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GMH Hotsheet

Delivery Change
Delivery Curren
Request Requeste Date Control
No Job Name Jira Ticket Priority Type Date t RAG Current Status Key Next Steps Comments
Date d By Productio Numbe
Stage Owner
n r
1 Upcoming program report High Enhancement Melissa 25/Mar/19 8/Apr/19 Actelion Prod Moved to Production
2 Speaker Program status report High Enhancement Melissa 25/Mar/19 8/Apr/19 Actelion Prod Moved to Production
04/11/19 :: Implementation of change to incorporate In
Program Report by Brand A2K19Q1-245 High Enhancement Melissa 25/Mar/19 8/Apr/19 DCT Prod
04/12/19 :: By Brand Report update has been moved to
3 production
4 Program Report by Field A2K19Q1-184 High Enhancement Melissa 25/Mar/19 8/Apr/19 Actelion Prod Moved to Production
5 Exception Report High Enhancement Melissa 25/Mar/19 8/Apr/19 Actelion Prod Moved to Production
6 Attendee report High Enhancement Melissa 25/Mar/19 8/Apr/19 Actelion Prod Moved to Production
7 Year to date report by region High Enhancement Melissa 25/Mar/19 8/Apr/19 Actelion Prod Moved to Production
04/11/19 :: Ready for production, received confirmation from
04/12/19 :: Approval received on the report deployment,
Tracking of Program & Attendee scheduled for Thrusday
A2K19Q1-185 High New Report Melissa 4/Apr/19 18/Apr/19 26 Actelion Prod - Updating to provide program totals (District/Region)
Report 04/18/19 :: Production deployment completed, anaysis is
remaining, dev team will aprise on the same once completed
04/26/19 :: The fedback comments were implemented and
8 revised build was shared for review on 04/26/19
04/11/19 : Ready for production, received confirmation from
04/12/19 :: Approval received on the deployment, scheduled
Program Allocation Functionality A2K19Q1-271 High Enhancement Melissa 4/Apr/19 18/Apr/19 26 Actelion Prod 4/11 GMH to follow up with Jessica
for Thrusday
04/18/19 :: Production deployment completed and analysis has
9 been shared
04/11/19 : Ready for production, received confirmation from
04/12/19 :: Approval received on the deployment, scheduled
New Mapping to take place & go Live (once confirmed by
SSO integration High Tsvi 5/Apr/19 17/Apr/19 25 Actelion Prod for Thrusday
Requirement client)
04/15/19 :: Approval received to deploy on 04/16/19, the OKTA
integration will also remain intact for 30 days since the launch of
10 Ping integration
Report generation
• Speaker program status report
Medium Enhancement Melissa 8/Apr/19 8/Apr/19 GMH Prod
Add a column for # of attendee
11 evaluations received
04/11/19 :: Ready for production, received confirmation from
Cancellation Reason in speaker 04/12/19 :: Approval received on the report deployment,
A2K19Q1-220 Medium Enhancement Melissa 9/Apr/19 18/Apr/19 26 GMH Prod
program status report scheduled for Thrusday
04/18/19 :: Production deployment completed, anaysis is
12 remaining, dev team will aprise on the same once completed
Travel Manifest update with code
Medium Enhancement Melissa 9/Apr/19 4/12/2019 GMH Prod 04/12/19 :: Deployed on Production
13 for coordinator
4/11 GMH to review on stage
04/11/19 :: GMH has shared fedback, DCT to review and
respond -Need the ability to download the report with all product or topic attendee
04/12/19 :: DCT Started working on the feedback evaluations (questions asked are different)
Attendee evaluation report Medium Enhancement Melissa 11/Apr/19 TBD Actelion Prod
comments and will share the revised build by Tuesday EOD -Provided a sample to Prachi which had a tab for each product or topic (Disease Ed
04/17/19 :: Released to Actelion for review & RT)
04/26/19 :: As Jessica is on leave the review of the report
14 and golive approval is on hold from Actelion's end
4/11 GMH to review on stage
04/11/19 :: GMH has shared fedback, DCT to review and
04/12/19 :: DCT Started working on the feedback
Rep evaluation report Medium Enhancement Melissa 11/Apr/19 TBD Actelion Prod -Need ability to download reports with all product rep evaluations
comments and will share the revised build by Tuesday EOD
04/17/19 :: Released to Actelion for review
04/26/19 :: As Jessica is on leave the review of the report
15 and golive approval is on hold from Actelion's end
04/12/19 :: The team is working on optimizing the report
