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I. Introduction

Drainage are being used as prevention for the accumulation of water that can

lead to flooding. It is designed to drain excess rain water and ground water from

impermeable surfaces such as paved streets, car parks, parking lots,

footpaths, sidewalks, and roofs. Solid wastes carried off by the rain water are one

of the major problems that causes clogging of the drainage. Drainage of surface

water is all the more important in hill roads. Apart from the drainage of water

from the road formation, the efficient diversion and disposal of water flowing

down the hill slope across the road and from numerous cross streams is an

important part of hill road construction. If drainage system in hill road is not

adequate and efficient, it will result in complex maintenance problems (Chauhan,


Carmel Street is in need of drainage rehabilitation because of its current

situation like clogged by waste and incapable of containing normal volume of

storm water. The sloping terrain resulted to as more soil erodes that accumulates

sediments washed into the drainage pipes during the rain (Engineer Pañares,

2013). To keep the sediments from entering the drainage pipes, an innovative

filters are often solution.

As water floods the catch basin, small particles that slip through the grate

settle to the bottom. Drainage pipes are located above the bottom of this vertical

pipe, ensuring that the water that flows into the drains is clear of sediment but it

doesn’t help from removing other particles like micro particles. Filters are one

of the solution to resolve the problem to keep micro particles from going into the

main or the city drainage and to improve water quality. Many filters are out in

the market that can be used to protect drainage from clogging such as,

manufactured, sand, and anthracite filters. These filters may be effective, but the

fact that it doesn’t help in recycling, reusing, and reducing environmental waste.

Rubber tires have the potential of hazardous fires and causes other health

implications. These scrap rubber tires is one of environmental waste that

accumulates each year. There are about 280 million of waste tires were produced

in year 2000 with yearly growth about 26% in stocked in different states of USA

(Sunthonpagasit and Hickman, 2003). Recycling tires may help the environment

and reduce the accumulation of waste caused by the rubber tires. These rubber

tires has high potential of being used as filter by transforming it into crumbs.

Consequently crumb rubber tires as filters could be used for years with high

filtration rate. Even the outcome did not reach the goal of removing of the micro

waste, the crumb rubber filter could still be handy in terms of primary treatment

technology to improve the effectiveness of the typical filter (Tang, 2005). Crumb

rubber tire is the material that is going to be used as a replacement for other filter

materials such as manufactured filter, sand, and aggregates. Crumb rubber tires

are derived materials from scrap tires to be used as an innovative filter medium.

Compared to sand or anthracite filter, there is a significance in the filtration

efficiency. As a compressible material, crumb rubber forms an ideal porosity

gradient in filters because the top layer of the media is least compressed while

the bottom layer is most compressed. Crumb rubber filters favors in-depth

filtration and allows longer filtration time and higher filtration rate, which

substantially increases the filtration efficiency (Graf and Xie, 2000). As a filter

medium, crumb rubber allows the porosity of the filter bed to decrease through

the filter, resulting in the smallest pore size at the bottom and largest pore size

on the top, which is ideal for down-flow filtration. In comparison to both the

sand/anthracite and crumb rubber filters were effective in removing large

particles (>10 μm and >15 μm). For the sand/anthracite filter, the removal

efficiencies for particles larger than 10 μm and 15 μm were 89.4% and 94.5%,

respectively. For the crumb rubber filter, the removal efficiencies for particles

larger than 10 μm and 15 μm were 86.8% and 93.6%, respectively (Chen, 2004).

By transforming these scrap rubber tires into crumbs and use it as to innovate

such as filter, will lessen the environmental waste when practiced gradually.

II. Objective of the Study

The goal of this research project is to design a drainage with crumb rubber

tires as filter for the advancement of Storm Water Management. In addition, this

research will help the environment to reduce the accumulated waste produced by

the scrap rubber tires. It specifically aims the following:

1. To present the current drainage layout at Carmel Street.

2. To present the new drainage design with crumb rubber tire filter in the

catch basin.

3. To determine the filtering efficiency of the filter by hydrometer test


4. To determine the average actual flow rate of the filter during filtration


III. Significance of the Study

The study is said to be significant for it give a perspective design of

drainage for Carmel Street. It lessens the waste in the environment produced by

scrap tires in terms of reducing, recycling, and reusing it as filter.

