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First of all, I would like to say Thank You to God because of His Grace and
Blessing I can finish my research report in time. This report is made due to fulfill
the assignment of advance reading subject as the student at The Methodist
University of Indonesia. I would also like to thank Ms. Vivi Sitinjak, S.S, M.Hum.
as our lecturer for giving me this assignment so I can gain more knowledge and

I realized that this report is far from perfection, it still has weaknesses.
Therefore, critics and suggestions are required from readers in order to make this
report become better in the future. Hopefully this report can be useful to readers to
get more information and wider knowledge.

Medan, May 6, 2018

Silvia Hartanti

Preface…………………………………………………………………… 1
Table of Content…………………………………………………………. 2
Abstract………………………………………………………................... 3
Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………………………………... 4
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem of the Study
1.3 Objective of the Study
Chapter 2: Theoritical Review…………………………………………… 6
2.1 Understanding Interest and Reading
2.2 Understanding the Influence of Technology Development
Chapter 3: Methodology…………………………………………………. 9
3.1 Approach to the Method
3.2 Data Analysis
3.3 The Instrument of Data Analysis
3.4 The Technique and Procedure of Data Analysis
Chapter 4: Discussion……………………………………………………. 10
4.1 Results
4.2 Discussion
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Suggestion…………………………………... 12
Bibliography…………………………………………………………....... 13
Author Biography………………………………………………………... 14


Reading is a complex activity and involves various factors that come from
within the reader and outside factors. In addition, reading can also be said to be a
type of human ability as a product of learning from the environment, and not of an
instinctive ability or an innate instinct. Therefore, the process of reading is done by
people who can read is the effort to process and produce something through the use
of reading.
In other words, reading is a complex process of communication activity.
Reading aims to see, understand the content or meaning and get the message to be
conveyed through the author of the media words or written language so as to gain
an understanding of the reading. Through reading, useful information and
knowledge for life can be obtained. People who do activities of course have a goal
to be achieved, as well as in reading activities. A person who reads with a purpose,
tends to be more understanding than a person who has no purpose. The main
purpose in reading is to seek and obtain information, include content, understand
the meaning of reading. However, this research is focused on people’s way in
searching for information.


1.1. Background of the Study

The development of science and technology can facilitate human to obtain an
information quickly. These developments indirectly require people who are fond of
seeking information in order not to be obsolete. One of the most effective and
easiest ways to find information is through reading. Reading books is one of the
most effective learning activities to gain knowledge and knowledge. However,
nowadays people are more likely to obtain information from technology as in from
the internet.
According to Andy F. Noya, the event host Kick & Andy who is also an
ambassador read 2011, "The potential of the Indonesian nation is very high in
quantity. However, the facts underlying conditions in Indonesia based on UNDP
findings in 2010, the Human Development Index, is still very low, ranked 112 out
of 175 countries. Based on data released by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)
in 2006, it showed that more and better to watch TV (85.9%) and or listen to radio
(40.3%) using newspaper reading (23.5%).
Kompas Daily, June 12, 2009. Students' interest to read is different from students
before the modern era. It contains books and books that do not affect students'
interest in reading. Before the modern era, currently still limited the students have
the spirit and high motivation to read. Library development and many reference
purchases do not seem to touch the interest of students to read the literature relating
to the courses taken.
Students are one component of the academic community who are studying
science, so reading should be the main agenda of the students. So that will make the
source of inspiration, the knowledge source and hone the criticality of students. The
fact is that nowadays there are problems where students' interest in reading is very
low. There are still many students who can graduate without even once to the

library. The symptom of students who are lazy to read is a common symptom of
descend, reading a book is one of the effective learning activities to gain knowledge
and knowledge, but lazy reading symptoms already exist in the students today.
1.2 Problems of the Study
1. What ways do students use to find an information?
2. What ways do students prefer the most in searching information? Through
reading books or from the internet?
3. What are the factors that cause low interest in reading students?

1.2. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to analyze the efficiency in searching data and
information through technology sources or books. It is going to obtain the data from
people especially college students in order to know what attracts them most in the
ways of searching for information.

