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( C to C++ Context)

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Course focusses on OOAD-UML for
C++ Projects


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Section Design Approach

Procedural Design Outlook

Data 1
Data 2 Simple data
Intialization Complex Data
other Function 1
functions Function 2

Functions : Global : Any function can change

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

any data
Data : Global or purely Local to a function
It is never so in Real World

Better packaging is needed

To face current problems

Of Software Developer :

Lack of Flexibility in future releases
Accomodating Changes
during Project time
Re-Use of what is designed & coded
Make for one client. Adapt for others
Clear Demarcation of Responsibilities
between Members of Project

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Object Design OutLook File object f1 :
Knows contents of file1
Can operate on that file

File object f2 : ?

Report object r :
Knows report contents
File Object f1 File Object f2
Two month data
duly consolidated
Application Also formated for
W indow
Object w1
Report Object
r But no display code

Window object w1
Display characteristics
Font, color, size
User functions on
Minimize, close, move

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper
Even a simple C++ program will fall under this category
Increasingly more projects are moving into C++ style
OO Approach from C style Procedural Approach.

In some projects an hybrid Approach of C and C++ ( and

even Assembly) code is resorted to, often for backward
compatibility and use of existing and legacy code.

It is not surprising to notice that some modern projects get

designed with OO, even though at coding level it will
compromise to a C / Assembly project. In such cases more
care is required in the OO design to stay within limitations
of using the C / Assembly code.

Section : Objects

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

SET File Object f1
OF Open
related Close

File Object f1

Data :
File Name
File Length

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

File Path
Functions :

Think of an object as a fancy variable; it stores data, but you

can “make requests” to that object, asking it to perform
operations on itself.

In theory, you can take any conceptual component in the

problem domain you are trying to solve (things, services, etc.)
and represent it as an object in your program.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Every Object has IDENTITY

Every object is unique, in that it is distinctly

identified by an object identifier.
It can be an object itself : f1

Can be a pointer : File* p1 ;

Can even better be a Reference : File& r1 = ……;

File Object f1
File Object f2
Window Object w

Such a variable which refers to an object instance is called

Object Reference or identifier

f1 happens to be a identifier to the Object instance

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

The object identity is not used by the current object.

Languages provide for one automatically generated Field Value :

this -Java , C#, C++

Me - VB.Net )
so that the current object can refer to itself.

But other objects need to refer to this object.

That is why an unique object reference / identify is needed.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Where is a Object Reference declared and stored ?
Will it be in the Stack only ?
Will it be in the Heap only ?
Will it be in either place ?

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

An object has FIELD Attributes
( the Data Members of Object)

Every object has one and often more Field Attributes

Which means,
Object instance occupies Memory ( RAM)
by providing slots for the fields

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

The Fields provide
a characteristic to the object.

File length
Small or large file

File path
Where is it located ?

The data members of an object

are its Fields

Properties -> Are like Fields

But they are SMART FIELDS
They help the object control the way
Getters & Setters operate

Get : querying of value of attribute &

Set : modifying of attribute value

An object holds State

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper
The value of its Field at
a specific point of time
is its state.

State is the nature

of Fields,

and is one which

keeps changing

due to dynamic nature

of a software.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

State is important for us to
how the object behaves.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Procedural Design:
Care only about Application State.

Object Orientation:
Care about Object States too.

Combine all Object states,

You get Application State

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

State change : how will it occur ?

A method (function) called by a client object changed state

f1.fx ()

A direct assignment can change state


A method (internal function) in the same object changed state

Point to Ponder :

A file Object.

Does it undergo state changes ?

Clue : File size :

5 records,
100 records,
200,000 records.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


Another Clue : File is open, File is closed.

Every object has Behavior

(the Functionality of each Object)

Every object has a behavior.

Behavior is related to its functions

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

File object f1

Open : Make it ready for file operations

Close : Flush it and
disallow any more
File operations

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

is seen by the way the object
acts and reacts to requests.

Acting : Internal : Like flushing before close

Reacting : Externally visible behavior

: Like close


File Object f1


Each Method
One behaviour Collectively Methods provide the
Behaviour of the Object

Behavior is exhibited
when Method is executed

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Object Behavior
File Open, Close, Seek, Read
Window Open, Close, Minimize, Resize
Report Show, Order-Ascend, Show_Summary
Employee Join, Promote, inc_Salary, Separate
Browser Render, Submit, Open, Close …

Methods : Signature and Code

Signature : What does it do. Name

With what input ? Parameters
Is there an output ? Return Value

Code : How
How exactly does it happen

Business Logic body

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Method :
Function, the only execution piece in C# /Java / C++

Procedure ( say in VB.Net)


Operation :

Only interfacing info

Only Signature

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper



BEHAVIOUR : The way is acts, reacts

Example : File opening Behavior

Action : Load file, set up buffer

Reaction : Return the readiness

OPERATION : The way we know it from outside

void Open ( Mode m)

METHOD : The way it is (designed) inside

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Incidentally the code block contains the Attribute Field
structure which is represented as Attribute values

Can objects work alone in a System ?

No. they need to co-operate.

A System is a society of co-operating objects.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

It is our attempt to control the behavior

of one object from another

that makes us prepare

Applications out of OOPS

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

From Where ?

At minimum : One Client object, calling methods on a target


In practice : Many such objects co-operating to deliver an



Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper




Controller - Controlled

Remember : A project with only “just objects” and NO

Control Object
is not a well designed Project.

Objects may have different kind of responsibility

They may play “State Keeping Role” : Entity object

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper
The role of keeping data
and allowing its proper manipulation only

Such objects also contain methods to store their state in

a permanent storage such as a File or DBMS
(such as RDBMS )

They may play “Flow Control Role” : Control


Controller - Controlled

The role of allowing controlled access

to a specified object

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

They may even play the role of facilitating
User interaction

: Boundary
( Presentation Role)

The role of GUI based interaction


It is a small piece of software.

Not the whole Application

A software object contains

values and functions.
which only relate to
an unit of Representation

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

one ROLE
A software object represents
played by the system

Many such ROLEs ( Objects)

make a System.

File Object(s) , Report Object , Window Object :

Report Generation System

Traffic Signal objects, Traffic Control object

Traffic Management system

Note: Every object should play only one role.

If you have a badly designed object, it will be a bloated
object, playing many roles instead of one.

