Sei sulla pagina 1di 76


o @QQO
O rgan izatio n through un ionism is a
Right legal right. The law has been in
effect fo r about 35 yea rs gua ran teeing

To wo rke rs freedom of organization . Here

is wha t th e law says (Quo tation from
th e National Labor Managemen t Act) :

Organize " Employes shall have th e right to se lf

o rganizatio n to form, join, o r assist
labo r orga ni zatio ns . . ."
" It shall be an un fa ir labo r practice
for an employer- to interfere with,
restrain, o r coerce e mpl oyes in
the exe rcise of the rights guaranteed-


1"lttr .."/io,,,,j • .,1
112~ ISth St., N.W.
W &lIblngton, D.C. 2.000~
h't .......Ii"..!!1 SecreltJr.
!ItS 16th St.. N.W.
WuhlnglOn. D.C. 2000~
11I1"no,,'u)..,u Tr~ .... OF ELECTR ICAL WORKERS
U.S-II J ew~1 Av~n...,
"r",binil'. N.Y. 11$61;;
88 Unlvc",l\y Illvd .. Suile 601. Volume 72, No. 4 April, 1973
'l'oronlO l. Ont .. Canada
Seeond Oillrlel. JOHN E. ~'LYNN
1211 Office PlaUt. llulhHnsr
2.20 ~·o.t.eo. nod
Uralnlree, ftI.....,hu_u 021'4 Features
Third OLotrlet. A. R. JOHNSON
S01 UIlUdin!f. 1100rn SOl
6111 Wuhlnll'lOn IW. COPE 3
PItYbu'llh. I'". 16228
Fourth Diat,i.t, R. C. WII.LIAMSON IBEW Loca l Unions Mark Nationa l Electrical Week 4
7710 Hea.JinK 110,,<1
Amt>edawn Ex""utlve IlJdl!:. Leadership Training Held in Denver 9
SulU ~ Wiscon sin Breaks The Sou nd Barrier
Clne/III",ti. Ohi o 46~31 10
Fifth J>i8trlet..1. 11. I'A TE
IH7 I'enchtree St .. N.~; •• Suite 801
Con ference of Anaconda Wire and
AUnnUl, Ceorilln 30309 Cab le Locals 12
Sixth Oiet rici. T. E. MALONE
I~OO ilnrll'''' Ito."r Brotherhood Affirmed 14
North O .. U.....ok lIu,!d'nll'. Suite 10
0... Urook. lII 'no,. '0521 Unions Rest in Peace 15
&.-enlh Di.tri~t, nA.,."IOND G. DUKE
~101 A""nue E. Eut
The 93 rd Congress 18
Suit\) 412
Arlington, To ... i60 11
Eijlhlh m atrlet. S. E. TIIOMPSON
1C00m 102. \\' 1100" IJldll' .• Departments
3302 I,'ollrlh Ave" Nor~h
P. O. Uox 19U5
DiI1inlll. Monl. 59103 Editoria l Comment 2
Ninth m .lrltl. W. I •. VIN SON
liOO Soulh £1 Carnln\) ne"' Safety Ti ps 13
IJorel tiulte 301
San M.tteo. C"lif.,."I" 0 1102 Apprenticeship and Train ing 21
T~llth DLotrict. ~' nANK 1'. CI.,\I)!'lEY
O'lIate Offi~ U... I,tinK I. tiul!~ 400 Handyman's Corner 21
10(00 W. 111"1".1I01l" Wi th the Ladies 22
R"""'lnOnt, Wino;. GOOIS
EI",'enlh m_lrkt. IWUEItT K. CAI(](lTY Local Lines 24
1)11,1" 833, 1 ,a~ln Bldg.
89110 W. l)odlre 11<»..1 Resea rch and Education 36
O"'aha. Neb.fUk. aSI!4
'fwdrth Dj.I.ld. W. Il. P ~':I"l'Y
In Memoriam 69
Whil8ltt lJulldl!lll', I{m 634. 2400 l'op1ar Dea th Claims
Me"'phl .. 1'enn_~ 88112 70
Short Circui ts 72
eMi .....""
212t \\, ..1 WI ....."-In I\",,",e
Mil ..... "ket>. Wil!Oltlllllln 63~oa
Fi,..1 Dll>triel. II AI.I' II 1I,\I,I.oIIAN
250 W. W~ler SI_t. 2nd 1·100. Spring officially began on March 20
f~lmir... New Yl)rk 14901
and this month's front cover gives a
s...;,,,d Vi.trkt, JAMES F. MULLONE\'
IG~ Clinton Slr~"'l pleasant view of the warmer weather
1>IIIr11.>o.0. MU,""chu8CU. 011~2
T hiNl [)j. trlct. H I\ IWY J. W I LL IAMS shortly to come. The scene is Allantic
1111 (;il""y Avcn ll~
CInein" .. tl. Ohio 4620.; waves striki ng the coast of Maine.
Fourlh J);"lr,d, II AII"Y n~;:(J.E\,
GGI I'um"", SI., S.W.
Atlanta. Geol'1{I& aOS I~
t·Uth Diltric!. JACK ~'. MOOIIJ::
2l)O2 Eul nI.llrlon
SprinlCtu.ld. MI..,.,rl 6$802
S'Klh m l tTlct. THOMAS II . l'U IISl. I:::Y
6221 Ul'OIIdwn~
Cnlv Clton. 1'''''1lII 7U60
s.:,,·t"th Diltrlel, RALPH ,\. U,IGON
1480 S",oon ..), A"~n"e
Las VCII''''' N~~Rd" 8910 1
EilChth Dlolrict. (a:OItC~: p . P,\TT}:IIS0N
Suit" 60S. S3S WelllnK\on C."""..
WlnnllK'a ~. Man .. GAnad.



