Sei sulla pagina 1di 52


J.J. Barry, Inlernollonol Presidenl

onslilutlon he ,;;wore h ~'d upho ld at

Jeffel'SOIl, hi!, inaugur~lli oll .
In m i l11~ ways Linco ln's "<;;liglll of
LincoblAnd h"nd·· il l GCII),burg. hi nod 10 Jeffe r-
~o n . form d the foundatiun of the
TIle Continuing modern Amc.-!rtc"lll labor movement.
. :IIHUe! Gompcrs. fOlllHkr and long-
Fight For lime Presidc n( of the Am erica n Feder-
[ltion of LOlbof. \\il..., l<r.niling to America
Equality in I R63. !he year of Lincnln'~ GClIYS-
burg At..Idrc~s. GomJ:x~pj idol iLCd Lin-
coln. wri ling In hi<.; 192.'"i aLilOhi()gr;lp h ~
11\1\\ LII(' Pm;1 , 1)('111.8 '1'0
ah u ut th e dil Y Lin coln w a~ killed.
l lnion '\1('",IIl'I'8
"Uke .;;orne CillaclYlIlll came th e report
1 his yea r mark s th e' :!501 h annh cr~nr) of ThUf1l n ~ Jcf·
1 ferso n\ birlh: \\ hich . dc~pilc ~\\i rl i!l l L:uJ1tnl\·crs)
(iround his l eg~cy. gives the w(J rd~ or th ~ Decla r~lI1nn o r
lhill .In a~ .. a" in llild struck down the Great Emanci pa-
lOr .. .. III the I11l1lds of wo rk ingpeopll! of Ihe world. Lin-
co ln symholi/L:u lil t' spirit of humiln ity- the.: grea t leader n cc - '" \V c hold thc'>c tflHh<;, 10 be SL'! lf-cvi· in th e 'il ruggJc for hum;l11 freedom'"
dent. lha! all l11en arc ••.'rt:al (!u equa l. t hat l hey arc Olher American Ic"dcrs have been eq ually inspired
I.!IH.lo\\ cd by their C rciJiO I' wi l h cc..: I'\<li ll 1I lla li l: IWblc by .J cffcfSOIl HlltJ Lincol n. For all hi ~ pos~jb l e faul l ~.
rights. Ihat flll h )l1g the. c rtt'c lir , li bc n y and the pllr~u il worki ngpcople had a champion III Jrl llles Michael CUf-
of happ iness"- a special mean ing this July 4th, I!;y. A nd url 'Y gOt much tJf hi:.. vision fro m Jefferson
Jeffcr~on' s words ~ pci1k In the hli10 r move illent. They :l 11d Lincoln. In hb recelll biogrCl phy of Curl ey . The Ras·
call for equalit y, dignity. Hl1U hOl1o r . T hey inspired ('{II KinK. Jack Be;tlly wriles. as I1lQurn c r~ passed Cur-
fLllurc preside nts and IC:1uc rs lik e Abrilh nm Li nco ln, ky's cilloike l in I LJ5H. " Il is mot her . ~anl, [ who ha d
Samuel Gom pers, .l nd CVe n UO:-Io n 1\'I;"tY()f imd Mi\:-,,,a-
.;;crubhcu fl oors 1l1 0~1 of her life I \"'as there in th e sea med
ChUSClb Govern r Jal11 l:s Miclmd CurJ...:y 10 bring. the f~IC ':" tl f tbe SIBle Ii nusl.! "icruhwo1l1 cll. who Ccl l11C by as a
p ro m i ~t,; of th o~e ideills clo~L:r 10 rca li t\'. 1\ 11,-1 union
hody al 2:45 a.m. to sny learru l prayer\:i o ve r 'J im: U n-
Illcmhcr ... livc \\ ilh Ihal rC i:l lil) every day,
Col11 fl eed Ihl.! :-. I <l\,c~: Curley go l Iht,; :-.cruhwolllt: n off
For Li ncoln. r~ rl1<lp o; hi ... 111 SI po,o,.crful ano I. : ndu ri ng
Ihdr knees, II W~I h i~ delining human itarian g.,;slu re ....
statemen l. th e GCllyslmrg Addrc~, i\:i rea lly a I'caffirma ~
Declaring. tha t \\omcn . . hould go do\\ n on thc..:ir k n ~es
lion of k ffersoll ' ~ Declarat iu n of Indepe ndence, III fill'::1.
only \ hen pJ'~lyi n g 10 ,ocl. Curley gOI Ihem lo ng- han-
Lincoln wen t heyond jusl reaffirming J dfcr . . o n- hc
dled mo p . nd nOI on I) Ihal. Accordi ng 10 one of Ihem
i n 'orporat cd J dfcr~on'~ work 111 10 I he C(ln~t llUllon .
Ihat ni ght. ' 11 \\i\:, him who Jid away wil h calling us
Gil f)' \Vill s. in his /'ulit:er / 'ri:(··\dn nin g June IlJ9::!
scru h\\omen. g~ l1tl1 g 1I1f,; called m atrol1 S and cleaners,
A llalltic article, "The \Vord :ot That RcmaJc America,"
sa id. al Gctl~sburg . Lincoln "pcr(orl1leo one lI f the: 11100;1 and pUllinp. U ~ on thc ci\il se rvice: la ying a prope r
daring aCls of opc:n-mr "k i ~h l of hand eVer \\ IInc..;"-!o h' emphasis on urlcy's underslanding of the gam in dig-
the un ~uspecllng .... T he crowd [hearing Lincoln ';,: ni(~ rcprcscntt:d by th~ change ill litle!'., " Sim ply put.

address l departed \\.jlll a nc\\ thing III it~ icicolngicil llug- Curlr,;~ believed all men a mi \\ o mcn were crca H:d eq ual.

gage. the ne\\' Con~liluliol1 Linculn hau subStllUl cJ ror And Ihal brlll£< us b"ck 10 Ihe Declaralion of Inde-
(he one thc~ had hruuglll with them." pendellce. Allhough illook a hUlldred yca,." for Ihe 1 ~ lh
Inlne mllnc nf "iaving Ihe COIl"ll1lllinn, ::H i(, H) ,burg, Am ndmcnl 10 formally give force 10 Jefferson "s ideals.
Lmcoln remade Ih COJ1SIi lUlio ll- su hslllulillg in Ihe rl ilothcr hundred year" for a meanin.gful civil righ ls bill 10
American consc iou~n~:-,~ Iht~ phrase "U ... Il i1 I;o ll cu n- P3SS into law, and it may lake man) more years before
ceived in Iibcrly, and dl.!dicat cd Ihe prupo'S ilinn lh:'11 illl ~oml.!l hi n g appro~lching Irlll.! l!(l uaIiIY of opran-unlty can
me n (I re created equ al," for tho'\c hole,;; in the "old" be said 10 ~,~iSI in America : lO Ihe >crubllol11cn of
Constitution wh ich tolerated IoilaVCry. and denied equa l B O~ lon, 10 union folluwer ' of Sam uel Gompers. all cre-
rights and eq ual proleclion of the 1<1 \\ to so Illilny Amcr- ;lIc..:d ~q u a l. Iht pa"l spca ks to you. Because or Jefrerson
ica n:,. Lincol n i1Jdl~d Jcfre r~on 's idcas of t: q uali ty, wril- ;lIld incoln, "life. liberly. i.l nd the pursui t of happ iness"
ll'n "Fou r ~co re and ~c\'r,; n )ll'a rs" carl ie r ( 1776). to Ihe orc . <lnd ..;h.1I1 aJways hl!, nol a dream. but a righ t. ,
JULY 1993 ®

J o u R N A L


2 10 20 14
t\ IIrllrl' Lirr
Th(' IBmr Famil}
Con fere nce
1'01' "\\Il' \'Iust Be
Util it y Confe rence
Sl lIhhol'Jl
oI'l'a 1111' 1'-

"la\illullI gain
\ ahf('s.
llis I.ire
20 labor nohon wtd"
C~.! -fh.e
wi" rumcmlxor C~sor
great hl,lmgmlorlOn of'ld
- 38
wcrricw for form WOI'1 eri. who dr«l ;/'1
Uni ted \ Vay Awards C h a\l~1
h,s sIHp 0/ rfI'f! ogeo e>f 66 RESEARCH AND

"We'Ll Be TII('I'('
22 (OVER: n.e -Sp.1I1 of 76- on d,iplay
d.m"9 rhe PreJoidennai Inaugural I"
Wo,n,"9IOn. 0 C WorkJlIQPI!'OPIe con tole


\ i\1'\\ great p,de tf,ct, ru. ouilned In tIu~ mon,ft"s MEMBERS IN THE NEWS
Eddex.oI. the Lobor IIIO'Iemenl has played.
2 To Lt'ad" IIl'ginning 000 Ii ~Y'"9, Q <ennui role tn AmerICa 5
TIPS DnKtoI" Cindy Aushn 'lan ufaC Iuri ng BeT))
pteS8O"lts a compulef cIoIahuse pro.
CanhnUlrog r'g'" for fre.!om. 42
Confcrc;ncc Con ference
gram IIloI fJfovtdos updofBd mlor
mohon on COfIwucflon proJeC1s m SAFETY AND
any ~,., (lC7OU tn. C()UnA'y_ 6
JeR a Jocal
43, Syro~Joe. New
24 HEAlTH nps

l niolls-Thl'll
6 YOfl member woBI/19
ul ComeJf UnlV«'$''Y.
\nd No\\'

IvoW. g pilol MEMO
The Stall' 01' CtllII'$e The dau I'
Till' lnion
\ h) \Ve -rc Proud T o
r:Je~lgned 10 illtJW IBfW
membe-'l 1M ,!'I'!pot"'!'I(ot
of OIgo11'Z;ng 10
fuMe cI"'~
w.e", 44 47
Be l 'nion M c m ber~ and 1'0
labor MO\'E'tn('t1f
i\kmber ReLirl's IN M£MORIAM


IMunoilanol' Praia...; fllIWnottonol s.c••.", a...-
(jo I&W Lotol59
79"0 Norli>oYen Roc.l
\12"·15tJ.St NW 112,5,·lSthSl. NW fJI~
WIUhingIOll. D,C 2000.5 Wo.hingtQn D,C 70005 Cl YOI- BOWDEN Su, .. 1 JJ. 8orry
c/o I6EW locol 387 ~T~7.s1JO
r...~l,.-o-Wf"" s.-.1fI f).J"'ct Mar)" Ann Vo", Mete,
Su,.. 201 THOMAS J. SWE£NFf
1.5lJ.-ll HorryVmtAn60l.j, Annu. "'-'x. An_ 8JOlA
fI,...h'lIQ. ""- Van. 1136" 1911 Morbn l!.-In.t Kms Way S,,~_
ClO ro' A. Cipo&a n """""'
c/o IBfW lDc:oI 380 E'!1"lI.o..,(1 Thum Po.. "
fi,,, OiSJnCI Fi!mDrPtI(f N IIlII Do""ct
mo.,..... .,'- JAMlSR. McAVOT ftvth • • Cobb
-45 ~d .... EOJI
No 2 MelJ<JpIt~ OflY8 UO Notth WtgeI tot.
CoI.,11e P....".yIvonoe
2750 Ouodro SIr"'
loom 11
VKQt(I 8! .tuh CO/"""bio.
"' • ..0, S~lle 5.;,.100 CQnoclo V8T AE8
City cI North V~l
Willowdol •. QrrlDno ~5~~699 Alobomo Wol ..... CI ..l . Ccl..famlO
94.598 ~ A9o\1 FRANK J. CARROll JR.
C I 993lnlDl'nationai
COllOda M2N 5Yl qo I8(W l,o(-oI .sBB
Si"fftOlllrlCl T.~'" 2266 EOll Moln 5",", a.od1erhood of Eleclr
s.cond DiJlt'cf JAM IS P. CONWAT NORMAN D. SCHWITAllJa S"dnepoo'l COoMKf'(:U\ Woricers All rigflb feseNed
PA.Ul A. lOUGHItAH 1200 Sou!!! Main SI,,. 10400 W HW,n. iOQd 06610 nlNTED IN THE U.SA ON
BO'tit<)""Ofct. POlk 5.;,,- J03 Sw..110 1hmJOIl"1C1 UNION·MADE PAPER
o.,'ncy Mou(Khuwtb,02169 I.¢mbord. 11htlOl160 148 100emOflt, ""rMl" 00018 RICHARD D. AClON
rh ltd DiW'ef Seo>'.~", D'JIo I(I ~"'D;M'd 32.50 Euclrd A......w ISEW JOURNA{ !iSSN 0897.2826j PubU,fled monlhly,
DONAlD J. fUNK ORV llU I . TATE JR:. IlAY (DW.IOS O"'.lond. Oh,o 44 1105 e.oc:ep! .lcmuory.Febnuy, wnkh i~ 0 ~omb,n.d iU\Ie, b,. ....
16 CotnpuW Drive West 4.400 WIN Ro~n P<if"'-vy 300 SouTh .Je.~non FoLtl1h o.l,!l'iC! I",.,norlonol &olherhciod of Electrlcol Work.lI. 112S·15th
Su, .. C 511, .. 309 s...•• 3oo LANCE BLACKSTOCK Slrael. N,W W01hmgron. D,C 20005-2765 S"bscripl'OfI
,t.l,ony, New Vorio T2 2()j OIclakorno Cil)'. OIilohomo 7J 108 Sp,ngl..ld. Mono"" 6.5806 c/o I8fW Loeo\558 P"c.e~ in 'he United SIDle, ond Conodo U per yeor In
r~DrllroQ PO. 80. 57-8 ochoonce. s.a:.nd c~~. pood 01 WO""IIQ'OII, D.C. en:!
'A.ULJ.wm£' j8~h,?'V1Al,us CARL LAN$D[N Sh.F!".ld. Alobomo 35660 01 odd1110f101 maUing offICIIS POS1MASTER:, Soend oddreu
7710 bodIng Rood 330 St.cup .....n.... FrQnlilin 8ulldlng F,Fm D~Pr>d c.hongti 10 /8EW Jovrnol. 1125·1511-0 $/reel, N W ., Wmhlngton.
SUIID 9 Sui'. 20. Suita .soo LYU: K£l TH QUlRRY DC 20005-2765, P,,",&d in the USA Thil JoumoI 'WIn not
CIMlnno!l, OhIO .tt:i237 PO, Bod 12)6 Chollonoogo. TllnnMIM 1100 e Adm"ol Blvd be held 'fllpontlbl. fOf ~$ .)Cpr.ned by c.orrelPO"denlt
Idaho Foil,. Idoko 83-405 37A11 Ktln>os C,ty. M.JUOIIII 6.\ lOll Paid odvelfJ ~ng 15 no! oc:cepIud
T he IBEW 199.1 rOllwucli,," an d
M. lin lt.: nancc Con fe re nce WaS
held nn "prJI 16 and 17. 11)1)). al Ihc
Ilyau RC£L'flC\ I totd. 111 \V.l ... hin~hHl .
D,C', Apprnximah.:l~ t (WI uch..'gatc ...
frol11 acros~ the coun ln rcgl ... lcfCU ror
Construction Conference lrack
the con fere nce. nll in!! the delegate:.,
to order. )BF.W ('on"ilrucl ion Dcp~lrt .
menl DirecI"r Charles "Bud" Fisher
opened the gener ... , 'iic:<t,iun with a
warm welcome ttl officer .... guc'\t,. and Cons
dclcg;'llc~ in altcnd:lllCC. Seated 011 the
dais Wc.'!rc inlcrnnlional Prc... idcnl J.J .
Barr: Inlcrnalionnl Se cre tary Jrlck
!loore : I nh..'ll wliollal Ircao;;urer
T homas Van Arsua lc: guest "'pcilkcr~
Daniel H. Kruge r. profc:-,,\or or ind u:,·
trial and blhor relatio n, at Mich igan
Sta le Umverc;ny and ClIld) u.·.. IH1.
chapter manager or TIP ITra,klll!(
Im/".\lr)' Pro\{1PfIlVe Sale.\} .
The A r med Force ...
Color Guard from the
Military Di'tricl or
Wa..:;hingtun . D .C .. pre- Abo.e, Pra<idcn, Bony
delivers ms remarks 10
..:;coted th e co l nr~ . after the ckIogore•. Sealed
wh ich the Cannd ill l1 an d (rom left a~ TIPS
United SI<t IC":; Iw l iomd Chopte< Manager
anthem", were played . Cindy Al.lsf'in~ Secrelory
Moore, Director Fisher,
Before introducing Inter- TroostKef' Von Arx40Ie
nationa l Prc ... idcllt J.J. and Prolcnor Kruger.
Barry. Bro the r ri..:;hcr
Ihanked Ihe deran
mcnl'~ \ e cretil rial ,ti:lff
for their a ...... i'lancc in
preparin!!. for the confer- Presiden, Bony stepped
ence. Above, the Amled Forces Color Guard from the on fa the ROOf and
MililQry Oistricf 01 Washjngfon, D.C., marches engaged the delegates in
Prt:!I:;ldent Barry prefaced hi, au' alter the oo,iOllOI onthenu 01 Conodo end a lively quesfion-and-
remark... \\ilh ,pcciaillmnk<.. to th e del - the Unired Slofcs wer-e pkJyecJ. answer period.
egates for thl' warm re ception and
introduced the Internationa l Orrict:I"" Pre ... u.h:nt ndfr) ,trc~~ctl the
in atte nda nce. In hi, COllll11e nts. hc II r~cncy of adopling in llov(lli vc stralC-
maue referellce to lhl: "t.a lu . . of the gics ... lo (.'onlinuc ,I bo ld. new c()ur e
uninn "aylng. " \Ve are ,lI a \l c r~ criticdl for tlUi 11 renewa l which inc ludes
mome nt 111 the h"lol"Y or the IB W. n.:huildlllg harg;llnlllg "\Ircnglh :
Becau~l' of profound l."hangc .. that rcg.:nnmg COmpCtlllVl' tldvantagc:, for
'iwcpl our indu"l ry in a ... ingle gcncriI- Ilur C(llHnlCl0r, and n..: ... lOring wagt:~
Llo n. we now ~an n d at II crn"roi.Hh. lo:-.t in cOlH;c:-."ion ..... l ie encouraged
The we fdel' and the int\.'n"it1eu orgOinilll1[!. progra nl". qual -
choice .. \\oc melke. arc Iikel~ to det er- It~ cc.luc ~lllt.. n and . mo,t important.
mine not on I) the f~lle of our gr\! ~tt efficient management tln d effective
tl J1Jon. but the future o f the con . . truc- ICHticr..:;hlp. Quoting h U">lIless gur u
tam indu'lr} and the fortune . . or
thl.' Peter Dr ll c~cr 0111<.1 \Var rc n Dennis.
emire lahor movl'nlcnt." I-It: tuuchcd he rL'Il1M~ct1 . " f\ lanagcmcnl il\ domg
on the opc n-.. . hop movc ment Ih :'11 thing' flghl : kadcr"hlp I"> doing Ihe
threilten, thl: future oj the indw;lr) . fl1!ll1 thing'. M an.lging mean:. uti li:ting
sayi ng " no sector nf the indll,try ... llll h UI1li111 <I nd 11Hlura l rC~O l1 rcc~ ;.l1 o ur
juri"diclion 1., lrnmllr1l' tu thl' ..:;lll1g (lr di",w\n l in th e 1ll0~1 cflicient w~y 1'0"\&
l he open ,hop." ... ihlc:. l.caLling lIH.: all,\ uoo;llIg our too l..


For The IBEW FamBy
vlajor Trends To Create Blueprints For Change

:tion & Maintenance Conference

In his ockJress. Secrefrory D;redot' Fisher opens the lEe member L Keith
.Moore discuu ed issues generol $essiot't. Querry addresses de1e-
01 concern to delegolcs. gates of the Ovt<s.icJe
meeting. Delegates From Canodo listen inttm"y.

and talen ts in p UI'~Ui l of the

righ t ~oa l !-.. " At the cl o~c 01
Iw; rcm:uk>., Presiden1 Barry
said. "1\" we ~ t a lH.I ill t he
crossroadl\, fnci ng peri ls anu
pO\i.",hili l lCS . we ann t
l:;hnnk from our ICgilCY of
AI the oneill Ion of
Prc~ilicnt B3 r ry'~ rcma d ......
C'onl-lrUC l l0 n Departme n t
D irector F i ~I11; r int rod uced
I nll.!rna!ion;ll Sl.!crclary M Otu'c
to the de legates. Secre tar
Moore CU lll ml.! l1l ctl on t he
stalU, quo of Wa:-.hin,e.l on', Oircdor Fisher 9roc~ ddcgolm bclorn the Saturday maming wrxlcshop scuions. ScotcJ on the dais,
politica l cl imate ...a) iog. " BII I lin lun from left. are Inlemahonol Represenmtives Dole Dun/Qp, Slonlcy Hubbard, Bob Damian ;; Director 01
is a hrC<1lh of frc~h ~lIr ... he offer; a ray Constrvdion Orgonjzjng lim Rudie;l; Executive Diredor labor Relotionsl NECA, Geory HigginJ; DirKlOr
01 C.I.R. Everen leIvnonn; 1«0148 J Business Manager 0000 lluhmftorH; Inmmofionollleprosenlahves
of 1lOr!.! .... (,Iinlon !<let a:-,idc n:nrgl.: pg, ReiHy 000 Bob fogoni; NJA TC Dire<1Of I'eofSOll ,· "lle.I"ttIliotlal R(.opt e5efllolive JoJm W~re. ,'
OUl.,h·, h ighl~ politicall.!xcc LH ivc order Research ond Economics Director Wooc/,' and fniemotionolllcpnnenmhv(! DougIoJ Fisher.


A Better Life For The IBEW Famlly
against our con,\lruction unions last
ycar-E.·.;ecutivc Order 12SL.
which .. . blatalllly bnrred union con-
tractors from federally funded con-
struction projects .. .. And within days
after his inauguration, Bill Clinton set
it aside ... a ignificant political action
by our presidenl.··
Secretary Moore also addre ,cd lhe
state of union membership . noti ng
that it has declined due to man ufactu r-
ing, shutdowns. telecommunicat ions
layoffs. and other work force vari-
ab les. a nd urged delegates to wor k
A view of delegafej af Friday'j opening general jeu;on before worbhop Hmions and .. .
tireles Iy to reverse thi s trend. I-Ie
made reference to Bush's proposed
orth Amer ica n Free Trade Agree-
ment (NAFTAJ. an d made special re f-
erence to th e lobbying that is taking
place by certain business interests to
strike down the em'ironmental and
labor panels endorsed by Bill Clinton.
He reque ted that de legates appeal
to their elected officials and express
their opposition to AFTA. urging
them to see (hat workingmen and
-women in America are nOl deprived
of their jobs. Secretary Moore then
discussed (he nuances of foreign trade,
and gave a detailed overview of
NEBF and ECA policies and pro-
tec tions. amendments. inves tments
and subsidizations. He hr ic fly dis- ExeculYve
cussed IBEW/COPE and an nou nced able pi ece of prope rty is our Higgifl5 speaks
thut las t year. the IBEW received a jobs .. . good paying jobs that are the at the dOj;ng
hea lth y volun ta ry CO PE contrihution seSj;on.
very life blood or OLlr country. But we
o f $1.816.514.44. I-I e ex pressed his are being Ihreate ncd by a vcry com-
gra til ude to the m embers ror the ir pl~.x syStem o fchange that we Ill lls t nol derive th e benefits that come rrom
political involvement.. face and address forth right ly." technological change .... The psychu-
Brotller Fisher then in troduced Professor Kruger oUll in ed four logical contract deals with the wealth
gues t speaker. Professor Daniel H . components of change: economic fac- of ou r nation- our precious human
Kruger. School of Indust rial and tors, techno logical faclOrs. social resources. When t he psychological
Labor Relations at Michigan State changes and legisla tive fac tors-aU of cont ract is honored. the employee
University. Professor Kruger congrat- which are impacting on th e life of the puts their best foot forward: the cre-
ulated labor for its pas t perfomlance union. He discu 'sed the issue of porta- ativity of the American worker is
in meeting the challenges or providing bility. the three levels of collective released. But more important. when
job and a living wage for union work- hargaining. and the responsibility of the psychological contract is honored.
ers. BUI he cautioned Ihe delegates business managers to tbe union mem- the employer. the contractor. uses not
not to rest on past successes sa ing. bers. He mentioned whal he called a onl .. the hands of Ihe American
'·Today. we have another 125 million psychological contract Ihal "every worker . but Ihe American work.ers'
fellow Americans in the labor fo rce; employee in the U nil ed SI<ltcs has heads and hearts ... :'
but whal is more impress.ive is the fact with their employcr. .. you can have In closing. Professor Kruger chal-
that 92 percent of the nation's labor the bes t equipm en l in the world. but if lenged the delegates to usc the ha nds.
force are employees . . .our most va lu- you treat your workers lik e dirl, we do (Cofllil1ued 011 page 19)


LCIT and Outside Construction Pre-Conference Meetings
n WCUI1C, J ,I) . "plil 14. 1993. Pcnn"'y lvClllia. B u~itlc ...... f\ l a ll ilgcr l he IB I::.W Out,iuc ('onl\tructill n
O a n d 1 hur"day . April 15t h .
IllCL'lIllg" IIf thl.; I u l C Cleruilnce nl)d
") om Lcrlch: :Inti I Ol:c d 17. D ctrolt .
M lclllg,an. B U,\lll": '\:-' ~t. lI l dgl.:1 Bub
T a~k Force. Speaker' Whl) :u.ldre ...... cu
the OUl~iJt.; II lcclill g \\CII.:' PI l: IJcn t
11\.'c rll lllllm..'I '" ( I Cr n and OUI~hjc S igouin: I .n ea l 1919, PII I "ihuq~h. Ba rry. Sccrclar) Moore .• HHJ I LC
Olll'ti rU\:lio ll w efC held . r h.: Pl.':nn,) I\' a lll.! . IJU :-'I I1C",' rVI ~ln ;J!!.cr nll'mbcr L. Kei th QUl'! ry "I-..u pm -
\ Vc dn c,d il ) 1 err I1h:Ctlllp. Involved TOIll \ Val"ih: ,IIlJ Local 15K Vantou- lici pa ti ng in thc '\Clr~,hop Imlgram,
0.1 gc..'IJI.':fil l ~C ".. IO Il . fo lhl\\l:d hy \\'or ~ ­ .. cr. Bri'i~h Columhia . Can:tda. B UI.;I - \\CTC Dlreclor III ('011 ... 1111(111111 Org..
~ hop prc..,c nlitl;on ... on I nUllin g . n t: '~ ~l . tna !!a (iar) Br~l ll1ll1ll. ni.£ing .11111 RutlidL 1\JA"1C Dll cctOl
'- 'ontni ci Ncgolld l lll " .... Orga lll /.i n g. T hur"idu~ · ... O u.... li.k CW1'\lrlll:l i oll 1\ ..1 . Pcar,on . Inl l'fn ;ltlol1al Rcpn:-
,II1U a Ic..,can.:h 11IO!!.r<111l ci ting vmi- Illc"': l in g W:I'\ opc!ll..'d h) D tn.:clor of '\t' I1 I:1I 1\,C'" lioo IdgOItl • .1 I Om d 'L·I,, ~1.
elU!>. \\ay'" I n ri.. ,c.:.lrch t he I ( " '- I I h l' I HI \ V ('OIl'iI'UC llOn and Mainl t:- 3nu Do ugl"" IJ,hL'!. ·\11 1.:' 1 the "orl..-
lnU lJ 'l n . , 01111': "r thll.., c parl - n ,IIU':C Dcpaltllh: nt (hark ... \"t..! , "Ihop .... tilt.: Jclq:~IIl:' rl:col1\l'Ill'tJ. ~tnJ
icipat ing \\ I.:IC IHI \V D irector of ,. Rud " l:j ... hcr I Ollll\\ In g Ih ~ 11111f1111lg repnrl, \\ c r~ gl\Cn h) L'.ICh 1l:'PL'Ct!\...:
RI.:'c'lft:h and LeonuJ1lIt>. Bub mcctin)!. thc dclcg.lh:~ c nlen.:u \\ or ~ ­ n11:t:linl!.·' th.:'l.1!nfltcJ I a ... ~ /·nrcc
\Von d ; l. (I(.:.11 I :!h . Philadel phia . "ihop train ing, chililcd hy IllcmocT"'J of mcmhl:r. ,

Above, 8uJ;neu
Manager Rllhmlrotff
(left) and [O(a16 97,
Gol)', Indiona.
mem ber Mike
A" eh, Training and RtJmrml Workshop.


Tho,-,,~. . ts on
The IBEW Looks at the Past, Present, and Future c

icture n wo rld" ilhnul uniun~. IBf \ V. the minimum wage wa~ wha t-
P Let your mind wa nuer. You
Ihink you',c been Irenled badl by
c\er an empluyer chQ!'!c to pa~ ib
employees. Safety standards on Ihe
your ~upcr"isor at work. what do you Job consisted of lillIe more than what-
do? Live wilh il or risk gCll ing fired if ever a \ orkcr cou ld lea rn from the
you complain. You [jIlU ou l you make acc iden ts of his o r he r co-worke r .
less money Iha n H co- worker who ha~ Hiri ng and firing was handled ill whnl-
been there less li me ilnu who d oe~ th e ~vcr w~y I hc employer sa w nl , Cl n d
same job a~ yo u. wh at do yo u do? o ft en revolved aroun d prej udice anu
Bring it up wil h you r b 'S and you' re ad he re nce to pa infu ll y strict r ules.
lold. "pay is Ihe prerogal ive of Ihe \Vork hou rs were as long as the boss
employer." Whilc he's al ii, he Iells !'laid. hi ld rc n o ld enough to walk
you. "discipline is Ihe employcr'. pre- around on their own were old enoug.h
rogative," lind he sayl!.. "you're fi red." lO work. \Vomen "ere n t guaranteed
You look for a new Job. bill the II.lory I he r ight 10 votc. nd no one was
is the same 110 maHer when.: you guo guaranteed the right 10 join a un i n.
ow pic ture a wo rl d where every
wo rker is a union member. Collec tive
bargai n in g: e m plo c rs have 10 de a t
fa irly and honest ly with lheir employ-
Median Weekly Earnings of Full-Time Workers
e~s . the re arc no n Ilu nion wor k c r~
Un ion Members vs. Nonunion, 1992
who'll come in und do the job for Ics!<I
[han a l i Ving wage . afcty: union
watchdogs keep the gO\ crnment on 5661 5698
Professionals Con5truc~on
top of on-the-job :,afcty ihSU~\. I '100f-
5655 5417
ma nagemen t relations: employe rs
know tht:y have.: wc ll -1rnined. moti-
va ted employees who need 10 b~ Technical. $500 $503
treate d wi th digni ty nlld rl!spcci. ~Ies, clerical
5394 5440
Th e d ifference betwee ll t he two
worlds is dra m at ic. T he powe r o f
organized labor 10 bri ng a be tt er way $444 TransporiaHan and $615
of life to work ingpcoplc is illlprcs - public uti~ile'
'ive. As wo r kc r~ in the nlled Sta tes ---.J 5256 5510
and Canada celeorate Ihe hinh of
freedom in t heir c()untric~ Ihi:-t Produdion 5621 Wholesale and 5439
mon th. the I B I:.\V looks al some of and craft retoil trade
$438 $333
labor' past accom plishmen t:,. curren t
suc:c:cssc!). and ways it plans to mee t
fULUrc cha llenges. Operators and $496 $443
--.J 5314 5403
The Past- What
Workingpeople Have 5578
Gotten From Unions ~ Goyernment
I 5479
Union Nonunion
lX91. LIfe for \\ orkingpeople \Va, Sovra.. B.xeo\l oIlobor SaollWci, Employment ond Eo'",ngs. jotwory 1993; AFL-CI(} ~
not ea y. In the founding year of the


e'reProu to e mon AND THE SURVEY SAYS•••
he Labor Movement

T Ile fill/OIl'iliK qui:.

be joU/ul iHl I'age / 9.

tlblnhlll£'ll and {{,W'lI\\t'(/
11'01''''"01' 011 orgtllli:ill,f<.
til fhe 1993 18£\\'
The OIlS)f't'n may

L I n the Unut!d SI ~lIc~. "hat ~r~ 6. \Vhich country has th e highest

ce nlage or Ihe \\'or~er · In Ihe percent:\g\! of ih 101.11 \\or~ force
p r iva tl' hll l.;inef.;~ l o r arc in uniol1'i?
unorgani/cd? a. United 'Ia les
a. ~50°,{,
b. Ja pan
h. XX%
c. Can:ldil
c. 6.1% d. GCIIl1 :II1Y
d. 25%
7. In the Unltcu States. there arc an
2. TOIi.l 1 private sec lOr and pub lic e~ l jll1 ah:J unorgalll7cd \\'ork -
union Ilh.'mbcrshlp in th e Un ited I.!rs in th e electrical indll,
Stale~ ~ta nd s at percent or
the labor f rcc. fl. .'i millilln
a. 16% b. 1 million
h. 75"/0 c. t million
d. fi million
The new face 01 OI'gQniZJ'ng. the future the
Iolx><movemenHO<OI IS22, AJIonIown,
0' c.
2~'~O R In 199:2, the: i.l\craJ.!,t: wc\..'J...1\
Pennsylvonig. members in 0 MEMO pilot c/o.u .
3. If thc IHC\Cnt I'at~ or union I.!(lrning. for all unil;n \\orker-~
The reality of economic\ h<1'1 not ,ne,nhc r"hlp decline c ntinucs. it \\ns _ percenl higher thull the
chlmgcd ~il1cc HNI. 11 \\ ~I "'. and still is. ha~ heen t:s timatc d that unions wce!...!)' carnings of nonunion
m a company'~ economic lutcrc~1 10
will r'-.!rrc~ent _ percent of the workers.
prj, ate !<!ector laho r fnrce in tht! a. IO~i ,
pit) thl'ir cl1lphJ)'l'c~ a:-. Iiul ' a~ pos::.i~
year :moo.
11k:. to give :l!\ lillie safc l~ equi pment b. . C;O
a. 51l%
H'" po<;sible. and 10 kccp lhcm \\ orki ng 32~o
fu ll ·~ pc c d
aroum.l Ihe clock. il1'I to rnax - h, 101\ ,
<1. 17'\)
imi/t' proril. For thl;! company. it's ~il1l­ c, :"%
pic. th e butlol111inc is the bo ttom li ne. Y. . uccc~~fu llJl'~;J n izing and incI'I.!CI"'-
d . 70%
Si nce I hl: lal e 191h ce n tury III the cd memhership can k~uJ to:
4, J n Ihe U ni ted S l illc ~ .
perccn t_
l ,l nih.'d Stale) and Canada, orgllnizcu
ul t he work lor e!.! I~ employed 111 it . E lih illll,;CJ IHII!!dillinp.
labor has fuug.hl to ~ h ()\\ co mpan ic:o; st rl.!llg.lh and belief ag.rL\,:-
ma nu facturing?
that treBling employee", well i'\ <.1 1r.;0 mcnh
v1t:, I a hea hh)' bottom li ne. II' ... \cr) i.t. 51lo.
b. Greater "latu~ dnu in nu-
hun.! 10 ~u~ l ail1 llualily produc tivity b. J:lt~i:o
cncc 111 all indu:-'IIIC~
Juring period!'! uf conllT1lml employee C. 17 tyo c. A r~vl1ali/_aljol1 01 the
tu r nover. \Vcll - t n.:ated cmp lu)ccs
d . 411% lahor 1l10\Cml'nt
tend to Sla) lon,g...:r at (j co m pan~. pro-
duce mor(.! \\ hilc they wo rk. and work 5. \Vhl ch countr) pa):t the highc~t d. t\ II 01 tin: Ht"l()\ C
<1\ cragc huurl} W<l£,C for manu-
bctl\!f \\ hile the) produce.:. II r~quircs
racluril1l! \\orkeX",' 10. 11,. he,1 c11<1ncc Ihe lBFW ha,
an invcstment b~ thc onlpall~: hUi ror impro\cu ,uccc !\ 111 urgani/-
contente u l!mplop.:cs, union , have a. t ' niku St.lIc\, ing i~ 10 1n\"()1\ c the r;.lT1k·~lOd-file
... ho\\l1 . arl! al1 IlI\estmenL \\hi h pa)~ b. J npdll m~mhcr.. l"up .
the company had. many ti lllc:-,. c. Garmmy a. TRLJI::.
Over the \ca rs com pan) am.l civic
d. rr(lnn' b. FAL. E
Icadcr~ oftcntimc.:s did not \\Clnt 10
in\'c~l \Il worJ...inp.pcople . Often th ey


1.«(1143, SyrtKIJSC, New York,
,mel ISEW Education Teom mam·
"'" Jeff Grobe/,ky of Camell
Universify leads a MEMO pi/Of
CCXJf'Se lor Local 1600~ Bethlehem,
P~nsylvania, members. Thirtl
DiJlrict Industrial Organizing
Coon/inolor and Inlemotional
Represenfonve Edgor Price (slJi,
and ,;e at righlJ listens in.

had some take in lceping wurker:"! lloe 'larch 15. 19<)3. AI L -C/() " ',,,,,.
afr,utl. qUICl. or mdchh..'d. ()thcr times I he avcl'ago.: \\ce~ly ,alai} fur uniun
the)' ",imply did n't carc whal happened cnn . . tructlon workcr~ I' . 6lJH. \\ hi le
to people lhe) looh:d uown on. o. tlll!ir nonunion collci.lgul! . . recdve finly
much of labor's c!rfort\ h;l' c tradition- $417 o n average. For UllIo n Illunufac·
"Ill' been direclcu al Ih~ go",rnmen!. lu nng. cmrloyce..~ the a\'Cfag..:. j", ~5113.
L.andmark legislation IIle the ~alional ~II1U onl) -t-lO nonunion . Similar
Llbor Relalions ACI of IYJ5. the ('i\'il re,ulh an.: seen in cvcr~ catcgor~
RIghI' Act uf 1964. n ,e \lcial Sccu- li,leu (~ce Chan I.)
fll~ Act: the creation 01 government But \\ages and benefit.... Hrc unl)
agcncic:-, Lo en~url.' wor~mgreople's part 01 what collective hargaining
right' arc prOlcctt:d. \uch a, the Occu- nling'-l \\ ltc!r all. b~lrg,ljn1l1g j,
From left, Locol '522 Presideni/ SusineJJ
pali nal Safel), and 11e.lllh Adminis- negotiating. and ucce~ful negot13ting Manoger Nand Mu'zet, Internolionol
tration. the Equal l:mploymcnl \\ork~ for bOth parlic~ . l\lanag~ll1cnl io;;; Repre~~ve Anthony Moleris. and a Locol
Oppurtunity Comml,,,on. all would ghen the opponunit) It) \ou,:,,: Ih con· 1522 member- go OWl" some werle she.ets during
a MEMO pilei COutse-.
nCH~ r ha\c been po . . ~ahlc had il nol ccrn:"!. i.II1U Ihrough the hargi.lInlOg.
been ror the dClcrnllnctl efforts of proCC\\ . lal')t)r li nd nmn agclllcnl ,,"ork
org.tni/cd labor. on acceptable 'iO llitlon ~ 10 tho,e con· tho,c uffered by Ihe IBE\ . (each the:
ToUay Ihesc gai"s lahor I""
won are cerns. Company sccurit i.., prc""crvcd
and compan) M;:cu rity i", job . . ccurily.
'ikills \\ort..c~ need today.
enjoyetl hy all worker:,. union and But till ~ nut \\cll in th e union mo\c·
nonunion alike. A mludk class has i"o he sure, the colkclh c hargail11ng ment Un ion memlxrb a\ a peR'enlage
h\!clI buill in the l1niled SLale~ ant.l pruC'c,,,, 'wmclimcs bredl~ JU\\ n. of Ihe lo lal \\or~ force h,,\ d e c li n~d
Canada. and upward muhllil~ i'-lll'tju'-Il \\ hen management dnC\I1'1 n..:gotiatc: "itcauily , inee the 1960s. O,cr the pd~t
a dream. il is a real ro . .
~ihllity for 111 g tI faith or employee,," l()'I;c \ ight 12 }COlI'\ Americans' st;mtiartl of living
almU\l all workingpeople. of whHt i:-. rcasonabll:. probh:m:-. occ ur.
nd without workers ha\ ing the righl
The Present-A ttl I)rc\'cnl the permancllI r-"plnrement
oj \Iri kin g wOTker).,. I1lHna g.cmcnl
Collective Bargain o ften hl1)" all the inccJ1li\l: il need.;; In
1993. When \\OrlCf'-l ~il down IOOa) lhHUpl co ll ec ti ve bargJll1lng. But
111 Ihe hargainlng lahl\! organized \\ hl:ll Ihe proce~~ \\ orb. luhor and
labor built. th ey sit a~ equals to th e man tlgcmcn t join IOgcthcr 111 a con-
com pany which emp lu . . them. Thl.: II ,leI thaI be nefit s th r.!m both.
co ntracts these wor ker!'! negotiate fur Ikyond a "itakc in the colll:l'ti vl: bar·
their fcllow union worker,> aVl!ragc gain ing procc~". un ion", pl'm 'idl: their
OU I to be ~uh~ t {lntiall) bClIer than memher; with the lool~ needcd to get
wha l nonun iu n cu mpHuic, g.ive lu j olh a nti ~ ec p Ihem Ir;lIning anti
their empl oyees on their own. rl..!lrmnillg. \\li th a growing cmphl-l'ii\ on
According t tht; Burc.:nu 0 1 Labor qua lit products. and mph.! ddvan c"Iof
StaliSl i c~. lanuar~ 1993 Employment lI.:chnolug) on the jub. uniun ilpprc n·
Local '600 PresicJent/ Busineu Manager/
Financial Secretary Williem Schmitt {ctmfCrJ stud·
nlld Eillnillgs Rc.:pw t. . . in tic,:c" hi p Hild train ing progru lIl ).,. Ii ~o..: ies MEMO mororials wifh membo,,, of his local.


bas gone down. And plant after plant
Union Densi ty 1930- 1992
has closed its d oors and 010 ed 10 Ihe
As a percentage of the Americon Work. Force
Pacific Rim or 10 Mexico. Organized
labor faces a great c.hallenge in revers-
ing these trends. But it is a challenge
40% .. · .. · .. ··· ...... ··· .. · .. ··· .. ·· ........ · .. ·· .. · .. ··· .... ····· .. · .... · ·

Ihe lB EW is pre pared 10 meet. 30%·· .......

The Future-Where The

IBEW Goes From Here ~ : )\: .. .. ..
209J. 11"5 the Bicentennial Interna-
tional Celebration of Ihl.! founding of
Lhe IBEW. Th e International Presi -
dent 10k!; out OVer the huge cro\\d of
m e mbers an d suppo rt ers and says. I
" 0 0 you rem ember what it was like 1930 1950 1970 1992
before all electrical wo rkers \vcre orga- 5<)orce H.tI()t>coi S1ClII\ IKS 01 IIw us BurAllu oIlcbor 5101mb; laEW EdvcoltOn De-portmel11
" Dul! to Reagan AdmilllltrClhoo budget CUIS, 00 figlll'e~ ore O"¥'o ilable fer 1981 Clnd 1982
niz(:d? \Vhm a lough Lime th ttl was:'
The c\,-idence is quite clear. Th e
more people who are union members. Sccrclar~ have :,aid i:,. Ihesl:: people ib pn":~l'nt. and 1110~t importantly. its
the rewer people there are to try 10 are wrong. fUlure. The ~'IEMO and CO l ET
undercUl workers' bid for faif wages To help spread (he word aboul how courses. and Olher c ursc"O like them.
and decent working condit ions. and organit.:in g. st rcnglh~ns local unions furm ke~ steps in th'lt direction.
the harder it i for compan ies to sim- during co lkctivl' hargaining. incrl.';ascs Tn reach th~ world envisioned in
ply sh ift work plants in unorganized
10 poli tical influence. and strellgtht!n~ tht: the words of the Intcrnalionai Presi-
areas. Labor's greates t gains were laha r moveme nt. P r~s i (kn l Bany has dent at the I BE\"'", Bicentellnial Cele-
made at the timl' of Iabor\ greatest developed a new course for local union bration. a world where every workc:r i~
strength. \Vhil e workingpeopJc's hard- members called ,\fpmhersJllp Educa- a uniun member. it will take, most of
est lruggles have been seen during tiol/ iIIul I\-!obili:aflol/ for Orgolli:ing; all. leadership. Prcl.;ideni Barry has
labor":,., \\ ca ker times (sec Chart 2.). ~ I EMO for ~horL Another org.'U1iLing- called on IB E W leaders I() pro'ide
Organizing is clearly the a nswer: but orienled lBE\V course, Construction that leadershi p. LO \11(.m Il1cmber~ lhe
it is far from an easy answer. Far too Or!!,flJl i:illg M embn~ltip Edllcmioll promise of lhe future, and to ~ee to it
Illany IBE\V members feel organ it.:i ng fl/ul Tmhring- COfvl ET. has alrt.:<ld) that pO$itiv~ change becomes a re ality.
is ton di fficulL. lakes too much li me, taugh t I housa nds of 1BEvV members Presiden t Barry say!o. hI.": will hI.: there
diverts preciQus n:so urccs away from about the importance of organizing in to lead, (Inc! IIHlt loe,,1 unions must be
0 1her union act ivi ties. clnd do es n' t the co n~ truction industry. Ih..:re also; 10 lead . not follow.
have enough direct practical resull . In All 1BE \-\! members must become Uni on mCI1"'1hcr. have a great deal 10
meeting after J11cding. speech after part of cvery local union's organi/ing be proud of. Aml."rica a nd Crtnaoa
speech. hOlh Inlernalional Prt::sldenl efforts. 11 rnc:mber~ Tllust !'.~c how were buill h) union workingI' ·oplt: .
J.1, BaIT} and International Secretary organizing benefits them, \"hat being a \Vith determined rank-and-filc h::ac.lcr-
Jack loore have ~poken directly to union member mc:an:-,. and ho\\ they '\hip. union member \\ ill continue to
these people . 'Jt.' hat the PresIdent and a n~ an Important pan or lahor'", past. b..: proud for year.;; In come. ,

Lexal 1600 mem'

bers learning of
the po~itive
impad organiz-
ing will have on
their {and their
union 's} Mure.
'n~ afiona'
Jon Henrich
{wh jte shirl ana
tie} is sifting in.


President Sorry (second from right) presenting
Former Nebraska Public Power dispatcher and

"We usl Be
local J536, Lincoln, Nebrasko, member
Detmer T. Burchard (second From leh) wirh a
50-year pin as Vic. PreJident Edwards (righI'
ond Local '536 BUJ;n.JS Mono9ttf Mike
Ile<htel (I.ft) look on.

