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125 00:00:24:00 To remember, and share memories Pastor talking to large crowd
in this place. The music is brought to introducing the symphony.
us by the Annapolis Symphony
Orchestra Brass Quartet. ( music)
126 00:00:31:00 (Music) Needs to be covered over with B-roll.
Over exposed.
127 00:00:04:00 (Music) Two children with candles
128 A 00:00:02:00 I’m tired of this. Low angle shot of Pastor talking to
large assembly about the tragedy
128 B 00:00:10:00 Every community I think of in the Low angle shot of Black Pastor talking
Country. That has thought well that to large assembly about the tragedy
happen there. Probably not going to
happen here. But here we are.
128 C 00:00:03:00 We’re here for a prayer vigil. Low angle shot of Black Pastor talking
to large assembly about the tragedy
128 D 00:00:10:00 We have a Rabbi, Imam, we have Pastor talking to large assembly about
Christian minsters. We are not the tragedy
concerned with what name is called
when they pray.

128 E 00:00:23:00 Why are we here? First of all its Pastor talking to large assembly about
obvious the tragedy that to place the tragedy. Camera pans to teenager
across the street. Where five of our and man holding candles.
bother and sisters were murdered in
cold blood. In the middle of an
ordinary day. Doing their work and
when day was over, they planned to
go back home to their families.
128 F 00:00:16:00 We are also here ,family, that we Three people standing with candles.
have come together to love on each Pastor talking to large assembly about
other. Because this is a difficult the tragedy.
place to be in and I tell you the only
way were going to make it through
this is together.

128 G 00:00:13:00 The second we are here to do is to Pastor talking to large assembly about
remember Gerald Fischman, Rob the tragedy
Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca
Smith, and Wendi Winters.
128 H 00:00:09:00 We are here to remember them. Pastor talking to large assembly about
People who lives were end to soon the tragedy
but who will be remember for their
contributions to our city and county
128 I 00:11:00:00 After the tragedy to place. Folks in Pastor talking to large assembly about
the capital were saying. We are the tragedy
putting out a damn paper tomorrow
and, that’s exactly what they did,
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and they kept it following

electronically all night.
128 J 00:00:13:00 So, we are here to celebrate what Pastor talking to large assembly about
those men and women did in their the tragedy. Woman with candles.
lives and what they do every day to
life us up and keep us heading in the
right direction.

128 K 00:00:54:00 And finally, we are here to show our Pastor talking to large assembly about
gratitude to the men and women, the tragedy. Close-up of the daughters
from what I understand ten or more of Wendi Winters. Camera focuses on
law enforcement agencies. Who others in crowd.
appeared on the scene (clapping)
Who appeared on the scene about a
minute and immediately inserted
themselves in the situation and
saved lives. Had they not been there
the death toll would have been
higher. We particularly want to
recognize Anne Arundel County
Police department, Chief is here.
You get to hear from him a little
later. The Annapolis Police
Department, the Anne Arundel
sheriff Office, the police from the
Naval Academy. We are grateful to
all of them.
128 L 00:00:13:00 As Dr. King said we will either learn Wide shot of Pastor talking to large
to come together as brother and assembly about the tragedy
sister or perish as fools. I choose to
come together.
128 M 00:00:51:00 I’m going to read a prayer that’s find Rabbi Phillip Paul is talking to the same
in our Sabbath prayer book. Every crowd. Over-exposed sky behind him.
Moring there is a phase, two
Hebrew words that are included in
the Jewish literacy. The words I refer
to are “Hebrew words” which
translates into creator of healings
plural healings or master of healing
because there is healing needed in
many different places and many
different ways throughout the
world. There isn’t only one form of
healing, healing to people who are
families of victims, people who have
helped. All of us. And so this
interpretation of that phrase is a
prayer that brings us to the
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realization that they are many

different way in which god provides
healing in world.
128 N 00:00:59:00 God is the power that heals. To god
we can turn when we are hurting.
When our bodies are racked with
pain we can hear the whisper
promised. I’m the lord your healer.
When we are dripped with icy
dread. We can hear the calming
words the lord is with me and I shall
not fear. When we feel alone and
abandoned. We can hear the voice
of assurance I am with you to help
you. We are all burdened with
sorrow and grief as we are tonight.
You can hear in the dark valley as
we struggle the lord is thy shepherd,
I shall not want. God is our source of
healing and hope. We seek gods
nearness and gain strength. Let us
draw closer to one another and
heal. Through God strength and
mercy. We say amen. (Amen)
128 O 00:00:09:00 B-Roll—No audio Girl holding candle looking misty eyed.
128 P 00:01:52:00 Song—Precious Lord
128 Q 00:02:22:00 God of life, God of comfort. Reverend Heather S talking to the
Yesterday shooting has ripped out crowed. Camera slowly pans around
our hearts and torn our souls. With crowd of people holding candles.
grief and despair. We cry out, why
oh god why. How long oh go how
long. As we walk through the valley
shadow of death. We cling to you
so, cling to us and hear our cries of
lament. For rescue and relief
workers who protect and provided
for others in the mist of crisis and
chaos. God have mercy
For the first officers on the scene
yesterday and for the ones who
subbed the shooter. God have
For the EMT’s and medics who
moved heaven and earth to get
injured bodies to hospitals.
(God have mercy)
For those who had to declare the
victims dead, for those who work in
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the morgue and our funeral homes