IV. Conceptual Framework

The research aims to provide a design of a drainage system with crumb

rubber as water filter for the advancement of water storm management. As shown

in the figure 1, Scrap tires served as raw materials for the crumb rubber together

with the concept of drainage design.

VI. Filtration Using OUTPUT

Drainage Crumb Rubber Quality of

VII. Tires Drainage Water


Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

V. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research study will gather requirements, analysis, test, and design of

the drainage with filter using crumb rubber tires. Provide a detailed designing

process and review of the new drainage with crumb rubber tire filter. It will be

limited to the design of drainage and testing of the crumb rubber tire filter.

VI. Target Beneficiaries of the Study

This study will present the effective drainage system in the residence of

Carmel Street .The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Local Government. The study will serve as cooperation in sustaining the

city robust and industrial growth and development.

Community. The result of this study will provide the people within the

Carmel Street an adequate drainage system.

Researchers. The result of this study will serve as a basis for the future

researchers for the improvement of the water treatment system.

Contractor. This study will provide an information to the contractor to

execute a design and to be able to do budget proposal.

VII. Review of Related Literature


During rain, part of the rain water flow on surface and part of it percolates

through the soil mass as gravitational water until it reaches the ground water

below the water table. Removal and diversion of surface water from the roadway

and adjoining land is termed as surface drainage, while the removal of excess

soil-water from the sub-grade is termed as sub-surface water, some water is

retained in the pores of the soil mass and drained off by the normal gravitational

method and this water is termed as held water (

Drainage-System-in-Highways). The excess water may occur either on the

surface or within the soil and the drainage system must be designed to cope with

the prevailing conditions. It should be emphasised, however, that the installation

of even a very intensive system of drains is no guarantee of success. To ensure

the maximum potential production is attainable, each scheme must be


scientifically designed and properly installed. If either of these requirements is

not fully implemented maximum returns will not be achieved on the drainage

investment (Galvin and Taluntais, 1978).


Whether your water is hard or contaminated, there are compelling water

treatment advancements prepared to offer assistance. Water molding is the

treatment of water to change, upgrade, or enhance it so it meets a particular water

quality need, longing, or standard. On the other hand simply call it water

treatment. There are a wide range of treatment advancements that take care of

business. (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2013). Before disinfection, the filter can

also eliminates isolated solids and reduces the possibility of having infection. As

per recommended by the National Research Council (1996), crumb rubber filter

could be the most reliable ballast water treatment technology.

Filtration means to finish expulsion of suspended particles, colloidal

matter and also microorganisms by passing water through a porous medium fit

for holding the coarse molecule at first glance and the better contaminations in

the pores. The channel medium is normally a sand channel comprising of various

layers. The layers from the top comprise of fine sand put throughout the

following layer of coarse sand took after by fine gravel set in the course of the

last layer of coarse gravel. Water from sedimentation tanks is disseminated

consistently over the whole fine sand bed and to stream by gravity through the

distinctive layers. (Sivasankar, 2009). In filtration rate of the crumb rubber filter,

there was no apparent relationship between removal efficiency and filter depth.

Higher filtration rate resulted in lower removal efficiency and higher head loss

(Marine Environmental Research, May 2006). Centre for Affordable Water and

Sanitation Technology (CAWST) recommended that the filtration rate through a

typical filter should not be less than 0.4 liters per second (or 400 liters per square

Crumb Rubber Tires

As a compressible material, crumb rubber forms an ideal porosity gradient

in filters because the top layer of the media is least compressed while the bottom

layer is most compressed. Crumb rubber filter favours in-depth filtration and

allows longer filtration time and higher filtration rate, which substantially

increases the filtration efficiency (Graf and Xie 2000; Xie et al. 2001).

VIII. Methodology

Presented to this chapter are the research design, constraints of the study

research materials, research instruments, and research procedure and data

analysis tool.

Research Design

In order to gather the necessary data, the researchers used applied research

method. It includes techniques that used to summarize and describe numerical

data for the purpose of easier interpretation (Kazmier, 2004). It is a scientific

study whereby it seeks to solve problems of a certain locale or community for

the betterment of the quality of life.


