At the entrance to the port, north of the OAO RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil II terminal.

According to the Vyborg District territorial planning scheme both of the alternative sites are within
the transport and logistics complexes and ports zone.

Both of the alternatives are capable of accommodating an LNG Terminal with the production
capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year. None of them requires performance of dredging work.
Alternative # 3.2 is preferable since the Terminal’s operational offshore area borders on the
existing approach channel and a turning basin exists which will allow tankers to turn around before
docking. Furthermore, the close proximity of Alternative # 3.2 site to the OAO RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil
II terminal makes it easier to hook the terminal up to the power grid thereby lowering the costs of
opening a Russian state border checkpoint.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 6: Analysis of Alternatives GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF ALTERNATIVES

Comparison of the main advantages and disadvantages of the wharf and terminal principal siting alternatives is given in Table 6.3.1 below.

Table 6.3.1: Comparison of the Project Phase I and Phase III facilities principal siting alternatives

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

(Port Vyborg) (Port Primorsk) (Port Vysotsk)
3.1 South of the OAO RPK Vysotsk 3.2 North of the OAO RPK Vysotsk
Lukoil II terminal Lukoil II terminal
Advantages Existing port  Existing port  Location within the transport  Natural and human-induced
infrastructure infrastructure and logistics complexes and conditions (moderate climate,
 Existing OAO AK ports zone according to the protected from waves by islands,
Transneft wharfs Vyborg District Territorial proximity to considerable depths,
Planning Scheme little distance from ice edge in
 Natural and human-induced winter, proximity to a highway and
conditions (moderate climate, a railway line)
protected from waves by  Can accommodate an LNG
islands, proximity to terminal with the production
considerable depths, little capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG
distance from ice edge in winter, per year
proximity to a highway and a  No dredging operations required
railway line)  The Terminal’s operational
 Can accommodate an LNG offshore area borders on the
terminal with the production existing approach channel and
capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG there is a turning basin which will
per year allow tankers to turn around
 No dredging operations before docking
required  close proximity to the OAO RPK-
 Location within the transport Vysotsk Lukoil II (the terminal can
and logistics complexes and be hooked up to the power grid
ports zone according to the which will lower the costs of
Vyborg District Territorial opening a Russian state border
Planning Scheme checkpoint)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 6: Analysis of Alternatives

Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3

(Port Vyborg) (Port Primorsk) (Port Vysotsk)
3.1 South of the OAO RPK Vysotsk 3.2 North of the OAO RPK Vysotsk
Lukoil II terminal Lukoil II terminal
Disadvantages  Additional  Technological  Waterlogged (swamped) area –  Waterlogged (swamped) area –
dredging difficulties with drainage operations are drainage operations are required
operations are building the gas required  Large oversize boulders -
required, pipeline branch  Large oversize boulders - removal work required
particularly in the while crossing the removal work required
approach existing oil and
channel product pipelines
 Located within  Impossibility to
the town limits use the same
(impossible to wharves for
position the offloading both oil
Terminal while products and LNG
observing the  The overall gas
SPZ pipeline branch
requirements) length should be
increased by 20

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 6: Analysis of Alternatives


The following criteria were used in considering alternative gas pipeline routes:

• location of the tie-in point of the proposed gas pipeline branch (as designated by the
Technical Substantiation document approved by PAO Gazprom);
• existence of specially protected natural territories;
• existence of cultural heritage sites;
• existence of mineral deposits;
• location of gas consumers;
• locations of existing engineering infrastructure facilities, population centers, buildings and
installations with the purpose of minimizing the scope of construction and installation
work, reducing human-caused environmental impact (minimizing logging operations) and
observing minimum gaps around regulated facilities.


Despite the fact that the project implementation will substantially increase the human-caused
environmental impact such an alternative as the decision not to pursue the proposed activity is not
feasible since the Project has an extremely high socio-economic significance for both the region’s
economic potential and the country as a whole.

The Project will engage as many Russian suppliers of key process equipment, pipes and
construction services as possible.

The Project implementation will allow Russia’s gas industry and the Leningrad region to develop a
brand new technological segment and increase the competitiveness of Russian energy products in
the global marketplace.

The Project will bring the Leningrad Region a lot of socio-economic benefits, particularly: new jobs,
additional tax payments to the RF budget and the Leningrad Region budget; solutions to
infrastructural problems (possible gasification of Port Vysotsk, nearby population centers and the
district’s remote areas), development of new industry sectors within the district and a higher level
of service.

The decision not to implement the Project will, on the one hand, make it possible to avoid the risk
of additional impact on the environment and community health. On the other hand, the “zero
option” is regarded negatively in terms of missed opportunities.

The proper compliance with the applicable laws and international requirements will rule out
irreversible negative environmental impact and any consequences associated therewith.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline



This section of the ESIA provides environmental baseline information related to the Project Area of
Influence (as defined in Section 5.3.1) and describes the current status and value of the
environmental setting. This characterization is essential for the assessment of the Project’s
potential impacts and the subsequent development of appropriate mitigation measures. The
baseline also provides the basis on which the effectiveness of mitigation measures can be
The main source reference documents used for the preparation of this chapter are listed below:
 Environmental-engineering study report //LLC «FERTOING» //Saint-Petersburg, 2015;
 Technologic report on the environmental-engineering study//JSC «LIMB» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2015;
 Report on the environmental –engineering study results //LLC «SEVZAPGAZPROEKT»
//Saint-Petersburg, 2015;
 Forest Declaration № 1-2016 // Committee on Natural Resources of Leningragskaya
Oblast’ //Saint-Petersburg, 2015;
 Environmental Protection sections in the Project Documentation:
o Section 8 of the PD for Stage 1: Jetty for handling oversized cargoes and building
materials with a temporary access road and a temporary storage zone for
equipment and materials;
o Section 7 of the PD for Stage 2: Gas pipeline branch of the Leningrad-Vyborg-State
Border main gas pipeline leading to the LNG plant in Port Vysotsk;
o Section 8 of the PD for Stage 3: Terminal for production and handling of liquefied
natural gas in Port Vysotsk.
 Protocols of sampling and laboratory testing:
o Soil sample collection protocol №1476.16 dated 27 of May, 2016//LLC
«PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016;
o Soil sample collection protocol №1473.16 dated 27 of May, 2016//LLC
«PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016;
o Protocol of quantitative chemical soil analysis №1473.16 dated 5 of June, 2016
//LLC «PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016;
o Protocol of quantitative chemical soil analysis №1474.16 dated 5 of June, 2016
//LLC «PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016;
o Protocol of quantitative chemical soil analysis №1475.16 dated 5 of June, 2016
//LLC «PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016;
o Protocol of laboratory studies №182/Э dated 30 of May, 2016 //LLC «Centr
Sanitarnoi Profilaktiki» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016;
o Protocol of biotesting №1476.16.Г dated 2 of June, 2016//LLC «PromEcoSfera»
//Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline



The Vyborg District’s climate is characterized by relatively warm albeit lengthy winters and cool rainy
summers. Springs are prolonged and quite cold with frequent night frosts. Summers are relatively
cold with precipitation mostly in the form of rain showers. Autumns are rather warm and cloudy with
continuous precipitation in the form of drizzle.
The climate is mainly determined by air mass circulation. During all seasons prevailing southwest
winds bring with them Atlantic air. The ingress of Atlantic air masses is connected with dynamic
cyclone activity which results in overcast skies with significant precipitation.

Meteorological data is obtained from the Vyborg, Sosnoviy Bor and Saint Petersburg meteorological
stations. The North-Western Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Directorate, FGBU
North-Western UGMS, is the organization in charge of integrating meteorological observations and
providing long-term climate data AIR TEMPERATURE

The average annual air temperature is 5,5 ºС; the warmest month is July with the average monthly
temperature 19,3 ºС, and the coldest month is February (minus 7,5 ºС).

The district is characterized by abrupt weather shifts from frost to thaw. On average, thaws last 16
days in December, 8 days in January and 5 days in February.

During thaws air temperature can rise by 8-9 ºС. The average, average maximum and average
minimum air temperature data for the surveyed area are shown in Table 7.2.1 below.
Table 7.2.1: Average, average maximum and average minimum air temperature data

Max. -2,2 -0,9 1,6 5,0 13,1 19,1 23,3 18,7 13,1 8,1 3,7 2,3
Average. -6,4 -7,5 -3,2 3,5 11,1 15,5 19,3 17,2 12,1 6,1 1,6 -2,8
Min. -14,8 -12,5 -7,7 1,8 9,9 13,8 17,2 15,0 9,9 3,3 -1,4 -10,0

Over the past 10 years, the lowest temperature record as, minus 29.8 СО, in February 2011, while
the highest temperature recorded was, plus 33,3 СО, in July. AIR HUMIDITY

With maritime air masses prevailing, the humidity of air in the Vyborg District is high throughout the
year. The work site is also characterized by year-round high humidity. The statistical characteristics
of relative humidity based on the Vyborg weather station data are given in Table 7.2.2 below.

Table 7.2.2: Relative Humidity

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Statistical characteristics of July, % February, % Annual, %

relative humidity
Maximum 78 87 81
Average 71 85 79
Minimum 63 82 77

The number of days with relative humidity over 80% is 140-155 throughout the entire district. Air
humidity is lowest in March due to little precipitation. The average many-year minimum precipitation
rate is observed in April; however due to massive snow melt and evaporation humidity is not at its
lowest in April. The month of November accounts for the highest precipitation rate in autumn and
therefore humidity is highest during that month. Humidity levels are reduced in August (despite the
high precipitation rate) because of evaporation processes.. CLOUD COVER

Over the year the monthly average cloud cover varies from 5 to 8 oktas, at times reaching 9 oktas
in November and December. The highest cloud cover values can be observed from October till

The average annual number of overcast days (with cloud cover ranging between 8-10 oktas) within
the coastal area ranges from 190 to 220. Overcast days are most frequent from October till February,
their average monthly number being 13-26. From April till September the number of overcast days
in the majority of places ranges between 4-12.

The average annual number of clear days (with cloud cover of 0-2 oktas) is small: from 22 to 74. PRECIPITATION

A precipitation summary based on the Vyborg weather station data for the period between 2005 and
2015 is shown in Table 7.2.3 below.
Table 7.2.3: Precipitation

Month Total Average Number of days with precipitation by volume, mm

volume, daily max, ≥ 0,1 ≥ 0,5 ≥ 1,0 ≥ 5,0 ≥ 10,0 ≥ 20,0 ≥ 30,0
mm mm
I 71 9 18,8 13,7 10,8 2,3 0,5 0,01 -
II 54 7 16,1 12,2 9,3 1,7 0,2 0,01 -
III 54 8 13,6 10,2 8 2 0,3 0,02 -
IV 41 11 12,4 10 8,4 2,7 0,7 0,1 -
V 43 12 11,8 9,6 8,3 2,8 1 0,1 0,02
VI 60 16 12,7 10,4 9,1 3,8 1,6 0,3 0,1
VII 78 20 13,4 11,2 9,5 4,6 2,2 0,5 0,1
VIII 84 23 15,1 12,6 11 5,3 2,6 0,8 0,3
IX 80 21 16,2 13,2 11,2 5,3 2,5 0,6 0,1
X 81 15 17,1 14,1 12,2 5 1,8 0,12 0,02
XI 84 13 18,3 15,2 12,7 4,5 1,4 0,1 0,01
XII 81 10 19,2 14,7 12,2 3,1 0,7 0,05 -
Year 811 33 185 147 123 43 16 3 0,6

On average, precipitation occurs 185 days a year. An important characteristic of precipitation is its
rate. During the cooler months, continuous precipitation prevails with the average rate of 0.2-0.4

In summer, the average precipitation rate increases to 1.1-1.3 mm/h due to rainstorms.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The table shows that in autumn and winter precipitation volume (452 mm) is greater than in spring
and summer (360 mm). Of the two months with the largest precipitation volume (August and
November) August accounts for the highest precipitation rate. ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA

Dangerous atmospheric phenomena include fogs, rainstorms, hails and blizzards.

Fogs are frequent in the Vyborg Bay. Fogs can be observed 40 to 45 days a year. Fogs are move
prevalent in spring and autumn and least likely in May till August. The average persistence of fog
over the bay is 4-6 hours with the maximum persistence reaching 50-60 hours. Mists can be
frequently observed above the sea in winter.

Thunderstorms are relatively rare in the Vyborg Bay. The average annual number of days with
rainstorms ranges from 10 to 19.

Thunderstorms are most frequent in July and August. Thunderstorms are normally accompanied by
rain showers and squalls in summer and by snow flurries in winter.

It is evident from Table 7.2.4 below that fogs are the most frequently occurring phenomenon at the
work site (up to 61 days a year).

On the average, snow blizzards occur 25 days a year, up to a maximum of 56 days a year. During
blizzards, gusts of wind reach 19 m/s.

Hails can be observed 1.5 days a year on the average.

Dangerous atmospheric phenomena based on the 2005-2015 Vyborg weather station data are
shown in Table 7.2.4 below.
Table 7.2.4: Dangerous atmospheric phenomena

Month Thunderstorm Fog Blizzard Hail

average. max average max average max average max
I - - 4 9 6 15 - -
II - - 5 16 5 11 - -
III - - 5 13 5 14 - -
IV 0,3 2 6 17 2 7 0,06 1
V 2 6 2 10 0,03 1 0,3 2
VI 3 11 0,9 3 - - 0,3 2
VII 5 14 1 4 - - 0,2 2
VIII 4 9 2 9 - - 0,3 3
IX 1 8 4 9 - - 0,1 1
X 0,1 2 4 10 0,4 3 0,1 1
XI - - 5 12 2 9 - 1
XII - - 5 10 5 16 - -
Year 15,4 26 44 61 25 56 1,4 5 WIND REGIME

Southwestern, western and southern winds prevail over the Vyborg Bay. Their average frequency
exceeds 50%, these winds also being the strongest.

The average monthly wind speed is 3 to 7 m/s, with stronger wind in the autumn and winter than in
spring and summer. The daily wind speed variation is clearly defined in the coastal area in summer.
Typically, the lowest wind speed can be observed at night and in the morning and the highest in the

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

afternoon. Tables 7.2.5 and 7.2.6 provide a statistical assessment of the wind regime based on the
Vyborg weather station data.
Table 7.2.5: Wind Direction and Calm Air Frequency, (%)

Month N NE E SE S SW W NW CalmAir
1 11 13 11 11 14 23 8 9 5
4 7 15 10 12 14 32 4 6 7
7 12 18 9 5 9 29 9 9 5
10 10 8 7 10 11 26 16 12 7
Year 10 14 10 10 11 28 8 9 6

Table 7.2.6: Wind Speed Frequency (%)


0-5 26,2 30,9 27,4 26,7 19,4 20,4 26,7 26,9 26,1 18,4 18,0 22,5 24,1
6-10 48,9 50,4 51,1 54,2 56,6 58,5 56,4 57,2 51,1 53,9 53,6 51,9 53,6
11-15 17,1 13,4 15,9 16,0 20,6 18,2 14,8 13,8 17,9 21,0 21,2 19,5 17,4
16-20 7,3 4,8 5,1 2,9 3,1 2,7 1,9 2,1 4,5 6,1 6,5 5,9 4,4
21-25 0,5 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,3 0,6 0,7 0,2 0,35
>25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,1 0 0 0 0,01

Figure 7.2.1: Yearly Wind Speed and Direction Frequency Diagram (10-minute distribution) based on
the 2005-2015 Vyborg weather station data

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline FROST

Frost types include black frost, hoar frost and sleet.

On average, all types of frost occur 31 days a season (October to April), with the maximum of 57
days, recorded in 1959-1960. Frost is most frequent in December-February, reaching the average
of 10 days a month in January.

On average, black frost conditions persist for 9 hours, hoar frost for 20 hours, sleet for 37 hours.

The main climate characteristics and background concentrations at the work site are given in
sections and 7.2.2 based on the FGBU North-Western UGMS data. CLIMATE CHARACTERISTIC

Main climate and meteorological characteristics which determine pollutant dispersal rates in Vysotsk,
Leningrad Region, are given in Table 7.2.7 below (based on the January 15, 2015 FGBU North-
Western UGMS data).
Table 7.2.7: Terminal Site Climate Characteristics

Description Value

Atmospheric stratification coefficient, А 160

Topographical relief coefficient 1
Average maximum ambient temperature of the hottest month, СО 21,7
Average temperature of the coldest month, СО -8,0
Average annual wind rose, %
N 11
NE 11
E 11
SE 9
S 16
SW 20
W 11
NW 11
Wind speed with 5% many-year exceedance frequency, m/s 9,0


The air pollution levels which exist at the work site are characterized by the background air pollution
data. The largest contributions to air pollution and background pollution levels are made by motor
and rail (diesel) transport and the LUKOIL oil terminal. The population centers nearest the work site
are the settlements of Pikhtovoye, Medyanka, Popovo, Sveklovichnoye, Perovo, Cherkasovo,
Veshchevo and the town of Vysotsk.
The background concentrations of air pollutants in the town of Vysotsk and the settlement of
Cherkasovo are given in Table 7.2.8 below based on the FGBU North-Western UGMS data.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Table 7.2.8: Terminal Site Background Concentrations

Pollutant Background concentration MPC

mg/m3 MPC fractions mg/m3
Suspended solids 0,195 0,39 0,5
Sulphur dioxide 0,013 0,02 0,5
Carbon oxide 2,4 0,48 5
Nitrogen dioxide 0,054 0,27 0,2
Nitrogen oxide 0,024 0,06 0,4

Background concentrations of the main air pollutants do not exceed the MPC levels prescribed for
residential areas.

Background concentrations are also provided for the population centers nearest the surveyed site
and the gas pipeline branch ROW.
Background concentrations of air pollutants in the settlements of Pikhtovoye, Medyanka, Popovo
and Sveklovichnoye all equal 0 mg/m3 based on the FGBU North-Western UGMS data and are
shown in Table 7.2.9 below.
Table 7.2.9: Background concentrations of air pollutants within the Project area

Pollutant Background concentration MPC

mg/m3 mg/m3 mg/m3
Suspended solids - - 0,5
Sulphur dioxide - - 0,5
Carbon oxide - - 5
Nitrogen dioxide - - 0,2
Nitrogen oxide - - 0,4

Thus, background concentrations of the main air pollutants within the area under review are within
the norm and do not exceed the MPC levels prescribed for residential areas. SURVEY RESULTS

Air samples were taken to assess the air quality in the population centers nearest the proposed
branch gas pipeline. The air sample analysis included taking samples at 4 locations and carrying out
measurements of the following gages: nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon
Survey work was carried out by the laboratory testing center FBUZ Railway Transport Hygiene and
Epidemiology Center, October Railroad Branch (Accreditation Certificate No. RОSS
RU.0001.511616). Protocol No. 23-С of 30.03.2015.

Air sample lab testing results are given in the Engineering and Environmental Survey Report,
Appendix L, Book 2 KG-60/2014-IIЗ.2, and in Table 7.2.10 below.
Table 7.2.10: Air Samples Lab Testing Results

No. Air pollutant MPC, mg/m3 Background Background

concentration, concentration,
mg/m3 MPC fractions
Т1, set. Veshchevo
1 Nitrogen oxide 0,4 <0,016 0,04
2 Sulphur dioxide 0,5 <0,04 0,08
3 Carbon oxide 5,0 1,9 0,38
4 Nitrogen dioxide 0,2 0,023 0,12

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

No. Air pollutant MPC, mg/m3 Background Background

concentration, concentration,
mg/m3 MPC fractions
Т2, set. Cherkasovo
5 Nitrogen oxide 0,4 <0,016 0,04
6 Sulphur dioxide 0,5 <0,04 0,08
7 Carbon oxide 5,0 2,4 0,48
8 Nitrogen dioxide 0,2 0,029 0,15
Т3, set. Pikhtovoye
9 Nitrogen oxide 0,4 <0,016 0,04
10 Sulphur dioxide 0,5 <0,04 0,08
11 Carbon oxide 5,0 2,1 0,42
12 Nitrogen dioxide 0,2 0,021 0,11
Т4, twn. Vysotsk
13 Nitrogen oxide 0,4 <0,016 0,04
14 Sulphur dioxide 0,5 <0,04 0,08
15 Carbon oxide 5,0 2,7 0,54
16 Nitrogen dioxide 0,2 0,033 0,17

The measured air pollutant concentrations do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration
levels according to HN “Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MPCs) of Air
Pollutants in Populated Areas”.


Greenhouse gases consist of atmospheric components, whether produced by natural or man-made

sources, which absorb and emit radiation in the same infrared band as the earth’s surface,
atmosphere and clouds.
The principle greenhouse gases are: carbon dioxide (СО2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O),
tropospheric ozone (O3) and water vapor (H2O). There are a number of other greenhouse gases of
anthropogenic origin such as halocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorocarbons (PFC) and
sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) which are subject to the Montreal Protocol.

Gases with indirect greenhouse effect include nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon oxide (CO) and sulphur
dioxide (SO2).

Carbon dioxide (CO2) has the greatest effect on climate. The IPCC Report notes the unprecedented
growth rate of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere over the last 250 years. After 1750, CO2 levels
grew by 35% by the year 2005. The main carbon dioxide air emission sources are production,
transportation, processing and consumption of biomass (12%), other sources (such as cement
production or carbon monoxide oxidation) accounting for 2%.

Methane (СН4) is the second most significant greenhouse gas after CO2. Methane (СН4) is produced
by both natural and man-made sources. In the latter case it is produced as a result of fuel production,
digestive fermentation (e.g. in cattle), rice growing, deforestation (mainly as a consequence of
biomass combustion and breakdown of excess organic matter). According to estimates methane
accounts for approximately 20% of global warming.

Nitrogen oxide (N2O) plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry as it is a source of NО2,
which destroys stratospheric ozone. At present, approximately 40% of N2O emissions originate from
man-made sources (production and use of mineral fertilizers, cattle breeding, chemical industry).
NO2 accounts for nearly 6% of global warming. There is however a huge uncertainty in the
assessment of emissions from both natural and man-made sources.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Tropospheric ozone (trop. О3), being a greenhouse gas, has a direct effect on climate through
absorption of the Earth’s long-wave and the Sun’s short-wave radiation and through chemical
reactions which alter concentrations of the other greenhouse gases, e.g. methane.

The main reason for the rise in trop O3 levels is the increase in human-caused emissions of ozone
precursors – chemical compounds which are necessary for its production, mainly hydrocarbons and
nitrogen oxides.

Water vapor is a prominent natural greenhouse gas with a significant input to the greenhouse effect
with a strong positive feedback. Thus, a rise in air temperature results in higher moisture levels with
nearly stable relative humidity which increases the greenhouse effect and thereby rises air
temperature even higher.

Background concentrations of the main air pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon oxide
(CO) and sulphur dioxide (SO2), are given in Table 7.2.8 and do not exceed the prescribed MPC
No background values for methane (CH4), ozone (О3), carbon dioxide (CО2) and others have been
provided by FGBU North-Western UGMS.



The geological structure of the area comprises with modern sediments of technogenic origin (t IV)
and Upper Quaternary glacial deposits (g III), underlain by Lower Proterozoic bedrock (PR1). The
general geological sequence given in table below:

Table 7.4.1: Onshore General Stratigraphy

Geological Era Description Thickness, m

Modern Bulk soil: gravel and pebbles with sand filling, with

Upper Quaternary Upper quaternary deposits are presented under 3-16m

modern sediments and soil and vegetation layer,
ground grayish-brown loam, with sand filler up to
40%, silty sand grayish-brown with gravel and
pebbles up to 20%. There are inclusions of
granite boulders up to 40%. Deposits are
characterized with chaotic spread of coarse
material, occurring at different Sediment thickness
varies from 3.1 to 16.3 m.

Lower Proterozoic Lower Proterosoic deposits are underlaying More than 2.4m
glacial formations, and are presented with
distributed throughout a glacial deposits,
represented by rapakivi granite, pink, firm,
fractured. Penetrated thickness ranges from 1.0 to
2.4 m.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

According to results of assessment, performed in 2014, geological and lithological structures of the
offshore project area comprise:

Table 7.4.2: Offshore General Stratigraphy

Geological Era Description Thickness, m

Manmade soils – QtlV  sand, gravelly, dense, with wood particles, 0,5-1,6m

 gravelly loam with sand filling, with pebble,

gravel, boulders,dense, saturated.

Modern marine sediments - QmlV  Silt loam and sandy loam - dark gray to 0,3-7,5m
black color, with significant amounts of
organic matter, dense.

 Sand, coarse, fine, with gray pebbles, up to

50%, dense.

Late Glacial lacustrine-glacial Clay, loam, light brown, blue-gray and gray, low
deposits Qlglll density.

Late fluvioglacial deposits QfIII  gravelly sandy loam, brown, dense, 0,5-12m

 detrital soils, with a sandy fill-up, with

pebbles, gravel, gravel, boulders, mixed,

Lower Proterozoic Granite, granite-gneiss pinkish-gray and reddish- More than 2.7m
brown in color, fractured, weathered, lie at the
base of the considered section, underlying
quaternary sediments. Roof surface is very
uneven, sometimes it rises close to the bottom
surface. The absolute height is -9,3 -22,6masl


The site is located within the Karelian Isthmus, and confines to the Baltic Shield southern slope,
Vyborg lowlands, where upper Proterozoic period formations outcrop, sometimes covered with
quaternary glacial, glaciolacustrine, lacustrine and modern sediments. Typical glacial landforms
are shipback rocks and boulder ridges.

The Pipeline crosses multiple moraine hills and ridges, basins, wetlands, marshes, river valleys,
numerous small streams and drainage ditches, sea bay, railways, a number of roads of different
categories, engineering lines (cables, overhead lines) and farmland. There is a complex
geomorphology across the project area:

• Relief elevations with the weathering crust, located close to the surface;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

• Crystalline basement faults, presented by hollows, depressions of different kinds, filled with
glacial accumulation products, streams, swamps and lakes;
• Large boulders and chunks of rock at the surface area, mainly of granite composition, which
are presented mostly at upland areas, but can be also found in the depressions on the
wetlands and marshes. Boulders size usually ranges from 0.2 to 5 -1,5m m in diameter.
• Moraine formation of different types, with coarse inclusions (boulders, boulders, pebbles
and gravel), typical for the eastern and central parts of the pipeline area;
• Fluvioglacial formations of various shapes;
• Undulating glaciolacustrine plain, with moraine ridges and boulders on the surface, widely
presented, in the north-eastern and central parts of the pipeline area;
• Ancient and modern river valleys fluvioglacial relief;
• Biogenic relief of boggy hollows and depressions, with ridges and hollows and hummocky
microrelief - represented in the depressions (hollows) and lacustrine glacial plains;
• Technogenic terrain, presented with embankments for highways and railroads, quarries,
dumps, etc.


Exogenous processes, which result in morphostructural transformation of the surface of the project
area, comprising frost heavе, water-logging and swamp formation and slope processes.

Surface water logging and swamp formation. Due to poor natural drainage of the area, surface
water accumulates and stagnates within flat areas and depressions, which are influenced by
construction works. This results in waterlogging and wetlands formation.

Swamps and wetlands are located mostly in relief depressions among moraine hills and ridges,
and in the glaciolacustrine terraced plains zone.

Frost heave appears during seasonal freezing of soils, blistering, mounds on road embankment,
cracks in asphalt and concrete surfaces of highways.

Slope processes and phenomena are wide spread in the project area, presented with landslides,
gullying processes, and slope erosion.

Poor filtration capacity of soils and natural flow of water can be altered during construction works
resulting in surface flooding, waterlogging, which are typical for periods of snowmelt and heavy

Construction work alters natural water flow, mixing soil types and creates silty-clay soils that have
low filtration characteristics.

Frost heaving processes intensifies in flooded soils during winter months.

Silty-clay soils, which are widespread within the area, have thixotropic properties, changing its
structural properties during saturation and dynamic load. Soil properties stabilize following load


Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The southern part of the shoreline is formed by sand deposits and is subject to erosion. Sand
deposits are easily transported by currents to other areas, which results in the formation of a sand
spit located to the south of the assessed area, that continuously changes configuration of its
coastline. The central part of the shoreline is characterized by less active sediment transfer. The
north-eastern part is aggregated by heavier sand formations, which are transferred from the
northern areas of the Gulf of Vyborg. This material is deposited in the central part of the bay due to
a reduction in the current. Current finally stops at the eastern part of the assessed shoreline.

The coastline is relatively stable, except for a small area in the north-east, where coastline growth
is observed associated with reed bushes. Current flow rates decrease in this area, reducing
sediment transportation, increasing sedimentation leading to the reed growth - the primary stage of
the coastal formation. Further sedimentation is expected in this area..


The site is located within the Baltic hydrogeological massif, characterized by the increase of
fractures and fracture-vein water in the area of exogenous fractured crystalline basement, with thin
cover comprising Quaternary sediments, containing pore water. Excessive soil moisture is one of
the main hydrogeological features in this area. Flat terrain allows wide spread perched
groundwater. Relatively shallow groundwater level cause low TDS (total dissolved solids) content
and hydrocarbonate anionic chemistry.

Shallow groundwater is influenced by rain infiltration and is likely to be in continuity with local

The Upper Karelian aquifer complex is located across much of the area, with the exception of
selected locations where the crystalline basement outcrops. The aquifer system combines water of
peatlands, lacustrine, sea, glaciolacustrine and glacial deposits. Water-bearing strata comprise
peat, sand and, rarely, sandy loam.

Subaquifers of the Upper Karelian complex have the following characteristics:

• Modern wetlands subaquifer

Subaquifer is located in the moors and underlying muds. Most swamps at the territory are upland
moor type. Peat thickness is average at 2-3m. Peatlands are saturated with water from depth of
0.0-0.3 m. Hydraulic conductivity depends on the degree of peat decomposition, and ranges from
0.05 to 0.5 m3/day.

• Nizhnekarelsky subaquifer of fluviglacial and sea deposits

This subaquifer is located over a large area and combines geological deposits of various origins:
sea, lacustrine, fluviolacustrine, glaciolacustrine, and glacial. Water-bearing formations are
presented with sandy loams, sands of various grain size, gravel lenses and interlayers of pebbly
material. Horizon thickness is up to 5 m. Groundwater depth varies from 0.3 to 5 m. The aquifer is
of phreatic type or overlapped with wetlands subaquifer. Hydraulic conductivity is 2-7 m3/day.

• Granite fracture zones fault waters sub-aquifer

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

This groundwater is confined to granite fracture zones, with estimated thickness of 50-150m.
Tectonic activity within the crystalline basement is the main cause of fracturing. Water within this
aquifer has high flow rates and can be used for drinking purposes.

Water in these aquifer sub-horizons is fresh, with TDS varying from 0.04 to 0.67 g/l. Inflow of saline
water is possible from deeper layers at granite fracture zone. Hardness ranges from 0.24 to 6.7

Water in the wetland sub-aquifer contains significant amounts of iron (up to 43 mg/l), nitrogen
compounds (up to 17.5 mg/l), high COD (chemical oxygen demand, 80 mg O2/l), high content of
organic acids (64 mg/l), and pH of 4,8-5. Generally, groundwater in the area has a high content of
iron, nitrates, ammonium and other chemicals that are specific for local natural factors and

Groundwater flow direction, in general, is the same as the direction of surface water flow towards
the Gulf of Finland.


The territory is located on the southern slope of the Baltic Shield, located within the Vyborg granite
massif of Late Proterozoic age. This granite massif is a batholite-type solid mass, up to 100 km in
diameter, formed with porphyroblastic potassic granites (vyborgity, rapakivi).

The structural plan of Vyborg granite massif can be characterized by the dominance of subvertical
faults of NW direction, forming foundation blocks, with relative vertical displacements of a few
hundred meters. These faults are well expressed in the geophysical fields (including magnetic),
due to the severity of the relief and thin Quaternary deposits.

The intensity of seismic impact for the construction area (Vyborg district Leningrad region),
according to a set of cards A-B-C SRF-97 2000 is 5 points or less. Seismic data for the area of
south-east slope of the Baltic Shield indicate a moderate microseismic background.



The total area of Vyborg region is 747,547.2 hectares, comprising forests- 76.8%, agricultural land
- 12.8%; settlements - 4.0%.

Vyborg region is a reliable transport link with the European Union, major highways and railroads
pass through the region. Vyborg bay is a main seaport for international commercial ships.

Vyborg district has three international automobile checkpoints at the country border: MAPP
"Torfyanovka", MAPP "Brusnichnoe", MAPP "Svetogorsk", one railway checkpoint and 2 port
customs posts - "Primorsk" and "Vyborg". There are three seaports operating in the area, "Vyborg",
"Vysotsky" and"Primorsk".

Baltic Pipeline System (BPS), transporting oil from Timan-Pechora, West Siberian and Ural-Volga
regions to the main oil trade and processing center in Europe – Rotterdam crosses Vyborg district.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The presence of forest, water, fish and game resources, deposits of construction materials, natural
landscapes, historical and architectural monuments, many of which are unique, forms a great
recreational potential of the territory.

Large-scale dredging is undertaken by “Port Vysotsky” in the waterways at Vyborg and Vysotsk
port. Therefore, the dredging activities are not the responsibility of ZAO CryoGas. Сhannel number
6, leading to the port of Vysotsk, crossing the marine terminal project area at a distance of 700 m
from the coast.

Marine terminal and LNG Project area occupies Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula and waters of the bay
Bolshaya Pikhtovaya. Construction is planned directly at the entrance to the port of Vysotsk, 800 m
to the north of the terminal "RPK-Vysotsk" Lukoil-II ».

Highway St. Petersburg-Primorsk/Vyborg-Vysotsk is located to the east from the marine

terminal/LNG project area. Railroad is also located close to "RPK-Vysotsk" Lukoil-II» terminal. The
nearest railway station "Popovo" is located about 8 km east of the proposed facility.


Project area, including pipeline, can be divided into three major terrain types:

 hilly moraine plain, with traces of fluvial erosion, large boulders, with heaps of boulders at
the surface up to 10% - 25% of the area. The heights of the hilly moraine plain ranges from
4.0-6.0 m in low areas of river valleys and marshy depressions, and up to 47 m on the
moraine hills and moraine ridges.
 hilly glacial lacustrine plain, complicated by local kame moraine ridges, moraine hills with
heaps of boulders on the surface, swampy hollows and swamps.
 Modern marine terraces, comprise undulating sea sand with pebbles and boulders. There
are two hypsometric levels of 0 to 1 m (low), and high (1-10 m).
Project area is characterized by frequent changes of conditions and forms of relief: the alternation
of hilly and ridge elevations with stretched depressions and hollows with sinuous and blade-type

The geology of the project development region comprises Proterozoic granites- rapakivi - massive
crystal, weathered, and highly fractured rocks.

Relief of the territory is mainly postglacial (Valdai glacial period), flattened, hilly ridges, with relative
elevation of 20 meters. Landscape area lithogenic foundation is presented with moraines and
thinner fluvioglacial and lacustrine-alluvial deposits.

Main factors of landscape formation in the area are:

 cold humid climate with severe weather conditions;

 smoothed landforms, steeply sloping hills and plains and unconsolidated glacial and
fluvioglacial deposits;
 coastal marine waters activity;
 southern taiga vegetation formations.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Due to the flat terrain in the area, climatic zone do not have clear borders, modern erosional
dissection is not very active, wetlands formation is enhanced, taiga vegetation associations are

Taiga type vegetation biological activity, together with physical rock weathering processes, forms
allochthonous supergene weathering of loose layer, which results in podzol-type soils formation.

The area has been subject to human impact - residential and industrial zones and areas of forest
and agricultural land use took shape a long time ago. Human influenced landscapes (felling,
farmland, transmission line strips, overgrown bush, parks, lawns, and industrial and residential
areas) were formed within natural landscape borders.

According to the scheme of landscape zoning, the project area, including pipeline, marine terminal
and LNG plant, is located in the Vyborg district of the Baltic-Ladoga County, Southern Taiga sub-
province, province of North-West Russian plains (Fig. 7.5.1).

Figure 7.5.1: Karelian Isthmus Landscape map, Baltic-Ladoga region

– South-Taiga subprovince of Kola-Karelian (Baltic shield) province

Regions: 1 – Vyborgsky, 2 – North-Western Priladoj'e.

South-Taiga subprovince of North-West of Russian Plain province

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Regions: 3 – Seaside North (Primorsky Severoberezhny), 4 –

Privuoksinsky, 5 – Otradnensky, 6 – Lembolovksy,7 – Toksovo-
Sosnovnsky, 8 – South-Western Priladoj’e, 9 – Prinevsky 10 –

The marine terminal, LNG plant and pipeline are located in Baltic-Ladoga region south-taiga sub-
province of the North West of Russian –Plain province, close to the Baltic Shield province.

The marine terminal and LNG plant sites are located in Severoberezhny costal landscape, which
is presented with sandy plains of fluvioglacial group. This landscape is characterized by a
moderate natural drainage and normal hydration.

The pipeline area lies within Privuoksinsky landscape, according to the USSR physical-
geographical zoning of the North-West.

The following natural territorial complexes are presented at the project area:

Hilly moraine plain

 Moraine hills, small and medium, of different fractures sand, loamy sand, boulders, which
overlie the basement bedrock;
 Inter-hill and inter-ridge depressions and logs, of differently grained sand composition,
loamy sand, boulders, sometimes with a thin peat layer;
 Moraine plains, flat and undulating, stacked boulders with sandy and sandy loam filler,
sandy areas with lots of boulders;
 Moraine plains, flat and undulating, stacked boulders with sandy and sandy loam filler,
sandy areas with lots of boulders, reclaimed and cultivated;
 Moraine plains, flat and undulating, stacked boulders with sandy and sandy loam filler,
sandy areas with lots of boulders, with forest cuts and electricity lines.

Hilly glacial lacustrine plain

 Terraces of glacial lacustrine and marine origin, flat or gently sloping, with gently sloping
ledges (up to 4-10°), of differently grained sand composition, mostly coarse, sand, gravel,
pebbles and boulders;
 Terraces of glacial lacustrine and marine origin, flat or gently sloping, with gently sloping
ledges (up to 4-10 °), of differently grained sand composition, mostly coarse, sand, gravel,
pebbles and boulders, sometimes with boulder pavement, with forest cuts and electricity
 Terraces of glacial lacustrine and marine origin, flat or gently sloping, with gently sloping
ledges (up to 4-10 °), of differently grained sand composition, mostly large, sand, gravel,
pebbles and boulders, sometimes with boulder pavement,, reclaimed and cultivated.

Modern marine terrace

 Slightly undulating sea terrace, of differently grained sand composition, with pebbles and
 Undulating sea terrace, of differently grained sand composition, with pebbles and boulders,
reclaimed and cultivated;
 Sandy beaches;
 Rocky and boulder beaches and shallows;
 Marshlands.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline


Hilly moraine plain is presented with elongated moraine ridges (eskers), with slopes between 5
and 20°, with coarse sand composition, with gravel and boulders. The slopes of ridges and troughs
are dissected with glacial plowing. Tracts of peaks and slopes of ridges and glacial shafts comprise
coniferous park forests -. Pine forests and spruce forests with bilberry-green moss and lichen
ground cover grass-blueberry are underlain by a combination of podzols and sod-podzolic soils.
Tracts of troughs and depressions are predominantly grass-sphagnum spruce and bilberry-
sphagnum moss. As a result of the accumulation of surface runoff in hollows and depressions Soils
comprise a combination of bog-podzolic, peat and peat-gley bog soils, as a result of the
accumulation of surface runoff in hollows and depressions..

Figure 7.5.2: Hilly moraine plain landscape, with large boulders on surface


Natural-territorial complex of hilly glacial lacustrine plain is presented with two hypsometric
levels of slowly undulating relief (up to 4-10°), of moraine and coarse sea sand with gravel
composition, with pebbles and boulders. The surface of the terraces are flattened rounded hills and
sporadically - structural and glacial manes with rocky granitic outcrops. Terraces are drained by
mild marshy hollows, paired with local creek valleys. Tracts of hills and ridges of the natural
territorial complex are covered with fir, green moss, mixed (birch-pine-fir), blackberry- grass-
sphagnum forests, underlain with a combination of podzols and sod-podzolic soils. Tracts of
ravines and streams, drain valleys are occupied by wetlands, alder- grass-sphagnum birch forests,
bilberry-sphagnum, horsetail-sphagnum and sphagnum-sedge marshes, which are underlain by a
combination of bog-podzolic, peat and peat-gley bog soils.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Figure 7.5.3: Hilly glacial-lacustrine plain landscape


Natural-territorial complex of modern marine terrace is presented by slightly rolling surface of sea
sand with pebbles and boulders composition. There are two hypsometric levels of 0 to 1 m (low),
and 1-10 m (high). Lower terrace level (0-1 m) is represented by the flat surface of block and silted
boulder material, covered with tidal sea waters. Tidal marshes band to the shore are gradually
transformed into a band marches, flooded by seawater during high tide periods. Marching area
terraces are formed primarily of silty sands.

Tracts of high-level marine terrace are presented with uniform facies pine-fir forest green moss-
shrub. Facies of low stows terraces in the band marches are presented with sparse halophytic
meadows, and grass black alders growth, in watts strip - curtains of halophyte meadows and

Soil cover comprises a combination of podzols and sod-podzolic soils at high level marine terraces.
Lower level terrace soils are typically turf saline soils.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Modern marine terrace, lower level Modern marine terrace, upper level

Figure 7.5.4: Modern marine terrace landscapes

7.5.6 SOILS

Vyborg district territory is mostly occupied by podzolic soils (from surface type podzol and typical
podzol to humus - podzol soil), with low humus content and high acidity. The main soil-forming
deposits are sands and sandy loams. Large areas at the south-east part of Vyborg district are
occupied with peat-podzolic-gley soils.

In accordance with the soil-geographical zoning of the USSR, Vyborg district is located on the
border of Karelia province of surface type podzolic soils, dwarf and thin podzols and the Baltic
province of sod-podzolic low-humus soils of central taiga, boreal forest region (moderately cold)

The Project area is mainly covered with various subtypes of podzolic soils. Podzolization is an
elementary process of soil formation, accompanied by a deep decomposition of the mineral part of
the soil and the removal of products of this decomposition from the upper part of the soil profile.

Podzolic soils are characterized by a sharp depletion of silt particles in the upper soil horizons and
their accumulation in the illuvial horizon. The humus content varies, up to 9%, and decrease
considerably with depth, and humus composition is fulvate.

Figure 7.5.5: Different types of podzol soils in the area

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline SOIL CONTAMINATION STATUS

Engineering-environmental studies at the project area were undertaken in 2015, as required by
Russian legislation. The scope covered Marine Terminal, LNG Plant and Pipeline areas. Soil
samples were taken from organogenic, organic-mineral and mineral horizons. Soil samples were
analyzed for presence of the following potential contaminants:
 Heavy metals including arsenic;
 Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH);
 Benz(a)pyrene.

The results of the studies indicate the following:

Soils of the project area are mostly considered as Permissible or Low level of contamination.

There are small contaminated areas, mostly of surface type of soil contamination. These soils are
defined as Medium Hazardous level of contamination. High levels of benz(a)pyrene can be a result
of wastes burning at the area.This contaminated area, which appears to be an old buried military
landfill, is located in the southern part of the LNG Plant area. Removal of wastes and contaminated
soil from this plot is responsibility of ZAO CryoGas (see Section 5.8.1 for details – startup and
adjustment operations)).
When interpreting the conclusions from the investigation findings, it should be taken into account
that a map showing the location of the water sampling points has not been made available..

The soil quality standards of the RF (MPC and TPC values) have been developed with due
consideration of indirect impacts on human health. The difference between the MPC (Maximum
Permissible Concentrations) and the TPC (Tentatively Permissible Concentrations) values is in the
procedure used for calculation of these values (they are calculated based on long-term and short-
term research results, respectively) and the periods of their validity (MPC values are permanent
standards and TPC values are valid during periods from 3 to 5 years).

Аs far as the TPC norms are concerned it should be pointed out that the scale of non-compliance
with these norms is relatively small and uniform. The natural concentrations of metals in soils
within the project area are relatively high due to the high content of these elements in the
background soil material and close position of the crystalline shield basement. This is not typical of
soils contaminated as a result of anthropogenic factors. It should be also pointed out that the
presence of peat in the soils can cause natural formation of hydrocarbons, which can be
determined by means of analysis for total hydrocarbon content.

Marine terminal

According to the results of chemical analyses of soil samples, taken at the marine terminal area,
soil contamination status is the following:
 soil type corresponds to sandy loam with a pH of 3.2-6.2;
 TPH content in the investigated soil samples ranging from <5 to 422 mg/kg;
 Benzo(a)pyrene content do not exceed MPC;
 One soil sample shows of copper concentrations of 3.3 MPC and zinc content is 1.4MPC;
 Ferrum content varies from 176 to 3510 mg / kg;
 Tin content ranges from <0.5 to 0.78 mg / kg;
 Content of other heavy metals (lead, cadmium, nickel, mercury and arsenic) do not exceed
the allowable concentrations;
 Pollution Index by heavy metals has a value of <1.0 to 3.2.

As a result, studies revealed that the soil contamination level at one sample corresponds to
"Hazardous" category, and in three other samples corresponds to "Low" category.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

LNG plant area

According to the results of chemical analyses of soil samples, taken at the LNG plant area, soil
contamination status is the following:
 soil type corresponds to sandy loam with a pH of 6-7;
 TPH content in the investigated soil samples ranging from <5 to 137 mg / kg;
 Benzo(a)pyrene content do not exceed MPC;
 Content of heavy metals do not exceed the allowable concentrations;

According to the results of soil studies, the soil contamination level of the pipeline area belong to
the category "Low."

However, during the first stage of construction works, an old military landfill area was found in the
southern part of the landplot. Additional soil samples were taken, and the results are the following:
 Approximate size of the landfill is 2,4ha;
 Three boreholes were drilled to the depth of 3 meters;
 Main contaminants are heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd) and benz(a)pyrene;
o Cu- up to 3,5 MPC
o Cd – up to 2,4 MPC
o Zn – up to 4,2 MPC
o Pb – up to 3 MPC
o Benz(a)pyrene – up to 8 MPC.
 Higher levels of contamination are found in the surface soil layers, contamination
decreases with depth;

Z(c) soil contamination level varies from Medium Hazardous level (surface soil), to Permissible
(lower soil horizons).

Figure 7.5.6: Contaminated land plot at the southern part of the LNG Plant area. Unauthorized military

Pipeline area

According to the results of chemical analyses of soil samples, taken at the pipeline area, soil
contamination status is the following:
 soil type corresponds to sandy loam with a pH of 6-7;
 lead, cadmium, copper, mercury, nickel, arsenic, zinc, benzo (a) pyrene) exceedances of
MPC are not revealed;
 TPH content in the investigated soil samples varies from 308 to 584 mg / kg;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

 Summary of soil pollution index Z(c) does not exceed 1,47

According to the results of soil studies, the soil contamination index of the pipeline area belongs to
the category "permissible". SOIL ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

In Russia so called Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) is adopted as environmental
standard - contaminant's maximum concentration which does not have an adverse impact on
human health and does not deteriorate conditions of the natural resource use and hygienic
conditions (established for the atmospheric air in settlements, drinking water, soil etc).
Tentatively Permissible Concentrations (TPC) are calculated values that can be used to identify
some heavy metals content in soil of different type and acidity.
The existing MPCs are very strict values unified for all types of soil regardless of their use
(industrial, agricultural etc.). In some cases the MPCs for soil are even lower than regional natural
background concentrations.
To assess soil quality the following MPC and TPC have been used - Hygienic Standards GN for MPC and GN for TPC.
An MPC for hydrocarbons in soils is not established in Russia. However, if hydrocarbon
concentrations exceed 1000 mg/kg (hereinafter referred to as Permissible Contamination Level or
PCL), the environmental authorities can impose a fine for soil contamination. The highest fine for
soil contamination is issued if the concentration of hydrocarbons exceeds 5,000 mg/kg.
Approved trigger levels to start remediation of contaminated soils apply to residential and
agricultural areas, and are presented in the below tables 7.5.1 and 7.5.2.

Table 7.5.1: Levels of soil contamination with chemicals according to Federal Healthcare Standard on
soil quality SanPiN

Contents of pollutants in soil ‘Zc’

Levels of Index
Hazard class I Hazard class II Hazard class III
contamin Organic Inorganic Organic Inorganic Organic Inorganic
ation compoun compounds compounds compounds compounds compounds

Low From the From the From the From the From the From the
backgroun background background background background background

d level to level to MPC level to MPC level to MPC level to MPC level to MPC

Permissibl From 1 to From double From 1 to 2 From double From 1 to 2 From double
e 2 MPC background MPC background MPC background 16
level to MPC level to MPC level to MPC

Medium From 2 to 5 From MPC 16 to

Not approved
hazardous MPC to Kmax 32

Hazardous From 2 to From MPC From 2 to From MPC >5 MPC > Kmax 32 to
5 MPC to Kmax 5 MPC to Kmax 128

Extremely >5 MPC > Kmax >5 MPC > Kmax

Not approved 128

Kmax – maximal value of compound’s MPCs with regard to one of the four hazard indices
Zc Kc1 ... Kci ... Kcn (n 1), where Kc is a ratio between observed and background
concentrations of contaminants

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Table 7.5.2: Levels of soil contamination with chemicals according to Federal Healthcare Standard on
soil quality SanPiN

Levels of soil
Limitations and restrictions on soil use

Low No limitations/restrictions

No limitations/restrictions with the exception of sites with increased health or

environmental risk

Medium The soil can be used as filling material and must be covered with at least 0.2 m thick
hazardous non-contaminated soil.

The soil can be used as filling material and must be covered with at least 0.5 m thick
non-contaminated soil.



The Project area comprises both land and water. The land area has a well-developed hydrographic
network consisting of small and medium-sized rivers, streams, lakes and wetlands. The aquatic
area consists of relatively shallow coves in Vyborg bay. The hydrographic conditions are
characterized by the existence of an unconfined aquifer largely fed by rainfall.

The oversized cargo jetty (OC Jetty) will be built on the coast of Vyborg bay on the side of the
Greater Transund roadstead where the maximum depth reaches 10-11 m near the shore.

The designed section of the gas pipeline branch (GPB) crosses 14 water bodies along its route.
The route passes through the bays Klyuchevskaya (Ch. 348+76 – 355+42), Malaya Pikhtovaya
(Ch. 363+44 – 369+30) and Bolshaya Pikhtovaya (Ch. 401+49 – 407+90). The GPB itself and its
ROW cross 11 small watercourses. They include: the rivers Perovka (Ch. 72+80), Cherkasovka
(Ch. 122+18), Dryoma (Ch. 168+60), Matrosovka (Ch. 201+50), Medyanka (Ch. 287+10), Tokarev
stream (Ch. 259+78), unnamed stream No. 1 (Ch. 18+21), unnamed stream No. 2 (Ch. 20+76),
unnamed stream No. 3 (Ch. 133+76), unnamed stream No. 4 (Ch. 150+56), and unnamed stream
No. 5 (Ch. 227+46). These watercourses have a commercial fishery value (according to the OOO
Sevzapgazproject data).

The LNG Production and Transshipment Terminal at the port of Vysotsk (LNG Terminal) includes
an aquatic area as one of its functional zones.


Onshore water bodies consist of rivers/steams, reservoirs and special water areas (wetlands). The
onshore water bodies directly connected with the Project area mostly comprise rivers and, to a
lesser extent, lakes and wetlands. There are no water bodies on Vysotsky island where the LNG
Terminal and the OC Jetty are to be built. It is expected that any impact on surface water bodies
(primarily watercourses – rivers and streams) will be limited to the GPB construction area.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The area’s river network associated with the Baltic Sea basin. All the watercourses in this area are
of plain origin with mixed nourishment, snow nourishment being dominant. Some of the small
watercourses may dry out or completely freeze; limited flow (on an annual basis) is common for
small watercourses less than 0.5 km2. The river network mainly comprises small rivers and short
channels connecting lakes. The hydrographic network contains numerous small rivers less than 10
km in length.

The GPB route crosses waterlogged areas, swamps, river valleys, small creeks and irrigation
canals. Swamps and swamped areas are clustered in depressions among morainic hills and ridges
and partly within the zone of glaciolacustrine terraced plains. The biggest wetland, Cherkasovsky,
will be crossed by the pipeline between Ch. 92+97 – Ch. 99+97. No information is available on
morphometric, hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the Cherkasovsky wetland.

An overview of rivers and streams crossed by GPB route is given in Table 7.6.1 below.

Table 7.6.1: Overview of rivers and streams crossed by GPB route

Lake Swamp
Crossing site Crossing
No River/stream Length, km percentage, percentage,
chainage catchment technique
% %
area, km²

Unnamed not available

1 18+21 7 6,3 20 open cut
stream (No.1) (n/a)

2 20+76 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
stream (No.2)

3 72+87 Perovka 47 250 2 n/a
4 122+18 Cherkasovka 13 76 2.3 n/a
dam with

5 133+76 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
stream (No.3)

6 150+56 2 3.6 n/a 20 open cut
stream (No.4)

7 168+60 Dryoma 18 23.9 n/a n/a open cut

8 201+50 Matrosovka 17 10.2 n/a n/a HDD

9 227+46 2.8 3.5 n/a 10 open cut
stream (No.5)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Lake Swamp
Crossing site Crossing
No River/stream Length, km percentage, percentage,
chainage catchment technique
% %
area, km²
10 259+78 3.7 8.2 n/a 10 open cut

11 287+10 Medyanka 6.1 8.2 n/a n/a HDD


The hydrological regime of surface water bodies is determined by a combination of natural factors:
climatic, geological, geomorphological and biotic. The rivers and streams have been sufficiently
explored. They were studied in the course of the engineering-environmental surveys conducted as
part of the Project work (see the reports written by OOO Sevzapgazproject, OOO Design Institute
Petrokhim-tekhnologiya). The lakes and swamps have not been sufficiently explored, general
information on them is available from the state water cadaster authority’s publications (Surface
Water Resources, 1972).


The annual hydrological regime of rivers and streams has four distinct phases:

 spring high flood,

 summer-autumn dry season almost annually interrupted by floods caused by rainfall,
 brief autumn-winter period with slightly higher water levels in rivers,
 winter dry season interrupted in some years by rises in water levels during thaws.
The spring flood is the year’s wettest phase and it accounts for 40-50% of the annual flow. The
total duration of a spring flood is 55-65 days.

On average, water levels start to rise due to snowmelt in towards the end of April, early timing: late
March – early April; late timing: late April – early May. In headstreams and small rivers water levels
rise within 8-12 days; in larger rivers and rivers with high lake percentage levels rise within 20-25
days. The highest water levels persist for 1-3 days, then a slow decrease sets in ending in June-
August. The decrease in levels usually lasts 20 to 40 days. The average total duration of a spring
flood is 15 to 20 days. The highest spring flood water level usually exceeds the lowest summer
water level by 1.0 - 1.9 m. The highest spring flood water levels are normally the highest in the

For the majority of rivers the summer dry season begins at the end of the spring flood and is
interrupted by rises in water levels caused by rainfall. In some years water rises caused by rainfall
approach the highest spring flood levels.

The lowest water levels during the winter dry season are observed in July or, infrequently, in
August-September. They remain steady for the average period of 15-20 days. The autumn-winter
period usually starts in late September-early October with a rise in water levels caused by rainfall;
the resulting level exceeds the summer dry season level by 1 m. When ice starts to form, ice jams
often develop on many rivers. In some years levels of water held back by ice jams can reach or
even exceed spring flood levels.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

During the winter dry season water levels tend to slowly decrease reflecting flow depletion. In
some winters the smooth decline of the water level can be interrupted by slight rises caused by
thaws or, very rarely, by ice jams. The average duration of a winter dry season is 115 days. The
lowest winter levels usually occur in late March – early April and are generally the year’s lowest.

River valleys are usually trough-shaped or trapezoidal with concave, often rocky slopes and flat
slightly concave floor; in some places they can be V-shaped.

Floodplains are mostly absent or encountered on short stretches of lower regions of rivers. The
direction in which a river flows can abruptly change according to the direction of tectonic fractures
and faults.

Lateral erosion is insignificant. Longitudinal profiles of rivers are of a stepped character: wide
stretches or lake-like expansions alternate with rapids and rapid-like stretches. During the dry
season river velocities on wide stretches range between 0.1-0.5 m/s, on lake-like expansions of the
river bed the velocity is almost zero, in rapids and riffles - 1-2 m/s.

Due to poor filtering capacity of clay soils and obstacles in the way of natural water flow surface
flooding may occur in some areas.


The majority of lakes in the district are of glacial origin. They are mainly fed by surface water
runoff. A limited number are fed by groundwater, wellsprings or infiltration of swamp water. The
annual water level variations in those lakes is 20-30 cm.

Water flow (both inflow and outflow) is the primary part of a lake’s water balance. Evaporation
losses are insignificant. In autumn precipitation plays a significant role in maintaining waterlevels;
therefore two maximums and two minimums are common for most lakes. Over the year, a rise in
water levels is observed at the time of snowmelt water inflow.

Lake water levels start to rise in the first half of April and reach their peak in April-early May. The
decline continues till June-July, sometimes till August-September, and depends on the throughput
capacity of the river flowing from the lake and the volume of water in the lake, i.e. the inflow-outflow
ratio. The autumn rainfall-causes an increase in water levels during October-November. In years
when summer and autumn precipitation volumes are below average there is no second maximum
in level dynamics during autumn. The minimum level can be observed in winter under the ice
cover, typically in February or March.

Apart from tectonic and moraine lakes there are lagoon-estuary lakes as well as swamp lakes and
sinkhole lakes within the area under review. Swamp lakes are widespread within the area.

The average swamp percentage of the area (including wetlands) is approximately 30%. The
percentage of swamps varies significantly in the region. High swamp percentages are dictated by
climatic, hydrological and geomorphological conditions. The most abundant swamp type comprises
a convex top surface, oligotrophic vegetation and massive peat deposits in various stages of
decomposition. Convex swamps are characterized by high degree of microrelief
compartmentalization, substantial development of hummock-ridge complexes, predominance of

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

sphagnum moss cover, and development of lakelets and other elements of inner hydrographic

The ice regime of undrained upland swamps is determined by input sources and loss of water
through evaporation and outflow; it is also closely connected with the type, structure and terrain of
the wetland. The winter minimum is observed in December-January, typically higher than the
summer minimum, its variations are limited.

The rise in levels starts in mid-March, the decline continues through mid-June-July. The monthly
average groundwater level is mainly determined by the ratio of current vs previous precipitation
volume and warmth.


Sturdy and strong ice cover is common for the area during the winter dry season. At times of minor
winter floods ice may break in some sections of the river close to the estuary, which results in the
formation of small openings.

The development of ice formation process on rivers occurs in the first third of November, early
timing: first third of October, late timing: mid-November. On average, rivers freeze up in mid-
November – early December. Wide sections freeze first, then, 10-15 days later, rapids and riffles
freeze. Autumn Ice break-ups are common for the rivers within the area. The average duration of
the freeze-up period ranges from 78 to 174 days. The average duration of the freeze-up period is
100 – 140 days. During winter, the thickness of ice cover gradually increases reaching its
maximum in March. The average ice thickness is 25–60 cm. The maximum ice thickness is
observed in late March and can be as thick as 165 cm. A few small riffle creeks and gullies freeze
through in extremely cold winters. Spring break-ups normally commence in the first third of April –
late April, early timing: early April, late timing: late April-early March. The ice break-up period lasts
4 to 12 days. The spring break-up of rivers is not well-defined since rivers don’t simultaneously
break up along their entire length. In some years ice break-up never happens and small
watercourses can freeze through and dry up.

Ice forms on the majority of lakes in autumn when the air temperature drops below 0°. On small
lakes shore ice forms before water temperatures drop below 0,2°. The average duration of the
freeze-up period ranges between 120 and 159 days. Small lakes with depths of 1—1,5 m and
water table areas of less than 1.5 km² freeze-up without formation of skim ice or individual ice
floes. On larger lakes shore ice forms, normally in the first and second thirds of November, before
the lake freezes up. If the sum of below-zero air temperatures is 10—15°C, lakes less than 2 m
deep freeze up; if the sum is 110°C, all lakes freeze up. WATER BODIES OVERVIEW

This section provides an overview of each watercourse, in the order in which they are crossed by
the gas pipeline branch.

Unnamed stream (ref. No. 1) crossed by the proposed gas pipeline branch (Ch. 18+21) rises at an
unnamed upland swamp located 2.0 km north-north-east of the village of Osinovka and falls into
the system of irrigation canals which discharge into the southern end of Smirnovskoye Lake. The

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

total area of the catchment basin at the crossing site is 6,3 km². The length of the stream is 7.0 km.
The catchment area has a low-hill terrain. The catchment basin’s lake percentage is 20%. The
valley slopes are heavily grassed, covered with shrubs, made of fine and gravelly sands. The
stream bed is lightly meandering, well-channeled, peaty in places. The width of the stream bed is
approximately 2 m. The depth of the stream at the site of the crossing is 0.9 m. The banks are
gently sloping, 0.2-0.4 m high, overgrown with shrubs, grass, steady, made up from fine sands.

Unnamed stream (ref. No. 2) crossed by the proposed gas pipeline branch (Ch.20+76) rises from
an unnamed swamp, flows through Perovsky forest and belongs to the Perovka river basin. The
width of the stream at the site of the crossing is approximately 3 m, the depth is approximately 1 m.

The Perovka river rises from Greater Kirillovskoye Lake and flows into Krasnokhlmskoye Lake. The
length of the river is 47.0 km. The catchment area at the site of the crossing is 250 km 2. The lake
percentage is 2% of the watershed area. At the site of the crossing the river valley is clearly
trapezoidal, it has steep slopes 3-4 m high, made up from dusty sands and overgrown with forest.
The river bed has a trapezoidal shape, its width during the dry season is 19 m, maximum depth 3.0
m, it’s clean, made up from sands and pebbly soil. The left bank is gently sloped, the right bank is
steep, 1.0 m high. Both banks are stable, overgrown with shrubs and forest. The right-bank
floodplain is 5.0 m wide, the left-bank floodplain is 8.0 m wide.

The Cherkasovka river rises from Lebedinoye Lake and falls into the Gulf of Finland in Zakrytaya
bay. The river length is 13 km. The catchment area at the site of the crossing is 76.0 km 2. The lake
percentage is 2.3% of the watershed area. The river valley is trapezoidal in shape, 800 m wide, the
slopes are steep, 4-6 m high, made up from boulder soil and overgrown with forest. The river bed
is trapezoidal, its width during the dry season is 9,0 m, its maximum depth is 1.0 m, made up from
clean boulder soils. The pipeline passes across a riffle section, the average river velocity being 0.4
m/s. The left bank is gently sloping, stony, overgrown with forest, the right bank is steep, 1.0 m
high. The left-bank floodplain is 15 m wide, the right-bank is 10 m wide.

Unnamed stream (ref. No. 3) crossed by the proposed gas pipeline branch (Ch.133+76) rises in
the vicinity of Lebedinoye Lake and falls into the Cherkasovka river. The width of the stream at the
site of the crossing is approximately 4 m, the depth is approximately 0.2 m.

Unnamed stream (ref. No. 4) crossed by the proposed gas pipeline branch (Ch.150+56) rises from
Mokropolye and falls into the system of irrigation canals which discharge into the left-bank section
of the Cherkasovka river. The catchment area at the crossing site is 3.6 km². The length of the
stream is 2.0 km. The watershed has a low-hill terrain. The swamp percentage of the watershed is
20%. Most of the surface is covered with spruce forest, in waterlogged areas, with sparsely
growing birches, alders and aspens. The slopes are heavily grassed and covered with shrubs,
made up from dusty sands and boulder soils with sandy clay fill. The stream bed is lightly
meandering, well-channeled. The stream bed width is 1.94 m. The depth of the stream at the
crossing site is 0.3 m. The banks are steep, 0.5-0.6 m high, overgrown with shrubs, grass, and is

The Dryoma river rises from a swamp and falls into the Gulf of Finland in the Malaya Guba bay.
The river length is 18 km. The catchment area at the crossing site is 23,9 km². The river valley is
trapezoidal, approximately 2.5 km wide. The river bed is straight, well-channeled, 3.0 m wide
during the dry season, with the maximum depth of 0,6 m, made up from peat. The banks are steep,
approximately 1.0 m high, overgrown with shrubs, grass, and are stable. The floodplains are

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

mostly clean, flat, improved. The right-bank floodplain is 90 m wide, the left bank floodplain is 180
m wide.

The Matrosovka river rises from Mezhlesnoye swamp and falls into the Gulf of Finland in the
Tikhaya bay. The overall river length is 17 km. The pipeline branch crosses the river at a point 12.5
km away from the river estuary. The catchment area at the crossing site is 10.2 km². The river
valley is trapezoidal, approximately 2.0 km wide, the slopes are gentle, made up from sandy loam
and boulder soil from the surface. The river bed is straight, well-channeled, 2.0 m wide during the
dry season, with the maximum depth of 0.4 m, made up from sandy loams. The floodplain is flat,
meadow, improved. The right-bank flood plain is 180 m wide, the left-bank is 40 m wide.

Unnamed stream (ref. No. 5) crossed by the proposed gas pipeline branch (Ch. 227+46) rises from
Lepyoshka Lake and falls into the Matrosovka river. The stream’s catchment area at the crossing
site is 3.5 km². The total stream length is 2.8 km. The length of the stream from the source to the
crossing site is 0.8 km. The watershed has a low-hill terrain. The swamp percentage of the
watershed is 10%. Most of the land is covered by spruce forests, sparsely growing birches, alders,
and aspens dominate in the upper reaches of the stream. The slopes are grassy, covered with
shrubs, made up from dusty sands; boulder soils with sandy fill are common on the surface. The
stream’s floodplain at the crossing site is two-sided, box-shaped, made up from dusty fine sands,
partly peaty, improved. The stream bed is lightly meandering and well-channeled. The width of the
stream bed is 1.0 m. The depth of the stream at the crossing site is 0.3 m.

Tokarev Stream rises from Ostrovki swamp and falls into the Gorokhovka river on the right side.
The stream’s catchment area at the crossing site is 8,2 km². The length of the stream from the
source to the crossing site is 0.6 km. The overall stream length is 3.7 km. The watershed has a
low-hill terrain. The swamp percentage of the watershed is 10%. The valley slopes are grassed,
covered with shrubs, made up from sandy loam, sandy clay and dusty sands, boulder soil with
sandy fill is common on the surface. The stream’s floodplain at the crossing site is tow-sided, box-
shaped, made up from sandy loams, partly peaty, improved. The stream bed is lightly meandering,
well-channeled. The stream bed width is 0.9 m. The depth of the stream at the crossing site is 0.3

The Medyanka river rises from Ostrovki swamp and falls into the Gulf of Finland in Medyanskaya
bay. The overall river length is 6.1 km. The catchment area at the crossing site is 8.2 km². The river
valley is trapezoidal in shape, approximately 0.5 km wide, the slopes are gentle, made up from
dusty sands, sandy clay and boulder soil from the surface. The river bed is straight, well-
channeled, 1.5 m wide during the dry season, up to 0.5 m deep, made up from dusty sands. The
banks are steep, up to 0.5 high, overgrown with shrubs, grass, steady. The floodplains are mainly
clean, flat, improved. The right-bank floodplain is 10 m wide, the left-bank floodplain is 15 m wide.


Vyborg bay is a part of the Gulf of Finland which is separated by a submerged shoal; it is an
estuary-type water body. The bay’s area is approximately 450 km². The upper part is shallow,
below Vysotsk its depth increases to 30 m in its lower part.

The bay is characterized by a specific salinity regime determined by wind-induced currents and
movements of water masses in the Gulf of Finland and the freshening role of the numerous rivers

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

and streams falling into the bay. In the vicinity of the port of Vysotsk the water salinity ranges
between 0,5 and 2,0 ‰. The transparency is reduced low and the water has a light brown color.

The gas pipeline branch route leading to the LNG Facility in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad
Region crosses three bays in the Vyborg bay (see Figure 7.6.1):

 Klyuchevskaya (348+76 – 355+42);

 Malaya Pikhtovaya (363+44 – 369+30);
 Bolshaya Pikhtovaya (401+49 – 407+90).

Figure 7.6.1: Bay crossings in Vyborg bay

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline VYBORG BAY HYDROLOGICAL REGIME

The hydrological regime of the area under review is characterized by:

 high-amplitude wind-induced currents;

 freshwater flow from the hydrologic system of the Saimaa canal;
 human-caused impact – closed off aquatic area affected by dredging operations, narrow
sea exit.
In the review area the level dynamics are mainly influenced by wind-induced, seiche, and seasonal
variations. Tidal variations do not exceed 0.2 m.

Wind-induced water level variations depend on the duration, direction and speed of wind. Within
the work area wind-induced variations may reach as high as 1-2 m. In this connection, the most
hazardous are south-western winds.

Seiche variations caused by abrupt changes in atmospheric pressure may reach 1.5 m. Seasonal
level variations cause the long-lasting rise and fall of water levels within the range of 0.3 to 0,4 m.

For the area in question north, northeastern, south and southwestern currents with speeds below
10 cm/s are the most frequent. The average current speed is approximately 15 cm/s, the maximum
speed is 72 cm/s. Wind-induced currents in the Gulf of Finland develop in the upper layer below
the thermocline in summer (20-30 m) and below the halocline in winter (60-70 m). With depth, the
speed of those currents rapidly declines.

Within the area waves are mostly less than 2 m high throughout the year, their frequency varies
from 70 to 100 %. The frequency of wave heights from 2 to 6 m is 3 to 12% from April till July-
August, and 10 to 30% from September till March. Waves of 6 m or higher are extremely rare
(frequently less than 1 %). The dominant wave period is less than 5 s. Swell usually comes from
the south or southwest. The size of the splash zone connected with wind waves and tides is 250 to

Vyborg bay is characterized by an unstable ice regime whereby ice may form and melt and the bay
may freeze up multiple times in early winter.

In Vyborg bay ice forms every year. Ice formation starts from shallow and closed off areas and
then spreads over the entire bay area. Vyborg bay is characterized by early ice formation and
strong ice cover.

The maximum ice thickness near the shore can be as high as 80 cm. The average ice cover
thickness during the period of its maximum development is 40-60 cm. Normally, the ice cover
thickness is greatest in March, and in severe winters, in early April. During winter, ice may form,
freeze, break up, and melt multiple times in some areas of the bay.


The hydrogeological conditions within the OC Jetty and LNG Terminal construction site are
characterized by the development of an unconfined aquifer associated with glacial sand deposits.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The pressure head of water is zero. The catchment area coincides with the aquifer area. The
aquifer is recharged by infiltration of rain water. The groundwater flow discharges into the Gulf of
Finland. During heavy rains and spring snowmelt periods groundwater levels may rise to ground
level (or higher).

By the conditions of their formation, occurrence, movement and seasonal phenomena within the
proposed Project area the following types of water may be distinguished: vadose water, principle
groundwater (1st aquifer) and confined groundwater. The groundwater discharges into the local
hydrographic network.

During the survey, surface waters were observed within depressions, and on swamp surfaces. The
exposure of the 1st aquifer’s groundwater is sporadic; the aquifer is mainly associated with sands
and sandy loam of glaciolacustrine deposits and with sandy and gravelly strata in sandy-clay
glaciolacustrine and moraine deposits. At the time of survey groundwater was observed at the
depth of 0.3 to 3.5 m. During wetter periods (heavy rains) the groundwater level is expected to rise
by another 0.0-1.0 m. Due to poor permeability of clayey rock and the obstruction of natural flow,
areas may become waterlogged.

The complex of upper quaternary deposits, Karelian – recent sediments, recorded over the
majority of the area except where outcrops of crystalline basement occur. The water-bearing
complex combines waters from peat-swamps, lacustrine, lacustrine-alluvial, marine,
glaciolacustrine and glacial sediments. The groundwater table is recorded at the depth of 0.1 – 1.0
m. Water-bearing strata is comprised of peat, sands and, rarely, sandy loam.

Water in all sub-aquifers is fresh with the mineral content of 0.04 to 0.67 g/l. Seepages of
mineralized water from greater depth may occur in areas of tectonic faults. In such events, the
mineral content may reach as high as 15.5 g/l. The hardness varies from 0.24 to 6.7 meq/l,
indicating very soft to moderately hard water.

By its chemical composition, water within the zone of exogenic fracturing is distinguished by its
sodium chloride, calcium-sodium chloride chemical composition which is common for waters from
zones with impeded water exchange. Waters from glacial and fluvioglacial sub-aquifers are
typically calcium/sodium bicarbonate, calcium/magnesium bicarbonate or, more rarely, sulfate

Waters from swamp sediments contain substantial amounts of iron (up to 43 mg/l), nitrous
compounds (up to 17.5 mg/l), and are characterized by high oxidizability (over 80 mg О2/l), and
higher organic acid content (up to 64 mg/l); the water is typically acidic, рН=4.8-5.

All groundwater within the proposed work area has a high content of iron, nitrates, ammonia and
other chemicals which is caused by localized natural factors and conditions.

Typically, groundwater along the coastal section of the pipeline route has a low degree of
aggressivity by pH and hydrogencarbonate (НСО3) indicators and a medium degree of
aggressivity by carbon dioxide (СО2).


Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Water protection zones are territories adjacent to the aquatic areas of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and
other surface water bodies where a special regime of economic or other type of activity is enforced
in order to prevent pollution, contamination, silting and depletion of water bodies and to conserve
wildlife habitats.

Within water protection zones, shoreline buffer strips are set up where additional restrictions on the
use of natural resources are imposed. A shoreline buffer strip is part of the water protection zone
which is in direct contact with the corresponding water body.

The width of water protection zones, shoreline buffer strips and riparian strips for water bodies that
are either crossed by, or located within the construction site of, the OC Jetty, the LNG Terminal
and the gas pipeline branch is determined in accordance with Article 65 of the Russian Federation
water Code (June 3, 2006, # 74-FZ) (Letter dated June 27, 2013 of the Water Resources Division
of the Neva-Ladoga Basin Water Management Directorate) and shown in Table 7.6.2 below.

Table 7.6.2: Widths of water protection zones, shoreline buffer strips and riparian strips for
construction site water bodies

Shoreline Riparian
No. Water body protection
buffer strip, m strip, m
zone, m
1 Vyborg bay coves 500 50 20
2 Medyanka river 50 50 5
3 Dryoma river 100 50 20
4 Matrosovka river 100 50 20
5 Cherkasovka river 100 50 20
6 Perovka river 100 50 20
Tokarev stream and 5 unnamed
7 50 50 5
streams, less than 10 km long

In accordance with the Russian Federation Water Code the following is prohibited within a water
protection zone:

 using wastewater as a soil fertilizer;

 setting up cemeteries, cattle mortuaries, landfill sites for burying production and
consumption wastes, chemical, explosive, toxic, poisonous and nocuous wastes;
 using aviation to fight pests and blights;
 driving and parking motor vehicles (except special-purpose vehicle) other than on roads
and in specially designated areas with hard surfaces.
In addition to the restrictions imposed on water protection zones, the following is prohibited within a
shoreline buffer strip:

 plowing lands;
 dumping erodible soils;
 pasturing cattle, setting up summer camps or baths for cattle.
Within shoreline buffer strips (50 m wide for all the area’s water bodies) it is prohibited to deposit
erodible soils. Thus, when performing the proposed work, soil should be deposited at least 50 m

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

away from the shoreline. Provided that the water protection regime is observed, the impact on the
aquatic environment will be within permissible limits.



The geographical location of the proposed construction site and the existing natural conditions
combine to produce the following dangerous exogenic geological processes and hydrologic
phenomena (DEGP&HP):

 Waterlogging (the water table of groundwater rising too high);

 Flooding (a process of formation of free water surface in some parts of the area caused by
a rise of the water level of a watercourse, water body or groundwater);
 Swamping (a process which brings about changes in the water regime and which,
combined with waterlogging, results in longer periods of excessive soil moisture,
waterlogging and flooding);
 Linear erosion (water erosion of the soil accompanied by the formation of deep gullies and,
subsequently, ravines);
 Sheet erosion (erosive action of rainfall and snowmelt water which is more or less uniform
and covers the entire slope or watershed);
 Bank erosion (formation of terrain in coastal zones of water bodies, primarily seas);
 Deflation and weathering (erosion of loose rocks and soils by wind).

Waterlogging is observed across the entire construction site, including peripheries (except for the
summit plain of the fluvioglacial ridge in the northeast), the whole area is waterlogged in its natural
state as the groundwater level is greater than 3 m. About 70% of the area has a soil with a varying
degree of peat content.

Flooding is observed in stream valleys, within the coastal strip of Portovaya bay and in logging
areas where there are human-caused depressions in the microrelief. In stream valleys flooding is
mostly seasonal – formation of free water surface coincides with spring snowmelt and autumn rain
season. Within the water edge strip of Portovaya bay flooding is caused by wind-wave surges. The
maximum range of annual wind-wave surges is marked by sunken plant residue and by the micro-
cliff, which can be traced along the entire cost of Portovaya bay, and is approximately 100-120 m.

Swamping is common for 70% of the proposed construction site area. This process is relatively
stable (except in certain areas) since the human-caused load on the land is generally small and the
old, pre-war drainage systems continue functioning and prevent water from accumulating on the
surface in the vadose layer. However, as logging operations have intensified in the recent years
the amount of moisture available for transpiration has gradually decreased causing a disturbance
of the water balance in forest ecosystems and, consequently, a rise in the groundwater level,
leading to flooding and swamping. Intensive swamping is currently present in the valley of
unnamed stream No. 4 causing the overgrowing of the lakes.

Linear erosion and sheet erosion are associated with stream valleys and major slopes devoid of
vegetative cover. The longitudinal profiles of the streams have irregular shape which contributes to
vertical erosion, especially in the middle section of the stream. No increase in catchment areas or
regressive erosion is expected in the upper reaches of the watercourses since they are occupied

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

by wetlands. Linear erosion scours the stream bed in one area, transports material and deposits it
elsewhere. According to the May 2007 survey, accumulations in the stream beds of small
watercourses have extremely limited distribution (based on the OOO Sevzapgazproject Report
KG_60_2014-II3.1). As regards the structure of drainage basins, they may be classified as
discharge basins since they act to transfer matter outside the basin. The increase in slope grades
in the middle and lower parts of basins cause increased vertical erosion which may result in
greater slope processes on the sides of the valley (sloughing and sliding on valley sides were
noted for stream No. 3 in its middle and lower reaches).

Shore processes, given the prevailing currents along the shoreline, these can be divided into 2
types: accumulative and abrasive-accumulative (equilibrium). ¾ of the project shoreline area
comprise accumulative shores and ¼ to abrasive-accumulative. Beaches made up mostly from
sand form on accumulative shores. The width of beaches and areas afflicted by shore
accumulation processes ranges from 1 to 10 m.

Deflation and weathering are associated with areas devoid of vegetative cover – beaches, logging
areas. Due to insufficient spatial development of those areas within the construction zone those
processes are not hazardous to the proposed installations and the existing natural habitats.
However, given the proximity of the sea and, consequently, the frequency of strong winds, it is
necessary to consider that those processes may intensify in the event of human-caused
disturbance of the soil and vegetative cover.

Seasonal freezing of soils is also common within the area. As a result, soils begin to heave.
According to SNiP 2.02.01-83 the standard seasonal freezing depths are as follows:

 150 cm for sandy loams, fine and dusty sands;

 160 cm for coarse and medium gravelly sands;
 180 cm for rudaceous soils.


The average annual turbidity of river water ranges from 5 g/m3 to 30 g/m3. By the mineralization
value the area’s rivers can be classified as medium mineralized. The total ions reaches its
maximum value during the dry season. By the total hardness the river water is moderately hard.
During springtime flood periods the water has the lowest hardness.

To assess the surface water quality by sanitary-chemical indicators a sample was taken from each
watercourse crossed by the pipeline and checked for compliance with SanPiN and
GN based on the following indicators: рН, COD, petrochemicals, nitrate ions,
ammonium ions, total iron, copper, zinc, nickel, manganese, chlorides, sulfates. Hydrochemical
tests were conducted by OOO Design Institute Petrokhimtekhnologiya (Report, vol. 7.1.1

The testing revealed that the iron content levels exceeded the standard values by a factor of 3 for
the Perovka river, 2.5 for the Cherkasovka river, 4.7 for the Dryoma river, 4.57 for the Medyanka

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Based on the studies of the hydrochemical regime of surface watercourses the following patterns
can be identified:

 The surface water is fresh, soft, neutral as evidenced by rather low total hardness values
ranging between 1.12 and 1.31 meq/dm with the MPC value being 7 meq/dm;
 By the majority of indicators the surface water does not exceed background values. The
average content levels of macro-components do not exceed the required MPCs and,
generally, are 2 times lower than the required values;
 The content levels of all trace components (heavy metals) in the samples do not exceed the
prescribed MPC values and are generally below the methodology detection thresholds;
 The surface water is not polluted by organic toxicants except for cationic and anionic
surfactants whose content levels in the samples are higher than the required MPC value
(0.5 mg/l) and range between 0.477 and 2.65 mg/l (for anionic surfactants) and between
0.398 and 3.77 mg/l (for cationic surfactants);
 The explored watercourses are characterized by high BOD5 values that may point to high
content of humic substances and the presence of easily oxidizable organic compounds due
to the inflow of stale swamp water containing those substances. High BOD5 values were
obtained in absolutely all of the tested streams; they vary from 16.1 to 19.8 mg О2/dm3 with
the MPC value being 4 mg О2/dm3.
Water pollution index (WPI) was used to make a general assessment of the aquatic ecosystem
(Temporary Methodical Guidelines, 1986). The calculation was performed using the following
required and recommended indicators: рН, BOD5, O2, petrochemicals, mercury and phenols, which
have the greatest concentrations in surface water.

The Medyanka river is a clean river, and the slightly higher WPI values obtained from the stream
water samples and their classification as “moderately polluted” are connected with high BOD5
values. WPI is calculated to assess the quality of water for drinking needs; therefore waters that
flow out of swamps is often described as “moderately polluted”.

As a result of the hydrochemical study it was determined that the watercourses are not polluted by
organic toxicants and heavy metals.

No data are available on hydrochemical studies of lakes and swamps located within the area. VYBORG BAY

The aquatic area status is outlined according to the document “Documentary Report on
Engineering Survey Results. Section IV. Engineering-Environmental Survey” prepared by OOO
Fertoing in 2014-2015, and based on the results of the survey carried out by OOO

The Gulf of Finland bays (Klyuchevskaya, Malaya Pikhtovaya, Bolshaya Pikhtovaya) were
assessed based on the indicators as recommended by the Helsinki Convention: water color index,
turbidity (aggregate), dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), biogenic elements:
total phosphorus, phosphates; total nitrogen, suspended solids; heavy metal concentrations (Pb,
Cd, Cr); arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) concentrations; toxicity 800, specific conductance;
permanganate oxygen demand, odor, pH (aggregate); color, floating matter, sediment, dry residue;
lactose-positive coliform bacteria; coliform bacteria; Е. Соli, enterococci, coliphages; S.Aureus;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

pathogenic microflora (shigella, salmonella), helminth eggs and protozoa, mineralization,

gamma/beta spectrometry and alpha-radiometry of pre-treated water samples using the Progress
2000 software.

Chemical tests

As a result of the chemical testing of water samples from three Gulf of Finland bays the content
levels of the following chemicals were found to be in excess of the required values:

-iron: Malaya Pikhtovaya bay, left shore – by a factor of 1.07, right shore – by a factor of 1.03,
Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay, left shore – by a factor of 1.2, right shore – by a factor of 1.2,

-chlorides: Klyuchevskaya bay, left shore – by a factor of 2.0, right shore – by a factor of 1.94,
Malaya Pikhtovaya bay, left shore – by a factor of 1.9, right shore – by a factor of 1.91;

-dissolved oxygen: Klyuchevskaya bay, right shore – by a factor of 1.28, Malaya Pikhtovaya bay,
right shore – by a factor of 1.35, Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay, right shore – by a factor of 1.25.

Hydrochemical structure

The measurement data obtained from four stations that testnatural water at two depths was used
to analyze the hydrochemical structure of the aquatic area.

The transparency of water within the aquatic area in question is low – 1.5 m, which corresponds to
the transparency of the coastal waters of the Baltic sea. The seawater color index ranges between
48 and 68° at all depth levels throughout the entire area. The water is yellow-green, with a brown
tint. The odor intensity ranges from 0 to 2.

Based on the vertical seawater temperature and salinity distribution profiles it should be noted that
during two measurements a uniform water layer could be traced by all the four stations. The water
temperature was, on average, 7.5°С in autumn and 0 °С in spring, the salinity was 2.8‰ in
October and 3.0‰ in March.

No patterns could be traced in the vertical and spatial distribution of dissolved oxygen
concentrations at any of the testing locations. The content levels of oxygen dissolved in water
ranged from 9.6 to 10.1 mgО2/l in autumn and from 11.0 to 12.0 mgО2/l in spring. The content of
dissolved oxygen in seawater within the area in question was in accordance with the required
standards for fisheries and was upwards of 4 mg/l.

BOD5 values varied depending on the season, water temperature and lighting conditions. In
October, all BOD5 values at the testing stations at all depths equaled 4 mg/l, on average, and
remained largely stable. In March, the average BOD5 values were close to 1. BOD5 concentrations
ranges between 0.52 and 1.00 mg/l.

pH values during the sampling periods in October and March remained largely stable, the water
was found to be neutral (pH below 7.5) or slightly alkaline (рН below 8,5). The resulting pH values
are in accordance with the sanitary-hygienic regulations (SanPiN and are within the
range between 6.5 and 8.5.

The average content levels of sulfates in the water in October and March were largely the same –
216 and 207 mg/l, respectively. The MPC values set for fisheries were exceeded in all the

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

samples. The MPC values set for domestic and cultural water use according to GN 2.5.1315-03
were not exceeded in any of the samples.

Concentrations of carbonates in the seawater samples taken in March 2015 were below the
methodology detection threshold (6 mg/l). In October 2014 the carbonate content of water at all the
testing stations was higher and varied between 13.1 and 16.3 mg/l. The lowest carbonate
concentrations were found in the near-bottom layer and the highest in the surface layer.

The concentration of suspended substances within the proposed work area in March was below
the methodology detection threshold, i.e. 5 mg/l. In October 2014, the concentration values varied
between 12.3 and 18.3 mg/l. The required MPC of suspended solids (10 mg/l) was exceeded in all
samples. A vertical distribution pattern can be discerned throughout the area where the highest
values can be observed in the surface layer and the lowest in the near-bottom layer.

Radiological tests

According to the results of the radiological testing of water samples from the Gulf of Finland bays
(Klyuchevskaya, Malaya Pikhtovaya, Bolshaya Pikhtovaya) the 222rn activity concentrations do not
exceed 8 Bq/kg, the aggregate activity concentration of alpha-emitting radionuclides <0.01 Bq/kg,
the aggregate activity concentration of beta-emitting radionuclides <0.2 Bq/kg (the prescribed
values being, respectively, <60 Bq/kg, <0.2 Bq/kg, <1.0 Bq/kg according to Section 5.3.5 of
SanPiN “Radiation Safety Standards” (NRB-99/2009), which is in accordance with
SanPiN “Sanitary-Epidemiological Requirement on Protecting Marine Coastal
Waters from Pollution in Public Water Use Areas”.

Toxicology tests

For toxicology testing three water samples were taken from the Gulf of Finland bays:
Klyuchevskaya (right shore), Malaya Pikhtovaya (right shore), Bolshaya Pikhtovaya (right shore).
The testing was focused on Chlorella vulgaris Beijer and Daphnia magna Straus. In undiluted
water samples no daphnia mortality was observed after 48 hours, the harmless dilution ratio (HDR)
was 1; the increase in the optical density of the chlorella culture was 4-7% after 22 hours. The
biological testing did not reveal any toxicity in the water samples.

Sanitary-microbiological tests

As a result of the sanitary-microbiological testing of water in the sea bays it was found that the
sanitary-bacteriological and sanitary-parasitological indicators (lactose-positive Bacillus coli,
coliform bacteria, Е.coli, enterococci, coliphages, S.aureus, shigellas, salmonellas, helminth eggs,
pathogenic intestinal protozoan cysts) did not exceed the permissible values prescribed by SanPiN “Sanitary-Epidemiological Requirements on Marine Coastal Water Protection from
Pollution in Public Water Use Locations”.

Biogenic elements testing

Nitrogen is present in natural water in the form of two main groups – as a part of inorganic nitrogen
compounds and as a part of organic compounds. Dissolved molecular nitrogen is also present in
water, however its quantities are insignificant.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Nitrogen compounds are present in the water of Vyborg bay in very small quantities, with most of
nitrogen being in the organic form. The content of ammonia nitrogen in the samples taken within
the proposed work area were generally below the prescribed MPC values for fisheries and in
accordance with GN 2.5.1315-03.

The concentration of nitrite-nitrogen in all the samples taken within the surveyed area were also
below the MPC values. In spring, the concentration values ranged from 0.003 to 0.008 mg/l. In
October 2014, the nitrite-nitrogen concentrations were slightly higher. In two of the samples the
MPC value was exceeded by 0.01 mg/l which is not thought to be significant.

The content of nitrate-nitrogen was very low in October and in March throughout the entire aquatic
area. The content level of total nitrogen in all the samples was also either very low or below the
methodology detection threshold.

The silicon content of the samples taken within the surveyed area was below the prescribed MPC
value (10 mg/l).

The content of phosphate-phosphorus in the samples was 0.02 mg/l and from 0.02 to 0.08 mg/l in
October and in May, respectively. Throughout the entire aquatic area the phosphate-phosphorus
content levels were found to be below the MPC values prescribed for fisheries and in accordance
with GN 2.5.1315-03. The concentrations of total phosphorus were also either small or below the
methodology detection threshold throughout the entire surveyed area.

Hazardous substances testing

As regards class I hazardous substances, tests were conducted during the survey to determine the
mercury and benzo(a)pyrene content of the seawater. The concentrations of these substances in
all the samples were below the methodology detection threshold.

As regards hazard class II metals, tests were conducted during the survey to determine the content
of seven heavy elements including lead, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, strontium, boron, bromine.
Concentrations in the water of the surveyed area were below the MPC values prescribed for
fisheries and in accordance with GN 2.5.1315-03. The concentrations of bromine in the seawater
samples taken on October 22, 2014 exceeded the prescribed MPC values, ranging from 54 to 65
mg/l. The content of boron throughout the entire aquatic area was below the MPC value. The
recorded levels of the other hazard class II substances were below methodology detection

As regards hazard class III harmful substances, tests were conducted during the survey to
determine the content of 10 heavy metals. The MPC values prescribed by GN 2.5.1315-03 were
only exceeded when testing four water samples for manganese (0.11- 0.13 mg/l).

The content levels of manganese, potassium, calcium and hazard class III metals in the water of
the surveyed aquatic area were below the MPC values prescribed for domestic water in all the
water samples.

