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7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle

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7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle

Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification]


September 30, 2018

Introduction (
Load data and Libraries (
Feature Selection & Engineering (
Exploratory Data Analysis (
Data modelling (

Credit Risk Modelling [EDAclassification#data-modelling)

& Classification]
Conclusion  34  Copy and Edit 45
Rmarkdown script using data from Lending Club Loan(
Data · 9,087 views · 10mo ago ·  beginner, data visualization,
eda, +2 more classification#conclusion) 

The analysis of credit risk and the decision making for granting loans is one of
the most important operations for financial institutions. By taking into account
Version 21
past results, we need to train a model to accurately predict future outcomes.
 21 commits

Report Load data and Libraries

Load libraries we are going to use.
Credit Risk Modelling
[EDA & Classification] library(tidyverse)
Load Data And Libraries library(GGally)
Feature Selection & library(caret)

Exploratory Data Load the data available for analysis. The dataset is takenas bank’s records
Analysis about the statuw of loan defaults and the profile of customers.

Data Modelling
# Set the blank spaces to NA's
Conclusion loan = read_csv("../input/loan.csv" , na = "")

Code colnames(loan)

## [1] "id" "member_id"
Log ## [3] "loan_amnt" "funded_amnt"
## [5] "funded_amnt_inv" "term"
## [7] "int_rate" "installment"
## [9] "grade" "sub_grade"
## [11] "emp_title" "emp_length"
## [13] "home_ownership" "annual_inc"
## [15] "verification_status" "issue_d"
## [17] "loan_status" "pymnt_plan"
## [19] "url" "desc"
## [21] "purpose" "title"
## [23] "zip_code" "addr_state"
## [25] "dti" "delinq_2yrs"
## [27] "earliest_cr_line" "inq_last_6mths"
[29] " h i l d li " " h i l 2/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
## [29] "mths_since_last_delinq" "mths_since_last_
## [31] "open_acc" "pub_rec"
## [33] "revol_bal" "revol_util"
## [35] "total_acc" "initial_list_sta
## [37] "out_prncp" "out_prncp_inv"
## [39] "total_pymnt" "total_pymnt_inv"
## [41] "total_rec_prncp" "total_rec_int"
## [43] "total_rec_late_fee" "recoveries"
## [45] "collection_recovery_fee" "last_pymnt_d"
## [47] "last_pymnt_amnt" "next_pymnt_d"
## [49] "last_credit_pull_d" "collections_12_m
## [51] "mths_since_last_major_derog" "policy_code"
## [53] "application_type" "annual_inc_join
## [55] "dti_joint" "verification_sta
## [57] "acc_now_delinq" "tot_coll_amt"
    
## [59] "tot_cur_bal"
Report Code Data
Log Comments
## [61] "open_il_6m" "open_il_12m"
## [63] "open_il_24m" "mths_since_rcnt_
## [65] "total_bal_il" "il_util"
## [67] "open_rv_12m" "open_rv_24m"
## [69] "max_bal_bc" "all_util"
## [71] "total_rev_hi_lim" "inq_fi"
## [73] "total_cu_tl" "inq_last_12m"

Feature Selection & Engineering

The dataset contains of information of age, annual income, grade of employee,
home ownership that affect the probability of default of the borrower. The
columns we are going to use are namely:

loan_status : Variable with multiple levels (e.g. Charged off, Current,

Default, Fully Paid …)
loan_amnt : Total amount of loan taken
int_rate : Loan interset rate
grade : Grade of employment
emp_length : Duration of employment
home_ownership : Type of ownership of house
annual_inc : Total annual income
term : 36-month or 60-month period

# Select only the columns mentioned above.

loan = loan %>%
select(loan_status , loan_amnt , int_rate , gra
de , emp_length , home_ownership ,
annual_inc , term)

## # A tibble: 887,379 x 8
## loan_status loan_amnt int_rate grade emp_length h
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <
## 1 Fully Paid 5000 10.6 B 10+ years R
## 2 Charged Off 2500 15.3 C < 1 year R
ENT 3/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle

