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Tar;1fi": ffi
- angueg* d*ve3*pxmeeat ? l---
To express a big difference:
' [a' o lo, much - Co-po d've
He ts far better than the other stngers tn th€ band
The food ts a lot nicer in thts café. (very nt€er)
: -:::ect the mistakes in the sentences. The festtval ts much more popular thrs year.
(very rnerepopu+a+)
' by far ¿6<ilS t s-per dI ve
He ts by far the best stnger tn the band.
The festtval ts easily the most popular tn the
. not nearly as ... as ...

This party rs not nearly as good as last yeais.

Thts ts not nearly as good a party as last year's.

To express a small difference:

- 5l,ghtlt o bi a lirtle - co-rpd d- \ e
, -. \ ght celebrates the brrth of the poet
I- - -:'r
- R rnc t is
='i Burns. nnp of
ic one nf most
mocf important
imnnrt:nt nights
ni in
The mustc ts (only) slightly better than before.
The concert was a bit/a little better than I
, and expected.
^rany Scots, Burns supper is the rnost good . lust about + superlative
-, ol the year.
It was just about the longest carnival
/ 'no'e late t gel: -ore ^ois¡ r gets
procession ever.
.reech before the toast was funnyiest I

' nearly/not qurte as .. as

= heard. The first show was nearly as good as the
.rusic was more loud that last year
second one.
-elebration was more live y one l've ever The weather isn't quite as hot as tt was last ttme.
- IO. t,*
side than last year.
rt wasJUSt as chilLy
2 Read the information above and complete the
-year l'11 leave more eary I couldn't get hold sentences with the comparative or superlative
form ofthe adjectives in brackets.

J.ead about comparatives and superlatives

I Fiesta Broadway in Los Ange es (óy far/ is
large) Cinco de Mayo ce ebration n the USA.
- r pages 182-183 and check your answers in
2 This year t was
(much/crowded) than t was
:¡ercise 1a.
last year
Jcmplete the article with the comparative or 3 This yeals parade wasn't (quite/long) last
.:perlative form of the adjectives and adverbs in time.
::-ackets. 4 The cost[.]mes were (a ot/colourful) than
' 5 The food is la :pic,,)t,.a-lremeroered.
= lexican holiday Cinco de Mayo (5 May), which 6 I tri-^d (easi y/mild) d jsh and rt strll made my
r-. :^1bers the Mexican defeat of the French army
mouth burn
::2, ts celebrated (1)
(enthusiastically) in
7 And l'm sure I was

. (,1ust about/bad) dancer

- -:-ate of Puebla than in other parts of Mexico lt is the re I

.-e (2) (popular) holiday in Mexico. In fact,

' : :: ebrated (3)- (widely) by Mexicans n the ra
^ Choose one item from the list and write four
.lan in Mexico, and the holiday is (4) sentences.
--- (well
- r) in the USA than Mexican Independence Day . three types ol dance you know (e.g. salsa, tango,
::ent years, Cinco de Mayo has become
bal et ; fast/s ow, easy/h ard, cheap/expe ns ive)

(big) than ever and is promoted as a

. =:'ation of Mexican culture, food and muslc.
' three types ol musrc (e.g tap, )azz, opera;
interestrng/borrng norsy/q u iet).
::-. : pation is now (6) (wide)than before and . three types of food (e.g. ltalian, French, Chlnese;
- 'r4exican Americans are (7) (enthusiastic) spicy/mi d light/heavy, tasty/bland).
: -- , -, it as Mexicans. ln California, the (B)
Discuss your answers to Exercise 3a. Give
= and r (9)
(sensational) parties take place
reasons for your opinions.
-:s Angeles. Celebrations have become (10)
:, --'nercialised) in recent years but Crnco de Mayo
:: agreatfestival.
Module 1