and will be sharing the update over the weekend for the -Profiles need a new speaker status added (Pending Contract, Pending Training,
same On Hold-Cap Reached, On Hold)
Speaker Utilization Report High Enhancement Melissa 12/Apr/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod 04/13/19:: Optimization completed and deployed on stage -Should only list 2019 speakers
04/17/19 :: Released to Actelion for review -Add Inactive (Yes or No) to the BD Speaker Utilization Report
04/26/19 :: As Jessica is on leave the review of the report 3/21 GMH provided sample report to ACTELION for approval
16 and golive approval is on hold from Actelion's end
04/16/19 :: Released to GMH for review
04/17/19 :: Received feedback on zip to terr, dev team to get
back with feedback implementation
Revised Zip to Terr Mapping Medium Enhancement Dipesh 17/Apr/19 5/9/2019 Actelion Prod 04/23/19 :: Revised build was shared with GMH for review and
we have received positive feedback from GMH on the same
04/26/19 :: As Jessica is on leave the review of the report and
17 golive approval is on hold from Actelion's end
1. Based on the specs, queries were raised which has been
answered by the GMH team.
2. DCT team to update the functional spec on the basis of
understanding received and get sign off on the same.
04/15/19 :: Development initiated
04/23/19 :: PDF Invitation has been received however
there were different invites for Live & Web events and thus
we will be releasing the functionality on 04/24, however
the PDF invite wil be shared by 04/26
04/26/19 ::
a) The NPP functionality has been moved on stage instance
and the PDF invite for live and web events have also been - GMH Ignite backend development 4/9 - 4/15
moved. - GMH QC & prototype testing (Alpha Review) 4/16 -
b) The team is currently working on having two decks 4/23
maped to the NPP program which will be completed by - Client on stage review (Beta Review) 4/24
04/29/18. - GMH to incorporate client comments 4/25 - 5/2
NPP Speaker Programs into Ignite A2K19Q1-246 High Enhancement Tim 24/Apr/19 TBD Actelion Prod
- Final client review 5/3
c) Feedbacl comments have been recived on the
functionality which the team will be working on and sharing - GMH UAT migration & testing 5/6 - 5/8
revised build on 04/30/19 - Live on production 5/9
04/30/19 :: - GMH smoke testing 5/10
- Go live date wk of May 13th
1. The NPP feedback comments on the program request
will be completed and available for review on 05/02/19
2. The NPP feedback comments on the PDF invite will be
completed and available for review on 05/01/19
05/01/19 ::
1. The NPP fedback comments on PDF invite was
incorporated and shared for review.
05/02/19 ::
1. The NPP program request form has been moved to stage
and we will be sharing teh analysis with the GMH team
today with PPT deck
05/15/19:: The NPP functionality has been pushed to pre
18 prod
4/25 Touchbase on status of Speaker Topic Report
4/29 on stage for review
04/15/19 :: Development initiated
04/18/19 :: Dev team is performing QA on the report,
onece cleared it will be moved to stage
04/23/19 :: The report was released on stage for review,
Speaker Topic Report High Enhancement Melissa 29/Apr/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
however we have received feedback and the team is
currently working on the same.
04/25/19 :: The report has been released after
implementing the feedback comments
04/26/19 :: As Jessica is on leave the review of the report
19 and golive approval is on hold from Actelion's end
wk of 4/8 speaker status updated
1. Deactivation reason is getting enlisted within the speaker
utilization report and the update has been moved to stage
Speaker list cleanup High Enhancement Melissa 29/Apr/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod 04/29/19 :: There were bugs identified while review of the wk of 4/15 2017-2018 to be archived
activity and thus these would be available on 04/30 on stage for 4/29 on stage for review
revie wby GMH team
05/02/19 :: We need to discuss the archieve of report for
20 deactivated and deleted topic
21 Program Allocation Report High New Report Melissa 6/May/19 TBD Actelion Prod 04/15/19 :: Development initiated
-ASPEN File need to be shared weekly
RADAR File Feed A2K19Q1-247 High Enhancement Dipesh TBD TBD Actelion Discovery
