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For Quick Rivision

(General Competition)
By-Anurag Sir(9262857549)
It is the study of writing and speaking correct English
Types :-
1.Orthography-(वररववचचर)It is the study of letters.
2.Etymology-(शबदववचचर)It is the study of words.
3.Syntax-(वचकयववचचर)It is the study of structure of sentence.
4.Punctuation-(वचहववचचर)It is the study of different marks.
,(Comma) .(full stop) ?(question mark)
5.Prosody-(छछ दववचचर)It is study of metres.

 Language-Talking and writing of common people.

 Literature-Talking and writing of learned people.

 Letters are smallest unit of English language.

 There are 26 letters.
 Alphabhet-A set of letters
1.Vowels:-Those letters pronounced by themselves.

Vowels are 5(a,e,i,o,u)

2.Consonants:-Those letters pronounced with the help of vowels.

Consonants are 21(b,c,d...x,y,z)

3.Semi-Vowel:-Those letters which work as both Vowels &Consonants.

 At the beginning of a word -Consonants

 At the middle or the end-Vowels
 As Vowels-Ray,Bay,Row,Crow
 As consonants-yak,watch
The meaningful group of letters.
Sentence:-A group of words which makes complete sense.
1.Assertive/Declarative:-A sentence that makes a statement.
He is a boy.He is not a boy.

Types of Assertive:-
1.Affirmative-+ve statement.
He is a boy
2.Negative:- -ve statement.It has -ve words like
He is not a player.I have no pen.You never tell a lie.
2.Question:-It asks a question and ends with (?).
Are you ready?Do you eat?What is your name?
Types of question:
1.yes/No question:-It sarts with a helping verb.
Are you read? Does he go?
.WH Q. :-It starts with 'WH' except 'how'.
What are you eating? How are you?
3.Imperative sentence:expresses order,advice and request.

 Affimative:- V1 + O
 Ve:- Do not +V1
 Order:-Go there.Donot make a noise.
 Request-please/kindly help me.
 'you' is left out as subject.
4.Optative Sentence:-

 It expresses wish,bless,curse or praise.

 It end with (!)
 Structure:-May +S+V1+O
May God bless you!
May you live long!

'May' is sometimes left out.

Long live our friendship! God save the king!

 It expresses strong feeling.

 Generally starts with 'what, or 'how'.
 Ends with(!).
How lovely! Well done! Alas! She is dead.
Somebody who does or has state
She is are a teacher.

Subject can be-

1. Noun as subject
Ram is a boy.
2.Pronoun as subject
He is a boy.
3.The+Adjective as subject
The poor are honest.
4.V1+ing as subject
Walking is a good exercise.
5.To+V1 as sub.
To walk is useful.
6.WH Q +to+V1
What to do is a problem.
7.WH Q +S+ Main verb
Where she lives is not known.

Object:-It receives the effect of action.

He eats a mango.she kills a tiger.I play cricket.

Complement:-completes meaning .
She is a teacher

Predicate:-It is a part of a sentence that tells something about the subject.

He is writing a letter.
Parts of Speech:-
The different kinds of words used for different purposes in a sentence are called parts of
speech.(Nesfield:Manual of English Grammar,P-7)
Water the rose.(verb).Take some water(Noun),
1.Noun:-Noun is a naming word.(Nesfield)
All that you can see ,feel or think is noun.(King's Grammar)
2.Pronoun:-is a word used instead of a noun.
He,she,it etc.
3.Adjective:- A word which adds some meaning to a noun or pronoun.
Tall boy,poor girl.
4.Verb:-A word that tells about the action or state of subject.
She plays football. She is a girl.
5.Adverb:-A word that qualifies anything except noun or pronoun.

That very fine ship.(Adj.)

I much admire her beauty.(verb)
The body floated partly above water(Prep.)
He was happy only because he got selected.(conjunction)
He writes remarkably well.(adverb)
7.Conjunction:-It is a joining word.It Joins words and sentences.
Ram and shyam were happy.He was happy because he got prize.
8.Interjection:-It expresses sudden feeling.
Hurrah! We won the match.Alas! She died.

Clause:-A sentence which is a part of larger sentence.

This is the house where we live.

Phrase:-A combination of words that makes sense,but not complete sense.

In front of,in the corner.
1.Proper noun:-name of proper person,place or thing.

 First letter capital.

 दद famous proper noun कक तत लनच हद तद बचद वचलच कक पहलक the लगक गच।
Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.

ककवल एक famous हद तद बचद वचलच कक पहलक A/An लगक गच।

He is a Sachin.
2.Common Noun:-common name of person ,place or thing.एक कच नचम लद उसकक जज सच
सबकच बदध हदगच।
3.Collective Noun:-collection of similar things.
Crowd,Jury,Family,Flock of sheep's,Bunch,Crew of sailors,Army, committee,Bevy of
girls,Fleet of ships.

If collective noun denotes

(a) Single group- S.V.-pronoun(it' family)
(b)separate member of group-P. V. - pro. ('they'family)
Jury is considering its decision.
Jury were divided in their opinions.

A +collective noun+ of+ P N -------S V

A bevy of girls is ready.
5.Material Noun:-which can be measured or weighed.Difficult to count.वजसक नचपच यच
ततलच जच सकक और वजसक वगननच मत वशकल हद

Material noun -S.V.

Milk is pure.

 . Generally,No article +Material noun


खचस बनचनक पर,the+material noun

The water of this river.
5.Abstract noun:-Cannot see or touch but only feel
Pain (सत न रहच हज तत -अवरजकत वसछ ह कच गचनच)
Sweetness(शशरकयच घदषचल कक आवचज)

Abstract Noun- ------- S.V.

Music is sweet.

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