In March 2015, the average content of manganese in the water was 0.035 mg/l. The standard
values prescribed for fisheries were exceeded in all the samples. No spatial or vertical distribution
patters were identified.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Copper concentrations varied between 0.002 and 0.006 mg/l, several times in excess of the MPC
values. However, the standards prescribed by GN 2.5.1315-03 were not exceeded. No discernable
spatial or vertical metal distribution patters were identified. The copper content of the near-bottom
layer is slightly lower than in the surface layer.

The MPC values for iron and zinc set for fisheries were also slightly exceeded in the seawater
samples taken on October 22, 2014. No spatial or vertical distribution patters were identified.

As regards the presence of hazard class III harmful substances in seawater, tests were conducted
to determine the concentrations of cobalt, nickel, chrome and tin. The heavy metal content levels
were either extremely low or below the methodology detection threshold in all the seawater

The content of petrochemicals in the samples taken on October 22, 2014 was low, 0.02 mg/l on the
average. The MPC values, either the ones prescribed by GN 2.5.1315-03 or those set for fisheries,
were not exceeded. The petrochemicals content levels in the samples taken on March 2, 2015
were below the methodology detection threshold.

The content of phenol and its derivatives was extremely low in all the samples.

Detergents belong to a large group of substances that reduce the surface tension of water. In
March 2015 the concentration of anionic detergents in sweater did not exceed the MPC values. In
October 2014 the content of hazard class IV anionic detergents was below the methodology
detection threshold.

As regards the presence of hazard class IV harmful substances in seawater, tests were conducted
to determine the concentrations of sodium and chloride. Both values are several times in excess of
the MPC values which may be due to physical processes in water. Such concentration values are
common for the aquatic area of Vyborg bay. No spatial or vertical sodium or chloride distribution
patters were identified.

Such indicators as organochlorine pesticides and polychlorobenzenes content were determined

during seawater testing. Those concentrations were either extremely low or below the methodology
detection threshold in all the samples. GROUNDWATER

The area’s groundwater are fresh, magnesium-calcium chloride by their chemical composition.
According to SP 28.13330.2012, the groundwater are weakly aggressive with regard to W4 type

The hydrogeological conditions within the OC Jetty and the LNG Terminal site are characterized by
the presence of an unconfined aquifer associated with sands of glacial deposits. At the time of the
field (drilling) work groundwater was observed at the depths of 0.1 to 5.5 m, the absolute elevation
marks 1.5 to 0.1 m. The pressure head of groundwater is zero. The catchment area coincides with
the area occupied by the aquifer.

According to the data provided by ZAO LIMB the groundwater aquifer was not exposed within the
construction site during the survey work for the OC Jetty construction.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The results of the groundwater chemical tests for the GPB route performed by OOO Design
Institute Petrokhim-tekhnologiya are given in Table 7.6.3 below.

Table 7.6.3: Groundwater chemical testing results


Cations (Na+K+ Ca2+ Anions (Cl- Dry

Sample СO2
Mg2+ Fe2+ and SO42-HCO3- NO3 - residue, pH СO2comb.
Fe3+NH4+), mol/dm3 NO2), mol/dm3 mg/dm3

well #1 1.81 1.81 116 4.5 0.0 33.0

well #5 2.76 2.76 186 5.74 0.0 24.2

well #10 1.83 1.83 140 4.82 0.0 33.0

well #19 1.01 1.01 72 6.21 0.0 17.6

well #21 1.75 1.75 108 4.88 0.0 35.1

well #69 1.02 1.02 76 5.89 0.0 19.98

well #72 1.81 1.81 116 4.5 0.0 33.0
well #83 1.75 1.75 108 4.88 0.0 35.1
well #91 1.99 1.99 160 4.44 0.0 52.8
well #104 1.88 1.88 112 6.15 0.0 13.2
well #112 2.34 2.34 182 4.17 0.0 13.2
well #125 2.34 2.34 182 4.17 0.0 13.2
well #131 2.73 2.73 174 6.33 20.97 11.0
well #143 3.2 3.2 220 6.23 41.93 17.6
well #149 2.34 2.34 182 4.17 0.0 13.2
well #167 1.83 1.83 140 4.82 0.0 33.0

The groundwater is soft, see Table 7.6.4.

Table 7.6.4: Groundwater hardness testing results

Sample Total hardness, Carbonate hardness, Total alkalinity,
mmol/dm3 mmol/dm3 mmol/dm3
well #1 1.6 0.5 0.5
well #5 1.4 0.9 0.9

well #10 1.6 0.7 0.7

well #19 0.45 0.4 0.4

well #21 1.7 0.7 0.7

well #69 0.3 0.3 0.3

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Sample Total hardness, Carbonate hardness, Total alkalinity,
mmol/dm3 mmol/dm3 mmol/dm3
well #72 1.6 0.5 0.5
well #83 1.7 0.7 0.7
well #91 1.0 0.4 0.4
well #104 0.6 1.2 1.2
well #112 0.8 0.4 0.4
well #125 0.8 0.4 0.4
well #131 1.8 0.7 0.7
well #143 2.4 1.1 1.1
well #149 0.8 0.4 0.4
well #167 1.6 0.7 0.7

Based on the lab tests the groundwater is ultra fresh or, more rarely, fresh, mostly calcium-sodium
hydrogen carbonate-sulfate.


No standards for pollutant content of bottom sediments have been developed in the Russian
Federation. The standard assessment criteria for bottom sediments were abandoned in the
Netherlands after the assessment of bottom sediment properties was made compliant with the
groundwater requirements. In such a situation, the existing standards applicable to soils are
adopted for assessing pollution of bottom sediments to decide the issue of their subsequent use. ONSHORE WATER BODIES BOTTOM SEDIMENTS

The testing locations for surface water were also used for taking samples of bottom sediments in
order to determine their physical properties and heavy metal content.

Bottom soils were assessed using chemical indicators in accordance with the requirements of
SanPiN on the list of components, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, As, Hg, benzo(a)pyrene,
petrochemicals, salt extract рН (the tests were performed by OOO Sevzapgazproject, Appendix R,
Book 2, KG-60/2014-ИИ3.2).

The concentrations of pollutants in the tested samples were as follows, mg/kg: lead – 26-49,
cadmium – 0.5-1.6, copper – 13-36, mercury – ˂0,005, nickel – 19-45, arsenic – ˂1,0, zinc – 45-
70, chrome – 95-141, benzo(a)pyrene – ˂0,001. The quantity of petrochemicals in the tested
samples of bottom sediments ranges between 49.6-65.2 mg/kg.

Extraction of bottom soils is proposed for the pipeline construction sites associated with open-cut
water crossings. Therefore, in order to resolve the issue of the subsequent use of bottom soils in
the event of their extraction it is customary to use the current standards applicable to soils. By the
degree of possible harmful environmental impact soils can be divided into 5 hazard classes based
on the Order No. 511 dated June 15, 2001 “Criteria for Assigning Environmental Hazard Classes to

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Dangerous Wastes”. Based on the calculation the bottom sediment samples were classified as
hazard class 5 wastes (practically non-hazardous). VYBORG BAY BOTTOM SEDIMENTS

For the construction of the facilities comprising the OC Jetty which is directly connected to the
aquatic area of Vyborg bay OOO Fertoing specialists assessed the status of the area’s bottom

The following physical/chemical properties of the bottom sediments were determined:

 grain size composition;

 organic carbon content;
 pH of salt extract.
Loamy fractions account for 38-61%. Sand of varying grain sizes account for 37-77%. Little organic
residue was detected. Inclusions of small-sized gravel were present.

The organic carbon content in October 2014 varied from 0.92 to 3.41%. In March 2015, the
concentration of organic carbon in almost all of the samples was below the methodology detection

The results of pH tests of bottom sediments salt extract at the testing stations, while varying
slightly, characterize the sediments as weakly acidic or neutral.

Thus, the bottom sediments of the surveyed aquatic area of Vyborg bay in the vicinity of the town
of Vysotsk are mainly consist of siltstone and are slightly acidic or neutral.

No regulatory standards for pollutant content of bottom sediments in seawater have been
developed in the Russian Federation for its territorial waters. It is possible to assess the degree of
bottom sediments pollution within the area in accordance with the MPC standards applicable to
soils (GN and the TPC (Tentative Permissible Concentrations) standards (GN Given the classification of the soil by its grain size composition the standards for
sandy/loamy soils were applied during the tests.

The average concentrations of phenol, phenol derivatives and anionic detergents in the bottom
sediments near Vysotsk in October 2014 were below the methodology detection threshold. In
spring, the concentrations of the tested substances were slightly higher.

The concentrations of petrochemicals in bottom sediment samples ranged between 13 and 44

mg/kg in October and between 50 and 70 mg/kg in March.

The concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in all bottom sediment samples was insignificant.

The chloride content of the bottom sediment samples taken within the surveyed area ranged from
10.4 to 45.5 mg/kg in October 2014 and from 101 to 195 mg/kg in March 2015.

The concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and chloro-organic pesticides were below the
methodology detection threshold in all the samples.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The average metal concentrations not exceed the MPC standards or background values. The
metal and arsenic concentrations below level which could cause harm to benthic organisms.

Gamma ray spectroscopy and radiochemical tests indicated that the activity concentration of the
tested radionuclides did not exceed the minimum significant activity concentration value prescribed
by SanPiN, “Radiation Safety Standards” (NRB -99/2009).


There are no surface domestic water sources within the 20-km radius of the Project site. The
nearest underground water source is on Detinets Island. The water is used by OAO RPK Vysotsk
Lukoil II.


Instrumental measurements of noise, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and natural radioactivity

levels were carried out at the work site in March 2015 to assess the physical impact.
The measurement results are given in the Engineering and Environmental Survey Report, Appendix
T, Book 2 А-01/2013-II-5.2.


The source of noise impact is due to motor transport.
The noise levels measured at reference points (Т1-Т4) are given in Table 7.7.1 below.
Table 7.7.1: Measured Noise Levels

Measurement points Noise character Sound levels, LA, dBA, Maximum sound levels,
Equivalent sound level, LAmax, dBA
1 2 3 4
Т1 (set. Veshchevo) Non-constant 45 48
Т2 (set. Cherkasovo) Non-constant 50 59
Т3 (set. Pikhtovoye) Non-constant 45 53
Т4 (twn. Vysotsk) Non-constant 51 59
Permissible levels according to SN 55 70
2.2.4/, SanPiN

The results have been made available for conducting project-related work. The measured noise
levels are in accordance with SN 22.2.4/ “Noise Levels in Work Areas, Residential and
Public Premises, and in Residential Development Areas”.


A radiological survey of the work area was also conducted in March 2015. The survey results and
findings are given in the Engineering and Environmental Survey Report, Appendix S and U, Book 2

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The area was surveyed by specialists from the laboratory testing center FBUZ Railway Transport
Hygiene and Epidemiology Center, October Railroad Branch (Accreditation Certificate No. ROSS
RU.0001.511616). Protocol No.15-RО of 23.03.2015.
 The average radiation level was 0,17 mcSv/h, measurement range 0,14-0,22 mcSv/h.
 Average gamma-ray intensity (exposure dose rate, EDR) was 0,15-0,22 mcSv/h.
As a result of the radiological survey of the work area it has been established that:
 No surface radiation anomalies have been identified within the area;
 According to sections 5.2.2, 5.2.3 of SP (OSPORB-99/2010) for land plots
intended for civil construction projects the average EDR value does not exceed 0.6 mcSv/h.
The survey results are fully in accordance with the prescribed values outlined in SanPiN
09 “Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99/2009)” and SP “Main Sanitary Regulations
for Ensuring Radiation Safety (OSPORB-99/2010)”.
No concerns are have been raised in connection with radiation for the proposed works.



Ecosystem services (ES) comprise those goods and services provided by ecosystems which play
a major role in community wellbeing. The environment provides food, water and air that are
essential for life and with the minerals and raw materials for industry and consumption. It also
provides the processes that purify air and water, and which isolates or breaks down waste. The
environment also provides recreation, health and solace, and cultural roots. Ecosystem Services”,
comprise the interaction between the living and physical environments that deliver these
necessities.17 ES concepts within the ESIA comprise four subcategories of services: provisioning,
regulating, cultural, and supporting. Supporting services (e.g. soil formation, primary production or
nutrient cycling) serve as a basis for the other three service categories. Consequently, supporting
services are not assessed separately in this section.

The ecosystem services concept ensures an holistic approach to ecological decision-making from
the standpoint of environmental assessment, as a source of benefits people get from ecosystems.
This pragmatic concept of practical steps, focuses on setting goals which provide the maximum
benefits to the environment at minimum cost to the community and nature. It also aims to prevent
decisions with unpredictable consequences leading to extra costs or risks of harming ecosystems
and human well-being. The assessment of consequences, whether or not desirable, (in relation to

17The UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UKNEA, 2011). The UK National Ecosystem Assessment:
Synthesis of the Key Findings. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

land use in terms of ecosystem services), allows a great understanding of the true value and
advantages of the measures taken and policies pursued.

The principles of ecosystem services and/or cost-benefit analysis are laid down in EU
environmental laws and regulations such as the EU Environmental Liability Directive (2004/35/EC),
the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), the REACH
regulation (1907/2006). Such recent initiatives as the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment backed
by the UN (2004)18, the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (2011) and the Economics of
Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB, 201019) are based on concepts and methodologies developed
more than 20 years ago in the United States to regulate matters of liquidation from previous
activities which had led to environmental pollution (US Natural Resource Damage Act). Many of
the approaches developed in the US formed the foundation for the EU initiatives on environmental
liability, habitat banking, biodiversity loss compensation, life-cycle (area of influence) assessment,
strategic planning, operational risk mitigation, and product registration.

The IFC performance standards distinguish between two types of priority ecosystem services:

(i) those services on which project operations are most likely to have an impact and,
therefore, which result in adverse impacts to Affected Communities.

(ii) those services on which the project is directly dependent for its operations (e.g.,

Where Affected Communities are likely to be impacted, they should participate in the determination
of priority ecosystem services in accordance with the stakeholder engagement process as defined
in Performance Standard 1. The ecosystem services which are relevant to the Project’s sphere of
activity and which belong to priority 1 or 2 are shown in Table 7.8.1 below.

Table 7.8.1: Ecosystem services

Ecosystem services Relevance to the Project’s sphere of activity

Horticulture Irrelevant – no horticulture
Animal husbandry Irrelevant – no animal husbandry
Fisheries Priority 1 – fisheries in Vyborg Bay
Aquaculture Irrelevant – no aquaculture
Gathering of wild edible plants Priority 1 – mushrooms and berries
Timber harvesting Irrelevant – no timber harvesting
Other types of fiber (e.g. cotton, Irrelevant – no fiber stored
linen, silk)
Biomass fuel Irrelevant – no biomass stored

18 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Island Press,
Washington, DC.
19 TEEB (2010) The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: Mainstreaming the Economics of Nature: A

Synthesis of the Approach, Conclusions and Recommendations of TEEB

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Ecosystem services Relevance to the Project’s sphere of activity

Hunting Priority 1 – hunting for food
Fresh water Priority 1 – fresh water for local community
Priority 2 – fresh water for Project facilities
Genetic resources Irrelevant – no genetic resources
Natural medicines Priority 1 – gathering of medicinal plants
Air quality regulation Priority 1 – Clean air
Global climate regulation Priority 1 – Ability of plant communities to absorb carbon
Regional/local climate regulation Priority 1 – Microclimates
Water regulation Priority 1 – Hydrology and groundwater table
Erosion processes Priority 1 – Ground cover to fight erosion caused by soil
regulation disturbance
Water purification and treatment Priority 2 – Plant wastes disposal
Disease regulation Priority 1 – Natural ecosystems are self-regulating vis-à-vis
Pest regulation Priority 1 – Natural ecosystems are self-regulating vis-à-vis pests
Pollination Priority 1 – Pollination is essential for reproduction of edible wild plants
Moderation of extreme events Priority 1 and 2 – Ground cover, non-disturbed soils and natural
drainage are important in the context of anti-flood measures
Cultural Services
Sacred or spiritual heritage sites Irrelevant – no sacred sites within the area
Religious sites Irrelevant – no religious sites within the area
Recreational value Priority 2 – the area is currently used for non-organized recreation
Ecotourism territories Irrelevant – the area is not currently used for ecotourism
Aesthetic appreciation Priority 1 – the area is appreciated by the local community PROVISIONING SERVICES

Animal husbandry

The Vyborg District’s agricultural complex includes about 20 farms20 which output agricultural
produce; 11 of them produce milk, beef and pork, 2 produce eggs and poultry meat, and 2 are for
arable farms. In 2015 the farms produced 35,123 tons of milk, 32,260 tons of beef and poultry
meat, 1,081 million eggs, 4,031 tons of vegetables. As of early 2016 the district’s total number of
cows is 4,650, the total number of breeding stock animals is 43,865, including 33,361 minks, 9,384
sables, 120 foxes. None of the farms, however, are located within the Project site.

20 Official Viborg District web portal:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline


Vyborg Bay, as with the entire Gulf of Finland, belongs to the highest category of fisheries water
bodies. The main commercially important fish species are bream, smelt, and, to a lesser extent,
roach and perch. In Pikhtovaya bay and the adjacent territory fishing operations are conducted by
the Lenin Fishery. There are, however, no commercially important fishing areas directly within the
Project site.

Commercial fishing in Vyborg Bay is characterized by the materials obtained in the beginning of
the century which commercial fishing was strictly limited to commercial fishing areas and its results
were fully in accordance with the long-term annual average data (see Tables 7.8.2, 7.8.3).

Table 7.8.2: Fishing area and fishing base

Area bounds Vyborg Bay up to the Gvardeyskiy Strait highway bridge

Area size:
coastal length, km 98
width, km
area, ha 25000
prevailing depths, m 2-15
Fishing gear, units
small fish nets 720
herring drag nets 21
smelt drag nets 19
hoop nets 95
Number of fishermen 63
Number of commercial fishing vessels 29

Table 7.8.3: Commercial catches (annual catch, t)

Bream, pikeperch, perch, roach, pike, smelt, Baltic herring, burbot, eel, white
Ichthyic fauna
bream, bleak, ruffe, salmon

Fish species 2000 2001

Bream 96,508 92,601
Zander 0,140 0,081
White bream 0,349 0,471
Ruffe 0,151 1,282
Stickleback - 0,230
Smelt 156,986 178,783
Burbot 0,006 -
Perch 12,121 8,218
Roach 15,709 18,328
Baltic herring 21,959 32,883
Whitefish 0,004 -
Bleak 1,098 17,206
Pike 1,482 0,571
Sabrefish 0,004 -
Others 0,009 0,004
Total 306,526 350,658
Relative catch,
kg/ha 12,3 14,0

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Salmon migrate through Vyborg bay (Figure 7.8.1). Monitoring conducted over a number of years
within the bay or in the eastern parts of the Gulf of Finland, revealed that the timing and dynamics
of salmon pre-spawn migration and the number of salmon reaching spawning grounds vary from
year to year. For example, pre-spawn migration of salmon began in August 2006 and 2007 and in
the first half of October in 2008-2009. The duration of migration was more than three months in
2016 and about one a half months in 2008-2009. Pre-spawn migrations are normally finished by
the second half of November (2006, 2008-2010, 2014, 2015); in 2007, however, salmon migration
processes ended in the last third of October.

In 2015, salmon pre-spawn migration commenced in early November: between November 2 and 8
salmon spawners were caught in fishing gear in the stretch between Dalnyaya Bay and the
settlement of Yermilovo.

By analyzing the data obtained over several years it can be concluded that changes in hydrological
and climatic conditions which occur from year to year can cause changes to the timing and routes
of salmon migration. As a consequence, the number of fish migrating through a particular area in
the Gulf of Finland can vary significantly. In Pikhtovaya bay and the adjacent area fishing
operations are conducted in coastal waters by fisheries who sell their catches to the collective farm
and by amateur fisherman in a non-organized manner..

Figure 7.8.1: Salmon spawners fishing locations in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland in 2014

Edible plants and mushrooms

The region’s edible plants include European blueberry, bog bilberry, lingonberry, raspberry,
cloudberry and cranberry. The most common edible mushrooms are cep, red-capped scaber stalk,
milkcaps (northern milkcap and Lactarius controversus), Russula azurea Bres, Russula aeruginea,

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

honey fungus, xerocomus, oyster mushroom, late oyster, hen-of-the-woods, Suillus flavidus. The
area surrounding the Project site is actively used by summer residents for foraging.

See Chapter 8 for more detail on collection of edible plants and mushrooms by local population.


The region’s commercially valuable game species include moose, squirrel, mole, marten, polecat,
and polar hare. Part of the branch gas pipeline route passes across state-owned forest lands of the
Northwestern and Roshchinskoye Forest Preserves. The following game species dwell in the
forests of the Vyborg District, Leningrad Region:


 mole
 polar hare
 squirrel
 moose
 wild boar
 muskrat
 fox
 Eurasian beaver
 raccoon dog
 European pine marten
 badger
 ermine
 European polecat
 North American beaver
 otter
 European water vole
 weasel
 European hare
 fallow deer
 roe deer
 wolf


 mallard
 Eurasian woodcock
 hazel grouse
 Eurasian teal
 common goldeneye
 black grouse
 pintail snipe
 common wood pigeon
 garganey

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

 Eurasian coot
 Eurasian wigeon
 corn crake
 pheasant
 tufted duck
 northern shoveler
 common pochard, etc.

Fresh water

According to the Neva-Ladoga Basin Water Authority data on surface water extraction there are no
surface domestic water extraction sources on the adjacent territory within the 20-km radius. The
surface source of water supply nearest the Project site is located on Detinets island (the distance
from the Project site border to Detinets island is approximately 550 m) and is used by OAO RPK
Vysotsk Lukoil II.

Genetic resources

No plant or animal material within the area allocated for the project facilities contains functional unit
characters or has any actual or potential value since the flora and fauna species composition is
typical for the region in question and, on the whole, is not unique.

Natural medicines

The list of medicinal plants which can be encountered within the Project site and which have not
been officially recognized as medicines includes: common plantain, common nettle, coltsfoot, wild
rosemary, lily of the valley, greater burdock, shepherd’s purse, fireweed, German chamomile.

See Chapter 8 for more detail on collection and use of medicinal plants by local population. REGULATING SERVICES

Air quality regulation

The regulating services are concerned with how ecosystems affect air quality by emitting
chemicals into the atmosphere (i.e. by acting as an emission source) or by removing substances
from the atmosphere (i.e. by acting as an pollutant remover). Tall growth and long vegetative
period contribute to the positive effect ecosystems have on air quality. However, any disturbance of
the existing vegetative cover or its composition may affect its regulative function.

Global climate regulation

Ecosystems influence global climate either by emitting greenhouse gases or aerosols into the
atmosphere or by removing them from the atmosphere. Adequate vegetative period and Atlantic
Continental climate do not limit the ability of plants to absorb carbon.

See section 7.2 for more detail on the region’s climate.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Regional/local climate regulation

Ecosystems can influence local or regional climate by changing evaporation or solar radiation
reflection conditions (e.g. snow cover), wind speed, etc. See section 7.2 for more detail on regional

Water regulation

Ecosystems influence the timing and volume of river runoff, floods and aquifer replenishment,
especially in terms of the ecosystem’s or locality’s water-bearing potential. See sections 7.3 and
7.5 for more detail on Project site hydrology.

Erosion processes

The integrity of ecosystems as a whole, and of vegetative cover in particular, can influence soil
erosion by ensuring better protection of soils and sedimentary rocks.

See section 7.4 for more detail on the region’s soils and section 7.3 for more detail on erosion.

Water purification and waste disposal

Ecosystems play a major role in sequestering and breaking down organic wastes and
pollutants and in assimilating and decontaminating chemicals through processes in topsoil and
underlying soil layers.

See section 7.5 for more detail on hydrogeological processes.


Many insect, bird and mammal species provide pollination services which are important for
reproduction of crops and wild plants. Due to the absence of agricultural activity in the region those
services play a minor role. At the same time a reduction of pollination service may have an adverse
impact on the use of edible and medicinal wild plants and the reserves of certain forage plants.

Moderation of extreme events

Ecosystems play an essential role in reducing extreme events such as floods, storms or landslides. CULTURAL SERVICES

Tangible cultural heritage

See Section 8.7.1.

Intangible cultural heritage

See Section 8.7.2.

Recreational benefits

The construction area was previously used by visitors from neighboring towns for non-organized
recreational activity. The most common types of such activities included camping (for 2 or 3 days),

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

fishing, swimming, and foraging. A country club called Pikhtovoye is located approximately 3 km
north-east from the proposed pipeline route and highway).

Ecotourism and ethno-tourism territories

Neither ecotourism nor ethno-tourism is common within the Project area.

Aesthetic appreciation

Ecosystems are important for educational purposes as a source of aesthetic appreciation and
artistic inspiration. Both the local population and the Project personnel can benefit aesthetically
from the beauty of local nature.


This subsection presents a summary of the environmental baseline within the Project area
including protected areas, habitats and species. The environmental baseline data was obtained
through literary sources in combination with field studies. An engineering-ecological survey was
conducted in July 2015 as part of the Project’s EIA preparation in accordance with the laws of the
Russian Federation. It should be noted that the scope and the methodology of the study may differ
from international requirements. A detailed description of the methodologies and the scope of
survey is given in the final report issued by ZAO LIMB (2015).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline HABITAT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA

In accordance with IFC’s Performance Standard 621 habitats within the Project license area are
assessed based on their classification as either “modified” or “natural” according to the following

Modified habitats

"Modified habitats are areas that may contain a large proportion of plant and/or animal
species of non-native origin, and/or where human activity has substantially modified an
area’s primary ecological functions and species composition. Modified habitats may include
areas managed for agriculture, forest plantations, reclaimed coastal zones, and reclaimed

Natural habitats

" Natural habitats are areas composed of viable assemblages of plant and/or animal
species of largely native origin, and/or where human activity has not essentially modified an
area’s primary ecological functions and species composition".

In turn, both modified and natural habitats are assessed in terms of their compliance with the
critical habitat criteria specified in paragraph 16 of Performance Standard 6. Critical habitats are
areas with high biodiversity value, which meets one or more of the following criteria:

Criterion 1: habitat of significant importance to critically endangered and/or endangered


Criterion 2: habitat of significant importance to endemic and/or restricted-range species;

Criterion 3: habitat supporting globally significant concentrations of migratory species

and/or congregatory species;

Criterion 4: highly threatened and/or unique ecosystems;

Criterion 5: areas associated with key evolutionary processes.

According to GN56 of IFC’s Guidance Note 622, the determination of critical habitat however is not
necessarily limited to these criteria. Other recognized high biodiversity values might also support a
critical habitat designation, and the appropriateness of this decision would be evaluated on a case-
by-case basis. Guidance Note 6 acknowledges there are gradients of critical habitat or a
continuum of degrees of biodiversity value associated with critical habitats based on the relative
vulnerability (degree of threat) and irreplaceability (rarity or uniqueness) of the site. Numerical

21 IFC Performance Standard 6 (2012): Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living
Natural Resources
22 IFC Guidance Note 6 (2012): Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural


Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

thresholds are used to assign Criteria 1 through 3 to a Tier 1 or a Tier 2 critical habitat designation
(Table 7.8.4).

Table 7.8.4: Quantitative thresholds for Tier 1 and Tier 2 critical habitat criteria 1 through 3

Criteria Tier 1 Tier 2

1. Critically (a) Habitat required to sustain ≥ 10 (c) Habitat that supports the regular occurrence of
Endangered (CR) percent of the global population of an a single individual of an IUCN Red-listed CR
and Endangered IUCN Red-listed CR or EN species species and/or habitat containing regionally-
(EN) Species where there are known, regular important concentrations of an IUCN Red-listed EN
occurrences of the species and species where that habitat could be considered a
where that habitat could be discrete management unit for that species.
considered a discrete management
unit for that species. (d) Habitat of significant importance to CR or EN
species that are wide-ranging and/or whose
(b) Habitat with known, regular population distribution is not well understood and
occurrences of CR or EN species where the loss of such a habitat could potentially
where that habitat is one of 10 or impact the long-term survivability of the species.
fewer discrete management sites
globally for that species (e) As appropriate, habitat containing
. nationally/regionally-important concentrations of an
EN, CR or equivalent national/regional listing.
2. Endemic and (a) Habitat known to sustain ≥ 95 (b) Habitat known to sustain ≥ 1 percent but < 95
Restricted-range percent of the global population of an percent of the global population of an endemic or
Species endemic or restrictedrange species restricted-range species where that habitat could
where that habitat could be be considered a discrete management unit for that
considered a discrete management species, where adequate data are available and/or
unit for that species (e.g., a single- based on expert judgment.
site endemic).
(b) Habitat known to sustain, on a cyclical or
otherwise regular basis, ≥ 1 percent but < 95
percent of the global population of a migratory or
congregatory species at any point of the species’
lifecycle and where that habitat could be
considered a discrete management unit for that
species, where adequate data are available and/or
(a) Habitat known to sustain, on a
based on expert judgment.
cyclical or otherwise regular basis, ≥
95 percent of the global population of
3. Migratory and (c) For birds, habitat that meets BirdLife
a migratory or congregatory species
Congregatory International’s Criterion A4 for congregations
at any point of the species’ life-cycle
Species and/or Ramsar Criteria 5 or 6 for Identifying
where that habitat could be
Wetlands of International Importance.
considered a discrete management
unit for that species.
(d) For species with large but clumped
distributions, a provisional threshold is set at ≥5
percent of the global population for both terrestrial
and marine species.

(е) Source sites that contribute ≥ 1 percent of the

global population of recruits.

Footnote 11 of IFC’s Performance Standard 6 critically endangered and/or endangered species are
defined as species listed on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List
of Threatened Species. The determination of critical habitat based on other listings is as follows:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

(i) If the species is listed nationally/regionally as critically endangered or endangered, in

countries that have adhered to IUCN guidance, the critical habitat determination will be
made on a project by project basis in consultation with competent professionals; and

(ii) in instances where nationally or regionally listed species’ categorizations do not correspond
well to those of the IUCN (e.g., some countries more generally list species as “protected” or
“restricted”), an assessment will be conducted to determine the rationale and purpose of the
listing. In this case, the critical habitat determination will be based on such an assessment

The listed critically endangered and/or endangered species of global, national or regional
significance were determined based on data from the following sources:

 The International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN
 Red Data Book of Russia (RDB RF)24;
 Red Book of the Leningrad Region. SPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS

Lands of specially protected natural areas and sites include lands of special environmental
protection, scientific, historical and cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health or other significance.

Lands of this category include specially protected natural areas occupied by state nature
preserves, including biosphere, national and nature parks, state nature reserves, natural
landmarks, arboreta, botanical gardens, health and recreation localities and resorts. Aside from
natural areas land of this category includes land plots occupied by physical education, sports,
recreation and tourism facilities, historical and cultural landmarks.

Specially protected natural areas belong to national heritage. To maintain thier preservation they
are fully or partially removed from economic use and civil turnover by decrees of federal or regional
government authorities or local self-government authorities.

There are 41 SPNAs of regional significance in the Leningrad Region25:

Nature parks:

1. Veppsky Forest

Nature reserves:

2. Belyi Kamen
3. Beryozoviye Islands
4. Lammin-Suo Marsh

23 IUCN 2013. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species,

24 V.Yu. and E.I. Ilyashenko, 2000. Red Data Book of Russia: legal acts. Russian Federation State
Committee for Environmental Protection. Moscow,
25 Specially Protected Natural Areas in the Leningrad Region,

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

5. Ozernoye Marsh
6. Vyborgsky
7. Gladyshevsky
8. Glebovskoye Marsh
9. Gostilitsky
10. Vaaramaenselka Ridge
11. Oak groves near Velkota village
12. Kotelsky
13. Kurgalsky
14. Lebyazhy
15. Lindulovskaya Grove
16. Lisinsky
17. Melkovodnoye Lake
18. Rakitinsky
19. Rakoviye Lakes
20. North of Mishinskoye Marsh
21. Syabersky
22. Cheremenetsky
23. Chisty Mokh
24. Shalovo-Perechitsky
25. Kivipark

Natural landmarks:

26. Devonian outcrops and mine galleries on the Oredezh river near the village of Borshchovo
(Antonovo Lake)
27. Devonian outcrops on the Oredezh river near the settlement of Yam-Tesovo
28. Devonian and Ordovician rock outcrops on the Saba river
29. Headwaters of the Oredezh river at Dontso
30. Lava river canyon
31. N.K. Rerikh memorial estate
32. Devonian outcrops on the Oredezh river near the settlement of Belogorka
33. Krasnoye Lake
34. Yastrebinoye Lake
35. Gustoy Island
36. Radon springs and lakes near the village of Lopukhinka
37. Ragusha river
38. Sablinsky
39. Staroladozhsky
40. Shcheleiki
41. Toksovskiye Heights

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Figure 7.8.2: SPNAs in the Leningrad Region

According to the Leningrad Region Committee for Natural Resources there are no specially
protected natural areas within the Terminal site. The work area is not located within any federally
or locally significant specially protected natural areas or their protection zones, nor does it occupy
any territory earmarked for the creation of brand-new federally significant SPNAs in accordance
with the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Concept for Developing a System of Specially
Protected Natural Areas of Federal Significance.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Figure 7.8.3: SPNA Locations

The regionally significant SPNA closest to the work site is the state nature reserve Kivipark. The
reserve is located 5 km west of port Vysotsk. Gustoy Island, a state geological natural landmark of
regional significance, is located approximately 4.6 km away. Approximately 2.5 km away is the
state complex nature reserve of regional significance Vyborgsky.

Approximately 4.5 km south-east of the proposed work area is the prospective regional nature
reserve Vesenny. Its creation is planned for 2016, the overall area being 570.0 ha. The goal is to

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

preserve broad-leafed forests (with lime trees, oaks and maples), seashore black alder groves,
seashore meadows, rare and endangered plant species. The SPNA locations are shown in Figure

In terms of botanical-geographical zoning the Leningrad Region belongs to the Valdai-Onega sub-
province of the North European taiga province of the Eurasian Taiga biogeographical region. The
formation of the Leningrad Region’s contemporary vegetative cover is connected with the latest
Valdai glaciation.

Geobotanically, the area through which the gas pipeline will pass belongs to the southern zone of
southern Taiga. According to floristic zoning of the Karelian isthmus the pipeline’s ROW passes
through two floristic districts: Primorsky and Lesogorsky. The Primorsky floristic district is the most
floristically diverse district of the Karelian isthmus and includes the Gulf of Finland coastal area and
the adjacent islands and mainland territories influenced by the gulf. The eastern border of the
Primorsky floristic district passes slightly to the west of the border of the Primorsky climatic district
which is the warmest district in the Karelian isthmus. The western part of the work site is located
within the Primorsky floristic district. The eastern part of the work site is located within the
Lesogorsky floristic district which is bounded by the eastern and northern borders of the Primorsky
floristic district in the west and northwest.

The Leningrad Region’s total forest area is approximately 6,040 ha. The region’s average
percentage of forest cover is 76%, ranging between 61 and 88% from district to district. In terms of
forest management, all forests in the Leningrad Region belong to groups I and II. 40% of forests
consist of group I forests which include forest areas essential for stabilizing the region’s
environment, preserving biodiversity, and performing soil protection and water regulation functions.
They are also highly important for recreation (e.g. forests of Saint-Petersburg’s green belt). Group
II forests (60%) constitute multi-purpose resource potential and the main source of commercial
timber. According to the forest cover map shown in Figure 7.8.4 the percentage of forest cover is
high in the Vyborg district. Some of the vegetation of the ROW and its area of influence west of the
Saint-Petersburg-Vyborg railway occupies arable lands.

According to the Leningrad Region vegetation map the Project site is located within the zone of
spruce green moss and long moss primary forests. According to the forest exploration project the
surveyed area is part of a state-owned forest area (land category: forest land) located within the
Roshchinskoye forest preserve with prevalence of coniferous trees (pines), average age 72, site
index 3, stand density 0,8.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Figure 7.8.4: Leningrad Region forest cover map

Swamp vegetation accounts for a large part of the vegetative cover. The area’s swamp cover
ranges from 2 to 30%. Wetlands mainly consist of upland swamps.

Flora in the Leningrad Region consists of a relatively small number of species but it’s quite diverse
in terms of quality. Zonal sub-taiga and taiga species dominate but the sheer range of past and
present habitats has contributed to the conservation of a large number of arctic continental
species, Euro-Siberian steppe, Central European mountain and other species which are otherwise
extinct here.

Botanists have observed nearly 1,200 species of higher plants, over 500 species of moss, at least
200 species of lichens and over 2,000 mushroom species (including a significant number of
parasitic species) in the Leningrad Region. The region’s protected species include 12 mushroom
species and 56 plant species.

In terms of area, pine forests are the largest in the Vyborg district. Spruce forests are mostly
confined to the elevated north-western part of the district. Understory spruce is abundant in small-
leaved forests, over time spruce tends to push out small-leaved trees. At present a part of the
Vyborg district area is occupied by secondary small-leaved forests which grew in places of logging
sites and coniferous forests destroyed by forest fires. Non-forest types of vegetation in the Vyborg
district consist of dry meadows which form on well-drained watersheds (dry valleys).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The Project site is occupied by forest and non-forest communities, mostly modified by economic
activity.. Forest communities consist of coniferous and coniferous/small-leafed forests in various
stages of regrowth. Non-forest communities consists of areas disturbed by human activity, fallows
and lowland swamps.

Fallow land communities are spread locally and are created by human activity. They exist in
various stages, most of the fallow land communities are grasses. Swamp communities consist of
small-area lowland swamps spread locally.

Part of the area is occupied by landscapes disturbed by industrial activity. Among industrially
induced plant communities the following types can be singled out:

 industrial transport-related facilities with seriously disturbed or removed topsoil;

 ROWs of linear facilities with partly disturbed topsoil;
 overgrowing logging areas with free-growing tree stand and brand-new logging areas with
fully destroyed topsoil.
Coniferous/small-leafed forests occupy the largest part of the Project area. They can be divided
into several types by their species composition:

 pine-birch forest with incursions of alder;

 pine-birch forest with incursion of spruce;
 spruce-pine forest with incursions of birch.
As in mixed forests, the understory is well developed in coniferous/small-leaved forests. Coniferous
forests are represented by primary pine green-moss forests.

A characteristic of the vegetative cover within the Project site is given in Table 7.8.5 below.

Table 7.8.5: Vegetative cover

Tree stand
Plant Small trees
No. community Species Height, Canopy and tall Grasses and low shrubs
type composition m density shrubs

European blueberry,
Pine-birch Birch, spruce,
1 16 6 Alder lingonberry, male fern,
forest occasional alder
meadow horsetail

Lingonberry, European
2 Pine forest Pine 18 5 Juniper blueberry, heather, rare
grasses, green mosses.
European blueberry,
Pine-birch Birch, spruce,
3 20 6 Alder lingonberry, male fern,
forest occasional alder
meadow horsetail
European blueberry,
Spruce-pine Spruce, pine, lingonberry, male fern,
4 20 8 - meadow horsetail, ground
forest occasional birch
elder, wood sorrels, finger-

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Tree stand
Plant Small trees
No. community Species Height, Canopy and tall Grasses and low shrubs
type composition m density shrubs

Lingonberry, European
Pine, occasional blueberry, heather, rare
5 Pine forest 18 5 Juniper
birch grasses, male fern, green
European blueberry,
Pine-birch Pine, birch, juniper,
6 20 4 lingonberry, male fern,
forest occasional alder mountain-
meadow horsetail
Lingonberry, European
Pine, occasional blueberry, heather, rare
7 Pine forest 20 5 Juniper
birch grasses, male fern, green

European blueberry,
Pine-birch Birch, spruce,
8 22 6 Alder lingonberry, male fern,
forest occasional alder
meadow horsetail
European blueberry,
Pine-spruce Pine, spruce, lingonberry, male fern,
9 20 8 - meadow horsetail, ground
forest occasional birch
elder, wood sorrels, finger-
Alder, sedge
European blueberry,
Pine-birch Pine, birch, juniper,
10 20 4 lingonberry, male fern,
forest occasional alder mountain-
meadow horsetail
Lingonberry, European
Pine, occasional blueberry, heather, rare
11 Pine forest 20 5 Juniper
birch grasses, male fern, green

European blueberry,
Pine-birch Birch, spruce,
12 22 6 Alder lingonberry, male fern,
forest occasional alder
meadow horsetail

Vanilla grass, meadow

Grassy fallow
- - - Willow, alder fescue, meadow foxtail,
fireweed, awnless brome

Peat moss, green mosses,

Birch, pine 14 2 - common cottonsedge,

Pine forests with green mosses, European blueberry, lingonberry-blueberry, heather, bracken are
predominant within the proposed work area. Swamped pine forests and swamps, of shrub-
cottongrass-peat moss and sedge-peat moss types, are confined to depressions. Black alder
woods and littoral meadows are confined to coastal areas. Shallows and low shorelines are
overgrown with bulrush and reeds.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Aquatic plants

The main components of the ecosystem which ensure reproduction of fish reserves are
assemblages of aquatic plants (macrophytes), planktonic algae (phytoplankton), zooplankton and
zoobenthos. Macrophytes serve as a biotope which provides living space for the most productive
littoral plankton and benthos communities. The assemblages of plants also serve as spawning
substrate for phytophilous fish and as a sanctuary for their juvenile.

In the upper and middle parts of Vyborg bay aquatic plants occupy practically all shallow-water
coves and bays as well as shallows around islands. Flora consist of typical lake species.
Lakeshore bulrush (Scirpus lacustris), common reed (Phragmites australis), dwarf white waterlily
(Nimphaea candida), yellow waterlily (Nuphar lutea), shining pondweed (Potamogeton lucens),
perfoliate pondweed (P.perfoliatus), floating pondweed (P.natans), arrowhead (Sagittaria
sagittifolia) are the most common species. The last two species are mostly encountered in the
estuaries of rivers flowing into the bay.

Phytoplankton, both living and dead (detritus), provides basic food for zooplankton; phytoplankton
which settles to the bottom provides food for zoobenthos. In the upper and middle parts of the bay
phytoplankton is mostly composed of species which are common in shallow-water environments.
During the larger part of the vegetative season the group of dominants is composed of blue-green
(Limnothrix planctonica, Planktothrix agardhii, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) and green
(Chlorococcales Scenedesmus acuminatus and S.quadricauda) algae. In addition, the mass group
normally includes species of the genera Lyngbya and Phormidium as well as organisms of the
divisions Euglenophyta (species of the genus Trachelomonas) and Cryptophyta (species of the
genus Cryptomonas). During a field survey26 17 taxons of microalgae from 4 systematic divisions
were discovered in the phytoplankton community: Bacillariophyta – 4 taxons, Chrysophyta – 2
taxons, Cryptophyta – 3 taxons, Cyanobacteria – 8 taxons.

The concentration of planktonic algae reaches 70 million cells/l, the phytoplankton biomass at its
maximum reaches as high as 9-11 g/m3 depending on the year, the average value being 3 g/m3. In
the lower part of the bay the species composition and quantitative characteristics of phytoplankton
do not differ from those in the adjacent aquatic areas of the Gulf of Finland. The average biomass
of planktonic algae is approximately 0.5 g/m3 with the predominance of blue-green (Planktothrix
agardhii, Limnothrix planctonica, Gomphosphaeria lacustris, Nodularia spumigena) and unicellular
green (Pуramimonas) algae.

In terms of phytoplankton development level (biomass, chlorophyll concentration “а”), the aquatic
area of the upper part of Vyborg bay belongs to the class of eutrophic water bodies; the middle part
of Vyborg bay belongs to the class of mesotrophic water bodies with significant eutrophic features;
the aquatic area of the lower part of Vyborg bay belongs to the class of mesotrophic water bodies
(eutrophic in certain years). On average, alfa-diversity is lower in bottom waters while its range is
much wider than in the topmost layer. Average phytoplankton concentrations and biomasses also

26 Engineering Survey Report, ООО FERTOING, 2015

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

vary in relation to the sample depth. Lower microalgae concentration values are common for
bottom waters.

Microalgae or microphyte communities – phytoplankton – are one of the most sensitive elements of
the ecosystem which promptly react to changes in the environment.

Human-caused changes to vegetation

The main limiting factor in the area under review is the economic development of the coastal area,
dewatering of littoral wetlands, contamination of the Gulf of Finland shoreline, and effects of
trampling. The area allocated for the project facilities is situated on a peninsula and occupies most
of its territory. The areas where the gas pipeline branch will be built and the aquatic area of Vyborg
bay have already been under sonsiderable human-caused strain. The flora and fauna species
composition is typical for the region in question and, on the whole, is not unique. RARE PLANT SPECIES AND PLANT COMMUNITIES

A lot of rare and protected vascular plant species grow within the area under review: 4 species are
included in the 1988 RSFSR Red Data Book (Plants): Alisma wahlenbergii, Dactylorhiza baltica,
Iberian quillwort (Isöetes setacea) and bog-myrtle (Myrica gale). 9 species are included in the 2000
Red Data Book of Leningrad Region Nature (Plants and Mushrooms) – in addition to the ones
mentioned above: – chives (Allium schoenoprasum), seaside centaury (Centaurium littorale), woad
(Isatis tinctoria), dwarf cornel (Chamaepericlymenum suecicum), and sea aster (Tripolium vulgare).
15 species are included in the Red Data Book of the East Fennoscandia, 1998, and 13 species –
in the Red Data Book of the Baltic Region, 1993, including:

 Alisma wahlenbergii. In Russia, confined to the Vyborg district of the Leningrad Region,
mostly to the shoreline of the Gulf of Finland at depths of 1.3–1.5 m. The species is very
sensitive to the purity of water bodies and does not tolerate water pollution or turbidity.
 Dactylorhiza baltica. In the Leningrad Region it’s on the northern border of its geographical
range. On the Karelian isthmus it is known to grow in only two localities, one of which is
Vysotsky Island.
 Iberian quillwort. In the Leningrad Region it is mostly encountered on the Karelian isthmus,
preferring water bodies with clean sandy beds; within the area under review, however, it is
encountered on the silty flooded shoreline of the Gulf of Finland between a strip overgrown
with common reed (Phragmites australis) and seaside black alder groves. The species is
very sensitive to water purity and does not tolerate pollution or turbidity.
 Bog-myrtle. In the Leningrad Region it is common in coastal areas and on the islands of the
Gulf of Finland. Currently, bog-myrtle populations are located outside the economic
development area and are well preserved. The bog-myrtle grows among common reeds,
Agrostis straminea, acute sedge (Carex acuta), milk-parsley (Thyselium palustre),
meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria), marsh arrowgrass (Triglochin palustre), marsh
bedstraw (Galium palustre), bog-star (Parnassia palustris) and other water-loving species
common for communities which include the bog-myrtle.
 Chives. In the Leningrad Region it mostly grows in coastal areas and on the islands of the
Gulf of Finland.
 Seaside centaury. In the Leningrad Region is it confined to coastal areas and on the islands
of the Gulf of Finland.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

 Woad. In the Leningrad Region confined to coastal areas and the islands of the Gulf of
Finland. Other ruderal plants which grow alongside the woad include: welted thistle
(Carduus crispus), woolly burdock (Arctium tomentosum), common wormwood (Artemisia
vulgaris), white nettle (Lamium album), bittercress (Barbarea vulgaris), cow parsley
(Anthryscus sylvestris).
 Dwarf cornel. Common in coastal areas and on the islands of the Gulf of Finland, Leningrad
 Sea aster. An obligate halophile, grows in coastal areas and on the islands of the Gulf of
Finland, Leningrad Region.

It should be noted, however, that none of the moss-like plants, algae, fungi, lichens or vascular
plants listed in the Leningrad Region Red Data Book or the RF Red Data Book have been found
within the Project area according to the field survey27. Nor have any signs of vegetation damage
been found. No plant communities within the Project site constitute unique landscapes or natural
landmarks. Only a single species listed in the Leningrad Region Red Data Book has been found in
close proximity: Lycopodiella inundata – inundated club moss. It grown along the route of the
existing gas pipeline, at the following coordinates: 60,69931°N, 28,00608°E (Figure 7.8.5). It is
listed in the Leningrad Region Red Data Book (List of Plants and Mushrooms..., 2005) and has the
status 3 (R) – rare species. A pioneer species which as a rule eventually loses competition with
other species.

Figure 7.8.5: Inundated club moss (Lycopodiella inundata) near the route of the existing gas pipeline east of the Saint-
Petersburg-Vyborg railway28

27 Engineering Survey Report, ООО FERTOING, 2015

28 Photo by A. Doronina

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline TERRESTRIAL INVERTEBRATES

Terrestrial invertebrate animals of the Leningrad region are represented by protozoa, flat worms,
round worms, annelids, shellfish and arthropods (a total of 41 insect species). The latter are the
most numerous and varied. Land invertebrates play a significant role in the life of a variety of
natural communities.

Arthropods are only active in the summer and spend the winter in a state of diapause, which is
similar to hibernation of warm-blooded animals. The area’s fauna image gravitates toward the
northern type, the influence of the nearby Arctic Ocean. Much of the area is covered by forests.
The variety of arthropods associated with forests distinguishes the distinctiveness of the region’s
fauna. Many arthropods, such as flies, spiders, mites, and millipedes reach their greatest numbers
and variety in the forest area. A considerable amount of rainfall, large accumulations of decaying
plant material (litter, wood) which is sufficiently wet during the entire summer season, the absence
of excessive insolation, relatively high air humidity under the forest canopy create favorable
conditions for the development of many arthropods, especially those who prone to dehydration and
hide in shadows: spiders, woodlice, etc. The existence of a wide variety of biotopes in the area
provides species possessing various ecological features, inhabitants of forests, meadows, flood
plains and wetlands with the opportunity to develop.29 HERPETOFAUNA


Seven species of amphibians (including the northern crested newt) have been recorded in the
Leningrad region. In the project area 2 widespread species have been recorded: the common frog
(Rana temporaria) and the common toad (Bufo bufo). These species inhabit a variety of habitats,
and easily adapt to new environments. Conditions that have emerged so far are favorable, which is
connected with the division of unbroken forest lands, the edges of which provide sufficient forage
base (plant diversity implies the diversity of insects) and lots of hiding places.


Five species of reptiles are found in the Leningrad Region. 3 of them have been recorded within
the Project area: the viviparous lizard (Lacerta vivipara), the common European viper and the
grass snake. ORNITHOFAUNA

312 species of birds of 18 orders have been recorded in the Leningrad Region. The diversity of
bird species within the Project site is minor, only 7 species have been identified. The scarcity of
species diversity is due to a significant transformation of natural landscapes, the proximity of
residential development areas and transport routes (both highways and railways).

29 Brodsky А.К., Lvovsky А.L. “Spiders, Insects” - Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1990

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

A section of the White Sea-Baltic Sea birds migration route passes over the territory of the Vyborg
district of the Leningrad Region and over Vyborg bay. Certain bird species tend to form large
seasonal aggregations while flying along this section of the route. Some of the bird species have
well-established seasonal migration routes. Some species choose different migration routes in
spring and autumn. All the migratory species, however, tend to adjust their seasonal migration
routes depending on the season’s conditions or due to adverse conditions affecting certain
sections of the route.

Birds are distributed very unevenly within the Project area. Ornithofauna is more diverse in
secondary forests that alternate with open areas disturbed by industrial activity. These areas are
characterized by relatively rich and varied forage base and a lot of sheltered locations. In such
areas ornithofauna is based on species belonging to Palearctic or European broadleaf faunal
groups with the dominance of passerines over the other species. Great tits, leaf warblers, typical
warblers, true thrushes, and finches dominate everywhere. Those families gravitate toward forest
communities. Pipits, wagtails, yellowhammers and other groups inhabit forest edges. By their
zones of habitation birds inhabiting the surveyed area can be divided into several groups.

Bird population in secondary coniferous/small-leaved forests

These bird communities are most prominent among forest communities, due to the variety of
conditions existing on such sites. As regards summer population, the dominant species of
secondary forest ornithofauna are the common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) and the willow warbler
(Phylloscopus trochilus). Co-dominants include tree pipits (Anthus trivialis), willow tits (Parus
montanus), European robins (Erithacus rubecula), fieldfares (Turdus pilaris). The majority of
species, including dominant ones, belong to the European type of fauna. Bird communities in
secondary forests are resilient, due to being widespread and ecologically adaptive species, but the
stability of ornithocenoses, depends on the habitat area and the intensity of disturbance.

Bird population in disturbed areas

Characterized by heterogeneity in species composition primarily determined by the condition of

vegetation. The most prevalent species are the white wagtail (Motacilla alba) and the Blyth’s red
warbler (Acrocephalus dumetorum). The population size is extremely unstable and subject to
substantial variation. On the whole, bird communities are resilient as they are both widespread and
ecologically adaptive, but the stability of ornithocenoses, naturally, depends on the habitat area
and the intensity of disturbance. Traces of sporadic nesting by small-sized passerines has been
found within the surveyed area.

Aquatic and semiaquatic species

A section of the White Sea-Baltic Sea birds migration route passes over the territory of the Vyborg
district of the Leningrad Region and over Vyborg bay. Certain bird species tend to form numerous
seasonal clusters while flying along this section of the route. A number of bird species have
developed seasonal migration routes. Some species choose different migration routes in spring
and autumn. All migratory birds’ routes, however, are subject to seasonal variation due to
adjustment depending on season conditions or due to unfavorable conditions along different
stretches of the route.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

In the European part of Russia with large wetland areas aquatic and semi-aquatic birds form part
of the prominent group of numerous and widespread bird species. Many species of waterfowl
travel from their wintering sites in the Southwest and Western Europe to northwestern Russia in
spring, flying along the coastal waters of the Baltic Sea, and form numerous large stopover sites on
the Gulf of Finland. From the territory of Narva bay and the Kurgalsky peninsula through Vyborg
bay to the north of Lake Ladoga lies the route of late spring migrants (common scoter, velvet
scoter, long-tailed duck, greater scaup, barnacle goose, black goose) flying over the area of
Vyborg bay from Finland along the northern coast of the Gulf of Finland in May-June.

In addition, it is noted that immature 2 or 3-year-old species of the order Anseriformes which nest
in the subarctic region do not always reach their nesting sites in spring and stay in the eastern part
of the Gulf of Finland in summer to undergo molting.

In June-July, flocks of wigeons, velvet scoters, common scoters, common mergansers and smews
numbering up to several hundred individuals can be observed on a regular basis. Waders nesting
on shorelines (common sandpiper, wading birds), in wetlands (snipe, plover, great snipe, ruff), in
forests (green sandpiper, woodcock), and on arable lands (lapwing, curlew) fly over in spring in
small flocks and individually. They stop over in spring and summer in the same locations as water
fowl. But due to the choice of nighttime summer migrations in June-July, and the lack of specific
orientation of routes the information on the preferred choice of stopover sites and the exact route
remains approximate at this time.

Within the surveyed area no seasonal accumulations of waterfowl, stopover, molting or nesting
sites have been observed. The site, however, directly borders some of Vyborg Bay’s aquatic areas
that are used by birds for resting and nesting during migratory flights. At the same time, the
intensive development of the Gulf of Finland shoreline, the increased recreational pressure in the
coastal zones, and higher disturbance levels cause changes in the composition of migrating birds
and re-routing of their spring and fall migrations. Due to these factors, many bird species adjust
their routes and relocate their stopover sites, including those along the northern coast of the Gulf of
Finland, to the northwest.

At present, the main mass of migrating birds circumnavigates the work sites, staying away from
areas disturbed by human activity, particularly from the Sea Port. Some of the migratory birds pass
in transit over the sea bays and the gulf mostly at night and at great heights. Nevertheless, the
remaining stopover sites of swans and ducks are located within the Project’s area of influence.

Also valuable wader species inhabit the Project’s area of influence. Some of them are popular
game birds (Eurasian woodcock, common snipe, etc.).

The main transitory migrants in the area under review are: sea and river ducks, swans, coots,
grebes, black-backed gulls, diving ducks.

The following Baltic Sea bird species can be observed in spring and summer (nesting period)
within and near the area under review: Eurasian oystercatchers, common eiders, Arctic terns, great
black-backed gulls and lesser black-back gulls.

The information on the numbers of game species in the Vyborg district is given in Table 7.8.6
below based on the data provided by the Leningrad Region Committee for the Protection, Control
and Management of Living Resources.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Table 7.8.6: Information on the numbers of game species in the Vyborg district

Description Number of animals

Eurasian woodcock 5816
Wood grouse 1526
Hazel grouse 4057
Black grouse 1707
Common wood pigeon 1127
Rock dove 96
European turtle dove 12
Common snipe 1137
Jack snipe 45
Great snipe 49
Bean goose 60
Greater white-fronted goose 120
Greylag goose 68
Barnacle goose 30
Mallard 7838
Eurasian teal 3644
Garganey 1111
Gadwall 14
Common goldeneye 3395
Eurasian wigeon 697
Red-crested pochard 22
Common pochard 306
Tufted duck 425
Common merganser 129
Northern pintail 20
Northern shoveler 392
Common shelduck 70
Northern lapwing 243
Goosander 51
Corn crake 645
Pheasant 496
Eurasian curlew 94
Whimbrel 62
Eurasian coot 1100 MAMMALS

Terrestrial theriofauna

According to Russia’s zoogeographical zoning the Leningrad Region belongs to the European-
Siberian zoogeographical sub-region, southern taiga sub-zone. The richness and diversity of the
region’s wildlife is determined by extremely uneven population density and the degree of
agricultural development of the territory.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

To date, indigenous animal communities on large areas have been mostly transformed and are
now secondary in character, formed in the wake of the economic development of the area. The
duration and diversity of economic activity has led to a complex set of changes to the fauna. The
main types of economic use of the territory, which have had the greatest impact on wildlife, are
wood development; which leads to almost total transformation of plant communities and wildlife,
agricultural activities; the impact of which was very diverse (no such activities are currently being
conducted close to the project site), the construction of linear facilities, including roads and

Currently, the terrestrial fauna in the Leningrad region includes 61 species of mammals. In the less
populated north-eastern and eastern lands the animal population is more diverse than in western
and south-western areas.

4 species have been recorded in the Project area. Rodents are represented by the squirrel
(Sciurus vulgaris). In secondary coniferous/small-leafed forests the diversity of mammals is
greater, which is associated with the communities occupying much larger areas and experiencing
more varied conditions. Other species commonly occurring are the European mole (Talpa
europaea), and the Field vole (Microtus agrestis) at forest edges. Open spaces are inhabited by
the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus). Such species as beavers and otters which are common in
the Leningrad region do not inhabit the Project site due to the lack of suitable biotopes.

On the whole, mammals are characterized by a stable species composition but it is primarily
determined by small-sized mammals. They require habitats with relatively small areas and can
inhabit fragmented communities.

No species included in Red Data Books of various ranks were recorded during the field survey.
Such species are not likely to exist within the Project area due to the lack of suitable biotopes and
the degree of human-caused pressure to which the area is subjected.

The information on the numbers of game species in the Vyborg district are given in Table 7.8.7
below based on the data provided by the Leningrad Region Committee for the Protection, Control
and Management of Living Resources.

Table 7.8.7: Information on the numbers of game species in the Vyborg district

Description Number of animals

Roe deer 12
Fallow deer 24
Moose 1884
Boar 1132
Brown bear 94
Red fox 726
Raccoon dog 643
Badger 391
Weasel 88
Otter 136
Stoat 179
Minks 633
European pine marten 580
European polecat 154
Eurasian lynx 34

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Description Number of animals

Mountain hare 3101
European hare 52
Squirrel 2220
North American beaver 150
Eurasian beaver 675
Muskrat 785
European water vole 136
Moles 23942

The following rare species listed as Rare and Endangered Animal Species in the Leningrad Region
Red Data Book have been found within the surveyed area: the European mink (Mustela lutreola L.)
and the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.). Conditions exist for the presence of the
Eurasian least shrew (Sorex minutissimus Zimmermann) but due to its sporadic distribution and
small numbers it is unlikely they would be encountered.

Marine mammals

The species composition of marine mammals is scarce. In the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland
the group of marine mammals includes two animal species listed in the RF Red Data Book: the
ringed seal (sub-species Phoca hispida botnica) and the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus). The
ringed seal population within the Gulf of Finland is maintained at 300, the population of the grey
seal has slightly increased and is currently 600.

The grey seal’s and the ringed seal’s haul-out sites are located on the shoreline of the Kurgalsky
peninsula and Kurgalsky reef island, on the islands Maly Tyuters and Vigrund. The islands are
located to the west and northwest of the Kurgalsky peninsula. In winter, seals move to wintering
grounds in the norther part of the Baltic Sea’s central basin. Ringed seals are mainly concentrated
in the vicinity of the islands Maly Kokker, Seskar, Kurgalsky and Kiskolsky reefs and can be found
in the Gulf of Riga, near the islands Hiiumaa and Saaremaa.

Grey seals are rare in the Russian part of the Gulf of Finland, they mostly appear in the southern
portion. Ringed seals mostly keep to the southern part, bounded by Seskar island in the east.
Ringed seal breed on ice to the south or southwest of the Birch Islands. In spring, ringed seal can
be encountered 5 to 5.5 km south of the settlement of Baltiyets (near the islands Gruzny and
Gusiny). These locations are located 13.3-14 km west of the Project site. However, the islands
Igriviy, Bystrinniy, Kormovoi, the SPNA Kivipark, and the Transund greater and lesser roadsteads
lay between the sites and the Project area.

Four permanent haul-out sites are reportedly used by ringed seals exist in Vyborg bay. Two haul-
out sites have been identified near the Kiperort peninsula and two in the vicinity of the skerries.
The largest haul-out site (for 10-15 individuals) is formed on the shoal in May and September
between the Kiperort peninsula and Vikhrevoy island. A haul-out site is also known in
Klyuchevkaya bay across from the village of Kamenka. Two seals were observed in August 2012;
previsous reports have recorded greater numbers of seals at this location. In the vicinity of Vyborg
bay skerries ringed seals usually haul out near the islands Tyulen and Gusiny. Seals were
observed only in autumn (from September till November) and not every year, although they have
been recorded in the last 3 or 4. The seals occupied areas 800-1000 m south of the island and
could form groups of 2 to 8 individuals. Groups of 3-5 (up to 10) individuals were said to be

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

observed in late April or late May. However, no data for that island exist for the last 10 years.
Reportedly there are other haul-out sites near the skerries besides the two described above; due to
the abundance of islands it is difficult to identify haul-out sites in Vyborg bay. Swimming seals were
periodically encountered near the islands Igriviy, Kubenskiy, Stoglaz. It is known for a fact that
ringed seals can swim into Vyborg bay as far as the town of Vyborg itself. Individual ringed seals
are known to have swum through the Saimensky channel and the canals into the inner system of
the Vyborg lakes. A single seal was regularly observed resting on a stone opposite one of the
coastal fruit farms in Belichiy Bay in August-September 2011. The seal showed no fear of people.
Thus, it is evident there’re no ringed seal haul-out sites near the Project area. FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS

The gas pipeline construction project will cross a number of water bodies:

Perovka River

The ichthyofauna of the Rerovka river is formed from fish species inhabiting the lakes Bolshoye
Kirillovskoye and Krasnokholmskoye and its species composition is the same as in those lakes. It
includes those fish species which permanently dwell in the river bed and those which come from
the lakes connected to the river. The river’s diverse spawning substrate attracts zander, bream,
pike and burbot from the lakes during spawning migrations.

The following widespread fish species inhabit the entire length of the river: common roach (Rutilus
rutilus), European perch (Perca fluviatilis), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernua), common bleak
(Alburnus alburnus), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna), common dace (Leuciscus leuciscus), asp
(Aspius aspius), gudgeon (Gobio gobio), sunbleak (Leucaspius delineatus). Fish species inhabiting
the river’s tributaries are resilient to adverse conditions. The core fish community mainly consists of
roach and perch.

The maximum number of fish in the Perovka river can be observed in spring and early summer due
to the presence of various juvenile species in early stages of development. All larval fish species
feed on zooplankton and, in part, zoobenthos.

Most of the river fish species are phytophiles (the majority of carps, perches, and pike, etc.).
Phytophiles’ spawning grounds are normally located on the floodplain where the previous year’s
vegetation serves as spawning substrate, and, in part, in the river bed on littoral shoals overgrown
with macrophytes.

During the flood season water on the floodplain warms faster than in the river bed contributing to
the intensive development of plankton and benthos organisms which serve as forage for fish. As a
result, high survival and growth rates among juvenile and larval fish can be observed on the
floodplain. Consequently, the fish production rate on floodplains as a whole is significantly higher
than in river beds. The Perovka river belongs to category one fishery water bodies.

The Cherkasovka river

The following fish species inhabit the Cherkasovka: brown trout (Salmo trutta), bream (Abramis
brama), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna), ide (Leuciscus idus), common dace (Leuciscus leuciscus),
stone loach (Barbatula barbatula), common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), asp (Aspius aspius),

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

common bleak (Alburnus alburnus), gudgeon (Gobio gobio), roach (Rutilus rutilus), ruffe
(Gymnocephalus cernua), perch (Perca fluviatilis), zander (Sander lucioperca), burbot (Lota lota),
pike (Esox lucius), European bullhead (Cottus gobio), etc. Wintering holes are located near the
population center Cherkasovo and 2 km downstream. European smelt, salmon and lamprey enter
the river from the Gulf of Finland.

Test fishing on the Cherkasovka river (December 2013) was carried out at a location where the
river bed width was 6-8 m (Table 7.8.8), river depth 0.5-1.5 m and river velocity up to 0.5 m/s. The
river bed consists of silted sand, pebbles and stones. The river banks are tall and overgrown with
shrubs, alder, spruce and birch. Projective cover is up to 60% (in summer).

Table 7.8.8: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Cherkasovka river in December

Average fish density at Average
Fish species number of
location, fish/100 m2 weight, g
Brown trout (Salmo trutta) 4 0,95 -
Stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) 8 1,91 44,8
Burbot (Lota lota) 2 0,48 58,3
European bullhead (Cottus gobio) 4 0,95 2,8
Common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) 5 1,19 3,9

The number of species is small as the test fishing was carried out in winter when many species
had completed their feeding migrations and moved to the lower reaches of the river or to the Gulf
of Finland. The Cherkasovka river is a fishery water body of the highest category.

The Dryoma river

The following species inhabit the Dryoma: European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), roach (Rutilus
rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis), common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), common bleak (Alburnus
alburnus), ide (Leuciscus idus), three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), pike (Esox
lucius), white bream (Blicca bjorkna), ruffe (Gimnocephalus cernuus). Wintering holes are located
5 km downstream of the population center Sokolinskoye.

In December 2013 the ichthyofauna was composed of only three species (Table 7.8.9).

Table 7.8.9: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Dryoma river in December 2013

Average fish density at

Fish species Total number of fish Average weight, g
location, fish/100 m2
Perch (Perca fluviatilis) 2 1,05 64,3
Roach (Rutilus rutilus) 5 2,63 73,5
Common minnow (Phoxinus
3 1,58 4,2

At the test fishing location the river width was 5-6 m, river depth up to 1 m, river velocity up to 0.4
m/s. River bed consists of silted sand, pebbles and stones. The river banks are tall and overgrown
with shrubs, alder, spruce, pine and birch. The projective cover is up to 60% (in summer).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

The test fishing location had all the characteristics necessary for sustaining predatory, phytophile
and benthos-eating fish. The low species diversity is due to the testing season. The Dryoma river
belongs to category one fishery water bodies.

The Matrosovka river

Species inhabiting the Matrosovka river include burbot (Lota lota), European bullhead
(Cottusgobio), pike (Esox lucius), bream (Abramis brama), white bream (Blicca bjorkna), common
bleak (Alburnus alburnus), gudgeon (Gobio gobio), common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), roach
(Rutilus rutilus), ide (Leuciscus idus), common dace (Leuciscus leuciscus), asp (Aspius aspius),
perch (Perca fluviatilis), zander (Sander lucioperca), ruffe (Gimnocephalus cernuus); the river is
visited by European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout
(Salmo trutta). Wintering holes are located near the population center Matrosovo.

Brown trout spawn in the Matrosovka. Salmon migration routes pass along the river bed and
salmon juveniles use it for downstream migration. The river provides feeding grounds for juvenile
and adult fish.

The greatest number of species and the largest fish population can be observed in spring when
during the flood period the river’s tributaries (streams) and their floodplains serve as spawning
grounds for phytophile fish. These locations also serve as feeding grounds for juveniles in the early
stages of development. Mass downstream migration of grown-up juveniles starts in the second half
of August.

Brown trout, pike, burbot, European bullhead and common minnow were found in the river in
December 2013 (Table 7.8.10). The area of the test fishing location was 320 m2 , the river width
being 7 m.

Table 7.8.10: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Matrosovka river

Total number of Average fish density at Average

Fish species
fish location, fish/100 m2 weight, g
Brown trout Salmo trutta 2 0,63 -
Pike Esox lucius 1 0,31 44,8
Burbot Lota lota 1 0,31 58,3
European bullhead (Cottus gobio) 4 1,25 2,8
Common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) 7 2,19 3,9

No commercial fishing operations are conducted in the Matrosovka river, only amateur fishing is
allowed. The Matrosovka river is a fishery water body of the highest category.

The Medyanka river

The following species inhabit the Medyanka: burbot (Lota lota), zander (Sander lucioperca), pike
(Esox lucius), bream (Abramis brama), white bream (Blicca bjorkna), roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch
(Perca fluviatilis), ruffe (Gimnocephalus cernuus), etc.

Wintering holes are located in midstream in the vicinity of the population centers Popovo and
Beryozka. There are no spawning grounds for European smelt or any other commercially valuable

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

fish species in the Medyanka. No salmon migration routes or salmon juveniles downstream
migration occurs. The river is used by fish mainly as feeding grounds for juveniles and adult fish.

The ichthyocenosis was last explored in December 2013 (see Table 7.8.11). At the test fishing
location the river width was 1.5-2.0 m, river depth 0.5 m or less, river velocity up to 0.4 m/s. The
river bed consisted of silted sand and stones. The river banks are shallow and overgrown with
shrubs and trees, mainly alder. The projective cover is up to 70% (in summer).

The area of the test fishing location was 260 m2, the river width being 2 m. As a result of test
fishing, 3 fish species were found. The number of species was small due to the test becing carried
out in winter. The Medyanka river is a fishery water body of the highest category.

Table 7.8.11: Fish species composition at test fishing location on the Medyanka river

Average fish density at

Fish species Total number of fish Average weight, g
location, fish/100 m2
Perch (Perca fluviatilis) 3 1,15 65,4
Roach (Rutilus rutilus) 4 1,54 23,8
Pike (Esox lucius) 1 0,39 185,0

Tokarev Stream

The Tokarev stream ichthyofauna is mainly formed by species that dwell in the Gorokhovka river.
Up to 10 fish species have been observed in the stream, the most important being roach, pike,
perch and others. The stream can be visited by brown trout, smelt and bream from the Gorokhovka
river. The stream is used by phytophile fish species as spawning grounds and feeding grounds for

Unnamed streams No. 1 and No. 2 rise in raised swamps and end in irrigation canals. The
streams’ hydrological regime allows for temporary dry-outs and determines the relative scarcity of
the local ichthyofauna which comprises two fish families: perciform fish and cyprinids. Perciform
fish are represented by the perch and the ruffe, cyprinids are represented by the roach. There are
no spawning grounds for European smelt or any other commercially valuable fish species in the
streams, no salmon migration routes or salmon juveniles downstream migration. The streams are
used by fish mainly as feeding grounds for juveniles who subsequently migrate downstream
through irrigation canals into Smirnovskoye Lake or the Cherkasovka river.

The ichthyofauna of unnamed streams No. 3 and No. 5 is formed under the influence of the rivers
from which they arise. The ichthyofauna of unnamed stream No. 3 is influenced by fish species
inhabiting Lake Lepyoshka and the Matrosovka river; the ichthyofauna of unnamed streams No. 4
and No. 5 is influenced by the Medyanka river. Unnamed streams Nos. 3-5 serve as a habitat for a
small number of fish species. Roach, common bleak, sunbleak, three-spined stickleback,
occasionally perch and pike can be found in the streams, relating to fish from the rivers Matrosovka
and Medyanka. The greatest fish numbers can be observed in spring and the first half of summer.
By the end of summer or the beginning of autumn the majority of fish populations migrate to the
main river. There are no wintering holes in the streams. Due to shallow depths the streams can
freeze through to their bottoms. Salmon can enter unnamed stream No. 3 from the Matrosovka
river. No commercial fishing operations are conducted in any of the streams, only amateur fishing
is allowed..

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline MARINE HABITATS

Hydrobiological characteristic

Zooplankton serves as a food base for fish juveniles and for adult planktonphage fish species. In
the upper and middle parts of Vyborg bay freshwater species are dominant, marine species are
noticeably absent from this part of Vyborg bay. The majority of species in various seasons
comprises freshwater species from the genera Synchaeta, Conochilus, Polyarthra, Keratella,
Euchlanis, Asplanchna (rotifers), Daphnia, Bosmina, Chydorus (water fleas), Mesocyclops,
Eurytemora (copepods). Often these include large-sized crustaceans: species from the genera
Eurycercus, Bythotrephes, Polyphemus, Leptodora kindtii (water fleas) and Heterocope

The density of zooplankton is high and in the littoral zone its reaches 70,000 organisms/m3 and in
the deep-water zone 170,000 organisms/m3, mainly consisting of water fleas and copepods.
Plankton biomass varies significantly over time and space: from 0,08 to 10 g/m3 in the littoral zone
and from 0.1 to 2.0 g/m3 in the deep water zone of the bay, its primary components (up to 80%)
are typically copepods.

In the lower part of the bay the community is mostly represented by freshwater species, salt water
species account for no more than 18 % of the total quantity, marine species for less than 1%. The
largest group consists of species from the genera Mesocyclops, Acaniho суclops, Eurytemora
lacustris and Limnocalanus grimaldii (copepods), Chydorus (water fleas), Keratella quadrata and
Conochilus unicornis (rotifers). From the listed genera only L. Grimaldii belongs to salty water
lifeforms. From the genera mentioned above L. Grimaldii dominates in spring, species from the
genera Mesocyclops and Acanthocyclops dominate throughout the entire vegetative period and
Chydorus in summer.

Zooplankton density is rather low (up to 50,000 organisms/m3 on average), its basis is formed by
copepods and rotifers. Zooplankton biomass varies from 0.01 to 0.38 during the vegetative season
with copepods and water fleas dominating. Zooplankton is composed of 33 species, including 8
rotifer species, 11 water flea species and 13 copepod species (as of July 2005).

Zooplankton is widely represented by both freshwater (species from the genera Daphnia,
Chydorus, Bosmina, Leptodora, Mesocyclops, Acantocyclops) and salty water (Keratella quadrata
platei, Eurytemora hirundoides, Acartia clausi, Limnocalanus grimaldii) species with occasional
marine species (Keratella quadrata platei, Eurytemora hirundoides, Acartia clausi, Limnocalanus

In Pikhtovaya bay the density of zooplankton ranges between 21,000 and 60,000 organisms/m3,
the average value being approximately 40,000 organisms/m3, with copepods dominating.
Zooplankton biomass varies from 0.4 to 1.2 g/m , 0.9 g/m on average, and mainly consists of the
large-sized species Cercopagis pengoi, Daphnia cucullata, Leptodorakindtii, Diaphanosoma

In the vicinity of the harbor approach channel the density of zooplankton is within the range of
17,000–35,000 organisms/m3, 26,000 organisms/m3 on average. These generally comprise
copepods (Mesocyclops и Eurytemora hirundoides). Zooplankton biomass ranges between 0.6

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

and 0.8 g/m, 0.7 g/m on average, and mainly consists of the large-sized species Cercopagis
pengoi, Daphnia cucullata.

In the vicinity of the underwater soil dump the density of zooplankton ranges between 5,000 and
14,000 organisms/m3 , approximately 8,000 organisms/m3 on average. Copepods dominate due to
the development of copepodid stages of Eurytemora hirundoides. Biomass ranges from 0.4 to 0.7
g/m, the average value being 0.5 g/m3, and mostly consists of large-sized copepod and water flea
species (Eurytemora hirundoides, Limnocalanus grimaldii Cercopagis pengoi, Daphnia cucullata).

Zoobenthos serves as food for juveniles of many fish species and forms the food base for adult
benthophage fish. In the upper and middle parts of the bay the species composition is highly
diverse. Large-sized mollusks, including gastropods (7 species with Theodoxus fluviatilis
dominating) and bivalvia (M.Unionidae) are present in the littoral zone occupied by slightly silted
sands. Zoobenthos also include larvae of non-biting midges (5 species), small-sized oligochaeta,
sandflies (2 species) and a large number of nematodes, ostracodes and water mites. In deep-
water areas zoobenthos is depleted and includes only oligochaeta (Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri,
Lumbriculus variegatus, Tubifex tubifex) and larvae of non-biting midges (Procladius ferrugineus и
Chironomus plumosus).

The density of zoobenthos during the entire vegetative period ranges between 680 and 1600
organisms/m2, with the total biomass ranging from 1.06 to 313.4 g/m2; mollusks account for up to
95 % of the biomass. The average biomass of fodder zoobenthos (without large-sized mollusks) in
the 1990s was circa 8 g/m2, and hasn’t exceeded 2 g/m2 in the recent years. Zoobenthos is almost
absent from the vicinity of the underwater soil dump in the lower part of the bay. The biomass of
bottom-dwelling organisms is normally less than 0.1 g/m primarily comprising oligochaeta.

In the vicinity of Pikhtovaya bay zoobenthos includes oligochaeta, larvae of non-biting midges,
polychaetes, flat worms and nematodes (as of July 2005). The density of zoobenthos varies from
200 to 560 organisms/m2 depending on the station, the biomass from 0.12 to 0.27 g/m2. The
average values for the area were 330 organisms/m3 and 0.16 g/m, respectively.

Oligochaeta dominate in terms of both biomass and density. In the vicinity of the harbor approach
channel zoobenthos consists of oligochaeta and larvae of non-biting midges (Procladius
ferrugineus and Chironomus plumosus). The density varies depending on the station from 120 to
680 organisms/m2, the biomass from 0.22 to 2.38 g/m2, the average values for the area being 290
organisms/m2 and 1.15 g/m2, respectively. Larvae of non-biting midges dominated in terms of both
density and biomass.

Near the underwater soil dump benthic communities are especially depleted; zoobenthos is
represented by occasional oligochaeta and nematodes. The density of macrozoobenthos varies
from 40 to 120 organisms/m2 depending on the station, the biomass from 0.01 to 0.06 g/m2. The
average values for the area were 90 organisms/m2 and 0.11 g/m2, respectively.


The composition of the Vyborg bay fish population near Port Vysotsk consists of: European smelt,
zander, bream, roach, perch, white bream, pike, ruffe, common minnow, burbot, salmon and brown
trout, a species listed in the RF Red Data Book.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Vyborg bay is an area of high commercial and fishery value. Vyborg bay is a part of the Gulf of
Finland and is a fishery water body of the highest category.

As with other estuary bodies, Vyborg bay has a diverse fish community. Of the 69 fish species
found in the Gulf of Finland 28 were encountered in Vyborg bay. The absence of many of the
species in catches can be explained by the small range of salinities and the limited test fishing

The bay’s fish communities are based on nine species: bream, zander, roach, perch, white bream,
pike, ruffe, European smelt and sabrefish.

The dominant fish species (in terms of both density and mass) in Vyborg bay are Baltic herring,
European smelt, bream, roach, perch, and, on much rarer occasions, whitefish, white bream,

The Baltic herring may be considered as an edificatory species in the outer part of the bay, and the
bream in the inner part; the European smelt is normally the dominant species in terms of density.

The biological characteristics of the main commercially valuable fish species are given below.

European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus L.)

The European smelt is one of the main fish species in coastal fishery. Its spawns in freshwater, its
eggs and larvae grow in the freshwater zone of the bay (in May and June).

The duration of the spawning run of the European smelt in Vyborg bay is 20-45 days (20 on
average, occasionaly 10-20 days). Spawning grounds are mostly located on compact sandy and
sandy-pebbly soils at the depth of 1.5-3 m. The spawning usually begins in late April, when water
temperatures reach 3-5оС, and ends in late May at the temperature of 12оС or higher. The
spawning run has several peaks due to biological heterogeneity of breeding fish. Males are the first
to reach the spawning grounds; at the peak of the run genders even out , and at the end males
dominate again being no more than twice as numerous as females.

The European smelt normally matures after two or three years, occasionally after one year. Males
mature faster than females. As with other fish species, the smelt’s breeding rate depends on age
and size, increasing with age and ranging from 2,000 to 70,000 (the average of circa 15,000).
Breeding fish measures 7 to 25 cm in length and weighs 12 to 130 g. Three or four-year-old fish
dominate (up to 60%); mature one-year-olds account for 5-7% on the average, older fish account
for no more than 25-30%.

The European smelt mostly spawns in the Saimaan system and partly in Vyborg bay, the
Gorokhovka river and other small rivers.

Common bream (Abramis brama L.)

In Vyborg bay, the bream is the main object of commercial fishing; Vyborg bay bream account for
68-70% of bream caught in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland.

Spawning season for the bream usually starts in May with water temperatures ranging from +13 to
+18оС (with spawning on a massive scale occurring at +16-+17оC). Two or three approaches of
breeding fish to spawning beds are observed, first the larger fish, then the medium-sized and

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

finally the smallest, recently matured, individuals. Females spawn simultaneously. Breeding rates
range between 40,000 and 300,000 eggs. Males mature at age 6 or 7, females a year later. The
male-female ratio for first-time spawning fish is close to 1:1, subsequently the usual ratio for
breeding grounds is 2:1. Individuals aged 6 to 8 years dominate among the spawning fish
population (up to 90%). On average, breeding fish measure 26-35 cm in length and weigh 400 to
850 g.

Eggs are laid on water plants in littoral areas protected from waves. By the end of June bream
larvae measure 13.1-14.6 mm in length. Subsequent growth rate depends on the temperature
conditions throughout the year.

The majority of coves in the Vyborg bay serve as spawning grounds for the bream with the most of
spawning beds located within the area between Vyborg and Vysotsk. The coves are repeatedly
overgrown with thick shrubs due to constant ingress of biogenic substances into the bay. The
coves Raduga, Zashchitnaya, Yershovaya, Samolanlakhti, Medyanskaya are largely overgrown
and require reclamation work; for the rest of the coves the degree of overgrowing increased by 15-

The coves Sovetskaya and Zakrytaya have lost their former fishery importance. In spring bream
concentrate in Vyborg bay within the area between Vyborg and Vysotsk where the main breeding
grounds are located.

Zander (Sander lucioperca L.)

The zander is a commercially valuable fish species. It is most widespread along the southern and
eastern coasts of the Gulf of Finland and in Vybog bay. It is rarely present in the western and
outer parts of the Gulf.

During its spawning period zander come close to shore and concentrate near the breeding
grounds. Dense zander accumulations can be observed along the northern and southern coasts of
the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, including the stony shoals south of the Vysotsk islands in
the vicinity of the islands Bolshoy and Maly Berezovy, Igriviy and Vikhervoy in Vyborg bay.
Important zander breeding grounds are located along the coast of Vyborg bay from the town of
Vyborg to the town of Vysotsk and to the south of the Vysotsk islands. The breeding grounds have
decreased in size over the last two decades as a result of economic activity (blast and dredging

Zander usually spawn in May-July, with water temperatures ranging between 14-16оС; the
spawning period lasts 10 to 30 days. Zander lay eggs in shallow-water littoral areas on sandy,
sandy-pebbly or stony soils and well as on soils covered with roots of water plants. Spawning
grounds are usually located at the depth of 3 to 8 m. Males spawn first, and they are last to leave
the spawning grounds. The zander usually creates spawning nests in which the eggs are guarded
by males. The female-male ratio on breeding grounds is within the range of 1:2-1:3. The average
maturity age is 5 years. As a rule, males mature one year ahead of females. The average breeding
rate for females is 200,000-250,000 eggs, with variations of 80,000-1,200,000. First-time spawning
zanders measure 30-35 cm in length and weigh 400 to 700 g. Individuals aged 1 to 7 years
dominate in the spawning fish population.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Common roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)

The roach is one of the main mass fish species in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. It mainly
inhabits the littoral zone along the 10-meter water depth line which follows the Gulf’s perimeter
line; the highest roach densities are observed in Vyborg bay, Luga bay and Koporskaya bay and in
the Neva River estuary.

The roach is a typical phytophile species which breed in shallow waters, usually areas up to 1 m
deep overgrown with soft vegetation. Pre-spawning accumulations form under ice. As soon as the
ice melts and the water temperature reaches 8-12оС roach concentrates on spawning grounds
laying eggs on aquatic plants, submerged shrubs and sunken logs. Roach mature en masse upon
reaching 2 years of age. Spawning roach population mainly consists of individuals aged 4 to 6
years measuring 14 to 22 cm in length and weighing 40 to 150 g. The male-female ratio on
spawning grounds is close to 1:1. Breeding rates range between 5,500-112,000 eggs (30,000 on
the average). As a rule, breeding rates are higher in older fish. The age series in spawning roach
populations consists of 13 classes, fish over ten years of age are mostly female. The linear growth
in roach is relatively stable over their entire lifespan (2-3 cm a year on the average).

European perch (Perca fluviatilis (L.)

The European perch is one of the most widespread fish species in the Gulf of Finland. Two
ecological forms are common for the species: small-sized stunted individuals that mature at the
age of 2-4 years and large-sized predatory fish that mature upon reaching the age of 5-7 years.
Large-sized perch have population significantly lower than small-sized, no more than several
percent of the total perch population. Small-sized perch feed in the littoral zone across the entire
area of the Gulf, actively consuming zooplankton and, in part, benthos and fish juveniles. Large-
sized perch prefer deeper open waters of the littoral zone given their active predatory lifestyle. Both
forms of perch spend winter in relatively deep places, in the vicinity of the soil dump, in holes, at
times forming significant accumulations. The biggest concentrations of perch are in Neva bay,
Vyborg bay, Luga bay and Koporskaya bay.

After the ice melts both forms of perch migrate to spawn in the coastal area where water plants
grow in thickets. Large-sized perch spawn a little later laying eggs on plants and stones. More than
80% of perch mature at the age of 2. In three-year-old perch population juveniles account for no
more than 2%, females for about 20%, and males for over 75%. Subsequently, the male-female
ratio in perch populations evens out and becomes close to 1:1. Breeding rates range between
7,000-160,000 eggs (45,000-50,000 on the average). With age, as the size and weight increase,
perch’s breeding rate rises. The age series in spawning perch populations consists of 13 classes.
The basis is formed by individuals aged 4 to 7 years (up to 70 %) with the average body size of 12
to 38 cm and the weight of 0.22 to 1.4 kg. The growth rate is the same for males and females,
although in certain age groups females are somewhat larger than males.


The coves of Vyborg bay serve as spawning grounds for many species of fish, including bream,
pike, perch and roach, and the stony shoals at shallow depths provide spawning grounds for
zander and smelt. In the open part of the bay the spawning of Baltic herring occurs.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

Vyborg Bay is the main natural breeding ground for most freshwater and anadromous fish species.
It provides fish found in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland with breeding grounds: bream with
62.5% of their spawning grounds, roach with 34.6%, perch with 35.6%, saberfish with 12.2%, pike
with 100%. Prior to the dredging work performed near Vysotsk in the 1990s 44.2% of zander’s
spawning grounds were also in Vyborg bay.

During the period of spawning migrations in mid-May – early June, the ratio of species varies
depending on the timing of their approach to nursery grounds. Spring spawning migrations in
Vyborg bay are most clearly expressed for the mass fish species – smelt and bream. A large part
of bream population in the Eastern part of the Gulf of Finland migrates for spawning to Vyborg Bay,
as confirmed by tagging in previous years. In other periods bream feed everywhere in Vyborg bay
and the Gulf of Finland. A similar distribution is marked for smelt. At the same time, the populations
of roach, perch, and plaice are not subject to significant displacements and their habitation is
confined to local biotopes.

Vyborg bay is the main spawning-feeding reservoir in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland. From
there, bream settles along the coast of the Gulf of Finland, which is confirmed by tagging. Most
bream reserves are concentrated in Vyborg bay, together with other commercially valuable fish
sensitive to dissolved oxygen content.

Large numbers of zander and bream migrate annually for spawning and feeding from the Gulf of
Finland to Vyborg bay, the intensity of spawning migrations of fish and their spawning periods
being determined by water temperatures in the water transit zone and on the shoals.


Fish, commonly occurring in the inner part of the Gulf of Finland, and rarely occur where islands
are present, and even more rarely in the open part. Yet, the smelt, a species best adapted to the
conditions of the Gulf, can be found everywhere.

In summer, the white bream (24.3%) and the common bream (21.0 %) are dominant in the fish
community, the perch (19.6%) and zander (8.9%) populations increase, and the relative share of
the ruffe drops to 5.6%. During this period the fish community is based on younger age groups.

Comparison of species diversity did not reveal any significant differences in the structure of the
community of the inner and outer parts of the Gulf and islands areas during the spring, but the
values significantly differ with those in island area during the autumn. Catches within in areas of
the Gulf are differentiated by weight excluding catches in the island areas) and indicate the
productivity of communities which inhabit those parts.

This differentiation makes it possible to determine seasonality in the concentrations of particular

species in this area. Thus, spring and autumn migrations of bream and perch greatly influence the
composition of the catches. The Baltic herring’s relocation to the freshwater part of the Gulf is a
seasonal occurrence. Whereas the populations of roaches, perch, and ruffe are not subject to
significant relocations and their existence is confined to local habitats. For this reason the impact of
the anthropogenic factor on them is quite different.

In turn, the structure of fish communities and their qualitative characteristics and seasonal
dynamics depend on the biotope’s specific characteristics. In shallow coves the ratio of species in
the ichtyocenosis changes depending on the season due to spawning migrations.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 7: Environmental Baseline

According to studies, the density of fish community in the middle part of Vyborg bay in summer
(relative density and biomass) was relatively stable throughout the season. Fish biomass ranged
between 71.1 – 91.1 kg/ha (Table 7.8.12) which points to sufficiently stable production
characteristics of the coastal biotope 3-5 m deep.

