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1. Areas to be cleared

The Contractor shall clear the areas to be occupied by the Works of all trees, stumps, brush,
rubbish and other objectionable matter. Felling of trees shall be restricted to the minimum
practicable for the execution of the Works. And the minimum shall be as directed. Areas to be
cleared shall include, but not be restricted to:

a). borrow areas and quarries

b). sites for and surfaces for stockpiles
c). disposal areas outside the reservoir areas
d). areas to be backfilled, and
e). areas of permanent and temporary construction.

2. Method of clearing

a). Trees which are more than 3 m in height or more than 250 mm in girth shall be felled in such
a manner that the height of the stumps above the ground, measured on the uphill side of the
stump, does not exceed 300 mm. Roots and stumps less than 300 mm in high within the
disposal areas and beyond the limits of excavation shall be left in the ground. Felling and
removal of trees with explosives will not be permitted. Felled timber shall be removed from
the area within 20 m beyond the limits of excavation.

b). In areas from which removal of stockpiling of top soil is required in accordance with Clause
S3.02 clearing shall be effected in such a manner as to prevent, as far as possible, the loss
of topsoil.

c). Unless otherwise directed trees shall not be cut down outside areas specified in paragraph
a. of this sub-clause and, where directed, trees shall be protected carefully from damage by
the Contractor’s operations.

d). Clearing shall be completed as early as possible to permit the maximum drying period,
during the driest months of the year, before burning.

3. Disposal of Material

Materials removed in clearing operations shall be burned, buried in disposal areas or otherwise
disposed of in an approved manner. All materials to be burned shall be piled, cut and split if
necessary and, when in a suitable condition, shall be reduced to ashes. Piling for burning shall
be done in such manner and in such locations as to cause the least fire risk. The Contractor shall
take special precautions to prevent fire from spreading and shall have available at all time’s
suitable equipment and supplies for use in preventing and suppressing fires.

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4. Payment

The entire cost of clearing shall be included in the rates proposed in the priced Bill of Quantities
for various items of work.


1. General

Topsoil is defined as the surface or top layer of soil, including fine roots, the herbaceous
vegetation and overlying grass and characterized by the presence of organic matter.
Immediately after clearing operations and before exaction commences, the Contractor shall
remove topsoil, where and to such depth as directed, from the surfaces of the borrow areas, the
stockpile sites, the areas to be backfilled, and the areas of the Works where surface excavation
is required. Removal of topsoil from disposal areas will not be required unless insufficient topsoil
is available from required excavation to meet the requirements of the Specification. Topsoil shall
be removed within 2 m outside the limits of required excavation and the surface shall not be
disturbed beyond these limits.

2. Spoil bank and Soil Conservation

Topsoil so removed shall be stockpiled at convenient approved locations or on adjoining the area
from which such topsoil was removed. Compaction of the soil during sspoiling shall be avoided.
Spoil bank shall be smoothed to a measurable outline and shall not be higher than 2.5 m. After
spoil banks have been completed, and where and when directed, the Contractor shall apply soil
conservation measures in accordance with Clause S5.08

3. Measurement and Payment

a). Measurement, for payment, of stockpiling of topsoil, shall be made of the volume of soil in
the stockpiles immediately on completion of each stockpile.

b). Payment for stockpiling of topsoil will be made at the rate per cubic meter proposed
therefore in the priced Bill of Quantities (Item 3.02/1) which rate shall include the cost of
stockpiling topsoil, furnishing grass seed and sowing the surface of stockpiles. The cost of
excavating and transporting topsoil to stockpiles shall be included in the cost of the relevant

c). If, by the reason of the Contractor not using all topsoil from required excavation which is
suitable and required for the Works, it is necessary to obtain topsoil from other sources, the
Contractor shall obtain, at his own expense, a quantity of topsoil from required excavated
and wasted by him, as determined by the Engineer.

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1. General

a). i. All surface excavation shall comply with this Clause and Clauses S3.04 to S3.12
inclusive. Materials excavated will not be classified into different material types for the
purposes of payment.

ii. Surface excavation includes all surface excavation for the Main Cofferdam, Jatigede
Main Dam, Spillway, Diversion Tunnel, Irrigation Outlet, and Road Construction as
Shown on the Drawings or directed.

b). The Contractor shall perform all surface excavations, and procure construction materials
from required excavation, in accordance with the proposals approved in the Letter of
Acceptance or with such modifications as may be approved from time to time.

c). Suitable material from surface excavations shall be used in the Works. The Contractor’s
blasting and other operations in the excavations shall be such that the materials excavated
will yield as much required suitable materials as practicable, and shall be subject to
approval. Where practicable, materials suitable for use in the Works shall be excavated
separately from materials to be wasted. Approved material shall be segregated by loads
during the excavation and shall be placed in the designated final locations or shall be placed
in stockpiles and later placed or process and placed, in the designated final locations, in
accordance with the provisions of this Specification.

