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Transgenderism Activists detach gender from biology. Kids down to

kindergarten are being taught their body is irrelevant to their authentic self. Your
real sex is what you choose to be and not what your born with.
-Antonio Bernard
Part 19
= mental illness

A person who wants to deny

biological fact, remove or
disguise healthy body parts,
or attempt to add opposite-
sex body parts, is clearly
suffering from a mental
= mental illness

Any Scientist or Doctor who think

that they can reassign one’s Sex, is
equally of an unstable mind along
with those who think they have
been born in the wrong body.
Paul McHugh , M.D
The transgendered suffer a
disorder of “assumption” like
those in other disorders familiar
to psychiatrists. With the
transgendered, the disordered
assumption is that the individual
differs from what seems given
in nature—namely one’s
maleness or femaleness.
Paul McHugh , M.D

Other kinds of disordered

assumptions are held by those
who suffer from anorexia and
bulimia nervosa, where the
assumption that departs from
physical reality is the belief by
the dangerously thin that they
are overweight.
“the stories of several people who found that transitioning didn’t bring the
peace and wholeness they sought, but only new problems. The stories of
detransitioners complicate the sunny picture frequently presented in the
media. Many of these people recall a feeling of being pushed into
transitioning, as if there were no other options, and they wish that medical
professionals had made an effort to help them understand the deeper
psychological issues that alienated them from their own bodies.”
“Many regret the permanent damage done to their bodies, and some who
transitioned as teenagers believe they were not mature enough to make such
consequential decisions. Some feel that their dysphoria resulted from social
hostility to people who don’t conform to gender norms or who have same-sex
attractions. In this light, social conservatives (including myself) should take care to
be respectful and compassionate toward people we may disagree with. We should
also call on transgender activists to stop trying to silence detransitioners.”
“Female to Male” (FTM) Procedures and Surgeries

“ Some biological females identifying as men

(“ transgender men ” in CDC parlance) may
forgo surgeries, and limit their practices to
crossdressing, injecting male hormones,
strapping on artificial penises, and wearing
devices in order to urinate standing up.”
“Female to Male” (FTM) Procedures and Surgeries
“ Some wear a “binder” to minimize or flatten their
breasts, a very dangerous practice which can lead to loss
of breath, rib inflammation, fractured ribs, collapsed
lungs, back pain (due to spinal compression), blood vessel
damage and blood clots, decreased blood flow to the heart
(increasing the risk of a heart attack ), breast tissue decay,
nerve damage, and loss of feeling in the chest area.”
“Female to Male” (FTM) Procedures and Surgeries
“ Others will have their healthy breasts surgically
removed. Some undergo unnecessary hysterectomies
and ovary removal. A few will even have an imitation
penis constructed and surgically attached. (These do
not function well and can atrophy. Any major surgery
carries serious risks, but here that is compounded by
the experimental aspect.) ”
“Women Taking Male Hormones”

After longterm androgen [male hormone] therapy,

ovaries may develop polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
morphology. (In both PCOS and transgender men there is
an upregulation of testosterone receptors in the ovaries.) ...
Untreated PCOS is associated with a possibly increased
risk of endometrial cancer as well as decreased fertility...
“Women Taking Male Hormones”

It is unknown whether the risk of ovarian cancer

is increased, decreased or unchanged in transgender
men compared to women... The risk of endometrial
cancer is similarly unknown.
“Women Taking Male Hormones”

However, a high prevalence of Endometrial hyperplasia

has been noted in a small study of transgender men
undergoing hysterectomy... Transgender men who have
been oophorectomized [ovaries removed] must continue
androgen therapy to avoid premature osteoporosis...
[possible] Increased red blood cell mass...
“Women Taking Male Hormones”

There is a risk of liver damage and liver cancer with all

testosterone formulations, but this is minimal with all forms
except oral or unless very high levels are administered...
[possible] decreased insulin sensitivity (which may
predispose to diabetes).
“Male to Female” (MTF) Procedures and Surgeries
“Male to Female” (MTF) Procedures and Surgeries

