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Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation

D.V. Balandin a , N.N. Bolotnik b and for the controlled system. To single out the best operat-
W.D. Pilkey c ing mode, a performance index (optimization criterion)
Research Institute for Applied Mathematics and is introduced that quantitatively evaluates the quality
Cybernetics, Nizhny Novgorod State University, of the control process.
10 Uljanova Str., Nizhny Novgorod 603005, Russia Pontryagin and Bellman laid the foundation for the
Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian modern theory of optimal control. Pontryagin with
Academy of Sciences, 101 Prospect Vernadskogo, his colleagues have formulated and proved the max-
Moscow 117526, Russia imum principle. This principle provides the neces-
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear sary optimality conditions for a wide class of opti-
Engineering, Thornton Hall, University of Virginia, mal control problems and gives an efficient mathemat-
ical tool for the practical calculation of open-loop con-
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2442, USA
trols. Bellman has formulated the principle of opti-
mality and suggested the method of dynamic program-
Received 30 March 1997
ming which allows the construction of a field of open-
Revised 26 April 1998
loop optimal trajectories and calculation of an optimal
control in feedback form. For details, see the classic
This is a review of the investigations into the field of opti- books by Pontryagin, Boltyanskii, Gamkrelidze, and
mum shock and vibration isolation, including the mathemat- Mishchenko [157] and Bellman [20,21]. The funda-
ical foundations of both optimal open-loop and optimal feed-
mentals of the optimal control theory are expounded
back isolation systems. This survey covers the literature from
in numerous textbooks, for instance, in Bryson and Ho
the initial studies to the present.
[48], Lee and Markus [112], and Leitmann [113].
Keywords: Shock isolation, impact protection, vibration iso- Several treatises have been published on the the-
lation, optimal shock isolation, optimal isolation
ory of shock and vibration isolation viewed as control
systems. In the book by Kolovskii [100] the behav-
ior of isolation systems is investigated by the methods
1. Introduction of nonlinear mechanics. The book provides a classifi-
cation of shock and vibration absorbers, according to
From the modern engineering point of view impact, their intended use and mechanical structure, as well as
shock, and vibration isolators are control systems that a classification of common types of disturbances. A de-
react to the dynamic excitation (disturbance) of the ob- tailed presentation of various mathematical methods
ject to be protected so as to mitigate undesirable effects to analyze the dynamics of single- and multi-degree-
of shock and vibration. Therefore, the theory of shock of-freedom systems for different types of excitations
and vibration isolation can be considered as a special is given. Frolov and Furman [62] investigate the dy-
case of the general theory of control. Modern control namics of objects isolated from vibration and calcu-
theory can be considered to be composed of two ar- late the isolator characteristics (control laws) using
eas: the theory of automatic regulation and the theory the techniques of vibration theory. Mechanical proper-
of optimal control. The theory of automatic regulation ties of the isolation systems which are in most com-
traditionally deals with the synthesis of the feedback mon use are analyzed. Considerable attention is paid
control laws providing prescribed qualitative proper- to the analysis of isolators with hydraulic devices. In
ties for the controlled systems. These properties are as- the book by Kolovskii, the isolation systems are treated
sociated mostly with the stability of certain motions of from the viewpoint of the automatic regulation theory.
the system, which the controller is attempting to main- A comprehensive presentation of modern approaches
tain. The subject matter of the theory of optimal control to the protection of objects from shock and vibration
is the construction of the control laws (either open-loop loads can be found in the handbook Engineering Vi-
or feedback) which provide the best operating mode brations [61].

Shock and Vibration 5 (1998) 73–87

ISSN 1070-9622 / $8.00  1998, IOS Press. All rights reserved
74 D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation

In a sense this review article could serve as an intro-

duction to the Gordon and Breach book (1999) by the
authors: “Optimal Protection from Impact, Shock, and

