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Postgrad Med J 2000;76:537±541 537

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.76.899.537 on 1 September 2000. Downloaded from on 12 August 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Hearing impairment in older people: a review
Lisa Fook, Rosemary Morgan

As we age we are increasingly likely to suVer

from chronic conditions. Hearing impairment is Box 1: Causes of hearing impairment
among the top three such conditions along with x Hereditary disorders
arthritis and hypertension.1 It may have become a x Metabolic disease
problem for the ®rst time in old age or may have
x Ototoxic drugs
been acquired when younger or at birth.
Prevalence ®gures illustrate the size of the x Trauma
condition. The prevalence of 45 decibels (dB) x Excess noise
(moderate whisper) or greater hearing loss in the x Neoplasms
better ear in the UK population has been
x Infections
estimated as 3.8%. In those aged 61±80 years old
the prevalence of conductive hearing loss of 45 x Vascular damage
dB or greater in the better ear is 3.1% and the x Degenerative disease (presbyacusis)
prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss of at
least 45 dB in the better ear is 14.3%.2 Looked at
another way 90% of those with a hearing loss of
45 dB average in the better ear are over 52 years Box 2: Pathological patterns of
old, and for milder degrees of hearing loss a presbyacusis
staggering 35% of those over 50 are aZicted.3 x Degeneration of hair cells in the cochlea
Not only is hearing impairment common,4 but x Loss of spiral ganglia and nerve ®bres of
also frequently disabling and it is essential that all the cochlear nerve
clinicians who care for elderly patients are
familiar with its recognition and methods of x Atrophy of the stria vascularis, which
amelioration. alters properties of the endolymph
x Degeneration of inner ear support
Aetiology components
There are two main types of hearing loss: con-
ductive and sensorineural. Any impediment to the
transmission of sound waves through the external pathological varieties and subsequent patterns of
ear canal and middle ear as far as the footplate of sensorineural hearing loss are recognised, many
the stapes results in conductive hearing lossÐfor older patient's hearing impairment can be shown
example, perforation of the ear drum and ®xation to be due to a combination, in vary-ing degrees,
of the ossicular chain (otosclerosis). of these types.6
Sensorineural hearing impair-ment results from a
defect in the cochlea, the cochlear nerve or more Auditory assessment
rarely in the central neural pathways. Within If hearing impairment is suspected an appro-
these two broad categories there are numerous priate history and examination should be
conditions which may contribute to hearing performed. The clinician needs to note if one or
impairment in the older adult, some of which both ears are aVected, the rate of onset, pre-vious
may also aVect younger adults (box 1). These employment, history of ingestion of any
include metabolic diseaseÐfor example, diabetes potentially ototoxic drugs,7 and the presence of
mel-litus and hypothyroidism, ototoxic drugsÐfor any of the major symptoms of ear disease. These
example, aminoglycosides and loop diuretics, are pain (otalgia), discharge (otorrhoea), a
sensation of abnormal movement (vertigo), and
trauma, excess occupational and recreational
inappropriate noise in the ear (tinnitus). It is
noise, neoplasmsÐfor example, acoustic neu-
important to rule out dementing and aVective
roma, hereditary disordersÐfor example, oto- disorders since confusion and inatten-tion may be
sclerosis (autosomal dominant), infectionsÐ for misinterpreted as evidence of hearing
example, chronic suppurative otitis media and impairment.
Ramsey-Hunt syndrome, vascular damage and Examination should include ensuring that the
degenerative disease (commonly referred to as external canal is not obstructed and the tympanic
Arrowe Park Hospital,
presbyacusis). Presbyacusis is a term used to membrane has a glistening translu-cent greyish
Upton Road, Wirral, describe the insidious, progressive, bilateral, and appearance. Tuning fork tests can diVerentiate
Merseyside L69 5PE, UK symmetrical impairment of hearing of sen- conductive and sensorineural hearing impairment
sorineural origin which is associated with (box 3). In Rinne's test a tuning fork (256 or 512
L Fook R increasing age. Structural changes in the inner ear Hz) is struck and held in front of the ear and then
are most contributory to this. Four distinct applied still vibrat-ing to the mastoid process
Correspondence to: patterns of presbyacusis have been identi®ed behind the ear. With normal hearing the fork is
Dr Morgan (box 2).5 In addition there are age related changes heard loudest in front of the ear but if the patient
in the auditory brainstem pathways and auditory has a conduc-tive hearing impairment it will be
Submitted 21 September
1999 cortex which can lead to central processing heard loudest when applied to bone. In Weber's
Accepted 7 December 1999 diYculties. Although such distinct test the tun-
538 Fook, Morgan

