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YOUR TARGET: Standard, Goals & Outcomes

Teacher: Ms. Taylor Petrus Grade/Subject: Kindergarten/Science

TARGET: Unpack Your Standard

Part 1: My Standards, Goals and Outcomes
Academic Standards: STATE YOUR STANDARD ⦽

K-ESS3-3. Communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans on the land, water, air, and/or
other living things in the local environment.

*Highlight the main idea/knowledge (what) *Underline the skills/verbs (how)

Big Questions Knowledge (Concepts to be Skills (what you will

(Questions to frame understood and applied) explicitly teach)
student learning)
Understanding of the Working in teams to
What is a solution? definition of a solution and communicate solutions and
examples of solutions. produce a virtual poster as a
How do humans impact our team.
land, water, air, and living Human impacts on our Earth
things in our local Researching through media,
environment? Communication with partners online articles, and text to
support their explanations.
What are some solutions to
reduce our impact? How to create a virtual poster
online through


The students will learn multiple ways humans impact our Earth through research from
media, articles and text.

The students will learn solutions that will reduce human impact on the Earth from
media, articles and text.

The students will learn to work in groups to create a poster that explains their solutions
to reducing human impact on Earth.

Expected Behaviors
The students will work in groups that they are assigned to and put effort into collaboration with
their peers.

The students will be respectful to their peers working in groups.

Student Social-emotional Goal (LEARNER):

The students will use their self-management skills to assign duties within their assigned groups
to create their poster.

The students will work on their social skills by communicating with their peers in their assigned

Barriers to learning (LEARNER): (level of literacy; language proficiency levels; funds of

knowledge; attention span)

Some students are ELL learners and will have a barrier in their language and understanding of
reading the articles as a class.

The one student with ADHD might have trouble sitting and concentrating during the lecture
portion of the lesson.

Some students may have never used the internet or a computer.

Common Misconceptions (LEARNER & TARGET): (Subject-matter specific; Related to

academic standard; Knowledge gaps; Student confusion; multiple meanings; cultural
differences; misunderstand)

The students are too young to work together collaborately to create a poster.

It is difficult for kindergarteners to grasp the concept of human impact on Earth.

Part 2: My Class

My Classroom Composite: (TEACHER & LEARNER) Whole group (Broad needs of

students; observable patterns & trends; language and literacy subgroups;
digital/technology fluency; emotional regulation)

The class has a total of 23 students which includes 13 boys and 10 girls. Three of the
students are extremely bright and school is easy for them. The majority of the students speak
good English (6) have passed the CELDT test and 3 are still ELL learners. Two students are on
an IEP, one is at grade level but has a diagnosis of Autism (mild). the other student has ADHD
and learning disabilities.
What technologies will you use?
- Projector to show the class how to use online poster
- Youtube Video -

- Chrome book to make virtual poster on the following

What vocabulary words demand Solutions

attention & are related to our big Human Impact
idea? Reduction

Academic Language* Communicate


Sentence Frames:
Lessoneer Emerging: I observed and reflected that human

Expanding: One solution to reduce human impact on

water is _______________.
One solution to reduce human impact on land is
One solution to reduce human impact on our air is
One solution to reduce human impact on living things is
Bridging: After reflecting on the date from the
youtube video and from my experiences I came
to the conclusion that some solutions for
human impact is ________.



ENGAGEMENT The teacher will show the students a slideshow of photos that show human
(multiple means of impact on the environment and ask the students to raise their hands to
engagement) explain what they see in the photo and to reflect on the big picture. The
image below is an example of one of the photos:

The students will also be shown a youtube video and answer questions
from the video:

Questions for students to ask themselves:

What do I do myself that impacts my environment?

What things can I change to help my environment?
What do I see in the things people around me do that impacts the
EXPLORATION Hands on/Minds on Activities
(multiple means of - Online poster creator to express their solutions for human impact
action) through a list and pictures
- Video on human impact on our environments with interactive questions

Big Idea Conceptual Questions

- What are some solutions for human impact on our water, land, air, and
living things?
- What do I do that impacts my environment?
- What can us humans change today to help our environment?

EXPLANATION - Students will list at least 3 ways they can help their environment based
(multiple means of on their experiences and research on their posters as a group.
expression) - Students will present and explain their solutions while also answering
these higher order thinking questions that will further support their
1. In long term, what will these solutions do for our environment?
2. In long term, what would happen if we did not act on any of these

ELABORATION Students can explain things they do in their own daily lives that can relate
(Multiple means of to the topic of human impacts on the environment. They can also raise
expression) their hand after student presentations and explain which impacts they
heard that they can individually change today.
This new knowledge will make the students more aware of what they do
every day and how to be more conscious of their decisions about their
impact on their environment.


(Multiple Means of Students will demonstrate knowledge by answering questions in the

Representation beginning of the lesson, collaborating with their group partners to create
( modeling & practice)
their posters, presenting their posters and by answering questions
informally at the end of the lesson that concludes the lesson.
(*Questions of Inquiry: Open-ended)



Has expertly created a plan that modifies learning activities and provides
accommodations for all students including ELL, at-risk students and gifted

Has created a plan that expertly indicates how the teacher will explain, model,
demonstrate and check for student understanding. Clear sequence of activities is
present and is expertly done.


Students will be asked to be seated on the ground in the front of the class in front of the
white board projector.