In fact every C or Assembly project has one single

object, the Application object. It plays many roles

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

and so does not have a significant behavior. That is why
Project systems are moving more towards OO.


Many objects in Action

Each Play specific Role

Objects live for their lifetime

One Starter routine boot-straps

Objects invoke methods on other

Methods result in Behavior
State change in objects occur

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

After invoking main, the C++ project should pass on
control to
various other flows,
each relating to invocation in sequence
among a set of objects.

You may designate each such flow as a “Menu”.

All possible menu choices will be displayed by main.

Section : Define


OO – About defining One Object at a time

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

OOAD – Designed to make them work together

Values such as age are defined as

Long Type

These are primitive types

int age;

Rules of object apply to age ?

Unique ?
Has Field(s) ?
Hold State?
Exhibits Behaviour ?
Operations ?

Primitive types :

General Field – Not Domain specific

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

General Operational Behavior

Primitive types :

General Attribute – Not Domain specific

General Operational Behavior

Primitive Types in C++ includes

int, short, long

float, double

C++ Primitives in a typical 32 bit Environemnt : Say


Type Bytes Range (signed) Literals
bool 1 0..1
char 1 -128..+127 0..255 'a'
short 2 -32,768..+32,767 0..65,535 none

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

int 4 0..4,294,967,295 23, 0xAF
- 23L,
long 4 0..4,294,967,295
2,147,483,648..+2,147,483,647 0xAFL

Type Bytes Range Accuracy Literals

float 4 -3.4E38..+3.4E38 6-7 digits
- 14-15
double 8 3.14 6.02e23
1.7E308..+1.7E308 digits
10 ??-?? ?? digits

Characters are stored in one byte (char) or two bytes wchar_t.
char is an integer type

What about “pointer types” ?

These are handles which work as an indirection

to a primitive type

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

What about “References” ( declared as something like
int& )
which is available in C++ ?

These are also pointers, but with more restriction in

the way the pointing is handled. It always needs
( so there cannot be a null pointing) and once
pointed, no navigation or re-pointing is permitted.

int originalvalue = 100;

int& referredvalue = orignalvalue; //initialised

You cannot separate the reference from the referent.

Unlike a pointer, once a reference is bound to a primitve
attribute, it can not be "reseated" to another attribute. The
reference itself is not an attribute (it has no identity; taking the
address of a reference gives you the address of the referent;
remember: the reference is its referent).

References to objects provide a convenient way to access

objects by reference but use the same syntax required to access
objects by value.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Primitives in other Languages

We need to build CLASSes from primitives

Such a CLASS will have

Developer ( User) designed Types : Class

Fields as required
Operations as needed

Objects are to be

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

defined first as


class X {

CLASS is a Type ( Data Type)

which defines both the

Structure (What Data to hold)

and the
Related Behavioral Methods

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Service Block
File Object f1 Class
File File

FILENAME : String : __________

FILEPATH : String : ___________
LENGTH:Int : __________
Open : Void : { .............. }
Close : Void : { .............. }
Seek ( P1, P2 ) : int (.............. }
File Object f2


Class – Object : How different ?

A class does not hold state. Objects hold state.

Class is loaded, just once, in CODE BLOCK of RAM :

CODE BLOCK of the Process

Object instances are in DATA AREA of RAM

DATA BLOCK of the Process

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

The object must be
and be alive first Instantiation->

Instantiating a File class object :

File f1; // Declare,


File* p1 = new File;

// point,
now or later

File& r1 = new File;

// refer, must
initialize there

Objects are many

They are found in any run-time situation

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Every Object instance occupies DATA Memory

Every CLASS occupies

CODE area of Memory
Just one per class
even if there are many
Objects of the class

Creating Instance


Instance Creation


OO : Create
OOPS : Language specific creation

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

( Instance Creation )
Obtains the A special M ethod
Unique File Object f1
File ( ) { .. }
ID as a



Constructor is a special method

which maps to a CREATE message

The object brings itself to life

against a Constructor call

A class does not hold state. Objects hold state.

The object must be

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

and be alive first Instantiation->

Pointer to an Object : Heap creation

Student* p;
p = new Student(1002);

InLine Creation

Situation 1:

int main () {

Student s1;

// Created in STACK of main


Situation 2 :

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

class University {

Student s1;
// Created WHEREVER University Object is
// Embedded Object

Requests can be passed on as

messages thereafter

The order of requesting depends on the client

It has nothing to do with the order in which
Services are defined in the Class

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Constructor : Language Specific Issues ->

There could be more than one way

in which a creation message is formed

Student Object

1. Construct from parameter passing

Student ( RollNo, Name, Course …..) ;

2. Constructor bring up GUI

Student ;

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

3. Find existing data in file,
Passing only Student RollNo

Student ( 1021) ;

The object brings itself to life

against a Constructor call

Student& r1 = new Student(1002);

In the corresponding class :

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

class Student {
public :
Student() {…}
Student( int RollNo) { …}

So there is a possibility of having

more than one Constructor

Importance of Constructor Design

1. How many alternate ways to create the

Object Instance
2. How to make the object come up to its
initial State

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

class Student {

String name;
public :
Student() …..
Student( int RollNo) { …}
Student ( string n ) : name(n) { … }
// Use Member initialization List , for

The member initialization list provides an alternate syntax for

initializing members of a class within a constructor. It is a
comma-separated list of members along with their initial values,
separated by a colon from the end of the parameter list and
before the opening bracket of the constructor body. Some or all
data members could be specified in the initialization list.

For members that are themselves classes, they should always

be initialized in the member initialization list.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

From a performance perspective, it is important to note that
the sub-object is not separately created and copied , and it
should be part of the Member Initialization List.

Destructor ( or Finalizer )

is a (call back kind of)

method which
is not explicitly called

It GETS CALLED just before the

killing of the object

class Student {

String* sp ;
public :
Student() { sp = new String(….) ; }
Student( int RollNo) { …}

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


~Student ( ) { // Destructor

delete sp ;


Each object has its own memory made up of other

objects. Put another way, you create a new kind of object by
making a package containing existing objects. Thus, you can
build complexity in a program while hiding it behind the
simplicity of objects.

Constructors are procedures that control initialization of new

instances of a class. Conversely, Destructors are methods that
free system resources when an instance references leave scope
or is set to Null.