editorial COlnlnellt
• All ISEW local unions in the United Slotes have received th eir
1973 AFl·ClO Committee on Political Education (COPE) voluntary
con tribution tickets. This yeor funds ore urgently needed to help
many Senators and Congressmen who ore friendly to the causes of
organized lobor in their political campaigns in 1973 and 197 ....

In past elections, a maior effort of lobor has been ge llin g our

members out eorly in the campaigns to raise funds, conduct voter
registrotion drives, attend rollies, tolk to our friends and neighbors
about lobor's candidote and the many other facets thot arc so
necessary for politico I victo ry. Election campaigns ore mos'
expensive. The literature such as brochures, leaflets, photographs,
letters to constituents, telephone and other office expenses are very,
very costly. In the majority of cases those candidates that are
unfriendly to organized labor seem to have plenty of financial
backing, in some cases untold large sums of money for eompoigning .
All of the monies raised by COPE are small in eomparison to the
huge sums raised by big business and individual greedy wealthy
people who hate to see the workers receive just and fair
legislation in Congress.

large anti· lobor funds are spread out all across the eountry to
help eandidates who would vote against lobar. To suecessfully
re-elect Senotors and Congressmen who have voted for the welfare
of the workers of this country, it will toke a great effort on the part
of all members of organized labor to overcome the serious challenges
of anti-union candidates.

I urge alilBEW local unions to start now on COPE drives. Many

locals will reach 100% in collect ions and then still continue to raise
COPE dollars. They are to be congratulated. The $2.00 contribution
that each member should make is one small way of supporting
favorable and friendly people who are not afraid to stand up for the
working class and who fight for the principles of fairness and equality
for all citizen s, rich or poor.

The ISEW has always been a great supporter of the AFl-ClO 's
COPE activities and all the officers and members can be justly proud
of the record of the Brotherhood's locals in all the branches. I know
that this year the IBEW will once again prove thot it does support
its friends and will help defeat it s enemies.

, 18fW Journal
FORM _ __ 00_-. .._._ .. ,-,- . . . _ Presidenti.1I Election
Campaign Fund State me nt I fl@72
4875, ,......... """' ~ "'''_'''' ' I '' ___ '..... __"I',
.. _ 'I .....
,, ,,
1~1._," ' Io<'_ .

