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Name__________________________________ SCORE_____

Section ________________________________


The periodic table is the most important tool in chemistry. It arranges all the known elements in an
informative array. Elements are arranged left to right and top to bottom in order of increasing atomic number.
The different rows of elements are called periods. The period number of an element signifies the
highest energy level an electron in that element occupies (in the ground state). The number of shells in a
period increases as one traverses down the periodic table.

1. Supply the missing information from your periodic table.

Element Outermost Shell Inert Core Symbol Period Group Number

Configuration NG Configuration
Number US Notation IUPAC Notation





2. Select the better choice in each of the following pairs of elements. Write A for the 1st element and B for
the 2nd element.
___a. Bigger atomic radius: 20Ca or 38Sr

____b. Higher ionization energy: 34Se or 35Br

____c. Higher metallic property: 19K or 20Ca

____d. Higher electronegativity: 8O or 9F

____e. Higher non-metallic property: 16S or 17Cl

____f. Bigger ionic radius 19K or 31Ga

____g. Lower electron affinity 17Cl or 53I
____h. Lower ionization potential 37Rb or 56Ba
____i. More electronegative 8O or 15P
____j. Smaller ionic radius 33As or 35Br

3. Identify the element using your periodic table. Write only the symbol of the element
_____ a. highest electron affinity in period 6
_____ b. highest electron affinity in group IIIA
_____ c. highest ionization potential in period 5
_____ d. lowest electron affinity in period 6
_____ e. smallest atomic size in period 6

1A 2A 3B 4B B 6B 7B 8B 1B 2B 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A
Period 1 18
1 H 2 13 14 15 16 17 He
2 C O F
3 Na 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Al P Cl Ar
4 V Cr Fe Co Ni Cu Ge Br
5 Rb Y Zr Ag Sb I
6 Ba * W Hg Pb Rn
7 Fr * Rf Sg Hs

Lanthanides * Sm
Actinides * Th

4. Answer the following based on the partial periodic table above :

_____a. The element with the smallest atomic radius in period 4
_____b. The most reactive metal
_____c. Its last added electron is has this sublevel configuration 3d6
_____d. The second transition metal in period 5
_____e. The noble gas with the biggest atomic size
_____f. Its outer most shell configuration is 6s2, 5d10
_____g. The element with the highest ionization potential in period 3
_____h. Most electronegative element in period 2
_____i. It has five shells and five valence electrons
_____j. The most metallic alkaline earth metal
_____k. The element with the largest atomic radius in group 17
_____l. The most electronegative element in group 17
_____m. Its noble gas electronic configuration is [Ar]4s23d3
_____n. A transition metal in period 4 which forms +2 ion but with no unpaired electron

Encircle the member in each group with the following descriptions:
5. Which member in each pair is the more metallic?
a. Na or Cs b. Mg or Rb c. N or As
6. Which member in each pair is the more nonmetallic?
a. I or O b. Be or Ba c. Se or Ge
7. Using the letters A to J, Position the following elements on the blank periodic table:
A it has five shells and 6 valence electrons
B has the ff values of four quantum numbers for the last added electron 4, 1, 0, ½
C has this last electron configuration of 4s2 3d7
D has an electron distribution of 2, 8, 18, 24, 8, 2 e-
E has the following values of four quantum numbers for the last added electron 1, 0, 0, ½
F has last electronic configuration of 6s2 5d4
G has the four quantum numbers of 5, 3, -2, ½ for the last added electron
H is a noble gas with 2 valence electrons
I is an alkali metal in period 7
J is the smallest alkaline-earth metal

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