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Desalination 147 (2002) 69–75

Two years of nanofiltration at the Méry-sur-Oise plant, France

B. Cynaa*, G. Chagneaub, G. Bablonc, N. Tanghea

Compagnie Générale des Eaux, Usine de Méry-sur-Oise, 2 avenue Marcel Perrin. 95540 Méry-sur-Oise, France
Tel. +33 (1) 34482801; Fax +33 (1) 34482855; email:
Syndicat des Eaux d’Ile de France, 14 rue St Benoît, 75006 Paris, France
Tel. +33 (1) 53454212; Fax +33 (1) 53454268; email:
Compagnie Générale des Eaux, Quartier Valmy, 32 Place Ronde, 92982 Paris La Défense, France
Tel. +33 (1) 55234221; Fax +33 (1) 55234719; email:

Received 1 February 2002; accepted 12 March 2002


For more than 2 years, the extension of the Méry-sur-Oise plant has been producing water from the river Oise,
using nanofiltration technology for a production capacity of 140,000 m3/d, a world premiere on surface water. After
presenting the reasons for the nanofiltration choice and the treatment processes, we’ll analyze the performances of
the plant at its different stages: pretreatment upstream, nanofiltration itself and water quality in the distribution
system. Performances are very satisfactory, especially for the two main objectives: elimination of organic matters
and of pesticides. The consumers are also satisfied with the reduction of the chlorine taste (chlorine rate has been
diminished by factor 2) and of calcium concentration. During these 2 years of operation, several tunings have been
conducted to optimize the process, such as active pretreatment parameters and membrane cleaning process. The
whole plant is automated and the process control is performing very efficiently. An automatic piloting system has
been developed and has been operative since the beginning of 2002. So far, operation additional costs, compared to
a traditional plant with refining using ozone and carbon, are lower than foreseen. Nanofiltration in Méry-sur-Oise
turns out to have been the right choice and is a complete success.

Keywords: Méry-sur-Oise; Nanofiltration; Membranes; Clogging; Organic matter; Monitoring

1. Introduction Paris region. It is one of the three main water

production plants owned by SEDIF (Syndicat des
The Méry-sur-Oise plant supplies water to
Eaux d’Ile de France), the region’s water authority,
800,000 people living in the northern part of the
whose facilities are operated by Compagnie
Générale des Eaux. Together, the three plants supply
*Corresponding author.
Presented at the International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM), Toulouse, France,
July 7–12, 2002.

0011-9164/02/$– See front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
70 B. Cyna et al. / Desalination 147 (2002) 69–75