## 3 Fully Paid 2400 16.0 C 10+ years R

## 4 Fully Paid 10000 13.5 C 10+ years R
## 5 Current 3000 12.7 B 1 year R
## 6 Fully Paid 5000 7.9 A 3 years R
## 7 Current 7000 16.0 C 8 years R
## 8 Fully Paid 3000 18.6 E 9 years R
## 9 Charged Off 5600 21.3 F 4 years O
## 10 Charged Off 5375 12.7 B < 1 year R
## # ... with 887,369 more rows, and 2 more variables:
annual_inc <dbl>,
## # term <chr>

Missing Values:

sapply(loan , function(x) sum(

## loan_status loan_amnt int_rate

grade emp_length
## 0 0 0
0 0
## home_ownership annual_inc term
## 0 4 0

# Remove the 4 rows with missing annual income, 49 rows

where home ownership is 'NONE' or 'ANY' and rows where
emp_length is 'n/a'.

loan = loan %>%

filter(! ,
!(home_ownership %in% c('NONE' , 'ANY'))
emp_length != 'n/a')

Exploratory Data Analysis

loan_status :

loan %>%
count(loan_status) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(loan_status , desc(n)) ,
y = n , fill = n)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
labs(x = 'Loan Status' , y = 'Count') 4/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle

We want to convert this variable to binary (1 for default and 0 for non-default)
but we have 10 different levels. Loans with status Current, Late payments, In
grace period need to be removed. Therefore, we create a new variable called
loan_outcome where

loan_outcome -> 1 if loan_status = ‘Charged Off’ or ‘Default’ loan_outcome -> 0

if loan_status = ‘Fully Paid’

loan = loan %>%

mutate(loan_outcome = ifelse(loan_status %in% c
('Charged Off' , 'Default') ,
== 'Fully Paid' , 0 , 'No info')

barplot(table(loan$loan_outcome) , col = 'lightblue')

We will create a new dataset which contains only rows with 0 or 1 in

loan_outcome feature for better modelling.

# Create the new dataset by filtering 0's and 1's in the

loan_outcome column and remove loan_status column for th
e modelling
loan2 = loan %>%
select(-loan_status) %>%
filter(loan_outcome %in% c(0 , 1))

Our new dataset contains of 244179 rows.

Let’s observe how useful these variables would be for credit risk modelling. It is
known that the better the grade the lowest the interest rate. We can nicely
visualise this with boxplots.

ggplot(loan2 , aes(x = grade , y = int_rate , fill = gr

ade)) +
geom_boxplot() + 5/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
theme_igray() +
labs(y = 'Interest Rate' , x = 'Grade')

We assume that grade is a great predictor for the volume of non-performing

loans. But how many of them did not performed grouped by grade?

table(loan2$grade , factor(loan2$loan_outcome , c(0 , 1

) , c('Fully Paid' , 'Default')))

## Fully Paid Default
## A 38268 2472
## B 64185 9095
## C 50823 12252
## D 28874 10202
## E 12473 6162
## F 4581 2890
## G 1110 792

ggplot(loan2 , aes(x = grade , y = ..count.. , fill = f

actor(loan_outcome , c(1 , 0) , c('Default' , 'Fully Pa
id')))) +
geom_bar() +
theme(legend.title = element_blank())

Now let’s try to find out what impact the annual income of the borrower has on
the other variables. 6/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
ggplot(loan2[sample(244179 , 10000) , ] , aes(x = annua
l_inc , y = loan_amnt , color = int_rate)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.5 , size = 1.5) +
geom_smooth(se = F , color = 'darkred' , method
= 'loess') +
xlim(c(0 , 300000)) +
labs(x = 'Annual Income' , y = 'Loan Ammount' ,
color = 'Interest Rate')

As expected the larger the annual income the larger the demanded ammount by
the borrower.

Data modelling
Modelling Process:

We created the binary loan_outcome which will be our response variable.

We exclude some independent variables in order to make the model simpler.
We split the dataset to training set(75%) and testing set(25%) for the
We train a model to predict the probability of default.

