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A girls levels of attraction: pre-approach - approach - post-approach/dating/relationship

When you approach, you are not trying to win approval. You are there to gauge interest. You
have no chance with a girl who's attraction level is under a 5 initially.

Pre approach: Make eye contact and smile:

---0 - not interested ---

Not paying attention to you

Not making eye contact
---1 - interested ---
Makes eye contact

Makes eye contact and smiles***

Looks back at you
Checking you out


---0 - not interested ---

~Not paying attention to you

~Not facing you
If makes eye contact and looks to the side or away
---1 - interested ---

Facing you

Looking at you
Looking you in the eye

makes eye contact and If looks down and back up

Smiles are you

Staring at you

Post-Approach/Dating and Relationships:

0: will not make eye contact

1: makes eye contact but looks away

2: avoids you
3: bad body language. Turned away in the escape position.
4: difficult to talk to. Does not ask for your name. Doesn't remember who you are when you call.
If she tests you when setting a date to call back and confirm, and you do the takeaway and she
still won't commit to your date. Tries to change date plans. Won't agree to a specific date or time.
Call back to confirm if first time. Cancels without bringing up rescheduling. Too busy, don't have
time, need to find myself, etc. Doesn't ask for your name. Gives you one word answers. Breaks
date at the last minute with wishy excuses. Breaks dates.
5: asks for your name. Easy to talk to. Interested in what you have to say. Makes good eye
contact. Will probably give you her contact info. Remembers who you are when you call. If she
tests you when setting a date to call back and confirm, and you do the takeaway and she
commits to the date. Doesn't change date plans.
6: ask you questions, the more personal and enthusiastic and inquisitive the better. gives contact
info with no hesitation. Makes it easy to date. Does 80 percent of the talking.
7: making her laugh. laughs at stupid jokes. starts complimenting you and touching you.
Physically stand too close, knee bumping yours, touch your arm, playing with her hair with her
hands. Bumping into you when your walking. This is when it is DEFINITELY okay to kiss her.
Grab her and pull her in.
8: calling and pursuing you. Saying she misses you. Gives you contact info without asking. Asks
for advice about problems.
9: love starts here. Where is this going. If she says she loves you. She is very affectionate, grabs
your hand, jumps into your arms, kisses you. Wants to have her arm around you. Is all over you.
Buys you gifts, writes you notes, calls you, touching, affection, compliments, I love yous.
Approval seeking to you. Wants to make you and your desires happy

For a woman, romance is the whole experience of dating.

She must trust you first

Ways to increase attraction:

Be humorous

Actively listen - increases trust as well

Positive topics
Uplift people


Not chasing
Communicate intentions

Wondering where she stands

Making her wonder about you


Not needy

Can't have their way with

Feelings unclear

What's going to happen next

Wondering when you'll call

I think you just need to come over and kiss me already.
Build the emotional experience

Let her come to you.

Keep them wondering.

Curious and unsure of her standing

The whole experience of dating and discovering what you have planned in real time
How you ask her out when you call her on the phone and the anticipation of finding out what is
going to happen.

Invite her out don't ask her what she wants to do

Positive topics illicit positive feelings

Ways to build trust:

Understand how she thinks

Actively listen

Understand what's important to her

Make her feel certain you are in your masculine energy by being the leader and leasing things to
a successful conclusion.
Truth behind the words are more important.

Slowly reveal how you feel about her as the time goes by

Ways to decrease attraction:

Too easy
To available

Not listening

Chasing when doors are shutting

Heavy compliments in the early stages = bribing

Moves to quick sudden or aggressive


Approval seaking


Talking about your future

Talking about future dates

Talking about your accomplishments

Not able to stand up for themselves

Do not put up with her crap, believing that I am being understanding by doing so.

Body language:
Confidence; Take up space and lean back, be casual. Never lean forward when talking as if you
are absorbing her. If she leans forward, Invite her to come closer to you.
Defend what you believe/who you are. Do not show off your accomplishments... Be reserved and
make her work for it. Never be negative, never meta, always positive. Be open about who you
are. Never share or reveal any of your baggage. Never share any of your accomplishments, this
is approval seeking. If they ask, make them work for it, have fun with it.

Do not be jealous of guys looking at her... She is there for you.

