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7th December, 2008

Fazlul K. Rabbanee
Course Instructor,
School of Business
Independent University, Bangladesh

Subject : Submission of report on Materialistic Behavior of Marketing Channel Members

Dear Sir,

We due respect and great pleasure we are submitting our report on Materialistic Behavior
of Marketing Channel Members.

On the basis of the information we had, we have tried our best to make this report

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuous help and support
during the writing of this report. Therefore we would like to request you to accept our
report and forgive us for any kind of unwilling mistakes and shortcomings.

Thanking you

Md Sayeed # 0721025
Tapas Deb # 0721019
Mujibul Hoque Rana # 0721022
Md Forhanul Alam # 0721125
Arifur Rahman # 0721027


At the very outset, we would like to give our deep gratitude, compliments and heartfelt

thanks to our respectable course instructor ““Fazlul K. Rabbanee”, Independent

University, Bangladesh for providing me with the proper guidance and support. He has

also bridged up the gap between the theory and practice by his relentless follow up and

guided us through a difficult time when we were trying to prepare this research report.

If this report makes the honorable instructor satisfied then it would be a great

achievement for us and we would think that our hard work has been worth of whatever

we did.

Numerous thanks to Almighty Allah for showing his blessing on us in every way.


The business course under the BBA program IUB requires a full comprising of market

research by the student. It is often said that practical is far better than theoretical

knowledge. Reality is far away from theoretical knowledge in Bangladeshi perspective.

The business course of IUB is a widely recognized system to gather practical knowledge.

So, it gives us a great chance to meet the reality and to absorb how real business

managed. As a student of “Marketing Research”—course we are conducting our

assignment on the “Materialistic Behavior of marketing channel members’.


The Research report is an academic prerequisite of the “Marketing Research” course

under the BBA program of IUB. The report has been generated in context of expressing

views and ideas on materialistic behavior of marketing channel members in Chittagong.

We have identified materialistic behavior of marketing channel members in our report.

Last of all it can be said that materialistic behavior of retailer is higher then other two

channel members. But attributes influences the materialistic behavior of channel

members for example age, income etc. For our findings we have worked with three

variables such as success, centrality and happiness. Here we have selected 99 respondents

conveniently. To calculate their materialistic behavior numerically we have find out

mean, standard deviation, correlation, regression .We have reached to our summary

depending on these measurement tool. To check validity and reliability of data we used

SPS software. Through this SPSS software we have checked out reliability of data

compared to standard value of measurement tool.


Serial Contents Page no.

1.0 Introduction 6-9
2.0 Objective 10
3.0 Hypotheses 10
4.0 Methodology 11-12
4.1 Reliability and validity analysis 11
4.2 Secondary Data 11
4.3 Primary Data 12
4.3.1 Sampling Plan 12
5.0 Findings 12-26
5.1 Demographic Profile 18-19
5.2 Attributes 20-21
5.3 Materialistic Behavior of Agent 21
5.4 Materialistic Behavior of Wholesaler 22
5.5 Materialistic Behavior of Retailer 23
5.6 Comparison Among the Different Group Based on Materialistic 23-26
6.0 Conclusion 27
7.0 Reference 28
8.0 Appendix 29


Materialism1 is a set of centrally held beliefs about the importance of possessions in one’s

life. Materialism has important implications for consumption meanings, self-identity, life

quality, life satisfaction, and well-being. Materialism is a value that guides people’s

choices and conduct in a variety of situations, including, but not limited to, consumption

arenas .Materialistic consumers may think it is impossible to achieve end states such as

status recognition or happiness without having sufficient or appropriate possessions. It is

the pursuit of pleasure or self-satisfaction primarily through acquisition that distinguishes

materialism .Materialism influences what consumers desire from their possessions and

which products they believe can fulfill their desires during consumption.

Marketing channel member is a term which is consists of retailers, wholesaler, and

agents. They play a vital role in our economy. A brief definition about the channel

members are given below:

 Agent2

A middleman is an independent business concern that operates a link producers and

ultimate consumers or industrial users. The middleman is not a hired link in a chain

forget by a manufacturer, but rather an independent market, the focus of a large group of

customers for whom he buys.