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.76.899

Box 3: Auditory assessment tools
x Self assessment questionnaires
x Forced whisper test 10
x Tuning fork testsÐRinne, Weber

Hearing level (dB ISO)

x AudiometryÐpure tone, speech 30


Box 4: When to refer to an ear, nose, 60

and throat surgeon 70
x Sudden onset 80
x Unilateral 90

x Tympanic membrane not seen/abnormal 100

x Basic examination suggests conductive 110

hearing loss 120
0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 3 4 6 8
x Symptoms of tinnitus and vertigo Frequency (kHz)
Figure 1 Pure tone audiogram.

.537 on 1 September 2000. Downloaded from on 12 August 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ing fork is placed on the centre of the forehead in women).10 Older people with presbyacusis,
and the patient is asked in which ear they hear the although often able to hear people talking, have
fork best. With sensorineural hearing loss the diYculty understanding what is being said.
fork will be heard best in the better hearing ear, Ordinary speech is carried out in the range of
and for a patient with conductive hearing loss it is frequencies 250±6000 Hz and 2±60 dB loud-
perceived best in the aVected or worst aVected ness. Certain consonants are high in pitch but low
ear.8 in loudnessÐfor example, ªshº, ªtº, and ªkº.
For those over 60, if the hearing impairment Vowels, like background noise, are lower in pitch
appears to be progressive, bilateral and sen- and higher in loudness. Audibility of the
sorineural in origin, general practitioners (GPs) consonants is critical to understanding speech.
and hospital clinicians may make direct referral Since, in presbyacusis, the high frequency con-
to hospital audiology departments. However, if sonants will not be heard, speech will be
hearing loss is of sudden onset or unilateral, the perceived in a distorted fashion, and this will be
tympanic membrane cannot be seen clearly or exacerbated in a noisy room. In this situation
looks abnormal, examination suggests conductive hearing aids work by bringing the high
hearing loss, or there is a history of any of the frequency, low intensity consonants into the
worrying symptoms of ear disease then an initial audible range without amplifying the already
audible vowels and background noise.
referral to an ear, nose, and throat surgeon is
It is vital to remember that the audiometric
more appropriate (box 4), so that potentially
tests described provide a quantitative measure of
treatable causes of hear-ing loss can be excluded hearing loss but do not re¯ect how such a loss
and treated (although for GPs some conditions impacts on an individual's life. There can be a
may be within their scope). surprising variation in the eVects on com-
Audiologists administer hearing tests using munication, social, and emotional function for the
electronic equipment. In pure tone audiometry same degree of hearing loss.
individual tones of diVerent frequencies are
presented at various intensities to each ear via Psychosocial consequences of hearing
bone and air conduction. The patient signals impairment
when they become aware of the tone. An Hearing impairment may be perceived by older
audiogram can be plotted to show the thresh-old people as a social stigma and they may fail to
for each frequency. Pure tone audiometry can seek help for fear of being labelled ªdeaf and
determine the severity of hearing loss and daftº. Many also regard it as an inevitable and
identify conductive loss or a conductive irremediable part of aging. If help is sought at all
component. In speech audiometry speech per- there is often signi®cant handicap, and the
ception is measured by recording how many patient may report problems going back for up to
phonetically balanced words are heard cor-rectly 20 years.11 Disability, handicap, and reduced
when presented at diVerent intensities. Patients quality of life occur in many areas.12 13 Older
with conductive hearing loss may score 100% if people may avoid going out and taking part in
the words are presented at high intensity. Its main leisure activities. Paranoid tendencies may be
use is in distinguishing sen-sory (defect in accentuated and the individual may become
cochlea) hearing loss from neu-ral hearing loss anxiety ridden or withdrawn and depressed.
since each produce characteris-tic speech Relationships with family and friends may
audiograms. become strained. Because individuals may not be
In prebyacusis, characteristically the pure tone aware of auditory signalsÐfor example, smoke
audiogram slopes at high frequencies (®g 1).9 alarms, sirens, doorbells, and have diY-culty
There is decreased sensitivity to pure tone over using a telephone, their physical safety and
about 1000 Hz (greatest in men) and a decline in indeed their ability to live independently may be
the low frequency threshold (greatest jeopardised. Watts believed that delete-
Hearing impairment in older people 539