Table 7.8.12: Fish density (N, fish/ha) and biomass (В, kg/ha) in Vyborg Bay near Vysotsky Island

N, fish/ha В, kg/ha
June July October June July October
Perch 847 166 55 25,0 2,9 2,9
Zander 129 424 20,0 65,8
Ruffe 2007 387 37 28,8 4,4 0,3
Roach 129 18 645 2,4 1,4 39,1
White bream 479 1529 9,1 16,5
Common bleak 18 0,3
Bream 18 23,9
Baltic herring 295 4,7
TOTAL 3591 2523 1068 85,3 91,1 71,1

It is apparent from the catch structure that the most numerous species in the beginning of summer
were ruffe (55,9%), perch (23,6%), white bream (13,3%). The biomass was essentially formed by
ruffe (33,8%), perch (29,3%) and small quantities of large-sized zander (23,5%). In October the
share of perciform fish sharply dropped. Roach (60,3%) and Baltic herring (27.6%) became
dominant in terms of density and roach (54,9%) and bream (33,7%) in terms of biomass. The
seasonal density dynamics (June - October) reflects the change in the community species
structure – the replacement of numerous small-sized ruffe with less numerous large-sized bream. HABITAT TYPES ASSESSMENT

Performance Standard 6 recognizes that protecting and conserving biodiversity, maintaining

ecosystem services, and sustainably managing living natural resources are fundamental to
sustainable development. Therefore, environmental baseline characteristics are necessary to
assess the types of habitats while determining the Project’s environmental risks and impacts. Since
no studies of habitat types were included in ZAO LIMB’s 2015 engineering-ecological survey
program, only a general preliminary assessment can be given based on the available data.

The area allocated for the Project facilities is situated on, and occupies a larger portion of, a
peninsula. The sites designated for the pipeline branch and the water area of Vyborg bay are
already under considerable human-caused strain. The species composition of the local flora and
fauna is typical for the region in question and, on the whole, not unique. Therefore, it can be said
that there are no critical or endemic types of habitats within the Project area.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline



The Project facilities being constructed are located within the territories of Vysotsk and Sovetsk
urban settlements and Goncharovsk rural settlement of the Vyborg district, Leningrad region.
The Vyborg district is located in the north-west of the Leningrad region. The region borders on
Finland in the west, the Republic of Karelia in the north, the Priozersk district in the north-east, the
Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region in the east, and Saint-Petersburg, a City of Federal
significance, in the south-east.
The Leningrad region is a large industrial region surrounding Saint-Petersburg, the second
largest city of the Russian Federation in terms of its population and economic activity level. As of
early 2016, the population of the Leningrad region exceeds 1,7 million, Saint Petersburg’s
population exceeds 5,2 million.
The largest part of the Leningrad region including the Vyborg district is within the area of influence
of the Saint-Petersburg agglomeration. Saint-Petersburg and the surrounding territory have a
highly integrated economy, a labor market, and a transportation system, and a recreation system.
The Leningrad region’s economy is based on real sector industries (machine building, chemical
industry, construction materials industry and etc.) and the transport and logistics complex (cargo
ports and a well-developed railway and motor road infrastructure).
The Vyborg district is a territory with sufficiently high density of economic activities and
population density (the region’s third largest district by its population). The district’s economy is
based on its transport complex comprising several rather large cargo ports. The District’s proximity
to the state border plays a significant role in its development – the А-181 Scandinavia highway,
and the Saint-Petersburg – Helsinki railway line, and the availability of border checkpoints help
intensify contacts with Finland.


The Vyborg district of the Leningrad region has a status of a municipal district. Its administrative
center is the town of Vyborg. The district consists of 12 urban and rural settlements. The district’s
local government authorities include: the council of deputies of the municipal entity Vyborg district
of the Leningrad region (settlement heads and 2 deputies from each settlement); the head of the
municipal entity Vyborg district of the Leningrad Region (chairman of the council of deputies); the
administration of the municipal entity Vyborg district of the Leningrad Region (the head of
administration is chosen from several candidates and appointed on a contractual basis); - the
control and accounting commission of the municipal entity Vyborg district of the Leningrad Region.
(the Charter of the Vyborg district of the Leningrad Region as amended on June 17, 2014 №328)
The project is being implemented within the Vysotsk and Sovetsk urban settlements (referred
hereinafter to as US) and Goncharovsk rural settlement (hereinafter referred to as the “rural
settlement”). A settlement is a municipal entity of the lowest level. Settlements consist of individual
population centers. Local self-government authorities include: settlement councils of deputies,
heads of settlements (chairmen of councils of deputies), settlements’ administrations (heads of
administrations heads are chosen from several candidates and appointed on a contractual basis),
control and accounting commissions.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline


The urban settlement Town of Vysotsk is located near the proposed LNG terminal. The first
settlements in this territory were built in the beginning of the XVIII century near the Trångsund
fortifications. To date, this territory has been used for defending the sea border of the Russian
Federation within the border zone of the Gulf of Finland. Vysotsk itself was built as a military
settlement near a border guard naval base unit of watch border fleet. Significant transformation
took place lately in the social and economic situation in Vysotsk – the role of the Ministry of
Defense facilities became less significant in the employment and social services provision to the
population; the role of civil transportation facilities increased. Nowadays the largest employers in
the town include the cargo port «Vysotsk» and JSC Harbor transshipment complex Vysotsk Lukoil-
2 (oil export terminal). Vysotsk is one of the less populated towns of the Russian Federation
(population 1125). The town’s residential area is located on Vysotsk island which is connected with
Maysky Island and the mainland only by the Vysotsk-Shcherbakovo-Popovo-Primorsk highway.
The majority of population lives in private houses. There are also 8 multi-flat buildings in the town.

Table 8.1.1:Settlements location with regard to the Project facilities

Project facility Municipal Settlement Approximate Settlement

formation distance to a population*

LNG terminal Vysotsk US Vysotsk 1,5-2,5 km Permanent

population – 1131.

Pikhtovoye settl. 2,5 km Permanent

(administratively is a population – 5 pers.
district of Vysotsk)
Seasonal population
– about 150-200

Vysotsk SNT 2,5-3 km Permanent

(gardeners' non- population – 0.
Seasonal population
about 300-400 pers.
Gas pipeline Vysotsk US Pikhtovoye settl. About 100-500 m Permanent
branch (administratively is a population – 5.
district of Vysotsk) Seasonal population
– about 150-200
Vysotsk SNT 100-200 m Permanent
population – 0.
Seasonal population
about 300-400.
Sovetsk US Medyanka settl. 500-1000 m Permanent
(forms part of population – 50 pers.
Shcherbakovo Seasonal population
settl.) – about 350.
Solnechnoye SNT 250-500 m Permanent
population – 0.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Project facility Municipal Settlement Approximate Settlement

formation distance to a population*
Seasonal population
– about 250-300
Sputnik -2 SNT 250-500 m Permanent
population – 0.
Seasonal population
– about 300-400
Berezovaya Dolina 500-1000m Permanent
SNT population – 0.
Seasonal population
– about 500-600
Goncharovsk Cherkasovo settl. 500-1500 m Permanent
RS population – 350.
Lesnoye SNT 0-250 m. Permanent
population – 0 pers.
Seasonal population
– about 500-600.
Rechnoye SNT 0-250 m. Permanent
population – 0 pers.
Seasonal population
– about 300-400.
Belye nochi SNT 1-1,5 km Permanent
population – 0 pers.
Seasonal population
– about 250-350.
Sosnovy mys SNT 1,5-2 km Permanent
population – 0 pers.
Seasonal population
– about 150-250.
Lada SNT 1-1,5 km Permanent
population – 0 pers.
Seasonal population
– about 300-400.
Perovo settl. 100-500 m Permanent
population – 1800
Perovskoye SNT 100-500 m Permanent
population – 0 pers.
Seasonal population
– about 500-600.

*Information about permanent and seasonal population of permanent settlements was provided by
the administration heads of the settlements during interviews with experts (August 2016).
Information about the seasonal population of the SNTs was obtained based on the data of the
number of the plots and partnership members provided by the Vyborg district’s administration.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Project facilities also include rotational camps, pipes storage yards, etc.

Pikhtovoye settlement and the Vysotskoye SNT located 2-3 km from the terminal being
constructed form part of urban settlement Vysotsk town in the territory of Vysotsk island.
Pikhtovoye settlement is located on the shore of the strait between the bays Bolshaya and
Malaya Pikhtovaya, close to motor road Vysotsk-Shcherbakovo-Popovo st. (the only approach
road to the site of LNG terminal being constructed). The permanent population of the settlement is
only 5 people., the while seasonal population increases by dozens of times. According to the
employees of the Vysotsk urban settlement administration, the majority of dwelling houses located
in the territory of Pikhtovoye are the summer houses of the citizens of Saint-Petersburg. There is
no permanent population in the territory of Vysotsk SNT officially though several houses are used
all-year-round according to the statement of the settlement administration head. SNT is connected
to other settlements by dirt motor road passing from the route Vysotsk-Shcherbakovo (turn in the
area of Pikhtovoye). Route section between railroad and route Vysotsk-Shcherbakovo is used also
by JSC «HTC Vysotsk «Lukoil-2». The majority of summer residents according to the data of
Vysotsk urban settlement administration live in Vysotsk, Vyborg and Saint-Petersburg.

The gas pipeline branch to be constructed as part of the Project will pass through Goncharovsk,
Sovetsk and Vysotsk urban settlements. The gas pipeline branch will pass in the relative vicinity of
Pikhtovoye settl. as well as close to the Vysotskoye SNT boundary within Vysotsk urban

The planned gas pipeline route in the territory of Sovetsk settlement passes in relative vicinity
(from 250 to 1000 m) to Medyanka settl. (part of Medyanka settl. – territory of the former
Shcherbakovo settl.), Solnechnoye SNT, Sputnik-2 SNT, Berezovaya Dolina SNT. Railroad is
located between the territory of gas pipeline route laying and the settlements. Medyanka settl.
includes the territory of two previously independent settlements: Medyanka settl.proper located
between the motor road Vysotsk-Popovo and Medyanskaya bay; Shcherbakovo settl. located close
to Vyborg bay. The permanent population of Medyanka settl. – about 50 people., but the
population increases up to 350 people. in summer due to influx of summer residents from Saint-
Petersburg and Vyborg. Residential areas of both settlements are separated from motor road by a
tree belt area about 50 m wide.

Solnechnoye SNT is located close to Medyanka settl. on motor road Vysotsk-Popovka. Sputnik-2
SNT is located at a small distance close to Primorsk highway, 300 m from Popovo station. There is
no permanent population in both partnerships. Summer population constitutes about 250-300 and
300-400 pers. correspondingly. The majority of summer houses in these partnerships is smaller
and of lower category than the cottages of Pikhtovoye settl. Both partnerships are located at a
distance from motor road and separated from it by tree belt are of several tens of meters. There is
no information about the population of Popovo station located at the crossing of motor roads
Vysotsk-Popovo and Primorsk highway. 16 pers. lived in its territory in 2010. Several departmental
dwelling houses of Russian Railways JSC are located in the station. Berezovaya Dolina SNT is
located to the south of Sputnik-2 SNT (about 500-600 summer residents). The distance from
Berezovaya Dolina to gas pipeline constitutes about 500-1000 m.

Settlements of Sovetsk US – Tokarevo settl., Sveklovichnoye settl., Sverdlovo settl., Sokolinskoye-

5 SNT are located at a significant distance from the Project facilities (more than 1000 m from gas
pipeline route) and can be excluded from further assessment.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Gas pipeline branch will pass over the territory of Goncharovsk urban settlement. Cherkasovo
settl., Perovo settl. and several SNTs are located close to the facility. The territory in the area of
Cherkasovo settl. and adjoining SNT is the most complicated for route passage because of rather
high density of residential infrastructure and gardening and recreation activities. Gas pipeline will
pass in relative vicinity to Cherkasovo settl. (500-1500 m). Mainly permanent population is living
in the settlement (about 350 pers.), but there are also some summer residents. The settlement
territory is divided by railroad Saint-Petersburg – Vyborg into two informal microdistricts (Upper
Cherkasovo and Lower Cherkasovo). All the houses in the settlement are private and without
modern conveniences. Cherkasovo is the nearest permanent settlement in this section of gas
pipeline construction.

Several SNTs extending in a strip along railroad are situated close to Cherkasovo settl. Lesnoye
SNT is located from the north of railroad (about 500-600 seasonal residents) and Lada SNT (about
300-400 residents in summer). Rechnoye SNT (300-400 summer residents), Belye nochi SNT
(250-350 pers.) and Sosnovy Mys SNT (150-250 pers.) are located to the south of the railroad.
Passage of gas pipeline route will be in close vicinity to Lesnoye SNT and Rechnoye SNT within
the frameworks of the Project. Transport infrastructure of all SNTs of this area is weak for
connection with Cherkasovo settl. and is oriented for communication with Saint-Petersburg and
Vyborg over railroad (stations 117 km and Lebedevka are used) and Federal highway Scandinavia
and asphalt motor road is used for connection of SNTs to it. The majority of summer residents in
these partnerships lives in Saint-Petersburg permanently. Summer houses are aimed for dwelling
in summer, do not have modern conveniences, the majority of them is not suitable for all-year-
round living.

Gas pipeline route also passes close to Perovo settl. and Perovskoye SNT. Perovo settl. is the
largest settlement of Goncharovsk rural settlement (1800 residents), former a workers' settlement
referring to the Pilot-production plant VPTI «Elektro» (not operating now). The majority of
population lives in multifamily houses. Nowadays the settlement survives crisis – there are
practically no working places in the settlement and the majority of residents are forced to work in
the Vyborg enterprises as commuting labor migrations. Perovskoye SNT is located close to the
settlement where up to 500-600 summer residents can live in summer. The majority of summer
houses is owned by the residents of the settlement itself. It is expected that the gas pipeline route
will pass between the settlement and SNT.

There no indications on vicinity to possible approach roads.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline



Dynamics of economic development of Vyborg district has been unstable lately (Table 8.2.1).
Changes are connected with the overall macroeconomic situation and the energy world prices.
Thus, a reduction of oil and coal prices in 2014 resulted in a decline in product deliveries within the
Vysotsk and Sovetsk urban settlements are the territories with rather high level of economic
development. The scope of shipped products in Vysotsk US in 2015 exceeded 6.3 bill.rub., in
Sovetsk US it nearly reached 5.3 bill.rub. Goncharovsk RS is characterized by considerably lower
economics development level – the scope of products shipped within the same year constituted
only 1.8 bill.rub.

Table 8.2.1: Main indicators of economic development of the districts of the Project realization (in
current prices), mln rub.

2013 2014 2015

Scope of shipped products of domestic manufacture, performed works
and rendered services – total
Vyborg municipal district 90284,7 78373,0 94387,5
Vysotsk urban settlement no data 5813,7 6313,4
Sovetsk urban settlement no data 4515,5 5269,5
Goncharovsk rural settlement no data 1777,6 1782,7
Investments into the fixed assets
Vyborg municipal district 4764,7 5541,6 7106,4
Vysotsk urban settlement no data 340,4 1099,6
Sovetsk urban settlement no data 310,7 121,8
Goncharovsk rural settlement no data 75,6 110,4
Retail turnover
Vyborg municipal district 9461,0 10819,4 11650,4
Vysotsk urban settlement no data no data no data
Sovetsk urban settlement no data 68,8 63,9
Goncharovsk rural settlement no data 59,8 no data

Data source: Vyborg district passport for 2014 and 2015, Passports of Vysotsk, Sovetsk and Goncharovsk
settlements for 2014 and 2015.

Vysotsk US economy is based on transportation complex (port facilities) the share of which
exceeds 99,9% of total scope of shipped products by large and middle-sized enterprises. Sovetsk
US is also a non-diversified settlement where 98% refer to processing industry represented mainly
by Pulp-and-paper plant. 1% of products produced by population refer to agriculture. The key
industry of Goncharovsk RS is extraction industry (extraction of granite macadam).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

12.1 11.7
80% 4.4
70% другое
50% 54.7 99.9 сельское хозяйство, охота и
98.0 agriculture, hunting and forestry
88.3 лесное хозяйство
добывающие производства
30% extraction industry
processing industry
10% 24.6 производства
0% транспорт и связь
transport and communication
Vyborg Vysotsk US Sovetsk US Goncharovsk US

Figure 8.2.1: The structure of employed on large and middle-sized enterprises by types of economic
activities in the districts of the Project realization in 2015

Data source: Passport of Vyborg region for 2015, Passports of Vysotsk, Sovetsk and Goncharovsk
settlements for 2015.

Investment activities in the Vyborg district are rather high and connected with transport projects
realization (Severny potok project, Construction of the Baltic pipeline system (BTS-2), development
of port facilities in Vysotsk and Primorsk and etc.). The total volume of investment in the district
exceeded 17 bill.rub. in 2013-2015. Vysotsk is one of the main centers of investment activity in the
district. 1,4 bill.rub. were invested into its territory in 2014-2015. Investment activity in Sovetsk US
is connected with the realization of budget projects and upgrading of operating production facilities.
Goncharovsk RS is characterized by low level of investment activity.


Vyborg district
The Vyborg district’s economy is based on the transportation complex and the production sector.
The Production sector consists of about 40 large and medium-sized enterprises, 11 of which
operate with the participation of foreign investors. The Vyborg district’s production sector is of
multi-industry character and is represented by the following main production facilities: mining
operations, pulp-and-paper production facilities (CJSC «International Paper», LLC «Vyborg pulp-
and-paper corporation», LLC «ACA Haijin Products Russia»), food production (LLC «National vine
terminal»), wood processing (CJSC «Ekurus»), rubber and plastic items production (LLC «NTL
Upakovka»), production of other non-metal mineral products (LLC Rockwool-Sever , LLC «–
Tekhnonikol - Vyborg»), machinery and equipment production (CJSC «Priborostroitel», JSC
«Zavod Pirs»), production of electrical equipment (CJSC «Trafo»), shipbuilding (JSC «Vyborg
shipbuilding factory»), etc. (the strategy of Vyborg district social and economic development for the
period up to 2025). The majority of industrial enterprises are accumulated in the regional center
Vyborg city.
Transport complex is represented by the ports in Vyborg (LLC «Vyborg port» (OMG Ports)),
Vysotsk (LLC «Vysotsk port» and JSC «HTC-Vysotsk-Lukoil-II»), Primorsk (LLC «Primorsk
commercial port») as well as railroad, pipeline and automobile transport.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

The agro-industrial complex does not play a leading role in the district economy. The agro-
industrial complex of the municipal entity Vyborg district includes 20 enterprises producing
agricultural products including 8 large and medium-sized enterprises as of early 2016. Besides, 8
fisheries are active in the district. 11 enterprises produce milk, cattle meat and pork, 2 – eggs and
poultry meat, 2 enterprises are occupied with fur farming, 3 enterprises grow vegetables in open
and protected grounds, two farming units are engaged in fodder production. The large and middle-
sized agricultural enterprises of the district shipped the products and performed works and services
in 2015 for a total of RUB 7.9 billion,. 26,9 thous. tons of milk, 31,8 thous. tons of cattle and poultry
meat, 1081 mln. eggs and 2,5 thous. tons of vegetables were produced in the same year.
14,5 tons of fish was caught in the territory of the district in 2015. Main fishing is carried out in the
Gulf of Finland and the Vyborg Bay of the Baltic Sea. 2,7 of fish were grown in fish-
breeding enterprises within the same period, 1636 tn of marketable fish was sold.
The Vysotsk economy is based on the transport complex represented by LLC «Vysotsk port» and
JSC «HTC-Vysotsk-Lukoil-II». Vysotsk port is one of the town’s major enterprises, the largest
employer in the town. The construction of the crude oil loading terminal by Lukoil Company is one
of the largest investment projects implemented in the district. Nowadays the Lukoil terminal is one
of the largest enterprises in the district. However, its role for Vysotsk is not very significant – local
residents practically are not employed at the enterprise.
LLC «Vysotsk port». The Sea port was launched in Vysotsk in the mid-1980s. It turned into a
large transshipment complex by the mid-1990s. The stevedore company LLC "Vysotsk port" has
been managing loading/unloading operations in the port since 2004. The port specializes in bulk
cargo shipments. Nowadays Russian coal is transshipped in Vysotsk. Large-scale works on
upgrading the quays, dredging operations in the offshore area and the approach channel were
performed in the port in 2008-2010 as part of the Federal Special Purpose Program “Upgrade of
Russian transport system (2002 – 2010)».
Bottom elevation in the port constitutes 12,7 m. Maximum draft of the ships is 11,9 m. The wharf
can receive ships with deadweights exceeding 80 thousand tons. The port can be accessed by a
railroad and a motor road. The operating warehouses are designed for simultaneous storage of
250 thousand tons of loose goods. Nowadays the marine terminal’s throughput capacity
constitutes 5 milllion tons of bulk cargo per year. The port specializes on transshipment of Russian
coal exported into the countries of Northern and Western Europe. (
JSC «HTC-Vysotsk-Lukoil-II». The distribution transshipment complex Vysotsk «LUKOIL-II» was
put into operation in 2004 . Three two-sided offloading jetties were constructed in the terminal,
designed for simultaneous handling of 36 rail tankers from each side. The port can be accessed by
a railroad and a motor road. The total tank farm capacity is 480 thousand cubic meters. The
artificial water area of the terminal is 14.5 m deep and the approach ways are 14,7 m and 15,4 m
deep. Large-capacity tankers with 80-100 thous.tons capacity can be handled from two quays
( The handling capacity of the liquid bulk
terminal constitutes up to 12,5 of liquid bulk cargo per year
Fishing operations are performed by LLC «Primorsk fisherman» (registered in Primorsk) in the
Vysotsk district as per the data provided by the Vysotsk US administration. The enterprise
arranges fishing teams occupied with fishing and its delivery into Primorsk. Fishing is mainly

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

carried out in the coastland during fishing season. The main commercial species is smelt (shipped
in April and May).
Location close to the sea promotes development of tourism and recreation. «Pikhtovoye»
recreation facility ( is located 3 km away from the town (2,5-3 km from ДТП
terminal) – it's a premier recreation complex with a hotel, bowling, bathing facilities and well-
equipped coastal area. Fishery, hunting and other types of recreational activities are arranged at
the recreation facility. «Island» recreation facility ( is located on
Peredovik island; only water transport can be used for reaching it (including scheduled transport
from town mooring of Vysotsk town). Recreational activities, fishery and hunting are arranged but
for accommodation in a hotel complex of a recreation facility as well as a petting zoo is available.
Two grocery stores, a café and a snackbar are working in the territory of the town.
Sovetsk US
Pulp-and-paper plant LLC Vyborg pulp and paper corporation is the largest enterprise of
Sovetsk US located in the territory of Sovetsk urban settlement. The enterprise has been working
since 1926. Main products include cardboard; paper for wallpaper, lignosulfonate and yeast are
also produced. Construction of workshop of production of wood granules– pellets – was completed
in 2011. Design capacity of the workshop constituted 1 of pellets per year. Nowadays the
enterprise goes through bankruptcy proceedings. Total quantity of employed at the enterprise
exceeds 1 thous. pers.
LLC «Matrosovo RS» is located in the settlement territory; it's an agricultural cattle-breeding
enterprise. 1100 heads including 600 cows were breeded at the enterprise as of the beginning of
2016, 3,8 of milk and 154 tn of meat were produced. Agricultural lands are located to the
north of Sovetsk US. Passage of gas pipeline branch is expected over the territory of farming
facility. An independent subdivision was allocated from the agricultural enterprise – LLC Vyborg
milk factory.
More than 140 small and middle-sized enterprises are operating in the settlement territory. Among
them 37 shops, 26 small retail facilities (stands and etc.), 7 cafe, 23 consumer service enterprises
for the population.
Tourist services are rapidly developing in the settlement. The White briar ranch is located in the
region of Chernichnoye settl. representing a complex of constructions in a style of cowboy town
and Indian village where various events are organized. Yacht center "Johannes" (http://johannes- is located in the coastal area of Sovetsk settl. with guarded parking lease and place for
sailing vessels competitions.
There are no large enterprises in the region of Medyanka settl. Fishing quay is located in the
settlement. Fishing collective farm named after Lenin uses the quay in accordance with the
information obtained from the administration head of Sovetsk US but there is not such organization
in the registry of fishing companies of the Vyborg district
Children's holiday camp «Karelskaya birch tree» ( is located 1 km to the north-
east of the settlement.
Goncharovsk RS
The largest enterprises of Goncharovsk RS include mining enterprises CJSC Gavrilovskoye open
cut administration and Gavrilovsky crushed stone plant (branch of JSC «First Nonmetallic
Company»). Gavrilovskoye open cut administration is occupied with granite excavation and

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

production of crushed granite and crushed stone-sand-granite mixtures. Gavrilovsky crushed stone
plant forms part of the structure of JSC «First Nonmetallic Company» (owned by RR JSC) and
produces granite macadam for railroad and motor road construction.
A large agricultural enterprise Agricultural production cooperative «Kirovsky transportnik»
operated in the settlement territory until 2015. But in 2015 the enterprise went through bankruptcy
proceedings and stopped its activities. Livestock number was killed in the farming unit. Fish-
breeding enterprise LLC «Rybstandart» is located in the settlement territory; it sold 330 tons of
marketable trout in 2015.
Town-forming enterprise of Perovo settl. was represented by «Pilot-production machine-building
plant» that produced steel structures and parts for machines. Nowadays the enterprise is closed.
The largest enterprise nowadays is the Power substation PS «Vyborgskaya» - Branch of PJSC
«FSK EES» Vyborg enterprise of Main Power Networks.

Figure 8.2.2: Building of plant management of Pilot-production machine-building plant in Perovo

Figure 8.2.3: Storage of timber and converted timber in Cherkasovo settl.

A small production facility for converted timber LLC "Soyuz-V" operates in Cherkasovo settl.
1 shop is also working in the settlement.

Budget Situation

The budget situation is rather good in the Vyborg district. The total volume of budget revenues in
the Vyborg district constituted RUB 3.4 billion in 2015 (nearly RUB 24,500 per resident), with the
share of the district’s own revenues being 32%, with is an average figure (Table 8.2.2). The main
sources of the district’s own revenues include profit taxes and personal income tax (18% of all
revenues) and the aggregate income tax (6,5%). More than 5,5% of all the revenues were obtained
from the use of municipal property.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Table 8.2.2: Revenues of budgets in the regions of Project realization in 2015

Vyborg Vysotsk Sovetsk Goncharovsk

district US US RS

Tax revenues 1247488 15194 48333 35648

Profit taxes, revenues 900463 11916 10017 9757

Taxes on products (works,

services) sold in the Russian 39 590 2884 2995

Aggregate income taxes 327252 40 6

Property taxes 2687 35355 22885

State duty 19718 1 37 5

Non-tax revenues 411343 19124 17588 2153

Revenues from the use of state

274335 14237 14476 981
or municipal property

Revenues from rendering paid

services (works) and state costs 667 8

Revenues from sales of tangible

96873 4887 2857 1119
and intangible assets

Fines, sanctions and damage

19612 36 0

Other non-tax revenues 1778 219 45

Gratuitous receipts from other

budgets of the budgetary system 3401448 1189 11389 23852
of the Russian Federation

Total revenues 5015865 35537 76844 60718

Data source: Data Sheet of the Vyborg district for 2015, Data Sheets of Vysotsk, Sovetsk and
Goncharovsk settlements for 2015.

Vysotsk has a substantial budget for a municipal entity. Total volume of budget revenues of the
settlement constituted RUB 35,5 mln in 2015 (30,8 thous.rub. per resident). The share of own
revenues at that is nearly 97% with is not characteristic of the settlement budgets of the Russian
Federation. Main revenues are formed at the expense of localization of large enterprises in the
territory of the settlement - profit revenues and other revenues (including personal income tax)
form more than 33% of local budget, 40% more are stipulated by the revenues from municipal
property use.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Situation with budgeting is worse in the Sovetsk and Goncharovsk settlements than in Vysotsk US
despite of high absolute indicators. Total volume of budget revenues in 2015 constituted 76,8 (9,4
thous.rub. per 1 resident) and 60,7 mln.rub. (9,9 thous.rub. per 1 resident) correspondingly. The
share of own revenue in Goncharovsk RS is significantly lower (about 60%).

The main expenditure item of the regional budget is education. More than 64% of all budget funds
were spent on educational system in 2015 (Table 8.2.3). Nearly 23% are allocated to social policy,
about 5% - to nationwide issues (activities ensuring of local government bodies).

Table 8.2.3: The structure of budget expenditures within the districts of Project realization in 2015

Vyborg Vysotsk Sovetsk Goncharovsk

district US US RS

Nationwide issues 257129 9540 15916 14651

National defense 102 413 504

National security and law enforcement

3204 581 1114 500

National economy 115233 5348 12333 10462

Housing and public services 20197 11497 23268 23407

Education 3163384 98 2281 0

Culture and cinematography 27645 2484 11102 19926

Social policy 1127098 469 367 2993

Physical training and sports 34754 337 3987 330

General character inter-budgetary

169794 0

Total expenditures 4925418 30456 70781 72773

Data source: Passport of Vyborg district for 2015, Passports of Vysotsk, Sovetsk and Goncharovsk
settlements for 2015.

The expenditure structure in the settlements does not vary significantly and is specified by the list
of local governmental bodies' authorities and availability of social institutions. Main expenditure
items everywhere include housing and public services with 32 - 37% of all expenditures. The share
of nationwide issues (the second significant item) varies from 20 to 30%. National economy takes
15-17% of all expenditures. Expenditure for culture differs considerably depending on availability of
institutions. Only a library works in Vysotsk US so the expenditures are not high and constitute only
8% of all budget funds. A cultural and informational center operates in Goncharovsk RS uniting
several institutions the expenditure on which constitutes up to 27,4% of all municipality funds.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline


204 thous. people are living in the territory of the Vyborg district (more than 11% of the Leningrad
region population). District population has reduced lately because of natural decline even under the
conditions of positive migration balance. About 20 thous.people are living in the territory of the
settlements where the Project is realized (Table 8.3.1).
Table 8.3.1: Dynamics of population of the Project realization territories

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2016/2012

Vyborg municipal district 205264 205718 205107 204788 203962 99,4

Vysotsk urban settlement 1214 1183 1155 1152 1131 93,2

Sovetsk urban settlement 9376 9362 9347 9392 9397 100,2

Goncharovsk rural settlement 9557 9658 9834 9856 9881 103,4

Data source: Database of the Federal State Statistics Service «Indicators of municipal formations»
Age pattern of the project realization territory population in whole conforms to the general Russian
age pattern. About 60% of population is represented by people of active working age, 26% - older
than active working age (among women, a share of older district residents constitutes 35%). Share
of resident younger that active working age is not big in the district – only 14,3%.

Table 8.3.2: Age pattern of the population of Vyborg district in 2015

Younger than
Older than active
active working Active working age
working age

All population 14,3 59,7 26,0

Women 13,6 51,4 35,0

Men 15,0 68,7 16,3

Data source: Database of the Federal State Statistics Service «Indicators of municipal formations»
Population is distributed rather evenly over the district territory. More than 38% of population
concentrates in the district center (79 thous.pers.) – Vyborg city. The largest settlements are
accumulated in the south-west of the district in the territories close to the boundaries of Saint-
Petersburg: Roshchinskoye (more than 10% of district population), Polyanskoye (7,5%),
Primorskoye (6,8%). About 10% of district population also dwells in Svetogorskoye settlement in
the north of the municipal district.
Vysotsk US is the main territory of Project realization, LNG terminal construction district is one of
the smallest towns in Russia in terms of population. The number of residents of Vysotsk urban
settlement constituted 1131 pers. as of the beginning of 2016. The majority of it lives directly in the
territory of the town. 5 pers. permanently live in the Pikhtovoye settl. (administratively forming part
of the town). The population of the town has reduced gradually within the last five years.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Sovetsk US and Goncharovsk RS are large municipal formations. About 9,3 and 9,9 thous.pers.
live in them correspondingly. Population dynamics is stable. The number of residents of Sovetsk
US nearly has not changed lately and the population of Goncharovsk RS even increases.
The majority of Sovetsk US residents lives is urban settlements – Sovetsk settl., Tokarevo settl.
Permanent rural population is only 2,3 thous. pers. About 50 pers.are permanently living in
Medyanka settl.
The population of Goncharovsk RS is mainly rural. Large communities Goncharovo (about 1400
residents), Perovo (1800 pers.) and Veshchevo (about 1600 pers.) can be segregated among the
settlements. Permanent population of Cherkasovo community constitutes about 350 pers,
according to the information of the Goncharovsky RS administration.
The population of the Leningrad region as any territory influenced by a large city agglomeration is
multinational. The largest ethnic groups are the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Belarusians, the
Tartars, the Armenians and the Azerbaijani. The share of the Russians differs significantly: from
86,8% in Vysotsk to 95,3% in Perovo (Table 8.3.3). The second most distributed ethnic group in
Vysotsk town and Cherkasovo and Perovo communities is represented by the Ukrainians (6% and
2,9% correspondingly); the Tartars in Medyanka community (5,6%).

The representatives of the indigenous minority of the North do not dwell in the settlements of the
Project realization in accordance with the data of National population census of 2010.

Table 8.3.3: Ethnic composition of population of the Project realization territories in 2010

Vyborg district
Vysotsk Medyanka Perovo Cherkasovo
(without Vyborg town community community community
91,7 86,8 89,8 95,3 93,9
2,3 6,0 0,0 1,5 2,9
1,2 1,2 0,0 0,7 1,2
The Tartars 0,7 0,7 5,6 0,0 0,6
0,5 1,3 0,0 0,0 0,0
0,4 1,0 0,0 0,3 0,0
Other 3,2 3,0 4,6 2,1 1,4

Data source: Microdata of the National population census of 2010

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Demographic situation in the district of Project realization is close to average Russian one.
Moderate natural decline of population is characteristic of the Vyborg district and settlements. Total
fertility rate in the district is at the level of 9-9,5 per mill (Table 8.3.4). Total fertility rate in the rural
communities varies depending on a year. The total fertility rate in Vysotsk US decreased from 10,4
to 4,4 per mill in 2013-2015, in Sovetsk – from 10,2 to 7,9 per mill. This rate is at the level of 9,5-
10,5 per mill in the Goncharovsk RS. Mortality rate in the district is relatively low – 12-13 per mill.
The mortality level is low (5-8 per mill) in Vysotsk US because of the small number of senior
population (due to the specific nature of employment in the the Ministry of Defense system). This
rate constitutes 10-13 per mill in Sovetsk and Goncharovsk.
Natural population decline is characteristic of the territories as a result of correlation of fertility rate
and mortality rate for the territories. Coefficient of natural decline remains at equal level (from 0,2
to 1,7 per mill) in Vysotsk and Goncharovsk settlements despite the difference in fertility and
mortality rates. The situation is worse in Sovetsk US – decline constitutes 1-2,7 per mill.
There is no information about demographic situation in the settlements.

Table 8.3.4: Main demographic indicators of the Project realization districts in 2013-2015

2013 2014 2015

Total fertility rate, per mill

Vyborg municipal district 9,2 9,5 9,4

Vysotsk urban settlement 10,4 6,9 4,4

Sovetsk urban settlement 10,2 10,9 7,9

Goncharovsk rural settlement no data 9,5 10,5

Total mortality rate, per mill

Vyborg municipal district 13,2 12,9 12,5

Vysotsk urban settlement 5,2 8,7 5,3

Sovetsk urban settlement 12,9 12,0 10,1

Goncharovsk rural settlement no data 10,3 10,7

Total natural increase rate, per mill

Vyborg municipal district -4,0 -3,4 -3,1

Vysotsk urban settlement 5,2 -1,7 -0,9

Sovetsk urban settlement -2,7 -1,1 -2,2

Goncharovsk rural settlement no data -0,8 -0,2

Data source: Passport of Vyborg district for 2014 and 2015, Passports of Vysotsk, Sovetsk and
Goncharovsk settlements for 2014 and 2015.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline


Vulnerable groups of population are not numerous in the population of Vyborg district. The largest
groups include categories of the physically challenged, labor veterans and multiple-children
families (Table 8.3.5). The quantity of vulnerable people in Sovetsk US is rather significant, which
can be partially connected with availability of a large production facility in Sovetsk – a pulp-and-
paper plant. Total quantity of privileged persons is smaller in the Goncharovsk rural settlement but
the number of multi-child families representatives is larger. The quantity of privileged persons is not
big in Vysotsk US.
A Total of more than 20 thous. physically challenged people are living in the district, including more
than 1 thous. in Sovetsk US and 878 in Goncharovsk RS. The largest group in Vysotsk US is labor
veterans (78 pers.). This category is the second largest in the other settlements. A total of 16,6
thous. labor veterans are living in the district. The category of homefront workers is sufficiently
large – 1,3 thous.pers. in the district, including 77 people in Sovetsk US, 47 in Goncharovsk RS
and only 2 pers. in Vysotsk RS. The number of multi-child families in the settlements varies
considerably. The majority of them live in the depressive Goncharovsk RS (93 families with 281
children totally). Fewer multi-child families live in Sovetsk (72 families, 202 children), and only 4
multi-child families live in Vysotsk - 12 children totally.
Table 8.3.5: The composition of vulnerable groups of population in the Project realization districts in

Categories of vulnerable
Quantity, pers.
groups of population

Vyborg district Vysotsk US Sovetsk US

Labour veterans 16609 78 582 622

Homefront workers 1353 2 47 77
Victims of political
284 0 13 12
The physically challenged
20 4 41 47 878 1051
(1st, 2 n d, 3 d groups)
War veterans 1146 1 39 35
Responders 221 0 5 11
Vyborg district Vysotsk US Sovetsk US
Categories of vulnerable RS
groups of population families/childre families/childre families/childre
n n n
Multi-child families 147/3931 4/12 93/281 72/202
Families with disabled
407/417 1/1 21/22 20/21
Families exposed to social
18/63 0 0 0

Data source: Information from the Vyborg district administration of the Leningrad region

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

The heads of local administrations did not emphasize the availability of significant institutions
where the representatives of vulnerable groups of population are living, close to the Project
facilities in the process of expert interviews. The nearest facility of this type is the Children's anti-
tuberculosis health camp «Sosnovy Les» (, located in the territory of
Goncharovsk, close to «Sosnovy mys» SNT (at the distance exceeding 2 km from the gas pipeline
route). The children are treated in the health camp in «seasonal mode» (staying within several
months) and get both preventive treatment and courses of chemotherapy.

Figure 8.3.1: The building of the Children's antituberculosus health camp «Sosnovy mys»


In general, the balance of migration flows is peculiar to the Vyborg district. In certain years (in
particular, in Y 2013-2014) within the area an insignificant positive migration balance at level of 1-2
per mille, and in others (in particular, in Y 2015) an insignificant decrease at the level of 1 per mille
(Table 8.3.6) can be observed.
A migratory situation in municipalities significantly differs. In Sovetsky and Goncharovsky
settlements rather a steady migratory inflow can be observed while in Vysotsky US there is a
migratory outflow. Along with this, in certain years (Y2013, Y2015) the intensity of outflow reaches
2-3% of the population annually.
Table 8.3.6: Migratory Gain Coefficient within the areas of the Project implementation, persons per
1000 inhabitants

2013 2014 2015

Vyborgsky municipal district 1,1 1,9 -0,9

Vysotskoye urban settlement -29,44 -0,87 -17,54

Sovetskoye urban settlement 0,9 6,4 2,45

Goncharovskoye rural settlement NA 14,3 2,64

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Data source: The Data Sheet of Vyborgsky district for Y 2014 and Y 2015, Data Sheets of
Vysotsky, Sovetsky and Goncharovsky settlements for Y 2014 and Y 2015.
In general, concerning the Vyborgsky district in Sovetsky and Goncharovsky settlements the
migration gain enables compensating for a natural decline in the population that leads to the
general growth of number of inhabitants. While in Vysotsky US the migration loss is much higher
than the districtwide that leads to rather accelerated decrease of inhabitants of the city of Vysotsk.
This tendency is probably linked with general decrease of employment in the Ministry of Defence


Regardless the fact that Vyborgsky district is characterized by rather high level of economic
development, a level of employment does not meet the labour resources potential of the territory.
Total headcount of working-age able-bodied population within the district as of the end of Y 2015
amounted almost 120 thousand people (Table 8.3.7). At the same time, the total headcount of
occupied persons in economy is three times less (38,6 thousand persons only). From the total
headcount of the occupied less than 10% (2,8 thousand persons only) work in small-scale
business. In recent years a dynamics of headcount of occupied is negative: a number of
workplaces both in large-scale business and at small-scale enterprises is decreasing
Table 8.3.7: The main parameters of population employment within the districts where the Project is
implemented, thous. people

Y 2013 Y 2014 Y 2015

Headcount of working-age able-bodied population

Vyborgsky municipal district 111,47 120,3 119,47

Vysotskoye urban settlement 0,921 0,861 0,84

Sovetskoye urban settlement 6,3 6,35 6,24

Goncharovskoye rural settlement NA 4,61 4,71

Headcount engaged in economics, total

Vyborgsky municipal district 41,25 39,73 38,61

Vysotskoye urban settlement 1,062 1,042 0,99

Sovetskoye urban settlement 1,27 1,22 1,15

Goncharovskoye rural settlement NA 1,35 1,33

Including headcount of engaged population at small-scale enterprises

Vyborgsky municipal district 3,73 3,79 2,81

Vysotskoye urban settlement 0,01 0,01 0

Sovetskoye urban settlement 0,03 0,04 0,13

Goncharovskoye rural settlement NA 0,07 0,04

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Data source: The Data Sheet of Vyborgsky district for Y 2014 and Y 2015, Data Sheets of
Vysotsky, Sovetsky and Goncharovsky settlements for Y 2014 and Y 2015.
The situation in the labour market in the districts of the Project implementation differs significantly.
Vysotsk is one of the leading economic centers of the region. Availability of large-scale enterprises
ensures a significant amount of workplaces. For the last years the total number of occupied in
economy within the settlement exceeds the headcount of able-bodied population (990 of
inhabitants occupied against 840 people ablebodied inhabitants in Y 2015). According to the Head
of Administration of the Vysotsky US mainly the local inhabitants are working in the Vysotsky
seaport, the structures of the Ministry of Defence and in the fishery, and mainly the residents of the
neighboring Vyborg and the surrounding areas are engaged in the entities of Distributing
Transshipping Complex Lukoil-2 JSC. The inhabitants of Vysotsk practically do not work at the
enterprise of Lukoil Company.
In Sovetsky and Goncharovsky settlements the situation is vice versa. The total headcount of
occupied in economy is in many times less, than the labour resources potential (Figure 8.3.2). On
the territory of Sovetsky US about 1,15 thous. people are occupied, and 1,33 thous. People in
Goncharovsky RS. Other able-bodied residents of the settlements are working in other districts in
the mode of shuttle labour migrations: in Vyborg in the mode of everyday trips, in St. Petersburg in
the mode of weekly movements.
Employment pattern

9.1 11.3 11.3
8.7 Другое
80% 15.0
сельское hunting and
хозяйство, forest
охота и лесное
16.5 sector

24.1 образование

50% производство и распределение
Generation and газа
электроэнергии, distribution of и
12.0 89.9 electric power, gas and water
Mining полезных ископаемых
of commercial minerals
5.7 62.6
45.1 обрабатывающие производства
Manufacturing activities
20% 17.3
Выборгский Высоцкое ГП Советское ГП Гончаровское
район Vysotskoye Sovetskoye Goncharovsk
district RS US oe RS

Figure 8.3.2: Structure of employment by types of economic activity within the areas of the Project
implementation in Y 2015

Data source: The Data Sheet of Vyborgsky district for Y 2015, Data Sheets of Vysotsky, Sovetsky
and Goncharovsky settlements for Y 2015.
Transport and communication
Manufacturing activity
Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

A diversified employment pattern with a rather high share of industries in the real sector, transport
and budget-related public services(education, health care, culture, local self-government) in
general is a specific of Vyborgsky district. The territories of the Project implementation are
characterized by labour market niche with prevalence of large employers within the employment
In Vysotskoye urban settlement the main employers are the Vysotsky seaport and the JSC RPK
Vysotsk Lukoil-2 oil shipment terminal which together provide nearly 900 jobs or 90% of the total
number of jobs. The remaining 10% are employed in the service sector.
In Sovetskoye urban settlement the largest employer is LLC Vyborgskaya timber industry
corporation located in the settlement Sovetsky. In general, more than 62% of the total number of
employed are the share of the processing sector of economy of the settlement. Agricultural
industry (8,7% of employed) is rather significant industry for the settlement as well. Because of
availability of social institutions employment in the budget sector of economy is higher vs.
Vysotskoye urban settlement.
In the Goncharovskoye rural settlement more than 45% of the employed is ensured by mining
industry (CJSC Gavrilovskoye open-cast management, Gavrilovsky crushed stone plant – Affiliate
of JSC First Nonmetallic Company). Nearly 24% of all occupied in the settlement work in the
sphere of production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water (Affiliate of PJSC FGC
Unified Energy System of Russia, Vyborg entity of Main Power Networks in the settlement Perovo).

Despite the fact that the level of economic activity of the population does not correspond to the
employment rate, the number of the registered unemployed within Vyborgsky district remains low
(0,2-0,3%). As of the end of Y 2015 the number of the unoccupied within the area amounted 396
people, 322 of them were recognized as jobless (Table 8.3.8). Along with this, a number of
declared vacancies was 948 persons. Among the registered unemployed persons it is almost twice
as much women, than men; more than 60% of the unemployed are of age from 40 up to 60 years.
An education level of the unemployed is rather high (more than 76% of the unemployed have
secondary or higher education), but does not correspond to the declared structure of vacancies.

Table 8.3.8: The main indicators of unemployment within the areas of the Project implementation

Vyborgsky district Vysotskoye US Sovetskoye US Sovetskoye RS

Name of Parameter
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015

Headcount of unemployed,
284 230 396 1 0 2 17 7 19 10 6 27

of them recognized as
247 215 322 0 0 2 15 7 11 9 6 23
jobless from them, (persons)

of them received
unemployment payment, 201 181 260 0 0 1 12 4 6 8 0 0

Level of the registered

0,23 0,20 0,30 0 0 0,18 0,30 0,15 0,23 0,20 0,14 0,52
unemployment, (%)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Vyborgsky district Vysotskoye US Sovetskoye US Sovetskoye RS

Name of Parameter
2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2015

Intensity coefficient at the

labor market (a number of
0,3 0,3 0 0,1 0 0 1,4 0,2 2 2 0 0
unoccupied citizens per one
vacancy, (persons/vacancy)

Declared need in employees,

994 715 948 16 11 8 12 30 13 5 0 0

Data source: Data of Committee on Labour and Engagement of the population of the
Leningradskaya oblast

Small population and a significant quantity of workplaces within the city of Vysotsk do not promote
growth of registered unemployment. In Y 2015 in the city there were only 2 registered unemployed
woman younger 40 years (only 1 of them was receiving an unemployment payment). At the same,
8 vacancies were declared in the city.

In Sovetskoye US only 11 persons were acknowledged as unemployed (among them 4 men only).
Most of the unemployed in Sovetskoye US are older 40 years and have secondary professional

In Goncharovskoye RS 23 unemployed have been registered, but none of them receives an

unemployment payment. Unlike the other territories, more than 50% of the unemployed are men,
and more than 40% of unemployed are older of 50 years. From all territories of the Project
implementation the unemployed of the Goncharovskoye RS have the lowest education level (more
than 13% have no secondary general education). At the same time, in the Goncharovskoye
settlement where very few new workplaces are created, there are practically no vacancies for the
Employment Centre.

Income of the population

The main source of income for the residents of the Vyborg district is their salary paid by employers.
At the same time, the data on the average salary within the district only partly reflect the general
situation since a considerable part of economically active population works in St. Petersburg.

A rather high level of the income is peculiar to the Vyborgsky district. The average salary in Y 2015
exceeded 38 thousand RUR (Figure 8.3.3). Among the territories of Project implementation the
highest level of the income can be noted in Vysotsk (52,6 thousand RUR per month) because of
availability of oil loading port and the Vysotsky seaport. In Vysotsk the income of the population is
higher vs. in the district center because of what many residents of Vyborg aim to work at the
entities of Vysotsk. In Sovetskoye US an increased salary level is ensured by Pulp-and-Paper
Plant, and by open-cast management in the Goncharovskoye RS.


Vyborgsky municipal
Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Гончаровское сельское

Советское городское поселение 44.7

Высоцкое городское поселение 52.6

Выборгский муниципальный

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0

thous. RUR

Figure 8.3.3: The average monthly salary based on the large-scale and average-scale entities within
the areas of the Project implementation in Y 2015

Data source: The Data Sheet of Vyborgsky district for Y 2015, Data Sheets of Vysotsky, Sovetsky
and Goncharovsky settlements for Y 2015.



The total area of Vyborgsky district is 814,6 thous. ha. Vysotskoye US is a small municipality, its
area is merely 10,100 ha. Sovetskoye urban settlement is 38,7 thous. ha. Goncharovskoye rural
settlement is a large municipality for the Leningradskaya oblast (91,4 thous. ha).

Гончаровское СП 91.4

Советское ГП 38.7

Высоцкое ГП 10.1

Выборгский район
Vyborgsky district 814.6

0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 800.0 1000.0

Thous. ha

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Figure 8.4.1: The total area of lands within the borders of municipalities of the Project as on January
1, Y 2016.

Data source: The Data Sheet of Vyborgsky district for Y 2015, Data Sheets of Vysotsky, Sovetsky
and Goncharovsky settlements for Y 2015.

The territory of the Project implementation is located in a taiga natural zone. Therefore the main
type of land use in these areas are woods. In Vyborgsky district 67% of the total land fund fall to
the share of lands of forest fund. And 11,6% of land fund only are the share of lands of agricultural
designation. More than 6,8% of lands are the lands of the industry, transport, power sector,
defense and other special purpose. Such a large area of similar territories is associated with not
only with availability of industrial zones, but with a large area of seaports, railway routing and
highways, as well as with availability of facilities of defence complex and the territories within which
control of State frontier is conducted. The acreage of settlements makes 3,7%. The acreage of the
Specially Protected Natural Reservations within the area is 1665 ha.

100% 2.7 1.1 2.0

6.8 0.0
90% 0.1 12.3

80% Земли промышленности, энергетики,

транспорта и др. power sector,
Lands of industry,
70% transport and etc.
Земли запаса
Lands of reserve
60% 71.3 Земли
Lands водного
of water фонда
66.9 61.2
Lands лесного
of forest фонда

Земли особо охраняемых территорий
и объектов
Земли населенных пунктов - всего
20% 4.4
3.7 2.2 Земли сельскохозяйственного
10% назначения
18.1 15.2
0% 2.3
Vyborgsky Высоцкое
VysotskoyeГП Советское ГП
Sovetskoye Гончаровское
district US US СП

Figure 8.4.2: The structure of the land fund within the borders of municipalities of the Project as on
January 1, Y 2016

Data source: The Data Sheet of Vyborgsky district for Y 2015, Data Sheets of Vysotsky, Sovetsky
and Goncharovsky settlements for Y 2015.

In Vysotskoye US the woods area is nor large (2080 ha), they occupy 20,6% of the territory only.
The island geographical location determines the essential area and a share of lands of water fund
in the settlement (7,2 thous. ha) that is more than 71,3% of the land fund. Only 1,6 and 2,3% of the
territory respectively are the share of lands of settlements and the land of agricultural designation.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Sovetskoye US occupies significantly large territory and is situated within the seaside zone as well.
61,2% of the total territory is a share of lands of forest fund. About another 12,3% is a share of land
of water fund. Sovetskoye settlement has the significant area of agricultural lands (nearly 7 thous.
ha, 18.1% of the territory).

Goncharovskoe RS has no outlet to the sea therefore it has no lands of water fund. 78.8% of all
lands of the settlement belong to the forest fund. More than 15,2% of the territory of the settlement
are the lands of agricultural designation though they are little used in the recent years.

The significant direction of the lands usage within the region is recreational and agricultural use
(gardeners non-commercial partnership). In three settlements on the territory of which the facilities
of the Project will be located there are 80 gardeners non-commercial partnerships operate, and 10
of them are located in comparative proximity from the facilities of the Project. An important point is
that all GNCP are actively used by summer residents. Among summer residents the inhabitants of
St. Petersburg and Vyborgsky district prevail.

In Vysotskoye urban settlement only one Vysotskoye gardeners non-commercial partnership is

located. Along with this, it occupies 12% of agricultural lands of the settlement. In Sovetskoye
urban settlement there are 24 gardeners non-commercial partnerships, including three of them are
located in comparative proximity from the facilities of the Project. Beryozovaya Dolina gardeners
non-commercial partnership is distinguished among them (almost twice more than others regarding
the area). In three gardeners non-commercial partnerships 782 land plots (651 members of NPO)
have been registered. In the Goncharovskoye rural settlement there are 55 gardeners non-
commercial partnerships, including 6 of them are located near a gas pipeline being built. Five
partnerships are located around crossing of the gas pipeline and a railroad (near the settlement
Cherkasovo). Perovskoye gardeners non-commercial partnership is located to the north from the
railroad, near the settlement Perovskoye. The total area of those 6 gardeners non-commercial
partnerships amounts almost 74 ha, and 1095 land plots are situated on them.

Table 8.4.1: Use of agricultural lands by garden non-commercial partnership within the areas of the
Project implementation

Number of
Number of
Area, ha NPO
Vysotskoye US
Vysotskoye GNCP 28 213 213
Sovetskoye US
Beryozovaya Dolina
41,96 378 377
Solnechnoye GNCP 21,54 175 125
Sputnik-2 GNCP 25,14 229 149
Goncharovskoe RS
Lesnoye GNCP 15,6 238 NA
Rechnoye GNCP 7,8 194 NA
Belye Nochi GNCP 9,2 132 NA

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Sosnovy mys GNCP 1,9 87 NA

Lada GNCP 18,1 189 NA
Perovskoye GNCP 21,36 255 NA

Data source: Data of Vyborgsky District Administration

Withdrawal of land for the Project purposes

The Project envisages withdrawal of lands based on long-term (49 years) lease agreements at
three stages of works. Within the first stage, for construction of a berthing complex withdrawal of a
land plot of 20,08 ha and use of the water area of 16,68 ha is foreseen. All lands belong to the
category of the state forestry fund and are located on the territory of Vysotskoye urban settlement.

At the second stage, at laying of a gas pipeline, in the period of a construction 149,19 ha, including
9,85 ha into the permanent withdrawal, will be withdrawn. Including 118,8 ha of lands of state
forestry fund, 14,98 ha of lands of agricultural designation, 13,45 lands of water fund, and also 1 ha
of lands of the industry and 0,97 ha of lands of reserve will be withdrawn. During a period of
operation the area of the withdrawn lands of state forestry fund will amount to 8,99 ha, lands of
agricultural designation - 0,77 ha, lands of an reserve and the industry - 0,07 and 0,02 ha
respectively. The lands will be located on the territory of Vysotskoye urban settlement, Sovetskoye
urban settlement and Goncharovskoye rural settlement. The main land users the lands are
withdrawn from are a northwest forestry department, the Roshchino forestry department, SPK
Kirovsky transportnik (it does not conduct activities), SPK Matrosovo, JSC Russian Railway,
Administration of Vyborgsky district, FKU Sevzapupravtodor, JSC RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil-2.

At the third stage, during construction of a LNG terminal, it is planned to use a land plot of 12,44 ha
on the territory of Vysotsky US, nearby a land plot of a berthing complex.


The inhabitants of settlements of Vyborgsky district are actively using the surrounding territory. The
traditional environmental management engages mostly the sea coasts with transport accessibility
and wood lands located around the settlements and the Gardeners' Non-Commercial Partnership.
Inhabitants and, especially, summer residents actively gather mushrooms, berries, are engaged in
amateur fishery, use bathing beaches.
The site of LNG terminal is located on the forested peninsula limited by water from three sides. The
availability of an access road, a convenient access to the sea defined rather intensive recreational
use of the coast. According to the employees of Vysotsky City Administration and the
Administration of Vyborgsky district, holidaygoers mostly arrived by cars by groups of 4-10 persons
and had a rest during 2-3 days (usually on days off), and rarely for 1-2 weeks; they brought boats
with them. The holidaygoers were camping in tents and cars. The holidayers were arranging
various infrastructure for rest (tables, canopies, benches, fireplaces) on the coast (Figure 8.4.3).
Disposal of garbage, left by unorganized vacationers, was a vital issue. According to the
employees of the Administrations the Community Cleanup Days were most often organized for this
Most of holidaygoers came from St. Petersburg, sometimes from other regions, rarely from Vyborg.
According to the employees of the Administration, the local residents did not like to recreate in this
place because of a large number of other holidaygoers and problems with garbage. Respondents

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

in the Administration of Vysotskoye US, Administration of Vyborgsky district and other

municipalities note that the peninsula has been intensively used for collection of mushrooms and
berries (especially, bilberries). The water area was used for fishing and bathing.

Figure 8.4.3: The canopy illegally built by holidaygoers. The coastal band of the LNG terminal
construction site

Intensity of the LNG terminal site for recreation decreased in the middle of Y 2000th after a
construction of the oil shipment terminal of Lukoil Company. Nevertheless, a rather large (several
hundreds of people) flow of vacationers annually remained.
Other coastal territories of Vysotsky US are used rather intensively too. The inhabitants of Vysotsk
and Pikhtovy bathe, as a rule, on the beaches of the settlements territory, and collect wild herbs
within a zone of 2-5 km around them.
Recreation on the islands of the Bay of Vyborg is popular. Holidaygoers arrive by cars, bring boats
and small yachts with themselves, float them within the berth in Vysotsk tailored for this purpose.
Further they go on one of the islands where they are camping for several weks, bathe, fish, gather
mushrooms and berries.
The territory of the island Maysky, located nearby, is used by inhabitants of Vysotsk and
holidaygoers of Pikhtovoye recreation facility for fishing and collection of wild herbs. Forests
around a settlement Medyanka, Solnechnoye GNCP, Sputnik-2 GNCP and Beryozovaya rosha
GNCP are actively used by local inhabitants and summer residents for collection of wild herbs
(mushrooms, bilberry, cowberry).
The water area of the Gulf of Finland and the bays adjacent to the LNG terminal under construction
is used rather actively. Bolshoy Tranzundsky rayd is used by tankers arriving to JSC RPK-Vysotsk
Lukoil-II. Bolshaya Pikhtovay Bay is a place of passing and berthing of vessels of the Port Vysotsk.
The Bolshaya Pikhtovay Bay, the Medyanskaya Bay, as well as the Bay of Vyborg in general are
used for trade and amateur fishery.
Yachting is widespread within this area. A parking of private yachts is located in Sovetsky
settlement. Neighboring bays (Malaya Pikhtovay, Bezymyannaya, Paatilanlahti) are used for
recreation of yachtsmen and running the competitions of sailing ships. Motor boats and sailing

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

yachts during the summer use a berth in Vysotsk for launching. Further they go within the
neighboring areas of the Vyborg and Finnish gulfs.
One of the zones of intensive use of forest resources is a district of the Chapayevo settlement and
the neighboring garden partnerships (Lesnoye, Rechnoye, Belye Nochi, Sosnovy mys, Lada, and
etc.). Practically all summer residents regularly go to the surrounding forests to collect mushrooms
and berries. Also territories are used by visitors from St. Petersburg because of a good transport
accessibility by rail way. The lake Lebedinoye is located nearby which is used for fishing and
The territory to the north from Scandinavia highway and prior tie-in point of a gas pipeline branch
into a main gas pipeline is not used so intensively because of remoteness from the settlements.
Hunting is not much widespread within the Vyborgsky district. Certain local inhabitants practice an
amateur hunting for migratory birds, an elk, a wild boar. There are no specific commercial or
informal popular areas of hunting. The woods located in a northern part of the district are used
more intensively.


Within the areas of the Project implementation no significant areas of unregistered land-use
management have been revealed.



The health care system of Vyborgsky district is presented by a network of medical institutions of
various level. The main organizational subdivision is the State Budgetary Institution Vyborgskya
Inter-district Hospital to which other organizations and divisions of health care within the territory of
the area subordinate. The inter-district hospital is supposed to serve not only Vyborgsky, but also
the Priozersk district. However as of the middle of Y 2016 the territory of the Priozersk district
continues to be served by the Priozersk Central District Hospital.
The health care system is represented by 4 out-patient hospitals (a polyclinic in Vyborg, the Health
Center in Vyborg, polyclinics in a settlement Yuzhny, a settlement Sovetsky); 2 stationary hospitals
(the city of Vyborg and a settlement Sovetsky); 3 stationary ambulance stations (a settlement
Kondratyevo, a settlement Krasnaya Dolina, a settlement Seleznevo), a mobile ambulance station;
15 medical and obstetric centers.
The Vyborg stationary hospital is the main medical institution for most of the district residents. It
comprises an internal medicine department, a surgical department, a palliative department, a
traumatology department, a heart disease department, neurologic department, an ophthalmological
department, an urological departments, ENT, day stay beds, nursing care beds and home care.
Total number of beds within the hospital is 293 beds and 30 beds of day-patient treatment.
On the territories of the Project implementation there are medical institutions of all types.
A medical and obstetrical center operates in the city of Vysotsk. Its own system of medical
institutions including a feldsher's station and an ambulance station operates in the structures of the
Ministry of Defence. Inhabitants of Vysotsk can receive the specialized assistance both in a
stationary hospital located in Sovetsk and in Vyborg. According to the Head of Administration of

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Vysotsky US, the most part of the inhabitants seek the specialized assistance in the Vyborg inter-
district hospital. The emergency ambulance arrives to Vysotsk both from Vyborg and from Sovetsk.
In Sovetsk there are a stationary hospital and a polyclinic. A department of emergency medical
service operates within the hospital. On the territory of the settlement there is a medical and
obstetrical center also works in the settlement of Tokarevo. With availability of own stationary
hospital a considerable part of the inhabitants of the urban settlement use services of the
specialized medical care in Vyborg.
There are 3 medical and obstetrical centers (the settlement Goncharovo, the settlement Perovo
and the settlement Gavrilovo) oerate within the Goncharovsky rural settlement. Residents of the
settlement Cherkasovo use the primary medical assistance in a medical and obstetrical center of
Perovo or immediately in a Vyborg polyclinic or a stationary hospital in Vyborg.


As of 01.01.2015 in MO "Vyborgsky district" there are 42 children’s pre-school educational

institutions (9 in the rural area), 2 departmental kindergartens with a total of 8844 children (Table
8.5.1), including 2159 children in the rural area, 39 general education institutions with 15,308
students (including 3476 in rural settlements) (The strategy of social and economic development of
the Vyborg district for the period of up to 2025).

Table 8.5.1: Network of educational institutions of Vyborgsky district in Y 2015

Academic Year 2014-2015

Type of educational institution

Quantity of Quantity of
Institutions Educatees

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution 41 8069

Municipal General Education Institution 39 15308

Institutions of Supplementary Education (nonschool) 6 9960

Secondary Level and Vocational Educational Institution 7 2558

Higher Education Institutions and Institutions of

6 1936
Elementary Vocational Education

Data Source: The strategy of social and economic development of Vyborgsky district for the period
of up to Y 2025

In the city of Vysotsk there is a Municipal Budgetary Pre-school Educational Institution

"Kindergarten of Vysotsk". The kindergarten is located in a one-story wooden building. It
accommodates 60 children. Construction of a new kindergarten building is planned for 2017. The
town’s children receive secondary general education (grades 1 to 9) in Secondary General School

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

No. 12 of Vyborg, located on the territory of Vysotsk. 10 and 11-grade students take a school bus
to Vyborg.

In the settlement Sovetsky there are two kindergartens and a school. Municipal Budgetary Pre-
school Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 1 of urban settlement Sovetsky" is a kindergarten
of the combined type. Design capacity of the entity is 14 groups (320 children). In Y 2014 it was
210 educatees. In Municipal Budgetary Pre-school Educational Institution "Kindergarten No. 2 of
the settlement Sovetsky" 5 groups function with 121 children. A Municipal Budgetary General
Education Institution "Sovetskya Secondary General School" operates in Sovetsk.

In the Goncharovsky RS schools with preschool groups mainly function. Thus, in Goncharovsky
General Education Institution there are preschool groups in Goncharovo and Perovo (in the
settlement of Perovo in the standard building of the former kindergarten).

According to the acting as the Chief of Local Education Authority about 50% of graduates of the
9th classes continue their education in secondary vocational education institutions. Most students
choose colleges and secondary technical schools of Vyborgsky district, but many go to study to St.
Petersburg as well. The largest institutions of secondary vocational education within the district are
GAPOU LO "Vyborgsky Polytechnic College "Aleksandrovsky", GAPOU LO "Vyborgsky Technical
School of Agro-Industrial and Forest Complex", GBPOU LO "Polytechnic College" of Svetogorsk.

Most of graduates of the 11th classes enter higher educational institutions. About a half of
graduates continues their education in Higher Education Institutions of Vyborg, the others go to St.
Petersburg. Affiliates of the following Higher Education Institutions function in Vyborg:

 Vyborgsky Institute (Affiliate) of autonomous Pushkin Leningrad State University;

 Vyborgsky Affiliate of the Mining national mineral and raw materials University;
 Vyborgsky Affiliate of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia;
 Vyborgsky Affiliate of St. Petersburg State University for Water Communications;
 Vyborgsky Affiliate St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation;
 The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration -
Vyborgsky Affiliate;
 The St. Petersburg State Economic University in Vyborg;
 St. Petersburg Institute of International Economic Relations, Economics and Law - Affiliate;
 St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economy - Vyborgsky Affiliate.


Transport system and traffic streams play an important role in the economic development of the
Vyborg district. The border location, presence of large port facilities, advanced railway and highway
transportation infrastructure attract cargo flows.

The district has 3 ports with 4 operating reloading complexes: Vyborg, Vysotsk and Primorsk (see
Section 8.2.2).

Train communication is presented by the main railway St. Petersburg-Vyborg-Helsinki and the
railway Ushkovo-Primorsk-Vyborg connecting the main railroad with the coastal zone of the Gulf of
Finland and the key port complexes. The railway Primorsk Vyborg-Vysotsk has a branch to

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Vysotsk (Popovo-Vysotsk), which adjoins the Lukoil departmental section of the railway leading to
the oil export terminal. The district has 49 operating railway stations and stopping points.

In areas of the Project, the railway infrastructure is used quite actively. In the area of the village of
Cherkasovo it is necessary to organize the route for gas pipeline under the railway St. Petersburg-
Vyborg. This railroad bears a critical flow of freight and passenger trains, including 12 pairs of
suburban trains St. Petersburg -Vyborg per day. Intense freight transportation is carried out in the
section Vyborg-Popovo-Vysotsk, which is used for coal transportation to the port of Vysotsk, and
for oil and oil products transportation to the port of JSC "RPK Vysotsk "Lukoil-2".

Source: Yandex maps

Figure 8.5.1: Traffic framework in the Project area

The necessity of crossing the railway Vyborg-Popovo-Vysotsk makes difficulties for motorway
freight traffic to Vysotsk, near the intersection with the Primorsky highway (railway crossing) and
the tunnel near Popovo railway station.

The territory of the Vyborg district is covered with a dense network of roads. The main road
direction is between St. Petersburg and Vyborg, passing through different areas. The straightest
route is highway A-181 "Scandinavia", which runs through the central part of the region, including
the Goncharovsky rural settlement. On the territory of the Vyborg district the highway has two and
three lanes.

Primorskoye highway runs between Vyborg and Zelenogorsk and continues with St. Petersburg
along the coast of the Gulf of Finland. Primorskoye links Vyborg and the villages of Vysotsk and
Sovetsky. The highway has two lanes (Figure 8.11), and overtaking in most parts of the route is

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

prohibited. The third radial motorway connects Vyborg and Zelenogorsk in the central part of the
region (through the villages of Cherkasovo, Kamenka and Tarasovo).

Figure 8.5.2: Primorskoye highway in the district of the Popovo station

The main radial routes are interconnected with road of regional significance. The following roads
are significant for the project: Sovetsky-Tokarevo-Dyatlovo, and A-181-Perovo-Goncharovj, which
can be used for the transport of goods in the gas pipelining period.
Passenger service in the Vyborg district is quite intense. It provides communication all
settlements and Vyborg. The settlement of Vysotskoye has bus routes to Vyborg (5-6 travels per
day). The buses run through the settlement of Medyanka of Sovetsky town. From the village of
Sovetsky to Vyborg buses run at a frequency of approximately 1 bus per hour. There is a lot of
passing bus travels from the final buys stop Ermilovo.
Residents of the village of Perovo have a direct bus service to the village of Goncharovo and
Vyborg. There are about 15 pairs of travels Vyborg-Perovo-Goncharovo per day. The village of
Cherkasovo is linked with Vyborg and St. Petersburg by a suburban railway route (12 pairs of
trains per day). Also, the route Vyborg-Goncharovo runs through Cherkasovo. The main transport
for the gardeners' non-commercial partnership Cherkasovo is suburban trains. Most gardeners use
the stations Lebedevka and 117th km to reach Vyborg and St. Petersburg (12 pairs of trains per


Sports infrastructure in the settlements near the project sites is represented mainly by the area
facilities (sports fields, basketball and football fields, hockey boxes) and sports halls in schools.
Vysotskoye urban settlement has 5 operating areas to play football, volleyball, basketball, table
tennis and hockey. All the facilities are located in Vysotsk town. Sovetsky urban settlement has 4
gyms, a full-sized football field, as well as 7 outdoor sites including a simulator platform. All the
facilities are located in the settlements of Sovetsky and Tokarevo. There are no sport facilities in
the settlement of Medyanka. Goncharovo has 12 facilities including five sports halls in schools and
3 universal sports grounds. There is an only playground for mini-football in the village of Perovo.
The rest of the facilities are in the villages of Goncharovo, Gavrilovo, etc. There are no sport
facilities in the village of Cherkasovo.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Cultural institutions in the areas of the project are presented by libraries, houses of culture and
an arts school. All the institutions are located in the village center. Vysotskoye urban settlement
has Vysotskaya town library designed for 334 visits per shift. The village of Sovetsky has the
Center of Culture and Leisure "Dvizheniye" (600 visits) and an additional education art school
"Kantaliya" (178 students). The village of Goncharovo has Goncharovsky cultural center
"Garmoniya" (141 visits per shift).

Housing and communal infrastructure

The housing stock in the areas of project implementation varies considerably. In the town of
Vysotsk, the population resides in 33 apartment buildings, as well as in individual houses (Table
8.5.2). Apartment buildings have centralized water supply and sewerage. Not all private houses
are connected to the central network; most homes are equipped with septic tanks or cesspools.
There is no centralized hot water supply. According to the head of the urban settlement
administration, most of the apartments are equipped with electric water heaters. The town has 1
diesel boiler that serves the social institutions and apartment buildings. Individual houses have
heating stoves. The town is not connected to the gas network. The project assumes the creation of
infrastructure for the gasification of the town of Vysotsk.

Table 8.5.2: Main housing indicators in the Project area as of January 1, 2016

Measuring Urban settlement Urban settlement Rural settlement

units Vysotskoye Sovietskoye Goncharovskoye

Housing – total 5332,3 28,16 200,6 1602
sq m


pcs 13957 188 838 161

residential houses
(individually determined
buildings) thousand
1558,95 12,26 46,27 19,3
sq m

pcs 2672 33 106 149

Apartment houses (AH)

3773,35 15,9 154,33 140,9
sq m

Data source: The passport of the Vyborg district for 2015. Passports of Vysotsky, Sovetsky and
Goncharovsky settlements for 2015

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Figure 8.5.3: Housing stock of the town of Vysotsk

In the village of Sovetsky, the majority of the population lives in the five-storey apartment buildings;
the minority lives in individual private houses. The village of Medyanka has only private houses.
Central water supply, sewerage, gas and heating are not available in Medyanka. According to the
Head of Administration of the Sovetsky urban settlement, within the project it is necessary to
provide for the establishment of tie-in pipeline infrastructure and the subsequent gasification of
Sovetsky urban settlement.

The housing stock of the village of Cherkasovo of Goncharovsky rural settlement is represented by
private houses which have no centralized municipal infrastructure. Water wells or individual water
columns are used for water supply; sewage in represented by septic tanks and cesspools. No
gasification. Almost the whole housing stock of the village of Perovo is represented by apartment
buildings with central water supply, sewerage, heating and hot water. There are no treatment
facilities. The village is not gasified.

Buildings and structures of the gardeners' non-commercial partnership in the areas of the project
are presented by summer garden houses and capital houses. The housing stock in the village of
Pikhtovoye is mostly represented by capital houses suitable for longer stays. The gardeners' non-
commercial partnerships Vysotskoye, Solnechnoye, Sputnik-2, Lesnoye, Rechnoye, Lada and
Belye Nochi are mostly represented by houses suitable for seasonal residence in the summer only.
The gardeners' non-commercial partnership has no central water supply and drainage; there are
collective or individual wells. Many gardeners have installed their own septic tanks instead of
cesspools. The gardeners' non-commercial partnerships have no gas supply; the houses are
heated with furnaces.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline



Statistical data on the state of the law enforcement system and the security of the population in the
areas of implementation of the project is not available. In response to the request for information,
Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Vyborg district Yashkis E.I. demanded a meeting with
the representatives of the Company. The official response to the request is not received.

Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Vyborg district includes the administration in Vyborg and three
police departments: 89th department (Roshchino village), 100th department (Svetogorsk town) and
101st department (Sovetsky village). The territory of the project is maintained by the 101st police
department located in the village of Sovetsky.


During the expert interviews almost all respondents mentioned the problem of transport safety as a
possible risk of the Project. The most dangerous areas were Primorskoye highway (from Vyborg to
the village of Sovetsky); exit from the Leningradskoye highway to Molodezhnoye highway and
Scandinavia highway.


Within the framework of expert interviews with representatives of the administration of the Vyborg
district and settlement administrations, respondents noted that the criminal situation in the Project
implementation area is "normal". In the course of the previous large-scale projects (construction of
Lukoil terminal gas pipeline), there were no acute conflict situations. The interaction between the
local and temporary (construction workers, employees) population was minimal. There is no acute
problems of crime in the mentioned areas.



The presence of cultural heritage on the territory of the Vyborg district is primarily associated with
the fact that the district used to be a part of Sweden and Finland, as well as with military facilities
and actions of the war between Russia and Sweden in the beginning of the 18th century, the
Soviet-Finnish War and the Great Patriotic War.

The Vyborg district has 19 monuments of federal importance, including 15 in the territory of Vyborg
and 4 in the area of the village of Roshchino. There are no monuments of federal importance near
the Project facilities.

In areas of the Project one can see 4 objects of cultural heritage of regional importance, including 3
communal burials (in the villages of Vysotsk, Sovetsky and Cherkasovo) and 1 memorial obelisk
on the site of the battle.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Table 8.7.1: Objects of cultural heritage of regional importance in the areas of Project implementation

Name and details of

Name of an object
the regulatory legal act Technical
of cultural heritage Location of object of cultural
of the state power of inventory
of regional heritage of regional significance
the RF subject on its bodies
state protection
Communal grave of
Lenoblispolkom solution Vysotsk, on the southern outskirts of
Soviet soldiers who No inventory
No 189 of 16.05.1988. the town
died in 1941-44.
Communal grave of
Lenoblispolkom solution Near the village of Sovetsky, on the
Soviet soldiers who No inventory
No 189 of 16.05.1988. civil cemetery
died in 1941-44.
Monument - obelisk
on the defensive line,
where, in August Near the village of Sovetsky, 3 km to
1941, the marines, Lenoblispolkom solution the East from the village, near the
No inventory
soldiers and border No 189 of 16.05.1988 Vyborg highway, on the left bank of the
guards of the fighter Gorokhovka river
battalion heroically
Communal grave of
Soviet soldiers who The village of Cherkasovo, neat the
died in 1941-44., railway station Cherkasovo, 5 km to
Lenoblispolkom solution
among the perished the South from the village of No inventory
No 189 of 16.05.1988
– Senior political Cherkasovo, on the Western side of
instructor Cherkasov the Sredne-Vyborgskoye highway

Source: Committee for Culture of Leningrad Region (

The district has 337 objects of cultural heritage. Most of them are located in Vyborg. The areas
close to the project area contain 6 identified objects (Table 8.7.2). The largest one is the complex
"Trangsundsky redoubt", located in the town of Vysotsk, on the northern tip of the Vysotsky island.
The area of the village of Shcherbakovo, on the Maysky island, in comparative proximity of the
projected pipeline route one can find the Mayskoye burial place. 4 archaeological sites are
identified near the village of Sovetsky.

A naval cemetery (dating back to the mid-19th Century) and a wooden chapel (restored in 2001-
2002) are situated on Novik Island (Mäntysaari) which is located 4 km north-west of the Project

If the complex "Trangsundsky redoubt" and the locations in the village of Sovetsky cannot be
affected by the project because of their remoteness, the presence of burial site Mayskoye should
be taken into account when designing the pipeline route.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Table 8.7.2: Identified objects of cultural heritage in the areas of Project implementation

Act of public
Cultural heritage authority
Cultural heritage object location
object about its state
Complex " Registration act
Trangsundsky Vysotsk town, the northern tip of Vysotsky island No 5-31 of
redoubt" 21.10.1994
Location Sovetsky- Near the village of Sovetsky, N (NE) outskirt, left bank of the
Registration act
1 (Johannes-4 Gorokhovka river, cape sandy hills (forest). 250 m to the South
No 94/д of
Metsakyla from the railway bridge, 100 m to the East from the railway, h 20
Sulfiittitehdas) m above the sea level
Location Sovetsky-
Registration act
2 (Johannes-5 Near the village of Sovetsky, NE outskirt, left bank of the
No 94/д of
Rokkala Gorokhovka river. Country road at the exit on the highway
Location Sovetsky- Near the village of Sovetsky, southern margin. 1 km to the South Registration act
3 (Johannes-6 from the cemetery, western margin of the career, at the No 94/д of
Vaahtola Karhusuo) intersection of country roads. 10.12.2010
Location Sovetsky-
4 (Johannes-8 Near the village of Sovetsky, SE outskirt, northern border of the Registration act
Vaahtola cemetery, 100 m to the West from the railroad, SW outskirt of the No 94/д of
Johanneksen sandy hills, h 15 m above the sea level. 10.12.2010
Maysky island, 1 km to the west from the village of Registration act
Mayskoye burial
Shcherbakovo, 2 km to the East from the village of Pikhtovoye. No 94/д of
To the North and South from the existing railroad. 10.12.2010

Data Source: Committee for Culture of Leningrad Region (

Archeological sites

Charcoal burning often combined with tar-works was widely spread in Europe in the forested

In Russia sites of charcoal burning and tar-works were found mostly in the northern and north-
western regions.

Charcoal burning pits and piles located along with the archeological monuments of the previous
eras are often studied by archeologists. Charcoal burning piles are artificial piles with complex
structure of soil, charcoal and grass, they were studied using the methods of studying mounds

In immediate proximity to the project area the following archeological sites were found:
Charcoal burning piles Vysotsk I-III

These sites are located in 2.4 km to the south-west from Vysotsk in the 3rd Quarter of the
Sovetskoye Forestry of Roshino Forestry Department on the western part of Island Vysotsky.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 8: Social Baseline

Charcoal burning pile Vysotsk I was located in 75 meters from the shore of the Gulf of Finland,
height of the object was 4-4.5 above the sea level. Charcoal burning pile Vysotsk II was located in
155 meters from the shore of the Gulf of Finland and its height was 5.6-6 meters. Along the
southern border of the pile there is the abandoned forest road leading to the remains of the
settlement Repotaipale (marked on the maps of 1930s) and further to the small bay surrounded by
small islands Lonkisenluoto (Pryazhka) и Kujaluoto (now part of Lukoil terminal).

Charcoal burning pile Vysotsk III is located in 40 meters from the pile Vysotsk II in 160 meters from
the Gulf of Finland. Its height is 7.1– 7.4 meters.

After archeological studies performed by St.Petersburg University the piles were destructed.


Spiritual aspects of cultural heritage mainly concern traditional way of life, knowledge and skills,
crafts, folk medicine, rituals and customs of indigenous population (small indigenous peoples of the
north). There are no objects and intangible cultural elements related to the project implementation

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



This chapter presents the assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with the
project, together with a description of the mitigation controls and monitoring measures that will be
implemented throughout the lifecycle of the Project. The impact assessment has been undertaken
in line with the ESIA process described in Chapter 3. The assessment methodology is specified in
Section 3.4.

The chapter includes the following sections:

Section 9.2 Air Quality Considers impact of emissions to atmosphere on the ambient air
Section 9.3 Climate Discusses impact of the emissions to atmosphere on climate.
Section 9.4 Landscape, Considers mechanical, chemical, physic-chemical, and biological
Topography, and impacts.
Section 9.5 Hydrology and Considers impacts on freshwater and marine surface water bodies
Water Quality and groundwater. The impacts on fresh water consider impacts on
hydrology and on water quality caused by wastewater discharge,
river crossings construction. Impacts on marine water include
generation of suspended sediment plumes and discharge of treated
wastewater. Associated impacts on freshwater and marine flora and
fauna are described in Sections 9.9.1 and 9.9.2. The section also
discusses the impact of fresh water withdrawal on water resources.
Section 9.6 Carbon Considers emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG).

Section 9.7 Geology Considers impact on geological environment.

Section 9.8 Noise and Vibration Considers noise impact on people and underwater noise impact on
marine fauna (the latter also discussed in Section 9.9). Vibration is
also discussed in the section.
Section 9.9 Biodiversity Considers impacts on terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna
(including birds). Considers impacts on marine flora and fauna.
Suspended sediments plums generation is also discussed in
Section 9.5. Noise impacts on marine fauna are also discussed in
Section 9.8.
Section 9.10 Waste Management Describes waste management procedures and related impacts
throughout the lifecycle of the Project. Potential impacts on surface
fresh and marine water bodies and groundwater are described in
Section 9.5.
Section 9.11 Resource Efficiency Covers issues of energy efficiency, resources usage (raw materials)
and water resources. Fresh water intake is also discussed in
Section 9.5.
Section 9.12 Emergency Discusses onshore and offshore chemical and oil spills prevention
Preparedness and /response, and fire and explosion risks mitigation.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



This section reviews the Project’s impact on atmospheric air as an important factor of human
health and wellbeing.

Although the Project is being implemented in a relatively underpopulated area, the presence of a
number of villages (Pikhtovoye, Medyanka, Cherkasovo, Veschevo) and a town (Vysotsk) located
at a distance of 2.3 from the Site necessitate a fully responsible approach to this type of impact.

The emissions’ components include substances adversely affecting air quality, as well as
greenhouse gases. The environmental impact of the air emissions will differ considerably with
each phase of the Project in terms of duration, extent and magnitude.

As part of this assessment, air quality modelling was performed using Ecolog 3.0, a unified air
pollution modelling software used for the Russian-format EIAs. The modelling included:

 An assessment of the air impact for the anticipated period of the highest utilisation of
construction machinery and the highest number of emission sources during the construction
 An assessment of the air impact during the operational phase to determine the size of the
sanitary protection zone on the basis of the most unfavourable baseline conditions.

The main input meteorological parameters and baseline air quality indicators are presented in
Chapter 7 of the EIA documents (Section 7.2) and are based on the data provided by the North-
Western Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

The following subsections list the main sources and volumes of emissions to air. It will be seen that
the main emission-generating processes are combustion of fuel and hydrocarbons; dusting from
earthworks; and operation of vehicles and vessels. The key pollutants contained in emissions from
these sources are:

 From stationary and fugitive sources: NOx, SO2, CO and particulate matter (carbon and
soot). During operations at the LNG facility, natural gas is directed to the processing plant
via a pipeline (i.e. the gas does not contact the atmosphere except during periodic cleaning
of the pipeline, when the gas is vented), hence the main sources of SO2 emissions are
diesel-powered equipment and vessels.
 From earthworks: dust / suspended particulate matter.

The air quality standards established for the major pollutants generated during combustion of fuel
and hydrocarbons are presented below in Table 9.2.1.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.2.1: Air quality standards adopted for the Project

Pollutant Recipient Average value for the Ground-level

indicated period maximum permissible
concentrations (MPC)

NO2 Human health 20 minutes 200 µg/m3

1 year 40 µg/m3
NOX Vegetation 1 year 19.5-24 µg/m3

SO2 Human health 10 minutes 500 µg/m3

24 hours 20 µg/m3
CO Human health 15 minutes 100 mg/m3 (WHO’s

20 minutes 5 mg/m3 (Russian

standard used to
determine compliance /
size of the sanitary
protection zone)

10 mg/m3 (WHO’s
8 hours standard)
PM10 Human health 20 minutes 300 µg/m3
24 hours 50 µg/m3
1 year 20 µg/m3

Table 9.2.2 shows the baseline air quality within the Project area in terms of the major pollutants.

Table 9.2.2: Baseline air quality, mg/m3

Pollutant Background One-time MPC for residential

concentrations air
NO2 0.054 0.2
NOX 0.024 0.4
SO2 0.013 0.5
CO 2.4 5.0
Suspended particulate matter (all 0.195 0.5



During the construction phase, the main sources of air emissions will be construction machinery
and mechanisms, and physical construction works. In particular, air emissions from construction
and assembly operations will come from operation of construction machinery, trucks, sea vessels
and loaders, as well as from welding, painting etc.

In total, 69 emission sources including 9 stationary and 60 fugitive sources were estimated for the
period of construction of onshore and offshore facilities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Emissions from Stage I construction activities will have 16 polluting components including 7 solid
and 9 liquid / gaseous pollutants.

In total, emissions from construction of Stage I facilities will amount to 150.409 tonnes including
30.785 tonnes of solid emissions, and 119.624 tonnes of liquid and gaseous emissions (see Table

The machinery to be used in Stage I activities includes self-propelled barges, diesel-powered tow
boats, compressor-equipped diving stations, mobile compressors with internal combustion
engines, diesel-powered mobile power plants, bulldozers, tracked tractors, grubbing machines,
tracked excavators, lorry cranes, compaction rollers, vibration rollers, concrete pavers, tip lorries,
towing vehicles, pipe carriers, self-propelled graders, pipe laying machines, mobile welding
machines, pneumatic ramming machines, lorry loaders, manual welding machines, diesel-powered
hammers, and fuelling machinery – 92 units in total.

Emissions from various types of equipment and activities will be generated by the following
stationary and fugitive sources:

 Compressed air will be supplied to equipment by mobile compressors. Emissions will result
from the running of the compressors diesel engines, and will be released via exhaust pipes
treated as stationary sources (6 compressor units in total). These six stationary sources will
release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, and kerosene.
 Power to equipment will be supplied by mobile power plants (diesel-powered generators).
Emissions will result from the running of the generators diesel engines, and will be released
via exhaust pipes treated as stationary sources (3 generators in total). These stationary
sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon
monoxide, benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, and kerosene.
 Construction of the berth will commence with a diver inspection of the bottom and removal of
any physical obstacles. Emissions will result from the running of the diver’s boat engines,
which will be treated as area fugitive sources (3 sources in total). These fugitive sources will
release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, and kerosene.
 For construction of offshore facilities and construction of onshore facilities from the water
side, floating cranes with a lifting capacity of 16 and 100 tonnes, as well as barges and tow
boats will be required. Emissions will result from the running of boat engines, and will be
treated as area fugitive source (9 sources in total). These fugitive sources will release
nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, and kerosene.
 For construction of onshore, offshore facilities and paved roads, bulldozers, excavators, lorry
cranes, loaders, track cranes, rollers, concrete pavers and other machinery will be used.
Emissions will result from the running of machine engines , and will be treated as area fugitive
sources (23 sources in total). These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.
 Lorries and a sprinkler vehicle will be used to delivery materials to the site and to water the
territory respectively. Emissions resulting from the operation of these vehicles will be treated
as area fugitive sources of emissions (10 sources in total). These fugitive sources will release
nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Construction of onshore and offshore facilities will include gas welding and welding of
steelwork. Emission sources from gas welding, welding operations and welding machine
engines are treated as area fugitive sources:
o Gas welding will generate emissions from local combustion of metals (3 sources in
total), represented by iron oxide, manganese and its compounds, nitrogen dioxide,
and carbon monoxide.
o Welding operations will release welding aerosol (2 sources in total). These emissions
will contain iron oxide, manganese and its compounds, nitrogen dioxide, carbon
monoxide, gaseous fluorides, low-solubility fluorides, and inorganic dust (70-20%
o Mobile welding machines will generate emissions from their engines (2 sources in
total). These sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot),
sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.
 Offshore and onshore facilities to be constructed will have a bitumen-grouted macadam
pavement. Installation of the pavement will release bitumen vapours into the air (1 source in
total). These emissions are treated as area fugitive sources and will contain C12-C19
saturated hydrocarbons.
 Bitumen used in construction will be heated in a boiler, which when running, will emit bitumen
components (1 source). The emissions will contain carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, and
carbon monoxide.
 Construction of offshore facilities will include end-dumping of sand into cost-protection
facilities. Emissions will come from dusting of sandy soil during dumping from tip lorries (5
sources in total). These sources are treated as area fugitive sources and will release
inorganic dust (>70 SiO2).
 Fuelling of construction machinery will involve a refuelling lorry. Emissions will come from
pressure vent valves (1 source in total). This source will be treated as an area fugitive source
releasing hydrogen disulphide and C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons.

An estimate of the overall emissions resulting from the major pollutants associated with the
construction activities is presented below.

The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions pertaining to the Stage I construction phase
are presented in Table 9.2.3. The names, hazard classes, and MPC values were taken from the
List and codes of air polluting substances. St. Petersburg, 2012.

Table 9.2.3: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage I construction activities

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Iron oxide 0.040 3 0.0146 0.1752
2 Manganese and its compounds 0.010 2 0.0002 0.0082
3 Nitrogen dioxide 0.200 3 4.2429 45.1070
4 Nitrogen oxide 0.400 3 0.6863 8.3042
5 Soot 0.150 3 0.4192 4.3418
6 Sulphur dioxide 0.500 3 0.8042 10.7051
7 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 0.6х10-6 0.0027
8 Carbon monoxide 5.000 4 3.6375 39.3819
9 Gaseous fluorides 0.020 2 0.75х10-5 0.0103
10 Low-solubility fluorides 0.200 2 0.13х10-4 0.0182
11 Benz(a)pyrene 0.1х10-5 1 0.45х10-5 0.38х10-4
12 Formaldehyde 0.035 2 0.0393 0.3403

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
13 Kerosene 1.200 - 1.3422 13.1617
14 C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons 1.000 4 0.2611 3.6106
15 Inorganic dust > 70% SiO2 0.150 3 0.9800 26.2342
16 Inorganic dust > 70-20% SiO2 0.300 3 0.57х10-5 0.0077
Total substances: 16 12.4277 150.4094
Including solid substances: 7 1.4141 30.7854
Including liquid / gaseous substances: 9 11.0136 119.6240

Emissions were estimated on the basis of existing techniques and also recommended programmes
(The list of emission calculation techniques used in 2014 for regulating and determining air
emissions of pollutants, enacted by Letter No 12-46/709 dated 25 January 2010 issued by the
Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment).

The inventory of emissions may be then used to:

 Model air dispersion of pollutants;
 Substantiate permissibility of the environmental impact from air emission sources.

Calculation of ground-level concentrations of pollutants during the construction period,

Stage I

Dispersion of pollutants in the air was modelled to assess the impact of air emissions.