Such material actually placed in that Works will also be included for payment under
appropriate items of the priced Bill of Quantities covering such construction.

d). The suitability of material obtained from the required excavations for use in the Works will be
determined by the Engineer.

e). If, by reason of the Contractor not using all material from required excavation which is
suitable and required for the Works, it is necessary no obtain material from other sources,
the Contractor shall obtain, at his own expense, a quantity of material equal to the quantity
of suitable material from required excavation wasted by him, as determined by the Engineer.

f). Any and all over-excavation performed by the Contractor for any purpose or reason, except
as may be directed and whether or not due to the fault of the Contractor, shall be at the
expense of the Contractor. All such over-excavation shall be backfilled with approved
material from required excavation or concrete, as directed, and the cost of furnishing and
placing of this backfill shall be at the expense of the Contractor. The Engineer may approve
alternative measures to backfilling and the cost of such measures shall be at the expense of
the Contractor.

g). Excavated materials to be wasted from all surface shall be disposed of in accordance with
Clause S3.17.

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2. Shape of Excavation

a). All Surface excavations shall be made to the lines, grade and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or directed. During the progress of the work the Engineer may direct that the
slopes and dimensions of the excavations be varied from those shown on the Drawings.
And the Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional allowance above the various rates
proposed in the priced Bill of Quantities for surface excavations by reasons of such changes
provided that, if such changes are made after the excavation has been made to the required
slopes or dimensions and, if it is determined by the Engineer that unit costs will be increased
or decreased as a result of such changes, an equitable adjustment of the Contract Price will
be made as accordance with the applicable provisions of the Contract. Any other surface
excavation performed at the option of the Contractor to secure any access to required work,
for disposal of material excavated, or for any other purpose, shall be kept within approved
limits and shall be at the expense of the Contractor.

b). The Engineer may direct excavations to be performed in successive stages until a suitable
foundation or surface, as determined by the Engineer, is reached. The Contractor shall not
be entitled to any additional payment above the applicable rates proposed in the priced Bill
of Quantities for these excavations by reasons of such successive stages in the excavation
procedure, unless the provisions of paragraph a. of this sub-clause apply. Each successive
stage shall include clean off of foundations for inspection in accordance with Clause S3.12.
Except that, if the Engineer approves the excavated surface as being a suitable foundation,
surface or final batter the clean off will be regarded as part of clean up as required in
Section 8 and 10 and the cost of all work for preparation of a suitable foundation or surface
shall be included in the applicable rates proposed in the priced Bill of Quantities for surface

3. Seams, Cavities and Other Defects in Rock

a). The exploratory investigations of the foundations, slopes and other areas to be excavated
are not sufficiently complete to disclose all seams, cavities and other defects that may exist
in the rock. It is anticipated that there may be depressions, fissures, faults, seams and
bands of soft disintegrating rock running in various directions in the material to be excavated
and in the foundations, slopes and other areas. The assumed lines of excavation shown on
the Drawings shall therefore not be interpreted as indicating with any degree of accuracy the
final or actual excavation lines or that no defects exist.

b). Where such seams, cavities or defects occur they shall be corrected by local surface
excavations, below the general surface of excavation, to the lines, depths and dimensions
directed. These local surface excavations shall be solidly backfilled with concrete or covered
by concrete.

c). The Engineer may direct that certain surfaces be protected and/or supported in accordance
with the relevant Clauses of Section 5.

d). Payment for such excavations will be made at the applicable rate proposed in the priced Bill
of Quantities for the excavation for the relevant structure and payment for backfill concrete

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will be made in accordance with Clause S13.06. Payment for shocrete and, if required, steel
mesh and reinforcing fabric and/or bars will be made in accordance with Clause S5.04 and
Clauses S5.05 and S11.08 respectively. Payment for rock bolts will be made in accordance
with Clause S5.02.

