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Nombre y apellido__________________________________________________ Cley: 3


1. 1. 1. Read the information and locate: a, an, the sentences. Then go to Spanish those that
are not. (1.Lea la información y ubique: a, an, a las oraciones. Luego pase al español
aquellas que no lo están.)

 Cuando la palabra comienza con una vocal (a, e, i, o, u), entonces deberás
usar ‘an’, suena mejor y se oye más adecuado al decirlo.

 Cuando la palabra comienza con una consonante debes usar ‘a’.

1. I am ____ good student. (Yo soy un buen estudiante)

2. It is ____ old university. ____________________________________
3. He is ____ student. (Él es un estudiante)
4. She is _____ young woman. _________________________________
5. He is _____ unusual man. (Él es un hombre inusual)
6. He is ____ businessman. ____________________________________
7. He is ____ lawyer. (Él es un abogado)
8. It is _____ugly hotel. _______________________________________
9. He is _____ clever boy. (Él es un chico muy listo)
10. She is _____ good football player. ____________________________
11. It is ______ empty bottle. (Es una botella vacía)
12. He is _____ pilot. _______________________________
13. It is _____ easy question. (Es una pregunta fácil)
A=un, una
14. It is _____ sunny day. ________________________________
15. It is _____ apple. (Es una manzana) An= un una
16. It is _____ exception to the rule. ________________________
17. She is ____ honest woman. (Es una mujer honrada) Some= unos, algún,
18. It is _____ good movie. ______________________________ alguna
19. He is ______ happy child. (Él es una niño feliz)
20. She is _____ smart girl. ______________________________

2. COMPLETE WITH SOME… THEN GO TO SPANISH(complete con some….luego pase al español)

1. I have ________ money.

2. We need ______ chairs in the classroom.
3. Here are _______ of our suggestions.
4. We need ______ apples for breakfast.
5. She wanted to buy ______ dresses.
6. Could you lend me ______ money?
7. Would you like ______coffee?

3. Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. Thermos
o You see these above you at night. ______________________ Brush
o You eat soup in these. ________________ Moon
o You can put drinks in one of these when you do sports. ___________ Plate
o This is big and sometimes round, and you see it at night. __________
o You can wash your hands and face in here. ________________
o People use one of these to clean their teeth. ______________

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