The highest ground-level concentrations were calculated by the OND-86 industrial technique using
Ecolog 3.0, a unified air pollution modelling software developed by Integral. The modelling was
applied for a summer period with a combination of wind directions and velocities usual in the
region, and took into account the baseline concentrations of pollutants.

A local reference frame was used for the modelling (4500x4200 m, grid pitch 100 m).

Construction-associated emissions contain 16 components including 7 solid and 9 liquid and

gaseous pollutants.

Certain emitted substances form substance groups, in which the impacts of individual components

 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde;

 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide;
 Carbon monoxide and dust from cement production;
 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.

The air pollution degree calculations were made for the period of the highest maximum emission
levels (in g/s). According to the schedule of the Project, this would be Q3 of Year 2, when several
construction flows will be taking place at the same time and will involve the highest number of
machines and other installations. In particular, the construction of offshore facilities will run parallel
to the construction of buildings, structures, roads, pads, drives, outdoor and indoor warehouses,
and utilities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

To assess and control the impact of air emissions during this period, measurement points were
selected at the borders of the nearest residential areas. Table 9.2.4 shows the locations of these
measurement points.

Table 9.2.4: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling

# Height, m Location Comments

Point 1 2 Boundary of residential area House 16, Pikhtovoye

Point 2 2 Boundary of residential area 7 Krasnoflotskaya Street, Vysotsk

Ground-level concentrations for harmful substances and summation groups are shown in Table

Table 9.2.5: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage I
construction (without reference to background concentrations)

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Point 1 Point 2
1 Iron oxide 0 0
2 Manganese and its compounds 0 0
3 Nitrogen dioxide 0.16 0.21
4 Nitrogen oxide 0.01 0.02
5 Soot 0.02 0.02
6 Sulphur dioxide 0.01 0.02
7 Carbon monoxide 0.01 0.01
8 Benz(a)pyrene 0.0 0.01
9 Formaldehyde 0.01 0.01
10 Kerosene 0.01 0.01
11 Inorganic dust > 70% SiO2 0.06 0.08
12 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 0.01 0.01
13 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 0.01 0.02
14 Carbon monoxide and dust from cement 0.01 0.01
15 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.11 0.14

According to Item 2.4 of the Guidelines for calculating, rating and controlling air emissions (2012),
if the concentration of a pollutant exceeds 0.1xMPC at the boundary of a rated territory, the
background concentrations have to be taken into account.

The only exceedance of the 0.1xMPC level was obtained for nitrogen dioxide. Taking the
background levels into account, the NO2 concentration will be 0.43xMPC at Measurement Point 1
and 0.48xMPC at Measurement Point 2.

Ground-level concentrations will be highest at the sources of emissions. The area of influence of
onsite activities (the 0.05xMPC isoline) was calculated as 3.3 km for nitrogen dioxide, 0.5 km for
nitrogen oxide, 0.6 km for carbon (soot), 0.7 km for sulphur dioxide, 0.2 km for carbon monoxide,
0.9 km for benz(a)pyrene, 0.3 km for formaldehyde, 0.3 km for kerosene, and 3.1 km for inorganic
dust (>70% SiO2).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The dispersion calculation results show that the highest ground-level concentrations (including the
background levels) at the boundary of the nearest residential area will not exceed the MPC values
for residential areas for any of the pollutants emitted to air during construction activities.

On the whole, the calculation shows that air emissions from Stage I construction activities
will have a permissible contribution to air pollution and will not cause a considerable
impact on air quality in residential areas. AIR IMPACT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GAS PIPELINE BRANCH TO


During the construction of proposed facilities, the main sources of air emissions will be construction
machinery and mechanisms, and physical construction works.

The total duration of Stage II will be 14 months, with a single 8-hour shift work schedule.

The construction of the pipeline branch will include the following activities:

 Vegetation clearance
 Land levelling
 Delivery of construction materials and equipment
 Construction of temporary and permanent driveways
 Construction of the pipeline branch
 Construction of crossings over rivers, motor and rail roads
 Construction of crossings over harbours;
 Testing of the pipeline branch
 Construction of auxiliary buildings and structures
 Construction of cable lines and power transmission lines
 Landscaping and reclamation.

The machinery to be used in Stage II activities includes bulldozers, lorry cranes, grubbing
machines, tip lorries, towing vehicles, pipe carriers, excavators, pipe laying machines, welding
machines, diesel-powered power plants, controlled drilling machines, pressure test rigs, tow boats,
compressors, soil compactors, crane drilling machines, and a drilling rig – 110 units in total.

Emissions from various types of equipment and activities will be generated by the following
stationary and fugitive sources:

Vegetation clearance

 Shrub cutters will be used to clear the pipeline corridor from shrubs and undergrowth.
Emissions will be come from cutter engines (2 sources);

 Tree grubbing using grubbing machines (2 sources);

 Filling of grubbing holes using bulldozers. Emissions will be come from bulldozer engines (3

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Vegetation felling residue and stumps will be milled in a drum-type crusher. Emissions will
come from the crusher’s engine (1 source).

Emissions from the running of construction and road machinery engines are viewed as area fugitive
sources. 8 fugitive sources representing construction and road machinery will emit nitrogen dioxide,
nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde,

 Emissions will come from running engines of construction machinery treated as area fugitive
sources (4 sources in total). These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

Construction of temporary driveways

 Emissions will come from running engines of construction machinery treated as area fugitive
sources (3 sources in total). These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

Delivery of construction materials

 Lorries will be used to deliver material resources and remove waste. Emissions from lorry
engines are viewed as area fugitive sources (12 sources in total). These sources will emit
nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, kerosene.

Construction of permanent driveways

 Emissions will come from running engines of construction machinery treated as area fugitive
sources (4 sources in total). These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

Construction of the gas pipeline branch

 The construction of the pipeline branch will involve the use of bulldozers, excavators, lorry
cranes, mobile welding machines and other machinery. Emissions will come from running
engines of construction machinery treated as area fugitive sources (20 sources in total).
These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur
dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

 The construction of the pipeline branch will also involve welding operations emitting welding
aerosol (6 area fugitive sources in total). These emissions will contain iron oxide, manganese
and its compounds, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, gaseous fluorides, low-solubility
fluorides, and inorganic dust (70-20% SiO2).

 Fuelling of construction machinery will involve a refuelling lorry. Emissions will come from
pressure vent valves (1 source in total). This source will be treated as an area fugitive source
releasing hydrogen disulphide, and C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons.

 Power to temporary buildings and auxiliary electrical equipment will be supplied by mobile
power plants (diesel-powered generators). Emissions will come from running diesel engines
of the generators and will be released via exhaust pipes treated as stationary sources (7
sources in total). These stationary sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide,
carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde, and

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Construction of crossings over rivers, motor and rail roads

 Emissions will come from running engines of construction machinery treated as area fugitive
sources (2 sources in total). These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

Construction of crossings over Harbours 1, 2 and 3

 Construction of the harbour crossings will start with a diver inspection of the bottom and
removal of any physical obstacles. Emissions will come from the towing boat’s engine.

 Following an inspection, stones are removed from the bottom of the harbours using a long-
arm excavator mounted on a floating pontoon. Emissions will come from the construction
machinery engine (1 source).

 Construction works in the water area of the three harbours will involve a hydraulic dredger, a
pusher tug boat, and a sludge removal barge, all viewed as area fugitive sources (4 sources
in total). Emissions from these sources will contain nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon
(soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, kerosene, benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde.

 For construction activities in the onshore area of the harbours, excavators will be used (2
fugitive area sources), which will emit nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur
dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

Testing of the pipeline branch

 The pipeline testing will involve a filling machine, a hydraulic test rig, a compressor, and an
air dryer. Emissions will come from the machines’ engines (8 sources in total). The sources
are viewed as fugitive sources and emit nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot),
sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, kerosene, benz(a)pyrene, formaldehyde.

 For hydraulic testing, a floating pumping station will be used for a temporary abstraction of
water (1 source). The source is viewed as a fugitive area source and will emit nitrogen
dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, kerosene.

Construction of cables lines and power transmission lines

 The construction of the cable and overhead transmission lines will involve the use of
bulldozers, excavators, elevated work platforms, and drilling rigs. Emissions will come from
running engines of construction machinery treated as area fugitive sources (9 sources in
total). These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot),
sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

 For landscaping, bulldozers, a soil compactor and a plate compactor will be used. Emissions
will come from running engines of these machines treated as area fugitive sources (5 sources
in total). These fugitive sources will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot),
sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and kerosene.

In total, 105 emission sources including 7 stationary and 98 fugitive sources were estimated for
Stage II activities.

Emissions will have 16 polluting components including 7 solid and 9 liquid / gaseous pollutants.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

In total, emissions from construction of Stage II facilities will amount to 24.625 tonnes including
1.446 tonnes of solid emissions, and 23.179 tonnes of liquid and gaseous emissions.

The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from the period of construction activities are
presented in Table 9.2.6. The names, hazard classes, and MPC values were taken from the List
and codes of air polluting substances. St. Petersburg, 2012.

Table 9.2.6: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage II construction

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Iron oxide 0.040 3 0.0045 0,00013
2 Manganese and its compounds 0.010 2 0.00045 0,000012
3 Nitrogen dioxide 0.200 3 9.0706 9,1629
4 Nitrogen oxide 0.400 3 1.4739 1,4890
5 Soot 0.150 3 1.0521 1,1897
6 Sulphur dioxide 0.500 3 1.3139 1,2228
7 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 0.43х10-3 0,000020
8 Carbon monoxide 5.000 4 8.3621 8,2778
9 Gaseous fluorides 0.020 2 0.17х10-3 0,60х10-5
10 Low-solubility fluorides 0.200 2 0.76х10 -3 0,22х10-4
11 Benz(a)pyrene 0.1х10-5 1 0.98х10 -5 0,70х10-5
12 Formaldehyde 0.035 2 0.0978 0,0662
13 Kerosene 1.200 - 3.3307 2,9538
14 C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons 1.000 4 0.1546 0,0071
15 Inorganic dust > 70% SiO2 0.150 3 0.1207 0,2555
16 Inorganic dust > 70-20% SiO2 0.300 3 0.32х10-3 0,10х10-4
Total substances: 16 24,983 24,625
Including solid substances: 7 1,178 1,446
Including liquid / gaseous substances: 9 23,805 23,179

Calculation of ground-level concentrations of pollutants during the construction period,

Stage II

Dispersion of pollutants in the air was modelled to assess the impact of air emissions.
The highest ground-level concentrations were calculated by the OND-86 industrial technique using
Ecolog 4.0, a unified air pollution modelling software developed by Integral. The modelling was
applied for a summer period with a combination of all wind directions and velocities possible in the
region, and took into account the baseline concentrations of pollutants.
Due to a considerable length of the construction area, two dispersion calculations were made for the
areas closest to residential houses.
A local reference frame was used for two calculations:
 5750x4500 m with a grid pitch of 250 m for Area 1;
 15000x15000 m with a grid pitch of 1500 m for Area 2.
Construction-associated emissions contain 16 components including 7 solid and 9 liquid and
gaseous pollutants.
Certain emitted substances form substance groups, in which the impacts of individual components
 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde;
 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Carbon monoxide and dust from cement production;

 Hydrogen fluoride and low-solubility fluorine salts;
 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide;
 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride.
The air pollution degree calculations were made for the periods of the highest maximum emission
levels (in g/s). These periods include the construction of inland sections of the gas pipeline branch
and construction of harbour crossings, when the highest number of machines and other installations
will be involved.
As production cycles will not coincide during the actual works, some of the sources were excluded
from the calculations.
The closest facilities where air quality is regulated have the following distance to the allotted corridor:
 Vysotskoye gardening community - 163 m;
 Lesnoye gardening community – 61 m;
 A residential house in the village of Cherkasovo – 77 m.
To assess and control the impact of air emissions during this period, measurement points were
selected at the borders of the nearest residential areas. Table 9.2.7 shows the locations of these
measurement points.
Table 9.2.7: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling

# Height, m Location Comments

Station 1 2 Boundary of residential area Lesnoye gardening community

Station 2 2 Boundary of residential area Residential house in of Cherkasovo
Station 3 2 Boundary of residential area Vysotskoye gardening community

Calculation 1
Calculations were made for 11 components (2 solid, 5 liquid and gaseous) and 4 summation groups.
Ground-level concentrations for harmful substances and summation groups for all measurement
points at Area 1 are shown in Table 9.2.8.
Table 9.2.8: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II
construction (including background concentrations)

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Point 1 Point 2
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.40 0.69
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.03 0.06
3 Soot 0.11 0.19
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.02 0.03
5 Carbon monoxide 0.02 0.03
6 Kerosene 0.02 0.03
7 Inorganic dust > 70% SiO2 0.18 0.72
8 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 0.02 0.03
9 Carbon monoxide and dust from cement 0.02 0.03
10 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.26 0.45
11 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride 0.01 0.02

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Ground-level concentrations will be highest at sources of emissions. The area of influence of onsite
activities (the 0.05xMPC isoline) was calculated as 1.35 km for nitrogen dioxide, 0.2 km for nitrogen
oxide, 0.6 km for carbon (soot), 0.05 km for sulphur dioxide, and 0.1 km for inorganic dust (>70%
Calculation 2
Calculations were made for 13 components (2 solid, 6 liquid and gaseous) and 5 summation groups.
Ground-level concentrations for harmful substances and summation groups for all measurement
points at Area 2 are shown in Table 9.2.9.
Table 9.2.9: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II
construction (including background concentrations)

Pollutant Maximum ground-level

concentration, % of MPC
# Name Point 3
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.62
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.05
3 Soot 0.06
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.04
5 Carbon monoxide 0.02
6 Benz(a)pyrene 0.02
7 Formaldehyde 0.03
8 Kerosene 0.04
9 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 0.03
10 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 0.04
11 Carbon monoxide and dust from cement production 0.02
12 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.41
13 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride 0.02

Ground-level concentrations will be highest at sources of emissions. The area of influence of onsite
activities (the 0.05xMPC isoline) was calculated as 2.9 km for nitrogen dioxide, 0.1 km for nitrogen
oxide, and 0.75 km for soot.

According to Item 2.4 of the Guidelines for calculating, rating and controlling air emissions (2012),
if the concentration of a pollutant exceeds 0.1xMPC at the boundary of a rated territory, the
background concentrations have to be taken into account.

Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II construction

including background concentrations are presented in Table 9.2.10.

Table 9.2.10: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II
construction including background concentrations for all measurement points

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.40 0.69 0.62
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.03 0.06 0.05
3 Sulphur dioxide 0.02 0.03 0.04
4 Carbon monoxide 0.02 0.03 0.02
5 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.26 0.45 0.41

According to sanitary regulations SanPiN “Sanitary requirements to quality of air in

residential areas”, concentrations of pollutants within residential areas should not exceed the MPC

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

value, while concentrations at the boundary of garden plots (classified as recreational areas)
should not exceed 0.8xMPC.

The dispersion calculation results show that the highest ground-level concentrations within
residential areas and at the boundary of garden plots will not exceed the applicable limits (MPC)
for any of the pollutants in the emissions from construction activities.

Given the anticipated sequence of construction activities and non-simultaneous utilisation

of construction machinery for Stage II activities, the impact on air in adjacent territories will
The air impact occurring during the construction and assembly activities will be related to emissions
from the operation of construction machinery and lorries, welding, painting, concrete works etc.
The primary sources of air emissions will be from construction machinery, and physical construction
works. In particular, a pad will be created to assemble pre-fabricated blocks and elements delivered
mainly by vessels.
The machinery to be used in Stage III activities includes bulldozers, tractors, lorries, tip lorries, tow
vehicles, compaction roller, lorry cranes, tracked cranes, pipe-laying cranes, lorry loaders, concrete
mixing vehicles, compressors, electric vibrators, gas welding and cutting machines, welding
machines, piling rigs, bitumen boiler, painting machine, compacting machine, pressure test rig,
excavators, static welding machine, welding transformer – 76 units in total.
Emissions from various types of equipment and activity will be represented by the following
stationary and fugitive sources:
 Operation of diesel-powered machines (6 sources in total) will emit nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, kerosene, carbon (soot), formaldehyde,
 Operation of construction machinery (3 sources) will emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide,
nitrogen oxide, kerosene, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide.
 Internal traffic of lorries (1 source) will emit nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon
monoxide, sulphur dioxide, petroleum-based low-sulphur petrol.
 Painting operations (1 source) will emit propane-2-one (acetone), butyl acetate, butane-1-ol
(n-butyl alcohol), ethanol (ethyl alcohol), methyl benzene (toluene), 2-ethoxyethanol (ethyl
cellosolve, ethylene glycol ethyl ether), xylene (combination of o-, m-, p- isomers), white spirit,
particulate matter.
 Welding operations (1 source) will emit iron oxide, manganese and its compounds,
hexavalent chromium oxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, gaseous fluorides, low-
solubility fluorides, inorganic dust: 70-20% SiO2.
 Re-fuelling of construction machinery with diesel and petrol (1 source) from a tanker lorry will
emit hydrogen sulphide, C1-C5 saturated hydrocarbons, C6-C10 saturated hydrocarbons,
C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons, amylenes, benzene, xylene, toluene, ethyl benzene.
 Handling of inert materials (1 source) will emit inorganic dust 70-20% SiO2.
 Preparation (heating) of bitumen will emit nitrogen dioxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide,
carbon monoxide, fuel oil ash.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 The construction of offshore and onshore facilities will involve floating cranes, diving boats,
and various tow boats. Operation of vessels will emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide,
nitrogen oxide, kerosene, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, formaldehyde, benz(a)pyrene.
In total, construction works will create 16 sources of emissions including 4 stationary sources and
12 fugitive sources.
Construction-associated emissions contain 26 components including 6 solid and 20 liquid and
gaseous pollutants.
Certain emitted substances form substance groups, in which the impacts of individual components
 Nitrogen dioxide and oxide, fuel oil ash, sulphur dioxide
 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde;
 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide;
 Carbon monoxide and dust from cement production;
 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide;
 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride.
In total, emissions from construction of Stage III facilities will amount to 93.2251 tonnes including
6.9279 tonnes of solid emissions, and 86.2972 tonnes of liquid and gaseous emissions.
The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from the period of construction activities are
presented in Table 9.2.11. The names, hazard classes, and MPC values were taken from the List
and codes of air polluting substances. St. Petersburg, 2012.
Table 9.2.11: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage III construction

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Iron oxide 0.040 3 0.00022 0.00092
2 Manganese and its compounds 0.010 2 0.000015 0.00011
3 Hexavalent chromium 0.0015 1 0.000013 0.00014
4 Nitrogen dioxide 0.200 3 1.1465 34.6631
5 Nitrogen oxide 0.400 3 0.1859 5.6096
6 Soot 0.150 3 0.2084 5.9452
7 Sulphur dioxide 0.500 3 0.6748 4.6054
8 Hydrogen disulphide 0.008 2 0.000024 0.0024
9 Carbon monoxide 5.000 4 1.3446 31.5504
10 Gaseous fluorides 0.020 2 0.000029 0.00031
11 Xylene 0.200 3 0.0499 0.0814
12 Toluene 0.600 3 0.0213 0.0306
13 Benz(a)pyrene 0.1х10-5 1 0.50х10-6 0.000000
14 Butyl alcohol 0.100 3 0.0097 0.0061
15 Ethyl alcohol 5.000 4 0.0129 0.0061
16 Ethyl cellosolve (2-ethoxyethanol) 0.700 - 0.0049 0.0097
17 Butyl acetate 0.100 4 0.0043 0.0058
18 Formaldehyde 0.035 2 0.0040 0.0038
19 Acetone 0.350 4 0.0097 0.0196
20 Petroleum-based petrol 5.000 4 0.0012 0.0023
21 Kerosene 1.200 - 0.3142 8.8130
22 White spirit 1.000 - 0.0114 0.0282
23 C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons 1.000 4 0.0087 0.8595
24 Particulate matter 0.500 3 0.0074 0.0158

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
25 Fuel oil ash in vanadium terms 0.002 2 0.000082 0.00013
26 Inorganic dust > 70-20% SiO2 0.300 3 0.0350 0.9658
Total substances: 26 4.0553 93.2251
Including solid substances: 6 0.2511 6.9279
Including liquid / gaseous substances: 20 3.8042 86.2972

Emissions were estimated on the basis of existing techniques and also recommended programmes
(The list of emission calculation techniques used in 2014 for regulating and determining air
emissions of pollutants, enacted by Letter No 12-46/709 dated 25 January 2010 issued by the
Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment).

The inventory of emissions may be then used to:

 Model air dispersion of pollutants;

 Substantiate permissibility of the environmental impact from air emission sources.

Calculation of ground-level concentrations of pollutants during the construction period,

Stage III

Dispersion of pollutants in the air was modelled to assess the impact of air emissions.

The highest ground-level concentrations were calculated by the OND-86 industrial technique using
Ecolog 3.0, a unified air pollution modelling software developed by Integral. The modelling was
applied for a summer period with a combination of all wind directions and velocities possible in the
region, and took into account the baseline concentrations of pollutants.

A local reference frame was used for the modelling (5000x5000 m, grid pitch 200 m).

The modelling covered 26 components (6 solid and 20 liquid and gaseous pollutants) and 6
summation groups.

To assess and control the impact of air emissions during this period, measurement points were
selected at the borders of the nearest residential areas. Table 9.2.12 shows the locations of these
measurement points.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.2.12: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling

# Height, m Location Comments

Station 1 2 Boundary of residential area Vysotsk (2.5 km from the Site)

Station 2 2 Boundary of residential area Pikhtovoye (2.5 km from the Site)
Station 3 2 Boundary of residential area Popovo (500 m from the pipeline corridor)
Station 4 2 Boundary of residential area Cherkasovo (500 m from the pipeline
Station 5 2 Boundary of residential area Perovo (500 m from the pipeline corridor)

Ground-level concentrations for harmful substances and summation groups for all measurement
points are shown in Table 9.2.13.
Table 9.2.13: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage III
construction (including background concentrations)

Pollutant Point Background Maximum ground-level

# Name (% MPC) concentration, % of
MPC, including
background levels
1 Iron oxide 2 - 0.0001
2 Manganese and its compounds 2 - 0.0002
3 Hexavalent chromium 2 0.0001
4 Nitrogen dioxide 3 0.27 0.610
5 Nitrogen oxide 3 - 0.0200
6 Soot 3 - 0.0600
7 Sulphur dioxide 2 0.02 0.0900
8 Hydrogen disulphide 2 - 0.0001
9 Carbon monoxide 3 0.48 0.490
10 Gaseous fluorides 2 - 0.0002
11 Xylene 2 - 0.0100
12 Toluene 2 - 0.0019
13 Benz(a)pyrene 3 - 0.0032
14 Butyl alcohol 2 - 0.0051
15 Ethyl alcohol 2 - 0.0001
16 Ethyl cellosolve (2-ethoxyethanol) 2 - 0.0004
17 Butyl acetate 2 - 0.0022
18 Formaldehyde 3 - 0.0082
19 Acetone 2 - 0.0015
20 Petroleum-based petrol 2 - 0.0002
21 Kerosene 3 - 0.0100
22 White spirit 2 - 0.0006
23 C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons 2 - 0.0004
24 Particulate matter 2 0.39 0.39
25 Fuel oil ash in vanadium terms 2 - 0.0002
26 Inorganic dust > 70-20% SiO2 2 - 0.0031
Nitrogen dioxide and oxide, fuel oil ash, 3 - 0.3400
sulphur dioxide
Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 3 - 0.0083
Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 2 - 0.0600
Carbon monoxide and dust from cement 2 - 0.0100
Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 3 - 0.2000
Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride 2 - 0.0400

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

According to Item 2.4 of the Guidelines for calculating, rating and controlling air emissions (2012),
if the concentration of a pollutant exceeds 0.1xMPC at the boundary of a rated territory, the
background concentrations have to be taken into account. The table above shows that the
0.1xMPC level was exceeded for nitrogen dioxide.

Taking the background levels into account, the residential boundary concentration of NO2 will be
0.61xMPC at Measurement Point 3, of carbon monoxide will be 0.48xMPC at Point 3, and of
particulate matter will be 0.39xMPC at Point 2.

Ground-level concentrations will be highest at sources of emissions. The area of influence of onsite
activities (the 0.05xMPC isoline) for calculated as 3.3 km for nitrogen dioxide, 0.5 km for nitrogen
oxide, 0.6 km for carbon (soot), 0.7 for sulphur dioxide, 0.2 km for carbon monoxide, 0.9 km for
benz(a)pyrene, 0.3 km for formaldehyde, 0.3 km for kerosene, and 3.1 km for inorganic dust
(>70% SiO2).

The dispersion calculation results show that the highest ground-level concentrations at the
boundary of the nearest residential areas will not exceed the applicable MPC values including
background levels for any of the pollutants in the emissions from construction activities.

The impact of Stage III activities on air in adjacent territories is expected to be permissible. MITIGATION AND MONITORING

Measures aimed at reducing air emissions from construction activities
The project provides for the following measures to be implemented during the period of construction
works to reduce air emissions of pollutants:
 Maintain and service equipment and dredgers in line with schedules to developed by the
customer’s technical services;
 Observe the established periods of construction and assembly works;
 Monitor that adopted work methods are strictly followed;
 Use foreign-made vessels, whose environmental performance matches necessary
 Carry out preventive maintenance of propulsion units at the customer’s premises;
 Use only operable vessels with properly calibrated fuel equipment to ensure that pollutants
released with exhaust gases are within applicable limits;
 Use only operable machines and mechanisms with properly calibrated fuel equipment to
ensure that pollutants released with exhaust gases are within applicable limits;
 Equip all vessels with foreign-made diesel engines matching the MARPOL 73/78
 Carry out preventive maintenance of shipboard installations in a timely manner;
 Spread the use of machinery and equipment not involved in the same process across
different time periods;
 Water soils during summertime earthworks to suppress dusting;
 Equip lorries transporting loose construction materials, soils and construction waste with a
canopy to reduce dusting.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Given the results of the air pollution modelling described above and the emission reduction measures
listed earlier in this section, it can be assumed that the air impact of the construction period will be
Air monitoring during construction activities
The purpose of air monitoring is to identify possible dynamics of air conditions during the construction
and operation of the Terminal, so that impact prevention measures could be developed.
Air monitoring will include monitoring of the current condition of atmospheric air, projecting potential
future pollution, and developing emission reduction measures for future facilities of the Project.
The main tasks of industrial environmental monitoring, which is put in place for facilities under
construction or commissioning, are as follows:
 Assess the condition of environmental elements exposed to technogenic impacts during
 Determine if actual levels of impact are within applicable limits;
 Develop prompt measures to control and stabilise environmental settings if impact thresholds
are exceeded;
 Determine environmental damage not covered by the project design and if impact thresholds
are exceeded.
Emission control is implemented by external specialised organisations on a contractual basis. It is
recommended to monitor compliance with maximum permissible emission (MPE) levels at pre-
selected measurements points.
For air monitoring, an environmental monitoring programme is developed. The principle of the
programme is to identify priority pollutants and integral characteristics of events, processes or
The location of measurement points is determined by the programme’s objectives and specific
conditions of the environment, which influence migration, accumulation and export of pollution.
Observation and measurement methods should be in line with national standards, and institutional
regulations and guidelines.
When developing the programme, the Company will also have to take into consideration the
respective requirements of the International Finance Corporation.
The frequency, time and duration of observations should match the nature, intensity and duration of
impacts, and specific natural conditions determining the rate of expansion of adverse impacts and
their potential consequences.
Air monitoring includes two types of observations:
 Observations at the major sources of air pollution;
 Observations at pre-selected points on the boundary of the sanitary protection zone and
within residential areas.
It is therefore important to correctly select the sources to be monitored systematically and the
measurement points.
The list of workplace air contaminants subject to monitoring is governed by the national standard
GOST 12.1.005-88. If workplace air contains several harmful substances, monitoring should cover
the most hazardous and indicative substances.
For all workplace air measurement points, the list of monitored pollutants should match the
substances monitored at residential air measurement points.
In additional to air sampling, the following parameters should be measured:
 Wind velocity (m/s);
 Wind direction;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Ambient temperature (C);

 Relative air humidity (%):
 Atmospheric pressure (Pa);
 Atmospheric phenomena.
During unfavourable weather conditions or accidental releases, frequency of air sampling should be
As required by national standards (SP, the Project will envisage quarterly sampling
of air (March, June, September, and December) above project facilities and at the boundary of the
sanitary protection zone.
Industrial environmental monitoring of air quality during the construction phase
Location of observation points
Monitoring will cover workplace air and residential air.
Workplace air stations are located at the boundary of the construction site facing the residential
areas (A1, A2).
The two residential air stations are located at:
 House 16, Pikhtovoye, Leningrad region (Point A3);
 7 Krasnoflotskaya Street, Vysotsk, Leningrad region (A4).
List of substances monitored in workplace and residential air
The pollutant dispersion modelling showed that the highest ground-level concentrations of all
pollutants (except for nitrogen dioxide) within residential areas will not exceed 0.1xMPC.
However, concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate
matter have to be monitored as emissions of these pollutants may be considerable during operation
of construction machinery.
The air monitoring programme for the Project will cover the following parameters:
1. Meteorological parameters:
 Wind direction;
 Air temperature and humidity;
2. Concentrations of the following pollutants:
 NO2
 SO2
 CO
 Particulate matter.
For monitoring, a network of stationary observation points will be established. Air sampling will be
conducted in line with Item 4 of the governing document RD 52.04.186-89 “Collection of air samples
to determine concentrations of impurities in the atmosphere; meteorological observations”.
Frequency of observations
Results of air measurements at the boundary of residential areas should then be compared with
applicable standards of air quality.
Residential air is monitored on a quarterly basis.
Workplace air is sampled at the boundary of the construction site from the upwind and downwind

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

At least three samples should be collected consecutively in the course of one working shift and/or
individual stages of a production process.
Control of emissions at sources
At-source control of emissions during the construction phase means control of emissions from
construction machinery by annual control of emission limits set for particular contaminants emitted
from mobile and stationary sources. This limit reflects the maximum permissible mass of the pollutant
emitted into the air per mileage of vehicles or other mobile sources.
Emission limits for equipment and all types of mobiles sources of emissions are set by Russian state
Equipment and machinery generating emissions have to be checked for their operability and actual
concentrations of pollutants in their emissions, which should match the equipment’s certificates and
emission limits.


The environmental impact of the commissioning phase will not be different from the construction
phase’s impact in terms of the volume or composition of emissions.
Construction of Stage III facilities (the Terminal), which will involve deliveries of construction
materials and oversized equipment, it will require the use of Stage I facilities (the berth, equipment
and materials storage areas, the temporary access road).
Commissioning of the whole Terminal will require the use of Stage II facilities (the gas pipeline branch
with the necessary infrastructure).
Therefore, commissioning of the facility will also be staged, as construction of different stages ends.
The commissioning phase will not create new pollutions or sources of emissions.


According to the schedule provided by the customer, the operating parameters of the cargo
berthage will be as follows:

 Navigation period: 7-8 months

 Work schedule: 24/7, two shifts during vessel unloading.

Emissions during the operation phase will be generated during berthing of vessels delivering
oversized cargoes, equipment and construction materials and will mainly come from engines of
vessels, handling machinery, and from the sanitary wastewater and storm water treatment

In total, operation of Stage I facilities will involve 26 sources of emissions including 24 fugitive and
2 stationary sources.

Emissions will contain 22 pollutants including 3 solid substances and 19 liquid and gaseous
substances. Total volume of emissions is estimated at 20.140358 tpa, including 2.462691 tpa of
solid emissions and 17.677667 tpa of liquid and gaseous emissions.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Emissions from various types of equipment and activity will be represented by the following fugitive
and stationary sources:

 Emissions will be generated during berthing of vessels delivering oversized cargoes,

equipment and construction materials and will mainly come from vessel engines. There are
2 sources in total viewed as fugitive area sources. Emissions will contain nitrogen dioxide,
nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide (sulphur dioxide), carbon monoxide,
benz(a)pyrene (3,4-benzpyrene), formaldehyde, kerosene.
 Emissions will be generated during unloading of vessels by cranes and will come from crane
engines. There are 2 sources in total viewed as fugitive area sources. Emissions will contain
nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide (sulphur dioxide), carbon
monoxide, benz(a)pyrene (3,4-benzpyrene), formaldehyde, kerosene.
 Internal traffic of vehicles will also generate emissions from 13 fugitive area sources.
Emissions will contain nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon
monoxide, kerosene.
 Unloading of vessels containing bulk goods (sand, crushed stone, gravel) will cause dusting
(1 fugitive area source). Emissions will not be calculated during unloading of sand with a
moisture content of 3% or more. Dust emissions will contain inorganic dust (<20% SiO2).
 Storage of bulk goods (sand, crushed stone, gravel) will also cause dusting (1 fugitive area
source). Emissions will not be calculated for storage of sand with a moisture content of 3%
or more. Dust emissions will contain inorganic dust (<20% SiO2).
 Emissions will be generated during entry, exit and engine warm-ups of passenger and cargo
vehicles (2 fugitive area sources). These emissions will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, kerosene, petroleum-based low-
sulphur petrol.
 Traffic of vehicles across the Site will create fugitive area sources of emissions releasing
nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, kerosene,
petroleum-based low-sulphur petrol.
 Fuelling of auxiliary machinery will involve a refuelling lorry. Emissions will come from
pressure vent valves (1 source in total). This source will be treated as an area fugitive source
(classified as Source 6501) releasing hydrogen disulphide and C12-C19 saturated

Treatment facilities
The Terminal will include local treatment facilities for sanitary and storm water mixed with industrial
wastewater. Emissions will be generated during the treatment of surface run-offs and sanitary
wastewater (2 sources in total). These sources will be treated as stationary.
 Treatment of sanitary wastewater will involve emissions from one stationary source releasing
nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia, hydrogen disulphide,
hydroxybenzene, formaldehyde, blends of saturated hydrocarbons (C1-C5, С6-С10),
methane, methyl mercaptan.
 Treatment of industrial and storm water will involve emissions from one stationery source
releasing benzene, xylene, toluene, ethyl benzene, hydrogen disulphide, blends of saturated
hydrocarbons (C1-C5, С6-С10, C12-C29), petrol, kerosene.
The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from the period of construction activities are
presented in Table 9.2.14. The names, hazard classes, and MPC values were taken from the List
and codes of air polluting substances. St. Petersburg, 2012.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.2.14: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from operation of Stage I facilities

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.200 3 2.4872 7.9616
2 Ammonia 0.200 4 0.000037 0.0046
3 Nitrogen oxide 0.400 3 0.3160 0.1836
4 Soot 0.150 3 0.1650 0.8980
5 Sulphur dioxide 0.500 3 0.7747 0.9286
6 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 0.18х10-4 0.0013
7 Carbon monoxide 5.000 4 2.1772 6.1262
8 Methane 50.000 - 0.0202 0.2540
9 C1-C5 saturated hydrocarbons 50.000 - 0.0208 0.2672
10 C6-C10 saturated hydrocarbons 30.000 - 0.0009 0.0171
11 Benzene 0.300 2 0.68х10-4 0.0012
12 Xylene 0.200 3 0.0003 0.0057
13 Methyl benzene (toluene) 0.600 3 0.000165 0.003214
14 Ethyl benzene 0.020 3 0.94х10-5 0.000219
15 Benz(a)pyrene 0.1х10-5 1 0.27х10-5 0.10х10-5
16 Hydroxyl benzene (Phenol) 0.010 2 0.54х10 -5 0.000675
17 Formaldehyde 0.035 2 0.0246 0.0159
18 Methyl mercaptan 0.001 4 0.45х10-5 0.000578
19 Petroleum-based low-sulphur petrol 5.000 4 0.0023 0.0366
20 Kerosene 1.200 - 0.7068 1.7892
21 C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons 1.000 4 0.0034 0.0798
22 Inorganic dust <20% SiO2 0.500 3 1.2563 1.5647
Total substances: 22 7.9564 20.1404
Including solid substances: 3 1.4213 2.4627
Including liquid / gaseous substances: 19 6.5351 17.6777

Calculation of ground-level concentrations of pollutants during the operational phase,

Stage I
Dispersion of pollutants in the air was modelled to assess the impact of air emissions. The highest
ground-level concentrations were calculated using Ecolog 3.1, a unified air pollution modelling
software, within a local reference frame (4500x4200 m, grid pitch 100 m).
The software selects meteorological parameters automatically following a special algorithm. For
each point, different couples of wind velocities (from 0.5 m/s to Ux) and directions (from 00 to 3600
with a pitch of 10) are searched to give the ground-level concentrations for a couple of the most
hazardous meteorological parameters.
The calculations determined that the highest concentrations will be observed at the boundary of the
proposed sanitary protection zone and the nearest residential area.
The calculations were made for the period where the highest one-time emissions are expected,
which is delivery of cargoes to berths.
Certain emitted substances form substance groups, in which the impacts of individual components
 Ammonia, hydrogen sulphide
 Ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, formaldehyde
 Ammonia, formaldehyde
 Nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, phenol

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Hydrogen sulphide, formaldehyde

 Sulphur dioxide and phenol
 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide
 Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide.
To assess and control the impact of air emissions during this period, measurement points were
selected at the borders of the nearest residential areas. Table 9.2.15 shows the locations of these
measurement points.
Table 9.2.15: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling

# Height, m Location Comments

Point 1 2 Boundary of residential area Pikhtovoye

Point 2 2 Boundary of residential area Vysotsk
Point 3 2 Boundary of SPZ -
Point 4 2 Boundary of SPZ -

Ground-level concentrations for harmful substances and summation groups (without reference to
background concentrations) are shown in Table 9.2.16.
Table 9.2.16: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage I
operations (without reference to background concentrations)

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Points 1 and 2, at Points 3 and 4, at
the boundary of the boundary of the
the nearest SPZ
residential area
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.07 / 0.10 0.70 / 0.36
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.01 / 0.01 0.06 / 0.03
3 Soot 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.01 / 0.01 0.10 / 0.05
5 Carbon monoxide 0.0 / 0.0 0.02 / 0.01
6 Benz(a)pyrene 0.0 / 0.0 0.02 / 0.01
7 Formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
8 Kerosene 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
9 Inorganic dust <20% SiO2 0.03 / 0.03 0.29 / 0.35
10 Ammonia and hydrogen sulphide 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0
11 Ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
12 Ammonia and formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
13 Nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon 0.08 / 0.12 0.82 / 0.42
monoxide and phenol
14 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
15 Sulphur dioxide and phenol 0.01 / 0.01 0.10 / 0.05
16 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 0.01 / 0.01 0.10 / 0.05
17 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.05 / 0.07 0.50 / 0.26

According to Item 2.4 of the Guidelines for calculating, rating and controlling air emissions (2012), if
the concentration of a pollutant exceeds 0.1xMPC at the boundary of a rated territory, the
background concentrations have to be taken into account.
The maximum area of influence of the facility at this stage will be 1750 m.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Ground-level concentrations for harmful substances and summation groups (including background
concentrations) are shown in Table 9.2.17.
Table 9.2.17: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage I
operations (including background concentrations)

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Points 1 and 2, at Points 3 and 4, at
the boundary of the boundary of the
the nearest SPZ
residential area
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.34 / 0.37 0.97 / 0.63
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.07 / 0.07 0.12 / 0.09
3 Soot 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.04 / 0.04 0.12 / 0.08
5 Carbon monoxide 0.48 / 0.48 0.50 / 0.49
6 Benz(a)pyrene 0.0 / 0.0 0.02 / 0.01
7 Formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
8 Kerosene 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
9 Inorganic dust <20% SiO2 0.03 / 0.03 0.29 / 0.35
10 Ammonia and hydrogen sulphide 0.0 / 0.0 0.0 / 0.0
11 Ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
12 Ammonia and formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
13 Nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon 0.08 / 0.12 0.82 / 0.42
monoxide and phenol
14 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 0.0 / 0.01 0.04 / 0.02
15 Sulphur dioxide and phenol 0.01 / 0.01 0.10 / 0.05
16 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 0.01 / 0.01 0.10 / 0.05
17 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.23 / 0.26 0.69 / 0.44
On the whole, calculation shows that air emissions from Stage I operations will have a
permissible contribution to air pollution and will not exceed the residential air pollution limits. AIR IMPACT FROM THE OPERATION OF THE GAS PIPELINE BRANCH TO THE
Pollution of air associated with operations of the pipeline will mainly be caused by necessary process
operations on the pipeline:
 Internal non-destructive testing;
 Cleaning of pipeline sections.
According to the project design, during NDT or cleaning, gas is bled via the vent stack. The start
section of the pipeline, after the point-zero block valves, is equipped with a pig launcher, while the
end section is equipped with a pig trap. The vent stack is located 15 m from the crane pad.
The pipeline branch will only have welded connections to avoid leakages from shut-off valves.
Access roads will be built to service the pig launcher and trap (once every two months). During the
actual inspections, the vehicle’s engine will be stopped, and so vehicle traffic will not be a source of
In total, one stationary source of emissions is envisaged – the vent stack, which will be used to bleed
gas. The stack will emit natural gas into the air.
Emissions from pipeline operations will include 8 gaseous pollutants.
The list of pollutants emitted during operation of the pipeline branch is shown in Table 9.2.18.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.2.18: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions from Stage II operations

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Butane 200.00 4 0.4963 0.0012
2 Pentane 100.00 4 0.0699 0.0002
3 Methane 50.00 - 783.3747 1.8801
4 Isobutane 15.00 4 0.5614 0.0013
5 Blend of С1-С5 saturated 50.00 - 0.1082 0.00026
6 Blend of С6-С10 saturated 60.00 - 0.1147 0.00027
7 Ethane 50.00 - 18.9579 0.0455
8 Propane 50.00 - 3.2058 0.0077
Total substances: 8 806.8890 1.9365
Including solid substances: 0 0.0000 0.0000
Including liquid / gaseous substances: 8 806.8890 1.9365

Total maximum emissions from the pipeline operations may reach 1.9365 tpa of gaseous
Emissions were estimated on the basis of existing techniques and also recommended programmes
used in 2015 (Guidelines for calculating peak emissions of natural gas during process operations on
the linear parts of main gas pipelines, NII Atmosphera, 2015).

Calculation of ground-level concentrations of pollutants during the operation phase, Stage II

Dispersion of pollutants in the air was modelled to assess the impact of air emissions. The highest
ground-level concentrations were calculated using Ecolog 3.1, a unified air pollution modelling
software, within a local reference frame (5000x5000 m, grid pitch 500 m).
The modelling identified 1 stationary source of emissions (the vent stack).
To assess and control the impact of air emissions during this period, measurement points were
selected at the borders of the nearest residential areas. Table 9.2.19 shows the locations of these
measurement points.
Table 9.2.19: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling

# Height, m Location Comments

Station 1 2 Boundary of residential area Pikhtovoye

Station 2 2 Boundary of residential area Vysotsk
Station 3 2 Boundary of SPZ -
Ground-level concentrations for harmful substances and summation groups for all measurement
points are shown in Table 9.2.20.
Table 9.2.20: Ground-level concentrations of pollutants from emissions generated during Stage II

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
1 Butane Calculation not practical
2 Pentane Calculation not practical
3 Methane 0.04 0.38 0.86
4 Isobutane 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 Blend of С1-С5 saturated hydrocarbons Calculation not practical

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
6 Blend of С6-С10 saturated hydrocarbons Calculation not practical
7 Ethane 0.0 0.01 0.02
8 Propane 0.0 0.0 0.0
The maximum area of influence during the operations will be 6000 m (6000 m for methane, and 950
m for ethane).
The dispersion calculation results show that the highest ground-level concentrations at the boundary
of the nearest residential area will not exceed the MPC values for residential areas for any of the
pollutants in the emissions from operation activities.
Calculation shows that air emissions from pipeline operations will have a permissible
The main type of air impact during operations of the terminal will be air emissions from sources within
the plant site and adjacent territories.
Sources of air emissions will be as follows:
 Flare system;
 Gas-turbine generators of the CHP plant;
 Diesel generators;
 Acid gas incineration unit;
 Acid gas removal unit;
 Liquid waste incinerator;
 Ventilation emissions from buildings with processing equipment;
 Diesel storage; individual diesel tanks;
 Fresh amine storage;
 Leaks on process and auxiliary equipment;
 Vehicle engines;
 Vessel engines.
Stationary sources of emissions released by the LNG complex and the CHP plant include:
 Vent stacks;
 Pressure vent valves on tanks with methane and diesel fuel; flare stacks in high pressure
and low pressure flaring systems;
 Smoke stacks of the acid gas incinerator and the hot oil furnace etc.
Fugitive sources will include:
 Leaks from connections and packings on processing equipment, shut-off and control valves
with outdoor locations;
 Traffic of auxiliary vehicles across the Site.
In total, processing and auxiliary equipment and installations represent 26 sources of emissions.
Emissions from various types of equipment and activity will be represented by the following
stationary and fugitive sources:
 Leaking flanges and valves on: acid gas removal, drying, mercury removal, fractionation,
cooling, liquefaction, nitrogen removal, fuel gas enrichment, flare system knock-out drums,
refrigerant make-up storage, chemicals storage, diesel fuel storage etc. These emissions will
release saturated hydrocarbons, benzene, xylene, toluene, ethyl mercaptan, hydrogen

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Cargo vehicles delivering consumables, as well as auxiliary vehicles will be cruising around
the Terminal site. The vehicle engines will release nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur
dioxide, kerosene, soot.
 Power to processing electrical equipment will be supplied by a 2x1000 kVA mini-power plant
with three gas reciprocating units, and by a 2x1000 kVA KTP-1-1000/10/0.4 mini-substation
with two air transformers. The gas reciprocating units will release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen
oxide, carbon monoxide, methane, benz(a)pyrene.
 Operations of emergency diesel generators will release nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide,
sulphur dioxide, soot, kerosene, formaldehyde, benz(a)pyrene.
 Filling of diesel fuel into tanks will release saturated hydrocarbons.
 Incineration of acid gas will release nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, soot,
saturated hydrocarbons, benzene, xylene, toluene.
 Filling of fresh amine into tanks will release methyl diethanol amine (MDEA).
 For sea transportation of LNG, three tankers will be used. Mooring of vessels will be assisted
by PE-65 type tow boats owned by the port of Vysotsk. Towing and mooring of vessels will
release nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon (soot), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide,
formaldehyde, benz(a)pyrene, kerosene.
In total, 26 sources are estimated, including 12 fugitive sources and 14 stationary sources.
Operation-associated emissions will contain 22 pollutants including 2 solid substances and 20 liquid
and gaseous substances. Total volume of emissions is estimated at 254.1658 tpa, including 0.5723
tpa of solid emissions and 253.5935 tpa of liquid and gaseous emissions.
The list of pollutants associated with operations of the Terminal is presented in Table 9.2.21.
Table 9.2.21: The list of pollutants associated with Stage III operations

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.200 3 4.3978 55.7882
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.400 3 0.7139 9.0620
3 Soot 0.150 3 0.1179 0.5723
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.500 3 0.0669 0.7856
5 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 1.82х10-6 5.19х10-5
6 Carbon monoxide 5.000 4 5.5315 112.3869
7 Butane 200.00 4 9.09х10-9 0
8 Cyclohexane 1.400 4 5.45х10-7 0.0014
9 Cyclopentane (penthamethylene) 0.100 - 4.55х10-7 0.0028
10 Methane 50.000 - 1.9138 58.4188
11 C1-C5 saturated hydrocarbons 50.000 - 0.6948 12.2329
12 C6-C10 saturated hydrocarbons 30.000 - 0.0965 3.1952
13 Benzene 0.300 2 0.0112 0.3648
14 Xylene 0.200 3 0.0118 0.3937
15 Methyl benzene (toluene) 0.600 3 0.0109 0.3571
16 Benz(a)pyrene 0.1х10-5 1 0.91х10-7 0.18х10-7
17 Methanol (methyl alcohol) 1.000 3 0.0065 0.1818
18 Formaldehyde 0.035 2 0.0011 0.0020
19 Ethanethiol (ethyl mercaptan) 0.00005 3 2.73х10-7 0.00078
20 Kerosene 1.200 - 0.0285 0.0563
21 C12-C19 saturated hydrocarbons 1.000 4 0.0455 0.3632
22 Methyl diethanol amine 0.500 3 1.82х10-6 0.000059
Total substances: 22 13.6486 254.1658
Including solid substances: 2 0.1179 0.5723
Including liquid / gaseous substances: 19 13.5307 253.5935

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Calculation of ground-level concentrations of pollutants during the operation phase, Stage III
Dispersion of pollutants in the air was modelled to assess the impact of air emissions. The highest
ground-level concentrations were calculated using Ecolog 3.1, a unified air pollution modelling
software, within a local reference frame (5000x5000 m, grid pitch 100 m).
The software selects meteorological parameters automatically following a special algorithm. For
each point, different couples of wind velocities (from 0.5 m/s to Ux) and directions (from 00 to 3600
with a pitch of 10) are searched to give the ground-level concentrations for a couple of the most
hazardous meteorological parameters.
The calculations determined that the highest concentrations will be observed at the boundary of the
proposed sanitary protection zone and the nearest residential area.
Certain emitted substances form substance groups, in which the impacts of individual components
 Formaldehyde and hydrogen sulphide;
 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide;
 Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide.

The values were compared against MPC limits for the points, whose location is indicated in Table
To assess and control the impact of air emissions during this period, six measurement points were
selected at the boundary of the sanitary protection zone and the boundaries of the nearest residential
areas. Table 9.2.22 shows the locations of these measurement points.
Table 9.2.22: List of measurement points used for dispersion modelling

# Height, m Location Comments

Point 1 2 Boundary of residential area Vysotsk (2.5 km from the Site)

Point 2 2 Boundary of residential area Pikhtovoye ((2.5 km from the Site)
Point 3 2 Boundary of SPZ -
Point 4 2 Boundary of SPZ -
Point 5 2 Boundary of SPZ -
Point 6 2 Boundary of SPZ -
The calculation was made for 22 components (20 gaseous and 2 solid pollutants).
According to Item 2.4 of the Guidelines for calculating, rating and controlling air emissions (2012), if
the concentration of a pollutant exceeds 0.1xMPC at the boundary of a rated territory, the
background concentrations have to be taken into account.
The maximum area of influence of the facility at this stage will be 1750 m.
Calculations show that for all analysed components, the highest ground-level concentrations
(including background levels) during operation of the facility at the boundary of the proposed sanitary
protection zone of the Terminal and within the nearest residential areas will not exceed applicable
MPC values.
It can be concluded from the modelling of ground-level dispersion of emissions that the
facility will not have an adverse impact on the air quality at the boundary of the proposed
sanitary protection zone and at boundary of the nearest residential area.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring MITIGATION AND MONITORING

Measures aimed at reducing air emissions from operation activities
The project provides for the following measures to be implemented during the period of facility
operations to reduce air emissions of pollutants:
 Monitor the working time pattern of processing equipment;
 Monitor the working time pattern of handling machines and equipment;
 Observe the established periods of construction and assembly works;
 Equip all vessels with foreign-made diesel engines matching the MARPOL 73/78
 Monitor that adopted work methods are strictly followed;
 Store fuel and lubricants in airtight and lockable containers;
 Use airtight equipment, valves, pipelines with a fully welded design where possible and with
the minimum number of connections to minimise joint leaks;
 Select equipment, valves and pipelines on the basis of strength and corrosion resistance
 Use of a corrosion inhibitor to increase corrosion resistance of materials used in equipment
 Scheduled or emergency air discharges of combustible gases to be diverted only to the flare
 Equip the emergency blowdown and flaring system with quick release valves;
 Avoid simultaneous use of after-burners for cold and warm liquids;
 Use of operable machinery, which passed exhaust gas toxicity tests, to reduce air emissions;
 Introduce regular maintenance and calibration of fuel equipment on diesel-powered
machinery to reduce consumption of diesel fuel;
 Monitoring air quality using gas analysers;
 Always try to minimise the number of engineering tools and equipment used at the site to
avoid sever contamination of the lower atmosphere during unfavourable weather conditions
(windless conditions, persistent air temperature inversions).
Following commissioning, the proposed MPE limits will have to be developed for the LNG Terminal
(including the gas pipeline branch) and submitted to supervisory authorities in order to obtain a permit
for air emissions. The MPE document has to specify maximum (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes)
emissions of all pollutants from all sources.
Similarly, an industrial monitoring programme for air quality will have to be developed and approved
by supervisory authorities. The programme should include a schedule of measurements at
observation points (mainly at the boundary of the nearest residential area – in Vysotsk and
Pikhtovoye – and at boundary of the site and its sanitary protection zone).
Given the results of the air pollution modelling described above and the emission reduction measures
listed earlier in this section, it can be assumed that the air impact of the operation period will be
Air monitoring during operations
The purpose of air monitoring is to identify possible dynamics of air conditions during the construction
and operation of the Terminal, so that impact prevention measures could be developed.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Air monitoring will include monitoring of the current condition of atmospheric air, projecting potential
future pollution, and developing emission reduction measures for operational facilities of the Project.
The main tasks of industrial environmental monitoring, which is put in place for operational facilities,
are as follows:
 Assess the condition of environmental elements exposed to technogenic impacts during
 Determine if actual levels of impact are within applicable limits;
 Develop prompt measures to control and stabilise environmental settings if impact thresholds
are exceeded;
 Determine environmental damage not covered by the project design and if impact thresholds
are exceeded.
Emission control is implemented by external specialised organisations on a contractual basis. It is
recommended to monitor compliance with maximum permissible emission (MPE) levels at pre-
selected measurements points.
For air monitoring, an environmental monitoring programme is developed. The principle of the
programme is to identify priority pollutants and integral characteristics of events, processes or
The location of measurement points is determined by the programme’s objectives and specific
conditions of the environment, which influence migration, accumulation and export of pollution.
Observation and measurement methods should be in line with national standards, and institutional
regulations and guidelines.
When developing the programme, the Company will also have to take into consideration the
respective requirements of the International Finance Corporation.
The frequency, time and duration of observations should match the nature, intensity and duration of
impacts, and specific natural conditions determining the rate of expansion of adverse impacts and
their potential consequences.
Air monitoring includes two types of observations:
 Observations at the major sources of air pollution;
 Observations at pre-selected points on the boundary of the sanitary protection zone and the
nearest residential area.
It is therefore important to correctly select the sources to be monitored systematically and the
measurement points.
The list of workplace air contaminants subject to monitoring is governed by the national standard
GOST 12.1.005-88. If workplace air contains several harmful substances, monitoring should cover
the most hazardous and indicative substances.
For all workplace air measurement points, the list of monitored pollutants should match the
substances monitored at residential air measurement points.
In additional to air sampling, the following parameters should be measured:
 Wind velocity (m/s);
 Wind direction;
 Ambient temperature (C);
 Relative air humidity (%):
 Atmospheric pressure (Pa);
 Atmospheric phenomena.
During unfavourable weather conditions or accidental releases, frequency of air sampling should be

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

As required by national standards (SP, the Project will envisage quarterly sampling
of air (March, June, September, and December) at the Terminal and within its sanitary protection
Location of observation points
Monitoring will cover workplace air, SPZ boundary air and residential air.
The list of residential air stations (A1-A2) and SPZ air stations (A3-A5) is presented in Table 9.2.21.
The measurement stations will be located at:
 Boundary of the residential area: House 16, Pikhtovoye, Leningrad region (Point A1);
 Boundary of the residential area: 7 Krasnoflotskaya Street, Vysotsk, Leningrad region (Point
 Boundary of the sanitary protection zone (Points A3-A5).;
Monitoring parameters
The air monitoring programme for the Project will cover the following parameters:
1. Meteorological parameters:
 Wind direction;
 Air temperature and humidity;
2. Concentrations of the following pollutants:
 NO2
 CO
 Particulate matter
 Benz(a)pyrene.
For monitoring, a network of stationary observation points will be established. Air sampling will be
conducted in line with Item 4 of the governing document RD 52.04.186-89 “Collection of air samples
to determine concentrations of impurities in the atmosphere; meteorological observations”.
Frequency of observations
Results of air measurements at the boundary of residential areas should then be compared with
applicable standards of air quality.
Residential air is monitored on a quarterly basis.
According to GOST 12.1.005-88 “General sanitary requirements to workplace air”, the limits of
harmful substances’ concentration in workplace air apply to all work places irrespective of their
location (indoors, underground, outdoors, vehicles etc.).
Concentration of harmful substances in air is measured at the most indicative work places. Samples
are taken from the breathing zone in typical conditions. In the presence of workplaces with identical
equipment of identical operations, samples are taken from randomly selected peripheral workplaces.
Workplace air is sampled at the boundary of the construction site from the upwind and downwind
At least three samples should be collected consecutively in the course of one working shift and/or
individual stages of a production process.
Control of emissions at sources
At-source control of emissions during the operational phase will include measurements at the
sources specified in the monitoring programme. These sources are:
 Flare system;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Gas-turbine generators of the CHP plant;

 Diesel generators;
 Acid gas incineration unit;
 Acid gas removal unit;
 Liquid waste incinerator.
The at-source measurements will cover the following pollutants:
 NO2
 NO
 CO
 SO2
 Particulate matter (soot)
 Benz(a)pyrene.
At-source monitoring will be conducted on an annual basis.
Monitoring Program will be developed as part of Maximum Permissible Emissions document prior to
commissioning. It will contain template for reporting.

The decommissioning phase is not given a detailed review in this document. For this phase, a special
document will have to be developed (see Section 11).


Following the review of the dispersion modelling made for the operational phase, the following
conclusions were made:

 The maximum concentrations (including the background levels) of all analysed pollutants at
the boundary of the proposed sanitary protection zone and the residential area will not exceed
respective MPCs;
 Modelling of ground-level dispersion shows that the facility will not have an adverse impact
on the air quality at the boundary of the sanitary protection zone and the residential area;
 Based on the above and from the air quality impact perspective, it is recommended in design
documents to establish a sanitary protection zone with a radius of 1000 metres. The
recommended size of SPZ is to be confirmed on the stage of operations based on quarterly
measurements at the monitoring points.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.2.23: Summary of Air Quality Impacts and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Impact Residents of Vysotsk Construction of Stage I The significance is  Maintain and service equipment and If respective measures
on air and Pikhtovoye and III facilities deemed moderate, if dredgers in line with schedules to are implemented, the
quality (berthing facilities, no special measures developed by the customer’s technical residual impact on air
road, and the LNG services;
are put in place during quality is expected to be
terminal) construction  Observe the established periods of low
construction and assembly works;
 Monitor that adopted work methods are
strictly followed;
 Use foreign-made vessels, whose
environmental performance matches
necessary standards;
 Carry out preventive maintenance of
propulsion units at the customer’s
 Use only operable vessels with properly
calibrated fuel equipment to ensure that
pollutants released with exhaust gases are
within applicable limits;
 Equip all vessels with foreign-made diesel
engines matching the MARPOL 73/78
 Carry out preventive maintenance of
shipboard installations in a timely manner;
 Spread the use of machinery and
equipment not involved in the same
process across different time periods;
 Water soils during summertime
earthworks to suppress dusting;
 Equip lorries transporting loose
construction materials, soils and
construction waste with a canopy to
reduce dusting.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Impact Residents of Perovo, Construction of Stage II The significance is  Observe the established periods of If respective measures
on air Cherkasovo, Pikhtovoye facilities (gas pipeline deemed moderate, if construction and assembly works; are implemented, the
quality villages, Vysotskoye, branch) no special measures  Monitor that adopted work methods are residual impact on air
Rechnoye, Lesnoye are put in place during strictly followed; quality is expected to be
gardening communities construction  Use only operable machines and low
mechanisms with properly calibrated fuel
equipment to ensure that pollutants
released with exhaust gases are within
applicable limits;
 Spread the use of machinery and
equipment not involved in the same
process across different time periods;
 Water soils during summertime
earthworks to suppress dusting;
 Equip lorries transporting loose
construction materials, soils and
construction waste with a canopy to
reduce dusting.
Impact Residents of Vysotsk Operation of Stage I, II The significance of the  Monitor the working time pattern of If respective measures
on air and Pikhtovoye and III facilities impact on human processing equipment; are implemented, the
quality (berthing facilities, health is deemed  Monitor the working time pattern of residual impact on
road, gas pipeline moderate, if no handling machines and equipment; human health is
branch and the LNG additional mitigation  Equip all vessels with foreign-made diesel expected to be low
terminal) measures are put in engines matching the MARPOL 73/78
 Monitor that adopted work methods are
strictly followed;
 Store fuel and lubricants in airtight and
lockable containers;
 Use airtight equipment, valves, pipelines
with a fully welded design where possible
and with the minimum number of
connections to minimise joint leaks;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact
 Select equipment, valves and pipelines on
the basis of strength and corrosion
resistance parameters;
 Use of a corrosion inhibitor to increase
corrosion resistance of materials used in
 Scheduled or emergency air discharges of
combustible gases to be diverted only to
the flare system;
 Equip the emergency blowdown and
flaring system with quick release valves;
 Avoid simultaneous use of after-burners
for cold and warm liquids;
 Use of operable machinery, which passed
exhaust gas toxicity tests, to reduce air
 Introduce regular maintenance and
calibration of fuel equipment on diesel-
powered machinery to reduce
consumption of diesel fuel;
 Monitoring air quality using gas analysers;
 Always try to minimise the number of
engineering tools and equipment used at
the site to avoid sever contamination of
the lower atmosphere during unfavourable
weather conditions (windless conditions,
persistent air temperature inversions).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.2.24: Summary of Air Quality Impacts Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Air emissions Construction Sea vessels involved during Use only operable vessels with properly calibrated fuel equipment to As per the
the construction phase ensure that pollutants released with exhaust gases are within applicable customer’s
limits. schedule of works

Air emissions Construction Road and construction Use only operable machines and construction mechanisms with properly As per the
machinery involved in the calibrated fuel equipment to ensure that pollutants released with exhaust customer’s
Project gases are within applicable limits. schedule of works

Dust emissions Construction All facilities involving Control transportation of loose construction materials, soils and As per the
earthworks or transportation of construction waste with a canopy to reduce dusting and check that lorries customer’s
loose materials are equipped with a canopy to reduce dusting. schedule of works
Control dust suppression activities (soil watering) during summertime
earthworks to suppress dusting.

Air emissions Construction All facilities of the Project Monitor strict adherence to adopted work methods. Monitor the As per the
procedures of construction and assembly activities. Spread the use of customer’s
machinery and equipment not involved in the same process across schedule of works
different time periods to reduce maximum emissions.
Environment. Construction Measurement points at the Instrumental monitoring of air quality at measurement points at the Quarterly
Air quality boundary of the residential boundary of the residential area and sanitary protection zone for the
area and sanitary protection following pollutants:
zone NO2;
Particulate matter.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Air emissions Operation Onsite locations of diesel- Regular maintenance and calibration of fuel equipment on diesel- Continuously
powered machinery powered machinery to reduce consumption of diesel fuel.

Air emissions Operation Sources of air emissions Monitor the working time pattern of processing equipment. Annually
Monitoring fugitive and stationary emissions:
Particulate matter;

Environment. Operation Measurement points at the Instrumental monitoring of air quality at measurement points at the Quarterly
Air quality boundary of the residential boundary of the residential area and sanitary protection zone for the
area and sanitary protection following pollutants:
zone NO2;
Particulate matter;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


Local climate is typified by regular arrivals of air masses from the Atlantic, which is caused by
cyclonic activity and creates significant cloud coverage and rich precipitation throughout the year.
The nature of this maritime climate can also manifest itself through strong winds on daily and
seasonal scales.

The Project’s impact on climate may take the form of altering the atmospheric composition through
generation of a large amount of heated emissions and through affecting circulation of local air

The environmental impact of the Project will be determined by various harmful factors occurring
during the construction and operation phases and lasting for all subsequent stages of its life cycle.
These include harmful emissions from road and construction machinery, vessels, process
equipment, discharges of effluents into water bodies, and disposal of waste generated during
construction and operations.

GHG emissions from fuel combustion (carbon dioxide and methane) will be also be a contributor in
the environmental impact (see Section 9.6 for more details).

However, it is assumed that the environmental impact will not be sufficient enough to cause
noticeable changes in the regional climate.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



Construction stage impacts are characterized by direct mechanical anthropogenic impact on the
natural topography, soil and vegetation.

These impacts are associated with preparatory work (continuous cutting) of forest vegetation,
uprooting stumps, trenches and foundation excavation, and actually the main construction works
on pipelines laying, building construction, trenches back filling and compaction, construction of test
and auxiliary equipment.

These types of mechanical effects are temporary, limited to construction area, their parameters are
optimized by technological and environmental regulations for the implementation of the
construction in particular geological and climatic conditions.

Impacts on Landscape

Construction works with use of resource-saving technologies should reduce the space of
temporarily alienated land and degree of technogenic impacts on their main components – soil and

The total area of land, disturbed for long-term placement of LNG plant facilities and Marine
terminal, is 50 ha. Pipeline will occupy land strip of 23m width and 41.2 km length. Compacted dirt
mound of inert construction materials will cover and seal the top surface of the earth. Thus,
construction soils buries natural soils and ground vegetation. Forest vegetation is also completely
removed. Big boulders and rock faces, which give these landscapes additional visual value, are
also removed. Vegetation and soils, as well as landscapes, completely stop their natural
functioning and are subject to reclamation work at the end of the period of long-term lease of land.

Soil and vegetation disturbance within areas for temporary placing of facilities during construction
period is considered to be lower, than those for long-term placement. Compacted dirt mound of
inert construction materials covering and sealing the top surface of the natural landscape is
presented in some parts of these areas. Thus, construction soils bury natural soils and ground
vegetation. Big boulders and rock faces, which give these landscapes additional visual value, are
also removed. Vegetation and soils, as well as landscapes, completely stop its natural functioning
and are subject to reclamation work at the end of the short-term period of land lease.

The following construction and preparatory work take place at the short-term lease land plots:

 Partial or full vegetation removal during preparation for the construction strips and pads for
equipment placement, by clearcut stand, stump extraction and partial levelling;
 Levelling of area surfaces for equipment placement;
 Pipeline trenches and pits for foundations excavation, with conservation of pipelines with
consistent groove and subsequent preservation of soils during backfilling.

Land plots of different shapes, levelled and mechanically compacted, with disturbed soil and
vegetation form after the completion of these works. Pipes laying and backfilling of trenches is
undertaken with optimal technologies to create natural soil composition and vegetation. However,

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

full restoration of soil profiles does not take place, as in the process of backfilling soil substrates
and soil mixes, so their natural composition and structure disrupts.

All disturbed land strips and temporary technological platforms at the construction area are subject
to reclamation. Reclamation should be performed to achieve sanitary-hygienic status, sufficient to
industrial and forestry land status of the lands.

Sanitary-hygienic reclamation of disturbed land should be performed at the pipeline area, as

underground pipelines are considered to be protected hazardous (declared) facilities. At the same
time, it is unacceptable to leave flammable vegetation (stands and bush encroachment) and fallen
trees at the pipeline land allotment. Its land (surface) shall be subject to grassing with perennial
grasses to increase their resistance to erosion. Disturbed areas of temporary storage areas and
construction camp should be subject to the forestry reclamation - maximum recovery of their initial
natural state corresponding to the concept of "forest land".

Natural soil and vegetation adjacent to the construction site of the pipeline facilities are not
experiencing significant technological impacts.

Potential impacts on landscape during the operational period is considered to be moderate to high
significance. Mitigation measures include minimization of footprint, which can bring potential impact
to moderate level for long-term lease areas, and to low to moderate level – for short term lease

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Chemical Impacts On Soils

Chemical impacts on soils during the construction period include potential leakages from transport,
fuel and lubricant storage facilities, spills and wastewater releases. Potential impacts from these
are considered to be of moderate significance.

The Project design provides concrete curbing around tanks or storage areas of fuel and lubricants.
The site surface will be solidly sealed. Residual impacts would be of low significance following the
adoption of mitigation.

Soil contamination as a result of pipeline break during maintenance or pre-operational checks

could potentially incur impacts of a moderate to high significance. Mitigation would be provided by
the provision of electrically driven shut-off valves. Stop valves would be equipped with remotely
controlled automatic shutting devices. The residual significance of impact after mitigation is
considered to be low.


There will be no sources of impacts on the soils of project area during operational stage. These
land plots will be transferred from “forest land” to “industrial lands” category.

During this period, LNG plant, marine terminal and pipeline will have almost no adverse effects on
adjacent land, as production processes will be taking place within its territories and will be carried
in sealed pipelines and vessels. Possible impact on the environment and its components in these
conditions will appear only in the form of sporadic and extremely small emissions of pollutants from
motorized vechicles of engineering team, performing control equipment tests at underground part
of the pipeline. Potential pollutants accumulation areas are located near flare system location,
emergency diesel-electric and turbine power plants. Potential impacts from these are considered to
be of moderate significance.

The Project design provides concrete curbing around tanks or storage areas of fuel and lubricants.
The site surface will be solidly sealed. Residual impacts would be of low significance following the
adoption of mitigation.

Soil contamination as a result of explosion accidents at pipelines or LNG plant equipment could
potentially incur impacts of a moderate to high significance. Mitigation would be provided by the
provision of electrically driven shut-off valves. Stop valves would be equipped with remotely
controlled automatic shutting devices. The residual significance of impact after mitigation is
considered to be low.


Surveys and studies that have been carried out across the Project Area have revealed areas
where hazardous geological processes are likely to develop, if triggered by natural or
anthropogenic factors. In the absence of mitigation these could potentially have significant effects
on land degradation and the safety of oil field facilities.

Monitoring of geological processes will allow identification of the actual effects of construction and
land remediation operations on the geological environment. Monitoring will also confirm the

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

effectiveness of mitigation and identify any areas where mitigation measures require modification
to remain effective.


A summary of the predicted impacts, proposed mitigation measures and residual impacts are
summarized in Table 9.4.1.

The proposed monitoring program to confirm the efficiency of the mitigation measures is
summarized in Table 9.4.2.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.4.1: Summary of Landscape and Soils Impacts and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual
Significance Impact
Landscape Landscape Construction and High  Minimizing of footprint of construction area Medium
impacts operation  Development and implementation of a post construction reinstatement plan

Chemical Soils Construction Moderate  Adherence to relevant regulatory standards Low

impacts  Adoption of protocols during the construction period to minimise spillages.
 Bunding of fuel storage tanks
Chemical Soils Operation Moderate  Electrically driven shut-off valves to close pipeline in event of rupture Low
impact  Earth bunding around tanks. Diesel storage tanks will have concrete bunding
and impervious screen.
 Fired heaters will be installed on a concrete tray for collection of precipitation
and accidental leakage.
 Concrete curbing will be provided around tanks for storage of lubricants and
fuel. The site surface will be impermeable.

Table 9.4.2: Summary of Landscape and Soils Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Landscape Construction Along pipeline and at LNG Remote sensing, landscape structure, landscape disturbance, Four times a year (each
plant landscape recovery season)
Landscape Operation Along pipeline and at LNG Remote sensing, landscape structure, landscape disturbance, Once a year
plant landscape recovery
Soil Construction and Along pipeline and at LNG Heavy metals, oil products, Benz(a)pyrene Twice per year in snow free
contamination operation plant periods.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



This section provides a review of potential impacts on surface water and groundwater during
construction and operation of the Project facilities and includes an analysis of impact mitigation and
monitoring activities provided for by the Project.

Fresh and marine surface waters are the most vulnerable components of natural ecosystems.
Adverse impact on surface water during construction and operation of the Project facilities may be
caused by discharges of treated wastewater (i.e. use of water bodies as receptors of effluents). In
addition, surface water will be exposed to impacts of process operations that will be performed
underwater and on the shores of water bodies. This impact may result in changes to the hydrological
regime and pollution of the aquatic environment.

During construction of the facilities an impact on groundwater within the site may occur through
uncontrolled disposal of polluted effluents generated by the operation of construction plant and

Potential receptors of impact from the Project facilities are:

 offshore area;
 surface water bodies; and
 groundwater.
The oversized cargo jetty (OC Jetty), which will be located on the coast of Vyborg Bay (Baltic Sea),
will encompass a part of the offshore area. This facility will not have any direct impact on onshore
surface waters, but may indirectly affect groundwater.

The proposed section of the branch gas pipeline (GPB) will cross 14 water bodies.

Operations/ functional zones of the LNG Terminal at the Port of Vysotsk will also include part of the
offshore area. The facility operation will have no direct impact on onshore surface waters but may
also indirectly affect groundwater.

The character and level of impact on water bodies during the construction and operation phases will
be different and will require different impact prevention and mitigation controls.


Potential adverse effects of construction operations on water bodies will include:

• increased water turbidity;

• temporary and permanent/ continuous damage to benthos;

The increased turbidity is associated with the following adverse effects:

• reduced water transparency and consequent inhibition of normal development processes of

bacterial plankton, phytoplankton, zooplankton and, under the worst scenarios, zoobenthos;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

• adverse effect on the fish fauna due to effects on bacterial plankton, phytoplankton,
zooplankton and zoobenthos; and
• respiratory deficiency in fish fauna, molluscs and other aquatic organisms.

The major significant factors of adverse impact on the aquatic environment are:

• suspension of fine particles; and

• damage to benthos.

Most common impacts on groundwater include:

• disturbance of the groundwater table; and

• contamination of groundwater caused by infiltration of pollutants from the surface.

Changes to the groundwater table may be caused by the changes of soil properties and structure.
Groundwater drainage and recharge conditions may be affected by excavation of foundation pits
and trenches in that water will be removed to prevent the flooding of pits and trenches.

Potential impact on water, including groundwater, will be minimised by embedded controls which
provide for the collection and treatment of surface wastewater, the collection and utilisation of
construction waste, and construction of temporary hard surface driveways. IMPACT OF THE OC JETTY DURING CONSTRUCTION

Potential impact of the temporary OC Jetty will be limited to the marine environment. The major effect
will be changes to the physical and chemical properties of seawater due to increased turbidity within
the construction area. The capacity of each operation to produce turbidity, and the composition of
soil particles that will be suspended, will largely depend on the methods employed. IMPACT ON THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION AND


The main factors contributing to an increased concentration of suspended matter (turbidity plumes)
in the offshore area are:

1. Construction of the wharf, eastern and western wings and back end: driving the sheet pile
(packages of two sheet piles PU32 S355).
2. Construction of the Eastern Shoreline Stabilization Facility:
• mechanical excavation;
• installation of reinforced concrete support;
• sand filling;
• filling with crushed rock (40-70 mm diameter).
3. Construction of the Western Shoreline Stabilization Facility:
• dumping of boulders (30-100 kg);
• dumping of large boulders (500-1000 kg).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

4. Construction of the Water Intake Facility:

• mechanical excavation;
• installation of gabions (5.0×2.0×0.3 m);
• installation of pipe (Ø720×9 mm);
• cap mounting;
• dumping of large boulders (30-100 kg).
5. Construction of the water outlet:
• work performed in water; the construction of the spillway foundation during construction of
the Western Shoreline Stabilization Facility.

In addition, precipitation of suspended matter from turbidity plumes will result in sedimentation of
solid material and consequent damage to benthos.

Potential chemical pollution of seawater from fine-grained soil is unlikely to occur, as the fine-
grained material which becomes suspended is part of the bottom soil surface layer. The surface
layer of the bottom soil is in permanent contact with water and does not contain water-soluble
chemical compounds. The assessment of impact of hydraulic engineering works on the aquatic
environment is based on the results of the survey undertaken by ZAO Unikom.

The intensity/capacity of water pollution sources during construction is detailed in Table 9.5.1 in
accordance with the data of OOO Petrochem-Technology Design Institute.

Table 9.5.1: Summary of aquatic environment pollution sources intensity/capacity

Turbidity source Capacity, g/s

Construction of the Eastern Shoreline Stabilization Facility
Mechanical excavation 14.1
Installation of reinforced concrete support -
Sand filling 16.0
Filling with crushed rock fraction (40-70 mm) 1.33
Construction of the Western Shoreline Stabilization Facility
Turbidity source Capacity, g/s
Dumping of boulders (30-100 kg)
Dumping of large boulders (500-1000 kg) -
Construction of the wharf, eastern and western
wings and back end
Sheet pile driving (packages of two sheet piles 13.5 (371 package)
PU32 S355)
Construction of the Water Intake Facility
Mechanical excavation 8.2
Installation of gabions 0.019
Installation of pipe Ø720х9 mm -
Cap mounting -
Dumping of boulders (30-100 kg) 0.023

The maximum levels of suspended matter during execution of construction work will be:

• 29 mg/l from sheet pile driving;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

• 157 mg/l from sand filling; and

• 22 mg/l from mechanical excavation.

Table 9.5.2 describes parameters of suspended matter plumes for concentrations greater than
0.25, 10, 50, and 100 mg/l.
Table 9.5.2: Parameters of increased turbidity plumes generated by construction operations

Concentration, mg/l
> 0.25 > 10 > 50 > 100
Volume, m³
Sheet pile driving 82.7 1.72 – –
Sand filling 36.4 5.31 1.38 0.56
Mechanical excavation 10.3 1.40 – –
Area, m²
Sheet pile driving 4.92 0.68 – –
Sand filling 9.11 3.40 0.89 0.26
Mechanical excavation 4.81 0.60 – –

No seabed areas beyond the operations boundary, of significant size, will be covered by a
sediment layer of more than 5 mm due to the relatively low average levels of suspended matter
and the short duration of the work. A layer of the work-related sediment exceeding 5 mm may be
accumulated beyond the operations boundary only if equipment is continuously operated for a
period of 9 hours and is not moved. The construction equipment will not stay at one place for such
a long period but will travel across the construction operations area. Volumes of water passing
through turbidity plumes are indicated in Table 9.5.3.
Table 9.5.3: Volumes of water passing through turbidity plumes, m³

Operations Concentration, mg/l

> 0.25 > 10 > 50 > 100
Sheet pile driving (370 hrs = 1,332,000 s) 112,104,320 6,271,528 – –

Sand filling (9 hrs = 32,400 s) 882,028 210,618 106,985 363

Mechanical excavation (35 hrs = 126,000 1,335,766 514,065 – –


The maximum levels of suspended matter during execution of construction work will be:

• 29 mg/l from sheet pile driving;

• 157 mg/l from sand filling; and
• 22 mg/l from mechanical excavation.

The spreading of turbidity plumes is shown in Figures 9.5.1 - 9.5.3.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.5.1: Increased turbidity area from sheet pile driving

Figure 9.5.2: Increased turbidity area from sand filling

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.5.3: Increased turbidity area from mechanical excavation IMPACT ON GROUNDWATER

As previously noted, changes to the groundwater table may be caused by the changes of soil
properties and structure. Groundwater drainage and recharge conditions may be affected by
excavation of foundation pits and trenches as groundwater will be removed to prevent the flooding
of pits and trenches and consequent erosion.

During construction of the facilities the impact on groundwater within the site may occur through
uncontrolled disposal of polluted effluents generated by the operation of construction plant and

Potential groundwater impacts will be minimised by embedded controls which provide for collection
and treatment of surface wastewater, collection and utilisation of construction waste, and
construction of temporary hard surface driveways. WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL

During construction, water will be supplied for production, domestic and drinking needs. Water for
domestic needs will be brought in by tank trucks. Drinking water for construction personnel will be
supplied in bottles. Water supply and services to vessels will be provided at the Seaport of Vysotsk
on a contract basis (Letter from ZAO Cryogas re 'services to vessels', No. 486/15 of 03.06.2015).

Firewater will be provided from a submerged marine water intake facility capable of supplying 5 l/s.

The consumption rate for production water will be 2.83 l/s. A wheel washing facility will be installed
at the site exit ('Moidodyr-K-2' closed water cycle system). The wheel washing system will be

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

recharged from a water reserve tank via an in-built float valve to compensate irretrievable water
losses (20%).

The production water requirements will consist of water used for the site surface watering and water
for the wheel washing facility and will amount to 1.86 m³/day, or 540 m³ for the entire construction

Domestic water will be required on the construction site. Domestic water consumption rate will be
1.36 l/s (based on the data from the Construction Management Plan, ref. No. 5791). Drinking and
domestic water requirements for vessels are calculated in accordance with sanitary guidelines
SanPiN 2.5.2-703-98. Assessment of water requirements for deck washing and other sanitary needs
is based on the actual data. The maximum consumption of domestic water during construction will
be 7.4 m³/shift, 14.8 m³/day, and 6,660 m³ for the entire construction period.

Wastewater that will need to be disposed of during construction will consist of domestic and
industrial effluents and the site surface runoff.

Domestic effluents from the construction site will be collected in a waterproof tank of 'InkomTek' type
and bio-toilets. Accumulated sewage will be removed by cesspool trucks for treatment by a
specialised contractor. The volume of domestic effluents will be equal to the volume of domestic
water consumption, i.e. 7.4 m³/shift, 14.8 m³/day, or 6,660 m³ for the entire construction period. The
sewage tank capacity is calculated according to Item 6.79 of Construction Regulations SNiP ('Sewerage. External Systems and Facilities'). For water rates exceeding 5 m³/day the
accumulation tank capacity must be at least 2.5 times greater than the total daily consumption. The
accumulation capacity for the project site will be 40 m³ (4 tanks of 10 m³ each).

Production water will be used for the watering of the site surface and for the recharge of the closed
water system of the wheel washing facility.

During construction, surface runoff will be collected from the sealed surfaces within the site. During
initial construction stage, the volume of surface runoff from sealed surfaces will be 19.6 m³/day or
698.4 m³/year (according to the Construction Management Plan Vol. 6, ref No. 5791). The estimated
capacity of an accumulation tank will be 30 m³.

Wastewater generated on vessels consists of domestic effluents and bilge water. Wastewater will
be accumulated in on-board tanks and removed, as necessary, by a wastewater tanker to the Port
of Vysotsk (in accordance with Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78). No discharge of wastewater from
vessels to the sea will occur.

The volume of domestic effluents from vessels will be equal to the volume of water consumption, i.e.
10.1 m³/day and 2,313,00 m³ for the entire construction period. The bilge water volume has been
calculated in accordance with Industry Construction Standards VSN 486-86 (Protection of Aquatic
Environment During Execution of Hydraulic Excavation). The bilge water generation rate will be
1.9 m³/day and the volume over the entire construction period will total 441.0 m³.

The water balance for the OC Jetty construction period is detailed in Table 9.5.4.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.5.4: Water balance for the construction period

Water consumption Wastewater generation

m³/day m³/period m³/day m³/period
Production needs 1.86 540 - -
Domestic and sanitary needs
14.8 6660 14.8 6660
(tanks and biotoilets)
Surface runoff - - 19.6 698.4
Total, including: 16.66 7200 34.4 7358.4

accumulated in tanks and

34.4 7358.4


The facility and site design provides for a recycling water supply system for the construction site.
The level of surface water and groundwater pollution within the subject area (i.e. the area of the
proposed facility) will be largely determined by the quantity and quality of discharged wastewater,
type and performance of treatment facilities, wastewater treatment and decontamination methods.

Wastewater generated during construction will consist of:

 domestic effluents;,
 industrial wastewater; and
 rainwater runoff.
Composition of domestic effluents is shown in Table 9.5.5 using the format of Table 25 from SNiP
2.04.03-85 ('Sewerage. External Systems and Facilities'). Domestic effluents will be collected in
waterproof tanks and removed by cesspool trucks for treatment by a specialised contractor.
Table 9.5.5: Parameters of domestic effluents before treatment

Quantity of pollutants per capita, Number of

Parameter g/day m³/day mg/dm³
Suspended matter 65 218.254
BODtotal 75 251.832
Ammonium nitrogen 8 26.862
14.8 137
Phosphates 3.3 11.081
Chlorides 9 30.220
Surfactants 2.5 8.394

Industrial wastewater will be produced at the wheel washing facility. In order to prevent pollution of
the aquatic environment and ensure sustainable use of water resources, the design provides for the
installation of one wheel washing system ('Moidodyr-K-2'). The dirt from wheels, which mostly
consists of clay, sand and particles of construction materials, will settle in the washing system as
slurry. Aqueous slurry will be extracted from the system by a mud pump and transferred into a silt-

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

collection tank. The wheel washing system provides for the separation of oil products for subsequent
utilisation. The level of suspended matter and oil products in untreated effluents will be 4,500 mg/dm³
and 200 mg/dm³ respectively.

Concentrations of suspended matter and oil products in treated effluents at the washing facility outlet
will not exceed 200 mg/dm³ and 20 mg/dm³ respectively (according to the technical specification and
the operating manual for the 'Moidodyr-K-2' wheel washing system with closed water cycle).

No effluents will be discharged. Treated water will be reused in the wheel washing process. The
abovementioned levels of pollutants are acceptable for water used for washing the under-body and
wheels of vehicles.

Parameters of the rainwater runoff are reported according to the data for similar facilities provided
by OOO Petrochem-Technology. (Table 9.5.6).
Table 9.5.6: Parameters of rainwater runoff

Substance Concentration, mg/dm³

Suspended matter 18
Oil products 0.062

At the first construction stage, the rainwater runoff from sealed surface areas will be collected in
tanks and subsequently removed by dedicated vehicles for treatment by a licensed contractor.

No maximum discharge limits are required for the proposed facility, as the design does not provide
for discharges to water bodies. WATER PROTECTION AREAS

According to the Water Code (Article 65, Item 17), the dumping of dredged soil within the coastal
buffer area (50 m) is prohibited. Soil dumps that will be required for the proposed activity must be
located at least 50 m from the shoreline. Potential impact on the aquatic environment is expected to
be within the established permissible limits provided that the regime and boundaries of water

The assessment of impact of hydraulic engineering works on the aquatic environment is based on
the results of the survey undertaken by ZAO Unikom.

Hydraulic engineering works for the GPB construction will be associated with the following potential
impacts on water bodies:

 increased water turbidity;

 temporary and permanent/ continuous damage to benthos;
Adverse effects of roiling and increased water turbidity may include:

 reduced water transparency and consequent inhibition of normal development processes of

bacterial plankton, phytoplankton, zooplankton and, under the worst scenarios, zoobenthos;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 adverse effect on the fish fauna resulting from the suppressed condition of bacterial plankton,
phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos;
 lack of solar radiation which may hinder development and growth of spawned eggs and fish
 adverse respiratory effects on fish, molluscs and other aquatic organisms.
The proposed GPB will cross several water bodies. This will result in disturbance of the aquatic
organisms, including fish and the invertebrates that fish primarily feeds on. Damage to fish resources
will be caused by destruction of spawning areas of phytophilous fish within the floodplains of
watercourses during construction of access roads, process pads, embankments, etc. Death or
disturbance of the vital functions of plankton and benthos will be caused by increased water turbidity
resulting from the said construction activities. IMPACT OF THE GAS PIPELINE BRANCH ON SURFACE WATER

Major sources of adverse impact on the aquatic environment include:

Crossing of the Cherkasovka River at PK 122+18:

 sand filling of the dam body by bulldozer;

 mechanical sand soil excavation.
Crossing of the Drema River at PK 168+60, Tokarev Creek at PK 259+78, unnamed streams at PK
18+21, PK 20+76, PK 133+76, PK 150+56 and PK 227+46:

 mechanical sand soil excavation;

 backfilling of trenches by excavator.
The pollution source capacity at the Cherkasovka River crossing will be 57 g/s during imported sand
filling by a bulldozer and 0.2 g/s during mechanical dam excavation.

Table 9.5.7 provides data on the capacity of surface water pollution sources during mechanical soil
excavation and backfilling at the pipeline crossings over the Drema River at PK 168+60, Tokarev
Creek at PK 259+80, and unnamed streams at PK 18+21, PK 20+76, PK 60+88, PK 150+55 and
PK 227+46.
Table 9.5.7: Capacities of water pollution sources during soil excavation

Capacity during Capacity during

Water body Picket
excavation, g/s (back)filling, g/s
Unnamed stream PK 18+21 162.8 390.7
Unnamed stream PK 20+76 162.8 390.7
Unnamed stream PK 60+88 28.5 68.5
Unnamed stream PK 150+55 162.8 390.7
Drema River PK 168+60 220.3 528.7
Unnamed stream PK 227+46 162.8 390.7
Tokarev Creek PK 259+80 234.7 563.2

The maximum turbidity in the small rivers and streams will affect the entire channel widths (Drema
at PK 168+60, Tokarev at PK 259+80, unnamed streams at PK 18+21, PK 20+76, PK 60+88,
PK 150+55 and PK 227+46).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

A short duration of the work at these watercourses will not result in sediment layers greater than
5 mm. The data for these watercourses are limited to the volume of water flowing through increased
turbidity plumes with maximum concentrations (>100 mg/l) (Table 9.5.8). The plume of additional
turbidity from the dam construction at the Cherkasovka River crossing is shown in Figure 9.5.4.
Table 9.5.8: Volume of water flowing through increased turbidity plumes during construction of pipeline crossings

Concentration, mg/l
No. Crossing construction (duration, hours) >0.25 >10 > 50 >100
1. Unnamed stream at PK 18+21 (0.60+0.58 hrs) 0 0 0 58.4
2. Unnamed stream at PK 20+76 (0.30+0.29 hrs) 0 0 0 23.0
3. Unnamed stream at PK 60+88 (0.24+0.23 hrs) 0 0 0 8.28
4. Unnamed stream at PK 150+55 (1.20+1.16 hrs) 0 0 0 284
5. Drema River at PK 168+60 (3.60+3,48 hrs) 0 0 0 5762
6. Unnamed stream at PK 227+46 (0,60+0,58 hrs) 0 0 0 41.8
Tokarev Creek at PK 259+80 (0.60+0.58 hrs) 0 0 0 158.6

Figure 9.5.4: Additional turbidity plume resulting from the dam construction at the Cherkasovka

Sources of adverse water impacts from construction of the GPB crossing over bays of Vyborg Bay
will include:

 excavation of soil by a dragline from both shores to 16.5 km from the waterline;
 dredging by PMT 100 machine (a small-size hydraulic dredger);
 soil excavation by a long-reach excavator in Klyuchevskaya Bay;
 stockpiling of soil excavated by a dragline at a subsea dump next to the trench;
 stockpiling of soil excavated by a dredger at a subsea dump next to the trench;
 stockpiling of soil excavated by a long-reach excavator at a subsea dump next to the trench;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 backfilling of the trench by a dragline using soil from the subsea dump; backfilling of the
trench by a dredger using soil from the subsea dump;
 damage to benthos caused by construction operations.
Precipitation of suspended matter from turbidity plumes will result in sedimentation of solid material.
A layer of sediment of 5 mm or more will cause damage to benthos.

Bay No. 1 (Klyuchevskaya), No. 2 (Malaya Pikhtovaya) and No. 3 (Bolshaya Pikhtovaya) will be
crossed by the bottom-pull method.

The trench will be excavated by a dredger and, in the nearshore areas, by a dragline.

