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16.1 FOCUS ON THE ATMOSPHERE ✓ Absorbs heat given off by earth as well as
some solar energy
 WEATHER – constantly changing ✓ Latent Heat – helps drive many storms
 Refers to the state of atmosphere at a given time  Aerosols - tiny solid and liquid particles in the air
and place. ✓ Acts as surfaces on which water vapor can
 CLIMATE – based on observations that have been condense
accumulated over many years ✓ Can absorb, reflect, and scatter incoming solar
 “average weather” radiation
 “Climate is what you expect, but weather is what you ✓ Contribute to an optical phenomenon we all
get.” observed, the varied hues of red and orange at
 ELEMENTS – nature of weather and climate is sunrise and sunset
expressed in terms of this  Ozone – form of oxygen that combines three
 Quantities or properties that are measured oxygen atoms into each molecule
regularly ✓ Concentrated between 10 to 50
1. Air Temperature kilometers above the surface in a layer
2. Humidity called stratosphere
3. Type and Amount of Cloudiness ✓ How does it form?
4. Type and Amount of Precipitation 1. O2 splits in 2 single atoms of oxygen
5. Air Pressure when they absorb ultraviolet radiation
6. Speed and Direction of the Wind emitted by the sun
 These are interrelated meaning, a change in of the 2. Ozone is then created when single
elements will often bring about changes in the atom of oxygen and a molecule of O2
others. collide.
✓ This must happen in the presence of a
third, neutral molecule that acts as a
 AIR – mixture of many discrete gases, each with its catalyst by allowing the reaction to take
own physical properties, in which varying quantities of place without itself being consumed in the
tiny solid and liquid particles are suspended process.
 MAJOR COMPONENTS ✓ Absorbs much of the potentially harmful
 Composition of air varies from time to time and ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
from place to place  OZONE DEPLETION: A GLOBAL ISSUE
 Clean Dry Air  Ozone is vulnerable to human activities.
 Loss of ozone is a serious global-scale
environmental problem
 Most known contributor to the depletion of the
ozone layer is chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
 Montreal Protocol – eliminate the production and
use of CFC


 Atmosphere rapidly thins as you travel away from the

 Higher altitude, less pressure
 ½ of the atmosphere lies below an altitude of 5.6
 CARBON DIOXIDE – an important constituent of air
 Efficient absorber of energy emitted by Earth and
 Air temperature drops with increasing heights
thus influences the heating of the atmosphere
 4 Layers based on Temperature
 Its percentage has been rising steadily for 200
1. Troposphere
✓ Temperature decreases with an increase
 VARIABLE COMPONENTS – asides from gas, air may
in altitude (environmental lapse rate)
also contain water vapor, dust particles, and ozone.
✓ Region where air “turns over”
 Water Vapor – humidity
✓ Source of all clouds and precipitation

✓ Where all important weather phenomena ✓ Distance between Earth and Sun averages at
occur. about 150 million km.
✓ 6.5°C per km – normal lapse rate ✓ January 3 – perihelion (nearest to the sun)
✓ Radiosonde – instrument package that is ✓ July 4 – aphelion (farthest to the sun)
attached to a balloon and transmits data  WHAT CAUSES THE SEASONS?
by radio as it ascends through the  Gradual but significant change in the length of
atmosphere daylight certainly accounts for some of the
✓ Thickness varies with latitude and season difference we notice between summer and winter.
✓ Tropopause – outer boundary  Gradual change in the angle (altitude) of the Sun
2. Stratosphere above the horizon is also a contributing factor.
✓ Temperature remains constant to a height  Seasonal variation in the angle of the Sun above
of about 20km then begins a gradual the horizon affects the amount of energy received
increase that continues until the at Earth’s surface in two ways:
stratopause. 1. When the Sun is directly overhead (at a 90-
✓ Stratopause – outer boundary degree angle), the solar rays are most
✓ Atmosphere’s zone is concentrated, hence concentrated and thus most intense
the increase in temperature ✓ The lower the angle, the more spread out
✓ It also absorbs the UV rays of the sun. and less intense is the solar radiation that
3. Mesosphere reaches the surface.
✓ 80 km above the surface 2. The angle of the Sun determines the path solar
✓ Coldest temperature occurs here rays take as they pass through the
✓ One of the least explored regions of the atmosphere.
atmosphere ✓ When the Sun is directly overhead, the
✓ Mesopause – outer boundary rays strike the atmosphere at a 90-degree
4. Thermosphere angle and travel the shortest possible
✓ Extends outward from the mesopause and route to the surface. This distance is
has no well-defined upper limit referred to as 1 atmosphere
✓ Contains only a tiny fraction of the ✓ Rays entering at a 30-degree angle travel
atmosphere’s mass through twice this distance before
✓ Temperatures increase, due to the reaching the surface
absorption of very short wave, high energy ✓ Rays at a 5-degree angle travel through a
solar radiation by atoms of oxygen and distance roughly equal to the thickness of
nitrogen. 11 atmospheres.
✓ Temperature – average speed at which ✓ The longer the path, the greater the
molecules move chance that sunlight will be dispersed by
the atmosphere, which reduces the
intensity at the surface.
 Solar energy is not distributed evenly over Earth’s
land-sea surface, it varies with latitude, time of day,
and season of the year.
 Unequal heating of the Earth that creates winds and
drives the ocean currents.
 These movements, transports heat to balance energy
inequalities. This results to the phenomena called
 Rotation – spinning of Earth about its axis
✓ Axis – an imaginary line running through the
✓ Rotates once every 24 hours producing daily  EARTH’S ORIENTATION
cycle of daylight and darkness.
 What causes the fluctuation in Sun angle and
✓ Circle of Illumination – line separating the dark length of daylight that occur during a year?
half of the earth from the lighted half ✓ Earth’s orientation to the sun continually
 Revolution – movement of the Earth in a slightly changes as it travels along its orbit.
elliptical orbit around the Sun