Constraints of the Study

This study focuses on the preservation and improvement of water quality

and for the advancement of storm water management that the researchers aimed

to attain by the use of crumb rubber tire filter that will meet the desire needs

within realistic constraints such as environmental, economic, and sustainability,

in accordance with the standards.

Economical in a sense that used scrap tires can be recycled to come up

with another medium for water filtration- crumb rubber. Moreover, it paved a

way to a more environmental approach as to how to dispose tires which are

basically hazardous to ones health. And through our attempt for an advanced

storm water management, using crumb rubber as water filtration has a great

impact for the sustainability of the drainage system for the fact that it can last

longer with lesser maintenance.

Research Materials

The following materials were used in the water treatment facility:

Containers. This is employed to gather the water sample from the current

drainage for the analysis of water.

Fine crumb rubber. This was employed for the second stage of the

filtration process where it helps in preventing the pretreated water from the

contamination of small minerals.

Coarse crumb rubber. This was employed for the third stage of the

filtration for coarse filtration.


Aluminum steel. This was employed for the chamber of the crumb rubber

filter so that it will not corrode.

Research Procedure

The following were the steps and procedure followed in the conduct of

the study:

Assessment of the existing drainage. The researchers requested a

resolution letter from Engineer Diosdado A. Pañares, Jr regarding the drainage

of Carmel Street. Engineer Pañares responded that Carmel street drainage is

already inefficient when it comes to storm water management because of clogged

wastes (See Appendix A). The drainage configurations were also attached on the

said letter and was used as the basis of our design. (See Appendix B).

Design of drainage.

The drainage design considered the following general conditions:

1. The depth of the connection with the main drainage in the street and

the grade of the house drain outlet. The depth of the house drain outlet

can be found by measuring the length of the longest branch of the

house drain.

2. The required ground coverings should be 30cm from the top of

concrete floor and 40cm of the ground covering without concrete


3. The 2% slope was considered on each horizontal drainage pipe line

that was installed at station to the next station. The height of the rise

angle of the pipe line could be determined by using the formula:


Height = Length x 2%

The design conditions mentioned above are customary in every

residential drainage design (Fajardo, 1994).

Design of Filter. Filter Design was integrated with innovative material

which is Crumb rubber tires. Crumb rubber was filled into the cylindrical

stainless chamber in 4- layers with different sizes. Crumb rubber sizes are 0.125

in., 0.25 in, 0.375 in. and 0.5 in. The cylindrical G.I. steel filter was manufactured

by Weldone Steelworks Corporation as the whole formworks of the filter in the

catch basin. The dimensions of filter has a 0.60m diameter and depth of 0.90m.

Production of crumb rubber. Crumb rubber tire were manufactured

through mechanical grinding. Mechanical grinding is the process of breaking up

of a scrap tire using whole car or truck tires in the form of shred or chips, or

sidewalls or treads. The rubbers, metals and textiles are sequentially separated

out. Tires are passed through a shredder, which breaks the tires into chips. Finer

rubber particles can be obtained through further grinding in secondary grinding

process by using heavy duty meat grinder.

Determining the Sizes of Crumb Rubber. Crumb Rubbers consist of

particles with various shapes and sizes. (ASTM D6913 – 04) Standard Test

Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve

Analysis, this test method is used to separate particles into size ranges and also

uses a square opening sieve criterion in determining the gradation of soil between

the 3-in. (75-mm) and No. 200 (75-m) sieves.


Experiment Proper. There were two experiments conducted for the

designed filter and these are the Hydrometer Test Method and the Bucket

Method Test.

Hydrometer test was conducted for the efficiency of the filter by

determining the percentage drop amount of fined-grain soils after the filtration

process. Bucket method test was used to determine the maximum flow rate of

the crumb rubber filter to avoid overflowing of the designed drainage.

Hydrometer Test Method. For the efficiency of the crumb rubber filter,

(ASTM D422-63) Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils was

used to determine the percentage of different grain size of soil before and after

passing the crumb rubber filter. This test method covers the quantitative

determination of the distribution of particle sizes in soils. The distribution of

particle sizes larger than 75 μm (retained on the No. 200 sieve) is determined by

sieving, while the distribution of particle sizes smaller than 75 μm is determined

by a sedimentation process, using a hydrometer to secure the necessary data.