Because of the binary response variable we can use logistic regression. Rather
than modelling the response Y directly, logistic regression models the probability
that Y belongs to a particular category, in our case the probability of a non-
performing loan. This probability can be computed by the logistic function,

P = exp(b0 + b1X1 + … + bNXN) / [ 1 + exp(b0 + b1X1 + … + bNXN) ]


P is the probability of default

b0 , b1 , … , bN are the coefficient estimates
N the number of observations
X1 , … , XN are the independent variables

# Split dataset
loan2$loan_outcome = as.numeric(loan2$loan_outcome)
idx = sample(dim(loan2)[1] , 0.75*dim(loan2)[1] , repla
ce = F)
trainset = loan2[idx , ]
testset = loan2[-idx , ]

# Fit logistic regression

glm.model = glm(loan_outcome ~ . , trainset , family =
binomial(link = 'logit'))
summary(glm.model) 7/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle

## Call:
## glm(formula = loan_outcome ~ ., family = binomial(li
nk = "logit"),
## data = trainset)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -1.4008 -0.6693 -0.5173 -0.3400 8.4904
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr
## (Intercept) -3.478e+00 4.987e-02 -69.752 <
2e-16 ***
## loan_amnt 1.413e-05 9.694e-07 14.576 <
2e-16 ***
## int_rate 1.362e-01 4.693e-03 29.017 <
2e-16 ***
## gradeB 1.402e-01 3.327e-02 4.213 2.
52e-05 ***
## gradeC 1.611e-01 4.282e-02 3.762 0.
000169 ***
## gradeD 1.178e-01 5.466e-02 2.155 0.
031159 *
## gradeE -2.819e-02 6.770e-02 -0.416 0.
## gradeF -2.548e-01 8.360e-02 -3.048 0.
002303 **
## gradeG -3.342e-01 1.020e-01 -3.276 0.
001053 **
## emp_length1 year -7.567e-02 3.199e-02 -2.366 0.
018000 *
## emp_length10+ years -8.850e-02 2.439e-02 -3.629 0.
000284 ***
## emp_length2 years -9.606e-02 2.942e-02 -3.265 0.
001095 **
## emp_length3 years -6.216e-02 3.043e-02 -2.043 0.
041061 *
## emp_length4 years -7.339e-02 3.249e-02 -2.259 0.
023888 *
## emp_length5 years -3.031e-02 3.124e-02 -0.970 0.
## emp_length6 years -1.353e-02 3.294e-02 -0.411 0.
## emp_length7 years -6.067e-02 3.366e-02 -1.803 0.
071440 .
## emp_length8 years -2.980e-02 3.539e-02 -0.842 0.
## emp_length9 years -1.592e-03 3.785e-02 -0.042 0.
## home_ownershipOTHER 4.291e-01 2.478e-01 1.732 0.
083343 .
## home_ownershipOWN 6.730e-02 2.391e-02 2.815 0.
004881 **
## home_ownershipRENT 2.059e-01 1.404e-02 14.668 <
2e-16 ***
## annual_inc -6.441e-06 2.122e-07 -30.351 <
2e-16 ***
## term60 months 3.242e-01 1.681e-02 19.284 <
2e-16 ***
## --- 8/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.'
0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to b
e 1)
## Null deviance: 172580 on 183133 degrees of fre
## Residual deviance: 159710 on 183110 degrees of fre
## AIC: 159758
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6

The coefficients of the following features are positive:

1. Loan Ammount
2. Interest Rate
3. Home Ownership - Other
4. Term
5. The better the grade the more difficult to default

This means the probability of defaulting on the given credit varies directly with
these factors. For example more the given ammount of the loan, more the risk
of losing credit.

The coefficients of the following features are negative:

1. Annual Income
2. Home Ownership - Own
3. Home Ownership - Rent
4. Borrowers with 10+ years of experience are more likely to pay their debt
5. There is no significant difference in the early years of employment

This means that the probability of defaulting is inversely proportional to the

factors mentioned above.