✓ Earth’s axis is not perpendicular to the plane ✓ The vertical rays of the Sun are striking the
of its orbit around the sun. Tilted at 23 ½ Tropic of Cancer (23½° north latitude).
degrees. (inclination of the axis) ✓ Locations in the Northern Hemisphere are
experiencing their greatest length of daylight
(opposite for the Southern Hemisphere).
✓ Locations north of the Tropic of Cancer are
experiencing their highest noon Sun angles
(opposite for places south of the Tropic of
✓ The farther you are north of the equator, the
longer the period of daylight, until the Arctic
Circle is reached, where daylight lasts for 24
hours (opposite for the Southern
 June 21/22 – north end of Earth’s axis is tilted 23
½ degrees toward the sun. Vertical rays of the sun
strike 23 ½ degrees north latitude (Tropic of
Cancer). Known as the Summer Solstice or the first
official day of summer in the northern
hemisphere. Length of daylight > length of night
(northern hemisphere).
✓ Arctic Circle (66 ½ degrees north latitude)
length of daylight is 24 hours. Land of the
“midnight sun”.
 December 21/22 – Sun’s vertical rays are striking
at 23 ½ degrees south latitude (Tropic of
Capricorn). Known as the winter solstice in the
northern hemisphere and summer solstice in the
southern hemisphere. Length of night > length of
day (northern hemisphere)
 September 22/23 – Autumnal equinox in the
northern hemisphere. Vertical rays of the sun
strike the equator. Equinox (equal night) 12 hours
of daylight everywhere.
 March 21/22 – Spring Equinox in the northern  Facts about the winter solstice are opposite of the
hemisphere. Vertical rays of the sun strike the ones in summer solstice.
equator. Equinox (equal night) 12 hours of
daylight everywhere.


 Universe is made up of a combination of:

 Matter – stuff we see, smell, and touch.
 Energy – abstract and difficult to describe
 Facts about the summer solstice: ✓ Capacity to do work
✓ The solstice occurs on June 21 or 22. ✓ Forms:
1. Thermal