Many biological males identifying as female (“ transgender
women ” in CDC parlance) will go beyond cosmetic
procedures (electrolysis, makeup and clothing, voice and
movement training, tucking their penis and scrotum), to
invasive procedures (injecting female hormones and
silicone), and sometimes move on to major surgeries.
“Male to Female” (MTF) Procedures and Surgeries
The surgical procedures for “male to female transition”
are extremely disturbing. They include breast implants;
removal of the penis and testicles (castration); surgical
construction of a “neovagina”; Adam’s Apple shaving; and
facial feminization surgeries. Beyond the unnatural and
somewhat experimental aspects of these surgeries, they
carry the usual risks of major surgery.
“Transgender mortality rates are difficult to estimate
because families often don’t report that there (sic) dead son
or daughter was transgender. In addition deaths due to
illegal hormone use and its complications aren’t reported
because they don’t seek a doctor’s help. Common problems
are strokes, heart attacks, silicone injections and deep vein
thrombosis. There are also thousands of cases of
unreported violence leading to death.”
The suicide rates remain the same or even higher no matter how much
surgery is performed, they cannot ever fully change their biology to match
that of the opposite sex, because of this they are often left with scars and
mutilation of once healthy organs that causes more intense dysphoria
because their bodies cannot function properly. We all need to look deeper into
this issue, also people who regret transitioning or desist are often silenced
because they don't support the rhetoric that activists want portrayed.
There are hundreds of videos on YouTube of people talking about
regretting their surgeries.When females transition to appear male and
have surgery, they will always have scars from the double mastectomies,
which is an immediate tell. When they get surgery done to build a
"penis", they are left with horrid, deep scars and nerve damage , all of
which create further causes for their dysphoria.
Not to mention in almost half of the cases, the penis built by doctors
develops necrosis, at which point it must be removed and cannot be rebuilt.
These females end up with physically damaged bodies that are painful and
even more uncomfortable to live in than their original bodies. You need to
look at the pictures of these things, they are sobering and incredibly sad.
When males get surgery to appear female, they often have less severe issues
compared to females, but there are still many issues because they will never be
able to truly build a vagina. The holes they create to make a faux vagina has to
be dilated daily or it will heal closed, and they have to do this until the day they
die if they want to keep the hole"usable" (sexually), and this is painful and
many transwomen end up letting it heal up because having to do something
every single day that females DO NOT have to do which causes dysphoria.
There are also heightened chances of infections because it is essentially a
wound that never heals, and the smells that come along with having this type
of surgery isn't discussed with them beforehand. Surgeons and doctors are
not honest about what the results will truly be, they expect to have fully
functioning vaginas and vulvas just like females have, when that is not at all
the case. The smell alone makes them incredibly self conscious and
dysphoric, because it is a constant reminder that they can never be female.
In many cases these surgeries create body parts that do not and cannot
function while destroying healthy body parts that did and could function.
This doesnt alleviate the dysphoria, it simply shifts it. Seriously, I think
everyone needs to look deeper into this to see it for what it truly is. And for
the record, I am against the medical transitioning of children.
Adults can do whatever they want with their bodies, but they should be
given the full truth and not filled with false hope or ideas that everything
will be perfect and legitimately turn them into the opposite sex. Even
people that are ultimately happy with the surgeries will list off all sorts of
things the doctors didnt warn them about, and the smell of the faux
vaginas and faux penis is always on that list.
“As this book went to press, the Telegraph (UK) ran a report with
the headline: “Sex change regret: Gender reversal surgery is on the
rise, so why aren’t we talking about it?” The answer to the question
is political correctness. But it’s better to be correct than politically
correct where human lives are concerned.”
“Cosmetic surgery can alter the appearance of genitalia, injected hormones can
enlarge breasts, makeup artists can alter faces, hair can be grown or cut in
different ways, clothes can help create an illusion of a sex change, but at the end
of it all, the genetic coding remains the same. The transsexual individual hasn’t
literally changed from one into the other –they have simply mutilated themselves.
Again, it is biologically impossible to change a male into a female or vice versa.”
-THE WAR ON TRUTH: How A Generation Abandoned Reality By Mark Fairley
“Sex change’ is biologically impossible, People who undergo sex-
reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa.
Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming
that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in
reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.”

-Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital
Further, if transgenderism requires medical treatment, how can it form the
basis of anyone’s identity? Trans people and their allies have, of course,
insisted with great indignation that their condition is not an illness, but it is
hard to see how this conclusion is to be avoided, if it’s insisted that it must
be treated or else will be fatal.

The goal of most transgender individuals is to live as the opposite sex.

If this were not true, there would be no concern about “access to
healthcare” or medical necessity. If one could simply enjoy whatever
gender identity felt the most appropriate at any given time, medical
intervention would be merely cosmetic.
So if we agree that people who identify as transgender desire to be the
opposite sex to the best of their ability — arguing that internally they already
are — then we must accept that the ideal state for all individuals is
cisgender, where gender and sex align naturally.

It seems far more reasonable — and medically ethical and sound — to

achieve this homeostasis by changing gender to match to the already
established sex. A woman taking testosterone must continue taking
testosterone, or else her desired masculine secondary sex characteristics
will fade away (though if she has removed her ovaries, her body will not be
able to produce estrogen and bring her female sex characteristics back). As
many trans men prefer to keep their reproductive organs and become
pregnant, this risk is even higher.
The body’s aggressive and persistent attempt to return to a state, despite
medical interventions to override that state, indicates that the state is
“natural.” The body is being medically forced to adapt to conditions it is
unsuited to experience.

If the ideal state is one of homeostasis, in which gender and sex are the
same, then why would trans people dedicate their entire lives to forcing their
bodies to adapt to conditions they cannot maintain on their own? It seems
far more reasonable to recognize that the physical sex at birth is the
standard by which internal perception should be aligned.
An uncomfortable truth is that many surveys, including a 2011 Swedish study,
indicate that suicide rates remain high after sex-reassignment surgery (the
Swedish study reports that people who have had sex-reassignment surgery
are 19 times more likely to die by suicide than is the general population); and
the National Center for Transgender Equality reported in 2015 that 40 percent
of people who identify as transgender have attempted suicide.

The LGBT community actively fights such studies and suppresses the voices
of people who, like myself, have chosen natural alignment or who regret
transitioning. The medical community is currently uninterested in recognizing
the inherent dangers and long-term impact of transition therapy and is
equally unwilling to pursue study that may result in finding a cure or a
resolution to the underlying issue. To suggest this is a medical issue needing
to be cured is to be accused of proposing genocide.
Sex “reassignment” doesn’t work. It’s impossible to “reassign” someone’s
sex physically, and attempting to do so doesn’t produce good outcomes

As I demonstrate in my book, “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to

the Transgender Moment,” the medical evidence suggests that sex
reassignment does not adequately address the psychosocial difficulties
faced by people who identify as transgender. Even when the procedures.
are successful technically and cosmetically, and even in cultures that are
relatively “trans-friendly,” transitioners still face poor outcomes.
Dr. Paul McHugh, the university distinguished service professor of psychiatry at the
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains:

“As Transgendered men do not become women, nor do

transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce
Jenner) become feminized men or masculinized women,
counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they
‘identify.’ In that lies their problematic future.”
When ‘the tumult and shouting dies,’ it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit
sexual garb. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over
30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the
transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical
reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment
surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

McHugh points to the reality that because sex change is physically impossible, it
frequently does not provide the long-term wholeness and happiness that people seek.

Indeed, the best scientific research supports McHugh’s caution and concern.
Here’s how The Guardian summarized the results of a review of “more than 100
follow-up studies of post-operative transsexuals” by Birmingham University’s
Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility:
“[The Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility], which conducts
reviews of health care treatments for the [National Health Service],
concludes that none of the studies provides conclusive evidence that
gender reassignment is beneficial for patients. It found that most
research was poorly designed, which skewed the results in favor of
physically changing sex. There was no evaluation of whether other
treatments, such as long-term counseling, might help transsexuals,
or whether their gender confusion might lessen over time.”
Joe Shute
1 OCTOBER 2017 • 6:00AM
“Reversal surgery and regret in transgender persons is one of
the very hot topics,” he said, adding that “we have to support all
research in this field” in order to understand the situation better.

The mental health effects of transgenderism have also continued

to concern medical professionals. Indeed, over half of all youths
who self-identify as male despite being biologically female have
attempted suicide, according to a recent report.