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.76.899.537 on 1 September 2000. Downloaded from on 12 August 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
rious eVects on communication are the major
negative impact of disabling hearing Box 5: Hearing aid styles
impairment.14 Adequate reception of a message is x Behind-the-ear (BTE)
paramount to successful communication. It has x In-the-ear (ITE)
been shown that hearing impairment can interfere
with a patient's understanding of their x In-the-canal (ITC)
management.15 This may lead to non-compliance x Body worn aids
with drugs and other therapeutic interventions.
Older individuals who have a degree of hearing
loss may have diYculty monitoring their own
speech, which subse-quently deteriorates and
worsens the overall communication problem.16
To compensate for their hearing loss elderly
people may break conventional rules of personal
space which may hamper their social
relationships. Since they have to concentrate
intensely to try and piece together what is being
said, they may have dif-®culty in thinking
beyond the immediate com-munication with a
laborious conversation ensuing. As a result the
older people may pre-fer to withdraw from social
discourse and yet there is much we can do to help
those aVected.

Since hearing impairment in the elderly is
common, has major adverse eVects, those
aVected often fail to seek help and yet there are a
number of eVective devices available, several
authors have emphasised the need for screen-ing
in the elderly.11 17±19 Simple, validated, and
reliable questionnaires which serve to identify
those who are disabled as a result of their hear-
ing loss such as the hearing handicap inventory
for the elderly, and the forced whisper test are
inexpensive and speedy tools which can be used
in general practice. Those identi®ed by Figure 2 Behind-the-ear aid in place.
questionnaires as regarding their hearing im-
pairment as a problem are more likely to utilise Hearing aids should have electroacoustic
and bene®t from a hearing aid regardless of the characteristics which make speech audible but
degree of hearing loss.20 The forced whisper test comfortable. All consist of a microphone, which
is a clinical test whereby patients are asked to converts acoustic signals to electrical signals, an
repeat numbers or words whispered at vary-ing ampli®er which selectively processes the output
distances from their ear. A standard whisper is signals, a receiver which converts the electrical
achieved by whispering after a normal (that is,
signal back to an acoustic signal, and an earmold
not forced) expiration. The other ear must be
and tubing to deliver this to the patient's ear. All
adequately masked and the eyes shielded. In the
hearing aids available on the NHS are behind-
study of John et al a hear-ing aid was accepted by
the-ear types (although it is common practice to
84% of patients whose forced whisper distance
supply some other aids to war veterans whose
was 70 cm or less.21
hearing impairment is due to bomb blasts).In
Hearing aids behind-the-ear aids the microphone, ampli®er,
Hearing loss of almost any extent can be amel- and receiver are in a crescent shaped plastic case
iorated with a hearing aid. For conductive hearing that rests behind the ear. A small tube connects
loss this is simply a matter of ampli®cation, this to the earmold (®gs 2 and 3). This style
although for sensorineural hear-ing loss the remains popular with older people as it can
mechanism is more complex. How-ever, there are provide higher gain and the larger controls are
many factors which will interfere with a patient's easier to manipulate. For those with severe
satisfaction with, and bene®t from, a hearing aid. hearing impairment or manual dexterity problems
Lack of motivation because of fear of larger devices are needed, but these can be worn
stigmatisation, low expectations of bene®t, or quite unobtrusively attached to clothing (®g 4).
failure to accept there is a problem remain Also available on the market from regis-tered
signi®cant obstacles.22 Stephens et al showed dispensers are in-the-ear and in-the-canal styles
that despite the fact that 50% of those aged (box 5).
50±65 in two villages in South Wales had a On most hearing aids there are three switch
hearing disability only 7% had a hearing aid.23 positions: O, T, and M (®g 3). At the O position
Clinicians have an important role in identifying the hearing aid is oV, and M denotes the
those who would bene®t from a hearing aid and microphone is on. At the T position (telecoil on)
emphasising the bene®ts of its use. the aid can pick up signals from
540 Fook, Morgan