The way you get her attraction level up is to be humorous, have fun, show her a good time, and
keep it positive. The more comfortable they feel and the higher their trust and attraction, the more
they will start touching you. Keep doing this until she starts bumping into you or accidently
making hand contact.
In the beginning it's about having fun and making her feel comfortable. Do not rush anything, talk
about the future. Every night is your last chance so just have a fun night with no expectations. Be
present in the moment, not in the moment. Do not plan to act in the future, even talking about the
next part of the date. It's about the feeling. Women can talk about that, but you cannot.
Have noticed women are much more inclined to go do something with how you bring it up. Have
you ever been here... Women like to see the date unfold in real time. This is why you should
never say in advance what you are planning on doing. The less she knows, the more it heightens
her anticipation and the more her attraction grows.

Corey says to do the physical activity last so it gives her the opportunity to start touching you.

Crossing the street and taking her hand is a really great way to break the touch barrier.
When you are out together, Always be humorous and fun. Never anything negative. ask great
questions. Listen intently. She should be talking 80% of the time. Drill down the why's.
If she asks you questions, respond with short funny answers, then turn it around and ask her
another question. If she reveals something under the mask, reply back with something under the
Women are aware of themselves doing nothing at this point to warrant our loyalty or admission
except to sit there and not be horrible. Women want to and must earn you. Challenges are
conquests and conquests are fun. If there are no consequences to her actions with her jerking
you around, she won't value you.
They value men with busy and dynamic lives, and they love it when we are available that we
choose to spend SOME of our free time with them, or they bring us along for the fun things we
already have planned, and share what keeps them feeling fulfilled. This is what makes them feel
BODY LANGUAGE... ALWAYS GO FOR THE KISS. This is the essence of masculine energy.
Take the risk. If you don't, everything will fall apart.
If everything is going well, at the end of the date, go in for the kiss and it must be on the lips.
Even if she hasn't really been giving you any signs. Say that you had a great time. Do not
elaborate. Leave and do not bring up going on another date. This makes her go over everything
in her head. Which raises attraction.
Chapter 19 about cats is very important.
Romance comes after the beginning parts of dating. Slowing things down is not a rejection.

No gifts unless in a relationship. She will start.

How to ask her out on a date

Get some sort of back and forth going

Ask her what her schedule looks like this week to hang out (when's the next time you're free etc)
- the point is to always ask what her availability is first.
If its a first date, never call it a date, just call it hanging out. Calling it a date can be a bit heavy
and invested.

once she tells you when she's free, set up a date and time, and place
the day of, text her saying something like "hey tonight is still good for me, how about you?"

Hey when are you free to grab a drink?

Hey when are you free to get together again?

Hey, call me later!

Hey I'd love to chat with you some more but I gotta run... What's your number?

Take aways - used when she won't make a definite date to gauge if she really wants to see
you or not.

If you re interested, come find me.

If you change mind, let me know.

Let's just do it another time.

Hey it was great hearing from you, I gotta go.

No worries, when you figure out your schedule give me a call and we'll plan something then.
Hey it sounds like your schedule is kind of up in the air. So why don't you just give me a call
when you figure out your schedule and we'll plan something then.

Great when are you free to reschedule?

I'd love to, but I already made plans, but I definitely want to see you, when are you free to get
together next?

Thank you, it was great to hear from you. I'd love to see you. When are you free to get together?
Give me a call if it doesn't work out. I'd love to see you.

Ways to verbally escalate to kissing

I think you just need to get it over with and kiss me right now
Are you just afraid that you're a lousy kisser? Because we can practise all night. And I promise
after were don't practising you'll be a great kisser.
After laughing, look her in the eyes and say "I think you're really cute" and look at her lips, and go
in for the kiss.

Let the story develop.

Treat her how you would treat a bratty little sister who, even though you give her a hard time, she
knows that deep down you really love her, but are just having a little fun.
Once you get bored with eye contact, go up and make small talk. Get her opinion or ask her a
question. She'll do the majority of the taking.
When you compliment a women, say how she makes you feel.
Walk up, read her attraction level. Try to make her laugh, get you contact info or make a date,
move on.
If a woman doesn't make plans with you after two consecutive occasions, don't bring up getting
together again. She will either bring it up or stop calling.