# Prediction on test set

preds = predict(glm.model , testset , type = 'response'

# Density of probabilities
ggplot(data.frame(preds) , aes(preds)) +
geom_density(fill = 'lightblue' , alpha = 0.4)
labs(x = 'Predicted Probabilities on test set')

But now let’s see how the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are transformed 9/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
for given threshold. We can use a threshold of 50% for the posterior probability
of default in order to assign an observation to the default class. However, if we
are concerned about incorrectly predicting the default status for individuals who
default, then we can consider lowering this threshold. So we will consider these
three metrics for threshold levels from 1% up to 50%.

k = 0
accuracy = c()
sensitivity = c()
specificity = c()
for(i in seq(from = 0.01 , to = 0.5 , by = 0.01)){
k = k + 1
preds_binomial = ifelse(preds > i , 1 , 0)
confmat = table(testset$loan_outcome , preds_bi
accuracy[k] = sum(diag(confmat)) / sum(confmat)
sensitivity[k] = confmat[1 , 1] / sum(confmat[
, 1])
specificity[k] = confmat[2 , 2] / sum(confmat[
, 2])

If we plot our results we get this visualization.

threshold = seq(from = 0.01 , to = 0.5 , by = 0.01)

data = data.frame(threshold , accuracy , sensitivity ,


## threshold accuracy sensitivity specificity

## 1 0.01 0.1799492 0.9402985 0.1791138
## 2 0.02 0.1817348 0.9615385 0.1794029
## 3 0.03 0.1862724 0.9606625 0.1800964
## 4 0.04 0.1988697 0.9647779 0.1821256
## 5 0.05 0.2252109 0.9647563 0.1865055
## 6 0.06 0.2614956 0.9571610 0.1924878

# Gather accuracy , sensitivity and specificity in one c

ggplot(gather(data , key = 'Metric' , value = 'Value' ,
2:4) ,
aes(x = threshold , y = Value , color = Metric))
geom_line(size = 1.5) 10/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle

A threshold of 25% - 30% seems ideal cause further increase of the cut off
percentage does not have significant impact on the accuracy of the model. The
Confusion Matrix for cut off point at 30% will be this,

preds.for.30 = ifelse(preds > 0.3 , 1 , 0)

confusion_matrix_30 = table(Predicted = preds.for.30 ,
Actual = testset$loan_outcome)

## Actual
## Predicted 0 1
## 0 44853 7834
## 1 5266 3092

## [1] "Accuracy : 0.7854"

The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve is a popular graphic for

simultaneously displaying the two types of errors for all possible thresholds.


# Area Under Curve

auc(roc(testset$loan_outcome , preds))

## Area under the curve: 0.6957

# Plot ROC curve

plot.roc(testset$loan_outcome , preds , main = "Confide
nce interval of a threshold" , percent = TRUE ,
ci = TRUE , of = "thresholds" , thresholds =
"best" , print.thres = "best" , col = 'blue')

This kernel has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.

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Code This kernel has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license. Download Code