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.f' . . . . .
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..... leA " "'ld .. .... , .. _ " " PI",""""",,, •
future presidentia l candidates
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V..... <...,.
I· O~!!:!. ...... ;',::':'::'.~ __~':': ":,,~": . .
f rom reliance on rich contributors
and puts presidential politic s o ___ . P~II I
" ' ......._ ...... 'w._ ....,
in the hands of the people,
where it belongs. You, the
taxpayer, can fill this form out and
... ..., -'. - '~'''''''.<-''''


direct that $1 (or $2 on a joint

return) be deducted from your in·
come tax and used by whichever
party you speci fy, or as part of
a non·partisan general fund for
eligible presidential candidates in

it (

$2 in '73 for
''' .• _ _ 0. _._.~_
_________ _ . . . . ____
_ ____
.. .......*- ..... - --_
.... ·C IO

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- _•_ __ "
______ .0
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co •• ,,~ .. o. P OUY'C . . . . . "cn,o •
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IBEW Local Unions Mark Nation ,
• Local :25. Long bland, "I"C\\
Yorl... ~tilys right on top or Ihe in-
dustry, :.Ind to kcl.:p it there. il co-
Editor's Note: Nallonal Electrical Week, February 11-17 of this year was 'pon<,ors a luncheon and a Ncw
celebrated and promoted all across the United States by literally hundreds Products and Techniques Show dur-
of IIU:W Local Unions. ing two days of National Elcctrit'al
We believe It is proper that the nation reserve a week in which to Weck cach year wilh the National
pause and reflect on the Industry which assures it that its lifeblood will FkClrical Contractors Alllluciation
continue to flow, the electncal industry. Many critics are now laking alill (NErA) , The ~hnw nnd ltillclwnn,
at our Industry. Ihl.: flflh thus far, w~rc held ill the
Fortunately, man is endowed with the capability to provide solutions
Colonic H ill in Happauge on
Common sense with a balanced outlook IS essential. Man must have mOlc I ~'bruary Hth and 9th, togelher wilh
energy and In8n must live In harmony with nature. Technol08Y holds forth
more lhan 60 manuracturer.; and
the promise of accomplishment and fultillment of these twin goals.
<,upp licrs who displaycu their
This was the theme In which our local Unions celebrated National
rhe Industrial Stabili7.l1ion
Electncal Week. On this page and the follOWing pages, some of the actlll
Bo:trd i) comprised of thrl'e Illl'll\-
Itles of our local Unions are pictured and descnbed. They are indicatrlle
[x'rs of Local 25. Busine<,) M :tn3l!Cr
01 the efforts 01 many. many more local Unions and IBEW Members.
JO')Cph Cavanagh. President bC;~'1I
Lehmann. :lOd Vice PresidcllI Jamn
Gramer. The three m cmbers of lhe
10e;11 chapter of NECA arc 8;lrr)

New Prorluds <lnd Tp('hniques

Show Held in Long Islnnd

National Electrical Week luncheon

:lectrical Week

Joint Ap

French, Executive Director; AI Commissioner of Labor in the Slate

BenLler, President; and Fred Sehl- of New York , said he was proud 1.
meyer, Vice President. The public to be associated with Local 25's Part ot booth display area
memocr i:. the Reverend William skilled laborers. Anthony Ileltis-
Flanagnn , S.J ., and the c>,:cculivc .. illlO, Assistant to Intcrnational
\Ccn!la ry is George McKee. PrclOidcnt Pillard, prcsented somc
A luncht.:on for community lead- thoughts about rethinking on a-
ers of Jabor. govcrnm('nl, and in- tionn l Elcctrical Week, but stoned 2.
du..,try was served in the Empire Ihm redirecting public allention Apprentice Sieve Oombroski explaining
Stal e Room. George McKee gave traffic lili!:ht controls at JATC display
rrom ncgativl.! to the positive is an
the welcoming uddrcs.., and intro- enonnous task :tIla must be con-
duced the speakers. Brother Joe tinued long after Nat innni Electri-
Cavanagh, AI Bender. the Honora- c:.1 Week is over. 3.
ble J ohn V. N. Klein, Suffolk Vice Presid..:n t Charlel> Scharfe, Lett to nght: Journeyman Otto Refs,
County Executive, and the Honora- Jr., or District I, NECA, also Local 25 President Everelt w. Leh·
mann, and 1st year apprentice
ble Joscph H. Driscoll. Jr., Deputy spoke, as did Third District In- Gregory Charles
EXI..'Culivc of Nassau County, said ternational Rcpre!>Cntnlivc Robert
they were happy to be a part of Dun leavy. Brother Dunleavy told
Nationul Electrical Week. the more-Ihnn 600 guests Ihal, as
The Honorable Louis Levine, he flew up from PitlSburgh, he saw