Bucket Method Test. In determining the average actual flow rate of the

Crumb rubber filter, Bucket method was used. The Bucket method is a simple

way to measure the flow rate using household items. It requires a stopwatch, a

large bucket or a basin, and preferably two to three people.

To measure the flow rate using the bucket method:

1. Measure the volume of the bucket or basin. Keep in mind that a typical 1

liter bucket is often actually less than 1 liter.


2. Put the bucket in the outlet of the filter in order to have the volume of

storm water that passes through the filter.

3. With a stopwatch, time how long it takes the storm water to fill the bucket.

Start the stopwatch simultaneously with the start of the bucket being filled

and stop the stopwatch when the bucket fills. The bucket should not be

filled by holding it below the surface of the filter because it is not the true

flow rate.

4. Record the time it takes to fill the bucket.

5. Repeat steps two and three about 4 or 5 times and take the average. It is a

good idea to do a few trial runs before recording any data so that one can

get a feel for the timing and measurements required.

6. Only eliminate data if major problems arise.

7. The flow rate is the volume of the bucket divided by the average time it

took to fill the bucket.

Data Analysis Tool

Mean is arithmetic average of the scores, calculated by adding all the

scores and dividing by the total number of scores. This tool was used to

determine the average actual flow rate of the crumb rubber filter.

Percentage is a display of data that specifies the percentage of

observations that exist for each data point or grouping of data points. It is

a particularly useful method of expressing the relative frequency of

survey responses and other data. Many times, percentage frequency

distributions are displayed as tables or as bar graphs or pie charts. This


tool was used in showing the percentage amount of the distribution fined

grain soils.

IX. Results and Discussion

Presented to this chapter were the drainage lay-out and the design of the

drainage and its innovative filter. Most of the results were illustrated in tables

and statistically analyzed. The following data will be interpreted in accordance

with the research objectives and procedures.

Current Drainage Lay-out. The current layout of the drainage was

presented as per actual assessment at Carmel Street by the researchers. The

drainage is an open canal and connecting the drainage flow from Sinai Street to

Samaria Street. The directions of the flow of water within the drainage were

represented with yellow arrows. There are four catch basins found to be clogged

with waste and silts which are marked with red rectangles. Other catch basins

which were represented with color blue rectangles are still capable of filtering

some silts and is not clogged with waste (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Drainage Layout


New Drainage Design. The researches decided to condemn some culvert

pipe connected between blocks at the street of Carmel for it to have an easy

detection of any clogging between culvert pipes and catch basins which is

presented in Plan view (See Appendix F). The drainage has a total length of

183.84m and the length of distance between each catch basin depends on the

length of each block in the street and it shown in site development plan (See

Appendix F). The drainage was designed with a 1m x 1m x 1.2m catch basin with

a culvert pipe that has 0.46m diameter. The diameter of the RCCP used by the

researchers was the same as the existing culvert pipe and also, the invert

elevation was presented in the Profile view(See Appendix F).The drainage uses a

hybrid type for it to have an effective distribution of water and higher flow rate

between pipes along the street during rain (Lara 2015). The crumb rubber filter

is shown in Figure 3, for it to have an accessible maintenance on both catch basin

and the filter, a 0.60m x 0.60m manhole is found at the top of the catch basin.

The height of the rise of catch basins will depend on the distance of between

catch basins multiplied by two percent (Fajardo 2000). The filter is placed in the

middle of the catch basin which has a diameter of 0.60m and 0.90 depth. The

filter has a top cover with a screen at its inlet which can protect larger wastes

entering the filter. Silts are being filtered at the bottom part where a 4 layered

crumb rubber tires are found.


Figure 3. Cross Sectional and Top View of the Filter with Crumb Rubber Tires

Hydrometer Test. This test is performed to determine

the percentage distribution of the finer particles contained within a soil. The

researchers used the hydrometer method to test the efficiency of the filter by

investigating if there are reduction of fine particles present in the sample after it

was filtered. There were two set of samples used in this test. One of these was

the 1000ml of water with 50g of fined grain soils before it passes through the

filter and the other one was the 1000ml of water with 50g of fined grain soils but

already passes through the filter. The researchers will knew if there was

reduction of fine particles if the percent finer of the sample after it was filtered

is lesser than the percent finer of the sample before it was filtered.