4. Excavation for Concrete Structures

The bottom and side slopes of excavations upon, or against which, concrete is to be placed shall
be excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed. Material
will not be permitted to extend within the neat lined of the structure. If, at any point in rock
excavation, material is excavated, at the direction of the Engineer, beyond the lines shown on
the Drawings, the additional excavation shall be filled solidly with concrete. Subject to provisions
of sub-clause 2 of this Clause for equitable adjustment of the Contract Price, payment for such
additional excavation will be made at the rate per cubic meter proposed in the priced Bill of
Quantities for excavation for the relevant structure and payment for concrete placed in such
additional excavation will be made at the applicable rate per cubic meter proposed in the priced
Bill of Quantities for concrete in the adjacent structure. If, at any point in rock excavation,
material is excavated beyond the lines shown on the Drawings or directed, or foundation
materials are needlessly damaged by blasting or other operations by the Contractor, the over-
excavation shall be filled solidly with concrete and the cost of all such work shall be at expense
of the Contractor.

5. Excavation Precaution

a). All necessary precautions shall be taken to preserve in the soundest possible condition, the
material below and beyond the lines of all excavation. Unless otherwise directed or
approved the Contractor shall use the presplitting technique. Blasting operations that might
damage the Works will not be approved. Any damage done to the Works by blasting,
including the shattering and loosening of the material beyond the required excavation lines,
shall be repaired by and at the expense of the Contractor as specified in sub-clause 4 of this

b). The Contractor shall exercise special care to avoid damage to concrete, shotcrete or
pressure grouting already completed. Delay blasting shall be used to reduce shock waves.
The Engineer may require that blasting shock wave intensity as measured by peak particle
velocity at any location shall be kept within limits to be determined by the Engineer to
ensure that no damage or disturbance to any part of the Works is caused by blasting
operations. Unless otherwise approved, the Contractor shall not fire any charges within 60
m of concrete or shotcrete already placed. The entire cost of complying with the
requirements of this sub-clause shall be deemed to be included in the various applicable
rates in the priced Bill of Quantities.

c). The Contractor shall periodically remove loose material from excavated batters to maintain
them in a safe condition. All berms shall be maintained with the clear width of passageway
shown on the Drawings.

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d). All planking, strutting and supports necessary to retain the sides of the excavations shall be
provided, erected and maintained in a safe condition by the Contractor. No payment will be
made for planking, strutting or temporary supports. Permanent support shown on the
Drawings or directed shall be installed in accordance with Section 5 and will be paid for as
provided therein.

6. Pre-Splitting Technique

a). Where blasting is required to produce excavated surfaces to the lines and grades shown on
the Drawings or directed, the Contractor shall use the pre-splitting technique to ensure that
fracture plane is established along the required final excavation of the main body of rock,
thus minimizing damage to the rock beyond the required final excavation surface.

b). The Contractor shall submit, for approval, a description of his proposed method and
procedures of excavation, at least 30 days before starting excavation in any section of the
work requiring the use of the pre-splitting technique specified in this sub-clause. The
spacing and diameter of pre-splitting holes and the arrangement of the explosives in each
hole shall be varied to suite the hardness of the rock and be chosen to provide the best
practical excavated surface after blasting.

c). The Contractor shall establish field trials test in an approved area, his blasting technique to
produce a minimum of over break and fracturing of the rock outside the excavation lines of
the areas required to be pre-split. These trials shall be performed by varying the diameter,
depth and pattern of holes, the type and quantity of explosive, the blasting sequence and
delay pattern. The cost of developing this technique shall be included in the rates proposed
in the priced Bill of Quantities for the excavation of the relevant structures.

7. Approval of Blasting Technique

All blasting techniques, including the depth and size of holes and the size and characteristics of
charges, shall be subject of approval. The explosives shall be of such quantity and moderate
power and shall be used in such locations as will neither open seams nor crack nor damage rock
outside the prescribed limits of excavation. As the excavation approaches its final lines, the
depth of the holes for blasting and the amount of explosive used per hole shall be reduced
progressively. Wherever further blasting may damage the rock, the Engineer may direct that the
use of explosives shall be discontinued and the excavation shall be completed by wedging,
barring, channeling and broaching, by other approved means.

8. Surface Drains

Where required and when directed, the Contractor shall excavate surface drains to divert surface
water away from surface excavations. The entire cost of such drains shall be included in the
rates proposed in the priced Bill of quantities for the various items of excavation except where
surface drains are shown on the Drawings or directed as forming part of the Permanent Works in
which case payment will be made in accordance with Clause S6.02.

