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Journal of Physical Science and Application 4 (4) (2014) 269-275


Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology

Jinzhong Yan
Changsha Jiageer Machinary Manufacture Co., Ltd, Pingtang Town 410208, Changsha City, Hunan Province, China

Received: January 22, 2014 / Accepted: February 27, 2014 / Published: April 15, 2014.

Abstract: Modern science and technology is being developed towards destroying human and human calls for a new era of science &
technology. Contemporary science is seeing a significant breakthrough and a new revolution of science and technology is beginning.
The theoretical basis of the new revolution of science and technology is “state space-time”, “the unity of physics and biology”,
“thinking motion and automatic organization of the universe” and “thinking’s active control”. The new revolution of science and
technology takes material (microscopic particle) science, life (organic and inorganic life) science and thinking science as the
fundamental sciences, takes life technology, new information technology, new material technology and new energy technology as the
basis of the overall technological system, progresses in all aspects, including life technology, medicine, new material technology, new
information technology, new energy technology, new robot technology, new manufacturing technology, laser technology,
astronavigation technology, ocean technology, military technology, new educational technology, etc., and at the same time Qigong
technology with thinking control as its core will emerge. In the era of life, thinking and Qigong technology, technology proceeds very
rapidly, global society and economy develop at a high speed, and globalization is accelerated. Life, thinking and Qigong technologies
feature improvement of human internal energy and quality, purify human soul, reduce material desire, and greatly reduce
environmental disruption. The overall (thinking and Qigong) technology takes the establishment of the cosmic era of human as its
ultimate goal.

Key words: New revolution of science and technology, life technology, thinking technology, Qigong technology, beginning.

1. Introduction and thinking technological era [1, 2], and the new
revolution of science and technology is beginning.
Historically, when social turmoil and economic
crisis appear, it is just the time of social restructuring 2. Background (1) of Emergence of New
and adjustment. When the global economic, social and Revolution of Science and Technology:
environmental crises occur at the dawn of 21st century, Western Science and Technology is Being
it is just the time of human adjustment. These crises Developed Towards Destroying Human
severely threaten human subsistence. Contemporary
Modern science originates in the West, thus is called
science is seeing a significant transition and
western science.
breakthrough, therefore this adjustment is a global
strategic adjustment, and its impact is unprecedented in 2.1 Basic Existence of the Universe, Cosmic Activities
both depth and breadth. and Human Activities
In 21st century, the eastern scientific system and the
There are two categories of the existence of the
western scientific system are on the way to unification,
universe: spirit and material. Activities of the universe
new scientific theory and thought have emerged, science
include spiritual activities and material activities,
and technology are going to an overall technological era
which always interact on each other and maintain in a
state of dynamic balance. Human is a part of the whole
Corresponding author: Jinzhong Yan, senior engineer, of universe life. Human activities also include spiritual
research field: disciplinary sciences. E-mail: activities and material activities.
270 Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology

2.2 Eastern Science and Western Science and utilization. Western science is of an extravert type,
aims at satisfying material desires, can pollute human
Subsistence and development is the eternal problem
soul and pollute and destroy natural environment.
for human and the root for all needs and desires of
(3) Combination of eastern and western science: In
human. Human needs include spiritual and material
universe, the spirit and material develop synchronously,
needs. Human gets spiritual and material satisfaction
which requires synchronous development of spirit and
and obtains conditions for subsistence and
material in human. However, the spirit is in
development from the universe through spiritual and
contradiction with material, and human is tiny. It can
material activities.
be satisfied in spirit or material and can’t be satisfied in
(1) Eastern science: the most important aspect in
both at the same time in the course of its development.
human spiritual activities is Qigong practice. Qigong
In other word, the spirit is separated from material [7].
practice can purify human soul, improve the internal
energy in human body, and enable human to enter into Human society can’t step over the stage of material
two-dimensional state, one-dimensional state and desire. The spirit and material can be combined only
zero-dimensional state [3], and to communicate with when modern technology is developed to the extent
universal energy, and obtain conditions for subsistence that the thinking law can be recognized and utilized,
and development. On the other hand, along with the which leads to emergence of overall technology (life,
improvement of internal energy in human body, the thinking and Qigong).
capacity of recognition and thinking of human is also 2.3 Human Activities Shall Comply with Cosmic
improved so that it is able to recognize the universe at Activities
difference levels and the overall cosmic laws, give
precise and complete description [4], and form the Human is a part of cosmic life and human activities
traditional Chinese overall technology – the eastern must impact the balance of the universe. If human
scientific system represented by Yi-ology, Taoism, activities comply with cosmic activities, human greatly
Confucianism, Buddhism and Traditional Chinese cares for nature, i.e., unity of heaven and human and
Medicine [5]. This kind of scientific system is life harmonious coexistence of human and the universe. If
technology and thinking technology, characterized by human activities don’t comply with cosmic activities,
spiritual practice and utilization, and called human destroys nature, i.e., separation of heaven and
technological system of spiritual practice and human. Because universal force is much stronger than
utilization. Traditional Chinese technology is human force, human must be punished by the universe.
premature science and technology [6], and it can be
2.4 Modern Technology Satisfies Human’S
recognized and utilized only by Qigong practice.
Increasingly Expanded Material Desires and Leads
Eastern science is of an introspective type, and can
Human to Ruin
purify human soul and natural environment.
(2) Western science: human’s material activities Under the control of material desires, human
embody recognition of nature and social laws, destroys nature and the destruction of nature spreads
utilization of these laws and natural resources to create with technological progress. In the primitive society,
material conditions required for human subsistence, slave society and feudal society, human were basically
realize subsistence and development, and form modern unified with heaven because the technological quality
scientific system. This kind of scientific system is of human was low and human activities had little
characterized by recognition and utilization of impact on natural environment. When capitalist society
materials, and called scientific system of material study begins, technology progress accelerates and brings
Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology 271

much material enjoyment to human; in turn human energy improvement, energy saving and environmental
enjoyment boosts the rapid progress of technology, and protection, and will gradually cut off human’s desires
then human accelerates pursuit of material enjoyment – and bring human into a new world.
leading to heavy damage to the environment where
4. Main Features of New Revolution of
human inhabits: heavy pollution and damage of
Science and Technology
ecological environment, increasing greenhouse effect.
This damage must impact the balance of four seasons 4.1 What’s the New Revolution of Science and
on earth, solar system and even galaxy. The essential Technology?
for recovery of the balance of four seasons on earth,
From above description, the new revolution of
solar system and galaxy is to stop human’s destructive
science and technology refers to emergence and
activities. Nature wipes out human with expanded
development of overall technology and thinking
desires through more and more natural disasters,
technology. The significant breakthrough of scientific
epidemics, etc.. Western science and individualism
theory and all-around transformation of technology
increasingly expand human’s desires, leading to
will certainly boost all-around upgrading of
trickeries and the intrigues among states, nations and
technological industry, all-around transition of
persons, and endless wars and conflicts. When human
economy and society, and fundamental change of
degenerates spiritually, it will inevitably move towards
human’s way of subsistence.
4.2 Theoretical Basis and Basic Science of the New
3. Background (2) of Emergence of New Revolution of Science and Technology
Revolution of Science and Technology:
Contemporary Science is Seeing a Significant The theoretical basis of the new revolution of
Breakthrough science and technology is “state space-time”, “the unity
of physics and biology”, “thinking motion and
Western science has clashed with traditional Chinese automatic organization in the universe” and “thinking’s
science since its birth. Western science could not active control”. The theoretical breakthrough in life
combine with eastern science in appearance technology science and thinking science will accelerate the
era and individual technology era because they were at deepening and expansion of science in three aspects,
different levels. Only when modern technology namely, microscopic particle, complex life system and
develops to overall technology era, can western science complex thinking. The new revolution of science and
combine with eastern science [1, 2]. technology will take material (microscopic particle)
The combination of western science and eastern science, life (organic and inorganic life) science and
science generates new scientific theories, i.e. “the unity thinking science as the fundamental science.
of physics and biology”, “state space-time”, “automatic
4.3 Technological Basis of the New Revolution of
organization in the universe” and “thinking’s active
Science and Technology
control” [1-4, 8, 9]. They are about life science and
thinking science, and are significant scientific The new revolution of science and technology takes
breakthrough. New scientific theories will push life (organic and inorganic life) technology, life and
conversion of science towards life science and thinking thinking information technology, new material
science, have significant impact on all subjects and (intelligent material and inorganic life material)
promote emergence of new subjects. New technology technology, new energy (life energy) technology and
will be characterized by soul purification, internal thinking technology as the basis of the overall
272 Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology

technological system. Undoubtedly, these operate at an unprecedented speed [4]. Existing

technological breakthroughs will make all artificial technological strength, technological input and
systems change qualitatively, and will bring human industrial level are very strong, and technological
into life technology era and thinking technology era. competition is very fierce, so every country in the
world has to grasp the opportunity of emergence of
4.4 All-Around Transformation of Technology in the
new science and accelerate conversion to overall
New Revolution of Science and Technology
technology and thinking technology. The consequence
The significant breakthrough of scientific theory and is acceleration of polarization of nations in the world,
technological basis will certainly bring on all-around increase of gaps between developed countries and
transformation of technology. This transformation will developing countries, and acceleration of
appear in existing and unprecedented fields. It will globalization.
progress in all aspects, including biotechnology,
4.7 Overall Society Era: Social Globalization
medicine, new material technology, new information
technology, new energy technology, new robot Like the four states of the universe [3] and four
technology, new manufacturing technology, new laser stages of technological development [2, 9], human
technology, new astronavigation technology, new society can be divided into four states from social
ocean development technology, new military quality and internal energy, namely, (1)
technology, new educational technology, etc[10]., and three-dimensional society: primitive society, slave
at the same time Qigong technology with thinking society and feudal society, where human had low
control as its core will emerge. quality, required cooperation for subsistence, and a
rigid and stable structure was formed; (2)
4.5 Qigong Technology will Emerge: Technological
two-dimensional society: capitalist society, where
Reconstruction for Human Body’s State and New
human has high quality, an individual has capacity for
Educational Technology
independent subsistence, talents flow frequently,
Technological instruments can bring the human creativity is upgraded gradually, lots of wealth is
body directly to high-functioning Qigong state, and created continuously, and a dynamic society is formed;
revolutionize the history that functioning of Qigong (3) one-dimensional society – socialist society, where
takes long time of retreat, which will boost the society is globalized, human has high quality, society
emergence of Qigong technology. Current educational operates at a high speed, and an overall globalized
mode is a headache. In the era of knowledge explosion, society is formed; (4) zero-dimensional society –
we have much to learn, and the learning burden is cosmic era, where cosmic mysteries will be unveiled,
unbearable. The overall (thinking and Qigong) light-velocity aircraft will be manufactured, and human
technology will develop an automatic learning machine, enters into the cosmic era.
which will directly input the integrated knowledge to
4.8 Overall Economic Era: Planned Economy
human brain, making people from knowing nothing to
wealthy in knowledge and greatly reducing learning Human economy can be divided into four stages
burden. from social quality and economic state, namely [4], (1)
three-dimensional economy, unsaturated economy,
4.6 High-Speed Operation of Overall (Thinking)
refers to economy in primitive society, slave society
Technology in Four Seasons
and feudal society, where human had low quality,
Overall technology and thinking technology will products were too limited to satisfy human needs, there
Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology 273

