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OR Prelim July 2019 Ma’am Sheila

Part 1
91. While team effort is needed in the OR for efficient and quality patient care delivery, we should limit the number of
people in the room for infection control. Who comprise this team?
A. Surgeon, anesthesiologist, scrub nurse, radiologist, orderly
B. Surgeon, assistants, scrub nurse, circulating nurse, anesthesiologist
C. Surgeon, assistant surgeon, anesthesiologist, scrub nurse, pathologist
D. Surgeon, assistant surgeon, anesthesiologist, intern, scrub nurse
92. When surgery is on-going, who coordinates the activities outside, including the family?
A. Orderly/clerk
B. Nurse Supervisor
C. Circulating nurse
D. Anesthesiologist
93. OR nurses should be aware that maintaining the client's safety is the overall goal of nursing care during the
intraoperative phase. As the circulating nurse, you make certain that throughout the procedure
A. the surgeon greets his client before induction of anesthesia
B. the surgeon and anesthesiologist are in tandem
C. strap made of strong non-abrasive material are fastened securely around the joints of the 2 hands and ankles
and around an arm board
D. client is monitored throughout the surgery by the assistant anesthesiologist
94. Nurses hold a variety of roles when providing care to a perioperative patient. Which of the following role would be
the responsibility of the scrub nurse?
A. Assess the readiness of the client prior to surgery
B. Ensure that the airway is adequate
C. Account for the number of sponges, needles, supplies, Used during the surgical procedure
D. Evaluate the type of anesthesia appropriate for the surgical client
95. As a perioperative nurse, how can you best meet the safety need of the client after administering preoperative
A. Put side rails up and ask client not to get out of bed
B. Send the client to OR with the family
C. Allow client to get up to go to the comfort room
D. Obtain consent form
96. Team efforts is best demonstrated in the OR. If you are the nurse in charge for scheduling surgical cases, what
important information do you need to ask the surgeon?
A. Who is your internist?
B. Who are your assistant and anesthesiologist, and what is your preferred time and type of surgery?
C. Who are your anesthesiologist, internist, and assistant?
D. Who is your anesthesiologist?
97. After surgery your patient starts to shiver uncontrollably. What nursing intervention would you do FIRST?
A. Apply warm blankets & continue oxygen as prescribed
B. Take the patient's rectal temperature
C. Page the doctor for further orders
D. Adjust the thermostat in the room

