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1) What is measurement? Explain generalized measurement system?

2) Mention any two parameter s indicating the signification of measurement.

3) Define instrument. Classify instruments on the basis of any three bases mentioning one example of


4) Explain in brief the primary ,secondary and working standards.

5) what is calibration of instrument? Why it is done?

6) classify instruments on the basis of i) type of contact ii) type of output produced.

7)Explain generalized measurement system with neat block diagram.

8) Identify different functional elements in the following instruments by stating the name of

component (part) . i) bourden tube & ii) mercury in glass thermometer.

9) Name and describe the functions performed by the measuring instruments.

10) Describe direct and indirect method of measurement.

1) Define any four desirable characteristics of measurement.

2) Explain in detail how potentiometer is considered as a zero order instrument.

3) Classify the error and explain in brief systematic error.

4) List any four undesirable characteristics of an instruments and explain Dead zone.

5) Explain dynamic characteristics of an instruments .

6) State the difference between threshold and resolution.

7) state the difference between threshold and overshoot .

8) state the difference between accuracy and precision.

9) Define Dead zone,Dead time ,over soot ,threshold, repeatability, reproducibility, span ,Range.

10) Explain the concept of first order instruments.

11) State four types errors in measurement . List four important causes for the observational error.

12) Define Fidelity, Speed of Response, Drift, Time lag.Hysterisis.

1) State the parameters on which sensitivity of the Ionization gauge depends.

2) State any four units of pressure intensity.

3) Explain with neat sketch u-tube differential manometer.

4) Draw the labelled sketch of bourden tube pressure gauge.

5) Explain with neat sketch; the construction and working of pirani thermal conductivity gauge. State it’s

two applications -------- FOR 6 MARKS

6) With neat sketch Explain working of ionization gauge.

7) State advantages and disadvantages of manometer.

8) Explain with neat sketch Mcleod gauge.

9) Numerical on Differential u tube manometer ,Venturimeter.

1) State the difference of inferential & positive flow measurement techniques with suitable example.

2)Why rotameter is called as variable area flow meter. Also state its two advantages.

3) Explain with neat sketch Turbine flow meter.

4) Explain construction and working of current meter.

5) Explain with neat sketch Hot wire anemometer considering constant current mode and constant
temperature mode.

6) Define flow ? State the different types of flow.

7) Explain with neat sketch pitot tube,

8) Explain with neat sketch thermal flow meter.

9) Explain with neat sketch Ultrasonic flow meter.

10) State any four types of flow.

11) Discuss in brief the flow measurement techniques..

12) State advantages & Disadvantages of thermal flow meter.

1) Which temp. measurement device is more suitable for detecting the temperature of cupola furnace.

2) Explain with neat sketch working of hot wire anemometer.

3) State the law of intermittent temperature and law of intermittent metal.

4) Compare RTD and Thermistor on the basis of construction, Material used, Range , Accuracy.

5) Draw the neat sketch optical Pyrometer and explain it.

6) Explain with neat sketch; the working of pressure thermometer.

7) Draw neat sketch of Electromagnetic flow meter.

8} Draw neat sketch and explain inductive pick up

9) What is bimetallic strip ? Explain how temperature is measured using bimetallic strip.

10) Explain the need of temperature measurement using two examples in mechanical engineering.

11) State seeback effect and peltier effect.

12) Differentiate between resistance thermometer and thermistor (minimum four points)

13) State the law of intermediate temperature and law of intermediate metals for thermocouple .Draw

schematic sketches for the representations of these laws.

14) Explain in brief various temperature scales.

15) Explain working of a total radiation pyrometer with the help of neat sketch. Also state it’s application
and working range.

16) Explain the working of pressure thermometer with neat sketch.

17) Write working of Bimetallic temperature measuring instrument.

1) List any four desirable characteristics of materials used for strain gauges.

2) Classify strain gauges .state three applications of strain gauges.

3) Explain the working of any one displacement transducer.

4) Explain the working of LVDT with the help of neat sketch and state it’s application & Range.

5) Draw the characteristics of LVDT and state it’s significance.

6) What are the various materials used for strain gauges.

7) Explain with neat sketch RVDT .

8) Draw & Explain unbonded strain gauge.

9) Explain with neat sketch bonded strain gauges.

10) Compare Bonded and Unbo nded strain gauges.

1) What do you mean by scale?

2) Explain with neat sketch pendulum scale.

3) Compare pneumatic load cell with Hydraulic load cell.

4) On which principle elastic force meter works. State the different types of elastic force meter.

5) Explain with neat sketch Hydraulic dynamometer.

6) Classify Dynamometers.

7) Why strain gauges in strain gauge transmission dynamometer are placed at 450 inclined to the axis of

the shaft.

8) State the difference between scale and balances.

9) Explain with neat sketch Rope brake dynamometer.

10) List various force measuring devices.

11) Draw a neat sketch of eddy current dynamometer & explain it’s working. State it’s advantages and

12) Explain principle of eddy current dynamometer

1) State the working principle of inductive pick up tachometer .mention its two advantages and

2) Draw a neat sketch and explain working of a stroboscope.

3) Explain with neat sketch photoelectric tachometer.

4) Explain with neat sketch Sleep ring clutch tachometer.

5) Explain centrifugal clutch tachometer with neat sketch.

6) compare mechanical tachometer with electrical tachometer.

1) Explain working of hair hygrometer with neat sketch.

2) Explain how sound is measured by carbon- microphone.

3) State different types of liquid level measurement . Explain any one of them.

4) Explain any one direct method for liquid level measurement.

5) 4) Explain any one direct method for liquid level measurement.

5) Explain Gamma ray liquid sensor .

6) Explain with neat sketch Capacitive liquid level measurement system.

7) On which factor the capacitance of liquid leveds.

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