22 - weekly lag needs to be removed
04/12/19 :: DCT hared the ASPEN file with the field value and
business rules enlisted -ASPEN File need to be shared weekly
ASPEN File Feed A2K19Q1-248 High Enhancement Dipesh TBD TBD Actelion Discovery
04/15/19 :: Kept on hold based on email communication from - weekly lag needs to be removed
23 Dipesh
04/22/19 : Due date was shared for the feedback comment to
release the item on stage
Program Allocation Functionality A2K19Q1-289 High Enhancement Melissa 26/Apr/19 TBD Actelion Hold 06/10/19 : The update has been scrapped and will not be
moving to production. Instead the new allocation functionality is
24 being developed currently
04/26/19 :: As Jessica is on leave the review of the report and
MSL Task Clean Up A2K19Q1-269 High Enhancement Melissa 25/Apr/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
25 golive approval is on hold from Actelion's end
04/26/19 :: A mock up was created and shared for internal
approval. The team will be initiating development on 04/29/19
05/07/19 :: The TAF functionality is available on stage for
review. DCT team to share analysis on the same
05/08/19 :: While review it was identified that there are
additional issues and thus we request you to not review it yet
TAF A2K19Q1-110 High Enhancement Melissa 17/May/19 TBD Actelion Prod and we will have it for your review tomorrow AM
05/09/19 :: The TAF document functionality has been deployed
on stage site and is available for review
05/14/19 :: The revised teimline for incorporation of feedback
comment is 05/17/19
05/17/19 :: Feedback comments were incorporated and shared
26 for review.
27 Deactivation Topic High Maintenance Melissa 6/May/19 Actelion Prod
05/07/19 :: DCT team is currently evaluating the request and get
back with an ETA
05/08/19 :: The feedback comment will be available for review
NPP Program Series Removal from
A2K19Q1-338 High Maintenance Melissa 9/May/19 Actelion Prod on 05/09
Multi Select
05/09/19 :: The request is completed and shared on stage for
28 05/15/19 :: The update has been pushed to pre prod
05/08/19 ::
a) The mock up will be presented to the team for review today.
b) Feedbacks has been received the revised mock up will be
shared by 05/09
c) The revised mock up has been shared for review
Program Allocation Functionality V2 A2K19Q1-337 High Enhancement Melissa 19/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
05/15/19 :: Jessica to get the mock up reviwed by other Actelion
stake holders and upon approval we will be going ahead with
05/23/19 :: Approval has been received on the mock up and the
29 development team will be shortly sharing the ETA
05/08/19 :: The revised zip to terr will be available on 05/9 on
stage for review
05/09/19 ::
a) The revised zip to terr has been moved to stage site for
review. The team will be sharing an analysis for the same on
Revised Zip to Terr Mapping Austin 05/09/19
High Maintenance Melissa 9/May/19 Actelion Prod
& Jersey City b) Bug was identified while review and thus the release is not
yet ready for GMH freview. DCT will be sharing revised build on
c) The report is now available for review on the stage site
05/15/19 :: The update has been moved to pre prod
30 environment
05/15/19 :: The update has been moved to pre prod
A2K19Q1-340 High Enhancement Melissa 14/May/19 Actelion Prod
31 Update Regional Coordinators environment
05/10/19 :: The development team has initiated the
development and shared sample file for reviee and feedback
05/15/19 :: The shell manifest update is on stage but is currently
Update Shell Manifest A2K19Q1-339 High Enhancement Melissa 16/May/19 Actelion Prod
under internal review
05/17/19 :: Shell Manifest updates have been moved to pre
32 prod
Addition of Optional Meeting
Services, hide the cost from High Enhancement Melissa 27/May/19 Actelion Prod
33 coordinator review
34 HCP Type Mapping Table Setup A2K19Q1-346 Medium Enhancement Melissa 11/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
PAH Disease Education needs to be
updated to Disease Education
A2K19Q1-348 Medium Enhancement Melissa 16/May/19 Actelion Prod 05/17/19 :: The update has been moved to stage for review
Specialty GLOBALLY throughout
35 Ignite.
Speaker Utilization Report (Melissa’s
sample attached).