2. Optimization of characteristics of shock and

vibration isolators

Rather topical in modern engineering are problems

of protection of occupants and payloads of various
transport vehicles from intensive shock and vibration Fig. 1. The base and the body to be isolated.
loads. Such loads can occur, for example, in the motion
of an automobile along an uneven road at high speed to the base, its relative velocity ẋ, and time t. Accord-
or during the landing of an aircraft. ing to Newton’s third law, the force −g is applied by
Shock loads are particularly high in crash situations. the isolator to the base. The motion of the system is
In this case, survivability of the occupants depends on governed by the set of equations
the efficiency of shock isolators with which the vehicle
is equipped. The need to have isolation systems that M z̈ + m(ẍ + z̈) = σ(t),
protect occupants and equipment from extremely high m(ẍ + z̈) = g(x, ẋ, t), (1)
shock and vibration loading, on the one hand, and ad-
vances in the development of the mathematical theory where z is the displacement of the body with respect to
of optimization, on the other hand, have stimulated the a fixed (inertial) reference frame.
appearance of numerous publications on the optimiza- To obtain the equation of motion of the body be-
tion of shock and vibration isolation systems. ing isolated, eliminate the variable z̈ from Eq. (1). This
2.1. Systems with small number of degrees of freedom
g(x, ẋ, t) σ(t) Mm
ẍ − =− , µ= . (2)
Much of the literature deals with a single-degree- µ M M +m
of-freedom system. In this case, the object to be pro-
tected (the body being isolated) and the movable base, The quantity µ is called the reduced mass of the system
on which the object is placed, are considered as rigid of two bodies. If the motion z(t) of the base, rather than
bodies. The object is attached to the base by an isolator. the force applied to it, is prescribed, the relative motion
It is assumed that the base translates along a straight of the object being isolated is governed by the equation
line and the object being isolated can move relative to
g(x, ẋ, t)
the base along the same line. The consideration of such ẍ − = −z̈(t). (3)
simplified systems is advisable for two reasons. First, m
such system models satisfactorily describe the behav- In the theory of isolation systems, the distinction is
ior of many real systems. Second, the relative simplic- made between the kinematic and dynamic disturbances
ity of this system model makes it possible to carry out (excitations) of the system. The excitation is dynamic
a complete analysis and to obtain readily interpretable if the force applied to the base is prescribed and kine-
results. Often the simple system can be the basis of an matic if the acceleration of the base is prescribed. Thus,
investigation of the behavior of more complicated sys- Eq. (2) governs the motion of the body being isolated
tems. in the case of the dynamic excitation, and Eq. (3) cor-
Consider the system shown in Fig. 1. Let M and responds to the kinematic excitation. Eqs (2) and (3)
m be the masses of the base and the body being iso- can be represented in the unified form
lated, respectively. A force σ(t) specified as a function
of time is applied to the base. The isolator, introduced ẍ + u(x, ẋ, t) = F (t), (4)
between the body to be protected and the base, gener-
ates the force g(x, ẋ, t), which is applied to the body where u = −g/µ and F = σ/µ for the case of dy-
and depends on the displacement x of the body relative namic excitation; for the case of kinematic excita-
D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation 75

tion, u = −g/m and F = −z̈. The control variable lems are approached from the standpoint of open-loop
u(x, ẋ, t), just as the force g(x, ẋ, t), will be referred to control rather than as feedback control problems. It
as the characteristic of the isolator. would appear that the limiting performance problems
Introduce the two performance criteria were first defined by Sevin in the late 1950s. Limit-
ing performance solutions are considered in numerous
J1 = max x(t) , (5) publications, e.g., in that by Guretskii [66] who con-
siders the case where the criterion to be minimized is
J2 = max u(x(t), ẋ(t), t) . (6) the peak displacement J1 .
It is established that the optimal isolator charac-
The performance criterion J1 defines the peak relative teristic is piecewise constant and can always be con-
displacement of the body being isolated, and the per- structed so that it assumes the values +U , −U , or F (t).
formance index J2 defines the peak absolute acceler- With allowance for this property, a graphical-analytical
ation of the body, which is proportional to the force method for the construction of the optimal control was
transmitted to the body by the isolator. suggested by Sevin and by Guretskii [72]. In Guretskii
Consider two optimization problems. [71], estimated values were given for the maximum
number of switching points, depending on the number
Problem 1. For the system governed by Eq. (4) sub- of the time intervals where the absolute value |F (t)| of
ject to the initial conditions x(0) = 0, ẋ(0) = 0, find the disturbance exceeds U .
the control function u, from a specified class Y of ad- In Guretskii [67], estimates of the minimal and max-
missible controls, that minimizes the peak displace- imal displacements of the body being isolated are
made. For the cases, where the disturbance has the
ment of Eq. (5), provided the constraint
form of a rectangular pulse, sine wave, or a cosine
quarter-wave, analytical expressions are obtained that
|u| 6 U ,
permit one to ascertain the limiting capabilities of pro-
where U is a prescribed constant, is satisfied.
Guretskii, Kolovskii, and Mazin [74] provide limit-
ing isolation capabilities as well as a solution of the
Note that this constraint is equivalent to J2 6 U .
problem of synthesis of an isolator that consists of an
elastic element and a damper. The synthesis is based
Problem 2. For the system governed by Eq. (4) with
on the time-history of the optimal control.
the initial conditions x(0) = 0, ẋ(0) = 0, find the
Saranchuk and Troitskii [179] solved the problem
control function u, from a specified class Y of admis-
of minimization of the peak displacement of a single-
sible controls, that minimizes the peak acceleration of
degree-of-freedom system subjected to a periodic dis-
Eq. (6), provided the constraint on the peak displace- turbance. Only the steady-state motion with a period
ment equal to that of the excitation is considered.
Manoilenko and Rutman [122] investigated the lim-
J1 6 D, iting isolation capabilities for Problem 2, in which the
peak acceleration is minimized. They used an ”elastic
where D is a prescribed constant, is satisfied. analogy”. The plot of the time history of the double in-
tegral with respect to time of the absolute acceleration
Problems 1 and 2 are simple but, at the same time, of the object to be protected is compared to the equilib-
very important problems of the theory of shock and vi- rium configuration of an elastic band. The integral ap-
bration isolation. Of particular interest is the problem proximation of the peak value of the acceleration mag-
of limiting isolation capabilities (limiting performance nitude is associated with the strain energy of the band.
problem). In a limiting performance analysis, the iso- Sevin and Pilkey [189] prepared a brief treatise con-
lator function u is sought as a function of time alone. taining limiting performance problem definitions and
That is, no state-space configuration is prescribed for several solution techniques.
the isolator and the solution of Problems 1 or 2 gives
the lower bound for the criterion to be minimized. The 2.2. Optimal feedback control of isolators
result is the absolute optimal performance, or, as men-
tioned, the “limiting isolation capabilities” or the “lim- The literature is abundant with descriptions of at-
iting performance”. In control terminology, the prob- tempts to select optimal parameters of isolators with
76 D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation

given configurations, i.e., feedback systems. The num- ing coefficients) were found for the linear undamped
ber of papers is so great that there is little incentive isolator, linear damped isolator, and the isolator with a
to discuss them here. However, some cases of special Coulomb characteristic.
interest will be mentioned. Bolychevtsev, Zhiyanov and Lavrovskii [43] found
Troitskii [197] solved the problem of synthesis the optimal design variables of the linear isolator char-
of the optimal isolator feedback characteristic for a acteristic u(x, ẋ, a1 , a2 ) = a1 x + a2 ẋ providing the
single-degree-of-freedom system. The performance in- minimum amplitude of the steady-state solution of Eq.
dex to be minimized was the peak displacement J1 . (4). The problem is solved for an infinite sequence of
The isolator characteristic is sought as a function of the periodically occurring impulsive shocks which act with
system phase coordinates (displacement and velocity) the same intensity in a single direction.
and time. The necessary optimality conditions are es- The experience of solving optimal shock and vi-
tablished. The optimal isolator feedback characteristic bration isolation problems shows that in many cases,
is constructed for the impulse excitation F (t) = βδ(t). commonly used isolators can provide the isolation per-
Saranchuk and Troitskii [180] investigated the problem formance close to the limiting one if the isolator de-
of synthesis of the optimal isolator feedback character- sign variables are chosen optimally. Bolychevtsev and
istic for the case of periodic excitation. Borisov [41] solved the problem similar to that con-
Bolychevtsev [39,40] constructed the optimal isola- sidered in [39], the only difference being that the op-
tor feedback characteristics for the case where the ex- timal isolator characteristic is sought among the two-
ternal disturbance is an infinite sequence of periodi- parameter family of linear functions a1 x + a2 ẋ. It is
cally occurring instantaneous shocks. The shocks have shown that if the force allowed to be transmitted to
identical intensities, either all in the same direction the object being isolated is sufficiently large, the linear
or in alternating directions. The optimization criterion isolator with optimal parameters can provide the pro-
(the performance criterion to be minimized) is the peak tection quality close to the limiting performance. The
displacement of the body being isolated. technical implementation of the linear isolator is much
A problem of the optimal isolation of a multi- simpler than that of the optimal isolator constructed by
degree-of-freedom system is considered by Guretskii Bolychevtsev [39].
[66]. Optimality is defined as the minimization of the The parametric optimization technique has been
maximum (over all coordinates) of the peak displace- used to find near-optimal isolator characteristics by
ments in each of the coordinates. many other authors, among them are Afimiwala and
Often in design it is required that the isolator char- Mayne [1], Bartel and Krauter [19], Karnopp and
acteristic depend only on the state variables x and ẋ Trikha [94], Kwak, Arora and Haug [108], Wilmert
and be independent of time. If the class of admis- and Fox [211].
sible characteristics is rather wide (for example, all
piecewise continuous functions u(x, ẋ) whose abso- 2.3. Multicriteria optimization
lute values do not exceed a prescribed level), then the
choice of the optimal characteristic is a very compli- The design of isolation systems with several perfor-
cated problem. A reasonable approach in this case is mance criteria to be optimized, requires a multicriteria
to seek the optimal characteristic among a parametric procedure. There are several approaches to the choice
family u(x, ẋ, a1 , . . . , an ), thereby reducing the orig- of the design variables of such systems. The most com-
inal problem of optimal control to the minimization mon approach involves the optimization with respect
of a function of many variables. From the engineering to one of the performance criteria, while the other cri-
point of view, this means that the structural schematic teria are constrained. The constraints are imposed so as
or configuration of the isolator has been determined to keep the responses corresponding to the constrained
and it remains to choose the isolator design variables criteria within admissible limits. This approach was
a1 , . . . , an in an optimal way. Such an approach has discussed above for the case of two performance crite-
been described by Guretskii [69] and Schmidt and ria (the peak relative displacement and the peak abso-
Fox [182] and turned out to be rather fruitful in solv- lute acceleration of the body being isolated).
ing practical problems. Using this approach, Guretskii Another approach involves the optimization with re-
[70] determined optimal isolator characteristics for a spect to a combined functional assembled from the
single-degree-of-freedom system excited by a rectan- original performance criteria, with weighting coeffi-
gular pulse. The design variables (stiffness and damp- cients. As a rule, the combined functional is a linear
D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation 77