Class Lecture, Provided by Fazlul K. Rabbanee
Principle of Management, Written by Prof. Khalekuzzaman.

Functions of agent

 Supply of capital

 Supply of information

 Equality between demand and supply

 Reducing production cost

 Increasing quality of products

 Reducing risks

 Counseling

 Helping transportation

 Warehousing

 Helping transportation

 Warehousing

 Creation of place utility

 Creation of time utility

 Price stability.

 Wholesaler3

A wholesaler is a merchant middleman who sells to retailers and for institutional and

commercial users. Wholesaling includes all the activities involved in selling goods or

services to those who are buying for purposes of resell or business use.

Principle of Management, Written by Prof. Khalekuzzaman.

Functions of wholesaler

 Buying

 Selling

 Warehousing

 Transporting

 Standardizing and grading

 Risk taking

 Financing

 Supply of goods according to demand

 Enforcement of stability in price level

 Supply of information and advice.

 Retailer4

A retailer is a merchant or occasionally an agent whose main business is selling directly

to the ultimate consumers. Retailing includes all activities directly related to the sale of

goods or services to the ultimate consumer for personal, non-business use.

Functions of retailer

 Buying

 Selling

 Transportation

 Warehousing

Principle of Management, Written by Prof. Khalekuzzaman.

 Grading

 Packaging

 Price determination

 Financing

 Risk taking

 Publicity and advertisement

 Decoration of goods

 Use of salesmanship

 Providing services

 Accounting

 Collection and supply of information.

We are drastically dependent on them to get our necessary products conveniently.

Without channel members we would have to depend fully on producers, which will cost

us high and increase our trait out channel members we would have to depend fully on

producers, which will cost us high and increase our transportation cost and also it is a

much time consuming process. But now with their help we can get thing easily and

timely. Sometimes they sell many things which provide us a variety of product choice.

Middleman facilitates all sorts of process of possession to customers, but they are not

able to consume things that they are supplying to the customers. This may put a great

affect in their mind. Here we shall try to identify what kind of affect they are facing in

their life style based on materialism.

To identify the materialistic behavior of marketing channel members and to analyze the

behavior of the samples based on their income and surrounding environment.


To find out the relationship between marketing channel members satisfaction and

behavioral response of the channel members in terms of materialism.

Specific objective

1) To gather opinion about the satisfaction level of the marketing channel


2) To identify the satisfaction factors in term of demographic variables such as

age, gender etc and psychographic variables such as income, social status



H1: There is an influence in the materialistic behavior of the marketing channel

members for the economics condition.

H2: The channel members of Bangladesh are fatalistic.

H3: Agents are more materialistic than wholesaler and retailers.

H4: Wholesalers are more materialistic than agents and Retailers.

H5: Channel members are more interested in savings.


This research is based on both exploratory and conclusive approach of marketing

research methodology. Exploratory research is used to identify the materialistic behavior

of marketing channel member and conclusive research is used to identify which groups of

marketing channel members are more materialistic. It is a preliminary method of research

that helps to clarify the exact nature of the problem to be solved. Once a problem or

opportunity is recognized, it is of extreme importance to understand exactly the nature of

the problem. It is basically a small-scale research method undertaken to define the exact

nature of the problem. To prepare this report we have used both primary and secondary


4.1. Reliability And Validity Analysis

To ensure the acceptance of the survey we have check the correctness of data through

reliability & validity analysis. For this process we used “SPSS”. We have emphasized on

the value of Alpha (∞). We know that Alpha is a measurement tool & if value of alpha is

grater than 0.6 then the data is reliable.

4.2. Secondary Data5

Secondary data can be located quickly and inexpensively. Secondary data are the data

that were developed for some purpose other than helping to solve the problem at hand. In

our survey our honorable teacher provides us a lot of information, relative theory to

practice as well as proper guide lines. To prepare the assignment we have taken help from

internet and other relative reference books. We have collected different articles on

materialism from different websites.