a. We need to hide dollar amounts

from RSM, DM, KAM, & rep users
who have access to this report.
Create a sales speaker utilization for
them if you are unable to hide
certain columns from their view 05/15/19 :: The spekare Utilization report will be update so that
(hide column L, M, N from RSM, DM, A2K19Q1-349 Medium Enhancement 15/May/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod excel gets downloaded with cell format set as number for
KAM & reps – I highlighted these columns that have numeric values
columns in grey)

b. We need to have two separate

columns for speaker first name,
speaker last name (please refer to
Hassan Alhousaini as an example,
which I manually updated on my
36 attached report)
Speaker Topic Report (Melissa’s
sample attached).

a. update the report name

to “Speaker utilization activity by
topic report”

b. the columns need to be

05/10/19 :: The feedback comments have been implemented
regrouped, so topics are together A2K19Q1-350 Medium Enhancement Melissa 10/May/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
and released on stage for review
(please refer to my sample report
for re-ordering columns D-O)

i. I also added
columns for Disease Ed Specialty &
NPP which need to be grouped
together, if selected on the multi-
37 select
Add to Speaker Profiles the
following ratings:

b. Average rep rating (YTD)

A2K19Q1-351 Medium Enhancement Melissa 27/May/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
current year only

c. Average attendee rating

38 (YTD) current year only
05/21 :: The archiving of report activity has been completed and
Removal and Archiving of Report A2K19Q1-352 Medium Maintenance Melissa 22/May/19 Actelion Prod
39 moved to stage
Program Allocation Tracker
A2K19Q1-347 Medium Enhancement Melissa 16/May/19 Actelion Prod
40 Log/Audit Trail
Medpro Analysis for Multiple State
Medium Maintenance Melissa DCT Backlog
41 License Number
Generation of report to list out all
Medium Enhancement Melissa 12/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
42 pending training tasks
43 Archieve of Attendee Report High Enhancement Melissa 23/May/19 Actelion Prod
Speaker Status & Searchable
High Enhancement Melissa 28/May/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
44 Functionality
45 Linked Program Switch Functionality High Enhancement Melissa 23/May/19 Actelion Prod
46 Speaker & Venue Edit Medium Enhancement Melissa 22/May/19 Actelion Prod
Speaker Activity Report update to
Add boxes around cells and headers Medium Enhancement Melissa 24/May/19 20/Jun/19 GMH Prod
MSL Task Clean Up: DCT update
verbiage to“ confirm you wish to
remove the task for <PAH
Roundtable>(task you are
removing)”. JY comments didn’t
want to test so you can review her
feedback: “Tried to remove RT task
from task bar, clicked “ok” for Medium Enhancement Melissa 29/May/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
Michael Pritchett and task remained
on screen for Sonja. Clicked back on
training page and remove task –
need to add confirmation of removal
before removing the task from the
profile ex: “confirm you wish to
48 remove this task
Make the “Tracking Program and
HCP Report” also
visible/downloadable to the
following users:
A2K19Q1-436 Medium Enhancement 22/May/19 Melissa 24/May/19 Actelion Prod