According to the study, “Transgender Adolescent Suicide

Behavior,” some 51 percent of female and male trans-identified
teenagers revealed they had attempted to kill themselves at least
The data, collected by Russell B. Toomey, Ph.D., of the University
of Arizona-Tucson, was taken from 120,617 participants ages 11
to 19. The most revelatory question asked by the researcher was
simply, “Have you ever tried to kill yourself?”

Fourteen percent of all those questioned said they had, which in

itself is awfully tragic. But the numbers hiked up considerably
when the respondents were narrowed down to just those who
self-identified as a gender that differed from the one on their
original birth certificate.
Of those surveyed, 202 identified as male to female transgender,
175 identified as female to male transgender, 344 identified as
non-binary transgender and 1,052 identified as “questioning”
their gender identity at the time of filling out the survey.

Approximately 30 percent of those in “questioning” category, as

well those who had self-transitioned from male to female, said
they had attempted suicide at some point in their life. Some 42
percent of those who identified as “nonbinary” had at one stage
tried to take their own life.
There are a number of people who have undergone so-called
“gender reassignment” surgery who regret it deeply, and they are
largely being ignored in the rush to pronounce such surgery a
beneficent act.

Professor Miroslav Djordjevic of Belgrade, one of the world’s

leading genital reconstructive surgeons, has spoken with at least a
dozen men who have undergone the traumatic surgery involving
removing their genitalia and now wish to reverse the procedure.
According to The Telegraph, the clients in question come from all
over Europe. The Telegraph explains, “Reattaching the male
genitalia is a complex procedure and takes several operations over
the course of a year to fully complete (at a cost of some €18,000).”
“It can be a real disaster to hear these stories,” Djordjevic told The Telegraph.

Charles Kane, who identified as Sam Hashimi after male-to-female reassignment surgery, opted to become a
man again after experiencing “hormonal regret.” In the BBC documentary One Life: Make Me a Man Again,
Kane explained he originally wanted to become a woman after a nervous breakdown.

“When I was in the psychiatric hospital, there was a man on one side of me who thought he was King George
and another guy on the other side who thought he was Jesus Christ. I decided I was Sam,” Kane said.
Postsurgery, Kane believed his female identity would never be liked or accepted as a real woman. He also
blamed the influence of female hormones as responsible for making him seek the surgery. “I don’t think there’s
anyone born transsexual. Areas of their human brain get altered by female hormones,” Kane told Nightline.
Sex reassignment is as natural as being born, some in the media tell us. And
many Americans are buying it. But a growing chorus of dissenters made up of
physicians, researchers, and even transgender individuals is beginning to paint a
far different picture of the truth.

These dissenters are now coming forward to expose just how harmful gender
transition and reassignment are—both medically and sociologically speaking.
In a recent paper, “Growing Pains: Problems with Puberty Suppression in Treating Gender
Dysphoria,” endocrinologist Paul Hruz, biostatistician Lawrence Mayer, and psychiatrist Paul
McHugh challenge this practice.

They note that approximately 80 percent of gender dysphoric children grow comfortable in
their bodies and no longer experience dysphoria, and conclude that there is “little evidence
that puberty suppression is reversible, safe, or effective for treating gender dysphoria.”

Thus, scientific evidence suggests that hormone-induced puberty suppression is harmful and
even abusive. Finally, gender transitions are problematic for society at large, as revealed in
recent debates about restroom usage, military realities, housing policies, and sporting events.
What is often overlooked in these debates is the troublesome and even dangerous situation created
when transgendered “females” compete in female athletic competitions.

Consider the 2014 women’s mixed martial arts bout between Tamikka Brents and Fallon Fox. During
a two-minute beating, Brents suffered a concussion, an orbital bone fracture, and a head wound
requiring seven staples.“I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a
fight as I did that night,” said Brents.

As it turns out, her opponent, Fox, wasn’t born female. She is a biological male who identifies as
transgender. Brents thought Fox had an unfair advantage. “I can’t answer whether it’s because she
was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor,” said Brents. “I can only say, I’ve never felt so
overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right.”
Brents was right to consider Fox’s advantage unfair: The physical differences between men and
women are significant enough that professional female fighters cannot compete effectively against
other professional male fighters.