Marketing Research,6th edition, written by Donald S. Tull and Del I. Hawkins.

4.3. Primary Data6

Primary data is collected from face to face interview with 120 marketing channel

members. Respondent will be collected conveniently from our domestic market. Primary

data are originated by a researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at

hand. We have collected our primary data from the different market, shopping mall,

shops, showroom of different brands through questionnaires.

4.3.1. Sampling Plan

We have used stratified sampling technique to select the sample, the elements within a

stratum are as homogeneous as possible but the elements in different strata are being as

heterogeneous as possible. We have three stratum –agent, wholesaler, retailer .In every

stratum the elements are homogeneous in nature.


 Findings of agents


From our survey we observe that the average mean of success s 3.50. We understand the

perception of agent incase of success their response direction is towards agree. They

think they are successful in their life.

Incase of centrality the average mean is 3.13. By observing mean value we can

understand success and happiness variable means are higher than the centrality mean.

The average mean of happiness is 3.56 which indicate the perception of agent is direct

towards to agree.
Marketing Research,6th edition, written by Donald S. Tull and Del I. Hawkins.

The average mean of three variables is 3.40. From here we understand that agents are

slightly materialistic.

Standard deviation

Standard deviation of success centrality and happiness are .80, 1.24, and 1.17

respectively. And average standard deviation is 1.07. We know that smaller the standard

deviation better the performance.

Incase of success respondent data are close to mean because of the small standard

deviation that is 0.80.

The standard deviation of the centrality is higher than others that is 1.24. Incase of

centrality respondent are slightly dispersed from their mean.

The standard deviation of happiness is 1.17 which is higher than the success but lower

than the centrality. Its respondent data also slightly dispersed from their mean.


Income vs. Happiness

Here we assume that income is an independent variable and happiness is dependent

variable. We plot income on the X-axis and happiness on the Y-axis. The correlation

between X and Y is 0.22 which indicate there is a small positive relationship between X

and Y. That means if the income increases happiness is also increased but the level of

changing in between income and happiness is not same.

We assume that in our report because of the presence of respondent errors it does not

reflects the actual relationship between income and happiness.

Age vs. Happiness

Here we assume that age is independent variables and happiness is a dependent variable.

We plot age on the X-axis and happiness n the Y-axis.

The correlation between X and Y is -0.09 which indicates there is small negative

relationship between X and Y. It means if age increases happiness is decreased and lower

the age higher the level of happiness. But the level of movement in between age and

happiness is not same.

 Findings of Wholesaler


From our survey we observe that the average mean of success s 3.36. We can easily

understand that the perception of wholesaler incase of success their response direction is

towards agree.

Incase of centrality the average mean is 3.70. By observing mean value we can

understand that centrality mean are higher than the success and happiness variable mean.

Average mean of happiness is 3.44 which indicate the perception of wholesaler is direct

towards to agree incase of happiness.

The average mean of three variables is 3.50. From here we understand that wholesalers

are materialistic which is higher than agent.

Standard deviation

Standard deviation of success centrality and happiness are 1.08, 1.00, and 1.32

respectively. And average standard deviation is 1.13.

Incase of success respondent data are slightly dispersed from mean because of the

standard deviation of 1.08.

The standard deviation of the centrality is 1 which is slightly dispersed lower than the

others two variables.

The standard deviation of happiness is 1.32 which is more dispersed from mean. It is also

higher than the others two variables.


Income vs. Happiness

Here we assume that income is an independent variable and happiness is dependent

variable. We plot income on the X-axis and happiness on the Y-axis. The correlation

between X and Y is 0.319 which indicate there is a positive relationship between X and Y

that means if the income increases happiness is also increased but the level of increasing

in between income and happiness is not same.

Age vs. Happiness

Here we assume that age is independent variables and happiness is a dependent variable.