",rl l, 1913 ,
IBEW Local Unions Mark National Electrical Week

many nuclear power pl ants, bUI 4.

th'lI , whcn he Ikw 0\ cr Lo ng Anth ony P. Bellissimo. Assis tant to
Island , he sa w nothing b ut o il-fi re tBEW tnternatlOnal Presiden t Charles
planh, !> rno l ing :.1:Jcls, and a hole
in the sand at ShoTl.'h:. m. I-Ie ;!,"t. . d
thc gathering what Lo ng h la nd c~
Robert Dunleavy. Asslsl ant to Thi rd
a rc goi ng 10 do a bout the :.i tua lion. District IBEW tntern at lonal Vlce·Presi·
After the luncheon. the gul's'" dent Andrew Johnson
loun:d the booths. Loc;.1 25 had
Chairm an Thoma.!> Cornell and Vice 6.
Chairman Gary Frit:ml I)f Local Local 2S BU Siness Ma nager Joseph E.
t: avanagh
25 's Safety COllunilt.'c standing by
a mock swimming pool with a 7.
fauhy ground circ uit-bn::tkl'f on dis- Barry French. ExecutIVe Dir ec tor.
piny. Chairman Frank Hunon and Nassau·Suffolk Counties Chapler
Vice Chairman Fin n J Cil"'-'1l o f the N.E.C.A.; LOUIS Levtne. Commissioner
Code Comm ittee an.'!lv,.crcd ques- of Labor. New York State; Joseph E.
tion!> on COOl!. D ir~Tlor Wa lter Cavanagh . Local 2:;. l::Iu stness Manager
(left to right).
Kraker ;tnd A .. , nl Dir",'("lo r
Rich:lrd Eric""on o f the JATe :.tnod
by JAT e bOOl hs \~i lh apprent iccs
who dcmon.."tratcd the di'pl:l)' they
bu ilt.
Broth ers Ad rian Gollu bier and
Richa rd Covel l. rcpn:1;cnti ng thc
fir:<ot-:li d group. "cre on hand to
:<ohow a movie and gh..: a de mon·
~ l ratiol1 on mouth-to-mouth rl'~ U ~­
ci ta tion.
A la rge nu mber of people at-
tCIll.l..:d the :<ohow. :mt! Loca l 25
hope .. that aJi \\ ill rcmcmba that
electricity is for peopl..:.
( Editor 's no/I': T he ohm'e (Irlicie
by Bob (;0/"/1/(11/,
WIIS w r illl!l1 PrC'n'
SecrcllIryoj L(X·allS.)

• IlEW Ja.llnol
l:-rfl:R:-: \TI0~.\I. nR0TIIH~.I\I...'-"'\\)
0 1: r:U :.I...··TRIC '\L \V v RKER5
~\1 ~..,... .... , I ... ~~
L~~! 'L'~;,'I\ :.II", 7'"
II... ' ..... l'.~" .." .... 1-
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rFOR PEn\\\.~ ,
April , 1913
IBEW Local Unions Mark National Electrical Week

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HUiOHAL meTRICAl WElIi 1!l7l