The teacher will show the class a series of photos that show human impact on Earth.
After each photo, the teacher will ask the students the following questions:
1. What do you notice in this photo?
2. What do you think this photo is trying to get you to reflect on?


The teacher will ask the class the following questions and take volunteer answers:
1. What is “human impact”?
2. What is the meaning of “solutions”?

The Youtube video will be shown to the

class and the teacher will reflect with the class about the video after it has finished.

The teacher will explain to the class that they will be creating a virtual poster explaining
solutions of human impact on Earth and the posters will be presented then printed out and
posted around the school.
The teacher will pull up on the projector the website
and show the class how to use the app.
The teacher will explain that the students will be put into groups and once grouped they
will meet together in one section of the room and grab two chrome books per group. The
teacher will then pair the class up into groups of 4 by randomly selecting their popsicle
stick numbers and assign each group a topic listed below:
1. Group 1 – Water
2. Group 2 – Land
3. Group 3 – Air
4. Group 4 – Plants
5. Group 5 – Animals

Students will work in their groups for 20 minutes creating their online posters and
communicating the following higher order thinking questions to answer when they
1. In long term, what will these solutions do for our environment?
2. In long term, what would happen if we did not act on any of these solutions?
** For ELL students, they can provide the ideas for the solutions and present the poster
while the non-ELL students do the typing for the project.
** For gifted students, they can type explanations or a reflective paragraph on the poster
to expand their knowledge rather than just the 3 bullet points of solutions.

Example of a poster:
Students will be asked to hand the teacher their chromebooks with their posters on the
screen and gather to the front of the classroom and sit on the floor in front of the
whiteboard projector.

After 20 minutes, the students will be called up by group to present their poster and
explain their solutions along with answering the higher order thinking questions.

Checking for understanding:

After all students present, the teacher will ask the class to explain solutions of human
impact on Earth and what they feel was the purpose of the assignment.


- Projector
- Youtube
- Chrome Books


Has expertly created a lesson that will create interest and curiosity in the
concept with students. Has crafted excellent questions that aid in uncovering
what students know or think about the topic.

Has expertly created/ identified 3 different assessments: informal assessment,

student self assessment, formal assessment. Assessment is clearly linked to
stated student outcomes.

Informal assessment

End of Lesson Questions – The class as a whole will be asked the following questions
with volunteer answers who will raise their hand:
1. What is the meaning of “solutions”?
2. What are some of the solutions we came up with?
3. What will these solutions do for us long term?
4. What would happen long term if we didn’t implement these solutions?

Student self-assessment
Thumbs Up or Down – Students will be asked at the end of the lesson to put a thumbs up
or down in front of their chest to express how they felt about the lesson.
Exit Ticket – Students will be given an exit ticket at the end of the lesson that will ask the
following questions
Formal assessment
Grading of Poster – The virtual posters will be graded based upon the following criteria:
1. Do the solutions provided relate to their specific topic (land, water etc.)
2. At least 3 bullet pointed solutions
3. At least 4 pictures chosen

Accommodations/Adaptations/Intervention (Teacher, Learner, Instruction,


The 3 ELL students will be working in separate groups and can present their ideas
for their project rather than type. They also can use a dictionary in their native
language to be able to write on their poster.
The IEP student with autism can have the role in their group to choose the photos
on their poster and explain why they chose them and how it relates to their topic.

Does it align to the learning goals?

Evidence of student learning had been collected in the following ways:

1. Informal questions asked at the end of the lesson with volunteer’s answers
2. Formal grading of each group’s poster
3. Student presentations and explanations of their solutions that are presented on
their posters
4. Student exit tickets

How it aligns to the student learning goals:

- Students successfully working in teams and working in different roles to
product their product of a poster
- Students being able to indentify multiple ways of human impact
- Making sure student’s solutions are supported by evidence from media or text
- Making sure student explanations also relate to their personal experiences
- Whether students need more examples to be able to find evidence and relate to
their own personal experience.
- If students need more of a lesson on the topic rather than the use of common
sense and experience to complete the project

My Personal Reflection:

What new information did I get about my students in relation to their learning
Some information I could get about my students in relation to their learning preferences
is if they do well with indirect instruction and working in groups. I can analyze how
they apply themselves in regards to their effort in collaboration within their groups or if
they need to be told specifically what to do.
How will I use this information to plan my future instruction? Do the lessons built
upon one another to develop student’s higher order thinking skills? ⦽
This lesson can be built into many future lessons that can include multiple projects. It
can be expanded to do projects such as having the students change one thing in their
personal lives that can help their environment and document it, community work and
many others.

How effective were my practices? What will I keep, what will I improve and what will
I discard?
What I will keep about the project is the informational videos and the explicit photos
that are stimulating and gets the students thinking. One thing I could discard or change
is how they create their posters especially if the students don’t know how to use a
computer or the internet. They could possibly make physical posters instead of virtual

What new understanding do I have about my own teaching practices?

New understanding I have about my own teaching practices is how indirect instruction
can be very beneficial for students to learn and think on their own. Also, how
beneficial open ended questions are.

What have I learned about myself as a teacher?

What I have learned about myself as a teacher is how much better I am getting at
thinking and creating ideas inside the classroom that uses technology and how to find
these technology resources.

As a professional learner where do I need to continue to grow and strive for?

I need to continue to grow as a professional learner by finding more ways to
accommodate my special needs, gate and ELL students so that their education fits their

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