The constructor in C++ allows you to guarantee that variables of

your new data type (“objects of your class”) will always be
properly initialized. If your objects also require some sort of
cleanup, you can guarantee that this cleanup will always happen
with the C++ destructor.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

In modern Language systems like Java and Dot Net the
destructor call would be non-deterministic

Together, constructors (special methods

that allow control over initialization) and
destructors support the creation of robust
and predictable class libraries.

OO Languages have made provision

for the developer to indicate
End of life of an object,

Implicit : Out of scope

Student s1;
// constructed, fairly
// Pass on messages to s1
} // s1 goes out of scope
// Very efficient stack

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Explicit : Null setting through delete operation

Student* p;
p = new Student();
// Not the best of

// Pass on messages to p
delete p ;
// Not so efficient
compared to stack de-alloc

// Block continues;
// do not pass messages to p

Efficiency Issues with stack and heap

Lifetime of every object is


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Till it is released for destruction

The object lives between these two milestones,

and messages can be sent
during this life time.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Language Specific : Destructor ->


Service to be provided by the Class is the

Primary Consideration in Choosing a

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

A description of a work.

Design of Class starts with this.

Describing SERVICEs are part of

Definition of Objects

File class : Services are :


As you design a Class

you are designing a Server

Service is the action by a Server.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Service Design is the core in Object Design

A Server object would have

one or more services.

Each service gets executed

only when a client ( object)
requests it through a message

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Let us be very clear :
Where does the code (declare-instantiate-use) appear ?

Is it inside File class ? NO

Inside a client class :

class SomeClient {

void someFunc () {

File f1 (….. ) ;…);

f1.close( );


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

How does the above method get invoked, if it the first need of
the application ?

int main ( ) { // Boot strapper

SomeClient s;
s.someFunc() ;

Why not hold data in structures

instead of designing classes for objects ?

Student Structure Student Object

Members :
Name Same Attributes

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Subject 1 Mark
Subject 2 Mark
Exam Result

Methods : ( If Student is a C structure, such methods

cannot exclusively be part of the struct . But it is
possible when it is a C++ class)

Methods : Designed based on Service

Make First Time Entry

Creational Behavior

Accept Marks
Validating Behavior

Update the Result

Business Behavior

Print Mark Sheet

Business Behavior

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Authorization Check
Non-Duplication through State

ID Design Fields only based on
Institution Method and its service
Year First discover the Services
Subject 1 Mark
Subject 2 Mark
Exam Result



So in OO Software :
Objects are instantiated

Class : encapsulate types, data (variables), and


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

- export some entities (operations)
- hide their internal details
- Objects are instances of Class


operations Outside world

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

class object



Object pass on Message to other Object(s)

Message is mapped to invoking Methods

Every object has a type. Using the parlance, each object is an

instance of a class, where “class” is synonymous with “type.” The
most important distinguishing characteristic of a class is “what
messages can you send to it ? ”

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


Class is designed based on service

- Design Time : Create type

Object is instantiated first

- Runtime : type -> object

Messages are passed to request Service

- Major activity at Runtime

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

object -> object

Communication between
two entities

with a Message Packet

that gets delivered


r1.displayResult ();

p->displayResult () ;

Software Messaging is :
Communication between two entities

Ideally a round trip communication

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

One object and another

Method invocation: Message Passing

Method Execution : Object Behavior

Sender requests something

By forwarding a MESSAGE

Receiver processes the message

File Object f1
Object w1 Message Passing (..... )

Code in a method of Window Object :….)

But where is the code of open Method ?

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


HOW DOES THE Target Object


Object has its own State Value

Parameters provide additional information
Processing is done with these
Return Value is computed during the process

Receiver Object :
1. Already knows its attribute and state values … ) : Need not contain

File Name
File Location

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Right Design of parameter : void open( String mode)

For the call : “rw”)

Wrong Design of parameter :

void open( String fileName, String mode)

For the call :

f1 = //declared and created
// f1( “filename”, “rw”); “filepath+name” , “rw”)

Receiver Object
2. May use the parameter “rw”, ….)

During such a processing

Receiver may carryout any
internal action,
using its attribute values
and any of its methods.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Parameters provide additional information
Processing is done with these
Return Value is computed during the process

3. Returns control,
plus result - if any.

void open(.. ) – Returns control

SomeType open (..) – Returns value


If Student is a CLASS

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

I. Code in some other object (class) can
CREATE an instance

Student& r1 = new Student();

II Using Attributes :
Can read them.
Can Change values.

Subject to it being accessible to the client object.

Private Fields may not allow this”XYZ"

III Invoking Methods

Client object can invoke all exposed methods.


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

IV Objects can be passed as parameters

A Method in some class has the signature,

compare( Student sa, Student sb )

For the above signature, actual method call will be : s1, s2) ; // pass by value

where s1 and s2 are

two Student object references.

Alternate Design :

compare( Student* pa, Student* pb ) p1, p2) ; // pass by

pointer r1, r2) ; // pass by reference

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

BigClassType &func( BigClassType &objname )
// Note member-of operator(.) is used.

objname.SomeData = 7; // Data passed by non-const

// reference is modifiable.
return objname;

The important points about passing objects to a function by

reference are :
• The syntax for accessing members of class, struct, and
union objects is the same as if they were passed by
value: the member-of operator (.).

• The objects are not copied prior to the function call; their
addresses are passed. This can reduce the overhead of the
function call.

V. Objects can be return values

Student* findBetter (Student s1, Student s2 )

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

The actual call in some object will be

Student* b = evalObj.findBetter( s5, s7);

Better Design

Student& findBetter ( Student& s1, Student& s2 )

Functions that return a reference need only accept the address

of the object to which they refer, instead of a copy of the
whole object.

What is the SENDER- RECEIVER Equation ?

Sender : The Client object

Can access attributes of Receiver : If exposed

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Can call Methods of Received : Whatever is
Method might carry parameter
Method may return a Value

Object has its own State Value

Parameters provide additional information
Parameters are ideally designed to be Objects

Processing is done with these

Return Value is computed during the process
Return value may be a primitive / Object / void

So in OO Software :
Objects are instantiated
Object pass on Message to other Object(s)
Message is mapped to invoking Methods

Message Parameters : Better design as Objects

Message Return Types : Can be Objects too

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Message is not a new idea

Message Variations:
Interrupt, Signal, Event

Messaging Variations:
One-Way Message,
Time Out Message

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Section : Hide, Abstract, Encap


When information hiding is in effect,

users of that object see only

the externals of the object

How much should we know about a TV

when we use the Remote Control ?

