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HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD: Listening Guide

with Louie Giglio

1. There is one star in our solar system, and that star is called the Sun.
2. The surface of the Sun 10,00 degrees fahrenheit
3. The Sun 93 million miles away
4. The Sun is a million times the earth
5. Psalm 33 says, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made. Their starry hosts by the breath of
his mouth.” God breathes out stars.
6. If the earth were the size of a golf ball, the sun would be 15 feet in diameter.
7. The sun is so big you could put 960,000 earths inside the Sun.
8. That is enough golf balls to fill a school bus in its entirety.
9. The Sun is just one of hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
10. The star, Betelgeuse or “beetlejuice” is 427 light years away from us, or 5.888 trillion miles away
from earth. The star, Betelgeuse is twice the size of the earth’s orbit around the Sun.
11. If there earth were a golf ball, Betelgeuse would be the size of 6 Empire State building stacked on
top of each other.
12. You could fit 252 trillion Earths inside Betelgeuse. If the Earth were a golf ball that would be enough
golf balls to fill us the Superdome 3 thousand times.
13. The star Mu Cephei use to be called Hershel’s Garnett star
14. If the earth were a golf ball, Mu Cephei would be the width of 2 Golden Gate Bridges end to end. It
is so big you could fit 2.7 quadrillion Earths inside this one star.
15. To give you an idea of just who big one quadrillion is… a quadrillion seconds ago would be
38,800,000 years ago.
16. The largest star science has found thus far is called Canus Majoris. If there earth were a golf ball
Canus Majoris would be the height of Mt. Everest… almost 6 miles above sea level , the highest
point on the planet.
17. You could fit 7 quadrillion Earths inside Canus Majoris. That is enough earths, if the earth were a
golf ball to cover the entire state of Texas in golf balls 22 inches deep.
18. Sin has a way of shrinking God down in our minds and puffing us up in our own estimation.
19. Though we, man, are a vapor, tiny and frail… we are marked by majesty, and we have been created
in the very image of the God who breathes out the stars and puts the universe in place.
20. God made you from one cell from your mom, meeting up with one cell from you dad… each one
carrying 23 chromosomes. The one from your mom was carrying half of her DNA, the one from you
dad was carrying half of his DNA, and those two cells met and merged into one single cell, and when
they did those chromosomes matched, and when they did they began to form, together, a brand
new DNA code. .. using four characters, four nucleotides… and they began to write out what is the
three billion-character description of who you are written in the language of God, describing who
God had ordained you to be.
21. If you took the DNA out of that one little cell that made you and stretched it out that DNA would be
six feet long… three billion characters stretched out to six feet long. If a person were to read you
DNA one character per second night and day it would take that person 96 years to just read the
description of you.
22. Augustine said, “Men go abroad to wonder at the height of mountains, the huge waves of the sea,
the long course of rivers, the vast compass of the ocean, the circular motion of the stars, but they
pass by themselves and they don’t even notice.”
23. Psalm 33 also says, “For He spoke and it came to be, He commanded and it stood fast. From heaven,
the Lord looks down and sees all mankind. From His dwelling place He watches all who live on Earth.
He who forms the hearts of them all and is intimately acquainted with everything they do. The eyes
of the Lord are on those who fear Him… on those who hope in His unfailing love… to deliver them
from death and to keep them alive in famine. “
24. Within the human body, your body, is a little protein molecule called laminin.
25. Laminin is a cell adhesion molecule.
26. The stuff that hold our bodies together, that holds the lining of your organs together, that holds
your skin on is in the perfect shape of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
27. Look up Colossians 1:17-23 and rejoice!

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