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A comparison on the contamination of wet and dry food

The objective of this science fair project is to determine the type of food – wet or dry food – that is
most prone to germ contamination. The experiment will be carried out by dropping a slice of cucumber
(wet food) and a piece of cheese cracker (dry food) for 20 seconds at various locations.


The slice of cucumber will be most prone to germ contamination.

Scientific Terms
Germs, microscopic organisms, bacteria, fungi, virus, protozoa, vaccines, immunity



Germs consist of various types of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, virus, protozoa and fungi.
Although germs exist everywhere around us, they can only survive for a few hours or days on a
surface. These germs will be transferred to our hands and bodies when we touch or come in contact
with these surfaces.

Bacteria survive by obtaining nutrients that they need from their surrounding environment. Some
bacteria are beneficial to humans, as they help us digest our food and protect us from other harmful
germs. However, bacteria such as pathogens are harmful to us and will cause diseases. Vaccines are
medicines that act against bacteria and enhance our immune system.

Viruses are another component of germs, and are dependent on a host to survive. In the absence of a
host, viruses can only live for a short period of time. However, once they encounter a suitable host,
they will enter the cells of the host and replicate inside the host cells. This process leads to illnesses,
such as the common cold and aids, in their host.
Two other types of germs are protozoa and fungi. The former is a single-celled microorganism that
exists in humid conditions and infects others through contaminated water, whereas the latter is a
multi-celled organism and is quite harmless, unless the person in contact with it has a weak immune

Materials required for this science fair project:

- 8 agar Petri dishes

- 80 disinfected swabs
- 1 bottle of disinfected water
- 1 box of cheese crackers
- 1 cucumber
- 1 knife
- 1 chopping board
- 1 box of sterilized rubber gloves
- 1 stopwatch
- 2 sterilized plastic bags


1. The independent variable in this science fair project are the locations where the cheese cracker
and cucumber slice were placed – kitchen sink, toilet floor, car porch or garden grass. The dependent
variable is the amount of bacterial growth in the Petri dishes, which is determined by counting the
number of bacteria colonies. The constants (control variables) are the temperature of the room, the
amount of sunlight, and the ingredients used to make the agar in the Petri.

2. Store the eight Petri dishes in a refrigerator. Before the start of the experiment, take the Petri
dishes out of the refrigerator and allow them to warm to room temperature. Label the Petri dishes as
wet sink, wet floor, wet porch, wet grass, dry sink, dry floor, dry porch and dry grass.

3. Wear the sterilized rubber glove and wash the chopping board and knife using the sterilized
water. Wash the cucumber and cut it into slices before keeping it in the sterilized plastic bag. Next,
open the box of cheese crackers and transfer the crackers into another sterilized plastic bag.

4. Using a new sterilized rubber glove, drop a slice of cucumber into the kitchen sink. Start the
stopwatch and pick up the slice of cucumber after 20 seconds. Rinse a swab with disinfected water
before rubbing it over the surface of the cucumber slice. Swab over the surface of the Petri dish
labeled as wet sink. Repeat the procedure for ten times, each time using a new slice of cucumber and
a new swab.

5. Repeat procedure 4 using a piece of cheese cracker biscuit. Make ten dots using disinfected
swabs in the Petri dish labeled as dry sink.

6. Repeat procedures 4 and 5 by placing sliced cucumbers and cheese crackers on the toilet floor,
car porch and garden grass.

7. Keep the eight Petri dishes in a cool and dry place for the next three days. This is to allow the
bacteria to grow. Count the number of bacteria colonies after three days and record in the table given

Petri dishes swabbed with samples from the cucumber slices (wet food) were observed to have more
bacterial growth spots than the Petri dishes swabbed with samples from the cheese crackers (dry

Food type Number of bacterial coloniesfrom samples of wet and dry food

Kitchen sink Toilet floor Car porch Garden grass

Cucumber slice 8 10 9 10

Cheese cracker 6 7 5 8


The experimental data and analyzed results support the hypothesis that cucumbers (wet food) are
more prone to contamination by germs.

It is important to maintain our personal hygiene and the cleanliness of our environment at all times in
order to protect ourselves from harmful germs. We must always practice good habits such as washing
our hands before touching food, and bathing everyday to minimize contact with germs and to lead a
healthy life.

Also consider

This science fair project can be repeated in other locations such as the school, parks etc.
Try to repeat the experiment using other types of food such as jelly, apples and candies.


What are germs? -

Germs, they are everywhere -

What is the effect of heat and acids on milk proteins?


The objectives of this intermediate lab are to practice filtration and observe a
precipitation reaction and a neutralization reaction.