1 --- 11/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
2 title: "Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification]"
3 author: "IonasKel"
4 date: "September 30, 2018"
5 output:
6 html_document:
7 fig_height: 8
8 fig_width: 12
9 highlight: tango
10 toc: yes
11 ---
13 ```{r setup, include=FALSE}
14 knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE , warning = FALSE , message = FALSE)
15 ```
17 # Introduction
19 The analysis of credit risk and the decision making for granting loans is one of the most important
21 # Load data and Libraries
23 Load libraries we are going to use.
25 ```{r libraries}
26 library(tidyverse)
27 library(ggthemes)
28 library(corrplot)
29 library(GGally)
30 library(DT)
31 library(caret)
32 ```
34 Load the data available for analysis. The dataset is takenas bank's records about the statuw of loa
36 ```{r load data}
37 # Set the blank spaces to NA's
38 loan = read_csv("../input/loan.csv" , na = "")
40 ```
41 ```{r columns names}
42 colnames(loan)
44 ```
48 # Feature Selection & Engineering
50 The dataset contains of information of age, annual income, grade of employee, home ownership that a
52 * **loan_status** : Variable with multiple levels (e.g. Charged off, Current, Default, Fully Pai
53 * **loan_amnt** : Total amount of loan taken
54 * **int_rate** : Loan interset rate
55 * **grade** : Grade of employment
56 * **emp_length** : Duration of employment
57 * **home_ownership** : Type of ownership of house
58 * **annual_inc** : Total annual income
59 * **term** : 36-month or 60-month period
62 ```{r select columns}
63 # Select only the columns mentioned above.
64 loan = loan %>%
65 select(loan_status , loan_amnt , int_rate , grade , emp_length , home_ownership ,
66 annual_inc , term)
67 loan
69 ```
72 Missing Values:
73 ```{r NAs}
74 sapply(loan , function(x) sum(
76 # Remove the 4 rows with missing annual income, 49 rows where home ownership is 'NONE' or 'ANY' and
77 12/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
78 loan = loan %>%
79 filter(! ,
80 !(home_ownership %in% c('NONE' , 'ANY')) ,
81 emp_length != 'n/a')
83 ```
86 # Exploratory Data Analysis
88 * **loan_status** :
90 ```{r loan_status}
91 loan %>%
92 count(loan_status) %>%
93 ggplot(aes(x = reorder(loan_status , desc(n)) , y = n , fill = n)) +
94 geom_col() +
95 coord_flip() +
96 labs(x = 'Loan Status' , y = 'Count')
98 ```
100 We want to convert this variable to binary (1 for default and 0 for non-default) but we have 10 dif
102 loan_outcome -> 1 if loan_status = 'Charged Off' or 'Default'
103 loan_outcome -> 0 if loan_status = 'Fully Paid'
105 ```{r loan_outcome}
106 loan = loan %>%
107 mutate(loan_outcome = ifelse(loan_status %in% c('Charged Off' , 'Default') ,
108 1,
109 ifelse(loan_status == 'Fully Paid' , 0 , 'No info')
110 ))
112 barplot(table(loan$loan_outcome) , col = 'lightblue')
114 ```
117 We will create a new dataset which contains only rows with 0 or 1 in loan_outcome feature for bette
119 ```{r loan2}
120 # Create the new dataset by filtering 0's and 1's in the loan_outcome column and remove loan_status
121 loan2 = loan %>%
122 select(-loan_status) %>%
123 filter(loan_outcome %in% c(0 , 1))
125 ```
128 Our new dataset contains of **`r nrow(loan2)` rows**.
130 Let's observe how useful these variables would be for credit risk modelling. It is known that the b
132 ```{r grade_boxplot}
133 ggplot(loan2 , aes(x = grade , y = int_rate , fill = grade)) +
134 geom_boxplot() +
135 theme_igray() +
136 labs(y = 'Interest Rate' , x = 'Grade')
138 ```
140 We assume that grade is a great predictor for the volume of non-performing loans. But how many of t
142 ```{r grade_barplot}
143 table(loan2$grade , factor(loan2$loan_outcome , c(0 , 1) , c('Fully Paid' , 'Default')))
145 ggplot(loan2 , aes(x = grade , y = ..count.. , fill = factor(loan_outcome , c(1 , 0) , c('Default'
146 geom_bar() +
147 theme(legend.title = element_blank())
149 ```
152 Now let's try to find out what impact the annual income of the borrower has on the other variables
153 13/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
154 ```{r ann_inc vs loan_amnt}
155 ggplot(loan2[sample(244179 , 10000) , ] , aes(x = annual_inc , y = loan_amnt , color = int_rate)) +
156 geom_point(alpha = 0.5 , size = 1.5) +
157 geom_smooth(se = F , color = 'darkred' , method = 'loess') +
158 xlim(c(0 , 300000)) +
159 labs(x = 'Annual Income' , y = 'Loan Ammount' , color = 'Interest Rate')
161 ```