The observations of the sample before it passes through the filter by

Hydrometer Test are shown in Table 5. There were 6 hydrometer readings done

with its corresponding time, and temperature. Depth L with its corresponding

Actual hydrometer value are given in Table 1 (See Appendix C).

Table 5. Observations and Data of the 1st Sample.


Elapsed Time, (min) L , from Table 1 Temperature, ˚C
Reading, R actual

0 8.1 50 30

1 9.2 43 30

2 10.1 38 30

4 11.2 31 29

8 12.4 24 29

16 14.7 10 29

As shown in Table 6, percent finer have large values for the fact that the

sample used was the water before it passes through the filter and it also means

that it has much fined grain soils content. Percent finer have also these

percentage amount since it is directly proportional to the actual Hydrometer

reading value but inversely proportional to the depth L.

Table 6. Results & Calculations of the 1st Sample.

Hydrometer Hydrometer Ct , a, Velocit

K, from Diameter % Finer
Reading, Corr. For from from y
Table 2 (cm) ,P)
Corr. R Minescus Table 3 Table 4 (cm/s)

47.8 49 0.01182 3.8 0.98 0 0 93.688


40.8 42 0.01182 3.8 0.98 9.2 0.035852 79.968

35.8 37 0.01182 3.8 0.98 5.05 0.026562 70.168

28.05 30 0.01195 3.05 0.98 2.8 0.019996 54.978

21.05 23 0.01195 3.05 0.98 1.55 0.014878 41.258

7.05 9 0.01195 3.05 0.98 0.9187 0.011454 13.818

The tabulation of data and observations are shown in Table 7. In these

observations, the sample used was the water with fined grain soils after it passes

through the filter. The readings of depth L drastically increasing compared to the

1st sample and it means that the content of fine grain soils in the water were

reduced. On the other hand, the actual hydrometer readings radically decreasing

with the same elapsed time in the 1st sample and it is because of the large values

of depth L.

Table 7. Observations and Data of the 2nd Sample.

Elapsed Time, (min) L , from Table 1 Temperature, ˚C
Reading, R actual

0 11.4 30 30

1 12.2 25 30

2 13 20 30

4 14.2 13 29

8 15 8 29

16 15.8 3 29

Table 8 shows the results of the hydrometer test for the 2nd sample which

indicates that there were decreased in percent finer in the same elapsed time of

the 1st sample. Percent finer percentage shows that there were rapid change in

the content of fined grain soils in the water in which it was lessen.

Table 8. Results & Calculations of the 2nd Sample.

Hydrometer Hydrome Ct , a,
ter Corr. K, from Velocit Diameter % Finer
Reading, from from
For Table 2 y (cm/s) (cm) ,P
Corr. R Minescus Table 3 Table 4

27.8 29 0.01182 3.8 0.98 0 0 54.488

22.8 24 0.01182 3.8 0.98 12.2 0.041285 44.688

17.8 19 0.01182 3.8 0.98 6.5 0.030135 34.888

10.05 12 0.01195 3.05 0.98 3.55 0.022516 19.698

5.05 7 0.01195 3.05 0.98 1.875 0.016363 9.898

0.05 2 0.01195 3.05 0.98 0.9875 0.011875 0.098

The determination results of percent finer of the 1st and 2nd sample are

shown in Table 9 which shows that there were reduction of fined grain soils after

the filtration process in the same elapsed time reading. It was clearly manifested

as what are shown in percentage values in percent finer difference.

Table 9. Percent Finer Difference between Before and After the Filtration


% Finer ,Pb % Finer ,Pa

% Finer Difference
(Before) (After)

93.688 54.488 39.2

79.968 44.688 35.28

70.168 34.888 35.28

54.978 19.698 35.28

41.258 9.898 31.36

13.818 0.098 13.72

Bucket Method Test. Average actual flowrate of the filter was

determined by bucket method test to check if the filter design is effective and

safe. The Bucket method is a simple way to measure the flow rate using

household items. It requires a stopwatch, a large bucket, and preferably two to

three people.