We plot age on the X-axis and happiness n the Y-axis. The correlation between X and Y is

-0.23 which indicates there is negative relationship between X and Y. It means if age

increases happiness is decreased and lower the age higher the happiness. But the level of

movement in between age and happiness is not same.

 Findings of Retailers


From our survey we observe that the average mean of success is 3.42. We can easily

understand that the perception of retailers incase of success their response direction is

towards agree.

Incase of centrality the average mean is 3.81. By observing mean value we can

understand that centrality mean are higher than the success and happiness variable mean.

In case of centrality their response is close towards to the agree compare to success.

The average mean of three variables is 3.56. From here we understand that retailer are

more materialistic than others marketing channel members.

Standard deviation

Standard deviation of success centrality and happiness are 1.12, 1.08, and

1.44respectively. And average standard deviation is 1.21.

Incase of success respondent data are slightly dispersed from mean because of the

standard deviation of 1.12.

The standard deviation of the centrality is 1.08 which is slightly dispersed lower than the

others two variables.

The standard deviation of happiness is 1.44 which is more dispersed from mean. It is also

higher than the others two variables.


Income vs. Happiness

Here we assume that income is an independent variable and happiness is dependent

variable. We plot income on the X-axis and happiness on the Y-axis. The correlation

between X and Y is 0.0426 which indicate there is a small positive relationship between

X and Y that means if the income increases happiness is also increased. Retailer income

is comparably lower than the others but they are still happy with their present life. That

means with the low income they are still happy.

Age vs. Happiness

Here we assume that age is independent variables and happiness is a dependent variable.

We plot age on the X-axis and happiness n the Y-axis.

The correlation between X and Y is -0.39 which indicates there is negative relationship

between X and Y. It means if age increases happiness is decreased and lower the age

higher the happiness. But the level of movement in between age and happiness is not


5.1. Demographic profile

Demographic profile refers to respondent’s personal information which includes age,

income, gender, marital status, education, profession.

Age & Gender

Here we have 99 respondents. Among them all of them are male. If we see the Table we

have maximum respondent age in between 23 to 28. This is because these groups are

maximum young to middle age people. Here for our findings we divided our marketing

channel members into three groups such as:

Age Group
Young age 21-30
Middle age 31-40
Old age 40+


To calculate our findings we choose three marketing channel members they are

Agents, Wholesaler and Retailer. For the ease of mathematical calculation through

excels numerical number are assigned to marketing channel members that are given


Channel Members Numerical Value No. of channel members

Agent 1 27
Wholesaler 2 39
Retailer 3 33
From the above table we can see that most of our respondents are wholesaler.


We divided the income into six groups from 6000 to 30000+ into five thousand intervals.

We can see that in16000-20000 interval has maximum respondent (20).

Income group Average income No. of respondent

6000-10000 8000 17

11000-15000 13000 15
16000-20000 18000 20
21000-25000 23000 18
26000-30000 28000 13
30000+ 35000 16


We divided the education into 4 groups that are-

Education group Numerical Value No. of respondent

SSC 1 37
HSC 2 31
Graduate 3 25
Post Graduate 4 6

5.2. Attributes

Age has a great influence on the materialistic behavior of marketing channel members.

Youth has a passion for everything. Their mentality is more upgrade than older. They

want to lead life luxuriously as well as comfortably. Old age would be more conservative

whereas young age is reckless in respect to taking business decision. From our survey we

observed that if anyone have money for example agent and wholesalers it does not mean

that he is more materialistic. They may be fatalistic. On the other hand those who hold

less possesses to own like retailers may have a great interest to consume luxury products.

Consuming luxurious product is depending on age. Old are afraid of new phenomenon.

They think it will be risky and complex their normal life. From our deep survey we saw

that young and mid age marketing channel members irrespective of agent or wholesalers

or not are more materialistic. If the channel members are older it is seen that their

materialistic behavior is reduced. Older channel members try to keep their life simple as

far as possessions are concerned. Buying things don’t give them pleasure. They are not

like to own things that impress people. They don’t like to possess luxurious things. They

believe that have all the necessary belongings to take pleasure in life. They don’t expend

money in certain occasions which are not practical.