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9. Measurement

a). Measurement, for payment, of surface excavation shall be made of the volume of material
excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed and shall
be taken only in the presence of the Engineer. The Engineer shall be notified at least 24
hours before taking such measurements.

b). Before commencing and immediately after completion of surface excavation, the Contractor
shall take survey measurements sufficient to define the dimensions and elevations of the
original and final surfaces.

c). Not less than 7 days before commencing such survey measurements, the Contractor shall
submit, for approval, a plan showing the proposed layout of reference line, cross-sections
and method of survey.

d). Reference lines and points are to be set out on the ground and related to permanent marks.
T least 24 hours before commencing setting out, the Engineer shall be notified. Original field
notes of the setting out of the setting out of these reference lines are to be submitted,
together with the notes on actual quantity observations.

10. Payment

Payment for the various items of surface excavation will be made at the applicable rates per
cubic meter proposed therefore in the priced Bill of Quantities. These rates shall include the cost
of all labor, material, materials, temporary construction, pumping, bailing, draining and all other
work necessary to maintain the surface excavations in good order during construction, and of
removing such temporary construction if so directed. These rates shall also include the entire
cost of clearing and removing topsoil as provided in Clauses S3.01 and S3.02; of excavating and
transporting the materials from the excavation to the point of final use, or to disposal; and, where
stockpile are used, the cost of transporting the material to the stockpiles; of re-handling and of
transporting such material, except topsoil, to the point of final use; and the entire cost of cleaning
up excavated surfaces.


1. Definition of Item

The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all classes, for foundations for dam embankment
includes all required excavation to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or
directed for foundations for Jatigede Dam including the Main Cofferdam.

2. General

a). Excavation for the foundations for dam embankment includes :

i. The removal of all topsoil, rubbish, vegetable matter of every kind including stumps,
roots, and all other perishable or objectionable materials, including those which may be
contaminated during excavation.

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ii. The removal of partially and completely weathered material from the foundation area,
the removal of materials which might interfere with the proper bonding of the
embankment with the foundation or the proper compacting of the embankment and the
removal of materials of inadequate strength. The extent and depth of the excavation to
reach a suitable foundation shall be as directed.

b). The Engineer may direct that the excavation be performed in successive stages, in
accordance with Clause S3.03, until suitable foundation conditions are reached.

3. Required Quality of Foundation

a). The excavation for the dam embankment for dam height over 60 m shall be to a sufficient
depth to obtain a foundation area of fresh to slightly weathered rock as determined by the
Engineer which foundation area shall be essentially free from weathered materials, open
seams or other objectionable defects.

b). The excavation for the dam embankment for dam height less than 60 m shall be to a
sufficient depth to obtain a foundation area of fresh to moderately weathered rock as
determined by the Engineer which foundation area shall be essentially free from weathered
materials, open seams or other objectionable material.

c). The alignment and cross-sectional dimensions of the foundations will be subject to changes
considered necessary to adapt the foundation to the conditions disclosed by the excavation.

d). Steep or overhanging rock faces shall be cut to a short continuous face, or a series of
stepped faces to provide satisfactory abutment contact slopes for the embankment. Such
rock faces shall, in general, be cut back to slopes of 0.75 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter.
Where it is not possible or desirable to meet these requirements, the foundation shall be
treated in accordance with Clause S3.02, S8.01 and S8.02.


1. Spillway

a). The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all classes, for the spillway (Item 3.05/1)
includes all required excavation below the general dam foundation level as determined by
the Engineer to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed for the
Spillway, but not include the excavation for cut-off and trenches for drains, shown on
Drawings or directed.

b). Not less than 60 days prior to the start of the excavation in the Spillway, the Contractor shall
submit details of the method of working this excavation and the sequence of operations, to
the Engineer for approval. The Engineer may direct that the excavation be performed in
successive stages, in accordance with Clause S3.03 until suitable foundation conditions are

c). Payment for excavation for cut-offs and trenches for drains will be made in accordance with
Clause S3.11.

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2. Spillway Plunge Pool

The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, for the Spillway Plunge Pool includes all required
excavation to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed for the
Spillway Plunge Pool.


The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all classes, for the Diversion Inlet Channel and
portal include all required excavation to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or directed for the Conduit, Diversion Inlet Channel and portal.


The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all classes, for Diversion downstream Portal
includes all required surface excavation to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or directed for the Diversion Tunnel Downstream portal will be made in accordance
with Clause S3.06.


The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all clauses for the Irrigation Outlet Conduit and
Intake Structure includes all required excavation below the foundation levels for the Dam,
Spillway and Irrigation Intake Channel and to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or directed for the Irrigation Outlet Conduit and Intake Structure.


