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Anna Maria Kubicka

Book review

Anthropological Review • Vol. 79 (2), 217–220 (2016)

The Invaders. How Humans and Their Dogs

Drove Neanderthals to Extinction

Anna Maria Kubicka

Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Faculty of Biology,

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland

Pat Shipman. (editor). 2015. The Invaders. How Humans and Their Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinc-
tion. London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press Cambridge, England, 288 pp. ISBN: 978-0-

Ecological invasions are not a  new phe-

nomenon, the relationship between hu-
mans, plants and animals having been
a  part of our history ever since humans
moved out into the savannas. But the
question is: can a  niche inhabited by
a species be invaded by another, and can
these two species coexist if they have the
same modes of life? Pat Shipman begins
her book with the statement that hu-
mans, for the past 200,000 years (this
date is regarded as a conservative modest
estimate of humans’ evolutionary begin-
nings), have constituted the most inva-
sive species in the world. And central to
the thinking and reasoning in this book
is the concept that our coevolution with
wolves (Canis lupus) had a  great impact
on the extinction of Neanderthals.
The Invaders: How Humans and Their
Dogs Drove Neanderthals to Extinction,
by Pat Shipman, published in 2015, con-
Review Article
DOI: 10.1515/anre-2016-0017
© 2016 Polish Anthropological Society
218 Anna Maria Kubicka

sists of 15 chapters logically arranged so mine the degree of overlap in time and
that each succeeding part is the conse- space of modern humans and Neander-
quence of the previous ones. In the first thals, the author describes sites from
chapter, the author explains what kinds the Upper Paleolithic and places them in
of skills helped us to adapt ourselves to a  chronological framework. The chapter
a  very broad range of environments. It ends with the statement that the end of
is suggested that the domestication of the Mousterian era is the period during
animals and plants had a  great impact which these two species may have in-
on human evolution, but that misuse of teracted, leading to the Neanderthals’
this process has led to the extinctions of extinction. Later, the author suggests
many large mammals, birds, amphibians, that the ability to hunt and scavenge
and reptiles. even large animals (e.g. mammoths) in
The next part of the book focusses on cooperative fashion may have been cru-
the definition of an invasive species and cial for our species, thus making humans
on the differences between invasion and successful invaders. This, along with
geographic expansion. The author refers global changes in climate occurring be-
only to U.S. law, which defines an inva- tween 130,000 and 40,000 years ago, had
sive species as an alien species whose in- a  powerful effect on the movements of
troduction has a negative impact on the Neanderthals, as modern humans were
environment. Biologists and ecologists, better adapted to survive in the resulting
however, use the term ‘invasive species’ harsh conditions.
to describe plants or animals which may The next part of the book concerns
be either native or non-indigenous, but the suggestion that other factors, such
which cause ecological harm (see the dis- as reproductive and development pat-
cussion in Colautti and MacIsaac 2004). terns, diet, or locomotion, might also
In my opinion, the author should have have worked against Neanderthals. This
presented various points of view and de- leads to another conclusion: that food
scribed the commonly-used terminology competition is a powerful force in an eco-
related to ‘invasive species’. This would system. Since modern humans and Ne-
have improved the study and avoided anderthals had a similar diet and shared
confusion, especially since the main hy- the same geographic region at the same
pothesis of the book is that humans were time, this suggests strong competition
invaders who competed for ecological between them, especially given that both
resources with Neanderthals. The next species had to compete for large terres-
part of the second chapter analyses pre- trial prey with other animals such as cave
cisely how many Homo sapiens individuals lions (Panthera spelaean), wolves, and hy-
are required to establish a population in enas (Crocuta crocuta). Thus (according
a new habitat without restricting genetic to the author) modern humans had two
diversity. options: extending their dietary range
The third chapter is partially devoted without giving up protein-rich food and/
to classifications of stone tools by indus- or improving their hunting strategy.
try (supported by drawings of archae- The seventh chapter presents the
ological remains) and how this process consequences of the appearance of a new
is useful in assigning a site to either Ne- and effective predator on an entire eco-
anderthals or humans. In order to deter- system. This part is based on research
Book review 219