"We OJ u,t be prepa red .... The

luturc \\f ill he filled wil h Regional Ulilily Conferences Concenlrate 0
change "' the [util it [ indu,try aJ apt'
10 thl! new \.!ncrgy s tra tegy'" said whal IHEW me mher; think aboul welco min g the delegat io n went to
Inlernati nal Preside1ll J.J . B"rry 111 orgnn i/ing. tlnd aho ut how the 113E.W ccnnd D is t rict l nter n aliona l Vice
hi~ r e l1l i.lrI..·, 10 thc dclcgH lc'I at the will meel Ihe needs of Ihe changi ng Pres iden l Paul L ug hr"n a nd lhe
Phocni. IB EW Regional UlililY on- util ity il1du"ilry. Roo;; ton-a rci:l hos t lucal s. The ot her
ference. I Ie cont inued. "O u r future Utility Department Director James 1111 c.r n nti n a l Vice Presidents and
and th l.! luturc of OUI IlI c mbt!!',hip in lJu, huw ailed ellch meeling lO order. Jillcr na ti o na l Execu tive Co un ci l
IhlS Indu"r) " highly dependenl upon In Sai l Lake Ci l), . Ei ghlh lJ i,lricl members in (tllcnd(tncc <I I cach mcd-
our abiluy 10 rn~cllhcst! 'hal ll: ngcs. ·· Intcrnallonal Vice Presiden t Jon \ al- II1g also gcl\'C brief rema rk .
The rnl.!~sagc echoed throughout the ler; [lnd L ca l 57. Sai l La~ e ity . A moving tri bute 10 Interna tional
three regional conference' hcl<.l M;)rch B u:-.incss M anagcr B lai ne Newma n Repre se ntat ive Paul hoop was
17 th rough 19 in all Ld~C C"y. April welcomed Ihe delegales. In Phoenix. II1cluded in Ihe booklet each delegate
7 through c.) in Phoen i ~ . and April 2X c\cnth Di.,trict Internu tional icc received. Brother Shoop. who encd
Ihrough J() 10 B >lon. \I " , clear- the Prc\idcn t Qnrllc ra te npened th e In the Int e rn a tion a l Office'lj til ity
Intcrnatinn(t l Office "nnt\ to h\!HT meeting. And in Bu!-olon. the hun or o f Department 12 }cars. passed 0" ay

Director Dushow speak;ng to the delegote5 at the Soli Lake

Cif)' conference. On the Jo;s wi", him are, from left, Twelfth
DjJ"'id Inlt:matioool Vice Presiden, Carl tonsden, Firsl DiJtrid
lEe mMlOer Joseph McCaHcrty, and Third District
Delegales at rfJe Phoen;JC confcrluKc giving President Barry a Jfcnding ovalion. International Vic. Prtuidenl Donald Funic.


Inmmanonal PresiOen, u«ufive
Bony addresses me ~ AuislOn'lO
gales at the Phoenix utility lite
conference. With him on tfte International
dais are, from left, Presiclent
Inlemohonol Executive aierirz pre-
Council Chairman Clyde senfing
Bowden, Seventh District Presiden'
Inlematianal Vice President Barry's
Orville Tatc, Utility remarles fa
Depat1men' Diredor lite Sol' toke
OtJJitow, Sixth District eif)' meeting.
International V"tCe Pre5ident
Jame, Conway, EJ.ven1it
Dismct Intemarionol VoICe
Pre!ident Roy fclware/s,
and Fifth District IEC memo
ber lrle K.illt G<Jerry.

,he (i'ulure the UUlit}" Industry VICe Pres;c/ent lansden (left, arms crossed) sill wiffl rile Solt lake City cJdcgoles.

larch 15, jwa prlnr tn the firl\t Unluns:' h) DireclOr Du,haw:" 011- industry: glnhalill.l tion of the mcri-
n.:giunal c(lnfcrenCl' . International IOnl71ng Ra(hallon." nnd "Orgal1l.flng can economy and mO'\1 Importantly.
Repn:'ocn laliYc ~lanll\ \1 cdcro~ I :. h) Brother Shuop. The rcporb deregu lation. li e rcmind~d dcJcg:lIe,
reviewed the p:"Ickets " Ith tht.! tlclc ~ \\ere all put toge ther prior to the fiT'lt "houl Ihe pro hlem; the IB EW faced
giltc~. :,uITIm ari.ting th!.! ::.h repurts: regl nat confere nce. follo\\in the hreak-up of AT&T, and
" Electric lItilily Reg ulalio" , 1I"d the Pn.::,idcllt Barry then ilddn;~~ c,;d the si)iJ the Nnllonal E nergy Policy Act of
IBE 'A' . P a~t. P rc<)e nt anll Fut ure. (k lc:ga les during the Phol:nix lI1 ~cli ll g. 1992 will work. In hrt'ak up Ih ~ uti lity
What \., Impo rtant IUW: ' hy Director AI olt Lake Ci ty and Bo,tol\. where ind u'ilry ill much the sa me way. H e
Dus haw: "Beneflls 1993," by Reprc - Pres iden t Barry wa~ una hie tu ilttenu. ...ald the \\i\y to meet thc'it~ challenges
scn lati\t,: Meder",: " Purt Time Agrce- hi ... re ma rk') \\ere presented b~ Execu- i~ 10
men t ~ and Joh haring:' hy tive A "'Istant to the Inlcrnallonal Aner " rCJmrl h~ Director Du~ha"\
Intcrnation ..,1 Rcpre.,fo!n rari\t,.' Jame ... Prc~idcnt Rob~rt BicrilL. Prc::.idt·nt on dc\c!opmcnt ... \"'thln the utility
T Ollli.lscski; Recent Lcgal Dc\clop- Barry', n..: nl<.lrk~ ilddres~cd tIlt..: mdu ... tr~ O\ Cf the la>;'1 ~c;tr. organi.ti ng
men t>; Affecllng Uli li ty Local mental change ... which f;lCC thl' utility be iune the focus of th~ confacnccl.;.
The Ul ili lY Dopurllllcni broke down
th e lh: l l!galion~ inlo fi ve "Break·Out
Gro ups." cHe h of which w,,~ broken
down into five "Task Group>;.:' All o f
the gl )Up" then brain .. tnrm~d on
gra~~·rou t., organinng. concenlraung
on three que&tiuns posed 0) the radli-
Hllnr.,: " Wh,H oojeclIons arc there
toward org:millngT' " What prohlems
prevent you from organi;dngT' And.
"What rc:-.o urc:cs afC neeueu to assist
you with organi/ing?" TI1C fe~uh~ or
I hc~c sr.:~~ion~ we re ~harcd with the
r~'t of the dclegatcs aftcr the genera l
'\I!>;.,ion reconvcned.
With tho aid of Freddy Allen .
Some of lite dclegolo' 0'the 80,.,., ,,,,,f.,..mce. I B W Director of UU lity and


Must Be
Tciccoillmuni al lons Organi.l.-
ing 1 :I wrill cn ve rsion of th e
de lega tes' T~sk Group com-
ments. ideas. an d :,uggcslioll"
wi ll be put toge th e r by the
dc p ;lrllll Cnl. O ther workshops
were held for elec tric. cll.:rica i ,
and gas delegates. And Dircc- Fifth District Ink>rnationol Vice President H. Wode Gurleyahou' to begin oddreHing the utilify dele-
gales in Boston. Wifh him are, from left, Ninth District In temotional Vice President S.R. McConn, FOllrth
lOr D ushaw closed out the confer -
Dismd Inlemafionol Vice PreJident Paul Witte, First District International Vice Presiden' Ken Woods,
e ncc~ wilh a dlSCUS ion of recc nt h:g~d Second Di5 frict International Vice Presiden t Paul u,ughron, Second DisJrict lEe member Fronk Carroll,
deve lopments a rrecti ng the ind ll ~try. Diffffor Du.s"aw (,tanding), and Exe!urTve AJJiJfont to /he International President Bieritz.
Presiden t Bar ry summed up the
themes of the. Utili t~ Co nferences Ocst
ill dU!oIillg his n.:: lll a r~ '" tu the Jdcgcllt;; ...
lie said. "Together we can meet lhe
challenges facing us in the ulili l ~
industry and in the Ol her hranche f
our Brotherhood. With our collectil C
:,Lrcng lh and talt:nt. we will perseve re .
1 can' l do il alone, and you arc nol
expcch~d to do it alone: but we ca n do
it together. " J

AI right, Eighth Di~tri't Intemationol Vr(e

PreJident Jon Wa/ttY$ (left] end Director
DlI~hew fright' present 1.0<01 57 SlIsiness
Manager Newman (second from right) and
loco/57 Bus;neSJ ReprcsenlctiYfJ Rella
Moerman (second from left) with the/oea!'s
originol chorler. The local is celehrofing #s
hundredth anniverJory this year.

Delegates 0' file 8osfon conferenc:e.

I Il.'IOIULE MEHto' 1051 £mCTlyt tlSPUl tiTWA1S
lItIIl.UnlIOIl UO!l!l Of llUt'KU IOIIIll. An QO

1!t9l UI Utd I " c..paign CO" lnk1.1I'D' C..lut

encouraged aU mcmbc to
I I', official. Five-times Platinum. For
th. flflh con,",cullve ) eal the Inter·
nfllllJllal Office has heen awarded lhe
give whal they can to the
local United Way in their
niled Way', prc'li~lu u , Platinum communil) 1<\0. a< the) <aid.
\\drd ror jl!o, high Ic\cI nr "ppon . -gl\e a hclpin~ hand In lhe
I he Lnlled \\ a) al'o praIsed lhe people \\ hu need ou r htlp "
10:, po ler, --;Je'Igl1.d b, former Afu:rall. he lpIng lhose III necd
1.0. e mployee Beck) Wiibank b what "TIle l loion o r Hearl"
!:Incl nned "'lay promotional muter- and Minds" j, a ll abou t.
i al by prl.: sL! nl in g the Bro t lH~ rllO o d
with ti ll honorahle l1l~ nli oll awmtl rO I
" \~u' l Efl ccli\e D"I'I"), Ime rial,,"
The 1Il11tc.:u \V a~ ul... tnhulc,\ ("kln,l -
lu m"i to hUIll.lrcu!-- of hum an elm: iJe,l' ll '
d e"! in each l'(lnllnUII II~ in \\hlch I~)cill
(,;gh'/ ond
c haph.: r:-. o r ~r al c . 1. 0 . "laff a nJ Inlvrnotionol
em ployees 1 ~~ 1 year Lio nall!d o ve r $ 1fK) Secretory Moore
(I.hl hold;ng "'.
p CI' Cll p i tt! \0 th c.lJ ni l l.!d \-Va v fo r tl i"i tri -
Uniree Way
hutum in the Wa'\hinglon. D,c.. arca. Honorable Mention
Inlcm.ltlunal Prc*'tH lc l11 JJ . 8:.1",' anti Awan!.
Inh: rnauonal Sccrcltl r~ J ~lck ~1o()rc
hoth prabed th~ I II the 1.0. \\ho (,"011-
Irihuh.!U to the U nil~t1 \\lay. and th!,;::y
Some of the poSlerS the 1.0 . displayed
encouraging United Way con,ributions.


I /~ ~, i'
/ / .r'

18.W JOURN AL/ JUlV 1993


CFL Opposes Harsh

New Unemployment
Insurance Changes
" ( j"iOI emplo.vee fear layoffs
ill /(111/ Oakl'illc. 01/((1 rio,
Canada, plum following a[1p rm'al by
T he U nempl oy-
nH:nt Insu rance
Progra m in anada.
workers at a jister JaclOrJ ill rhe Ullite(.1 which fo r many years
SWle!i /{J make cOHcessiOlJ5 in exclumge has provided a safety
for gellillg additional production; a net for Ihe temporar-
IIl1lifllx offs/lUre productioll oil pro- i l y unemployed. is
ducing corporolio ll will release more under scno u al1.1ck.
l/rllll olle- Ihird of ils office staff " lid Th fe de ral govern-
sa/aries [or remaining stnf! hm'c been ment recen tly in trodu ced leg ion world. The changes to unemployment
dlopped of! by as m ilch as 10 percent. " (Bill C-1 13) thot would den I bene· insurance are Of par t of a syste mati c
These arliefes ill The Globe "lid M " il rits to a person who quits a job wi lh- gutt ing o f the Ul program . T wo years
nelVspaper. April 28, 1993, see m ru ou t just cause ~I S it is defi ne d hy the U I a go. th e government mad e ma jor
indicare 111m ullemployment imrlrtOlc(! A ct Or to n person who is fired fo r rca- chang~ s to th e U I prog ram that a rc
claims Ivill rise in Canada. sons determined by the em ployer. now ha vi ng (J dev:J strllin g in"lpaCl o n
To exascerhalf lire increasing !ll/em - Appearing before a parli a me nt a ry thou sa nd s of unemployed wo r kers
ploymem rale. tlVO years ago. Canada's cornm illee exa mining the legis lation. who arc finding it almost impossible 10
federal govenrl1len f made major Canadian Federatio n of Labour Presi- requalify for be nefi ts. T he 1990
changes in rhe V i program. il1crea<;ing dent Jim MeCam bly said the il1lplica· rcrorms increased t he maxi m u m
'he mfr.J.:inlLllfl wceks of work needed to tio ns of these c hanges wilt he weeks of work needed to qualify from
qualify [ro/1/ 1-1 {() 20. Now new Jegis/a- dL·vast ating. He remarked. "\Vorkers I~ to 20.
(ion has bee" introduced to dellY bene- wi ll be more vul ne rabl e to intimida- Those mea,ures created enonnous
filS 10 Ihe worker based 0 11 wily tion and explo itat io n by emp l o~ers problems to req ualify. especially for
persons were fired. gil'il1g exeepliol1al who will be able 10 ' ay. ' (t's m)' \\ ay or co nslruclion wor kers and e mployees
weiglJl to tire reasons for (he firillg as the doonvav:" in th ose industries where the availab il-
determined by the empluyer. .;1/•.,0 rar- Presidellt 'IcCambly lold th e COIll- ity o f work is much le~ than for o ther
geted lire wurkers who quit wit/Will just milt ee that Bill C- 113 will lum bac k industri es in a region , A construction
cGwe-tlre acceptnble causes being ..ct th e dock 10 the Iype of master-servant wo rke r may be facing an unemploy-
by the gOl-'emmem. relationship that ough t nor 10 exis t in me nl rate or 25 percent or more in [he
Tile [ollowing b a rcpurl from rhe C an ada. Th e proposals will crea te construclion industry. but because lhe
ClUiadillll Feriermion nf Laho ur imp edime nts 10 the so rt or worker- ge ne ral unemp loy m en t level in the
(C FL ) ill its OppoO::ifi on 10 (he II elll mana ge me nt teamwork requ ire d to area where (he person lives IS o nly 8
challge .. i ll the U I p rogmHl. compete inte rnationally in lod ay 's percen t. he or -;hc Illusl accum ula te


the maximum numher o f \\eek ... of \\(.lSlcd cncrgic~ and humnn tragedies (he ::tclr-employcd. payT11~nl" to in'ili-
in"iur<lble t!arnlllg.s lO 4ualify for l ' l. heing call'co by the gO\I.;TlHncnl·s \u\ \on", for \ raimng i'lnd regionaHy
Thi.., is grossl) unfilil' to peopk in 'ca- in:,en~iti\ c..: pulicics arc ~hamdlli. ex tended benefi t:, anu t.:mploYlllcnt
"onHI or c~ die;}1 ell1ployment. DUring consideration of UI !'dorms sull!'liuics. shou ld he funded OUI or
The Canadian Fctlcralion of Labour in l'>'XI. th,- CFL objected 'Irongly 10 g\!llcfa l gove rnm ent rC"c llu c~. B)
recently conducted a "urve~ or il\ the move which made the U I fund pa. clumping these prog.r!lI1l\ on Ihi..' I
I11cml'ler affilia te.... The preliminary fOT the $3 hillion annual co:.t. pTcvi- system. the government wa>;. se lling
rcsult~ or th..: I (.Iu c~ ti on nairc rC\~1t1 ou~l) paiu fwm ge ne ral revenue>;.. ror the stage 10 blame thl' rund emu the
th at (l imoll.t 2(-" perCent ur th,-' mCl11hcr~ ~clf-cmpJoy~d fishcnncn's bent:fits uncmpl yed. lin order to Justlfyl the
or affiliml'~ afC uncmploycd ~IIUJ ()\ cr and rlJp.ion'l ll y ex tended bCllefit~. \Ve har~h measures it i~ now imposing on
22 percent 01 th c..;c hav~ to t ully also objected 10 over $1 hill ion heing innoce nt Canadinn ...
e-..:ha u>;.ted th eir UI bcncfib. Taken cut rrol11 hcnefito:;; th en tllvcrteu to Th~ CFL rCCOll1l11CnUCU 10 the gov-
i1lone. the ~ilunti()n for cons truction nOIl-incol'llc !o.uppurt trainin g costs. ernmen t during thc com mittee hear-
worker ... IS ev('n worse with OVe r ·n alllJ to c.:hangt:\ making il more diffi- ing ... thal it withdraw illl 1l1t:·i.l~url''''
Pl.!fCl.:l1i uncmpluy...:i..\ am! 22 p~rcc."t uf cuh Ie) lIualify, The go crnmcnt wen t llffeclitlg 1 from Bill C· I U. and Ih ~ 1
thcsc having J1~I"i)o;.t.!d the e nd of their ahea d witl1 Ihc::.e I11casu r..,:t;; anyway. i1 take sleps 10 revcr ...c thl: ll1ea!o.urC'l
UI be 11c..'fib. d ra'\lica ll y jacking-up em ployec and CI,nctcd in 1990 which have created an
I'; vcryday we arc h C~lring or mcl11- employer p rcmi lll1l ~. Even with these intolerable situ;}tio n fo r thousan ds. It
hcr:-. o f locab who have cxb au ~lcd 11las.sivc 111crea>;'C5. the U I fu nu is st ill al:-.o rccommcn J l.:u thut ~ incc thl.,; U I
their benefils ilnd ca nnot r...:quali ly. S~ billion il' dcht. fund i~ (by law) comple tel y ... elf-
Snme arc b~i n g fo rced onto we lfare The 1I 1 'Y'lcm ,hould he used financed. l ahour :1nd l11an::l gc.m CDt
fll!"'- Th c~l.· circunl tuncc:, fin: ta killg iI ~o lcJy to provide incomc "upparl for shou ld he given th e joint respunsib ility
toll on uur work force that ca nnot he tempora ry periods of lllll.!mplo),mc nl. for deciding U I bendils. e ligibili lY "nd
m easu red in doll[lr~ and cen ts. T hl! O thc r prllgrHl11s sllch as puymcllis to the level of prcm iul11t;;. ,


Gll f(k is now nvn ilu ble , and he spoke
M an uf.a cturing Dcpan mc nt D irec-
lOr Ro be rt ' lande r ca ll ed the
1993 Manufacturing Co nfe re nce 10
aholll Ol l1 umber of pendi ng legislative
i:,sues. f fe said it was cri licalthat work -
orde r as Over J OO dcl cg:H~ 1.o wok lhel r ingpcuplc C Il~UIC P rc:-.iuclIl Clint un
seats. The confere nce was held Ma 5 negotiate to ug h
throug h 7 in Indianapolis. Indiana. and cnfofc c -
A fl er opening remarks hy Interna- able si de i:tgrce-
l iona l Rerrese ntati ve Willa rd Nyc mc nb h) th e
(SiXlh District), North Arn e r -
th e d e legates lean Free Trade
h ea r d (ro ln A greem e nt in
ln tcrnatio na l o rd e r 10 p rn -
Secretary J ac k lec t t he ri g hts
M oor e, I-I e and job s u f
in lro ci u('e d the Am e ri ca n
Int ernatio n al work e r li e
O f fic ers in :,a id A lll c rica '~ Inlemalionoi Secrelmy
3 ll Cn d ttn cc: ol hc r Irrulin e Moore urging memberJ fo
partn er . es pe- ,"ppon/sEW-COPE_
J nl e rnatlOnn l
Vice Prcsidcnl s c iall y J a pa n . had 10 he dea l t wit h
Ra y Edward s ManuFacturing Ocpo"" firml y. from a posit ion of ~ I reng lh.
(E leve nth Dis- men! Direc"" Stander Quot ing Pre::,iu(..'nt Kl' he said.
Irict), Orvi ll e opening the , 993 Manu- mem hers La nce Olack",lOck ( ~ ourlh " Let us neve r ncgoti t:ll c Oll l of fcar,
facturin9 ConFe rence.
Tal c (Scvenl h District), Fra nk Carroll (Seco nd Dis- and let lI~ never fear to nego tiat e. " lie
Di'trict). S. R. "Jack" McCann ( Ninth trict). fi nd Joseph McC'afft.;rty (Fir"t called for :'lJ'ong. hcal1h -carc refor m
Oi' tri I). H . Wade G url ey ( Fiflh Oi,- D islricI). sayi ng. " tht.: bpir(-lling Cllst of hca1!h-
l ri e!). [-'aul Will e (I~ nllr l h UI ~l rlC I ): Sc c r ~ 1iI[,Y Moolc repol'led that lhe ca re 1l111 ~ 1 he hI' Ug tll lI ndt' " cOl1 trol."
lind In tC l'Ila LiOllll1 EXL:ClIli vc ( 'olll1ci l In nw 's n~w 1:;l/ul/dol SCl..' f efllry \ On tlB": sl.I iljc(.;1 uf pol i tic:-.. Secretary


At left, .some 01 the cleJegoles to Ihe

Below, a view 01 the Monv/octtJring Conference

deIego ....

Above, c.oofernnce delegates presenting Secrerory Moore (center} a

generous contribution 10 IBEW<OPf, as Oiredo( Stander {JeCood
from ri9h~ IooIcs on. They are, from left, l«g1 19J4, Harwick,
Pennsy/Yon;o, President/ Business Manager Peter Pgne; local 2336.
Mi/woukee, Wi.sconsin, Pre.siclent/ Busineu Monoger Theresa
Gro<zyjt:: and l.o£oI2'55, Bonham. Texas, Praiclent/ Bosineu
Manager Sidney Hale.

rvl oorc po inted to the o;; p\.!cl:Ill!I\.!ctions fCma rk , 10 I he d ch.:gtlll·~. Brot her the ... cl ... \\ill hI.! prouu ccd 111 J apall,
for Il o ll!'lc member... i ll \V i!'lcol1 ... in. Ca l- Uierill cxprc .. ~cd Prl· ... H.knl Barry 's Korea. or \l c\ICO
ifo rnl:l . and Mi ... :o.i ...... q1p i. and to th(.! n.:grct tha t Il l! \\:1'1 n tH .! hll? 10 atle no A nd o n Ih...: "IUPll:cl of mgallillng.
th cll- u pco ll1l ng 1'c>.a ... S l! l1 ill (, SpCCiHI thl!' co nkn: ncr.::. Ii i, 1<:1 1" IOCU"'IL:U o n Execu ti ve A ...... i... tant Bi...:rit/ Il IllHHIIlC...:d
ckcl ion. I II.:: ca lled u n all I RE\V mem- the ui ffkult prohlcmt- fuclI1~ Ihe a 1lL'\\ dil~\ J ~vl... loped h~ 1111.: Inlel"lHl-
her" 10 cO lllribul C tn Ih e Brolh er - AIllC I' icti li tional ornr.:~ [0 Hid i n inuu:o.lrial orga-
h o nd'~ ('o l1lllli t l ce ('11 Puli tica l 111 .111 u fa r ll! ring ll i7in£,. C:llled H"lIIhIJnhil' {-''''IClltlOl/
EU lIC}l l ioll- I B J:. W - OPF. He cl. !lectu r crll - ami h/o/Jili;lIliul/ for ()rg{/ l/ i:iH~
"The ,uccc"''' we've enjoyed would nol ~io ll of joh, (MEMO) . the progfill ll i, lbi~lIed 10
have bee n po:-,:-, ih lc if il W"::' I1" I for hci ng fi rM ilnd m:lkc n1(,!mhl:r . . ll1 (lrt.' aw a re oj t h ~
Ilm:o.c mC lll h~N in Ihe fi...:ld \\ 110 send fO rCtlH"I. I II! impur wncc of orgalll/ing. ilnd 10 hnng
in Ihoir uo ll",', In CO PE. and fo,. th at eu
~ I r(.!s . lu ng. Ih c111 a [1 in <11\ pHrl i cipillll!'l ill t h!.:
I tha nk you." Full ow in g Secreta r y te rm ,\olulio[1o.; proc~::.'i .
lie "I;.\ld, " \ V..• tnt!'-t ... tep lip
Moorc 's tal k. cll nfcrence delegates lik~ incrcHI., ing ou r orgilll i/ i ng \\-lIhill OUI tlh.lU"'II'iill
con lri b ule u 2500 for I13 EW·CO PE. la h o r -milll- hranc h c~. ho t h tnr t hl.' \\r.:lfan: of
Sl!cr~ t ary Moore p ra ImJiana's agcml.'l1t JOlnl the laho r mo\c-
go\C'rnor. Evan Ba~ h . who ad Ir~ssed particlp~lllon ment a nd thL:
the co nfe re nce: lal!';r in lhe afh,:moon. proj 'ct... .• ' uch Inc/iono Governor Sayh hargalnlng
A nd he al\u pr:ll\cd . ec.:r~lar) of projec t"! "(l rCll'l str-~ssing th~ ;mportonc~ ~ lr"'ng t h uf
Labor Rohert Retc h. l ie "lid. " I am the \\I.\\c or the of monu'octurill9 ~ thn ... c \\C 110\"
I..ICh in AnwrH:c.
pk.HC d w ith future fur a ll h:we I he prh i-
th e ~ec relnr~ [ocal un ion ...... he \\ilrncd. BUI , h...: ... aid. lege 01 rl'pre -
o f Labor .... "A highl~ ,kilil'u. ht/!hl) cnm tllltt cd . ting.
[I Ie I i"hll" tng. \\dl-PHil! \\url..forcc. cmpo\\creJ to And ftnall~
~, "'II1CCrc: con - h'I\~ a IlIc;ul1nglul \Olce in ... hop-noor I3 rmhl.'r BientJ
cern fur Amer- cl ..·cl, ion .... can gl \ C Illdl1<tg.cmcl1 l th~ talked aholll
lenn \\ orkcf"." r1c\ihi lit j, the n~· ... pon"'I"~ncCj" . and lInion Icad\!r ... ·
R"bert Bier· qualll~ II Ill.!cd ... In cOITJI)\,!lc." role in mO\'II1,t! Representing Sixth District
i ll , FXt:c uli,'c l3rother 13 il!rlll I'l11ph<-l ... lIcd Ihe fUf\\anJ in lhl.' InICrnational Vice
importance of th .., upcomlllg I'cdcml President )cmos Conwcy,
A ...... llir1tan l to changing \\orL-
I r'ltcrn;tllOn.1i C011lmUIllCalioll\ Cllln11li"''1(HI dcd- forre which Rcpresentc,iwt Nyc ~/·
Pr ~.., il.h.'n l
J.J ~IOI1 1) 11 111 ~h - dd I n 111011 I ..:IC\ i ... ioll co nlrnnt . . I he com~s the cJ~/cgotion .
BaiT) Ihen look Exec:uti..e Anisian! to the 'tillHJa H.h . r ht.: ... l.ln uiln.l thc 1 CC man uract lIri ng
Internohcncl Prcsicknr c h (J(J!'Ic~ will I.letl'rll1i nl' \\ hethc r ~l'cto[' of th l.;! A merica n I'COlll)11l~. I Ie
the podium to
Bicrirz detivering
prc~c nt Prc,\j- PreJ idcn' Barry's remcrks I BE W l11 em ber!" \\,111 1lI:1IlU(ilclure the said, Prc ... idcl1 t Barry .. ~t li.:>Il~I~ ht.!lie\-es
dent fi nrry's to the delegation. HDTV scb i n Amc:nci\, or "h ~ lh cr \\ C lu nion k:H(kr"lI mu ... 1 provi~1.! (JUI


"We W
ill Be There To Lead, Not Follow" I he o;ec:on d day of thc co nference
with I he be"i l was dcthe'llc h ) w('tTk o;IH.lP'i. rh e f(,Hlr
opportunil! «) \c!\lotion:-,- "("ollllllunicu t ion:,." eO Il -
hecol11t: Ih t.! d ucted hy l:.ducatin n D l.!p :Hlrn c nl
mO ~ 1 prl.lIJ lIC'- D irectu r Mi1l tha L c l >;tll!!I.:I·: "O rgn-
live \\(lrl-.I.!r~ ill nitillg." conduc ted h) O rganiting
our glohal mar- Di rec tor ~h!l vi n I h.lrlOn:" o lHraCI
ketpl "c~ . Th~\ Procc ... "ing:' h~ I ntc1'I1a tiollul Re prc·
uc'\crn: llel Ics-\, 'cnta ti\\!, \1 ary \Vhip rs and Bo ho}'
nd we Will he Ruherh: and " IIDTV." Co nducled 1.0<0/1985,
there to Ica u. h) Int c lnHlinnal H. cp rc:,c nt ativc North Confon.
nol follow:' Dick Mdl '\ "lrl!",o;,;t.:d d~ l eg a l c
Ohio, Pres;·
dent/ Business
Indiana Gov- Dirnctot Leisinger pa rticip a tIOn . Manoge.-Mary
e rlHlr 8a} h ( D) dis<tming education. A prot o ty pc )0"" P1>iIIip •.
"poke next. lie \\(.: Icomc u t he de le- I I D rv 'Y'ie m
gates 10 hi' state. Ihe h me. he said. was un ui 'play
uf 2:i.O()() I B EW member>. He ,aid for deleg.ate'i
hl~ ~la L e \\'a\ al\o home to the l a rgc~1 to \ ICW a, Pelrt tocal J J36,
Litrle Rack,
tulor tdC\I:-'lon plan t in the \\orlll- of Br o ther MotUOs, Presi-
own d h~ TIuunp...,uo ('on..,ul11c r Elec- pre,en-
~ I IJJ,' dent/ Busineu
tronic' RCA. li e slre<sed how talion. Manage< Owg
important it i. . , nol j u~ 1 for hi ~ . . lalt.:. And the fi nal
hUI for the whok CO UIlI ry. that d ~I ' f 1 h I.!
H DTV ,e h be IllHnufactllrcd by com- co n fc r c ll cc
palllt.!s like Thol1l p~n n . which employ rocu'lc cJ o n a ROpt'esento,ive Pofenza 1.0<011048,
Al11 erlc an p () :-, I - rei i r e - givin9 a presentation 01'1 IncJionapo/is,
merit heal th. chcng;ngtechnology. Indiono. Busi·
IBEW Illem - ntis Manager/
hers. li e o.;aid car~ rc po l'! h I { c pr~-;en tative Mills. Financial
he \\ oul d hate an u an cduclIl ion report hy Direc to r s..;",fory tony
10 'co HDTY Lct'\ingcr. Di rector Slande r c1o\cd
t l.!t'hnoiogy thl..' conference \\ uh nn open dbcu,·
foJlo\\ Ihe palh ~ion, follml,.i ng \\ hieh he Ilumked the
of \0 mu c h luca l lIll1on'. who, wnh th e l f employ- 1.0<012373,
oth er Ice hn ol· e". dondl ed Ihe many IBE W-made Oshkosh.
ugy de\ ~ lop c J dllor pl' i/ c.:~ given o ut 10 thc dl.!lcg :llC~ President/Busj~
ill th e U ... A .. nn er th e fin ill 1l10rnln~ SC"i,io n. The rleSJ Manager
l ike Ih e fax pril.c:-' i ncluded Galen DeVoe.
RepresenlOti~ Milb lll aL'h in c il nu an RCA h"me-
Iollring ohou, HOrv, the V R. which e nterta inm e nt
are not made in Arncric", Ilc s3J d we ce nt er <l11d a 1.0<012220,
need job\ in America ... Economic GI: si d e- h y- LeJ(ingfon,
gro\\lh and Jo h CTl!a lion a rc the . ide refrigera- President/ Busi-
foremos t I <oue .. faC ing. ou r co untr) to r. neu Manager/
tadil):' he 'a id 10 gre al iJpplUlL'C b) A~Dire lor Finonc.ia'
the dclt.!gah.: .... Sta nder \\i ~hc tl Ken Eaves.
r-. l c.! fnhcrf., 01 th e M anuf'l tlIfln g I he de l egate ,
D epartm ent ~ta ff. Internat ional H.cp- i1 ,,~ re ret u r n
rcsc nl allVC\ Peter Pol en ta ,a nd Mike 10 thei r local
Q uu1 1an, gave p n.:~cnlallun~ ruundi ng uni o n ... , thl.! 1.0<01613,
Rcpresenfotive Quinlan AtionlO,
out the fir~t da) of t he cunft.:rcncc. Jpeaking 0&00, worlcer ~ trong word, of ~io,
Rcprc"t.!lIIall\C POl cnta di sc u s~r.:d empowermenl. Pr e ide n I Business
chang in g technology. and Brother Barry \\ere :\till echoing around Represenfotive
Sam Cohen.
Quinlan ~po kc ahout \\ or kcr crnpO\\- t h ~ rCl<lm , " ' Vc \\ III he lh~re Ie) lead.
t.: rmcnt. nOI In foIlO\\ ."

A Belter Way of Life closi ng. genera l sc'>sinn wh ere Di rector At th e adjou rnment f the lB EW
Fishe r pre scrllt.:d \,lI rluu~ d at 'l rd al ivc Construct i on Co nference. Jr.;lc ga tcs
(Co //fin /l ed ./i·om poge .;)
to the ccu;,omic sta l e, reite rating th nl cx pr essc j a new en lh u::-. irls m for the
the he;'ld . Hnd th e heart of the Am eri- :-.o m c o f th e p r og ralll ~ p ro p osed h y hul d t(lsks i'lh e"ld. BUI most i m purtant.
can worker :<!ilyillg. " Ih i~ grea t union is orga nized labor 10 st imu lal e th e eco n- I Iu;y took \\11 111 t he m t il l.! words of
at a cros~ ro(1l...l 'i<.. 1\ mU ~1 decKk where it limy also mc,ln that t\,e 4lu)lity of lire Inl Crn[] l iu n al Presi d c nt narry. who
wants to he- oil th e lOp rung of the ro r Am e l' i cili1 worh:rs wou l d he.
"i:lid . " Joi n m(' on Ihi ... path 10 union
econo mi c lau der. 01'011 th e b 11 0111 ... ." grea tl y improved . Brol her Fishe r th en
n::newilL .. , W e will fo llow a ho ld !ll.' W
The nt.:xl rmt of th e progral11 \Vas i ntroduc ed li cnry Higgi ns. execu tive
course: a hrave d epart ure frum o ld
devoted 10 a p rC~cl1 l ation on tracking direc tor o f lahul' re lal io l'l !il f or t he
practices anti polici es of the pa!-i l .. ..
IlIdn\'IIY Il/'O,\'/ h'L~/i\"(' Sa/eli ( Tlt~)'). The Na l ioll~d Ella:.trit:al t CHHr:'I Cto rs A s::.o
ciat i on . I n hi '> Co rn ll1 e lll ~, Dir ec to r W ith your supporL Ihere i:-. 110 au ver·
progr(l 1Tl wa s ex plained by its di rec tor .
Il iggi ns >:tn::-. ... (:d the need ror c onl i n ~ s<l r y we (a nnot vanqui"h : no nb:Ha de
Ci ndy Au stin. Sht! dcmolll;lrnted ane!
Ul.!d COnpef<lI ltlll bl: twCI.!t1 th e II3 E \V WI..! cannot nvcrco me ... ,L c t·s shape the
I\pnkc aho ut the versatili ty of the CUI11-
put c r-da taba!:'!c p ro gra m 1hill id ent ifi es " no N l";. l ' A . T he fl o(l1' was t h~n fu lure ahOlI1 uni on h i s.tory .1Ild crCa l e
and tracks vi rtu all y every conl.,tllIction o[1l.!!lcd 10 ljll cst ion:-. ,lllU t;n mmc n t"i <I [UL un: I hal wi ll m ilkc a diHel'·
project pl.alll)cd Of unde rw ay ac ross from I.h l.! d clc.!g~t lcs. ell cc . ,," A nd 1hey were rcac!y.
the: stille of lili nti j,s. TII 1.)' \Va'" dcvcl -
np...:.lI by fOll r \ 13E W h)ci11 lIn i on~ anti
their mana ge men t cnull l crparls. wi th
a purpose to sec ure ad ditional mar ket
s.ha rc.: s. TI ?5i offl: r:-. cu rrent , l in"II.:l y I. U. 6. d.
i nrOlTllat ioll : all li les arc r('vie wed umi I n lll l! prJ\'!! It.: I H1S ln (!~!'. 'iCCIO t'. Ir "d~' G l.!rma llY 1 ~ HI tllc LOp of th i!', li ... l Wilh 41.7
lIl1io n 1!1l..'1ll b ~r"b i p 1', down In Ics'i th rill p-.:rccnl 01 it s wor~ ~ r ... in lin io n!'. Th e
updcl1 ed dnil y. addi ng new tTHl tcri;·lb.
12 pl:rcc nl of Ill(,: I<l hm force. Oilly 10.2 nit eJ Slll ll.!~. wi th on l y I.'U{ percelH.
mak i ng l: tlrrct: t io n ~. and ,",VC II rc(.;uru- milli on WOl k l.,; l ~ o f l it e N·1. 7 milli o n lrailfl bUlh "Ilu ll " (::I h.5 pe rce lll) and
i ng con t acts made , M ~. Au sti n c mpluy\.:d hy th e privatI.: hllll,in c<;..c; c;ec tM Jap[lll (14.5 PC 1·Cl.! llt ).
cx p lni ncd I hl! case of boo king lip i!n; lI nion nH..: mbl:I' ....
7. c.
un io ns I1tllio nwi J I.! via COlllpuh;r .HICJ 2. fl. Th ~ I B E \V pn':\.l: ntly n.: pl"c . . ...: l1I s I) per·
mudem. high ly rcctlt1ll11 l.!nu cd th..:
iJ llI..! GovCrn r1h.: l1 l Ull iuns. IIU\\ huve 6.5 mi llion ce lli of l he c~li M1 atc cJ X million electrici.ll
In c mh l!r ... 01 !h l: 12.:-: mi ll io n wo r ker:, wor~c r>: in [h t.' t1 nileJ S l illc~.
progra m. Fo llowin g her pn,::sl! nta liol1.
e mployed hy h..'lh:ral. "li ll l,;. am.! local gov~
numerous dclcgil l c ~ 10 th l! con rc r c nc...: H. l:.
crn m (.:lll '. ~Hicl \hd\ i .. J 6 j PCH.T lll o f pub.
\11 \qq2 Ullin!' wnrkE' f<;' ;1\ N;'Igl' w('ck1y
:-.pok e of lh e helle nlS of 'tJl'S. tl nd n..:t:- lie cmplOy!lll.!nl. In I '.N 2 l ow l pmil tl.! li nd
ea rning... \vcrc $,47 co m!1arl!d to $41." for
oll1ll1ended Ih :n those ill atl end ance [111hlic unio n lIlel11 lw l'" hip in Ihl.! U nih.:d
nonuni on workers, Th is i:- " $134. ur 32
cOII ... id c r llsing tllt progra m . Slale!. Wi'" I.=U~ percell I of Lota l . . . mpl oy·
percen l d !rfcr>! nc:c in wec k ly cOl rnings.
rnen! , wh ich i .. i..IO \\ n rn.l1l'1 ).4 pcrccn l i n
On Friclu y ill'tc r noOIl, ddcgall.:s 1i.J5i a nd 24 pl.!l~\": nl in 197.'. 9. d.
atv..:ndcd Ihcir a:;<.1 wo rk $ h op~ . If the IU EW I... 10 bt cff':'(,li vl! , numht: rs
J. c.
Th ey WC I'I.' gl.:a rc J toward my ria d lIo cou n t . Wh cn t he Br ol h crhO ll d
B the yea r 20m if til L' 1'1\:'1.: 11 1 Ireml of i l H.: rl! Cl S(;~ 1\S !11!l1lh crs, i t i ncrca :- e ... ih
b Sll CS. :-, uch :IS "[wlOwlliQn ," led by IIlc mhcr ... hi p lnslies is n' t rc,;vc r' .....·d. union "
in fl uentt: til Ih e hHrgaill lllg tahl.:. in thl'
Interna t i0 1la l Rcpr-,:,s c lltuti Vl: P HI nIH)' n.:prc\c llt nil ly .-:; j"l1!f'CCIl ! or the pri
PQliL icnl urenll . ;'Inc! H\ " II ()I her Me;1"
RI,.'illy: ' ;Orl;tl lI; 1J led hy COIl - " aL..,: sccltl1' l;ibor forct' . I f I hi.. I'IC( l1 r". tht.:
that i mpact Lilt.' live:.. of wOI'k lll gpeopl e.
l l ni kd SII1IL!~ WI)u ld h ('!cO n1c I he fi r ... l
"itl'U clinn O rg.(l nizing D i rec l or JamlO!5! Fo r Ih (' IH EW III cO nli nlll.!" a" ;t strong
mai or i ll uu . . tr i al cou l11ry to hccull1 ('!
Rlld an ti Inl crna tinmtl H qm'se nli-l - .Inc! il1 f111~n t ia l \'o ict: in til e L!lccl ri cal
(.!ttc": l ivdy Ilonl.lninn.
t iv e G e nc Adnm s: " r\ Notio n al indu~ t ry. ('lrgHt1i/ing thl: 11 l1 o rgan17c d
.... c. Ill"!'.1 cn m !.: fi r~L
IICllifh Plan- I!!' iI F~mH)le?- I/lv es/ ~ The:. U n i ~~d SHIl\:\i h \.\~ 10\0.1 \w ~r \.s m i\ ~
men I"', HIed hy I nL~rn<ltiona l Rl: pn..:- Ill. n.
lion Illnl111 fu,-'turing lo b:.. ill tht.: I" ... , I h rc~
Wi th X l11 illil111 lI nmgHll ill'd dl'rlric-;II
sCIH alives Dal e Dunlop uml J a mes ye <t f'•. .1:' Ih,,' nUl111x:r uf lI ulilufac[ uri ng
workers inlhe Uni ted S[;lI t.:~, lh e involvc·
Combs: "C. /. Il.." Iccl hy C Depart - \\o r'hJ"~ h n~ l.i1 oP PI.'lJ hi 1;.1. miIlI01l . or 17
l1l ~ nt o f all l!.d IlCaled, f'l1oti vlI t!:d ra nk·
pe rcellt lit [h l: I"bor ron:.:, ') hi ... co mpare... HlH.I-l dl! I UF W nl e ll1 ber<:.hi l~ i:- :lh...olutcly
ment Direc tor I: vcrc tl Lehmann ami
1C"I 31 perCI.!!lI o f !he (lcnml T1 wurk..:rs and
inll' rna liun ai Rl'pre~ l'J1 l al iv {' Boh l mperl.lIiv .! 1m :J success fu l nrg an i/i ng
2H pc rcL:ll[ 0 1' [Il l.' Ja ri!I1I:~1: workers who
prognlll1 . Th e tBFW nlW;;[ acl npl an org,a-
Damia Ili: u 'I'm ;/Iillgl ll elel'rall Nati ollal art t:m r lo ~ l.!d in l1l ~ nll r"C ll! flng. lib· Lng cullUrc. whcre the ml.: 111hership i!'.
A~,.eemell/l'." k J by I III c I'Il a1ionai ~. c. involved and cl11pmvl:rc d ill everythin g
R l! pr e~c n l ;! l iv l.: Boh F a gott i <l ll d ucr many pay... I ITi! l1ig.hc~l wage... wi lh :1 11 fro n! negotiat ing anu i.:nrurcmg CO l1lm cts
N.lATC DirCC I t1f A .J, Pe<lf'iUI1 . a\lc rH~ C hllU! Iy ril te ot )2 1.5,(, I'ra nec !..; tn org~ Il Ill!)t:. t he unor~;HW/~(\. 1 hI!
On SalUrduy illo rnin g. the confer· ~l!Cond . :1 1 $15,2~ . UIlU tlli! I.. i nit lo!d $ t <lI C.... I"i I I3E W mu ... [ givl! rncrnh cr~ H ~c:ns...: ot
thi rd. ;\[ $ 14.77. T h; ... cx plilil1 '" \\h)' GC I'~ owncr:- hip in thl! Ull inn . an d thl: member·
cncc reconve ned, with the dcJcgalcs
man ;H1IClll1 l1hil l! companiv:- un;: :.u c ageI' il hip must rC:l h7e that th eir fUlu re . thei r
going im mr: dj;.'l cly i11l0 work ~ hop s . [ II 10Celll.: n1 :l "u f~C ll1 rin g pian t ... i l1 !hl! lJll ion\ ruturc. depe nds nil thei r in vol ve-
U po n tile co mpl etion o f I he wo rk - Un ited S!;l ICS.. ment anJ cummitment. •
~ h o p s. th e deh.:galcs mewed into the


lJJJ ljJJjJJljjJ ---" JJJ~
~JJJJJlj~~ JJJ~ Jjlj
"1Ve ('{Ill be proufl of hh rnor-
'I'h(' l.ight. I>u I'I)Os(' and \ ision or CesaI' Ch,w f'z
mOllS accomp!i\'hm('I/{\', amI in
the dignifY {lIId co", {ort I/(~
"roughf IO Ilu~ Iil ll'S of.w IUIU/y oj
(lur COIllllry'5 term IJOII'prj;tI and
T hO ll ~:ll1 d\ of mourncr'\, c!oi l imatcd
10 num ber )1I.0W. gal he rcd in Ihe
ci ty nr cluno. Cal ifornia , in thc Sn n
farm 10 fa rm. pick ing pca~. lettuce und
gnlpc~ fo l' Il.!ss than 75 ce nts a day.
They lived in Ja r-paper shacks al
"lOst dispmsr.u rd ,,'urker ... .. Jo:tquin Vall ey, to say g.oodhye LO mi 'ran I CHl11pS in A ri7oll<I and C',llifor-
- Pre<idenl Bill eli"lnn (\~\ar have/ . an introspec tive and nia. and were sornclimc'\ forced to live
revered union ktldcr. who\c purpo'iC under hridgc~ and in nl l1l~ h ackle :,hel-
.,nd \'I'lon broughl ho~ and rchef 10 Icr~. Chavc7 .me nded more than 65
" Ile fulloweil hi\ oU'" 1i~/" ClIftl
fann w()rkcr~. Thl! runeral procc:,."ion. cleml!ntary '\chool5, b ut had lO drop
his OWII pllill. Ill' HOOl! "part
which o;trctcl1l..:d ovc r three mllcs. out of :,chool in the :-,c\'clllh grade to
from f!1't' e/liil!, prnwlrmg II1£'
hegan in the cit park \\ here Ch.ne7 help Ih e family in Ihe field ' . lIi <
IIeed for _wciul dumgc tlllfl snli-
had ended hi.., first hungel .,,\ rik e ill m ther. Juana. wa~ adepl at making
darify. llis 1'I,/IIt'S ,JeW!f c/umgi'fl,
196N. Man), dignilaries ",r"ed as pall· life pi 'asant under slark. inhumane
and lie reJi'led 10 pro/il from hi\
bclirc r.... find ca r ric u the simple. cond iti on ... Chave7 \Va .. quo ted a say·
woodell c~I '\kC' 1. huilt hy his brother. to ing. " \Vhcll I was il bu} . my mother
- Former Calif rni a Governor
F rt Acrl·~. the co mplex where in would make me do emh arrassing
Edm und G. "Jerry" Brow n
1970. t he rrcs hmall U ni ted F ~ rlt1 thing.:;. he ~ell l me out to invite hobos
Workers li n; n (IIFW) signed liS 1i ...1 to .;;harc our tortillas ilnu beans. She;:
"Tire work of e\lIr havl!Z lUlll con trac,,", with g r~lp c gro\\cr of the WilS I lI ih..:rmc ... blll ~ht.! \\<-1S vcry wi"ic:
Ihe U,urea Parm Worke" 1101 (nt/), ('cl1Im l V(llIey. II \\'3'1 said that she taught me it w3sn 't man l) to gCI in
impfOV(~d wages {Ulff 1\'()rki"~ ehave? died in his sleep aflcr a Irying " fi<lfighl. and mosl of all. she laughl
(,OIull/ions hili, more ;mpnnmuly. "eeJ... of tC'lil11ony on hehalf of rarm me the mea ning of service LO others:'
placed lire high('\1 rlillte O il Ihe w(lrk t"'r'\ who were heing slIcd hy a 1c.:1- lie Illarried Helen Fabela in 11)48, a
d;g"' l), of f arm WO rkl'fS lind all wec gr0wl'r. lady ht! met while working in Ihe vine·
people. .. yard .;;;. Fight child ren were horn in the
- Sen alar An Torre, (D-CaliL) Clun ('~'S IIl1l11blc Chavez household. They Ii cd in a Sa n
J o~l'
barr io called. "Sill si fJllerlrs, ..
"Ci!.\ar Chlll'e~ lI'al Ihe facf' of Ihe mea ning., ., ,et o ul if ),ou can." In
fan" h'Orkerfi' ullinll. fie giH'lJ {he cII,ar E~trada havel wa~ born On 1952, he ~rved as an unpaid \' lunteer
UII;O" ;ts heurl am/ dlllrmJl'r. " " ",mall f1lrl11 ncar Yuma. Arizuna. lie for the COnlnlUnil Sen k~c
- ReI _Je,,,, Jackson hccamc a mlgram worker al age 10 lion, 0), i1 Mexican· Amcrican ch'il
wh«.'11 hi'\ fa lher I SL hi:, land in the righl"i group. There hL" 1'0 \lIlCf regis-
Dcprc,",ion. Hi:, pan!lIh moveu frolll H<llIOIl dri ves ilnd hdpL"d !\'h,:xlca n