four million people. Production capacity at Méry- was another objective with values lower than
sur-Oise was increased at the end of 1999 so that 0.1 µg/l for 1 µg/l in the river.
the plant could be included in the inter-plant A prototype of nanofiltration supplied 6,000
emergency backup system set up by SEDIF and people in Auvers-sur-Oise from 1993 to 1999. Sur-
the quality of water produced could be improved. veys showed that the consumers were very satisfied
This new plant, using nanofiltration on surface with the improved taste: no chlorine taste and
water, a world first at this scale, has now been increased softness.
producing water for more than 2 years. The first Elimination of organic matters and pesticides,
conclusions of this experience can be drawn. along with improving the taste, were the reasons
Before getting to the observation of this 2-year that led to use nanofiltration for the extension of
period, it is important to keep in mind the reasons the plant.
why nanofiltration was chosen for Méry-sur- The plant now includes two treatment paths:
Oise [1,2,3]. • the new membrane path (nanofiltration) with
Méry-sur-Oise plant was first built in 1911, a production capacity of 140,000 m3/d,
with a production of 20,000 m3/d, based on slow • the biological path with a production capacity
sand filtration. It has been in constant evolution of 200,000 m3/d.
since then with major changes in the sixties (rapid
The biological path has to be kept working,
filtration, ozonation). In 1980, the construction
not only because the nanofiltration capacity is
of a raw water reservoir (400,000 m3) and the
generally insufficient, but also because the
introduction of biological filtration on granular
biological plant has to be able to be raised quickly
activated carbon was also a major step. Disinfecting
to 200,000 m3/d. The bacteria have to stay alive
was transferred to a final stage of the treatment.
inside the filters.
But the biological treatment: coagulation,
The mean production of Méry-sur-Oise is
flocculation, settling, sand filtration, ozone, GAC
about 180,000 m3/d. The nanofiltration produces
filtration was not enough: water from the Oise
about 130,000 m3/d while the biological path
river contains a very high rate of organic matter
produces 50,000 m3/d.
making it very difficult to treat. Despite the
The design of the plant had to take into account
biological treatment, there was still some organic
the great variability of the water of the river Oise,
matter at the end of the treatment, which fed the
beginning with the temperature, which varies
bacteria in the distribution system.
between 1 and 25°C.
Every year between November and April,
floods of the river Oise, led to high rates of organic The treatment path comprises four stages
matter (TOC>6 mg/l). In order to keep the organic (Fig. 1).:
matter fed in the distribution system below reason- Pre-treatment [4]: Pre-treatment includes
able values (TOC<2.5 mg/l), the production had coagulation, flocculation and settling in a ACTIFLO
to be slowed down. In November 1998, rates of TOC weighted floc settler, ozonation, and filtration
on the river were so high (TOC>10 mg/l) that the through a two-layer sand and anthracite bed,
choice was to stop the plant production and be preceded by a second injection of coagulant.
provided with the Neuilly-sur-Marne plant through Coagulation is carried out using WAC HB (poly-
the main feeders that connect these two plants. aluminium chloride) and an anionic polyelectro-
In order to reach low rates of organic matter, lyte, which during periods of heavily polluted raw
comparative studies, carried out since the end of water, permits a considerable reduction of injected
the 80s by Compagnie Générale des Eaux for the PAC levels. Coagulation is carried out at a pH of
SEDIF, had shown that nanofiltration was the most 6.9 by adding sulfuric acid to reduce the quantity
effective treatment. The elimination of pesticides of dissolved aluminum in the water supplying the
B. Cyna et al. / Desalination 147 (2002) 69–75 71

Fig. 1. Nanofiltration treatment path.

membranes. This specific pretreatment was deter- 54-PV block at the second level, and one 28-PV
mined, after several years of tests on pilots, to be block at the third level. In total, the nanofiltration
optimal for the Oise River. It minimizes the water- unit comprises 9,120 Filmtec NF 200 B-400 mem-
clogging index upstream of the membranes and brane elements, specially designed to treat the
the number of particles greater than 1.5 µm. Oise water by removing organic matter while
Prefiltration: Prefiltration fed by water pumped allowing through some of the calcium [5].
at approximately 2 bar, consists in eight micro- Post-treatment: Post-treatment consists in
filters, each with 410 6 µm cartridges. These entirely removing excess CO2, using degassing towers, UV
automated prefilters are air-cleaned every 24 to disinfection through five UV reactors (radiation
36 h, depending on the measured quantity of of 25 mJ/cm2), mixing with water from the biolo-
particles (particles larger than 1.5 µm), and gical treatment path, with the balance adjusted
chemically cleaned on site every 10–20 days, as by the injection of sodium hydroxide. The nano-
soon as the prefilter head loss reaches 650 m·bar. filtred water is mixed with water from the biological
The purpose of the prefiltration is to capture the treatment path in a ratio of 70–30%.
particles that might clog or even damage the After 2 years of operation, the results can be
membranes. The prefilters act as safety fuses in described under three headings:
case the water leaving the dual layer filters con- 1. Characteristics of the water distributed since
tains too many suspended solids. the introduction of nanofiltration;
Nanofiltration: Nanofiltration consists in eight 2. Unit monitoring, membrane aging and clogging
lines, each one fed by water pumped at approxi- control;
mately 10 bar. Each line is made of three levels 3. Evaluation of operation and maintenance costs.
positioned in steps. Each level ensures filtration
of half the flow. On leaving the third level, 15%
2. Characteristics of the water distributed since
of the initial flow is discharged into drains,
the introduction of nanofiltration
resulting in a conversion rate of 85%. Each line
has 190 pressure vessels (PV), and produces The nanofiltration membranes have proved to
17,500 m3/d. Each PV has six spiral membrane be effective in reducing organic matter (Fig. 2).
elements in line. The 190 PV are arranged in four The annual average of TOC in the water produced
blocks: two 54-PV blocks at the first level, one has dropped from 1.8 to 0.67 mg/l. As a result,
72 B. Cyna et al. / Desalination 147 (2002) 69–75