Table 9.5.9 provides data on the volumes of water passing through the dredger during excavation
and backfilling of the trench, and the area of seabed that will be affected by trenching.
Table 9.5.9: Volumes of water passing through the dredger and the area of affected seabed

Water area Total volume of water passing Area of affected seabed, m²

through dredger, m³
Bay No. 1 471,440 20,516
Bay No. 2 366,214 18,073
Bay No. 3 388,695 18,681

The modelling undertaken by Petrochem-Technology Design Institute indicates that construction

operations (excavation and backfilling of trenches, soil dumping, etc.) will produce increased turbidity
plumes which, due to the influence of currents and turbulent diffusion, will reach the maximum size
and then will be stabilised. Figures 9.5.5-9.5.11 show the maximum water areas and volumes of the
increased turbidity plumes generated by construction operations (soil dumping and trench
backfilling) at calculated points of turbidity sources.

Figure 9.5.5: Increased turbidity plume from subsea soil dumping in Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.5.6: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay (central area)

Figure 9.5.7: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay (coastal areas)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.5.8: Increased turbidity plume from subsea soil dumping in Malaya Pikhtovaya bay

Figure 9.5.9: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Malaya Pikhtovaya bay (central area)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.5.10: Increased turbidity plume from trench backfilling in Malaya Pikhtovaya bay (coastal areas)

Figure 9.5.11: Increased turbidity plume from subsea soil dumping in Klyuchevskaya bay

The construction design provides for excavation of bottom soil during trenching, temporary storage
of bottom soil in subsea dumps along the trench, and subsequent backfilling. Bottom soil will be
excavated without overflow.

The weight of soil particles that will be suspended due to bottom soil excavation will total 6,365.28
tonnes, including:

 1,749.69 tonnes in Bay No. 1 (Klyuchevskaya);

 2,477.36 tonnes in Bay No. 2 (Malaya Pikhtovaya); and
 2,138.23 tonnes in Bay No. 3 (Bolshaya Pikhtovaya).
The weight of soil particles that will be suspended due to subsea soil dumping will total 694.8 tonnes,

 682.43 tonnes in Bay No. 1 (Klyuchevskaya);

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 12.25 tonnes in Bay No. 2 (Malaya Pikhtovaya); and

 0.00 t in Bay No. 3 (Bolshaya Pikhtovaya).
The weight of bottom soil that will be suspended during excavation and dumping operations will total
7,059.96 tonnes, including:

 2,432.12 tonnes in Bay No. 1 (Klyuchevskaya);

 2,489.61 tonnes in Bay No. 2 (Malaya Pikhtovaya); and
 2,138.23 tonnes in Bay No. 3 (Bolshaya Pikhtovaya).
Pollution of water with suspended matter can be primary and secondary. No secondary pollution
during soil deposition.

Practically no water will be passing through turbidity plumes in Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay and at the
central and eastern pipeline route sections in Malaya Pikhtovaya and Klyuchevskaya bays. These
areas are characterised by closed low velocity eddy currents and the modelling indicates near-zero
fluctuations of water rates within turbidity plumes.

Potential chemical pollution has been assessed in accordance with the requirements of the
'Guidelines for calculating payments for pollution of sea and surface waters of the federal ownership
during execution of works associated with excavation and movement of bottom soil, production of
non-metallic minerals from underwater quarries and the burial of soil in underwater dumps'
(approved by the State Environmental Committee (Goskomekologiya) on 29.04.99).

Chemical pollution of water has been calculated using the total levels of suspended pollutants.

Table 9.5.10 provides the calculated quantities of pollutants released to water during bottom soil
excavation and contributing to chemical pollution during soil dumping.
Table 9.5.10: Quantity of pollutants released to water during bottom soil excavation and dumping

Substance Excavation m3, t Dumping m3, t

Bay No. 1 (Klyuchevskaya)
Hg 0.000009 0.0000034
As 0.001750 0.0006824
Ni 0.039368 0.1605221
Cd 0.001312 0.0080264
Cu 0.036744 0.0974465
Pb 0.065613 0.1997921
Zn 0.098858 0.2753795
Cr 0.195091 1.3336399
Oil products 0.096320 0.0375677
Benz(a)pyrene 0.000002 0.0000007
Bay No. 2 (Malaya Pikhtovaya)
Hg 0.000012 0.0000001
As 0.002477 0.0000122
Ni 0.087946 0.4203005
Cd 0.002725 0.0154164
Cu 0.068127 0.2661736
Pb 0.109004 0.3257980
Zn 0.156074 0.4910059
Cr 0.307193 1.9249258
Oil products 0.151862 0.0007508

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Substance Excavation m3, t Dumping m3, t

Benz(a)pyrene 0.000002 0.0000000
Bay No. 3 (Bolshaya Pikhtovaya)
Hg 0.000011 0.0000000
As 0.002138 0.0000000
Ni 0.076976 0.3584166
Cd 0.001711 0.0078361
Cu 0.051317 0.1553593
Pb 0.091944 0.3536468
Zn 0.126155 0.4354148
Cr 0.249104 1.5713092
Oil products 0.125193 0.0000000

During the GPB construction, water will be supplied for:

 production needs;
 domestic and drinking needs;
 fire protection;
 hydraulic testing of the gas pipeline.
Water for domestic needs will be brought in by tank trucks. Drinking water for construction personnel
will be supplied in bottles. According to the Construction Management Plan, domestic water
consumption rate will be 0.012 l/s. The maximum consumption of domestic water during construction
will be 0.68 m³/shift, 0.68 m³/day, and 177.06 m³ for the entire construction period. The consumption
rate for production water will be 0.143 l/s.

Water supply and services to vessels will be provided at the Seaport of Vysotsk on a contract basis
(Letter from ZAO Cryogas to the General Director of Petrochem-Technology, No. 486/15 of
03.06.2015). The maximum water consumption by vessels will be 1.92 m³/day, or 49.92 m³ for the
entire construction period.

Water for hydraulic testing of the gas pipeline will be provided from Vyborg Bay. Water will be
abstracted from Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay at PK 408+23 using a temporary water intake facility. The
water intake facility must be provided with a fish protection structure to prevent destruction or
damage to larvae and young fish at the facility (SNiP 2.06.07-87 Dams, Navigation Locks, Fishways
and Fish Screens'. Water requirements for hydraulic testing will be 2,000 m³/day, or 28,000 m³ for
the entire construction period.

Wastewater that will need to be disposed of during construction of the GPB will consist of:

 domestic and sanitary effluents;

 industrial wastewater; and
 wastewater from the pipeline hydrotesting.
The volume of domestic effluents will be equal to the volume of domestic water consumption, i.e.
0.68 m³/shift, 0.68 m³/day, or 177.06 m³ for the entire construction period.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Production water will be used for the watering of the site surface and for the recharge of the closed
water system of the wheel washing facility. Industrial wastewater will be recycled.

No discharge of wastewater from vessels to the sea will occur. The bilge water generation rate will
be 1.6 m³/day and the volume over the entire construction period will total 46.8 m³.

Wastewater from hydrotesting will be collected in special settling pits. The construction design
provides for the operation/use of settling pits during the entire period of construction operations.

Settled wastewater will be removed by tank trucks to treatment facilities.

During construction, surface runoff will be collected from the sealed surfaces within the site that will
be used for the parking of construction machines. Surface runoff will be collected in accumulation
tanks for subsequent removal to the treatment facilities at the OC Jetty.

No maximum discharge limits are required for the proposed facility, as the design does not provide
for discharges to water bodies. WATER PROTECTION ZONES

The Water Code of the Russian Federation (Federal Law No. 74 of 03.06.2006) establishes
requirements for the performance of construction operations within water protection zones aimed at
reduction of impact on soil and vegetation cover, coastal/ riparian biological communities, prevention
of adverse exogenous processes and pollution of surface water and groundwater. The special
environmental management regime established by the Code specifically provides for:

 prohibition of soil dumping to water bodies during construction operations within coastal/riparian
or water areas;
 location of temporary soil and construction dumps must prevent the washing of these to water
 construction of sealed driveways for construction machinery and vehicles to prevent infiltration
of polluted rainwater and snowmelt into subsurface layers;
 construction of facilities for temporary storage of fuels and lubes, special sites for refuelling,
washing and maintenance of construction plant and equipment and provision of these with mud
 temporary parking facilities located in specially designated areas beyond the boundaries of
water protection zones;
 storage of construction and cutting waste in specially designated areas and subsequent removal
of this waste to landfills or recycling facilities;
 separate collection and temporary storage of construction and domestic waste in specially
designated and equipped areas; regular removal of domestic and construction waste from the
site; prohibition of burial or incineration of industrial or domestic waste.
Compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation will minimise potential
impacts on water bodies.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring IMPACT OF THE LNG TERMINAL DURING CONSTRUCTION OFFSHORE IMPACT

Construction of hydraulic engineering installations of the LNG Terminal will be carried out from water
using floating rigs. Materials and constructions will be delivered from the onshore depot via the
temporary OC Jetty or directly from the floating craft of suppliers.

Major adverse effects on the aquatic environment from hydraulic engineering works will be:

 increased turbidity from pile driving;

 potential damage to benthos from precipitation of suspended matter if the resulting sediment
layer is greater than 5 mm;
 partial withdrawal of seabed due to piling.
Concentrations of suspended matter during pile driving will not exceed the marine water limit value
of 10 mg/dm³ which is critical for aquatic organisms. The quantity of suspended soil will total
991.3 kg. the total volume of water characterised by increased turbidity will be 123,300 m³. the level
of suspended matter in the turbidity plume will be 8.04 mg/l. The area of water that will be
withdrawn/occupied will be 217.0 m². WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL

During construction of the LNG Terminal, water will be supplied for production, domestic and
drinking needs.

Water for domestic, sanitary and drinking needs of construction teams and technical water will be
provided by the construction Contractor under the contract with a specialised company (OOO Spets-
Trans). Water will be supplied by tank trucks. Water supply and services to vessels will be provided
at the Seaport of Vysotsk on a contract basis.

Firewater will be provided from a submerged marine water intake facility capable of supplying 20 l/s.

The production water requirements will consist of water used for the site surface watering and water
for the wheel washing facility and will amount to 1.86 m³/day, or 655.2 m³ for the entire construction

Domestic water will be required on the construction site. The maximum consumption of domestic
water during construction will be 53.7 m³/shift, 161.1 m³/day, or 91,827 m³ for the entire construction

Wastewater that will need to be disposed of during construction will consist of domestic and
industrial effluents and the site surface runoff.

Domestic and industrial effluents will be collected in special tanks and removed by vacuum trucks
by the construction Contractor under the contract with a specialised company (OOO Spets-Trans).

The volume of domestic effluents will be equal to the volume of domestic water consumption and
will amount to 53.7 m³/shift, 161.1 m³/day, or 91,827 m³ for the entire construction period. Domestic

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

effluents will be accumulated in tanks and removed by dedicated vehicles for treatment by a licensed

Industrial wastewater will be reused in the site water recycling system.

During construction, surface runoff will be collected from the sealed surfaces within the site. The
volume of surface runoff from sealed surfaces (construction equipment parking area of 30 m х 40 m)
will be 19.6 m³/day, or 698.4 m³/year. During initial construction stage, surface runoff from sealed
surfaces within the site will be collected in tanks and removed by dedicated vehicles for treatment
by a licensed contractor.

The estimated volume of rainwater that will be transferred for treatment will total 2,514 m³/day
(76,973 m³/year).

Wastewater generated on vessels consists of domestic effluents and bilge water. The total volume
of bilge water from vessels will be 1.4 m3/day, or 315.0 m³ for the entire construction period. The
volume of domestic effluents from vessels will be equal to the volume of water consumption and will
amount to 7.2 m³/day, or 1,620,00 m³ for the entire construction period. No discharge of wastewater
from vessels to the sea will occur.

The water balance for the LNG Terminal construction period is detailed in Table 9.5.11.
Table 9.5.11: Water balance for the LNG Terminal construction period

Water consumption Wastewater generation

Consumer/source m³/day m³/period m³/day m³/period
Production needs 1.86 655.2 - -
Domestic and sanitary needs (tanks and biotoilets) 161.1 91827 161.1 91827
Surface runoff - - 19.6 698.4
Total, including: 162.96 92482.2 180.7 92525.4
accumulated in tanks and biotoilets - - 180.7 92525.4

Design limits of permissible discharges to Vyborg Bay have been estimated in accordance with:

 Water Code;
 Guidelines for the development of limits of permissible impact on water bodies (approved by the
Ministry of Natural Resources, Order No. 328 of 12.12.20088; registered in the Ministry of
Justice, Reg. No. 10974 of 23.01.2008);
 Guidelines for the development of limits of permissible discharges of substances and
microorganisms to water bodies (for water users).
Design limits of permissible discharges are reported in Table 9.5.12.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.5.12: Permissible discharge limits

Estimated level at the Wastewater Discharge,

No Substance/parameter
outlet, mg/l generation, m³/month t/month
1 Potassium (K) 50 2.505000
2 Sodium (Na) 120 6.012000
3 Magnesium (Mg) 40 2.004000
4 Calcium (Ca) 180 9.018000
5 Chlorine (Cl) 300 15.030000
6 Sulphate (SO4) 100 5.010000
7 Nitrates (NO3) 40 2.004000
8 Nitrites (NO2) 0.08 0.004008
9 Ammonium (NH4) 0.5 0.025050
10 Phosphate (PO4) 0.15 0.007515
11 Manganese (Mn) 0.01 0.000501
12 Chromium (Cr) 0.02 0.001002
13 Nickel (Ni) 0.01 0.000501
14 Cobalt (Со) 0.01 0.000501
15 Copper (Cu) 0.001 50100 0.000050
16 Lead (Pb) 0.006 0.000301
17 Zinc (Zn) 0.01 0.000501
18 Cadmium (Cd) 0.005 0.000251
19 Barium (Ba) 0.74 0.037074
20 Strontium (Sr) 0.4 0.020040
21 Lithium (li) 0.08 0.004008
22 Bromides 1.35 0.067635
23 BOD5 (biochemical oxygen
3 0.150300
24 Suspended matter 3.25 0.162825
25 Oil products 0.05 0.002505
26 Surfactants 0.1 0.005010
27 Phenols 0.001 0.000050
28 Arsenic (As) 0.05 0.002505 WATER PROTECTION AREAS

The dumping of dredged soil within the coastal buffer area (50 m) is prohibited. Soil dumps that will
be required for the proposed activity must be located at least 50 m from the shoreline. Potential
impact on the aquatic environment is expected to be within the established permissible limits
provided that the regime and boundaries of water protection areas are not violated. CONTROLS DURING CONSTRUCTION PROTECTION OF SURFACE WATERS

The construction design must provide for an action plan aimed at protection of groundwater and
surface waters from depletion and pollution, such as:

 strict adherence to construction technology and timeframe;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 operations to be confined within allocated boundaries;

 provision of facilities with individual, passive and active fire protection;
 supply of construction sites with brought-in water;
 collection of domestic effluents in sealed tanks for subsequent removal by a specialised
contractor; and
 collection and regular removal of construction waste and debris.
Chemical environmental control aimed at reduction of adverse impact on the aquatic environment
will be conducted during performance and after completion of hydraulic engineering operations. The
construction design also provides for continuous control of adherence to the process requirements
during work execution.

The operational environmental monitoring will be conducted to evaluate the level of pollution of the
aquatic environment during implementation of the proposed activity.

Construction activities will affect eight watercourses which will be crossed using the open-cut
method: Cherkasovka River, Drema River, Tokarev Creek, and five unnamed streams. Water
monitoring stations (points) will be located 200 m upstream and 200 m downstream of the crossing.
Substances and parameters that will be monitored include: BOD5, COD, suspended matter, oil
products, ammonium ion, copper, zinc, cadmium, mercury, lead, phenols, total iron, manganese,
surfactants, and microorganisms. The remaining watercourses will be crossed by a trenchless
method (horizontal directional drilling).

The surface water monitoring will need to be undertaken once during the construction period.

Water samples will be taken from the surface, middle and near-bottom layers as specified in the
following regulatory documents:

 GOST R 51592-2000 'Water. General Sampling Requirements.'

 GOST 'General Requirements for Surface and Marine Water Sampling.'
 GOST 'Environmental Protection. Hydrosphere. Instruments and Devices for
Collection, Primary Treatment and Storage of Natural Water Samples. General Specifications.'
 GOST 'Environmental Protection. Hydrosphere. General Requirements for the
Sampling of Surface and Marine Water, Ice, and Atmospheric Precipitation.'
Concentrations of pollutants will be measured against:

 Water quality standards for fishery water bodies, including limit values for pollutants in fishery
water bodies (approved Rosrybolobstvo, Order No. 20 of 18.01.2010);
 SanPiN 'Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for protection of coastal sea
waters from pollution in areas of public use'.
The design solutions and embedded controls will enable minimisation of potential impact on water
resources during normal execution of the project works and in the event of an accident. PROTECTION OF MARINE WATERS

The construction design must provide for an action plan aimed at protection of marine waters from
depletion and pollution, such as:

 water supply to project vessels at the Port of Vysotsk (on a contract basis);

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 collection of domestic effluents and bilge wastewater from vessels by dedicated vessels at the
Port of Vysotsk (on a contract basis);
 fulfilment of all regulatory requirements for safe navigation during or of all vessels;
 navigation equipment of vessels will meet requirements of the International Association of
Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities;
 specification of the proposed navigation equipment will be approved by the Main Department of
Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defence;
 routes, navigation areas and anchorages of all vessels within the operations area will be
approved in accordance with the established procedure.
The embedded controls aimed at reducing adverse effect on the aquatic environment from hydraulic
engineering operations will include:

 chemical environmental control during performance and after completion of the works and
continuous control of adherence to the process requirements during work execution;
 use of vessels in good condition;
 maintenance of dredging vessels at the home port.
The embedded controls aimed at reducing the risk of potential accidents will include:

 strict compliance with the requirements of the national legislation and the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL);
 monitoring of pollutant levels in seawater within the environmental control framework.
The monitoring of the marine environment will be conducted to evaluate the level of pollution
during construction. The monitoring objectives are to:

 obtain reliable data on the level of suspended matter and pollutants in seawater before
commencement of hydraulic engineering operations;
 obtain reliable data on the level of suspended matter and pollutants in seawater during
performance of hydraulic engineering operations.
Control of water quality in surface, middle and near-bottom layers will be conducted at the following
locations/ points:

 at the boundary of the offshore construction operations area (at 2 points);

 200 m from the operations boundary (at 2 points).
Substances and parameters that will be monitored include: oil products, BOD5, COD, surfactants,
phenols, suspended matter, total iron, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, manganese, and mercury. The
environmental control will provide for three annual surveys (during the navigation period) which will
be conducted before, during and after the offshore construction operations.

The monitoring points during construction of the GPB crossings over marine bays will be located at
the scene and 500 m away from the operations area.

The laboratory tests will be performed in accordance with the current national guidelines and

In order to prevent offshore accidents, the Captain of the Port of Vysotsk supervises performance
aimed at safe navigation of all vessels and floating craft, controls compliance with the requirements
of the national legislation and international treaties on merchant shipping signed by the Russian

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Federation, fulfilment of the port entry and exit requirements, oversees performance of the pilot
service and navigation control system.

Response to potential oil spills will be provided by FGU 'AMP BPSPb' (Port of St Petersburg).
According to the OSR Plan of AMP BPSPb, the nearest location of OSR vessels is the berth of OAO
RPK-Vysotsk Lukoil-P. The distance from the Port of Vysotsk to the proposed construction area is
less than 3 km. the Marine Rescue Service FGUP BBASU has sufficient resources for emergency
response. The oil spill response procedures include:

 spill notification;
 spill assessment;
 spill containment (shoreline protection, if required);
 recovery of oil/oil products spilled;
 management and subsequent utilisation/disposal of recovered oil/oil products.
Recovered oily mixture will be temporarily stored on vessels and in tanks of AMP BPSPb. According
to the OSR services contract, recovered oily mixture will be transferred for transportation to licensed
contractors for recycling, treatment or disposal. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL (MONITORING) OF BOTTOM


Samples of bottom soil will be collected in accordance with the requirements of GOST
('Environmental Protection. Hydrosphere. General Requirements for the Sampling of Bottom
Sediments for Contamination Analysis').

The samples will be tested to determine:

 physical and mechanical characteristics (grain-size composition, ignition losses, dry unit
 level of heavy metals: copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), chromium
(Cr), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), and manganese (Mn);
 concentration of benz(a)pyrene;
 level of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH); and
 organic matter. FLOOD CONTROL

Geological monitoring during construction will include control of the flooding of the operations area.
This will include visual control of flooding processes within the subject area (groundwater discharge),
documenting of location (geographical coordinates in the WGS-84 format), description (area, size,
depth, etc.), and photography of the flooded area. Potential flooding will be controlled every three
months and after snowmelt or abundant precipitation. GENERAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE

Primary emergency response provisions aimed at mitigation of potential impacts during the
construction period include:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 planning and implementation of accident containment and clean-up;

 conclusion of services contracts with professional emergency response and rescue units;
 allocation of financial and material resources for emergency response and clean-up operations;
 emergency response training of personnel.


Potential impacts from the OC Jetty operation will consist in the discharge of treated rainwater and
wastewater to land and sea. No impact on the onshore surface waters will occur. IMPACT ON VYBORG BAY

During operation, Vyborg Bay will be a receptor of treated rainwater and industrial effluents that will
be discharged to sea. Details of rainwater and industrial effluents are provided in Subsection (Water supply and Wastewater Disposal).

Response to potential oil spills will be provided by FGU 'AMP BPSPb'. Emergency response
procedures apply both to the construction and operation period and are described in Subsection (Protection of Marine Waters).

Potential accidents at the facility will have no direct impact (damage or destruction) on flora and
fauna within the subject area because potential oil spills due to the failure of a tank truck may occur
only after completion of the site preparation (construction of a sealed surface pad) and will be
contained locally. Indirect impacts from ignition or evaporation will result in air pollution and
subsequent effects on the associated environmental media (soil and water) leading to adverse
effects on plants and animals within the area of influence. Potential environmental damage will be
determined by the size of payments for environmental damage, including the environmental damage
caused by pollution of seawater with spilled oil.

Detailed damage calculations are provided in Table 9.5.13-9.5.16.

Table 9.5.13: Results of calculations of environmental damage from ignition and burning of an offshore oil spill

Fee rate for

Inflation Damage total,
Quantity, t emission of 1
Pollutant K es.a* rate RR
tonne, RR

Nitrogen dioxide 4.679208 260 1.5 2.56 23,358.61

Nitrogen oxide 0.759699 175 1.5 2.56 2,552.59
Hydrocyanic acid 0.2241 1025 1.5 2.56 4,410.29
Carbon (soot) 2.89089 400 1.5 2.56 22,202.04
Sulphur dioxide 1.055511 105 1.5 2.56 2,127.91
Hydrogen sulphide 0.2241 1285 1.5 2.56 5,529
Carbon monoxide 1.582146 3 1.5 2.56 91.13
Formaldehyde 0.264438 3415 1.5 2.56 17,338.67

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Fee rate for

Inflation Damage total,
Quantity, t emission of 1
Pollutant K es.a* rate RR
tonne, RR

Ethanoic acid 0.817965 175 1.5 2.56 2,748.36

Inorganic dust (70- 0.0002241 105 1.5 2.56 0.45
20% SiO2)
Total: 80,359.05

*Factor of environmental importance (air)

Table 9.5.14: Results of calculations of environmental damage from evaluation of an offshore oil spill

Quantity, Fee rate for emission of 1 Inflation Damage total,

Pollutant t tonne, RR rate RR
Dihydrosulfide 0.6972 257 1.5 2.56 17,201.32
Hydrocarbons 248.3028 5 1.5 2.56 119,185.34
Total: 136,386.66

*Factor of environmental importance (air)

Table 9.5.15: Results of calculations of environmental damage from pollution of a water body due to an offshore spill fire

No Pollutant Quantity, t Fee rate, RR Kec.w* Inflation rate Damage total, RR

1 Oil and oil products 12.02 27,550 1.51 2.56 6,398,686.72

*Factor of environmental condition of water bodies

Table 9.5.16: Results of calculations of environmental damage from pollution of a water body due to an offshore diesel spill

No Pollutant Quantity, t Fee rate, RR Kec.w* Inflation rate Damage total, RR

1 Oil and oil products 249 27,550 1.51 2.56 132,589,113.60

*Factor of environmental condition of water bodies IMPACT ON GROUNDWATER

Groundwater within the subject area is not hydraulically connected to the area of recharge of
underground water reservoirs used for water supply. Consequently, potential pollution of
groundwater during operation will not affect groundwater deposits used for public water supply.

Impact on groundwater will occur indirectly due to infiltration of treated effluents discharged to land.
Domestic effluents from the local wastewater treatment facilities will be discharged to land via a filter

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

A direct impact on groundwater during operation may occur only in the event of an accident. The
worst-case scenario that may result in significant geological and groundwater impact is an onshore
oil spill resulting in pollution of soil with oil products.

The significance of oil pollution will be determined by the following key factors:

• permeability of the underlying soil layer;

• size of the aeration area; and
• direction of groundwater flow. WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL

The OC Jetty site will be provided with the following utilities:

• domestic and drinking water supply system;

• firewater system;
• sanitary sewerage;
• rainwater sewer system; and
• industrial wastewater disposal system.
Water for domestic and drinking needs will be brought in by tank trucks. Water of drinking quality will
be used for domestic and drinking needs of the facility personnel and for showers. The estimated
water consumption will be 2.86 m³/day (1,043.9 m³/year). Water supply to vessels will not be
provided. The watering of the site surface will be performed by flusher trucks using imported water
in the amount of 204.0 m³/day (24,480 m³/year).

Water for the firewater system will be supplied from the port water area. Water will be supplied via
two water intake windows in the shore protection structure. The water intake windows are designed
for the full development stage (1,600 m³/h) and will have an individual area of 12.25 m². Water intake
windows will be of a cartridge type, with gravel-and-rock filling (25-30 mm). The inflow rate will be
0.1 m/s a required by fish protection regulations.

According to the fire protection design scenario, firewater will be primarily used for the warehouse at
the rate of 51.4 l/s and the minimum water head of 30.0 m. the design provides for the installation of
pumps WILOK 126 with electric motor NU 801-2/35 (1 operational, 1 backup) with the throughput of
51.5 l/s, water head of 30.0 m, and capacity of 24.0 kW.

The water balance is detailed in Table 9.5.17.

Table 9.5.17: Water consumption balance

Water consumption
No Consumer rate per unit, From domestic and From domestic and
Water imported by
l/day drinking water supply drinking water supply for
tank trucks
for domestic needs production needs
m³/day m³/year m³/day m³/year m³/day m³/year
1 Workers 25 0.75 273.75
2 Staff 16 0.11 40.15
3 Showers 500 2.0 730

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Water consumption
No Consumer rate per unit, From domestic and From domestic and
Water imported by
l/day drinking water supply drinking water supply for
tank trucks
for domestic needs production needs
m³/day m³/year m³/day m³/year m³/day m³/year
Site surface
0.5 12.24 1,468.8
lawns 3 204 24,480
TOTAL: 2.86 1043.9 216.40 25,948.8

Domestic and industrial effluents and rainwater will be discharged to land or sea.

Total wastewater generation rate will be 2.86 m³/day (1,043.9 m³/year). Polyethylene pipes and
concrete manholes (wells) will be used for the domestic sewerage system. Domestic effluents will
be transferred to the biological treatment facilities and then discharged to land via a filter trench.

Rainwater from the site will be collected by a gravity flow sewer, which includes a stormwater
pumping plant, in collection tanks and transferred to the wastewater treatment facilities.

The total water collection area of the Terminal will be 22.08 ha, including:

• 6.80 ha of lawns;
• 8.83 ha of gravel surface; and
• 6.45 ha of sealed surface.

A sidespill weir, installed before collection tanks, will separate conventionally clean runoff from
polluted rainwater which will be transferred for treatment. The volume of rainwater runoff collected
from the entire site area will total 323.5 l/s (2,083.60 m³/day, 90.40 tn m³/year). The estimated
quantity of rainwater that will be transferred for treatment will be 163.9 l/s (726.00 m³/day, 63.30 tn

A gravity flow production sewer from the office building will divert 'casual' water from the trap of the
water metering unit of the boiler to the external rainwater sewer via an outlet pipe of 100 mm
diameter. The wastewater disposal balance is detailed in Table 9.5.18.
Table 9.5.18: Wastewater disposal balance

Wastewater disposal
Irretrievable Water
No Consumer losses recycling Note
To domestic To industrial and
sewer stormwater sewer
m³/day m³/year m³/day m³/year m³/day m³/year m³/day m³/year
1 Workers 0.75 273.75
2 Staff 0.11 40.15
3 Showers 2.0 730

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Site surface 120 days

watering: per year

sealed surface 12.24 1468.8

lawns 204.0 24480
5 Surface runoff 2,083.6 90,408.70
TOTAL: 2.86 1,043.9 2,083.6 90,408.70 216.40 25,948.8

Levels of pollutants in domestic effluents that will be transferred to the wastewater treatment
facilities will be:

• BOD5 - 375 mg/l;

• suspended matter - 325 mg/l;
• ammonium nitrogen - 40 mg/l; and
• phosphorus - 16.5 mg/l.
Biological treatment of domestic effluents will be provided by a module wastewater treatment system
(EKO-R-10) with the capacity of 10 m³/day.

Levels of pollutants in rainwater runoff before treatment will be:

• suspended matter - 400 mg/l;

• oil products - 20 mg/l; and

After treatment at the local wastewater treatment facilities, domestic effluents will be discharged to
land via a filter trench. Treated industrial effluents and rainwater will be discharged to sea.

Wastewater treatment provisions will be based on the use of treatment facilities for the management
of domestic and industrial effluents and rainwater.

The domestic effluents treatment facilities will be provided and installed by OOO Ecoline. Treated
wastewater will be decontaminated. Levels of pollutants after treatment will be:

• BOD5 - 3 mg/l;
• suspended matter - 6 mg/l;
• ammonium nitrogen - 0.6 mg/l; and
• phosphates - 2.5 mg/l.
Sediment from treatment will be contained within the mechanical treatment chamber and in the
sludge tank. Sludge will be subsequently removed by dedicated vehicles of a licensed contractor.

The treatment facilities for industrial effluents and rainwater will be provided and installed by OOO
Ecoline. The capacity of the facilities is 36 m³/h. Treated wastewater will be decontaminated. The
treatment efficiency by stages is reported in Table 9.5.19.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.5.19: Stages and efficiency of industrial effluents and rainwater treatment

Pollutant concentration
No Stage description Pollutants Treatment efficiency, %
Before treatment After treatment

Suspended matter 400.0 120.0 70

1 Separator
Oil products 20.0 15.0 25
BOD 20.0 15.0 25
Suspended matter 120.0 48.0 60
2 Collection tank
Oil products 15.0 6.0 60
BOD 15.0 10.5 33
Suspended matter 48.0 9.6 80
3 Sand trap
Oil products 6.0 2.4 60
BOD 10.5 7.0 30
Suspended matter 9.6 5.0 48
4 Oil trap
Oil products 2.4 0.5 79
BOD 7.0 5.0 29
Suspended matter 5.0 2.00 60
5 Sorption filter
Oil products 0.5 0.05 90
BOD 5.0 2.25 55

Levels of pollutants in treated rainwater will be:

• suspended matter - 2 mg/l;

• oil products - 0.05 mg/l; and
• BOD5 - 2.25 mg/l.

Design limits of permissible discharges to Vyborg Bay have been estimated in accordance with:

 Water Code;
 Guidelines for the development of limits of permissible impact on water bodies (approved by the
Ministry of Natural Resources, Order No. 328 of 12.12.20088; registered in the Ministry of
Justice, Reg. No. 10974 of 23.01.2008);
 Guidelines for the development of limits of permissible discharges of substances and
microorganisms to water bodies (for water users).

The limits of permissible discharges for the OC Jetty have been established at the level of estimated
concentrations and the MPC values for fishery water bodies. Design limits of permissible discharges
are reported in Table 9.5.20.
Table 9.5.20: Permissible discharge limits

Estimated level at the outlet, Wastewater Discharge,

No Substance/parameter
mg/l generation, m³/month t/month
Treaded domestic effluents
1 BOD5 3.0 0.000261
2 Suspended matter 6.0 86.992 0.000522

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Estimated level at the outlet, Wastewater Discharge,

No Substance/parameter
mg/l generation, m³/month t/month
3 Ammonium nitrogen 0.6 0.000052
4 Phosphates 2.5 0.000217
Treated industrial effluents and rainwater
5 Suspended matter 2.00 0.015068
6 Oil products 0.05 7534.058 0.000377


No impact on the onshore surface waters will occur during operation due to the absence of water
consumption or disposal. A potential rupture of the gas pipeline will result in an environmental impact
on ambient air. IMPACT ON VYBORG BAY

No impact on the offshore area will occur due to the absence of water consumption or disposal. A
potential rupture of the gas pipeline will result in an environmental impact on ambient air. IMPACT OF THE LNG TERMINAL ON WATER RESOURCES DURING


Potential impacts of the LNG Terminal operation will consist of discharge of treated rainwater and
effects of potential accidents as described in Subsection IMPACT ON GROUNDWATER

Impacts of the LNG Terminal on groundwater and embedded impact minimisation controls are
basically similar to those for the OC Jetty as described in Subsection WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER DISPOSAL

Water supply

The domestic and drinking water supply system will supply water of drinking quality to consumers
(Office Building, Services and Operation Block, Checkpoint, Power Block, and the Fire Depot). The
special checkpoint will be supplied with imported drinking water which will be accumulated and
stored in a drinking water reserve tank.

The main sources of domestic water will be water imported to the site by tank trucks or, for some
facilities, brought in in bottles.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The water consumption is estimated at 17.602 m³/day (5,455.97 m³/year).

The industrial water supply system will provide water for the production needs of the Terminal.
The main source of production water supply will be water brought in by tank trucks. Auxiliary sources
will be rainwater and snowmelt collected from the site area and treated at the industrial effluents and
rainwater treatment facility. During the winter period, snow will be melted in a snowmelter and the
snowmelt will be treated at the treatment facility. The production water consumption is estimated at
41.2 m³/day (8,841.87 m³/year).

The firewater system will supply water for the fire protection needs of the Terminal. This system is
designed individually due to large water consumption volumes required for the fire-fighting and
requirements for the water head. Water will be supplied from sea via two water intake windows
designed for Construction Stage 1 (OOO Morstroytekhnologiya).

Wastewater disposal

Biological treatment of domestic effluents will be provided by a module wastewater treatment

system (EKO-R-10) with the capacity of 10 m³/day. The domestic sewage pumping station is
designed for collection and automatic transfer of domestic effluents and will be delivered as a ready-
to-operate package. The volume of domestic effluents will total 15.322 m³/day (4,623.77 m³/year).

The domestic sewerage system will receive effluents from:

• Power Block;
• Services and Operation Block;
• Office Building;
• Fire Depot; and
• Checkpoint.
Domestic effluents after the tertiary treatment facility will have the following parameters:

• suspended matter - 0.75 mg/l;

• ammonium ion - 0.5 mg/l;
• phosphates - 0.15 mg/l; and
• pH - 6.5-8.5.
After tertiary treatment the quality of water will meet the requirements for discharge to the Gulf of
Finland established by the Federal Agency of Fisheries (Order No. 20 of 18.01.2010).

The stormwater sewer will provide for collection of polluted rainwater and snowmelt from the
operations area and rainwater from curbed pads. The total water collection area of the Terminal will
be 12.44 ha. The rainwater runoff rate for the entire site area will be 3,888.5 m³/day
(145,776.6 m³/year). The volume of rainwater that will be transferred for treatment is estimated at
2,514 m³/day (76,973 m³/year).

Levels of pollutants in treated rainwater will be:

• suspended matter - 2 mg/l;

• oil products - 0.05 mg/l; and
• BOD5 - 2.25 mg/l.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The quality of wastewater after the industrial effluents and rainwater treatment facilities is detailed in
Table 9.5.21.

Table 9.5.21: Quality of treated industrial effluents and rainwater

Parameter Unit Value

1 pH pH unit 6.5-8.5
2 Temperature °C -
3 Potassium (K) mg/dm³ 50
4 Sodium (Na) mg/dm³ 120
5 Magnesium (Mg) mg/dm³ 40
6 Calcium (Ca) mg/dm³ 180
7 Total hardness mole/dm³ 7.0
8 Chlorides (Cl) mg/dm³ 300
9 Sulphates (SO4) mg/dm³ 100
10 Hydrocarbonates (HCO3) mg/dm³ not defined
11 Dry residue mg/dm³ 1000
12 Nitrates (NO3) mg/dm³ 40
13 Nitrites (NO2) mg/dm³ 0.08
14 Ammonium (NH4) mg/dm³ 0.5
15 Phosphate (PO4) mg/dm³ 0.15
16 Manganese (Mn) mg/dm³ 0.1
17 Chromium (Cr) mg/dm³ 0.01
18 Nitrates (NO3) mg/dm³ 0.02
19 Nickel (Ni) mg/dm³ 0.01
20 Cobalt (Со) mg/dm³ 0.01
21 Copper (Cu) mg/dm³ 0.001
22 Lead (Pb) mg/dm³ 0.006
23 Zinc (Zn) mg/dm³ 0.01
24 Cadmium (Cd) mg/dm³ 0.005
25 Barium (Ba) mg/dm³ 0.74
26 Strontium (Sr) mg/dm³ 0.4
27 Lithium (li) mg/dm³ 0.08
28 Fluorides (F) mg/dm³ 0.05 above baseline but not
greater than 0.75
29 Bromides mg/dm³ 1.35
30 Dissolved oxygen mg/dm³ at least 4.0 in winter and 6.0 in
31 BOD5 (biochemical oxygen mg/dm³ 3.0
32 Turbidity yes/no no
33 Suspended matter mg/dm³ 3.25

34 Colour yes/no no
35 Oil products mg/dm³ 0.05
36 Surfactants mg/dm³ 0.1
37 Phenols mg/dm³ 0.0010
38 Arsenic mg/dm³ 0.05

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The Fire Depot will be also provided with an industrial sewer system. Industrial effluents will total
24.22 m³/day (832.47 m³/year).

Design limits of permissible discharges to Vyborg Bay have been estimated in accordance with:

 Water Code;
 Guidelines for the development of limits of permissible impact on water bodies (approved by the
Ministry of Natural Resources, Order No. 328 of 12.12.20088; registered in the Ministry of
Justice, Reg. No. 10974 of 23.01.2008);
 Guidelines for the development of limits of permissible discharges of substances and
microorganisms to water bodies (for water users).

Design limits of permissible discharges are reported in Table 9.5.22.

Table 9.5.22: Permissible discharge limits

Estimated level at Wastewater

No Substance/parameter Discharge, t/month
the outlet, mg/l generation, m³/month
1 Potassium (K) 50 50100 2.505000
2 Sodium (Na) 120 6.012000
3 Magnesium (Mg) 40 2.004000
4 Calcium (Ca) 180 9.018000
5 Chlorine (Cl) 300 15.030000
6 Sulphate (SO4) 100 5.010000
7 Nitrates (NO3) 40 2.004000
8 Nitrites (NO2) 0.08 0.004008
9 Ammonium (NH4) 0.5 0.025050
10 Phosphate (PO4) 0.15 0.007515
11 Manganese (Mn) 0.01 0.000501
12 Chromium (Cr) 0.02 0.001002
13 Nickel (Ni) 0.01 0.000501
14 Cobalt (Со) 0.01 0.000501
15 Copper (Cu) 0.001 0.000050
16 Lead (Pb) 0.006 0.000301
17 Zinc (Zn) 0.01 0.000501
18 Cadmium (Cd) 0.005 0.000251
19 Barium (Ba) 0.74 0.037074
20 Strontium (Sr) 0.4 0.020040
21 Lithium (li) 0.08 0.004008
22 Bromides 1.35 0.067635
23 BOD5 (biochemical 3 0.150300
oxygen demand)
24 Suspended matter 3.25 0.162825
25 Oil products 0.05 0.002505
26 Surfactants 0.1 0.005010
27 Phenols 0.001 0.000050
28 Arsenic (As) 0.05 0.002505 CONTROLS DURING OPERATION

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring PROTECTION OF SURFACE WATERS

The subject facility will be partly located within the water protection area, which is subject to certain
limitation of the economic activity established in Article 65 of the Water Code of the Russian
Federation. The facility will also need to be equipped with structures which provide for protection of
water bodies from pollution, littering or depletion.

Compliance with the requirements for water protection areas and riparian buffer zones of rivers and
streams established by the national legislation will enable the operator to minimise an adverse
impact of the project facilities during operation. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL (MONITORING) OF MARINE


The objective of monitoring the aquatic environment will be evaluation of pollution of seawater. In
accordance with Item 3.14 of the 'Guidelines for the sanitary control of seawater pollution', the quality
of seawater within the offshore area of the port will be controlled at four points. Chemical tests of
water will be performed every 3 months to determine:
• odour, colour, and salinity;
• dissolved oxygen;
• ammonium ion;
• hydrogen ion exponent (pH);
• total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH);
• biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5);
• chemical oxygen demand (COD);
• synthetic surfactants;
• phenols;
• suspended matter; and
• heavy metals: total iron, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, and mercury.

Methods of laboratory analyses of water samples will be in accordance with the current national

The embedded controls aimed at reduction of the risk of potential accidents and minimisation of
environmental effects on groundwater include:

• communication systems which provide for coordination of actions by structural units,

information exchange, process monitoring, access to public communication networks;
• solutions preventing spills of hazardous liquids and providing for the removal of such liquids
from risk areas;
• stop valves capable of cutting off and isolating any vessels with a hazardous liquid;
• stop valves on pipelines to enable the cutting-of of flow of a hazardous substance;
• locking systems on pumps for the shutdown of electrical equipment in case of critical
deviations from specification parameters;
• system for remote shutdown of electrically driven equipment;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

• alarm and locking systems activated in the event of critical deviations from standards
process parameters (e.g. temperature, pressure, or level);
• accident protection system to enable shutdown of a process, disconnection of individual
equipment units if an operating parameter reaches certain critical value, critical condition
warning systems;
• bunding of the aboveground tanks. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL (MONITORING) OF WASTEWATER

Operational environmental control will be conducted to monitor the efficiency of performance of the
surface wastewater treatment facilities.

The following parameters will be monitored:

• biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5);

• oil products;
• suspended matter; and
• hydrogen ion exponent (pH).
Control of composition and properties of wastewater at the inlet and outlet of the treatment facilities
and at separate treatment stages to determine compliance with process procedures must be
conducted days (depending on the parameter controlled). The frequency of sampling will depend
on the range of variations of pollutant levels in wastewater.

The frequency of control will be determined during operation in accordance with the requirements
specified in manuals for treatment facilities. The proposed frequency of control must be approved
by the territorial environmental protection authorities. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL (MONITORING) OF BOTTOM


Samples of bottom soil will be collected in accordance with the requirements of GOST
('Environmental Protection. Hydrosphere. General Requirements for the Sampling of Bottom
Sediments for Contamination Analysis').

The samples will be tested to determine:

• hydrogen ion exponent (pH);

• physical and mechanical characteristics (grain-size composition, ignition losses, dry unit
• organochlorine pesticides;
• level of heavy metals: mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), manganese (Mn),
lead (Pb), copper (Cu), arsenic (As), and iron (Fe);
• benz(a)pyrene;
• phenols; and
• total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring FLOOD CONTROL

Geological monitoring will include control of the flooding of the operations area. This will include
visual control of flooding processes within the subject area (groundwater discharge), documenting
of location (geographical coordinates in the WGS-84 format), description (area, size, depth, etc.),
and photography of the flooded area.

Potential flooding will be controlled every three months and after snowmelt or abundant precipitation. GENERAL EMERGENCY RESPONSE

General emergency response provisions aimed at mitigation of potential impacts during the
operation period include:

 planning and implementation of accident containment and clean-up;

 conclusion of services contracts with professional emergency response and rescue units;
 allocation of financial and material resources for emergency response and clean-up operations;
 emergency response training of personnel.
 civil liability insurance of the owner, including the issue of the insurance policy.


The analysis of potential impacts of the proposed facilities indicates that all environmental impacts
will not exceed the limit values established by the current regulations and guidelines for these
impacts. In terms of the potential environmental impact, the construction and subsequent operation
of the proposed facilities will be justified.

Implementation of embedded controls for the construction and operation period will enable
minimisation of adverse impacts on water bodies.

Table 9.5.23 summarises the main types of impact on the aquatic environment, receptors of these
impacts, and the results of assessment of impact significance.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.5.23: Summary of potential impacts on water bodies, embedded controls (mitigation measures), and significance of bare and residual impact (i.e. before and after mitigation)

Initial Impact Residual

No Receptor Impact Phase Design and Mitigation Actions
Significance Impact

1 Surface water bodies (rivers Changes to water quality Construction moderate  Strict adherence to construction low
and streams) technology and timeframe
 Operations will be confined within
allocated boundaries
 Provision of facilities with individual,
passive and active fire protection
 Supply of construction sites with imported
 Collection of domestic effluents in sealed
tanks for subsequent removal by a
specialised contractor
 Collection and regular removal of
construction waste and debris
 Chemical environmental control during
and after completion of the work
 Continuous process control

2 Rivers and streams: Drema Increased turbidity of water Construction moderate  Strict adherence to construction moderate
(PK 168+60), Tokarev (PK from excavation and technology and timeframe
259+80), unnamed streams backfilling during  Operations will be confined within
(PK 18+21; PK 20+76; PK construction of open-cut allocated boundaries
60+88; PK 150+55; PK crossings  Operational environmental control
227+46)  Chemical environmental control during
and after completion of the work
 Continuous process control

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Initial Impact Residual

No Receptor Impact Phase Design and Mitigation Actions
Significance Impact

3 Bays of Vyborg Bay (No. 1, Primary turbidity, Construction moderate  Chemical environmental control during moderate
No. 2, No. 3) suspension of fine soil and after completion of the work
particles, sedimentation,  Continuous process control
damage to seabed  Use of vessels in good condition
 Maintenance of dredging vessels at the
home port
 Strict compliance with the requirements of
the national legislation and MARPOL
 Monitoring of pollutant levels in seawater
within the environmental control

Chemical pollution of water Construction low low

during execution of subsea
excavation and soil moving

4 Offshore area at the OC Jetty Suspension of fine soil Construction moderate  Chemical environmental control during moderate
particles and after completion of the work
 Continuous process control
 Use of vessels in good condition
 Maintenance of dredging vessels at the
home port

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Initial Impact Residual

No Receptor Impact Phase Design and Mitigation Actions
Significance Impact

Surface runoff from sealed Construction, low  Provisions for process cycle/ reliable negligible
areas Operation operation of treatment facilities
 Operational environmental control of
performance efficiency of the treatment

Oil spill Construction, high  Planning and implementation of accident low

Operation containment and clean-up
 Conclusion of services contracts with
professional emergency response and
rescue units
 Allocation of financial and material
resources for emergency response and
clean-up operations
 Emergency response training of

Discharge of treated Operation high Operational environmental control of high

industrial effluents and performance efficiency of the treatment
rainwater facilities for specific substance/parameters
(BOD, oil products, suspended matter, pH)
will be conducted every 10 days (depending
on the parameter controlled) in accordance
with the requirements specified in equipment
manuals. The frequency of control must be
approved by the territorial authorities for
environmental protection and sustainable
use of national resources.
5 Groundwater Disturbance of Construction low Water removal/ drainage to prevent the negligible
groundwater table flooding of pits and trenches and
subsequent soil erosion.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Initial Impact Residual

No Receptor Impact Phase Design and Mitigation Actions
Significance Impact

Contamination of Construction high  Strict adherence to construction moderate

groundwater due to technology and timeframe
infiltration of pollutants  Operations will be confined within
from the surface allocated boundaries
 Collection and regular removal of
construction waste and debris
 Collection of domestic effluents in sealed
tanks for subsequent removal by a
specialised contractor
 Collection and treatment of surface runoff
 Continuous process control
 Collection and utilisation of construction
 Construction of temporary driveways with
sealed surface

Pollution of groundwater Operation moderate Operational environmental control of low

due to land discharge of performance efficiency of the treatment
treated effluents facilities for specific substance/parameters
(BOD, oil products, suspended matter, pH)
will be conducted every 10 days (depending
on the parameter controlled) in accordance
with the requirements specified in equipment
manuals. The frequency of control must be
approved by the territorial water protection
and management authorities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Initial Impact Residual

No Receptor Impact Phase Design and Mitigation Actions
Significance Impact

Oil spill to land resulting in Construction, high  Communication systems which provide low
infiltration of pollutants and Operation for coordination of actions by structural
impact on aquifers units, information exchange, process
monitoring, access to public
communication networks
 Solutions preventing spills of hazardous
liquids and providing for the removal of
such liquids from risk areas
 Stop valves capable of cutting off and
isolating any vessels with a hazardous
 Stop valves on pipelines to enable the
cutting-of of flow of a hazardous
 Locking systems on pumps for the
shutdown of electrical equipment in case
of critical deviations from specification
 System for remote shutdown of
electrically driven equipment
 Alarm and locking systems activated in
the event of critical deviations from
standards process parameters (e.g.
temperature, pressure, or level)
 Accident protection system to enable
shutdown of a process, disconnection of
individual equipment units if an operating
parameter reaches certain critical value,
critical condition warning systems
 Bunding of the aboveground tanks.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



At the Site, sources of GHG emissions include various incinerators emitting carbon dioxide, and
sources of fugitive emissions of other greenhouse gases (mainly, methane).

However, methane is the only greenhouse gas emitted by the Facility.

Gaseous compounds with an indirect greenhouse effect, which will be emitted by the Project, include
nitrogen oxide and dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide.

GHG emissions will be highest during the operational phase. They are discussed in more detail in
Section 9.2.3 and are also presented in Table 9.6.1.

GHG emissions may also occur as a result of a pipeline failure or bleeding of gas through the vent
stack during non-destructive testing or cleaning of the gas pipeline branch. For more details, please
see Section 9.2.3, operation of the gas pipeline branch (Stage II facilities).

Emissions of methane through the bleeding stack associated with pipeline testing and cleaning are
estimated at 1.88 tpa.

The amount of gas in the pipeline between block valve stations from the connection to the main
pipeline to the LNG complex will be 651.7 tonnes at 5.4 MPa.

The linear section of the pipeline branch has 10 block valve stations, which will isolate a damaged
part of the pipeline in the event of a leak.

In such event of a potential leakage between neighbouring block valve stations, the amount of
released methane will range from 56.6 to 207.6 tonnes.

The anticipated emissions of greenhouse gases and gases with an indirect greenhouse effect during
operation of the LNG complex are presented in Section 9.2 and in Table 9.6.1 below.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.6.1: Anticipated emissions of greenhouse gases and gases with an indirect greenhouse effect during operation of the
LNG complex

Substance Stage I Stage II Stage III

Greenhouse gases, tpa
Methane (CH4) 0.25 1.88 58.42
Gases with an indirect greenhouse effect, tpa
Nitrogen dixode (NO2) 7.96 - 55.79
Nitrogen oxide (NO) 0.18 - 9.06
Carbon oxide (СО) 6.13 - 112.39
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) 0.93 - 0.78
Subtotal: 15.45 1.88 236.44
Total: 253.77

Over the course of one year, the complex will emit 60.55 tonnes of methane.

Total emissions include gases with an indirect greenhouse effect are estimated at 253.77 tpa.

The estimated annual methane emissions during the operational phase (Q4 2018, according to the
design) are included in Table 9.6.2 below.
Table 9.6.2: Annual methane emissions during the operational phase

Annual methane emissions, tonnes 60.55

Methane’s global warming potential1 25
Annual methane emissions in CO2 equivalent 1513.75
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.

As seen from the table above, the annual GHG emissions in CO2 equivalent during operations of the
LNG complex will be 1513.75 tonnes, which make up around 0.006% of Russia’s total GHG
emissions in CO2 equivalent (2355 million tonnes in 2008).

It is therefore obvious that on a national scale, this level of annual GHG emissions is low and will not
exceed the threshold of 25,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent as required by IFC Performance Standards.

However, a number of organisational and engineering measures will be required to maintain the
declared targets of emissions of greenhouse gases and gases with an indirect greenhouse effect.


Measures to control and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and gases with an indirect
greenhouse effect during the operational phase
 Recovery of vapours from LNG and condensate storage tanks and loading facilities to recycle
them as fuel gas;
 Select energy generating units compliant with emission limits;
 Minimisation of fugitive emissions:
o Minimise the number of flanges on pipelines and abandon them where possible
in favour of welded connections;
o Use effective flange packing;
o Use airtight pumps, if practical, or double mechanical seals;
o Use effective packing for control valves;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

o Inspect and maintain gas pipelines regularly;

o Use lockable containers to store fuels and lubricants.
 Development of a programme to minimise flaring;
 Monitoring of stationary and fugitive sources of emissions;
 Annual development and submission of the 2-TP (air) statistical report during the operational


The following conclusions were made following a review of information about GHG emissions during

 The Facility will not have an adverse impact on air pollution or noticeable climate impacts;
 The organisational and engineering measures listed above are recommended to maintain
the insignificance of the impact.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.6.3: Summary of Carbon (greenhouse gases) Impacts and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Significance Design and Mitigation Actions Residual

GHG Climate Construction, The significance of the impact is deemed  Monitoring of stationary and fugitive sources Negligible
emission change commissioning and low even if no special measures are put in of emissions (see Section 9.2);
operations place at the facilities.  Minimisation of flaring;
 Measures to improve energy efficiency;
 Recovery of vapours from LNG and
condensate storage tanks and loading
facilities to recycle them as fuel gas.

Table 9.6.4: Summary of Carbon (greenhouse gases) Impacts Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

GHG Construction and Fuel-burning  Calculate GHG emissions from all sources based on fuel consumption data and Annually
emission operations equipment estimates of fugitive emissions;
 Annual development and submission of the 2-TP (air) statistical report during the
operational phase;
 Monitoring of CH4, NOX, CO/CO2, SO2 emissions.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



The general types of potential impacts on the geological environment of the project area as a result
of the project development are summarised in Table 9.7.1. These are based on the classification of
anthropogenic impacts on the geological environment and associated effects proposed by V.A.
Korolev in 1997 (“Human Impact on Geological Environment”, Korolev V.A. 1997).
Table 9.7.1: Summary of potential impacts on the geological environment

Class and Impact description Impact type Potential sources of

subclass impact
Compaction Static Buildings, structures,
power transmission lines
Rolling Vehicles
Removal of rock Digging Open pits,
Mechanical impact
Physical impact

Excavation, Boulder removal

Boulders removal
with non-explosive
demolition agents
Surface accumulation Dumping Construction
Banking Temporary disposal of
soil in above and below
ground dumps
Land relief formation Levelling Construction
(levelling) Reclamation Land reclamation
Land surface erosion Formation of hollows Open pits

Chemical impact Pollution Phenols, heavy Transport,

metals, Construction base camp

Biological impact Pollution Bacteriological, Construction base camp


Mechanical impacts on geological environment are produced by practically all production or

infrastructure facilities that have foundations. Mechanical impact includes static and dynamic loads,
internal structural loosening and external destruction of a formation. Erosion by water is also
included in this category (e.g. channel bank scour and gulley formation).

Chemical impact primarily refers to hydrocarbon contamination, as well as the pollution of rocks
and ground water by residues of non-explosive demolition agents. These impacts are addressed in
Section 9.4 (Landscape, Topography and Soils).

Biological impacts can be associated with unauthorized waste storage at construction base camp.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Another feature of the Project is the proposed seabed clean-up works, including disposal of
excavated (dredged) waste to the landfill. These impacts are addressed in Section 9.5 (Hydrology
and Water Quality).

Details of specific impacts, the associated mitigation measures and the residual (post-mitigation)
severity of these impacts are described below.


In general, adverse effects on the geological environment can be minimized by taking the following

 Using non explosive techniques for boulders and rocks removal

 Provision of appropriate construction material storage sites, maintaining construction sites
free of litter and establishing spill prevention / clean-up protocols to prevent fuel and lube oil
 Surface drainage systems at construction sites to prevent production waste from spreading
to adjacent areas, soils and ground water.
 Making sure no motor vehicle traffic occurs outside the production area and Project road
 Preventing industrial accidents, spills and leaks of corrosive liquids into the environment.


During the construction period, the primary causes of direct effects on the geological environment
are likely to be related to mechanical impacts. These potentially include:

 Static load impacts - Caused by foundations, earthworks, boulders removal, and dirt
stockpiling pads etc.
 Dynamic load impacts – Caused by vehicle movements.
 Erosion impacts – Caused by surface water runoff forming linear erosion features (gullies)
and the erosion of the banks of existing watercourses where they have been disturbed by
road/pipeline crossings.
 Excavation impacts - External deterioration of a rock formation due to earthworks for
foundation pits and quarries, etc.

Each of these potential mechanical impacts and associated mitigation measures are discussed in
turn below.

Static load impacts

Static load impacts during earthworks includes:
 ROW preparation for construction works;
 Construction facilities and auxiliary facilities sites preparation (technological equipment sites,
temporary roads and construction camp);
 Pipeline trench excavation, foundations excavation;
 Boulders and rock outcrops removal;
 Backfilling of pipeline trench and other pits.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Soil compaction could lead to reduced infiltration of rainfall and a resultant increase in the potential
for water erosion. Compaction could also change the morphological properties of the soils. In the
absence of mitigation the potential impacts are considered to be of low to moderate significance.

Soil compaction impacts would be minimized by the use of piled foundations.

Boulders and rock formation removal can cause unnecessary damage to nearby geological
formations. Mitigation measures include replacement of explosion technique with non-explosive
demolition agents use. This measure brings impact to low. If unmitigated, this impact could be
graded as moderate.

Dynamic load impacts

Construction and use of roads have the potential to damage the soil cover because of the initial
disturbance necessary for construction and the subsequent passage of vehicles. If unmitigated,
this could cause a moderate impact.

The Project design incorporates mitigation measures to reduce the impact of dynamic load. These
measures include restriction of unscheduled traffic and use of only local and temporary roads
transport for construction purposes. The quantity of vehicles and equipment on roads and
construction sites will be limited as far as is reasonable.

Corrugated 2.0-2.5m diameter culverts will be imbedded in road embankments where necessary to
allow passage for smaller watercourses. Temporary bridges will be constructed at crossings over
permanent watercourses.

Residual impacts from dynamic loads would be low with mitigating measures in place.

Erosion impacts

Rainfall and snowmelt runoff could create linear erosion features in areas where vegetation have
been removed and the ground disturbed. This could create gullies with potentially unstable sides
and result in the transport of eroded soil into existing watercourses. In the absence of mitigation
the potential impact is considered to be moderate/high.

Topsoil will be stored in piles, and will be used for reinstatement of disturbed areas after
construction works.

Mitigation would comprise minimizing the area of disturbed land and the use of temporary surface
water management systems in construction areas. These will include (where appropriate) surface
runoff collection channels, retention ponds, silt fencing and silt traps. These measures would
reduce potential impacts to a low significance. CHEMICAL IMPACTS ON GROUNDWATER

Contamination of surface soils could potentially occur by the infiltration of products into the ground.
This could be due to:

 Process liquid and lube oil leaks and spills;

 Accidental oil and petrochemical, wastewater and other waste spills as a result of violations
of storage reservoir lining rules, fuel and lube oil spills; and

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Contamination with residues of non-explosive demolition agents, used for rock removal.

The most common effects on groundwater are:

 violations of the equation groundwater regime,

 groundwater contamination due to penetration of contaminants from the surface.

According to the results of geological surveys on the territory, the aquifer confines primarily to sand
and sandy loam glacial lake sediments, as well as sandy and gravelly loam interlayers in
glaciolacustrine and moraine deposits. Unloading of groundwater occurs in the local drainage

Changes in groundwater level regime can be caused by changes in the structure and properties of
soil. Changes in aquifer properties can be a result of trenches excavation and backfilling.

The following conclusions can be drawn: geomechanical and geochemical impacts are rated as
short-term and localized.

Potential chemical contamination of shallow soil and ground water in areas adjacent to
construction sites will be short-term and localized in scale. In the absence of mitigation the
potential impacts are assessed to be of moderate significance. Mitigation will be achieved by
adherence to relevant regulatory standards and the adoption of protocols during the construction
period to minimize spillages. With these measures in place, the significance of residual impacts
would be reduced to a low level. REINSTATEMENT OF DISTURBED AREAS

A reinstatement plan will be developed at the end of construction, that will include the definition of
reinstatement methods, timescales and success criteria. In general terms, reinstatement will
involve two phases (mechanical and biological rehabilitation) as follows:

Mechanical rehabilitation:
 Removal of construction debris and unused materials;
 Grading of disturbed land areas;
 Reinforcement of slopes and banks with an appropriate ground/topsoil mixture.

Biological remediation:
 Reinforcement of un-built areas and passages with an appropriate ground/topsoil mixture.
 Planting and seeding in mechanically remediated areas.


During operation period there will be static loads on the geological environment from engineering
construction foundations. This may accelerate erosion processes, form depressions and cause
waterlogging. Mechanical impacts during project objects operations may take place after their
completion, especially if erosion of waterlogging processes have been intensified as a result of the

Preconditions for violation of the level of the groundwater regime may be created at the
construction stage. There will be no additional impacts during the operation stage, that can affect

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

hydrological processes (man-made flooding and waterlogging), and operational stage impacts will
be completely determined by overall compliance with the technological scheme during construction

Groundwater pollution is not expected during gas pipeline and LNG facility operation due to the
absence of such sources.

The mitigation of impacts from static loads will be achieved by the actions described above for the
construction phase. Potential impacts before mitigation would be of a low to moderate significance,
and post mitigation residual impacts are predicted to be of a low significance.

LNG plant and marine terminal areas rainfall and snowmelt runoff could create linear erosion
features in areas where vegetation has been removed and the ground disturbed. This could create
gullies with potentially unstable sides and result in the transport of eroded soil into existing
watercourses. In the absence of mitigation the potential impact is considered to be moderate/high.

Mitigation would comprise minimizing the area of disturbed land and the use of temporary surface
water management systems in construction areas. These will include (where appropriate) surface
runoff collection channels, retention ponds, silt fencing and silt traps. These measures would
reduce potential impacts to a low significance.


Surveys and studies that have been carried out across the Project Area have revealed areas
where hazardous geological processes are likely to develop, if triggered by natural or
anthropogenic factors. In the absence of mitigation these could potentially have significant effects
on land degradation and the safety of oil field facilities.

Monitoring of geological processes will allow identification of the actual effects of construction and
land remediation operations on the geological environment. Monitoring will also confirm the
effectiveness of mitigation and identify any areas where mitigation measures require modification
to remain effective.


A summary of the predicted impacts, proposed mitigation measures and residual impacts are
summarized in Table 9.7.2.

The proposed monitoring program to confirm the efficiency of the mitigation measures is
summarized in Table 9.7.3.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.7.2: Summary of Geology and Geomorphology Impacts and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Design and Mitigation Actions Residual

Impact Impact
Mechanical Geological Construction and Moderate  Use of piled foundations wherever practicable. Low
impacts environment operation  Limit vehicular traffic to existing roads or temporary roads.
 Quantity of vehicles and equipment on roads and construction sites will be limited as
far as is reasonable.
 Culverts will be inserted in road embankments where necessary to allow passage for
smaller watercourses.
 Disturbed areas will be kept to a minimum during construction
 Use of temporary surface water management / silt retention during construction.
 Development and implementation of a post construction reinstatement plan
 Boulders removal with non-explosive demolition agents
Chemical Geological Operation Moderate  Electrically driven shut-off valves to close pipeline in event of rupture Low
impacts environment  Earth bunding around tanks. Diesel storage tanks will have concrete bunding and
impervious screen.
 Fired heaters will be installed on a concrete tray for collection of precipitation and
accidental leakage.
 Concrete curbing will be provided around tanks for storage of lubricants and fuel. The
site surface will be impermeable.

Table 9.7.3: Summary of Geology and Geomorphology Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Soil erosion Construction and Along pipeline and at LNG topsoil thickness, visual observations Twice per year (spring and autumn)
operation plant

Physical disturbance of marine Construction At pipeline sea crossings Water silt content Twice per year in snow free periods

Long term changes in linear Operation Along pipeline and at LNG Consideration to be given to remote To be determined following construction
erosion plant sensing monitoring above

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



Environmental impacts associated with noise and vibration at each phase of the Project lifecycle
differ in the duration, scale and amplitude.
Recipients of the potential noise impact include:
 Project personnel engaged in construction and operation of the facilities as well as residents
of the settlements located in close proximity to the Project. These impacts are:
o Noise impact on the Project personnel (at construction and operation phases);
o Noise impact on the residential areas near the LNG construction site, namely Vysotsk
city and Pikhtovoye settlement (at construction and operation phases);
o Noise impact on the settlements located along the gas pipeline bend route (at the
construction phase).
 Fauna. Noise exposure can extend both to terrestrial fauna species (including sea birds) via
air and to marine (underwater) fauna (viz. from submerged sources).
Noise level standards accepted in the Project are given below.
Table 9.8.1: Noise level standards accepted in the Project (equivalent sound level LAeq dB(A))

Category Daytime (07:00 – 23:00) Nighttime (23:00 – 07:00)

Living premises 55 45
Office premises 60 -
Industrial facilities 80 -

Noise impact modelling, including for determining the SPZ size, was done to forecast noise exposure
in recipients’ locations, where appropriate. Noise impact modelling was performed by Petrokhim-
tekhnologia on order of Cryogas in compliance with the methods set by SNiP 23-03-2003 “Protection
from Noise”, Moscow, 2004 (using the ARM software “Akoustika 3D”, version 3.1.6 developed by

The only vibration sources to be potentially considered are associated with drilling and pile driving
operations. As there are no buildings, including residential, owned by third parties in the Project’s
vicinity, vibrational impact from automotive transport and construction machinery is assumed as
negligible and, therefore, is not discussed in this ESIA report hereinafter.

Vibration-related exposure may be expressed as:

 causing nuisance for humans and terrestrial fauna as a result of noticeable soil vibration, and
 causing nuisance for marine fauna by underwater noise induced by vibration (see Noise

Of note is that sources capable of inducing soil vibration at the level sufficient for inflicting material
damage are lacking and, therefore, are not discussed in this document hereinafter.
Electromagnetic fields
An electromagnetic field (EMF) is a special state of matter representing interrelated electric and
magnetic fields (EF and MF). Physically, the EMF existence is related with a few underlying

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

processes: time-varying EF gives rise to MF and varying MF induces vortex EF; both components,
changing continuously, excite each other.
Main EMF sources are:
 electricity generation, transmission, distribution and consumption systems;
 electrically driven transport;
 cell telecommunication, mobile radio communication, satellite communication systems, etc.;
 process equipment of various designation where super-high frequency radiation, alternating
and pulsed MF are used;
 electronic video display tubes in visual data carriers;
 electricity-driven industrial equipment;
 home electric appliances.

EMF impacts on bioecosystems, including humans, are diverse: continuous and intermittent, general
and local, combined – from several sources, and in combination with other adverse environmental
factors, etc.
Biological response is exposed to EMF parameters such as:
 EMF intensity (its value);
 radiation frequency;
 radiation duration;
 signal modulation;
 combination of EMF frequencies;
 action periodicity.


Impacts assessment
Acoustic impact of the Project at the construction phase was addressed in respect of construction of
the jetty for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with a temporary storage zone for
equipment and materials (Phase I), the LNG production and handling terminal (Phase III), and the
gas pipeline bend (Phase II).
Noise and vibration sources at the construction phase are listed in Table 9.8.2 below.
Table 9.8.2: Noise and vibration sources at the construction phase

Impact Impact source

Noise Diving boat; Welding units;
Suction-tube dredger; Portable welders;
Push-tug boat; Pipe carriers;
Floating pumping station; Pipe layers;
Floating self-propelled cranes; Rotary bush breaker;
Excavators; Stump extractor;
Bulldozers; Compressor plants;
Crane trucks; Pressurization unit;
Dump trucks; Diesel power generators;
Mixer trucks; Pipe ramming unit;
Tank cars; Diesel hammers;
Motor grader; Motor road rollers;
Lift trucks; Concrete kerbing machines;
Drop-side trucks; Cable tool drilling tools and machines,
Tractor-mounted piling machines; truck-mounted;.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Vibration Drilling rig; Surface concrete vibrator;

Crane drilling machine; Reversible vibratory plate;
Internal vibrator; Control-angle drill rig;
Diesel pile hammers; Compressed-air soil rammers;
High-frequency vibratory pile drivers; Cable tool drilling tools and machines.
Parameters of noise from construction machinery sources were established according to:
 Noise survey form No. 1423 dated 07.09.2010, developed by the charted testing laboratory
Hygiene and Epidemiology Center in Saint-Petersburg;
 Noise survey form No. 9 dated 09.04.2009 for recording noise from operating machinery
measured at a construction site, developed by the charted testing laboratory Institute of
Applied Ecology and Hygiene;
 Reference Book of a Design Engineer. Noise Protection in City Planning. Edited by G.L.
Osipova, M., Stroiizdat;
 Noise survey form No. 72/30sh dated 29.09.2008, developed by the charted testing
laboratory Acoustic Bureau “Silence”;
 SNiP II-12-77 Noise Protection;
 Acoustic parameters provided in Technical Specifications of production equipment and
construction machinery (manufacturers’ data).

Over the construction period (Phases I and III), key noise sources will be offshore engineering
facilities, construction equipment and machinery, and diesel and compressor plants.

Totally, 76 noise sources were identified for the construction period.

The nearest residential areas are located in the northern and north-western directions relative to the
site at following distances from its boundaries:
 2458 m – residential property at 16 Pikhtovoye, Leningrad Region;
 2295 м – residential property at 7 Krasnoflotskaya st., Vysotsk, Leningrad Region.
According to the Plan of Construction Organization (PCO) operations will be performed on a 24-hour
Noise levels in the residential area were evaluated for a group of machinery in the worst conditions
(for the first year of construction) with consideration of a simultaneous operation of the maximum
possible number of equipment.
The calculations were done for day and night hours.

Airborne noise impact on recipients on the main construction sites specified in the project document
603515.1-OVOS.1 at the construction phase was evaluated by:
1. calculating average levels of noise from sources located on construction sites; and

2. calculating distances, at which the noise level in residential areas at day and night hours achieves
55 dB (A) (“noise discomfort zone”).
The noise level in administrative, production and social premises as well as in the surrounding
territory and in living premises in flats shall comply with sanitary regulations SN 2.4/
“Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and communal buildings, and in residential areas”.
Equivalent and maximal sound pressure levels in living premises of residential houses and in the
territory immediately adjacent to them at night and day hours shall not exceed the values given in
Table 9.8.3.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.8.3: Regulatory noise level values

Occupancy Time of Sound pressure level (equivalent sound level) L, dB, in Leq, Lmax,
type day octave bandwidths with medium frequencies, Hz dBA dBA
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Living space in 23.00-7.00 55 44 35 29 25 22 20 18 30 45
Living space in 7.00-23.00 63 52 45 39 35 32 30 28 40 55
Territory 23.00-7.00 67 57 49 44 40 37 35 33 45 60
adjacent to
Territory 7.00-23.00 75 66 59 54 50 47 45 44 55 70
adjacent to
Territory 23.00-7.00 59 48 40 34 30 27 25 23 35 50
adjacent to
sanatoria /
Territory 7.00-23.00 67 57 49 44 40 37 35 33 45 60
adjacent to
sanatoria /

Noise levels at reference points were calculated using the ARM programme Akoustika 3D, version
3.1.6. The calculation of noise levels at reference points was performed for the boundary of the
designed SPZ and the nearest residential property.
The calculation results have shown that:
 the calculated values of equivalent sound levels at reference points in living premises of the
nearest residential houses do not exceed day-night standards set by SN 2.2.4/
(L eq. day = 45 dBA and L eq. night = 35 dBA, respectively);
 the calculated values of maximal sound levels at reference points in living premises of the
nearest residential houses do not exceed day-night standards set by SN 2.2.4/
(L max. day = 60 dBA and L max. night = 50 dBA, respectively).

Thus, no exceedance of regulatory sound levels in living premises of the nearest residential
houses is anticipated over the period of construction of berthing facilities and the LNG
production terminal.

Over the period of construction (Phase II), key noise sources will be construction machinery and
equipment, diesel and compressor plants, and offshore engineering facilities.

Totally, 107 noise sources were identified for the period of construction Phase II.

The works will be executed at daytime on the overall worksite of gas pipeline bend construction,
except for motor road crossings to be performed at nighttime in the absence of traffic.
The closest residential properties that fall under regulations are situated at following distances from
the boundary of the land allotment in relation to gas pipeline construction sections:
 residential house at 25 Tsentralnaya st,. Vysotsk – 1945 m;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 residential house at 1 Pribrezhnaya st,, Pikhtovoye – 603 m;

 household plots “Vysotskoe” – 163 m;
 rural settlement Scherbakovo – 507 m;
 rural settlement Medyanka – 335 m;
 household plots “Solnechnoe” – 161 m;
 household plots “Sputnik-2” – 100 m;
 household plots “Berezovaya dolina” – 977 m;
 rural settlement Sveklovichnoe – 2302 m;
 rural settlement Sverdlovo – 1957 m;
 rural settlement “Belye nochi” – 965 m;
 household plots “Rechnoe” – 487 m;
 household plots “Lesnoe” – 1254 m;
 rural settlement “Lesnoe” – 61 m;
 detached dwelling in rural settlement Cherkasovo – 77 m;
 detached dwelling in rural settlement Cherkasovo – 172 m;
 rural settlement Perovo – 963 m;
 household plots “Perovskoe” – 139 m.

Noise levels in the residential area and in the horticultural zone were evaluated for a group of
machinery in the worst conditions with consideration of a simultaneous operation of the maximum
possible number of equipment.
The noise level in administrative, production and social premises as well as in the surrounding
territory and in living spaces in flats shall comply with sanitary regulations SN 2.4/ “Noise
at workplaces, in premises of residential and communal buildings, and in residential areas”.
Equivalent and maximal sound pressure levels in living premises of residential houses and in the
territory immediately adjacent to them at night and day hours shall not exceed the values given in
Table 9.8.3.
To evaluate acoustic exposure on the areas subject to regulation calculations were performed at 9
reference points RP1 – RP9, which are less distanced from the construction site boundaries.
Noise levels at reference points were calculated using the ARM programme Akoustika 3D, version
3.2.4. The calculation of noise levels at reference points was performed for the boundary of the
designed SPZ, the nearest residential area and the territory of gardeners’ communities.

Noise levels were calculated for 7 reference points in the local coordinate system with account of
the influence of forest belts and temporary noise barriers.
With a view to mitigate the anticipated levels of sound pressure from noise sources at 9 points
located most closely to the construction site and along the access road from the side of SNT
Rechnoe over the period of pipeline bend construction it is intended to set up temporary noise
screens made from polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) sheets along the land allotment boundary
(totally 10 screens).
The calculation results have shown that:
 the calculated values of equivalent sound levels at reference points in the area immediately
adjacent to the residential house do not exceed standards set by SN 2.2.4/ at
day and night time (L eq. day = 55 dBA and L eq. night = 55 dBA, respectively);
 the calculated values of equivalent sound levels at reference points on the boundaries of the
areas adjacent to the nearest populated localities and gardeners’ communities do not exceed
standards set by SN СН 2.2.4/ at daytime (L eq. day = 45 dBA);

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 the calculated values of maximal sound levels at reference points in the area immediately
adjacent to the residential house do not exceed standards set by SN 2.2.4/ for
day and night time (L max. day = 70 dBA and L max. night = 60 dBA, respectively).
 the calculated values of maximal sound levels at reference points on the boundaries of the
areas adjacent to the nearest populated localities and gardeners’ communities do not exceed
standards set by SN 2.2.4/ for daytime (L max. day = 60 dBA).

Thus, no exceedance of regulatory sound levels in the residential area and on the boundary
of the areas adjacent to the nearest populated localities and gardeners’ communities is
anticipated over the period of gas pipeline bend construction, given the installation of noise
screens made from 2.5 m high and 12 mm thick PMMA sheets.

Impact mitigation and noise protection activities

The measures that have been intended to minimize noise levels and mitigate anticipated acoustic
exposure during construction include:
 construction site fencing;
 operating high noise generating construction machinery at daytime;
 preventive maintenance of equipment;
 shutdown of engines during downtime or technical intervals;
 selecting rational operation modes for noise generating equipment and machinery, including
limiting operations in proximity to residential zones;
 selecting equipment and machinery with noise characteristics consistent with regulatory
noise requirements for workplaces and adjacent residential areas;
 fitting high noise equipment and machinery with noise-reducing devices (silencers, sound
absorbing hoods, etc.);
 installing temporary noise barriers made of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) sheets along
the land allotment boundary on 10 sections of pipeline bend construction.
Noise protection activities planned under the Project are sufficient for ensuring permissible
levels of noise from the facilities subject to regulation. OPERATION PHASE

Impact assessment
Over the operation period, potential onsite noise sources for the exposed residential area and
surrounding territory will be: production equipment, transport vehicles, loading mechanisms and
vehicles, and ventilation systems.

Totally, 36 onsite noise sources were identified for the operation period.
The site has one access gate (entry-exit). The average number of feedstock and materials delivery
trucks is 2 trucks per day.
40 LNG transportation trucks per day drive in and out.
LNG loading is carried out simultaneously onto 2 vessels, 2 vessels per day.
The natural gas liquefaction complex (NGLC) is operated round-the-clock.
During the operation phase, potential onsite continuous and non-continuous noise sources (NS) for
the exposed residential area and surrounding territory are likely to be:
 mooring of vessels in the berthage zone;
 operation of two Lebherr LR 1750 cranes and one Lebherr LHM 320 crane;
 freight traffic in the terminal territory;
 freight handling operations in the open storage yards;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 truck and car traffic and stand starts in the parking lot;
 operation of inlet and exhaust ventilation systems;
 offloading site for refuse collection trucks, 1 truck per day, operation time – 8.00-20.00;
 specialized truck for transporting out deposits from the wastewater treatment facility - monthly
at daytime from 8.00 to 20.00;
 vacuum truck for residential sewage disposal – once per quarter at daytime;
 boiler plant – 24 hour operation;
 stand-by diesel generator activated in emergency until power supply failure is fixed;
 ventilation equipment in the technical maintenance shop, operated at daytime;
 ventilation equipment in the water treatment facility – 24 hour operation;
 complete transformer substation – 24 hour operation;
 biogenic gas pump – 24 hour operation;
 specialized LNG carrying vehicles – 24 hour operation;
 two vessels per day for LNG loading.
Calculations of noise from the stand-by diesel generator are not performed as it is only operated at
There is no need in evaluating noise from ventilation equipment installed in the technical
maintenance shop and water treatment facility due to its low capacity and remoteness from the
reference points.
There is no need in evaluating noise from the transformer substation because measurements taken
at a similar facility indicated that maximum permissible noise levels from the transformer substation
operation at nighttime were achieved at a 20 m distance from the facility.
The land area allocated to the Terminal is situated 2.3 km away from Vysotsk.
The designed sanitary protection zone of the Project is 1000 meters.
The nearest residential area is located at a 2.3 km distance (at 12 Krasnoflotskaya st., Vysotsk).
Noise calculations were performed both for day and night hours because of the 24-hour operation of
the terminal.
The calculations are done for four reference points on the SPZ boundary and in the nearest
residential area.
The noise level in administrative, production and social premises as well as in the surrounding
territory and in living spaces in flats shall comply with sanitary regulations SN 2.4/ “Noise
at workplaces, in premises of residential and communal buildings, and in residential areas”.
Equivalent and maximal sound pressure levels in living premises of residential houses and in the
territory immediately adjacent to them at night and day hours shall not exceed the values given in
Table 9.8.4.
Table 9.8.4: Regulatory noise levels

Occupancy Time of Sound pressure level (equivalent sound level) L, dB, in Leq, Lmax,
type day octave bandwidths with medium frequencies, Hz dBA dBA
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Territory 23.00-7.00 67 57 49 44 40 37 35 33 45 60
adjacent to
Territory 7.00-23.00 75 66 59 54 50 47 45 44 55 70
adjacent to

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Occupancy Time of Sound pressure level (equivalent sound level) L, dB, in Leq, Lmax,
type day octave bandwidths with medium frequencies, Hz dBA dBA
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Living space in 23.00-7.00 55 44 35 29 25 22 20 18 30 45
Living space in 7.00-23.00 63 52 45 39 35 32 30 28 40 55

Noise levels at reference points were calculated using the ARM programme Akoustika 3D, version
3.1.6. The calculation of noise levels at reference points was performed for the boundary of the
designed SPZ and the nearest residential property
With account for the Project disposition, reference point locations were selected on the boundary of
the designed SPZ and the nearest residential property:
 residential property at 16, Pikhtovoye, Leningrad Region – 2458 m;
 residential property at 7 Krasnoflotskaya st., Vysotsk, Leningrad Region – 2360 m;
 the designed SPZ boundary in the north-eastern direction;
 the designed SPZ boundary in the south-eastern direction.
As seen from the tables, anticipated sound pressure associated with continuous noise sources at all
reference points does not exceed maximum permissible levels with the -5 dB adjustment in
accordance with SN 2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and communal
buildings, and in residential areas” at day and night time.
The calculation results have shown that:
 the expected noise levels caused by operating continuous-noise sources at reference points
on the designed SPZ boundary and in living spaces of the nearest residential buildings do
not exceed permissible day-night values with the -5 дБ adjustment set by SN 2.2.4/
96 “Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and communal buildings, and in
residential areas”;
 the calculated values of maximal sound levels at reference points in living premises of the
nearest residential houses do not exceed day-night standards set by SN 2.2.4/
(L max. day = 60 dBA and L max. night = 50 dBA, respectively).
 the calculated values of acoustic impact from all sources at reference points on the designed
SPZ boundary and in living spaces of the nearest residential buildings do not exceed
permissible day-night levels set by SN 2.2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in premises
of residential and communal buildings, and in residential areas”.

The calculation results allow a conclusion that cumulative equivalent and cumulative
maximal sound levels from all sources of the Terminal on the boundary of the designed SPZ
and residential property as well as in living premises do not exceed regulatory values for day
and night hours.

No sources of noise impact on the environment have been identified for the period of operation of
the gas pipeline bend from the trunk gas pipeline Leningrad-Vyborg-State border to the natural gas
liquefaction complex in port Vysotsk, Vyborg District of Leningrad Region.
Impact mitigation and noise protection activities
During the Terminal operation it is necessary to undertake the following activities to reduce noise
from operating machinery down to the permissible level established by sanitary regulations:
 providing personnel at workplaces with personal protective equipment against noise and
vibration (ear sets, inserts, helmets) and organize systematic medical examinations to reveal
occupational diseases;
 putting mechanisms to preventive maintenance;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 using silencers for engines to reduce noise from mechanisms for enhancing personnel and
environment protection;
 shutdown of engines during downtime or technical intervals;
 delivery of feedstock and materials to the Terminal by trucks in the interval from 8.00
to 20.00;
 selecting mechanisms with better acoustic parameters;
 using low noise small size machinery.
The planned activities will allow reduction of noise generated by construction works in the
surrounding residential area down to the regulatory standards in compliance with SN 2.2.4/

The Project operation will be accompanied by integrated actions aimed at preventing the vibration
transfer to building structures and ensuring permissible levels of noise generated by ventilation
systems in operation, such as:
 placing ventilation equipment in soundproof enclosures;
 using flexible inserts or quick-release clamps with rubber packers to reduce vibration at fan
connections with vent ducts;
 equipping ventilation units with silencer batteries;
 using resilient gaskets at vent ducts fastening to structures and where they pass through
enclosing structures.

Industrial environmental control (monitoring) of noise levels

Industrial environmental control (monitoring) includes monitoring of maximal and equivalent noise
Disposition of monitoring points
Noise level monitoring is to be conducted on the residential area boundary and on the SPZ boundary,
namely at
 16 Pikhtovoye, Leningrad Region;
 7 Krasnoflotskaya st., Vysotsk, Leningrad Region; and
 on the SPZ boundary in the direction of residential areas.
The layout of noise monitoring points during the operation phase is presented graphically in the
The surveys should not be carried out during atmospheric precipitation periods and at the wind speed
more than 5 m/s. It is advisable to use a safety shield to protect the measuring microphone from the
wind at the wind speed from 1 to 5 m/s.

Monitored parameters
Industrial environmental control (monitoring) includes monitoring of maximal and equivalent noise
In the course of monitoring of acoustic impact from construction works it is necessary to determine
equivalent and maximal sound levels, dBA.
In parallel, the following parameters should be registered:
 noise pattern (continuous, fluctuating, intermittent, pulse);
 wind speed (m/s); and
 weather conditions.
Monitoring frequency
Acoustic exposure measurements at monitoring points should be taken during construction and
auxiliary equipment operations in parallel with measurements of air pollutant concentrations.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

In the working area, measurements are taken at two points on the construction site boundary, three
measurements at each point.
In the residential area, four measurements are taken at each point (two points) at 7, 13, 19, and 01
According to GOST 23337-78 “Noise measurement methods in residential areas and in premises of
residential and communal buildings" (with amendment No. 1), non-continuous noise shall be
measured during periods of noise evaluation to cover all typical changes in the acoustic mode at the
point of evaluation. The duration of each non-continuous noise measurement at each point has to
be not less than 30 min.
Resultant noise values shall be compared to regulatory parameters established in SN
2.2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and communal buildings, and in
residential areas”.
Monitoring frequency – once (1) a quarter.
Monitoring methodology
Measured noise values shall be compared to regulatory parameters established in SN
2.2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and communal buildings, and in
residential areas”.

On the Project site, a concrete casting technology of well drilling will be used for pile driving.
Pursuant to Russian regulations (GOST 12.1.012-90 and SN 2.2.4/, a safe vibration
level at well drilling is achieved inside of the soil at depths from 40 m to 100 m from a surface vibration
source. Thus, at a depth below 100 m, negative impact from vibration both on ecosystem
components and on humans is considered small to negligible.

Therefore, vibration has been assumed to be limited to upper drilling zones and categorized as a
medium intensity, temporary/short-term and local impact.
General vibration mitigating measures at the construction phase will comprise:
 construction of vibration-proof screens around substructures of vibration source equipment;
 installment of equipment on vibration-proof supports.
Given the suggested vibration mitigation measures, vibration exposure at drilling should be
considered as low.


Parameters of electromagnetic radiation with commercial frequency 50 Hz that are subject to
regulation are: electric field intensity (or strength), kilovolt/meter (kV/m), and magnetic field intensity,
ampere/meter (A/m), or magnetic field induction, microtesla (µT).
Maximum permissible electromagnetic radiation levels in residential areas and inside of residential
houses, as set forth in SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for
residential buildings and structures” and GN 2.1.8/ “Maximum permissible levels of
magnetic fields with frequency 50 Hz in premises of residential and communal buildings, and in
residential areas”, shall not exceed values given in Table 9.8.5.
Table 9.8.5: Regulatory levels of electromagnetic radiation

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

No. Description of an regulated object Electric field Magnetic field

intensity, kV/m induction, µT
1 Living space 0.5 5.0
2 Residential area 1.0 10.0

Indoor measurements of the magnetic field strength (with commercial frequency 50 Hz) are made at
a minimal distance from walls and windows and at a height of 0.5-1.5 m from the floor; outdoor
measurements are taken at heights of 0.5, 1.5 and 1.8 m from the ground surface.

Indoor measurements of the electric field strength (with commercial frequency 50 Hz) are made at a
distance of 0.2 m from walls and windows and at a height of 0.5-1.8 m from the floor; outdoor
measurements are taken at a height 1.8 m from the ground surface.
Electric and magnetic fields with commercial frequency 50 Hz are measured in living quarters with
all electric appliances turned off, including local lighting. The electric field parameters are estimated
with general lighting completely turned off and, otherwise, the magnetic field is measured with


EMF sources in the Project area are:

 Power units, plants and radio transmitters on vessels. It should be noted that the best
protection against power plant-generated EMF is the hull of a vessel. Rules established by
the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and the Russian River Register, inter alia, provide
for preventive environment pollution measures. Since all operated naval engineering
facilities, including radio transmitters, undergo a survey procedure in line with these Rules, it
can be concluded that EMF induced by this equipment will not surpass maximum permissible
levels (concentrations) (MPC (MPL)) established by SanPin No.
“Electromagnetic radiation in the radio-frequency bandwidth”.
In summary, EF intensity and MF induction levels on the designed SPZ boundary will not
exceed MPC established for residential areas.


Pursuant to SanPin 2.2.1/ “Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of
enterprises, buildings and other facilities” (new edition), a project to substantiate sanitary protection
zone dimensions has to be developed for the sites that have sources of impact on inhabited
A sanitary protection zone (SPZ) is delineated by boundaries set up either from chemical, biological
and/or physical impact sources or from boundaries of the land area belonging to a production site or
a facility and used for an economic activity and officially registered as an industrial worksite. Thus,
SPZ is a mandatory element of any site/facility which is a source of impact on the inhabited
environment (outside of the industrial worksite, related pollution levels are above 0.1 MPC and/or
The SPZ size is defined basing on the non-exceedance of MPC of air pollutants (for populated areas)
and MPL of physical environmental impact on the SPZ external boundary and beyond it.
In functional context, the SPZ is a protective barrier that ensures safety of neighbouring communities
during facility’s operation in standard conditions.
The nearest residential area (Vysotsk) is situated at a 2300 m distance from the Project. There are
no residential properties within the designed SPZ.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

In accordance with Project solutions, the pollutants dispersion range was calculated and the
boundary of the designed SPZ for the Terminal was determined with account for the facilities and
processes’ chemical factor (Section 9.2) and the physical impact factor (noise) (Section 9.8).
By sanitary classification in the new edition of SanPin 2.2.1/., the Terminal falls under
Hazard Class I, for which the sanitary protection zone size is defined as 1000 m. The tentative SPZ
dimensions are observed equally in all directions.
The SPZ boundary is marked in the scheme provided in the Appendix.
With regard to the current urban layout in the Project surrounding area and in terms of air pollution
and physical (acoustic) impact levels it has been ascertained that:
 the tentative SPZ size for the projected Terminal – 1000 m – meets the standard set in the
new version of SanPin 2.2.1/. There are no residential properties, recreation
areas, etc., categorized as inadmissible in a sanitary protection zone pursuant to p. 5.1 of
SanPin 2.2.1/., within the planned SPZ.
 a review of the calculation results of the dispersion of pollutants emitted to the atmospheric
air has indicated that maximal concentrations of all analyzed pollutants on the boundary of
the planned SPZ do not exceed 1 MPC with account for the background;
 a review of the calculation results of the cumulative noise exposure from all sources on the
boundary of the tentative SPZ and in the residential area has indicated that the calculated
acoustic levels do not exceed regulatory requirements of SN 2.2.4/ for day and
night hours.
The calculated values of pollution concentrations and physical (acoustic) impact levels on the
boundary of the planned 1000-m SPZ evidence to the absence of above-standard impact of the
Project on the environment and living conditions.