98. A patient is 6 days post-opt from abdominal surgery. The patient is to be discharged later today. The patient uses the
call light and asks you to come to his room and look at his surgical site. On arrival, you see that approximately 2 inches of
internal organs are protruding through the incision. What intervention would you NOT do?
A. Put the patient in prone position with knees extended to put pressure on the site
B. Cover the wound with sterile normal saline dressing
C. Monitor for signs of shock
D. Notify the MD and administer as prescribed antiemetic to prevent vomiting
99. You are completing the history on a patient who is scheduled to have surgery. What health history increases the risk
for surgery for the patient?
A. Urinary Tract infections
B. History of Premature Ventricle Beats
C. Abuse of street drugs
D. Hyperthyroidism
100. As a nurse, which statement is incorrect regarding an informed consent signed by a patient?
A. The nurse is responsible for obtaining the consent for surgery
B. Patients under 18 years of age may need a parent or legal guardian to sign a consent form
C. The nurse can witness the client signing the consent form
D. It is the nurse's responsibility to ensure the patient has been educated by the physician about the procedure
before informed consent is obtained
101. Which type of surgery is most likely to predispose a patient to postoperative atelectasis, pneumonia or respiratory
A. Upper abdominal surgery on a patient with normal pulmonary function
B. Upper abdominal surgery on an obese patient with a long history of smoking
C. Lower abdominal surgery on a young patient with diabetes mellitus
D. Surgery on the extremities of a nonsmoking football player
102. Which of the following nursing actions should be given highest priority when admitting the patient into the
operating room?
A. Level of consciousness
B. Vital signs
C. Patient identification and correct operative consent
D. Positioning and skin preparation
103. What is the primary reason for the gradual change of position of the patient after surgery?
A. To prevent muscle injury
B. To prevent sudden drop of BP
C. To prevent respiratory distress
D. To promote comfort
104. Which of the following postop findings should the nurse report to the M.D.?
A. The patient pushes out the oral airway with his tongue
B. Wound drainage is serosanguinous
C. VS are as follows: BP=110/70;PR=95;RR=19,Temp=36.8C
D. Urine output is 20ml/hr for the past two hours
105. Which of the following is the earliest sign of poor respiratory function?
A. Cyanosis
B. Fast thready pulse
C. Restlessness
D. Faintness
106. Appendectomy is classified as
A. Ablative
B. Constructive
C. Reconstructive
D. Palliative
107. The worst of all fears among clients undergoing surgery is:
A. Fear of financial burden
B. Fear of death
C. Fear of the unknown
D. Fear of loss of job
108. The following ensure validity of informed written consent EXCEPT:
A. The patient is of legal age with proper mental disposition
B. The consent has been secured within 24 hours before the surgery
C. If the patient is unable to write, secure the consent from a relative
D. The consent is secured before administration of any medication that alter the level of consciousness
109. The patient who has undergone TAHBSO complains of pain. Which of the following is an initial nursing action?
A. Administer the PRN analgesics
B. Instruct to do deep breathing exercises
C. Assess the VS
D. Change the patient’s position
110. The most important factor in the prevention of postop infection is:
A. Proper administration of antibiotics
B. Fluid intake of 2-3L/day
C. Practice of strict aseptic techniques
D. Frequent change of wound dressings
111. Which of the following primarily prevents postop complications?
A. Adequate fluid intake
B. Early ambulation
C. Well-balanced diet
D. Administration of antimicrobials
112. Situation: A female client, 23 y/o was admitted for the first time at the AFPHSC-V. Luna Medical Center with the
chief complaint of Right Iliac Pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, chills and fever. She was diagnosed to have
acute appendicitis. She was scheduled to have emergency appendectomy under spinal anesthesia. Pre-op instructions to
the client would include the following EXCEPT:
A. Deep breathing and coughing exercise
B. Turning to sides
C. Foot and leg exercises
D. Reassuring her that narcotics will be given every 4 hours round the clock until she is discharged
113. The client gave her consent for the surgery. To ensure the legality of the consent, the following conditions must be
A. She gave her consent freely
B. She must understand the nature of the surgery
C. Signing should be done after the administration of pre-anesthesia meds
D. The consent must be signed by a witness
114. The skin is shaved prior to surgery in order to:
A. Facilitate skin incision
B. Indicate the site to be draped
C. To prevent wound infection
D. Reduce post op scarring
115. When the patient vomits, the most important nursing objective is to prevent:
A. Dehydration
B. Aspiration
C. Rupture of suture line
D. Metabolic alkalosis
116. Modified radical mastectomy involves:
A. Removal of the entire breast, axillary lymph nodes, pectoralis muscle
B. Removal of the lump of the breast
C. Removal of the entire breast, axillary and neck lymph nodes, including pectoralis muscles
D. Removal of the entire breast but nipple remains intact
117. During the immediate postoperative period following gastric surgery, why must the nurse be particularly
conscientious about encouraging a client to cough and deep-breathe at regular intervals?
A. Marked changes in intrathoracic pressure will stimulate gastric drainage
B. The high abdominal incision will lead to shallow breathing to avoid pain
C. The phrenic nerve will have been permanently damaged during the surgical procedure
D. Deep-breathing will prevent post op vomiting and intestinal distention
118. The patient had undergone total hip replacement. He complains of pain in the operative site. Which of the
following is the appropriate initial nursing action?
A. Administer the ordered analgesic
B. Instruct the patient to do deep breathing and coughing exercises
C. Assess the patient’s pain level and vital signs
D. Change the patient’s position
119. A patient was admitted with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The patient is scheduled for an Endoscopic
Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure. What type of surgery would this describe?
A. Explorative
B. Diagnostic
C. Curative
D. Pallative
120. A post-operative day 1 patient is found to have hypoactive bowel tones. The nurse knows this to be an expected
(though abnormal) finding because of which of the following reasons? Select all that apply:
i. The patient was NPO prior to surgery
ii. The patient is diabetic
iii. The patient received general anesthetic and opioid pain medications
iv. The patient has decreased physical mobility

A. ii only B. iii & iv only C. i, iii, iv only D. i, ii, iii & iv

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