N a n o filtr a tio n fe e d P e rm e a t e
3 ,5

TOC in mg/l

2 ,5

1 ,5

0 ,5










































Date as day/month/year

Fig. 2. TOC content in feed water and permeate (as mg C/l).

the level of chlorine in the water leaving the plant 3. Unit monitoring, membrane aging and
has been reduced from 0.4 to 0.2 mg/l. Because clogging control
of the performance of the membranes, the operation
Monitoring and process control of the new
of the plant is no longer determined on the basis
nanofiltration plant is highly innovative [6]. All
of organic matter quantity in the River Oise. The
processes are entirely automated. The facility has
reduction in organic matter of the treated water
more than 1,000 computerized synoptic control
has resulted in significant stability in the level of
panels, 450 on-line sensors. The upper control level,
chlorine in the network and reduced the quantities
level 2, is a central calculator supervising the
injected at the network rechlorination stations.
entire facility. It receives information from the lower
In the distribution system, several changes
level (level 1). It is run by the plant pilot.
have been observed through measurement cam-
An automatic piloting system has been deve-
paigns in 2000 and 2001, among which:
loped, called level 3. It forecasts the volume to
• Reduction of TOC and BDOC by a factor 3 to 5. be produced by the plant and plans commands
• Reduction of THMs by a factor 2. for the following 24 h while taking into account
• Reduction of viable bacteria population by a many outside constraints (volumes, installation
factor 10.
unavailability, electricity contract, hydraulic and
• Reduction of chlorine demand of the distribution water quality parameters, etc.). It sends commands
system by a factor 3.
to the level 2, checks the good application of these
The water distributed no longer has a chlorine commands and alerts in case of dysfunction. It
taste. According to several opinion polls, the taste continuously examines the processes to anticipate
and the fact that the water is softer are the two dysfunction. It also stores all the events in the plant:
improvements most appreciated by consumers. it is the plant memory. Among other advantages,
Nanofiltration also reduces pesticides. During this tool brings an increased reliability and an
the summer of 2001, 850 ng/l of atrazine were optimization of the produced water. It has been
detected in the river water. However, the amount completely operative since the beginning of this
in the nanofiltred water remained below detection year.
level (50 ng/l).
B. Cyna et al. / Desalination 147 (2002) 69–75 73