Don't show up looking miserable

If she changes plans in you, do the take away. Okay we can do something another time, let me
know when you're free to get together.
Friends don't pay for eachother... It gives off the dating/relationship vibe.

Naughty lines:

Are you a good kisser? Prove it.

Come over and seduce me

If they are beautiful:

Only into males who don't treat me like I'm the best thing that's happened in his life.

It's a challenge and more exciting and appealing when a guy isn't drooling all over me.

Masculine energy:

Setting the tone
Execution of dates

Purpose in life


Direction and mission in life

Breaking through barriers
Penetrates the world in every way
Does not back down from feminine energy.
Has integrity in thought feeling and action

Playful and teasing and banter

Undoes everything about her. She cannot control you.
She cannot sway you from your purpose.
Good wardrobe

Hygiene habits
Money on lockdown

Sacrifice everything to protect her.

Weakness is sharing feelings.

Do what makes you look confident, not weak. Always be positive

This is something which really helped me grow
Everything you do is a reflection of your character.

Masculine energy gives hope and certainty when it's at its core

Feminine energy:

Opens up to receive love and presence

Preoccupied with bonding

Relationship labels that lead to a sense of security and comfort.

Penetrated in every way by men

They want to be noticed

They want to get your attention - it means the world to them.

They want to feel you, in everything. In understanding. She wants to break down your barriers.

She wants it when she wants it though.

She wants to hear you say "it was really good hearing from you. She loves being affirmed. She
wants to be acknowledged in everything she does.

Listen to her problems, don't solve them.

Women want to be understood.

Wants you to open her up.

Wants you to know everything already

If you really care enough to tear down her boundaries.

Talking positively about other guys, saying they are really nice - means get your shit together. I
have others lined up.

You are failing at making me happy - you are failing at giving me your presence (you are being
weak, uncentered, not telling care of business) and love, therefore I'm shutting down: stopped
kissing, touching, sex. Doesn't seem happy to see you. A little bitchy.
Make dates happen in as few steps as possible.

If she says she liked you, she will still find you physically attractive

If she is jerking you around, don't do anything. Don't call, don't text.
If she is unwilling to make dates with you, walk away.

At the end of the date, say "call me later"

Always playful banter when she asks you questions

She cannot ever get under your akin

Attributes I need


Strength of character
Unapologetic for goals
Radical honesty without apology or compromise.

Display affection
Verbally tell her how you feel about her

Become great at being you

General Notes

All intimate relationships have their beginnings as casual love affairs, which simply never ended.
Girls also don't want to screw it up

Confident men go for what they want without beating around the bush
Hey i don't normally do this but I absolutely love your vibe. Would you like to go and get some
coffee sometime?
Women are attracted to men who say what they mean and mean what they say.

Become a 10 in your heart.

Let's just have fun and see what happens

Rising is two steps forward no steps back

You can touch to much. You can initiate too much. You need to let them go and when they come
back, that's the only time you slowly reciprocate and slowly escalate.
End the first date early

We show off because we are afraid to be known as a normal person

Be honest with what you want.
Talking about a future can only be from her
If she takes her hand away, you do the same until she starts touching you again. Invites you
Women take one to two months to develop an emotional bond. Don't go out of town with them
until that point.
If you are not still romancing her. If you really did love her, you would still be romancing her. If
you really did love her, you would spend the time trying to figure out what is bothering her. You
would want to know what is really upsetting her. You would get to the root issue and let her
communicate so she feels like you really understand her.
Do you want my advice or so you just want me to listen? Well what else? How did they make
your feel? Tell me more! Repeat some of it back.
The more a woman pauses the more she is thinking about how to say something without hurting
your feelings

Will this make me look more confident and sure of myself?

Not deflating or destroying me.

A man who is excited about his future and is chasing his dreams relentlessly is very securely
intoxicating to women.
You should not hold back because you are worried about upsetting her.
There's a whole world to explore and he has no time to waste with drama. She can sit and cry by
herself or she can go out and play and have fun. He's going with or without her, because boys
are explorers and are dangerous. That's very exciting to little girls. They get to enjoy being a little
dangerous. But if there were any real danger he would spring into action and defend her to his
last breath.

