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Name: Philipa Year Level: 6

Strengths (What the reader can do):

- Confident and capable reader.
- Avid reader and talented writer.
- Forms awareness of different purposes for reading.
- Can confidently make connections to real life situations from a text.
- Excellent fluency, good grammar and vocabulary– pays close attention to punctuation (commas,
capitals, full stops).
- Descriptive language, g(anger, loathing, dismay).
- Good use of rhymes, can form writing based on genre.
- Graphonic system.
- Able to identify a texts purpose and build on her text analysis.
- Philipa can retell in detail, predict and discuss the book she has read.

Further Development:
- Critical literacy skills – focus on what she can take a step further from what she has read.
- Expressions of words to suit the intended genre and to highlight the theme of the text.
Australian Curriculum:

- Understand how to use phonic knowledge and accumulated understandings about blending, letter-
sound relationships, common and uncommon letter patterns and phonic generalisations to read and
write increasingly complex words (ACELA1830).
- Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can express shades of meaning,
feeling and opinion (ACELA1525).
- Analyse how text structures and language features work together to meet the purpose of
a text (ACELY1711).
Partially Achieved: Responding to literature:
- Identify and explain how choices in language, for example modality, emphasis, repetition and
metaphor, influence personal response to different texts (ACELT1615).

Not yet Achieved: Interacting with others:

- Use interaction skills, varying conventions of spoken interactions such as voice volume, tone, pitch
and pace, according to group size, formality of interaction and needs and expertise of
the audience (ACELY1816).
How should the teacher support this student?
- Books that are interesting and engaging to Philipa, but also challenge her level of confidence should
be offered to her for independent reading.
- The teacher should continue to work one-on-one with Philipa to further develop her critical literacy
skills. By this meaning, encouraging her to analyse texts in-depth and offer strategies for what
advocates describe as under covering underlying messages.
- The teacher should have a class novel over the course of the year, that interests the students in the
class, but can also correspond with activities that can further extend Philipa’s interactional skills
(spoken interactions such as volume, tone, pitch and pace when reading).

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