Results & Calculations:

In determining the average actual flow rate of the filter, Continuity

Equation was used which is defined as;

Q = VA = Volume / time

Where; Q = actual flow rate of the crumb rubber filter

V = actual velocity

A = cross-sectional area of the crumb rubber filter

The tabulation of the results of the Bucket method test are given in Table

10 and it shows that the numerical value of the average actual flow rate of the

crumb rubber filter has close greater value to a typical media filter standard flow

rate which is equal to 0.4L/min. This means that there were much greater volume

of water that can pass through the crumb rubber filter which is one way to avoid

flooding in the catch basin.

Table 10. Results & Calculations of the Actual Flow Rate.

Actual Flow Rate,

No. of Trials Volume, mL Time, min
Q (L/min)

Trial 1 1000 2.068 0.483559

Trial 2 1000 2.142 0.466853

Trial 3 1000 2.056 0.486381

Trial 4 1000 2.145 0.4662

Trial 5 1000 2.03 0.492611

Average Actual Flow Rate), Q (L/min)

X. Conclusion

This study has fulfilled its objectives. Based on the results, the following

conclusions has been made:

1. Carmel Street current drainage layout was presented and found out that

the current drainage is already clogged of wastes and silts based on the

actual assessment of the researchers. These wastes and silts were

gathered from flowing water passing through the street of Carmel.

2. The proposed drainage design was based on the assessments acquired by

the researchers from Engr. Diosdado A. Pañares Jr., a volunteered

engineer who is knowledgeable about road drainage system

configuration. And for the drainage catch basin, it was improved by

designing it with innovative crumb rubber filter. As a result of the trade-

off analysis for the filter design, the researchers came up with a conical

shape filter with 4 layers of crumb rubber tires. The use of crumb rubber

tires served as filter medium that leads to reduction of silts and fined grain

soils as well as the waste caused by tires in the environment. Therefore,

the drainage design is efficient and effective in terms of its environmental

aspect as well as the economical aspect.

3. As what have shown in the Hydrometer Test, Crumb Rubber tires as a

medium filter is proven to be effective in reducing silts and fined grain

soils since the percent content of the fined grain soils present in the storm

water has decreased.

4. The filter’s average actual flow rate was determined and presented and it

is equal to 0.479121 L/min which has close greater value to a typical

media filter which is equal to 0.4 L/min, this means that there will be

greater volume of water that can pass through the crumb rubber filter.

Therefore, filter design in terms of its filtration rate is efficient enough to

avoid flooding in the catch basin.


XI. Recommendations

The researchers recommended to remove the clogged wastes in the

drainage that is blocking the flow of water. Based on the findings and

conclusions, the filter with crumb rubber tires is recommended to be placed at

the catch basin of the drainage. The researchers who would like to follow this

study, further study such as improving its efficiency and performance as a filter

media through Turbidity Test can be executed.

For the environmental perspective of this study, the proponents

recommended to use crumb rubber tires to lessen the waste of scrap tires since it

is hazardous to health and it causes air pollution in some aspects. Rubber tire is

a non-biodegradable material that ones being exposed to the environment with

greater chance of toxic chemical contaminants can highly threatened the

environmental sustainability but if so to be used in an effective way such as filter,

it surely helps the rapid growth of industrialization without compromising its

effect, may it be good or bad, to the environment.



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Letter of Resolution


Figure 2. Drainage Configuration



Tables for Hydrometer Test

Table 1. Values of Effective Depth Based on Hydrometer and Sedimentation

Cylinder of Specific Sizes


APPENDIX C (continued)

Table 2.Values of K for Use in Equation for Computing Diameter of Particle in

Hydrometer Analysis

APPENDIX C (continued)

Table 3. Temperature Correction Factors CT

Table 4. Correction Factors a for Unit Weight of Solids



Documentation of the Study

Documentation in rubber grinding:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation in rubber grinding:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation in Sieve Analysis of Rubber:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation in Sieve Analysis of Rubber:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation in Hydrometer Test:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation in Hydrometer Test:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation in Hydrometer Test:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation in Hydrometer Test:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation during the Bucket Method Test:


APPENDIX D (continued)

Documentation during the Bucket Method Test:



APPENDIX F (continued)


APPENDIX F (continued)



APPENDIX F (continued)


APPENDIX F (continued)


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