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This chapter discusses the method of research method used, the respondents of

the study, the instrument utilize in the investigation, the locale of the study, the validity

and reliability of the questionnaires, the data gathering procedure adopted, and the

statistical treatments applied to the data of the study.

Research Design

The method of research used by the researchers was of descriptive type. The

descriptive design identified the profile of the students of Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial

School. According to Peter (2010), descriptive research usually involves that the data

collected are described by the parameters like their central tendency and their dispersion.

As widely accepted, the descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study that

involved adequate and accurate interpretation of findings. Descriptive research described

a certain present condition. The purpose of employing the descriptive method was to

describe the nature of a condition, as it took place during the time of the study and to

explore the cause or causes of a particular condition.

The researcher opted to use this kind of research considering the desire to acquire

first hand data from the respondents so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions

and recommendations for the study. According to Creswell, the descriptive method of

research is to gather information about the present existing condition. Since this study is

focused on the perception or evaluation of the consultancy firm’s effective human

resource management, the descriptive method is the most appropriate method to use.


The respondents of the study were the Grade IV pupils of Venancio Trinidad Sr.

Memorial School during the academic year 2019-2020. The following table showed how

they were distributed according to their profile.

Their population was equal to 134. The researcher was able to select its entire

member comprising 100% of their total number.

Table A showed the profile of the pupils in terms of gender, section, age and their

average grade for the second grading. Out of 134 respondents, 32.8% were from section

A, 35.1% are from section B and 32.1% were form section C.


Table A

Distribution of Respondents

According to Profile

A. Sections Frequency % D. Grade in Frequency %

A 44 32.8 percentage

B 47 35.1 90% and above 3 2.2

C 43 32.1 85%-89% 21 15.7

Total 134 100.00 84%-80% 77 57.5

B. Gender 79%-75% 33 24.6

Female 66 49.3 Total 134 100.00

Male 68 50.7 E. Grade

Total 134 100.00 Advance 3 2.2

C. Age Proficient 21 15.7

8 34 25.3 Approaching 77 57.5

9 79 59.0 Proficient

10-above 134 100.0 Developing 33 24.6

Total Beginning 0 0

Total 134 100.00


Locale of the Study

The research chose Venacio Trinidad Sr. Memorial School, at Talisay Batangas,

as their locale of the study because they believed in the potential of the selected pupils

could provide them the necessary information needed in the study.s

Research Instrument

The instrument of the study is the questionnaire. A questionnaire was the

instrument used to gather data. After all the questionnaires were retrieved, the data were

tallied and tabulated, and further statistically treated using frequencies, percentage and

rank to answer the specific problem.

The questionnaire had 40 questions and this was divided into three sections:

demographic information, student perception on the given parental involvement and the

parent involvement and the parent involvement check-up. Since the purpose of the

observation was to complement the data from the questionnaire, the observation protocol

used was developed in cognize of the questions in the questionnaires.

The first section was used for eliciting background information (optional for name,

school name, gender and the average grade from the previous year) and the second

section was used for collecting data about students’ perception on their parents

involvement in school (e.g My parents help me in doing homework). The third section

was used for parent involvement check-up (e.g I initiate contact with the teachers about

my children).


Location of Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial School



The researcher visited a school library and read magazines, book, thesis and

dissertation. They constructed the questionnaire. The draft questionnaire was presented

to a panel of three after presenting the same to the adviser. The three panels were

composed of three professor. The chosen panel was considered experts along the line

whose job is to evaluate the item framed according to content and purpose. There were

suggestions from panel selected and anticipated that there were some modifications,

changes and deletions. The final draft of the questionnaire was finalized and prepared

the needed copies for distribution to the respondents in establishing its reliability status.


The questionnaire was tested in Quiling Elementary School. After one week it was

retested in the same school which was not the locale of the study. The result of the

answer in the out try was statistically analysed the Person Coefficient of Correlation.


The researcher was able to get the approval of the title of the study wherein he

embarked on developing the main data gathering instrument questionnaire. For the data

gathering, permission of the principal from the necessary information, the survey

questionnaires were distributed personally to the pupils in the responding school. Each

pupil was carefully guided by the researcher.


The quantitative data from the survey questionnaire was analysed using the

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 20.0). Descriptive un-variate (involving a

single variables) analysis procedure were used to describe the characteristics of the data

collected using absolute numbers and simple percentage to get a general overview of the

respondent’s responses.


The following are the statistical treatments applied in the study:

1. The frequency and percent distributions were used in presenting the profile of the

respondents. The percent formula is:

%= 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑟ⅇ𝑞𝑢ⅇ𝑛𝑐𝑦 × 100%

2. Concerning the students’ perception on the given parental involvement, the five

point Likert Scale and the simple mean were used.

The formula for the mean is given as:

∑𝑛1=1 𝑥𝑖
𝑥̅ =
Where x̅ = simple mean ∑𝑛1=1 𝑥𝑖 = sum of all values of variable x, and n = number of

respondents. Further more, interpretations for computed means are adopted from the


On the level of students’ perception on the given parental involvement:

Rating Scale Interpretation

4.50 − 5.00 Always

3.50 − 4.49 Usually

2.50 − 3.49 Sometimes

1.50 − 2.49 Rarely

1.00 − 1.49 Never

On the level of parent involvement check-up:

Rating Scale Interpretation

4.50 – 5.00 High/ True

3.50 − 4.49 Average

2.50 − 3.49 Neutral

1.50 − 2.49 Sight

1:00 − 1.49 Low/ Not True

3. The correlation between students’ perception on parental involvement and

approaches to parent involvement check-up established using the Goodman and

Kruskal’s Gamma Correlation. The said correlation was used since the data

involved are ordinal variables of more than 30 sample size. The formula is given

xr −x1
xr +x1

where 𝑥𝑟 = number of pairs observed

in parallel direction

𝑥1= number of pairs observed in opposite direction

To give interpretation to computed gamma correlation coefficient, the

following guide is adopted:

Coefficient Interpretation

± 1.00 Perfect Positive/ Negative Correlation

± 0.76 − ± 0.99 Very High Positive/ Negative Correlation
± 0.51 − ± 0.75 High Positive/ Negative Correlation
± 0.26 − ± 0.50 Small Positive/ Negative Correlation
± 0.01 − ± 0.25 Very Small Positive/ Negative Correlation
0.0 No Correlation

In deciding on whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis using the

probability ( @ a = 0.05 ), the following rules were applied:
a. If gamma coefficient has a probability of less than a, then
the null hypothesis H0 is rejected.
b. If gamma coefficient has a probability of equal to or greater
than a, the null hypothesis H0 is accepted.

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