workers cope with im rnigra tion. 1i.1 W received from migrant farm hands. COlt jo;;; working. Inlerniiliollal Pre i-
enforccmc nl and pofice officiab. Evell- \\ 110 \\CfL' paid $1 an hour (Ilr grud in,!!. denl J .J. Barry pledged hi. support.
tuall y. Ch~wcl wa~ hired al Ihe ag.cllc~ 10-12 hou r da~ s. He ~Io\\" built up an and called ChilVCI "one or America's
at 32.;;;-a-mnnLh. and ros~ 10 the po..i- organizing forc~ - a nucleus of farm pr('mi~r lahor leaders."
tilln of gl'ncral director in 11J5K hands throughout the farmlands. In
In 1962. he approached Ihe CSO his work. eha' L'I inilia l ed the nonVIo- lilJ \Ii i II Ill(' linion
wil h a request to organi7(~ (I fa r m lent tcaching' anti principles or
O\cr the )cars and through many
workers' union, and was ILlfned down . C hand i anu Martin LUlha Kin g. J r.
ha t tles . co nfide nce in CIHWC7 was
I k imml:lI ial..::iy rl:::.ignl:d. anll moved
eroded by politic,. a nd t he flood of
his family to Deirl no. Ca liforn ia. where I·'asl inA and Bo ~ roU s ill1 m ig.ran t ~ coming into Ca lifo rn ia.
he wen t from tOW11 tn low n enco urag-
As the me mbership in th e I1cug,lillg. \ Vi l h so many workers and fewer johs.
ing migran t work e r-; ttl ask ro r higher
ullion g.rew. ('havel initiatl:u Illilrehc!'i. and \\·ilh lht: tliffi culty mel trying to
wages. T o keep the union work
hoyclltls and ~trikl.' ''' In rorc~ grower ... org an il~ '\lu:cc .... i \'~ \"HC'" of immi -
goi ng. he dug c.1it c hc ~ by day and
10 the. bargaining lithic 1-1..: called for a gr~nI<;. union Il1cmht:r<;hip declined
worked in th e ficld~ 011 \\ 'c k-
nat ionwide boycnll t)1 !!rapc~. and from 107JX)f) in 19X2 to a lillk over
clld~. all the while cncour.,g-
organized a JOO -mile march from ~O.OIl() in IW::!. II wa.., ~11 ... n <I victim of a
ing. wnrkers to unite. His
Delano \0 Illl.' .... lal~ capiHlI in Sacra- lh:c1ining llmOIl mO\I."Il11'nt nationaJl~.
\\ ife abo pid,ed let-
mento. rhL ho~cotl I""ted II\e y~<H"i. Much of th~ dt:chTl~ \\LI'" blam..;d on
tuce 10 mak e
and Cl1dl~d in 1970. \\hcn gro\\'er~ sat
the fn lt enng boycolt aga Ins t table
down I II negoliale with Ihe union. III grapcs. th e innux of non unionizcd.
1': 173. at th~ ~xpjn.l ti oll of the connacl.
ille gal immigrant". it cha nging eco-
growas rdusL:d to rL'neW th~m and
nomic l:ovi rOnmelll. nnd IWO co urt
sig.IH.:d wit h t ltl' T l'''IIl1StlT'' ill~ k a J_
jUdglll l'llts against the UFW. One wn~
da iming Ch:wcl had lll i:-'l1lrtna!.!l:u the
a $5 .4 million Illdgrncn l brought
U F\V hiring ha ll ~. T lli " chargl:!
again'il the union hy nil Arizona jury.
prompt ed a strike c;:tll. and Chavc7
which found the UF\V guilty of an ille-
o rganized ma~~ prole'a .... n.::suiL ing in
gal ho)cotl again;:;t UrucL' Church.
3.500 ar rco;;t s ror \ iuhHin!?, COllrl-
Inc ..•1 Il'II11C(, grO\H':r. The other wa~ i.I
orderl..'d lim ii, nil pickering..11 ranch ........
$( 7 n1l111011 jlldg.m~nl an lmr~rial
When the ~tnkc \\ (I"; cndcll. eha\ ('I
Cuun ty Supl.-rior Court Judge orderc:d
resumed Ih e boycott after a IInion
l FW to ra~ to i] California \cgetable
member wa:, kilkJ on the pickd linc.
growa in 19R7. Cluwcl: hdlcvcd Ihal
He t hen appealed to consumers to
bUlh judglllL'nb would he- overturned
C1voi tl table grape . . , In dema nd CI h;;t11
C!ld~ meet. in higher court .... i:l nd "':tId. "Ou trtlgCOUS
o n five pesticides: 10 cicmnnd a free
Evc n1 ually. Ch:lvez foun ded thL decisiuns don' t surpn~e 111(' anymore:
electio n fo r farm WOrkL:fs. ~lJ{}d faith
N<ltional Fanrl Workers A ssociation, an d collective hargCli ning. and dCI11{1 nd but it 's th.a l fa rm worke rs still
whic h was changed to th L: Un ited Farm Coln 't hopL to find justice III runll
k'sti ll g fnr chemical resid th..~ ... on pro-
Workers in 1960. Co urL~ . If till' union fall s apart when I
d uce in the sto re".
Whik o rganizi ng <Inti l raining. Chave? faqed for 25 days 111 (t)hX to am gOIlL'. I will have been a mi:,crahle
migran b to o rg,anize. Chavez took SIO failur~ .... There i ... no hie apart from
protest cOIH..Iition ... of l.·xploi lcd f.UOl
pocket mnn~y and "20 for groccric~ worker~: 1-1 days in 1972 to prolest Ull
the Ullion. It i~ toH1Uy fulfllling. ··
cach \\cd., and uru . . c an Id union Ari/ona flghl-lO-\\Or" hill Ih ill wa ... lC'iar Ch,wcl i~ gone no". (-Iut the
ellL Hi"t IOlal lIFW income wa .. inlrodm.:t!d and p:l~r.;cd: and ~ t..Iay... in U F\V ",nd hi ... legacy will li\"e on. His
approxim:Hcly $"'00 a month. rhcsc It)&-l l prOle"" the usc of pe'ilicides o n goal of union leadership (l~ an effort
\\ere haru, ck:..peratc till1e~. where Ca lifornia tabk grilpcs. li e \\00 fur 10 mi:-.c: consciousncss Bild create
Ch,avcz somL' ti ml:~ had 10 a~k for food the UFW member..,. a g uara llh:c 10 hroth erhood was mct. And in th e
to feed hi<; chi ltlren. Th~y, 100. hold union L'kc tioll~ . Ihrou gh I he end. hi... dedica t ion to the slrtlggle
occam!.! devote.d to the farm wnrk cr:-;' effo rt" of lh cn-GnvL fl Hlr Edm und G. <llltl cOlllm it ment 10 nonviolence le nds
CallSC , an J worked alongside th ei r pa r- "jerry" Brown Jr .. who illiroduccd Ih~ cou r"tgc to llF\:V memher.;; Icfl lo lead.
e nt ~. II wa..:; d ur ing thesl.! I.:i:l rly yccu.... Ar,r i cu l Lura l Lah or K.L'latiolls Ai.: t. In the procc~sion. banners ca rri ed by
Chavez'" brother, Richard . desig ned 111 is act became la\\ in 1975. and WiI:' mourner:-, ~a id it a ll - " Arriba la
the l ' FW "\vlllhol-a black hil\vk on a th e only one in Ih~ nation ,h,11 reeng- l lninn" (up wllh th e un ion). and
red hackground. lO rcrr~"'Llll Ihe ni7ed the ri ght" of farm worker:':> 10 "Cc<;ar Chavc7-En lIc'\lras Vidas
indige n ou~ people of Americ<1. bargain colleclively. Pam Siempn?" (Ce~ar Ch;we7- in our
U~ing hi\ meager sa\rings (0 lour (he In 198Y Chawl >pokl! at Ihe IBEW li\co;; fort:\,cr). Said Dolores Huerta.
Si:ln Joaquin al1c~, ChavcL handed iVlanufacluring Confercnce and (Old who cofounded the un ion with ChavcL.
oUl ques tionnaires 10 fi el d worke r '. Lhc uclcgate~ of his ongoing "itruggk!,. -- \Ve didn't come 10 hury him .. we JU"1
10re than XO,OOO rcs pnn-:t:"i "ere He assured lh~1ll that his gm pe boy- came to say goodbye." ,


sik ll !.. .. 11 ;'\ [Clinton',,;] prngnml \Vas
Refer rin g to the th e ml!. A Ne w
Beg irw;/Ig . A FL·(' 1 Bu ildi ng about jobs. ceoll mic renewal, health-
_idon, T""'"
Clin ... ~ the 8uiIJing and •
Consnuclion LogiJa1ive ConIeJ ence.
and oBst ruction Tra d c~ Departme nt care rdorm, impro'Vcd prod ucti vity
Pr csidc I11 R ohcfI A . G e orgine and in lermlt iollnl compe titiveness. j b
r C01<lrk cd. " L ahor mu t cons tantl tr ai ning and development . inrraslrllc-
raiSle ib voice in ongres\ Hnd al (he lUre dc\'clopm..:nl. !(loor law reform -
\ hile tl ou~c to Improve th e I1ve or th e e ar~ our b:,w.!~. our conccms ....
lIs me rnb~r~ ... : · And Ih i~ \"a~ the (eel- linl o n rC'ipond, tQ (ac l ~. t argu-
ing o r more than 2.000 del egates who ment. 10 reilsoning an d yes, 10 poli ti cal
all ended th e 1\ FL·CIO 13u tldi ng and pn:::,sure.
COllslrll r l ion -I riHh-'1 J) (' parlm en t H e th l' n i nt rod uce d th L' k ey no tL'
Lc livc onfcrcncc . D lega les spl.!~l kl.!r- J' rc ... idcnt
Bill CllIlwn- who
app lauded Prc.,idcnt G ~o rgm c . when was "deomed tn the A Fl.·ClO Build·
he ~aid ... ~ () prc'ti ucnt rCh ponds to ing and on'.lructio n ') r:tde-; Confer
ilcncc. 111C JI1C~. age lS fo r u\ nOI 10 be ence with a :,tandillg o\a tion . He


PrcsitJflnt J. j .
Bony (.econd
f,.om ,igl,l)
listens 05 BCTD
{•• podiuml
Jpeaks to tho
<klcg .....

pril i'...:d th e labor mUVl! men t rur ~h ow­ gres:-., who've.! all mati!.! it. 10 th in k Spcil ker Fa ley concur red. HIIlI pre-
ing "rl.!<ll Ica uer:-. hip ," an ti told the del- :lbollt how l ogcthcr we ca n provide dicted pa ~:-'i.lgc of 111 ..111: lahor-l'datr.:d
cgH I I.!~ Ihal hI.! w(lntc(l to put th ese oppor luill tie:.. fO I IJ the r..,." hill,.
Am eri cnn:o. hac k tn work . Cli nto n (,o n f...:rem:e "' pl' ak er.., Included Spea king 011 Ihe 11 A ,.elorm hill.
hlil:-. tt.!d Rcpu h liccl l1 lICIHlltlr..; w hn were J lou<;c Spl:-akt.'I' '( 111lO1a .. S. Foley (D - Se nato r Kc nl1cdy siJi d I ha 1 it wou ld
fi li busteri ng ag(l inst hb "ili1l1ul us pack- \\I 'I'I h.): L "l1or Secre tH ry I<oil ert in clude 'l)pccicll (IIt ~ n l io n to 11lS rH:C-
age . l ie -.niJ, "I ~I ~!.. y Oll , I.:vcry
of O il l.! Reic h: Senator Edward M . K ennedy tions, regu lation.;, a nt.! wor ~ l,,: r plOtec-
you thai ~vcr had :.1 dian '&.! to mak e it. (D -Ma".): Rep rcsc nl ill iycs Churle, l io ns. And i t WiI:.. cl l! <Jr f rom t he
h\!C":Hlo,;C you Joi ned thl:' u nion, bl:cau se Rill l ~el (D-NY): Vic hili" (D- ali f. ); messages lh'lI were gi ven (\I Ihl.! C n-
-,ol11chody IIl\· e~ t c d in the proi ect that <JIlO I\orman Y. M in..:t n (D -C .. li f.) . fe rencC' thn t it 's lime lo p ut people
g;:!Vc you" chane&.! 10 work. hec .. u<;,c Labor cere till) Rt: ich confir med the hac k to work. itnprtlvc the c nviron-
YOII hnd thl: oPPOI lun ity In nti:-.(: a ;tdl1lill i ~l r a l i Clnl., ('o1l11lli11l1C'1I 1
for th l ' mental anci fair tl'ildc Icgi~ l lI ti nll , pH "~
fam ily and bel "\.! a h O USl! :lI1d C:HC Workplace Fai1'l1l''' :-' h ill, the Occupa- Ih!! Workplace F<l i rnc~~ hi ll. '11le.! pa""
your kid.., just tak...: a lillIe time now ti ollal Sllf~ly and Il c:l1111 I\ ct rdorm key legislation for lahor : and the lime
a nu a~ k the people YOII kllO\\ in COIl- and Ilkt i me wor kc!' I l'i,l i nl1lg. I l ouse for change i:.. now. t

IBlW IOURNAL/JUl Y 1993 23

Then and Now
I h!.!n hegan th t: pcl ... I.. ...:lItioll of
un ion ~ a~ "con~ rlraci e ... 111 rC'lnli nt of Union~
Irad e." There WU!\ il trial In IX06
\Ollll11~~ n f nti s-
hu\.' hil\L: h Cl.'1I
COIH.;i.,:PIIPI1 ... illhl union -b a. dling
that Ilil\ L' pCIIl1CHiI.: d the work-
against dgh l I11cll1ha, 01 the .ItHlrncy-
Ilh! n Rou l il nd Shl)i,!II1 <lkcr:-. of
Phil~ld ~ l ph i n. who wcr!.! il1uiclCd "for
1Ilj!. \\ol'ld. lrom thl.' ~arl~ hegi nn ings cOlllbining. anu con~piring to prevent
01 Ullliln 10n11i.llll1l1 10 unit'. \Iost o f hy Llm•.'<1 "'~. 1111,.'1l:tCC'. li nd olher unl~I\\,­
rhdorll', l'rucll) and \ ioh! ncc ref-

Ih~ ful IllC,tll'. uther a nifi cc r... workmen
pdfJIcd 'I!ln," llll: 170()", came from and jnurneymc.:n in Ihe ~ili u art anti
nu\lIlc ...... c"' il tlcmp llll !l to h'l."p Ihl:'lf occupation , hilt al t:~rt;lIn largl,.' prices
prodlh,,'( I\'IIY and prollts high Blld Iwa ge:.. [ and rat l..'''' \\ hlcll tiley" .then
wagc!-. low: Irum gll\l.! rrllllen l hacki ng ami t hl.: rc !i;..ed." ril l! :-. iwclllilkl,,' r))
hu.,im.: ... '" lobb~l ... t... \dlO keep them
III (lifiec; IInu Irnm cnn ... umt!r"' . \\ho
rl.:~ IK"lld('d in .1 Illca l lI nion · fri.;nd ly
nc" . . pil pc J". it portion of "hich r~ad.
lHlI) ht:;1J " pum liliali ly. 11Ig.h wages" -- If the a'~OC'I;illon 01 men 10 reg,L1 lah: r
from \0111": I11l."Ula \ourcc"t. On ~ has the pri c of their ()\\ n lil h r i. . 10 be
only IU n.:aJ Ih..:: 11I,[Or) of union strug-
gle ... 10 ..,n' ,,,hill hulu ... acri fl cc::" \\ere
mnliL mduLiing home" bro ld.:n up.
..,upporlL'r .. bl'.ll cn dllU ,j al k u. and l' vcn
coO\\!r l cJ in tu CI cr imc. anu libeled
\\lith Ihl! &;amc r~rf(lachl ul I...:rTll~ a!'. a
dc!\i g n ugain :, t the frcl.:<.lolll of th e
flailon, tin.: pros pect b a very sad
\ \
Iwngcd for 111l~ i r b..;/icl\.
C\cl'rI11s lit k en f r o III r\m ericlll1
Lllbor: A llicclI ll'lIu;a l lIijlOry. by
0111..-' , ... Wh at tl o the lilWS of our COU Il -
try Hlilhori/c ... if we arc 10 bc turn
from o ur fin.!,idc fnr cn deavorin g tu
~I D. ~ chnarrcr.
puhl"hco by Ih e obtain u fnir lind j ust ~lIppon for our
Afrall' Pre,",,,, 01 \\ ihhinglOn. famllil::: ... , and If \\ C .Ire to he Ircilled as
D.C. pornt ou t l hl.! jn) '\ !llltl '\orrl)\\!<! of felon..:; and mur(!crer..:; nn ly for <"'sse rt·
American \\ork\!,",. I'or ;111 practical iug the righ t to take or re fuse what we The Ugly
purpo ... t.: .... Al1le!'il;iHl trildc ullion ism's dl!cl11 :tn aucquak reward fDr our Myth or
bt:g.inning!\ a rou nu 17X6. in labur .. ....
Ph ilacJel ph l,l. \\ ht;'n: j nu rn e ym ~ n print-
The "Red
In 1~4 2 thl: l'LlggeJ Lellluel Shaw,
er!'! !'m,e up to chi.l llcng..: Ihe IllJOil1lul11 chief jUI.,.ticl! 01 th e Ma~sachLl,elts
\\ ;Ige and lill~r "enl on 'trike to Supr(!Illc..' Coun. lli1ndcd clown an his- The nUlb rcak 01 Ihe
n.'duee th t: \\orkd~IY 10 to houf'i. In turk dcci .. jc'lI that uni Ib had <l legal \ orld \Vtlr I postwar
17't:. lIlt: ..., org,1I11Lcu \\ hat righl IU CXi"il ~lI1d did no t con!\ ti tute " Red ScarC''' rcpr~ ..~ntcd
l;;1n he eOIl'\ 1111,,' nation· ... fir!lot con~piracl(!'i-, as pr0vlou<.; Judges had disturbing manifc",ta titw!\
lr<l J e unilHl. \,·ith a eon'll illition. uu~s. held, A ptl rlion of lll\! L::IIH.lmark deci- of whipped -up hyqcria by Ihe Jusl ice
. . ion I·ca d . " In order to D CP iHlll1 Cllt Hgcnb. who arrc:-. teo
cha rge ~III 1110.,c who Ih lI~and >:. of nlicl1li;, <lnd cmlc l cd an l i·
hl.!coll1l.! m\!mbcr~ uf ,,10 ~editilln law:" Scurl't1oul- Inyt hs were
;ls<.;ociation \\ ith Ihe guilt conjurred up III the name of prol ccling
of criminal con pirac) , il democrac} and making Inl!rica "arc
Inll:.,t he averreJ and from B o l he\ i'm . Lahor unrest.
pr'ovl!d Ihat the actual. if largely un:ls..;oci<t l cd with
no t the ,1\00\1,'0(1 object of thi!'! ext rcmbm. wa~ C;):-ot
the a!\!\ocintion \\Ins cr imi- in II ,i nist!.!!' light- II noll:
nal .... 111 Ihi'i- slate of thai was quickly ma gni-
thing .. . \\e cannot pt;r- fied ano em i>elli'hcd b)
cchc thnt it i:, crimina l employers. In an informal
for men 10 agree 10 ~crvc 11I510nc acco unl 01 Ihe
together to exercise thelf I 920s. aUlhor Frcdcric~
own acknowkugcd rights Lcwis A lien lidded to I he
.'1 I rt.Hl!'!ur~ and r egul :l r IIIcl.! l i ngs, in ~ lI ch (l hrave nWllller it:., hc:o, l 10 suh- misin formali ol1 . It read:
Wllll..ulgll1 cn !Il o lhcr ci lic..-; hcg<ln to ervc their OWIl i nlt..; n.:: .. ts." "nit, /\ nwri£'CIII Im~'i-
lolh,l\\ ,uil. anu i ncluded thl,,' I,,'arpcn· Thu, th~ cou rt-. of u the r ~ta t l.!:-. grau - 11 (',\.\'1/1(111 Ililfl C(}lIIe
h.-r.. Hnu c(.)rdwillncr<.; (lc~lIhcr work- uall, became tlb.inclil1cu to invoke the 0111 of II,e war 11'1111 III_~'
I,:r.. ) ur BO.. tllll , printers t)f Nl~\\ York: "con .. pirn('y" doctrine :'I") .;l mean .. of fi!!/uing hlood "I'.
ilT'U Ih!,; ,hOI,.·lllilkct .. 01 PII1<.;hurgh rl!pre, .. ing UnH)n ... ready In IIf!.. ,IU' nrrt



~ombat :1 'icalt:. hca dl y Im:ulcl!d by bu,>i n ~so;;.

and Old\ :lIl<:('d in the IHl me of dcmoc-

n!c) . fr eedom. hu m an ri gh l ~. tl nd
A mt.'rican i"l1l. l ·1111)nl"l11 \\ no;; de'>cribed
i.l!l oppu!tt.·u to c ffiticl1c). u l'~lruys the
('\prj{ dc (·{)rp . .. anu in 11 ' \'Cl'~ C scnce
Iii aniagoni'l ic 10 the l:ll1ployer. and
o;;e t" labor anti capll,.! Into l \ \t) cJblincl
and au\'cr\arial carn p~.

matian (/till!:, 111 m .Hood ill hi.\' \I'((y. " "

And in IYl)J. more Ihan 70 yca r~
later. IUlcrnillional Pr",.,iuent J .J .
BaiT) ~pO~L' at a rcccn i Build ing .I nd
('on:-.l r Ut: tinn I radc.., tonfcrcncL' aboul
t h ~ ve r ~ ,a m t.: alb~ll ro ... ~~ t h ..·
open cntitlcu."Scili ng. l . nion . . Like
~('(': t lon
Utlp:' I hal "-J ew Y ork UIlU1Il oflkhll o;;
/i//\// 1i'{/1lwd to gel hm'k /() Imsl- "'hop. He sai d , "Bfl) t h l.! r~ li nd Sistalo.-
alit! ('njoy hi,' p rofits. '-.. (Iho/,
IIC'S WI.! are ga l h "': l'l.!d h..' r~ to~by ill H vcry li nd otht'f ~ 1l1 de nt s of cit)' politic.,;; ha\ c
""nd ill lIis lI 'ny (li lt! rltr('well cr/ 11i ~ r rili ral mrlllW Il! III 1111' hi'ilory o f Ih" t urn c d to adVertisi ng UH.!r l elc..:v i ~itl n
projit' " .. fi e den!lu{J/!cI {/ { C/'I 't' / }I IB E \V. R CCiIU~L: u f prol mmd change.;; Hnd radin. a nd in th e nL' wspapl'ro;;.
hclit'! du// } OO-p CIU'J/ ( I'll/ erin/II - tha t have "wept ~HI ! i nd ll ~ lry in a si n- ri ll..: Timcl· a rt icll' poi nt ed u ul Ih at
iSIII rill' u'(o'I{rlre I~r (;or/'x ml'l1
(/li d gh.: gc nc r 3l il11l. we 11 0\\ ~ t an d at ;oj a l th o ll ~ h thl.: a ll vc r t i sc l n ...:nl~ m il)' (101
and loyalty ro t i l(' I('(/ ch ·
(,O IiI/l/:V. c ro ~sroHd~ .... Today W ~ are lh n.:a t- tlm,:cl ly ulTccl cQn l r<l('1 negotial ions.
ing' uj f li t' FO ll fl(/i ng Fea li e' n. ened hy a vwhk :lnu growing opell - they lH.l drc~ . . m all ) ali di cnclJ:-' and
ill/plied Ilu.' rig/a of fll i' /m ,\ illl..'.\SI1I(/I1 ,lUll} IIWLl'lIfl'lIl. dnJ 0111' fu ture- hal1g~ ,c rV l' "l' \'l' ral pu rpo,-;,-',-; Ht I lw ~a m ('
to /..It'/.. ,Ill' wmHl orgllJII :t'r 0111 oj' i n th t hHlancc, Our i ndll~ l ry grew, l ime: in rorming the ge neral puhlic or
hi, H'o rk' /lOp ... he u'lI"qltllt' retld\' and \\c grc\\ c0ll1piacl:1l1 ... [nol noti c- the contract di... p lltt.: .... hob tcr-
III h,' fi,' II' thar 17 ~lm&.c: /l · f,IAmtJti- ing lthl.! ~norl11nu .... unorgt.l- ing "Yll1p.\lth. for ccrt3in ci l~
nIH hllmriHg mell {or !JeUt'r 1\ tI.l!.I'.\ ni7ed wort.. rorc:c tha t ' ... "rk er,. pcn,uildi ng union
!Ill.) lilt, !Jexitlll;lIg o( all (lTmt'd h 3:-' clIIl:r!!cu in uur I1lcmbcT'Ii. that thdr lcadcT"i
rr/'cllitm diN'lwd by tl'IIlH mltl mi d ;;;;!. fceding the.: lahor rue figlu il1g for thl.!l1l: oln d
l',.o"J..y.. " dernalld~ uf Ihe Upl:1l prccmpth el} \\ arnillg
I h l.:fl.' \\a..; a n1ao;;,ivt; cllmrlll~n ..,hop. exploiting the likely mayoral c:'lndl4
again\{ IraJL' unio nism lau ll chct.l auv(lnlagc of f.;Ub'HIIlUard dalc!' ... nm 10 ba~h the
Linder Ih ' pal riUlie hrtn llCr or Ih ~ .. rJ u.: \\ I.Ig... ~ ... 1I 1l iOIl~ in !'o~cking
Arncnc::w PkUl:' It would ~t!e 1l1 10 he ·1ho'it.' '<lI1IL' rorce~ thai p u h hc ,uPflort.
p<-tlriot ically m Oll v<lh.:d . hu t :I clo! tllrL'atr.: nn l uniuni"'l lrJ in the The IB FW ,, "d ilS
Inok Tl:\C'alcd ~ n l:vi l design 1\ ) .,tamp 1<)2(};'. had OI£.ain n..: an: d Ihei r lInlOn allies
0 11 1 u n ioni~lll - a ll d it illnw:-. I sue· 111 ['mlci n!,'. Ih:ads. ili ll IJorl.! ';ilienl ~ no \\ that it:-

l':ccucd. O r.gCJ Jl! zcd labo r Ima gro U!H.I BiII' r)' i:- kad ing a w hoh.: new imp rcs..,ivc fI!oo
<.; t cad i l ~ th rollghout til l: 1920:-. lo-;l ng. co ur"t..:-iI tlwI 1 ... tl'<l lcgy IC~l di n g tlh: ir hi ... lll ry
Ihe g:-t in:-, th ai had bt.:c n won d uri l1 g. to lI ni o n r~ n t.' w , .t , is, t h~y G ln -
thl..! \\':11' . ri le wc ar on-(l ll intc n ~i\'l: n o l owell Oil
J ri vc 01 1 bL'h alf o f u pe n ~h(lp~ . It IIle pas t. o r
Taking the Union Message hI.: com placen t
bCCHlIlC H 1'1111 io na l m O\'~ Ill CI H o n 'i.ucll
To thc Public in the fllture .
Pn. :si(k nt B urr~ in hi:-. progressive Un io n lcad cr-
o r gHlli71ng ,u't1lcgy h,l'., \owed 10 , hip h:I!oo uniq ue p lein=-. for IlIlIcliuning
'i1:lllnch l ~ deknd thi.: righ t" of t! iecIJ'I - 111 n very complex sysh:11l of change
cill \\'orkcr~ on uniun joh .... a:. \\cll <J'i ,lerO" the nation. T h..·y ~.lIlI\\ lhill the
IiIUII(; h ilig dll dgg. I..:" . . I\ ~ recruiting 1>}I ,m.: fire of misinformat iun :Inti
c.lrin= In ho l,tcr 11111 1)11 Illcmhc ro;;hip. nmio;;'ii(ln hllrn Inda~ in the form of
l ie urgt:u 1;'lhur ..'r, to uispl;J~ 111 .., ul"abli ng kgislali\"c mc;]\ur..-,
courage IIf their COII\iClion . . \\ hcn fac- were pa'~t:d in the 1..... 1 dCL:ildc. But
ing nonunion COl11pl:ll tor<.;. b~ m~c l ing Ihl"o i . . :1 new day. and Iher..: 1\ I"gh
them head -on ~'cn orgilnillng, them. Opl imi>;tn: and union k,HJcr' r~m(l i n
Anu lh~re I. . <I lie" lill·tiC' that Ne\' cUlllmillcd to kce.:pin}! AI1II:I jean pIJU-
York m u nicipal II nion:. ,IrC usi ng: pic the benc fi ciCl r ic~ or c>.;.u; l ing, uni on
advc rt io;;ing. Til t! Ne w ]"ork Tim e.\' !'I klll ". o n uniu n jobs, and cnj ymcnl in
re pon ed in il< April 21. 11)<)3. " M etro" a hL:1h. ·I \\iLYllf life. ,



Loco' I, St louis, Ihc lime thl~ .. rllde i\ rubli hed ...(1 101.111 be (}\.:r 8) ,,!tcnding thl:)e m~Cl­
MO, BnI. Bob Grey pk:.I.... Ll>fllok:llhc unlUCI lull. IiIIb .md C3!otlill!, Ihelr \OIC\. OUI mcm·
{centeri. W'ho We .. dc:umc Bus. A!~·nt Wilham bcrs ha\e I 10 make :I direct
mi~ following (alaifill. d ne~ addu Ion hi OUI I~ilm InpUlrn the local"~ deo.·,,"m ma".ng
38 yean. with Ik 1\ hllndllflll.lhc; ~17·A Agucmcnl. Al) Ihe winter ~Iu","h turncd til
Local 1. WO$ hon- tl\ ~cl1 d~ (·unlrllet ncgullalHln\ \\lIh "pring. our Yourl. rlelurc ","II'" ,,1"0
Ofecl ot a jobsite Iluron (" atlle TV lind Ihe tlty (Ie ehilll~ing.
\' e hope"'c !A,II hJH' a hel·
retiremenl ceremo' W)llno.ll1ll1: IeI' "umm(r AI, al .... o\") m Lncal 41. our
nyheld 0 1 the Von- Rc;prc'Cnlali\f'!~ horn OUf 1m:." unton 'pml rcmalll"S }ugh. We ,hant.. lhe
guord Plastio IlHc:nJ('u Ihl: Al"ril Ullht) onkn·ncc ()Iher loculs 111111 hll.\( ~~n able: to hdp
protect. He il 111 l~hlJCm'. 1\7 Io\hldl ~,I!o txi . cmd~ O!ur Iril\'l~lmg DrlIlhl'.r" and \ 1~lel~
joined by ~ I.word t'ICnchti,.1. As I \\·rote this anick. I could ~~c th ..
Do.. M<Key (leftl AI Ihe f"vn"\Iucl icln ant.! \1aintc· \no .... UNlppcannlt oUI~Ide I wl~h Io\C
and fOl'"eman Mark nlllll! onhHU'Cc held 111 A.p ri l In t,;oult.! sa)" tha: " d li i t for Ihe nOli unio n.
Wies.ehon lright). \\"l\hlll1/.lon, 1) C. mcm"'e", Irotn nut bUI Ihel d(ln'l Ju~t mel l tll... ay. Whi le
Il lell i mad e A IHe"t:nllll lon nn lIur t h e problcm~,."c Idce loda, arc nol
,\pplen l lce Tree Trimming. I'rogrllm. in~urmountllbl e. II willtakc a conce n-
rhe Ul1nUlIl OI(.l\II11CI"i r um \\<n~ held We IIhu 1I! ,"let! lllc OU1 ..ide ('ou,l/Uc· IIl1led clfurl lw all ilf ll ~ III I'l:gillll \\11111
MUNICIPAL Aprll 2, .U1(.1 1)111.:,' n~lIln Ihe h.l ll '" .I ~ lion bu~lrll:'~ mandgcn:' mecting for Ihe has hee n laken from us. R<: ml!mber
ELECTIONS fillet! to capac~IY. Our nc .... e~1 re:llrce~ I-uunh Sl~'h IiIld Pk\'en l ~ l} ... lr!ch at Ihll l ,dl l)llJ~ in Ihl' IH F W· the 1.0.
"ere hOllured fm their ycll ..... 01 tkt,ht,1 Ihe tllnfl,lrcI'H.;c. Ihl: 1111:111 unittn offica:n ;lnJ the ran\;.
I.. U. 1 ( i. t m . ~p a &rb) . sr. LOU I S. 111111 to 'l\orlo. dl.)nl! Ihe rI,:hl .... l1y. Ihe Or;trOIl l~dl~l1n 1\ In Inc mid 1 (If Itnd rHr:-are on Iha: ';lme )Lde In Ihl}
MO-Se\'clt1l 11r our mcml.'lef\ ran lor unum \\,1'0', Aflet llinnc r mt:mtll:r~ r('urg.lfllllnp: trC~ \'ru(tu re~. rhcrc IS cndea~t}r. We muSI I)rgilnllc With
ofhce la~ C.1ndidal~ .. for fire hOd t d .. , enJo~c:J ",ilLII)1 wllh old I ......~nth I1l1d co- lill uncelilllnt' dbout the direction cach of u \lrorking to.. ard the same
~chool bO:lrd~ 3nd council hip,,) in w\lrkc~. The: c~chan"l: 01 hntrnoln 10- Ihey ~ ililakt" rc~udlnl! CTC"" "pc" ,Ind ¥I)III. \'IC ""ill woceet.l
mUOIcipal Bnd local cleCIIOn\ hdd In "c:~ (!>flmc old. 'lime nc","} brnu~hl .. m.lnro" ,r Inr Ibe tUlurt'. Be uniled. be strong.
April. The innuencc or iUt,) lJhor cluh\ k..,. ~ood uu~lt\ Congllllull1l1ons 10 all C)ur locnl ne,(lilalcd I Ihrcc·\·cnr rcn:R \\ RKE. P.S
hll\mcrca~cd unton paruclpluion In the reluce<. for thell \('11 ....., memhc:", Jl:lrct'mcnl ~Itl\ lIurrun CommUnltd
~uch d«lK.ln!.. Th~ dub!, hd\C htlpW Illlht 1lJ1.\\ lion' OUt mc:m~r" there nQ~ rank
enhance Ihe of 1300r-oritn\· We ell:t('nd ('(1np.latul~lInn 10 lhc limon!: Ihc hlllbc\1 (l3ld C:lhle .. ",Lc\'\ EDUCATION IS
ell Hllrr;. 3.10 In Ihe nea.··,sll\ 01 makmlt mCKI recent I\LI!}' T grauu.lIc~ and hI !lllhe t 1I11c:d \ttlle~
ollr \O'CoC! he.J,d b~ ht)ldlllg ro~lllon .. Jerry B~mc (Ilr hi, ucdlenl in~lruc· 'utt·Hallon IHH\'" hL" ~en lI.""lrJed ESSENTIAL
on Ih~ ()Cctl~1! hodu.:!- \\ c rommcoo lmn r\ up (If the hard·hlt 10 Ih(' 'IU· hl uur Htmrncrctnll·oolraofll. '.lRd Ihe
our mcml:w:r; ... ho p.ullClpOilcd In Ihl\ dent .. and II:'Jthcn tit .. II the olhcr L.t.. 43 fi. rt.§& e ml . S YRA CUSE .
oolluoL "\llard lull emrlo)
ckctCllill p~ as a "'a~ of rcrn.~nl· Local I} cia , \ -1 he education I)f uur mernhrr-
rm.;nl on lhe h-I"? B\!;reeml.-nl
mt Ollr lntcreH\ \\c alo;.1 lh.UII.:: Ih~ \laLc plan!lo nov. lu I"'" ,"ur unllm 11\ jull hit 0lI Iht: ~I: ·LCTT A!rc.. · !r.tllP In re~Md 10 Ot~o1ni1ln! 3nd Yiling
Brother, and :'>Icr\ .. htl [tA\c lhelr .., the 01l::a,0 uoor D.) rafilde ..nd I, f .. wnua) iot ('ur "ul'I\'ul 8u... \ litT
menl. y,lIh IIrrt"'(lrntcl~ 7(10 tree: tnm·
lime and eflorl In a''',\1 ,n thc"oC: at the uol ~ rl~'t11e. ilI,llh lIf Y, hl..:h "'" III Jern Cumer .md l'rh. UIII 10", .. lc\
lftef' elllr~,~cd nn b.b!.C>n rr~11~
cndcol\or.- lJJ.t "I,Ie.! In x!",lemhc.r. Thuml\ ('oopt'rlllhc I tunnlnl
hl\~ pla«d II hif!h rrionl)- on Ihis cdu-
,.\~ mC-,,1 m..:mlx-n. ure l\\.m:. Ihl! \1 t.dIKmalrr~..
c ~(lU 11, 1 Ihe mllnlhl~ mc-elm!:" 'tTII"Nllhl)·llIld rnlhiem rrec.
LoUI" Chapter o( to. LC A c\crcl!>c;d lb l.~d l 17', IIKllh ~nnher!o.Jr~ lilho-
AI this writing. ~boUI one-half of our
JOI I.... I' (n.... ROY P J, membe.... ha\'c romplclcd Ih... CO\I I:. r
contraclual nghl 10 Implcmem the 40· Il-rnp"" nrc \1111 'l\\IIIf~hlt' [II Ihe hAil (lir
hour ",cd;. hil~ed on Ihe hlrlll'l h.11l $1U; $14 by 1\1i111 "i lhlll Iht: ll.S.. ,Ind "::OUISt. T11I~ cour.. c emrhll~i/c~ Ihl:
numheu aHilatll~ dunn~ the ~c\cnlll net'd /(Ir organl7lng. 0 Ihllt Q large
l14 y,(1 h~ mall 40 Cnnlld9.
weeL or the "'{lrl ~h!lr1ng PC-lloJ 1\1, or nlilJunly of dcclnci;III' 111 our Mea will
f\p lI l .:!f1. we ha\·c emhMketl nn Ihe
RUBBER GLOVE RonrRl J '\100l1'' R \1 I \ he \\orking under Ih~ I BEW hanner
enhanced \\,ork\\,cd: ~chi!dulc ,\S pa TESTING PROJECT One..: I h l~ ... 1lc(''Qmpl l~hed ..... \~ will c~m­
l'tlllll,IClulIl Iw l l he \\ourk ,\ [Icr \\c cunt r n l l hc
We .Ire loaddellcd 10 rcrUlI Ihe rJ~· t. , 17 ((), u.lell~tcllI' ) . DET ICOI r. UNION SPIRIT 'll.orl . \lur aims and g.oJls will be much
In!! 01 OU I rollowJng memN:r.-: Roy • '\11 - 1 ocal17 Ilnutlunet:\ nllr m\'l)h·c· cu"c:r In illtalll
M,lcy. l~ugel1i! M Su lhclhn Buell J nll:nl in 1\ rtJl1hcr ~'.lOI,:C le,! i ll~ l,rojcl;l IS HIGH In Ihe nC'dr fu ture. the I Ienr)' Milicr
","orman. Gro\cr c. Ds\<;dson. Leland w\ l h an c:,wbHshcd ~·ulrnri!.' l tin In l'iIUrM;wlllllCglll. rhrs COUIS!,' lcacbi:s
J.I. \lo,)re. Alia E::. June\. hlhcr A ]1clro,)ll 1-0' 11fI1I\' ml(lfmallOn nn 11:\1 I.. ,4 1Ii.~ i!.t' ~.C III &. "'IHi ). n UFFf\LO. Ihe \lllue uf s;.lting, Of 111:1(1118 Uil ion
inA: rubhel ~Ilwes Ihri.ll1ll.h uut local. ~\ -(.irccIITl II.'. Brt1lhc~ {lnd 1~lo.;r\T people in ctl.rcrld l.~ :!Iclccted nonunion
Smith . WiIlian\ Brewer Jr., Jack r
Bamc~. CI'lh!Utt S Du~~mjl. Arlhur S L'UlllrlClthc IInwn nlflCl' II 1111... hl:l:l1 '.moe 11Il1L' \1IH.:1: .... c 111~1 hod ,>h(l.J1~ rhl~ tllctle." .. LIIIllllr In Ihe ml!lh·
Merk olnd \1ohk Bart) OUI 'i~ mTMUI\ Our ~ork pu.:ttJfl.; ~ILIl IU(Jb ¥IJOJ hIT an aukle In Ih.. jllJlmul !\} Iht ne'o\ ud\ cmployed b)- Oro. \ !il llr in Ihe
~i'll..'" nut It) Inc., lamlhe~ Il1urn~~mllll Ilnclllen \NIUI \7f1 C\)Il' plc;..... \I.'('! for 1111:.11 J I. t prolllll'o(' cllrI )". rormll l lH~ ~'ear" ol lhe IHEW
Ird..:1 crt .... ~ ;lrc ..,.·urklng ,"I r 1.11 .....111 I"III{t- hlU ~111 hear mOfe Irom us lIi~ ~ut,e~, I~ wdl kno,."n 10 JnHIIIC
RORfRTl-r;, .... [1\
cr l ~ J (If Ihl~ Io\nll"8 hUllh.:tl! ha\e
bo.:~n nil (all" IUf an\ ne~ Iderrah
Ih Ihe ImIL' Ih" 1I01("Ie ., puhlhhe:d.
nomlna l l(tn~ of nfricefS (held in \lav)
f,lml lut wuh Ihe hNO~' (I'
the 1BE \\'
\\e tongfdlu)ah: Ihe: mcm~rs \\ho
Iln""c:\·C'r. Ihin" m.t~ hoi\" .. changed t>~ .InIJ '..,(tli unlun rI(C-II(m~ (held In Junl!) ha\(' ahead~ participated in Ihis
rWI:C'!>.", and .... c UI~e C\Cl)I"IIIC ttl ron·
PICNIC IN Lowl 11, Detrofl, IInu(' to laLc ad\·.:mtll~e orlhc;~ nppor-
SEPTEMBER MI, Fonner Bv~. Iunllll,..". Thc rc\UII of Ihllo edUClIlI(ln
Mgt. dyd. "" III be 3 Ullifu:d. '1lOng .1nd 1'1-1:11·
L U. 'I (O, U.("IU,.& ,-O\l ). CIIIl'"\(;O, "'Rocky'" Benning· t~"'pt,(,lcllIOClI unl\ln
l L-Oul local 'o\asrl..:a~d t~, "J'lUfI'1Or II ton (now nmred DIU l1'F.\'<1IH"K P
floal and maH'her~ fur the C"hi(,·fl1/.0 and r••iding in
Soulh~jdl: ~1. Patn,"~~ Dol) pAIJJc ,m J ben) re«tn.S a
\I.neh IJ .\hOUI 200 mcmhcr, .lnd
Iheir f~tnlh .... Ill()l. r.ut in Ihe: I\! .. II\ L·
onmverWJrY jQ("-et
II ....... Our !!TOUr 10\0" caS)' In ~JlIII a~ Iht'\ pteseflted by local RETIRES
m3n:h"J d..... n WOi!'~h:m r\\eIlUt: Yoe:,11 66, Houston, U ,
Ing Ihelr I ,(lcal II ~reell ~h:lrnTild hili' Sus. Mgr. Greg IMU. 51 (11.II,l,n1I\ .nll8. k lll. SI'it"'G-
lip of Ihl: lm:,,1 ~ h'IrIJ·hdl hi Ihe lucero, Dering on H ELO. Il--Gleon O k.Jnt.: "'un I hlc
urg.UltIc,," IImllhc Hllum!!c,," fm II jllh behalf 011.0<01 11. tim lie nc\cr ""~I ' ~u(ld ILL Idang a
well·donc '(lmplimcnl I k jU~1 Jid his lOO.lS /J~)IS-


tant\ munll}lcr \)I,;ClIU'-= 11 \.\Ii"! (0 on C inelll n,l \! (i rl ~ ti n!.! Hctlli c 11I11nIlY I .101: ~\\Im t.lll·O April 15) Hm III "Ilen III OelHlll'r PNI, Ihl! mll ll .... ,11
Ihe n&hl 11111111 Itl do l pwrcrl)' Hppf()\~d 11 [ ~n,~o;f1 f )):u;k .. ~e \ 'IIiIOr \\~ ,lllfj\1ng ful'Cl! in o fgallllillg PfI)\'lucd.1 nlu~h'lll:~'lkJ .. I.lfl \n U(I\\II '
il L! hdl)";.! Ill, Il ll l!}n UriJlhc l \ ,11111 Incrt:J,.. III • 'Ii pelcenl III
\\.111 .1 W'-lge Ihe PUge l P' \WCI Ren lun ere .... '_ B ro HI..... n ("tOO1nll!fl', n:'>lll1l1fUIH1n dtnrt.
Shl(," ohlllin ".re \\Olkl[l~ ,,,"dlthHI'. O:II~h Yl!ar Thl' n;purl lr'I!l"Ill": rn" ',Itlll 1.11111. hclp ... d the lecl'lIll
lait p,n ,H\I.I c'IUHllhk nl;.ndlh )U~I "d~ fl'UUCo.:U rwm hlUr hlill " hI Ihr..:c .:iiUl'" ~I fi(lnf(lrd mlo Loca l 71 dunn~
... 1 ...... tlllB.\KElIJ JI( 1-' ''
..., tHlltln llrrKt,lh 1.111.1 lur him ",hcn he h()u r). Bros. Richuu DumrCll .inJ 1)1\t: uf hi:. "C\..:r,1/ !..:n llU..... ,I, J hu~lIIc.;.
,lulled OIll,l rUcl lm\ .... ,)d.. )n IllS?, Eldred ;"Ime~kcrn lhJ un ~:'(t'dkn! JU~ reprcltCnlnll"C, \... ~ will mi~~ 1Io1 h I h~ CONTRACT
, ' llhuu~h OIO:lln 1IIIItl;,lll\ rll ll r-=d nn Iht! l'oeg(1 l \alln~ (,"nmlllt!C! IIIIC 8wlher . . Our nmtlnlolnct:"!loU OUI
Md~ S. hi' \lrck.... d rom ,m hc h,IJf or Sc"crnl canlract). remain \0 he nql.n· hllho.:lr Inmllic\. NEGOTIATIONS
IhC' umnn \\111 l,;unl i1\u<; JII~I ""1II I ho.: IIJh:d 10 19')3 \'I!,lt"tlillwn .. lin Ihe I Rt:II1.:mhI:T III ~ a pall of the local
pa~1. Gleo.ln " Ill ,"11 ~ i.lround In ~hilrc f)1}.. A OU I ~ldL Ulilll) A9n.:cm~n(!'. \10111 uIltolll.unlly l"lenn: Vii f\ U",u...1 21 In Cit L. U. 1\:11 1I,O&Ic-II ). sa-. "nlL WA -
tw, \a~ c~f'CIH:nl't: \\'llh th(I'>C \\ho n.. L l·lImm..:nce bl ..:Mh \urnm ... r \1 I lum ........1: \jIU Ihen: 1 C; I I- ~ \\' cn" I r-J lu., hcell '>en
forhdf'. W('\III ·TV f.ur rroJuccNhw.:lur cl'n· ,ICU\>:thl.: I.l'l fe~ mllmh., rhc ..IIiUr.i·
HII HI'\ (,\RlE- R!!. n\ "fll:r.:d '1I1uthl!f I nhiln~"J Lui)
A l ter Jmnjt. rorl~IIUdl'lf\ \\IlrL 1m \1'1( Irac! ncg,,"all~III" .... 111 hegln h~ 1II I e
~cllr'\.. GiI.un IUlnl.:d Cenlr.d JIIirtul_ \umllll!T. and lht,; .\\f'lulldll I r.. c RcllrCl1lenl !',H'L,II!": (I.I-R I' \, '111
ll~ht Cil In !'eurilt II" II JUUT"e)m,ln Clnclnnall Hell ('(lnlracl "llIn('len h~ .... hlo.:h <;1~ ..:mrhl)~l" \IoeiC eligit1lc,
iltlcn'lJn Kecu~nl/lll': til" Ul1ll.ju~' 1.11· I.!lf. I h,.ll I1Idutkl Ihl' t:,l,io.:m poll I III \\ ,!'h·
otnl\, union Ilmo;.I", lI\kcd him I~I 'lCT'C Congralulillion .. 10 Ihc hllllllloln~ DOWNTOWN lugltln 'laic "IIIh!(h I' afflilaled I'ollh II!.:
('" \ Ih ... ~'rnnllllh:nl I'~'fllJd \\..1 ..
,I . . .,1"1,10101 hU"Ini:" m.lnil~l·r In IIHIIl nl:\\ JuumC'~man tmt:mt:n lin IhCII "Ii\; MALL PROJECT Af\ul Ito III Mol' 14 \\llh Ih.. I.. ~I d.1\
.\rl~r anlllh~'r thrn·)c.u ..tllli \hlfLmlo! t:1!., .. ful cumrleli.1II nl th": \ II'~'I1~',1II
"nrl,t'U \I." ~Ilo I'JtI~ 1.1'1; md In\\...1
cnn"'lrU('II(1n. (;Ien" r~lurned 1(1 Ih\, Lin..: DUlld..:r' '\rpr..:nllc~· I rUlnllljt I~ , " I (i l .. eu " .....0;\ . P,\ -Shll .... ·
.I":.,,I.i"1 hu"ne"" malla~cl'" 1'1,,1 111 I \IBA n I'r<J~I.1m \II~I! ftl!!,hmdn. !fir 11\ 'Irun!! o.:lI!UlIlIlmcni In (\mlmum ment I JU(.lIU'n \enml." .. 1'00.: ...: ullert"u
thr"u~1I Ih .. UfIIll{1 fnt Inl'"fo.:'>1o.:d mem ..
1'111. IIoherc he rc:milln .. d untIl hl'-" "3ul Morgan. B~rnlo.: \~ ilia" Itld 1, inHlt\..:mcnt. I OC'oIl sl onc ... .123,"
(ilc"n d(1c~n'l 'o\-lln)' ,Ih(lut (h.t1f1k
", IIPICr. Jt."'-.e Orno~ .. Jr ">11,,\\11 ('1)\1
10Yl. J am.:" D ilnid~. JIm TI~·\\'~. \likl,;
I;JnL rMI In '.;uamun·, dnnllaf \1
1'.Itrlt"'·lI DoH Pdl.lF,!t; '''" Ih.m'" OUI """ Du., \IIt' \.Ind\ 'I~holl' ~nu Ih ..
H:ug.JlI1ln, (umml1lee 411~n\J"tl ,I
i)grccm~ .... llh 111m Ik'IL.. III~ nlllll.1, f\'an.~ iJnd Jllhn i\h[C'hcll lIIl'mtwl'''. Ih..:u humhc!o and In.: c(m·
h.."Cau~ h..: 011"4),' h,I" Ihl.' ~'I I1lIl,;f\:,>1 lI'ILIII.... y,hu P;!r1ICIJ1i.Iled mlhe (I'-lr2UC \\In'\\", n.U~,IIIII1II' fr.IIII"'~ \c~
\\ \IJ.' ~In .. u ,_ It " 'loin ,m \ larc:1I 4-~. 'l"h:r 'Icholl~
of Ihe' unum 1I;:lIrl. It I' Ih.1\ 'PITH
III A "ftCau l lhilnk~ &(X'~ to Ihl!' par-uk CI.I-
~hich nUT unIOn Orlllh;:" ,lfi u "1,11.'1\ dlalnm'lI (jIllU "rcutll:. Jim Igol' illld lo.:lllIllt:J Ihal III~' I,,"mnl! \\,h pll"I!I\C
and hcndl~'lul
","IJllm~"lh..: mmL li!\ m\1I hke Oleon SPOKANE OFFICE Hilt'! K~"Il!Un· fur Ii .... dl-donc.
\\ til Ih" "Hllm)! "C "ere '" nC!:I~U'
I)'Kiln;: Willll'll;IKl' Ih .... unum \\ h ;11 II h OUlufill'Cr.. ,ifill nIo:mj\ef"', al",", th.loL
Io.Ja) C'ongrululllllfln.. , Uro O'Kilnl!, REMODELED lht: I 1'1.,11 l, "ll" VI> I )..;" Y Sword uf 01 111\11, ~llh tiTI ~\\ CO II I "It:gll'