In contrast young marketing channel members are more materialistic. They like to own

things that impress people. They are expending more for buying things which increases

their social status. Having or not having money is not always a great concern for them.

They are always wanted to consume luxurious things to enjoy their life. Buying things

give them a lot of pleasure. It sometimes bothers them quite a bit that they can not afford

to buy all the things they would like.

From the above discussion we notice that young marketing channel members try to

possess luxurious things which helping them to maintain high social status. Therefore age

play a vital role in case of materialistic behavior of marketing channel members.

5.3. Materialistic Behavior of Agents

Agent has a high social status .They lead a luxurious life. Purchasing powers of agent are

generally higher than other two channel members including wholesaler and retailer.

Agent materialistic behavior is normally based on income old age. From our survey we

see that young agent (21-30) is more materialistic. Middle-aged are between 31 to 40

years old are less materialistic than younger agent and higher than older (40+) agent. By

considering three variables we observe that correlation between success and happiness is

higher than centrality, because human life is psychologically successful, if he is happy.

Incase of income high income peoples materialistic behavior is lower but in our survey

this impact is not actually shown because of response error.

In contrast of our country s political and economical situation marketing channel

members do not always show their real income. For this reason we are unable to identify

the relation between incomes with other variables.

From the overall survey we see that if agent income s high they are lee materialistic. So

luxury of life is s under control for them.

5.4. Materialistic behavior of wholesaler

By observing the materialistic behavior of wholesaler we can see that their materialistic

behavior depends on their income and age.

In ease of age, those wholesaler’s age is 21 to 30 i.e. younger, behavior is higher than

other middle aged (31- 40) and old aged wholesaler (40+), this happened because

materialistic behavior vary with age. The psychological nature of younger is more eager

in possession. They try to make their life more comfortable. Each of them has an effort to

impress people with their own possession. So for that they are emphasizing more is


Among the middle aged wholesaler (31-40), they are less materialistic than younger but

more than older aged. Their materialistic behavior sometimes depends on socio-economic

condition. Discussing with respondents, it is understood that if economic condition is

well than their materialistic behavior increase.

Incase of old age (40+) we can see that they are less materialistic than other two groups.

They spend most of their time in worship of God so their materialistic behavior is based

on their religion thought. Relation between success and happiness is much more

important because coming to the end of life, they can draw a summary. So for that, they

are surer about matter of succession in life.

5.5. Materialism Behavior of Retailer

Generally retailers are more materialistic than other two channel members. Because, their

monthly income and purchasing power are less than others. Materialistic behavior of

retailers varies on income and age.

Young age (21-30) retailers are more materialistic like other two channel members.

Middle age (31-40) retailers are more materialistic than old age (40+) but less than

young. Retailer’s materialistic behavior varies in term of income. Our respondents are

from different business sectors. So their income also varies in term of business criteria.

So it can be said that their situation is worse than others and their materialistic behavior is


5.6. Comparison among the different group based on marketing behavior

Channel Member Success Centrality Happiness

Agent 3.5 3.13 3.56
Wholesaler 3.36 3.70 3.44
Retailer 3.42 3.81 3.44

From the above table we can see that. Incase of success the average mean of agent is

greater than retailer and wholesaler. Therefore, incase of success agent are more

materialistic than other two channel member. Retailers are at 2nd position that means their

average means is lower than agent but higher than wholesaler.

Finally wholesaler are in 3rd position incase of success that means their average mean is

lower than two channel members.

From the above table we can see that incase of centrality the average mean of retailer is

higher than other two channel members that means they are more materialistic than other

two channel member incase of centrality. The wholesalers are in 2 nd position that means

their average mean is lower than retailer but higher than agent. And agents are in 3 rd

position that means their average mean is lower compare to other two channel members.

Incase of happiness the average mean of agent is higher than wholesaler and retailer. It

shows that they more materialistic than other two channel members.