who take exquisite care of those
who have died.
(God have mercy)
For family members who got that
knock on the door yesterday or that
phone call hearing the words that
no one ever wants to hear.
(God have mercy)
For those delivering that news of
death, that had to look the surviving
families in the eyes and say that life
is no longer. God have mercy.
(God have mercy)
For chapeals and counselors, clergy,
and all those who work in the
healing arts. Who sit with people
grief. Who walk along side people in
pain. God have mercy.
(God have mercy)
For the surviving Capital Gazette
employees for their deep grief, pain
and maybe even perhaps survivors
guilt. God have mercy
For those who have already been
traumatized by gun violence and
here at yet another shooting and
beginning to unravel. God have
Those who are haunted by past
failures, who feel rejected,
depressed, lonely or alone.
God have mercy
For elected leaders who need to find
a way forward. So, we can live in a
world in which guns don’t have the
last word
God have mercy
130 A 00:00:34:00 To really see one another, to hear Reverend Heather S.
on another and love on another.
Use our gifts to end violence. God
have mercy.
And for the days ahead, once this
news becomes old news and the
world moves on. That we might
refuse to forget and refuse to let go
call for justice. God have mercy
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As weep with grief and tremble with

angry. Oh god, comfort us. So, that
we might comfort others. In the
name of all that is holy, all of gods
people said amen.
130 B 00:02:44:00 The first thing I wanted to mention Imam speaking.
was that. Ah Was the likeness, the
example or the similarities believers
of people of faith. When it comes to
their mutual love, their compassion,
their caring for one another. Is like
that of a body and when part of the
body aches or part of the body is
afflicted with disease or pain the
entire body suffers. The entire body
stays awake, the entire body feels
anguish and the pain that is afflicted
to that certain portion of the body.
So, I am here today with you all. To
recognize and acknowledge that we
all are suffering, and we all are in
stage of grief. But we also have to
recognize that god all mighty and his
plan. He does not burden the person
more then he can bare. God never
burden a person more than he can
bare. The situation and the
struggles. That we see around us
they are in front of us because we
can strive as human beings, we can
excel as human beings. We can step
up to the challenges around us and
show how strong we are as
believers. I want to remind you all
that this…although we are faced
with a tremendous calamity. We are
given a tremendous opportunity as
well in our community. And that is
that… although we maybe
community that will be divided or
this may be opportunity to united.
Are we going to be community that
experienced some hate and are we
going disseminate that or are we
going to be community that going to
show love. Are we going to be a
community that has seen suffering
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and propagate that or community

that is going to come together and
alleviate the pain. And the infliction
that we feel. So, I want to share that
with you. That this is an opportunity
for us as well going forward. What
steps are we going to take to serve
gods cause. To serve the effort of
God all mighty. How are we as a
faith base community going to move
forward and so we ask that god or
(?) can show us the right way and
sprinkle us and bring us together in
the right way as community for
those efforts
130 C 00:02:32:00 We shouldn’t be here today. Not for Woman speaking to crowd.
this reason. I am born and raised in
the city of Annapolis and come from
generations that have been here.
Pretty much since the paper has
started. I was raised in a church and
there was on thing I always
remember from my ancestors.
Whatever the tragedy they always
told you joy would come in the
morning. Well I woke up this
morning and I saw the sun rise and I
felt the joy even through my tears. I
saw Wendi, I saw Rob, I saw all of
them. And one of the things we
must remember is that we would
not know who we are without
journalism. They call me a Gero I am
a historian and my research about
the city comes from a paper called
the Maryland gazette that became
the evening capital and when I was a
little kid and didn’t respect it. I
called it the crab wrapper. (laughs)
okay… and then it was the Capital
Gazette and they gave me the
opportunity to tell the stories of
people whose stories had not been
told before. Without Journalism
there is no history. There is no civics,
there is no knowledge of those who
came before you. The tragedies are
recorded they are in annuals of the
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city of Annapolis. We today will hold