We th,U1L \j 'U On heh;dl III all I.ocal IIj!hl Bilp-plpc Bund for lakmg. tIme '10\ IIOI\lnn\ hl,;l!-llf1 \ pnl'" !In' (j 1['\1\\
51 IIIlllll ·":IIO. "'- "'1~lj \lIU .1I 1J [\/111111,; 1..0. 17 IIl .u,IIIC.lrtt&lI. SF.ArrU.. ,,1 Ih~1t hu." ..... hed u lc.. 10 Illolfeh \\t th wnlTar.:\ nru\'d \ 111\ :11, ,!!Iu til..: ('ON,
!!<I(lU heJ llh li nd h\l rpl n ~ .. \ I!I ynur W.-\ -LIll'al 77 Jelo.'g:l1o.:, lI,uhol!(illl
LI\ 111 till! pJrllU<: Thc~ look IIvuor"' for n I l'Ilnltlk;1 c\plrc\ ,,=pl I {'1cg.(llia·
rl.:llI CI11Cm \l.:llr, WeIlJ!chcl!. \V A O il Ar"l 17 {ttl (1111 f\h ... t OUI\l ftndm~ Pcrfurmancl:.~ IUIn" rc-\ult, \\1:1,' nlll <J\'II!llIhtc III pro.:"
Rcml,;lI1 h l'r hI ;tt\t:lld Ineul Untlln Sp rln~ Unit C(mkn:nC'I!, Thi~ '1:11111'"' IImo.:.I ~In~'r: ( d I h'l~ mC l gr: li IIlI h
n lc DO\\/l l\'\I(11 MlIl1 Prujt:<:1 h unJ..:1
nl!:cl i l1!=-~ I hClII\ \\)ll'TC' IllI li !'Il:RIII<;
nU1l 1 ml!el1ng uffnHh omkTce' ,in y,;w ( j If ~ 1I1)) I'kel tlr-il l I nn'ir lU"'
CON'I I I ,III~' [ \\(1 ugtccmcnt.. " 1IIul'>(l
(I\cnic\\ of .... (H ~ inS cI,nu I IHllh , 11,111. Jen} ("m ill! J;lccl!1C. fh:g'HI fkc· 11,,; IIH.:r!:cJ. ,\ C 1II\ll1l1l,:d il O~·!.!tlhuht.I11~'
UO\H' I{ I KI\ AHA. 1'.S c !Il !'I\l~ melli , allU Milk iICI I\'I1~ 1mi'm:!. UI'U;lt~ ml:,,'n!l~' hne Inr {lU I rne lll llo.:n
lric. Hnd Ltlw in L. Ik im Co;). :trt:
IIIg .m:;1 tM rg,l lIIllI)! 111111 , 111 W....IIII1).:11 1I1 III c;l ll ,tutll1[! 1ll')!l1 l llI IHlI1\ n 1C H.II
\\'nrk l n~ Olt dllfc l .:n l rh a<'c~ of IItI! $1111
~ l alC lind Nun h..:rn ldu hll, !l;l inIl1.!l Corml1l ll ~'( h~ .. \lnrLc t! VC T ~
millll)1I prolcel.
Al Ihe l lml ('(I(llelt:llcc 1o,IIHI'"':!, 11 ",,1fUI II'
('n ll ,l nl el !!) 11 hlll ~hn!! i=- h"iu!! 11m.
Kurt Sllth:v from Blonton Rb \ \!oJ~ r.:c Yl d ~d 11)'.1 6IJ mll lill n loan 1Tt1 11l till':
Wmk I~ , 1\1\\ III Oul"\lk Cn ll ~II I1 C·
ogmtl!ll f(;,
hI'. hcnllc ct l llrt III 'UVIllj.l
NU1111nul i 1 ~'C1rIC'1I1 B~m; l l l Fund. wlndl ' 1<111. ,1111.1 Ihe ()lIl h )\lk 1~ 1U1 1h.. l ltcnJ](I
th e li r~ u f ;1 1I11t 11 1O.'lm \\.I~ 11;\lil'cd II I ,I h,,, c.."cn ll ,tlt~ guur,tn lt:l.:d It 10 he II 1i~ 1
wlll muc Bt' .. )( ":(1 f\ l'erllI LlII~
hu rlll ll il. )lOllW, pc rcerll lIn [nn projecl. Th .: long'lcrm wnl mlllll!! ii I, IlfP-ll nt / illr.l'! fl lrh
r he -Spobn~ "I Hce hil., h!.:e!1 !cm' )ll 11I1.HICIlIg I' ht!i l1~ rnJ \l tlc d II: Ihc Puh· II I" HIII't:latl\l' IhLII \\l' '1.1~
ck d. ·Ill/IM).:' 11.1 our meml1.:p, :'Illtl ~I JH h~' Seh,II)1 Lmplll~":c... Retirc rn..:n t \,.
ill l(,rmcd. e'('lCClil ll ~ tlll\\' (h ... 1 \() mudl
In ~Jl(lkal1e fn r !lIUllng Ill' \\ l lh Ihl! dLl'1 tell1 I" IIIIPr'I.·IIIIIl\ I' lcl\\t' u tl ~1Il.1 vmlf 11I~';a1
and Ji:.r u pljo n ~ rill! 111.111 \11 11 hnU,c 75 ~pt:-cI311' !l11i1 m~I,;IIr1I:~ .unl ~1It1" Hlur lI ~ h h
On tile cll1plo~mcn! fmol. \I.": cll,,""C1 ,I(lrc'. " .. h U" .(I .... ' lind MontJ,!llmlO!'1 undcr \OUf 1;"11 ((itllil C"r1!roo,
III b" ,hlHl "h 3 nUt!U Lh l ..... 1J 1Il 1llt,'r. hll [ \\ .lnl a .. Ihl' ~nchnr . . ILl rc~. Scheduled I \\ It,\ ... 1"\111.... .,. t't;
call ah..:ad I;>I.:fOfc coming
'l'\crnl harg.allllllg UlIII'> Me 111 II<:!:"
Illulnns. LIX'31 ii [S pUlling Inl\) ('r,lc,
(ICt: IIII('U."'! hd'oCU h,tr!!-~lIntn~:' ",hll,;h
Locol 51 , Springfield , Il. 811s. Mgr. John
Srownirtg frig ht) pn!sen" 0 plaque 10
fuJio\\ .. Iht: CI)f~CI:PI IIf lI1ulUJI F.Ji,h
former AU I. BU1-. Mgt. G*m O' Ko~ i'lllrgmnm!t.
\ 1 J '.emm;u 'f'll1NITt:d hy 11)1,;.,1 17.
fleill. who has fl!tirc:d.
0 1 lkroard [-laht,;r1y Ifnm ("nrnell
lll1WI~11\ d l 'o(U~MlU thc~ h.II)!.III1I11~
C()nC"pl~,We hau il guCIIJ (urnUUI hlt
Ihe ~mmal, .... llh 11)(,11 Ullltm hu~,"o.:',
CONTRACT tI:rr~nlalll'~' .illd rl!pr':~l:ntHme' Ilr
AGREEMENTS mani-lgcm.:nl In allcnJ.\I)Cc
\\ e MC -o,;lutknet.! In rCJ1'1111l11,; JC41h.,
L. . 71 ( tI.flh~tlrll l. tOI.l 'III U~ . 011 .... " m~·mt-...:'"' \\,1\1.) \\I,;f, "'lfll"'- ,up·
01l -Grr:<eltn~' Our I'leal ha .. ~cn pmh: .... ullal1.-1r. \\ C I,:nultl .11 .... .a~ .. cuunl
111\ nt\ ...-d In (tlllll,ltI nC!lllll.11IHn .. on I \Iajor (.... hl) di..:.J \ tllKh !.'I dnd
Our oo"')cd1 Uc\'CIBnu OUhldC' locol 89, Seattle, WA. 8argoining Com-
fllmml:lI:IJI\glt:el1lclll calh lilT a .1_5 loc 01 77. Secl· milfN: member,., from l~I . bock row!
p!;rccnl .... J~..: tn.:rca"C :'l"=ooll Ih,tnt., 11II:, WA. 8ro. ~o4r Nicholls, John EIlIon, RK.k .kxk·
III D;no: 'i1l1:rnL 'Inu l ,~..:l / llCl'tll d "hll Kurt Sialey, W)Il . Sob 6fDWnri99 and Gorge

..... no.:J tIIllhe Cutllnull1;c cenlm. Iwith Schaonoycr; front fOW, Borb Hougen •
T'h\' C'llumhu~ {"nmmeI'C1Il1 pachgc his wife, lynn Ingolll ond Gerry Nagel.
I~ II 1\\1\ \.:111 u~ro.: ... melll willi II -I Pl'l Wandn, IDflk'
L~nl "'U~t,; men.:."e 11\1.: (lot ,'c,u .m.!:1 i~o nl
Clln\I'f',;"n (.f lhl: 1)1\"ld I ~n 1-'~!NI)n re<eiyes the
10 a I" r. .:rc~nl conmt'ullon Ilh'n. \\111 IBEW lif.~oy· BRO. BERTKE
Iw:! J Ilt::rcent I'.-a~c UlUl'a~ III Ihl' ,ceo ing Award
ond )'.::ar ilnd an lhJdll1l'n.l 1 pLTC'I:n1 prt~enled by AnENDS NREC.A
IIIcrClhe' !II PCf1'1Il1l U m., \ lIke ~ !1!11' Rec. Set . MEETING
mll n und Kcnn~ U nu<,c) diu II ~u pt'tb lI:euben Goble .
1('" 111 n l'!:.O!lIll m n., I..l t. 1 t I III.U.C liI.III I., ptl.rlh&h'III .
In t:,lI ly Mu~ (lu r m~'mber~ llFN\'I' 1( . I'O-A I Ihe In... i! "'lnn or
c m plll\'~ J h y Ihplundh rrct: I ""pCI! UI1IIt'l.1 P{t.... d I' rl,;~ J~m 1I1)~J and Gen·


lcx:ol 111 . DrrIInt'CIf, I...·" d",II'1.:III:,,",.1l ....11.:'1\ h..,.uJ, 1I11hL 1... IIILd '...:nlkll1.111 \dm I..:IIIIIIL dc~'I"
CO, member Mike ~('r~rldL\: .\ rh~ clJ'" mdd.. '1"\1I)U.~. (,I' cnu ullh...: hllu'>C II1Io!.:'Ifh.:r
Bertlr:e Icentetl ..... 1: tun lilt. II I,lL., .... IIL'I\ lur ~ranh.·l1 I ,lhur 1).1\ (l1l·1).n.lllln" IlIl'
otteoded the NRECA \\ L' .... "II 1.111 !lHi' ,Ill -II l'do'l hJPrcn ~.I' h" Ihl n'J.;tltJUun .II Ih. \1.1.!1'>lIn
gnnuol meeting in Iu III,,· JIIIIUd,' ano.! Ihero.:h\ ",I>. 1,\11,'1 h'nlrlc \\.: ".1111 hl m:rl...: Ihl'
00110$. I X, ot tho 1111"/1 Ib",ugh '"lh rf,lCtl~c' .1' Ifi. hl,·~\.:'1 ,lilt.! hnl .. dct'lr.ltlun ~...:I
inyiklrion of United '1.llhjlll.~ "n Ih...: WI" (lin!! u( J I.lJJLf Ilr \\ 1111 I Ill' n~" "dnllll"tr<lllun III lire
Power PI I!'~ . JU" I,HIt,,): III I\Cllf lIur h,lrll hal' an,! \ltlcl\ Whll.. 11\'u,~, 1",II.'fllllJ 1 \1~"r \h •• u!d
Boyd fleft) ond Un il- .c.1.1~-"':'>. 1,1,;1·' hc mll{L ,I\\ ,lro.: 01 ,IUr'Uf' 1J111h: fur .1 1.'l'll·hr.(' lIlfl "lc'l~l' I'lan III
ed Power Genera! ruu I H.lm~s rtllli mA ke Ih": 1ll .1\ '>.1(,' ;,\ ,Ilt':fld 1he 1...:'lhtli~'>1Il your lI r~.1 IU
Mgf, 001'0 OuMuli !,1 1~'iltlc. "lay ,,!crt' \ho\\ '>Illr~fM l t"
Irightl, 1 he UX' a l I i;'i Commu ni I.. S~'mccs Willi I h ~' I~-C~I" I ;lltll 1\1.! hcndt l
('U1111111I1l'l' wil l h!.' hLJ~\ jI~:IlI; th ... ~UIII ct1llll'lc lei.\, I ",mId Ilk Iii rCllllc,I IlwI
IliCI 11 ~"U !",\IL \olun l cer ~'iIU I II 111 l' In l W 11l':lllhu~ I,l l..>: ,I Itlllk ,I I \\11.11\
,md 1:I1cnt Inl' (!I~~ Thing' Ihc-.c me/U I!Hlnj! \111 111 Ih~ liltlllllll! In\lI''''\ ,\
"n~' ,I
":Till \ IID' I )11\'e DUlln.:!I,1 ol.:.rl 11 rnem GlrJ ' 1:. . ~I'af't.'1 Itrl ldc' dd;IIh.:J liwu
I'CI' drl rcilct:l 1.I\"r,lhh 1111 ,II] UIiUlfh
,\lid llUf'I II' parlk:uIJf.
\!I1.r1l .1'111.1111111 ("II/Jlt.! hd"
I<lrm 'intI! \\ "CIIII~rn I~ ~uch 1I rarm
he, \Moe IIcrlh (I'nil 17.1\) .• Itr.:.I\J~J pel"" h:mnu.: Jl!:din,1 hllfnrk; '{lndltl""~
\\-.: 'hlill I.:'cl·nl ll'IHl'C' j)\'\Ii!hl '>t.lle II \\uuld h .. lilt.: In hdfl I,ut
Ihc ~,lllOnal KUnll1 kc111f ('11I'\f1l.'rili\o,; II' nmrnl<.llll JnJ r......!tlTc ,,,,,wer 111 111,11\1 Rcm...:mh~,t III he .,n .11;1I\·c \l1l1nn
Dllrlc1 Jt.•In,1 RllhcJ1 l'cl...:I' I,.r 111\.1'
In O.ill,l~
iNRI C'l\l.rnntwl
r\ Fdl 14,1"
meclJn~ l\.'J!ltll1<;
SU~, lK:Cm.~
\If Hdrrulnl (tlUIII\
ill h.uki 1m "ur IIrg;t- Yc;tl' III -..:n I(C III nur I.oeal ;I1lJ (lUI ".j" .. ,,'1I/1l 1I1111u'>l d tlnlirn tIIf'lIIltf'r
U.:,r "I,hl-..I",.II
t:nmmulllh Cnngr.. lul,,!lrIm Br'l1lh~"
Hru Hl:rlke .k..cnl1l:d Ihl: mc~lrnlt nr7tn2. ('''l11l11ll1ee :r" IlIe "llIla ,,' IJ J
I nll\\· )11111 'crlfo:m~nl
hdll .11 Ihl: 1 ,III." un\l:nlhtn C cnter fk-..:tnc bJ\ agr"et./ rn rnnuI'k lu "11"
l\ mll)rmlllt\'c. nJucalHlmrl .. nd hili \1 ~Iur cl!lkcl"(! har~lllml1!lllI:t. I Ct,:nh.'n l
the ( icnl:ral '-:"1011 IlIcc llllj./. 111'1"10111: Th ... 'lgnmg ",ll (UIIllHItIIL' U\l!r 1\\\1
Picro,ed is a
'pccc he, \.\I;rc mild!! b~' R..:p. \\ J . y.. :rf" of ha rJ work lin d 11.:g(l[IOIII,)II'. view 0150m.
Bdl~ f ,l u/ur III LA) li nd Bllh Bl'rg- W e e ~h; nJ .111T eollll(llellt~e' III 1I1l: of rhe conduil
1.lluL gc n.: r;rllI1,lII iII}Cr of NRI CA. I:l!lrlly u l Charl..:\ I IV i ll~"I "'t . who in$lot1od 01
Unth ~f'lelike,~ Ilrlk.:d FlbflUI Ihe n ,le pll',elf away. ('h nrk , " ':l\ lf1i1i l ll ~l.f Int .) tho Alcoa
rur,lll'ieclm: nll'I'lCratl\l" 11iI\'': [11'I \ c ll lIur hlC:r1 in 1')41-: ,I1I1J 1.:IIII!LlIII 1I!10 Plont in 8et-
JrrJ t'lInlinUL W play In l\mcrieU. fh~' Itlndorf. lA,
I IlM(n"IW; I'''' by Lxol 145,
l{ullil l-Ie,l l1c I \fl~' k.HUTCd 1111 Ihl!'
1,llc,t In IIl.t(lI.:fh''', IU,t" .1111.1 equtp 1I:0(1r: IdaM,
mcnl While In Dall .... , 0111. B e n~ (' Il,. membet1
tuulcd ... Wnll"lll\ !:.tlled lnler I urhlm.: working for
Thl: C()ffiJ'Jn\ had h..:cn l1n Ih~ HIgc 1.)1 Koehl«
rm of Doven-
r:urnl! under \.\ hen m.mll~e:mcnl an.-.l
clllrlu~cc, C.lmc toltl:1ht:r In Iurn II port, lA,
.. wum.!.11~.l' lfUlh: Impl~"\I\('
Wl: Ihurll Jrm n' )hl. Ihe 11.',1 1111h...:
buard .tIld 0,,\,( DUIlII...:!1 fUI lO\hin,ll!
Our ~\lmpillhy ~uo,;, our lothc fafllll)
Rm Hcrtkc!1> .lllenu the rn.:chng. We
<lnd I rtt'nd\ flf (ttll rcel,.' lI th dcc~(lo.,c.1
,i!\tJ llJ'lprc,,"wt...: lhcJr Cllm mllme nl 10
wm l>. wah hK'11i I II fpr (lu r (mumllll lIIemhcI, i)C;1II "'-elle!. ELECTION
/JUY and huJld Amcriciln. and ,llv.a\·,
gil a" .. er\'I1.:~ til Ih~ cUlhunh:1 ,t nd
good hlhor rdll\llill',
hlllk inr I h l l~l! union 11Iho.:l,1 ' JAChSO~\ 11.1 .10:.171.-
1.. 1). 177 II)"
Fhll BcIIl-1.: I" ,t wllr~utJ! (Uft!IIMI1 JIll" 1'01 'l, I AlII. 1':<, InJlhsh [/ceil ic (,I' heC:lfIl': !h~ 1;'lh
dntl ha~ h",:clI rrnplo~cu .It unll,,"d eIL'L'lIll'"ll,onl11Il'lilI tn '>I ~!I ,I CIl!lIl!lCI
PI'".:r I~l' 1(, I ~ \'1:011" 111;" I h~ ehlllt - 111111 I ill.,11 177 In lh~ 1",1 ') 112 "I!ar~.
m.ln Hf t UtI I1A .tnd "4:1'\t:~ (In It num· \\ t: nm~ h,I\C ':' 'l!ln.IIeI" .. £1nlr;tWr,
110 of IltClII unllm ((lmmlll~c', WORK LOOKS In lotll IUlI..Jlllilln
InLiudlnll Iht' '~'Ii!Ull,Uln~ lllll1l1lllh:e LIJeaI Uhllm mUllkn. 'illied I ngli\h
and th~ I'H:1IIe ('lImmntcc
Memben of locoI 141 , Wheeling. WV, GOOD I !l!tHIt' ..... h'lc Ihoe 1i1('1I111nll1n hJl"f.i
01 the Burger Power Sfotion, "hown
\\IlIt. ',111."1\ ,Jnr.! <lUcur.! \'lUll IUlIi
from left: Mike Tolpo. John CI(lrh. , IS'J (I). M \ IW"O,\ . \\1-F\Ln·- IInlluf I.lhlll Ilrol(II(l: dl'II~C~ .. ~.lm~1
n~\.lIng" Ihlllg I'> !/tnng prl.:lh .... ell hc'~ III thc the Cl>mp,ln'l \\hcno,;\1:1 II Jt:nlcJ 'h
Lorry Neidert ond Pul McDe-rmoft.
10111',10 .... \1 .. , " \ \ Indh(ln Ml:iI. <n't: wm~ ~Iluil1,on 1'.... lk\ cmflln>co;:~Ihe IIplll III Uf\tiiOi/e \11
1t( lI ld 1m lit.: ,urnrner A CIlU llle III d"tl u1l1 "tI'
held, ,'lId 1111 \\ I ,IC,I! In
~(lIHI·~I/\;d rroleLh an.: ~IMti!1g lill. .... IHl ..... lllt l he 1Il,1)1"!!Y uj Ih.: \111-=\.
Arl ~'r rhl" '_PI'l<:, tI ~ \\.~· , C '-l: lIkd WI,!
MEMBERS TAKE OSHA SAFETY \\Iw,,:h ,hould l Cl'P IIICH I melll b.:'I' hu ~\
IIcrc ,1 111 \·lill .m .m 1 11):II'h f ler.: l rrt:
11 ' 1 " II lul l', I he ~dl,)jrlrl l UII~lIlC~"
FIBER OPTICS CLASSES HELD pro)"'CI 0 11 t h~ Lrnl ... ~nll~ of Wl~c~m~11I ill;!lI.:cll W ,o,;\tlc ,)III ,It ":(jUri nil Ih c
CIIIII ]lUS I'> \\ IIlJm!! J "\\'II. 11m pWlccl Ilnlfllt luh( ' r PWdICl' eirllr)!,c' tiled 11~
COURSE I..cPI man~ lII!!rnOCh worklllg for Ihe lit I: UJllOII 1m " Ill, IInJ 11t1Il:r curplm
L. , 1-15 fi. u ,U.CIII , fl'&' IIII ). HOCIo.
I~hl )C,II L~-\,
1.00c ... 1 unllJn \lIlh ell lkc\t:d "ac\..
l. • 1-41 li ,u. u~\t' I!!o) . WII I~ ": I.Ir-.G , I SLA~D. I L-Nnmu1i1l ion, hll I~J("I
W\ -Wrnl t .. \10" In IIIH ur.:a wllh Unml'l ufht'Cr\ \\<.',e mude at Ille \l lL\ TIle R.. nalu \1cD(lnJI\I lI ou ..... I\;ll!l"ollnl I 1I1!.1"h I It'll Ill' h.lIl to
"houl ....1 I m.. m~r ... uncmpl~cd m~·et,ng. "nJ th~' .:1t:(II\,n 1'1", hdrJ "htdl \llil hc II grelll ,IJJtl llin hi Ihe relum "!lfllI,,1 "1I11.11\~ L\lnJII"'tl~ 111\1'>
ur Ir.I\c!ln,' \\t; \lnllt"paw ~UII'; ..... urk June -4. [lecuon 1/.... lJh .. l""'II~h \\~'rc ellv p I \1,IJ ''>III1. I' In uf'I!r.iH,," A "Ig (mrlo~c~ ~
In Ihl.: '1iIe .. ,md Pll(j pl"llI .. IIt~ ,1\,.tllahlc III ptc-. ... lrl11cl .... ,11 he puh· th;jn~~ ,II1U ,I 1':11 1m thl' ~cl III :tlllhc 1 1I1I,,"tn~ ,I!lulhef Il\c 1IIunlh, til
",nd 'u're 1m II '>ul1k 'UTlIIllCr lI"het.lln Iht; '\t;ph:mhcr l\\tlC 1,1 ~hl: IIIcmhcr. ~ It" ~1t)IHll ... d Ifu.:ir IlmL It) ni,:!-..t4I,IUn)! 01 wmrJh:1 I IIp.h.. h l:k(:lnc
\cH!rdl llJ(.,I1 111 m .. mhc .... ,11Ir.:UlkJ Jmmflll Ihl\ dlort. " ~J'Ccldllltank:. goc~ 10 Uk agr.:'cd III Iht; tUIll' 1\1 IIUI curr~'nl
a ';I:mrnar on ch<lnj.!\.... 1\1 th...: ' ,Ihono,! fltl! Local 1-4' picnic lin Juh' 17 ~iIl
Elccln...,ll (',I(jl! hn'>leJ h, I \It (' on I~ ,I !lleal (/;1\ of fun IlnJ hlUlhc,hll~Kl LIKol159,
\1arch ~1. The Picnic Commi\l':~ 011\\,1\' UO...:!> II Modison. WI,
All nur l11ell1llcr... willI el1rolkJ III the [ ' Ill' joh. We hup...: 1\1 'iCC ~'H'r\'nnc membe.r~ ond
fih.,;r {Iplle, CilU'w climpl...: l...:cl II :lllJ Iilcn.:, c..'rxd.lll) Ih...: rl!l i rcc~, We: net:d tra'lolerlo
rccC: lved ClIl1I pli:ll"n C...: f llr,qIlC\. ('1111 - '0 IH"[H rh o'>c ulf.l " \\. M q utic~" nne worked (lin 0

I:lnllu l,lIinn ~ In thc~e Wil crllcll . rnur.,; lim.:, OnO'yfloOf pro-

\llh l'U j!h dduycl.f h) 1he hhlflllJ Il! In pnl officcT'i and (omll1ll1ct; jed 01 the Sci·
'1).1, th~' ;lIllluJlllIl \\I nt.ll l .\1 I cdcr- mcnrht:r, ,":[&:I \ ... d Il!cogntltOn fm rttl en tific Protein
.1 ("rc:dn Unrun I)tnn .. 1 \\ a~ ,I hu~ _u(:· lime Ihey ~ r~:nd Ilik ing C.1rc or unll,n lobi (pictured
... c ..... '4llh man\ lncal mcmhcr, and hU~tnL"''> rhe'oC pO~ltl"n .. n:qtJ Ift: a In' here) in Wau<
thtir famlln:, III .;I lh;nrJ..r.nce I:"'cnl~ oillmc.:. Wc .th.n rccl111n""J thl.' 'I'I'U\.,;\ flQkee. WI.
mchJr.I.!L1 dcctlllll HI IIfher .... anJ ,t huf uf Ihc'>t.' moemhel' ((,If rUlllnc. I'P "nh
1..:1 Jwn...:r Ihc limt Incif ill;!"'':,'' .. roe .. ".,.I~ !flUn Ih~
IBF\\ mo::mhl:r. ~'nlrll'>l'J h~ \l1l11h laml" alll"nJtn!: 111111\1.111 nU'II1.:'"
("cnlnl pll'-'...:I .rl: t.:llmnh.ndcd iM The Itlc.11 I' ~~lrllluo.1inll- (hilA "-Ikl\
Ihl:lI lIe,h~ .. tuln JIm!!!: Ih", I'.I'J~ hll/- d.I"",,-,>.,I1 lhl,.' lMIi III IIII.:tCd'loC OIur menl


Ihe hllri llll' c'o:cel'l I(l r lin: w(lrk :11
(·halh.1 1l1 'dl(lll l ~ dntllht; rCUl(,J L!l lll g
at Whtl ~· a.I}.,' MIIII . Th~rc.!·" no word 31 BRO. THIEMAN
Ihl'+ llmlJ ' m thl.' C\\ 1.1' CIlJI g;l~ rrull!~'1
Our uIII~id\: (;uo ...l rUtl l{)1) mernher-. <He L.U, !4 5 fll,lI.g\lll.rtll&' lclI ). rfH.... ·
'1 111 I'lll (If ~t)rk \\'1,: hop<: th(!~ \10111 he D O, 01 1- Wllh Ihe 3ui\ t\1 ('Ir ~urm
IMlk ,,"mdlme ~(")II .... e.'l h ~1 there h,l~ hecn much uel(\·It\
I h, ~1~·\l.:n,"ln Dm\: I l an:kc '~ and ;11 ll)titl ::!4~, ()u! ~ldt,; CUIl\ttU(;ll(ln
Ihe lie .... DIUT) Illn !lrc 10 n..' C(lmplctcd \Io{lTl h:l' prc!..t;'llilp Ii hltk
'>4"'rI, l'Ic .I-"" j'l,lImnl/C' Ilte'oC .:,Iahli.,h· Cclllenm I Iluf:\ "dll\\II'I/III~ ullei!
m\.'nl' agJtn, Th" lime Ihe\ rl:1I1 101 CUI I 11111
Clln~r.llllliI!llln .. III 111m Mc{'m~\\ .m!!hUlII lhe wrJ'H II dllnl\ "dore
rcttt\ In,. hi\ oM ),) ~a r pm \ u,g I 11,t: e\.I\llUll'.l~1 " II "lIl 1.....,1
\\ e .m: ....nhlelled 1\) rcpmt Iltl' pa",,· \\'.I\.m,1 lnll\~ .lllh.. 11m.. IIf Ihl\ \\IIIJIll:
loc.ol 177, JodtwnvtUe, fl, Aul. Bu.!.. Mgr. Eddie Dedmon tooduc::b .he CQlulruchoo III!! nr 1It1" It.t~ !\ndef',,)n and John Our .lnnu.l~ l!lnnt:1 J,IIh:.. \l.a., Ar nl ~
Or90niring Me.mbenhip ~dlXofion Tr(lining (COMET} d au. \k{ lie Om "I1IPillh\ gClt:,>uulln lhcll ;'Inu .111 \1.1111 ""elld,,,1 h;ttl d !=lIulllllne
l ,tnHh~' MoIn, IhJnL, I.. ( IIrt .. h.1I1g;~ .lllt1lh,·

"' ('Itkin!!. "lIfCemenl Onn' IIjti\1n. Ihl" \lemonal n.l\ n:mllllh \I .. ,II
\\ H r"c r~
1) .• n CI;; Commllte.. ft., Inuther ,u(1.:r
~hlw,,' Ih,l1 ('II:lllllc \\Ultlll(! h)):clh~r !\,r Ih" ~unlmuinl' I\t..:d Iile hf,;ulth Jnd Shirk, 'r m'lrnn)l .... h,1 h;'l'\.I1e~· n
a Cl'mmlln nu ....: (unIl1n,) (annot 11~' ~kl~ m~·a,un.", ,cuel.ln trieltJ. cHun,dul. hendl!
<; 111 11PC:d t\ll he AJllIl mcdm~ ·111-\\:.11 I"n, coordlnalor, dud mill he. Itl mJIl' 011h
lOGJI117 m!;ml1..:l'" ~Ik, hu.\c il.llcnd· "'do.: pr"'>I!nl~J W Jt:~... \"r"(~' .tnll k. \ ~1 I 11("011 "~"i 1m Ih,' I.t" ~~ \e.11"
cd Ihe {"U",'nICllon Or~.lnllm~ Mem· rmlh_ We ....alute Ihem fm Ihclr~""I.t" r.-.ln.:J \prll ln, \\ .. ~I\h her oJ !tllll!
~r-.hift Cducaln:m TrainIng (rOM I 1 ) 10 th .. local O\~r tlk: ~"ilr' "nll enlN.ltlk '..:llr... m"nl
dOl .., "(1\\ und~""'l1nd Ih~ ""~If1nn« nf M,\R' ,\ ",,0'1 1'\ Wilh rJcCI" rq~,t:I"e 1~'fHln It1.l1 lim
UT!;ilnlllllg \\ 1,: 'cd I;'\ Jhnu, hem,!! Oli\ .. Th"mlln. Ill'Ie ,., nut linl! ekor·
pan III lhe hcp.innill@ ,\1 Ihe UI"'~'lud illlC\: mcmh.,:r., \\ 11\ ~"lcd Ion ,ho.; flit. ('11
.. \\lIIg 1I1lhc 1111 \\ UU\ \I\tr \!iL I! '-\ rml "\41 1>.l1e \\.1\ .llln.: '111 ,I nlJl1Incr
\\ illlllm .. ,1ml flrn. nu\-.cll I l,uper arc !.If I u~ul ~4; t.:llnlnllll':l·" III " ,11 be
pullin\: Ihrlh Ihl; ll mll"(IIIIUIII dh lJl III MEMORIAL !!rcalh 111l'\CJ h\ all \\\t(l Llll'" hUll.
en,ute I (,.;<11 111-.. 'U CI;C" 111 r.mlll~ I h~
lhillg ..lulldanh ami \l;1,:U(ur \11 ull dw· DEDICATED Our\lnCl.:r.. ~~mp .. lh~ 'l~' III hi' fdmll~.
In!;al \,\.m Le" loca1193. Springfield. Il. dedicated the ( 1'''' r~ ,\t.. ." I' ...
I~ U, 193 (i.o.u,n~ ... p"&II:t1 I. SI'UI'\G · rncmerial shewn in the photogra ph e~
r UUll CJI·\)\10;.l.!, ~ H EI n. I L-On Apll l J(IIIUlloCill LleLi g trilx,lu 10 Iho memory gf fou f memo
IcsleLi a memorial (or Ihr~'c Uwthe,"" betS wh<t la~1 rfleir live~ on the job.
and II $.,,1" \l,hn In..1 their h ~!!, on Ih~'
JIII'I 1 hi~ \loa ' ., '1Iel:ia i &:~t..;1 1II1~' (Ill
KENTUCKY Loetll 1~3 FHmil\ mcnl hc . ~ I l r Ihe
UTILITIES RALLY dt::ce;, ..clt, DemVcr;;hc ~t:lll: R ep ,\ III.C WORK IS SLOW
('un:!n of Sprill l!fid tl . J Jlher \ '!c1 0l
L.U. IN3 (I .'bllll) . I "~ XINGTO'\j , K:t l! ellnllch, Rc\ 1)1\Vltl G rc!:Ul) a llli I..U, 22.1 (i.l"IIIKgu vI). IUtO CK'foN.
KY-Oo April 27. ·Ill) I1h.'lllh~r~ nj Ihl; I O~JI uni.,n m c m h~" AlIllit:lc J lin Ihe I\M-Wil h nl'll)' Il k\\ ,mal) p roject!. in
hUl ldmg Ha lle , .• d l1 n ~ \\ 1, 11 , upportc p , fron l 1:lwn <If Ihe 11 111 ( 111 hull jnr the de Li Ihe \\'lIr k,_ <lu r \\'Ilrk ",lual lun dllC~n't
fr om (1l hl.:r lU' lll fh. all l.: nd," J ,I rally Itl tc.llit'Jl . Thi ~ 15 II filling Hihule 10 u lll hllll. "" .tlU fIJ I' Ih," IICiII' Fut ule. Il '~ Mun·
KCnLueky lllhll (,!~' uIIllIIIII ~1(",kh\lh.JC' ..... khl l\lcmtlcl"i. We Will nul f(,rl\..:t 1 11 ~m mc rt lmt.:- wc hin t: \\a.rm w1.:<lthl! t .
m c," 11II 1t III JU\\ ni l!" II Lc'\ ill~ 11J 1l 1'111 - A liJ!.blc:J fl dl;J_m l~ 01.1' .tI 'lJ "ftl ~ l .dl)· 1~ " l\io;; (l u t ~ h U;' o.IlC~ J nd ":1·,;,:.,;11 1: hut
lIcil' lllll" cnllle fr'lIn LI: )\IT1 J1.ltll, . u..:llic~H(,!d alt h~ ccr.:nmll} IIl1 flll ll.lIllll ciy \\1.: don'l It :)\<.. ..:n\lllgh
Ltlul\\i tl ~ .unJ ('l\1eulIl,HI. Kr.."n lud) ~pcela llh a n k, to ~lc\l' 1\I1 I01"'(CI. ""I)rlr. Local 2.57 , Jeffe r~on City. MO, Bro.
Ulilll h.:, I~ fHlhUI I'.II ·1 I~licy or unrall DaH Obhtrsk)' and J im Gill l fm t he t\ llc,I~1 \'\' I! ImJ <I f.url), ~ lIod ~ pn ng. Sam Binkley, 0 3S·ytlor nltlmbe, .
lahnr r tIICIICC~ Iw C~' l1l illl lh ll tt Ihll t lilt l''(l ra time and eHoH Ihl,'~ flU t flm h I111 wl lh Ihl.: ~hutJIl\Orm <II B rJYlnn POInl ralifed In A.ptll,
Cllllll'lllllll"o 'I!!'\ 11 " \hml Illip Aillee Ibi\ pm)c..:!. HI;! !ooure 1\1 l d!..e j'lmk ,UlJ tlnll Illl.!ltil11 S13ti,11l pro\'iding work For
m~nl" i n Ilnkr In 1,llt"'" c~l n lraCI\ luke nOlice n.:xt IIm~' )OU Limp 1'0)" Lhe tlur lI1.,;mhcl" rl'.:n ~\ Im c (If our 1.!H.·al BRO. BINKLEY
rill.' "mel II 'hillf Iloill\ ~t)u !LI d mll 110111 ,'!~.1 tllnchn!!,. Brol her .. wer e .. hie In
mill.: the .thill1~ of Ullipll' 1\1 harJ1~1O ({'I I Nomtn!l.lions for uni"n offi~l' ~I: r~' (11ft\t Iwme Ii)r il v.hilc and w()rk OUI \)r RETIRES
\II age'. I1c ndlh IIf "'''fLIIII! cnndll lllll' held \III )" :::=:1. h ili Ihl\ WTIlIn)! l I n Ihelll) .... n k".-.d II you 3f ~' UI1 Ih..: rOJd,
LU. 257 ' i.... lll.rlb. rl' ~' I)~"I . J~: FF£R·
01\ 11l\:<.e Jo h~ h, .. hurt II \""wld he- ~I"}) th... Jun~ II:'! [tl:ller,11 cli.:.clmn h.lll pica,.. L.I!CP Ihe hlln mrormed nf the ~O~ , 'IIY i\1I Uru ~.11t1 1I11l'l.. !c\·,:1
IIgamq t.:~-ef\·lllInp 11011111' I'III\e I\\u~hl nOI YCl t nken pl(1C'4' \\urk \IIUlllmn... r hl!rc. m:l\ t'o .. .,l Inl 15-\l!dl lIIel1l"c, III I "(,111-.1 ,Ind a
for lI\er lhL' H oi !"> I he (lJll\lhlll~' hu .. t\1I I Ill\\' gullllUIIII!! " .1' held mmc !:Swlnel' ,In Ihc WJd thl' )"cnr lon~-liml! 'I":""\lrd. "'urI!U lin \ptil I
Jtlh~ nil'" dnd mllr~ wminll up In Ihe !lola'· .... at r alrway I till, ('uunlr) (1u~ In 1.\Ical unum eh:tllnm ha Ll nol \I!! \\ c held a 1,,11 In fill hUll .,1 IhL' lram
nl!ilT IUlure. 0111 Ineal .... )ultl he ,uh<.lnn \"IT e.inm. l l I.. hll pillee OIl fir..:" lim.::. We .... 111 hd'C In~ ~I!n l l,:r, Jnu l\cr\.ln~ h,hi;l guou
h"Il} .,Ikdct.i. If r; ~ llIut. L ) IIUlthe ... 1\ ~Icmhi!h ":.$11 o"uun ,I ":Clp~ til Ihc ,In c.1ccuon rcpon In tho: Scptcmber Will! C"llnp;rlllul.l1IUn... ....lm "nd gc",..J
.. ua:c~,rul ","'lIh "u~ ~lhC} m.n~ com· pwum<m -Lal\el 1.l:lh:I-l ll rllhlu;'.l1Il1n I~"U': nlttH.: JIIJlfnllf lu.. L in ~IIUI le1uell1r.:nl I.nlll\ II'
pante,> nlltIUnv.IJ ..' \\.1111111111\\ "uti put nul II.~ Iht! Unum ta~I.llld ~~""'ICC All tldlnllll! dl1'\~" dIe: O\'C I fm tho; (In \ 1.Ih:h .! "ur j,1C~1 hd'" II~ fir ..1
\ pril ::!~ "<I'
\\ur"l.:r' \11.:111011;11 Trade .. Depl .. Art·ClO) at the Unll!n wmmcr. It \j,,,~ Rice 1(1 ~ec II !.Ian !)n rO~1I I dd~) .... lIh dh"UI ~11Ik:1llhcr-.
D B) ilnd Kt:'nlu('l~ cdchr"tel,\ III Ihe hall Hm. IS.dn c\:Cl!lIenl 11IlhitCaltlfll fm I"UrnC~man Ihrlnmg d", ........ lhi, pn'l 1ft ~tI.:n"'~n, .. Uu. . MII-T l)on Urcum-
"'.lIe AFI ·(")0 I,'hle \\111t Ihc dr.:(.hCd· umon rIIcmbcf'o.. iL" II ILlt:Ollfli.:1, unlUII \e.!f I here "Ill he: mu~ 111 rome mt:f IIntl \ ,,1 Hu, \I ~I Jim Wlll~
Imn HI tl \\ ork u ~ ~lCmlHlill l\k1nu ' pr(~\lc l ~ an~ deWII"" .. Ihe: .101I1I01lln [nJ(I\ ~OUI ~Ulnmcr Sc~ ~OU ill Ihc Miller dllJ nn -c!Ccdlt.:nl IO~ rre"l!nlln~
mr.:nl \L.lm unpw\ cnWl1 h hd\ .. heen demenl nl!l:1 mc.:lmg Ih l;! (nUl", W "e/l \tllI.1I(.' 11I\\lt'J III
f11<.IJI."" o"cr lhl."" )eaf' In heilhh iU\d 'af.:· W e hl\'r 2~ mcmbc~ nn Huok I illld
ilUt.:n,lll!e dll". 1)1t:"~'" m'I"~ nt:n
1\ "UI Ihere " ..1111 "HfL III "e dUIlr.: 121011 KIlO!.. II \1 1.1TP.~ Il)h~ .11(' 011 cllolfltu .IIl\,:nd
\\ 1,: ;1r( Jbl'UI hllllll'h UI,IIUI JlJlr'~
Loco1183. lex· C.."\dc Cunll!'~nct' II 11:1' \l"en II \cr~'
ingion, KY, IIllum11tIl\\.· "".~ltm Oil Ihe dllUlge\ III
memben took the II,I4:t cJI1I.ln ul Ihe " I",on.;ll Ike·
port in a vnion IlIl,,1 ["otie I "hll '11111\.311 ,.. lIur
roll,. to prettit In~lrut.:II'r
unfair lobor' ,\\ nr I'II........ 11111':. ~c .... t: 11: ,till meel
proctite, ot 0 'flg " lI h 01'"1 L( pn .In oI)Uet..:nlen l .Ind
$tocl.holdel) hllpmj:t III \\lIrk ""mellllll!! ('UI '>I1(>n
mtetino of Our !ocul I. ~UUlkfl~d h~ t hl! p3".I1IP.
Kentl,lcky Utili· or 1\\(( U ll!1h~'r\ ( .ul U lld. u ~ (a 15)C,(I
lie, in down· mI:11I1X'r). 111111 k ..,c ~lmp'lOn (f! Slt'YCU l
tOW" mcm"cr) We c~IL'HU !lUI Ik'CJlc~1 \\o' Ul·
le"ingion. ruthlc, 1(1 I h~1I r;lmili.,;\
'1110.1 ('.... Iumll I"')