was no surplus product for exchange, and economy human and machines communicate with low-energy
was at the state of unsaturation; (2) two-dimensional three-dimensional materials and three-dimensional
economy, saturated economy, refers to economy in field, and subsistence requires materials; (2) stage of
capitalist society, where human has high quality, there two-dimensional overall (thinking and Qigong)
is high productivity level, products are sufficient to technology, when human and machines communicate
satisfy human deeds, there is surplus products for with two-dimensional cosmic energy field, life
exchange, and economy is at the state of saturation. movement requires two-dimensional cosmic energy; (3)
However, human generally ignores the economic stage of one-dimensional overall (thinking and Qigong)
saturation; it blindly produces excessive goods for technology, when human and machines are at the state
profit and material desire, leading to overproduction of internal high-speed automatic recycling, and
which contributes to economic crisis, severe damage to communicate with one-dimensional cosmic field; (4)
environment, frequent social crises and human spiritual stage of zero-dimensional overall (thinking and Qigong)
crises; (3) one-dimensional economy, planned technology, when human and machines are at the state
economy, refers to globalized economy. The economic of highest cosmic intelligence, and communicate with
crisis arising from overproduction is caused by human zero-dimensional cosmic field.
indulgence in material desire and human spiritual
5. Ultimate Goal of Overall (Thinking)
degeneration. New scientific thoughts will rescue
Technology: Human Enters into the Universe
human entangling into spiritual dilemma and gradually
cut off human desires. Human economy will proceed at To enter into the universe, human must meet two
a high speed under planning, and a planned economy is basic conditions: light-velocity aircraft is
formed; (4) zero-dimensional economy, economy in manufactured and human body enters into high-level
cosmic era when cosmic mysteries will be unveiled, relativity state [3]. Life (thinking and Qigong)
human will have cosmic productivity, meaning produce technology will finally unveil mysteries of the universe,
whatever it wants. manufacture light-velocity aircraft, make human body
enter into high-level relativity state through
4.9 Overall (Thinking) Technology Greatly Reduces
technological instruments, and then it’s the time for
Demands From and Damages to Environment
human to start the cosmic era.
Through thinking control and Qigong practice,
6. Scientific Course of Human and Evolution
Taoists and Buddhists purify their souls, improve their
of Technological, Economic and Social
internal energy, and can get rid of desire world
(three-dimensional world) and enter into
two-dimensional world, one-dimensional world and The development of human science and technology
zero-dimensional world without material desires [4]. can be divided into four stages [1, 2] and each of
Similarly, overall (thinking and Qigong) technology which have been provided with different features
improves human intelligence and internal energy, including technology, economy and society [10-15].
solves problems of subsistence and development, and The details refer to Table 1.
gradually reduces and cuts off human’s damage to
7. Conclusions
environment through technological instruments. It is
also divided into four stages, namely, (1) stage of (1) Modern science and technology improve
three-dimensional overall (thinking and Qigong) human’s capacity of subsistence and development,
technology, low energy and material desires, when bring severe damage to human’s habitat, pollute human’s
274 Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology

Table 1 Scientific Course of Human and Evolution of Major Technological, Economic and Social Features.
Machine and
Development Scientific Features Material Energy Information Economy Society
Rudimentary stage
of science: Man, horse-powered
Observation and Stoneware, Manpower, vehicle, Man-powered
critical thought, Bronze ware, Horsepower, boat,
Experiential Ironware Waterpower Domestication of
and flying
science, animals and plants Rigid three
Descriptive science Three dimensional
Appearance Emergence of dimensional society with
Technology experimental economy: internal
Era science and unsaturated resistance
modern science, economy more than
Classic mechanics, Structural Steamer and zero
Steam power by train and
Electromagnetism, material mechanization
Internal combustion
Hydroelectri Telecommu
Function engine, Generator,
Relativity, c energy, nication Two Dynamic and
materials, Motor
Evolutionism, Thermal technology, dimensional stable two
Composite Electrization,
Individual Particle physics, power Telegram, economy: dimensional
materials, Hybridization
Technology Quantum theory, energy, Telephone, saturated and society with
Smart technique, Genetic
Era Cytobiology, Nuclear Computer, oversaturated internal
materials, engineering, Aviation
Cosmology, power Automatic, market resistance
Nanometer Intelligent machine,
Molecular biology energy, Internet, economy equal to zero
materials Aerospace, Clone
Solar energy Intelligent
Inorganic life nement One
The unity of Inorganic life body, society
Overall materials, energy, Life dimensional
physics and Life-oriente Aerospace craft, Direct operating at a
Technology Organic energy, economy:
biology, Life d synthesis of organic high speed
Era life materials, Weak planned
science life with minus
Amy materials interaction economy
Thinking Thinking Thinking Upper state life dimensional
Thinking science, Thinking-or dimensional
Technology control energy, machine, Light-speed economy:
Qigong science iented society,
Era materials Qigong aircraft freewheeling
Cosmic era

soul, make human move towards destruction. This protection;

calls for emergence of new science and technology (3) The new revolution of science and technology
characterized by resource saving, environmental refers to emergence and development of overall
protection and soul purification; technology and thinking technology. The theoretical
(2) Contemporary science is seeing a significant basis of the new revolution of science and technology is
breakthrough and new scientific theories have been “state space-time”, “the unity of physics and biology”,
established, which will certainly push conversion of “thinking motion and automatic organization in the
science towards life science and thinking science. The universe” and “thinking’s active control”. The theoretical
new revolution of science and technology is beginning, breakthrough in life science and thinking science will
characterized by soul purification, internal energy accelerate the deepening and expansion of science in
improvement, energy saving and environmental three aspects, namely, microscopic particle, complex life
Beginning of a New Revolution of Science & Technology 275

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