the Annuals of the city of Annapolis.
We have tragedies, we came
together with love. But I hope this
time in the name of Rob, in Gerald,
Rebecca, in Wendi that this love
continues beyond today, beyond the
news fed, that we come together
has a people and respect the fact
that we most have free speech. We
must have Journalism and I thank
them for making me a part of their
family and they will always be a part
of my heart. Thank you so much.
130 D 00:02:01:00 So as I stood around tonight. I Another pastor speaking to crowd.
thought certainly none of us had
yesterday on our calendar for it to
end like it did. Neither did we have
today on our calendar. Evil has
struck and good cans still win. We
must realize on that something still
matters, more than words its called
your presence. Here we are
gathered today. No respect to
denomination, background or
ethnicity. We are just people,
together shoulder to shoulder.
Because its common cause this thing
called human hurt and brokenness.
Has brought us together. Maybe
tonight not leave this place without
making a promise to one another
that our presence will mean much
more than our words. So, that we
are just not brought this place every
time there’s something that
happens. But that we leave this
place determined that evil struck
but good is going to win. I pray that
God will allow each and everyone of
us to see that there is something
beneath our skin. Something bethen
that tissues that is called a heart and
the heart is broken. But the heart
can heal. How does a heart heal?
One day at a time. But we make this
commenent to truly be one
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annnapolis. Would you just for a

moment use that thing called
present and put your arms around
on somebody right now. I promise
you that they are not catiogious. I
want you to say these words with
me. I need you (I need you) and you
need me( You need me). In the
memory of our loved ones (In the
memory of our loved ones) , who
were taken suddenly yesterday
(Who were taken suddenly
yesterday). Let us make a
commitment that Annapolis will still
rise and good will win. God bless
131 00:00:03:07 B-Roll- No audio Women looks sad and camera pans
132 A 00:04:17:00 God of our ancestors who have Minster praying. Low angle shot
brought us life in order to thrive and
enjoy. We are united… We are
united in grief. We are united in
anger. We are united in frustration
we are broken in this moment. Our
brokenness falls upon the earth and
we are reminded that… that person
holding us. When we might not have
know before this night. That we can
be broken. That we can stop… that
we can stop for one moment. As the
world moves around us. We can
stop for moment and be held and
grieve and be angry and upset And
let a cry go out. To releave this hurt.
Our cries of hurt. Because of
yesterday just across the street. Just
steps away from this place. Five lives
were lost on an ordianary Thursday
afternoon. How preciouis is the life
we have. (pause) So, we hold that
and we remember that we are
called to be united not just by grief.
United by love, by respect, by hope,
by our common humanity. We are
not just one Annapolis, we are just
not one Anne Arundal county, we
are not just one Maryland, we are
not just one united states, we are
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not just one people. (pause) So, God

remind us in our brokenness that we
are whole. Just has we hold one
another. That we can be broken,
that we can carry but we are one
humanity. We give thanks to those
we love, as we read those live
tweets coming out of capital gazette
office. That there was people there
who were finding the gunman,
appreanhded him too make that
place safe. To the others that stand
here tonight.(pause) For we know
in our work places,, we know in the
places that we are, that we can be
united. That there is nothing quiet
has united has a newspaper office.
For people that spent long hours
after that story working to get that
story, working to get that news,
working to lift up the people. This a
community newspaper that pride
it’s self on the ability to take the
stories of one another, of the people
of the city and lift it up. So, that we
can be reminded of our common
humanity. This Captial Gazette
newspaper, it’s emepolyess and the
people of this city. God bless them,
God bless the people of this city,
God bless the first responders who
went in to save that place. And God
bless us and united us in tears, in
angry, in hope and in love. This we
pray in every name we call holy.
132 B 00:00:43:13 (amazing grace song) Camera pans around.
132 C 00:00:01:02 Thank, you my name is Pat Pat Ferguson from Capital Gazette
Ferguson, I’m a reporter. We are a speaking to crowd.
community newspaper. Our
presence here proves that. For a
moment yesterday. Sword was
mightier but this morning we put
out a newspaper. We will tomorrow,
next day, and the next day and the
next day. We continue to do our
best to provide real news. To better
inform citizens in this republic.
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Hoping in time, someday, our better

angels will rise to perfect union. We
are not the enemy, we are you.
132 D 00:01:33:00 Let us remember our five neighbors Female pastor speaking to crowd. Bell
our five colleagues our five friends rings every time a name is said.
who were killed yesterday and all
who love them. Gerald Fischman,
Rob Hiassen, John McNamara,
Rebecca Smith, Wendi Winters. We
hold them in the light we hold them
in our hearts. Amen.
132 E 00:00:59:12 The light shines in the darkness. But Male pastor speaking.
the darkness has not, cannot
overcome it, and so tonight we
gather with prayers we gather with
words. We gather with our bodies’
presence, you have something in
your hand. A candle. And one of the
things we get to go this evening is to
stand in a defiant act against all evil.
Creatively to say, we have candles in
our hands, we have voices to sing.
There are no words to describe our
loss and pain, but god is here with
us. So Im going to introduce our
soloist Linda Johnson and we can
hold these candles to say the light
shines in the darkness and the
darkness will not overcome it.
133 00:00:07:11 Linda johnson singing It is well with Beginning of song. Camera pans
my soul around to people singing.
134 00:01:58:02 Linda johnson singing It is well with Continuation of song
my soul continues
135 00:00:44:15 Linda johnson singing It is well with End of song
my soul end
136 A 00:00:52:16 (inaudible) us away with a blessing Female pastor speaking.
tonight. My tribe the angelic
Lutheran church of America in 2016
created a prayer service for times of
violence and prayers for lament. So,
this comes from that service. May
the god that we know give us grace.
To remember the world is too
dangerous for anything but truth.
May the god that we know give us
grace to remember that is to small
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for anything but love. May the