2. Chemical 2. Microwaves
3. Nuclear 3. Infrared
4. Radiant 4. Visible Light – only portion of the
5. Gravitational spectrum we can see
6. Kinetic ▪ White light is a mixture of colors
 Heat – energy possessed by a material arising from the corresponding to a specific
internal motions of its atoms or molecules. wavelength
 Whenever substances are heated, its atoms move 5. Infrared – we can detect as heat
faster and faster. 6. Ultraviolet – closest invisible waves to
 Quantity of energy present violet
 Energy that flows because of temperature 7. X-rays
differences 8. Gamma Rays – shortest wavelength
 Transferred from warmer to cooler objects.  Laws of Radiation
 Temperature – average kinetic energy of a material’s 1. All objects, at whatever temperature, emit
atoms or molecules. radiant energy. Thus, not only hot objects like
 Intensity or degree of hotness the Sun but also Earth, including its polar ice
 MECHANISM OF HEAT TRANSFER: CONDUCTION caps, continually emit energy.
 Transfer of heat through matter by molecular 2. Hotter objects radiate more total energy per
activity. unit area than do colder objects.
 Energy of molecules is transferred through 3. Hotter objects radiate more energy in the
collisions from one molecule to another, with the form of short-wavelength radiation than do
heat flowing from the higher temperature to the cooler objects.
lower temperature. 4. Objects that are good absorbers of radiation
are good emitters as well.
 Metals are good conductors.
 Air is a very poo conductor of heat.
 As means of heat transfer for the atmosphere, it is
the least significant.
 Transfer of heat by mass movement or circulation
within a substance.
 Takes place in fluids where the atoms and
molecules are free to move about.
 As long as a liquid substance heated unequally,
the water will continue to turn over, producing a
convective circulation. 16.6 HEATING THE ATMOSPHERE
 On a global scale, convection in the atmosphere
creates a huge, worldwide air circulation.
 Absorbed, Transmitted, or Redirected (reflected or
 Radiant energy readily travels through the vacuum
of space.
 Heat-transfer mechanism by which solar energy
reaches our planet.
 Solar Radiation
✓ Large array of energy called radiation, or
electromagnetic radiation.

 Some of the radiation is absorbed by the object,

✓ Electromagnetic Spectrum then it is converted into heat. This causes an
1. Radio Waves – longest wavelengths increase in temperature.

 Substance such as water and air are transparent to  Nitrogen – poor absorber of all types of radiation
certain wavelengths of radiations. These materials  Oxygen – efficient absorbers of short ultraviolet
transmit this energy. Radiation that is transmitted radiation high in the atmosphere
does not contribute energy to the object.  Ozone - efficient absorbers of ultraviolet radiation
 Some radiation may “bounce off” the object oxygen can’t absorb in the stratosphere. This
without being absorbed or transmitted. accounts for the high temperatures experienced in
 Reflection and Scattering – responsible for Earth.
redirecting incoming solar radiation  Water Vapor – accounts for most of the solar
 REFLECTION – process whereby light bounces back radiation absorbed directly by the atmosphere
from an object at the same angle at which it  For the atmosphere none of the gases are
encounters a surface, same wavelength and with the effective absorbers of visible radiation. This
same intensity. explains why most visible radiation reaches Earth’s
surface and why we say that the atmosphere is
transparent to incoming solar radiation. Thus, the
atmosphere does not acquire the bulk of its
energy directly from the Sun. Rather, it is heated
chiefly by energy that is first absorbed by Earth’s
surface and then reradiated to the sky.

 Energy is returned to space from Earth through

Reflection and Emission.
 Albedo – fraction of the total radiation that is
reflected by a surface. For Earth’s Albedo = 30%
 Albedo from different places and time vary
depending on the amount of cloud cover or
particulate matter in the air, as well as angle of the
Sun’s rays and nature of surface.
 Lower Sun angle means that more atmosphere
must be penetrated, thus making the “obstacle
course” longer and the loss of solar radiation
 The angle at which the Sun’s rays strike a water
surface greatly affects the albedo of that surface.
 SCATTERING – produces many weaker rays that travel
in different directions.
 More energy is dispersed in a forward direction.
 Diffused Light – result of small dust particles and
gas molecules in the atmosphere scattering some
energy in all directions.
 Gases are selective absorbers. They absorb
strongly in some wavelength, moderately in
 Earth has a much lower surface temperature than
others, and only slightly in still others.
the Sun, the radiation that it emits has longer
 When a gas molecule absorbs radiation, energy is
wavelengths than solar radiation.
transformed into internal molecular motion, which
is detectable as a rise in temperature.