1':(Paper 1 Part 4)

la Look at sentences 1 and 2 and read the strategy. Then answer

EXPERT STRATEGY 1 Peter is a lot older than Martin.
. Read both sentences carefully. AS
. ldentify what is missing from the Martin is Peter.
second sentence. The only person Jane didn't like was her boss
. ldentify what kind of word the APART
key word is (noun, verb, etc.) and Jane liked everyone her boss.
what structure it could be used What area of grammar is focused on in sentence I ?
with. A modifuing adverbsB comparison of adlectives
Look at the words before and What area of vocabulary is focused on in sentence 2?
after the gap to see what kind of A prepositional phrases B phrasal verbs
structure could fit. b Now complete sentences 1 and 2 with 2-5 words. Follow the
Write 2-5 words without steps in the strategy.
changing the key word.
Contractions count as two 2a Do the first half of the task. Use the Help notes for support with
words. I certain items.
. Read your sentence to check that !
it makes sense and is correct. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
. Make a guess if necessary. ? first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. you
must use between turo and five words, including the word given.
> HELP : 1 Fewer people read Carlton's books these days.
1 Do you need an active or passive
Carlton's books _ these days.

2 Do you need an adjective or an

2 Lucy doesn't swim nearly as well as Kate.
Kate is Lucy.

Rap music rsn't nearly as popular as it was ten years ago

Rap rnusrc is _ it was Len years ago.

Now do the second half of the task. This time there are no
Help notes.

4 I find studying more difficult as I become older.

I find it as I become older

My brother never asks when he borrows my things.

My brother is _ asking.

Traffic today doesn't move much faster than 100 years ago
One hundred years ago traffic moved than today.

Task analysis Discuss the questions about the task.

1 Which questions tesl:
a verb forms?
b comparative or superlative structures?
2 Which of the questions did you find the most difficult? Why?
Which of these areas of language do you need more practice in?
T33lti1": H
Use of English 2 paper 1 Part 1)
tr-eaS-in 1 What hospitality customs do you have in your country?

Mutrtiple-ehsiee eioze 2a Read the title and text quickly and answer the questions. Ignore
the gaps at this stage.
1 What were travellers often g ven in ancient trmes?
2 What might be given to a guest in Japan?
3 Why might guests eat too much in a foreign country?
b Read the strategy and do the task. Use the Help notes for support
with certain items.

For questions 'l -8, read the text below and decide which answer
(A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

EXPERT STRATEGY Hospitality looking after visitors - is universal but in different
. Read the title and whole text cultures hosts are (0) C to receive guests in different ways.
:uickly, ignoring the gaps. ln much of the ancient (1) _ lt was the custom to provide passrng
' Read the text again. Try to guess traveilers wrth food and water Today some old customs have
,', hat kind of word fits each gap. (2) . ln a traditionalJapanese household, if a guest admires a
. lhoose which answer (A-D) fits particular oblect in the house, the host will (3)_ to give it to the
::'re grammar and meaning. guest straightaway. And in parts of Russia guests are greeted with
. 'you aren't sure, cross out bread and salt on a special cloth. The guest is (a)_ to kiss them
answers which you know are and hand them back to the host. Sometimes the guest breaks (5)_
:r co a small piece of bread dips it in the sali and eats it.
. i.ead the text again to check. ln some countries, when (6)_ guests arrive from abroad they
may feel they have been given a partrcularly (7) meal. But this is
probably because the host poirtely offers more and more food and
drink and the guest is too embarrassed to (8) _ anything down.

0 Ahoped Bconsidered C expected D ntended

- 1 Aglobe Bearth C world D planet
,'- hich word can mean
:'.'ilisation'? 2 Bsurvived Cpreserved Dexisted
- ,','hich word rneans'continued to
3 Aprovide Bfancy Cconsider Dwant
, e in spite of many problems'?

: ,','hich verb is always followed by 4 Aneeded Bdemanded Crequired Ddesired

r. infinitive?
5 Aoff Bdown Cout Din
: ,', hich verb is used with down fo
'.rm a phrasal verb that means 6 Astrange Bforeign Calren D unfamiliar
':f u se'?
7 Astrong Bdense Cwide D heavy

8 Aslow Bturn C keep D take

Task ene.trysis 3a Discuss the questions about the task.

1 Drd you guess any words before looking at the options?
2 Wtich q-est ons tesr.
a the correct word from a set with simrlar meanings?
b Bhrasal verbs?
c adjective + noun collocations?

Make a note of any expressions, phrasal verbs or adjective +

noun collocations you want to remember in your vocabulary


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