blessing of god be with us now and
remain with us this day and always.
Amen (Amen)
136 B 00:01:09:00 Find some one you don’t know and Different people hugging.
hug them. Find someone you don’t
know and hug them. And tell them
that were going to get through this
138 00:00:22:00 B- roll (instructions about the march Large group of people listen to
for vigil) instruction for the march down main
street. Over exposed footage.
139 00:00:48:00 B Roll- instructions for march Panning shot over marchers standing.
140 00:02:00:00 (Inaudible)…complete help, Rabbi speaking to a crowd and some
everybody over here (inaudible) people who are standing, sitting with
when did you say so I am an candles.
observant Rabbi here in Annapolis.
I’ll start off by thanking the Capital
Gazette I actually got to know them
almost fifteen years ago I moved
here from Brooklyn, New York and
its wonders the staff here is really
great…. There always so happy and
kind and you make it happen. You’re
all that’s need to shows us they’re
apart of our community here. We all
feel that way. There was someone
that was killed that I knew pretty
well. Wendi Winters, rest in peace.
She was always at it. Anytime I need
anything for myself, for my
organization. She was always there
to help out. Rabbi are late I was late
pretty often but she always be there
to make it happen. And to her
children, if your anything like your
mother or grandmother. I know
defiantly that you are a very very
good person. And I’m hoping that
from this shooting will be the
capitalist. That will not just stay the
same til now but that will get bigger
and better and stronger. There is
one more point I want to mention
and I want to tell you guys. Anybody
in here, you’re obviously here
because you’re here. You’re not part
of the problem but you are part of
Clip# Time Audio Video

the solution. You could be part of

the solution and it’s really up to
anyone of us here to make that
descesion. That they want to be part
of the solution. You don’t have to go
very far. I’m sure many of you story
of Joseph and his brothers and
silimar sisuation happened years
ago. His bothers all threw him in a
pit and then he…
141 00:00:11:00 Of course we’re here which shows Rabbi speaking in front of hall
everyone else how its supposed to
happen, what’s supposed to happen
in the good world is that we get
angry, yes (inaudible)
142 00:00:13:00 Before I go to sleep I want to say a Rabbi speaking in front of hall. WS
prayer I want to make sure that god
should not hurt anybody else if they
hurt me. Only then should we be
able to go to sleep. We have to
learn… (inaudible)
143 00:00:20:00 B-roll- No audio Woman holding candle.
144 00:00:08:00 B-roll Crowd of people listening.
145 00:00:21:00 B-roll- No audio Medium shot. Kids of holding an
Annapolis strong sign.
146 00:00:12:00 B-Roll Kids holding a Annapolis Strong sign
shoot from a left angle
147 00:00:26:00 B-roll Newspaper of from capital about the
five shot dead
148 00:00:29:00 B-roll People starting to march- close up of
lady holding a candle.
149 00:00:30:00 B-roll Medium shoot of people walking.
close-up lady holding Annapolis strong
150 00:00:06:00 B-roll A quick shot of women holding sign
and candle.
151 00:00:09:00 B-roll People walking around. Two people
with read shirts medium shot
152 00:00:08:00 B-roll Medium-wide shot of a women in gray
dress holding a candle and an
Annapolis strong sign
153 00:00:04:00 B-roll Medium shot of women in yellow shirt
holding a candle
154 00:00:47:00 B-roll Wide shot of people walking down the
street with candles.
155 00:00:14:00 B-roll Medium shot of people walking down
street with candles.
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156 00:00:29:00 B-roll Medium wide shot of people walking