IHurn mlln ((I, J()ne~ Liccuic for man} (\I,hl(:h COInl;un, ,,11th... n~ ... e.:'''',U' I'al'1
\e':II' he ..tIned 10 mal.e our JOtt-. Cil~l· .... m') \1,111 ho: ,t\,ul,lhk ,II the hu\tnL""s
c:r flit rtl.In~ lIi '"' ufflce In ml:mhl:n Hnc ~c .. r p"or 10
Uro. Hul....'n ...... OO n·ured 1ft 19"1 had Ih(lr rCllr\'mcnl
ht.:cn 11 member <,IOCC 19JL He "a~ a JU'I pllur III 'omt: ul nur r&! gu lar
loc~1 unKln hU\lne .Igclll and E-Board unlun mcelln)o:,. 1.,-..;.11 :;1.1 mem~r,
meml\c:, ,.m hale Ihen hlo()d rr". . 'ur,,; ch,,'("lc:d
\\ c cxlcnd tlur condolence.. 10 Ihe t" • rc,"leTed nllh&! rhe e(llmma-
I ~ml h c) of each of Ihl'l- BrQlhc ..... Tht,;\ linn\ tal~ rldu; In Ih~ N13rdh)Ofll
\\111 he ml"<;CU . Oc:cu'Ulnnlj!ue" 'penkel" Jilin U\ ilt
A~ our "'-""flltoe lor many }"edP.>. rellred the.: 11,\\:,11 ulllnn IIk:,,;III1~' In,\ \ari
ijro Snnppcr D oH· tS r call~ enjuye d (\U\ mcdlcalrrllbkm" 1\11I0.... lng Ihe
~ CCplllt! Ill' Hriliheni mfomled. I .... 11I hll'IIlC'" nlcelwl!, the ~p d l<.Cu~"
II)' 1\1 d\I the Jnh equ~lI) \\c ll. )ueh IOpic, II' 11 0 .... 10 ItVtlll! IIIII&!~\
Ih!UUllh prcvclltl(llI. illlU cilrl~ dCI,,:cll0n
AI rXA rEKGL~O'. fl S.
,11 ,nme dl ~t:lt~c, lhrnugh \Impk \clf
Hu\e (1',.111(' '1I 1I1111 CI
WE MUST J \\It \(; k.mSI' f...,I',S
I .U. 2YS ~i'{'.II.nh.rl ~ .em~~~plI ). LlT-
ORGANIZING 1"1 I· RO k. AR-The.: \\orl herl: h,,, WORK IS
Imrr.1\cd ,hghll~' \\ e ha\o;! ~nt a Ie...
SEMINAR member, In ""rl on Ihe R G_ Sloan PICKING UP
rr\lICr.:' Ihat I.K DCctrie has. and nuor t. . .n3 (l,lI.t'\.fl\.,plI&II'II). \\ EST
I_L. 269 (i&'o). I Rf 'qO'. ~J-Our
Con\IIIICIOf\ IIcqulred II Jolt at \\ hilI.'
locah ~Id; I un..t rllmmlUcc 1.\unch~.J I) \I O\IIU \ ( II,I L-Oul \\llIk"tUd'
Alufl ru .... cr llou!J,c Ihat h.h -<\
dnulhcr 111I'lIul t'l lnnJ UlIH: III f chru· lion j\ rlnall~ rldln, uJ', ""h the
eral rTh.:n. We hope to 'nd morc mem-
81') The rC'~lI'j~C "' .... II\-IOr""hdmlDg I nu",nlt ..... n cn..,'Cltellllu.n fdahl) hlnng
ocr' d()Yon Ih-=r-= 'tOOl). orne.: ml!mhef' We 111010. (or'Aard 10
hCr\unc Ch~lt"tl.: III dnnatt ~hd "". pro- r~1O many Journeyman wiremen om:
\ .dln!.' .In unlinuh:d h.. nl nf hl00J for gl!lI ln[l11 11 nur ar'lIhcr. !ln d ... 1'le ..... off
, .. II \l.ltlUlul .... or~. an d 100 man\' ha,c the m,lu lInd uff Ihe 1ll:Iw.:h ,(,.,In
(Jur nJl;mhcr' .tnl.l then {u nllt .c", III gn nut of 10wn .md I-=a"c Ihel; filml'
i\rT!ln~,,:"k.;I1I' "'ere IIMt!'! Wllh \lereer On SilIUrda). f\hm:h 2!1, Uu } \1gr
Ite'" 1.1 \o.!c urc work ThIS slIu<l lion Wi ll
Regional Rlnolu (\:nh.:r \0 \CI up a h:m· Gt:M~C IllIthf'll't h conduelctllhc 111\1
ch!l n ~c unl} II .... c Join loge-Iher ;lI1d gt:!
flm.1f\ Itdd fllClht\ III our unum hull nn of a ~m:~ III hltll·JlI~ I'i\rk,hllp~ on the
Inhl!\· .. rJ in MlI\oing our problems. (""I\l r ll(;llI," ( )Iltlllllllll!! \kmhc r~hlp
three.: CI .. nlllj.!', 11m ".11\ thl.: fir..' \car \\ c 1111.1"" (\r ganIlC our compcl tl nf\.
3rrr"fllI{'t:' ""~:rc called upon 10 I JUt'.111t111 ., nUllllt~ I C() M r fJ pro-
who ,tr~ doing.lhe Illajonl} of Ih~· \.\orl
dUII,III: ••UHllh,"~ turned out dPI'T\lJ;1 graml h lrl~ ·1"11 mcmherl; iltl..:nded
in uur ju m d ~cllon The) ~uo: g.,untng
th" rrnclIl,I IIUI\ un Ihc Impmlanct: of
mau:ly W(J 'tronG l'hDn~\ 10 nur Sick h~ t:hcJling on the: ,,'l>Icm tIoOUtm,"uJ'l OtgCUllllllp It) the \un'-I\al or
(,(Immlftc!.! IlIr ., loh ",dl-dunt' (ur
mu I orgilnue Ihi.'SC- nonllmon clce· (lUf untnll
n:nl mcmncr, .lft: n~ follllV.\, Bert Local 275, Muskegon, Mj , welcomed Im: ... n, lind ,hop, [t I~ our s.uccc,>.. al
StclDln.lnn ,cl\:lUm.lO). "(Ill (areta. F-..d In Ih~ 'o\lltbhuJ"o. II YtA' inlere~ting
troveling Bro. Jimmy F. long"'r. 0 ur~.tnllU1Jt IhAI '0\ ill dtl~ Ib to ¥lork .11
Laurcndc.lU. R.n 'h....... Tilm o COli member of loc:oI 861 , Lak. Charlel, LA. hume. demantl a lalt IIrage pack a,!;.
I(l '\'( all Ihe ~Iandard arp.umcnt,
nero John CUnm"llb.m Jr_ and A\~I d~dl"".1 urg.lnlllnJl: h\lc:d ... nu Ihen 10
who wcrled 01 the S.D. Worren poper and ,lin m blJ~lm......" \\e need e"OI:none
81.1'\ \lit, lh.trh,.... "("hll;u' \lJro;lanlc v.-alth a, hok'" 'Aer~ J'l4.1kcd In caeh or
min in Muskegon before his retirement. {t) hdp"and to gC:I 1II\·ohed.
Thl: I 0, hill" l.aunchct.l il ton'crh:..J Iht.....: ,u!!urne.:l1l... mOl: I,ft<,Cu ..... llm~ .... cre
The f(llfuYo m& mcmhe~ atc: on our
cffnrt 111 P't',:tli Ih~ ('l>tI\!rUtIlOtl h\'cl~· lind mfllrm..tll\ ... M,ln\ c~~~ " ... tr.:
unh:en:d Ihelr ""IIUrdll)' 10 h.lntlhtll ielo. Jn J injurcd Ii!.!. Bros. Sally
Organllln!! ~klllhc:r,hll" I dllcOl llon opened II' 141 Ihe ~Cfl()u\nes" (II th e
Sean. The: compan:o-'s rrnnll~c IC! \IIILcld, P~· rrr Huller. W a ll~' Shilleuli.
('ramlng «'0 \11 · n rrtlgt.1m 10 .hl;: Bohh)' ("on~~e.: and Ton~' Robbins, We
pr"ttknh f~CII\(l, Ifi \h hl11"C each par·
lank "nd flk I h rull~h Ihe IIx.1 1 UJlIum "rongl) con~ItJcr ntll unly 18 1 \\ 1 .leal Ilclp.,nl .... 111 C;It"t! Ihe mC'\;jg-c 1(1 h" { If
275. but 31"0 311 t hc 10C,11 hulldlnll rt1\~ ror II ~rcedy n:CO\'e~ for all Ihe'IC
on it nUllon;!1 \C.11c LtI.;ul :!~I) I' rrc:· hel I:o·v."rl. c .... .In" help Ihe nl()\'cm~ nl
trade... for 1111 fUlu re conIIne!" tndl(;.lI c ~ ,ltuod D Il)lhf,;r~
gain rntlmenlUm , \\'e Me rmud that
r.u\;d lit hll lh.. ~rnlllllI IU I1 Jl1n!! dUe m Om lexitl unlUn r1emc wa~ June 27 III
larp.f,; PHi lo ulllll" p;J~ 1 (Irll8nlllng d 'UOCC~Sflll Cilmp.Ji!!n tTldn~' Iff the ldcJI' nf Ihe rOMI "I pn. .
\ !embcr pa rtie:ipall n in \ue h \\ tid R,, \;r ('ounlr) II gnoJ to ~c
elfort,h, UU~, \h.:r Dlln t..elllH;U}, lor gram hl\·e l(l n~ he.:n u~ed D) Oro
Cnd(!3\'or... make, Ihe ulfferencc Be en:r)'onc Ihere Huu\pclh :IIIU Il1cmhc" Clf h" Olganll
year.. he hll ~ cml'I'l~c;J man~ of Ihl.; 1:>0 "our flart and get m\ oIH.-d In the
~all1t: .1prwdche~ ,u!!s::c~leu h~' the ~u n: 10 conlnbulc \UUI IlIlle. .... henn'er ing ("ontmltke
pos.!Ilblc. to cn,ure ample .... mk in the Unlt)n mcelin~ ...
CO\ II I Iriunlll ","'''1111, 1111, loclli Our 1()C1I1 unutn mllUln\ the lu~"ng.
ha, '" th .. (la.'1 .mll "Ill conunue In the future DICK \-U:.LlU:-.ASS,J. 8_M I)f II r" 1I,ullld wReu·' Illlllnnll . who
fultJlc lil do '.n·11 nllhl' undertllklllg. We thank our ,I\let 10edl, 1\11 \uC(um~d In cancer In Januar)'. Ongl
Our locI I h.uJ It .. liN e'r<I~ure 10 emplovinl!. our mcmix-r. .... hlle ~()I I ~ IIIllh ,1 cunlr,lt.:hlr. he Illter loineu tlllr
(0\111 In \1I1l·h 1\"1 !iu, \l l.!r ..10.... ai ht;m.: local umon a~ I J(Iurnc}mdn O\CI lbe
RK.k AJChct.lhe Inc..l\ orJ,:dnllcr tk.':lo~g. Gn:c:tmg.-. to 0111 (lur Iffi\elmg Brulh RETIREMENT ~e .. " Red', ,1~lu,c ~,c .... "nd hI! I'll.!.
~I"'" Con!lratulalion~ 10 Bro. Jlmm~' I "ell·lo\t:d .und rC~r<"t:lcd, On the hi!
nalc. p~mf,;d Ihc pnl~mm I(J 411 local
UII"'" nlOI:mtlC:r, 11'11:.11 :!tN t,lilo;", ,tllt.l Langlc:. (3 memher uf Lucal MI. I nLe
PLANNING J4!!1.. he ......1\ ljU,,~J~ ,hl.....:n n~ {orc:m.ll1
a .... mphn8 nf area 'Wnltat:ICH' pama· Ch3rlt:~. LAo "ho .... nrlcd "I Ihe .., Il I . "' . JIJ (i&"Val. \'dt\IINGTON. (lr genl!ral (oreman. hc biSd II Hlfcnt for
rMh:U d~ "ell I<lLInI! In actl~OI: TIlle '" \\ arnm paper mill here) on hl\ rcu,,:· IIl- PI.lnnlng II) r~l1fe·,· Irs a longer. kl!cp'"f! nut m~mtlC:r' {/l/fllh, conlrac ..
th .. pre~n l "lIl1n "-d.. A~~I Bu.'>_ \l gr men!. A per..onill thanL .. III hlln 1m more tn"ohcd proce!.:o than you might tm hAPI'> \\c extend our 'llndolcncc
Clcm Rannni III I neal :!n:!. Pl;unlieh.t, encouragmg mt= (0 Iry fur the uprr.:n Ihml. Am, Jen ) \\'llo;on ha" pUilogeth· I., Hln 81111nUII\ f!llml\' He .... 111 be
"OJ ... nd Ru., Agenl r',1II1o. O(IIlIll:JI~ o( IlteSt!P ~rd)' nll\'lCd.
IT an infurm ation pa !:el ror mcmbc"
ux-al ~1~. ~ltlllh(lh. NJ -(ltlanllc" of S"ler Kath ryn Bl.lthllu\c. (lU I reg." .... hl. <1re lI..:artn~ relirclIlenl The pac!:et
thelt n:'flc,:c,: II\'': IUi.!l, I ll<:al 2(12 Hu, Irar, ~ I rc~~ Iht= Imporlante (,f r.trl ltl
Mgr Geo rge Utunn. tlO hdnd .. , an pOling in local gO'o-crnmcn l mOl:cl ing' loco1323,
" tll lrc~"'-! d Ihll'o.C In !ltlcn-
nh\Cl"\'cr. "Io,jl and \ oung In IOC<II eicClltln, West Palm
dJnce Th ... f'lm,:r.lm w"" tnrorm"lI\fe Wt= are ~;Jdcncd Itl repclTl Ihe I"I'~· hCJ<h, Fl,
and ....·ell· I hllnk" Itt Urth '"!!- of the foll o"mg membe~: 13M. Joe Bul. Mgr.
/-\ lChcr. U,IU(>III.lnJ Dlllllldh' ftll IhOl:II PJ5ClII. lIov.ard Shinn Phil ("O\(I ilml
C\ ..."dknl ro: 'nldIIHn~ Bud Bulson
•\1 f .... IhRrnll'n "S 8m_ Pa.....a l , memht"r 'IOCC' ft':!5 . hands oul
rc:lm::d In 1965. lie helped rnAn\ 8mlh · <enmcalH
e ..... pay their dUe!. durin, Iht dcpr .. ~ 10 memben.
'>Ion 10 mmnlilm our marler
SUCCESSFUL Bro, Shutn. a memhcr ~InCt IWI~.
alltmiing 0
CAMPAIGN .... a'" paSI ptl.!'\Jdent and [·Board
mcmbt:r. He rclllcd In IlIIN
LU. 275 fl.oc m8.. uc ' ). l\I !ioKf; GO' , Oro Ca)'o rcur..:d 1972. hll\IOJI,
'11-'1 h.m .... lu UUt mcml'C t, .... hn "11- bc:l::n a memhcr \lm:e 1%1. A ,tut..k


We apllrccilllc Iheir ~C f\ ICC HI IIw l(leul
COMMUNITY mill wi,h Ihel11 a ,u/,X,'t'\:<,ful Juh rCCUVCf}
INVOLVEMENT Ill' foUr!,' 10 hu, /".urlh Anh:llc,m , ,lllli
loCI I.; fur lhe: unlun lah;;:!. Wo.: wl,h
I_ U. JJI) ( U .I&rr~, rl-I UN II" Ie UA Y. c\'eryune an clljuyuhh.: Fuurth or Jill;
ON-Our h)Cal nnd the mdollgcmcru
~l llrr of Thunder 1l1i)' Tdcph'lnc hav;,;
J I-KKY Sfll U r/~ r.s
been joulIl} p.lrttcirMIUlj! III ,I hcUI!\(I·
lent rund Together v.c filh<d 1SUO.
\l;h lch W.d\ dl~n~ll!rJ 10 I h ~ t>.ld';, elhu
Hospital Trauma rund. WI; .m; rrouJ LOCAL UNION
of our loca l '~ cl'lmmuml\ lII\ruh'l"lIIenl
lluml.:o. lu 1JI!.:lIIlAn II!.\,': DIU. (,1... 11 Pltl NEWS
hili \\.hn hl!lr-=d wlih .hi.. cllnn
l.U . 349 Il. u .lllp ~.t' III.rlh& !> V:6I.
O ur cump.Jnln (hHJr.t ,Inti telL.:· MI A' II, FI..-Our w,}rl Pll'llm; ha .. II
pbonc) ha\c cmharkl:d un IlIn ..h-.cnh:c
eh,mee Iu IlK).: up 'Allh '.!,tlll': III nur aIr
control pr0!lfarn Wo.: Io1le I\\Ul ~Ith
port \Iollf~ M"~b..: \10'0.: nn do.:lr Uuok I
'he approach of thl" \I untcipal II~d r(l
I hl~ i... an dl!dlnll H:.u hit nUT IUGlI
Comml"';lon rcl!lHlhn~ tbe u\c 01 ~h<.n
R(;,ulh ul Ihc June de<:lion "'ere nOl
plin.:u)" n)ea~urc.. r'll lIk-inll ~Id. kllo\;,; 11\,111.101.: at prc..\ tm)C,
We fed II IIoi ll be n;,;Q;' ...... " lu take Ih ... 1)1.:,.pl11: Ih~ p!:Klf I.:(OMm). c;.tch I"
c.&!.e III MhllrJIKlIl. ;,1IIU!
I~ n(W.
10 \'in!:Jm," (lr OUI coUcc:U\C lI.lf
nur Incnl 'J4, unll' r ~·co.:IHd conlT3("1
r,U',,,:. " c h;1\,; l"-'I!n Imllh~d In dB m-
giUm"~ 3j!.r'l!cmcnl .... llIcb ,.. \Cf\ cle.1I
hnu'C tirganlllnl! campaign W mcn.':t"<:
regardmg lhe U\C of ",d. ka\".
Ihe ml.:mhcro,h1fl In edeh HI Ihc umh Locoll57. loi Vegcu, NV. Volunteer Aericn ec",,,,ittH Cnmn, Doffl'kI Fogg and
A~ o( tllI~ 'A rIIln!:. I oral ,,,, 'Ail"
\\'c Ihank (lur mcmhcr~ at the follo",- me
looking Im,"ard tu p~Irt~lrMhn~ In Ihl: 1Itl! h)C".llIiln.. I.,r Ihcl r II"W'lan~ I-lon·
(ommittee member Doye Howell, on ,ih! of the Happy HOTs.e'TIC~" jlfojec:l,
fu no· r31"e r It" multlp k "ch; l o,j\
dll ,,~ ~, Lken.. C (H 'fX;l d l1\ C. Ml n:L
Ic!:oclrrch !>(:Ih:dui.,:i.! lUI Mt>lhC',~ 0,1,
lo.:h:pht1n.: InC' __ RCA Con\umCt Ser· I1II1Untcu nuqdhglm I\IT Ihe l hll1P)
w..:.:Lond In Ihtl pa·.. \l \:\'~ r,lIo,cd o"er \Ice_ WlJ'l , I V (lhl.lllllcllUl. I he 1-1\- IIUT'lCfl1 ,ln l h;tlll} llll ~ tlrl!.ll11lillli:m
Ss.uou al Ihi' ~\Cllt I) c"PIIo: Ihe fllll
Ihal m a n~ Oi llur m~mllch IIrl! c\pen·
tu re M ll nu (aclu rcr~, Su ndn rand j1f(1\'likl Ihcrnp} and h'lr.o.:l11~n,hll1 fnT DINNER
Aern"pdce und "'pt.'lJileor lamtcllance Imlldlc;llltll!li :tJul h dliU Chl ldlCIl
cncmg lough \lITlL'\, \H! ,nt' ,ure \l C 1"111 L.U •.\(1.' fI ,IJ , I.(, III ,nt l\.~~oiJ'q ,. ~EW
Th~' Ca"leT p.. n~· \\-u. a great ~uiXC-\~. Bro. l og", I.:ncoura~I.:' pdrtiClIl,IW-m
h a\~ haJ IInvlhef ~ 1I ~\:c."lu l i.:'liIII1,"~n
Olllh the d'tltltett li nd Iho; lu.lull .. nn lh... VAC Ilul'oC Whl'IHe mtcfC~t\;'d. ell' .I\ ' \h' IL'cl! nth held a <."1.;1('
h )' l h t IIflll.' lhl~ 1,"L1e III th~ Jmmrul b
cIIJ II)cut hl.: pil rl)". lht' ch!tJwlI hlHl;1 l(leli l unlll11 I11c m ll.:n '1IHI II;I\Ch:I~ hrnllun lor I hr\ic mo,;m~L'r, \\hl! \\e l',;
puhlbh ud
w(lnderful tHne nYIllp. kill':'. rhonks 10 idlh·, .. hlluld C(ln \(lI.:t him And ,j{t" II I ,;IIfIll)l \\ ..: hll!!" I,;d H rol~. Jud. Itolel
JI\I ,\ , L11~IIMAf\..1I \ 1 Ihe l-lltcll1I1I1mcn l ('1111111I1IIt:e rm 11 1(lh pktl~e e,m l ! h..: ,,\tunleCf t:IIIlHllIlle\i 1,1. 1 111!~nC !l cJII"! Ilml Al1llLollY
scrw~ II two·fold purpose: 11 ~i,: I'\'c~ lh~' r.h.rc\lll ,II our ~ nllu J r rem l'mcn l dm-
eO I1lIl1 Ulllt ~ 111111 ~d'lI crclIlt" !!;Ho)uwlll 110.'1 r iKh IIllhL'1Il l ~ce 1\ I.:J II J1CNlIIfll!y
for Ihe m FW. cn~!lln'e d WI W \"aIL· h , \\..; w..: rc
l3 u" Mgr Sam 1)",11), ro.:pflfl" th81 p kll'\.' 11 III hun; 1'11I rll I) I ~ I IICI 1nl.
wOll i ~ glllllg well. We ~ll l1 h\l\c 750 kq'\ J l11111 V;l1T1U.;lUt) ,nIl! D.I\id S,lg!.!1
trave lin g Ur Ol hch (In th... o UH)f·work 11 1m 11' fm Ihc \).'Ca~l(ln
h:.1. bUI mll,1 local mcmher..HO:: w (lrl; Brn, John M ,t(,l id .... ,1\ dp rfllllllC d " ..
ing. OrjiolJl l/.ing c tfon~ flrc mm ing flU· Lli f o,;clN II! .:dlJCallnfl. Ih.: r ~~-
W!l IU II" pllll1 l1l.!(1 W I: Q n li~il'llh.. 1!!lInl lllll of ·10111 SdllLil l l. We lIre i.:l1llfi -
~:\c ..t I", , \1 I C' Ll ll ~. WI! .11 1.: rcJe-';('! hllh"l8 uen l Jllhn wil l c n ~ur..: the COIlIIIIUIfI/=
nLLr nfllct...... Drllp h" :lI\d "II'· "hell"," 11111111 1\' Ilf o.:LiuC:-IlIIm I l)t'!11 "\11] h,l' !leen
Our '}rl1 f1;lI h ~ gnl" oul lu Ihe [nnu :1\:1:1I,IIII1IC\.l III ('1)11~WIU l;lIl! nh. J Uhll
l il~ 01 .mf re-cenll) dep,lrtec.l Hmther, We IIII'h "1111 greLlI "J~'"CC" III \·(I\lr ncYo
a nd SI,ler\, 1i~\ (' t1 ;" Inll ll'... ,' \ I'rn 111 1'1111111
Tl){Jll, Alberl MellIl!.:I Me ll e Mu .. · 011 SundJ),. '\ rrrl 2~. Lt.eal Jtl3
grm'..:. Jnhn "kllln..:, In ...1 Ur(\(lh 11m ,1J1r'cnlu; .... ~ rJlrllC11';JlcJ In lhl.: 11IInuai
f\lcl caH. (I;HJde \I," ' h. f loHl,lIIl! \ 1.lIl.h \If nmll.:~ \\ ,11 ~ ,llhlln. Wt; h,1l1 ,I
"O rian·· Gll~ton. Truman I1ryJ i'l ,!Od iolrc.11 !U,noul tlnl' "I1'oed \I 1111 nl mClflt:y
R(l) \ Ic KIIIII C. il,.1 ~ \' Ihc IC.' ( m 1k:.JI:('. fm Ih" \:,1I1Ir,ll~n 111r h(;.IILhlcr h,lhle'.
tocol 339, ThundM Boy, ON. 8(0. GI.., AI.At-; J r e)!.I" \ I' (il:,.,,\ntlll()~I,\I, 1 1 r,:,
.poIhili Ic:enterl reptesenfs the I«at 01 " 'dl·done
the preJentorton of 0 t hequ* donated W I! c\I(;IlJ mJr ucc~t "~'mp,llh} tt)
to the McKellar Halpitol Traumo F"nd. A\~1. D u~ \Isr Duddy II (1Wan~ I L hni.!
He is joined by Ru n Bruley {Iefl) of hl\ I,lmll~' on Ihe p,I I~r hi':' "Ifo::.
Thunder Boy Telephone ond Lourie Hill Danll:lh.: Ilo"Wlmu
(righl) of McK&llor HOipitol, Rcmemlll:r, Iherr 1\ '>tr... ngth In num·
!'wr" !!n ..lh.nJ ~uur Irat unUln m~ct ·
IOg~ Slwn[!. memo", paJliclrullOn
Il"'lk...:~ Ilu a \tlt"l~ Il)\.,11

I.. . 343 (i ,~h ~I'al. U Sl fU lL

\I~-Our 'Aurk riclurc ha .. nClI
Imrl ()\cd Mn~1 £If Ih ... ,Ilh... ,IU: In Ih,·
R ochc~lcr area. ani.! r Tc:.rnlcr EkGlnc L . ;\ 7 ji.u&c), I \ ~ \ Fr:A!i.. ,,", -
ha.' caP'UTo,;i.! Iho:: nlulllnt~ or Ihe "lIIk Our \ 'IIIU lllcct Al.:liun Cummillcc
Ihcre-Icll\m~ !)ifl Brll'''" 1 n rolher. lin (V.\ C), nrgani/t"d h)' Urn 1)3 ff .;:ld
the i'lench. Man\ nlt:rnlx:f'I h~\o,; fllund h.~ In IY'KI, hoi' ~'C(,"lC Iht! (lfCmierc:
cmpkl)'rnen\ III s..h Lake ril~'. \'c \Io'1\h l1ull~in~ trade),· eOmmUnH}' .. o:: r" lce
Ihem pro\rl:nl\'lIItlu:lf trn\d~ 'lf~nni1B110n In th ... ,1;\11.' \If Nl'\a£la
We .lIM) b.,\~ M:(,;.fl llnl.: uf {JU I I:on· Wuh m~r lUll IBD\ ,'olunlccr$_ VAC
traCIOf', ("nmlnll n"' ''';ll lh t:IN·lrtC. lilt, Ilrtl \1U CU mor<: than l,ltllllwu,"" ,.r
pul1c:d I1UI {If Ihe \ 1.1l1In:dl" "udl:Jr c\," lInunit~· "Cf"olce.
PI,:IIII. JutJ~ tildt bol .... ~·xl~I('~ tor Rcccni PIfl]CC.... CUll1plctcu InduJo.:
nearly 1~ WlH~ \l an\' Inn)!'ICf mltlh) lhl: l...a, VC~lh Bhnd Ccnt~'r Thi~ 'A·ork Loccl 363, New City, NY, re<enl retirees Eu~", Pe<iolO, Jock Roletla and Anlhony
\\111 be 1m-I , and It'S dlll lCUlll0 Ihr,;111 lnuk pl,lce mel a pennd uf fl\o "'cd.. Moretto were hono red ot the 10(1l1 '~ onnuol retirement dinnlllf, Joinin9 them 'IW (I
slip away. t:n i.!) lind lnvolvco.l ow r 100 hour, of group pkolO were Third Dimiellnl, Rep5, Dovid Seger and John Vorricchio; SUI.
Our 10(:\1 1 h lh mode )!tlft leuuclion" \Il IUnlccr Illhm OU I BTnlh ... r.. rtl~f) Mgt 11M! Mnrnif"li Prl': \, Frnnk lnm pnnft; NECA Chapter Mg r, Kathleen Matteolti; and
rt:le ;hm~ \yoo uf our oHi c~ per ..onncl. .... m ~c ll nile SaturdJY n:moving pOle- NECA PreJ. Vinee- Cocioppo.


l.o<a1 375,
PA, Bul. Mgr.
Wintom H.
(righ tJ ond
Pres. B, I,ICe
Grim IIeft!
presenl 3S-
William It
Perks (cef!~l.

Our Halning mU"1 h~ ~col,d til nllll.:-

SERVICE AWARDS nll1 ,'nl' fnr Ih~' ;Irrr~nlll.""'~. hUllnl
PRESENTED I"umc),,"cn J' 1Iol!1I
locol .4.45, Bottle Creek , MI, rehred Brol. Joe\( Von Slorcvm ond Col Tromel. both 01
Our local" fmlun.1t,· t'l hal": a &:Ji· whom rKe i"ed 50-yeor 5e",ke o wards, euhonge (Df1grotulolions.
1 .1.; • .175 (i Ke c .. ). \ U to, n n \l\ . rdted lIamlnl!: dlrL·e.-lnr. ~ I I L e P<lUhen
PA- \\ , rccl.!n lh honor.;d Ihrc.; Iv(,,1 I II.: hll~ "ork~1.I bdrJ III prnndi.' a \.In- GIS Nurlh ... rn 1\;\\(1, E(,S. G'1f17i1le,
tlUlIJn m.:mh.:,.., illl the lT H.';U" of '1;1 CI~' (If JtlUlnc:\JlMn !nllmn!! ('(lUi .....·..
and I .ll·drll': ,11ll1 I· ... crhng ~Iec'nl. \\c
\olll; In thl: ISl ". 1hc lullll\\1FI1! JS- tu ,cc thaI \\,\: h,I\'; O1I1\lc, 1I 1,11l cquljl"- wi:.h our poe ..... c"ntr.l.elotl> e\er) \U.;ce~"'- POSITIVE
',;CU t mcmb\. r~ wer~ pr ... scIlI ... d \\' llh nr
l111:nl LCL Dil!l-lc ;11,0 hlh I~c n ,gr... al LOI.:ul -'-l'i rccenlh Hlll fl cd II nf.;\\
~Jllhc~ lu m(lrk Ihe IICln~lml \tutx-rt \Crvicc. lie h", hccII in\ullcu "Il h Ihc ({)r11r.I~1. Uu,. M!,!r e llll.'> r-.1.I.;Crc.t\\' PERCEPTIONS
Cmlly. William R. Park" ,lnJ ~Icrling I ru~t for man~ ~·c.ll"i. and lIe arc· dc)~ri h l.'l> II a .. Ih.: "beSt ~l'lIlcmcnl 111
"W hlle\'" ...., ".,. ... ' rut Ilir h" wrvlct.:
L.ll. -IS') 1 " .\, III .cl!" ~ ' It '. JOI I 'lS-
Ihe ..Wtc" I n ,uh~ t. III<.:e ....e n::ccl"'CU n l
Willi.lm P,;rk ~ i.. m~' und .... I \C h,IJ TOW' . I'A-Thell: 'i(!cm~ w b<: m llre
Wot nUhl lonk o$he.. J II' ,Id',m..:c)' In percen t r;\I\c in (.;i1ch of Ih~ n~:(t 1.... 0
Ihc plca5ure (If \\,orkmg \\l lh hIm. and a lld mltro.' ncg"II\'C (;'ll'crll~c uf l .. bOl
I hl: pWgf:lmm,I"1I,: eontwller mdu"'lry. rC31"~, ;md all c\l~tm& con lraCt \;IIII!U:l~C
ur1lon~ in Ihl.: .m.::! new.. I hl.l~c of u~
"'llh Bru~ rurh\ JI1l1 f\ I J\e~. twlh "I Till, is OJ mulll h"hlln-~llt.1I Il \CM htl)l- rl.:lI1,lin~ ill place. I'h,lnl.. 1(1 Ih, r--cl!\11I
3elHC III Ihe l.lh~lr mll . . iCn1cnl ,IIC
hom\. aod on \1>n11! nUI-of'lo",n jllt.,. n~s~. ,(\\\, 3~k ~ou r,cU: JI{}\\' much (\1 al mg Gm1mlUcc for I Joo \\'clJ"'onc
Rill dnd Whllt!\ lr:mcrnht:1 Ih ... fklhlc·
al\\'J)'" am;ul!d at ",'m~' III !he nl.'@au\·c
tht" \"1lI1. du \I.e 111..11111' I til.! Im ...... ~ 1 I~ \\1.' ha\e .1.1\\\ ele~l~J I\t.:'" \\(h';l:t~
ht;:m ,uk\.: \\'uri~ JOI:o .md the Bernlc" \lpnIlUn, I:>;prl.:'-.ctl }~c"f1It: lom:ct \\'h\
flut cllouch. I\.nJ \cI Ih" i, .l fI " r,;); liN \\.; IIolluld II~~' \i.l th.Jnllhc rct i ril1~ unlan~ nrc o""d..:rJ lind untt-In mcmt'Cr..:
rOlloer plant Jol:>' I gUt;:l>S ........ ·11 n.;h r C<lratlk of l.ceptn£ m"n~ Broth ... ", ilnd ufflo.:llli-.. l'iI.:: l uh thc) did \\11' nlten .."mLllmc,," fllleLl Iht.:lf rll\c' .. II1J
hUed tht:m Sl.. h~" \\,1H"1nt.: We ,htlu lJ Lecp In lirl:; .lnJ \tllllt.:timu Ih ..,"k1",~... "ul fe'i"lm~It-lltu ......
CdOi!raIUlationl>. Brothcr.. Good mimi Ihat I C"ontractr.>( cann,lI t-id thl'> \\,lIh\IU I Ih':l r C"lImnllllncnt Ih~' 11I~;11 It " impI!rl .. nl ,h .. 1 \.\1;: ,1" uniu[I
Iud.. In Ihc IUlure \\,Hrlri ullll'~' he h.I" pcnpk traillcu W \\,elUld nul hal''': lICn.ICH:J Ihe "U(\.'t" It ml'mtlCt"\ ~JIIcnd unllm ,"~·!: l lfIp.
\\ url.. IU ntu .lJI.:.t ... ,1111 \en .. ltI,,,. ,",tall it
nut .... c hoJX' tnrng<- \\,111 pIC"
.. ummef f'rogr~·"\C).
ii' Ih...
1m Ihl)"\: 1)1 U\
S<:\ctill nillut cnnn.lct(H... :ttc ... en·
cnlo)'" (oJa). And 10 tHIr n..:\I. orficer.;:
fhttltl IlIck. dnLllh~lnh 10 o$Jntncc lIlT
'-I1.h !tIl>..- "dl-mlllrnlnl \\e mu'llell
"ur i:hlklr..:n. 1I'm1l1e" ~nJ lu.:n ••h!lf
turing 111111 prnl!:ramm.abk LnnlT\lUer.. ;dl\llurl..1t·m 1\11110 our Ii\\', .II.; t%;lh:r 0$" ,1 rr,;~uh of
9oho MC ulkmplo~\.J I.~ I 1m m~~If): and OIher nigh'h:dl arC:3~. Thl~ trcnd W\.· .nl." ~'Id \(I t",pur1 Ib~' Jellh~ of l-ot-I,'n~ng hi a UflHln \\c \.-an c\pl'lln lu
"'-ccr thc l:lIth. tn.In'!! .. atc bound tn can on\~ hdl' II ,e!tlOn bl\ hald \:1\ I\.\IJ llJulhl:I" Olin RI)(.Ic"Ikr amI J"lI"llpk thL ruttl" h.:ndlb IIolk;n .... e
i\..;'l!Jl an 0:\ .... ,lUI r~'r Ihc Wh:.. Ofl th.:
dd~ru...: CUlh..ld., ..In!.! !hl; fI,.'Co.:"'tOfl
Rcmcmhct all lI'I\e~lmcnl In }tlUr·
Llm~r \anLandt Ollf t'OmlokD(~'!o hdr r . .II"'"Ih... IIIlnlmUm .... 3)!.o! til 1!-':'
Itul tulhl'U lanuhe-.. fncnd~ ami "l\cJ '-4'l:1\ \"nJili"n~ Hl1rr\l\.;d Th~ he't
damhdkt: .1nd the fumll\ ph.:ntr ,)Ott ~I{ b tbe t-e,1 nne 'IIU .... 1IIt·\o;r m.ll.;o; on, '\uJ'f'I"h'''' afe .lIlh..: trot" rOIll ..
plJn to att~nd.
00' 1 "-\It.;EK..P"::' "t: mu,t rhmlol ~ p4."III\C .tct.un~.
,uch ;& .. ucrc .... 'u! 1.ltt,'f m'lrI:tl!:cm,nl
rdallons. A, rlU\: ... ·r;l~;n! mt.:mt.",~ \l.C
,h{lu/ll ulllkNdnd 1.II.:al Unton aUllmn-
COMET nl\.lhc b\lallo~ :lnd 'h~ mE\\ CCln~ti­
EXCELLENCE NEW SIGNATORY PRESENTATIONS !U'IUln 11 'wc l·. rUlI,Jrc \lUf "endll~ (;1\
uOlon mcm~r.;; \\ ho \.·ngagL in the <01-
THROUGH CONTRACTORS I . U •."'\1 (i.u.rl h .rh,"p a . u.l'1111 &1.'111 ). Il't:tl\t.: Il.Ifg,1Imm,g I"I"II.·C") \lllh lIul">C
of \Io"orkl;:r~ .... ho 1.1 (' nOI ndon!! III a
EDUCATION LU . .u s ( i.~ IH. &n. " ) . nf\ '-n.E r OC \ TE l. I. O. I I}- ThmuIlIHlul the
unulil. \\,t' .... 1[1 t:\c.arl\ "Cl' Ih,lI \I.e ItIl\C
C JH.. EK. \11- \\ urL ha .. ht:e ll .. Iu ,d, h llihu la hur mOl elllcnt Inlerc" In
much tn Ix IhJ nUul fl~rand proud nf.
I .. U. -1.1, (i.Il.IlJo&. m) . S \" r \ \ 1\ \ . through lhe "lfIter and ~rri ng. l\K.l I (lrl!:. n lll n ~ I' grll"lng thanb lit
1!trough nur p:lllln pillHl n :IO !.I
CA- Our Incal I ~,cllth tn l l'.. \.J Ih\; mClllher. h.l ... e "filled un ,lnd n il Ihc COM[T rr~,cnlatio n ~ t-) \\ ourJi~'
illd.cI'(1I1 ,md Rnh ('handler. S~ I'cr,11
underslllnding. we ~iJn prelmme J rIll" Je
dcclncal It!II00flI!. t rll ~t [(I " n~1Io 1oc ... l1ool.. and somctim~' troH:lleo. /lO I .1
Pll, " I\\.· JlClt·Cpl .1lIt II I U11I11 11.. Juh 1\
l ion. I1lc nc\l. rJ~;hty I~ bellel t"\ Ll lp~J ,-all. We arc ~l;ld III he ahle lI~ gl\ C11 hl- crdb ha~c p..m icipalLd Dnd c>:pre..scd
Ibe tntlnlh \\h ... n our t:lluntry cd evrates
IV rn;parc tor I~~ (utu ro.:. rhe :!hl c... n· tic ,... or!.; te) ~ f.::1Io' Ira H!IiJlg Bullh<!rs. ,IPIlI"I.'CUtl!UfI 11'1 Ihe lram in¥-. IO dqlclIlktu:e dud uC l1l1!crun We
lury 1)0 IU'. arL!llllll lhc corner. ilnd \~e Jll.. t:l II!\\' \''':;11'\ Itg" fi ,Htlc Crel"1. hands Tit..: ("(1r"t l u~lltl n (IJnfiC l encc p l l~'
should rC n1l!rntocr htl .... thc~c concepts
\l~ c\cc:tncian- m:cd to be n.-alh for II IIocre ..... ,)f1.1II~ .." ft'f ,I" ;n;l' Ke nlud..}. \ld\!tl 1I .. l.'lul l'\({'hang.c~ a mU"1!- I hiC
P"ft,lIr1 III nur umlin. A~ urllun melll-
('I)mpanle~ a lt: rurch'I ~II;g tll!!,hl\ ' kilo) orl. and \ 101111.: (1)0.;.11.. paflU;I("IIIrI!! \ \ e ,IrC tIIo1LIII!-, .. 01
ho!f' .... .,; (Ih~cr ...... Ih..: !B( W Con'llIu-
~orblstic,}t ... d equ ipment In Sill} Or~J." Jer .... J)cHlfC rql\lrt~ lital leell\c dlom. ttl \Irenglhcn our mJ.rht
IHlII dlld h'/.I"" Wt' eh::d our lnca l
pelllllC In a nc\\,"": l p\:II:C .... c nil\e
Ii\\: n..:\\, 'Ignatll!") COntr.h:tlll"">.: .. n..lle il nJ !\ll,'nhJfll:iC UUI 0$"1111\ III umuu Icllllchhip. lnd 110..- holcl ntonlhly
)O,;I'\I! Ihl! m~·mtt..:rs.
union rnel:tlng' IIohcTl t.!ellluudtic
1.«01441 . \\ c held ,I .. ut:cc .. ~11J1 funtJ'r,li"lm:
aLllun' ,1rc la"",n
SerITO Ana, p("It.:.:1 rllr, '!-\ gain" Di.ltxk"", Dt rroud tl' h"'ln~ unllUl. dnd ~
CA, ~ . Dove ThanJo.'i III Ih, "amapalln!! hot .. ..1"J Ih.,nUul," ho! IHf-\\ mcmher.. lell
Stuan, with :rllth .. nlclll"'-"r~ .,c
\c.Jur familk-- and frknJ.. tilt.: i.mror-
Acodemy OUI Innu:II Ouall1~ O.lnn.:ctl~"" G!~I io$na' Ilf l.r~lH.fcJ 1.ltlllr
Be<tric, moni· lnumamcnll.. Ju\\ Ih.1t the RI.u.:UIIIII Rl'mLmba Itl "'U) union rroducl~
100 an Alien \Iuntl.".pal Golf Courl>~·. raruclpants m~nJC) In "o;Unh Amcn~ ..l
B<odl<y Pte \Ioill mdu.'>!!, !!UC.. h. nUT enn
tractu"," amI local union mcmbers.. \\, JOI .... -\ ... , ' I'j;
in tile on·line
mod• . IUIIL Inf\l, aid 111 ....."Clnl!! C\ ~"Ont: Ihcre
Tbl: lnnuall.:jm,i~ pic-lIi( ~ill h.; COLA
J uh 'I OIl Jt·no,cn .. (in.,..~' In 81"'''(('1.11
.-rom HI 01.01. 10.~'\I p.m. \\t.: rldn III IMPLEMENTED
h:j\e ":ttcr ill:U\lt'C'o ~I:\i, \·c.,'\r. JC .... ell
L lI. :"11] (I..Il I). \ 1() " Wf- . " -We
.1' Mlflh.IIL H.lle\·h"n .lnd !!-1t.:..11 ft .. tJ
\1 .111. ~(lUf ,-ak nJa .... tll lInng ~()ur tam-
hJ\t.: ~ n.."'~' frILL!"C Jul~ I. 1'i9.'
\1 (".-..1 IIf L I"'lnl! \dll1'olm.:nl ((,'0 1 .\ )
Ily ••lfIU Clllnc h,I\C ",wne fun
\\'II! III imrkn;~nt~J In IhL pLn'lon
n n C JI "'~I"'. U \\ pl.IIlIIl':""1111\ I1l·l!PII.IICII .1ml ~,gll ed Jr\