Given all this, why do we not see a more constructive and sustained public debate among
surgeons, psychiatrists, and lawmakers about the ethics of sex reassignment? The most significant
reason is the power of the transgender lobby.

Consider psychotherapist James Caspian’s recent claim that Bath Spa University in the United
Kingdom refused his application to conduct research on sex reversal surgeries because the topic
was deemed “potentially politically incorrect.” According to Caspian, the university initially
approved his research proposal, but later rejected it because of the backlash it expected from
powerful transgender lobbies.
Regardless of how politically incorrect the evidence may be, and even while we accommodate the
privacy and safety concerns of those who identify as transgender, we must also draw a sober and
honest conclusion about the human costs of sex reassignment.

The best medical science, social science, philosophy, and theology coalesce. As Heritage
Foundation senior research fellow Ryan Anderson puts it, they reveal that sex is a biological
reality, that gender is the social expression of that reality, and that sex reassignment surgeries and
treatments are therefore not good remedies for the distress felt by people with gender dysphoria.

The most helpful therapies for gender dysphoria, therefore, will be ones that help people live in
conformity with the biological truth about their bodies.
puberty suppression encourages children who experience gender dysphoria to continue
persisting in a cross-sex identity, despite the statistical reality that feelings of gender
dysphoria reduce with age. Upwards of 80 percent of children grow comfortable in their
bodies and no longer experience dysphoria. But puberty suppression, the authors state,
“may drive some children to persist in identifying as transgender when they might
otherwise have, as they grow older, found their gender to be aligned with their sex.
Gender identity for children is elastic (that is, it can change over time) and plastic
(that is, it can be shaped by forces like parental approval and social conditions).
If the increasing use of gender-affirming care does cause children to persist with
their identification as the opposite sex, then many children who would otherwise
not need ongoing medical treatment would be exposed to hormonal and surgical
interventions.” According to the authors, puberty suppression makes it more likely
that children whose gender dysphoria may subside might continue to identify as a
member of the opposite sex. In short, puberty suppression discourages its users
from obtaining a healthy and normative gender identity.
The authors also find that puberty suppression does not resolve or address the causes of the underlying gender
dysphoria. They write, “[W]e simply do not know what causes a child to identify as the opposite sex, so
medical interventions, like puberty suppression, cannot directly address it.” At best, puberty suppression is a
response to deeper ailments whose origin and cure are not yet known.

There is also concern about how normal patterns of puberty are resumed for those who stop using suppressants.
Why? Because the research is “very weak” in such instances: “This is because there are virtually no published
reports, even case studies, of adolescents withdrawing from puberty-suppressing drugs and then resuming
the normal pubertal development typical for their sex. Rather than resuming biologically normal puberty,
these adolescents generally go from suppressed puberty to medically conditioned cross-sex puberty,
when they are administered cross-sex hormones at approximately age 16.”
The authors are concerned that the lack of research on the effects of puberty suppression on those who stop taking
suppressants is not robust, which could pose damaging consequences later on in their development.

There are also other harmful consequences of puberty suppression: stunting height development, reduced bone
density, and infertility by harming gonadal health.

The authors conclude on a sobering note, observing, “It remains unknown whether or not ordinary sex-typical
puberty will resume following the suppression of puberty in patients with gender dysphoria.” That last
sentence needs emphasized because its importance cannot be understated. In the eyes of the report’s authors, a
medical revolution is happening without solid evidence on the long-term effects. The authors summarize their
conclusion by stating that an immense medical revolution is happening under the guise of “consensus”
where no such consensus exists.
Whatever the research findings, Christians should be sensitive to the needs and realities of those who are afflicted with
gender dysphoria and have nothing less than compassion for those who experience emotional distress. Such
individuals experience disproportionate levels of anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, and suicide.

At the same time, Christians must be sober-minded about the type of medical revolution occurring under the guise of
transgenderism. Furthermore, Christians should not encourage the use of puberty suppression in young children nor the
use of hormonal therapies to nullify one’s biological sex. Such actions disrupt natural body rhythms and reject the
goodness of one’s embodiment as a creature made in God’s image.