Materials Needed:

Each group will need the following materials:

1. Skim milk, 125 mL 2. Beaker, 250 mL

3. Vinegar (acetic acid), 25 mL 4. heat source
5. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), 1g 6. Funnel and filter paper
7. stirring rod 8. water, 30 mL
9. Graduated cylinder, 125 mL


1. Place 125 mL of skim milk in a 250 mL beaker.

2. Add 25 mL of vinegar, which is an acidic solution.
3. Gently heat milk and stir constantly until small lumps begin to form.
4. Remove beaker from heat and continue to stir until no more lumps form.
5. Allow lumps to settle.
6. Filter the solid (curds) from the liquid (whey) using funnel.
7. Gently press the filter paper around the curds to squeeze out the excess
liquid through the filter paper.
8. Return the solid to the beaker
9. Add 30 mL of water to the solid and stir
10. Add 1/2 tsp. of baking soda to neutralize vinegar, bubbles should appear.
Add a little more baking soda until no more bubbles appear.
11. The substance in the beaker is glue. Test the adhesive properties,
including waterproof property.

Performance Assessment:

Questions and answers.

1. What is the purpose of the vinegar in making glue? What is the purpose of
the heat? The vinegar and the heat act to change the protein molecules so
they will precipitate.
2. How is the casein (protein) separated from the milk? The casein coagulates
and then is separated by filtration.
3. What is the purpose of the baking soda? The baking soda neutralizes the

The students studied the effects of heat and acid on the protein casein in milk.
The process produced a substance that was sticky like a glue. Milk is 87%
water, 4.8% carbohydrate, 4% fat, 3.5 % protein, and 0.7% minerals. The
carbohydrate is mostly the dissaccharide sugar, lactose. The fat is in the form
of globules that reflect light and give milk some of its whiteness. Some
vitamins are dissolved in the fat. The proteins are complete, meaning they have
all essential amino acids. The most abundant protein is casein. The
precipitation takes place when the milk becomes acidic, near pH 4.6.


Chemical Activities by Christie L. Borgford and Lee R. Summerlin

Activated carbon and pesticides

This science fair project was done to observe the effect of using activated carbon to neutralize the
effect of pesticides. The science project experiment involved using flies, the pesticide malathion and
different concentrations of activated carbon.


A higher concentration of activated carbon will neutralize the pesticide malathion and flies will be able
to survive, even though they are exposed to the pesticide.

Scientific Terms
Activated carbon, porous, malathion, pesticides


Activated carbon

Activated carbon is an extremely porous carbon that has a very large surface area. A single gram of
activated carbon has over 500 square millimeters of surface area. The large surface area is made
available for the carbon to absorb and react with other chemicals. Activated carbon is also known as
activated charcoal. It is usually made from charcoal. Activated carbon is very useful in the removal of
pollutants from water and air. They are used in air purification, water filtration, cleaning spills and
remediation of ground water. Activated carbon is also used in the treatment of poisoning and overdose
from oral medication.

Malathion pesticide

Malathion is a common agricultural pesticide. It is used in farms, recreational areas, residential

landscape and public parks. Malathion is found to be useful in pest control applications and is used to
eradicate flies and mosquitoes. Malathion is normally mixed with diesel fuel and used to fog areas that
are known to be infested with mosquitoes and other pests. Malathion is also used in low doses for
treating body and head lice.

The materials required for this science fair project:

- 40 flies
- Plastic bags
- 4 over-ripe bananas
- 1 digital weighing scale
- 1 measuring cylinder
- 1 bottle of distilled water
- 1 bottle of activated carbon
- 1 can of malathion pesticide spray
- 4 empty aquarium tanks with top cover
- 1 knife
- 3 spray containers


1. For this science fair project, the independent variable is the concentration of activated carbon
solution – 0.1gram/100ml, 1.0gram/100ml or 10gram/100ml. The dependent variable is the number
of flies still alive in each aquarium at the end of the 1-hour period. This is determined by observing
the number for flies still alive every 10 minutes. The constants (control variables) are the over-ripe
banana, the size of the fish tank used for the experiment, and the concentration of the Malathion

2. Forty flies are caught in plastic bags (not a very pleasant experience, but you can try catching
them at garbage dumps) or by attracting them with rotting food.

3. The 3 spray containers are labeled A, B and C. Using the digital weighing scale, 0.1mg of activated
carbon is added to container A, 1.0mg in container B and 10mg in container C. 100ml of distilled
water is added to all the 3 containers. The solution in each container is stirred/mixed before the
container is resealed with its spray nozzle-top.

4. The 4 aquariums are labeled as A, B, C and D. Overripe bananas are cut in half and the exposed
area is sprayed with malathion spray. One of the bananas is placed in the aquarium marked as D. The
liquid in container A is sprayed over the exposed surface of one of the bananas which is then placed in
the aquarium marked A. Similarly, sprays B and C are sprayed over the other bananas and then
placed in aquariums B and C.