3.1. Pretreatment monitoring and control flow rate on the concentrate side. This leads to a
calculation of a head loss factor also standardized
Upstream nanofiltration, the pretreatment role
at 25°C. The percentages of standardized perme-
is to ensure a stable quality of the water despite
ability loss or increase in the head loss factor
the variations of the Oise turbidity (between 15
percentage, based on the initial condition of the
and 100 NTU). The different parameters that can
stage following cleaning, are calculated on the
be piloted are [7]:
basis of each of these parameters.
• Coagulant and polyelectrolyte rates for coagu-
A 25% standardized water permeability loss
or an increase in the standardized longitudinal
• Ozone rate
head loss on one of the stages triggers a cleaning
• Coagulant rate upstream dual-layer filtration
order for the line involved.
The objectives of the pretreatment are to: To ensure this monitoring, it is very important
• Minimize the number of particles after pre- that the measurements given by the sensors be
treatment: less than 200 particles (>1.5 µm)/ml reliable. Consequently, to validate the measure-
• Keep the fouling index below 3 units ments, calculations are carried out that check the
• Keep dissolved aluminum below 20 µg/l sensors against one another to see if there is a
These values are continuously monitored. Tests drift in one or more of the devices. Coherence
conducted in 2000 and 2001 have shown that the checks are computed for intake and outlet flows,
optimal setting of the active parameters are: intake pressures and longitudinal head losses, and
• Polyelectrolyte rate = 0.2 g/m3 conductivity meters. When the error percentages
• Ozone = 1.2 g/m3 are too great (greater than 5% for flow rates and
• Coagulant rate upstream filtration = 5 g/m3 pressures, and greater than 20% for the conduc-
tivity meters) sensor discordance alarms are
The quantity of coagulant injected upstream triggered, indicating that maintenance work needs
the ACTIFLO settler is automatically adjusted to to be carried out. Most of the time, there is less
keep a turbidity of the settled water below 1.2 NTU. than 1% of errors recorded on the flow rate and
pressure balances, which shows the system
3.2. Nanofiltration monitoring and control
The regeneration operations are fully automated,
Each block of membranes is monitored in real and are carried out using chemicals stored on site:
time by a network of PLCs that manages all sensor two basic products (a detergent and sodium
measurements. Flow rate, pressure and conductivity carbonate), citric acid and an acid disinfectant.
detectors are installed on each block to continu- Several regeneration modes can be programmed.
ously measure water flow, water and salt perme- The standard procedure uses the basic detergent
ability and longitudinal head loss factors. (P3 Ultrasil 110 at 0.35%) at 30°C and citric acid
In addition, each membrane line also has an at 0.6%. Between the use of these products the
individual control system that manages the sensor line is rinsed with water.
measurements and calculations concerning the Fig. 3 shows the evolution of a line’s water
line. The 8 control systems of the 8 lines are super- permeability from August 1999 to December 2001.
vised by a central fail-safe control system that Although no clogging was observed during the
manages the lines in relation to one another and first cycles (after the normal initial fall), the first
according to the total flow rate to be produced. cleaning operations seemed to affect the perme-
Membrane water permeabilities are stan- ability of the membranes. It is possible that during
dardized at 25°C. Longitudinal head losses are the cleaning operations, intermediary rinsing
standardized relative to the temperature and the (between the detergent and the acid cleaning
74 B. Cyna et al. / Desalination 147 (2002) 69–75

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Standardized Water Permeability (l.h

(1 ) (2 ) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 ) (7 ) (8 ) (9 ) (1 0 ) (1 1 ) (1 2 ) (1 3 ) (1 4 ) (1 5 ) (1 6 ) (1 7 )

1 1 /8 /1 9 9 9 1 9 /1 1 /1 9 9 9 2 7 /2 /2 0 0 0 0 6 /6 /2 0 0 0 1 4 /9 /2 0 0 0 2 3 /1 2 /2 0 0 0 0 2 /4 /2 0 0 1 1 1 /7 /2 0 0 1 1 9 /1 0 /2 0 0 1

Date as day/month/year

Fig. 3. Monitoring of standardized water permeabilities for the three stages of line 1. Indication of the various cleaning
operations carried out.

operations) carried out using cold water did not winters in 2000 and 2001, and the use of new
fully rinse off the residual detergent, which then membranes. These conditions have resulted in
precipitated when it came into contact with the lower pressure than expected upstream of the
acid. The river water lowers in winter down to 1°C membranes. The energy is highly variable depending
and, as a result, the efficiency of rinsing operations on the temperature of the water: the high pressure
is diminished. pumping unit upstream nanofiltration consumes
The membrane cleaning procedure was a mean of 0.35 kWh/m3 and varies between 0.27
optimized based on these observed performances: in summer and 0.50 kWh/m3 in winter.
since February 2000, the membranes have been Globally, a simple rule can be drawn for
rinsed with water heated to about 35°C. The additional costs:
energy required to clean the membranes depends Electricity = Chemicals = Maintenance
on the temperature of the water and can reach = 0.015 € /m3
25 MWh.

4. Evaluation of operation and maintenance 5. Conclusion

costs The first 2 years of operations of the nano-
Additional costs associated with operating the filtration plant in Méry-sur-Oise represent a success.
new nanofiltration treatment path have been Water quality has been considerably improved
compared with the ones of the conventional while the additional costs have been lower than
treatment path (biological treatment with carbon foreseen.
ozone refining). The process control is efficient and the plant,
The cost of chemicals has been in line with which had been completely automated since the
forecasts. So far, electricity costs have been lower beginning, has now an automatic piloting system
than forecast, primarily for two reasons: mild entirely operational.
B. Cyna et al. / Desalination 147 (2002) 69–75 75

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