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Light Study Rubric Sheet

Advanced Photo – In Design Layout

EVIDENCE Mastery (3) Sufficient (2) Needs Help -

Rendering (21 pts possible)
Layout includes 9 different images each with different lighting
Layout is well balanced and easy to understand
Font choices for the layout are legible
Lighting descriptions are narrative in nature and clearly identified
Descriptions include: #of lights used with type of lighting (reflective,
directional, bounced or choice)
Description narratives also suggest the relationship of the light source’s
position to the camera or subject: height (level with subject, eye level,
high, low) position (left, right) and distance (close to subject next to
Name and title design are included into layout
Program Use/ Creativity ( 12 pts possible)
Illustrated an appropriate use of proportionate image placement to fill
the box, images are not distorted.
Illustrated appropriate use of tool lines around image boxes
Illustrated a knowledge of Text/Font styles & size variation
Considered color use as an element in the layout design
Work Ethic (8 pts possible)
Used class time effectively, logged off the computer
Saved file to FA server and printed Light Study Proof Sheet by
assigned due date.

Total Points Earned / 41

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