On / Off : Yes
Volume Control : YES
Potentiometer which control volume ?

Channel Change : Yes

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Which frequency for a channel ?

Thus we see that most equipment

and apparatus provide
Information Hiding to the end user.

OO Software also should provide

a high degree of information hiding
to the user of the OO software

When we design class,

we are not talking about ultimate end user.

Who is the “user” of the class I design ?

Another Developer

I define : Other Developer :

class Student { // s1 – Instance of Student

public : s1.Name = “Nobody”;

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper



I better define : Other

Developer :
class Student {
// s1
private :
– Instance of
char* Name ;
// Any non-public visibility Student
….. s1.Name =
public :
void changeName(..) DESIGN ?
{ }

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

executed on caller
}; check.

ID Check

if ( ….. ID = p )

else …….

I should “hide” information from the other developer

Why ?

To hold the integrity of my Design = Change name

s1.course = Change course

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

s1.result = “FAIL” Assign instead of computing

Do you think all the above

Hold integrity of my STUDENT object ?

HIDE : Length

File Object f1
W hich M ethods Open Write
are to be Close Read

Classes are designed

with the facility of Information Hiding
in the form of
public and
restricting access to its members.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Additionally one can achieve better performance and still maintain
some access control by declaring the necessary classes as friend
in its declaration.

Note that in a class :

You can declare global functions a friend : Not a OO measure

You can declare selected functions of another class a friend

: Needed when you decide on specific functions
only to have access to the private members of your class

You can declare another class as friend, which means all its
methods get access to private members of your class

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Also note that friend in C++ is not transitive. This means friend of
a friend is not a friend and will not get access to private members.

Further note that friendship is granted by your class. There is

no way that the other class can “take” friendship.

Call these as
Access Specifiers
Visibility Specifiers

DO not mistake

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

s1 object has a private attribute : result

Available ?
Visible ?

Usually private members are visible only to the code inside the

Attributes can be designed

to be private,

when we need controlled access


READ and
operations on them.

Hidden Attributes

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Methods can be designed
to be private,

when they are meant to provide

low level services to
non-private methods of the Class

Hidden Operations
= private methods

• A public element is visible to all elements that can access the

contents of the namespace that owns it.

• A private element is only visible inside the class that

owns it.
Where Friendship is granted, the granted element ( a global
function, a method of a class or all of a class code) also gets the

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Private access modifier is applicable only to the members of a
It restricts access to the members within the type itself apart
from those that are declared as friends.

Make suitable decision about

which Methods Are to be HIDDEN?

File Path


File Object f1

Seek Write
Flush Read


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


At suitable stage
in the DESIGN Phase

In C#, VB.Net … : Class, Interface, Events, …

And Fields, Properties, Methods … have Access specifiers.

In Java class, interface

And Attributes, Methods have Access specifiers

Hints to Design :

READ-ONLY Attributes : Can these be public

Other Attributes : Should these be Hidden ?

Methods which only return value

Should these be public ?

Methods which change the State ?

Can these be public and still

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

control integrity ?


Enclosing something within a Capsule

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

It is the enclosing of

Field declarations : ->

Primitive type = Value type
Referential Type
Referenced by Field

Services : Methods

High level and exposed services

Usually public

Low level hidden Services

Can be private

All methods :

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Encapsulate with

Appropriate parameters
Appropriate return type

With the Hiding of these from the view of others

who need not know about it.

Encap : Also need to decide


Excessive Encapsulation : Performance HIT

Lack of Encapsulation : What effects?

To Care during Encapsulation

Designer looks at Objects,

Defines Class

Provides for State Management

and Behavioral Methods

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Hides the relevant members,
and plans

from WHOM to Hide

( Expose to Anyone and Every Object code,

Friends in same Subsystem and Assembly,
Future Designers who extend this class, or None )

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


I. Unit Testing :

The behavior of an object can be changed and tested

independent of all other objects.

One class, when designed can be Tested immediately

II. Maintenance :

A developer can change most of private portion of the

design without consulting developer of any other class.

Other C++ Aspects in Encapsulation :

A const member specifies that the value of the attribute or the

local variable cannot be modified

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

C++ Function can end with a
const declaration


v When you place the const modifier after the declaration of a

member function, the result is that the function's '
‘this’pointer is declared to be a const.(If the function is not
declared 'inline', the const keyword must also be placed after
the Function’s definition).

v When a function's ‘this’ pointer is declared to be a constant

the member function cannot modify, data member of the
object to which it belongs and cannot call other member
ftmctions unless they are also declared to be member
function with constant ‘this’ pointers.

Example: // Member function which returns const ‘this’ pointer


class Player {


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

int strength;


void setStrength( )
// this modifies the private member
// cannot be declared as const function

{ strength=12; }

void printStrength( ) const

{ return strength; }


void main()
Player p;
Player *ptr=&p;
Ptr->setStrength( );
Ptr->printStrength( );

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


What is "const correctness" ?

It means using the keyword const to prevent const objects from

getting mutated.

void f1(const String& s)

Declaring the const-ness of a parameter is just another form of

type safety. It is almost as if a const String, for example, is a
different class than an ordinary String

You can also use references to declare a const reference to a

variable or object. A reference declared as const retains the
efficiency of passing an argument by reference, while preventing
the called function from modifying the original object.

void PrintIt ( const &Student)

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Abstraction in Practice

a simplified representation
of real world objects and concepts.

Abstraction in Teaching :

Algebra and Calculus are taught in an abstract way.

Abstraction in Conceptualization :

When a child plays with a toy train, it is Abstraction.

Abstraction in Visualization :

What we have to model a building

even before it is built,
this is also Abstraction.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Abstraction in Operations :

Remote Control Of TV: Abstraction of its Usage

Running an Automobile: Services are abstracted so that users do
not need to learn its internals and all complex technology :

Abstraction in Software Application

An abstraction to the User,

when presented with ease of use.