combination of the original criteria. This approach, for changing in magnitude and direction. If the vibration
example, was used by Karnopp and Trikha [196] to frequency is high, then the time interval during which
choose the design variables of shock and vibration iso- the acceleration of the base does not change direction
lators. is small, and the distance covered by the base during
Bolychevtsev and Lavrovskii [42] suggested that a this time (the acceleration path) is also small. If the ac-
Pareto-optimal set be constructed in the space of the celeration path is much less than the rattlespace, then,
design variables of an isolation system to be designed. just as in the case of impact, the peak relative displace-
The Pareto-optimal set possesses the property that for ment of the body being isolated is considerably larger
any point of the set, there is no other point at which than the acceleration path.
all performance criteria would be simultaneously im- The operating quality of shock isolators is usually
proved. In other words, the Pareto-optimal set is a set described in terms of certain characteristics of the
of trade-off values of the design variables. Bolychevt- transient motion of the body being isolated, whereas
sev and Lavrovskii apply the approach associated with the quality of vibration isolators is determined by
the construction of the Pareto-optimal set to analyze the characteristics of steady-state forced oscillations.
the isolation system of the model of a walking ma- This distinction means that shock isolation problems
chine with two degrees of freedom and three perfor- are treated differently from vibration isolation prob-
mance criteria. An effective method for constructing lems. There are numerous publications on these prob-
the Pareto-optimal set is described for the case of two lems, some of which will be cited here. Problems of
design variables. The method involves the analysis of optimal shock isolation were investigated by Afimi-
the level curves of the performance criteria, consid- wala and Mayne [1], Babitskii and Izrailovich [5], Ba-
ered as functions of the design variables, and succes- landin [7–10], Balandin and Malov [17], Balandin and
sive “cutting off” of nonoptimal portions of the design Markov [18], Bartel and Krauter [19], Bolotnik [32,
variable admissible domain. The approach for the cal- 33,35–37], Bolotnik and Kaplunov [38], Bolychevtsev
culation of isolator characteristics involving the con- [39,40], Bolychevtsev and Borisov [41], Bolychevt-
struction of the Pareto-optimal set was also used by sev, Zhiyanov, and Lavrovskii [43], Eliseev and Ma-
Rao and Hati [161], Balandin and Markov [18], Stat- linin [57], Guretskii [67,70], Guretskii, Kolovskii, and
nikov and Matusov [193]. Mazin [74], Karnopp and Trikha [94], Kononenko and
Podchasov [101], Ruzicka [166,167], Ryaboy [176],
2.4. Efficiency of shock and vibration isolation Schmidt and Fox [182], Sevin [186], Sevin and Pilkey
[189], Troitskii [197], and Wilmert and Fox [211].
Ishlinskii [85,86] showed that the isolation of ex- Various problems of optimal vibration isolation were
ternal disturbances applied to a base is efficient only considered by Akulenko and Bolotnik [2], Akulenko,
if the acceleration (deceleration) path of the base, i.e., Bolotnik, and Kaplunov [3], Bolotin [30,31], Furun-
displacement of the base during the accelerated (decel- zhiev [64], Guretskii [73], Guretskii and Mazin [75],
erated) motion, does not exceed the peak relative dis- Haug and Arora [78], Kolovskii [100], Maksimovich
placement of the body being isolated. Practically, this [120,121], Ryaboy [168,169,172–175], Saranchuk and
means that the isolation provides effective protection Troitskii [179,180], Sevin and Pilkey [189], and Wang
only from impact (shock) disturbances or from high- and Pilkey [207].
frequency vibrations. Impact disturbances are charac-
terized by high intensity and short duration. If the im-
pact duration is so short that during the impact time the 3. Optimal design of isolators for a class of
base moves through a distance which is much less than external disturbances
the rattlespace (characteristic dimension within which
the body being isolated is allowed to move with re- In the publications cited above, the external distur-
spect to the base), then the isolator can be designed so bance function F (t) in Eq. (4), was assumed to be
that the peak displacement of the body being isolated prescribed. However, frequently in practice, informa-
is considerably larger than the acceleration path of the tion about the external disturbance is incomplete, and
base. Vibration is characterized by long-term distur- it is reasonable to design a shock or vibration isola-
bances (the forces applied to the base for dynamic dis- tion system for a class of disturbances. As indicated by
turbances or the accelerations of the base for the kine- Sevin and Pilkey [189], this problem has been of con-
matic disturbances) that are periodic or near-periodic, cern for considerable time. Saranchuk [178] treated the
78 D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation

problem in a minmax (game theory) setting. With this tions of the external disturbance, for example, if the
approach the optimal isolator characteristic is sought disturbance lies in a corridor prescribed as a function
that provides the minimum value of the optimization of time.
criterion (performance index, objective function), e.g.,
the peak relative displacement, for the worst distur-
bance F (t) belonging to a specified class of functions 4. Generalizations to motions containing
and maximizing the optimization criterion. As a rule, rotational components
the optimal isolator characteristic is sought under con-
straints imposed on the motion of the system. In the In the majority of the works cited above, it is as-
case of Saranchuk, the objective function was the peak sumed that the base and the body to be isolated move
relative displacement, with the absolute acceleration translationally along a single direction. However, in
constrained. The problem was solved for a class of many practical cases, the motion of the system is more
periodic disturbances and for a class of disturbances complex and contains not only a translational compo-
which are identically zero outside a prescribed time in- nent but also a rotational one. In this case, the number
terval. of degrees of freedom of the system increases and the
Bolotnik [34] applied the game theory approach to form of the performance criteria becomes more com-
solve optimal isolation problems for the class of exter- plicated. If the motion of the system has a rotational
R ∞disturbances F (t) satisfying the integral constraint
nal component, terms describing the centripetal accelera-
0 |F (t)| dt 6 β0 , where β0 is a specified constant. tion appear in the expression for the absolute acceler-
This integral constraint defines a reasonably general ation and, moreover, the acceleration becomes depen-
class of shock disturbances, including impulsive im- dent on the location on the body being isolated.
pacts F (t) = βδ(t), if |β| 6 β0 , where δ(t) is the Dirac A problem of the optimum shock isolation of a body
delta function. Bolotnik [34] also investigated the op- rotating about a fixed axis was solved by Bolotnik [35]
timal isolation problem for the case where the external and Bolotnik and Kaplunov [38]. The performance cri-
disturbance is a series of instantaneous impacts. Unlike terion to be minimized was the total acceleration at a
Bolychevtsev [39,40] and Bolychevtsev, Zhiyanov and given location on the body to be isolated, while a con-
Lavrovskii [43], neither the intensities of the impacts, straint was imposed on the peak absolute value of the
nor their directions are prescribed in advance. Con- angle of rotation of the body. The Bolotnik [35] paper
straints are imposed that restrict the maximum allow- deals with the optimization of the design variables of
able intensity of each individual impact and the mini- the isolator consisting of a spring with a linear char-
mum time interval between successive impacts. acteristic and a damper with a linear or quadratic law
Balandin [9] investigated the problem of optimiza- characteristic. In the other paper, the limiting perfor-
tion of the design variables of an isolator consisting of mance analysis is carried out. The results of the opti-
a damper with a linear characteristic, a damper with mal shock isolation of a rotating body are compared
the Coulomb characteristic, a nonlinear spring with a with the corresponding results for a translating body.
continuous characteristic, and a bang-bang spring for Kulagin and Prourzin [106] and Prourzin [159] gen-
the class of external disturbances with the integral con- eralize the results to cases where the base and a sin-
straint of Bolotnik [34]. He established that for the iso- gle body being isolated perform more complex mo-
lator under consideration, the worst disturbance is the tion containing both translational and rotational com-
instantaneous impact with the maximum allowable in- ponents.
tensity, irrespective of the values of the design vari-
ables, i.e., stiffness and damping coefficients. On the
other hand, this was shown not to be the case for iso- 5. Computational methods
lators with arbitrary characteristics. For example, for a
system with an isolator consisting of a linear spring and Even in solving relatively simple problems of opti-
a quadratic-law damper, an instantaneous impact is not mal shock or vibration isolation for single-degree-of-
the worst disturbance. The game approach to the opti- freedom systems it is often necessary to utilize numer-
mal design of shock and vibration isolators is also dis- ical methods which need computer implementation.
cussed in the book by Sevin and Pilkey [189]. Therein, The difficulties in obtaining closed-form solutions are
it is shown that computational techniques permit the associated primarily with nonlinearities of the equa-
study of optimal isolation systems with broad defini- tions of motion and also with the form of performance
D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation 79