The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all classes for surface excavation for Irrigation
Outlet Intake Channel includes all required excavation to the lines, grades and dimension shown
on the Drawings or directed for the Irrigation Conduit and Intake Structure.


The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all classes for surface excavation, for the
Flushing Device Tunnel includes all required surface excavation to the lines, grades and
dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed for the Flushing Device Tunnel.


1. Definition of item

The item in the Bill of Quantities for excavation, all classes for trenches, pits and footings (Item
3.11/1) includes all required excavation and support to the lines, grades and dimensions shown
on the Drawings or directed for:

TS 3 - 9

a). trenches, pits, cut-offs and manholes for drainage associated with the spillway
b). trenches for water supply and sewerage
c). trenches for drain pipes
d). trenches for abutment seepage drains
e). trenches for cable pipe, and
f). elsewhere as shown on the Drawings or as directed

2. Method of Excavation

Excavation shall be performed by the use of hand tools and approved mechanical equipment, in
such a manner as to prevent shattering of the sides and bottom of the excavation. The Engineer
may approve the use of line drilled holes and light blasting holes in approved locations.


1. General

a). The Contractor shall clean-off foundation for inspection with air and water-jet under high
pressure where and when directed.

b). The Engineer may direct clean-off of foundation for inspection after each successive stage
of excavation for foundations of the dam embankment and spillway to determine whether
any unsound or unsuitable material presents in the foundation.

c). Clean-off of foundations for inspection is separate and distinct and clean-up before
placement of any embankment materials and concrete, as required elsewhere in this

2. Measurement and Payment

a). Measurement, for payment, of clean-off of foundations for inspection shall be made of the
horizontal projection of the areas of the foundation actually cleaned off for inspection as

b). Payment of clean-off of foundation for inspection will be made at the rate per square meter
proposed in the priced Bill of Quantities.


1. General

a). The Contractor shall furnish, place and compact random fill to the lines, grades and
dimensions and in the locations shown on the Drawings or directed.

b). Random fill shall be obtained from required excavation and other approved sources and
shall be subject to approval. Random fill shall be free from stumps, roots, rubbish, top soil
and other objectionable matter. Random fill placed within 1 m of structures shall be selected
material containing rock not larger than 75 mm in maximum dimension and shall be placed
carefully so as not to damage the structure.

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2. Placement

Random fill shall be deposited so that loose rock and boulders are well distributed and shall be
built up in horizontal layer not exceeding 300 mm in thickness. Random fill shall be compacted
by the passage of construction equipment or by other approved methods any depressions
caused by settlement shall be back filled.

3. Measurement and Payment

a). Measurement, for payment, for furnishing, placing and compacting random fill shall be made
of the volume of material in place to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or directed.

b). Payment for furnishing, placing and compacting random fill will be made at the rate per
cubic meter proposed therefore in the priced Bill of Quantities. Material from required
excavation used for random fill will be paid for both as excavation when removed from
required excavation and as fill when placed. Payment will not be made for excavating
materials from stockpiles or sources other than required excavation.


1. General

a). The Contractor shall furnish, place and compact free-draining backfill to the lines, grades
and dimensions and in the locations shown on the Drawings or directed.

b). Free-draining backfill shall be obtained from required excavation and other approved
sources and shall be subject to approval. Free-draining backfill shall be well graded with a
maximum dimension of 450 mm, and not more than 5 per cent smaller than 0,075 mm.
Free-draining backfill placed within 1 m from concrete structures shall not contain rocks
larger than 75 mm in maximum dimension and shall be placed carefully so as not to
damage the structure or approved standard.

2. Placement

Free-draining backfill shall be placed in accordance with the following requirements:

a). Free-draining backfill shall be deposited in horizontal layers not more than 500 mm thick
after being compacted, and shall be thoroughly wetted for the purpose of compaction, as
determined by the Engineer, and the moisture content shall be uniform throughout the layer.

b). Free-draining backfill shall be compacted, by an approved method, to reach not less than 70
per cent density index as defined in AS1289.E6.1.

3. Measurement and Payment

a). Measurement, for payment, for furnishing, placing and compacting free-draining backfill shall
be made of the volume of material in place to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the
Drawings or as directed.

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b). Payment for furnishing, placing and compacting free-draining backfill will be made at the rate
per cubic meter proposed therefore in the priced Bill of Quantities. Material from required
excavation used for free-draining backfill will be paid for both as excavation when removed
and as backfill when placed. Payment will not be made for excavating materials from
stockpiles or sources other than required excavation.