Abstraction in Class Level Design :

A Class is Designed with Abstraction,

so that other Designers
who have to use this class
are made to understand its usage
in simplified manner

Remember that Abstraction in classes is provided by the

Designer, so that other can understand and make use of the
class in a better way.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

HOW ? :

Class Name : Meaningful, Short, Simple

Public Members :

Meaningful Names : Self Explaining

Parameters :
Suggestive Names
Proper Coupling
A S/W Engineering Principle

Fields : If public, think twice

State holding Fields

Cohesive :
A S/W Engineering Principle
If needed, a Field is typed as
another Class

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Enumeration :

Making the values of variables to be programmer-friendly

goes a long way in improving the degree of Abstraction.

Enumerations provide a convenient way to work with sets of

related constants and to associate constant values with names.
For example, you can declare an enumeration for a set of
integer constants associated with the days of the week, and then
use the names of the days rather than their integer values in
your code.

enum direction { east,west,north,south) } ;

direction dir=east;

The output in not east but 0, because C++ I / O treats

variables of enum types as integers

Ø Enumeration also enables extra amount of type checking in

the compiler. Using #define is not an ideal situation

enum COLORS {

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

RED = 4,

Considerations in achieving Abstraction ->

Types of Abstraction

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

How to Achieve Abstraction ?

Abstraction is achieved when

a client of an Unit need not
know the whole to work with
that Unit


Make it Simple
For the Client User
To Understand


Encapsulation is
achieved when the
client of that Unit is not
able to know more
than what is required
to work with that Unit

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


More on Abstraction + Encapsulation

Every Class
All these are
The Sub to be
System Each Abstracted


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Sub_System Itself

Language Aspects in Encapsulation :

Properties are accessor methods whose job it is to retrieve and
set the values of fields. It provides a way to protect a field in a
class by reading and writing and also support object-oriented
concept of encapsulation.

C# specific

Performance hint for OO Software :

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper
Create Instance through best alternative
Keep Object Lifetime to be optimum
Let them live only as long as required

Design hints for OO Software

Abstraction : simple to understand by
all in the team
Hide : As necessary; Visibility is hidden
Encapsulate : Class level; Sub-System

A simple look at TWO of the Many Abstraction

Mechanisms :

1. Overloading
2. Inheritance

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Over Loading – A step towards Abstraction


OverLoading : A Feature towards Abstraction

POLY = Polymorphism
Many Dynamic Static
Polymorphism Polymorphism
MORPH Overriding Overloading
= dispatch
Type polymorphism

Templates in C++
Generics – Java 1.5 , Dot Net 2.0

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Object systems may allow
OVERLOADING - Polymorphism
at function level.

class Payslip {

// Other members such as EmpNo, Salary etc.,

void printslip (Screen s)

// algorithm sends payslip to screen
// takes care of screen specific values

void printslip (Printer p)

// algorithm sends payslip to printer
// after User interacts with print dialog
// honors no-of-copies, landscape mode etc.,


Object systems understand overloading polymorphism

Other object which associates with

Printslip object ps can
call either of the methods

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

ps.printslip ( pr ) ; // printer object as parameter
ps.printslip ( scr ) ; // screen object as parameter

Overloading has a real life counterpart:

Play is overloaded

Play ( Cricket )
Play ( Tennis )
Play ( Child )

Overloading is the creation of more than one method, instance

constructor, or property in a class with the same name but
different argument types.
Overloading is especially useful when your object model dictates
that you employ identical names for procedures that operate on
different data types.

Overloading makes it easier to use properties or methods

because it provides a choice of data types that can be

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

You create an overloaded member for a class by adding two
or more properties or methods with the same name. Each
overloaded member must have different parameter lists

Overloading is one of ways in which

POLYMORPHISM is realized in OOPS.

Methods are overloadable

Constructors are also

Methods ( Functions)

Hence they also

can be overloaded

Sometimes operators are


A variable ( Attribute)
Cannot be overloaded

In function Examples :
overloading class X {

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

The name of the void fa ( int, int) {… }
function is to be the void fa ( int ) { … }
int fa ( int, float) {…}
The parameter list int fa ( float, int ) {…}
must ……..
have a difference };

class Y {
The return type does
not matter, as long as int add ( int, int ) {...}
the above two rules float add ( float, float) {….}
are satisfied. X add ( X, X ) { … }


When we have overloaded Constructor,

it implies that the User of this design
has more than one choice,
in deciding the way the object is created.

Student Object

1 Construct from parameter passing

2 Constructor bring up GUI
3 Find existing data in file,

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Passing only Student ID

Polymorphism is based on ( Code )

Sharing with Differentiation Principle

In general all compilers have

numeric ( int, short, long etc)
types to be overloaded with
operators such as + and –

Further some languages allow +

to be used for
alphanumeric concatenation.

These are examples of compilers

( not programmer logic)
performing operator overloading.

Designer based Overloaded operator :

Box class : + means ?

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Student class : > means ?

What are the benefits of operator overloading ?

By overloading standard operators on a class, you can exploit
the intuition of the users of that class. This lets users program in
the language of the problem domain rather than in the language
of the machine.
The ultimate goal is to reduce both the learning curve and the
defect rate.

Possible operator overloading include almost every operator

availabe in C+. except some not-allowed operator overloads.

Read the Link to get coding samples

Overloading is the ability to define methods, or operators that

have the same name but use different data types. Overloaded

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

procedures allow you to provide as many implementations as
necessary to handle different kinds of data, while giving the
appearance of a single, versatile procedure.

What is the advantage of overloading ?

Each method is designed

to work with respect to a context.
All the more better design if the context is an object.

Class : Payslip

Overloaded Methods Are :

Printslip ( Screen s )
Printslip ( Printer s )

Other Features of C++ which can help towards better

abstraction during Design

1. The :: operator : To provide scope resolution. Also to

provide for not-inlined method declaration in classes

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

2. The inline function which can be better alternative to
MACROS, which may have side effects, breaking the very
idea of Abstraction

3. See Sample on bad effect of Macros and the way to avoid it

4. Work Horses of cin, cout and help from Manipulators. Due

to these the readability of code improves greatly. We also
have clog and err.

See this link

5. Default Arguments, which can abstract the way a function

call is coded

See this link


In real life what does Inheritance mean ?