Pres. R ohtn Cilh)I\'l;l.1 Or,tnttc llll,1 III" hlhur h.:.J(kr ~h" h,,' ~hll"n tll·tli \1,11\\ .,1 Ihe II rnl"e r. \\1111 h,ld h.:.:n
Rtld;l.tnd l llh lll~
LABOR FOR LIFE caled k3 d et~hiJl JIIJ Cllmml UIl Lnt Itl !.IUVIIl h\ Ih" r .lh";lll Ie,ldler j!illhercJ
AI Pri.'(,\ lime, negol ldlmn .. .I I Ihgh 1 .U. ~57 ( I. rt ~ .'I.: ~ p ll). "I \ G II\ '\ W. \1 1- Ihe lli helr 111m .:111.,;111 Im.t m~'mnri ~1 \CI"IICC In \i.l,m 1'1311\<;
1;IIIU Tckplton,; \l;t,"rc I;')ntlnu inl! and Whl:!l he.l\\ ,nuw hld1l~eled \lIchl!!JII Thl -Jtlhn, {J, Ihe\ at,· (1 11)1111111111 111\ M.II I Rm CoIr1 DlIl1lllllt. Lh,uml;m
..... e \1';1;': hell ulII!!, Iu\\",d it Clllld u~l\In cMhcr m I h ~' y..:ar. (l\n~lrUCIl0 n pro· k nHI\n l Jr(: IIIlIde ur nl lflhllr h.:'ldCl~ fill mlln~ ~I!ar. tl! OUT J\ I t". "'r uL..:
W..: "ill hll'-... lin UpJ.lle lin thc nutc\>mc lell, "ere \ lm'l.'lt dtl .... n. I \1.'11 lIl\lllc flilm )lIulhuJI (",.lilollll.1 \\ h ll r ... 'o.: IIIl!hh \ll h" ~r.:,I1~ .... llh QlJIllllIe li e
In \Ill: ~cplcmhl:r 1""1: "f Ihe Jmlflllli ..... ;lrk .... a' ~II)"" toet3u\1! Ihe 'tI l )I,\ rai l fUnd, tn rlghl iculo.em j,l. T hey r,lI~e 1,.I~cd III hol,\ OU1l1",~ ~1\Uld ..... ,l hi)Ul
[m p lo~m\lnl i' .. h!:ld} In ,. lI lhtn pn,·\l·II LI.'U thc ,htp j1 ll1!! III ne~c\,.ln· t h nu'"lnd" III Iln\l.w. e,H:O \Coll 1111 I.'U"I'II1I1l. \lHer Pl.."'" III Ih~ ,I IlIHtln
Cllml'lllnlt·.. Orange ,lIu l f{lIdd.lIld. PJfl r..: .... ilrch dnd tre.l l m~nt uf Ihl' J"dul~ IlL ... ' p.'''lll!! lhrllu)!h 111' d., ....... ~
I h g.hl-ln J Tdl:rhlln~. ,Ind \\.H",d Jul" are 0101 In!! hl~'lrJ nll\lo I\m.lrl tll\cd"": \\.: .trc .11",1 ',I\kkn.,;J III r",,1oIf! Ihal
Telerhonc Clflu;:c" C""I!nUe 1" m.. ~e h,1\ .... h,,1;1I l le\.ln~ 1"11.1" hUlI,IIIl !!. nne Our IlUllhL!\ "nd "'''I~''' .,1 """'1" .... 1 nil' I)"U\1 lIutrh.nd p."'LJ 01".1\ Ih "
dUIU,II11t,;nh It) Ll:cr n u r memhLI\ ne \10 'll1Te ,lnJ Tl:moJ..:Iln!llJll'lhcr The I~d .\.. \h,pi">wIJmt: ( ' "'COl h ,\~ p"nl.: (),'U(! ..... 1'.1 line ml'.,;hanK·. "'-hn
.... ur\ I>o.:.,;n \\llhl1UI ,I ~lIn l r.'LI "no.:L Ih .. 1... ,1 ,h,.. Jdl:\I .... Ihe 1<1(,,]", Ilhnh'l!r drh.. r
'MII~ .II { .1.... I·ulk:ldl lI"me " \II"Hng
Our lnc:.l " ....Jdened III lerml Ihe .lInne, n.. rh.:" Cinemd Tcn I~ l'II:c<-m- 1\1IJrtcr ,,11'11" \\ .. 1\ ll'C31 v," HL .11 ,I m, n, un,,'n lun~llI'n' Ind !lIther·
pU'in, III Dro... \rlhur D •.&,. II Lnl~ Ift!!:.1 reahl\ II .... 111 h<.: !!(Il1d In ha\o.' pro,"d ••llhl·1Il 1m '11.,;~'n}! .... IIh Ih.: ." , Ih: I.q'l III 1"lIeh .... llh Ih. InL .. l
lI ,m....:n ilntlll ,mlt.. \\emer. \ \L e\ILnd <I un1lln·ou.ll mini"; hllu~e "n.:..: IIn.on Ihr"u~h Ih.:~~ h,lrd llJnl!o .,nll ,lief hl",..:III ...Il.:nI
our~Lcf\I.'l \)mr'dh~ tlllhe., lanuhe, (.n'!ldnch ( lIIelll., ll11ul'hl IlUl (ul'cn h,,1'lI: Ihl·\ h.lI.: .• ltllltr,I~1 1"1\ Ihl· 111111; OUI ',mr"lhl glk:' .. ul 1411hL falll!
Ihl' ,.dud.. ,,, ruhll~hcJ hl:~ 1,1 hUlh Ih.,; .... fin .. U'<>lhe"
)1/·\"1 11 1"1 ..... '.1''' \UL-' ("In..:nHt th.:n.: h,,, .. It..:en .......
I\I,IC'; ... hi ~ ... .:h ellrrLnl 'hu\lo~ III a "'1)11\\11111,,1'" 1'\
It 11 lit 1"1 I It 1''''
unlUn·hl.ulllh ... II ... , 1 .. 1, ,up(,orl Ihl'
WORK 15 SLOW nc . . . dn .. ma f~lr huJldlng unHin .and
1x'1IIt" fair
LL. 5-15 (j& t.'In). \\1'. JO"'t l' lI , \10- fhe rdiner~ ,n _\lIn.l hd' ~IJII .. J J
\\orL In Ihl.: ar<.:;lI~ ,1(.\\ nil"" ... llh lurlldmunti ,Ind I' 1II'llIlhnl1- IM,lIlIlIlIn
IIr~u"oJ ;0 m..:mhc~ OQ BooL I. "Lib 'IInlflll ',~~ILm' OUI m~UlhIH' \l;cI
hll1:h unC::l11rlmll'lCnl, nUl melllll\:l' lind CIllllcJ Ih..: 1tln"')nIKlr,llld clllllrClm
II mnre .. nd ml'r.. dlfhcult t,· rn
lhe Ih.. rcllllL" ">Illlle UlLml>Cf' h'ld he",n
e\er·IIILJC." IfI~ u ... 1 III hO"I'I I Jh/,lllIIn "uri-lOll ,h,lrl \\c~b on nthl r lOt.... £I I
in\uranc.. _ We tiln I,nh hope Ih.l t Ihl.:~ Ie" lhiln lulllll~(lrlle\. elllU unl.'mplm-
CI"I~ ..... 111 kn:l nUl \i;t ~I'II: "lIh Ihe n~" lIlenl ~ndll\ .... ell; rU!llllnl! hI .... Inldl
,ldmlnl III Ihe "hllc 1I.lU,e 0 11 hi!' Ire.Jh;d U" .... ..:11 .11 Ihe rdln~r\.
,(lme pr' l(!rl.:" tan tic !\lIloJrd l'uI Ihe reLenl l ucllHll1d Ol'lllIllP' a;e
rCdUelll\! Ih~\e hl.lllkn, fllr \"Il~III~' ill ml\l:J l1a~. \\Imc 111 Ihc rcm()ddin~
l'"ul'k r l llil III IIp... nl ll l!. al t hllo"c lIutk",d,u filII
Our 1II'llk \l;m~l1Icn' ...:t1I1! I I(;1 ....,111 mdlJde un "'" .. t.. . . lrM.:IJn'. 1 III [!I,u.llh",
h,I~'" nplfcd h.;1",.: 1111, ;l.11 'lk "ruh. (In c ncar Ill': UII Bin Rll,Id ..... cnl!;"f
il,hcd \~ c O\lo\:.a Ihdn ~'~{IU Imd " I!.Ind, II", \elH Ihc I ·,Ihill 1m I ,k lu nd·
\ htl lt..c tn Ihl' 'IIC!-l(J111111n1l. ( unlll1ll1ec 1111 r.lI~I,: . k;,L,d olf III ~\rrl l ""h mMlhh
la " i n ~ "" lh.: r":'~III~lhill t } uf i,ll rallle dlil"1II~' 11,.: dllH' \\llIwn d l.ltk l()(ol 569 , Son Diego, CA, Mo rine U"il becutive Committee and stewotd~ a t NASSCO:
Ini:~)IIre~llIlnll;l. 1hlt\ cll n h~: qllll ~ It LlI!
IItull lull We ,11<111" 111'1»' Juh n LII!!,I II
II I Sq)Il:lllho.:r \~lIh;, tlr.1\\1I1g 1m" CII~· Ke n Genlle ~(om mi " ee t hairman); t hief ' )OJ)
~Ie word lieidor Ami ri Aborghoui; slew-
Inm \a" lite goal" \(1 ril i~c l INJ.[~~ 1 ardi HO$$an Sorkamonein . Patrick Morhew,on. Rick Garda aMi Scott "Sporlty" Rus·
Mlkc Sim!"'un ,md Ronm.. ~I ~}\ ndtc .... ~ In h l!l Ll ,I 1I111hlk ulI ll 1111 h hllld U II\~'" wit; p,tl~. Jim Ayf~warth ; 8u), Mgr, Tom Pridemor e; ond A))I. 8u) . Mgr. Jim Ardwr.
for Ihelr '>en it'e 10 1h~ 1111:;11 ( i •• il Si:hid1Cr, Jirc.:lIlr pI Ih ... S;lgil1d\\
A ~p~C;:l1 ntll~' It) all L.1cal ~I.~ mt,; lll· ,"'.llle) Ulmld l'ril~I'11II l)illIllf
her- If ~ 1I11 kn(ll\ III ,I 'pCl'I.11 CI'Cll l IIr
h " rrenln~ IIIl l hlll nur 10.:.11 Ih dl ...
Re\"ute .. ,. "elll IUl\I ,,,I IC "h.m! 1111 .. LOCAL MOURNS MAKE IT HAPPEN!
rmjcl,'l :11\11 ..:'pre'''' ~l·n ll lno.: ,lrllrec:i
appr(\pn,lI..: (ur puolil.:,.h' ln In lh.. Jour ,1111111 1m Ihl.' 1,,\lm I1 I1 11m, enllrl, Ju~1 BROTHERS r.. '-
m." plc,l\e lei 1111; lno.... \II help ... I htn ~, a s~ IlCk~'1 "II'I,'~ \·ou a thane ... III
I.. t. ~)l1J h r •. J \\1 ,\ 11'1\ . 1 .1..
Our 11>c ... 1 I' JI)ln~ .If) \I UI,I,II11h ll l! 1111'1
arprLci:' I.:d .... 1" 1 he \ceo,1l1 1"IlC I'll Irl r III t. U, 5~1 (i .(, I). '1OIt K I'I IO\\ I\.
"\ J - II i ...... lIh de.·r ".Idn..:" Ih.1I \Ie t.1.·pm)! ur 1\l\h Ihe rrl'~nrl\l '11 rl,'U"
11,1\\,II I! (ill\x! I Ut ~ 1
I~ r l ' rl Ihl.' jllI"',lIIg III
J,\ J( I 11,,1I 1Il'llil hlllw l\1I'n l III IIII' "ill 11I"f~ell l pllll1l111
IllH' r eLi \11· ...... 1·5 \lanud "Ouinm.:" OtJJnt,lll" I u...,1 :":-.1 Ih, ll "flU 1 .)II}!~ 1 \:l l ~l:red h) Ih .. l1I~ur
IIlle.,; rl.11l 1 h~ !'r":'(fll'lIon C!lm",11
TRAINING HAS \\a' lurlll l1:lle 10 h;ll'': ( 111111)11.' IIl'ce)l1
.10 h ' lIlI,rM~ 1II0001I1n.."h>[l, Ill! L.lrrlCli It'c Ile.lllcllIH lim \rlle 1.1I1hert 1M'
ITS REWARDS Ihe Ir,UI' III :I (klllc,'ll.'d UIIIIIII 1\1,111 .,11.1 .,~ y.l lr ~ cut [lUI \\n\;n rLlmhut'ocmeflh
elljl1\eU hi' tllne 'JlCJlI \\l lh till; 1Ii1 \\ .'f>' tllll' 11.11 ""hi ,lIld I\ I "'le 1IIrli
LIJ. ~ 7 j rr). c; \ U ~ tW 1U . , 11 - \ .. , Or.) Oumldna .....1' J Ph'jc.. I' .:n),:1 I~'~I' 111 1')1,;.11 "1'1" IIlLiI1Il\:r. lIum Ihe
leRi dedfl.:i ... n~ .In..! o.:ummun'''.1 11I1I1 lIeel 1111 IIdll ., h ....IIII"e' II" 111.111\ M,lInl..:nan~e III I ' O erl ,
pcr\llnnd .. nlpltl:-I.'d hI Rl.lrhnt:llln ~'I:ar' .... .. 1'(1 hclptn~ our IIK .. I·, .... "'It.. 1111 1 1" .• 1 ~,.., 1;.ILh Illite Ihc relm
""1"lh ern R.ulrtl.ld IRNR) rc: .. cnlh .IPllfcnlk': pn~r,lIl1 l'Culflle III I d,I'\ tlu ...... ni\:nh .If", du... \h Jrr'l,:.,; iJ.le Ilk:
<tl1cn .....-d pllk...:hmt<mg ',lh:l) <lnd ",,1.: ror .1" ~·c.:ar'. hUndr~J) IIf l.1~.;al ~\'\I ~r~'11 ".h Ihel dll I h.lIlh.•Iml ~e..1' ur
lup·re .. ulc cllI"C' The: dil'-.c:' 'oli:rc apprenll .....·' 11lI\\' ,lrllrcu:llcd.1 ".:Itl·r ItiL \111<.111 .... ml. l
held II \aflOU~ h..:adquart':f'l.Ir":Jlllln~ IClUII1I·~ m.1I1 rrl:r>,d,III~ln h<.:tdu'L ill \\.: Lu'.: m:Jnl ,h.t'knll.e~ 11\ Ihc~c
,I~II,I~~ lite ~'I{ ''''em QUIIl",C·' CUlIlI~ \etllt;c !ll- knn .... 1 III Ill): I'm~". "nu>.: " u(l .. n
1 ItI.:,tI ~·~1I1h:nlher" Rid. \rr,"lt~ cd~e HI Ih .. deLlIIl.,1 IIIttu,t" .... ," 11\.,;\11,.111.,; II tIUI I!lul 1.11111111 Jill] I"
fran~ \\llham' ;nhJ M anln '·h,,~c~ unparallded and h" IUJenl' \illuLd ml:m~n. .Ir.. 1\1 mt".: (.."'ard...... ,; all
.1llerukd Lia\'oC\ .11 ....dllo,a' ("III PU\\'CI ,h.anm.! hI'> m\l!!ht, .lfIll \Iu" ..... 1111.1'1 IIlI UUl ,h." .. I "lh 111 "' hd\ .,n
&; I if!hh luinin, fd";lhl~ Jnd dlllf\;R ,
lr~lfllnJ h"lhl~ itl JlIl1n,,\I" ('\>unl\
Local 557. Sogil'lClw. MJ, ~mben haYe lotol 589,
CommUnI'\ t Hike>.: III <hc.:rLmd I'dr~
been employed by G,L 6ender Inc::. 01 JomoK.a, Lt., NY,
K50 1 1\.;)( dd~""', dl:~I~l'Kd .\\ tr.UnI"!:
(III m\lructur... prcf'iHcd 1IU1 l11emhel\
m. sfft' ptcrured. where a KhooI WCI PreKnphOf1 Com-
rOlod ond 0 Do n~ boitding IS under min" Mod Bro.
\\1 lJ1I1\1JL Ui,ltu .. h<lll III IIICII .'" I'll
{omlruc.tion. Gory Bender , ownet" of ArtIe Gilbert ((e n-
11\'(.' dll ... ,nn\ Th .. cnur\c, "I!crl'd
tfI. compo ny , poses in fr(WIt of rM new tefl il al WOfk
m,trull ion I)n .. nl In~l""clllll"l
buildi ng. with Po! Bohi IIeFt)
~flr(.' rule "'l'l.:ndml!,"dl'\!llcth
nKIUt'" 'liltl I"IIlM:ollip re<,(uc
and MofieTOI'o
I r19 h ~ on pre·
Wh.1<.: attendtni! thl' n;llnm\! "C\'"111\.
Bn", I r,m!. \"II1I~IIl' lind KI~1t.. An,ml\ BRO. PRIDEMORE Kript;on relm'
burumenb lor
and ~ignillmdn " ran~ Dur.. n >':,Io.:h HONORED
l e(el\cd an ,1~oIrd IIf ,I ~1II1J '.11 1Il\.:'
memben .

hond from "'R

fM Ihc.:lr .a"llnn\
(,Jdmllll"lrdlln n uf Ihl; lI elm1lch
L I • .511'01 (i .u,rl ' ~.p" I:a r ,t'~ ~&. hJ.
"' .\ O Il· C O . ( \ - Il u, \I ~r lUlU
manl!U\cri 10 h elp ,an; Ihe hie III a I'mkmllrc V..L' h\lllllr.,;J 1\)' th.: J I'h n S.
m!ln 111 a r!':~ld Um l\t .... hll .... '1' dm ~ 1II11. 1 \1It1'\. 1 (IUnd!lli u II, WhKh lI/11ned him
rr,1I1IIUg d.",) hl!\" ~ h IL ..... ld~1 It;.: "t..,hllr , "I Ihe YCilf. Thi,
f) ,(" 11'H~IIII p .. prc,liglllu, U.... lt! U I" hc~II1 1,\ .:J ,mlluall}

'HEW JOURNAL/JUt Y 1993 33

"Ililgatilln to ~trl\'c hi cnhanc..: Ihe ',Ifel) ( ' \IH'>C Lk \l \\:cl h, In,; Un \ro,;jl
UPDATING OF ... lIlndu,ln '-llmmll\ce, loll lhe pur
lucal \\c C,1n I IU" ..,I t.;It,:~ ,InJ Ihln~ I r,tlnlnJ! IIU\I t U \ J I III lhc IIr.. 1 ]'1(..... of d~\,d()plni!. a 110': of t:('fIlmu ni-
Ih.11Ihm"" .... 111 .. llml·hn .... Il,' Id~"" f.lrl Inlll mnnlh, III Ihl" \1,;,11, 11I,IIUl.l\lr' LICENSES 1,IIIIIn I"'I\\ITII t'/IIIII,lunr. ,IIIII I HI'\'
of I I I,n:, rt:illi,lIC 10 Ihln~ Ih:al ~lIel Bruce O'~ulll\ an .. nJ I'hll B;ulhman v.,fernt::n (h~ .. nl/lIl~ dlur" <If..: .. \III
lhmp " Ill tmppc:n ~C4U"": Ihe Union I~ IlIuj.:hl Ihc 'J1Cclilh/cli WUhC I" "'cl III I l . Mil (I.II.II .cm.CIII\ ,lc li .,,&' CJ. under v.J\ In Ihl' .. 11.:;1
-.orne ~mJ 111 m"III;.11 !t'ro.: 8.;o.Imc 11 nur l11"mb.:" A 1,.uln.. \I1I .. n ITlllnm ,It mOKIJ. OM-Ihln!!.. h,I'e ~cn II
crull'!; r.m II/ I ,-.:.. 1 ~w ..oJ r111~c II 1.... llm.lllnr: d .. , ...... , v."II""cn~kd 111, hilI..: .I,Iv. rn IIUI a,,, .. ,\ cumhlnahtln
nl,"".d "e.lIher, ,11'[1UI..... II\!!I .. n"If(ln,
hJlrrc n' t:uur ..c m,llt'rhll·d III Ihl'

8u~. \Ii:r Juhn (.I!!i!I,mu "elle\e" JArC"yttkh":lIll'r('\d,,,rt.. , Ih~ nlcnl.lII""U .. , ~ni.l .. p""r ct;lJflunl\
Ihal ..:ommille .. mcmh~r .. (ulflll aD flr.1 ..:1".... III h .. ~ H:.II .1pplcnllcM .... 111 h,I\' Ihl .. pUI III Ih,' Nurlh",o,;,1 In •
ImpunaRI H'1c In .111\ l'll!:llm/dlmn ~r"dlWlc Ibl~ ·ummtf ~lIul
Tbl.......; m.. m~1'!> .ra; Ih..: 0111..... "htllol~C: C'1'n,trtk:lhln I' J1to:J...IIII! ur \d'~ ,I"v.
Jr.'" \\IIII""~ ,...
" hUI thell: dIe rom"" thlll , .... ~elllnll
Ihe Ilm~' 1.1 !tcllnhlhccl .Ind In ht:cntTIC
.. Pdt! of Ihc ... ,Iulinn IO ..le,H) III Ihe t't.;llcr H!llh Ih\. hn .... nJ ,n... JI. ~u,)~ ..
ph~lem MEETING "'e ! up llthlte' afo,; ,,"11 hu\\.
\in .... Ihlll .. urnm!.'f I'i. her(' uncl mlln, ..."Ih '111111' 11Ik. ~ uetol' conllnUln,' III
of u, .m: cnjll,in)! .... :um .......uhl.:t r.. ~r .. AnENDANCE "01 IhwuJ!h f',lClrK' P""l.:r lind I Il!hl
alum, to.: ..til.: III relllcrn~' ,,,Iel:< pr~'­ I he \m,~ \ IlIIe 11(I\\een I-ugelle lind
I:dultun, Whdher hUJllllj!, ~\\mllnlllg.
IS UP R{}~~hurL! h", h('!.:n In lur '"lml! lime
cycling. or \lhluc\'cr-ha\c lun. Ilnd nlll\. 1\-Ilh 1111.: mllll\ t'TC"" .. UIl .... i1Ikmg
I L flll li .u .It.I ,(,1I 11 .lc!I ,\pu '1.'11 .
keep II 'W!c \III U(JL"KQll ~, "'I'll -!\llcnJILIlU' 1111 !1I\. .• ulllmaIIHII 1 hI: Imc h....... ccn
.11 n ur , c):ulll 1IIt;l:llnlt' hJ' l",pl ,lled 1> 1\;lln'll1c lind Mendilln (7~ mllc~ll"
Jlln ~ U, J',\\SJ MO, J>" heW!! unlie 1\\ll\lInlllO L'llIlin /,;unlnu::
0\1:( lilt; 1,1" '0\;\1.'1 .. 1 1IIIlIlIh~. t\kmher,
hu\c h c~un 1,1 .. hll .... m,m,' mlcro':"1 In lor, ('h'I"l lII" ln J'I~t,;ln~ .II".! l',ll\u New JerW( Gov, James Florio (al podi-
( Ih 'Ill lllllilf \\,ull III bUlh Iht;
\\h," {!{II.:' Ill! ullht fIlctl lll !l' \I,I \ h, um ) addreuej the memberj of Local
))j:-;1'11I ill..: .lllu '-It:ridl.lIl .. uh,I.. I IUll'
hcftlrc Wil h'lll!, \\C 'illl h u\o,; ,I full 675, Elizabeth, Nt
UNION·BUILT hllu\t' ,II c lc ry lIlel' IUll! r " nnlll!! cU llrtlm ~11lT Jillk JlI,":~ It ll~
IlI:l.:lI ltlnclu(llng. It.HeIlW II clu"c, UII
TWIN TOWERS \\ T. ( 'I;lI/nch .... ,In Ihe Ci.. urp\. Str.-,I
IId.l.'h, .IIIU J I ~<l II ,hl;l "'''11 Iii\. t 'I IIII uf'JulIng ~ll the Orqtl)n ~ t il l l.: Ikclh..:\ GOV. FLORIO
L.L. ::;95 fi.\I.c& ~ I ). I) \11. 1 \ 'lU. ( \ - 131.1{'k l i ckt: l ~ thll l \ler .. raHk" off .11 I unum! h.!"- h ~'cn gnuu ItI.:lIll·mhcr
Ibe I-ccl~'rdl BUild inp'~ unt{ln·huJlI IWln recent unmn mel'IIII1/.' PIIIC:eeU~ h um ren,; .... JI ut hCl.:n'l" I' J Ul In 11)o.)4! ADDRESSES
ImI.C,.., I..I vmm,lll· (),I~I,mll , dll .... nllw. 11 Ih~ "'cnl 10 Ihl: la;IP,I,III\1.: r.,nl \" e t"~[1c("t III hil\e mhlun,l1l11n lin
""',Iin\ lh..-:,,,: tW)~. AII": I IX m{)n,h~ Ilf mil II" 1111' Il'p",llIrll1n {tl!l1l1l1ll1-r n"!!{lu.lllIllh I hIl1UI~h uU I 'he 11I...111II ti l\.
cnmuucuun.lhc \\\., hm\....lunl! ....muneh nt.:\.d~ \{)luntl;l;T\ to hullt.! ilnolh .. , "'In nt;"t n'rml I .t. 67~ (iK"J. 1111. \U I-.I II . 'lJ -
~t'lllcl 211 .. tunc .... Iliuj!hl ,ifill 'trt1n~ lin ning \1,l\e I !llr 11".11 \1\\ lInc .... Iw Ml'lnl.:mb,,_ .llIcnl..ltn!! line mcdlu!!, 01 \\ a; \\od .. hl'llorl.:J 11~ Ih\. arrc,lfan"-:l! "r
e\l\' cent~'t\ f\;l.ltahl..:d \\e\lem 1,:~~I:. ..../lnb to> hdp 'hnulcl C(lnlol\{ Iht.' C!'m mllnlh \11111 I lilt: hM' mUl.:h Ilmc A, \ol CIt. Jef"oc~ (ill\ Jllme" I Juno at OUt
\~ IJ dlTl;~lt re\uh llf .. plcd!!C' lei hll(, mlllL'C Ille lIIeeun~' \I!U ~',111 nla~c \'I)ur \11.: ...... f\ rtll UIIUIO 1llt:l:llIlg I h.: gmclnM
union onl~. Ih\. jlcnet.ill C:llnar,j~hlf j, A\ III April. therl,. .... ert .. h,IUI IIMI ltlll\\n.II!l1 ,h,HI: \llUr ",uI*l:,tiun .. Th\. .. ho I.. runmn! lor re"k(tll\n Ihi, ~ar
.... !lhm hudttci :1nJ lin 'otheduk \\ IIh II rnl,:n lIn UUf,k I \\ uh Ihl.! l"ltllem t.l~ ll\t;lUI1~ h Ihl.! pl.tCC In '<!tk 1.... Ut: .. n(11 h.I' heen t.!1-"';U"'IIl~ hl\ rw,,11I.'l... alhl\\;l\-
h!nl,lh\C.! IA;\.up.lnC\ d&llc 'oC1 hlf l"ilrl~ 1Il~ l.fL IhilllttlUl1; t:<luld,(I \.\-,1\ ,1""'/1 IIllhc hull mClln l ,1'l1r IMIInI'_ v. t:: (0,;1:1 [1ruud •.uIJ ht'n-
('1<:ml1<r III Ihl\ war, Ih..: 1;11\' ~U\ \1 II unUl(] IIlCClln~ ntH UI ~hIHd ';\;0,; )111,1 at 01 unilin mCl.:tln~, Dc l1Ied Ih,1I he IICCt:(,lcu Ihe m"U;lIWIl 10
ellHllelll~1 dllJ 11U'lllc"" llJIIIIIIUllllle, r.,,~ha' ,i.mml:fi ..kJ a;lcnUnt \lhll '" Ullinn hu\ UIlIIIII' Uu~ '\ 1If1h \fIl ~'n \IIC.II. hInur IIiColI
un l 'I IIU \.,111 1,,1/,1,(1 nul III,
~pt.: Ih.. lk:~ huilJang' h"l .. nlll~ .... .un· \IontJ...l(]~ (HI h.l~ .... nlhdl (~It lI u~hl.:' ('In_ I Illno ..pooh l.r hi.. rCO:<.Ird on
b","lcd pe:ak.. "III '<f'C ~~ !l.:1tI:un-.l0 011 Inlel fill Iht: ,'uhl .. nuIfI, IlItt Ihl.:~ \.IW' illh-.- euu'dlllln ,lnd h~hh-c:m:
~uldl.:rUt\flt:nl\".l\.~ln()ol I.IOJ hil\1.' dnno::, r,.fUlfll ... m.. n!! nih.. , I"U,,~ lie "did
\ nrnlnJI\t1n, ill cllnl.hcl.n,"~ I,'r k~.1 I urn DII\ I.. unll 1I,'nnl~ \,HlIIII\ "I "I.lianl/. Ihe Inu~h chUicc .,nllihe Tlghl
unum ldhcc~ .... erl.' J(ecrl~'cl 11\ PIC" conllnu~' I.. d,! Ii ,ft:JI I'-.h IfI Iha; UlIl" t::hlll~l.' /"1101 al\\J\' Jl"puilit. hU I tUdl
\\ .. 11 ('or\o,,:I lu JI UUf \I ,,~ nlllnJ! ticr.ullllcnt I fCUII"n ,lIlcl \1',,1..- Ih .. \t.: ,hou; .. mU\\ "I! maclc lie
rnecllOlt '\" I1llh" toI ntlnlt lin \I.I~ Ilhe LlcelTtc hOI.. !: )ulOl:d Ih~ ritl'i~' "\'~IU d ~J...nHtoIl~dJ!~t1 Ih'll I.U"lJ1te 1,llIe" \I.""
deelMn!t ~heJukd jill Jun~ h.. J nl" 1111"1 cnnlra\.1ur.. \ 1'1"1.., h,l\ Ihr{1.: IUUI II(tI J't ')1uIJ', l1ul "IJled It \\a!. n(;t\;'
yet I',"tn rl;lCl: llI.')ml.:n thru journ~~men'ln'lf"'lnlllt.:. Inr Ihl! ecun nmu; "lahlll1\ IInJ ~r' !"lh
UTO. I om ~\\;eenc:~ Hur I Cln~llme .1II11lhrce ,lrrfCll h\.\.... III Iht.: ,1.lle 'lit. J ... ,c~ \ 1111 hd .. Ihe
and hard· .... "tk'",. furmcr hU","I:~' R"l;!cr IIl1nl.:\, '\nd r ....... Pedrnn ..dh.
W 1 (I ... unch ,11'111 K Clhcli \\-I k ll\ h.l\~­
hlpt"'l h"1lt1 fil lmg In Ihc c<lunll)
n1oln,lccr ha\ rC!IIcd WI; ilprl l'tlollc hl\ 'hl' !,1J\Cllltlt ,11,,1 lIIullJIIllt'd thc
'I:nkc~ 10 Ihl.: Incal ;and \l1 .. h hIm aU b.;\.n l'1u,) Yolth n.. ~t\lIl1 l mn~. l'h"y Ill\:: n ~C\:",i \r 10 f1t.!"(!n.JlI~ in\uhc hlm\dr
Ihe tlc" "CII"mg lllllt wnll'I~'l h ,1 1 1\.111 N: 1lt.'1U.: " lIh thl: Chnllln ,o.JDllnl~ l ratlOn· .. rm-
Om"\:. .w.un ,I -I lin,; (),ll.l.lntJ " lll'I\~ rklal to hi .lh th\. "unlr,lI:tN' IlnU Ihe I'II'\4!J hedllh,colre Id wm I}I..'(;,IIN! Ihe
mcnl h:t~'ri"cn (TIlm Ihl,. JI.::lcl ('lrtillO lTIl'fnhcr.. rh ,l l mlll·~ lI lh:1I1 Intll"'lry i~ erilical III
t;ih tClUlll il FII(!mht!r~ " ~l lI t.1 II"' nda lc Wt lire ~oIdd\.ncu 11.1 n.:pOf1 Ih\. Illi"- Ilur \1,ltc ,tfld Ilu r ... rc.1 he "',Id he \\\1]
thaI \\ill 'li[1l1lnll: tha, 40 r,,:r~nl of ull IIlg " f Ihe lulh'\lII1}: lI1 e nll~ ,.., I hllUlIl\
'c~ ~ wilY" tn PWlcct joh!o lind lo\\cr
m,lIIfllJVocr u'-CI..I (111 allllUhlic .... lIrL.. Juh .. I S)1rm get. k~~ \1 Snl,Illlhc. l lttlilUnll Ih,:I1 I111 (Me t:1~ t ~ GO\ H \lnl) 11&t' I.'''
mU,1 t'C ()a~lllnu r\:,iULnL' Imm t ,li.II..:- ( l oTl/ule, I r lind I r.lIl!. 111/11 11/-1' 011 Lotal 659, Modford, OR, linll {rew~ ~hd} prolTllll,,~ joll ,lnd hU 'iinc'i'i
he hoi II ('I I Ihl: Imal. "'c ~\I\. n cl (nlhh,· with PtKirK Powllr and light, Wilhelm
I,. I uUII :,'J, .lflll 1I1l1II1\j:elllcnl II llllcd In !' fll\l l h Ihrlllll',hlllil It\/' ..lilli '
Ii ~In@.k "" ice to cXWl lht.' l'llll~'ll.Iul eu,1
lellt.:C~ Inlht: IUIIUllc' ,"HI I I,cmJ\!l1
Ih c\t,: Ilrolhct..
RiUging Ilnd Powor City 50t up Ihe 500 - ·n,.. CiM lurnllr, .unJ I~ lI.. dfcnn\I,I\.:·
henein, uf tr,lInt.'llllJ1II '1l 1.lhlll \\I e \10111 "VA tfQn~fOfme, at the DixClnville 11Ib-- lum 11m pmlccl I'TI\\ IJed U~ wl lh lull
\ i\ol.11l KUlnl'l'iI ;tlld r hud. .... unnel 5tolian.
rru\ld..: iI fu!ulo; u[ld ju.. 1l11l J11 1l~Illt::n' lhroll~h
Ihe toIrnllr It oil'"
In ,ml lclpalHlIl "I rdlll!.:r\- \lilt!... !II It 10:) itT\.- r"'CCl\~nn~ ffllnt h....m JII.ld .. rnH'I\h;u nHln\ lilli, lur ou l-of-Iown
nCIf!.hl'lcmng lun....hc;IIon Ihc\I.lmct.L1
\Va:: 1I1'.h Iha::ITI.1 "I)o.'e\l\ tel<l\el\
Urulhl:I" \ .. II{ 11\1\ "nl m!",. "nnH.llI
('.lunn ),\T( nffCI('d il "p('clilIIlCd O"RRl l Lin \1j;j.I" 50·YEAR t.,I~'
.... lIh \1[(',.\ "cre t1ngoing,
locIl159S. 00It· AWARDS (,AltyII(MutP'i
Janel. CA, . t ri·
(;aM Ann Bo,,'elt L l ,. 66 1 iI,"\&.~llal. Il l,. n:' III"' ~O ' ,
(IeftI Dnd Ho.ton II. \ , lit Ihl' v.ntine "'II!"
"01" ,In",
CorUon inltan a In!! d.."n In ,ttl, ,If":'" 1 11Ca1 W1,,,n cl<.l.::-
lighting ' i_NtIi 1111"" "'<'IC bdclm JUIle. ' -l«IllIn II,.... UIt~ BRO. HOOVER
deligned to \10,,1, rllil A\ ...iI"ttk oil pte' lime.
iIIumlnole the \1 " h,.,;;tl Unl(1n ntl!l!llnl! ~H,)(" , l ~ lJ. NU tI&em). ('01 U'JUlS. 011 -
grdlllKtvrai ,tol..- ...... anh .... c/e rre':tClll .. d lo lh.. 1..lIll\\lIIl! nu, \h!r \1 1 JI~ I/llmc i l~ b"I1I!,'

~U-lteel frame-- I!tUlh"t\ H.I' Dllhn~'Ic:\. lIatl~n In~ up hi' 1tl<lh alief U ul'\unl!ubhc:d
WOI'k thai fops ,h. I.Jn_L!Clfel\. J.. ma;.. Red \ 1nm'" dnLl '\'hc,lf !:;!Icer 'olning Ihe IOF\\ J UI!
ncorly completed Chad .. , JcnnlOJ!.\ Thank .. for alllbc C'lm r lcl\..J hl\ ap)1renUCe,blJl In Ihe
north to_ of the \C,II' ul-..:r\Ju· fell" ....,,' I~I!,:.II ('IOU .... ~·nlllll !II hl.ld IMII:':': II" \IC(
OokkJ"d Federal \\ .. 111"llwnoreJ -"':\l.:tOlI 1\.IUt:c' dl pr~\iJ..:nl IInu pr":~IJcnl. I"rIIlJ h' hi ..
Building. Iht: h",.I!''' 111'1 V;llenllOt!'" 1).1\' Ilafl~ dnlllOn ,I'. hU~I1lt! ..•• ,":,":I\~o:r
We rhln HI !ll.lkc lhi, lin annu,tI ~'\cnl illhllveJ I' II ~t1I1t.l J..:'nipllon 101

I II.. !! I ('M h." e\llIhh\hcd lin I IL-":lfI JUe II r I" dml fllllu! t lf Iht; S.)ul he8~1 ..


nn Ohio lI u~ II'I:\" \1.IIHI1\l:f', 01\ "Lit a.. I holl mak... , Ihl! IJhm IIHnC IllCn( .. IiC·
MOVING TO A } .. :l r pins: lan!nl:\. Rly. I .0, (ineuo:,
I: h:l1frn.m nl Ihe Ohl'} SIdte lBEW. lie cchful 1.1;' " Icll"llt dll ld, cn lllld thIN: \lt1~r1 I..1ntl ;tn~1 R.t\ 1'1.. lcrck. Th o:
""J I'lld un thl.' RI:\u1uhun\ ('OIllmI Il Ct,> ".: ~d. to 41Tllltnt/c \.1011,1\ I' rlllhl ahoul NEW LOCATION IlrJ,CCI\ lind n H;l1lhel~ III uur IlIell l
31 I h ~ ' ''In IOn" tn ll: l nulional (110- nrg;tni/l!J l:ahlll .md "1m.: tel c~ p and Ihilnk.\he'tC i n Ji\lidua l ~ (11r thdr-c .... iCl.:
Icnllun. II I! hit'_ IlI lcnlkd -.clcn IIU- \\ Ihe IJell (lr fait ..... aJ.lI: ...,m! \llk "mk;nll L.U . IH,j (1~tll ). 1.AKr. (IIAln!:: .Inll ~h: •• drll~tnc". hulh 111 lhl' !BI 'W
Itlt ~rnlltilln .. Il:IIlH!.:nll!ln~ Ow I hll,llCr C\lntlill{1I1'. IHiI lu~ t hc.:nu'l-' II hcllo:fil _ I A-Wt: HI\: nl(i\lIIli IH.1 new 'hc nfter lind 1Il Local')(I ...
h A~ Hl'il hcell 1I111MIlIl1eu III Ih~' ('t)L1I1CII u~. hU I ttccau'K: II " rl~ ht m.lII\ le.l!\ .u/lli RIft.IIJ Strcet ,\ !-cd Mil !I \! I J 1'\ .... 1 \ l'
nn Indu',lIl.11 RIII •• lIllII·, 11,lr11V I lIucrcm.h.m~c Dill c r ,11 t \Il lltth lllo,c I' ~'rnlt hUll! lIn !lur
JOt: h•• , hCl:n uU'III"'cd In the bro;H.lcr D,\\"1n \011\ Jot!.JI ,.'t1 I' " old ,jl..: .Ind i:lllhlrU~I""1 h.,\ hCIHlII 011
lah.,)I' fll l1ul~ .I~ p,I" rr\;,uJ~ 1I 1 of Ihc
( 'ol lllll"u, lJ ui it,hnjl. and ('on~IrUCl lnn NEW
, r.tck~ C"OUtlLlI..1' ,t nll'111hcr 01 Ihc
" ' anlhn Cuum) An
·flO r,\;
HU.lnl .lfIJ .• , chUlm U II til Ih\. ("Ium-
hu, M()~ I [,I111UllUCc
Our ChlllnlUnl'" h;l~ hcne/itc\! fn'm L. t . 11115 (il. "H\ .\UtI. . Oll -Wllh
Jil1.: ~ Inlilln:!llcnl ." it mcmh(1 fIn tile Iho: ;\rri\,\ I I1]~rrul~. C,lnll Ihc lmlO: III
n.:n\'1I1 OhHI rriln~lt Aulhorih exceu· 1,'\t)1;. rllr n~" dpprcl1l1l.:l" OUl ul Ih~'
11"'1: hpiml Ihe ( olumhu .. \h:IHlpn1l11l11 Il.I. pt.:lIl'k IoO. hultlkd OIUIIIJ'ph ...III""
I hlll..lnll (t1mml, ..lllll; and Ih\. \\'hlll:' fl,rnr" 7h 4rpli ..4111, \\1.'110: \d .... II:d lur
hull ·Kede\ 1lnl~'~' {luh(llf .... hM;h lie 1~ rI:Nln:lllnlef\Io.; .... ' Th~'C ,Irrlk.anl'
;I(,lundin, munhcn. "ele IOlcf\IC"eiJ h~ "-'\ mem"er~ tlf Ihc
(""!(I.IILlI4f IHI\~. Jell; \11 thc toc~1 10 ;\rrrlnlleOl:~h ip ("',.mmllleOl: Thr.. ~ J~~,
)UU ,InJ ~OUf 1411111:- I hc= nll:lllhl,;" III ....cTe 'pt:nl 1'\.IILI;aI,"~Ihl ,Iprlu:anl\
Lv .. al tlXJ nl\:ol.l hl!~' \\I!lb .. ~ (ur iI SI'= t" Ihl.:rn 'h'!r~ d,,'(crled In{u Ihl! It\~
harp\ 1c1lh.;nkllt II'IU arrro:nll..:t:\llIJ' rr\.~r.lm \\llh
RI ...... !II L M\ll 1''\ l!r\;,u rrlll!: IoO.C \\.1"'"11': till' 1IIIIIII''''l1~
ne" .lpprenII..:C' Itl1ttl n Dlll"I'n.
(,l'>c:\ I "her. Jiltnll' (,rllilih. \11~'hlld
lIarrj"'lln. lun \Ido",l'': .IIIJ ])\\-,InC
local 697, Gary and Hammand, IN, members (mel rheir lomili., who pc:trli6 pC1~ in /l.k~cr let" III",.,,, r",m.mlhr III."

the Mon:h of Dim,u, WallcAmenc:a an April 15. Ih~,c nc ..... IPI"r\.Ullle, \\ltll\~cd nur
\Urpurl .lfoJ p-.NI1I\,' l'n~\lUr .• p:nr"m
\\Ullln .lUr 1Ic-;a" Iffiplll\l"r l'h.I""·
Ihal ~ulldtn Our '''; ... okkJJ\;"~ h4J lIul t'nl: t>t Ihl: \\tlnhlllJ!liln t (1o"d~ rr"I.. ~t
MARATHON ht.'\."11 iJdl'nnlneO .,' "I Ih,\ "'"un~. "ul I' IAInJIIIC lillIAn. Ifl'\\e\l'f ", tIIen
REFINERY "'I: lI.. ul&.ll'l( In nUl nc\\ Ilk, llil>n "I "Lrc '-1111 o.:mrlo\eJ lin IIl"II"h;l~ 1.1
lall' Jul) !lr edrl~ Au)!u'l ~ link \\c:
pfe:.' hJo\ "f~~ n,'" rmlccl'
PROJECT \\ur!. tn IIII.' ,ltc., ",11\\\1\ J'K~ml! Ih.d .trl:. hot:1I1~ uIINd.u.:lIlm \hlo:!tlp
ur A~IUI INI nfl'lh~No ,10<.1 \1'11;1' drl,; fIIent
Lt. 'L~ (I.rh&, . I I, Kltl' II \L I t. ,1111 on Ii,,,.!. I \ Ie ... hl~ )(\h\ In: In \\c IOu ... 1 he \llllInr Itl 'IH' III \lUI
1"- IlUl KIII"'II Bur!..' Ih, ,Il'"-:tnllli Ih\. IoO.NL., ..... 1\'" lilT Ih, 'lrll,npln .Ih•. 111 n~ \\'If~
~14f .. lhl)n Rdulen \ullmlth;iJ n"I" \\al \I .• r'·, "'up.. r~lure prnJcel Inl:; 1I1edhl'r \II: o.',n 11111:'- ,lUI