into a turn
157 00:00:12:00 B-roll Wide shot of people walking down the
streets with their backs facing the
158 00:00:49:00 B-Roll Medium wide shot of people walking
towards the camera. Holding candles.
Elderly couple pass the camera along
with young couple, the lady is on here
phone in the shot.
159 00:00:09:00 B-roll Medium shot of a young girl is holding
a red candle
160 00:00:50:00 B-roll Medium shot of group of men, women
and children pass all holding candles
161 00:00:22:00 B-roll Close-up pf a group of men, women
and children pass all holding candles
and holding Annapolis strong signs
162 00:00:18:00 B-roll Wide shoot of people walking down
main street and there backs are facing
the camera.
163 00:00:14:00 B-roll Wide shot of people walking towards
the Camera
164 00:00:38:00 B-roll Overhead shot of people walking
down the street. Can get clear idea of
mass amount of people that came.
165 00:00:08:00 B-roll Wide shot of people standing in a
line/circle with their candles.
166 00:00:12:00 B-roll Close-up of women holding candle,
has good depth of field.
167 00:00:05:00 B-roll Shaky medium shot of people holding
candles in the line
168 00:00:15:00 B-roll Medium Fast shot of people holding
169 00:00:12:00 B-roll Medium close-up of women wearing
protect not guns shirt crying next to
another person.
170 00:00:31:00 B-roll Medium close-up of women same one
in clip 169 holding candle and crying
along with some women and girl
holding candle.
171 00:00:16:00 B-roll Close-up to on a women and men
holding candles. The man is
comforting the women by putting his
hand on her shoulder.
172 00:00:19:00 B-roll Close-up on a child wearing blue tie
dye shirt holding a red candle
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173 00:00:18:00 B-roll Group with one man, two women and
two teens. Three people in the group
is crying and women in pink shirt is
holding an Annapolis strong sign.
174 00:00:14:00 B-roll I wouldn’t use, The clip is medium shot
of people lined up. It starts on the
ground and goes across the street and
back to the ground. Is very shaky.
175 00:00:05:00 B-roll A medium close-up of old man and
women holding dead flowers and
Annapolis strong sign.
176 00:00:05:00 B-roll A medium shot of a group. There is a
woman holding a love sign.
177 00:02:17:00 B-roll- People humming amazing Wide shot of people walking towards
grace the camera with candles and signs.
179 00:00:03:00 B-roll Thank you first responders sign
180 00:00:03:00 B-roll Close up on a man and women has
they pass by
181 00:00:05:00 B-roll Close-up of a man and women holding
a sign that Annapolis strong with the
women sign saying enough in all caps.
A man approaches and kiss the women
on the check. Report comes soon later
to talk to them.
182 00:00:11:00 B-roll Close-up of a man and women holding
a sign that Annapolis strong with the
women sign saying enough in all caps.
183 A 00:00:16:00 B-roll Medium shot of people gathered and
gathering around women who about
to play amazing grace on the Bag pipes
183 B 00:00:55:00 Amazing grace on bag pipes Woman is playing Amazing grace on
bag pipes can see people around in the
184 A 00:00:08:00 Amazing Grace on bag pipes Medium close up of women holding a
paper saying five dead in the capital
with a candle in front of it
184 B 00:00:08:00 Amazing grace on bag pipes Medium close up of women crying as
the song comes to end. She wipes
away her tears with fingers.
185 00:00:16:00 B-roll Medium shot of a group of female
teens are holding candles.
186 00:00:12:00 B-roll Medium close up on the same women
in clip 138 B crying with older man
sitting next to her and man and
women standing behind them
187 A 00:00:10:00 B-roll Medium shot of group with focus on
the family Infront consisting of young
Clip# Time Audio Video

girl, her sister and their mother. They

are all holding candles.
187 B 00:00:08:00 B-roll Close-up of a young girl and candles
that the family in clip 187 A are
188 00:00:22:00 B-roll Close-up of group of people of
different ethnicity. The shot pans to
the right ending on an couple. They
are all holding candles.
189 00:00:16:00 B-roll Medium shot of a group of people. The
shot pans left ending on a man sitting
down crying. Women is also crying and
another women is holding Annapolis
strong sign.
190 00:00:06:00 B-roll Medium close up of man on the bench
and women holding a newspaper with
the paper saying five shot dead at the
191 A 00:00:06:00 B-roll Medium shot od group of women and
men holding candles. This clip has
flowers overhanging the men directly
in front of the camera
191 B 00:00:07:00 B-roll Medium shot of a crowd some of them
are holding candles. The shot is darker
than the other ones.
192 00:00:18:00 B-roll Medium shot with women playing
with candle by bouncing the light from
the flame of her phone. Women
wearing black is getting phone number
from another group of women.
193 A 00:01:16:00 What happen yesterday is not who Medium shot of the governor/ Mayor
we are. This is who we are. Who we giving a speech about the shooting.
are the journalist, the brave
journalist who after experience the
most horrific thing that they ever
experience in their life. Got to work
and put out a paper. And showed us
their dedication and us that they do
something because they love what
they do. They don’t do it for
pride/prize, they don’t do it for the
money. They do it because they care
about this community. Who we are
is the first responders who run into
that building and who did not know
what they were going to see. They
did not know if this guy had semi-
Clip# Time Audio Video

automatic weapon, a rifle, or a gun.