1. General

a). The Contractor shall furnish, place and compact approved impervious backfill to the lines,
grades and dimensions and in the locations shown in the Drawings or directed.

b). Impervious backfill shall be obtained from excavation or other approved sources and shall
be subject to approval. Rocks which cannot be encompassed in a 150 mm layer shall not be
incorporated in impervious backfill. Impervious backfill placed within 1 m of structures shall
not contain rocks larger than 75 mm in maximum dimension.

2. Placement

a). Impervious backfill shall be deposited in horizontal layer not more than 150 mm layer after

b). Before and during compacting operations, impervious backfill shall have the moisture
content required for the purpose of compaction, as directed, and the moisture content shall
uniform throughout each layer. As far as practicable, moistening of the impervious backfill
shall be performed at the site of excavation and/or stockpiles but such moistening shall be
supplementing, if necessary, by sprinkling at site of compaction.

c). When such layer of impervious backfill has not been conditioned as herein before specified,
it shall be compacted by approved method to not less than 90 per cent of the maximum dry
density, measured in accordance with AS 1289.

d). Impervious backfill shall be placed carefully in the vicinity of any structure so as not damage
the structure.

e). Where impervious backfill is placed against walls with weep holes, a gravel filter, having a
grading as directed, shall be formed at each weep hole to prevent clogging.

3. Measurement and Payment

a) Measurement for payment, placing and compacting embankment with imperviously backfill
shall be in accordance with lines and dimensions grades shown on the Drawings or as

b) Measurement, for payment, for furnishing, placement and compacting impervious backfill
will be made at the rate per cubic meter proposed therefore in the priced Bill of Quantities
Material from required excavation used for impervious backfill will be paid for both as
excavation when removed from required excavation and as backfill when placed. Payment

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will not be made for excavating material from stockpiles or sources other than required


1. General

The Contractor shall furnish and place gravel fill to the lines, grades and dimensions and in the
locations shown on the Drawings or directed.

2. Placement

Where concrete is to be placed on gravel fill to the lines, the gravel fill shall be covered by either
building paper, polyethylene sheet, or a thin concrete screed. Where other type of fill is to be
placed on the gravel fill, the gravel fill shall be covered with either galvanized iron or
polyethylene sheets.

3. Gravel fill

a). Gravel fill shall comply with the requirement of coarse aggregate specified in Clause S10.06.

b). Gravel fill will be required for as backfill for sewage effluent absorption trench and elsewhere
as directed.

c). Gravel fill shall be 50 mm nominal maximum size in accordance with BS 1438 with grading
limits as specified with BS 6297 or with approved standard.

4. Measurement and Payment

a). Measurement, for payment furnishing and placing gravel fill shall be made of the volume of
the gravel in place to the lines, grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed.

b). Payment for furnishing and placing gravel fill will be made at the rate per cubic meter
proposed therefore in the priced Bill of Quantities.

c). Separate payment will not be made for the building paper, polyethylene sheet, galvanized
iron sheet or the concrete screed and all such costs be included in the applicable rates in
the priced Bill of Quantities.


1. General

a) The Contractor shall dispose of excavated material which is unsuitable for which are not
required for construction in the disposal areas shown on the Drawings and elsewhere or
approved or directed.

b) Such excavated materials shall be disposed so as not to interfere with the operation of any
facilities, and disposed areas shall generally levelheaded trimmed to reasonably regular
lines to the approval of the Engineer.

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c) Unless otherwise approved, the finished outer slope of the disposal areas shall not be
steeper than 1 vertical to 2 horizontal.

d) Excavated materials for use in construction which cannot be used immediately shall be
stockpiled within the stockpile areas shown on the Drawings and elsewhere as approved.

2. Treatment of Surfaces

a). The Contractor shall grade the top surfaces of all material placed within disposal and
stockpile areas and shall construct permanent drains and other protective work sufficient to
ensure that surface run-off will not erode the surface of stockpiles and/or disposal areas or
the material placed therein.

b). Unless otherwise directed the finished surfaces of disposal areas, other than within the
reservoir area shall be covered with 100 mm of topsoil and grassed in accordance with
Clause S5.08.

3. Approval

At least 30 days before disposing material in an area, the Contractor shall submit for approval
details of his proposals for disposal of materials in the area and the protection of the materials
from erosion.

4. Payment

The entire cost of hauling and of disposing of the materials removed in excavation, including
stockpiling separately materials for use as embankment materials, backfill and roadway material,
shall be included in the rates proposed in the priced Bill of Quantities for the various items of

TS 3 - 14

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