163 As expected the larger the annual income the larger the demanded ammount by the borrower.
165 # Data modelling
167 Modelling Process:
169 * We created the binary loan_outcome which will be our response variable.
170 * We exclude some independent variables in order to make the model simpler.
171 * We split the dataset to training set(75%) and testing set(25%) for the validation.
172 * We train a model to predict the probability of default.
174 Because of the binary response variable we can use logistic regression. Rather than modelling the r
176 P = exp(b0 + b1X1 + ... + bNXN) / [ 1 + exp(b0 + b1X1 + ... + bNXN) ]
178 where
180 * P is the probability of default
181 * b0 , b1 , ... , bN are the coefficient estimates
182 * N the number of observations
183 * X1 , ... , XN are the independent variables
186 ```{r log_regr}
187 # Split dataset
188 loan2$loan_outcome = as.numeric(loan2$loan_outcome)
189 idx = sample(dim(loan2)[1] , 0.75*dim(loan2)[1] , replace = F)
190 trainset = loan2[idx , ]
191 testset = loan2[-idx , ]
193 # Fit logistic regression
194 glm.model = glm(loan_outcome ~ . , trainset , family = binomial(link = 'logit'))
195 summary(glm.model)
197 ```
199 The coefficients of the following features are **positive**:
201 1) Loan Ammount
202 2) Interest Rate
203 3) Home Ownership - Other
204 4) Term
205 5) The better the grade the more difficult to default
207 This means the probability of defaulting on the given credit varies directly with these factors. Fo
210 The coefficients of the following features are **negative**:
212 1) Annual Income
213 2) Home Ownership - Own
214 3) Home Ownership - Rent
215 4) Borrowers with 10+ years of experience are more likely to pay their debt
216 5) There is no significant difference in the early years of employment
218 This means that the probability of defaulting is inversely proportional to the factors mentioned ab
221 ```{r pred}
222 # Prediction on test set
223 preds = predict(glm.model , testset , type = 'response')
225 # Density of probabilities
226 ggplot(data.frame(preds) , aes(preds)) +
227 geom_density(fill = 'lightblue' , alpha = 0.4) +
228 labs(x = 'Predicted Probabilities on test set')
229 14/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
231 ```
233 But now let's see how the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are transformed for given threshold
235 ```{r acc}
236 k = 0
237 accuracy = c()
238 sensitivity = c()
239 specificity = c()
240 for(i in seq(from = 0.01 , to = 0.5 , by = 0.01)){
241 k = k + 1
242 preds_binomial = ifelse(preds > i , 1 , 0)
243 confmat = table(testset$loan_outcome , preds_binomial)
244 accuracy[k] = sum(diag(confmat)) / sum(confmat)
245 sensitivity[k] = confmat[1 , 1] / sum(confmat[ , 1])
246 specificity[k] = confmat[2 , 2] / sum(confmat[ , 2])
247 }
248 ```
250 ```{r remove , echo = FALSE}
251 rm(confmat , k , i , preds_binomial)
253 ```
256 If we plot our results we get this visualization.
258 ```{r threshold}
259 threshold = seq(from = 0.01 , to = 0.5 , by = 0.01)
261 data = data.frame(threshold , accuracy , sensitivity , specificity)
262 head(data)
264 # Gather accuracy , sensitivity and specificity in one column
265 ggplot(gather(data , key = 'Metric' , value = 'Value' , 2:4) ,
266 aes(x = threshold , y = Value , color = Metric)) +
267 geom_line(size = 1.5)
268 ```
269 ```{r , echo = FALSE}
270 rm(data)
272 ```
274 A threshold of 25% - 30% seems ideal cause further increase of the cut off percentage does not have
276 ```{r cutoff.30%}
277 preds.for.30 = ifelse(preds > 0.3 , 1 , 0)
278 confusion_matrix_30 = table(Predicted = preds.for.30 , Actual = testset$loan_outcome)
279 confusion_matrix_30
281 ```
282 ```{r acc2 , echo = FALSE}
283 paste('Accuracy :' , round(sum(diag(confusion_matrix_30)) / sum(confusion_matrix_30) , 4))
285 ```
287 ```{r , echo = FALSE}
288 rm(preds.for.30)
290 ```
292 The *ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve* is a popular graphic for simultaneously displa
294 ```{r roc}
295 library(pROC)
297 # Area Under Curve
298 auc(roc(testset$loan_outcome , preds))
300 # Plot ROC curve
301 plot.roc(testset$loan_outcome , preds , main = "Confidence interval of a threshold" , percent = TRU
302 ci = TRUE , of = "thresholds" , thresholds = "best" , print.thres = "best" , col = 'blue')
304 ```
305 15/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
307 # Conclusion
309 A logistic regression model was used to predict the loan status. Different cut off's were used to d