That’s who we are as a community. I
would like to introduce
193 B 00:03:20:00 Loving god. We gather to remember A medium shot of pastor giving a
victims of yet another death dealing prayer.
act of violence. We are sad because
we have lost friends and
acquaintances whose lives were end
by this violence. Our prayers are
raised this evening that they may
be embraced into the glory of new
life. We pray also that their relatives
and friends. May find peace despite
the confusion and angry that they
are experiencing. We pray for a
world which is far, far to dominated
by violence. Who looks for answer
to it’s problems in a way the begets
only more violence. There is a need
for peace. Peace in our hearts.
Peace in our lives. Peace in our
society. The peace that comes from
forgiveness and humility. We ask
that the lost our community
suffered yesterday not be reason for
us to strike out in angry nor
revenge. There is Christian song that
say let there be peace on earth and
let it begin with me. This act of
violence in our community
challenges us to stand tall and
strong. With a true spirt of
forgiveness and to reach out to our
fellow citizens with a strong spirt of
care and support. So, that together
as individuals peace makers we
maybe become a community that is
blessed with the collective peace of
it’s citizens. We ask for no more
violence, no more violence in our
hearts. No more violence in our
relationships, no more violence in
our homes, no more violence in our
streets, no more violence in our city
and or country. The death of our
five murders to reporting the news
provides us with a chance to end
violence. As each of us does his or
Clip# Time Audio Video

her part in building up a kingdom of

peace. Lord of peace, let there be
peace on earth, let there be peace
in our country, let there be peace in
Maryland, let there be peace in
Anne Arundel County, Let there be
peace in Annapolis and please lord
let it begin with me. Amen (Amen)
193 C 00:01:54:00 Yesterday in mid of all the Medium shot of Conan giving a speech
bewilderment and sorrow. I couldn’t and reading his poem.
help but wonder how the day would
be remembered. For the horror that
we witnessed, for the sense of
connection that came out of it.
Which we see here tonight or
something else. And out those
questions came this poem.
The day would be remembered
The phones screamed all afternoon
Family calling Family
Each lover their Beloved one
Blue sky was empty saved a few
clouds that held no promise of
cleansing rain.
For an hour each heart swelled with
grief for another’s pain.
Then sunk into silence.
Lacking words to shield a fragile
When crows last had wield home to
the full leafed trees.
Life crept back in
Children played base ball
The wheels of fall bike spin in the
And those who lived greeted others
The day would be remembered as
one where family called family.
Each lover their beloved one
But, none would forget
How the phones screamed
All afternoon.
193 D 00:02:59:00 I’m Eve Hortwitz, I’m the director of Medium shot of Eve Hortwitz giving a
Martial Maryland. Thank you all for speech.
being here today. Especially thank
you to the Capital Gazette Staff that
Clip# Time Audio Video

came to join us. As I was coming

down main street by (store name)
place. Somebody said you look
angry. Are you okay? I..Of course, I
am angry. I angry because we are
here doing this in our town. That
this happen five minutes from my
house. But what we do with that
anger and our fear is what defined
us. And the answer is always love.
There is so much divisiveness and
hate and fear and angry in our
society now. That the only thing we
can do to heal is responded with
love. We m most normalize love.
Thank you. We most normalize love
always. We cannot let hate and fear
be normalized. That is not our
normal Our normal will be love
always. We will support each other
with love. But we have to keep in
mind that there are people not here
today. Some are not here because
they are sensually taken from us.
Some are not here because they are
afraid to be here. This is not a safe
place for everybody. Not before
yesterday either. We have to
remember that everyone has a story
and has history. And that history we
have to respect and respond with
love to the people that are different
from us and that have different
history from us. We are one human
family and that is true. I say that to
people and they roll their eyes. And
I say were either going to perish
together or thrive together. Now is
when we choose how we responded
to this. And we have fear, and we
have anger, and we have rage but
we channel that into love, into
support. And when you’re having a
day we’re you are angry and when
we are scared. Reach out to
anybody. Hug anybody ask them
first probably. But, please help us
normalize love. Help us make love
Clip# Time Audio Video

the answer. And support each other

and our community regardless of
anything… anything. We are
together. Thank you.
193 E 00:03:54:00 My name is Anna Carberry and I’m Medium shot of Anna.
here today not on the behalf of an
organization, not on the behalf of
(name) But on behalf of the
community. A community that is
grieving right now. A community
that is in pain. A community that is
in anguished. Wondering why these
senseless What acts of violence
have to continue. Whenever a
tragedies like what happen here in
Annapolis takes place we ask
ourselves why is there so much evil
in the world. What guides people to
commit these sense acts . But
brothers and sister the focus cannot
be on the killers. It cannot be on the
pretriders of this kind of volience
the focus right now has to be on the
victims and their loved ones. On the
memories on those we cherish now.
Though my work as an activist for
last four years. I had the oppurtinty
to know and get to meet. Both Rob
and Wedi and I rememeber the first
time I meet Rob it was actually a
pretty humours encounter. He was
speaking very slowly has if I
wouldn’t understand what he was
saying. And when I started speaking
with him. He was like oh you speak
perfect English. He had the kind of
sense of humor that really resenset
with strangers. People who don’t
know anything about you. But you
just meet them and you just feel like
you connect with them. I’m of the
Islamic faith tradtion. I was born and
rasied in Baltimore. Maryland is my
home. In the Islamic faith tradition,
there is a saying, there is quote in
the Quran, (Islamic quote), He who
takes one life (Islamic quote) he has
taken all of mankind. He who saves
Clip# Time Audio Video