showing that, following the introduc- the newest research on mtDNA line-
tion of wolves to Yellowstone Nation- ages, suggests that between 36,000 and
al Park, populations of large herbivores 26,000 years ago humans were able to
decreased. Moreover, the pressure placed breed a doglike animal. The chapter also
on the other major predator (the coyote, presents a skeptical view of Coppinger’s
Canis latrans) increased, while scaveng- theory of dog domestication, according
ing birds and mammals benefitted from to which wolves became self-domes-
the presence of this newcomer. But could ticated as dogs by feeding on garbage
similar competition followed by changes dumps around villages. The author sug-
in the ecosystem have occurred between gests that this would have led to more
Neanderthals and modern humans? The aggressive rather than tamer behavior in
author suggests that the greater numbers wolves. In my opinion there is one more
of stone tools and of sites occupied by point against Coppinger’s theory. Bears,
modern humans during the Upper Paleo- having an excellent sense of smell, can
lithic are evidence of the advantage held be attracted by leftover food or by her-
by Homo sapiens. bivores which eat garbage (Penteriani et
The next chapter deals with metabol- al. 2016). Thus, Paleolithic humans, in
ic requirements and hunting strategy. order to prevent attacks by these large
The larger body and greater musculature carnivores, likely avoided scattering their
of Neanderthals influenced their met- refuse around their households.
abolic needs, while lower metabolic re- The next chapters focus on the ben-
quirements and daily energy expenditure efits of hunting with doglike animals.
rates, along with more efficient shelters, Wolves are animals with a  hierarchical
gave modern humans an advantage. The social order and a structure of interspe-
following part describes how other pred- cific interactions similar to those of hu-
ator species such as the cave bear (Ursus mans. Moreover, they excel at scenting
spelaeus), cave lion, leopard (Panthera par- and tracking prey, which could benefit
dus), and dhole (Canis alpinus) avoided them through the faster acquisition of
intraguild competition. Next, two chap- meat. But modern humans and the wolf-
ters focus on the reconstruction of the dog have one more thing in common:
human diet, based on animal remains white scleras. According to the author,
at archaeological sites from the Upper this feature probably appeared in modern
Paleolithic. Climate fluctuations brought humans about 50,000 to 45,000 years
a  new species, the mammoth, into Eu- ago. Bright eyeballs make an individual
rope, stimulating the development of highly visible from a  distance; therefore
more effective hunting methods. This they may have helped modern humans
can be confirmed by the large Gravettian to hunt with doglike animals, especially
sites once occupied by modern humans since dogs tend to look at human faces,
where numerous bone remains belong- whereas wolves do not.
ing to mammoths were found. The book closes with the statement
The twelfth chapter contains a  de- that cooperation between modern hu-
scription of a  new methodology which mans and wolf-dogs, along with other
enables wolves to be distinguished from factors (global climate change), may
domestic dogs based on anatomical skull have pushed Neanderthals to extinction.
measurements. This finding, along with Human history shows that interactions
220 Anna Maria Kubicka

with other species, such as the recog- Institute of Anthropology, Faculty of Bi-
nition by early hominins of vultures as ology, Adam Mickiewicz University in
beacons signaling meat in the landscape Poznań,
(Morelli et al. 2015), may have occurred Umultowska 89, PL-61-614 Poznań, Po-
and have had an impact on the evolution land
of our species. Thus (in my opinion), an- e-mail address:
other conclusion of the book is that we
are obligated to protect wolves because References
their loss of habitats will have a negative
impact on the ecosystem. Colautti RI, MacIsaac HJ. 2004. A neutral ter-
Apart from one minor error (Czecho- minology to define ‘invasive’ species. Di-
slovakia, p. 151), the book is an excellent vers Distrib 10:135-41.
Morelli F, Kubicka AM, Tryjanowski P, Nelson
guide to the competition between Nean-
E. 2015. The vulture in the sky and the
derthals and newly-arrived humans. The hominin on the land: three milion years
author has assembled well-written chap- of human-vulture interaction. Anthrozoös
ters into a logical and coherent whole. I 28:449-68.
warmly recommend this book to those Penteriani V, Delgado MM, Pinchera F, Naves
interested in human ecology. J, Fernández-Gil A, Kojola I, Härkönen S,
Norberg H, Frank J, Fedriani JM, Sahlén V,
Corresponding author Støen OG, Swenson JE, Wabakken P, Pel-
legrini M, Herrero S, López-Bao JV. 2016.
Human behaviour can trigger large carni-
Anna Maria Kubicka, Department of Hu-
vore attacks in developed countries. Sci
man Evolutionary Biology, Rep 6:20552.

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