49 DMs
Hide the meeting summary from the
program details page only for the
Disease Ed Specialty programs.
Medium Enhancement Melissa 30/May/19 Actelion Prod
Also, for the HCP Tracking Report,
show NA for remaining meeting
count for Disease Ed Speacility
50 programs.
PAH Roundtable Training
Medium Enhancement 3/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
51 Completion Email Notification
Speaker Honorarium Tracking
Medium Enhancement 14/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 GMH Prod
52 Report Update
I have been working in the financial
reports and noticed that a rejected
program status includes a GMH
program fee. Since a rejected
program isn’t even considered an
event, can you please make sure Medium Enhancement 11/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
these have a $0 GMH program fee.
I have manually updated those that I
saw for my reporting purposes
today. Moving forward please have
53 them reflect $0 program fees.
PAH Roundtable Virtual Training
Update to play video in
adjacent tab and to ensure
that signature capture takes High Enhancement Melissa 4/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
place without any challenges
in case of session time out.
1. Remove column AJ “Honoraria
Amount” from the speaker program
status report
2. Correct the financial report to pull
the estimated amounts that are
current for the 2019 speaker FMV
High Maintenance Nadine 14/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
a) Currently the estimated
honorarium is being pulled from the
old FMV rate
b) The estimated honorarium should
55 also be pulled from old FMV rate
Addition of New Territory for
High Maintenance Melissa 13/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
56 Scheduling Web events for NPP
Program Expense Estimated Amount
High Maintenance Nadine 12/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
57 Update from Front end
NPP webcast events ONLY should
match the max spend cap the same
as SB programs.
When an NPP web program type is
selected can you have the meal
amounts reflect the following
High Maintenance Nadine 13/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod

Snacks: $15.00
Breakfast: $35.00
58 Dinner: $40.00
These two series should be removed
from the SOW vs. Actual SOW report
in Ignite.
High Maintenance Melissa 7/Jun/19 DCT Prod
Navigating PAH Pathways 2019
Disease Ed Specialty Programs 2019
Update of Actual honorarium
High Maintenance Nadine 17/Jun/19 20/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
60 amount other than the FMV rates
SOW VS Actual Report Updates
1. Archive of old program series High Maintenance Nadine 21/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
61 2. Multi Select for Program name
62 Update Speaker as Attendee Trigger High Maintenance Nadine 26/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
1. Confirmation message to validate
that the check box is being
unselected to remove training
information of the speaker.
2. Extract of report with data of any High Maintenance Nadine 24/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
other speaker who has a training
date associated but check box
unselected to determine if the
63 training information needs to be
included back.
PAH Virtual Chat Series High Maintenance 1/Jul/19 Actelion Prod


Existing Speaker Nomination Process

High Maintenance DCT Backlog
Ability to update Signature selection
from Meal to No Meal and vuce High Maintenance 24/Jun/19 Actelion Prod

Edit Event for topic, spekaer or

High Maintenance Actelion Prod
venue update

New Speaker Nomination Process

High Maintenance DCT Backlog

Weekly Report Update High Maintenance DCT Dev

Update in Honorarium Tracking
report to include PAH Virtual Chat High Maintenance Actelion Prod
Series. Also the report needs to have
70 the data presented in the order
defined by Nadine
Updated Program Allocation
High Maintenance 26/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
Funcationality Report

TAM PDF Invite Update High Maintenance 26/Jun/19 Actelion Prod

Home office Funcation update to
the home office entry so that
multiple entries for the same High Maintenance 17/Jul/19 GMH Prod
expense type will be accepted? Then
it should work for me to combine
73 the two PAH Roundtable consulting
Update NPP Slide Decks to Current
High Maintenance 26/Jun/19 Actelion Prod

Rejected programs to not appear in

High Maintenance 28/Jun/19 Actelion Prod
speaker history as pending program

Block users after 5 failed attempts High Maintenance 9/Jul/19 Actelion Prod


Conversion of cell format into

High Maintenance 12/Aug/19 GMH Stage
Unable to Close out Program
without Selecting specialty for no High Maintenance 12/Jul/19 Actelion Prod
During Medpro validation system
should not update value if the High Maintenance 12/Aug/19 GMH Stage
response sent by Medpro included
79 NA as value
Add a pop up with 100 mile business
rule when a live NPP or PSP program High Maintenance 15/Aug/19 DCT Dev
is selected. Add an Auto generated
80 me that will be just sent to Melissa
& Nadine if a location is less than
100 milesUtilization Reportsaddress.
of the speakers -
High Maintenance 7/Aug/19 GMH Stage
Additional Columns/Data needed