2.1 Understanding Interest and Reading
Reading activities will be conducted by or not highly determined by the
individual's interest in the activity. Here it appears that interest is a powerful
motivator for doing an activity.
In general, interest can be interpreted as a tendency that causes a person
trying to seek or try activities in a particular field. Interest is also interpreted as a
positive attitude toward aspects of the environment. There is also a sense of interest
as a constant tendency to pay attention and enjoy an activity with pleasure. Meichati
(1972) defines interest as a strong, intensive, and deeply controlled individual to
diligently perform an activity.
Slameto (1987: 57) says that interest is a constant tendency to pay attention
and remember some activities. Activities that one's interest is constantly cared for
are accompanied by pleasure. Interest is always followed by feelings of pleasure
and from there gained satisfaction. Great interest influence on learning, because if
the lesson learned is not in accordance with the interests of students, students will
not learn as well as possible. Lesson materials that interest students, are easier to
learn because interest increases the drive to learn.
According to Hurlock (1999: 114), interest is a source of motivation that
encourages people to do what they want if they are free to choose. If they see
something as beneficial, they feel interested. This will bring satisfaction. So it can
be concluded that interest is an inner attitude from within a person which is a special
attention to a certain thing created with full will and feelings of pleasure arising
from one's inner urge. Interests can be said as a powerful impetus for a person to do
everything in realizing the achievement of goals and ideals that became his desire.
In seeking information and expanding the knowledge horizon, reading has
significance. In science studies, almost everything is obtained by reading. When a
person can read he will be able to know the words, pictures, knowing, understanding

and living the idea put forward by the author contained in a reading. Reading is the
process of obtaining understanding from a combination of several letters and words.
Juel (1988) means that reading is the process of recognizing words and integrating
the meaning of words in sentences and reading structures. Meanwhile, according to
Ase S. Muchyidin (1980: 12) read is the process of interpretation of symbols and
giving meaning to it.
Reading is the ability and skill to make an interpretation of the material
being read. What is meant by reading skill is not only to interpret letters, pictures,
and figures, but more broadly than that is the ability of a person to be able to
understand the meaning of a read. The process of reading is actually unlike the
process when one is thinking and reasoning. In this process of reading, visible
aspects of thinking like, remembering, understanding, discriminating, comparing,
discovering, analyzing, organizing, and ultimately applying what is contained in the
reading. So, in reading is required high intellectual.
One aspect of intellectual is interest. A person who has a high interest and
concern for a particular passage may certainly gain a better understanding of the
interest than those who are less interested in the topic. In addition, reading is a form
of communication between readers and print media that read as a representative of
the author. A good communication demands a linguistic experience that is closely
related to aspects of expression. That is why reading is an intellectual activity that
can bring positive views, attitudes, and actions.

2.2 Understanding the Influence of Technology Development

Research has shown that computers can actually aid learning, especially in
areas of critical thinking, analysis, and scientific inquiry. However, some
applications of computers have been shown to be more successful than others, and
many factors influence how well these applications are implemented.
One study, conducted by Pearson et al., researched the effects of digital
tools and learning environments to enhance literacy capabilities. The results
demonstrated that it can have a very positive effect on reading comprehension.
Another study, conducted by Mioduser et al., examined the contribution of
computer-based instruction when compared to teacher and textbook instructions.

The study focused on the acquisition of early reading skills, as well as the effects
the technology has on reading performance. The results clearly defined that students
who received their reading program via computer had significantly improved their
phonological awareness, word recognition and letter naming skills in comparison
with the non-computer teaching group. Considering the use of computers in schools
has had such negative response, these studies clearly show that the addition of
technology in the classroom actually has a positive effect on our children’s reading
and writing.
Due to the development of technology, people are more likely to find and
obtain the information from the internet. They find it more efficient and effective.
They only need to find the key words to find what they require rather than to get a
book or to go to the library and look for books that will take much time to find the

3.1 Approach to the Method
In conducting the research, the researcher applied descriptive quantitative
method. The study focuses on analyzing people’s interest in searching information
through technology or reading books. By using this quantitative method, researcher
would have the absolute results because of the objective research.