one life, has saved the life of all of

mankind. And right now my heart is
so humbled. So, awe-struken by
those who responded in that
moment of crisis and came to
rescue of our community members
of our first responders. Who were
on the scene to help prevent futher
lost of life. They are the heroes but
we cannot forget heroes. Who
everyday risk their lives to bring us
the the headlines, to bring us new
stories. We live in the climate were
it’s increasing dangours job. So,
please to honor the people who lost,
to honor the journalist, honor the
people who bring us the news
because it’s more important now
then ever before to stay informed.
More important then ever before to
be united because at the end of the
day…end of the day. We might come
from different walks of life, we
might worship differently, we might
dressed differently or speak
different languages. But we are one
humanity. We might come from
different parts of Maryland. But we
are one Annapolis. We are one
Maryland, we are on America, We
are on world. And that is legacy that
I hope will defined the memory of
those were sensually take
yesterday. I pray that god has mercy
on their souls, I pray that god brings
healing to their loved ones, brings
patience. I hope gos creates this as
an example for away for us to unite,
forgive and heal together. Thank
you very much.
193 F 00:04:29:00 Hi, I’m Mike Bush. I’m member of Medium shot of mike Bush giving a
the community and I’m your local speech.
representative. And for me
yesterday was real tragic. Tragic in
the matter…(inaudible). I knew four
of the five people that were murder
at the Capital and many of them
lifelong friends. And I like to
Clip# Time Audio Video

remember them as the individuals

that they were. Moms, Dads,
Husbands, wifes, Brothers, Sisters.
They sat in the PTA with ya, went to
games with ya, Wendi Winters
daughter graduate alongside my
daughter. We stand watching soccer
games. Rob Hiassen was on of the
funniest guys I ever meet. His
personality and his humor was
bigger than he was. He was big guy
about 6’4 or 5 and he had three
children and he was coming home.
For his birthday and his wife had
presents for him and if you saw her
on tv tonight. It was heartbreaking
to watch it. John McNamara name
on the shirt (sports name). I wore it
for John because he was a great
sports fan. We used to go back to
the evening capital. I was a former
high school coach and teacher and
talk about sports. We never talked
about politics. We talked about the
community, high schools, the
orioles, the nationals. Gerald,
Jackson and myself, Bill wanger. We
tease bill wanger because he
thought he was a good athlete and
good golfer, but he really wasn’t. So,
he stopped and we got a lot of
laughs out of that. These were
people that were apart of the fabric
of our community. They went to
our churches, they went to the
supermarkets, they were at the PTA
meetings, they touched all of us.
They tried to positive articles about
our community. Wendi Winters in
12 years never did a negative article.
She did teen of the week… teen of
the week. She did community
activities, how great st. Claire was.
How about (name) fire department.
She did those types of things. The
sports writers always pumping up
young kids and families in this area.
They were welcoming to everybody.
Clip# Time Audio Video

I can tell you this for facts. Every

time I open the evening capital…It’s
the capital today but started out has
the evening capital with me. I will
think about those five individuals.
What I will say to you has well. Is the
fact that they put out a newspaper
the next day is the greatest tribute
their colleagues could have paid
them. I’m sure somewhere in the
crowd tonight is Patt Fergsons. He
was the strongest person of all.
Along with Jack Mcarlolles, Paul
Getsby, Chase Cook to many to
mention quite candidly, Bill
Davidson his life on the line, Selina
her life on the line out there. But
they got up a decided to honor five
people that were murder by printing
out that paper today. And making
sure the press rolled on. That is a
tribute to them and our community.
I urge you to open that paper
everyday and most o0f you if you
live in Annapolis. Read the evening
Capital. Make sure you remember
those people send them your heart
and prayers. Thank you very much.
193 G 00:02:02:00 This will be…I’ll try and speak up Medium shot Philp Davis from the
but this will be surreal for me Capital comes a read the names and
because I knew all of those people. gives a short speech.
And…To remind people the people
the families of the people who are
ultimately not here with us today.
They had nothing to do with, no
control over. Nothing like that. I’ll
make this brief Wendi Winters was a
good person, Rob Hiassen was a
good person, Rebecca Smith was a
good person, , John McNamara was
a good person, Gerald Fischman
was a good person. We are here for
them and their families. We are
here to honor who they were. We
are here to honor what their
families unfortunately have to go
through. In a time were they bore
none of the responsibility for. We
Clip# Time Audio Video