A review of the acoustic exposure propagation associated with Project activities has shown that:

 noise from continuous noise sources at reference points on the boundary of the designed
SPZ and inside of the nearest residential houses is within the permissible day-night level
established by SN 2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and
communal buildings, and in residential areas”;
 noise from non-continuous noise sources at reference points on the boundary of the designed
SPZ and inside of the nearest residential houses is within the permissible day-night level
established by SN 2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and
communal buildings, and in residential areas”;
 cumulative value of noise from all sources at reference points on the boundary of the
designed SPZ and inside of the nearest residential houses is within the permissible day-night
level established by SN 2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in premises of residential and
communal buildings, and in residential areas”.

Therefore, the calculation of pollutants dispersion (Section 9.2) and the acoustic calculation (Section
9.8) confirm that the tentative size of the designed sanitary protection zone – 1000 m in all directions
from the industrial worksite boundary – should be recognized appropriate.
Field surveys in the course of 12-month monitoring after Project commissioning should ascertain
whether the theoretically determined SPZ size is sufficient.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.8.6: Summary of Noise and Vibration Impacts and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Airborne People (occupational Construction Exclusive of special  Fencing of the construction site; Once appropriate
noise impact health and safety in Phases I and III measures to be taken  operating high noise generating construction measures are taken,
the working area) (construction of during construction, machinery at daytime; residual airborne
berthing facilities, impact is categorized as  shutdown of engines during downtime or noise impact can be
the access road moderate. technical intervals; categorized as low.
and LNG terminal)  selecting rational operation modes for noise
generating equipment and machinery;
 selecting equipment and machinery with
People (residents of noise characteristics consistent with
Vysotsk and regulatory noise requirements for workplaces
Pikhtovoye) and adjacent residential areas;
 fitting high noise equipment and machinery
with noise-reducing devices (silencers, sound
absorbing hoods, etc.).


Airborne People (occupational Construction Phase Exclusive of special  fencing of the construction site; Once appropriate
noise impact health and safety in III measures to be taken  operating high noise generating construction measures are taken,
the working area) (construction of the during construction, machinery at daytime; residual airborne
gas pipeline bend) impact is categorized as  shutdown of engines during downtime or noise impact can be
moderate. technical intervals; categorized as low.
 selecting rational operation modes for noise
generating equipment and machinery;
 selecting equipment and machinery with
noise characteristics consistent with
regulatory noise requirements for workplaces
and adjacent residential areas;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact
People (residents of  fitting high noise equipment and machinery
settlements and with noise-reducing devices (silencers, sound
gardeners’ absorbing hoods, etc.);
communities along the  installing temporary noise screens made of
gas pipeline bend polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) sheets
route) along the land allotment boundary on 10
sections of pipeline bend construction.


Vibration People (occupational Construction Exclusive of special General vibration mitigation measures in the Once appropriate
impact health and safety in Phases I and III measures to be taken at construction stage comprise: measures are taken,
the working area) (construction of such facilities, impact is  construction of vibration-proof screens residual vibration
berthing facilities, categorized as around substructures of vibration source impact can be
the gas pipeline moderate. equipment; categorized as low.
People (residents of bend and LNG  installment of equipment on vibration-proof
settlements and terminal) supports.
communities along the
gas pipeline bend


Underwater Sea fauna Construction Impact is categorized as  operation of vessels engaged in construction Impact is categorized
noise Phases I moderate. and other transport ships only within transport as low.
(construction of channels;
berthing facilities)  adherence to construction regulatory
requirements for drilling equipment

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Airborne People (occupational Operation Phases I, Exclusive of special  providing personnel at workplaces with Once appropriate
noise impact health and safety in II and III measures to be taken at personal protective equipment against noise measures are taken,
the working area) (operation of such facilities, impact is and vibration (ear sets, inserts, helmets) and residual airborne
berthing facilities, organize systematic medical examinations to
categorized as noise impact can be
the gas pipeline reveal occupational diseases;
moderate. categorized as low.
bend and LNG  using silencers for engines to reduce noise
terminal) from mechanisms for enhancing personnel
People (residents of
and environment protection;
Vysotsk and
 selecting mechanisms with better acoustic
 putting mechanisms to preventive
 shutdown of engines during downtime or
technical intervals.

Vibration People (occupational Operation Phases I, Exclusive of additional  placing main ventilation equipment in Once appropriate
impact health and safety in II and III measures to be taken to soundproof enclosures; measures are taken,
the working area) (operation of mitigate health impact,  using flexible inserts or quick-release clamps residual vibration
berthing facilities, its level can be with rubber packers to reduce vibration at fan impact on health can
the gas pipeline categorized as connections with vent ducts; be categorized as
bend and LNG moderate.  equipping ventilation units with silencer low.
terminal) batteries;
 using resilient gaskets at vent ducts fastening
to structures and where they pass through
enclosing structures.
Underwater Sea fauna Operation Phase I Impact is categorized as Operation of LNG tankers and other transport Impact is categorized
noise (operation of moderate. ships only within transport channels. as moderate.
berthing facilities)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.8.7: Summary of Noise and Vibration Impacts Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Airborne noise Construction Construction and road Instrumental monitoring of the noise impact level. Measuring of Quarterly
impact machinery and sea- maximal and equivalent noise levels at reference points located
going vessels engaged on the boundary of the residential area and sanitary protection
in the Project zone.
construction stage Points of reference noise measurements:
 16, Pikhtovoye, Leningrad Region;
 7 Krasnoflotskaya st., Vysotsk, Leningrad Region; and
 on the SPZ boundary in the direction of residential areas.
Airborne noise Construction Construction and road Instrumental monitoring of the noise impact level. Measuring of Quarterly
impact machinery engaged in maximal and equivalent noise levels at reference points located
the Project on the boundary of the residential area and sanitary protection
Points of reference noise measurements:
10 reference points located at the nearest populated localities
along the gas pipeline route (determined under the Project).
Airborne noise Operation Process equipment and Instrumental monitoring of the noise impact level. Measuring of Quarterly
impact inlet-exhaust ventilation maximal and equivalent noise levels at reference points located
in production buildings on the boundary of the residential area and sanitary protection
Points of reference noise measurements:
 16, Pikhtovoye, Leningrad Region;
 7 Krasnoflotskaya st., Vysotsk, Leningrad Region; and
 on the SPZ boundary in the direction of residential areas.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



The terrestrial flora and fauna present within the Project area are described in detail in Section 7.8.
As far as impact assessment is concerned, the following environmental receptors believed to be
the most valuable or sensitive are the most important:

territories with a special protection status;

critical habitats defined in accordance with IFC’s Performance Standard 6 and based on
important environmental characteristics (e.g. the presence of large migratory bird
 natural habitats defined in accordance with IFC’s Performance Standard 6;
 threatened species from the IUCN Red List and the Red Data Books of the Russian
Federation and the Leningrad Region;
 locations or species considered as significant with regard to provision of ecosystem
services30 (e.g. ichthyofauna).
Impact on those receptors from the project activity under review during the phases of construction,
commissioning and operation is analyzed below. CONSTRUCTION PHASE

Construction work may have impact, both direct and indirect, on terrestrial flora and fauna:

 Direct impact may lead to the loss of habitats, both irreversible (e.g. construction of LNG
flare, storage tank, harbor facilities, etc.) and reversible (e.g. temporary roads and gas
pipeline ROWs); mortality or injury/mutilation of certain plants or animals and habitat
fragmentation (migration routes being blocked or altered);
 Indirect impact on habitats, plants and animals are associated with environmental pollution
and a disruption or decline of forage production.

Impact on vegetation during construction includes the following:

 Destruction of vegetation on construction sites and the overall decline in phytomass (there
also will be indirect impact on the adjacent plant communities which will basically cease
upon completion of construction work);
 Natural forest communities will be destroyed within the area where the gas pipelines are to
be built which will be the main adverse factor due to logging operations and the disturbance

30 Impact on ecosystem services is discussed in Chapter 10.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

of the soil cover and the operation of construction machinery (excavators, bulldozers, dump
trucks, etc.):
o Increase in windthrow in forest areas adjacent to logging sites (the likelihood of
windthrow increases due to the increase in the size and length of forest clearings
bordering on the gas pipeline and the alteration of the microrelief within the gas
pipeline construction site);
o Depletion of the species composition of the endemic flora fraction or, conversely,
expansion of the range of certain species in border forest areas due to an increase
in the amount of areas with no or little turf suitable for their habitation.
 Higher likelihood of diseases and harmful insects in logging areas, timber warehouses, in
waterlogged areas and in areas destroyed by forest fires;
 A decline in natural drainage in certain areas due to soil compaction caused by the
operation of machinery, intensification of swamping processes;
 Waterlogging of site-adjacent areas due to the alteration of the hydrological regime as a
result of road and levee construction (this impact will partially lead to a decline in forest
production and to swamping of forests within the gas pipeline area of influence);
 A partial decline in the production of meadow plants, hay-fields and arable lands due to
 Pollution by industrial wastes (air pollution by exhaust gases from construction machinery
operation, oil and lubricant spills, etc.) during the construction of the facilities whereby
industrial pollutants may enter natural watercourses and suppress the growth of vegetation,
primarily water and littoral-water plants;
 Ruderalization caused by disturbance of soil cover – ruderal and segetal-ruderal species
will arrive from nearby human-altered habitats (fields, dumps, etc.) and from more distant
areas with human assistance.

It should also be noted that the likely arrival of ruderal and segetal-ruderal species in natural plant
communities within the proposed work area will lead to further expulsion of rare and vulnerable
species due to their weak competitiveness compared to ruderal and segetal-ruderal plant species.
Enrichment of the flora within the gas pipeline construction site with ruderal and segetal-ruderal
species will become possible due to an increase in the areas of border habitats and, consequently,
the appearance of certain species along the pipeline route which do not naturally occur in the
surrounding biotopes. It should be noted that ruderalization is inevitable if soil cover is disturbed
during the construction of industrial facilities. In time, natural vegetation can be restored using local
active plant species which will arrive from nearby natural plant communities.

The effects of impact on animal life can be as follows:

 reduction in animal population density in the adjoining areas;

 changes in the faunal composition and structure of animal population in the adjoining areas;
 the rise of animal communities with predominance of ecologically flexible species. LEGALLY PROTECTED AREAS

There are no legally protected sites or areas whatsoever within the Project site. The protected
areas nearest the construction sites are as follows: (see also section

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 State nature reserve Kivipark (~5 km to the west);

 State geological natural landmark Gustoi Island (~4.6 km to the north);
 State complex nature reserve of regional significance Vyborgsky (~2.5 km to the
No impact on those areas has been identified at such a large distance from the Project site. Thus,
it can be concluded that there are no legally protected areas which can be adversely affected by
any Project-related activity. NATURAL HABITATS

The range of habitats that will be lost during the construction phase includes the areas occupied by
the construction sites for the LNG Plant, the storage tank, the harbor facilities, the gas pipelines,
and roads (with the total area of nearly 200 ha). The loss of those habitats will entail a number of
direct and indirect impacts on various plant and animal species.

To assess a habitat, its detailed characteristic is needed. Since no habitat types studies were
included in ZAO LIMB’s 2015 engineering-ecological survey program only a general preliminary
assessment of the habitats can be given based on the available data.

Thus, the area allocated for the Project facilities is situated on, and occupies a larger portion of, a
peninsula. The site designated for the pipeline branch is already under a considerable human-
caused strain. The species composition of the local flora and fauna is, on the whole, not unique.
Therefore, it can be said that there are no critical or endemic types of habitats within the Project
area and the overall impact significance can be assessed as low.

A complex of environmental protection measures aimed at minimizing the direct and indirect
adverse impacts on plants and animals during the construction stage will be conducive to
conserving biodiversity within the areas bordering on the terminal. PROTECTED SPECIES

Rare plants

A great number of rare and protected species of vascular plants grow in the area under review: 4
species are included in the RSFSR Red Data Book (Plants) (1988), 9 species are included in the
Leningrad Region Red Data Book of Nature (Plants and Mushrooms) (2000), 15 species are
included in the Red Data Book of the East Fennoscandia (1998) and 13 species are included in the
Red Data Book of the Baltic Region» (1993).

However, no mosses, algae, fungi or lichens or vascular plants listed in the Leningrad Region Red
Data Book or the RF Red Data Book were discovered within the Project area during the field
survey. The plant communities which exist within the Project area do not constitute unique
landscape features or natural landmarks. A single species listed in the Leningrad Region Red Data
Book, Lycopodiella inundata, the marsh club moss, was identified in the immediate proximity. It
grows along the existing gas pipeline route. it is listed in the Leningrad Region Red Data Book
Nature (List of plants and mushrooms…, 2005) as a category 3(R) plant, a rare species. Thus, the
impact is likely to be limited to the loss of habitats. Based on the data concerning the area of the

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

habitats to be lost (~ 200 ha) and without taking into account impact mitigation measures, the
overall impact associated with the loss of rare plant habitats can be assessed as moderate.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


Potential impact on fish may be connected with the direct loss of habitats at watercourse crossings,
abstraction of freshwater from rivers and lakes, pollution of watercourses, and generation of
wastes. The main factors of adverse impact include irreversible or reversible takeover of water
areas, destruction or disruption of biotopes inhabited by bottom invertebrates during dredging
operations, higher water turbidity levels caused by hydro-engineering work. The partial loss of a
water body’s aquatic area may lead to a shrinkage of the dwelling areas and spawning or feeding
grounds of all types of aquatic animals, including fish. The appearance of temporary waterworks
causes temporary shrinkage of water areas and volumes involved in useful biotic turnover.

During the construction phase there is also a risk of potential impact on fish due to surface water
pollution. Section 9.5.2 provides data on a detailed assessment of potential impacts on surface
water resulting from various types of activity. If the appropriate measures are implemented, the
overall impact of pollution on fish can be assessed as low.

Uncontrolled fishing as a source of food for construction workers may lead to the depletion of fish
reserves and may result in an impact of moderate severity. If the appropriate measures to prevent
illegal fishing are implemented, the overall impact significance is likely to be low.


During the construction, the direct impact will consist in the full destruction of habitats within the
Project area. Indirect impact during the Project construction will include acoustic impact, which is
quite a significant impact, and air pollution. Noise creates adverse conditions for bird habitation and
breeding. In such conditions certain species may abandon their customary ranges of habitations.

As far as birds are concerned, the construction phase is normally accompanied by a decrease in
their population and species diversity. This is mainly caused by the disturbance factor. Human-
caused noise alters bird behavior and, in particular, garbles their acoustic communication signals.
At the same time the impact of human-caused noise on birds substantially exceeds the impact of
natural noise of a comparable level.

The Project sites do not encroach on major animal and bird migration routes or nesting grounds.
Therefore, no natural animal migration routes will be disturbed by the proposed activity.

So, the impact of construction work on birds will mostly consist in the loss of habitats and with
noise and altered visual perception. The following habitats may be lost during the construction
phase: as regards freshwater species – areas surrounding lakes, rivers and streams; as regards
marine species – the seaport and offshore work areas; as regards terrestrial species – onshore
habitats used for nesting and feeding. Besides the loss of habitats, other possible factors of
adverse impact may include: the presence of humans, performance of construction work,
movements of motor vehicles, marine vessels and aircraft. On the whole, the overall impact
significance can be assessed as low. COMMISSIONING AND OPERATION PHASES

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact on flora and fauna during the commissioning and operation phases includes such impacts
as traffic accidents, environmental pollution, waste generation, loss of migration routes and
collision of flying species with power lines; as well as the disturbance factor produced by motor
vehicles, air transport and other equipment.

Impact on vegetation during the operation phase will be indirect only. It should be taken into
account that the Project area is located on, and occupies a larger portion of, a peninsula. The
existing human-caused strain should also be taken into consideration. Thus, the impact on
phytocenoses will be minor outside the peninsula. The presence of pollutants in the atmosphere
may temporarily delay the growth and development of plants and reduce their productivity, cause
morpho-physiological aberrations to appear and pollutants to accumulate in plants and to
subsequently pass along food chains. This type of impact will manifest locally depending on the
direction of winds and the degree of resilience of plant communities.

Impact during the operation phase will be mostly associated with the deterioration of the
environment caused primarily by acoustic impact and air pollution. The severest impact on the
local fauna will occur during the construction work. It should also be taken into account that the
local animal community has already changed under the existing human-caused strain, and that the
Project area is located on a peninsula; therefore, impact on animals outside the peninsula will be
minor. During the operation phase the bird and animal populations will initially stabilize and then
the diversity of species may even grow a little due to synanthropic species and the emergence of
brand-new human-modified habitats that may be used by a number of ecologically highly flexible

During the operation phase, if the environmental protection laws are observed and no accidents
occur, the overall impact on animals and plants can be assessed as moderate.

No impact on Red Book listed species is expected because of the absence of such species. LEGALLY PROTECTED AREAS

No possible impacts on legally protected areas have been identified due to those areas’
considerable remoteness from the Project site. Therefore, it can be stated that none of the existing
legally protected areas can be adversely affected by any Project-related activity. NATURAL HABITATS

No further loss of habitats is expected during the commissioning and operation phases. Moreover,
habitats will be restored in some areas immediately after the completion of construction,
particularly by planting local aboriginal species in those areas.

To assess a habitat, its detailed characteristic is needed. Since no habitat types studies were
included in ZAO LIMB’s 2015 engineering-ecological survey program only a general preliminary
assessment of the habitats can be given based on the available data.

Thus, the area allocated for the Project facilities is situated on, and occupies a larger portion of, a
peninsula. The sites designated for the pipeline branch and the water area of Vyborg bay are
already under a considerable human-caused strain. The species composition of the local flora and
fauna is typical for the region in question and, on the whole, not unique. Therefore, it can be said

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

that there are no critical or endemic types of habitats within the Project area and that the overall
impact can be assessed as low.

A complex of environmental protection measures aimed at minimizing the direct and indirect
adverse impacts on plants and animals during the construction stage will be conducive to
conserving biodiversity within the areas bordering on the terminal. PROTECTED SPECIES

Rare plants

No direct impact on rare plant species is expected due to the additional loss of habitats during the
operation phase. Indirect impact due to poorer air quality are unlikely since no critical loads will be


During the operation phase there is a risk of potential impact on fish due to surface water pollution.
Section 9.5.3 provides detailed data on the assessment of potential impact on surface water
caused by various types of activity.

Uncontrolled fishing as a source of food for construction workers may lead to the depletion of fish
reserves and may result in a substantial impact.

If the appropriate measures are implemented, the overall impact due to pollution can be assessed
as low.


No direct impact on bird species is expected due to the additional loss of habitats during the
operation phase.

The impact on birds associated with disturbance factors will be similar to that during the
construction phase. During the operation phase the bird and animal populations will initially
stabilize and then the diversity of species may even grow a little due to synanthropic species and
the emergence of brand-new human-modified habitats that may be used by a number of
ecologically highly flexible species.

Impact during the operation phase will be mostly associated with the deterioration of the
environment caused primarily by acoustic impact and air pollution. During the operation phase, if
the environmental protection laws are observed and no accidents occur, the overall impact on
animals can be assessed as low.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.9.1: Summary of Terrestrial Flora and Fauna Impacts and Mitigation Control

Bare Impact
Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Impact

Environmental Legally protected Construction

Negligible None required Negligible
impact sites and operation

 Refueling motor vehicles only in designated places;

 No off road movements of motor vehicles, construction
machinery or working staff;
Loss and Plant communities,  Setting up temporary storage areas for domestic and
modification of mammals and Construction High industrial wastes, removing such wastes in a timely Low
habitats ornithofauna manner;
 Making site improvements upon completion of the
construction work.
 Arranging for preventive firefighting measures.
 Performing all construction and auxiliary work strictly
within the boundary of the construction site;
 Limiting construction machinery and motor vehicle traffic
to designated roads;
 Using mufflers for construction machinery and motor
vehicle engines;
 Strictly adhering to waste accumulation and storage
rules, waste removal schedules and waste disposal
Mammals and Construction destinations;
Disturbance factors High Low
ornithofauna and operation  Localizing oil and lubricant warehouses with requisite
waterproof foundations;
 Scheduling hydro-engineering work in such a way as to
minimize disturbance of bird populations, approving the
schedule with environmental protection agencies;
 Implementing site improvement measures provided for by
the design documentation;
 Preventing poaching by placing a ban on bringing fishing
and hunting gear to the construction site.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Bare Impact
Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Impact
 Strictly adhering to the construction techniques and
 Collecting domestic wastewater in hermetically sealed
containers with their subsequent removal by a specialist
 Providing for chemical-ecological monitoring during the
performance and upon completion of hydro-engineering
work as well as for continuous monitoring of work
Habitats and Construction
Wastewater Moderate  Conducting industrial ecological monitoring of the state of Low
species and operation
water bodies
 Ensuring compliance with the water protection zone
 Building installations ensuring protection of water bodies
from pollution, contamination and depletion (treatment
 For more detail on the impact on surface water bodies
and the impact mitigation measures see Tables 9.5.20-
 Collecting residual materials, structures and construction
debris in special containers or on pre-approved sites
Hazardous upon completion of the construction and subsequent
Habitats and Construction
substances Moderate removal to existing landfills for neutralization and Low
species and operation
contained in wastes disposal;
 For more detail on measures aimed at mitigating waste
management impact see Table 9.10.6
 Minimizing air emissions;
Terrestrial habitats Construction
Air quality Moderate  For more detail on measures aimed at mitigating impact Low
and species and operation
on air quality see Section 9.2 and Table 9.2.23.
Construction  Installing fish protection systems at water intakes to
Water abstraction Ichthyofauna Moderate Low
and operation prevent injury and mortality of fish eggs and juveniles.
Water habitats and Construction  Collecting residual materials, structures and construction
Water pollution Moderate Low
ichthyofauna and operation debris in special containers or on pre-approved sites

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Bare Impact
Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Impact
upon completion of the construction and subsequent
removal to existing landfills for neutralization and
 For more detail on measures aimed at mitigating impact
on water bodies see Tables 9.5.20-21.
Construction  Strictly prohibiting construction workers and Project staff
Hunting and fishing Fish and birds Moderate Low
and operation from fishing, hunting and gathering bird eggs in the wild.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.9.2: Summary of Flora and Fauna Impact Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Sites within the Project’s area of

Changes in the character of vegetation.
influence (include typical plant
Commissioning and Monitoring changes in the distribution of types of vegetation
Terrestrial habitats communities, as closely comparable to Once a year
operation using methods of reconnaissance survey and geobotanical
those studied during the engineering
description at the designated site.
ecological survey as possible)

Changes in key habitation areas and populations of

mammals and birds.
Commissioning and Test and background locations with
Terrestrial habitats Keeping record of the numbers of nesting bird couples, small Once a year
operation analogous terrains (site 1 area – 1 km )
mammals and other vertebrates at and near the test sites
(additionally: en route records).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


This section deals with the assessment of impact on marine flora and fauna. The following types of
activity may impact the marine environment:

 hydro-engineering work;
 building temporary installations;
 construction and operation of a sea port (harbor facilities).
All the components of a water ecosystem are closely interconnected, and the destruction of any
one of them leads to the malfunctioning of the system as a whole. The following are the key factors
of an adverse impact: irreversible or reversible takeover of water areas; destruction or disturbance
of bottom invertebrate biotopes during dredging work; higher water turbidity levels associated with
hydro-engineering work.

The loss of a part of a water body’s water area may lead to a shrinkage of the living area,
spawning or feeding grounds of all aquatic animals, including fish. The extent of harm caused to
aquatic bioresources depends on the size (area, water volume) of the lost water area and its

Potential impacts on the marine environment during the construction stage are described in Table
9.9.3 below.
Table 9.9.3: Potential impacts on marine flora and fauna during construction phase

Activity Potential impact

Impact of higher turbidity and sedimentation

Hydro-engineering work in Vyborg bay
Impact of underwater noise on marine mammals and fish
Construction/installation work at river Dumping of soil sediments into rivers and downstream has
crossings impact on benthic flora and fish migration

Changes in water quality which lead to impact on marine

Discharges into sea (from vessels and
flora and fauna.
onshore wastewater treatment facilities)
Invasive species enter through ballast water

Marine fauna (fish juveniles, phytoplankton, zooplankton)

Water abstraction
sucked in together with water

The impacts specified above are assessed in the following subsections.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring IMPACTS OF SEDIMENTATION AND TURBIDITY DURING HYDRO-


It is planned to use the existing navigation channel between the Greater and Lesser Transund
Roadsteads to approach the terminal site. Marine vessels enter the harbor using the existing
depths, no dredging operations are being planned as part of the Project. Performance of other
work in Vyborg bay during the implementation of the Project may, however, lead to deterioration in
the living conditions of aquatic organisms, disruption of the normal course of reproduction
processes, lower productivity levels and, in particular, scarcer fish resources.

Dumping of soil into the water, excavation of soil from under the water and removal of piles or
sheet piling leads to the formation of a high turbidity zone (plume) which creates adverse living
conditions for fish and organisms on which they feed; changes the seabed soil structure which may
lead to destruction of existing bottom animal communities. The maximum permissible
concentration of suspended mineral solids in marine shelf zones is 10 mg/l.

Suspended solids concentrations of up to 1 mg/l in addition to the background value have no

impact on biota. Aquatic organisms react negatively if exposed to concentrations of suspended
solids in water of 20-30 mg/l for protracted periods of time. At concentrations of 100 to 1,000 and
above 1,000 mg/l may have sub-lethal or lethal effects on aquatic organisms. Thus, during the
construction of the harbor facilities 14,100 m2 of water area was taken over irreversibly.

As part of the Project sheet piling is driven into the seabed along the perimeter of a newly formed
dock. This process is accompanied with the formation of suspended matter in water. The dock is
backfilled with soil after the sheet piling has been driven, and therefore soil is dumped into the
enclosed area which prevents the formation and spreading of turbidity plumes.

The proposed shoreline stabilization work (for the existing shoreline) is not a significant source of
suspended matter, the work is performed at small depths near the waterline. Placing concrete
slabs on rock-rubble slopes does not result in the formation of suspended matter either. However,
work relating to dumping sand fill results in the formation of turbidity plumes. 2,800 m 2 of water
area is taken over for the eastern and western shoreline stabilization facilities.

Soil excavation is performed for building a water intake structure using an excavator which results
in the formation of suspended matter. At the same time, gabion and pipe installation, rock
backfilling are performed on the surface formed by gabions and do not result in the formation of
significant amounts of suspended matter. 15 m2 of water area is taken over for building a water
discharge. The site for water intake construction work has the area of 265 m2, the water intake
structure will be fully submerged when completed.

Based on the information provided above the overall area of water taken over on a permanent
basis is 16,915 m2. The area occupied by the water intake structure (265 m2) will be returned to the
water body after the completion of the work and therefore it is accounted for as a reversible loss of
a part of a water body of commercial fishing significance. It should also be noted that the Project
does not provide for performing dredging work, building access canals or for any other type of work
which may cause seabed disturbance (other than those listed above).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Based on the output rate of the sources of suspended matter, the layer of suspended matter which
settles on the bottom from the plume of increased turbidity will not exceed 5 mm outside of the
water area taken over for building hydraulic structures.

The adverse impact of the proposed activity on aquatic bioresources will have the following

 As regards the duration:

o continuous (during the entire Project operation period) – the loss of commercial
fishing significance of a part of the water body due to the takeover of a water area
for building hydraulic structures (a total of 16,915 m2);
o temporary – a reversible loss of commercial fishing significance of a part of the
water body – 265 m2;
 As regards the area: local;
 As regards the impact factor: indirect.
The temporary increases of suspended solids concentrations in water volumes whose parameters
were determined using mathematical modelling techniques are shown in Table 9.9.4 below.
Table 9.9.4: Parameters of increased turbidity plumes formed during performance of work

Concentrations, mg/l
Types of work
over 0.25 over 10 over 50 over 100
Volume of water with increased suspended solids concentrations, m 3
Volumes, m3х104
Sheet pile driving 82,7 1,72 0 0
Sand backfilling 36,4 5,31 1,38 0,56
Soil excavation 10,3 1,40 0 0
Volume of water passing through turbidity plume, m3
Sheet pile driving 112 104 320 6 271 528 0 0
Sand backfilling 882 028 210 618 106 985 363
Soil excavation 1 335 766 514 065 0 0

Based on the output rate of the sources of suspended matter, the layer of suspended matter which
settles on the bottom from the plume of increased turbidity will not exceed 5 mm outside of the
water area taken over for building hydraulic structures.

Calculation of harm caused to aquatic bioresources

According to the calculations provided in Section 8 “Environmental Impact Assessment” performed

in 2015 by OOO Petrokhim-tekhnologiya the amount of annual loss of aquatic bioresources:

 is 134.288 kg in the case of complete irreversible loss of commercial fishing significance of

a part of Vyborg bay with the area of continuous impact (16,915 m2) consisting of the area
of the dock proper with sidewalls and rear section, the area occupied by the shoreline
stabilization facilities, and the area occupied by the water discharge structure;
 is 4.039 kg in the case of reversible loss of commercial fishing significance of a part of
Vyborg bay with the area of 265 m2.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The loss of bioresources due to zooplankton mortality constitutes 134.288 kg in the case of
continuous harmful impact, and 1,332.114 kg in the case of temporary harmful impact.

Reclamation measures

As part of the reclamation effort to make up for the harm caused to the aquatic bioresources of the
eastern part of the Gulf of Finland as a result of the construction work it is proposed to release the
current year’s juveniles of the Baltic coregonus (one of the most valuable commercial fish species)
(each weighing 15 g on the average) into the Gulf of Finland and the river estuaries.

According to the calculations in order to restore the aquatic bioresources affected by irreversible
impact the required number of coregonus juveniles to be released annually is 7,162. To restore the
aquatic bioresources affected by reversible impact a one-off release of 71,046 coregonus juveniles
is required.

Timely release of standard fish juveniles into natural water bodies has a special significance for
increasing the efficiency of artificial fish breeding. The current year’s coregonus juveniles (15 g)
should be released in autumn at temperatures below 10ºС (4-6 ºС being optimal). During this
period the activity of predatory species threatening the released juveniles is significantly lower. The
only predatory species still active at that time is the burbot. However, due to the fact that
coregonus juveniles and burbot dwell in different biotopes (pelagial and benthal, respectively), the
number of coregonus juveniles lost to burbot in autumn and winter will be negligible. During that
period the artificially bred coregonus will adapt to the natural environment.

Spring is a period which is good for fish stocking. By that time, the mass of coregonus juveniles
increases by 3-5 g. During the release the recommended water temperature is also 4-6 ºС (below
10 ºС) since the fish is inactive and less prone to injury at low temperatures. The spring warming of
water is conducive to the rapid formation of the forage base, which helps the juveniles to fatten up
as their vitality increases.

Given the small population of the Atlantic salmon in the Russian part of the Gulf of Finland and the
unsatisfactory condition of this species’ populations inhabiting the rivers Neva, Narva and Luga it
would be advisable to release salmon juveniles (one-year-olds) grown at fisheries in the Leningrad
Region into those rivers (the number of juveniles to be released is 4,388).

To protect the Gulf of Finland fish species that spawn in spring any work should be prohibited
during the periods of their spawning migrations, spawning and early growth, from late April till mid-

According to the calculations performed in 2015-2016 by OOO Petrokhim-tekhnologiya the

following approximate amounts should be spent on the reproduction of bioresources during all
Project phases to make up for the harm caused by the construction work:

 RUB 4,696,944.24 as a one-off payment to make up for the reversible harm;

 RUB 472,694.41 in annual payments to make up for the irreversible harm. SEDIMENTATION RESULTING FROM WORK ON RIVERS

Work performed underwater and on the shores of water bodies is the main source of the impact on
aquatic bioresources associated with increased turbidity areas caused by stirred bottom

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

sediments. Work on the shores of inland water bodies will be short-term. Therefore, the
corresponding impact significance can be assessed as low.

The list of water bodies and a detailed description of water protection measures are given in

Noise can have indirect impact on marine mammals, primarily on the abundance of forage, since
fish swims away from sources of intensive noise. If prey becomes less accessible within the
habitation area (or leaves the area or becomes harder to catch) it changes marine mammals’
nutrition and distribution levels.

Disturbance may also be caused by the intensification of vessel or aircraft traffic, mechanical
interventions in habitats during soil excavation and backfilling, construction of superstructures. In
general, noise impact results in animals moving away from the sources of noise which disturb
them; it is true for powerful noise sources.

It should be noted that a working navigation channel is located near the project site which is used
by vessels to reach the Saimaa canal and the harbor facilities of Vysotsk and Vyborg. The mere
presence of the navigation channel scares animals away more than the operation of construction
machinery at the Project site.

During the performance of work at the Project site the noise produced by machinery and
mechanisms will scare mammals away just like the noise from passing vessels. It should be noted
that no explosive works will be performed resulting in mortality among mammals or impacting their

On the whole, if the requisite measures are implemented, the significance of impact on marine
fauna can be assessed as moderate.

For more detail on the assessment of noise impact from hydro-engineering work on the marine
fauna see subsection 9.8.1 and Table 9.8.6 below. DISCHARGES INTO SEA

Marine vessels produce two types of wastewater: domestic sewage and bilge. Wastewater on
board marine vessels will be accumulated in storage tanks and, once those tanks fill up, will be
transported to a sewage collecting vessel which will subsequently deliver the sewage to the port of
Vysotsk (according to Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78). Discharges of sewage from sea vessels into
water are not allowed. The volume of bilge water is determined in accordance with VSN 486-86
“Ensuring Protection of the Aquatic Environment During Work Performed by Hydro-Mechanical
Methods”. The total volume of bilge water produced by vessels will be 756.0 m³/period.

Collection of domestic sewage and bilge water from vessels using sewage collecting vessels in
Port Vysotsk will ensure the low significance of overall impact.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring WATER ABSTRACTION

Abstraction of water for hydraulic tests and for fire water supply from Vyborg bay may have impact
on marine fauna causing mortality among aquatic organism at water intakes. Water for hydraulic
tests will be taken from Bolshaya Pikhtovaya bay #3, Ch408+23, with a temporary water intake to
be built. Those impacts will be accordingly minimized by using fish protection devices (installations)
to prevent injury and mortality of fish eggs and juveniles. If those measures are implemented, the
significance of impact on marine fauna can be assessed as low. Yet in order to ensure proper
protection of fish and other marine organisms a continuous monitoring of water abstraction facilities
and fish protection devices is required. OPERATION PHASE

Potential impact on the marine environment during the operation phase is shown in Table 9.9.5
Table 9.9.5: Potential impacts on marine flora and fauna during the operation phase

Activity Potential impact

Changes in water quality leading to impact on marine flora
Discharges into sea (from vessels and
and fauna
onshore wastewater treatment facilities)
Invasive species enter through ballast waters
Water abstraction Mortality among aquatic organisms at water intakes
Suppression and mortality of marine plant and animal
Oil and petrochemical spills
species (see also section 9.12)
Destruction of the natural environment, underwater noise
Ice breaking
and collisions between vessels and fauna

The assessment of the impacts listed above is discussed in the subsections below. DISCHARGES INTO SEA

During the operation phase Vyborg bay will receive treated industrial wastewater and rainwater
which will be discharged into the bay after passing through water treatment facilities. For more
detail on the assessment of the impact from discharges of treated wastewater into Vyborg bay see

The bay is characterized by a particular salinity regime caused by wind-induced currents,

movements of water masses in the Gulf of Finland, and the freshening role of a multitude of rivers
and streams which fall into the gulf. The Saimaa canal which falls into the upper part of the gulf has
a freshening impact as well. Down along the longitudinal profile of the bay the salinity gradually
increases and reaches 4,0 to 4,3 ‰ in the lower part. In the vicinity of Port Vysotsk the salinity of
water is 0.5 to 2.0 ‰.

The Project does not provide for any work which may have potential impact on the salinity of water.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring WATER ABSTRACTION

Abstraction of water from Vyborg Bay for fire water supply needs may have impact on marine
fauna causing mortality among aquatic organisms at water intakes. Water is extracted from the bay
through two water inlets located in the shoreline stabilization structures. The impact will be
minimized by installing fish protection devices at the water inlets. The speed with which water
enters the inlets is 0.1 m/s according to the fish protection requirements. Once those measures are
implemented the significance of impact on marine faunal can be assessed as low. OIL AND PETROCHEMICAL SPILLS

It is birds and juveniles of many fish and aquatic invertebrate species (including eggs and larvae)
who suffer the most from oil and petrochemical spills, many of them die in the first hours and days
after the spill. Spills in spring, autumn and in the end of winter may cause high mortality rates and
jeopardize the entire age groups and sub-populations of species (especially if climatic and other
biophysical factors have a synergistic effect on surviving organisms).

Thanks to rapid passage of oil spill, its dissipation in open water and the processes of evaporation,
photochemical decomposition and biological decomposition of suspended particles few
petrochemicals accumulate in bottom sediments of littoral zones.

Impact on organisms of the lowest food chain levels

The character of impact on various groups of aquatic biota during oil spills in open water is
described in Table 9.9.6 below.
Table 9.9.6: Impact of petrochemical spills on marine organisms in open waters and littoral zones

Group of
situation and Expected disturbances and stresses
Changes in photosynthesis intensity and species composition,
Phytoplankton 1 other disturbances which disappear rapidly (within hours or
days) after the dissipation of the petrochemical spill
Physiological and biochemical anomalies, decrease in the
population and species diversity, other manifestations of stress
Zooplankton 1
disappearing within days (weeks) after the dissipation of the
petrochemical spill
Zoobenthos (pelagic Changes or feedback are unlikely due to the absence of oil
zone) pollution in bottom sediments.
Sub-lethal reactions, a decrease in relative population density,
Zoobenthos (littoral and localized disturbances of species structure of benthic
zone) communities are possible with recovery periods of up to
several years.

311 – Temporary (up to several days) pollution of surface pelagic layer with the concentration of oil
hydrocarbons of up to 1-10 mg/l at the depth of up to 1 m.
2 – Temporary (up to several months) pollution of littoral zone with the concentration of oil hydrocarbons in
water of up to 0.1-10 mg/l and their accumulation in bottom sediments up to the level of 102 - 103 mg/kg.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Group of
situation and Expected disturbances and stresses
Reversible structural and functional disturbances in littoral
Phytobenthos 2
macrophyte communities.
Behavioral reactions where adult fish leaves, or swims around,
Ichthyofauna (pelagic polluted areas; damage to ichthyoplankton; population
zone) changes are indistinguishable against the background of
natural variations
Deterioration of fish forage base; disturbances in fish
Ichthyofauna (littoral
2 migrations and localized reversible restructurings of fish
populations are possible

Impact on plankton

Hyponeuston organisms and communities inhabiting the uppermost (the most polluted) water layer
several centimeters thick are the ones most exposed to the toxic effects of petrochemicals spilled
on the surface of the sea.

Impact of petrochemical spills on phytoplankton may vary from stimulating (growth acceleration or
explosive development) to inhibiting growth and photosynthesis. For zooplankton toxic effects
manifest primarily in plankton crustacea and naupliar larvae of many invertebrate species, which is
confirmed by the results of experimental and field work.

None of the many published papers on this subject mentions any persistent irreversible effects of
oil spills on plankton flora or fauna in open waters. Impact of petrochemicals on plankton
communities must be limited to acute short-term stresses (hours or days long) and mostly leads to
mortality among plankton organisms which subsequently rapidly recover.

Impact on benthos

Sedimentation in a non-critical zone usually occurs in the event of spillage of highly viscous
petrochemicals. Due to rapid transport and dissipation of diesel fuel in open waters and due to
evaporation, photodegradation and biodegradation of suspended particles almost no bottom
sedimentation occurs even in non-critical zones. Therefore, there are no reasons to believe that
spills of light petrochemicals (which rapidly evaporate) can have a noticeable impact on benthic

Large-scale impact on zoobenthos and macrophytes in spring and autumn may have serious
consequences for migratory fish and birds.

Impact on ichthyofauna

The most likely negative effects of oil spills on fish should be observed in the shallow portion of the
marine aquatic area and in low-circulation zones. It is known that fish at early life stages (eggs and
larvae) are more sensitive to oil spill effects than adult organisms, and therefore a considerable
number of fish at these stages may die when exposed to sufficiently high concentrations of toxic
petrochemical components. However, the results of calculations and direct observations show that
such losses are indistinguishable against the background of high or varying mortality rates in fish
during embryotic or post-embryotic development.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Pelagic fish juveniles are the most vulnerable to surface spills of petrochemicals since adult fish
can readily leave polluted areas. Given that the mortality rates in juveniles are normally very high
and vary widely from year to year, the impact on the populations of key commercially valuable
species cannot be properly assessed. Changes in population characteristics may not manifest until
after several years, the more so as assessments are mainly based on catch statistics. Many
biological or hydrometeorological phenomena can complicate the picture even further, leading to
the emergence of synergistic effects. Manifestations of persistent or cumulative effects from the
influence of oil spill related factors are unlikely due to the briefness of impact and, consequently,
the absence of hydrocarbon bioaccumulation effects.

Impact on marine mammals

During the construction and operation of the Project facilities environmental pollution (oil spills) that
may damage animals’ skin and respiratory system is only possible in the case of an accident since
the Project does not provide for transportation of commercial-sized batches of petrochemicals.
Substantial oil spills are supposed to entail response measures in accordance with the Oil Spill
Response Plan, including boom deployment, containment and collection; thus the likely impact will
be temporary and will not be on a wide scale. The likelihood of individual mammal species ending
up within the oil spill is extremely low. In the course of work at the project site leaks of fuel from
machinery, mechanisms or floating craft are also possible; such incidents are mitigated or
prevented by monitoring the proper operation of equipment. COLLISIONS BETWEEN MARINE MAMMALS AND VESSELS

Marine mammals in the vicinity of the Project site are represented by the following two species
listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation: the grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and the
Baltic subspecies of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida bothnica). Marine mammals are exposed to
adverse human-caused impact in the form of direct collisions with sea vessels.

Potential impact will be reversible and not on a wide scale. Most likely, the Project site is not a
place of permanent or temporary dwelling (haul out, wintering) of mammals. It is also because of
the fact that the Project site is characterized by the presence of humans and economic activity.
The Project site is exposed to a strong human caused impact resulting from seaport operations,
the noise scares mammals away from the work site.

It cannot be ruled out that some of the animals may enter the site. To minimize the mortality among
animals exposed to industrial sites it is necessary to monitor the mammals dwelling in close
proximity to the work sites and to halt the work when they come dangerously close to the site.
Observations should be performed from a sea vessel: monitoring and suspension of work when
mammals appear near operating equipment. Scaring away methods should be given a thorough
consideration since marine mammals are very sensitive to stress.

It should also be noted that no range fragmentation is expected since the impact during the Project
construction phase can be characterized as reversible while the Project site is located outside the
species range boundary.

On the whole, if the necessary measures are implemented, the significance of the impact
associated with collisions between marine mammals and vessels can be assessed as low.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring ICE BREAKING

Vyborg bay is characterized by unstable ice regime with multiple appearances and disappearances
of ice and multiple freeze-ups in early winter. It is connected with substantial variability of weather
conditions and the alteration between freezing temperatures and thaws. Ice forms in Vyborg bay
every year.

When the ice is its thickest, its thickness may vary to a substantial degree from year to year. The
maximum thickness of ice was 80 cm near the shore, 70 cm in an open roadstead near Vysotsk. At
The average ice thickness is 40-60 cm when the ice is at its thickest. Normally, the ice is at its
thickest in March, or in early April is the winter is particularly severe.

Potential adverse impacts of ice breaking on marine fauna include noise and changes in the
natural environment connected with ice destruction. Marine mammals use many ice features,
including ice clearings, fissures, ice-free water, ice surface and under-ice surface.

According to the available data the LNG complex will be in operation 24 hours a day but only
during the navigation period. In this connection, the Vyborg bay aquatic area will not be exposed to
direct impact from ice-breakers, and the significance of the direct impact of ice breaking operations
on marine mammals can be assessed as negligible.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.9.7: Summary of Marine Flora and Fauna Impacts and Mitigation Control

Initial Impact Residual

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions
Significance Impact
 Using wastewater treatment facilities before discharging
Discharge of sewage industrial wastewater and rainwater into Vyborg bay;
Sea water, fauna
(including discharges Operation High  For more detail on measures aimed at mitigating adverse Low
and biota
from vessels) impact from discharges into Vyborg bay see subsection

Marine biota and Construction

Water abstraction High Installing fish protection systems at water intakes. Low
fauna and operation

 Reducing noise pollution by:

o choosing rational operation schedules for equipment
and mechanisms;
o using equipment with noise specs ensuring
compliance with regulations;
Terrestrial and Construction o using noise reduction devices (mufflers, soundproof
Noise High Moderate
marine fauna and operation casings, etc.);
o turning off engines during forced downtimes or
technical breaks;
 For more detail on measures aimed at mitigating adverse
impact of noise produced by hydro-engineering work on
marine fauna see subsection

 Using specific marine vessel routes;

Collision with vessels Marine mammals Operation Moderate Low
 Monitoring marine mammals from nearby vessels.

 Complying with RF laws and the International Convention

for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, , MARPOL
High turbidity plumes Marine biota and Construction
Moderate 73/78; Low
and pollution ichthyofauna and operation
 Keeping record of the pollutant content of seawater as
part of environmental monitoring program;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Initial Impact Residual

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions
Significance Impact
 Observing the ban on work performance from late April till
mid-June (to protect fish species that spawn in spring);
 Making up for the damage caused to marine bioresources
and ensuring reproduction of fish resources
 Continuously monitoring compliance with technical
requirements while performing hydro-engineering work.

Operation (ice-
Ice breaking Marine mammal Negligible None required Negligible

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.9.8: Summary of Marine Flora and Fauna Impacts Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Mortality of phytoplankton,
Temporary and
zooplankton and fish Construction and  Dead fish fry and juveniles in fish protection
permanent water Once a year
juveniles at water intake operation devices.
intake structures
 Test catches to determine fish species and size
compositions, mass, numbers and age;
Terminal’s aquatic
Ichthyofauna Construction  Migration studies – determining routes, timing, Once or twice a year
dynamics of spring (April 1– July 1) and autumn
(September 1– October 30) migrations
 Chemical and organoleptic properties of water;
Before commencement
Impact of hydro- Terminal’s aquatic  Species composition, numbers and biomass,
Construction and upon completion of
engineering work area spatial distribution of zoobenthos, phytoplankton
and zooplankton.
 Chemical and organoleptic properties of water;
3 times a year (once in
Impact of vessels and Terminal’s aquatic  Species composition, numbers and biomass,
Operation spring, once in summer
seaport facilities operation area spatial distribution of zoobenthos, phytoplankton
and once in autumn)
and zooplankton.
 Observers of marine mammals from vessels;
Terminal’s aquatic Continuously during the
Marine mammals Construction  Record should be kept of all the mammals
area construction phase
observed and all the measures taken.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


The construction and operation of the Project facilities will result in generation of multiple types of
wastes. If the appropriate measures are not implemented, waste management may have potentially
adverse impact on human health, groundwater, surface water and the environment. This Chapter
addresses waste generation and outlines waste management methods aimed at lowering the
adverse impact to acceptable levels for each of the Project facilities.

The types of wastes which will be generated at each of the facilities during both the construction and
operation stages are characterized by their generation volumes and hazard class. The environmental
protection section of the project construction documentation describes the methods and techniques
designed to ensure that each type of waste be handled, transported, temporarily stored, processed
and disposed of in the appropriate manner. Wastes are classified in accordance with the Federal
Waste Classification Catalog (FWCC). FWCC has five different classes of waste which slightly differ
from the classes used in other countries, e.g. the EU countries, where wastes are mostly divided into
three groups, namely: hazardous, non-hazardous, and inert*.32

An overview of the FWCC hazard classes compared against a broader, typically “international”,
classification of wastes is given in Table 9.10.1 below.
Table 9.10.1: FWCC waste classification

RF hazard RF hazard Examples of included wastes Equivalent

class description international
I extremely Mercury-containing fluorescent lamps,
hazardous activated carbon impregnated with mercury
II highly hazardous Concentrated acids, alkali, halogenated
solvents, lead-acid batteries, dry batteries, hazardous
III moderately Waste lubricants, oil sludge, oily rags, waste
hazardous oil filters, non-halogenated solvents, waste
paint, etc.
IV marginally Domestic garbage, scrap non-ferrous
hazardous metals, certain chemicals, certain
construction wastes, treated wastewater
sediment, processed medical wastes, water- non-hazardous,
based drilling muds, etc. inert
V practically non- Inert wastes: plastic, scrap ferrous metal,
hazardous inert construction wastes, food wastes,
brushwood, unprocessed wood waste.

(*) – The definition of inert waste which is used in the EU is very strict, it excludes any reactive waste,
including ferrous metals, wood, etc. Thus, according to the EU definition only a very small amount of waste
generated at the Project site during construction will be classified as inert.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



Stage I – Construction of the jetty for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with
a temporary storage zone for equipment and materials and an access road

During construction of the harbor facilities and the temporary storage zone wastes will be generated
by the following sources:
 exploration of the aquatic area by divers;
 construction debris (e.g. from concrete work);
 human activity;
 technical maintenance of motor vehicles, special vehicles and equipment;
 marine vessel crew activities;
 marine equipment operation;
 operation of wheel washing systems for motor vehicles;
 construction site and temporary facility lights.
Technical maintenance of marine vessels is performed by their operators (vessel owners). Wastes
from technical maintenance of vessels, including waste mercury and fluorescent lamps and bilge
water polluted by petrochemicals will be collected by vessel owners, kept in specially equipped areas
on board the vessels and transferred for disposal to vessel maintenance locations (ports of
registration); therefore, such wastes are outside the scope of this project.

The duration of Stage 1 work is 17 months.

A total of 23 types of wastes will be generated during the construction period (5933.022 t/period,
9395.204 m3/period), including:
 1 type of hazard class I wastes (0.029 t/period; 146 pcs/period);
 7 types of hazard class IV wastes (821.578 t/period; 903.488 m3/period);
 15 types of hazard class V wastes (5111.414 t/period; 8491.716 m3/period).
Stage II – Construction of the gas pipeline branch connecting the Leningrad-Vyborg-State
Border main gas pipeline to the LNG Plant
During construction, wastes will be generated by the following sources:
 human activity;
 performance of construction work;
 welding work;
 uprooting of trees in naturally occurring soils;
 operation of motor vehicles, special vehicles and equipment;
 temporary premises and construction site lighting;
 wheel washing for motor vehicles.

The duration of Stage II work is 13 months.

A total of 12 types of wastes will be generated during the construction period (859.666 t/period,
1347.151 m3/ period), including:
 1 type of hazard class I wastes (0.015 t/ period; 34 pcs/ period);
 4 types of hazard class IV wastes (127.973 t/ period; 149,473 m3/ period);
 7 types of hazard class V wastes (731.776 t/ period; 1187,678 m3/ period).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Stage III – Construction of the terminal for production and transshipment of liquefied natural
gas in the port of Vysotsk with the production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year

During construction, wastes will be generated by the following sources:

 exploration of the aquatic area by divers;
 marine equipment operation;
 marine vessel crew activities;
 construction debris (e.g. from concrete work);
 human activity;
 technical maintenance of motor vehicles, special vehicles and equipment;
 wheel washing for motor vehicles;
 construction site and temporary installations lighting
 performance of earth excavation work;
 operation of rainwater treatment installations;
Technical maintenance of marine vessels is performed by the operators (vessel owners). Wastes
from technical maintenance of vessels, including waste mercury and fluorescent lamps and bilge
waters polluted by petrochemicals will be collected by vessel owners, kept in specially equipped
areas on board the vessel and transferred for disposal at vessel maintenance locations (ports of
registration); thus, such wastes are outside the scope of this project.

The duration of Stage III work is 18 months.

A total of 18 types of wastes will be generated during the construction period (1215.962 t/period,
1745.854 m3/ period), including:
 1 type of hazard class I wastes (0.167 t/period; 838 pcs/period);
 6 types of hazard class IV wastes (963.134 t/period; 1352.687 m3/period);
 11 types of hazard class V wastes (252.661 t/period; 393.167 m3/period).
In terms of their threat to the environment, wastes generated during construction can be classified
as hazard class I and hazard classes IV-V wastes. Hazard classes for different types of wastes are
defined in accordance with the Federal Waste Classification Catalog approved by Order No. 445
dated August 1, 2014 of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR).
The types and amounts of wastes generated at all stages of construction work are given in Table
9.10.2 below.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.10.2: Types and amounts of wastes generated during the construction period

Waste description Types of work and Hazard Hazard Amount

process class (tons)
Stage I – construction of harbor facilities, preparation of construction site
1 Spent mercury lamps, Light fixtures Toxicity I 0,029
mercury quartz lamps, replacement (146 pcs)
fluorescent lamps
Naturally occurring radioactive Such materials will not be used
materials (NORM)
Total: hazard class I wastes 0,029
2 Oily rags (oil content below Technical Fire hazard IV 0,537
15%) maintenance of
motor vehicles,
special vehicle and
3 Cesspool wastes Human activity Undefined IV 721,343
4 Garbage from office Human activity Undefined IV 91,225
premises and utility rooms
(other than large-sized)
5 Oily sand (oil content below Lubricant or oil spill Undefined IV 2,481
15%) cleanup
6 Chunks of waste asbestos- Construction work Undefined IV 0,313
7 Waste petroleum asphalt Construction work Fire hazard IV 5,213
8 Worn-out uncontaminated Human activity None IV 0,467
rubber footwear
Total: hazard class IV wastes 821,579
9 Worn out natural fiber Human activity None V 1,090
10 Natural clean wood Construction work Fire hazard V 389,969
11 Chunks of waste cement Construction work None V 6,210
12 Chunks of concrete scrap Construction work None V 183,933
13 Unsorted steel scrap and Construction work None V 108,049
14 Welding rod stubs Welding work None V 3,294
15 Ceramic scrap Construction work None V 3,100
16 Uncontaminated Construction work Undefined V 13,515
polystyrene scrap and
17 Defective drywall and Construction work Undefined V 0,112
drywall trimmings
18 Uncontaminated Construction work Undefined V 0,801
polyethylene scrap and
waste polyethylene
products (other than
19 Uncontaminated Construction work Undefined V 0,154
polypropylene scrap and
waste polyethylene
products (other than
20 Scrap reinforced concrete, Construction work Undefined V 38,073
chunks of waste reinforced

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Waste description Types of work and Hazard Hazard Amount

process class (tons)
21 Food wastes from kitchens Cooking Undefined V 13,414
and cafeterias
22 Logging waste and residue Site cleanup None V 2899,800
23 Tree stump removal wastes Site cleanup None V 1449,900
Total: hazard class V wastes 5111,414
Total: Stage I 5933,022
Stage II – Gas pipeline branch construction
1 Spent mercury lamps, Light fixtures Toxicity I 0,015
mercury quartz lamps, replacement (34 шт.)
fluorescent lamps
Total: hazard class I wastes 0,015
2 Garbage from office Human activity Undefined IV 3,605
premises and utility rooms
(other than large-sized)
3 Cesspool wastes Human activity Undefined IV 104,906
4 Oily rags (oil content below Technical Fire hazard IV 4,244
15%) maintenance of
motor vehicles,
special vehicles and
5 Oily sand (oil content below Lubricant or oil spill Undefined IV 15,120
15%) cleanup
Total: hazard class IV wastes 127,875
6 Logging waste and residue Site cleanup None V 431,915
7 Tree stump removal wastes Site cleanup None V 215,957
8 Natural clean wood Construction work Fire hazard V 81,587
9 Steel scrap and wastes Construction work None V 0,510
10 Uncontaminated waste Unpacking of None V 0,017
plastic film and plastic fil materials
11 Concrete scrap, chunks of Construction work None V 1,402
waste concrete
12 Welding rod stubs Welding work None V 0,388
Total: hazard class V wastes 731,776
Total: Stage II 859,666
Stage III – LNG Plant construction
1 Spent mercury lamps, Light fixtures Toxicity I 0,167
mercury quartz lamps, replacement (838 шт.)
fluorescent lamps
Naturally occurring radioactive Such materials will not be used
materials (NORM)
Total: hazard class I wastes 0,167
2 Waste petroleum asphalt Construction work Fire hazard IV 0,113
3 Other non-contaminated Construction work Undefined IV 0,237
waste mineral fiber heat
insulation materials
4 Garbage from office Human activity Undefined IV 140,577
premises and utility rooms
(other than large-sized)
5 Oily rags (oil content below Technical Fire hazard IV 0,927
15%) maintenance of
motor vehicles,
special vehicles and

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Waste description Types of work and Hazard Hazard Amount

process class (tons)
6 Oily sand (oil content below Lubricant or oil spill Undefined IV 817,682
15%) cleanup, wheel
7 Spent coal used in Replacement of Undefined IV 3,598
rainwater treatment filters at the water
Total: hazard class IV wastes 963,134
8 Unsorted steel scrap and Construction work None V 22,773
9 Chunks of concrete scrap Construction work None V 97,64
10 Chunks of waste cement Construction work None V 0,666
11 Welding rod stubs Welding work None V 0,513
12 Ceramic scrap Construction work None V 0,042
13 Natural clean wood Construction work Fire hazard V 123,873
trimmings and wastes
14 Defective drywall and Construction work Undefined V 0,041
drywall trimmings
15 Vulcanized rubber Construction work, None V 0,008
trimmings equipment
16 Waste insulated wires and Construction work, None V 0,022
cables equipment
17 Scrap brick Construction work None V 0,041
18 Food wastes from kitchens Cooking Undefined V 7,042
and cafeterias
Total: hazard class V wastes 252,661
Total: Stage III 1215,854

Once accumulated, wastes will be handed over to specialist organizations and landfills for
transportation, storage, recycling, decontamination.
Provided the requirements for collection, storage and timely removal of wastes are met, the
temporary waste storage areas will have no adverse environment impact.
The majority of wastes generated during the construction of the LNG Production and Transshipment
Terminal have been assigned a “low” hazard class, therefore their potential environmental impact is
considered moderate. To minimize the impact, the temporary waste storage sites will be
appropriately equipped to keep pollutant migration to minimum.
Prior to the commencement of the corresponding construction work agreements will be entered into
with specialist companies responsible for waste processing.
The list of companies to whom the corresponding types of wastes will be handed over for disposal
is given in Section
Technical maintenance of motor vehicles, construction equipment and marine vessels is performed
by the owners or contractors and maritime organizations outside the territorial scope of the Project.
The amount and properties of wastes generated by motor vehicles servicing operations outside the
construction site are shown in Table 9.10.3 below.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.10.3: The amount and types of wastes generated by motor vehicles servicing operations outside the construction site

No. Waste description Hazard class Amount

1 Undamaged waste lead batteries with electrolyte II 0,955
2 Used motor oil filters III 180,619
3 Used motor fuel filters III 34,725
4 Used motor air filters IV 45,655
5 Waste pneumatic tires IV 3,825
6 Waste brake pads without asbestos linings V 29,648
Total: 295,427

The amount and properties of wastes generated by marine vessels servicing operations outside the
construction site are shown in Table 9.10.4 below.
Table 9.10.4: The amount and types of wastes generated by marine vessels servicing operations outside the construction site

№ Waste description Hazard class Amount

1 Used marine vessel oil filters III 0,038
2 Waste synthetic and semi-synthetic motor oil III 3,082
3 Waste mineral non-halogenated hydraulic fluids III 0,242
4 Waste synthetic compressor oil III 0,160
Total: 3,522
Any work associated with repair and technical maintenance of construction machinery and motor
vehicles will be performed at the contractor’s repair facilities or by specialist companies. On-site
repair or maintenance operations are inadmissible.
Marine vessels are serviced at the contractor's stations; therefore generation of such wastes as
batteries, oils and filters within the work site is disregarded. TEMPORARY WASTE ACCUMULATION AREAS, WASTE REMOVAL

Industrial and domestic wastes are stored, on a temporary basis, in corresponding containers which
should be installed in designated areas according to Russian environmental and sanitary-hygienic
According to the Project documentation during Stage I construction work 9 temporary waste
accumulation areas should be set up within the construction site.
 Construction wastes which are subject to removal are accumulated on the construction site
in two 12 m3 metal containers which sit on a concrete foundations (Area 1). These wastes
will be transported to the SDW Landfill Vorontsovskoye in the Vyborg District once the
containers fill up, but at least once a week.
 Unsorted garbage from office premises and utility rooms (other than large-sized) is collected
in a 0.5 m3 metal container installed on a concrete foundation (Area 2). These domestic
wastes are removed once every 3 days if the air temperature is +5 ОC or below and on a daily
basis if the temperature is above +5ОC.
 Oily rags (with the oil content below 15%) are accumulated in a 0.1 m3 metal container
installed in a designated temporary accumulation area (Area 3). When the container fills up
its contents is handed over to a licensed organization for removal and processing.
 Unsorted steel scrap and wastes are accumulated on the construction site in a 2.5 m3 metal
container installed on a concrete foundation (Area 4). As soon as the container fills up its
contents is handed over to a licensed organization for processing.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Welding rod stubs are accumulated on the construction site in a 1.1 m3 metal container which
sits on a concrete foundation (Area 5). As soon as the container fills up its contents is handed
over to a licensed organization for processing.
 Cesspool wastes (sediments) from installed bio-toilets will be accumulated in the tanks of
two bio-toilets and will be removed by a special licensed organization for decontamination
using specialized motor vehicles. The temporary accumulation area is in the bio-toilets (Area
 Oily sand (with the oil content below 15%) resulting from wheel washing is accumulated on
the construction site in a 0.5 m3 metal container placed on a concrete foundation (Area 7).
As soon as the container fills up its contents is handed over to a licensed organization for
 Spent mercury vapor lamps are accumulated either in their supplier’s containers (individual
cardboard boxes on racks) or in special metal containers located in a sealed area of the
building (Area 8). They are removed once every 6 months. The lamps are handed over to a
specialist organization do demercurization.
 Logging residue and stump removal wastes are accumulated on an open yard with a hard
surface (Area 9). They are removed on a daily basis. The wastes are handed over to a
specialist organization for disposal.
It is planned to set up a temporary site with hard waterproof surface for dumping excessive soil
excavated during construction work in the area designated for the construction of Stage III LNG
terminal facilities. Excessive topsoil will be used during Stage II and Stage III construction work (it is
not considered a waste).
See Figure 9.10.1 for the diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations
for Stage I construction work (construction of the oversized cargoes jetty and a temporary storage
zone for equipment and materials).

Figure 9.10.1: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage I construction work

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

According to the Project documentation during Stage II construction work 9 temporary waste
accumulation areas should be set up within the construction site.
 Construction wastes which are subject to removal are accumulated on the construction site
in two 3 m3 metal containers (Area 1). These wastes will be transported to a SDW Landfill
once the containers fill up, but at least once a week.
 Unsorted garbage from office premises and utility rooms (other than large-sized) is collected
in a 0.5 m3 metal container installed on a concrete foundation (Area 2). These domestic
wastes are removed once every 3 days if the air temperature is +5 ОC or below and on a daily
basis if the temperature is above +5ОC.
 Oily rags (with the oil content below 15%) are accumulated in a 0.1 m3 metal container
installed in a designated temporary accumulation area (Area 3). When the container fills up
its contents is handed over to a licensed organization for disposal.
 Unsorted steel scrap and wastes are accumulated on the construction site in a 1.5 m3 metal
container installed on a concrete foundation (Area 4). As soon as the container fills up its
contents is handed over to a licensed organization for processing, but at least once every 2
 Welding rod stubs are accumulated on the construction site in a 0.5 m3 metal container which
sits on a concrete foundation (Area 5). As soon as the container fills up its contents is handed
over to a licensed organization for processing.
 Cesspool wastes (sediments) from installed bio-toilets will be accumulated in the tanks of
two bio-toilets and will be removed by a special licensed organization for decontamination
using specialized motor vehicles. The temporary accumulation area is in the bio-toilets (Area
 Oily sand (with the oil content below 15%) resulting from wheel washing is accumulated on
the construction site in a 1.0 m3 sediment tank where it ends up after being treated (Area 7).
As soon as the tank fills up, approximately once a month, its contents is handed over to a
licensed organization for disposal.
 Spent mercury vapor lamps are accumulated either in their supplier’s containers (individual
cardboard boxes on racks) or in special metal containers located in a sealed area of the
building (Area 8). They are removed once every 6 months. The lamps are handed over to a
specialist organization do demercurization.
 Logging residue and stump removal wastes are accumulated on an open yard with a hard
surface (Area 9). They are removed on a daily basis. The wastes are handed over to a
specialist organization for disposal.

See Figure 9.10.2 for the diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations
for Stage II construction work (construction of the gas pipeline branch).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.10.2: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage II construction work

According to the Project documentation during Stage II construction work 10 temporary waste
accumulation areas should be set up within the construction site.
 Construction wastes which are subject to removal are accumulated on the construction site
in two 12 m3 metal containers which sit on a concrete foundations (Area 1). These wastes
will be transported to a SDW Landfill once the containers fill up, but at least twice a month.
 Unsorted steel scrap and wastes are accumulated on the construction site in a 1.5 m3 metal
container installed on a concrete foundation (Area 2). These wastes will be removed by a
licensed organization for processing as soon as the container fills up, but at least twice a
 Welding rod stubs are accumulated on the construction site in a 0.2 m3 metal container which
sits on a concrete foundation (Area 3). As soon as the container fills up its contents is handed
over to a licensed organization for processing.
 Unsorted garbage from office premises and utility rooms (other than large-sized) is collected
in a 6.0 m3 metal container installed on a concrete foundation (Area 4). These domestic
wastes are removed once every 3 days if the air temperature is +5 ОC or below and on a daily
basis if the temperature is above +5ОC.
 Oily rags (with the oil content below 15%) are accumulated in a 0.2 m3 metal container
installed in a designated temporary accumulation area (Area 5). When the container fills up
its contents is handed over to a licensed organization for disposal
 Oily sand (with the oil content below 15%) resulting from spill cleanup is accumulated on the
construction site in a 0.5 m3 metal container where it ends up after being treated (Area 6). As
soon as the storage bin fills up its contents is handed over to a licensed organization for
 Oily sand (with the oil content below 15%) resulting from wheel washing is accumulated on
the construction site in a 1.0 m3 sediment tank where it ends up after being treated (Area 7).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

As soon as the storage bin fills up, approximately once a month, its contents is handed over
to a licensed organization for decontamination.
 Spent mercury vapor lamps are accumulated either in their supplier’s containers (individual
cardboard boxes on racks) or in special metal containers located in a sealed area of the
building (Area 8). They are removed once every 6 months. The lamps are handed over to a
specialist organization do demercurization.
 Spent coal used in rainwater treatment comes from the rainwater treatment facilities
adsorption filter (Area 9). The filter is replaced once every 3 years.
 Oily wastes (sediments) and sand generated by water treatment facilities is accumulated in
a tank (Area 10). Once the tank fills up its contents is removed by a licensed organization
using specialized motor vehicles.

See Figures 9.10.3 and 9.10.4 for the diagrams showing temporary waste accumulation areas
(TWAA) locations for Stage III construction work (construction of the LNG Plant).

Figure 9.10.3: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage III construction work (harbor

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.10.4: Diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations for Stage III construction work
(production facilities)

It is proposed that at the earliest construction stages the majority of wastes will be handed over to
licensed specialist third-party companies for processing/disposal.
 Spent mercury, mercury-quartz, and fluorescent lamps will be handed over to OOO EP
 Petroleum asphalt waste, oily rags (with oil content below 15%), oily sand (with oil content
below 15%), sludge from cleaning sewers and manholes of domestic and combined sewage
systems, clean packing paper wastes, used clean wooden containers, unsorted steel scrap
and wastes will be handed over to OOO RASEM for disposal and processing;
 Cesspool wastes (sediments) will be handed over to OAO Vyborg Vodokanal;
 Spent coal used in rainwater treatment is handed over to ООО PROFSPETSTRANS;
 Marginally hazardous garbage and sweepings from warehouse cleaning, marginally
hazardous sweepings from industrial areas, food wastes from kitchens and cafeterias,
unsorted garbage from office premises and utility rooms (other than large-sized), tree stump
removal wastes, logging residue will be handed over to OAO Leningrad Region Waste
Handling Management Company for disposal at the operating landfill for solid industrial and
domestic wastes (SIDW) in the Vyborg District.
The final choice of organizations in charge of waste transportation and disposal or persons to whom
wastes can be transferred will be made on a competitive basis prior to the commencement of work. WASTE COLLECTION, UTILIZATION, DECONTAMINATION,


The following waste collection, utilization, decontamination transportation and disposal measures
will be implemented during construction:
 Enclosing the construction site by fencing;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Performing technical maintenance of motor vehicles and construction equipment only at

construction contractors’ existing production facilities or service stations;
 Keeping engine fuel systems in good repair;
 Collecting domestic wastewater and rainwater into waterproof storage tanks and using bio-
toilets with subsequent waste removal;
 Designating areas for temporary waste accumulation to prevent adverse environmental
 Arranging for selective waste collection;
 Collecting and removing construction wastes in a timely manner;
 Building a special concrete pad for the installation of closed metal containers for domestic
wastes; removing those wastes in a timely manner;
 Removing wastewaters and wastes based on contracts with specialist organizations;
 Preventing discharges of construction wastes, oil and lubricants, or wastewater into water
 Keeping account of the amount of wastes produced during project construction;
 Entering into contracts with organizations licensed for disposal of hazard class I-IV wastes
generated during construction prior to the commencement of construction work. MONITORING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT

In order to protect the environment from the adverse impact of hazardous wastes within the LNG
Terminal site at all stages of construction the company should exercise control over:
 waste disposal operations in accordance with the requirements on waste disposal limits;
 the state of the temporary waste accumulation areas. PRE-EXISTING POLLUTION CONDITIONS

After the commencement of preparatory work (cleanup) at the project site, an unauthorized domestic
wastes dump was discovered in the southern part of the site. The approximate area of the dump
was 2.4 ha. The wastes could hypothetically belong to the military unit that had been deployed in the
northern part of the peninsula until the late 1960s.
The contractor took samples of the buried wastes and sent them for testing to the Testing Laboratory
PromEkoSfera in Saint Petersburg.
The lab submitted protocols of chemical and biological testing of the samples. Having ascertained
that the wastes belonged to hazard class V (practically non-hazardous) the contractor transported
them to a landfill for burial. The wastes and contaminated soil (nearly 50,000 m3) were transported
to a quarry owned by OOO TsBI (Vorontsovskoye deposit) located near the settlement of Ogonki,
110 km from the construction site.
The discovered dump was liquidated; and the excavated area should be reclaimed. Currently the
work is underway. The site is being leveled using the existing sandy soil. The removed topsoil (8,000
m3) was accumulated on the site for subsequent use in reclamation work.


Stage I – Operation of the jetty for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with a
temporary storage zone for equipment and materials and an access road

During operation wastes will be generated by the following sources:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 premises and construction site lighting;

 human activity, premises cleaning;
 process equipment servicing;
 operation of domestic wastewater treatment facilities;
 transshipment of cargoes
 operation of rainwater treatment facilities.

A total of 12 types of wastes will be generated during the operation period (989.818 t/year, 1147.992
m3/year), including:
 1 type of hazard class I wastes (0.011 t/year; 56 pcs/year);
 8 types of hazard class IV wastes (843.377 t/year; 900,459 m3/year);
 3 types of hazard class V wastes (146.430 t/year; 247,533 m3/year).
Stage II - Operation of the gas pipeline branch connecting the Leningrad-Vyborg-State
Border main gas pipeline to the LNG Plant

During operation wastes will be generated by the following sources:

 premises and construction site lighting;
 human activity, premises cleaning;
 gas pipeline servicing;
 natural gas processing;

A total of 4 types of wastes will be generated during the operation period (2,229 t/year, 16,716
m3/year), including:
 1 type of hazard class I wastes (0.020 t/year; 98 pcs/year);
 3 types of hazard class IV wastes (2.209 t/year; 16.216 m3/year);
Stage III – Operation of the terminal for production and transshipment of liquefied natural
gas in the port of Vysotsk with the production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year

During operation wastes will be generated by the following sources:

 premises and construction site lighting;
 human activity, premises cleaning;
 process equipment and motor vehicle servicing;
 site cleanup;
 operation of domestic wastewater treatment facilities;
 operation of rainwater treatment facilities.

A total of 11 types of wastes will be generated during the operation period (1803.729 t/year, 2305.894
m3/year), including:
 1 type of hazard class I wastes (0.257 t/year; 1285 pcs/year);
 9 types of hazard class IV wastes (1799.931 t/year; 2297.041 m3/year);
 1 type of hazard class V wastes (3.541 t/year; 8.853 m3/year).
The types and amounts of wastes generated at all stages of project operation are given in Table
9.10.5 below.
Table 9.10.5: Types and amounts of wastes generated during the operation period

Waste description Types of work and Hazard Hazard Amount

process class (tons)
Stage I – operation of harbor facilities and loading area

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Waste description Types of work and Hazard Hazard Amount

process class (tons)
1 Spent mercury lamps, Light fixtures Toxicity I 0,011
mercury quartz lamps, replacement (56 pcs)
fluorescent lamps
Total: hazard class I wastes 0,011
2 Oily rags (oil content Technical Fire hazard IV 0,150
below 15%) maintenance of
motor vehicles,
special vehicle and
3 Garbage from office Human activity Undefined IV 212,680
premises and utility rooms
(other than large-sized)
4 Oily sand (oil content Lubricant or oil spill Undefined IV 514,010
below 15%) cleanup
5 Marginally hazardous Domestic wastewater Undefined IV 0,652
garbage from domestic treatment facilities
and combined sewage operation
systems inlet mesh
6 Wastes (sludge) from Domestic wastewater Undefined IV 31,974
cleaning sewers and treatment facilities
manholes of domestic and operation
combined sewage
7 Surplus activated sludge Domestic wastewater Undefined IV 80,300
from domestic and treatment facilities
combined wastewater operation
treatment facilities
8 Spent coal used in Замена фильтров в Undefined IV 3,598
rainwater treatment очистных
9 Worn-out uncontaminated Human activity None IV 0,013
rubber footwear
Total: hazard class IV wastes 843,377
10 Worn out natural fiber Human activity None V 0,030
11 Clean packing paper Cargo transfer, paper Fire hazard V 0,400
wastes packaging products
12 Clean used wooden tare Cargo transfer, Fire hazard V 146,000
wooden pallets
Total: hazard class V wastes 146,430
Total: Stage I 989,818
Stage II – Gas pipeline branch operation
1 Spent mercury lamps, Light fixtures Toxicity I 0,020
mercury quartz lamps, replacement (98 pcs)
fluorescent lamps
Total: hazard class I wastes 0,020
2 Oily rags (oil content Technical Fire hazard IV 0,876
below 15%) maintenance of gas
pipeline, motor
vehicles, and
3 Garbage from office Human activity Undefined IV 1,320
premises and utility rooms
(other than large-sized)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Waste description Types of work and Hazard Hazard Amount

process class (tons)
4 Natural and associated Gas pipeline Chemical reactivity IV 0,013
petroleum gas processing servicing. Sludge
wastes from pig receiving
Total: hazard class IV wastes 2,209
Total: Stage II 2,229
Stage III – LNG Plant operation
1 Spent mercury lamps, Light fixtures Toxicity I 0,257
mercury quartz lamps, replacement (1285 pcs)
fluorescent lamps
Total: hazard class I wastes 0,257
2 Garbage from office Human activity Undefined IV 5,521
premises and utility rooms
(other than large-sized)
3 Oily rags (oil content Technical Fire hazard IV 0,117
below 15%) maintenance of
equipment, motor
vehicles, and
4 Marginally hazardous Site cleaning Undefined IV 1156,750
sweepings from the site
5 Marginally hazardous Site warehouses Undefined IV 7,009
garbage and sweepings cleaning
from warehouses
6 Oily sand (oil content Lubricant or oil spill Undefined IV 514,010
below 15%) cleanup, wheel
7 Spent coal used in Replacement of Undefined IV 3,598
rainwater treatment filters at the water
8 Marginally hazardous Domestic wastewater Undefined IV 0,652
garbage from domestic treatment facilities
and combined sewage operation
systems inlet mesh
9 Wastes (sludge) from Domestic wastewater Undefined IV 31,974
cleaning sewers and treatment facilities
manholes of domestic and operation
combined sewage
10 Surplus activated sludge Domestic wastewater Undefined IV 80,300
from domestic and treatment facilities
combined wastewater operation
treatment facilities
Total: hazard class IV wastes 1799,931
11 Food wastes from Cooking Undefined V 3,541
kitchens and cafeterias
Total: hazard class V wastes 3,541
Total: Stage III 1803,729

The project documentation offers solutions for waste collection and temporary accumulation.
Once accumulated, wastes will be handed over to specialist organizations and landfills for
transportation, storage, recycling, decontamination.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Provided the requirements for collection, storage and timely removal of wastes are met, the
temporary waste storage areas will have no adverse environment impact.
The final choice of organizations in charge of waste transportation and/or disposal or entities to
whom wastes can be transferred will be made on a competitive basis prior to the commencement of

Industrial and domestic wastes are stored, on a temporary basis, in corresponding containers which
should be installed in designated areas according to Russian environmental and sanitary-hygienic
During project operation at Stages I and III of project implementation temporary waste accumulation
areas (TWAA) will be set up in two separate places: at the site of the harbor facilities and at the site
of the LNG Plant. Wastes from the water treatment facilities will be accumulated in the process tanks
of those facilities. A total of 16 accumulation areas will be set up.
 Unsorted garbage from office premises and utility rooms (other than large-sized) is collected
in two metal containers installed on a concrete foundation, a 6.0 m3 one (Area 1) for the
harbor facilities and a 1.0 m3 one (Area 1*) for the LNG Plant. These domestic wastes are
removed once every 3 days if the air temperature is +5 ОC or below and on a daily basis if
the temperature is above +5ОC.
 Oily rags (with the oil content below 15%) are accumulated in 0.2 m3 metal containers
installed in designated temporary accumulation areas (Area 2 and Area 2*).
 Marginally hazardous sweepings from site cleaning are accumulated in a 6.0 m3 metal
container installed in a designated temporary accumulation area (Area 3)
 Marginally hazardous garbage and sweepings from warehouse cleaning are accumulated in
a 1.0 m3 metal container installed in a designated temporary accumulation area (Area 4).
 Spent mercury vapor lamps are accumulated either in their supplier’s containers (individual
cardboard boxes on racks) or in special metal containers located in a sealed area of the
building (Area 4) for the harbor facilities and (Area 5*) for the LNG Plant. They are removed
once every 6 months. The lamps are handed over to a specialist organization do
 Clean waste packing paper is accumulated in a 0.5 m3 metal container installed in a
designated area (Area 5) at the harbor facilities site. It is removed once a month. The wastes
are handed over to a licensed organization for recycling.
 Oily sand (with the oil content below 15%) resulting from the operation of rainwater treatment
facilities is accumulated on the construction site in a 1.0 m3 sediment tank where it ends up
after passing through a dewatering drum (Area 6). As soon as the stank fills up its contents
is handed over to a licensed organization for disposal.
 Marginally hazardous garbage form the inlet mesh screens of domestic and combines sewer
systems generated as result of the operation of domestic wastewater treatment facilities is
accumulated in a 0.1 m3 garbage collection bin (Area 7). Once the bin is filled up its contents
is handed over to a licensed organization for disposal.
 Waste adsorbent generated as a result of the operation of rainwater treatment facilities are
stored in a 7.5 m3 chamber (Area 8). Provided that adsorbent is rinsed with water/air and
subjected to partial chemical regeneration it remains useable for 3-5 years. Upon expiry of
the adsorbent’s lifetime the resulting wastes are handed over to a licensed organization for
 Wastes (sludge) from cleaning pipelines, manholes of domestic and combines sewage
systems produced as a result of the operation of domestic wastewater treatment facilities is

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

accumulated in a 0.5 m3 primary sedimentation tank (Area 9). As the tank fills up, the wastes
are handed over to a licensed organization for disposal.
 Surplus activated sludge from biological domestic and mixed wastewater treatment facilities
is accumulated in a 0.1 m3 sludge tank (Area 10). As the tank fills up, the wastes are handed
over to a licensed organization for disposal.
 Unsorted food wastes from kitchens and cafeterias are accumulated in a 0.1 m3 metal
container installed in a designated temporary accumulation area (Area 11).

See Figure 9.10.5 for the diagram showing temporary waste accumulation areas (TWAA) locations
for the period of operation of the LNG Plant.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Figure 9.10.5: Temporary waste accumulation areas during operations of LNG plant

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

During operation of the 41-km linear part of the gas pipeline the following wastes will be generated:
 Spent mercury, mercury-quartz, and fluorescent lamps;
 Garbage from office premises and utility rooms (other than large-sized)
 Oily rags (with the oil content below 15%);
 Wastes from natural and associated petroleum gas processing.

Wastes are collected as they are produced, without pre-accumulation, with the frequency of 1-2
times a year. The linear section of the gas pipeline is maintained by the Service of Production
Directorates for Main Gas Pipelines.
Wastes generated by servicing operations will be collected and carried away by workers due to the
impossibility of designating a temporary waste accumulation area because of the length of the gas
pipeline (41 km).
Gas pipeline servicing operations produce wastes during natural and associated petroleum gas
processing. “Sludge generated in the pig receiver chambers” will be removed from the cleaning
devices once a year due to small amount of waste and will be handed over to a licensed organization
for disposal.

It is proposed that at the operation stage all wastes will be handed over to licensed specialist third-
party companies for processing/disposal.
 Spent mercury, mercury-quartz, and fluorescent lamps will be handed over to OOO EP
 Petroleum asphalt waste, oily rags (with oil content below 15%), oily sand (with oil content
below 15%), sludge from cleaning sewers and manholes of domestic and combined sewage
systems, clean packing paper wastes, used clean wooden containers, unsorted steel scrap
and wastes, sludge generated in pig receiver chambers will be handed over to OOO RASEM
for disposal and processing;
 Cesspool wastes (sediments) will be handed over to OAO Vyborg Vodokanal;
 Spent coal used in rainwater treatment is handed over to ООО PROFSPETSTRANS;
 Marginally hazardous garbage and sweepings from warehouse cleaning, marginally
hazardous sweepings from industrial areas, food wastes from kitchens and cafeterias,
unsorted garbage from office premises and utility rooms (other than large-sized), tree stump
removal wastes, logging residue will be handed over to OAO Leningrad Region Waste
Handling Management Company for disposal at the operating landfill for solid industrial and
domestic wastes (SIDW) in the Vyborg District.
The final choice of organizations in charge of waste transportation and disposal or persons to whom
wastes can be transferred will be made on a competitive basis prior to the commencement of work. WASTE COLLECTION, UTILIZATION, DECONTAMINATION,


For the purpose of protecting the environment from the adverse impact of hazardous wastes within
the LNG Terminal site the following measures will be implemented during the operation period:
 Arranging for selective waste collection;
 Setting up temporary waste accumulation areas to prevent adverse environmental impact;
 Keeping account of the amount of wastes produced during project operation;
 Preventing the pollution of the aquatic area;
 Observing environmental safety requirements when handling wastes.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Requirements for temporary accumulation areas are prescribed by environmental, sanitary, fire
protection and other standards and regulations and departmental acts of the Ministry of Natural
Resources, Ministry of Health, Gostekhnadzor of Russia and other agencies. In accordance with
such requirements wastes should be stored in such places and using such methods as to ensure
the following:
 the absence or minimization of the environmental impact of the waste in question;
 the elimination of the risk of endangering community health as a result of the local impact of
toxic wastes;
 minimization of the risk of waste combustion;
 prevention of littering and illegal dumping on the site;
 the ease of waste inventorying and waste management control;
 the ease of waste removal.

Once the project is commissioned the entity called “The LNG Production and Transshipment
Terminal in the port of Vysotsk with the production capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year,
including the gas pipeline branch” will have to develop and approve with the appropriate supervising
authorities a draft waste generation standards and disposal limits (DWGSDL) document in
accordance with Russian law. The draft document will set out generation standards for all types of
the entity’s wastes and their accumulation volumes as well as specific information on licensed
companies engaged in collection, transportation and disposal of wastes. MONITORING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT

In order to protect the environment from the adverse impact of hazardous wastes within the LNG
Terminal site during the project operation stage the company should exercise control over:
 waste disposal operations in accordance with the requirements on waste disposal limits;
 the state of the temporary waste accumulation areas.

Potential impact associated with waste management includes the following aspects:

1. Impact on waste management facilities operated by third parties (e.g. impact on existing facilities);

2. Impact on community health resulting from waste management;

3. Impact on surface water resulting from handling wastes and materials produced in water treatment
facilities and in areas designated for collection of oily wastes and soil;

4. Impact on soils and groundwater from handling wastes and materials produced in water treatment
facilities and in areas designated for collection of oily wastes and soil;

5. Environmental impact associated with the following factors:

 Pollution of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems from liquid and solid waste
 Attracting animal species which use waste disposal sites as their habitat or foraging grounds.
6. Potential fire hazard of temporary waste accumulation areas.
Each of those aspects is discussed in more detail below.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring IMPACT ON THIRD-PARTY OPERATED WASTE MANAGEMENT

At all project implementation stages the amounts of wastes handed over to third parties for
disposal/processing are small and are not expected to have a significant impact on their facilities in
the long term. Without special measures the impact on such facilities is considered to be moderate.
If, however, such measures are implemented the residual impact on third party waste management
facilities is deemed low:
 Handing over wastes to corresponding licensed contractors on a regular basis;
 Collecting hazardous wastes separately;
 Processing/disposing of the majority of wastes at special licensed facilities;
 Minimizing waste amounts (including construction wastes and site preparation cleanup
 Keeping the amount of hazardous wastes to a limit;
 Using only licensed third-party facilities. IMPACT ON COMMUNITY HEALTH

Certain design solutions for waste management facilities can lower potential impact on community
health to an acceptable level. Potential impact is associated with the effect of pollutants emitted into
the environment, pathogenic organisms produced by uncontrolled waste storage, and from harmful
animals attracted by food wastes as a source of forage.

Without additional measures aimed at reducing the impact on community health such impact can be
assessed as ranging between moderate and low. If, however, such measures are implemented the
residual impact on community health is considered to be low:
 Properly storing wastes on a temporary basis in specially designated areas;
 Handing over wastes to corresponding licensed contractors on a regular basis;
 Collecting hazardous wastes separately;
 Teaching the staff proper waste handling techniques;
 Processing/disposing of wastes only at special licensed facilities;
 Removing food wastes in a timely manner and perform deratization at temporary waste
disposal sites on a regular basis to prevent outbursts of dangerous zoonotic infections.
 Limiting (controlling) access to the construction site and, subsequently, the LNG Plant

Since the Project site is located in close proximity to the shoreline of Vyborg bay (in the north-eastern
part of the Gulf of Finland) and there are lots of surface water bodies (rivers and lakes) within the
construction site (especially in the area where the gas pipeline section will be built) the impact on
surface water may be rather high.
Temporary waste storage areas and permanent disposal sites create a potential threat of impact on
the quality of surface water because of pollution. Those areas and sites may include:
 the site for storing excess topsoil excavated during construction until it is replaced during
construction stages II and III;
 sedimentation tanks, manholes and mesh screens of domestic and mixed wastewater
treatment facilities;
 domestic and combined sewer systems;
 areas and containers for collecting wastes produced during construction such as waste
petroleum asphalt, oily sand and cesspool wastes (sediments);

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 marine vessels used for exploring the aquatic area (especially during Stage I), performing
construction work and delivering goods and building materials.
Without taking appropriate measures and eliminating the risk of surface water pollution the impact
on surface water can be expected to last for a long term and this impact is considered to be
moderate. If, however, the following measures concerning the proper choice of disposal sites,
design solutions and impact mitigation are implemented the residual impact on surface water will be
assessed as low:
 Availability of secondary protective devices at facilities used for temporary storage of such
wastes as oily sand, waste petroleum asphalt, sludge produced from cleaning manholes of
domestic wastewater sewer systems;
 Effective waterproofing of domestic and mixed wastewater sewers and manholes;
 Setting up a designated area with hard surface and waterproofing for storing excess topsoil
excavated during construction until it is replaced during construction stages II and III;
 Effective waterproofing of primary sedimentation tanks of domestic wastewater and rainwater
treatment facilities and activated sludge chambers of domestic and mixed wastewater
biological treatment facilities;
 Preventing marine vessels involved in the construction work from performing on-site technical
maintenance within the Project aquatic area and from discharging oily bilge water and food
wastes into the bay.
Marine vessels will be serviced at the contractor’s stations, and therefore the presence of such types
of waste as batteries, lubricants and filters as well as bilge water within the work site is disregarded. IMPACT ON GROUNDWATER AND SOIL

Temporary waste storage areas and permanent disposal sites create a potential threat of impact on
the quality of groundwater water and soils because of pollution. Those areas and sites may include:
 the site for storing excess topsoil excavated during construction until it is replaced during
construction stages II and III;
 sedimentation tanks, manholes and mesh screens of domestic and mixed wastewater
treatment facilities;
 domestic and combined sewer systems;
 areas and containers for collecting wastes produced during construction such as waste
petroleum asphalt, oily sand and cesspool wastes (sediments).
Without taking appropriate measures and eliminating the risk of soil and groundwater pollution the
impact on the quality of soils and groundwater can be expected to last for a long term. Such impact
is considered to range between moderate and high. If, however, the following measures concerning
the proper choice of disposal sites, design solutions and impact mitigation are implemented the
residual impact on the quality of groundwater will be assessed as low:
 Availability of secondary protective equipment at facilities used for temporary storage of such
wastes as oily sand, waste petroleum asphalt, sludge produced from cleaning manholes of
domestic wastewater sewer systems;
 Effective waterproofing of domestic and mixed wastewater sewers and manholes;
 Setting up a designated area with hard surface and waterproofing for storing excess topsoil
excavated during construction until it is replaced during construction stages II and III;
 Effective waterproofing of primary sedimentation tanks of domestic wastewater and rainwater
treatment facilities and activated sludge chambers of domestic and mixed wastewater
biological treatment facilities. IMPACT ON FLORA AND FAUNA WITHIN THE PROJECT SITE

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Generation and management of wastes within the project sites create a potential threat of
environmental impact associated with polluting ecosystems (especially freshwater and marine
ecosystems, see the groundwater section above) and attracting fauna (birds and rodents) to food
wastes disposal sites. Such impact can be assessed as moderate in significance. If, however, the
following measures are implemented the residual impact on ecosystems will be assessed as low:
 Removing waste food as a source of forage for birds and rodents; safe temporary storage of
food wastes in sealed containers in specially designated areas and their regular removal by
licensed contractors for disposal/processing at special licensed facilities;
 If necessary, implementing rat extermination measures (e.g. setting mouse traps) around
waste food disposal areas and warehouses;
 Minimizing the risk of marine ecosystems pollution by timely collection and removal of all
wastes produced on board the contractor’s marine vessels to the port of registration (during
the construction stage). During the operation stage bilge water and all wastes/domestic
wastewater should be transported to licensed onshore facilities;
 Minimizing the risk of marine/aquatic ecosystems pollution through the use of: secondary
protective devices at temporary waste storage facilities for such wastes as oily sand, waste
petroleum asphalt, sludge from cleaning domestic sewage system manholes. POTENTIAL FIRE HAZARD IN TEMPORARY WASTE ACCUMULATION

Accumulation of fire hazardous wastes on collection sites leads to a potential threat of combustion.
Such wastes include:
 Oily rags (with the oil content below 15%);
 Used clean wooden crates;
 Clean waste packing paper;
 Natural clean wood trimmings and other wastes;
 Waste petroleum asphalt.
Wastes such as oily rags are produced at all stages of Project construction and operation. The
amount of this type of waste is approximately 5.7 tons at the construction stage and approximately
1.2 tons at the operation stage. The amounts of other fire hazardous types of wastes are also
significant (See Tables 9.10.2 and 9.10.5 above).
In the event of combustion, waste accumulation areas, production and infrastructure facilities and
community health may be affected.
Without taking appropriate measures and eliminating the risk of combustion on waste disposal sites
such impact is assessed as moderate to high. If, however, the following measures concerning the
proper choice of disposal sites, design solutions and impact mitigation are implemented the residual
impact fire hazardous wastes will be assessed as low:
 Monitoring fire hazardous wastes collection areas. Making sure that waste containers and
collection sites do not overflow;
 Ensuring regular removal of wastes for disposal under agreements with appropriate licensed
 Installing firefighting equipment in areas designated for temporary accumulation of fire
hazardous wastes;
 Briefing the staff on fire safety measures and the prescribed conduct in areas designated for
collection of combustible materials and fire hazardous wastes.
 Positioning areas designated for collection of fire hazardous wastes away from production
equipment installation sites and public areas.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring ADDITIONAL MEASURES AIMED TO LOWER THE ENVIRONMENTAL


In addition to the abovementioned measures the following organizational measures will be

implemented during the entire lifespan of the Project:
 Ensuring timely negotiation of contracts with specialist companies on accepting, processing,
decontaminating and disposing of wastes;
 Appointing persons responsible for waste management at all Project facilities;
 Developing appropriate job descriptions;
 Training workers and managerial staff in charge of waste management;
 Keeping record of waste generation and disposal, on both incoming and running basis;
 Approving the locations of the project’s temporary waste storage areas and waste removal
schedules with the relevant supervising authorities in charge of environmental protection and
public sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing;
 Developing a draft waste generation standards and disposal limits (DWGSDL) document
after the commissioning of the Project; approving this document with the supervising
government authorities and securing waste disposal limits;
 Making timely compensatory payments for environmental pollution resulting from waste
 Coordinating with the relevant supervising government authorities (Rosprirodnadzor,
Rospotrebnadzor) with regard to all matters relating to safe waste management.