3.2 Data Analysis

The researcher had 8 people from college students in as the participants. The
participants consisted of 5 male students and 3 female students. All of them were
still in the second term; fourth semester. They were selected randomly as they are
coming from different universities and have the different ways of searching
information or data. Some of them are also working on their thesis papers, some of
them are often demanded to do journals.

3.3 The Instrument of Data Analysis

In doing the research, researcher used the questioner term. The form was
applying 10 questions for the participants to answer the level of efficiency in
searching information through books and internet. They were given limitless time
to answer the questions. However, they were demanded to answer the questions
based on their interests and their daily habits in searching for information.

3.4 The Technique and Procedure of Data Analysis

Researcher used the quantitative method to obtain the concrete data. The
objects were given the questionnaires and demanded to answer them based on their
actual ideas. Later, researcher would gather the answers and summed up the most
used ways of searching information.

4.1 Result of Data Analysis
Researcher provided 10 questions that must be answered accurately by the
participants according to what they used to do when it comes to search information.
The result can be seen from below table:
Based on the table, researcher conclude that the level of the tendency in
searching for information through reading books or internet is highly dominated by
the internet. Researcher calculated the percentage as follows:

Books (30), Internet (30), Books and Internet (40)
Later, if the result average can be categorized as:
0-40% : Internet , 41-59%: Fairly Internet and Books, 60-100%: Books
There were 9 participants which six of them chose internet as their source
of information, one of them chose reading books as his source of information, and
two of them were choosing both internet and reading books as their source of
Hence, the calculation is:
x100% = 31.11%
As a result, the calculation is 31.11% which means people’s tendency of searching
information is highly dominated by internet

4.2 Discussion
Based on the data analysis, it can be seen that the development of technology
has affected people. Its effect, of course, has good and bad impact towards the habit
of searching information by reading books converted to look for the internet. People
assume that the way of searching information through the internet is way more
effective and efficient. They don’t need much time to look for what they require.
The only thing they do is just type the key words on the internet, and all the answers
of their requirement will appear easily.
As a matter of fact, the internet dominated people’s mind and way of
searching for internet. Researcher has calculated that most of the participants were
choosing internet and technology development as their source of information. There
were only one person who chose book as the source of information and two people
who used internet and reading books in order to get information.
However, people should be able to apply reading more books in their life so
they can be more critical. The information that is got from the internet cannot be
trust since the author is unknown. Unlike the internet, books have obvious author
and it is accounted for. Moreover, if the information we require is not available in
the book, we can still look for another book that is related to the subject.

5.1 Conclusion
By doing this study, researcher can conclude that the development of
technology has a great impact for many people. For instance, in affecting people’s
interest in reading books. People especially students in college found that searching
information through the internet is way more effective and efficient than to read
books. However, the existence of technology should not be an excuse for people to
not search information from the books. The habit of looking for information from
the books must still be maintained. Library development and other references of
purchasing books must touch the interest of people in reading books. Nowadays,
the source of information from the internet cannot be trust 100%. We need to apply
the habits in searching and reading information from the books although it may or
may not take a longer time to find out. Nevertheless, if we are not sure of the book
we are using, we can still use or find another book to look for other information.
The participants were also influenced by the development of technology that
they often find the information through the internet. They also thought that in
searching information from books or internet must be balance. It means that the use
of internet to find information is only for reference to review, and use the books in
order to find concrete answers.

5.2 Suggestion
Based on this research, researcher can see that there are still some students
affected greatly by the development of technology. They prefer find the information
through internet to read the books. However, there are students that are fairly fine
with the development of technology but still not forget the existence of books. By
doing this, researcher suggested that the students who were likely to obtain
information from the internet must be realized that the information they got from
the internet cannot be trust because of the unknown author. They must still use
books as the first material for the subject and only use the internet for reference to

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STATUS : College Student

FACULTY : English Language and Literature

UNIVERSITY : The Methodist University of Indonesia



NIM : 216110010



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