ask everyone in this community to

simply to remember them,
remember who they were and who
their families are and whatever
piece of time… whatever amount of
money you have. They have to do
something that they should never
have to do. So, please whatever
time or money you have is worth it.
Thank you.
193 H 00:01:40:00 Can we have all of the Capital Medium shot of the governor/ mayor
family… can you please come up talking and then goes into medium
here. Can we all hold hands please shot of capital family standing with
for one minute of silence. I want to each other for the minute of silence.
thank these little boys on how
strong they’re been. I want to thank
Mackenzie for playing the bag pipes.
That’s it
196 00:00:27:00 B-roll Close-up of lady holding a fan that says
If the landslide is big enough , even
square pebbles will roll- Terry
Paartchett (night)
197 00:00:11:00 B-roll Close up of man and women. The men
is wearing love thy neighbor shirt. The
man and women hug.(night)
198 00:00:08:00 B-roll Close-up of man and women hugging.
Women is crying .(night)
199 00:01:03:00 B-roll Medium shot of governor/mayor
shaking hands with everyone and
talking to people.(night)
200 00:00:14:00 B-roll Close up of a candle burning (night)
201 00:00:11:00 B-roll Medium shot of family next to a tree
talking. The candles are burning.
202 00:00:06:00 B-roll Close-up of family from clip 201 focus
on the young boy can see the grandma
in the background. (night)
203 00:00:13:00 B-roll Medium shot of two women talking
standing next to a pier. Shot is very
yellow. (night)
204 00:00:21:00 B-roll Medium close up of women holding a
candle by the pier. A boat passes by.
Shot is very yellow (night)
205 00:00:09:00 B-roll Medium shot of women sitting down
on the pier. Candle sat beside her.
Clip# Time Audio Video

206 00:00:02:00 B-roll Close up Women blew out her candle.

207 00:00:13:00 B-roll Close up of a teen holding a candle
looking into the fire. (night)
208 00:00:14:00 B-roll Medium shot of black women holding
a candle. (night)
209 00:00:19:00 B-roll Medium close-up shot of two women
looking around holding candles. Pans
left in the beginning of the clip. (night)
210 00:00:15:00 B-roll Close up candle melting the excess is
dripping of the paper. It then zooms
out and you can see the man and
woman holding the candle. (night)
211 00:00:11:00 Sometimes I literally feel absolutely Medium close-up of woman talking to
nothing. Like I should be crying right man with red cross vest on. (night)
now and then I do cry and it
212 00:00:14:00 B-roll Close-up of people sitting on benches
holding a candle. There two women
and one men. One of the women is
resting her head on the man shoulder
and then the older women rest her
had on the other women’s shoulder.
She is holding a candle. (night)
213 00:00:15:00 B-roll Close up of women talking to
someone of screen. They are both
holding candles. (night)
214 00:00:14:00 B-roll Camera slowly tilts up from ground.
Rack focus.
215 00:00:21:00 B-roll Close up on man and women holding
candles on of them is wearing a white
dress. Zoom out and you can see both
of them. (night)
216 00:00:17:00 B-roll Close up of Annapolis strong sign and
candle (night)
217 00:00:15:00 I didn’t recognize this…(inaudible) Close-up of two men talking. The man
how to starting to process. that’s listening is wearing love thy
(inaudible) It comes in waves and I neighbor shirt. (night)
saw (inaudible)
218 00:00:06:00 B-roll Close up of the back of America red
cross vest (night)
219 00:00:10:00 B-roll Medium shot of Back of American red
cross vest. People are walking in the
back not in focus. (night)
220 00:00:13:00 B-roll Wide shot of building (night)
CNN 00:00:09:00 Sources are telling CNN that there Breaking news CNN
BREAKING: has been multiple injuries and and
Clip# Time Audio Video

Fatal fatalities in Annapolis Maryland

shooting that’s about an hour outside of DC.
CBS THIS 00:12:00 Just hours after a gunman rampaged Breaking News CBS this Morning.
MORNING: through their newsroom the
Capital dedicated staff at the Capital
Gazette Gazette Company in Annapolis
publishes published their regular morning
paper paper today. Five of their colleagues
despite were killed in the attack.
CBS 2 00:00:02:15 This is the front page of the Capital Stand-up in front of Annapollis
Gazette. building.
CBS 3 00:00:18:04 This is also part of the paper this
morning this is the opinion page.
This actually got me choked up this
morning it says today we are
speechless. This page is intentionally
left blank to commemorate the
victims of yesterdays shooting in our

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