Something to do with PASSING ON the WHOLE

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

What is Inherited ? ---------------

IN OO, Inheritance is something

BETWEEN classes and another class

( A DESIGN – Compile Time feature )

NOT BETWEEN one object and another object

( NOT a RUNTIME feature )

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

A Class A Class B
-V1 Two Fields Three Fields
-V2 Two Methods Three Methods
+fx (... )()
+fy (.... )()
When we inform the compiler that Class B is inheriting
B from A :
+fz (... )() it implies that all members of class A ( including private
members), except the Constructor Members are
inherited into class B

Private Members, though inherited, will remain as not

visible. So class B cannot directly have private members
visible in its coding. However a non-private member of
class A may still access the same

Object of A Class Object of B Class

Instantiate Instantiate

A a1; B b1;
a1 = new A () b1 = new B ()

Memory Map in RAM Memory Map in RAM

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Why should we go for Inheritance,
Why not two separate classes as the design ?

Allow ance Allow ance W orkAllow ance

W orkAllow ance

Inheritance promotes REUSE of Design.

Looking at Payroll as an OO Application

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Some of its classes will be :

Employee_Info Allowance Deductions


Why FOUR classes ?

Why not Five ?
Why not Three ?

Without a formal OOAD Mechanism

we have to empirically visualize the above
only on heuristic basis.

Now try to visualize the attributes

in each class
and the methods in each class.

Will each class have constructor ?

Will there be more than one constructor ?

Still some logic ( many details are too )

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

missing in the above design.

Where do we see the message

passing between the objects ?

When are the object created ?

When is it destroyed ?

What kind of ( menu ) sequences

pass through this object
as message requests ?

We do need a methodology
which can guide us through
the process of arriving
at a complete design.

This is where OOAD comes in.

Section : OOAD Methodologies

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Fitting in OOAD Methodologies
Fitting in UML


Object Modeling

James Rambaugh


Grady Booch
Rational Corp

Iver Jacobson

UML 1.1, 1.2

Speaker: Animesh S Evolving UML 1.3, 1.4, Client: Juniper
Other Authors 1.5
Industry Input
Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper
The spirit and soul of UML

Every complex system is best approached through a small set of

nearly independent views of a model. No single view is sufficient.

The best models are connected to reality.

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

language for specifying, constructing, visualizing,
and documenting the artifacts of a software-intensive system.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Modelling Language.
A model is a description of a physical system with a certain
purpose, such as to describe logical or behavioral aspects of the
physical system to a certain category of readers.

UML ( till 1.5) defined the following graphical diagrams:

• use case diagram

• class diagram

• behavior diagrams :

• statechart diagram
• activity diagram

• interaction diagrams :

• sequence diagram
• collaboration diagram

• implementation diagrams :

• component diagram

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

• deployment diagram

These diagrams provide multiple perspectives of the system

under analysis or development.

Good models are essential for communication among project

teams and to assure architectural soundness.

We build models of complex systems because we cannot

comprehend any such system in its entirety.

Later versions of UML

Diagrams as per UML 2.0

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper



ActivityDiagram UseCaseDiagram StateMachineDiagram

ClassDiagram PackageDiagram


UML 2.0 is based on OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA) :

An initiative is an evolving conceptual architecture

It represents an approach and a plan to achieve a set of

cohesive set of model driven technology specifications.

The UML authors promote a development process that is

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Use Case driven,

Architecture centric,
and iterative and incremental

The UML is an evolution from Booch, OMT, OOSE, other object-

oriented methods, and many other sources. It should be made
clear that the Unified Modeling Language is not a radical
departure from Booch, OMT, or OOSE, but rather the legitimate
successor to all three, with more divergent and convergent
ideas being added while it is a chasing Target.

An Artifact represents a physical piece of information that is

used or produced by a software development process. Examples
of Artifacts include models, source files, scripts, and binary
executable files.

While the UML does not guarantee project success, it does

improve many things.

For example, it significantly lowers the perpetual cost of training

and retooling when changing between projects or organizations.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

It provides the opportunity for new integration between tools,
processes, and domains. But most importantly, it enables
developers to focus on delivering business value and gives them
a paradigm to accomplish this.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Section : About Use Case

An Use Case is
a broad area of functionality
of a system

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

An Use Case is a kind of usage
of the system
in which external objects (called actors)
interact with the system.

In Use Case analysis,

the system is treated
as a black box,

so that all Use Cases

must be visible,
in some sense,
to the actors.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Section System Level Use Case

Rank 0
Here we define the overall Goals

System Level Goals

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Problem Domain Scope





Actors are outside

the Scope of Design


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper



What is it based on ?

It is based on the Overall Requirement indicated by the End

Client of the Project.

What is it based on ?

It is based on the Overall Requirement indicated by the End

Client of the Project.

Link to our Case Study Requirement

What does it contain ?

1. One Ellipse = Use Case of Rank 0

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper
Title is name of the system

BTMR Ticketing Control System

2. Many Actors :

Actors are those EXTERNAL ENTITIES which interact

with the System

Say :

Also Note the Line connecting Actor and the


It is called Uni-Directional Association,

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

When referred to in Use Case

In Use Case,
the line connects

To the

(Often Actor to Use Case)

Actors need not be Human Beings

Can be another Software system.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Can even be Hardware Systems.

Ususally Embedded Projects present Hardware as Actors.

3. Simple DESCRIPTION ( Summary)

about the System :

This Ticket system is useful in issuing a variety of Cards, which

the Commuter can use for making Journeys. The Driver has a
Card which starts the logical portion of every Trip and
punctuality information is also captured.

Officials such as Operations Manager plays a control role while

the Depot Manager plays the role of checking the
accountability of valuables.

The software system is built on suitable embedded hardware.

The software architectures envisaged are : …….

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

If needed this Text is supplemented with illustrations (
say Process Flow Chart ). The description in Text form
can have additional support with Sequence Diagram,
Activity Diagram etc.,

Actor in Use Cases

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Actor is

Primary Actor :
Directly interacts with the System
: Commuter

Secondary Actor :
Act on behalf of another Actor
: Operators

Software as Actor:
Another ( Client) Software
Comes in mostly for distributed Systems and in
simple client Server systems.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Hardware as Actor :

Acts through device Driver etc.,

: Firmware, Embedded-ware
Comes in mostly for Embedded Systems

Even external triggers like

Timer are Actors

Which Actor initiates a “Monthly Report” ? : Timer

Can one Use Case may involve

more than one Actor ?