On Hold Speaker Utilization for

High Maintenance DCT Backlog
Different Program Series

Adding Alerts for government

High Maintenance 16/Aug/19 DCT Backlog
GMH Hotsheet
Delivery Delivery Change
Request Requeste Current
No Job Name Jira Ticket Priority Type Date Date Control RAG Current Status Key Next Steps Comments
Date d By Owner
Stage Production Number
1 Helsinn NJ Guideline H2K19Q1-80 High Maintenance 14/May/19 Cynthia 17/May/19 TBD DCT ON HOLD
2 New Valchlor Meeting Topic High Maintenance 15/May/19 Cynthia 14/May/19 TBD GMH Prod
3 Rep Evaluation H2K19Q1-55 High Maintenance Cynthia 3/May/19 TBD GMH Prod
For No Show attendees Validation
message should not be thrown at H2K19Q1-65 Medium Maintenance 29/Mar/19 Cynthia TBD TBD GMH Prod
4 the time of attendee finalization
5 Email Notification 9/May/19 Cynthia 30/May/19 GMH On Stage
6 SOW V/S Actual Report Update Medium Maintenance 2/May/19 Cynthia 7/May/19 8/May/19 GMH Prod
7 Home Office Programs 2/May/19 Cynthia ON HOLD
8 Check on New Sign in Sheet H2K19Q1-89 14/May/19 Cynthia 22/May/19 TBD GMH Prod
9 Speaker Profile Financial Detail Tab H2K19Q1-100 28/May/19 Cynthia TBD TBD GMH On Stage
10 Akynzeo program meal cost update Cynthia TBD TBD DCT On Stage
Speaker Program Status Report
11 Multi Select & Archiving
Potential Items for Helsinn
Delivery Delivery Change
Request Requeste Estimated Days for Current
No Job Name Jira Ticket Priority Type Date Date Control RAG Current Status Key Next Steps Comments
Date d By Stage Delivery Owner
Stage Production Number
1 Program Allocation Functionality
2 Multi Select feature for Report
3 Archiving of Report
Event Cancellation Reason and Tracking
4 in Status Report
5 Edit Speaker & Venue
6 Password Reset Strength Validation
7 Optional Meeting Services Update
Speaker List Clean Up - Activation &
8 Searchability
Speaker Report Clean Up
1. Speaker Detail Report
2. Speaker Utilization Report
10 Attende Evaluation Report Update
11 Rep Evaluation Report Update
Speaker Average Rating on the basis of
12 Attendee & Rep Evaluation
13 Deactivation of Cross Over Speaker
GMH Hotsheet
Delivery Change
Delivery Curren
Request Requeste Estimated Days Date Control
No Job Name Jira Ticket Priority Type Date t RAG Current Status Key Next Steps Comments
Date d By for Stage Delivery Productio Numbe
Stage Owner
n r
1 Attendee Degree Widget Enhancement 14/May/19 Gagan TBD TBD Backlog
2 Automated Emails Enhancement 13/May/19 Nadine TBD TBD Backlog
3 Ignite Color Pallete & Theme Enhancement 14/May/19 Gagan TBD TBD Backlog
GMH Hotsheet
No Job Name Jira Ticket Priority Type Request Date Requested By Comments Current status
Would you please create an account for the follow person:
1 New Hire - Patricia Russillo H2K19Q1-90 High Request 5/15/2019 Vicki Done on Production

2 Patricia Russillo

3 Territory: 110107 Manhattan South

4 Region: 110100 North East Region
Manager: Sean Fishbein
email: Patricia.russillo@

Please check to see if the following people have an account….I noticed the system still shows their territory as "vacant"

Stuart Hunt
Territory: 110209 Birmingham
Region: Gulf Coast - 110200
Manager: Richard Ross


17 Tracie Whitley

18 Territory: 110505 Raleigh Durham

19 Region: Mid-Atlantic - 110500

20 Manager: William Barnard


22 Scott Vance
Territory: 110706 Omaha
Region: South Central - 110700
Manager: Bruce Mrachek
GMH Hotsheet
No Job Name Jira Ticket Priority Type Request Date Requested By Comments Current Status
1 Enter Manual Honoraria for TAM 4279 A2K19Q1-353 High Request 5/8/2019 Nadine Can you please enter ½ payment of $350 onto TAM program 4279 please? Done on Production
I am not able to add speaker Johnie Piper to program 4346. She should be an active TAM speaker,
although she was a PAH/TAM Crossover speaker last year she is only a TAM speaker this year.

