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Montessori Internationales Ausbildungszentrum e. V.

(abgekürzt MIA)
AMI-Trainerin Maria Roth
Espenstraße 1 a . 80935 München . Tel. 089/3541752

Bitte 2 Fotos
Please two photographs
Internationaler Lehrgang in Montessori-Pädagogik
AMI Primary Course
für das Entwicklungsalter von 3 bis 6 Jahren

Name /family name Dunja

Vorname/given name Kojić

Geburtsort/place of birt Sremska Mitrovica

Geburtsland/country of birth Serbia

Geburtsdatum/date of birth 28/11/1984

Nationalität/nationality serbian

Sprachkenntnisse/language ability english, french

Berufsausbildung/professional education kindergarten teacher

Gegenwärtige Beschäftigung/actual job kindergarten teacher with children with

special needs aged 3 to 7 years old; from July, I will work as an au pair girl

Anschrift des Bewerbers/adress of the applicant Kajmakčalanska 23, 21480 Srbobran,


Telefon/phone number 00381 65 61 200 81


Bitte Lebenslauf und die dazugehörenden Dokumente zur Berufsausbildung in Kopie

beilegen./Please add your CV and a copy of your professional education.
Bitte überweisen Sie die Anmeldegebühr von 50 €/ Please remit an amount of 50 € for
registration: Raiffeisenbank München Nord eG, Number: 100213110, BLZ 701 694 65
IBAN DE 65 7016 9465 0100 2131 10 BIC GENODEFIM08

Ort/Datum Unterschrift

*** CV ***
My name is Dunja Kojić.
I finished Grammar school "Laza Kostić" in Novi Sad. 2003/04 school
year I enrolled in French language and literature at theUniversity of
Novi Sad. My choice of faculty is not accidental, as I have been from
childhood interested in foreign languages. This interest is still going on, and I
use every opportunity to meet some new language. At one time I
was learning Hebrew, during my schooling - English and French, and at
the faculty, next to the main French language, I attended Italian, Spanish, Latin, and
Romanian language. I am pleased to use it. I hold private classes of French and
Spanish language, in the Jewish Community of Novi Sad for all concerned. I am very
happy that I can pass my knowledge, and progress.

I like to read and to write.

In the meantime, I started to attend Faculty for preschool children. I’m not still finish,
but I will in October 2011 (In october I will attach a copy of my professional
education’s diploma).

I have experience in working with (small) children. I love all children very much. I
volunteer in an NGO (non-governmental organisation), which brings together
children with disabilities. I currently work at a school for children with disabilities. I
have a group of preschool children.

During my schooling, while working with children, too, I began to interest in

Montessori pedagogy. I was reading the book about Maria Montessori, Montessori
method, Montessori filosophy... Because of that, I finish Montessori training, basic
course. But this diploma is recognized only in my country, in Serbia. Infortunately, in
Serbia still desn’t exist official Montessori programm, in working with children. There
are many schools with Montessori materials. In my school, there are only Montessori
room, with original Montessori material (from „Nienhuis“). In this room, I work with
children aged 7 to 11 years old. Our children are only children with disabilities. Many
of Montessori materials, teachers makes for children (like cards), for example: horse
body parts, fish body parts, seasons...). Children like very much to came in
Montessori room, and play with different Montessori materials.

From July, I will come in Switzerland, in Geneva. I wil take care a children. I will work
like au pair girl, in one host family.

I will be nice to became your student this year (2011/12). I’m very, very interesdet in
Montessori education. I think that Montessori education is very well education. I
believe that everyone should invest in himself, to advance professionally.

I see myself as an Montessori teacher, who works in one well Montessori school,
anywhere in the world.

My photos:
I‘ m looking forward to see you. Best regards.

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