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First let us together Praise to Allah SWT for His blessings and mercy, so that we can implement the

English debate. and do not forget the blessings and prayers to the great prophet Muhammad SAW.
prophet that brought us from the darkness into the bright as it is today.

And for the limit today is children under the age of 12 years old.

Free games such as online games are popping up every month are now more popular and demand.
However, all online games are just impact and negative influences. A significant number of gamers who
are aware and realize that then give some reason why should stop playing games online.

In general, online game players will play until the time they did not specify. They can play for 5-12 hours.
There is even a play for up to three days in a row without stopping.

Here is some of the reason why the game can discard - waste of time

1. Spend money

Because spend a long time and requires an internet connection, then of course you can not play games
online without paying even though it is a free game. You must pay the rent internet, not to mention if
you play the game point blank. Then you would pay for other things such as weapons and other

2. slow down their enthusiasm for learning

People, especially children and adolescents who are stuck in the world of online games will have a spirit
of learning are very low and likely to play truant. When in college I happen to live near a cafe every day
is always visited by school children during school hours is in progress. Supposedly cafe as resources to
create rules ban for school children entering cafes during hours of teaching and learning.

3. Damaging eye

I once saw one of my friends play games online and direct my eyes smarting when only a few minutes.
Imagine what happened to my friend who was staring at a computer screen for hours. people eye will
not be able to receive a load of it and needed a break. I am very grateful because when a child has never
spent time playing games, so the ability of my eyes better than my friends used to be that a lot of spend
time playing games .

4. Growing a lazy attitude

In general, more gamers will spend their time in the room or in the cafe. This will lead to a lazy attitude
which of course will kill the future. In fact, so the magnitude of laziness caused by playing a game that
somebody could even forget to eat and do other things that are more important.

5. Life in cyberspace
The gamers will spend much of his life in the virtual world than in the real world. gamers will never know
the big issues are facing this nation and will never know what real life if it does not stop the bad habit.

6. Causes of worship abandoned

Actually, not all gamers like this. I have some friends that gamers will immediately stop their activities
when on hearing the call to prayer. However, after that he will be reinjected play game again. Playing
games will continue to make us complacent and oblivious to everything, including your relationship with

7. Causing addiction

If at this time you just know that only cigarettes, narcotics and pornography is addictive, so from now
you should know that the game will also cause you to become addicted. Just like other addictions,
addictive game will also have a negative impact on you.

8. Anti-Social

Frequency of playing the game forget the time will cause you become less sociable and establish you as
an individual anti-social. You will forget your girlfriend, oblivious to your family, oblivious to your friends,
forget about your work and others simply because fooled by object called online games.

9. Disturbing health

Life of gamer that time forgot, forgot to eat, and sat staring at the computer for too long would make
gamers becoming vulnerable to disease. Ulcer disease, damage to the eyes and others will be stalking

10. Damaging the future

Play online games only produce negative effects in the absence of a significant positive impact. It will
ruin your future because your time has been wasted. You may be aware of when you have lost the

Those are some reasons that you can consider for the immediate cessation play game online. Hopefully
ideals and your effort to escape from the shackles of online gaming can be successful as soon as

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