Imm Ih~'
rdincl) 111C" Ihl~ rq'llill. '"hl\b h,lI.1 "".L~1I ,h II11 \\, ... 1!"1111! dlh'r'ltil:~ to'" ~Ir .. ntllh, III u\\.I(UIlIc:

loc:a16B3, Columbu~. OH, eus... Mgr. Ihl' 'IIol1l1nll. '" lal" Arnl. Ihl.'
\ , Ilf nllnunlUnl hoI' IdL .. n I lurn In !lUt .t...: n,rnpl,;l1uun thlm In..: nl>"lImun I,!ll"
M.L " Joe" Hoovtt hoi atmOIIM.d hu DDP !'lUlcd 01. Iht, tdlnd' 111 It"hl" I.HIII \\ho;l1ll1l' r"'Jnl kit 'I~ munlh, m..:nl Ih"lhel' tlnli "'I.. ,~. I nlll·d .... l
retirement. ~,n 11 \\01" 11\", "ill 1'C,u:nt u!llIl'ictcil hdunJ ~ch\.dulc Iho.: hullJcr ~el101n 'l .. n<1'
Th~ ....:h"Ju1cJ (oml'illinn Jal" ",Iul~ 1001~m~ III nUl 10",11 .I~llll hLlr'n them 'HIli \11 .... 11 \litH" 1"'\
JlN:\ I uc;,1 .,~ .. I' plllud ul Ih\ \\Pll ~0.:1 11 h.l\!. nn .. dll:lIuk I h" \hllLIIJ
p.:rlurmo:tJ there hI our mcm"'-:n nnd ... h.I'" ~·I\'''''"l1o.: 111;'1 '!.llkJ union IJhoW
LET'S TEACH OUR Ihl' IliJ\I.:hnl! Srulhe,,", \\h\, hJI': hclJll!d r. needell in .ILUIUe.'
CHILDREN man Ihe luh (h~" hllllJ~'lh hl1m _\J Thanh f!" pU1 III "1~"lllIct IlnJ .\..-.1 LOCAL WINS
'lJk~4I1u ( hll\I: I'l.:l'n l~ptc-..cOI Su.. \lit' tlllhL" Ouli:h~ Brnwn fll' <lit
cd lin Ihl: 1'~\\lT"n, III~ I"h ,\1 Ihe:
lho.; .... url. itml &:1I~'r!1\ h. lk,.... ute .. In Ihe ANOTHER ROUND
L l. M7 (I ) , ( ,\In \"IlIl\\I ·
InClI1 In .1dulltl'n tn tll~ JUlIo;'- .... iI' '1<
\T O" I). I"-On Sund .. ~ Arn115. IImc ur Ih" \\f1ung. <lId 1.\U I"urn~~· I_t . I!J5 In.u.l,('on..,.It .f!!I\'1 kill.
laOi hU'llIl.'''' "Un"t,:l·t iln~1 UfJ.,ll1l{Cr
LI.~tllloln fldrllC"ll'dh:d In Ih\' annual \\Irem"n IoO.l·IC lin Iht' Ik:'" d.: ....ul· \\ \ L,"Iil l' ( HI' I .... , \ -11>\.,11 P-1,
hI: hclfl\"I1ollh Ih ... 1111 \\ ...;r (\ -'Blu~
\\;lrch III Dim.. , \\.dll."'OII;IIU 0\1;:1 IUlII"U'"' uml re,,,nl!1 \\clofl itnulh~r rtlunllln Ih 1,;0101
hlll"':'11 IIwmht: .... \mJ Ihell lalO,1I\... ;iI\
rtlnl Ill' lit<: I'''II~ r,,~rdrn Kccr up pall!n in .... c..:J ,'ut nununum t"III1,I(:
In II lhel n&:\.Io' Jr.!,n Ih" Icllnc'l ..
Ih, tt!toiJ 1'0"'],.. [hll, lJullh'
.... II "''' uu. ' 10I1f /l<lIlIlitc.: ( .c.:JII lillI/II nc'" '<1,1, t!"l! c:lu~ .... ti I'ro.:~nh:tJ 10 Ivh ~l,;d.illJ: h' 1'0;11,'"11 u\ll,h Illl
1 he !lnl~ ...... , I.ll(d l \hl can m,wt.;
,Ino !-nn!!.. l und ,1IfK'\;, \\a1k,:d ~ LII<,- 11m ftllh~ '1e\\ til I" t~lIf~ nlen! ('Jrt~. tnmmmll; .... urL. fill r,I\'Ihl' (;,,~ ~\ t 11:(
rnrloO. .. rJ " In. \'\~'r\ mcmlli:l III heir {Til (I'(jo\.:l I·
ITlelel' Itt I,II\e mllnl'\ 101 Ihl' Ill'llt Ihl.' part\ allilihe dill" "'o;IC l!llh Iwm \lrl:ngli1<n uut 1"1.";11 ") rUI'um, unll\' I "_I '\O\em"ltcr 111(.!1 1~,j" I "tl!et~tl
JI!4rn'" ttulh 1.10:£4:'" anJ In lJnl mon"II' Ih\,; .1.1\ .1fI1I nl~hl-,IIIII emlll",,·c.. or anJ mdl.lIl~ ,I .unllllllkt.i dl.lrt In '111\-
Iv \l'l:t1tdlll)C.n ( 'hrl\ I CIt;kn. lhc 'oI.·III~ 1\~\\.1r"n. Inc IIdrr"y rcllrcmclll Roh\' \ (h(lf rrCl'\ .... 111I.lt1 Il1lUlIIMlinnul
rt\rl \lUI unilln Olll\.~", OUI 11.lflll.-lr"
chlllrmun. Ihi~ )1.:.H .. 100.;111.(.'" d id hellcf
('AIH \\- ,II,\( I I'~ 1111\1 .mJ 11111 Ktlllll\ "110111 \k:lenl11no: ,Iur
pick&.:1 eilmp"l1!n "1 rl\tI~'1 th~ 1.:111111'"
lh,ln eh'r de\ r llc Ih!.' en id. '4lndy 11\\ n:lu"llw h;.H~.l1n In ·tl{k! ,.lIlh And
late 10 dr:ll,\ ruN)( dllenUnn III Ihe \nnlrilc
\\1,.' c"~1Ii.1 .'ur c,'ndultnel:' \\Ilh\;
We ure nml cnl'l~ltllllhl:. \ummer lOr", \utt_lanJJhl .... a]!..:~ ..... "'klll!! enn·
/.lIlliht, II I ,lUI "u;mj,cr.. \lhn
"'0,: IllIer ~lIt l lhc hl. hJII~\ thai come III dlll11n, lind ...Ile h leHllal I h~ uttllm
p3Hl.'d " .... 01\ In 1\;(0.:11{ IIwnll" \t,l\
a 1\;,ul l lit (lUI lit"or, Whal \lot: h .I\C" \Io'a, ccrrlfic'" I.. rlprl:"'I:n' \rh", 1 reI:
lh,l'...: \\hl' h.\I'l· P;b'<t.i'"1 n"'lln rt:,,~'C. empl"lcl" III ]l1t\ll !luI InUI \'l'.I" lit
I,ht.,lned h~ \Io'l'L tn~-n(lt onl~ tln the
II,,", 1m 01 11.I,d't·tl. !lUI 1, 1... 1 1\1 pw ll'o.: l 11,'"1"" \ 111'11 R\ nq!ol;llitln ... lalktl hI rrndue .. J flT,t
Ih.. '1JnJanh of our comnrunilh;' Our wltlmel. In Iht· mc.mllln.: nl-ol'<ol (II Ihe
tlHll .. lr1 In mllml,Hn \lage, fnn~l' hen· ~·nll'lu\c"" \\h .. "",,!lnltlh Inh'J 1m
efil~ .and inh ~.Ikt~' (01\ well .I~ lhe nH,;a lepre_clltllllnn II\' LI'l.d \""'Ii hnJ
"urI.' III "U4:ce~' 'We ath lo,:Y .. In Ih ;,:~o: 55·YEAR PINS IIlUI\;d \'11 ll! 111 111.:, 1:1ll1}hl\~ I '
:Itl:"q 1'. dile .. lh Ildollo,:d \1.1 nur \.Iollhng AWARDED ['tic Ulllon'· I'ld.":ltnll C".ll11rarpn I':nd
n~..... tu mlf'n,\.: cnndllLnn' lor all reo- ul l "hell I'(i..'i;f a./elh.k.1 hi "w,1fd the
pic "II(III.-IIIL lot .111~ 1Il).: I .l. '1(.!Ii " "h'm}, \1 \ ()t~()i\ , \\ 1- I:(ln l rn~1 hcld hy Alh,tr rrc\ III another
nll l Intkpcndencc ii' a colkcl jlc 111\;,,1 %5 hlll\ol\ .11\11 LIUIi!,r.llul, il t;, II .. &.:llnl,.lthl r. "hll oIj:!,tl:,1 111 \\IId. umler
"I II L f, "~~ III Ihl\ lIillulil {lIr JII\ IIt hcl' rn"mhL I' \\olin IC1:\:,h'd IIU\\ ~o,:H l ce an agrceftlL'nl ~lIh I Ill' ,I I 1"·1";
I~ Il l.Jle..J III nUT "1I II IIIZOI:" til dc.:po:ncl .a\\.lrd, Ifl lvon. I lIln'I 'll~ '~HCoIl fill" Arhor TIl.'..: ,_tdllmllt,lt ll &.:...11 Ille
u,wn ~·.IL h IIl lIt,t, \ \ I,! c,w ul,li/c Ihl: \I erc .h,l lIhu h:..J w lh,· .c_pecIII'l· !HlIt h ar~a1fll n ): Iilhlo.: I'lIInl ". Ihe 1I1!!... nl
pOI IIK:i,ll'rneo:,~ III rn)ll,!CI und t'(pand l h d i rJX'r,,)n~ Ihwul!!rUIII I h ~ Im ul In nLcd \(I rcfurm the 1\,111\111' luhur 1,,100.\.
nur 1\k:31, IlIld ..1l1l1J"rJ,. hU"C. ... I:T. 1\ , .. Local 725, lono Haulo, IN, 8ro , Roby IIdJHlun I""r~' \o,:lIr .IW,lt\!" WC le In lOl h !!r I1C\l~. ' ,utull' ~ "i 111.'1111" )!CI1
1101,; (Illr.c h c~ ,1 m.! nur (11111I11e' who 111 11\1 New celebrOlel his rtllremenl al a gh~n OU I 1,;'.lIII" I ~.l! u ill1: ~ i lll !J(,,-~I !II \pr il ,,"
l1l.tin l llin I h ~ o.: h nr ll t l ~ 1 IIIHlllli:a li\ln party wilh frilllldl- tmd co·worken. !lll' Inlh'IITl!\ B rnlhc r ~ IctL' ll cll 'Ii'i. J II':" co n lrOl~ 1 III ro:"llir;c Ihe Ih l ce'


y<.'IH aV-IC<.'IIlClll Ilmt e'IIir<.l' al till.: end We mourn t he IM"-"lIll! 1,1 the (\1110\\ (In ti l 11'.!X I Ilnh: :'.1\<.: jl)h" li nllt \\\; ~\t~ 11.1 \lur ~I flll!.',ltld.ll i,llh I" th~
of 1i)t).1. (il,r.;lllh~ fI(1~ihllll} 01 '>1,I!.lIill- ing Omthcrs: [rnle ("op" I"nJ. R(I!-I,,·II 111111(\11" lotlll .... ln~ Brlllh~" \\hl l ,II": re lirlll j:
ca.nt "(Irk j\Irn~ rcduCIIHn .. til P(;&I , Auhc. Filrle Fullel. Ralph (-Uri It' ill1l1 1..":11 111 II":u 1I,1Ik.(11Il1 (h,Hk~
[hl' ulllon mmk loh 1oC{'W lh II'. Illp pri I_con Il upl.:u. Our dcep!!'1 ,\·111/'1;1111\ Cllppj)~'~ illlJ (.11\ In J;l~l;...l.ln
(lnl) j!oing 111111 ~.,rgJmHl!1 gOl·\OUI (0 their familic~" J \\\1 ... 1 l·oRI),"'"
lIu( \\ (II" I'll \ \ 'A" I R,,"ol H.I "\1 I .... 50TH
L • 1347 /u .... r-. &.r-m '. CI-"':CIM\ ATI.
fl il - Oul lucol eclchrate .. II" "illth AGREEMENTS
a,ulin:r~Jq Ihi~ ~car. On \Llrch I.
Iv·n. u\lr lvundcri ...,labh .. ht:u LI,.,;al I... l . 191 1 !cIII.IIII1.rh.C\·,ot ..ct). ISJ-\ 1.-
T I\IO RI .... \ IO-OUllnClil uDlon n(go-
Ild[C(.] 1.... 0 IdmlmoLlL IJIM)I d~rccllIen'"
rl' COmmemtll31e the OCca'HI!1. n.:{;cnll~ \\c "Ipl..:d 1,lf a "Dc·~t:ar
eHn Im: .. 1 unllm mt:mhcr in J!llod
,Iandrng reccj\\.,:cl an anm\":I'iU) IP£!: ..:\ .... I1~mll Hlllur a~lI:emcIII \I Ilh
I edrntllu!ot\ \o.:r\llC' ({lrr OIl ASA \
"'' I
,lUrJ Ih<.' Itledll' ll1olllll~ ll\adilhle ne""h
de\lgned I. u..:al 11·0·T-,hlrt .... "v.coll-,Iuard r.n:..: I1I/Zhl ('cnter In (irt.'CD
~II. \10 1II'II.I~Icelllent (tml.JlJleu dn
~hlrl~. hah lntl JII ... Lcl, Ih3t Idk·CI nur
unu"uJI dJU~": "'<lUn)! Ihal II ncuh..:r
i.lum\er,oIn \Cdr
palH Il[ICneJ Ihe .ll.!fcement fnr IIC~lIli
Th, locai rl·cCI\Ct.! a pTodamall(1n
JII(ln~. Ihc .lllr~l:mcnt \\,.uld rcrn3in in
ffllm ("InCIIIIl,111 \\:nur O\\icht Tllkn
n;tm.n}! 1\I.1I<.:h I B.!o uIRE\\ local JJ..p dll'ct flIT line 11~lclll\ll",'I1 ~caf. 14llh dn
.IUII1I11,IItL \II.I!.!C \nue,I"'I.' nf; r . . rcenl
Du) ~ Wuh thaI "11.."\. IlInl)lh~
Members and supporten. of loc::al J'fIl,,·lh,:·hll.Jrd_ Thc 1(l(al unwn\
1245, WaJnur Creek. CA, portl(ipCllt i"
o l.e.H) ,ugg~~kd thai 0111 tlur l'I\ell1
'l·):(IIMtlll): ( Ulllllllll4,;c C\CHI'ot:t.llh"t
l'tcr.; \Iol.!lIr th~'ir rtC\Io anni\cl"Sal') app;ll
an infonnoliorrol pkkel 01 an Arbor \'J)I(,III. ,I' ••hll thL cmr1o)cr. OllT memo
d tn '4011. IIIl \1an.:h I tocdchlalo.: our
Tree focility in Auburn, CA, to prClte~t her' lI[ (jndllMti i1lllltll\el! uf Ihl~
tmlhJa) In 'he ~Plril or unny.
the contfaclof' s refuMlf to borgoin in ,1\Jllfll
Brn~ _ jam ... , Halmon lint! I..enn\·
good loi"". At \mlllle Inlcrn;llmnlll Inc. \I ~'
(jm~ ... cllrllph,! I ~d a union coun~clor"s
.... t:I~ I.I~I.:,I .... lIh Ihe \:nmfj.Jn~-~ "'1110.: h)
c(.u r,c fin "SIlI:iHI \l.!r\·lce' and CIIIII'
(;1 1-"('1 !. a lurpx c(lrpiJr:Hlnn hu'-\:u In
nHIIII(\' Rderr;rl Adl\ i lle~.- Th~ courw
IHIiIUC ]1.11111;.1 (; II ( II I' Ihe \\mlll
LABOR· '.10:'" ci,H,pon,or~d t>~ lh,' CincinnU l 1
IL,llk l III eUlnruh;ri/~·J !ulleri e~, "l,ln~
/HI no Llhur Cnuncil dnu rhe
MANAGEMENT C'llmmUnll) Ch..:~t ThRn l.. ~ gu w III II' .... 1'. "peril 11m" Vo\Hlthl Ilk MC
C<I\CrclJ hy 1.lhor lL~r~Cl11l,;nh. Our.. I\i!)
II;tTllld Itrlll :Hld Mlkl· l..acln,lk !Af-L
COMMlnEE ( 10 u lIlIIlIunlty ~enicr;~ li.IIJ>IHb) (\lr 10 tx Ih..: fI"'_ \\- .... tllC IHIPP\ \Il rcpllf\
l h ~ ir h",d ....'tlrk (Uld e",cdknl [raUlUlI/,
Ih.lI. IIllcr IIMI,llhl1l1 h.l rg;rII1 II1l!. "'d,:
L.U, 125.1 (Il . ,\ U(; STA. I' II-,-I\ I \\C I ~ ,ut:~cs'lul III rClld1mf!:11l lI!!rc!.!,
In I hl~ field lIrm. /-Ia rmon <lnd tim:.'
pr~'!> 11IIIC 1111 1 1,1C,.I W,h in Ih.:golh- menl 1I IIh (i'I" < 1/ I ill, \\It, Itccom·
lIOn ... '''I\h 11 controlC\ CXplTlll mn dUle of will h ~ :111 ll ~SI..'! to our fc ll o\\ un ion
pli ~heu \11 th 1\(0 ~ ih·a\I Jy~ 011 Ollf r:m
Ur{\lhcr~ til l1ecu al1u to llll: COl1l11111 11 1
""Illy 11 n il: NC~Ol i .dlllg Cv1l1m illl.:c and with \111 c,:;)-Pll\'11ICIlI rcq llll ~d IIf nllr
",I' mllde up 01 Ihe FX('!Cllll"C l3ollrd. Iy, I l.!d Irl)e Itl cHnl ;ICI Ihr.;m through
LocoIIJ07, Salisbury, MD. memoor$ II1 Cltll!e l \ 101 lI' el li~,,1 IlhlH,lIll!c. W~
WHh OilrCn Rmln~uc ~~l lIn g ' 11 for th c un iull hull /l hnu l n n ~' {·"mmu ntt )'
w(lr_ M the e.llpansion project a l tho ,C\:U lt.'J il \lil1te ll.1cLllgl.! thut provide.,
I\:rn' "h:~C II' (Vohl) \1,1' tillAble II' par- IoCr\lIl.:1.: clue'l illll\ \lIll Illighl h.l\c.
Ellston Svbstalioo in Eoston. MD. fllr a '! 112 ,,·ercell! ".I}:e Illcrc,,,!.: (101
ticlpale)_ t\llhc I dm.wry mCe\Hllt Ihe KL" " (ll(o:o,:)o,II.S I il'T 11 Mid 01 1 II:! p cr~'-=n\ ",lg~
rncmtx:" "elC ,I ,Leu whltl Ihey \lllUlu lI)t;t ~,I~!" (/11 1 riel II) .dullg "'I tb ,I
like 10 pHl[ltl'>C m thl! ne .... Wl1tr<lCI, B) UNION hl1l1l1' fill r.llil ll::.ltilln. I hI: ('( Intr.ICt \\ a~
[he lIme IlI i.. arlich; I' ruhh~heu. "e
~Ihluld 11II'·c rCIII:hed al:lf~em,nl on II
INDUSTRY SHOW UNITED WE rallfll.!t! hy a mnr~1I\ (II !llllre lhun 5·ln·1
w~ Ih.lnk t h~ 1II,.lIIhl·l, 111 hl)lh
ne .... COnll,lct
L.U. 1301 ( ut , SAL IS IW I{ Y, MO- STAND "e~lllill l lll~ ('lImmjllcc~ fl1r Ihcli hanl
hrr~ Ste'elh ,tn d Ri("h,IrtJ ,\1\:Gill- "m l . dl:lhl"llllllil .wu cUIIl.mlmen t to
One!.' il~alll thl" ~·Cil r. nur 1(~"IIClIIk I..U. u s..,
( uJ. rJ II CA (; O. IL-ihl~
ncy hl\·c replacC'u IJUtlll1U \ltlilmtln Iheu fdln ........ lld.l.:f"· v.dlJrc. S..:ning
ilnlllh\ld lIurtl' nn the l·\ecul lle pari in the l lnl{ln Inuu,try ~hll~ llrg.l· ll\t1nlh\ article d,.als \\.ith an i"ue Ilf un (lUI \:q!Utlllltl1g ("lm1ll1l11e< (ur the
Bn:ud. on a pro I~rn haM!>. ni7cd hy Ihe Ddman'a C..:nLral La~lr }!fClIl tm pnrt uncc tn Ille IllI:dl illld III
CllunCI II C1 'hU .... CA\C untlln pnrdul'l\ '\\1' \\ \ .1C'lel·ll\enl "ell· I'n',JIlII'
Local IZ.~ .~ I~ IlIrmmt: a l .ahlJr·Mun- ... , \:n nne OIIHIT m..:mbt.;", \If!r D,on I GUlh ric, ,\hchacl Kunz.
.lg~JJ\enl ("UUPCI<lII\£ ('"nllmllee. ,I'
dnd wn iCl·" I<mnd 1111 Ihc\J r. . ll month'" pri('r \C1 Ih, .. "HlIlng Bill Ullrr..:". \\'\<111 !{lIIl.CI MIChllcl
{luliined in Ihe InrW·'J(T/\ ~Rlue· P<nimula. Th~ ~ho'A ~3~ hdd OI l Ih" Ih ... Cllnlplln\ I\.. ued an u/tlmalum \Chlllll,. 11111 \\"t.'1;h,lel. '\.llhun Illocl
pnnllnr Ihe IWlt<. 11 1\ hlJ~d Ih., lIM- Wicomi('o ) OUlh and CiVIC ('eHlel III Jddrc ......:d Ii} tlUr union oHicef<;. 1 hI! and Mike Ofur~ '\ Cj!,'"IUIIIJ!, Commu-
I~uc 'AlII hdp u~ rCgJm .. lar.&;cr pan of ~ah~ul}· I1n Apnl .1. lIelr '\II1r Ll~Jt cOml',lII)· ,'alc;d that II \\ould hale III tee m~mhl·'" IIlI Ihe \mlllt..: Inlern,, ·
the mar~t."t ... hare Th~ I",cal \\ill.-.ol1n (3UTs display ~a .. prO\ided h~ rrc\ cul":(I:.I~ h\ 1"~lng I1fl u\o:r MK) nun·
ha .. e Ime m mllfe ....lkt} u,,"rJindln~. Da\·ld Adllll" anu 8(( .... Oatil.... luhn man"(!emcnl (mplil~O:t"", 11\1<. u<;.,-<:JUon
a~ needed. 10 cnwlc thll Hur IlIh ... .....1n. Dean Jtllln ...m. rvmLo.:~I'. R,Ih..:rt ........\ \1~urn~l~ rqccteu b\ our 8mlht:r·
remain ....lIc IkckclI. SIC\t· Cau,4,;\ and ('lllrcnc(; h<Kl<l kadt:r\. In-lkplh ~luJI\"" conduct·
C1Iamp.on PilJlI.·r In I)uc~~p"n 1,ltln· Aelchcr \\ e Ih.lIIl.. Ihl:..c munht:,-.. 1111 l"(1 h~ Ilur IllC'! olhcl' TC\eakd Ihilt
ett the demohllnn rurlmll of iI SI:'i mil hdplng male Ih..: c\o.:nl J "U«'l:'-"- lin ill,;lInn {II ~uch IJI:l~lie nalure 14a~ DOl
hon ',.Jlcr Llh:hcn. \\lIh rl~[hbJd, & On March I 1\\ n lonl! lime mcm","",. unl, unnccc"an_ hut .... a' Hl" .... cd 3\
\l llurt:' 14l1lnln, the 111,1 t:lHllfact John 8'eull and ~hddnn Whil e. bcp..m lu .. 1 .J pltn Itt gel ... omo.: (II our lIlilO)
\ .IIICO 14i1~ .l'tllJrJ~d In CIf!hl·\IoCC~ CI)n Iheir rcliremcnlS. Bro. BreulI ltcl!l!n hdrJ,~on bcndih n:'-Cinckd
IrICI II I nICrnJtlllnall'iI~1 In J,,~ ","orL lin Sep'- 25. 1% 1 a, a malnlc Sure cnnugh. Ihe cOOlpan~ cam~
a(lI:r II hH;-~Cdl JI\ ~[)ClIll\no"'mg iI; Dana! hdptr-B .Jt VI~nn,1 Pit",",,:, r'l.uH back and ~aiJ Ihl!~ would tel u~ L.... ep
lllllcr 'lftlc t'l! l Plu \\ c hope ,hi.. On No\ . 10. l~. hI! '4a~ 3\1o'3nkd Ihl! IIUI (ellm\ \\llft.el' if .... .: lei [hem lak. ...
\10111marl. lhe r.,.·,umpU(ln til CHnlracl ... jQh of laboratorian ant! renllunt:clm h,lt.k. m~al munc~ JIIlI hlllllla~ \..h ""cli
J .... dnkdIn Unll'II d",clncAI r;onlr1!C:hll' Ih,lI p&.>illon until he l..:hl..:J 01' ' IOarrange lhe ()\Cr1lrnc ~lrUCCUTC anti
T hl:' 14"rk jlll·'UIC dppC;U' ttl 'hlJ\Io Bro. \\ hilc began "I1tk ,m Jum: .t. uJlO\l Ihe clenlUallllllclilhl..: for laHltl...
.-.nmc mlprmcnlcntlw Ihl! ~Ul1\lIle J . hUI 19fi:!. il!> a IJnllur In )'Ilh,hun He lh"l will cmer ewrJ emploIcc .
ii"\ not likel) 111 (11 Unol I \\'ill kc- hoccam..: a Id l'tl)r~r OJ) Oct. 2. 1%3••Inu \I The compall}" dcmilnded <l -.ole. ,\nu
elc.lre,l ~lOek handler i l l\ jan 11, 19i1S On vll \IJ ) .; Iht.! "(lIt; '4a~ tOuflieJ. Th, From left, locolnOI . 8oltimore. MD.
COnf!ralu/!Hilln, H1 Ih..: rlllh1wing Sept 13, ItNJ5_ he Iran,ll!rrc{1 II) the cl1mpnn) ', drOl!\ t{1 l'on'trucl H~ nclo\ Pres./6us. Mgr. Dion F, Guthrie;
memhel' whu 'til ere Icccnih ,"mn mill ~ktcr IXpl. as a ml.:ll'r 1~~ler ·Jrcl ctll~~ (IInlrdd l"nfl)rcl!l V.d .. defcated III it Amtote Inl~rKllicmollnc. negoriclor
Iho.: locul L"hc H ldc). i:>o.:nni, Tcr- anu III meter lechn n:Uln 1111 mar~in IIf Z til t \\ cOlin', knulo\ Ar<hie Cunningham; and N51 Technolo-
rell. Scull hck clI. /(Iehuru Ru ..'>l,.·U ,Inti Jan. 7, 199 1. Oro. Whit..: r~mfllll..:t11!1 .lh \:.I(.I (ur uur Im;al But a, I~I~~ gy Servkos CtH"p, ntgotialor" MiMe Jurh:
Ruherl MI"halld. ('ongrJtllIIlUI1", 10 [h .. t Joh unltl II!' rCllrcmel11 We \Y1~h Tllrn O'Reilly ~nHcd. r hc p~·I\rk sland ()I,I1$ide tho tClrgol1 "dean room"
Stl!fllu:1l 11I1lI::11'ler ,llld (,curJ:~ lI uoo Uro, Orcut1 ,tnll While It Inll~ anll h,,,·c 'IH.kl.!n IInu lie ~h,11I f,IC~ 11H.: in tire wClrkl ot NASA's Goddo(d Spoce
on IlIcl r 1~1II~lIl enl. 1,.1",,\ rClln'menl \lIIknm,,,ll Ill)lel hcr " f light Cen1er in Greenbtlll, MD,


IUlnai Inc ,ll!rcc rn enl lIIerc· IJrc ~ "l\ u~ Our local ctlme In IhlHJ p llltC 31 II
\1gr. GUlhrk. AIIII,I,it:iu. Archie Cun- HUI.I. lmg fnr K i d, Illurn lllllcn l ~p(l n ·
II III)l.holli. Kt:Hh (ir\'cII. JOt lI ill. Jeff I.Orl.:(\ h\ R i llih olh er~ lUlll 1I 1~ ~l\ler' AGREEMENT RECIPIENTS
L" .... II1.HI. J,'lm 1\:11, •. Mil.l: ~cl'rCn. dll d Ilf I ocil1Itt5.1. Ollll""d, 011 L.U. 2J:! 1 (I), M ID !) I .. 1'01\. \ I A -
J,ltllC' I ckf(lllv Llll ,,1 111117 !Il el11hu~ I.I.hll .. II ended I... L. 12M7 (ellll, II XFOHIl. O ll --Oul
,.1fL! t ~h Ih..: k("~ \\urd 1I11\\. 111lt! Ihe
IIIU\II\"J l~o ... t"'{)V.:-.r..l l'.!\. Ihl! ~1 <lnu f{lcl urinF CllllfcfcllCC h dd 111 mCnl~r ~ \oled 11) an K2 Po.' IccIII nldf
-tl mmef Iwl il,i .t\_ .lUd \\IC,(l ill ll' iHo.'
gill til (ICCl![l' II t hrcc·)"cl~r ct)n l r~(.:1
herl.'. W~· <l~1. ,11I·'11I1 mUlll~I' III pl ••~
I"r..:~. I)C111I1\ J lellOtl Ill lJ ,I Ir,tllwl&:
ti;.: ... "'lrct~ a l 111m\;, ,It hUII II; ,11111 ,11.1.,1\
'>C'''ICHl I.I.llh (lur \hllp ,tclolilnh ttl
~J :h;ei J.:IlI~ C.ln ~ ,1\ ' lIJ~tl
;t~4 U ,1I111 11I1:!ll \\llh Ih\' 111:'\ lIITIIr.lll
·"11.' IIiC,11 ... hul' \' \ to "'WIIIIIIC\, thl
<llld put1n platc -.ollie IIfI~\·lInlX II1\C'·
liN'; , d lOldhhlp Il:upll:l'lh I h~
tlg.lltun pTtxetlure..
( i reMer I o",cli l .11lor ( !lum:t! "dllll",
C"nerJlu IJII,'n, .anti hl:~ 1 "'I ... h~" til
"hir .lnJ Ih~· Juhn R "\.IIIHII .,\.h"lou
0rhl" ~( tlrlll:ll ,md I me"l I'ul!h. "'hI!
.. htJl .... .:IC 3""udcJ l\l HTU" \ llI 11m.
r.:lirt:J It:lo.;nll~·
...on of Droll'dul \ Id ,1111 .... llh A III.:' til
l.ul:al :!:'~ .. I.lun(lIed l~tI 111 th~·
WuhulIl. \ 1.\
I lllmlltnn Ofltlf1"~1 {Iuh II;I~~ IIlJ'IU" I he 1)..:11111, CI'>C fIoknhlll,ll .,dllll.1t
[Qr the )IIulh lk,b~ ),Ime (1(l'ul l1\cm·
.. hip w .... a\\.lIrdl.'J hi .... If.lh PI.llcr.
)ler~ hei lled 'pm"'''' II h\ Kenll\ d,lU~hler lit 11m D;ln PI,I\Io:r ,I t.:l:lllrdl
largc\ meec. \\ hI! i\ J ,IUJ..:111 Jt 1 1:0.: Ilfhc( h.:t.'hnKI,m III Ik\...:rl~·. M·\
("nllt:~'C nf I ClIIlI:\\("C
1 he Ocr" "iChMI\! \10.'1111111<11 \thlll
Ji\\11 j} HlrclliR I'" .l .... hip lII,h <ll.l.arJ ... J 10.1 ':,111111." "l.llhlrJ.
locol IS 15, DillOll, Il, bKu,j"'e Boord Jaughlcr (If Imler ,....\IIn ( Ulkr ..1 cen
m&mben" from left: SeoH FrledrKhs, \I.n II!, 1"1 lIIerc a~ '01 It,1lofhe.. technktan In I (IVo1:l 1 \1.\
J-"Y Smith, Croig s..cMlt. Jim 8o"er, 101.1. ..: UU\ '11:r Ihll.l.'cr.
lull. Jom Pm,le\ ,mJ I lhclll.llJI\
Tr~a .. Ddl
STEWARDS ("tlnnr.Jlul"lllln~ 111 e;l .. h H' Ihc'e IlI1e
Debbl whilet, Mor" Minnihon Ichou'- )\lUfl~ jX\lpk
manl. Dtftni~ Kay" Sob Mant~h and ~ "In ·\1'1'11 TO' R ~ TRAINING U\KU·,,,,,\I\lllclt) 1'\
Jer-OfM Plant.

L.t. HilS ( II) . IJI XU'. II -Ih the
lime Ih', 1"'Ut 1)( Ih.: JfIllflllJI (cache:"
U,. lIIe .... llIlnu'" lile 't: ult,,~ Ihe Hlh:
lin Ihl.: ~lInlp.I1l\·' plIt(l't"dl ,ldd,a!!.l'
The \rIll: h:ul n.ll ,(I la"~·n place allht
lime 1111111'> "'ntmi! \\h"IC\Cf Ihe ~llIe.
"'~. Iru,! IhJI uut unum .... 111 fem<lln
'>Imn" /tnd Ih.11 "'e '" mcmhc~ .... 111 nOI
'url1l:l Ihc ~ear'> ut Iml II l~lIIk lu gcl
.. hcre "'''; .m,; n.l ....
OUI md~1 fe.nJcr,> ... ere f!.11II1~
Ihrouj!.h a dlllkUIt r,,·mull.: In Ib~ I.:dd\
lo<ot 1907, Findlay, Ott, memben who
...,r"'l: nl ......."mp un IIItalh l.:o-hulflt:J ponlclpote<! I n tM Iocol' t Big STott.- A Loc::012327, Augvtto, M(, tle:wOf'"dj ,,"(lining Joe.uion Mid at the union hoi in Mor<:h
Ihl.: il.)Ok and hani.lnl Ihl:m hJlOl fur wos otfoendtd by (hom left, 'ronl row) Pele Mcloughlin, Jim Sondt, '''ucll Reppu«i,
et"s/ 8ig Sitters Bowling fof Kids toufOO-
Ihc rC'I.),,:r, In t"mpldd~ Or! oul and Donny lurke; bocll rCtW, AUI. &\Is. Mgt. Denny Ubby, Steve Munroe. Dick Vail.
ment: from left, ail Hordtf'!, Marc:
Jgdlll I hl\ I, H'I\" tmk: Ctm,ununJl! and
liggeH, Brion DuPUII, Wayne Smith Stev. Allen, Mike Comer, Will Wyman, Mlktl Cookloy, Bill KnoHl, and Second Dlitnd
lru'lr~lIn~. ~UI h(l.n~ In Ih~rc \ l oI~ ~
and Pre,./Ikll. Mgr. Shir!.y Bow&«. Inl a~ KOrel Mulvey. in\tAKtor.
Inc nc\t time 1m.· t'I'TnI'.IIl~ 111111 3_k for
our IOpUI
" eH: hat..! .r(".11 lurnOUI~ al our
nltlnlhh muun l1Ieelln)!... I ch "'cell up
II,\. !.lU"J,ld.. ml.: IIIIUll~l, tilC \U,U-
mer .md e'en aile' Ihc·(T1<.e'- I\. t)\er
Brothers and Sisters. we
\tcdtnll\ arc Ihl: 11 ...... 1 Thur'llin .11
o.:\cn m"nth III 7 .30 P m Rcml.:m~f 10 want you to have your ADDRESS CHANGE?
dlll·n.1 n,· II1flllml·.1 )" 111\111\",1 If, JOURNAL I Wnen you have a
~our tlilurd
lIale a \,IIe: dllli harp' I oU li h I1f change of address please lei NAME
J u l~ .Ind .j!rl:al "Umnll.:f. us know Be sure to Include
IltUm\\IIIII\.rS your old address and please NEW AOQRCS::;
don't forgel to flU In L.U and
Card No Ttus Information WIll CITY STATE liP COCE
OFFICERS be helpl ulln checking and
INSTALLED keeping OUI records straight.

I .l . 11)(17 \('111,. I I III 0\. ' .

lolluVolllj! In(;11 union vff i t~'r' "'~'re If you have changed local
I."keted In r ~ h ru<lr~ rr(\.· IlU\. \{gt unions, we mus . have
",11IIIe\ 1I 1I1II\o.'r lin \ee C"hlHI,lI lc CURRENT! V ON PENSION .J Soc Sec No
S\\lmharl Tr":,I'. Oth Znl1 . and Rec. numbers of both.
I).cc. ""IIIUY Apillehlll I hl!re ",a~ II III.'
lur lhe! illli~t! of \il;l: rHt!~ iJ ,, " t. A Mall To: Addres9 OLO ADDRESS mIIlling 4Jlx" 'rQrlll!1.IqdLrOO)
r Url' lft ekclwn r"fIhal po_lIl11n \\.:"
Change Departmonl
jP/e.lse arrJ/i

hdJ \11Ir..:l, 'I lind M,I\ ("ramc T .... , I !>

delIct! '" ","'C I' l e"Ii.l~"t. Int·ernat lonal Brotherhood
,\I <1111 Mun:h ... Ip~,1 1 unilln Il1l."cllll)!. of Electrical Workers
1 uunh D"lru:1 Inl \t l." r Tom Cml k
11 25- 15th Street. N W. FORMER LOCAL UNION NUMBeR
IIhl,llIl:d Ihl: rrc\lJetH. rccorllllllo! !.Cere·
tar)". Heil.\UrCf ant! hnanelill <.(;cretllrv SUlle 903
In In Ilf llle. A I Ihe Allnl I.~ meet ing. Washington, DC, 20005 Don ·' 10(gC110 regIster to vote at your new address.
fi u"', MG.r. O"w"cr In"'lilkd the ,·lce
Iltc'lllerllll1to 011 Ice.



Thke Control of Your membe r and their families

or telephone th eir congrcssi nal rep-
rcscnl<llivcs. Tell them how you fee l
lO write

CountI1"s Future about the economy. cUlication. trade

Hgrccrnenl~. cU ll ing th e deficit.
J)art I : Lc'l Your SI'nal01'8 On suc h occasions, repre~entati\lcs h ea lt h-care reform an d a n y olher
muy c1nirn (hey arc heedi ng t he pin- i sues t hat ar fect w or k cr~ and tlll; ir
KiloII' \\ hal \Oll Thin"
iun of the majority of thei r CUIl - johs- your jobs. To a"i~ist in contact-
uring the first mo n t h ~ o f Prl.!si·
D d ent C linl on's ad mini slnll iull.
Amencan" helVe wil ne"scd iuw.' imrcr-
sti tuent s. Could this majori ty be just
Ihe lIlajoril) of the people who both-
ered 10 contact the repre c.ntali"cs.
in!!, se naturs and rcprc~cntnll\'es. the
followi ng list of Ihe m C ll1h cl'~ o f th e
:)ub Itlmitlees which dea l with vari·
,iou:, 10 change th e U.S. ongrcs:, ca n not the "'~Jority o f Ih e peo pl" Ihey QUO;; lahor i S~lI cs in the U.S. Senate i!<l
bl:. Evcn with ~cvcral ne\\ sc n ator~ Ilclu ully rcprc:,clll? provided. Nexi mo nth. look for a "'1111 -
and Il1nny nc\\ representative ... grid- To help prevent rule hy the "vocal ila r li st for the U ... Ho,"," f Rep re-
lock ,llo ng part) li nc ; is st ill po.sible. minority'" the I B EW encourage< \cn luti vcs.

u.s. SENATE Labor and Human Resow'ces ComnliLLec

S ubr OlllllliUrl' nn ' ,:lbnl' S lIbrOlll11l11lee 011 Ildll calloJl, \TIs alld lIu 111;111 II Ie ,
Delllocrats Republicans Ocmocr.Jf ~ R cp uhli cH.n~
Howard M Mctzenbaum (OhIO) Omn G. I latch (Utah) aatllorn. Pell ( R.I.) NanC} L. Ka~-.chaunt rKan~.)
(Cha ,,) .ney L. K8S>cbaum ( Kan;.) ( haIr) Ornn G. lI3It h (Ulah)
Tom I larkin (I \\ a) J'">1e, ~1.Jefford (V!.) Pa ul D. SImon (11 1. ) James M Jcrford> (V!.)
ChmlOpher J. Dodd (Conn.) Strom rhurmond (S.c.) Barbara . ~ I ikubki (Md.) trom TIlinnond ( .C.)
I,dward M . Kennedy (M • . ) Ilowa rd M. Mel7enbaum (O hiO) Dan CO:l IS ( Ind.)
Paul D. \ ell'lo ne ( 1lnn .) 10m Harkill ( Io .....a) Dave Durcnbcrgcr (Minn.)
hrislop her J. Dodd (Conn.) Judd Gregg ( I I.)
Suh('Onllulll.c'e 011 Chlldrrll . Falllill. Edward 1\<1. Kennedy (Ma ss.)
OI'Ug8 aud Alcoholls 111 Paul D. WellSlone ( Minn.)
Democrats Rcpuulicun s Jeff Bingama n ( .M .)
Ch ri~ l opl l c r
J. Dodd (Conn.) Nitncy L. KllS'cbul.l m (Kan::..) I hl rris. Woff)rd (Pa.)
( hllir) Ju dd Gregg (N. H.)
I larn, Wofford (1' •. ) J ame, M . Jeffords (VI.) l'i uiJrolllllllllc'e (III Oisuhllll ) ['oIl C)

BlIrbilf<t A Mikubki (~I d.) Irom Thu nnond ( .) Oc mocru's Rep ublicnlls
Edward M. Kennedy ( Mass.) DlIn Coat< ( Ind .) Tum Il ark in (Iowa) (Chair) D ave Durcnbcrgcr(foolinn.)
Jdl Binganmn (N.M.) Olive Durcnbcrgcr (MulIl.) Howard M \I cllcnbaum (Ohio) Orrin G . I latch ( IOh)
a.lborne Pell ( R.I. ) Paul D. Imon ( 111.) James ~I. Jeffords (VI . )
Paul D. Wdblonc (f\hnn.) JdfBlIlgnman (:'\'.M.)

S uh rollllllill t't" nn EIIII)lu~ llIt'nt flllIl J>1'f1(11I(' lhil~

Sub contmltlc(,OIl I\t!lIl,!!
Democrats Rcpubli cu ns Democrats RClluhl kans
Barbar. . MIkulskI (Md.) Dan CoalS (Ind.)
Paul D SImon (III.) (Chair) Orrin G. Halch (Ulah) (Chair) Judd Gregg ('1.1-1 .)
Borbara A. Mikulski (Md.) Imm 11Iurmond (S.c.) lIarris \ offord (Pa.) Dave Durcnbcrgcr(Mtnn .)
Jeff Smg,man ( .M.) Dan CaUl ( Ind.) Ch rislOpher J . Dodd (Conn.)
rom H.rkm ( Iowa) Judd Gregg ( .H ) ClaIborne Pell ( R.I.)
II. rris Wofford ( Pa.) H o~ald M.. MCllcnb'lUm (Ohio)



Menlll Yea'
uS CPIW u'IOeaS«l O.5Indtt~ POI"lI4 dUI1l~ ttl. las! tnOnIh
04 04% The ,ncrease duHnO the 0051 rear was 4 3 'ndel

Cnol\dD CP t Inerea941d 0 1nIje ..

(:Ir 0"'- Tn. Increase
The past
t~ tau month
Will 2 J 'nOO~
April 1993 141.6 129,9 110
u S Oepartmenl oIlaDOr
March 1993 1411 1299 110 Bureau 01 Labor SlallS1-=S
StaTlSIlCI Canada
IIp''' 1992 1373 '276 100
,, • • • J ,•, 0 • 0
Prepared Do,' ISEW DepanmMt M Re ....tch
3I1d Economk:s, tAay 1993

'!illS on \Wiling I.eltcl's

\Vritlng Ic tl cr to )our I cg i~ l ator~
ca n be ~ffcc[t\lc. a nd 1'; perhaps the;;iC"'t \\U for }OU to participa te in
the political process. If your c;;cmHors
arc nOI li<;;tcd as members of one 0
the ~, b o\'e commiHcc . )O U may still
wfl te 10 thl.!flI and ha\'c an Influence
on h.:gisI3Iion. Here are som~ l ips on
ho\' to compo~c <.I n cffcCli\c letter:
• Addrc~s Ihe IcHer (·orrerll}. \Vhill.!
lhi\ rna) . . cem b\'lous. milny lel-
II'T"! 11I'\'('r rt?ach Ih eir de ... tinationl:i
hecau~e thl') 3 rc incorrectly
addrcs<ed . Address lelle,,; [or
'cnator"l lo:
111C Ii onorahic (i n . . crl name)
.S. ~ cnatc
\Va hmglo n. D 205 \0
Yuu Illil) ;:tho write to Ihem III care
of a pa rllcular suhcommi llee (see bo~
alle(1) thing Ihi' uddrc".

• hlclllif,· ),ollrsell'. Al way" give th~

s IOIC. congrcs ionnl o r Icgi'ilu l i\'c
di'llrict . cit~ or count) in which you
l i\ c- a nu your local unl(m affi ha ~
lion. If }'ou \\ I~h,

• 'W rile le g.ihly. The lella ... hould he

1) PI! " nltl:n. if po:.,~ih h:. or ha nd·
",rH lcn ctl rcfully,

• li e ' Ilccilic ;'Ibuullhc ~ ubject. Refer

((l Ilw h,II numbe r or Ihe IlIle i[
k nO\\ n: if unknown, h n ~ny dCliiCnhc
the I :-' ~UC . D i ...cuso;; u ll l~ onlo: ivmc
pcr JellCr.

• TillIl' J Ulir leiter ~Ippro pri alcly . • it cclllc!'Il :t re ply tH llHlr IcUer. You • Scud u l'Op~ lu till' prc:-, idl'n l. Le t
\Vm..: Whc21l an bSLIc b currL'"1l 1. not wi ll kllll\\ yuur Iclt er wa!'! rcad . and P rc\itlcnt Cli n!(l11 kncm \\ h~l you
,art cr a key vote . Ih...: In fonn"l1 i n cou ld he hl~lp l ull() arc H<.;kin~ your se na tors 10 do. I"h i...
Ihe political clfOT t, of YO ll r union informal ion ma~ hel p h llll d\.!\c:lup
• EXI)luin }uur pm.ili un. A~ a workc r. and/of orga ni/ation if YOLI fo r\\ ilrt! p rogral11~ hell er de ... ig.ned In ... cr\'c,~
la-.: pa}Cr or consumer. ~Iy i n yo ur a copy. :nur IH.:cds. The ~H"kl re:-,\ i'<
\"'OIll... hO\lo the hill or amcnu mcn l
\\ i ll arfcci YOll. KCJl1ember to urge • Ul' ()Ul il e . Do n'\ be thn:a IIo:1l11lg,. r he Pr...:sident
~ lI p p ort for favora ble mll c m]m e n l~
or nppo~ i tio n l cri ppling ones.
de man d ing or ahu"ivc: leg.i . . I:lIor ..
discard :-,uch letters.
The \Vh itc H ou~e
Wa,h inglon , D, ',205fKJ ,
IIIW IOI'!!NAL/ JUlY 1993 39

WOlnan of the Year Mid,;vest

Sj,/or Kelly H J for JOBS"
S ister Kell) K. Hummel recei,cd
an award itS f'lroman of liz,.
YtIJr; ..
which was presented to her b
her award Project
s~cmb l p\ oman Barbara Friedman os Woman
on Ihe noor or the tate A5>embl)
acramcntO. CCihfomia. on M arch 15.
01 the Yeor
1993. Included in the eVent \\a s a woman
mornmg rt::ccptlo n tlild a lo ur of lhe Friedman.
iMcr KclJ) \\a~ born 0 11 Fcbruar) 6.
1%2. in I lonolul u. Il a\\ ai i. 10 rarcn l ~ IIITen lly a member nf IBE, Local
of .crma n. A~ian and Ha\\ aii an II. La, Angeles. Cil liforni a. Siste r
dl!"ccnI . Sh \\.lS t.: ducmcd i n the pub- (lummel worked fOl' the to:"! Angelc:,
li c ~cho I system : gr ad uated from Recreat ion and Park as an elect rician
Ka lani IIi gh School in 19 O. an d and l'ccc ived rull Jo urneymun Sta tus in
rece ived an Associates Degree in dec- the ~ lImm c r of 1990. BU"iinc"S Manager
l rici l)' frolll H o nolulu omll1unity Ilomer Lee submitted he r nn mc along
College in 1~82 . Arter gradualion. she wi th othe r wornell in Iht.! t ra de to
hcgull her ca reer a~ all electrician. and A~scmbl ywo lll a n Friedman'" officI.! . IS
The Union Lobor life 1,')Jurooce Company'J (UW·
later \\' o r k..::d HI) .l:I frt:c- b:tnce cu ndid ca ndidates fU T the Woman of the Yea r CO) Midwest Reo' Eslole E)(ecutiWJ Morlr
pholugrapher. Award. he is also a memher of the Cordone {/eltj, gr.... ROfI"r K. Ankley, wk.
In 1986. iSle r H ummel joincd lhe outhcrn Califor nia Tradeswomen County, If/inm5, Building and TrodeJ Council
preJicJent and bu,iness manager, local 150,
Air Force Rese rve", a nd com pleted n c lwol'k . sponso red b )' WOllll:n at
Woukegan, Illinois, at a /,J FOR JOBS " proicct
",j -year cnli!)tmcllt. he served as an IV rk. and I pre,c nll) pur>uing her declication hekI in tinco/mhire, Illinois. The " J
air-cargo ~pecia li "l in the 68th A il Bachdor of A rl s degree III an Intc- FOR JOBS" Morlgoge In..,lmenl Fund Ih",,,!}h
UWCO requ;reJ all construc6on work on 1M pro.
Syuadron III Port Il ucneme. Cal iror- gr.lled study program or Technology.
jed be clone by unionized con'rodr:w'S and Jub·
nm. i\lcr I(u mmel SCf\'CU th ree-a nd- Bu,i nc and English at Pierce College. conlrodon. Chicago oreo builJing trodcs reprc-
onc -half 1110nl h" ac ti ve duty during The (BE\V congralu(Lllc~ i~tcr senloti¥e5 and" J FOR JOBS" fund participants
Opera lion Desert Storm in 1991. and J I Ul11md on her pn::sliglOillo award and Joorecl the Woshinglon Nofiono/ InJUronce
Company corporale heoJquorkn, recipien' oJ a
has twice rccci \ cd th e Air Foret: \Vbh~~ her well in her cho!)1!11 Mudh3S 520 million mortgage comm;;men f from the
Achic\ eme nt l\led'l1. und future cndeavo". I union-orienred ;nveslment (KCOUIlt.

Local 24 Presents
COPE Contribution
BUJineJJ Manager Chorles McNemar (cenlerl and
Financial Secretary Lawrence Miller, 1.«01 24,
801~rtJtXe,Maryland, (lehl present 10 International
Secretory Jodc Moore (righi/ a ch«k rcprescnfing 0
hohy conlrilwrion '" IBEW< OPE.


A visiter reads 0 brochure at #he IBEW boo,", while others in #he bock Dr lite display discuss the impor-
tance of smoke cJe~lors in their homo.s.