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Data Sources Lending Club Loan Data

  Lending Club Loan Data
Analyze Lending Club's issued loans
Last Updated: 3 years ago (Version 1)
 loan.csv 148 columns
About this Dataset
  database.sqlite

 loan 887k x 75 These files contain complete loan data for all loans
issued through the 2007-2015, including the current
 LCDataDictionary.xlsx
loan status (Current, Late, Fully Paid, etc.) and latest
payment information. The file containing loan data
through the "present" contains complete loan data for all
loans issued through the previous completed calendar
quarter. Additional features include credit scores,
number of finance inquiries, address including zip
codes, and state, and collections among others. The file
is a matrix of about 890 thousand observations and 75
variables. A data dictionary is provided in a separate file.

Run Info

Succeeded True Run Time 71.8 seconds

Exit Code 0 Queue Time 0 seconds

Docker Image Name kaggle/rstats (Dockerfile) Output Size 0

Timeout Exceeded False Used All Space False

Failure Message

Log Download Log

Time Line # Log Message

4.4s 1

processing file: script.Rmd

4.5s 2 | |
| 0% |
|.. | 2%
ordinary text without R code

4.5s 3 | |...
| 5%
label: setup (with options)
List of 1 16/21
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$ include: logi FALSE

4.6s 4 |
|..... | 7%
ordinary text without R code

4.6s 5 |
|...... | 10%
4.7s 6 label: libraries
6.3s 7 ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
6.3s 8 ✔ ggplot2 ✔ purrr 0.2.5
✔ tibble 1.4.2 ✔ dplyr 0.7.6
✔ tidyr 0.8.1 ✔ stringr 1.3.1
✔ readr 1.2.0 ✔ forcats 0.3.0
6.7s 9 ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
6.8s 10 corrplot 0.84 loaded
7.1s 11
Attaching package: 'GGally'

7.2s 12 The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':


7.2s 13 Loading required package: lattice

10.3s 14
Attaching package: 'caret'

10.3s 15 |
|........ | 12%
ordinary text without R code

10.4s 16 The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':


10.4s 17 |
|......... | 14%
label: load data
10.6s 18 Parsed with column specification:
.default = col_double(),
term = col_character(),
grade = col_character(),
sub_grade = col_character(),
emp_title = col_character(),
emp_length = col_character(),
home_ownership = col_character(),
verification_status = col_character(),
issue_d = col_character(),
loan_status = col_character(),
pymnt_plan = col_character(),
url = col_character(),
desc = col_character(),
purpose = col_character(),
title = col_character(),
zip_code = col_character(),
addr_state = col_character(),
earliest_cr_line = col_character(),
initial_list_status = col_character(),
last_pymnt_d = col_character(),
next_pymnt_d = col_character()
# ... with 23 more columns
See spec(...) for full column specifications.
39.7s 19 Warning: 2970434 parsing failures.
row col expected actual file
42536 tot_coll_amt 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 0.0 '../input/loan.csv'
42536 tot_cur_bal 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 114834.0 '../input/loan.csv'
42536 total_rev_hi_lim 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 59900.0 '../input/loan.csv'
42537 tot_coll_amt 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 0.0 '../input/loan.csv'
42537 tot_cur_bal 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE 14123.0 '../input/loan.csv'
..... ................ .................. ........ ...................
See problems(...) for more details.

39.7s 20 |
|........... | 17%
39.8s 21 label: columns names
|............ | 19%
ordinary text without R code

|.............. | 21%
label: select columns
40.3s 22 |
|............... | 24%
ordinary text without R code

40.4s 23 |
|................. | 26%
label: NAs
40.5s 24 |
|................... | 29% 17/21
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ordinary text without R code

|.................... | 31%
40.5s 25 label: loan_status
42.4s 26 |
|...................... | 33%
ordinary text without R code

|....................... | 36%
42.4s 27 label: loan_outcome
44.0s 28 |
|......................... | 38%
ordinary text without R code

|.......................... | 40%
44.0s 29 label: loan2
44.2s 30 |
|............................ | 43%
inline R code fragments

44.2s 31 |
|............................. | 45%
label: grade_boxplot
47.0s 32 |
|............................... | 48%
ordinary text without R code

47.0s 33 |
|................................ | 50%
label: grade_barplot
48.6s 34 |
|.................................. | 52%
48.6s 35
ordinary text without R code

|.................................... | 55%
label: ann_inc vs loan_amnt
51.2s 36 |
|..................................... | 57%
ordinary text without R code

|....................................... | 60%
51.2s 37
label: log_regr
54.9s 38 |
|........................................ | 62%
ordinary text without R code

|.......................................... | 64%
54.9s 39 label: pred
55.6s 40 |
|........................................... | 67%
ordinary text without R code

|............................................. | 69%
55.7s 41
label: acc
60.5s 42 |
|.............................................. | 71%
ordinary text without R code