2 4346 - Can't add TAM Speaker A2K19Q1-354 High Request 5/8/2019 Nadine I cannot activate Johnie Piper in TAM and therefore cannot add her as the speaker for program 4346. Can Done on Production
you look into why I am not able to activate this speaker and also add her to program 4346?

4248 Program: please change Meal

3 type from Lunch In office to NO Meal in office A2K19Q1-370 High Request 5/10/2019 Nadine Can you please update program 4248 meal type from lunch to no meal in office program. Done on Production

Could you please add the following new TM into Ignite?

Rep Name: Fatima Branch
4 New Sales Rep Creation A2K19Q1-364 High Request 5/10/2019 Nadine Position: TM - Richmond, VA (00295) Done on Production
DM: Mandy Wills

I have a few additional updates to training tasks to request, can you please add or remove the following
5 MSL - Speaker update changes in IGNITE A2K19Q1-374 High Request 5/13/2019 Nadine Done on Production
tasks for the speakers/MSLs listed below
The entire financial estimate section on the
program details page for program 4282 is
6 4282 Missing Financials in Program Details Page A2K19Q1-373 High Request 5/13/2019 Nadine Done on Production
missing, we are unable to enter and check
data for this program.

We are only able to search for speaker, Juan Alejos by utilizing the top search only. We cannot search for
7 Unable to Search Speaker - Alejos A2K19Q1-385 High Request 5/13/2019 Nadine Done on Production
him under the speaker search section.

Can you change 4265 to a breakfast meal meeting? Also, both Dan Mai and Lisa Gaughan are Actelion
8 Please close ID: 4265 Title: PAH Roundtables OPSUMIT A2K19Q1-385 High Request 5/14/2019 Kathy Done on Production
employees. Can you move them to that field without loosing their signature?

We have been informed that speaker, Michelle Gooch will not be active any longer.
9 Remove/Add Training Tasks A2K19Q1-395 High Request 5/16/2019 Nadine Can you please remove the training task for her on her MSL, Done on Production
Sonja Grooms-Smith’s dashboard please?
need change
to add the
the status of topic
Uptravi program
for 4227 back
Zeenat to completed as the program is closed
10 Change Status of 4227 A2K19Q1-401 High Request 5/16/2019 Nadine and has not been reconciled yet. Done on Production

There is no submit button appearing to reconcile program 4227. See the screen shot below.
11 No submit button appearing to reconcile program 4227 A2K19Q1-410 High Request 5/16/2019 Nadine Can you look into this and make it so we can submit the reconciliation? Done on Production

Can you please add the RT Video training tasks for the following two speakers. Their MSLs are indicated
12 Adding PAH RT Video Tasks A2K19Q1-429 High Request 5/17/2019 Nadine below. Done on Production

Charles Gallegos-Alen Dezia-PAH RT Training Videos

Can you change program 4291 from rep Brad Brandenburg
Therese Sargent-Alen Dezia-PAH RT Training Videos
over to Maryna Zheleznyak?
13 Change Rep on program 4291 A2K19Q1-418 High Request 5/17/2019 Nadine Done on Production
I would need you to move the Uptravi program allocation over
We Brad to Maryna as well
to cancel since4259
program I cannot
anddo thatthe
select as the program
is currently
reason fromaligned to Brad and
the dropdown thespeaker
as the systemiswon’t allow
the one me to
whom make the
canceled the program.
Can youwithout havingselection
add another available“Speaker
Cancelled” please?
Also, for program 4259 the PC has informed me that this needs to be cancelled
14 Cancellation Reasons / Program 4259 A2K19Q1-385 High Request 5/20/2019 Nadine Done on Production
by speaker and that the program date should have been 5/16/19.
Can you update the date to 5/16/19?
I went ahead and changed the program to a cancelled status, however when the
new selection is available please advise so that I can update the reason in the program.

15 Change 4261 to Dinner In Office A2K19Q1-425 High Request 5/20/2019 Nadine Can you please update program 4261 to a Dinner in office please. Done on Production

Can you also please update program 4265 from Breakfast OUT of office to IN Office please?
16 Change Meal on 4265 A2K19Q1-385 High Request 5/20/2019 Nadine Done on Production










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