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REVIEWER IN CLE  We are Relational Beings – Our Christian faith affirms

(1st Mastery Test) our relational nature because God, our source, is
LIVING TOWARD CHRISTIAN MORALITY Himself a family, a communion of loving persons.
- Simply means following Christ Christ commands us, “Love one another as I have loved
- Refers to our journey of living the faith amidst a world you”.
of lights & shadows  We are Unique though fundamentally equal – In all
- Answers one of life’s most important questions: measurable ways, we are different yet fundamentally
 What good must I do to gain eternal life? equal at the core because of our common human
Sacred Scriptures & Church Traditions – primary references of dignity. Therefore, we have the obligation to treat all
Christian Morality and in doing good persons with genuine respect.
- Growing in faith through love of others & prayers TRIUNE: We need to turn to Scriptures and to Church
- Process of becoming the person who we truly are teachings to more deeply appreciate our dignity as human
 Jesus serves as our model to follow on what persons created, redeemed, and sanctified by the Triune God.
we would do to others (John 13:15) FOUR REVEALED TRUTHS ABOUT OUR HUMAN DIGNITY
MORALITY – discerning between what is right & what is wrong 1.) We have been created in the image and likeness of God.
2.) We have been redeemed by Christ.
CHRISTIAN MORALITY AS KEEPING THE COMMANDMENTS 3.) We are empowered to love by the Holy Spirit.
- We must keep the commandments to gain eternal life 4.) We are destined to share in God’s eternal life.
 Law of God to gain eternal life showed that we have dignity and that we are important. This
 Concrete expression of the relationship further sanctified our human dignity.
between God and the Israelites
 Truly love God and our neighbors in all that HUMAN FREEDOM
we do - Something we experience as persons
 Very foundation of the freedom and - It is our capacity to choose, in our individual choices,
happiness we are yearning for and in the person we become through our choices.
TWO GREATEST COMMANDMENTS: - We, as persons endowed with intellect and free will,
 You shall love the Lord your God with all can discern our freedom through critical analysis of our
your heart and with all your soul and with individual and social contexts.
all your mind - Being truly free means growing in our capacity to act
 You shall love your neighbor as yourself responsibly.
The parable which tells us how we should - Freedom is a gift from God that enables us to own and
love our neighbors: give meaning to our own existence.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan - Our freedom is always relational
- Our freedom is our responsibility because we are the
- Jesus said, “Come and follow me” Mt. 19:21 - Freedom is not the right to do as we please, but rather
The parable which tells us how to gain eternal life: to do what is right.
The Parable of the Rich Young Man
o Jesus said, “If you want to be perfect, go, FREEDOM IN THE OLD TESTAMENT
sell your possessions and give to the - The most important experience of freedom in the life
poor, and you will have treasure of the Israelites was their exodus from slavery and
in heaven. Then come, follow me.” suffering in Egypt to a new life of freedom and dignity
- Detachment from everything that hinders us from as God’s people.
following Him. - They experienced freedom when they have crossed
the red sea
CELEBRATING OUR HUMAN DIGNITY - The Ten Commandments summarizes and expresses
- Humans are the only ones with dignity. We understand our most basic duties and rights.
the process of growing as an opportunity to become a  First Three – concretely express how we
better person and live a fuller life. should love and worship God.
Characteristics of a Human Person  Four to Ten – express how we should love our
 We are Historical Beings – we grow & develop in neighbor.
discernible stages - God’s commandments express what we should do to
 We are Embodied Spirits – we have bodily needs like be truly free: worship God and always respect the life,
food, water, and rest, as well as spiritual needs like marriage, property, and honor all persons. It prohibits
companionship, sense of mission, education and the acts that can destroy our freedom: idolatry, violence,
ability to go beyond our bodily limitations for love murder, adultery, theft, lies.
because of or spiritual faculties of intellect and will. - Authentic Freedom is doing what is good, not the mere
 We are Rational/Conscious Beings – God has created saying on doing, but the true and good that is done for
us with intellect and free will so we can discern His oneself or others. It simply means ‘to act as Jesus did’.
empowering actions in our everyday moral lives.


1.) “I am the Lord thy God, you shall not have no gods before
2.) “You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
3.) “Remember to keep the Sabbath Day holy.”
4.) “Honor your father and mother.”
5.) “You shall not kill.”
6.) “You shall not commit adultery.”
7.) “You shall not steal.”
8.) “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”
9.) “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife”
10.) “You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods”


- Jesus Christ brought freedom from conditions, attitude
and acts that hinder us from following Him to give us
the freedom for growing in His likeness.
FREEDOM FROM: refers to everything that opposes our true
self-becoming with others
- conditions, attitudes, acts that hinder us from doing
good and following Jesus
FREEDOM FOR: is growing as full persons and children of God,
sharing in the life of Christ, our liberator, through His Spirit. A
freedom found in “authentic love”
- freedom to become like Jesus, to grow in His likeness

As Christ’s disciples, we are called to strive to free ourselves

from all threats by discerning and choosing what is truly good
amidst all temptations and asking God for the grace to
overcome our built-in weaknesses through prayer, the
celebration of the Sacraments and good companions.

 If a person consistently chooses to do what is morally

good, he/she becomes a good person who is
authentically free and loving, while when he/she
chooses to do what is evil, he/she becomes an evil
person, who is unfree and self-centered.

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