60.5s 43 |
|................................................ | 74%
label: remove (with options)
List of 1
$ echo: logi FALSE

|.................................................. | 76%
ordinary text without R code

|................................................... | 79%
label: threshold
61.3s 44 |
|..................................................... | 81%
61.3s 45 label: unnamed-chunk-1 (with options)
List of 1
$ echo: logi FALSE

|...................................................... | 83%
ordinary text without R code

|........................................................ | 86%
label: cutoff.30%
61.4s 46 | 18/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
|......................................................... | 88%
61.4s 47 label: acc2 (with options)
List of 1
$ echo: logi FALSE

|........................................................... | 90%
ordinary text without R code

|............................................................ | 93%
label: unnamed-chunk-2 (with options)
List of 1
$ echo: logi FALSE

|.............................................................. | 95%
ordinary text without R code

|............................................................... | 98%
label: roc
61.5s 48 Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.
61.5s 49
Attaching package: 'pROC'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

cov, smooth, var

70.1s 50 |
|.................................................................| 100%
inline R code fragments

70.8s 51
70.8s 52 output file: /kaggle/working/

71.0s 53 /usr/local/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS /kaggle/working/ --to html4

--from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash --
output /kaggle/working/__results__.html --smart --email-obfuscation none --
standalone --section-divs --table-of-contents --toc-depth 3 --template
/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rmarkdown/rmd/h/default.html --highlight-style
tango --variable 'theme:bootstrap' --include-in-header /tmp/RtmpJ6nuxr/rmarkdown-
str169ed6e46.html --mathjax --variable 'mathjax-
71.3s 54
Output created: __results__.html
71.3s 55 There were 41 warnings (use warnings() to see them)
71.3s 56
71.3s 58 Complete. Exited with code 0.

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Comments (15)
All Comments Hotness

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Guilherme Arauj… • Posted on Latest Version • 10 months ago  1

Great workflow, IonasKel.

Ionas Kelepo… Kernel Author • Posted on Latest Version • 10 months ago  0

I appreciate it very much Guilherme.

snuow • Posted on Version 20 • 10 months ago  1

nice work!

Mitchell O'Brien • Posted on Version 20 • 10 months ago  1

Fantastic kernel! 19/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle

Ionas Kelepo… Kernel Author • Posted on Version 20 • 10 months ago  0

Thank you Mitchell!

Xavier • Posted on Version 20 • 10 months ago  1

Great analysis, thanks for sharing!

Ionas Kelepo… Kernel Author • Posted on Version 20 • 10 months ago  0

Thank you Xavier!

sailaja • Posted on Version 20 • 10 months ago  1

hi, this is sailaja. i understood about what u explained but I have a doubt Whether is this same for risk
prediction for mortgage loans. can u pls reply

Ionas Kelepo… Kernel Author • Posted on Version 20 • 10 months ago  0

I believe the same features as predictors, especially annual income, loan amount and grade,
would work well on predicting mortgage loans too. Although, you 'll need to construct a
new model to get the right estimates of the coefficients.

Pavlo Fesenko • Posted on Latest Version • 2 days ago  0

Hi Ionas @ionaskel ! Upvoted your kernel. I was just wondering why you have selected those particular
features for the modelling?

Check out also my kernel where I try to predict good loans among high risk / high gain loans. If you like it, I
would greatly appreciate your upvote or comments/remarks. 😊

And thank you for upvoting this comment! Trying to become a Discussion Master! ✌

Rodrigo Landab… • Posted on Latest Version • 19 days ago  0

Thank you very much.

Terry Lv • Posted on Latest Version • 8 months ago  0

Nice work, thanks for sharing!

I have a question that logistic regression require all variables to be numeric, I don't seem to see other
variables in your code to be numeric. can u pls reply

Nbagne • Posted on Latest Version • 9 months ago  0

great work!

Sairam V • Posted on Latest Version • 10 months ago 0 20/21
7/28/2019 Credit Risk Modelling [EDA & Classification] | Kaggle
Sairam V • Posted on Latest Version • 10 months ago  0

Nice work

Ionas Kelepo… Kernel Author • Posted on Latest Version • 10 months ago  0

Thank you Sairam!

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