Wholesaler are at 2nd position that means their average mean is higher than retailer but

lower than agents and retailers are at 3rd position that means they are less materialistic

than other two channel members.

Incase of total

Agent Wholesaler Retailer

Total 3.40 3.50 3.56

From the above table we can see that the average mean of success, centrality and

happiness in combined is 3.56, 3.50, and 3.40 for retailer, wholesaler and agent

respectively. So, we can say that in total retailer are more materialistic than wholesaler

and agent. And wholesalers are more materialistic than agent but less than retailers. And

agents are less materialistic than other two channel members. The prime reason behind

retailers more materialistic is their socio-economic condition. Their socio economic

condition is worst than wholesaler and agents respectively. So, they have much eagerness

to possess. On the other hand situation of wholesaler is better than retailer, that’s why

their materialistic behavior is lower than retailer, but higher than agent.

Materialistic behavior of agent is lower than all; this is because their socio economic

condition is better than all.

 Correlation

Income vs. Happiness

Agent 0.22

Wholesaler 0.319
Retailer 0.0426

Here, among all channel members correlation between income and happiness is positive.

That means if income increase, happiness will be increase. But the correlation of

wholesaler is higher than other two channel member. Agent is situated in the last position.

 Correlation

Age vs. Happiness

Agent -0.09
Wholesaler -0.23
Retailer -0.39

Here, we observe that the correlation between Age vs. happiness is negatively related.

That means if the age is increase the happiness will be decrease. The correlation between

Age vs. Happiness is higher incase of agent. The wholesaler is situated in middle position

and the retailer is situated in the last position.

So, we can say that if the age fluctuates than the happiness also fluctuates more in agent.


At last we can say that this research can help us to prepare many future research projects.

We have obtained a better understanding about the materialistic behavior of marketing

channel members which are not available in websites. It helps people to know the

emotions and feelings in certain areas. It also helps the researcher to take their decision

based on this report in respect to their own purpose. It would be a great pleasure for us if

this report achieves success. Because we think it is a unique one.



 Kotler, Philip, Marketing Management, 10th edition, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall,


 Collis, Jills & Roger Hussey, Business Research, 2nd edition, New York, Palgrave

Macmillan, 2003.

 Chisnall, Peter, Marketing Research, 7th edition, London, McGraw-Hill, 2005.

 Boyce, John, Marketing Research, 2nd edition, Sydney, McGraw-Hill, 2005.

 Zeithaml, Valarie A. & Mary Jo Bitner, Services Marketing, 3rd edition, New

Jersey, McGraw-Hill, 1999.



Research Topic: Materialistic behavior of marketing channel
Time required: 10-15 Minutes Nature: Confidential

Demographic Profile:

Age: a) 21-25 b) 26-30 c) 31-35 d) 36-40 e) 40 +

Gender: a) Male b) Female

Marital Status: a) Single b) Married

Education: a) SSC b) HSC c) Graduate d) Post Graduate

Profession: a) Agent b) Wholesaler c) Retailer

Monthly Income: a) 6000-10000 b) 11000-15000 c) 16000-20000

d) 21000-25000 e) 26000-30000 f)
30000 +


1. I like what I am doing.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

2. I feel proud when people ask about my profession.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree


3. The things I own say a lot about how well I’m doing in life.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

4. I don’t place much emphasis on the amount of material objects people own
as a sign of success.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

5. I like to own things that impress people.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree


6. I enjoy spending money on things that aren’t practical.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

7. I try to keep my life simple, as far as possessions are concerned.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

8. Buying things gives me a lot of pleasure.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree


9. I’d be happier if I could afford to buy more things.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

10. I have all the things I really need to enjoy life.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

11. It sometimes bothers me quite a bit that I can’t afford to buy all the things
I’d like.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

12. I am happy with my present life.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

13. I feel depressed in my profession.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

14. I feel better with my profession in respect to other professions.

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree

15. I like to possess luxurious things which will help me to maintain high social
a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree Nor Disagree

d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree


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