indices characteristic of the optimization of shock or culation of a trial value of the function, for which the
vibration isolators. Often, the performance criteria are minmax is to be found, may require numerically inte-
represented as a maximum of a quantity representing grating the equations of motion for a specified set of
the isolation efficiency. For example, typical criteria the control variable values on the discretization subin-
are the peak displacement relative to the base or the tervals. The theory of the minmax of functions of a fi-
peak absolute acceleration of the body to be isolated. nite number of variables and the numerical algorithms
These difficulties become even more significant for based on this theory are presented in the book by De-
systems with many degrees of freedom. In this case, myanov and Malozemov [55]. One of the approaches
the development of numerical methods is rather essen- in question was applied to the limiting performance
tial and topical. analysis of shock and vibration isolation systems by
Problems of optimization of shock or vibration iso- Vinogradova [204]. The attractive feature of the meth-
lator characteristics belong to a particular class of the ods based on the discretization of the control function
general optimal control problem. Numerous numeri- is their simplicity. However, these methods are com-
cal methods for solving various optimal control prob- plicated because in many practical cases, the discrete
lems have been developed and tested. Basic numerical mesh must be very fine to provide a high precision
methods of optimal control are presented, for example, for the solution, which can lead to computational chal-
in such books as those by Chernousko and Banichuk lenges.
[51], Fedorenko [60], and Moiseev [126]. Many of the Another approach involves an appropriate approx-
methods, with modifications allowing for specific fea- imation of the maximum-type functional by an addi-
tures of optimum shock and vibration isolation prob- tive functional (for example, integral or terminal func-
lems, can be applied to calculate optimal controls for tional) which can be minimized by the traditional op-
isolation systems. timal control methods. For the typical case, where
A complicating feature of many problems of optimal Φ(x, u, t) > 0, the maximum-type functional J(u) of
shock and vibration isolation is that the performance Eq. (7) is often replaced by the integral
indices of isolation in these problems are represented
as a nonadditive functional of the form T 
Jν (u) = Φν x(t), u(x(t), t), t dt, (8)
J(u) = max Φ x(t), u(x(t), t), t , (7)
t∈[t0 ,T ]
where ν is a sufficiently large positive number. This
where x is the phase vector of the system, u is the con- replacement is based on the well-known relation
trol vector function, Φ(x, u, t) is a prescribed function,
and t0 and T are the initial and the terminal instants of lim [Jν (u)]1/ν
the motion, respectively. Sometimes, functionals of the 
form of Eq. (7) are referred to as maximum-type func- = J(u) = max Φ x(t), u(x(t), t), t , (9)
t∈[t0 ,T ]
tionals. The functionals J1 and J2 of Eqs (5) and (6) are
particular cases of the functional J(u) of Eq. (7). Op- which is valid under rather general conditions.
timal control problems with functionals of such a type Sometimes, if the function Φ is independent of u,
cannot be tackled with the traditional optimal control the maximum-type functional is replaced by a terminal
techniques. Hence, specific approaches to these prob- functional with an unknown time for the termination of
lems were developed. the process. This approach was used, for example, by
There are a number of methods for the numerical Kuznetsov and Chernousko [107] and Troitskii [197]
solution of optimal control problems with maximum- to solve some problems of optimal control in mechan-
type functionals. One of the simplest approaches in- ical systems whose performances were evaluated by
volves partitioning the time interval [t0 , T ] into subin- maximum-type functionals. The condition of the van-
tervals and setting the control function to be constant ishing of the total derivative of the function Φ(x(t), t)
or linearly varying on each of the subintervals. In such with respect to time is adopted as the condition of the
a way, the original optimal control problem can be re- process termination. At this instant, the necessary con-
duced to the minmax problem for a function of a finite dition for the extremum of the function Φ(x(t), t) is sat-
number of variables, the maximum being taken over all isfied. This approach can be effective only for the rare
discretization points and the minimum over the values cases where the first local extremum of the function
of the control variables on the subintervals. The cal- Φ(x(t), t) is the global maximum of this function on the
80 D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation

interval [t0 , T ] for any control u. In the other cases, the cant is the use of the Fourier series approach for prob-
use of this method is problematic. lems of optimal isolation of linear systems subject to
Because of the practical importance of optimal con- transient excitations.. This leads to a linear program-
trol problems with maximum-type functionals (in par- ming problem in which the coefficients of the Fourier
ticular, in connection with optimal shock and vibra- series are the unknowns. In recent years this has be-
tion isolation), computational methods have been de- come a very viable method since the number of un-
veloped that take into account the special mathematical knowns is less than for the approach discussed earlier
features of these problems. Viktorov and Larin [201] in which the isolator force is discretized as a piecewise
suggested a computational algorithm which is a modi- constant function.
fication of the method of gradient descent in the space In Larin [110], a numerical algorithm for opti-
of control functions [192] for maximum-type function- mization of the design variables of single-degree-of-
als. This method was applied to solve the optimal iso- freedom isolation systems is presented. The perfor-
lation problem posed by Guretskii [66] for a single- mance criterion to be minimized is the peak displace-
degree-of-freedom system for two special kinds of ex- ment of the body being isolated. The method is based
ternal disturbances. on the reduction of the original problem to a nonlinear
A number of methods for numerical solution of op- programming problem which is solved by the gradient
timal control problems with the functional of the form descent in the design variable space. On each iteration,
maxt Φ(x(t), t) were developed by Silina [191] and to calculate the objective function it is necessary to in-
Timoshina and Shablinskaya [195]. These methods are tegrate the equation of motion and to calculate the peak
based on the necessary optimality conditions. It is as- displacement of the body.
sumed that the function Φ(x(t), t) has a finite number of Hsiao, Haug and Arora [82] developed a numerical
points of local extrema for any admissible control. This method for the optimization of dynamical systems with
property permits the reduction of the original problem many degrees of freedom for the case where the crite-
of optimal control to the search for the extremum in rion to be minimized has the form of a maximum of a
a finite-dimensional space, which is simpler computa- function of the system phase variables. The approach
tionally. The methods developed were applied to the involves an equivalent replacement of the maximum-
limiting performance analysis of shock isolation sys- type functional by an integral functional and applica-
tems. tion of the Lagrange multiplier technique. The method
Sevin and Pilkey [187,189] used the dynamic pro- was used to calculate the optimal design variables of
gramming technique to solve control problems with spring-and-damper isolators for systems with one and
maximum-type functionals for single-degree-of-free- two degrees of freedom.
dom systems. In [187], the worst disturbance problem Sevin and Pilkey [189] suggested a numerical me-
is solved for a body attached to a base by a linear isola- thod for determining the optimal design variables of
tor. The class of admissible disturbances is defined as shock and vibration isolation systems which does not
the class of functions of time with a prescribed integral. require integrating the equations of motion on each
In [189], dynamic programming is applied to solve the iteration but needs the limiting performance problem
problem of limiting isolation capabilities for a system to be solved beforehand. The heuristic basis of the
subject to completely or incompletely prescribed dis- method is the contention that the characteristics of a
turbances. In both cases, the peak relative displacement well-designed system must be close to those providing
of the body being isolated was chosen to be the perfor- the limiting performance. Hence, in this approach, the
mance index. feedback control parameters are chosen such that the
Wang and Pilkey [207] suggested a method for ap- time history of the feedback control force is as close as
proximate solution of the limiting performance prob- possible to the open loop optimal control correspond-
lem for linear multi-body systems subjected to peri- ing to the limiting performance. The practical applica-
odic disturbances. For steady-state motions the control tion of this method seems to be limited. However, it
is sought in the form of a truncated Fourier series in can be used for preliminary testing calculations, for ex-
terms of harmonics whose frequencies are multiples of ample, with the aim of finding out whether a selected
those of the external disturbance. The Fourier coeffi- design of the isolation system allows adjusting the de-
cients are determined by numerically solving a nonlin- sign variables so as to provide the limiting performance
ear programming problem so as to provide the mini- characteristics for the shock or vibration isolation sys-
mum for the performance criterion. Even more signifi- tem.
D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation 81