5. Ten flies are released into each of the 4 aquariums. The number of flies still alive is observed every
10 minutes and recorded in the table given below.

The results showed that using a higher concentration of activated carbon increased the survival rate of
the flies.

Malathion Number of flies surviving

0 10min 20min 30min 40min 50min 60min

None 10 8 4 0 0 0 0

0.1g/100ml 10 9 8 7 5 3 1

1.0g/100ml 10 10 9 9 9 8 8

10g/100ml 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

The graph/chart below represents the result of our science project experiment.


Our hypothesis has been proven correct. A higher concentration of activated carbon will neutralize the
pesticide malathion and flies will be able to survive, even though they are exposed to the pesticide.

Activated carbon is very useful for cleaning up pesticide spills and to mop up excess pesticides on
agricultural farms. Once the pesticide has been absorbed by the activated carbon, it effectively
becomes harmless.

Also consider

The results of our science project experiment would perhaps be more reliable/meaningful, if we were
to use a larger number of flies or a larger number of pesticide concentrations. Try repeating the
experiment using different types of insects like mosquitoes or cockroaches.

Also try repeating the science experiment by comparing the effectiveness of activated carbon in
neutralizing other types of pesticides.


Malathion -

Activated carbon -

Using activated charcoal to inactivate agricultural chemical spills -
Electromagnets and the number of coils

This experiment was done to investigate the relationship between the number of turns in a coil and
the voltage induced in it by a moving magnet.


The coil that has many turns will have the highest voltage. Thus, the greater the number the turns,
the higher the voltage.

Scientific Terms
Electromagnetic induction, magnetic field, magnetic flux, induced voltage


Electromagnetic induction

Electromagnetic induction occurs when a current is induced in a coil by a changing magnetic field.
When either the magnet moves in relation to the coil or the coil moves in relation to the magnet, a
current will be induced in the coil. However if there is no relative movement between the coil and the
magnet, there will not be any current induced in the coil.

The induced voltage in the coil is proportional to the number of turns in the coil and the rate of change
of the magnetic flux.

Induced voltage = - Number of coil turn x rate of change of magnetic flux.

Therefore the induced voltage in the coil can be increased by:

a. increasing the number of turns in the coil,

b. increasing the speed of relative movement between the coil and the magnet.

The materials required for this science project:

- an electric screw driver
- 4 magnets
- 1 roll of masking tape
- 3 hollow boxes of the same size.
- 1 spool of insulated wire (PVC insulated or varnish insulated)
- Paper cutter
- 2 crocodile clips
- a digital voltmeter
- a pair of scissors


1. For this science project, the independent variable is the number of turns in the coil. The dependent
variable is the amount of voltage induced in the coils by the rotating magnet. This is measured by
using the digital voltmeter. The constants (control variables) are the speed of the rotating magnets,
the strength of the magnets, the size of the copper wire and the size of the box.

2. Using the masking tape, the four magnets are fixed to the shaft of the electric screw driver as
shown in figure 1 above.

3. A hole is cut out of the carton box as shown in figure 1. The hole should be large enough to insert
the 4 magnets, attached to the shaft of the screw driver, inside the box while holding the handle of
the screw driver on the outside.

4. The copper wire is wound around each of the three boxes. The first box is wound with 150 turns,
the second box with 300 turns and the third box with 450 turns.

5. Approximately 2 cm of the insulation at the tip of the wires are removed using the paper cutter.

6. The first box with 150 turns is selected first. The ends of the wires are fixed to the digital AC
voltmeter using the crocodile clips. The magnets that are attached to the electric screw driver are
inserted into the hole in the box. The screw driver is turned on and it will start to spin inside the box.
The voltage measured on the digital AC meter is recorded in the table given below.

7. Procedure 6 is repeated using the boxes with 300 turns and 450 turns.

The results show that increasing the number of turns in an electromagnet's coil, will result in an
increase in the induced voltage caused by the changing magnetic field.

Number of turns in 150 300 450

the coil

AC voltage measured 2.45 4.90 7.35



The hypothesis that the voltage induced in a coil under the influence of the magnetic field of a moving
magnet will increase if the number of turns in the coil is increased is proven to be true. The induced
voltage in the coil is found to be proportional to the number of turns in the coil.

The use of magnetic induction can be found in electromagnets, motors and transformers.
Hydroelectric power stations and wind turbine generators apply the same principle to convert the
mechanical energy of a rotating shaft connected to a magnet into electricity.

Also consider

The science fair project can perhaps be repeated by varying the speed of the screw driver.

This experiment can also be modified by keeping the magnets in a fixed position and instead, rotating
the coil.


Electromagnetic induction -

How to generate free electricity using magnets -


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