We are living at a time where what it means to be made male or female is hotly contested. Are humans divine
image bearers, designed by God with an objective human nature? Or are men and women simply constructs
made up by society that can be toyed with and manipulated at will?
This is indeed one of the most startling repercussions that follow from actions like puberty suppression: The
transgender movement relies upon an unbiblical anthropology that sees natural bodily development as subservient to,
and conquerable by, the sheer act of human will.

The authors criticize a 2016 report issued by the Human Rights Campaign demonstrating how the transgender
movement treats healthy body development as a potentially “irreversible” obstacle to human fulfillment. “This turns
the normal language of reversibility on its head, speaking of the natural process of biological development
as an irreversible series of problems that medicine should seek to prevent,” the authors write, “while
presenting the intervention — puberty suppression — as benign and reversible.”
The transgender movement relies upon assumptions that the body is a roadblock to a person’s self-fulfillment, and
thus mature body development impedes personal happiness and health. Christians must reject this type of
thinking because it makes createdness and the design of the body a problem, rather than a blessing of God.

Puberty suppression is just one part of the much larger transgender revolution occurring in our midst. The act of
puberty suppression signals that the body’s design bears no intrinsic, physical goal. By acting to disrupt the body’s
natural design, the transgender movement signals that the goodness of God’s creation is something
subjectable to man’s control. Actions, philosophies, and movements that subvert human nature will
end up subverting human flourishing as well.
“I Am Not My Body”
Many people find it easier to recognize the denigration
of the body in arguments supporting transsexualism or
transgenderism. Transgender people often say they are
trapped in the “wrong body.” This sense of a mismatch
between physical sex and psychological gender is
called gender dysphoria.
“Most people assume that it must have some
biochemical basis, perhaps a hormonal cause. To date,
however, no clear scientific evidence has been
uncovered. More importantly, transgender advocates
themselves argue the opposite: They deny that gender
identity is rooted in biology. Their argument is that
gender is completely independent of the body.”
“In other words, the authentic self has no connection
to the body. The real person resides in the spirit,
mind, will, and feelings.The implication is that the
body does not matter. It is not the site of the authentic
self. Matter does not matter. All that matters is a
person’s inner feelings or sense of self. This radical
dualism accepts a modernist, materialist view of the
body in the lower story, and a postmodern view of the
self in the upper story.”
“The body is not seen as having any purpose or
telos(ultimate goal). It is merely a collection of physical
systems—muscles, bones, organs, and cells—providing
no clue to who we are or how we should live. Our
physical traits give no signposts for the right way to
deploy our sexuality.”
“ And if the meaning of our sexuality is not something
we derive from the body, then it becomes something we
impose on the body. It is a social construction. Sexual
identity is reduced to a postmodern concept completely
disconnected from the body.”
“ The question raised by the transgender movement is
much more fundamental: Do we accept or reject our
basic biological identity as male or female? In the
two-story worldview, the body is seen as irrelevant—or
even as a constraint to be overcome, a limitation to be
liberated from. By contrast, a biblical worldview
leads to a positive view of the body.”
“ It says that the biological correspondence between
male and female is part of the original creation. Sexual
differentiation is part of what God pronounced “very
good”—morally good—which means it provides a
reference point for morality. There is a purpose in the
physical structures of our bodies that we are called to
respect. A teleological morality creates harmony
between biological identity and gender identity. The
body/ person is an integrated psychosexual unity.
Matter does matter.”
"All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of
man. Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were made “in the
image of God,” and it was the Creator's design that they should populate the
earth. They were to live in close communion with heaven, receiving power from
the Source of all power. Upheld by God, they were to live sinless lives. "

RH February 11, 1902, Art. A, par. 1

-Ellen G. White,
“We were brought into existence because we were needed”
The Signs of the Times, April 22, 1903.

“To each human being God has assigned an individuality and a distinct work.”
SpM 175.6

“Every man has his place in the eternal plan of heaven. Whether we fill that place
depends upon our own faithfulness in co-operating with God.” MH 476.1
"We were brought into existence because we were needed. How
sad the thought that if we stand on the wrong side, in the ranks of
the enemy, we are lost to the design of our creation. We are
disappointing our Redeemer; the powers He designed for His
service are used to oppose His grace and matchless love.”
ST April 22, 1903, par. 5
-Antonio Bernard ,

Part 19

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