A General Plan for Construction-Stage Waste Management will be developed for the Project as a
key instrument of management providing for the relevant aspects of planning, projecting, personnel
training, and waste management for the entire construction period. The Plan will be a dynamic
document to be updated following the implementation of each construction stage. Each construction
contractor will also be required to develop a waste management plan of its own based on the
provisions of the General Plan.

Subject to the implementation of the necessary measures, the environmental impact from waste
management during the construction and operation stages will be minimized and can be considered
A summary of the impact caused by wastes, measures aimed at its mitigation, and impact monitoring
requirements is given in Tables 9.10.6 и 9.10.7 below.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

9.10.5 SUMMARY
Table 9.10.6: Summary of Waste Impacts and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Significance Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Impact on waste Project-owned Construction Without special measures on  Handing over wastes to relevant licensed If appropriate measures
management and third-party and such facilities the impact is contractors on a regular basis; are implemented, the
facilities waste operation considered to be moderate.  Collecting hazardous wastes separately; residual impact on third-
management  Disposing of/processing the majority of party waste
facilities wastes only at special licensed facilities; management facilities is
 Minimizing waste amounts (including considered to be low
construction wastes and site preparation
cleanup wastes);
 Limiting the amount of hazardous wastes;
 Using only licensed third-party facilities.
Impact on Construction Construction Without implementing  Ensuring proper temporary storage of If appropriate measures
community workers, and additional measures aimed at wastes in designated areas; are implemented, the
health from Terminal staff operation lowering impact on  Handing over wastes to relevant licensed residual impact on
waste handling community health, the impact contractors on a regular basis; community health is
can be considered moderate  Collecting hazardous wastes separately; considered to be low
to high  Teaching the staff proper waste handling
 Disposing of/processing the majority of
wastes only at special licensed facilities;
 Driving harmful animals away from waste
disposal facilities by timely removal of
wastes which serve as a source of forage for
such animals.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Significance Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Impact on Surface water Construction Without additional measures  Availability of secondary protective devices If appropriate impact
surface water bodies and aimed at eliminating the risk at facilities used for temporary storage of mitigation measures are
bodies operation of surface water pollution such wastes as oily sand, waste petroleum implemented, the
being implemented long-term asphalt, sludge produced from cleaning residual impact on the
impact on the quality of manholes of domestic wastewater sewer quality of surface water
surface water can be systems; is considered to be low
expected, such impact being  Effective waterproofing of domestic and
assessed as moderate. mixed wastewater sewers and manholes;
 Setting up a designated area with hard
surface and waterproofing for storing excess
topsoil excavated during construction until it
is replaced during construction stages II and
 Effective waterproofing of primary
sedimentation tanks of domestic wastewater
and rainwater treatment facilities and
activated sludge chambers of domestic and
mixed wastewater biological treatment
 Preventing marine vessels involved in the
construction work from performing on-site
technical maintenance within the Project
aquatic area and from discharging oily bilge
water and food wastes into the bay.
Impact on Soil and Construction Considering its potential  Availability of secondary protective devices If appropriate measures
groundwater and groundwater and long-term nature, the impact at facilities used for temporary storage of are implemented, the
soil operation on soils and groundwater can such wastes as oily sand, waste petroleum residual impact on the
be assessed as moderate to asphalt, sludge produced from cleaning quality of soils and
high. manholes of domestic wastewater sewer groundwater is
systems; considered to be low
 Effective waterproofing of domestic and
mixed wastewater sewers and manholes;
 Setting up a designated area with hard
surface and waterproofing for storing excess

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Significance Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact
topsoil excavated during construction until it
is replaced during construction stages II and
 Effective waterproofing of primary
sedimentation tanks of domestic wastewater
and rainwater treatment facilities and
activated sludge chambers of domestic and
mixed wastewater biological treatment
Impact on flora Terrestrial, Construction The environmental impact  Removing waste food as a source of forage If appropriate measures
and fauna freshwater and and associated with pollution of for birds and rodents; safe temporary are implemented, the
marine flora and operation freshwater and marine storage of food wastes in sealed containers residual environmental
fauna ecosystems and with in specially designated areas and their impact is considered to
attracting birds and rodents regular removal by licensed contractors for be low
to food waste disposal sites disposal/processing at special licensed
can be assessed as facilities;
moderate  If necessary, implementing rat extermination
measures (e.g. setting mouse traps) around
waste food disposal areas and warehouses;
 Minimizing the risk of marine ecosystems
pollution by timely collection and removal of
all wastes produced on board the
contractor’s marine vessels to the port of
registration (during the construction stage).
During the operation stage bilge water and
all wastes/domestic wastewater should be
transported to onshore licensed facilities;
 Minimizing the risk of marine/aquatic
ecosystems pollution through the use of:
secondary protective devices at temporary
waste storage facilities for such wastes as
oily sand, waste petroleum asphalt, sludge
from cleaning domestic sewage system

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Significance Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Impact on Production and Construction Given the risk of combustion  Monitoring fire hazardous wastes collection If appropriate measures
production and infrastructure and at fire hazardous waste areas. Making sure that waste containers are implemented, the
infrastructure facilities and operation disposal areas the impact on and collection sites do not overflow; residual environmental
facilities and community community health is  Ensuring regular removal of wastes for impact of fire
community health assessed as moderate to disposal under agreements with appropriate hazardous waste
health high licensed organizations; collection sites is
 Installing firefighting equipment in areas considered to be low
designated for temporary accumulation of
fire hazardous wastes;
 Briefing the staff on fire safety measures and
the prescribed conduct in areas designated
for collection of combustible materials and
fire hazardous wastes.
 Positioning areas designated for collection
of fire hazardous wastes away from
production equipment installation sites and
public areas.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.10.7: Summary of Waste Impacts Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

Natural environment. Construction Marine vessels involved Preventing marine vessels involved in the construction work from Continuously
Marine flora and fauna in the construction work performing on-site technical maintenance within the Project aquatic
area and from discharging oily bilge water and food wastes into the bay.
Monitoring timely removal and transportation of all wastes produced on
board the contractor’s vessels to the port of registration (during

Natural environment. Operation Marine vessels involved Continuously

Marine flora and fauna in the Terminal operation Monitoring collection and transfer of all wastes/domestic wastewater,
and bilge water discharges. All wastes should be transported to licensed
onshore facilities.

Waste generation Construction All Project facilities. All Keeping record of waste generation based on the waste classification Continuously,
amount and operation temporary waste adopted by the Federal Waste Classification Catalog (FWCC). with monthly
disposal sites Records should include waste amounts and transportation routes to reports
disposal/processing destinations.

State of temporary Construction All Project facilities. All Monitoring temporary waste disposal sites, their state and equipment Continuously,
waste disposal sites and operation temporary waste according to the sanitary and environmental protection laws. with monthly
disposal sites Monitoring waste disposal according to the waste accumulation limits reports
for the construction site. No instrumental monitoring is required for
temporary waste disposal sites.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Periodicity

State of fire hazardous Construction Fire hazardous wastes Monitoring the fire safety status of fire hazardous wastes in Continuously
wastes temporary and operation temporary disposal sites accumulation areas. Making sure that fire hazardous wastes are
disposal sites removed in a timely manner in accordance with the contracts.
Monitoring the availability and serviceability of emergency firefighting
equipment in waste accumulation areas.

Natural environment. Construction Contractor’s motor Monitoring contractor’s motor vehicles and construction equipment Continuously
Soils and groundwater, and operation vehicles and work sites and parking lots. Making sure that no on-site technical
terrestrial flora and construction equipment maintenance of motor vehicles or construction machinery is going on at
fauna parking lots and work any of the construction sites.
sites Technical maintenance of motor vehicles and construction machinery
should be performed only at contactors’ production facilities or service

Natural environment. Construction Excess topsoil collection Monitoring the equipment and the state of the site for storing excess Continuously
Soils and groundwater. and storage site topsoil excavated during construction (and not deemed a waste) until it
is replaced during construction stages II and III. Making sure that the
soil does not spread beyond the site during its temporary storage.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



Table 9.11.1 provides data on the LNG Terminal performance parameters, including capacity,
throughput and resource consumption.
Table 9.11.1: Performance parameters

Description Unit Value

Guaranteed annual LNG throughput tn t/y 660.0
Guaranteed daily output of the LNG Plant tn t/day 1.92
Guaranteed hourly output of the LNG Plant t/h 80
Effective equipment operation time hrs 8.496
Number of liquefaction blocks unit 2
Individual rated capacity of mixed refrigerant MW 22
compressor plants
Fuel gas consumption mn Nm3/year 127.76
Water consumption m3/year 12,978
Electrical power consumption tn MWh/year 71.75
Number of maintenance personnel people 97

Sustainable (efficient) use of feedstock and energy resources, construction materials and fuel is in
accordance with the high environmental standards declared by ZAO Cryogas.

Design estimates of consumption of main materials and resources are specified in the Construction
Management Plan provided by the Company.



The facility resource requirements are detailed in Table 9.11.2.

Table 9.11.2: Requirements in fuel, gas, water and electric power

Description Unit Value

Electric power tn MWh/year 71.75
High temperature fluid (HTF) t/y 40.0
Fuel gas mn Nm3/year 127.76
Diesel fuel GOST 305-82 t/y 12.5
Production (industrial) water m3/year 7,303
Domestic water m3/year 5,675

Fuel, gas, water and electric power requirements of the proposed facility will be satisfied as follows.

 Power will be supplied from substation 110/10KV (10 KV switchgear) according to the
individual specification issued by AO LOESK.
 High temperature fluid for the boil-off gas heat recovery system will be brought to the site by
a tank truck;
 Fuel gas for GPA gas turbines, pilot flare burners, thermal treatment system and the purging
of flare headers will be supplied from the gas feedstock pipeline.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 In the event of gas supply failure, diesel for the emergency generator and backup boilers will
be supplied by tank trucks.
 Water for production needs will be supplied by tank trucks, if it is not possible to use treated
 Water for domestic needs will be brought in by tank trucks.
 Fire water will be delivered by fire pumps from the Gulf of Finland.
 Bottled drinking water will be imported by trucks.

Firewater requirements have been estimated for two potential fires with the duration of external fire
control operations of four hours.

Design solutions for the supply of resources to the site are described below. CONSTRUCTION PHASE

Resource requirements for the construction of facilities of Stage в I, II and III will be satisfied as

 electric power will be supplied by diesel power plants;

 heat will be provided by electric heaters;
 utility/ technical water will be brought to the site by tank trucks (possibly, from the nearest
water supply sources or existing water bodies). The water supply source will be specified
during development of the Work Execution Plan;
 drinking and fire water will be imported;
 compressed air will be supplied by mobile compressor units.

During construction, water will be supplied for production and domestic and drinking needs.

 Water for utility/domestic and production needs will be brought to the site by tank trucks.
Construction personnel will be provided with imported drinking water. Domestic water
requirements for different construction stages have been calculated for the maximum number
of personnel that will be employed during the peak construction period (the second
construction year) and the estimate is 0.429 l/s.
 Water for domestic, sanitary and drinking needs of construction teams and technical water
will be provided by the construction Contractor under the contract with a specialised company
(OOO Spets-Trans). Water will be supplied by tank trucks.
 Cleaning and washing services (including site housekeeping and car washing) and
equipment maintenance will be provided by a specialised contractor. Maintenance and repair
work will be performed beyond the site boundary.
 Water supply and services to vessels will be provided at the Seaport of Vysotsk on a contract
basis. The maximum water consumption on vessels during construction will be:
o Stage I - 11.24 m³/day (2,556.00 m³/period);
o Stage III - 7.2 m³/day (1,620.00 m³/period).
 Sewage and domestic effluents from temporary accommodation of construction workers and
rainwater runoff from sealed areas will be collected in metal tanks and removed by a
specialised contractor to the existing treatment facilities in Vysotsk or Vyborg.
 Firewater will be provided from a submerged marine water intake facility. Firewater supply
rate will be:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

o 5 l/s for Stage I;

o 20 l/s for Stage II.
 The production water requirements will consist of water used for the site surface watering
and water supplied to the wheel washing facility and will amount to:
o Stage I - 1.86 m3/day (540 m3/period);
o Stage III – 1,86 m3/day (655.2 m3/period).
 The maximum consumption of domestic water during construction will be:
o Stage I - 7.4 m³/shift, 14.8 m³/day, and 6,660 m³/period;
o Stage III - 53.7 m³/shift, 161.1 m3/day, and 91,827 m3/period.
 Production water during construction Stage II will be used for the watering of the site surface,
the recharge of the closed water system of the wheel washing facility, and the hydrotesting
of the gas pipeline.
 Water for domestic needs (0.681 m3/day) and production needs during construction Stage II
will be supplied by tank trucks. Drinking water for construction personnel will be supplied in
 Firewater will be supplied by tank trucks. The firewater supply rate is 10 l/s.
 Water for hydrotesting will be borrowed from the Gulf of Finland (2,000 m3/day,
28,000 m3/period).
 The total water consumption during construction will consist of domestic and drinking water
(17.602 m3/day, 5,455,97 m3/year) and water used for production needs (41.2 m3/day,
8,841.87 m3/year).

The total volume of water supply/consumption for the needs of the Terminal is estimated at
58.802 m3/day (14,297.94 m3/year). OPERATION PHASE

Water supply key features during operation phase are given below:

 Water of drinking quality will be used for domestic and drinking needs of the facility personnel
and for showers. The estimated water consumption will be 2.86 m³/day (1,043.9 m³/year).
 Water supply to vessels will not be provided.
 The watering of the site surface will be performed by flusher trucks using imported water in
the amount of 204.0 m³/day (24,480 m³/year)..
 Water for the firewater system will be supplied from the port water area. Water will be supplied
via two water intake windows in the shore protection structure. The firewater supply rate will
be 51.4 l/s and the minimum water head of 30.0 m. The design provides for the installation
of pumps WILOK 126 with electric motor NU 801-2/35 (1 operational, 1 backup) with the
throughput of 51.5 l/s, water head of 30.0 m, and capacity of 24.0 kW.
 Production water will be supplied by tank trucks (treated snowmelt/rainwater will be an
additional water supply source during abundant precipitation);
 Domestic water will be brought in by tank trucks.
 Fire water will be delivered by fire pumps from the Gulf of Finland.
 Bottled drinking water for personnel will be imported by trucks.

The estimated water consumption will total 17.602 m3/day (5,455.97 m3/year).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Electric power supply during operation

Stage I – OC Jetty

Power supply to the port facilities will be provided via two 10 KV lines from the closed switchgear

Major power consumers will be:

 consumers in buildings (Office Building and Warehouse), power equipment, HVAC systems
(heating, ventilation and air-conditioning), lighting/ illumination, electric heating, etc.;
 wastewater treatment facilities and pumping plant;
 external lighting; and
 firewater pump station.

The installed capacity will be 490 KW.

Stage II –Gas Pipeline Branch (GPB)

Power to the construction site will be supplied via 6KV power lines to the proposed block valve station
and pig launcher.

I. According to the technical specification, the pig launcher will be connected the power transmission
line laid along the main gas pipeline (LVG-1, 2 10 KV) as follows:

 connection point: pylon No. 1125 of 10 KV VL-10/8516-VDTL;

 power supply category: III;
 voltage: 10 KV;
 permitted power take-off: 15 KW.

II. According to the technical specification, the pig receiver and valve stations No. 36 and No. 26 will
be connected to the power grid of AO LOESK:

 connection points: existing pylons of VLZ-10KV;

 power supply category: III;
 voltage: 10 KV;
 permitted power take-off: 10 KW and 5 KW.

Stage III – LNG Terminal

Power will be supplied from substation 110/10KV (10 KV switchgear). The primary source of power
supply will be the 400 KV substation 'Vyborgskaya' (No. 5) of AO 'Leningrad Region Power Networks

Emergency power supply to consumers will be provided by a diesel power plant. Approximately
14.4 m3 of diesel will be required for at least 24-hour operation. The design capacity of the diesel
storage tank is 25 m3.

Heat supply during operation

Stage I – OC Jetty

Heat will be supplied from the facility own gas boiler plant which will be built during Stage III
(construction of the Terminal).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Stage II –Gas Pipeline Branch (GPB)

Not required

Stage III – LNG Terminal

Heat will be supplied to the Terminal from the facility own gas boiler plant which will be built during
Stage III. The boiler plant will supply heat for the heating and ventilation systems of the future
buildings and structures that will be located within the Terminal site. Emergency reserve of diesel
required for 3 days of the boiler plant operation is approximately 20.8 m3. The design capacity of the
diesel storage tank is 25 m3.

Requirements of the proposed facilities in fuel and gas will be satisfied as follows:

 High temperature fluid for the boil-off gas heat recovery system will be brought to the site by
tank truck.
 Fuel gas for GPA gas turbines, pilot flare burners, thermal treatment system and the purging
of flare headers will be supplied from the gas feedstock pipeline.
 In the event of gas supply failure, diesel for the emergency generator and backup boilers will
be supplied by tank truck.


Materials and chemical agents required for the Terminal operation are detailed in Table 9.11.3.
Table 9.11.3: Material and chemical agent requirements

Description Unit Quantity

Liquid n-butane mn Nm3/year 0.57
Liquid ethylene mn Nm3/year 0.075
Low pressure steam (from mobile plant) t/y 1,200
MDEA activated by diethylene diamine (100%) kg 4,000
Mercury cleaning adsorbent PURASPEC for primary m3 24
Activated carbon for primary filling kg 8,650
Zeolite for primary filling m3 68
Activated alumina for primary filling m3 8
Gaseous nitrogen (at least 99.9%) mn Nm3/year 9.63
Liquid nitrogen (at least 99.9%) t/y 1,283

All materials and chemicals will be brought to the site by trucks with the exception of gaseous
nitrogen (at least 99 % by weight) that will be supplied from the nitrogen plant within the Terminal
production area.



The Terminal design does not provide for the reuse of chemical agents.

Used material will be collected for further landfill disposal.

The heat recycling will consist in the use of flue gas heat from turbines of the mixed refrigerant
compressor plants. The package delivery of two plants will include waste heat recovery units.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Simultaneous operation of these recovery units will be sufficient to satisfy the heat requirements of
the facility.

Reserve heat sources will be provided for use during shutdown/start-up of the mixed refrigerant
compressor plants.

Treated snowmelt and rainwater will be used as an additional source of water supply.

Sustainable (efficient) use of feedstock and energy resources, construction materials and fuel is in
accordance with the high environmental standards declared by ZAO Cryogas.

We recommend that the Company adopt an energy and resource saving programme at the
construction Phase and conduct control of resource efficiency both during the construction
and operation period.

9.11.5 SUMMARY

The analysis of the estimated consumption of energy, water and other resources indicates that:

 Energy, gas and water consumption levels at the proposed facilities will not exceed the
average values for LNG facilities of similar capacity.
 The Company should develop and implement a programme for efficient use and saving of
energy and natural resources. We also recommend that the Company develop and
implement a complex programme for the documenting and control of resource use.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


This section reviews the Project’s environmental and social impact in the event of emergencies.
Although the Project is being implemented in a relatively underpopulated area, associated
occupational hazards may have an impact on employees of the Facility and residents of the nearby
settlements (Pikhtovoye, Medyanka, Cherkasovo, Veschevo villages and the town of Vysotsk), as
well as the local flora and fauna.
Occupational hazards associated with the construction and operation of the Project may create risks
for employees (both at work and at their residences), for the population in general and the
environment. The key risks in this respect were identified through formal hazard assessment
methods, safety analysis and qualitative risk assessments.
Key risks associated with the construction of the Facility are mainly represented by emergency spills
of hydrocarbons (diesel fuel) in water due to faulty equipment on vessels and also on land due to
faulty road and construction machinery involved in construction.
Operation of the Terminal, where natural gas will be processed, liquefied, stored and shipped,
involves circulation of significant amounts of hazardous substances, most of which are combustible
gases. Also, to support the main production processes, other products and auxiliary materials will
be produced, stored and circulated onsite, and these materials are flammable and combustive
liquids. The risk of an emergency at the Terminal mainly stems from explosion and fire hazard
characteristics of these hazardous substances, as well by the Facility’s high power load.
The most significant factors determining the possibility for an emergency to occur and develop
- nature of loads and impacts on the Facility;
- low temperatures of processing media;
- considerable length of pipelines;
- high energy intensity;
- lengthy operation phase;
- influence of neighbouring facilities and utilities;
- anthropogenic factors;
- climatic, hydrogeological, seismic and other natural conditions.
Factors contributing to the likelihood of emergencies during the construction and operational phases
(including possible causes of emergencies) are presented in Table 9.12.1.
Table 9.12.1: Factors contributing to the likelihood of emergencies including their potential causes

Factors contributing to the occurrence and Possible causes of emergencies

development of emergencies
1. Breach of manoeuvring and mooring regulations, Loss of containment of a refuelling vehicle’s tank or
which resulted in a collision or stranding. Breach of the fuel tank of a vessel in the water during
operating rules of construction and refuelling construction activities.
machinery and equipment, which resulted in
mechanical destruction of fuel tanks, atmospheric
and internal corrosion.
2. Present of a large number of equipment, Loss of containment or destruction of process
pipelines and vessels containing significant equipment, pipelines, fittings due to manufacturing
amounts of hazardous substances, creating the risk

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Factors contributing to the occurrence and Possible causes of emergencies

development of emergencies
of a fire, explosion, mechanical and thermal defects, mechanical damage, corrosion, errors
destruction of equipment, impact on neighbouring during construction and assembly works etc.
facilities, and gas hazards.
3. Equipment and pipelines under pressure are Untimely identification and failure to implement
subject to a wide range of vibration loads, and high measures to eliminate defects on equipment and
stresses from internal pressure, as well as pipelines.
significant stress concentrations at the points of
contact between pipes and fittings, which creates
an additional risk of their damage / destruction.
4. Defects on pipes and fittings, fatigue damage of Leaks of hazardous substances due to leaking
metal, faults in automation or electrical equipment, flanges on equipment and pipelines; failure or
which create a significant risk of destruction. spontaneous activation of safety valves on process
5. Failures of automatic shut-off controls, shut-off lines due to design faults or poor technical condition
and relief valves. of equipment.

6. The Terminal will be operated amid significant Human errors maintaining production processes:
natural impacts, which may cause structural  Breach of equipment working time patters
damage or failures of equipment. or improper operation of control systems,
use of faulty emergency protection
 Failure to follow safety rules specified in
working procedures or safety instructions;
use of sparking tools or open flame in gas-
hazard areas.


Following a review of possible causes of emergencies and hazardous facilities and of characteristics
of hazardous substances, the most probable emergency scenarios at the Facility were developed.
The scenarios were developed for the following groups of equipment and types of substances:
Equipment groups:
Tanks and vessels without excessive pressure;
Tanks and vessels under pressure;
Heat exchangers;
Process pipelines.
Types of substances:
Combustible gases (including liquefied hydrocarbon gases);
Combustive liquids (including flammable liquids);
Toxic liquids.
The following typical emergency scenarios are possible for these equipment groups and substance

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Explosion of a fuel-air cloud formed by the gas released from equipment.

Full or partial destruction of equipment (pipeline) → release of a hazardous substance → formation
of a fuel-air cloud → dispersion of the cloud + source of ignition → explosion of the cloud →
barometric and thermal damage to humans, structures and equipment, environmental pollution.
Explosion of a fuel-air cloud formed by vapours of an evaporating liquid.
Full or partial destruction of equipment (pipeline) → release of a hazardous substance → formation
of a spill → evaporation from the spill surface → formation of a fuel-air cloud formed by vapour →
dispersion of the cloud + source of ignition → explosion of the cloud → barometric and thermal
damage to humans, structures and equipment, environmental pollution.
Physical explosion.
Full destruction of equipment containing a hazardous substance under pressure → formation of a
wave of excessive pressure → barometric damage to humans, structures and equipment,
environmental pollution.
Ignition of a spillage.
Full or partial destruction of equipment → release of a hazardous substance (combustible liquid,
liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LHG)) → formation of a spill + source of ignition → ignition of the spillage
→ thermal damage to humans, structures and equipment, environmental pollution.
Creation of a fireball.
Destruction of equipment containing superheated liquid → formation of a spill of a hazardous
substance, ebullition and evaporation from the surface of the spill → formation of a heterogeneous
cloud (gas phase + droplets of the liquid phase) + source of ignition → formation of a fireball →
thermal damage to humans, structures and equipment, environmental pollution.
Thermal injuries by cryogenic liquids and toxic damage.
Full or partial destruction of an LHG tank → release of a hazardous substance → formation of a spill
→ cryogenic damage to human and equipment near the spill → evaporation from the surface of the
spill → formation of a toxic cloud → toxic damage by hydrocarbons, environmental pollution.
Formation of jet fire.
Full or partial loss of containment of equipment (pipeline) → release of a hazardous substance
(combustible gas) + source of ignition → jet fire → thermal damage to humans, structures and
equipment, environmental pollution.
Formation of pit fire.
Failure of a pipeline across the whole section → release of a hazardous substance (combustible
gas) + source of ignition → pit fire → thermal damage to humans, structures and equipment,
environmental pollution.
Environmental pollution.
Full or partial destruction of equipment (refuelling tanks on vessels and vehicles) → release of a
hazardous substance → environmental pollution OR ignition of a hydrocarbon spill (diesel fuel) →
pollution of the environment with products of combustion.


Typical emergencies at gas processing plants are related to containment losses on equipment,
pipelines and storage tanks, to releases of hydrocarbons into the environment and further
development of spills, fires and explosions.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The most hazardous emergency scenarios at facilities producing, storing and transporting natural
gas are:
Leaks and jet fires of hydrocarbon gases;
Explosions of fuel-air mixtures;
Spills and their ignition;
Spills of fuel and lubricants.
Emergencies occurring at any phase of the Project may have an impact on:
Employees of the Project;
Residents of the nearest residential areas;
Atmospheric air;
Water bodies;
Soils and lands;
Biological resources.
Impacts from explosions of gases or fuel-air mixtures will not be considered in this
To reduce potential hazards coming from actual process units in an emergency, the units are
equipped with emergency blowdown systems to discharge fire and explosion hazardous products.
The gas phase is discharged via pressure relief valves to the continuously running flare system.
Drainage from equipment containing fire and explosion hazardous liquids is collected into a closed-
circuit system of airtight pipelines and tanks. In drainage tanks, the vapour phase is separated from
the liquid. Vapours are directed to flaring units for combustion, while the liquid is sent to the
hydrocarbon liquid incinerator.
Adherence to safety rules, work methods, engineering solutions, combined with timely
checks of equipment should be sufficient to prevent occurrence of such emergencies.

Impacts from a spill of hydrocarbons (diesel fuel)

During the construction phase, possible sources of spills of hydrocarbons (diesel fuel) in the water
are related to destruction of shipboard equipment, with fuel tanks of vessels acting as sources of
potential spills.
During the operation phase, possible sources of spills of hydrocarbons (diesel fuel) in the water are
related to damage to tow boats or bulk carriers, with fuel tanks of a tow boat / carrier acting as
sources of potential spills.
For on-land spills during the construction phase, a potential source is a loss of containment of a
refuelling tank.
During the operational phase, machinery is refuelled offsite, and so this scenario is not considered
In terms of extent and consequences, the most hazardous emergencies for the construction phase
Destruction of a vessel’s fuel tank in the water;
Destruction of a refuelling lorry’s tank at the special refuelling pad.
In terms of extent and consequences, the most hazardous emergencies for the operational phase
Destruction of a vessel’s fuel tank in the water.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

According to Item 3(f) of the Rules for arranging measures to prevent and response to spills of
petroleum and petroleum products on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, in inland seas,
territorial waters and contiguous zone of the Russian Federation, which were approved by Decree
1189 of the Russian Government dated 14 November 2014, the highest potential size of a spill in an
emergency involving vessels engaged for certain operations shall equal the capacity of the largest
fuel tank among the engaged vessels. In our case, this value is 300 m3 (249 tonnes).
According to Decree 613 of the Russian Government dated 21 August 2000 (as amended on 14
November 2014) “On urgent measures to prevent and response to emergency spills of petroleum
and petroleum products”, the highest possible volume of a spills for a tanker lorry is 100% of its
According to Item 4.4 of the national standard GOST R 50913-96 “Motor vehicles for transportation
and filling of petroleum products (enacted by Decree 368 of the Russian State Committee for
Standardisation, Metrology and Certification dated 10 June 1996), filling of a lorry tank may not
exceed 95% of the tank’s capacity.
According the Project’s construction method statement, construction machinery will be refuelled
using a АТЗ56215-40-type fuelling lorry with a 15 m3 tank.
Therefore, the largest spill would be 15 m3 × 0.95 = 14.25 m3 (11.83 tonnes).
Key factors for emergency occurrence
Destruction of a vessel’s fuel tank in the water may be caused by:
 Stranding of the vessel;
 Collision with another vessel;
 Manoeuvring and mooring or in the event of fire / explosion.
Destruction of an on-land fuelling lorry’s tank may be caused by:
 Mechanical damage
 Breach of operating rules of equipment;
 Defects during equipment manufacturing;
 Breach of testing schedules and/or procedures;
 Atmospheric corrosion;
 Internal corrosion.


Impacts of emergencies may include: impact on air; impact on soils; impact on water bodies; impact
on flora and fauna.
The highest environmental impact during the construction phase may be caused by:
 Ignition of a diesel fuel spill due to loss of containment (destruction) of a vessel’s fuel tank in
the water;
 Evaporation of a diesel fuel spill due to loss of containment (destruction) of a vessel’s fuel
tank in the water;
 Ignition of a diesel fuel spill due to loss of containment (destruction) of a fuelling lorry’s tank
on the specially equipped pad for fuelling of construction machinery;
 Evaporation of a diesel fuel spill due to loss of containment (destruction) of a fuelling lorry’s
tank on the specially equipped pad for fuelling of construction machinery.
The highest environmental impact during the operational phase may be caused by:
 Ignition of a diesel fuel spill due to loss of containment (destruction) of a vessel’s fuel tank in
the water;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Evaporation of a diesel fuel spill due to loss of containment (destruction) of a vessel’s fuel
tank in the water. IMPACT ON AIR

The main type of impact on air in an emergency is pollution of air with emissions from sources at the
The air impact will be represented by:
 Release of combustion products into the air in the event of ignition of a spill of hydrocarbons
(diesel fuel);
 Release of gaseous fractions of hydrocarbons (diesel fuel) from evaporation of a spill.
The following methods are used to calculate emergency emissions:
 The method for calculating emissions from combustion sources during spills of petroleum
and petroleum products, approved by Order 90 of the Russian State Committee for
Environmental Protection dated 5 March 1997;
 The method for calculating air emissions of harmful substances during free burning of
petroleum and petroleum products, Samara, 1996.
To determine the impact of emergency emissions on air quality, dispersion of pollutants in the air
and formation of highest ground-level concentrations was modelled for the boundary of the nearest
residential area using Ecolog 3.1, a unified air pollution modelling software.
According to the Temporary guidelines for assessing environmental risks associated with petroleum
depots and fuelling stations issued by the Russian State Committee for Environmental Protection
(Moscow, 1999), the assessment uses the criterion of 50xMPC, which corresponds to extremely
high pollution.
Table 9.12.2 shows the calculation for emissions from ignition of a spill in the water.
Table 9.12.2: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.200 3 6.899 4,679
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.400 3 1.120 0,759
3 Soot 0.150 3 0.331 0,225
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.500 3 4.263 2,891
5 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 1.556 1,056
6 Carbon oxide 5.000 4 2.333 1,582
7 Hydrogen cyanide 0.010 2 0.330 0,224
8 Ethanoic acid 0.200 3 1.206 0,818
9 Formaldehyde 0.035 2 0.389 0,264
10 Inorganic dust 70-20% SiO2 0.300 3 0.0003 0,0002
Total substances: 10 18,427 12.498

The measurement points at the boundary of the residential area had the following locations:
 House 16, Pikhtovoye (Point 1);
 7 Krasnoflotskaya Street, Vysotsk (Point 2).
Table 9.12.3 shows the highest ground-level concentrations of pollutants from combustion of
petroleum products at the boundary of the nearest rated area.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.12.3: The highest ground-level concentrations of pollutants from combustion of petroleum products at the boundary of
the nearest rated area

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Point 1, at the Point 2, at the
boundary of the boundary of the
nearest residential nearest residential
area area
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.85 1.09
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.07 0.09
3 Soot 0.05 0.07
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.21 0.27
5 Hydrogen sulphide 4.80 6.12
6 Carbon oxide 0.01 0.01
7 Hydrogen cyanide 0.82 1.04
8 Ethanoic acid 0.15 0.19
9 Formaldehyde 0.19 0.25
10 Inorganic dust 70-20% SiO2 0.0 0.0
Summation groups
1 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 4.99 6.37
2 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 5.01 6.39
3 Carbon oxide and inorganic dust 0.01 0.01
4 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.66 0.83
The calculations show that the criterion of extremely high pollution (50xMPC) was not reached at
any of the points for any substance released in the event of an emergency in the water.
The maximum area of influence (the 0.1xMPC isoline) for combustion of petroleum products in the
water will be 25,000 m.
Table 9.12.4 shows the calculation for emissions from evaporation of a spill in the water.
Table 9.12.4: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 0.130 0.697
2 С12-С19 saturated hydrocarbons 1.000 4 46.401 248.303
Total substances: 2 46.531 249.000
The calculations show that the criterion of extremely high pollution (50xMPC) was not reached at
any of the points for any substance released in the event of an emergency in the water.
The maximum area of influence (the 0.1xMPC isoline) for evaporation of petroleum products in the
water will be 17,000 m.
Table 9.12.5 shows the calculation for emissions from ignition of a spill from a fuelling lorry’s tank
within the designed bunding.
Table 9.12.5: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.200 3 1.378 0.247
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.400 3 0.224 0.040
3 Soot 0.150 3 0.851 0.153
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.500 3 0.311 0.056
5 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 0.066 0.012
6 Carbon oxide 5.000 4 0.466 0.084

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
7 Hydrogen cyanide 0.010 2 0.066 0.012
8 Ethanoic acid 0.200 3 0.241 0.043
9 Formaldehyde 0.035 2 0.078 0.014
10 Inorganic dust 70-20% SiO2 0.300 3 0.00007 0.00001
Total substances: 10 3.681 0.659
The measurement points at the boundary of the residential area had the following locations:
 House 16, Pikhtovoye (Point 1);
 7 Krasnoflotskaya Street, Vysotsk (Point 2).
Table 9.12.6 shows the highest ground-level concentrations of pollutants from combustion of
petroleum products at the boundary of the nearest rated area.
Table 9.12.6: The highest ground-level concentrations of pollutants from combustion of petroleum products at the boundary of
the nearest rated area

Pollutant Maximum ground-level concentration, %

of MPC
# Name Point 1, at the Point 2, at the
boundary of the boundary of the
nearest residential nearest residential
area area
1 Nitrogen dioxide 0.19 0.15
2 Nitrogen oxide 0.02 0.01
3 Soot 0.16 0.12
4 Sulphur dioxide 0.02 0.01
5 Hydrogen sulphide 0.23 0.18
6 Carbon oxide 0.0 0.0
7 Hydrogen cyanide 0.18 0.14
8 Ethanoic acid 0.03 0.03
9 Formaldehyde 0.19 0.25
10 Inorganic dust 70-20% SiO2 0.0 0.0
Summation groups
1 Hydrogen sulphide and formaldehyde 0.27 0.21
2 Sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide 0.25 0.19
3 Carbon oxide and inorganic dust 0.0 0.0
4 Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 0.13 0.10
The calculations show that the criterion of extremely high pollution (50xMPC) was not reached at
any of the points for any substance released in the event of an onsite emergency.
The maximum area of influence (the 0.1xMPC isoline) for combustion of petroleum products in the
water will be 8,500 m.
The calculations assume the worst-case scenario, when 100% of the tank’s contents have
Gross emissions from evaporation will amount to 100% of the spill, i.e. 14.25 m3 (11.83 t).
Table 9.12.7: The highest (in g/s) and annual (in tonnes) emissions

Substance MPC, Hazard Total emissions

# Name mg/m3 Class g/s t/period
1 Hydrogen sulphide 0.008 2 0.026 0.033
2 С12-С19 saturated hydrocarbons 1.000 4 9.267 11.797
Total substances: 2 9.293 11.830

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The calculations show that the criterion of extremely high pollution (50xMPC) was not reached at
any of the points for any substance released in the event of an onsite emergency.
The maximum area of influence (the 0.1xMPC isoline) for evaporation of petroleum products in the
water will be 2,500 m. IMPACT ON SOILS AND LANDS

During the operational phase, adverse impacts on soils surrounding active facilities are possible.
The impacts may be caused by spillages of hydrocarbons, methanol, diesel, and lubricants. Like any
other alcohol, methanol is a sterilising agent able to suppress soil bacteria, which affect intensity of
organic decay. Earthworks and dismantling of temporary structures at construction sites may also
results in contamination of soils due to:
 Improper storage of fuels, lubricants, loose materials, and chemicals;
 Emergency spillages of fuels, lubricants and chemicals;
 Emissions of pollutants from vehicles and machinery;
 Creation of unauthorised waste dumps during construction and operation of facilities.
The most severe consequences are associated with spills of fuels and lubricants, as volatile
aromatics are easily destroyed and exported from soils. Decomposition of diesel fuel is very slow,
as destruction of certain compounds is inhibited by other compounds, and transformation of
individual components produces oxidation-resistant forms etc.
Impact on coastal soils
Petroleum spills in the water during construction
If a water spill of petroleum products occurs, the stain will be washed ashore within 12 hours. If the
stain reaches the shore and stays there, it may create long-term environmental disturbances in the
coastal waters and littoral area.
If a spill occurs on land, there will be no impact on soils, as a spill can only occur within a specially
equipped and bunded pad, whose containment capacity will be sufficient to avoid an overflow.
Petroleum spills in the water during operations
The Terminal’s water area is open on three sides and covers 168,000 m2 (16.88 ha).
Berths prevent petroleum spills from spreading across the water area and reaching coastal soils.
Ingress of the spill material and its accumulation in coastal soils by water is impossible, as artificial
structures are impermeable for petroleum products. IMPACT ON WATER BODIES

The biggest impact on the water environment is associated with ingress of hazardous contaminants
in the water in an emergency. The biggest potential consequences of an emergency at onshore
facilities will be from leaks of hydrocarbons during their processing, storage or loading, or in the
event of an emergency at the main site. An assessment of the likelihood and extent of potential spills
should primarily focus on substantiating measure to prevent and response to such emergencies and
should become an environmental safety element of the design.
During the construction phase, contamination of water bodies in an emergency may be caused by
destruction of storage tanks with wastewater / waste, and by contaminated storm water conveying
petroleum products, fuels and lubricants from construction sites.
If an emergency results in a spillage of wastewater containing hydrocarbons or other harmful
pollutants, the first task would be to promptly notify relevant parties and commence response
measures to eliminate the source of contamination, contain contamination and skim contaminants
from the water surface.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Potential emergencies are controlled with low temperature sensors inside emergency spill tanks.
The capacity of the spill tanks is sufficient to hold the maximum volume of liquids in storage including
the foam component.
To contain potential spills, all equipment containing toxic, fire and explosion hazard products are
equipped with spill trays.
The impact will be represented by ingress of harmful substances into sea water.
Impact on sea water in an emergency: ignition of a diesel spill due to loss of containment
(destruction) of a freight vessel’s fuel tanks in the water
When a diesel stain burns on water, 96% of the fuel will be burn away, and the remaining material
will be represented by a film 2 mm thick, which does not burn.
The highest volume of a spill is 300 m3 (249 t) of diesel fuel.
In a potential emergency, 4% of the spill will end up in the water, which is 12 m3 or 9.97 t.
Impact on sea water in an emergency: a spill of diesel fuel due to loss of containment
(destruction) of a freight vessel’s fuel tanks in the water
Petroleum products entering the water from the surface, spread quickly and dissolve.
The highest volume of a spill is 300 m3 (249 t) of diesel fuel.
For the worst case scenario, 100% of the spill will end up in the water, which is 300 m3 (249 t). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FROM HANDLING OF WASTE GENERATED

The spilled petroleum product and the petroleum-water mixture will be recovered by special recovery
The recovered materials will be temporarily stored in the bilge water removal vessels.
The highest volume of a spill is 300 m3 (249 t).
The petroleum to water ratio in the mixture will be around 50/50.
The total volume of the petroleum-water mixture will be 600 m3 (549 t).
The mixture is a waste classified as floating petroleum products petroleum traps and similar facilities
(Code 4 06 350 01 31 3 in the Federal Waste Classifier).
This type of waste will be transferred to OOO Profspetstrans, a specialised organisation, for
transportation and neutralisation. IMPACT ON FLORA AND FAUNA

Potential explosions of vapour-air mixtures may have both a direct damage to the fauna of the
investigated territory (death, blast injuries to animals etc.) and an indirect impact (startling of animals
and their migration from breeding and feeding grounds etc.).
A fire would mainly affect invertebrates, small animals, amphibians and reptiles; also, if a fire occurs
during a breeding period, it can result in deaths of eggs, nestlings and young animals.
Animals’ habitats are likely to have a severe exposure up to complete loss of their feeding, protective
properties etc.
A potential spill of fuels and lubricants will mainly affect insects and soil invertebrates.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

A rather severe damage may be caused to animal habitats. If fuels or lubricants contaminate water
reservoirs, it can cause death of the ichthyofauna.
An emergency occurring during construction of the Terminal’s facilities will be local and will not have
a significant impact on the general fauna of the investigated territory.
Impact on vegetation and wildlife due to an on-land emergency
An on-land emergency at the Site will not have a direct impact of the area’s flora and fauna (like their
damage or destruction) as a spill of hydrocarbons from a fuelling lorry’s tanks may only occur after
a hard-surface pad has been installed and will thus have a local extent only. An indirect impact from
ignition or evaporation of the spill will be represented by contamination of the air basin and
subsequent contamination of communicating environmental components (water, soils), which will
cause a depression of vegetation and animals within the area of influence.
Impact on vegetation and wildlife due to an emergency in the water
Spills of petroleum products will mainly affect birds and young fish and aquatic invertebrates
(including fish eggs and larvae), most of who will die within several hours or days after the spill. If a
spill occurs in the spring, autumn or late winter, the resultant high morbidity rate may threaten
complete age groups and subpopulations, especially if climatic and other biophysical factors cause
a synergetic impact on the surviving species.
As a petroleum stain moves quickly through the water, disperses in open water, and undergoes
evaporation, photochemical decomposition and biological decomposition of suspended particles,
bottom sediments of coastal areas accumulate very little petroleum products.
Impact on organisms with the lowest trophic states
The nature of impacts on various groups of the local aquatic biota in the event of an open water
petroleum spill is presented in Table 9.12.8.
Table 9.12.8: Impact of spills of petroleum products on sea organisms in open and coastal waters

Groups of organisms Situation Expected disturbances and stresses

and impact
Phytoplankton 1 Changes in the intensity of photosynthesis, species
composition and other disturbances, which will
disappear within several hours or days after the stain
Zooplankton 1 Physiological and biochemical abnormalities, reduction
of relative population and species diversity, other
manifestations of stresses, which will disappear within
several days or weeks after the stain scatters.
Zoobenthos (pelagic zone) 1 Changes and counter reactions are unlikely as bottom
sediments will not be contaminated by petroleum
Zoobenthos (coastal zone) 2 Possible consequences are sublethal reactions,
reduction of relative population, local disturbances of
the species structure of benthos communities with a
period of restoration of up to several years.
Phytobenthos 2 Reversible structural and functional disturbances in
coastal communities of macrophytes.
Ichthyofauna (pelagic zone) 1 Behavioural reactions when adult fish leaves or swims
around contaminated areas; damage to
ichtyhoplankton; population changes will be
indistinguishable amid natural fluctuations.
Ichthyofauna (coastal zone) 2 Deterioration of food resources of fish; possible
disturbances in migration of migratory fish and local
and reversible population transformations.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

1 – temporary (up to several days) contamination of the surface pelagic layer with petroleum products with
concentrations of 1-10 mg/l to the depth of 1 m.
2 – temporary (up to several months) contamination of the coastal waters with petroleum products, with
concentration levels of 1-10 mg/l in the water and up to 102-103 mg/kg in bottom sediments.

Impact on plankton
Among various ecological groupings of plankton, the biggest toxic exposure from on-water spills will
be experienced by hyponeuston organisms and communities, which live in the most contaminated
surface layer several centimetres thick.
The impact of a spill on phytoplankton may range from being a stimulating impact (enhancing growth
and development) to inhibiting photosynthesis and growth. In relation to zooplankton, toxic effects
are mainly manifested in the crustacean plankton fauna and naupliar forms of many invertebrates,
which is confirmed by various experimental and field studies.
Among the numerous publications on the topic, not a single work would show irreversible and
persistent consequences of petroleum spills for open-water plankton flora and fauna. Apparently,
the impact of petroleum products on plankton communities is limited by acute short-term stresses
(lasting several hours or days) and mainly results in death of plankton organisms, followed by rapid
restoration of population.
Impact on benthos
Typically, settling of petroleum products in neritic zones occurs if a high-viscosity product is spilled.
Similar to the behaviour of diesel fuel (rapid movement, dispersion, evaporation, photo degradation
and biological decomposition of suspended particles), there is practically no contamination of bottom
sediments even in the neritic zone. Therefore, there is no cause to assume a visible impact on
benthos communities in the event of a spill of light petroleum products, which evaporate rapidly.
A larger scale impact on zoobenthos and macrophytes during spring, summer and autumn may have
significant consequences for migrating bird and fish species.
Impact on fish
The most probable consequences of a spill for fish will be observed in shallow and low-circulation
waters. It is commonly known that eggs and larvae of fish are more sensitive to impacts of petroleum
products than adult species, and so many earlier-stage species may die after contacting rather high
concentrations of toxic components in petroleum products. However, as is shown by calculation and
direct observations, these types of losses would be indiscernible amid high and variable morbidity
among fish during embryonic and post-embryonic development.
Pelagic juvenile fish will have the highest sensitivity to surface spills, as adult species are able to
escape contaminated areas. Given high and variable morbidity among young fish, the impact on
commercial populations of key fish species cannot be assessed accurately enough. Changes in
population characteristics may only manifest after several years; on top of that, assessments are
mainly based on catch statistics. A large number of biological and hydrometeorological phenomena
may complicate the overall picture even further through their synergy effects. At the same time,
manifestation of chronic and cumulative effects from spill-related factors is unlikely due to the short-
term nature of this kind of impact and, correspondingly, due to the absence of biological
accumulation of hydrocarbons and associated effects.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

According to the project design, measures aimed at preventing emergencies and containing
accidental releases will include:
 Development of various emergency response plans;
 Engagement of specialised organisations and contractors for rescue services and prevention
of natural and technogenic emergencies;
 Creation of emergency stocks of materials, tools and equipment to enable timely response.
The following measures will be required to prevent and mitigate potential emergencies:
1. During construction and operations, introduce technical and designer supervision of the
quality of construction, compliance of construction and assembly works with design and
regulatory requirements, use of certified equipment, materials, and technologies, adherence
to operating rules and regulations;
2. Perform in a timely manner preventive and scheduled flaw-detection, repairs or replacement
of equipment and its components;
3. Check compliance with technical operating rules, improve production discipline and increase
the life of equipment through proper and timely recovery and maintenance operations;
4. Monitor compliance with health and safety rules and regulations;
5. Perform timely inspections, maintenance and repairs of underground and above-ground
pipelines and shut-off valves within the Terminal. Perform non-destructive pipeline wall
thickness tests at sections most prone to erosion and corrosion. Perform timely maintenance
and local repairs of auxiliary equipment in line with recommendations by manufacturers and
maintenance regulations;
6. Systematically monitor the condition of process facilities, including corrosion of metallic
structures, settlement of foundations, state of roofing, thermal insulation and glazing. Repair
respective elements in a timely manner;
7. To prevent loss of containment on process pipelines and high pressure vessels, monitor the
condition of safety valves and instrumentation, automatic control, instrumentation and alarm
8. Maintain operability and readiness of fire alarm and suppression systems, gas alarms,
automatic ventilation systems. Perform periodic actuation and operability tests of emergency
power supply units and emergency illumination;
9. To ensure good and timely maintenance and repairs of major equipment, enter into service
contracts with manufacturers in a timely manner. Ensure timely and sufficient certification of
equipment and materials with the help from independent organisations;
10. Ensure proper storage and maintenance of estimating, design and operating documentation;
11. Maintain sufficient stocks of material and technical resources for emergency response
12. Conduct regular emergency response training and testing of all personnel. Continuously
improve professional and specific readiness and skills of operating personnel. PREVENTION AND MITIGATION OF ON-LAND EMERGENCIES

 Entry to and exit from construction sites is only allowed through the main gates;
 A site layout map showing roads, passageways, storages of materials and structures, turning
point for vehicles, fire water supply facilities should be displayed at the entrance to the
construction site;
 Road width should be sufficient to allow at least one lane in each direction;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Structures and associated passageways and driveways should not hinder the work of rescue
and emergency services;
 All outdoor areas and associated passageways and driveways should be designed to have

 For spills of petroleum products, response measures include timely elimination of the cause
of the emergency, follow instructions from the emergency response officer, and assist
specialised emergency services. Assistance to specialised services is also required in the
event of a fire;
 Emergency response activities may generate waste, especially if the emergency takes the
form a diesel spill from a fuelling lorry’s tank. The spilled waste fuel should be recovered and
transferred to a licenced organisation for disposal. PREVENTION OF AQUATIC EMERGENCIES

The Facility’s water area is located near the port of Vysotsk. The port’s captain is responsible for
safe traffic of all vessels, entry into and departure from the port, and for observing national laws and
international maritime treaties of the Russian Federation.
The following requirements are applicable to the construction and operations of the Facility:
 Ensure that vessels are equipped with navigation equipment matching requirements of the
International Association of Lighthouse Authorities;
 Obtain approval from the Main Department of Navigation and Oceanography of the Russian
Ministry of Defence for specifications for navigation equipment;
 Obtain necessary approvals for routes, navigation areas and anchoring positions for all types
of vessels in the water area of the Facility. RESPONSE TO AQUATIC SPILLS

Emergency spills will be responded to by the Administration of Baltic Sea Ports, a federal state
Spill response activities include:
 Notifications;
 Assessment of the nature of the spill;
 Containment and coastal protection if necessary;
 Recovery of the spilled materials;
 Storage and disposal of the recovered petroleum products. DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANISATIONAL, ENGINEERING AND SPECIAL

To ensure timely prevention of and response to emergencies, natural calamities and catastrophes,
to coordinate material and human resources and governance bodies engaged for response activities,
and to supervise implementation of mitigation measures during the construction and operational
phases, the Company has to set up an emergency and fire safety commission.
The emergency and fire safety commission will have three modes of operation:
 Normal operations (standard production, radiological, chemical, biological conditions);
 High alert operations (if conditions worsen or if an emergency treat is projected);

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Emergency operations (after occurrence and during response to an emergency).

In all operating modes, the commission will focus on:
 Preventing emergencies;
 Increasing disaster tolerance of equipment and facilities; mobilising material and human
resources for response measures;
 Saving and preserving human lives and health, reducing damage to equipment, containing
and responding to emergencies.
In normal conditions, preventive organisational, engineering and special measures include:
 Monitoring of the industrial safety level of potentially hazardous facilities using own resources
and with assistance from higher authorities;
 Development of reference documents, planning of measures to increase disaster tolerance
of equipment and facilities;
 Development of action plans for the most likely emergencies;
 Ensure emergency response command bodies are adequately trained and are permanently
ready for engagement;
 Planning and implementation of emergency prevention measures;
 Training of personnel and nearby communities in emergency procedures and actions;
 Timely development of an industrial safety declaration for the hazardous production facility;
 Creation and periodic replenishment of financial and technical resources for emergency
response activities;
 Procurement of special insurance policies for potential emergencies;
 Participation in the development and implementation of scientific and technical programmes
to prevent and reduce risks of emergencies.
In emergency conditions, the key measures focus on saving lives and protecting health of
employees, reduce damage and material losses, to contain emergencies and eliminate hazardous
factors. These measures include:
 Protection operating personnel of the Facility and arrange their evacuation to safe areas;
 Provide emergency onsite medical help to victims and arrange their evacuation by
 Ensure stable operations of the Facility;
 Arrange for urgent mobilisation of task groups and their deployment to the emergency area
(unless they had already been mobilised during the high alert mode of operations);
 Reconnaissance and delineation of the emergency area;
 Arrange for response measures;
 Establish continuous monitoring of the emergency area and adjacent territories.
Among the critical activities is timely mobilisation and deployment of task forces. The latter may be
represented by voluntary emergency and rescue teams. Emergencies and their consequences will
be responded to using material and human resources of ZAO Cryogas. If necessary, the Company
may engage resources of the Ministry of Emergencies.
High readiness of material and human resources of emergency and recovery teams can be ensured
through the following measures:
 Maintain readiness of emergency teams to be deployed to the emergency area upon
receiving an emergency and mobilisation notice;
 Ensure the emergency teams have adequate manning in line with their staffing structure;
 Equip the teams with necessary machinery, equipment and tools in line with the list of spare
parts and consumables;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Arrange theoretical and practical training of the teams in line with the pre-approved schedule,
but at least once per quarter;
 Allow for urgent provision of personal protective equipment during off-hours and within the
emergency area;
 Allow for urgent provision of technical documents necessary for recovery efforts during and
outside normal working hours;
 Provide autonomous sources of light and communications equipment;
 Conduct practice notifications and mobilisations of teams;
 Provide for storage of emergency material and technical resources at safe locations;
 Arrange for catering, provision of basic necessities and medical help within the emergency
 Arrange for heated parking of emergency vehicles and machinery;
 Maintain access roads leading to storages of construction and other materials in proper
 Follow the emergency procedures;
 Following the procedure for interacting with and engaging emergency material and human
resources of neighbouring facilities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

9.12.6 SUMMARY
Table 9.12.9: Summary of Emergency Preparedness and Response and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Impact of ignition Employees Construction and The significance is  Ensure that vessels are equipped with If respective
of a petroleum involved in operation of Stage I deemed high, if no navigation equipment matching measures are
and III facilities requirements of the International Association
spill in the water construction and special measures implemented, the
(berthing facilities of Lighthouse Authorities;
operation of governing vessel residual impact is
and the LNG  Obtain approval from the Main Department
berthing facilities. operations in the water expected to be low
terminal) of Navigation and Oceanography of the
Residents of area of the Facility are
Russian Ministry of Defence for
Vysotsk and put in place during specifications for navigation equipment;
Pikhtovoye. construction and  Obtain necessary approvals for routes,
operation. navigation areas and anchoring positions for
Sea fauna.
all types of vessels in the water area of the
 Continuous monitoring of safety of traffic of
all vessels, entry into and departure from the
 Continuously monitor compliance with health
and safety rules and regulations.

Impact of a Employees Construction and The significance is  Ensure that vessels are equipped with If respective
petroleum spill in involved in operation of Stage I deemed moderate, if no navigation equipment matching measures are
and III facilities requirements of the International Association
the water construction and special measures implemented, the
(berthing facilities of Lighthouse Authorities;
operation of governing vessel residual impact of
and the LNG  Obtain approval from the Main Department
berthing facilities. operations in the water spills is expected to
terminal) of Navigation and Oceanography of the
Residents of area of the Facility are be low
Russian Ministry of Defence for
Vysotsk and put in place during specifications for navigation equipment;
Pikhtovoye. construction and  Obtain necessary approvals for routes,
operation. navigation areas and anchoring positions for
Sea fauna.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact
all types of vessels in the water area of the
 Continuous monitoring of safety of traffic of
all vessels, entry into and departure from the
 Continuously monitor compliance with health
and safety rules and regulations.
Impact of ignition Employees Construction of The significance of the  Entry to and exit from construction sites is If respective
of an inland involved in Stage I, II and III impact is deemed high, if only allowed through the main gates; measures are
petroleum spill construction of facilities (berthing no special measures are  A site layout map showing roads, implemented, the
berthing facilities, facilities, gas put in place at the passageways, storages of materials and residual impact is
the LNG terminal pipeline branch and facilities. structures, turning point for vehicles, fire expected to be low
the LNG terminal) water supply facilities should be displayed at
and the gas
the entrance to the construction site;
pipeline branch.
 Road width should be sufficient to allow at
Residents of least one lane in each direction;
Vysotsk and  Structures and associated passageways and
Pikhtovoye. driveways should not hinder the work of
Fauna. rescue and emergency services;
 All outdoor areas and associated
passageways and driveways should be
designed to have a hard surface
 Continuously monitor compliance with health
and safety rules and regulations.
Impact of an Employees Construction of The significance of the  Entry to and exit from construction sites is the residual impact
inland petroleum involved in Stage I, II and III impact is deemed only allowed through the main gates; is expected to be
spill construction of facilities (berthing moderate.  A site layout map showing roads, low
berthing facilities, facilities, gas passageways, storages of materials and
the LNG terminal pipeline branch and structures, turning point for vehicles, fire
the LNG terminal) water supply facilities should be displayed at
and the gas
the entrance to the construction site;
pipeline branch.
 Road width should be sufficient to allow at
least one lane in each direction;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact
Residents of  Structures and associated passageways and
Vysotsk and driveways should not hinder the work of
Pikhtovoye. rescue and emergency services;
Fauna.  All outdoor areas and associated
passageways and driveways should be
designed to have a hard surface
 Continuously monitor compliance with health
and safety rules and regulations.
Impact of Employees of the Operation of Stage Given the intensity and  Perform in a timely manner preventive and If respective
explosions of terminal II and III facilities likelihood of the impact, scheduled flaw-detection, repairs or measures are
gas or vapour-air (workplace health (gas pipeline its significance is deemed replacement of equipment and its implemented, the
branch and the components;
mixtures at and safety). high, if no special residual impact is
process LNG terminal) measures are put in  Check compliance with technical operating expected to be low
Fauna. rules, improve production discipline and
equipment of the place at the facilities.
increase the life of equipment through proper
LNG complex
and timely recovery and maintenance
 Systematically monitor the condition of
process facilities, including corrosion of
metallic structures, settlement of
foundations, state of roofing, thermal
insulation and glazing. Repair respective
elements in a timely manner;
 To prevent loss of containment on process
pipelines and high pressure vessels, monitor
the condition of safety valves and
instrumentation, automatic control,
instrumentation and alarm systems;
 Perform timely inspections, maintenance
and repairs of underground and above-
ground pipelines and shut-off valves within
the Terminal. Perform non-destructive
pipeline wall thickness tests at sections most
prone to erosion and corrosion. Perform

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Initial impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact
timely maintenance and local repairs of
auxiliary equipment in line with
recommendations by manufacturers and
maintenance regulations;
 Provide for timely development of an
industrial safety declaration for the
hazardous production facility.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 9: Environmental Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Table 9.12.10: Summary of Emergency Preparedness and Response Monitoring Requirements

Aspect Phase Location Parameters Frequency

Impact of aquatic spills of Construction and Sea vessels engaged during the Continuous monitoring of safety of traffic of Continuously
petroleum products and operation phases construction and operation phases all vessels, entry into and departure from
their ignition of the Project the port.

Impact of on-land spills of Construction Road and construction machinery, Continuous monitoring of compliance with Continuously
petroleum products and phase fuelling lorries involved during the health and safety rules, technical operation
their ignition construction phase rules and production discipline.

Impact of explosions of gas Operational Process equipment: Monitoring of compliance with health and Continuously
or vapour-air mixtures at phase  Pressure relief valves for the safety rules, technical operation rules and
process equipment of the continuously operating flare production discipline.
LNG complex system; Monthly, in line with the
 System of airtight pipelines and existing industrial and
drainage tanks where the Monitoring of the condition of the safety technical monitoring
vapour phase is separated valves, instrumentation and automatic programme.
from the liquid parameter control systems for potentially
hazardous components.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



This Chapter presents the analysis of potential socio-economic impacts associated with
implementation of the Vysotsk LNG Project. The assessment identifies the impacts that are
predicted to occur during the different phases of the Project: construction, commissioning,
operations. This Chapter also addresses the measures that are required to mitigate the predicted
adverse impacts or to enhance the anticipated positive effects (mitigation controls and/or
enhancement measures).The significance of each identified impact is therefore assessed both
prior to mitigation and with the consideration of mitigation, i.e. the residual impact. The assessment
has been undertaken in line with the ESIA methodology described in Chapter 3, and with due
account of the baseline socio-economic conditions in the Project Area of Influence presented in
Chapter 8.



This section describes impacts on health, safety and security of local communities as well as
relevant mitigation measures.
The aspects of the Project associated with the specific Project components and activities that
are likely to give rise to community health, safety and security risks are listed in Table 10.2.1.
Table 10.2.1: Project aspects related to community health, safety and security risks

Aspect/Project Component Potential Risk/Impact

Construction Phase

Construction Workforce  Increased risk of communicable and

non-endemic diseases, including
Presence of the large non-local workforce in the transmission among the workforce
area, predominantly consisting of non-r esident and to the local communities (non-
construction contractor personnel workforce).
 Increased stress levels and
associated mental effects
experienc ed by the local population
due to the arrival of large numbers of
personnel from outside Vysotsk

 Conflicts and tensions as a result of

cultural variations and differing
mentalities between the local
communities and non-resident
workforce that may be unfamiliar with
the local conventions and customary
modes of behavior (highly unlikely as
workforce will come from the region
nearby with the same modes of
behavior and with no cultural variations)

 Potential for increased alcohol

consumption and/or substance abuse. 442
Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Aspect/Project Component Potential Risk/Impact

Landscape Modification and Intervention, A i r  Transformation of the terrain previously

and Water contamination, Noise and familiar to and well-known to the local
other environmental impacts of the communities and particularly for
construction residents of St.Petersburg and Vyborg
 Laying of the access roads and roadways who were coming to visit the region for
resulting in logging, temporary excavations and recreation on shore and in the forests
formation of borrow pits, spoil heaps, presence and to locals collecting berries and
of roadside ditches and drains, and other mushrooms and fishing.
alterations to the ground surface.  Noise nuisance, dust generation, and
emissions of air pollutants by
 Earthworks, civil works and laying of the construction and power generation
above- ground infrastructure, resulting in the equipment.
creation of open excavations and pits and
other modifications of the ground surface.  Generation of dust and suspended
solids during earthworks and ground
 Presence and operation of the construction disturbance activities.
and earth-moving equipment, plant and  Washout of pollutants in case of
machinery (both mobile and stationary). uncontrolled melt/stormwater runoff
 Operation of diesel generators and boiler houses contaminated with suspended
for power supply. solids and petroleum products (fuel
& lubricants) from construction sites
to the surface water bodies that are
also used by the local communities.
Transportation Activities Potential littering of the water bodies
 Increased risk of accidents
with construction and injuries
debris. Increased
Presence of road vehicles and increased due
turbidity of surface waters and seaand
to overload of existing roads
volume/frequency of vehicular movements. construction
water due to of the new ones
construction not far
especially in the areas of pipelineplots.
settlements and household
 Noise
nuisance, dust generation and
emissions of air pollutants by road
Impacts on Marine Environment  Navigational risks to local fishing vessels
 Impossibility to use the shore and the
 Use of the early seaport for the delivery of islands nearby for recreational purposes
construction materials and heavy anymore.
plant/equipment by sea.  An increased risk of near-shore and
 Development of the main terminal and offshore accidents, damage to fishing
activities related to the establishment of vessels and gear and risk of injury to
approach and navigational channels: piling local fishermen.
etc.  Emission of air pollutants from dredging
 Movement of carrier and construction/support equipment and operating vessels.
vessels.  Increased turbidity of waters

 Pipeline crossings (3 bays)

Waste Products and Facilities Exposure to hazards associated with waste
Generation and disposal of solid and liquid disposal and transportation in the areas that
construction waste, including removal of old can be accessed by local population
wastes from the military base currently removed
from construction site

Storage Facilities Uncontrolled runoff of contaminated

 Fuel and lubricant storage stormwater/melt water from storage areas to
surface water bodies that are also used by the
 Storing of hazardous materials used in the
local communities. Increased risk of accidental
construction process (paintings, solvents,
spillages onto the ground surface and to the
chemicals etc.)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Aspect/Project Component Potential Risk/Impact

water bodies.

Security Personnel
The use of private security provider to guard the Risk of conflicts and tensions due to the
construction sites and assets presence of security services, particularly in
cases where personnel are unfamiliar with the
local conventions and customary modes of
Pre-commissioning and commissioning
Flaring – LNG Plant Flaring: Non-continuous release of Potential risk to human health due to the air
flare gas during commissioning and start-up of the LNG pollutants released as part of incomplete
Plant combustion, including a potential release of raw
gas in case of insufficient burning through
Disturbance and nuisance effects through
smoke formation, thermal radiation, visual
(flaring flashlight and luminosity) and sound
effects during flaring.
Testing of Pipelines Impact on marine water quality
Water intake and discharge into the Gulf of Finland
Operations (Routine works)

LNG Plant
Operation of process trains, compressors, gas
turbine generators and venting of acid gas (СО2 and Potential risk to human health due to the
methanol) as part of the LNG production process. release of air pollutants from:
Operation of LNG and condensate loading  Flaring
facilities.  Fugitive emissions from chemical
 Flaring during routine and abnormal and hydrocarbon storage and
operating conditions, including but not handling and from pro cess units
limited to the following scenarios:  Combustion of hydrocarbons from
 Flaring: non-continuous/periodic venting of power generators and other process
flare gas during routine maintenance and units
repair shutdown (controlled routine  Disturbance and nuisance through
shutdown). smoke formation, thermal radiation,
 Flaring: constant gas relief from the visual (flaring flashlight and luminosity)
Methanol Regeneration Unit. and sound effects during flaring.
 Flaring: pressure relief through Boil-Off Gas  Noise impacts from the LNG
flare at the LNG storage and loading facilities. liquefaction and refrigeration unit.
 Operation of the LNG process equipment,
including gas turbines as part of LNG
liquefaction and refrigerant compression.
Pipeline Short term impact on air quality
Air emissions during internal non-destructive testing and
cleaning of pipeline sections

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


In summary, potential impacts on community, health, safety and security during construction
activities may occur through the following:

 Potential for health impacts related to air emissions, noise, generation of dust, ground
contamination and pollutant run-off to the surface water resources used by the local
population, which may exacerbate existing or cause new health conditions (e.g. greater
predisposition to respiratory diseases);
 Heightened stress, potential for conflict, reduced sense of personal and community safety,
greater incidence of communicable disease, associated with the large numbers of non-local
workforce present in the Project area (highly unlikely as most of the personnel are from
Vyborg and St.Petersburg);
 Risks associated with limitations of access to former recreational places and limited access
to ecosystem services and hunting grounds;
 Risks associated with the presence of security personnel within the Project area.

When identifying and assessing the potential impacts, the considerable distance between the
Project facilities and the nearest off-site permanent populated areas has been taken into account.

The following subsections describe the identified potential impacts in detail in terms of the nature of
the impact arising, associated mitigation measures and the residual impact post-mitigation.


Community exposure to health effects could be considered as minimum. First of all, impacts of the
planned activities are from low to negligible on the operation phase and from low to moderate on
construction phase and, secondly, the region is well developed in terms of public health facilities.
Also it is close to St.Petersburg – one of the major cities in Russia having all relevant services and
facilities required for prompt and professional medical assistance. The community healthcare
infrastructure is quite sufficient and is described in more detail in Section 8.5.1 of Chapter 8.

The potential health impacts associated with the Project’s construction phase are described below:

Increased risk of communicable diseases

Description of potential impact

At the peak of the construction phase, the total Project workforce will reach 1200 shift-based
personnel, comprised largely of contractor workers arriving from outside the local region. The
workers will be accommodated in Vyborg, Vysotsk and Sovetsky and in construction camps
located closer to the sites. Throughout the construction phase, the presence of the sizeable
workforce that are not local is predicted to increase the potential risk of transmission of
communicable diseases.

Introduction of infectious diseases through the non-local workforce may also pose a potential risk,
including possible transfer of pathogen-based gastrointestinal disorders or viral infections (e.g.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

The risk of communicable diseases spreading outside the Project facility sites due to the presence
of the Project workforce is considered to be probable, although of local extent. The duration of the
associated adverse impact will be related to the entire construction phase of the Project, i.e.

Mitigation measures

The risks identified in the preceding section will therefore be addressed through a number of
preventive and control mechanisms to minimise the potential spread of communicable diseases
between the workforce and off-site communities. These measures will be as follows:

 Health monitoring and disease prevention among workforce

o Health screening of all personnel engaged in the construction activities, undertaken
upon commencement of their work assignment
o Implementation of the Health programme for Project personnel, including raising the
awareness of potential health risks and methods of prevention
o Sanitary-hygienic control at the workplace and in the worker accommodation areas;
o Regular liaison with the public healthcare and social protection authorities in Vyborg
o Availability of medicines and first aid equipment at the site and in accommodation
 Workforce behaviour regulations
o Enforcement of the workforce regulations through the Accommodation Camp Policy
(including sign-in/sign-out policies and guidance on visits to the local residential
areas) and the overall Worker Code of Conduct, which is also applicable to the
contractor personnel, particularly in relation to the worker movements outside of
their working hours or in any areas beyond the designated worksites/Project area;
o Encouragement for workers to promptly report any cases of illness to the respective
medical facility, particularly when an infection is suspected. Whenever possible,
provision of cooperation for contact tracing will also be encouraged. Workers’
privacy and confidentiality will be respected in all cases, along with assurance that
the detection of an infectious disease will not lead to dismissal.

Assessment of residual impact

In summary, the presence of a large construction workforce (peaking at 1200 personnel or even
1900 personnel – information from POS) will constitute an increased risk of communicable disease
incidence among the workforce. At the same time, the potential for enhanced risk of transmissible
diseases to the local communities will be limited due to the distances between the Project facilities
(including the camps) and the nearest populated areas. Predicted adverse impact on the
communities will be of medium-term duration as it relates to the entire construction phase. The
impact is expected to be reversible, mainly due to the comprehensive medical service
arrangements provided by competent public institutions. Following implementation of the disease
prevention measures described above, the severity of the residual impact is assessed as Low.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Stress, mental health effects, and substance abuse

Description of potential impact

The presence of the large, non-local construction workforce may result in increased stress levels in
the communities in the Project Area. The influx of construction workers to the local environment,
could lead to a number of adverse mental effects on local communities, including:

 a sense of reduced personal and communal safety due to the influx of a construction
workforce that is likely to be perceived as outsiders;
 elevated concerns about increased crime and tensions between the host community and
non-resident workers;
 higher exposure of the local community to alcohol and illicit substances that may be
brought in by Project personnel;
 overall psychological perception of the Project associated with environmental degradation
and disruption of traditional lifestyles, and a resultant reduced sense of well-being.

Concerns about potential exposure to alcohol distribution is not very important as access to alcohol
is free in the region and it is unlikely that construction workers will stimulate alcohol consumption.
However, as described above, there is a low probability of frequent interaction between the local
population and the Project workforce, with interaction likely to be mainly limited to occasional
encounters. Overall, the potential impact to the local communities related to stress, mental health
effects, and an increased risk of alcohol and substance abuse due to the Project’s presence is
considered to be of low probability in the localised extent, i.e. within the boundaries of the Project

Mitigation measures

Cryogas recognises the importance of fostering a ‘good neighbour’ relationship with the local
communities and protecting their well-being. Ensuring a high standard of behavior and a respectful
attitude among the Project workforce is the key to minimising stress effects on local residents and
to maintaining a healthy environment in the Project locality. Strict enforcement of Workers Code of
Conduct (to be developed as part of the ESMP – Labour Management Plan) will be among the
main measures in this regard. Observance of the Code of Conduct will be ensured through:

 induction training;
 regular refresher training, as appropriate;
 control by responsible supervisors and the management of contractor companies;
 application of prescribed disciplinary measures in case of breaches of the Workers Code of
Conduct, and
 investigation of the nature and causes of complaints lodged by members of the local
community and other external parties Stakeholder Enquiry (Grievance) Procedure to be
developed in the nearest future

The implementation of the Stakeholder Enquiry (Grievance) Procedure in accordance with the
Company’s SEP will allow the collection of any feedback, concerns and/or complaints from Project-
affected communities and will serves as a primary indicator of any non-conformities relating to the
behavior of the Project workforce and contractors.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Assessment of residual impact

The presence of the large non-local contractor workforce during construction, along with Project
activities in the areas are likely to be perceived as a source of stress and adverse psychological
effects by the local communities residing in the vicinity of the Project facilities. At the same time,
the potential severity of this predicted impact is limited by the fact that the entire construction
workforce will be from the nearby regions and will have limited and infrequent direct interaction
with the local communities.

The impact is expected to be of a localised extent, i.e. primarily confined to the boundaries of the
Project area, mainly the areas of worker residence and the sites of active construction with the
significant presence of personnel.

The predicted adverse impact on the communities will be of medium-term duration as it relates to
the entire construction phase and is expected to be reversible after the completion of construction.
Following implementation of the measures for appropriate regulation of workers’ and contractors’
behaviour, and the proactive management of community feedback through the functional response
mechanism, the severity of the residual impact is assessed as Low.

Landscape Modification and Intervention, Air and Water contamination, Noise and other
environmental impacts of the construction

Landscape Modification

Landscape will be significantly modified due to land take in the shore and other areas and logging
in the areas of pipeline route and access roads.

It will lead to the following:

 Limited access to former recreational places including the shore and the islands nearby
 Some limitations of access to the areas of berries’ and mushrooms’ collection
 Prohibition of hunting at the Project site
 Logging, blasting of boulders etc. will change landscape of the Project site from natural to
industrial and will significantly reduce its visual value

Impact will be long-term and moderate as it is irreversible for many years. Still it is localized and
will not affect large spaces. Taking into account all possible mitigation measures, the impact will
still be moderate and long-term.

Air Emissions and Noise

The air quality impacts are presented in detail in Chapter 9. In addition to air quality impacts,
generation of dust during the implementation of construction works may potentially be a source of
nuisance and disturbance to the local communities. Dust may be generated from:

 Earthworks
 Vehicular movements on unsurfaced roads
 Loading, unloading and compaction of construction wastes.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Given the localized and temporary nature of dust impacts, these impacts are assessed as low.

Nonetheless, a range of dust suppression and control measures are identified in Chapter 9. The
residual dust nuisance impacts on local communities is assessed to be low.

Also there will be noise impacts generated during construction which are important if the residential
settlements are close to the construction sites. For these purposes noise screens will be
constructed, for example, near SNT Rechnoye located in immediate proximity to pipeline
construction site.

Marine environment and surface waters impact

Impacts on surface waters (such as small rivers and creeks) and on marine environment is mostly
associated with construction period (pipeline crosses 3 bays and 11 water streams) and there will
be some disturbance of marine environment during jetty construction and vessels operations.
Underwater works will lead to noise impacts on marine fauna.

As for local communities these impacts will affect fishermen and people who were coming for
recreation for weekends or sometimes even for longer periods to enjoy sea view, swim, fish etc.

Boats and yachts will have to take into account increased traffic of cargo and other vessels.


The following sections describe the aspects of community safety that may be jeopardised as a
result of Project construction activities.

Road Safety, Risk of Traffic Incidents

o There is a well developed network of roads in the region. The project will use
existing roads and will also construct new roads to ensure access to the Terminal
and Pipeline construction sites.
o The following roads are to be used for the Project:
 Roads to deliver cargos from Vyborg
 Roads to deliver containers from Shushary station
 Roads to deliver sand etc. from Gavrilovo II
 Roads to deliver gravel from Gavrilovo
 Roads to transport construction and sanitary wastes and access ground etc.

The following types of vehicles are planned to be used during the construction phase:

 Crew buses for the transportation of construction workforce;

 Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) for the delivery of materials/equipment and for transportation
of wastes

The construction activities will entail frequent commuting of the substantial numbers of workforce
and transport of materials/equipment between the key sites, thereby resulting in a considerable
number of light vehicles and HGV.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Any accidents involving transport carrying the supply of fuel, lubricants, chemicals and any other
hazardous materials used in the construction process as well as hazardous wastes could also
result in spillage of the contents extra risk onto the environment or on the road surface. The overall
level of unmitigated impact is assessed as moderate. The impact is predicted to be of medium-
term duration, i.e. spanning the entire construction phase.

Mitigation measures

Road safety risks will be mitigated through a range of measures as the roads will be suitable for
the safe operation of predicted traffic volumes and the size of HGVs used for Project-related
transportations (in terms of capacity and load-bearing).

 Regular maintenance and repair of the road surface will be implemented to ensure suitable
conditions for safe driving.
 Driving will only be permitted on designated road routes to minimise any off-road driving
and to prevent the resultant risks of collision in areas that are not fit for vehicles or where
traffic is not expected.

The key features aimed to ensure road safety in relation to the local communities include:

 Enforcement of the maximum speed limits on Project roads in relation to weather/visibility

conditions and the location of sensitive receptors.
 The Project’s EPC Contractor and any other subcontractors involved in the delivery of
materials during construction will be required to comply with the permissible speed limits.
 Installation of appropriate safety signage tailored to the road conditions and accident
blackspots, and marking the locations of herder crossing points on the roads;
 Rigorous driver training to ensure high standards of safe and attentive driving in different
weather/visibility conditions,
 Regular assessment and monitoring of drivers’ performance;
 Fitting safety equipment on all Project vehicles, e.g. safety belts, speed control systems
(e.g. speed governors), lights, labelling (in case of transporting hazardous materials), spill
response and first aid kits;
 Regular inspection of the vehicles and road conditions, and prompt maintenance and repair
as necessary;
 Transportation of construction materials and supplies as well as hazardous substances and
wastes to be primarily scheduled for daytime hours due to safety reasons

Providing the effective implementation of the mitigation measures described above, the residual
adverse impact associated with traffic risks is predicted to be moderate.

Community Exposure to Project Hazards

Description of the Impact

The construction of Project facilities will involve land preparation and grading, installation of
storage tanks and other supporting infrastructure, presence and movement of equipment and
machinery within the Project construction sites.

The hazards associated with the Project’s construction works include:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Exposure to uncontrolled spillages of hazardous materials used in the course of

construction and also hazardous wastes, including the transportation of such materials;
 Accidents involving road tankers transporting fuel or other flammable and explosive
materials and leading to the risk of fire/exposure of chemicals;
 Physical safety issues arising from the transportation of heavy equipment and structures;
 Operation of construction equipment, plant and machinery;
 Earthworks and ground intervention activities.

Construction activities in the Gulf of Finland could also impose some hazards mainly on fishermen:

 operation of the early seaport for the delivery of construction materials and heavy
plant/equipment by sea,
 construction of the LNG jetty and pipeline laying crossing 3 bays;
 movement of carrier and construction/support vessels.

The risk to the safety of local fishermen and fishing vessels may stem from physical hazards
associated with an increased potential for vessel collisions at sea and entanglement of fishing gear
with offshore construction equipment (stationary and mobile).

The increased number of vessels and cargoes in the Gulf of Finland could lead to navigational
safety risks, including to the local fisheries.

The unmitigated impact is assessed as Moderate.

Mitigation Measures

Control measures to minimise community safety risks during construction will include a
combination of physical/engineering controls, safe work procedures, and community awareness
raising through regular interaction with the population directly affected by Project development.

The following measures are listed below:

 Only designated routes will be used for carrying sizeable and heavy loads;
 Road transportations of hazardous materials will only be undertaken by operators licensed
for the specific material/type of shipment, with the use of appropriately sealed and labelled
containers and marking/placarding of the delivery trucks;
 Vehicles carrying hazardous materials will be equipped with fire extinguishers and
adequate means of fire prevention that are appropriate for the shipment
 Transport manifests will be maintained in accordance with the relevant Russian regulations;
 The Company will develop a Spill Response Plan that will apply in case of accidental
spillage of oils and chemicals
 Public access to the zones of active construction will be restricted.

Assessment of residual impact

Although the consequence of the safety impacts associated with the Project-related hazards may
be severe, the likelihood of such impacts is minimal given the measures put in place to protect the
population, as described above. The residual risks associated with exposure to project hazards are
therefore assessed as Low.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


The following activities are considered to be the main sources of potential adverse impact on
community health, safety and security during the Project’s pre-commissioning, commissioning and

 LNG operations
 LNG and condensate storage and loading facilities;
 Power generation activities;
 Road and offshore transportations.

The following sections present a description and assessment of the potential impacts specific to
the above activities, together with relevant mitigation measures.

Gas Flaring

Flaring will be undertaken during pre-commissioning, commissioning and operation phases of the
Project. Gas flare systems for the following main purposes:

 Commissioning and start-up of the LNG Plant;

 Routine purge flaring at the LNG site; and
 Flaring at the LNG Plant during upset and emergency scenarios.

Possible adverse effects associated with flaring include:

o Risk to human health due to the release of air pollutants (see Chapter 9 for impact
o Localised disturbance and nuisance effects through smoke formation, thermal
radiation, visual (flaring flashlight and luminosity) and noise generation, particularly
in case of flaring during the night-time.
o Lighting impacts from flaring, particularly during the nights could lead to local
nuisance and disturbance. The effects of the lights are expected to cause temporary
disturbances to local populations in the immediate vicinity of the LNG Plant.

However, there are no settlements located in close proximity to the Project site. Based on this, the
unmitigated lighting impact associated with flaring is assessed as Low.

Other Air Quality Effects

In addition to flaring, the main sources of impact on air quality during the Project operations phase
will be as follows:

 fugitive/venting emissions from chemical and hydrocarbon storage and handling and from
the LNG process units; and Combustion of hydrocarbons from power generators (including
the back-up diesel generators) and other process units.

The Project has established a Sanitary Protection Zone around the Project operating facilities for
the protection of air quality in relation to human health. The results of the air quality assessment

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

described in Chapter 9 show that the air quality standards are predicted to be met at the edge of
the SPZ for all pollutants.

Near shore and offshore safety risks

Operation of the LNG complex and the associated seaport facilities will lead to an increased
presence of vessels and LNG tankers in the Gulf of Finland. The intensified shipping traffic will
increase risk of off-shore and near-shore incidents. The mitigation measures will be analogous to
those provided for the construction-related offshore activities, as described in the section
‘Community Exposure to Project Hazards’ above.

Road traffic safety during the operations phase are expected to be considerably lower a compared
with the RTA risks predicted for the construction period. The construction personnel will be
demobilised from the Project area. As a result, there will be fewer numbers of vehicular
movements to and from the Project facilities. This is considered in conjunction with the mitigation
measures aimed to decrease the overall road safety risks. The residual impact of operational
activities associated with RTAs is assessed as Low. Providing the implementation of the planned
mitigation measures, the residual adverse impacts are expected to be localised and of Low


Cryogas will contract out its security services to an external service provider both during the
construction and operations phases. Security arrangements will be provided for the entire Project
area and will be essential to ensure the safety and security of the Project personnel and assets, as
well as the public. The aspects related to the presence of security personnel are therefore
considered jointly for the Project construction and operation phases.

Risks to community safety may also occur if there are conditions for an excessive use of force by
the Project’s security, especially if rules in relation to the Project area boundaries are not clear or are
breached. Without strict regulation, the use of security personnel has a potential to lead to abuses
against members of the public under the guise of Project security requirements. The potential impact
on the local communities resulting from the presence of security within the project area is assessed
as low, primarily taking into account the industrial character of the nearby areas.

Mitigation Measures

Cryogas is committed to ensuring the protection of human rights in compliance with international
good practice. The stakeholder procedure for grievances will allow to lodge any complain associated
with the security personnel behaviour.

The residual impact significance after the application of the mitigation measures both during the
construction and operations phases is assessed as Low.

The summary of the predicted impacts and associated mitigation measures is presented in Table

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

10.2.7 SUMMARY
Table 10.2.2: Summary of Community Health, Safety and Security Impacts and Mitigation Measures

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Increased risk of Project workforce Construction  The Company will develop a Workers’ Accommodation Low
communicable and the local Operations Management Plan to be adhered to by the contractors.
diseases communities in the The Plan will include the Worker Code of Conduct,
Project Area of Enforcement of the Worker Accommodation Plan
Influence Policy.
 Provision of immediate access to regional healthcare
and welfare facilities for Project workforce and
contractor personnel
 Provision of medicines and first aid equipment on site
 Health screening, monitoring and disease prevention
among workforce, including immunisation against
infections that are most prevalent in the Project area.
 Relevant agreements with local and regional health
care facilities including emergency medical services
 Sanitary and hygienic control at the workplace and in
the worker accommodation areas. Encouragement for
workers to promptly report any cases of illness
 The Company will liaise with relevant authorities on
different epidemic prevention.
Stress, mental health Local communities Construction  Development and Strict enforcement of the Worker Low
effects, and substance in the Project Area Operations Code of Conduct, including induction and regular
abuse of Influence, refresher training for all personnel, control by
responsible supervisors and the management of
contractor companies, and application of prescribed
disciplinary measures in case of breaches.
 Investigating the nature and causes of complaints lodged
by the local

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

 ‘No-harm’ approach towards local residents, their
property and local environment.
 ‘Non-involvement’ attitude in all cases where there is a
potential for conflict.
 Demonstrate respectful behavior towards local
communities residing within the Project Area and
outside it in all cases of interaction.
 EPC Contractors and all other subcontractors involved in
the construction activities will rigorously monitor behavior
of their workforce towards the local communities.
 Development and implementation of the Stakeholder
Enquiry (Grievance) Procedure.
Air and surface Local communities Construction  Detailed mitigation measures and controls are presented Moderate for
water pollution, in the Project Area in Chapter 9 “Environmental Impact Assessment” landscape
noise, landscape of Influence transformation
transformation (general
construction works)
Low for air and
surface water
pollution and noise
Road safety, and risk of Local communities Construction  All Project roads will be suitable for safe operation of Moderate
traffic incidents in the Project Area Operations predicted traffic volumes and the size of HGVs used by
of Influence the Project (in terms of capacity and load-bearing).
 Regular maintenance and repair of the road surface to
ensure the suitable conditions for safe driving.
 Driving will only be permitted on designated road routes
to minimise any off-road driving. Enforcement of the
maximum speed limits on Project roads in relation to
weather/visibility conditions. The Project’s EPC
Contractor and any other subcontractors involved in the
delivery of materials during construction will be required

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

to comply with the permissible speed limits.
 Installation of appropriate safety signage tailored to the
road conditions and accident blackspots. Regular
assessment and monitoring of drivers’ performance;
 Fitting safety equipment on all Project vehicles,
 e.g. safety belts, speed control systems (e.g. speed
governors), lights, labelling (in case of transporting
hazardous materials), spill response and first aid kits;
 Regular inspection of the vehicles and road conditions,
and prompt maintenance and repair as necessary;
 Transportation of construction materials and supplies as
well as hazardous substances and wastes to be
primarily scheduled for daytime hours due to safety
reasons, wherever feasible.
Community Local communities  The Company will inform the local population about Low
exposure to project in the Project Area potential safety risks within the Project area as well as
hazards of Influence about any material changes in the locations of Project
worksites and the construction techniques used;
 Construction traffic warning signs will be positioned at
the intra-field road crossings and other appropriate
locations as determined by the Project,
 e.g. along access routes;
 Transportation of heavy construction equipment will be
subject to speed restrictions;
 Only designated routes will be used for carrying
sizeable and heavy loads
 Road transportations of hazardous materials will only be
undertaken by operators licensed for the specific
material/type of shipment, and with the use of
appropriately sealed and labelled containers that are
appropriate for the material being shipped, including

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

proper sealing and labelling of the containers and
marking/placarding of the delivery trucks;
 Vehicles carrying hazardous materials will be equipped
with fire extinguishers and adequate means of fire
prevention that are appropriate for the shipment.
Transport manifests will be maintained in accordance
with the relevant Russian regulations;
 The Company will liaise with the port authority on the
planned movements of vessels (frequency, timing,
duration, areas/paths) to prevent navigational risks to
 Vessel lanes for the construction phase will be indicated
on the nautical charts that will also be made available to
local fisheries (fishing enterprises and individual
 Cryogas will continue to consult with the regional and
local authorities overseeing the emergency response
regulations on the road safety aspects
Presence of Local Construction  The security provider is a properly licensed and Low
security personnel communities in the Operations authorised security firm
Project Area of  A formal report on any breaches of the Code of Conduct
Influence by security personnel (also lodge via the Stakeholder
Enquiry (Grievance) Procedure ) will be raised to ensure
prompt follow up and/or corrective action. A
management reporting format will be implemented to
ensure that management are always aware of all
security developments;
 Stakeholder Enquiry Procedure will be used to monitor
community concerns.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



‘Influx’ or ‘population inflow’ is defined as a phenomenon related to the arrival of considerable

numbers of personnel (migrant workforce) from areas other than Vyborg Region. The influx may
result in demographic changes within the host community, such as an increase and altered
composition of the population, and may lead to intercultural conflicts and add extra pressure on
social infrastructure in the recipient community.