 The atmosphere is an efficient absorber of the  Annual Temperature Range - computed by finding
longer wavelengths emitted by Earth (terrestrial the difference between the highest and lowest
radiation). monthly means.
 Water Vapor and Carbon Dioxide – principal  ISOTHERM - is a line that connects points on a map
absorbing gases that have the same temperature (iso = equal, therm =
 Because the atmosphere is quite transparent to temperature)
shorter-wavelength solar radiation and more  TEMPERATURE GRADIENT - amount of temperature
readily absorbs longer-wavelength radiation change per unit of distance
emitted by Earth, the atmosphere is heated from
the ground up rather than vice versa. 16.8 WHY TEMPERATURES VARY: THE CONTROLS OF
 The farther from the “radiator,” the colder it
becomes.  TEMPERATURE CONTROL - any factor that causes
 When the gases in the atmosphere absorb temperature to vary from place to place and from
terrestrial radiation, they warm; but they time to time
eventually radiate this energy away.  Factors other than latitude also exert a strong
 Greenhouse Effect - The gases of our atmosphere, influence on temperature, which include differential
(water vapor and CO2) act like the glass in the heating of land and water, altitude, geographic
greenhouse. Allows shorter-wavelength solar position, cloud cover and albedo, and ocean currents.
radiation to enter, where it is absorbed by the  LAND AND WATER
objects inside. These objects in turn radiate  Different land surfaces absorb varying amounts of
energy, but at longer wavelengths, to which glass incoming solar energy, which in turn cause
is nearly opaque. The heat therefore is “trapped” variations in the temperature of the air above.
in the greenhouse.
 Land heats more rapidly and to higher
 A more important factor in keeping a greenhouse temperatures than water, and it cools more
warm is the fact that the greenhouse itself rapidly and to lower temperatures than water.
prevents mixing of air inside with cooler air Variations in air temperatures, therefore, are
outside. much greater over land than over water.
16.7 FOR THE RECORD: AIR TEMPERATURE DATA  Why do land and water heat and cool differently?
Several factors are responsible:
1. Specific Heat - the amount of energy needed
to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a
substance 1°C, is far greater for water than for
land. Thus, water requires a great deal more
heat to raise its temperature the same
amount than does an equal quantity of land.
2. Land surfaces are opaque, so heat is absorbed
only at the surface. Water, being more
transparent, allows heat to penetrate to a
depth of many meters.
3. The water that is heated often mixes with
 The daily maximum and minimum temperatures are water below, thus distributing the heat
the bases for much of the basic temperature data through an even larger mass.
compiled by meteorologists: 4. Evaporation (a cooling process) from water
 Daily Mean Temperature – add the maximum and bodies is greater than that from land surfaces.
minimum temperatures and then dividing by two  Northern Hemisphere = 61% water + 39% land.
 Daily Range of Temperature - computed by finding Portrays the considerably smaller annual
the difference between the maximum and temperature variations in the water-dominated
minimum temperatures for a given day Southern Hemisphere as compared with the
 Monthly Mean - calculated by adding together the Northern Hemisphere.
daily means for each day of the month and  Southern Hemisphere “water hemisphere” = 81%
dividing by the number of days in the month. water + 19% land
 Annual Mean - an average of the 12-monthly  ALTITUDE - temperatures drop an average of 6.5°C per
means. kilometer in the troposphere; thus, cooler
temperatures are to be expected at greater heights.

 Windward Coast - coastal location where
prevailing winds blow from the ocean onto the
shore. Experiences full moderating influence of
the ocean—cool summers and mild winters—
compared to an inland station at the same
 Leeward Coast - coastal location where the
prevailing winds blow from the land toward the
ocean. Experiences continental temperature
pattern because the winds do not carry the
ocean’s influence onshore.
 Clear days are often warmer than cloudy ones and
that clear nights are usually cooler than cloudy
 Cloud cover is important because many clouds
have a high albedo; therefore, clouds reflect a
significant portion of the sunlight that strikes them
back into space.
 At night, clouds have the opposite effect as during
daylight: They act as a blanket by absorbing
radiation emitted by Earth’s surface and
reradiating a portion of it back to the surface.
 Effect of cloud cover is to reduce the daily
temperature range by lowering the daytime
maximum and raising the nighttime minimum.


 The effectiveness of incoming solar radiation in

heating Earth’s surface and the atmosphere above it is
largely a function of latitude.
 The warmest and coldest temperatures are found over
 land and the because temperatures do not fluctuate
as much over water as over land.
 Warm currents cause isotherms to be deflected
toward the poles, whereas cold currents cause an
equatorward bending.
 Horizontal transport of water poleward warms the
overlying air and results in air temperatures that
are higher than would otherwise be expected for
the latitude.
 Currents moving toward the equator produce
cooler-than-expected air temperatures.
 Annual temperature range increases with an increase
in latitude.
 Consequently, outside the tropics, the annual
temperature range will increase with an increase in

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