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Quarter 1 – Week 4 – Day 1

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard – Demonstrate understanding of various linguistic nodes to comprehend various text.
B. Performance Standard: Uses linguistic cues to effectively construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of
C. Learning Competencies:
1. ENGRC – Id-6.8 – 6.9 – Analyze figures of speech (simile and metaphor)
2. ENGA – Id – 16: Observe politeness at all times

II. Subject matter: Using Figurative Language: Simile and Metaphor

III. References: 1. English Encounters : Reading 6, pages 37-38

2. English Spectrum 6: Language & Reading, pages 68-71

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparation: Let the class identify if the given sentences/phrases use HYPERBOLE or IRONY.
1. I am sleepy I could sleep for a year.
2. Oh, how soft! This tastes like the real marble.
3. Rina is so beautiful that she could star in a horror movie.

B. Presentation:
1. Present and discus using figurative language – Simile and Metaphor
SIMILE – is the comparison of two unlike things or objects by noting some resemblance between them. It
uses the words like or as.

Ex. He was like an ant doing things even on a Sunday.

The water was a shiny as crystals falling from above.

Discussion: Who and what are being compared in sentences 1and 2? What expression is used to show
the comparison in sentence 1? In sentence 2?

METAPHOR – is similar to simile, but it does not use the words like or as. It is another kind of comparison
that is implied rather than directly stated.

Ex. 1. Some people say that he was a walking encyclopedia

2. Grandpa is now a father to me.

Discussion: What does it mean when a person is described as the walking encyclopedia? In what
particular person is Grandpa compared to?

2. Show other examples for discussion:

1. I wandered lonely as a cloud.
2. My love’s like a red, red rose
3. My baby brother walks like a newborn puppy.

1. Wind is a ghost
That whirls and turns

2. You are a tulip seen today.

But dearest, of so short a stay.

3. Fixing Skills: Let the children do Activity 1, page 69 (English Spectrum 6)

V. Evaluation: Read each sentence carefully. Write S if the sentence is a SIMILE & M – if the sentence is

1. The food melts like butter in my mouth.

2. My sister is such a foxy lady.
3. Our teacher is a real Iceberg.
4. Fireflies are like tiny electric light shining in the night.
5. The sun was like a branding iron on my back.

VI. Assignment: Form groups of 4. Write/construct a 3 – line 4-stanza poem using simile and metaphor.

Quarter 1 – Week 4 – Day 2

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard: Demonstration understanding that words are composed of different parts to know that their
meaning changes depending in context.
B. Performance Standard: Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context.
C. Learning Competency:
1. ENGV – Id – 12.3.2: Infer Meaning Using Context Clues

II. Subject Matter: Context Clues and Other Vocabulary Strategies

III. References:
1. English Encounters: Reading 6, page 35
2. English Spectrum 6 Language & Reading, pages 19-21

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparation: Have a short drill by giving synonyms for the given words
- Lovely - tiny
- Huge - intelligent
- Sad - funny
- Clean - lazy

B. Presentation:
1. Ask them: What do we usually consult when we come across a very difficult word? How does a
dictionary help in all readers?
2. Tell class that one way of greeting a meaning of difficult words is through context clues.
CONTEXT CLUES – are the surrounding words which give meaning to a particular word.
3. 1. Read the lines from a poem:
A. Storm, blow me from here
With your fiercest wind.
 What words in the line can give you a clue of what a storm is?

2. They are hospitable individuals since they treat visitors will and try to attend to their needs.
 Can you identify the meaning of the word “hospitable” by simply looking at the other
words in the sentence?
4. Discuss the strategies of knowing the meaning of a word used in context.
- By defining the word
- By giving a synonym and antonym
- By comparing the word with a word we already know.
- By contrasting or giving the antonym of a word.
- By giving examples or illustrations.

5. Perform the activity: Encircle the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence:
1. The crew was composed of a group of people working in the ship.
2. The impact of the waves was the force they couldn’t stop.
3. The unconscious lady was not aware of the commotion.
4. The soldier was conferred for his bravery; he was given a medal.

V. Evaluation: Identify the meaning of the underlined words.

1. The enormous eyes of the animal search for his prey. (small, large, long)

2. The creepy house was abandoned by its occupants long time ago. (frightening, awesome, magnificent)

3. Our family severed their affiliations to the club last year. (agreement, argument, connection)

4. He was known to be a benevolent mayor because of his timely donation to the needy.
(selfish, unkind, charitable)

5. The wound on his chest looked total. (harmless, safe, deadly)

Quarter 1 – Week 4 – Day 3

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
B. Performance Standard: Uses the correct function of verbs and their functions in various discourse.
C. Learning Competency:
1. ENGG – Id-3.3: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures – aspects of
verbs (Present Perfect tense of the Verb)

II. Subject Matter: Aspects of the Verb – Present Perfect Tense of the Verb

III. References:
1. English Spectrum 6, Language and Reading 6, pp. 59-64
2. Across Boarders Through Language

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparation: Review on the simple tenses of the verb by writing the correct verb on the blank.
1. She (drink) _________________ milk everyday.
2. They (harvest) ______________ vegetables last month.
3. Romina (cook) ______________ food for the visitors this coming Tuesday.