This section examines potential impacts on the population demographics that may be associated
with the influx of the workforce into the Project Area of Influence during construction,
commissioning and operation phases and the related mitigation measures that will be adopted by
the Company to reduce the adverse effects.

The aspects of the Project that are likely to affect the current demographic situation in the Project
Area of Influence are described in Table 10.3.1.
Table 10.3.1: Project aspects related to population demographics/ influx

Aspect/Project Component Potential Risk/Impact


Construction Workforce Potential for competition, conflicts and tensions between the local host
community and Project’s non-local workforce/contractor personnel.
Presence of the Project and
construction contractor Potential gender imbalance as the workforce largely consists of male
personnel, partially consisting workers unaccompanied by their families. Increased possibility of issues
of non-resident / migrant related to the observance of the law and public order, as well as
workforce alcohol/substance consumption and a risk of resorting to commercial
sex services due to separation of workers from their families (in case of
non-local shift-based personnel).
Potential negative effects on the local infrastructure capacity.

Commissioning and Operations

Operations Workforce Associated risks of conflict and tensions between the host community
and Project’s non- local personnel.
Presence of the Project’s
operations personnel, partially Potential social issues related to the prolonged separation of workers
consisting of non-resident / from their families (in case of non-local shift-based personnel).
migrant workforce
Job competition between the local resident population and Project’s
non-local workforce.

When assessing potential impacts related to the presence of the workforce, the following factors
should be taken into account:

 workforce to be used on the Project will be arriving from the regions located either from
other settlements of the Vyborg Region or from other regions of the Leningrad oblast.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

That means that there will be no critical cultural and income differences between host
community and non-local force;
 the Project Site is located relatively far from residential areas;
 the economy of the region is well developed, and there are no critical issues associated
with unemployment;
 no indigenous population resides within the Project Area of Influence.


At the peak of the construction phase (in 2017-2018), nearly 1200 construction workers will be
present on site at any one time. These will mainly consist of LNG’s construction contractors. As
there is lack of skilled construction workers in the Project region, it is envisioned that the Project
will engage skilled personnel from St. Petersburg working in rotation.

The potential adverse impacts induced by the influx of the construction workforce could be as

o Risk of social conflicts, including possible tensions between the host community of Vysotsk
district and the Project’s non-resident personnel. However, there is low probability of this
risk due to absence of significant cultural and income differences between host community
and non-local force;
o A potential for breakdown of law and order, including increased crime and illicit activities,
e.g. unauthorised fishing and hunting, demonstration of inappropriate behaviour or
spontaneous spread of violence/disorder on-site and off-site.

It should be also taken into account that there are positive expectations of the local population
residing in the Project Area of Influence with respect to gaining tangible benefits from Project
realization such as possible employment during operation stage and gas supply to the Vysotsk
town and other settlements in the area.

To this effect, the unmitigated impact associated with the inflow of Project manpower during
construction is assessed as Moderate to Low. The Project will aim to reduce this impact through a
range of the mitigation measures as described below. MITIGATION MEASURES

Workers Accommodation

It is currently envisioned that the construction workers for Stage I of the Project (employees of the
Contractor located in St.Petersburg) will be accommodated in the housing stock of the towns
Vyborg and Vysotsk (if required), the construction workers for Stage 2 of the Project (presumably
also residents of St. Petersburg) will be accommodated in the housing stock of the settlement
Sovetsky. However, the number of workers to be employed for Stages I and II of the Project is not
high (226 and 376 persons accordingly). And also taking into account similar cultural background

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

and level of incomes between these workers and host community, it is not anticipated that such
accommodation will present risk of potential conflicts with local communities.

As for Stage III of the Project, the number of employees to be involved in the works will be about
1200. Among the primary methods of mitigation will be the provision of designated accommodation
for construction personnel on-site and in Temporary Construction Camp, which will ensure that the
contact between the host population in the nearby settlements and the Project workforce is
minimised and the need for lodging is avoided. Construction workers will be housed in the
dedicated autonomous full-service camps. The camp facilities are self-contained and will offer the
catering, cleaning, sanitary and laundry services that are necessary for maintaining an appropriate
standard of accommodation. The camps are intended for workers only and will not allow extra
provisions for the accommodation of workers’ family members or any other unauthorised persons.
Workers residing in the camps will have designated security passes and the security measures will
be in place to ensure that unauthorised persons are not allowed on the camp premises. This
approach will help regulate the numbers of arrivals into the Project area by limiting them primarily
to the construction personnel themselves, rather than encouraging an inflow of accompanying
relatives or members of the external public. It is reasonable to develop Workers Accommodation
Management Plan to cover workers rights and responsibilities, rules of conduct (including use of
substances and other restrictions), terms of deployment, sanitary requirements, meals, medical
treatment, leisure and telecommunications, security measures, actions in case of emergency,
processing complaints and proposals, anti-discrimination policy.

Use of specially dedicated buses will allow to minimise a need to resort to the public transport
systems that may be used by the local community.

The mitigation measures related to the risks of increased alcohol/substance consumption and the
use of commercial sex services are described in section

Workforce Code of Conduct

Upon commencement of employment (or at the beginning of a scheduled rotation), all construction
personnel, including contractors, will receive mandatory induction training. This training will provide
introductory orientation and workers’ familiarization with the norms of appropriate behavior.
Familiarization with the Worker Code of Conduct will be implemented as part of the general
induction training for workers. The Code will also be made available at the Project’s key
construction and administrative sites.

The Worker Code of Conduct will specifically cover, inter alia, the following aspects:

 Prohibition of hunting, fishing and gathering practices by the workforce;

 Refraining from any activity that may be detrimental to the host community;
 Exercising neutral attitude of non-engagement and the prevention of disagreement in cases
of potential conflict;
 Disciplinary measures to be applied in cases of infringement of the Code’s requirements,
proportionately to the gravity of the contravention.

The Company will duly investigate all breaches of the Worker Code of Conduct among the
Project’s employees and the construction contractor personnel. The Company’s external
Grievance Procedure represents an important indicator and the source of information on workers’

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

deviant behavior that may be reported by the local communities or by any other members of the
external public.

Demobilization of Contractor Workforce

The Company will require that all construction contractors demobilise their workforce in an
organised and structured manner upon completion of the planned construction works. This
approach will help avoid uncontrolled congregation of workers in the Project locality after their
contractual assignments come to an end, e.g. to remain in the area in search for alternative
employment opportunities.

Recruitment Regulations

To overcome the local labour shortages, the Project will retain considerable numbers of skilled
non-local contractor workforce.

To minimise potential opportunistic influx into the Project Area of Influence, the Company will
prohibit all informal or casual hiring practices at the worksites or the camps.

All recruitment is subject to detailed advance planning and coordination by the Company. This
approach will help to prevent unregulated and speculative recruitment practices in the Project
locality and to deter an inflow of migrants seeking informal recruitment.

Wherever feasible and without jeopardising the Project delivery requirements, the Company will
aim to prioritise recruitment from the local communities. ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

Taking into account the mitigation measures described above, the residual adverse impact
associated with the interaction between Project workforce and the host communities is assessed

The presence of the large workforce can have a secondary impact on the host communities in the
form of extra pressures on the capacity of local infrastructure and services. Greater demand for
infrastructure and utilities such as access to electricity, heating, water, transportation and medical
services could lead to an unregulated increase in the use of infrastructure in the Region, and
negative effects on the ability of such facilities to deliver their required functions.

Road transport infrastructure

The Region is characterised by well developed over-ground transport infrastructure. The oil-loading
terminal RPK-Vysotsk LUKOIL II is located in close proximity to the Terminal facilities (800 m to the
south) and is joined by a railway line and a motor road. The motor road connecting the Saint-
Petersburg-Primorsk-Vyborg highway and the town of Vysotsk passes east of the construction site.
The nearest railway station of Popovo (the Oktyabr Railway, Saint Petersburg Division, an OAO
Russian Railways branch) is approximately 8 km east of the construction site.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Cargoes intended for LNG Plant and infrastructural facilities construction will be delivered by
marine vessels, rail transport and trucks.

The following roads are to be used for the Project (The motor vehicle traffic diagram is shown in
Picture 5.5, Annex А).:

 Roads to deliver cargos from Vyborg

 Roads to deliver containers from Shushary station
 Roads to deliver sand etc. from Gavrilovo II
 Roads to deliver gravel from Gavrilovo
 Roads to transport construction and sanitary wastes and access ground etc.

The main railway station for offloading cargoes is Vysotsk station of the October Railway. It is
located on the Popovo—Vysotsk branch line, 18 km from Popovo and 43 km from Vyborg. The
main purpose of the station is serving Port Vysotsk. The other station for offloading will be the
container station Shushary.

Therefore, the use of existing local road network which is set up and maintained by the municipal
authorities for the local communities is envisioned. This may lead to an additional pressure being
exerted on the road infrastructure in the Project locality.

Water resources

Water for house-hold needs and for drinking needs will be delivered in truck tanks (or in bottles) by
the Contractors based on their agreement with the communal/municipal facility “Vyborgsky

Water for fire fighting needs for the Jetty and LNG will be supplied from the sea, for the gas
pipeline – in truck tanks.

The source for gas pipeline hydrotesting will be water intake from the Gulf of Finland. On
completion of hydrotesting process, wastewater will pass proper treatment and will be discharged
to the Gulf of Finland.

Therefore, the use of municipal water supply network may lead to an additional pressure on the
communal infrastructure. However any significant impacts are not expected due to the following

 Construction stage is relatively short (about 2 years);

 The overall consumption of water from the municipal source is considered to be low (see
Section 9.11), and

 The Region on the whole is characterized by good water status.

Power supply

The Project will be self-sufficient in terms of power supply during the construction phase, using
mobile and static diesel power generators set up within the Project sites. No uptake of the
municipal/communal infrastructure is planned and no adverse impact on the local power
generation capacity is therefore predicted.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


All construction workers will be accommodated in self-sufficient accommodation camps (see

Section 5.5.2 for details). As a result, no impact on local or regional housing infrastructure is

Health facilities

Vysotsk LNG has the limited healthcare provisions in place for the Project workforce, although
specialized medical facilities will not be available on-site. The capacity for major emergency
response and specialized medical care is therefore outsourced to the state-run hospitals in the
cities of Vyborg and St. Petersburg. The other existing facilities located in the Project Region (even
more nearest to the Project facilities) will be used only for most critical cases requiring urgent
treatment as the capacity and staffing at these facilities are limited.

The presence of 1,200 Project construction personnel and the associated medical needs of the
workforce are likely to exert extra strain on the existing local hospitals. However, it should be noted
that the existing capacity of the abovementioned state-run medical institutions is considered
sufficient to provide health services to the current population of Vyborg Region and, unlike during
operations, the probability of a major incident with mass casualties occurring in the course of
construction is lower.

Given the specifics of the Project design described above, the overall significance of unmitigated
adverse impacts on the community infrastructure and services during Project construction is
considered to be Moderate to Low. MITIGATION MEASURES

The Company will further reduce the predicted adverse impacts on the community infrastructure
and services through the implementation of the following mitigation measures.

 Road transport infrastructure:

o Establishing dedicated auxiliary infrastructure in the form of access roads will result
in improved accessibility of the areas in the Project locality;
o Advance notifications to be used to the relevant authorities in cases when the road
transportation of oversized heavy cargo loads is planned;
o Import of construction equipment and materials, including oversized modules, via
sea, thereby avoiding need for over-ground transport;

 Water resources:

o Provision of bottled drinking water to personnel;

o Operation of the water supply and effluent discharge systems in Temporary
Construction Camps;
o Efficient wastewater treatment after pipeline hydrotesting (prior to discharge to the

 Power supply:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

o The Project reliance on its own power generating equipment within the Project sites
(mobile and static diesel power generators and boiler house);

 Housing:

o The provision of self-contained, purpose built and fully serviced accommodation

facilities for Project construction personnel;
o Operation of camp facilities as “worker only”, to prevent an inflow of the
accompanying family members and resultant pressure on the social infrastructure
facilities in the settlements within the Project Area of Influence;

 Health facilities:

o Liaison with the relevant health authorities and local medical institutions based on
Medical Emergency Response Plan (to be developed by the Company). ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

The implementation of this range of mitigation measures will allow the residual adverse impact on
the infrastructure and services to be assessed as Low. INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS DESCRIPTION OF POTENTIAL IMPACT

International industry experience shows that unregulated in-migration can be associated with major
industrial projects as a result of the mass inflow of people seeking employment or attempting to
exploit economic opportunities associated with a project. However it is highly unlikely that the
development of Vysotsk LNG will lead to significant unplanned migration to the Project area due to
the following reasons:

 Location of the Project at a relatively far distance from the nearest permanent
 Relatively cold climatic conditions of the Project region that prevent the establishment
and spread of informal settlements or open-air opportunistic camps as ‘satellites’ to the
Project development.

Therefore, the probability of spontaneous and opportunistic economic migration, i.e. not related to
the Project workforce, is considered to be minimal.

To this effect, the unmitigated adverse impact associated with development of informal
settlements induced by the Project is assessed as Low . MITIGATION MEASURES

The following measures will be implemented to prevent a spontaneous opportunistic (i.e. non-
workforce) influx into the Project area and to avoid an unregulated settlement sprawl:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

o Provision of the worker-only, closed-type camp facilities for Project construction personnel
with the strict regulation of access on site. Rotation-based work pattern and no
accompanying family members are allowed at the Project facilities;
o All recruitment and hire are implemented as per the Project’s defined plans for manpower
demand, i.e. the practices of informal “hire at the gate’ are not allowed. Applications for
employment will only be considered if submitted via the Company’ official recruitment
o Preferential recruitment of unskilled and low-skilled labour from local population. ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

Providing the effective implementation, the aforementioned measures will help prevent an inflow of
informal job seekers and will thereby further reduce the intrinsically low probability of improvised,
unplanned communities developing around the Project worksites. The residual adverse impact is
assessed as Negligible.


The construction workforce, including the contractors, will be demobilised in an organised manner
after the completion of construction. The number of operation phase personnel will be about 93
persons. The workforce used during operation stage will be mostly from the town of Vyborg, town
of Primorsk and settlement Sovetsky. It is not expected that there will be a significant impact as a
result of uncontrolled in-migration during the Project’s operations phase, as the demand for non-
skilled/non-qualified general labour services will be very limited. The influx of non-workforce
migrants from outside the Project Area of Influence is not anticipated as a considerable proportion
of job positions during the operations will require trained staff with relevant competences and
skills.The number of non-skilled economic migrants arriving in search of opportunities for general
labour employment is therefore likely to be within a minimal range. Therefore, the unmitigated
impacts of in-migration during the operational phase is assessed as Low. The unmitigated adverse
impact associated with development of informal settlements induced by the Project is assessed as
Negligible .

The increase of pressure on the communal infrastructure is anticipated at the operation phase due
to the fact that the major sources of energy supply of the LNG will be communal electricity
companies LOSEK and Lenenergo. At the same time, after completion of construction, pressure on
the local road transport infrastructure will be reduced. Therefore, the overall significance of
unmitigated adverse impacts on the community infrastructure and services during Project
construction is considered to be Moderate to Low MITIGATION MEASURES

The range of mitigation measures to be applied during Project operations will be rather similar to
those described for the construction phase. Specific mitigation measures will also include:

o Use of adequately treated storm water (during the periods of raining) as and additional
source of process water for Vysotsk LNG;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

o Development and realization of Energy Efficiency Programme. ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACTS

Providing the aforementioned measures are effectively implemented, the residual adverse impact
for operations phase is assessed as:

o Negligible for impact of in-migration;

o Low for impact on the community infrastructure and services;
o Negligible for impact associated with development of informal settlements.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

10.3.4 SUMMARY
Table 10.3.2: Summary of Population Influx Impact and Mitigation Measures

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Action Residual

Interaction between Project Project workforce and Construction o Provision of designated on-site accommodation for construction Low to
Workforce and Host the local communities personnel and accommodation in the Temporary Construction Camps negligible
Communities (In-migration in the Project Area o The camp facilities will be self-contained and will offer the catering,
impacts) cleaning, sanitary and laundry services that are necessary for
maintaining an appropriate standard of accommodation
o All the camps are intended for workers only and will not allow extra
provisions for the accommodation of workers’ family members or any
other unauthorised persons.
o Workers residing in the camps will have designated security passes
and the security measures will be in place to ensure that unauthorised
persons are not allowed on the camp premises
o Use of specially dedicated buses will allow to minimise a need to
resort to the public transport systems that may be used by the local
o Enforcement of the Vysotsk LNG Workers Accomodation
Management Plan
o Enforcement of the Worker Code of Conduct, including for contractor
personnel. Mandatory induction training to include familiarization with
will Worker Code of Conduct
o The Company will duly investigate all breaches of the Worker Code of
Conduct among the Project’s employees and the construction
contractor personnel
o Implementation of the Vysotsk LNGl Grievance Procedure to monitor
and address issues related to workers’ behaviour
o The Company will require that all construction contractors demobilise
their workforce in an organised and structured manner upon
completion of the planned construction works
o The Company will prohibit all informal or casual hiring practices at the
worksites or the camps

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Action Residual

o Wherever feasible and without jeopardising the Project delivery
requirements, the Company will aim to prioritise recruitment from the
local communities.
Effects on Community Local communities in Construction Road transport infrastructure Low
Infrastructure and Services the Project area of
Operations o Dedicated auxiliary infrastructure in the form of access roads to Low
improve accessibility of the areas in the Project locality;
o Advance notifications to be issued to the relevant authorities in cases
when the road transportation of oversized heavy cargo loads is
o Import of construction equipment and materials, including oversized
modules, via sea to avoid need for over-ground transport;
Water resources:
o Provision of bottled drinking water to personnel;
o Operation of the water supply and effluent discharge systems in
Temporary Construction Camps;
o Ensuring efficient wastewater treatment after pipeline hydrotesting
(prior to discharge to the sea);
o Use of adequately treated storm water (during the periods of raining)
as and additional source of process water for Vysotsk LNG (during
operation phase);
Power supply:
o The Project reliance on its own power generating equipment within
the Project sites (mobile and static diesel power generators and boiler
o Development and realization of Energy Efficiency Programme (for
operations phase);
o The provision of self-contained, purpose built and fully serviced
accommodation facilities for Project construction personnel;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Action Residual

o Operation of camp facilities as “worker only”, to prevent an inflow of
the accompanying family members and resultant pressure on the
social infrastructure facilities in the settlements within the Project Area
of Influence;
Health facilities:
o Liaison with the relevant health authorities and local medical
institutions based on Medical Emergency Response Plan (to be
developed by the Company).
Informal settlements Local communities in Construction o Provision of the worker-only, closed-type camp facilities for Project Negligible
the Project Area of construction personnel with the strict regulation of access on site.
Operation Negligible
Influence Rotation-based work pattern and no accompanying family memebers
are allowed at the Project facilities;
o All recruitment and hire are implemented as per the Project’s defined
plans for manpower demand, i.e. the practices of informal “hire at the
gate’ are not allowed. Applications for employment will only be
considered if submitted via the Company’ official recruitment
o Preferential recruitment of unskilled and low-skilled labour from local

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


Land withdrawal for the purpose of the Project and land use in the Project Area are described in
Chapter 8. The nature of the potential Project impacts on these land use activities is summarised in
Table 10.4.1 below.
Table 10.4.1: Project aspects leading to impacts on land

Aspect/Project Component Potential Impact

Construction Phase
Land take for Project facilities Physical loss of agricultural lands or
recreational, fishing gathering areas
Construction and installation of linear Project facilities Reduced access to recreational areas, fishing
and gathering areas
Physical loss of recreational areas, fishing and
gathering areas
Construction activities in the vicinity of water bodies Damage to fish stock
(including bay and river crossings)
Operational Phase
Land take for Project facilities Physical loss of agricultural lands or
recreational, fishing and gathering areas
Construction and installation of linear Project facilities Reduced access to recreational areas, fishing
and gathering areas
Physical loss of recreational areas, fishing and
gathering areas


Key usages of the Project Area and the potential impacts on each of these land use types are
assessed below (see Chapter 8 for Land Use description and Chapter 7.8.1 for Ecosystem
Services description).

o Meaningful type of land use in the Project Area is recreational and agricultural use of land
plots by population during summer time and week-ends (so called “dachas”). Dachas in the
Project area are mostly used by residents from St.Petersburg and Vyborg district.
Construction of gas pipeline and more active road traffic may present factor of disturbance
for these people and decrease their safety level. The impact is short term and localized.
Its significance is considered as Moderate.
o Availability of the access road to the sea shore (at the Project site) stipulated intensive use
of the shore and nearby islands for recreational purposes (people spontaneously arriving
with their families and staying for several days for fishing, gathering, swimming).
Construction and operation of LNG Terminal will lead to loss of these opportunities. Impact
will be long-term and irreversible though localised and will not affect large spaces. Impact is
considered to be Moderate.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

o The sites of Project construction are characterised by high level of forest cover, and
therefore is very popular for gathering (mostly mushrooms and berries). Part of these areas
will be lost for these purposes, for another part – there will be reduced access to them
(short-term). Impact at the LNG Terminal site is long-term though localised, and impact in
the areas of gas pipeline construction is short-term. Taking into account high level of forest
cover in the surrounding areas and the fact that gathering habitats are widely spread there
as well, impact is considered to be localised and Low.
o Bolshaya Pikhtovaya Bay, Medyanskaya Bay and Golf of Vyborg as a whole, as well as
rivers are intensively used for commercial and recreational fishing. Construction of off-shore
and some on-shore facilities, construction of river crossings by pipeline, movement of
vessels will lead to damage to fish stock and safety risks for fishing vessels and boats.
Overall, without mitigation the impacts on fishing is assessed as High.
o Some local residents are hunting for fowls, elks, wild hogs. However, hunting is not very
popular in the Vyborg region. There are no formal commercial or unformal recreational
grounds for hunting.Therefore, Impact will be long-term and irreversible though localised
and will not affect large spaces. Impact is considered to be Low. MITIGATION MEASURES

The primary measures to mitigate the impacts of factors of disturbance and decrease of traffic
safety for the people using dachas for recreation are:

o Develop and implement Transport Management Plan (including drivers’ and safe driving
training; safe journey management, requirements for vehicles, vehicles acceptance order,
cargo transportation on public roads, route planning, oversize and overweight cargoes
routes approval order, etc.);
o Use noise screens where necessary;
o Develop and implement Construction Waste Management procedures as part of
Construction Waste Management Plan for Solid Wastes.

With the adoption of the above mitigation controls, residual impact is assessed as Low.

The primary measures to mitigate the impacts of reduced access to or partial loss of gathering
areas are:

o The foot print of the Project facilities will be minimised (see also Chapter 9);
o Reclamation of lands on completion of construction works.

With the adoption of the above mitigation controls, residual impact is assessed as Negligible to

Potential impacts to fish stocks and fishing activities from construction activities are mitigated
through the application of good construction practices as described in Chapter 9.5, which include:

o Use of filters on water abstraction pipes;

o Treatment of all discharge waters to meet discharge standards for fishery waterbodies;
o Erosion control practices to prevent sedimentation inflows into water bodies;
o Compensation of damage caused to marine bioresources and ensuring reproduction of fish

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

o Collection of domestic sewage and bilge water from vessels using sewage collecting
o Observing the ban on work performance from late April till mid-June (to protect fish species
that spawn in spring);
o Collecting residual materials, structures and construction debris in special containers or on
pre-approved sites upon completion of the construction and subsequent removal to existing
landfills for neutralization and disposal;
o Disclose information on shipping routes and schedule to ensure safety of fishery companies
and fishermen.

With the adoption of the above mitigation controls, residual impact is assessed as Moderate.


Impacts on dacha users is assessed as Low due to completion of construction and lesser use of
public roads for Project purposes during operations phase. With the adoption of mitigation controls,
residual impact is assessed as Negligible to Low.

The impacts of reduced access to or partial loss of gathering areas are assessed as Negligible.

Potential impacts to fish stocks and fishing activities are assessed as Low to Moderate.



In accordance with IFC PS5, involuntary resettlement refers both to physical displacement
(relocation or loss of shelter) and to economic displacement (loss of assets or access to assets
that leads to loss of income sources or other means of livelihood) as a result of project-related land
acquisition and/or restrictions on land use.

Land use by the project is described in Chapter 8.4 Land Use. The Project is intending to lease
certain land parcels currently owned by agricultural enterprises (“Matrosovo” and “Kirovsky
transportnik”) and Vyborg region Administration for the period of pipeline laying works (short-term
lease). This will likely be done in a form of a mutually satisfactory agreement; commitment for
further reinstatement activities to be included.

It is unlikely that the impact of the subject Project can be qualified as physical displacement or
economic displacement due to the following reasons:

 There is no need of physical resettlement of the local population as all residential areas are
located beyond the sanitary protection zones of the facilities;

 All land plots taken for short-term lease will be subject to reclamation and returned to their
owners; the agricultural enterprises and municipal land owners will receive adequate
compensation in compliance with the RF legislation;

 Land plots provided to the Company for long-term lease will be transferred from their
current categories (forest lands, water lands, agricultural lands, etc.) to the proper category
for the Project (industrial lands) strictly in compliance with the RF legislation.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Therefore, the IFC Performance Standard 5 (Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement) will
unlikely be triggered, unless the negotiations fail and an expropriation mechanism is initiated. Lack
of available information on the ESIA stage does not allow to confirm applicability of the PS5; this
will be done on later stages in due course.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

10.4.4 SUMMARY
Table 10.4.2: Summary of Land Use Impact and Mitigation Measures

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Action Residual Impact

Factors of disturbance Community owning dachas Construction o Develop and implement Transport Management Plan Low
and decrease of traffic in the vicinity of gas (including drivers and safe driving training; safe journey
Operations Negligible to low
safety pipeline construction and management, requirements for vehicles, vehicles acceptance
access roads order, cargo transportation on public roads, route planning,
oversize and overweight cargoes routes approval order, etc.);
o Use noise screens;
o Develop and implement Construction Waste Management
Reduced access to or Local communities in the Construction o The foot print of the Project facilities will be minimised (see Negligible to Low
partial loss of gathering Project area of Influence also Chapter 9);
Operations Negligible
o Reclamation of lands on completion of construction works.

Reduction of fish Commercial and non- Construction o Use of filters on water abstraction pipes; Moderate
stocks and unsafe commercial fishery
Operation o Treatment of all discharge waters to meet discharge Low to Moderate
fishing activities
standards for fishery waterbodies;
o Erosion control practices to prevent sedimentation inflows into
water bodies;
o Compensation of damage caused to marine bioresources
and ensuring reproduction of fish resources;
o Collection of domestic sewage and bilge water from vessels
using sewage collecting vessels;
o Observing the ban on work performance from late April till
mid-June (to protect fish species that spawn in spring);
o Collecting residual materials, structures and construction
debris in special containers or on pre-approved sites upon

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Action Residual Impact

completion of the construction and subsequent removal to
existing landfills for neutralization and disposal
o Disclose information on shipping routes and schedule to
ensure safety of fishery companies and fishermen.
Loss of spontaneous Tourists (mainly from Construction Moderate
recreational area on St.Petersburg and Vyborg)
Operation Moderate
the shore and on the
Loss of or reduced Local communities Construction Low
access to hunting
Operation Low

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


This section discusses the potential impacts on labour and working conditions for the Project
workforce during the construction and operation phases and the associated mitigation measures
that will be adopted by the Company.

Detailed assessment of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is outside of the scope of this ESIA
and hence is not addressed here. Nonetheless, a brief overview of the Project approach to OHS
issues and contract conditions is provided in the relevant subsection below.

Other specific elements of labour and working conditions are discussed in more detail below:

 Issues associated with the accommodation facilities, including:

o Control of sanitary and hygiene risk;

o Adequacy of provided amenities.


There will be a wide range of general and activity-specific OHS risks associated with all stages of
construction. These risks will vary between different construction activities and also over time. To
manage these risks Cryogas will develop a comprehensive health and safety management system
(HS-MS) that is compliant with OHSAS 18001. The management system is design to ensure that
OHS risks associated with all construction activities are appropriately identified and controlled.

All occupational health and safety requirements are listed in POS (Project for Construction Phase).
All works are allowed only after PPR (Project for Performing Construction Works) is developed.

All requirements are described in detail and are disclosed to employees:

 process safety
 electrical safety
 loading-offloading operations
 earth works
 welding works
 gas hazard works
 fire safety
 works in cold season
 protection from tick encephalitis and mosquitoes etc.

Risks associated with commissioning and operation of Cryogas project will continue to be
managed under the Company’s HS-MS. This will include specific requirements for initial
commissioning and operation when it is likely that final elements of construction are still ongoing.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


This section describes general risks associated with the worker accommodation facilities both
during construction and operations phases of the Project, including:

 accommodation camps for the early works (sometimes temporary for specific activities
such as compression tests of the grounds)
 accommodation camp in Sovetsk area
 accommodation camp in Roshino forestry area

There will be also temporary facilities for the workers on sites (including showers, toilets, canteens
etc.). Those will be housed in cabins (6 meters long, height 2,5 meters, width 2,5 meters). The
cabins will be properly heated during cold seasons. Water is to be delivered to the sites and to be
stored in containers (2 cubic meters). Sanitary wastewater will be temporarily stored on site and
then sent to the wastewater treatment facilities. Electrical supply will be performed with the use of
mobile diesel power generators.

Details regarding future accommodation camps are to be further elaborated by Cryogas.

The potential adverse impacts related to the worker accommodation camps are described in the
following sections below.

Hygiene and Sanitation

Poor hygiene and sanitation practices at the camps, including in relation to food preparation, are
the key factors that may jeopardise workers’ health if not properly managed. These risks are likely
to be exacerbated by the significant numbers of personnel accommodated at the camps. The
potential risks may stem from the conditions at the general living facilities/residential quarters,
sanitary units, canteen and cooking facilities, and food safety.

Given the considerable numbers of personnel especially during the Project’s construction stage,
the level of unmitigated impacts associated with the quality of accommodation facilities is assessed

The design of the camp facilities has to take into account fire safety, emergency and sanitary and
hygiene requirements in accordance with the Russian Federal law and the specific industry
specifications as required for the climatic settings of the Project’s location. Cryogas will operate the
workforce accommodation camps in compliance with the applicable Russian regulations. In
addition, consideration will be given to the IFC/EBRD Guidance Note ‘Worker Accommodation.
Processes and Standards’ to the extent that this is appropriate and practicable to Project location.

The specifics of camp management for the prevention of communicable diseases and
alcohol/substance abuse among the workforce are described in section The Company’
standards for the management of workforce behavior as part of the ‘Accommodation Camp Policy’
and the Worker Code of Conduct are presented in section

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

With effective implementation of the identified mitigation measures, the residual adverse impacts
associated with the workforce camps are predicted to be of Low severity.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

10.5.3 SUMMARY
Table 10.5.1: Summary of Labour and Working Conditions Impacts

Impact Receptor Phase Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Safety risk Project’s and Commissioning Installation of gas detectors at the LNG operations worker camp to ensure early Low
associated with contractor and Operation identification of any uncontrolled hazardous emissions and harmful pollutant
abnormal workforce concentrations in ambient air;
Provision of appropriate PPE to all operations personnel;
(flash fires and
Accident and emergency awareness training and regular drills for all operations
Provisions for the emergency medical evacuation in case of mass casualties.
General camp Project’s and Construction The camp design is based on fire safety, emergency and sanitary and hygiene Low
issues contractor Operations requirements of Russian Federal law.
Cryogas will operate the worker accommodation camps in compliance with the
applicable Russian regulations and IFC/EBRD Guidance Note “Workers
Accommodation. Processes and Standards” to the extent that is appropriate and
practicable to Project location.
The quality accommodation services will be provided to all workers, including contractor
personnel, on a fair and non-discriminatory basis.
All accommodation facilities operated by the Project will be camps with the regulations
of access.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring



This section examines direct impacts (positive and negative) associated with employment by
Cryogas and its contractors, together with indirect impacts resulting from secondary/induced
employment through the provision of goods, supply of services and other types of support to the

The aspects of the Project that could influence the economy and employment trends are described
in Table 10.6.1.
Table 10.6.1: Project aspects leading to impacts on economy and employment

Aspect/Project Component Potential Impact

Project manpower demand and labour requirements Direct and indirect employment opportunities and
related beneficial effects on the economy.
Procurement of local goods and services and
Project demand for materials and services
associated spin-off effects of business stimulation
and development

Workforce demobilisation post-construction Loss of related jobs

Commissioning and Operations
Project manpower demand and labour requirements Direct and indirect employment opportunities and
related beneficial effects on the economy.

Procurement of local goods and services and

Project demand for materials and services
associated spin-off effects of business stimulation
and development

When conducting the assessment, the following baseline conditions in the Project Area of
Influence have been taken into consideration:

 Vyborg region is considered to be the region with relatively high level of economic

 Different settlements in the area have different employment situations

• Vysotsk has very high level of employment;

• Sovetskoye urban settlement and Goncharovskoye rural settlement has

low level of employment, many residents migrate on a daily or weekly
basis to Vyborg and St.Petersburg for employment opportunities

The lack of sufficiently qualified labour resources and technical skills for the operational stage of
the LNG in the nearby settlements, availability of such resources in Vyborg and St. Petersburg.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


Workforce planned for use on different project stages and for different facilities is shown below in
the Table.
Table 10.6.2: Workforce (Construction Phase and Operation Phase)

Number of Employees on
Number of Employees on Construction Stage
Operation Stage

226 including 190 workers, 25 engineers, 12 support staff and


LNG 1200 97

376 including 314 workers, 34 engineers, administrative personnel

Pipeline 12
– 22, support staff and security personnel - 6

The construction phase on-site personnel will work in rotation, i.e. in 15 days’ shifts, 7 days a
week, 12 hours per day. For commissioning works 5 days a week and 8 hours per day.

The hiring of labour will conform with the RF Labour legislation, ILO standards and IFC
Performance Standards’ requirements.

Cryogas intends to hire local workers when possible. However, due to the low level of
unemployment and absence of people particularly qualified for LNG construction and operations,
the number of hired locals are going to be limited. Based on data provided by Vyborg Centre of
Employment (October 2015) there are no qualified workers for construction and operation of the

For the stage of construction it is planned to involve the following companies:

- Specialized technical companies (construction of MOF, assembly of technological equipment)

- Regional companies for general construction works (there are numerous construction
companies in the region such as ZAO Stroymontazh-324, OOO Zemstroy, OOO
Vyborgremdorstroy, ZAO Roshinostroy, OOO Baltpromenergomontazh etc.)

Most of the work force will come from Vyborg and Sovetsky. Also probably some resources will be
attracted from Primorsk. It is not planned to attract work force from Vysotsk as most of the
population is already employed at the nearby facilities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Contractors’ Workforce

Procurement of construction and engineering services for the Vysotsk LNG Project will be
implemented through a number of ‘engineer, procure and construct’ (‘EPC’) contracts, as well as
several construction contracts covering basic large-scale work scopes.

For the stage of construction it is planned to involve the following companies:

- Specialized technical companies (construction of MOF, assembly of technological equipment)

- Regional companies for general construction works (there are numerous construction
companies in the region such as ZAO Stroymontazh-324, OOO Zemstroy, OOO
Vyborgremdorstroy, ZAO Roshinostroy, OOO Baltpromenergomontazh etc.)

Vysotsk LNG contractors are responsible for formalization of work relations with their personnel
and provision the appropriate working conditions in strict compliance with the RF labour legislation.
Labour contracts for most of the on-site construction personnel will clearly stipulate the duration of
their contractual assignment and temporary nature of the construction phase (except for those
workers who are employed on permanent contract).

Other possibilities for direct employment will include jobs with contractors providing small-scale
auxiliary services (i.e. medical support, maintenance, laundry, catering, security, cleaning, road
and environmental maintenance, etc.).

 Semi-, low- and unqualified local workers from the nearest settlements still have a priority
over imported workers to fill positions which do not require high level of skills (transport
works, sanitary and domestic services, electricians, plumbers, mechanics, etc.). ENHANCEMENT MEASURES

Employment impacts associated with the Project are generally assessed as beneficial. To
reinforce this positive influence, the following enhancement measures will be implemented:

 Development and regular update of the ‘Program for recruitment and professional training’
covering all recruitment procedures, types of training offered by the Company, as well as the
exact employment targets set for the short- and long-term prospects of the Project

 Preferential recruitment of employees from the local population, guaranteed by use of a

local candidates’ database before interviewing any non-local candidate;

 Provision of vocational/skills training and professional development opportunities for the

local workforce (especially youth) to build and strengthen their capabilities and reinforce
their competitive position;

 Interaction with Vyborg educational institutions for cooperation in professional training

provision and engagement with recent graduates;

 Development of a mechanism to encourage contractors to recruit locally for semi-, low- and
unqualified positions

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Annual employment of disabled – not less than 2% of the Company’s total headcount. ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

Vysotsk LNG Project will have a Beneficial impact on direct employment primarily thanks to the
high demand for construction manpower and the Company’s special emphasis on recruiting local
population where possible and without compromising the Project’s rigorous quality standards. DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPACT

The construction phase of the Vysotsk LNG Project is expected to have a long-term positive
influence on the local economy and the creation of indirect job opportunities through a number of

 Taxes was paid and will be paid to the budget – 2015 (11,5 mln roubles in 2015, 35,7 mln
roubles in 2016)

 Cooperation with local/regional suppliers. However, under otherwise equal conditions,

preference is given to local/regional suppliers.

 Support of the local medium and small business sector

 Gasification of Vysotsk (influence on the local economy) ENHANCEMENT MEASURES AND ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

Overall Project impact on local economy and indirect job creation is considered Beneficial.


As the Vysotsk LNG Project moves towards its full operations phase, there will be a rapid decrease
in the workforce requirement. This decrease will largely involve demobilisation of construction
contractor personnel.

Cryogas will require that all construction contractors demobilise their workforce in an organised
and structured manner upon completion of the planned construction works.

Taking into account the pre-planned nature of demobilisation, and at the same time the limited
timescale in which a large workforce is to be demobilised, the unmitigated impact is assessed as
Moderate. The Project will aim to reduce this impact through a range of mitigation measures as
described below. MITIGATION MEASURES

The following measures will be implemented to ensure controlled and effective workforce
demobilisation at the end of the construction phase:

 Construction workers’ labour contracts will clearly stipulate the duration of their contractual
assignment and that demobilization will be implemented upon completion of the assigned

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

works. This will enable the workers to plan in advance and to make alternative
arrangements where necessary;

 The construction workforce will be demobilized from the Project area in an organised
manner after the completion of construction. ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

Taking into account the mitigation measures described above, the residual adverse impact
associated with post-construction workforce demobilisation is assessed as Low. DIRECT EMPLOYMENT DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPACT

Vysotsk LNG and pipeline workforce

The operation phase of the Project is characterized by a noticeably increased demand in highly
qualified workforce. Nevertheless, the nature of the Project impact on direct employment during the
operation stage will be generally similar to the construction stage. Throughout the operation phase
and through to decommissioning, Cryogas will:

 Maximize the proportion of local recruitment where possible by use of a local candidates’
database before interviewing any non-local candidate;

 Continue applying its labour management, hiring/recruitment and training policies and
procedures as described above;

 Hire labour in strict compliance with the RF labour legislation, ILO standards and IFC
Performance Standards’ requirements.

Contractors’ Workforce

During the operation phase Cryogas will cooperate with a number of contractors providing small-
scale auxiliary services (e.g. medical support, maintenance, laundry, catering, security, cleaning,
road and environmental maintenance, etc.). This will result in the creation of limited additional job
positions, mainly of a semi- and low-skilled nature. ENHANCEMENT MEASURES

Most of the enhancement measures applied to reinforce the positive Project impact on direct
employment during the operation phase will replicate those employed during the construction
phase, as follows:

 Interaction with St.Petersburg and Vyborg educational institutions for cooperation in

professional training provision and engagement with recent graduates;

 Provision of vocational/skills training and professional development opportunities for the

local workforce;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

 Use of incentive mechanisms to encourage contractors to recruit semi-, low- and unqualified
workers locally;

 Annual employment of disabled – not less than 2% of the Company’s total headcount. ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

The Project impact on direct employment on the operation phase is assessed as Beneficial,
however with due account to a lower number of staff being in demand by both Vysotsk LNG and its
contractors, as well as a stronger requirement for high-skilled workforce. INDIRECT EMPLOYMENT AND SPIN-OFF EFFECTS DESCRIPTION OF THE IMPACT

During the operation phase Vysotsk LNG will continue implementation of activities that are
expected to have a positive long-term influence on both the local economy and creation of indirect
job positions, as follows:

 Regular tax payments to the local and regional State budgets;

 Collaboration with the local businesses (small-scale supplies of goods and services) -
wherever feasible and without jeopardising the Project delivery requirements; ASSESSMENT OF RESIDUAL IMPACT

The residual Project impact on the regional economy and indirect employment during the
operation phase is assessed as Beneficial, though it will be more prolonged but less intense
in its nature compared to the construction phase.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

10.6.4 SUMMARY
Table 10.6.3: Summary of Economy and Employment Impacts and Mitigation/Enhancement Measures

Impact Receptor Phase Design, Mitigation and Enhancement Actions Residual

Direct Employment Project workforce and the Construction  Development of the ‘Program for recruitment and Beneficial
local communities in the professional training’
Project Area of Influence
Construction /  Preferential recruitment of employees from the local Beneficial
Operation population guaranteed by use of a local candidates’ database
before interviewing any non-local candidate;
 Interaction with V y b o r g educational institutions for
cooperation in professional training provision and engagement
with recent graduates;
 Provision of vocational/skills training and professional
development opportunities for local workforce;
 Development and use of incentive mechanisms to encourage
contractors to recruit semi-, low- and unqualified workers
 Annual employment of disabled people – not less than 2% of
the Company’s total headcount.
Post-Construction Project workforce Post-Construction  Construction workers’ labour contracts will clearly stipulate the Low
Workforce duration of their contractual assignment and the fact that
Demobilisation demobilisation will be implemented upon completion of the
assigned works;
 The construction workforce, including the contractors, will be
demobilised from the Project area in an organised manner
after the completion of construction.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring


The following cultural heritage sites could be located in the Project Area:

 Architectural monuments;
 Historical and memorial places;
 Cemeteries and other burial places;
 Historical monuments;
 Archeological monuments;
 Sacred places;
 Gardens and parks.

Direct negative impact of the Project on the sites of local tangible cultural heritage could be
associated with physical damage to these sites or with loss or limitations of population access to
these sites associated with the Project activities.

In the Project Area several sites were identified classified as cultural heritage sites. No intangible
cultural heritage were defined in the area.


In the project area the following 4 sites of regional importance are located including 3 communal
graves (in Vysotsk, Sovetsky, Cherkasovo) and one monument-obelisk:

 Communal grave of Soviet soldiers who died in 1941-44 (Vysotsk, southern outskirts of the
 Communal grave of Soviet soldiers who died in 1941-44 (Sovetsky, at the civil cemetery)
 Communal grave of Soviet soldiers who died in 1941-44, among the perished – Senior
political instructor Cherkasov L.I. (Cherkasovo, near railway station Cherkasovo, on the
western side of the Sredne-Vyborgskoye road)
 Monument - obelisk on the defensive line, where, in August 1941, the marines, soldiers and
border guards of the fighter battalion heroically fought (Sovetsky, in 3 km form the
settlement on the left bank of the Gorokhovka river)

No monuments of federal significance are located in the Project Area.

Near the Scherbakovo settlement on the Island Maysky not far from the pipeline route the burial
place Mayskoe is located. It is located in 1 km to the west from Scherbakovo and in 2 km to the
east from Pikhtovoye.


Charcoal burning often combined with tar-works was widely spread in Europe in the forested

In Russia sites of charcoal burning and tar-works were found mostly in the northern and north-
western regions.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

Charcoal burning pits and piles located along with the archeological monuments of the previous
eras are often studied by archeologists. Charcoal burning piles are artificial piles with complex
structure of soil, charcoal and grass, they were studied using the methods of studying mounds

In immediate proximity to the project area the following archeological sites were found:
Charcoal burning piles Vysotsk I-III

These sites are located in 2.4 km to the south-west from Vysotsk in the 3rd Quarter of the
Sovetskoye Forestry of Roschino Forestry Department on the western part of Island Vysotsky.

Charcoal burning pile Vysotsk I was located in 75 meters from the shore of the Gulf of Finland,
height of the object was 4-4.5 above the sea level. Charcoal burning pile Vysotsk II was located in
155 meters from the shore of the Gulf of Finland and its height was 5.6-6 meters. Along the
southern border of the pile there is the abandoned forest road leading to the remains of the
settlement Repotaipale (marked on the maps of 1930s) and further to the small bay surrounded by
small islands Lonkisenluoto (Pryazhka) и Kujaluoto (now part of Lukoil terminal).

Charcoal burning pile Vysotsk III is located in 40 meters from the pile Vysotsk II in 160 meters from
the Gulf of Finland. Its height is 7.1– 7.4 meters.

After archeological studies performed by St.Petersburg University the piles were destructed.

Key conclusions are as follows:

 Communal graves and monument are in satisfactory condition. Cryogas supports

administration in their activities associated with the Victory Day celebrations and
monuments’ preservation.

Charcoal burning piles former presence on site requires additional attention. Chance Find
Procedure should be developed urgently to avoid future damage to archeological objects.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 10: Social Impacts, Mitigation and Monitoring

10.7.3 SUMMARY
Table 10.7.1: Summary of Cultural Heritage Impacts and Mitigation Control

Impact Receptor Phase Initial Impact Design and Mitigation Actions Residual Impact

Potential damage to  Communal Construction, Moderate  Close interaction with regional and local Low
cultural heritage graves and operations administration on the issues of preservation
sites monuments of the Great Patriotic War heritage

 Archeological  Development of Chance Find Procedure in

sites accordance with PS 8 of IFC Performance

 Cooperation with archeologists

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 11: Decommissioning


The decommissioning phase of the Facility is not reviewed in detail in this document. A special
project will have to be developed to cover decommissioning and dismantling of production facilities.

According to Decree 61-A of the Russian Federal Committee for Mining and Industrial Supervision,
a hazardous production facility has to be liquidated in line with a plan describing how industrial
safety will be ensured during dismantling.

An essential condition here is to protect local communities, the environment, and the property
within the area of influence of the hazardous production facilities to be liquidated.

Hazardous facility liquidation plans are governed by the following regulations:

 Decree No 87 of the Russian Government dated 16.02.2008 “On the table of contents and
composition of design documentation”;
 Construction guidelines MDS 12-46.2008 “Guidelines for developing construction method
statements, work method statements, and dismantling method statements”;
 Guidelines RD 07-291-99 “Procedure of liquidation and mothballing of hazardous
production facilities involved in subsoil utilisation”;
 Guidelines RD 08-492-02 “Procedure for abandonment and suspension of wells, wellhead
assemblies and shaft equipment”;
 Other industrial safety regulations.

A hazardous facility liquidation plan should include the following design solutions:

 Preparation of equipment for dismantling and the actual dismantling process;

 Disconnection of utilities;
 Demolition of buildings and structures;
 Disposal of dismantling equipment and waste.

It should also provide for:

 Measures to prevent and response to potential emergencies;

 Consideration of geological, seismic and climatic factors;
 Environmental protection;
 Fire safety.

The design of the liquidation / mothballing plan for a hazardous production facilities are subject to
mandatory industrial safety expert review.

Also, an industrial safety declaration has to be developed for a hazardous facility and attached to
the liquidation plan if required so by Appendix 2 of Federal Law 116-FZ dated 21 July 1997.

A hazardous facility liquidation plan would have the following sections:

 Grounds for the proposed liquidation;

 List of buildings, structures and equipment to be liquidated;
 Procedure to decommission buildings, structures and equipment;

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 11: Decommissioning

 Restriction of access by unauthorised persons or animals to the facility or to the hazardous

area around it;
 Description and substantiation of the approved liquidation technique;
 Substantiation of the proposed hazardous areas;
 Assessment of the utility damage risk;
 Utility protection techniques;
 Techniques ensuring safety of liquidation operations;
 Community protection measures;
 Waste disposal solutions;
 Approvals from state supervisory authorities if the plan includes potentially hazardous
liquidation techniques.

Before the operational phase of the Facility is over, the demobilisation of facility staff has to be
taken into account. In accordance with IFC Performance Standards, a demobilisation plan has to
be prepared at least 3 months prior to the scheduled demobilization.

The purpose of the demobilisation plan is to assess impacts associated with a massive
demobilisation of workers following the operational phase and to develop respective impact
minimisation measures.

As the Facility was designed for a long operating life, a liquidation plan has not been

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions


The Project Area of Influence is not expected to extend beyond international boundaries on the
basis of:

 The scope of the Project as defined in Chapter 4 is located entirely within the Russian

 The effects of nitrogen deposition from the Project’s combustion of fossil fuel are assessed
in Chapter 9, but given the location of the Project, significant impacts are not anticipated to
extend beyond national boundaries.

Significant transboundary impacts are therefore not anticipated. The one exception to this relates
to emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) through the lifecycle of the Project and these impacts are
addressed in Chapter 9.

Project waste will generally be managed locally at the onsite waste facility (see Chapters 5 and 9
for further details). Selected wastes will also be sent to third party licenced facilities for recycling,
including scrap metals, spent tires and luminescent lamps, etc. (see Chapter 9). These will be
facilities in the Russian Federation (only facilities with all relevant licences will be used), and
therefore no significant impacts are anticipated.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions



This Chapter presents a cumulative impact assessment (CIA) on the natural and social
environment associated with the existing or planned activities within the Vysotsk LNG Project area,
taking into account also other types of commercial activities carried out within the subject area and
in adjacent territories. This Chapter comprises the following sub-sections.

 Definition of the cumulative impacts on the basis of the currently applicable guidelines;
 Significance of an assessment of cumulative impacts for this Project;
 Approach adopted for this ESIA; and
 Assessment of cumulative impacts.

The types and levels of impacts imposed by individual Project facilities on the natural receptors
have been reviewed in Chapter 9.


CIA is one of the requirements set for a comprehensive ESIA. The relevant IFC Performance
Standards are used as the main guideline for this purpose, including the following definition:

Cumulative impacts that result from the incremental impact, on areas or resources used or directly
impacted by the project, from other existing, planned or reasonably defined developments at the
time the risks and impacts identification process is conducted.



Recommendations relating to interpretation of CIA are provided in Guidance Note 1 to the IFC
Performance Standards. Relevant text from this guidance has been summarized below again with
emphasis added using text in italics.

GN37. ….. Multiple environmental and social impacts from existing projects, combined with the
potential incremental impacts resulting from proposed and/or anticipated future projects may result
in significant cumulative impacts that would not be expected in the case of a stand-alone project or
business activity.

GN38. … In those situations, where cumulative impacts are likely to occur from activities by third
parties in the region and the impacts from the client’s own operations are expected to be a
relatively small amount of the cumulative total, a regional or sectoral assessment may be more
appropriate than a CIA. [It should be noted that normally this is carried out by regional authorities
as a strategic regional assessment].

GN40. At a practical level, the critical element of such an assessment is to determine how large an
area around the project should be assessed, what an appropriate period of time is, and how to
practically assess the complex interactions among different projects occurring at different times.
Because a CIA transcends a single project development, the resulting potential management or

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

mitigation measures typically require participation from a larger and more diverse number of
stakeholders in order to be coordinated and implemented. Furthermore, the active participation of
government authorities is typically required to assess the incremental contribution of each project
to the cumulative impacts, monitor and enforce the implementation of the mitigation measures
corresponding to each project, identify the additional mitigation measures required, and coordinate,
ensure and document their implementation.

GN41. Paragraph 8 of Performance Standard 1 requires that…..the risks and impacts identification
process ….. identifies and assesses cumulative impacts from further planned development of the
project and other project-related developments, any existing project or condition whose impacts
may be exacerbated by the project, and other developments of the same type that are realistically
defined at the time of the risks and impacts identification process. Impacts from unplanned but
predictable developments caused by the project that may occur later or at a different location
should also be identified and assessed.

The assessment should be commensurate with the incremental contribution, source, extent, and
severity of the cumulative impacts anticipated, and be limited to only those impacts generally
recognized as important on the basis of scientific concerns and/or concerns from Affected
Communities. Potential impacts that would occur without the project or independently of the project
should not be considered.

… the client should ensure that its assessment determines the degree to which the project under
review is contributing to the cumulative effects.

GN42. … In terms of anticipated future projects, priority should be given to assessing cumulative
impacts stemming from the project being considered for financing, such as further planned
developments associated with the project and other future developments of the same type in the
project's area of influence that are realistically defined at the time of the assessment (this may
include any combination of developments which are either proposed, licensed or for which permits

GN43. Where appropriate, the client should use commercially reasonable efforts to engage
relevant government authorities, other developers, Affected Communities, and, where appropriate,
other relevant stakeholders, in the assessment, design, and implementation of coordinated
mitigation measure to manage the potential cumulative impacts resulting from multiple projects in
the same project’s area of influence.



IFC published in August 2013 the Good Practice Handbook (GPH) on Cumulative Impact
Assessment and Management. This document is a supplement to the IFC Performance Standards
and Guidance Notes and provides recommendations relating to practical assessment of cumulative
impacts recognizing some of the uncertainties and constraints faced by private sector proponents.
It also introduces the concept of valued environmental and social components (VEC) in the
assessment of cumulative impacts.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

The approach outlined in the Handbook comprises six steps consistent with IFC PS 1 and
associated guidance note and is broadly applied in the methodology and approach presented in
Section 13.4.

Recommendations related to CIA are also provided in the EU Сommission document entitled
'Guidelines for the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts as well as Impact Interactions'
(1999) applied extensively by European companies in the EIA process as a primary source of
practical guidance.

Although a relatively old document, it advocates an approach that is consistent with more recent
IFC guidance described above, including the following:

 Gathering of project information

 A scoping phase (temporal and spatial scope)
 Scoping, to identify important issues for further assessment
 Collection of baseline data, potentially over a wider geographic area than for the Project
 Assessment of cumulative impacts (outlining a range of assessment tools and techniques)
with consideration given to the carrying capacity of the receiving environment

Recognizing that temporal boundaries need to be determined on a project-by-project basis, and

that this is dependent upon the availability and quality of information, the Guidance states that ‘In
setting the future time boundary it is suggested that in general, beyond 5 years there is too much
uncertainty associated with most development proposals. It is therefore recommended that in the
majority of cases the limit does not exceed 5 years into the future.’


All details regarding the Project and its location are given in Chapter 5.


The approach towards the assessment of cumulative impacts has evolved over recent decades
and as new guidance has become available. The approach adopted for this ESIA is intended to
meet with current guidance and established practice, while at the same time giving due
consideration to the latest developments and draft guidance as appropriate. The approach is
therefore based primarily on the 2012 IFC Performance Standards and supplemented by the
recommendations provided in the IFC GPH described in Section 13.2.2.

The GPH recognizes that where impacts are likely to arise from multiple projects at a regional
level, or where there is uncertainty over potential impacts due to the longer-term timeframes
involved, it would be more appropriate for a CIA to be undertaken by the relevant authorities. In
recognition of the constraints often faced by private sector organizations when assessing
cumulative impacts, the GPH introduces the concept of a simpler Rapid Cumulative Impacts
Assessment (RCIA) based on desk review of readily available information.

For the purpose of this ESIA, the CIA will draw from the following information:

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

 Primary baseline data gathered in the process of environmental engineering surveys and
enabling a characterization of the Project Area of Influence.
 Data and information received during the social survey and site visit in August-September
 Archive and literature data and information from other publicly available sources used for
characterization of a more extensive range of the territory, i.e. at a regional level, outside
the Project Area of influence.

Further detail regarding the manner in which the two tiers of information will be applied is
discussed below in the section dealing with the CIA methodology.


The CIA methodology is based on the guidance described previously and in particular follows the
six step approach outlined in the draft GPH and including six steps.

Step 1. Phase I – VECs (Valued Environmental and Social Components), Spatial and
Temporal Boundaries

The first stage of the CIA is aimed at identifying potential VECs and defining the spatial and
temporal boundaries.


VECs are those receptors that are considered to be important when assessing the risks posed
from cumulative impacts. VECs have been identified through the ESIA process, including through
consultations undertaken with stakeholders (e.g. see Chapter 5) and through reviews and
assessments undertaken as part of the ESIA (see Chapters 7, 8, 9 and 10).

Consistent with the above-mentioned guidance the assessment is limited to impacts generally
recognized as important on the basis of scientific concerns and/or concerns from Affected
Communities and excludes any potential impacts that would occur without the Project or
independently of the Project. In addition, only those environmental / social receptors on which the
Project itself is assessed to have potentially significant affects (see Chapters 9 and 10) are
included in the CIA. In practical terms, this means that:

If the impact of the Project on a receptor has been assessed Negligible then it is not considered
as a VEC in the CIA (i.e. scoped out in all cases);

Receptors on which the assessed Project impact is Low are considered on a case-by-case basis
for inclusion as a VEC in the CIA.

Spatial Boundaries

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

The Project Area of Influence (AoI) defined in Section 5.7 of Chapter 5 in accordance with the IFC
Performance Standards’ guidance and with due consideration of potential cumulative impacts33 .
The pre-defined AoI includes:

 Project Area
 Areas adjacent to the Project Area (on average within a radius of 10 km from the Project
area boundaries34).

The CIA also considers a larger spatial area outside of the Project AoI. The precise spatial
boundaries are defined on the basis of the geographic range of specific VECs as well as the spatial
distribution of other third-party activities or influences that might impact the VECs.

Temporal Boundaries

Consistent with established EU guidance35, consideration is normally given to existing projects or

those expected to be initiated within a period of 5 years from the data of the CIA completion, with
an exception of development projects that may be initiated after 5 years, but for which reliable
information and certainty is available. The temporal boundary is therefore defined based on the
availability and quality of information about existing and reasonably foreseeable projects or
projects with a conceptual plan.

The overall Phase I scoping is undertaken through consideration of the VECs, spatial and temporal
boundaries and also the Phase II scoping, in a systematic manner, taking the assessed Project
impacts to each social and environmental receptor identified in Chapters 9 and 10, and taking into
account the following aspects:

 All the different types of Project impacts on those receptors and the assessed significance
of the residual Project impact;
 Spatial extent of a receptor in this particular region;
 Consideration of how the spatial extent of the receptor may overlap with the influence of
other industrial activities identified through the Phase II Scoping process;
 Consideration of the relative temporal boundaries of the different stressors (e.g. whether or
not such stressors are concurrent, consecutive etc.) and the duration of such impacts;
 Other non-industrial influences that may affect a receptor (within the determined spatial and
temporal boundaries).

This zone of influence covers, if required: Cumulative impacts caused as a result of additional impacts on the
activities or resources used for the Project or under realistically defined circumstances in the process of the
identification of risks and impacts directly affected by the Project as a result of other existing, planned or …
34 The zone of influence on individual components of the natural and social environment can be determined in different

ways and can exceed 10 km (see the corresponding sections of Chapters 9 and 10).

In the "'Guidelines for the Assessment of Indirect and Cumulative Impacts as well as Impact Interactions" (1999),
it is indicated that normally most of project proposals are associated with too many uncertainties outside of a period of
5 years. It is recommended, therefore, to assume a time limit of maximum 5 years.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

The above aspects are determined and the potentially affected receptors identified in the CIA
process taking into consideration the above factors, which are to be considered as VECs.

The results of the Phase I Scoping are presented in Section 13.6.

Step 2. Phase II – Other Activities and Environmental Drivers

This part of the scoping exercise identifies historical, existing and planned activities and the
presence of natural influences / stressors with the potential to affect the VECs identified in Step 1
that will require further assessment within the CIA.

The results of the Phase II Scoping are presented in Section 13.7.

Step 3. Baseline Conditions

Available baseline data have been gathered for the identified VECs. Baseline data for the Project
AoI is based on studies and survey works undertaken by the Project and as described in Chapters
7 and 8. These Project-specific studies are supplemented by readily available information at the
regional scale beyond the Project AoI (see also Chapters 7 and 8).

Step 4. Assessment of Cumulative Impacts

The Project CIA has adopted a VEC centric approach, i.e. VECs and their resilience have been
identified / determined then the impacts from various activities on these VECs assessed.

The assessment presented in this Chapter considers only the residual impact associated with the
Project, i.e. the impact that will persist after implementation of the planned mitigation measures.
The VECs, potentially affected according to the assessment to an insignificant degree, should not
necessarily be included in the cumulative impact assessment (Table 13.5.1).
Table 13.5.1: Criteria for including valued environmental and social components

Residual impact

Insignificant Low Moderate High

Considered for
Not included in CIA assessing the potential Included in CIA Included in CIA
cumulative impact

Predicted future conditions for VECs are analysed taking into consideration all impact factors,
including the contribution of this Project to the overall cumulative impacts. It should be pointed out
that since the Project is implemented in an area with a moderate level of industrial development,
the CIA is based on the review of the following policy documents:

 Concept of long-term social and economic development of the Russian Federation during
the period until 2020 (RF Government's Decree No.1662-r of 17.11.2008, edition of August
8, 2009)
 Strategy of socio-economic development of North-Western Federal Okrug for the period up
to 2020, approved by the Ordinance of RF Government dated November 13, 2011 #2074-r
(edition of December 26, 2014)

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

 Concept of socio-economic development of Leningrad Oblast for the period up to 2025,

approved by Oblast Law dated June 28, 2013 # 45-OZ
 Investment Strategy of Leningrad Oblast for the period of 2025 year (approved by the
Decree of Leningrad Oblast Government #29 dated February 19, 2014)
 Concept of socio-economic development of the Municipal Entity “Vyborg Region” for the
period up to 2020 year (approved by the Council of Deputies of Vyborg Region on
November 23, 2010)
 Strategy of socioeconomic development of Municipal Entity “Vyborg Region” of Leningrad
Oblast for the period up to 2025 year (Draft issued in 2015, developed by Scientific and
Design Institute of spatial planning “ENKO” based on the order of administration of Vyborg
Municipal Region)
 Scheme of territorial development of Leningrad Oblast (approved by Leningrad Oblast
government decree dated December 29, 2012 #460)
 Scheme of territorial development of Vyborg municipal region of Leningrad Oblast
(approved by Council of deputies of Vyborg municipal region on December 25, 2012 #242)
 Long-term Targeted Program “Improvement and development of motor roads of Leningrad
Oblast for 2009-2020” (approved by decree of Leningrad Oblast government on March 2,
2009 #45)

Due to the inherent uncertainties in the nature of cumulative impacts, the CIA has by necessity
been performed in a qualitative manner, but nevertheless provides useful context for determining
the significance of the Project's contribution to the overall impacts.

The assessment of cumulative impacts is provided in Section 13.9.

Step 5. Significance of Cumulative impacts

The assessment methodology in Chapter 3 describes the assessment of significance as a function

of impact ‘severity’ and ‘likelihood’. The methodology was developed primarily for assessing
Project-specific impacts, although can be broadly applied to cumulative impacts. However, given
the inherent uncertainties associated with the prediction of impacts from future projects where
definitive information is expected to be limited, less reliance can be placed on the ‘likelihood’
component of impact significance (see below).

The cumulative impact assessment draws on the methodology described in Chapter 3 to express
the severity of potential cumulative impacts. The degree of any uncertainties will be described in
sufficient detail in order to understand whether potential cumulative impacts are to be expected
during the period of the Project implementation.

Step 6. Management of Cumulative Impacts

Many of the mitigation measures defined during the assessment of Project impacts will also be
applicable to the mitigation of cumulative impacts. However, it is also recognized that the
cumulative impact assessment may generate additional mitigation measures and/or strategic /
long-term actions, for example, the need to share findings of assessments and cooperate with third
parties such as future developers, Vyborg region and Vysotsk district authorities or local
government bodies.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

Consistent with the approach taken elsewhere in the ESIA and described in Chapter 3, the
mitigation hierarchy, which broadly requires that consideration be given to avoidance, minimization,
mitigation and offsetting in that order of preference, has been applied.

The findings of the CIA, including the significance of impacts and necessary mitigation measures /
further actions are described in Section 13.10.


The output of the Phase I and Phase II scoping is summarized in Annex A to this Chapter and is
the result of the scoping process described in Section 13.5. Based on the results of the scoping
process the following VECs have been identified for further consideration within the CIA:

 Atmospheric air,
 Marine Environment and Hydrobionts habitats,
 Surface water and Hydrobionts habitats,
 Natural terrestrial habitats and landscapes,
 Ecosystem services and Recreational activities of local communities,
 Local Infrastructure
 Employment opportunities and economy.

These aspects are assessed further in Sections 13.8 to 13.10.



Brief historical description of the Project area is given below.

Vyborg municipal region was established in 1940 and includes 7 towns and 5 rural settlements.

There are three ports in the region – Vyborg, Vysotsk and Primorsk (the largest).

Key industrial branches for the region are pulp and paper and mining (mostly for construction
purposes). Also forestry and agriculture are developed in the region.

Vysotsk (named Trangsund before 1917 and Uuras between 1917-1948) was a port town in
Russia (one of the smallest towns in Russia in terms of population). It was actually established as
the military marine base.

Starting 1990s port Vysotsk started to develop more rapidly due to implementation of investment
projects on terminals’ construction (coal and oil terminals).


Key features of the region are as follows:

 Location very close to EU countries (Finland, in particular)

 Access to the sea and availability of large ports

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

 Proximity and good transport access to St.Petersburg (5 mln city) thus providing the market
for regional products
 Availability and access to four types of transport – marine, river, railways and motorways

Currently, in Vyborg region industrial development zones are formed specializing mostly on
services for large-scale transport cargo flows (mostly transit) and also on manufacturing.

The whole region represents the large transport junction:

 Railways – St.Petersburg – Helsinki, Vyborg – Khiytola, St/Petersburg – Zelenogorsk –

Primorsk – Vyborg, Kamennogorsk – Losevo
 Highway “Scandinavia” along with major regional motor roads
 Marine ports and terminals
 Seymen channel connecting internal lakes of Finland with Gulf of Finland through the
territory of the Russian Federation

Capacities of Ports located in the Vyborg region constitute 13% of cargo turnover in Russia
(Vyborg, Vysotsk, Primorsk). The key port is Primorsk which is relatively far from the Project area.

There are also a lot of custom terminals located in the region which are servicing on-shore

There are many large enterprises in Vyborg - such as Vyborg shipbuilding plant (construction of
off-shore platforms and ships) and many others. Though Vyborg is located not close to the project
area and thus could not have great influence on CIA.

Two pulp and paper mills are located in the area – ZAO ”International Paper” (Svetogorsk) and
OAO “Vyborgskaya Tzellulosa” – PAO “Lesopromyshlennaya Korporatziya” (settlement Sovetsky).
The last one is located close to Project area. This plant operations include:

 Pulp and paper production

 Alkali processing
 Pellets’ production
Now this company is undergoing the procedure of bankruptcy and the future of this plant is very

The closest facilities to the Project area are oil terminal OAO “RPK-Vysotsk” Lukoil II and coal
terminal of Port Vysotsk.

Military marine base (state border patrol vessels of the Federal Security Service) is also located in

Vyborg region is also the region of agricultural development. It is one of the leading in Leningrad
Oblast. Currently 25 agricultural enterprises are operating in the region including 10 of large and
medium size (cattle breeding, poultry farms). The region also has a lot of registered farmers and
household plots.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

Many centers of recreation and tourism are located in the region. Vyborg region is the most visited
region in the Leningrad Oblast. There are also many non-organized tourists visiting the region.


The list of major future projects which could have impact on natural and social environment and
thus should be taken into account in CIA is given in the Table 13.7.1 below.
Table 13.7.1: Major Future Investment Projects in the Vyborg Region

Project and its Start of

Number of Stage of
brief Developer Branch Capacity operations’
employees implementation
description date
Trucks and ООО Auto-
buses "MAGMOTOR mobile - Up to 900 planned 2016 - 2020
production plant COMPANY" production
3rd and 4th lines
55 bln
of “Nord Stream”
Pipeline cubic
pipeline through ОАО Gazprom - planned 2017-2020
transport meters of
the Baltic sea to
Marine terminal
for dry cargos’
transshipment in E-Logistic - 800 planned 2016 - 2020
the region of
Subject Project
- Vysotsk LNG ZAO Cryogas Industry - 100 Early works 2016 - 2020
Packaging and
Company Huhtmaki
kitchenware Industry - - planned -
Vyborg region
Construction of
micro plant
Danieli MiDa, ООО "Glavlizing" Industry 100 planned 2016 - 2020
Construction of
main oil
pipeline and
ООО 17 mln
terminals for
"Transnefteprodukt Industry tons per 686 planned 2016 - 2020
transshipment of
" year
light oil
Vyborg region,
Construction of 27 mln
ООО “Oil Company
port cargo industry tons of 4730 planned 2016-2020
district, Primorsk dry and

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

Project and its Start of

Number of Stage of
brief Developer Branch Capacity operations’
employees implementation
description date
Construction of
the plant for
production of
fittings, Veshevo industry - 150 planned 2016-2020
e rural
Construction of
rock wool plant,
ООО "Paroc"
settlement, industry - 165 planned 2016-2020
e rural
Construction of
across the
railway in
direction to ОАО "Russian
transport - - planned 2016-2020
Kamennogorsk- Railways"
Vyborg, and
design and
construction of
viaduct in

Among other potential projects it is important to mention projects associated with reconstruction of
A-181 Scandinavia highway, construction and reconstruction of railway roads.

There are also plans to develop fish farming in the region.

Several projects could be implemented after 2020. In Vezhevo the old military airfield is located.
Local government considers the possibility to use it in the future as cargo airport (the largest in the
North-Western Okrug). Also there are plans to construct LNG plant in Seleznevskoye rural
settlement. Due to the high uncertainty of these projects and lack of information, we will not include
these planned facilities in CIA.

Investment sites of Vyborg region are marked on the map on Figure 13.7.1 (based on information
from portal).

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

Figure 13.7.1: Investment sites of Vyborg region




The most significant impact factors affecting the atmospheric air quality in the project area are

 Coal terminal at Vysotsk Port (coal dust mostly)

 OAO “RPK-Vysotsk” Lukoil II (flaring, vessels)
 OAO “Vyborgskaya Tzellulosa” – PAO “Lesopromyshlennaya Korporatziya” – pulp and
paper mill
 Roads – both motor roads and railways

Recipients of such an impact are residents of the nearby settlements who currently complain about
high dust concentrations in the air especially near the Port.

Impact of the Project on air quality could be considered as low. The fourth stage of the Project will
even lead to improvement of the situation as it is associated with gasification of Vysotsk which is
currently using fuel oil for heating purposes. At the same time, since humans (recipients) have a
high level of sensitivity in relation to the atmospheric air quality, a cumulative impact can be

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

assessed as low for operations’ stage and moderate for construction stage. It could be
assessed as moderate for construction stage as it will be associated with construction and use of
access roads for equipment, pipes etc. transportation.


Impacts on marine environment on construction stage will be associated with pipeline crossings of
the sea bays and with vessels delivering cargos and equipment to construction site.

During the construction phase of the Project it is expected that the water turbidity in watercourses
directly influenced by the Project (especially by pipeline construction) will increase. Also noise
impacts on marine fauna will be associated with underwater hydro-engineering works during

There are other companies and port facilities operating in the same marine area (such as RPK
Vysotsk Lukoil II and Port Vysotsk). Also there are other companies polluting marine environment
in the Project area - such as PAO “Lesopromyshlennaya Korporatziya” (pulp and paper mill). There
were major complaints about fish damage caused by discharges of this company and significant
fines were imposed on the company.

The cumulative impact on marine environment has been assessed as regional, temporary and
moderate, but it can be abated by implementing the mitigation measures foreseen in the individual
project designs.


Several watercourses will be crossed by the pipeline (small rivers and creeks).

Considerable type of impact, mainly during the construction phase, is formation of zones with
elevated water turbidity in water bodies as a result of an increase in solids discharge from the
catchment areas disturbed as a result of construction activities and from construction sites.

In general, the cumulative impact on surface water and aquatic bioresources has been assessed
as temporary and moderate.


The main impact of the Project implementation on natural habitats will be associated with their
long-term physical loss as a result of the land take for construction of Project facilities and
infrastructure, clearing of forests and other vegetation, increase in the noise level caused by
transport traffic (disturbance factor) and landscape type change in the Project area. Impact on
natural terrestrial habitats will be mostly associated with construction stage and cumulative impacts
could be assessed as short-term and low.

Cumulative impact on the landscape as a result of destruction of natural landscape can be

assessed as long-term and moderate.



Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

Implementation of the Project can impose adverse impact on ecosystem services and recreational
activities of the regional and local population due to the following factors:

 Land take in the area of former recreational activities;

 Construction of new access roads and pipeline construction associated with logging and
other disturbance factors leading to limitations in such activities as berries’ and mushrooms’
 Increase in the road traffic intensity affecting the safety on roads and higher risks of traffic
In general, cumulative impacts, taking into consideration implementation of other existing and
planned projects relating to construction of new facilities in the same district, can be assessed as
low/moderate and of local character.


Immigration of manpower for implementation of various projects in the region can potentially
impose an additional load on the existing infrastructure facilities and services, primarily in the
healthcare, education and public transport sectors.

It is expected that the road traffic intensity (especially that of heavy vehicles) will increase
significantly resulting in deterioration of the condition of local roads and requiring consequently
additional financing for road maintenance and repair from the local budget. The Project
implementation will also cause an increase in the intensity of traffic for transportation of local
residents using their own cars or public transport means.

In case of lack of appropriate measures at the level of individual projects, the cumulative impacts
on the regional infrastructure can be assessed as moderate.


Implementation of any industrial projects in the subject region has already provided benefits to the
local economy due to the following factors:

 Direct and indirect employment opportunities for the local communities and associated
beneficial consequences for the economy;
 Purchase of local goods and services, as well as associated effects facilitating business
Creation of new jobs in connection with the Project implementation will contribute to the overall
beneficial cumulative effects for the development of other commercial operations in the region.
Potential opportunities for socioeconomic development of the region, including employment
opportunities for the local population, have been discussed in detail in Chapter 10.


Management of cumulative impacts requires adoption of adequate mitigation measures to abate

impacts at their source at each particular Project phase.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 13: Cumulative Impacts and Impact Interactions

The Company is committed to adopt a proactive approach to the cumulative impact management
by complying strictly with the adopted mitigation measures in the course of the Project
implementation, as well as continuous interaction and consultations with the local communities.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 14: Environmental and Social Management


Vysotsk LNG will establish management programmes that describe mitigation and performance
improvement measures and actions that address the potential environmental and social risks and
impacts identified through the ESIA process. These programmes will include procedures,
practices and plans to ensure that all environmental and social aspects of the Project are managed
in a comprehensive and systematic way. The programmes will apply across the Project, including
both Vysotsk LNG and the contractors over which it has control.

In particular, Vysotsk LNG will produce the following document packages:


An ESMP comprising a suite of individual environmental and social management plans (MPs) is
being developed that defines the Project’s environmental and social requirements and how these
requirements are to be managed throughout the Project development. In particular, the MPs will

 The organisational approach to environmental and social management, including definition

of roles and responsibilities.
 The environmental and social standards to be applied.
 The specific management, mitigation and monitoring measures to be implemented to
control all potentially significant environmental and social impacts under the control of
Vysotsk LNG. These will include the mitigation and monitoring measures identified under
each topic area in Chapter 9 and which have been used to determine the residual
environmental and social impacts in this ESIA.

Recognizing the dynamic nature of the Project, the MPs will be responsive to changes in
circumstances, unforeseen events, and the results of monitoring and review. At this stage the
ESMP and associated Construction Management Plans (CMPs) will be developed that will address
the construction phase of the Project. The operational phase ESMP will be developed at a later
date prior to commencement of operations.


The ESAP has been prepared at this stage of the ESIA process that describes and prioritises any
additional actions needed to enable the development and implementation of further relevant
mitigation measures, corrective actions and/or monitoring measures necessary to manage the
environmental and social impacts and risks identified in the ESIA. Additional actions captured in
the ESAP are typically those that require additional time for their full development after the
finalisation of the ESIA.

Both the ESMP and ESAP will sit within the Project’s overarching management systems, including
Vysotsk LNG’s Health, Safety & Environmental Management System (HSE MS) that is being
developed to the international ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 15: Conclusions


There is a number of features of the biophysical environment and socio-economic profile of the
area that make the environment potentially vulnerable to impacts associated with the proposed
Project activities. With the implementation of recommended mitigation measures, most of these
impacts will be of low significance. Key in this regard is the need for the Project operations to be
conducted in accordance with international best practice standards, in particular, adherence to the
IFC Performance Standards, and the relevant national regulations.

The ESIA and environmental and social baseline studies conducted with the purpose to assess the
environmental and social impacts suggest the following conclusions.

The Project provides for the construction of a Terminal intended for reception and pre-treatment of
natural gas with subsequent production, storage and offloading of LNG to consumers. For
transporting gas by sea, it is proposed to use gas carriers with design capacity of up to 20,000 m3.
The proposed construction site occupies the territory of the Ryuevyalinniemi Peninsula and the
adjoining water area of Bolshaya Pikhtovaya Bay in the Baltic Sea.

No legally protected natural areas or internationally recognized valuable natural areas are located
in the Project area of influence. Given that the Project’s activities will be performed offshore in the
Baltic Sea and that gas pipeline will be constructed in the green areas, potential impacts on the
marine environment, terrestrial flora and fauna and surface water bodies are considered as the first

The main air pollution sources are engines of construction and transport vehicles used for various
purposes in the course of construction and engines of sea vessels through the lifecycle of the
Project. Gas flaring is foreseen only in case of equipment start-up and maintenance, or
emergencies. A number of pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and gasoline,
will be emitted to the atmosphere in the process of the Project activities. Results of air dispersion
modelling show that air emissions will not affect the atmospheric air quality to any significant
degree, provided that the appropriate mitigation measures will be taken.

Noise impact will be considerable during construction works. Provided that the proposed mitigation
measures are taken (e.g. temporary noise screens must be installed along the gas pipeline at the
points where the pipeline route passes settlements), noise level will be within the sanitary
standards both for daytime and nighttime.

In case of the planned scope of construction works, the freshwater and marine surface water
bodies may be potentially affected. Key impacts include water chemical pollution, generation of
suspended sediment plumes, mechanical disturbance of sea bottom and riverbeds in the process
of bay and river crossings construction. The impacting factors will be of temporary nature in the
course of the construction works and, provided that the appropriate mitigation measures are taken,
they will not affect the river and marine water quality to a significant degree. At the operation stage
of the Project life, potential impact sources include treated wastewater discharge to water bodies
and accidental spills and emergencies. Implementation of the water protection measures
envisaged by the Project for the operation stage will minimize the impact on water bodies to the
acceptable level.

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 15: Conclusions

Impact of waste handling on the natural environment both at the stage of construction and
operation, provided that the waste management ensures that the planned mitigation measures are
implemented, will be minimized and is assessed as acceptable.

Impact on soil and subsoil will include transformation of the surface by removal of boulders, soil
compaction and erosion, water logging due to disturbance of natural surface flow by the
infrastructure facilities and pipeline. Provided that mitigation measures are properly taken (e.g.
using non explosive techniques for boulders and rocks removal, arranging proper drainage
system), the impact may be assessed as low.

Groundwater contamination due to infiltration of pollutants from the surface is a most common
potential impact on groundwater. Given that the aquifer confines mainly to easily penetrable sand
and sandy loam glacial lake sediments, the risk of groundwater contamination is rather high.
Taking into account that the chemical impact will be short-term and localized, and provided that
strict measures are taken to prevent soil contamination (spills and leaks prevention / response,
proper arrangement of hazardous materials and liquid waste storage on-site, construction and
maintenance of stormwater drainage system), the impact will be mitigated to the acceptable level.

Impact on the landscape will be long-term and irreversible within the construction site of main
production facilities and the pipeline right-of-way. Natural landscapes will be completely
transformed to technogenic land plots. To minimize the footprint of the Project the construction
activities must be performed strictly within the land plots allocated for the construction. Lands that
are allocated for temporary usage must be reclaimed after completion of the construction works.
Monitoring of the reclaimed lands will be performed to control effectiveness of the proposed
reclamation measures.

Impact on terrestrial flora and fauna both direct (loss of habitats) and indirect (disturbance and
environmental pollution) will be considerable on the construction stage. The proposed mitigation
measures require, among other things, performing all construction and auxiliary work strictly within
the boundary of the construction site and scheduling the construction works in such a way so that
to minimize impact on nesting birds, spawning fish, etc. At the operation stage no additional loss of
habitats is expected. Key affecting factor will be contamination of the natural environment.
Implementing water and soil protection and spill prevention /response measures will minimize the
impact to the acceptable level.

Impacts on marine environment will include soil excavation and dumping in the water, which will
generate suspended sediments plums creating adverse living conditions for fish and organisms on
which they feed; and changing the seabed soil structure. Other affecting factors will be underwater
noise causing disturbance to marine mammals, and pollution of the sea water by wastewater
discharge and accidental spills. The project proposes a number of mitigation measures, which will
help to minimize the impacts including treatment of wastewater to the required quality before
discharging to the bay, banning hydro-engineering works during the spawning time, using noise
reduction devices and low-noise equipment, etc. Given that the mitigation measures will not reduce
the adverse effect to zero, the Project will make up for the damage caused to marine bioresources
and ensuring reproduction of fish resources. To ensure efficiency of the proposed mitigation
measures the Company must maintain post construction monitoring system to assess post
construction impacts on biodiversity and as necessary develop mitigation measures to limit such

Final Issue ESIA – Chapter 15: Conclusions

Landscape will be significantly modified due to land take in the shore and other areas and logging
in the areas of pipeline route and access roads. For the local communities these will result in
limited access to former recreational places including the shore and the islands nearby, and limited
access to ecosystem services and hunting grounds. Impact will be long-term and irreversible for
many years. Given that it is localized and will not affect large spaces, and provided that all
mitigation measures are taken, the impact is still assessed as moderate and long-term.

The construction activities will entail frequent commuting of the substantial numbers of workforce
and transport of materials/equipment between the key sites, thereby resulting in a considerable
number of light vehicles and HGV using the local roads. Any accidents involving transport carrying
the supply of fuel, lubricants, chemicals and any other hazardous materials used in the
construction process as well as hazardous wastes could result in spillage of the contents causing
extra risk onto the environment or on the road surface. Road safety risks will be mitigated through
a range of measures so that the roads will be suitable for the safe operation of predicted traffic
volumes and the size of HGVs. Providing the effective implementation of the mitigation measures,
the residual adverse impact associated with traffic risks is predicted to be moderate.

Presence of the large non-local workforce in the area, predominantly consisting of non-resident
construction contractor personnel, in the densely populated territory of the Vyborg district with
seasonal increase of population due to local migration of residents from Saint-Petersburg to their
summer houses, may potentially lead to conflicts and tension between the host community and
Project’s non- local personnel. Development and strict enforcement of the Worker Code of
Conduct, introducing a grievance mechanism for local communities, No-harm’ approach towards
local residents, their property and local environment will reduce social risks to a minimum.

To summarize, it can be concluded that the analysis of potential environmental and social
consequences of the planned operations will not result in any irreversible environmental impacts
provided that the contractor will comply with the declared commitments and the planned
environmental protection measures.

Final Issue ESIA – References


1. Expert Statement № 01.07.Т.000239.14 от 20.05.2014 // State Educational Government-

Financed Institution of Higher Professional Education «North-western State Medical
University named after I.I.Mechnikov » //Saint-Petersburg, 2014.

2. Expert Statement №Э.1360.06.16 dated June 10, 2016 //LLC «EkspertSPb»

//Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

3. Expert Statement № 80 of the State Environmental Review regarding the project

documentation “Remediation plan of deposit «Vorontsovskoe” dated June 14, 2013.
//North-Western Department of Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Use
//Saint-Petersburg, 2013.

4. Forest Declaration № 1-2016 //Committee on Natural Resources of Leningragskaya Oblast’

//Saint-Petersburg, 2015.

5. Letter to CEO of LLC «Cementno-betonnye izdeliya» dated 17 of June 2014// Federal

Service for customers’ rights protection and human well-being surveillance //Moscow, 2014.

6. Newspaper dated 18 of November 2014// «Vesti» // Saint-Petersburg, 2014.

7. Newspaper dated 18 of November 2014// «Vyborg» //Vyborg, 2014.

8. Newspaper dated 21 of November 2014// «Rossiyskaya gazeta» // Moscow, 2014.

9. Order On approval of the Conclusion of the Expert Statement of State Environmental

Review regarding the project documentation “Remediation plan of deposit «Vorontsovskoe”
dated June 19, 2013. //North-Western Department of Federal Service for Supervision of
Nature Resources //Saint-Petersburg, 2013.

10. Protocol of biotesting №1476.16.Г dated June 2, 2016//LLC «PromEcoSfera» //Saint-

Petersburg, 2016.

11. Protocol of laboratory studies №182/E dated May 30, 2016 //LLC «Centr Sanitarnoy
Profilaktiki» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

12. Protocol of quantitative chemical soil analysis №1473.16 dated June 5, 2016 //LLC
«PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

13. Protocol of quantitative chemical soil analysis №1474.16 dated June 5, 2016 //LLC
«PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

14. Protocol of quantitative chemical soil analysis №1475.16 dated June 5, 2016 //LLC
«PromEcoSfera» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

15. Soil sample collection report №1473.16 dated May 27, 2016//LLC «PromEcoSfera» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

16. Soil sample collection report №1476.16 dated May 27, 2016//LLC «PromEcoSfera» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

Final Issue ESIA – References

17. Terminal for Production and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad
Region, with the Production Capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG per year including Gas
Pipeline Branch Connected to Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border Main Gas Pipeline, Project
Documentation. Environmental impact assessment //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-
Tehnologiya» //Saint-Petersburg, 2014.

18. Records of comments and suggestions of community members on the EIA materials for the
proposed Project: «16. Terminal for Production and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas
in Port Vysotsk, Leningrad Region, with the Production Capacity of 660,000 tons of LNG
per year including Gas Pipeline Branch Connected to Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border Main
Gas Pipeline» //MU «Vysotsk city organization» //Vyborgsky district of Leningragskaya
Oblast’, 2014.

Phase 1: Jetty for handling oversized cargoes and building materials with a temporary access road
and a temporary storage zone for equipment and materials

1. Environmental engineering survey //LLC «FERTOING» //Saint-Petersburg, 2015.

2. Explanatory note //LC «CRYOGAS» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

3. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.1.1. Environmental impact

assessment. Explanatory note //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tehnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2015.

4. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.1.2. Environmental impact

assessment. Appendices //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2015.

5. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.1.3. Environmental impact assessment

of hydraulic works and determination of hydraulic data for estimation of damage to fish
stock. //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-Petersburg, 2015.

6. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.2.1. Environmental protection

measures. Explanatory note //LC «CRYOGAS» //Saint-Petersburg, 2015.

7. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.2.2. Environmental protection

measures. Appendices //LC «CRYOGAS» //Saint-Petersburg, 2015.

8. Technological report on environmental engineering survey //LC «LIMB» //Saint-Petersburg,


Phase 2. Gas pipeline branch of the Leningrad-Vyborg-State Border main gas pipeline leading to
the LNG plant in Port Vysotsk

1. Explanatory note //АО «CRYOGAS» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

2. Results of engineering survey //LLC «SEVZAPGAZPROEKT» //Saint-Petersburg, 2015.

3. Section 10 PD. Volume 10.1 The list of measures for civil defense, measures for prevention
of emergencies of natural and technogenic origin. // LC «CRYOGAS» //Saint-Petersburg,

Final Issue ESIA – References

4. Section 7 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 7.1.1. Environmental impact

assessment. Explanatory note //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

5. Section 7 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 7.2.1. Environmental protection

measures. Explanatory note //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

6. Section 7 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 7.2.2. Environmental protection

measures. Appendices //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-Petersburg,

7. Section 7 PD. «Environmental Protection». Volume 7.1.2. Environmental Impact

Assessment. Appendices //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

Phase 3. Terminal for production and handling of liquefied natural gas in Port Vysotsk

1. Explanatory note //LC «GIPROKISLOROD» //Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

2. Section 2 PD " Land planning layout", Part 1 "Land planning layout", Book 2 “Graphics"//
JSC «Giprokislorod», Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

3. Section 2 PD "Land planning layout", Part 1 "Land planning layout", Book 1 "Text part"//
JSC «Giprokislorod», Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

4. Section 5 PD "Information on utilities and technological decisions", Subsection 2 "Water

supply system", Part 1 "LNG Facilities", Book 1 "Text part"// JSC «Giprokislorod», Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

5. Section 5 PD "Information on utilities and technological decisions", Subsection 3

“Wastewater discharge system", Part 1 "LNG facilities", Book 1 "Text part"// JSC
«Giprokislorod», Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

6. Section 5 PD "Information on utilities and technological decisions", Subsection 7

"Technological decisions", Part 1 "LNG facilities", Book 1 "Text part"// JSC «Giprokislorod»,
Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

7. Section 5 PD "Information on utilities and technological decisions", Subsection 7

"Technological decisions", Part 1 "LNG facilities", Book 2 "Graphics"// JSC «Giprokislorod»,
Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

8. Section 6 PD " Project for organization of construction ", Part 3 "Graphics"// JSC
«Giprokislorod», Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

9. Section 6 PD "Project for organization of construction", Part 1 "Text part"// JSC

«Giprokislorod», Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

10. Section 6 PD "Project for organization of construction", Part 2 "Appendices"// JSC

«Giprokislorod», Saint-Petersburg, 2016.

Final Issue ESIA – References

11. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.1.1. Environmental impact

assessment. Explanatory note//LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

12. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.1.2. Environmental impact

assessment. Appendices //LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

13. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.2.1. Environmental protection

measures. Explanatory note//LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-
Petersburg, 2016.

14. Section 8 PD «Environmental protection». Volume 8.2.2. Environmental protection

measures. Appendices//LLC «Design Centre «Petrohim-Tekhnologiya» //Saint-Petersburg,

Final Issue ESIA


Available as separate document

Final Issue ESIA


Available as separate document

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