Boundaries are what is okay and what is not okay

10% of the time you fuck with her in answering her questions. You make getting to know
eachother a fun playful game.
Let's go to dinner at this time and this place

You are totally capable of becoming a man

Own your masculinity, core, strength purpose and direction in life
Parents need to show love for their kids
You are already dead. Once you realize that, you stop giving a fuck about trying to save your life.
Instead you act without fear. You lose that fear of harm to yourself.

Caring what other people think is what will stop you

Take your insecurities and just drop them.

Alphas sacrifice themselves for her, for the group.

Hey I'd love to see you again, when are you free to get together?
Everytime you fuck up, it sets you back a week.
Imagine how good you are going to feel when your have this confidence. When you know
how to seduce and to treat women.

Don't pursue someone who isn't showing you a high level of attraction.
Do the opposite of what they say

It's important to know who you want to be with

It is absolutely paramount to act on your feelings and to not hold back. You think that you
have to friendzone because you think you have to follow some societal routine you were
taught. It's not true.

When you brag about your accomplishments or how much money you have or how much
success you have usually are doing that to make up for the fact that they feel insecure on the
inside. In other words they don't feel they are good enough on the inside, so they have to prove
they are good enough on the outside. Approval seeking behavior. Only talk about it when
genuinely asked, and when it's not a test.
The takeaway accomplishes establishing that you will walk away if pushed too far. If she doesn't
feel this you will never truly own her heart.
Women want you to show affection, To tell them how you feel about them. It makes them feel
You cannot talk and tease a woman into bed unless you have an unattached and fearless
charming presence.
Be charming 100% (value added)

Naughty 10%
Dangerous 10%

Teasing/goofy 10% - not affected by her beauty/fuck with them and have fun.
When she knows she can have you at any time when her attraction level is under 8 she will lose
attraction for you
If she starts backing off, you start backing off... Go back to the once a week rule.
What you did to make her fall in love with you is what you need to keep her in love with you.

Do not be a source of drama in a girls life

Ready able willing and wanting

Relationships develop naturally without force, manipulation or control.

You're inaction and not chasing is flirting
Well I don't really know you yet, but I think you're pretty neat. So let's just let things evolve
naturally and we'll see what we see

When a girl is not in love with you, gifts are seen as a bribe.
When back at your place, kiss for a few minutes, stop and back off, try again. Go a little bit
further each time. Gentle caressing, hands through the hair, back of the neck. Across the face,
back off and talk. Take your time. One little thing at a time.
You tell women through praise what it is you like and what it is you want.

Wants to make you happy because you praised her in the right way.
If you are feeling pain is because you are not giving what you should be giving. Give your

When a girl is unsure if your feelings she will put herself into your orbit.
Show a little less interest in her than she in you.
Two steps forward, one step back means you make progress, stop, let them go and let them
have their space, and resume. Slowly breaking down her barriers until she feels safe and
comfortable enough for you to have her way with you. Caressing, intermingled with the kissing
and talking opens her up emotionally. The building of her anticipation engages their

Hardest thing to do is to not keep people in your life. I've always been so willing to accept the
least amount of love.
I don't care about the consequences, I care that I acted. I'm just happy to be here with my team
and to have had this opportunity
What will you leave behind? What will your impact be? Do you even matter?

People want to see you in your pursuit of a goal.

Emotional bond happens around the month 2
Continual 6 or 7 happens around the second week

As her attraction level grows, she will open up to you more and more

Keep in touch
They emotionally respond to a guy who is strong, centered and confident. To a man they don't
think they can have their way with.

Girls who are into you will let you lead and will play along

Pulling back is a tool to gauge attraction

Anti anticipation, self consciousness, meta reference, all the same thing = not living in the
Conversation is to get passed the physical attraction. They want to discover and be discovered.
When a woman senses you need to be around her, she feels you are making her responsible for
your happiness.
You are going to get LMR - you must be aware of this and go two steps forward, one step back
Being intimate is a human thing. We embrace eachothers intimacy.

Expressing your intimacy is a way for her to feel closer to you

Whenever a girl gives you shit, she's really just flirting with you.
"Well, at some point, preferably after she just finished laughing, you can say something funny or
something cute. Then make your move."

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