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.76.899.537 on 1 September 2000. Downloaded from on 12 August 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Box 6: Aural rehabilitation
x Provision of hearing aid
x Instruction and counselling in its use
Maximisation of communication skills
x Lip reading
x ªLearning to listenº
x Speech conservation
x Utilising visual clues

Box 7: Environmental aids

Figure 3 Behind-the-ear aid showing the earmold and x Sound enhancement
plastic case.
x Telecommunications
x Television enhancement
x Signal alerting

improve their communication skills. This may

involve speech reading, learning to listen
(listening is an active process unlike hearing),
tuition to maintain good quality speech, and
instruction on how to utilise visual clues such as
facial and body gestures.26 Speech and language
therapists have a signi®cant role in the teaching
Figure 4 Body worn hearing aid. of speech conservation and lip reading classes are
taught by audiologists or at adult education
transmitting devicesÐfor example, certain tel- centres.
ephones and loop systems which are now
incorporated into the majority of concert halls, Environmental aids
theatres, and customer service points at post To distinguish words and sounds hearing aid
oYces and banks. A sympathetic hearing scheme users need the primary signal to be signi®cantly
symbol (ear with a line through it) denotes a loop louder than the background noise. This is fea-
system is in operation. sible if the speaker is close and background noise
A frequently encountered problem is a con- is at a minimum. At home older people can ask
stantly whistling hearing aid. The clinician must visitors to come closer and switch oV the
exclude a canal blocked with wax, and ensure the television. However in restaurants, theatres, and
hearing aid has not become unseated before noisy wards where the doctor may stand at the
referral for audiological reas-sessment. Like foot of the bed the listening environment can be
dentures, hearing aids may become loose when very taxing. It is important for patients and
patients loose weight and new earmolds may doctors to realise that turning up the volume may
need ®tting. Quality of life improvements with make matters worse. Assistive lis-tening devices
hearing aids occur after six weeks and can be or environmental aids are invaluable in such
shown to be sustained after one year.12 Such circumstances. These fall into four categories
bene®ts are comparable in younger and older (box 7).27 An example of sound enhancement
adults.24 technology, a voice ampli-®er, was used in the
study of Fook et al.15 With sound enhancement
Aural rehabilitation
technology the signal (such as speech from an
This comprises methods of ampli®cation (pro-
individual or sound from a television) is
vision of hearing aids and instruction in their
use), and the maximisation of communication transmitted directly to the ear of the individual
skills (box 6). via hardwire, radiotrans-mission, or infrared. The
Patients must be counselled to understand that problems of environ-mental noise and distance
the aid does not allow them to hear normally but are thus avoided. The voice ampli®er or
will enable them to have less dif-®culty communicator is a an example of a hardwired
understanding others. This will not happen system. These are rela-tively inexpensive and are
overnight and patients need to be aware that it ideal for use when being interviewed by
will take some time for them to get used to professionals in a ward environment.15
certain patterns of sound made louder. Where Radiosystems may be used when speaker and
available, group orientation pro-grammes have listener are in diVerent rooms, and the receiver
proved useful in increasing the bene®ts obtained may be incorporated into a behind-the-ear aid.
by new hearing aid users.25 Infrared systems are most suited for transmission
In addition to being supplied with hearing aids from media such as televisions and stereo
patients also need to be taught how to systems (as in concert halls).
Hearing impairment in older people 541

Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pmj.76.899.537 on 1 September 2000. Downloaded from on 12 August 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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