6. Monographs on the optimal shock and ods for their solution are given. The book also contains
vibration isolation descriptions of computational techniques for the statis-
tical analysis of vibration isolation systems with the aid
There are several monographs devoted to optimal of a computer. Numerical examples for the calculation
shock and vibration isolation. A fundamental book in of vibration isolation systems for transport vehicles are
this field was written by Sevin and Pilkey [189]. This presented.
book presents general mathematical statements of ba- The book by Kolovskii [100] contains various state-
sic problems of optimal shock and vibration isola- ments of optimal shock and vibration isolation prob-
tion, describes typical performance criteria and con- lems and discusses different approaches to their so-
straints imposed on the performance characteristics, lution. In particular, the problem of the limiting iso-
control variables, and design variables of isolation sys- lation capabilities (limiting performance problem) is
tems, and discusses the adequacy of the mathemati- formulated. The graphical-analytical method of Guret-
cal description relative to the properties of real isola- skii [72] and various numerical methods to solve the
tion systems used in engineering. A classification of limiting performance problem for single-degree-of-
external disturbances and types of isolators is given. freedom isolation systems are presented. A compar-
The problem of the optimal isolation of shock and vi- ative analysis of these methods is given. Various ap-
bration is stated in a general form for a system with proaches to the synthesis of optimal or near-optimal
an arbitrary number of degrees of freedom. The lim- feedback isolator characteristics are expounded. Par-
iting performance problem and the problem of para- ticular attention is paid to the optimal isolation of
metric optimization are presented as practically im- rigid bodies performing complex motion from shock
portant, distinct, special cases of the general optimiza- or vibration. Mathematical models of isolation systems
tion problem. A linear programming solution is out- for rigid bodies are considered, statements of the cor-
lined for the limiting performance problem of multi- responding optimization problems are presented, and
degree-of-freedom linear systems. Particular attention methods for solving these problems are discussed. The
is paid to single-degree-of-freedom systems. For such majority of the issues discussed in the monograph
systems, it is proved that the optimal open-loop con- by Kolovskii are illustrated with numerical examples.
trol providing the limiting performance for the isola- A bibliography of works on the optimization of shock
tion system can be constructed in the form of a piece- and vibration isolation systems is presented.
wise constant function of time that takes either upper or In the book by Bolotnik [36], a complete solution
lower boundary values. A graphical-analytical method of the problem of the optimal isolation of a single-
to construct the optimal isolator characteristic (optimal degree-of-freedom system from an impulsive impact is
control) for the limiting performance problem is sug- given. The performance criteria are the peak displace-
gested. In major features, this method is similar to the ment of the body being isolated with respect to the base
method of Guretskii [72]. Various numerical methods and the peak acceleration of this body with respect to
for constructing the optimal isolator characteristics or a fixed reference frame. Cases where the body moves
determining the optimal design variables for isolation along a straight line and where it rotates about an axis
systems are discussed. In particular, linear program- are considered. The optimal performance characteris-
ming (for linear systems) and dynamic programming tics are obtained, and feedback isolators providing the
(for linear and nonlinear systems) solutions for the lim- limiting performance or approximations to it are dis-
iting performance problem are developed. The book cussed. For the case of the rectilinearly moving body,
is richly illustrated with numerical examples, graphs, all spring-and-damper isolators with power-law char-
and figures. An annotated bibliography of works deal- acteristics that provide the limiting performance for the
ing with optimum shock and vibration isolation is pre- shock isolation system are identified. The problem of
sented at the end of the monograph. optimization of the isolator characteristic for a class of
The monograph by Furunzhiev [63] is devoted external disturbances is considered in the game theory
mostly to stochastic problems of optimal vibration iso- (minmax) setting. The optimal and near-optimal feed-
lation of systems subjected to random disturbances. back controls are constructed for the case where the
The author discusses mathematical models of systems body being isolated moves rectilinearly and the inte-
with stochastically characterized performance criteria. gral of the absolute value of the applied force to which
Various problems of optimal control and parametric the system can be subjected is constrained by a pre-
optimization of vibration isolators are stated and meth- scribed quantity. A number of problems for the opti-
82 D.V. Balandin et al. / Review: optimal shock and vibration isolation

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