B. Presentation:
1. Have them read the conversation below:
Ana: Have you seen my sister, Tasha? I have looked for her almost everywhere.
Roland: Yes, I have. She has just come from the shooting gallery. May I know why you’re looking for her?
Ana: Our aunt has arrived. She has just planed in Singapore and has asked me and Joshua to pick her up
from the airport.

2. Analysis and Discussion:

 Focus their attention on the underlined verbs:
Have seen has come has asked
Have looked has arrived

 Explain that the verbs are in the present perfect tense

Present Perfect Tense – shows an action that began in the past and has just been completed or is still
happening up to the moment.

It uses: have or has + past participle of the verb

 Study other examples:

I have recorded a song since 9:00 this morning.
Allen has waited for his sister since four o’clock.
Mother has baked cakes for Christmas for two years

3. Fixing Skills: Rewrite the sentences by using the present perfect tense
1. Some children (recite) ________ the poem well.
2. Our parents (speak) ___________ to us about respect and honesty.
3. They (applaud) _______________ the participants after the program.

4. Generalization: What does the present perfect tense of the verb denote?

V. Evaluation: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense.

1. Nancy (write) ____________________ poems and short stories.

2. The boys and girls (prepare) _________________ their dance number.
3. William (send) ______________ a letter to his friend.
4. Mother (sweep) _____________ the floor.
5. Father (accept) _____________ a teaching job in Sulu.

VI. Assignment: Compose a paragraph about the things they do during weekends. Use the present perfect tense of the

Quarter 1 – Week 4 – Day 4

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard: Demonstrate understanding of text types to listen for different purpose from a variety of
B. Performance Standard: Analyzes text types to effectively understand information/messages
C. Learning Competency:
1. ENGLC – Id-2.11.1, 2.11.2; 2.11.3: Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose.

II. Subject Matter: Speaker’s Tone, Mood, and Purpose

III. Reference: Developing Reading Power 6, pp. 96-97

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparation: Have a short drill on the use of the present perfect tense. Write the answer on the blank.
1. Many children (bring) _____________ cleaning materials.
2. She (pay) ____________ their electric bills.
3. The baby (cry) ___________ hard.

B. Presentation
1. Unlock the given words: global warming
Greenhouse effect

2. Setting Standards for Silent Reading

3. Motive question: What causes global warming?

C. Silent Reading of the Selection: Global warming on page 96.

D. Answering of the Motive question: What causes global warming

E. Comprehension Check-Up:
1. What does global warming
2. What are the effects of global warming on Earth?
3. How can we save Mother Earth from the threat of global warming?

F. Fixing Skills: Discuss the author’s Tone, Mood & Purpose of writing such selection.
Discuss or emphasize the following:
Tone – refers to the writer’s attitude toward the topic or subject
Mood – refers to the emotions that the readers feel upon reading the story.
Purpose – it refers to the author’s reason for writing a story or a poem.

V. Evaluation: Present various selections from any available reading materials. Let them identify the speaker’s or writers
tone, mood and purpose of writing the selection.

Quarter 1 – Week 4 – Day 5

I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard – Demonstrate understanding of the forms and conventions of print, non-print, and digital
materials to understand various viewing texts.
B. Performance Standard – Applies knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print, non-print, film and
moving texts.
C. Learning Competency:
1. ENGVC – Id-5.1.4: Describe different forms and conventions of film & moving pictures-


III. Reference: English Encounters: Reading, page 38.

IV. Procedure:
A. Preparation: Present a short selection. Have the class evaluate the tone, mood and purpose of the author in
writing the selection.

B. Presentation:
1. As the children about their most favorite actors or actresses in movie or television. Why did you so? What
attracts you most in a movie that you have watched already?

2. Present and discuss another form and convention of Film and Stage Plays:
CHARACTERIZATION – is the profile of character in a story.
- It is the unique combination of good and bad qualities that make the specific persona distinct from
another. It is the job of actors/actresses to give life to the characterization of the actor/actresses

3. Group Activity: Form three groups. Select any movie/telenovela that they have watched already. Discuss
or explain the following questions:
a. Who is your favorite movie character?
b. Why is this character your favorite?
c. What is the name of the actor/actresses who portrayed the role?
d. Do you think the actor/actresses was able to portray the role effectively?
e. If you were given the chance to portray that role in a movie, what would you do differently?

4. Group presentation and discussion of their answers.

V. Evaluation: Role-play on the various role of family members as Father, Mother, son, daughter or the youngest child. Be
able to characterize each role in the best way you can.


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