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Usually one Actor initiates the request

Other Actors are contacted during

this happening

Can one Actor may be involved

in more than One Use Case ?

Actor plays usage roles

In a Word software :
eg: Save, Print, Load, Spell Check

In most situations one Actor will be involved

in more than Use Case Scenario

At System Level,
We are showing all these
through a single line
( Uni-Directional Association)
between the
Actor and the

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper



Why does the Arrow go from Actor to the System ( Use Case ) ?

The Arrow ( Uni-Directional Association) in Use Case is always

from the INITIATOR ( ACTOR) to WHAT IS NEEDED for that
( Initiated )

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

WHO needs System Level Use Case ?

This is a Use Case at RANK 0.

Useful in defining overall scope of the System

Serves as simple and overall SUMMARY

of the Requirement

All other Ranks of Use Cases look at this Rank

as the core.

Can be placed in the TRACK CHART Library of your Organization.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

We need to step into White Box approach soon

An Use Case achieves

a particular goal
for the actors
participating in the Use Case.

Each Use Case is a

generic description
of what is done
such that
system goal is achieved.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Section : High Level
Rank 1

Rank 1 is for describing the Scenarios

Significant Scenarios

Can one Actor may be involved

in more than One Use Case ?

Actor plays usage roles

In a Word software :
eg: Save, Print, Load, Spell Check

In most situations one Actor will be involved

in more than Use Case Scenario

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Rank 1 is for describing the Scenarios

Significant Scenarios

Most real systems have a

small set of Use Cases

-usually anywhere from

three to a couple dozen.

Scenarios are
instances of Use Cases.

A scenario is
a specific,
step-by-step sequence of
messages sent between
the actors and the system

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

and the actiont taken,
as seen from Actor Viewpoint

A Scenario as conceived
from Actor View point

A description which says

“What” rather than the “How”

So the basis is the Requirements Model

Take one Actor at a time

Look into the IMPORTANT Scenarios, from the viewpoint of
that Actor

Rank 1 : Some of the IMPORTANT Commuter initiated

Use Cases :

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

B u y in g a C a rd

C om m u te r S ta rtin g J o u rn e y

E n d in g J o u rn e y

Note :

1. What are all selected as (Use Case) Scenarios

2. How the Direction of Arrow is
3. How One Actor, many intiated scenarios are combined

Each Use Case is a specific way

of using the System

If an Use case is somehow executed ( realized),

it will be a “Running Instance” of the System.

The Use Case Modeling can be

approached duly structured

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Rano 0 Use Case is a
System Level Description

Rank 1 can focus on Most Important

( Major, Most-Normal) happenings

Other Levels ( or Ranks ) will gradually

to details and depth

Avoid looking into exceptional, error scenarios

In Rank 1 and 2.

USE CASE at Levels other than System Level :

Ø A description of USAGE SCENARIO

Ø It describes the HAPPENING

Ø Each Use Case limits itself to one Scene

Ø Based on Requirements Model

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Rank 1 should focus on MAJOR TASKS

to be performed by the USER




A High Level Requirements Capture

Starts from An ACTOR

Involves an Ellipse and a Description

Has a two way interaction with that Actor

May have interaction with other Actors

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

How is the Description Given ?
As a flow



Every Sentence is a part of

an integrated Flow
Ends only with a "LOGICAL FULL STOP "

Rank 1 : Commuter Related Use Cases :


The Commuter approaches a

Vending Kiosk and provides the
necessary inputs to the Vending
system. The system checks the
inputs. The Commuter provides
necessary amount of money. The
needed Card is internally
prepared. The details of the Card
is encoded on the magnetic

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

portion of a Physical Card.
Balance money, if any, is
calculated and pushed out. The
Physical Card is pushed out. The
Vending system is now ready to
accept the next request form the
next Commuter.

The Commuter approaches the

Start Slot portion of the
Validating system of the bus.
The Commuter submits the
Physical Card for necessary ‘in-
check’. The Start Slot checks the
Card for correctness of type. It
also makes other necessary
checks and makes necessary
markings on the Card.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

The Card is then pushed out.
The Start Slot portion of the
Validating system is now ready
for the next Commuter

The Commuter approaches the

End Slot portion of the Validating
system of the bus. The Commuter
submits the Physical Card for
necessary ‘out-check’. The End
Slot checks the Card for
correctness of type. It also makes
other necessary checks and
makes necessary markings and
necessary deductions of amount
on the Card.

The Card is then pushed out. The

End Slot portion of the Validating
system is now ready for the next

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Naming of Use Cases

Ø Ideally starts with a verb

: booking
Ø Emphasizes that it is a process
Ø Name that goes with the domain
: booking Ticket
Ø Name that is not too generic
: buying something
Ø Name that is not too vague
: doing User Operation

Complete Rank 1 Use Cases for Every Actor, Important Scenarios

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Buy ing a Card

C om m uter Starting Journe y

Ending Journe y

Important Use Cases of one Important Use Cases of one

more Actor more Actor

Naming of Use Cases

Ø Ideally starts with a verb

: bookin
Ø Emphasizes that it is a process
Ø Name that goes with the domain

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

: booking A Ticket
Ø Name that is not too generic
: buying something
Ø Name that is not too vague
: doing User Operation

Do not forget, every Use Case must have a description

Not ONE LINE Description.

It is a flow description.
Happening inside System, Actor View Point

Use Case : Do’s

Name it properly
Always starts with a VERB

Describe it properly
Must be a multi-line Description
Complete Flow inside the System
is to be described as a Flow

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Use Case : Don’ts

Name starts with something that is not a Verb

Description stops with one or two lines

Summarizing so far :


Problem Domain

Level Rank 1

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper



To whom is Rank 1 exposed ?

CLIENT ( send for sign-off)

The Whole Project Team

Test Case Generating Persons

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


2.A MOST Important HAPPENINGS, Drill


Take an Use Case of Rank1

but describe it in different ways it
can be performed


Alternate Courses of Action

May proceed with a copy of

previous level Use Case Diagrams
And add the drill down details to it.


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

2.B Blow Up the Details
Look for Common Sub-Scenarios

Take an Use Case of Rank 1

Expand the One ellipse into many more

One Scenario :
Into many connected Sub-Scenarios

UseCase1 UseCase2 UseCase3


UseCase4 UseCase5

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Blow Up One Use Case into more Details : is Explosion
There is no Base
Use Case & Sub Use Cases come in.