Local 58's Eye-Catching Exhibit

Draws Attention to Fire Safety
A t the 7SI h ' nlcrnati"n:.1 UuilJcc>
lIome. Flower ilnd hirn il lirc
Show. held Murch 20·2X, ! 993, at the
lhl.! "QIIlI llty COIllH!l'liou" can anJ
work. A phot 0 01 tt I\.:ceptaclc
that actua ll y C~ I Llsctl a h O ll ~c fire. HIl U i:I
Cobo Exhibition Cenlcr, Detroit , l1am.l:-.-on ... amp lc or I he r i ghl and
Michigan. the I(',ells l)f one wl'~lng mcthoLl of \\ i r in g

exhihit by Loca l 5X. :.- . TIII.C)I 11.11 \ rccl: pl ilclc'i <.lcI110 1l1..,I r:II CO
D~troil. w:t\ fire i\" rcty in 10 Ihe public lh al "Electri-
lh..: home. Ucctluse of lhe (,lI! Work lHi '/ {IS SlIIlfl/(' "'"
high Ilumher of d~ctrica\ With the ,,>s i't·
;\ . /1 . ('."
!'ires in D el roil homes anee tir I nc~11 :-.upplicr:-., a
dll !'·
ing the wintcl' l1lonth 'i- ;;; dtl i ly ur,,1\\ ing lor lilllo kc
many of I hem fata l
'1( L.)-"."'X-( -1' -, , ! \( I' ddCCIOl'~ \Va ... hdJ,
co mmitlcc Ilu.:m bcrs fro m II \Va ... a d;"'pIHY Ihal wen l
L.ocal SR dcci<.h.!d 10 ~mp h tti<l i{, e fire lO rh e heart III home fi re prcvc ll tion-
prt.!ven ti on, ;tlld educa te peuplt: <1:-, 10 one visitor:-o wo uld not '\00 11 furgel
the nee d fo r cH ution when ha vi ng elec- A nd to keep 11 11': Ic,~nll in mi nd. Local
trica l work f.lolll' in the ho mc. ,')X tiislrihul c d pencils emblu/u n t;d
COlllmitte!.! memher... in c lud ed with Ihe Il1c ....~age. "Gel tfle PO;Ilf-
Lut:al 5X Pres id ent Greg Spiewak. lush f 011 I ,it;elued f£lec,ric.'iolls .. ,
Prf.'s::' Secreta ry Ma ry VaIH..Icrz.andcn, {1I ,\ ·;.\'IOJl {Joc," 58".
a nd memher-; Ik n IOt.!lcn'). Mike. A bonner at ,he
McBridc", J c Bu rke. Rick ,m eu. !"!::;;;;;~ !'COr of the dis'
ploy boo",
M ik e Burn:-. and Larry Sauger. Th e give.s good
committee pruvidcd an in formal ional f",;!f.'-1 advice.
brochure sl l'~:-.sillg lhe usc of lice ns.ed.
Irallled tBEW ~Icctric i [ln::,. ;I:,
well as
brochurc~ informi ng t he lll of th e
il11ponanl IBldW-NECJ\ npprcil l ice-
"ih ip train inr. pJognlllls, Tht:~\i ma tcri-
lib wt,;n..: di:-'lrihutc d al t he di"ipl<ly
hoot h. ('tltl pc ration he l ween t he
Sout he", ! Michigan Cha pter of
ECA and Local 58 in providin ' lhc
hrochures c1cm ly dcmol1slra tcs thnt



SIan Cancer: C(lrel/WHUE. ei t hcr warllih: gro wl hs

I hfl t ulcemtc in the cente r o r raised
opaq ue nodulc:-. that arc rr.;d o r pi nk .
fc red such a ~ u nb u fII in ndoh;::,ccllce
ran twice the normal risk of con tracl-
in g m alignan t mc lnn ma. T heir
Scourge Of The growth:-. appear 1110'\1 oflcn on the
e MS. face . lip s, mou th . ha nd ... and
research also rcveah.:d thu t bot h con -
"iis tcnL lo ng- Ierm e xposure 10 the sun
The Sun o l her ex po,ed areas. About 2.000
dCHlhs resull from the appro" imat cly
an d inlense periods r ex posure can
he equall y harm fu l.
IOO.OUO cases f squam ous-cd l carci- Grone, n nntura l gm. pre.:;cnt in the
noma Ihat develop each year. allllo~phcre. acl!-, us 11 protec tive hield

his year iIIore (hall 500.000
Americans will develop .'lome
oI~'kill CllJIcer. and between
l'vl einno lll a. th e third type. is I he
11l0~ 1 uangerou!'. Th e National Cancer
" n<.l parlially blocks ullra-violet ,olar
ray from the earth's ~ lIrfa ce . Rcct! 11 1
7.000 allli 8,000 will die /rum (h e InSl illllC l.!. "ilimalCs thai 27.300 Amcri- studies have shown Ihat ch!.!micHI pol-
disCI/sf!. A round Ihi lime 1m" yell', CU I1::, deve loped m el anoma in 198 : lUi ants. prin ci p all y chlo r ofl uo roc ar-
(he I SEW Jou rnal publish ed a 5,XOO wi ll eventuall y die-a 21 percen t bons lha t are use d for refrige ra nts ,lnd
uSa/elY ami H ealtll Tips" article [al al ily rate. solve nt s. des t r oy t he a l mosph eric
011 skill call cer. Bur because sln- In gen era l. a cli nician \ ho is skill ed ozone. thus allowing m orc ultra-vio lct
'ilf;C~ u[ " kill can cer [ruIII l WI in skin dj~calO~ CAl.n accura tely diagnose rays to reach the earth .
(}Iler(;:rpo.wre hlll'e skyrot'keled, :o. kin canCe r. H o we ve r. if a lesion is "Ever y ti m e the "lone Inyer
alld IJ/lmn'n liS Cases of skin dam- remo ved Hnd Ih er e's allY douh t. it decreases 1 percent. the inci dence o f
a)e /'011/\'11 11 /lIInps and {(IIUling necd to be submitted for a pathologi- skin cancer inc re as es 2 pc r ce nt:'
sfllm,s /I(l W" heen reporled, ,hi:, calexilm ina tion. Th is is lh e 0111 wa a :lccording to Dr. Icorgl.! Engel. dcr-
precawio,owr ill/ormatioll is bei"g
I doclOr can make an ab ...olu te d iagn - ITIatoil)gisl.
I'reJ'ellfl'd alfm;l, ;o, i ~. ""The key wilh s ki n CiJJlCer. a~ in
any o t her fo r m o f canct! r. i~ ea rl y '(('SI YOIII'seil'
detection and thorough removal." :o.nid
D e rm ato l ogists reco mme nd I h:1 t
Curren t c~li lll a t cs indicah; that 0 11 t: A"i:lnc..: Lcrtshurpa. a derma lologi:-'I in
)OU exam ine YO llr~c lf and our chil -
of every 'Seven Ame rica ns will deve lop Berw n. llIi noi:>. F II w-up t,:xum ina-
dren regu lar ly lI il h lhe A -S- - I Te,!.
some form of "kin ca nce r durin g his or lions <-It regu lar imervals for ;11 lC<-lsl
Check any moles o r growth s f r the
her li fetime, T he number of cases uf fivc years are essent ia l. accord ing to
followi ng:
ma li gna nt m ela no ma- the m m,l Lc rt:-.hurpa . "' If r..:cogni'lcti early. must
sk in ca ncers C(ln be treated wi lh mi ni- A-A:o.Yllll1lclry: bone hulr unlike
<.jead ly for m 01 sk in cancer has
mal li ~s uc loss. nnd peo plc Cil n return th e other in color an d/o r shape?
incrca~c<.l an incredible 1.500 percent
~ i ncc 1935 and n !"(aggr.;ring 93 perce n t to " normal li festyle ... he I\n)';,; . Jl·llorder irreg u'ur;, y: I oc~ rh t!
jusl si ne..: IlJXO. The good new'I is thaI More.: th un lJO perce nt o j' ski n can - borde r have ( 111 unCVL:Il. ll opcu
ai m SI ev er y lype of ski n cancer is ccr~ <He c :t ll~cd by cxpo ~u r c 10 I he edge ra lher tha n a clearly defined
UII . D em l alologisb say those people on!.!?
p reYc..: l1 tnb lc.
T here HIi.! three I ypc~ o f skin ca ncer. al most ri!oJ l.. fo r IOk in ca nce r ha ve fa ir C· ColfJr vari:ltiun: h, th e co lor un i-
O ne type is basal-cell co r e l/ lO llln. sk in. blond . o r red hair. blue o r green forlll. or d ~'!' ;f vilry 1'1'0111 one area
which llsllally ,lppears as raised. pearly L:ycs. la r ge or IlLIITlCroUS m ole s und 10 another? For inst ance. from tan
freckl es. They' r e (liso sc n ~i li \' c 10 Ihe III brown to black 01' fro m wh i le 10
nouul e> that gr ow ,lowl y. Ir left
red 10 hlue.
untreatcd. they ITItl y c rust. ulce ra te 0 1' Mi ll amJ have t.Iiffil:ulty Imllli ng ;md a
h lccd . rh..:y Hpp..:a r most o fh.!n on Ih..: fam ily hi:o.l(lry (I f rn ell:l llom a. D-Diameter larger thun Oll c· I'Clurth
hC~ld. fnce. ncck. hands an d 1 rso ever"! yt;a rs ago . IwO l-I nrv ilrd inch: A I ih wide!'! 1 poilll. i!'! I he
th u:-.e un..:u-,. common ly c;x posed to the rc:o.c archt.: r::; , Robert L i;!w. Ph.D .. <lnu growth as large as. or larger th:1n. a
slin . A pprmi matoly 400.000 Ame ri- 1~ l' lh ul' 1. Sti ve r. M .D ., added illlolha
p":l1cil eraser'!
ca n'\ develo p hcuia l cell carcino J11:t grollp 10 the high-risk ca tegory: indi- ,. A lways us..: ~ un scrcc n 'i." ~ay"io
each year. Fort unalely. the d isea'>e ilO viuunls who huve ::,uffercd a blislc: ring Engel. "an d proioc i ),our childre n
ra rely [ata l. ~u n b um al ilrl y ri me in (heir lire. fhe rrom the S UII whc n t hey nrc vcry
fhe :-'CCOIH.I IYPt! i:-. Sf/I UlII/()I(,\-ce ll ... \Ildy 'i IItlWC U Ih i-l t people who 'IlIf- yo ung. If yo ur youn g-Hc r IS fa i r, U:-'C HI


lC3!-' 1 a num her 15 su ns ree ll ," D r. The A-8-C-D Test read i ly cu rH hle. More importu nt. how-
Rohl,; rI Siern an d two co-workers ~H ever. it can be prcvcnl c{1 hy exercising
II 1I r ard found tl1 \1t regu ll1l' U::'l: of a Figure 1. A normal mole, evenly co mmon ~c n ..,c p rccaution ~,
-,u nscreen wi lh u su n protection ractor colored brown, Ion or block spot, A recent "lUdy by 3 Conne l ieu t
(S PF) or 15 d uring Ihe r, "1 IX years or Rat or raised, round Of ovol with ret.;earch group .,ho \\~ OJ ur amat ic
li fe \\Quld reduce b) 78 percent a per- sharply delined borders. A sudden incn.:a~e in "I..i n cancer among \\omen.
... on·" iifd i OlC ri,,1.. of dcvcloplllg Ih l.: or continuous change in oppear- c~pec i a ll~ Ihot.;e hctwe\!n th ..: agf.!s or
two mos t cummon type" 01 ~k in can- ance is 0 5ign "101 you ~hov'd see 35 and -l..L According to 'R u th G.
your physicion. The fo llowing is "'e
cer, Sunscreen are graded frol11 olle ike..,. "'I>ccial prujcct' d irector for Ihe
A·B·C·D Rule lor imporlont signs.
to 50. with 50 being a complele hlock ll1\!rican ACldcmy of Dcrmmolog).
and o ne 3 \'cry ... light prOlccllnn. th e pa I "jx year" hil\-e ~ h u\\ n an
I n prcl.'..:nl ... ""in cancer. the J\mcri- illc n.:a\c or alll1o~1 5(XI percenl III Ih~
can Acac.Jcl1I) ur Dc m1<lIul og~ rCcnn1- mcidence of mclnnoma. Ihe lh.:adlic\1
IlIcmh thcs~ gllllkline,,: rOJ'ln of .. ""in ci.lnccr cCl u... cd h~ expo-
ta~ out 0 1 tin.: sun \\ ht:n p<)"i~lhle.
,un: to thc '1un. ··Thl.! \km Ci.tncer; that
nonnall) ",ho\\ up in ul der ag.e group
\Veiu protcr.:ti\c clot h..:.., and a hal.
ure appenring in younger ami younger
rve- n ir in 1he' "'lin lor onl! Figure 2. A symmetry-one half
YIlII'rl' women:' Sikc~ .. ny. . .
does not makh the o"'er half.
15 or :!O ml11u tC5-. ah'ay... U'tc n "'UIl- The numhc~ \\ ill conti nue to l11ulll-
'1crCCI1\\ilhan PFofa l lca'\tI5. pi)'. Mel anoma casc~ h:l\ c c;;;k) rock-
Ap ply c,lIn::,crcen lib~fal1) . ~tudic" eted 1.500 pc.:rcen t sin c IlJ35. \\ hl,;n
"hO\\ lhal 1110o;;t users Me too fipar- lil l! fad o f :-,un hi.llh in v. hl.!g:1I1. If th l'
i ng wi l h 'HIIl ...crcc n an d Ilpply only pn::scnt ral c or lII crca~e continues. one
ilbnul half Ihe amou nt n..:cdcd 10 in 90 p..:opk: coul d develop thi.., mo~l
p rot~c t Ihe <,;k in
deadly ron n o r . . ca nccl' hy thl' y('a r
1 capply ..,lI n... crcen whcn yo u coml" 2000. The in c rca<,;~ ~ o;;..:.:m r reLlictat"llc
nul o f th!.! wa l er Hilt} att l!r you per- Figure 3. Border Irregularity-
The edges are ragged, notched or eve ry dl.!. BUl accol d i ng lO Dr.
<,;pire. Arthu r Soher, who rl!~t.!arcl ll!"
He care l ll i ;Ho und highly rl'l1cclivl' IlH.:lanom;l at M ~l SI) i1 ch ll >;Cll~ Genera!
surfa ces. o;;udl <:," sn ow. ~and . con - Hospita l in Ho~ t (l n. " Eve ll tho ugh the
crete an d wat er. \\ hich Ih.:;ul y dO Ll- ra le o f i n crc a ~c i ~ the :-,;1 J1l c. yo u'rc
hle your , un '·'posure. <,;l ar ting 10 dl"Hlhle In rgeJ .Inti lar~t: r
Don ' l !!() In tan ning ... ;tI lJ ll 'i ilnd nul11bcr:-...··
uon'l u...c ... 1I11h:llnp"', The ncw:-, IS not all grim. however.
Mi nimi/c ),o llr ch il tlr~n 's exposure A natiol1ni cu n..,um..:r "urvcy hy th e
\0 the ~ u n ,1I111 begin appl ying .;;un- Figure 4. Color-Pigmenlotion i. l11 l!rican AC(t(.\..:m: of Dermatology
~c rcc n 10 lnf.lnls as you ng a:-. six not uniform . Shades 01 ton, brown ;lnd the A\on FOUI1<.hl l ioll .... huw:, the
Ill {)nt h ~. There arc !O; lI n!'c r~CI1" o n and block or. present. Red, while fo llowin g ch an ge ... in il1 11111de ell1d
the 11l;J1'~t:l fl)rJ11ulat~d for :t child'~ and blue may add to "'. matt/eel hehavior:
delicate 11,~ln. appearance. P..:opll.' arc more a\\ arc of -,UIll.Hl-
Certa in Ilh,:ulcation.., and cu~,"c l iC"._ ning ri~h.
" . . we ll a" hirth control pill-,. rna) {\ boul 0l1c-tl1lrd of th..: populallon
increa.;;e your l1,e nsiti\ Ily 10 the ::tun. is a \~ a rl".': of t11(.' sun\ potential oan-
U you usc the. . e pmulich. COl1o;;ult ger. In l~h7, on I) 7 rcrcenl "ho\l.;eu
your doctur hefore ) o u \ cn lUrc ::, uch aI,., ~I rcnc"\.
o ut.
t;\cl1t)' -.."i\ l'clI.,:clll oj l e' r,",)ndelll~
MCHI Americans are aw.,tre th at now fear 'ikan ancer o r \\orin""lc .....
exposure to the ..,un isn' t h~illthy. ye t Figure 5. Diameter-<;realer "'on t People \\ hn cuc nol rc~pond ing to
m:IOY ignorc the da nger. Fifl) -rollr six millimeters . Any sudden or con- j the rbJ... factor ~h()uItJ rccon~ider.
percc m of m cnca n ~
rccc ntl~ by tht.: American I\caJclllY
"U rveyed
tinuing increase in s;zc should be
of s~iol can(em. ! accordi n£. 10 Dr. Cdg,u B. milh.
rormer president or the American
Dl!rmatology that th..: "un can Acadenl) or DL'rll1alulog~. "The
ca u se sL: in cnncer. anLi 23 pel'cenl
rcpoJ'l that lhL'y u"'c no PI'OII:l'lillll tlI
j \ [hey gel lOd<-ly hccC}mc..; th e
\\ rinklc the)-'II have 10iIlornm:' he
\<-Iy ....
all agai ll ~t Ihl.! ~ U I1.
Th e lOLa) num ber of ~k in ,a neer ( People arc l~'king praclicdl '\Ieps 10
avoid md ano ma. More than one·
ca~c:-. will reach I million HlI llUH ll y tlj
the year 2010. Much or .., klll cancer i ~ ~------------------~
J (Colllin l/cr/ 011 Pa~w -N )


International I aoof-rcliltcd Cl)ll1rnill~c~
llil \\ hich Broth cr Col ll n~

Representati\7c !-.l!f\,C U were Lh e: Lahtlf Ath j.

:"lHj lOlllmillcc to thl!

Richard E. Collins JJc:partnlel1l 01

I aboT
R ~,"arch
Ac.I\'i~or)' Comm iltl:l' to the
1979. anu \V.L' i l...~igncd to the Uurcnu of Lah r ~' latililic ....
E rrec live Jul y I. 1'!9J.
IntcrnatinllLll Rcprc~nld­
th e R icha rd Eugcllc 011 ins
R c ... cn r ch ond Lducalinn
Departmcnt. lak'r rl'namc.:d
DOL: Ath i\Uf) Co mmitt e!:
on International Invt:sll11~nl .

\~ ill re tire from tilt.: Urother- Lhc Rcscilrch and Economic-. Technology amI Dc \ clop·
h()lx\ iJfter ·B ~caf'o. IIf ucui- D~panlllent. and worked in menl 10 the L.S. Slelle
cared ~c r"icc. Brothcr Collin'\: Lh e Economic Analysi ' ('ul· Department. II i:., lllilllilT
\\w.. initiateu into Local 7 5. lcclh c Bargaining Divbion. ~cn icc W:IS In (hl.' U.S. Ami)
\Velcctka. Oklahoma . on H ~ walii an I BE\\, Scholar· uuring th e Korean Wnf ,and
Fl.!bruary I. 1t)50, .mel later ~hlp rcciph!nl in 11)75. and in th L I <J lional Gwm.l.
Iram,.Jcrrcu hi:;, cilnJ 10 Lucal 'Hh.:nucu Ihe Uni\er!olil), uf Brother Collin;,; atlcmkd
1002. T ul",,,!. Oklahoma . Tuba. he carnt:d hl1ii Bapli" Bih le Cullege.
Wilhin his local. frum 195~ 10 Bi.lchclor uf Science anti Springfield. 1i s~ourt . in

1971.). he "cncu a~ a~~i~lanl Bachelor 01 A rI~ degree . I'!56. "ml carncu " IlI.G. l ie
bu'\inc'\s managa~ a, record- Olher school. allended \I er" wa ... li~lcd in ·' \\ho·", \Vho" in
ing !l.t.:crdar) IIllt..l Irei.! llfl.!r: Ihe Gcorge Me,tlny Cenlcr American college!'> anu uni-
and Oil Llll; Examinlllg Board: for ",hil"'liun: the School for vCf"iitic ... in 19M). All :1\ ill
on the leg liaung Cnillmll- \Vor~ l!rs . 'ladi\ol1. WiM:on- ,portman. he enJoys hiking.
ll.!c: and a:.. an ppn.:nlicc- 'in. for tWilling III work rnca- c;lInplllg. fi.!o.hing and ,\\im·
I lIlt:man instructor. ,uremcnl and (nmpen ationJ mlllg. rhe I SF \V \\ i,hco;;
B rother Cullll1'" was bon\!", pbn ... : I he Univc r\ilY B ru 1 h Co! r Collin ..... hi.., \\ife.
appoi nl cu an International of Tcxa,: and the Unin:rsilY \Vanda , and ramil~ th ~ \a)'
Represenl.lhe lin Ju ly I. of 1"ryland. heM for his rClin.:mcl1l. ~

S WI,:n "I) Il10: \I :1'11 Til'S j" ht!:lutiful. Only :-is ()l!rccl1 t of the Rctin -A . In 15 month~. thc avcrage
(( Imll"lIt~d from Pap(' .J . ~J adult, ~Lln C) cd thin~ 1h~y lao!.. palit!nt 1t~1 60 percelll of the Icsion~.
heller with a Ian. d O\\.-11 N percent Dr. Bal't'lara Gilchre~1 of Bo.,ton
(Iuarter !o.unc)cd .saki they howe from two ycar~ ago. Uni,""il), found Ihal RClin -A
cha ng~u thl!ir Iwhi t"i. I·or example.
dccrt!i:I ... ~d the numher and size 01 prc-
I he~ u~c '\UO'i.crl.!cn . cmer up nr
limi t time in Ihl.! .sun. I~I'I ill-'\ 'If 1Tilt' Kl'Sflll' cancc ro u\ s l-..111 ko.;ion ... in patient, ]11 a
onc ycar. IO-center stuU) . "The drug
Fc\\cr Pl:Oph:: ........ oc iill c beaut) Rctin·A Illay Lx.' gouu nc\\, for men UppC.1]"!'! to tilt!.;!" conceptui.llly the
\\ ilh a tall. 111 Victorian da\s . and" omen \\ ilh ~ Lln -dama!!-ed ~kin. genctic program of a cell. \~ hClhcr it'~
heaut) \\as a:-,:-.ocialcd with H whflc. Allhough Ihi< gel hilS been puhlid/ed an ilglllg. program or <I mallgmill t pro-
milky comp lexion, tll1d women for muking. the skin ioo~ )OUII!!,Cr. gram." \hc ... ny~.
uran~ poi:-.o n or hCClIlIll! sick 10 growi ng c\icknci: inciic<l t(:s that it al!<o,(l Dr. l\\bL'r! Kligman of Ihe Univ!.! r~it)
uchievi: d porcelain look. I n thc
rCVL'r"c::.. precanCerous ... kin ns, of Pcnn:..yivaniu. who fir:-,t o h ~cf\! t: u
I l)Xlls. the. o h ~c~s i nn with golllcn,
hWIl7CG "kin ha:-. \cd to mnn.: cases Rctin- '5 effec ts arc 1101 mcrel y cos- Rct in- \ foulltiJin-of-yollth- likc prop·
of skin ca ncer. But ]f lh ~ consumer mellc hut al ...o thera peu tic. 'O"ys Dr. crLic~ , '\ay~ early studies al:..o SU£f,tl:"i1 it
\u rvey is right. people will "pend A, lh u!' Balin of Rod.dellc!' Uni , c!',il), may reVI.!~l' a prccal1cerou~ condition
IC~3 time ill the :-'Ull. t\ lh;crc;I!')ing in Ni:W York City. In the <.;tudy. )O pco· of the ccn ix <.:0111111 Illy respollsihle ror
l1Umhcr 01 people th ink CI dJrk Ian pIc with f~l cilll h.·.~ i on~ were treated with ttlmonmll PAP 'mem~. ,



Solar Energy heating o.xiue

of l1l ~rcury
shows the overage
nu",ber of hours of sunshine
\\i th a bUi nlll~ per yeor.
l'al'I, 1- 500
k n"o . A ntuin e
MOI'(' Than a 'Ia ll L ll\ oi , jc' r
( 1 7~ J·179~ ) of 500
1 h e: ~ UI1 ha ~ a lwa ys fa~cinillcd
1 human hcm~~. In da) ... of old. till'
... un \\ a lin obj t.!'c t of \\or:;hip. ('oday it
France bui lt a
"olar furnace.
\\hich cou l d
1:"1 it rccugni/cu nCl:c..,:-,iIY for hie on reach temp -
450 6OO

earth anu a mystery 10 c~ plorcd , c r ;l turc..; :I'" 584
II hough the :.un':, 1)0'\ er ha~ been 11Igh as 20()() • •
565 ' ~
t u ~cn fo r gnllllcd by m <l n~ it ha!>o hccn dcp.rcc ... 59t '.
a \" uhjcci of mten"ie study for other... ,

\\ (' '\1' (~Olllt' a L.OII~

Fah rcnh~i l .
\\ ith two im -
me n ... c Ie.: n!\c~
5~50 M <.:...~_, 600

· 602
\\a ~. Ba h~ Ihdl fOl'u"'cJ
700 \ J
the sun·... TH)'!. 750 750 600
In tlk' ruin, of the anclC'1l1 IiLldic 700
DUring t he
Eas tern cit)' of . inevah (~c\e l1 lh ccn- 650
hll~ 18Mb. iI
lUI") B.C.) archa cologi,\\ h;wl: di-«:o\,·
,tea m e ngine
cn~d tlC\IC'; ... made of gin... ", thai \\ere
pt>\\ered b~ Iht! Sll n \\ ~I'" u~u ~ucce:,"i­ The structure of a
u~cd 10 ign ite nammahh: malcrial"i.
ru ll ~ to pump lI a l,' r In Algena. The Ilat'pla te collector.
J hc\c ..,,, called "hurnlng gl~I 'i't.:s ··
m\enlor. Au ~ u~ l~ l ouchol.latcr built
proH' Ihal e\(,~ n in anCient time' pen- Glo ss plate.
pic haJ accc:-.~ 10 lcchnulug) IluII
a larger \ crsion. nut hi'" cng.ine"o
would CO Ill.'Cl the .. un's ray... :11' 1.1 ("on-
proH!U too c()!\lh to "ou"otam. Heat transfer
I n La ... Salina~. no rth ern ('hlle. an pos ~e
CC I1 1riHc the lig ht into a bea m f h ill
American named Clmrlc, " i L, oll huilt Absorbing
could cnu\C \\ood 10 c:l tch nrc.. surtO(e
Although tht!rc IS no rroof J\,:lIlablc, '" l e lll~II~;l hl~ kugc "Iul:II -Ji~ajll ':ll i(lIl.
plan t in HOI. I hl: plant \\ "'" u .....·J 10 Insulation
the g reat Greek malhcm ~lIi cl:ln
make frc"oh walcr for .I ni lrale minco Support
Ar c hj m cdc~ (c. ::!R7-212 B.C.) h ~aid structure
10 haq.: prc\Cnh.:t..I the c'lplure 01 hiS The La ... Salina"o pl,lnt \\;1, huilt \\ilh
native cily. Sy racuse. h) arr,mgmg a ~Ianting roo f:. of gl i:I~'" o\'c r ~ h l.l IlO\\

halter) or l11irror~ \\hich com:~nlrult.:d pan ~ 01 "all \\ ,lIer. I kat from the ~u n
the ~ Ull \ ra~s on th e ~aiJs o f Rom an evaporated some o f the ~il lt watl.'f in Area of detail
~hip~ ;1I1d ... c! lhem afire. Solar encrgy the p(tn~ . T he vapor that I" rmet! con-
wa' U'ttl t'I) the a nc ient Chinc..,e.:. dcn~eJ on the ,"~idc 'UJ filCl'!\ ("If the
gyp t ian~. Phoe ni cian,. Greek", tl lld "Ianling g l.I ...... ronf!'! and I he saiL
Rom an, to produce \\all. n:ma ine d lIlldi';... ohl:-('.L r he ui ~tillcd
Duri ng Ih.; 16(X):' Slllo lllU Ii de CllU~ fn:!oth \\alc..:r rul(";d down the of
(1576-1626), a French e nginee r. was thl' glas:. r00 1 ~ ill1 U C(llI eclcc.l in
ahle 10 con cn trat e th e !\un ·..:; ray'" In lrough:,. T hi "'(1lal'~ "tll1 opcr:llc c.l ror
operate ;.1 ::' 111<111 wale l p lll ll p. A Gei - 10 yeMs llllti! th ~ mine d(l~('J. produc-
man wri ter nam eu A th:llla!'!in ... Kirc her ing 6.000 gallo n).. of fn.:",h \\-011er ~I day.
(I~III I (,XII) dc«rihed Ihe fir" ,olnr 1n rhe l a t~ 1!{70..; d ' 111 01 11 p ri ntin g
furnace In a book. The furnace \"'l~ p U::':S"i was opcrah.:c.l with d ...o la r !',Ic am ,\ o/{'II. or I Ill' .\"1111 jOllrnal. I he cnglllc
lI ~t; d tn distill or puri f) waLe r. engine. A he l I'i rre. a Fre nch i nv~nlO r, \\Ia~ cxlllhiu:c.I al Ihl' \Vorlt.1 Exh ibi tion
A)' Ih e 1 7 0 0~ Joseph I'r i e ~ tl ey u:.eJ th e pre~.. to puhli.,h a Ilcw::tI)[Ipcr in Pari.., III IX7S, A no ther FI' C IH.: h
(17 3~ . I H04) had prod uced oxygen h a[1prnpriiltely cH llc d I.t, .Iolffllal till IIlVCJl h l1' h l1 i11 It 'Solar e ng in e thill lJ~cd


)o,( JI<tr-genern tet! l'lll'rgj in New Mex-
ico. A \Itea m cngll1c run by MlI1 lighl Heliastots track the
Ihnt wa:, focu:,ed 011 a boiler. pumped
sun and redirecl its radiation to
a central receiver mounted on a
w;lIer 20 reel high into 01 500·g;:lIlon tower. Diogrom is nOllo scale
Ab,orber storage lank. '1he \\ ater then ran down
through a water tu rb ine tha i upera ted
Eos, ReHective
i1 ,mall dynamo producltlg e nough

clCClrtcil) to Ilgh l an cnlln.! minc.

harles Grecle) Abh,,1 (IX72·1973).
th e fat her o f solar - rl!~carch 111 the
United SHllc)o,. in \ cntt!u an L:;\trcmclj
efficlcnt sohtr holler in 1936. In the
Wru. silml.! year Cambridge. M a!::lsachuS"clts.
, hO<1S1cd one or Ihe fir I ~ular-hcatcu
Heated Auid leaves hou"'ics. II was hUll! by the M a~,"lchu­
""ll' In,litu.c or Technolog) in 1936.
a "nat plate" collecting !lo)'S IC'm. similar Sma ll \olor- .ills ""lied "survival kits" ofrer; .he po<s.b,li.y or producing dec·
to a s)~tcm u~d today. Other ~xPl!ri· "erc designed by Or. Maria Te lke< tricity directly rrom the sun. The phole>-
menter, dc:"igncd solar ovens. a· and were u~cd by the United tilles volla ic cell will be di",", >cd in Jetail in
powered pump and other IYPI!S of Na') during World War II. lIell r elo- r an II oflhis "mcle.
I.! ngtnc ... thut we re able to produce p hon e Luhorutories develope d the Flal·p lall· cullcclun. (Figu re 2.) are
morc hor'\Cpowcr. solar ballc ry in .he l11 id·19SOs. made or a blackened plate und tubes
In 1907 Fruuk S huma n huilt a lest Th e energy sho rt age in the 1970, o r fins . Solar energy is admilLcd
" Icam cngll1c using ~I nal-p late collec- s parked rene wed interest in S lar th rough o nc or more tran::,parcl1 t cov-
tor. which genera ted three·a nd·one· c nagy. With the comme nce ment of e~ on th e front side o r th e plate. H eal
half I",,,cpower. By 19 12 he haJ ~o l ar e ngi neering. new com mercial i< picked up hy the pla te whe n flu id
for med the Ea~t...:rn Sun Powa o m- M)htr devices were d e~ignc d nnd uscu. pa!!.scs by nn arran gemen t of tubes o r
puny and was operating a solar plant rnd ul.\ Lria l stan dards were CS litbli shc tl fi ns. The bac k an d sides nf the p lale
jn Mca di. :.gypl. Th l..! plant delivered fo r tesli ng emu grad in g solm coll cclOrs. arc insulated LO red uce hem loss. This
52 horse powe r steadily a nd w~ s used coll ec tnr is usuall y mounted ill H fixed
to p lll'n p wa te r inla nd from lhl! Nile pos ition and ca n abs()rb hoth beam
RI ver for irriga ti on. Th e advent of
'IYIIt'S of 801m' Colh'cLol'S and diffu::,c nlJ iaLioll. Thii, pra cti c;.il
Wurld W ar I an d ot he r problems I f~ l ar 1.!1lcrgy is 10 he lIsed i:I ~ i:I soLirce device can operate HI lem pcnllurcs lip
cau\cd • humun It} abandon the plan t. of p wer. it must be converted lil t :1 I 125 Fahrc nh ei l a hove daYllme air
InlCfC-.;1 in u\ ing the SLin as a source 10 type of r.: ncrg) that com he lL..,ed. There te mpcra ture HI fh e ~Ite . F1at-plntc col-
power mac hin es was cut short by a rc <cvera l lype' f so lar coll cclo" Ihm lec tor ca n be u cd for hC';:ll i ng hot
WorlJ War I "nd the use o f fo",i l fuel,. have hee n enginee red (0 produce heal water, ho uses. air cond iti o nin g. evapo-
A fe \\ years Imer a n American cm:rgj .It variou~ lcmpcfOlt urcs. One ration of sail waler and distilling sa lt
named Il urringtoll attempted to st UR' IYIl<: of coll cc.or. II,,· pholo, ul' :lic cell. wate r to produce drin"ing wa ter.
A foc u s in g collcctur r:ti,c~ I he
Intensity of solar h~am radi<lIIOn hy
An example of parabolic using a conca\'c rcflec tor ur lens to
which are used to genera Ie steam. co ncent ra te the heam. A ~ ll1 u ll . black-
ened. insulated receiver ahsorho;; the
foclJ.>ed radiation. Energy i, collec ted
Plant steam header hy the receiver a l Icmpcfj] lurc~ or 200·
FI05.000 F due to Ihe h.g.iICr energy
flux. A parabolic truugh collector
Check volve (Figures 3. and 4.) i, a type of rocusing
collecto r tha t conS ist' of a lrougb like
mirror of parabolic crms o;;cction with
Expanston tank Plant boiler feed a linear receiver. usually a pIpe. along
its a.x i ~. Another lype i ~ a p~'r1Ibolic
dish co ll ectur thai ha~ (-I mirror 111 lhe
rorm o[ a parabola r lating ~I rollnd its
axi~. with a receiver at the rocet! point.
Solar loop For o al sun lig ht ga lh cl"lng. focus·
Solar steam generotor' pump
(Co lII/III/ (' d "" PfI!:ii "X)

40 '.OW IOU_HAL/ JUt Y 1993


PBF Death Claims Approved for Payment in April 1993

""" s"~
Norman, B. J.
....." I.", "'M~ ' -, , ...-~ ,-,
llKol ....
bhr.r. J.
..... ~

Kerwngton, H. F.
Sutherlin If., E. M.
CarnegF.o, l.
8rlonts. D. G. ,
1(0/10 • L
loftto, M. l.
Morci, V.
Snyder, t. 1
Mor~I1, E..A..
tidll"', ( f .
., Hk~.,., ". H.
Kunu, F.
Hurrell, A. S.
Simon. S, M. Md,•••1d " LI. ftrriolo. v. J Me~. WE
Whibon, S. O. MulI~y.B. Simolt B. 111 EMieid M l
1Cnthtt, t E. 000. W. J. ~l'IsonJt W M. J ("". W. ~

,. O'Keefe. t.J
froidand. 0, J.
IGnis K.
Wttl, f. J
WoIoce, J, J
Sott.r, K G
DI.I~o" H. G.
».onn, R. G
,." George, A.
Mogboo, S. ,.
C(llttllo, J.e.
6k*e, R. J.
aenw,.,( .If., I. II
Kerr, G (
_ . A.1l
toni!\. r. J. o..gk .. Il W. """"",""M. L .' Neorod. H. Po
1kM1, J.J Feb, A. &t0Wft, R.I. Hawn, S. c.
DcItrIHh8, .,. l HwIdIe., A.. W fonyh. It. L Sel!ellu, J J.
........ I l ...... lW HauIaIa, w .. """,..bor,. J.
laVOIe, Lf. Gretn. W. E. """"'"'Y" . W. l """""', LW
~ •. l locul, R. G ThoInpIoOtI L ~ PooIr, G. W.
. , E. It.. vr.nrltttn A (j
' ....... l l
Mtitvrt, L r. ~.~
~ 1IoIw1y, J.J. Komlcn., G. J
hn, lJ. P..dt Sr., W. H. HutthinWIII, 0 , I. 1""",.' . , .

.".,.". U _~M. ............ ~L Mormon, J. A.
4, krrthard Jr., W. t Ten.-.' W T"b III HaIIwo~, G. M..
o'Connor, K. L Von-. ll A!.I. L """r LY.
J cs.n...H. B.
CbI:. D. N
....... M.I
C........ M.J. , CaI,J T.
Mo<I!. G. G.
lot, L A..
hilton. It L """"J' Coot.o, G. W. '"",A.I.
tidadr.,L1., W ... DvugoI JI" A. J. Hido...,.. W A..
I:tIeII, J. W Hy,om. G. """". H, W.I.

Cen, C.I.
Tomeu N.
o..n.I...gI. w ,.
_ . ' .1.
",,'-I H ~
Jock., T. W
Nahlt., LG.
liII le.

IIChotdIOll E. W.

n-~lD SoMIo " .. l.A. 0..1 L~ PitIu. No K.

Jandn.. l l
Popptn/u$, G. D.
Mar"' •.L
<oIdw.I. . . ..
~ . .l.l
,""J. l
....... l H.
MatltJeWlo••• f. CM..G D. . . .. T.(. T"b. D l
J """,A.L l..tI.Ief'IbtrV-, Mol. Wi~, I . I. lrovit, L

~ I.
hkXeIuir, l C. Waigtam W. .l. s.-..~Il
......... ~W. ,~ leitt. D 0 ~hlon , W.J.
SmoIk.. tl /tl Iobo,. W L ...... ~l Ashd, K.T
1ofuo,l.J -...I1l~ M.c.
"'" W. A.
51w1.y• • """. CE o..gU
Wrw, T.A..
Atelono, S. A.
...... ,.
ltw!.1, I. R.

O-. ~W.
~ , S. C.
GronI, r. L
pcner, H.
~, tlJ.
loIv. LE.
J E..

AIIer, D L ..,..W. SIrawft. C. M. _ , LL

Logan. I. A. DoN\er, t I (onatu, " J. ~A. o.
s-don,J. W T..... ~ Col
_th, l l """- 1. 1l 1loMaID.1J. IIod.... J. L
lvI.,. 1. W. Arf~ItI . ltl. lotreIIIJr.• W J. He,.- E. D.
....,. J.D. yCllllC! ... J. ItIriq, G. L
KrIIIM UI J. MiIer, C.l M.~, J
.... tI.
iii" D. ... MonU, I. W. Armon, l L CI'OIo'ford, E. L
bhitr, R.. M. R&,J,a ~, JF. Coo.,f,.d. W. ~
"""•• 1. ~ w&orn ~ A. L !. Miec:htI. f M. I _ D. W
""",M.~ • . MtV.\f'f .. W""". ' l FoI.o. u
Coda. I",*" E I ....... ~M. l,.r, l M.
fot1lll. l KoiMn, W. J. Yer"'1'll~ D( Qlo.OI'I It L
Siog<ot. W. L L..be1lOW, f . W. 5n1oOlt, I I. M<Co.,. G. w.
CompboJI, I. T. lyall, J. L HonllOll, J. L Mclnlryt, C. O.
eolttfl, W. I. s..,... f. M. ....... J.L Deputy, J. D
1us~1 , F. J !rvner, G [ lowmon, L ~, lF.
lorr.s, A. " ', M.!. lonlleY Jr., l L • m S W.
"twtt Jr.. W,
Dcrtichon, G. C.
.~ l
llIpp(If, H.l
Simpso!l. J W
n-,...... W.
IJ,./I V. I .
1M""!!. C S. Vt«Io. .. Smith. A. e. littfd.M.
Ikn:. A 5 Doney k., L K. Bulson, f. t WUJYef, W. I
Moore,ll. Sand.uall, H W. WiIDII f Grundmon. Ii. C.
I\irtgle, J. D. Otor, W. H. Hefhert, M. V. HoHmon. M.l
, E1110H, T. E. S
Folh!t, ~ , todo!;ceur, c,. J, .IohnKln, i. B.
DoYid~, C. N. Sever~. H. C.
KonyUl:k, J. V
lobinl, £. L C.O. D. ' . Slin~, K. 1.
,. MtKof'lltu, H.
Wyman, Lt SodotfI, O. L (M, ltl ~. H. M.
!orco. A R IaIdwl/l R L _11."1. . A. L
Bam, J. fo""".' O. Grteft. H. e
l(ai ~,I. E.
Hjumcnd <. T.
"__ eel, L c..
IrOWII, e ~or, A. L
CoIcMn. G. A..
Croob, A.. M. ,,
" P. I
I So~ford , J. H.
Swon~. H..' ,
" "1
fruge, M. A
Roberhan, A, W.
Willk~G. L
Crow , I. G.
I'. I Whilu, l.Y. AcioIlU, A GOG"", ~ M.
rnllllO. A. J.

'::t,c. •.
It> , P :~.: ""'J:;"gOll,H. C. G. Garl'ltll, E. Cllf"Yil'lO. P. C.
, £.
Gone E, 1>00 P I' p, Smilh. J C. Hatlng, l(. C.
Gordon. A. P Itu , N...... .. C. .' 1....1./. ,. Riepe E. f.
' '"
....1 _., Sumo,," 10(01 ",.1 """",
Logan, C. C. J 1>; ~~ Vinson!, S. M W"tUIu, l L .lab, f. P.
0u0I5, p, E. 7,..Q W1t. LL Morrit, •. W. .Iohan~n, E. M,
allue.G, A. ~ Zeller, L f. Schrtiber. A. M. Jo/won, I 0
Ptmberton, W W. '0: Gibson, J. A.. CoIbtrt, W. A. I:d", W W
s..o,U .::.1 Vonkooy, '-. sp.., •.e. 'lot, J I
Inht, S. C Brttn, f. R. ICruI\, lW. lCoIitr.G4.
",""a POOIW, T. A. CIo<\,f. ~"'''',,WA.. L
- ,c. thomm, J. V Oa...mon, c. c. loomis,
I ...., G. /ol ChoPl"I, I. " ! longe, C W. louc~"G, H.
p' Fillley. J. A. Ho'9tIl. C. R. Iutt, f, C.
""'" C. H
Hom8i, ( K. Mack. , W. A
~ Htrtid. L M. I GrMnt, C. p.
Vomer, . G. Keener, G. L J I Duhamel, W. J. Mc<CInIIOtk. I M.
Mofrow, J. w. t:r; Von&<JsOIr, F. J 'I Smilh, W E. MdllllOl'f, O.

IIoIrch, H. L I Clone, T. W. MIIItr, W (
WISfM,D. MoS., S. 51 T,..G.A. Mooft, C. L
8town, W. H. Gro1.~ Sr., W. W. 1 ~ Crain, J. M. Niuen, J.
ltwU, 1. W. J~I Older, G. W. o.bomt, W. G.
Odom, J, e. Task«, S. G. AlI~iI!.I.P.
Prldt", H.t
logtn. I. I.
Fo'b, D. M. SoIgodo, H. t. 1ieItcki, W. 1. •.,..,..,d, ~ L
GilKIfI, D L ~, C. G. 1Ioy, L t Jid,onb, R. i ,
loncoIJ." l ( ........ LE lent, F E.
tiloy. ' A.
MrY.,. W.J. lbgqin5. L l,J O.
lilli, l J.
' ......., W. SolI. Jr., C, W. Coopioo,A.

Iobincftt, It
""... Lf.

WanI, J. A.
xhr7Udl, N. l
_, I. ~
c.Jo, H. L
Contri. A..
_, ~W
_ ,I t
GIw, W. c...G.L _J.D.
""'" A.L
....... "
a.hdgo, G /ol
DiIuIo, F. ...
SopIoo,J I
SIouI, lD.
.........u BurutI Jr.. W. M. ~f.J. se...M.... O. L
doud, G. L Tall, J. W. DMaft. W. E. 1m. 1. E.
Mc<n.y. < f- ..: fratJ. Wo"H """1""", 1
loro., H. t ........, /oll. FuIwicIe, D. A. .OI,W.I
...... u. Gitw,l. tt. Konwtll, C. J. vtcthio. L '"
M , I, t
1trthoIf, E. H .!
""""M. ~
""",, ~
. . . . N.G.
W.d, W. ~
W...._ l l
1mItItmon. I. G. """,,",W. D ~.Lt
, T-.G.
acw.,k 5
l '• Thomai. S. E.
LWk.. C.E.
""""""', L L
kInnoM, J. J, ., ,0l0i "--' il.,J18,7.I.60


Brotherhood o' Number admitted 10 pe ns ion lasl monlh 576 322
Electrical Totol number- on pension 90000 S9190
T0101 pension payments last month S 52.<1090937 $ 19738 7576
Pension and
De ath Benefit Total pe nsion payments last 12 months $ 62 <1 15 ()9<1 66 $ ?4 <; sne 79397
Payment Re port Death benefits paid last S <104 77<193
April 1993 Death benefits paid last 12 months $ .6 <196 318 8L

'I'Ef.1I T\LI\ liquid 111I..: lal. It CHn be ~ I on.:d or u~d cNlract energy al <1 c:on:,la nt tempera-
(COil/mil/ lei from f>uge 46) to apacHe rI co nventiona l turh ine gen- ture day and night.
t:rating cau tion, The convcr"ion of '(lIM a:ncrgy inlO
ing Co ll ~t:IUr\ I11m,l be moveable ~o sail IHmd cull cl'lor ( Figure 6,) thermal enl.!rgy ha ~ bL!cn !)uccc5.sful
Ihal they can Imck lhc "Iun's positiun con,i"t~ of an npen pond or sai l walCr Ihroughollt hi"iwry. o l1vcrting ..o lar
,n Ihe <ky, hocu'lIlg collector are al a thal i!, about tw Inctcr!!. ueep filled so energy to elcctricHI or mechanica l
prufound ui"advanlagc hccausc they t hat till': salinity gradie llt increases energy in order to meet the world's
dcpen I lIpon clear o.,ky and will pro- with d~ pl h. rhe floor 01 Ih e pond power needs 1-; an economi al pUL.lle
duce no energy if the Mil l i~ blockl.:d. ab~orb~ ...o ld!' elll:rgy il l1<..1 heat i:, trans- that re~ca rchcr!ol urc Ir)i ng 10 solve.
f\ ~ HI:Ir tun cr cnUcclur (Fi 'u re 5., fcrrc u to II cHrhy Iilycr~ of \\ater, Tem- The photovollaic or ..,nhlr cell m ay
ll..:;e~ Irucki ng plane rn irrON (hcli o~1 als) pera lures of IIX) may he produced at provide the (11l ~\"'cr. rh c~c cdls are
to fo u" lhe sola r radiation onto a the floor of lhe pu ntl beca use th e currently being U\CU in the space pro-
black houy rccl.:i"cr th a t i" lIlounted b uoyancy cffccl~ arc inh ibited by the gram 10 power ~illclli t c~, f
o n lOp of the tower, 'T he 'iolar e nergy high d e n ~it y of th e "alty layers. Energy
i:-. absorbed anu cOIl\lertt!u to heat by is c ~tn1(' l cd throu gh the u ~c of a he;.1t Ptl rl l/ 0/"50/(/1' EIIl'f}!,v: MurC! Thall
lhe l'cccivl.!r, ~I he heat b Irun ~ po rl e d exchanger, Thl.! thermal efficiency of A Tall" will fo{'u ,\' (}II fhe C(}IIl 'er\' ;'JI! of
clown Ihl.! lower using ~ t t!~lm li nes or thesc ponds is low, hilt 11 is po:-.siblc 10 SO/lIr energy to rdt!('lrif'O/ energy,


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J'(tl!;r,UIl lUnt"l1Il, '1\.;all.liJlC'llI\ l~ 111 Ullllllllllcmhl'" in tlll· l',.\ . .ulIllCIt. l ln H""III',1,"'0 'm~i~~~:
·i'II\,lIllin.\tl'nl\ido:\llhrnu~h PI 11-1 l T ~ f\\tlfl~,.g... l,u'mt'd ~1,jrlg:11W 1\,IIlLt-n' 'lV, Itrnking OC'P.lrtIllCIlI tllll1lll\ RMI . !CIIII,II ~1(1nt:"I$'I.(t'lI\e~
LKCn!{'J l\\i)rI,,;a~c \\,lIlkt:'r: f' )Dcp.ml1u:nt ollhnkll1~, AnIOIl:! Rt'Sldcnllitll\.lortg"l!C 1 i(cn,c(': ~lI ,n()N), MJh .ldlll~tlj Itc~I~lcnll:lll\.lorlSJIlC
['l..t'll't'l' ; I\K llill \ ' 1
UlEW Journa l
1125-151 h Ircel. '.W.
Washinglon. D.C. 2000 '

Can Kill!
M ake Sllre YOll know RII of the appropriate
procedures and precautions to take for entry
into and exit from confined spaces. If there are
ment. See OSHA's standard on confined spaces in
ntle 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations , Part
1910.146. For related OSHA publications, contact
hazardous confined spaces where you must work, your regional or area office, or call (202) 219-4667,
your employer is required by law to have a permit- FAX (202) 219-9266.
required confined-space program, permit system, U.S. Department of labor
emergency procedures, appropriate engineering Robert B. Reich. Secretary
and work practice controls, and to provide you with AMonthly
training and appropriate personal protective equip-
Occupational Safety and Health Admin.
OSHA 3140 1993 ,
IBEW Safety
24-Hour OSHA Hotline:
Regon I - Boston. MA 16t 7) 565·716<1 RegoonVi -Dalas. TX(2141767·473 1
Regoon VII - Kansas Crt) M() 18 1 ) 426·5861
Reg,on II - NewYO<k, NY (212)337·2378
rr0 report SUspecled nre hazards. Imml· F\eglon 111 PhIladelphia, PA (215) 596- 1201
Ragon VIII- Denver. CO 1303) 844
nenl danger safety and heallh hazards In Reg.", IX - san f r. """",. CA
\he workplace. 0 ' olher job safely and Regoon IV - Atlan'a. GA \4(4) 347·3573 141 ) 7446670
health emergencies.) RegoonV - Chicago.ILI3121353·2220 Reg"'" X - Seanle, WA 1£Uti) bt ' ·b~.lO

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