Sub UseCase : INCLUSION -

Every Use Case must have an Actor

What about Use Cases which cannot identify

an Actor to initiate them ?

Such an Use Case is a SUB USECASE

It MUST be INCLUDED in at least another Use Case

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Look at the arrow carefully

Green Use Case is the proper Use Case

Red is a Sub Use case
It is only an included portion

Green includes Red

Sub Use Case is only a chunk of behavior

It can be executed only

in the context of the main Use Case

2.C Start-Up and Shut-Down

( Exit Point ) Use Cases

About START-Up Use Cases

All systems have at least

one start-up use case

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Client server systems will have two

Distributed systems will have many

More Samples of Mid Level Use Cases

All these involve START-UP Scenarios.

Please try to figure out the logic needed behind each of these
start-up scenarios before adopting them in your study and
providing the Description.

2.D Mid Level can include

next level of Happenings
Secondary Use Cases



May add newer and independent

Use Case Diagrams

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Recommended book :

UML 2 Bible : By Tom Pender

Wiley Publication : ISBN 81-265-0452-8

Other UML 2.0 Books

UML 2 Toolkit
by Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brian Lyons, David Fado

Fast Track UML 2.0

by Kendall Scott, Apress

Other books :

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

v A book which explains the fundamentals of UML
UML Distilled
By Martin Fowler
Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series

The major strength of "UML Distilled" is its short, concise presentation of the essentials of UML and where it fits within
today's software development process. The book describes all the major UML diagram types, what they're for, and the basic
notation involved in creating and deciphering them.

ISBN 0321193687

v A book which serves as quick reference

UML in A Nutshell
By Sinan Si Alhir
O’Reilly Publication

v A book that serves as good topic-wise reference

The UML User Guide
By Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper


v A book relating to Method ( Process) which follows UML

The Unified Software Development Process
By Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh
Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series

The Unified Software Development Process

by Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh

Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series

v A book of higher level details

Instant UML
By Pierre-Alain Muller
Wrox Press

v A book on UML based Component Development

Process called Catalysis
Objects, Components, and Frameworks With
UML : The Catalysis Approach
by Desmond Francis D'Souza, Alan Cameron Wills

Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series

v A Book on a Commercial Process ( Method) from

Rational Corporation

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

The Rational Unified Process
by Philippe Kruchten
Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series

Also refer to Web sites :

More Books

Practical Statecharts in C/C++:

Practical Statecharts in C/C++: An Introduction to Quantum Programming with

by Miro Samek

Efficiently code statecharts directly in C/C++. You get a lightweight alternative to CASE tools that permits you to model
reactive systems with UML statecharts. Includes complete code for your own applications, several design patterns, and
numerous executable examples that illustrate the inner workings of the statechart-based framework.


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Understanding Uml: The Developer's Guide
by Paul Harmon 367 pages

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a third generation method for specifying,
an object-oriented system under development. It unifies the three leading object-orie
serve as the basis for a common, stable, and expressive object-oriented development
software applications increases, so does the developer's need to design and analyze a
them. This practical introduction to UML provides software developers with an over
design notation, and teaches Java programmers to analyse and design object-oriented
* Apply the basics of UML to your applications immediately, without having to wad
* Use the simple Internet example as a prototype for developing object-oriented appl
* Follow a real example of an Intranet sales reporting system written in Java that is u
throughout the book
* Learn from an example application modeled both by hand and with the use of Popk
Architect O-O visual modeling tool.

John Wiley & Sons


Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design

by Gail Anderson

This comprehensive, practical tutorial helps programmers understand both C++ and object-oriented design methodologies, so
they can write C++ that truly meets its potential. This text incorporates the newer language features, including templates and
exception handling, and explains how to apply C++ language constructs, design guidelines, and object-oriented methodology
to solve real world problems.

his comprehensive tutorial reflects the authors' extensive experience teaching C++ to professional
developers. Start with the clearest introduction to object modeling you'll ever read. Then learn all the

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

essentials of C++ and more advanced topics such as exceptions, namespaces, and dynamic memory

Next, discover C++ classes, the basic building block of object-oriented design. Through proven analogies
and examples, the authors introduce containment and inheritance, overloading, templates, RTTI, and
exception handling. And, the authors' unique presentation on multiple inheritance will give you
invaluable insights into this complex topic.

Learn to apply C++ and object-oriented techniques to real-world development. Discover how to design
classes effectively using the authors' class design boilerplate. Understand how to design container
classes. Walk through class designs using the powerful OMT methodology. Along the way, try out the
book's extensive exercises and take advantage of the exercise solutions and library of sample code on the
accompanying CD-ROM.

Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design is one of the first C++ tutorials that covers in detail
powerhouse ANSI C++ features like:

• Namespaces, bool, member templates, and RTTI

• Explicit, export, and nothrow versions of new and delete
• The IOStream Library and Standard Template Library

Why learnC++ simply as a "better C" when you can write C++ code that really meets its potential? One
book shows you how: "Navigating C++ and Object-Oriented Design!"

Prentice Hall PTR


Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

Real Time Uml: Advances in the UML for Real-Time Systems
by Bruce Powel Douglass - Computers - 2004 - 694 pages
: Addison-Wesley, 1996. [31 Hare!, David. ...

The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Completing the Unified Process
by Scott W Ambler, Larry L Constantine - Computers - 2000 - 295 pages

The Unified Process Elaboration Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP

edited by Scott W Ambler - Computers - 2000 - 277 pages

Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in Uml

by Meilir Page-Jones, Larry L Constantine - Computers - 1999 - 480 pages

Embedded Systems Design: An Introduction to Processes, Tools & Techniques

by Arnold S Berger - Computers - 2001 - 237 pages

Embedded Systems Firmware Demystified

by Ed Sutter - Computers - 2002 - 366 pages
Page - active systems with UML statecharts. Includes complete code

ISBN 1-57820-073-3,

Do not leave us out. We are a source of permanant reference for

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

C++ : Simple to Advanced Courses

Dot Net Technologies

Web Service

Component Engineering

App Servers : WebSphere, WebLogic
Higher & Modern Technologies :
Web Services
And so on.

Speaker: Animesh S Client: Juniper

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