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~ I'J'
, , ,"
~,,,,,.~:' Notes on National
Electrical Week 1973
,.." II. lI\lun 11. ,\ " \ I ~r .. "II ,I,..
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• The Eighth I)i:.trict conducted

a Leadership Training Course for
local uniom. in Colorado during the
!tCcond week of Fcbrual} in DCIl\'cr.
Almost all of the local union~ in
Ihl! ~late participated in the cou~.
rhirty-fhc onicef!>. rcprc~nting Lo-
cal Unions 12. Ilucblo; 68, Denver:
1 II. Deliver; I 13, Colorado
Springs; 667. I)ucbla; 925, Grand
Junction; 969, Grand Junction;
1436. Boulder; 1490. Greeley;
[~23. Denver; Hilt! 2300, Denver,
were enrolled.
A mong the topics covered, were
Eq ual Opport un ity - I ntcrnnt ionu[
Executive Counci l mernber Ra lph
Lcigoll ; Workmens Compensation
-Ed Schunarnun. auorncy: Prob-
lems in jJatrick,
AFL -C IO; NLRB Procccdings-
Al NUll. NLRB; the Colorado
Building Trades - Joe Donlon.
Secretary. Colorado Iluilding and
Construction Trades Council: Legis-
lation Affecting Labor - Charles
D.:Moulon. Colorado State Repre-
sentativc; and Basie and Poli- Seen at the completion of a recent
cies of the IB EW-International Leadership Training Course for tocal
unions," Colorado. are. teft to right,
Representatives L:lwrcncc C. Far- Charles Holzer. Executrve Board memo
nan and Roland E. Gawf, who con- ber. Local 111, Denver; International
dueled the school. Representative larry Farnan: Dee
Inlcrn;uionul Vice P residcnt McNees, Recor(hng Secretary. Local
Stanley E. Thompson presented 2300. Denver; International Repre·
sentative Rolhe Gawf; and Intern ational
certi ficates of completion and Vice President Stanley E. Thompson.
hosted a luncheon 011 the fi nnl d:IY, wh o awarded certi ficates of complet ion.

April , 1973

• A new three-year working
agreement has recently been nego-
tiated between Ihe 13 I SEW inside
local unions having sound juri sdic-
tion ovcr the State of Wisconsin and
th e Wi sconsin Communications
Contracto rs Association Inc .. an or-
~:lIlilation rcprelocnting !.Ound em-
ployees th rougho ut the state.
rtle agreement covcrs all elll-
plo)'c!'!s engaged in all work in COIl-
neelion with the manur:lcture, in-
stallation. testing, maint..:nance. op-
eration. and servicing or all sOllnd,
intercOIll. private telephone. closed-
circu it TV systems, radio systems,
bad ground music SystCllh. hm-

Pictured signing the state·

wide sound agreemerH in Wis·
consi n Rapids. Wisc., are
officers of the WisconSin Mel Stlrmel. journeyma n
Communications Contractors technician, Local 494.
Association and business Negotiating Committee.
representatives of the 13 left to fight. DeWayne Wruck,
ISEW locals, observed by Business Manager, Local 577.
Internatl nnal Rp(1resentallve App leton , Wisc.: nalph Con·
Donald Crevier. rad. Business Manager. Local
159. Madison, WISC.: Mack
left to right, DeWayne Wruck. Crawley, BUSiness Representa -
l::IuslOess Manager, local 517, tive, local 494, Milwaukee:
Appleton, Wise.; Bill Gaverke. Hamson Counard, Business
journeyman technician, Local Manager, Local 158, Green
577; and Tom Landvatler, Bay. Wisc.; International
journeyman techOiclan, Local Representative Donald Cre·
494. Milwaukee, check dues Installing fabncated Units at vier; and Carl layton, Busi·
re<;elpts. the Fox VaUey Technical ness Manager, Local 1147.
Instit ute in Appleton, Wise.,
are Bili Gaverke, Local 577,
Appleton, Wise., left, and Tom
Landvatter, Local 494,

• •

10 18fW JO\lmoJ
gunge Inborntories. electronic caril· one end of Wisconsin 10 the other fomlcd their work non· union. Those
Ion. antcnna distribution systems. at limes, following thc jobs. For th is duys arc ovcr now, beeausc any
clock and program systcms. and reason, all the local un ions in the sou nd employcr want ing to work on
low·voltage systcms such as visu!! 1 stale soon becamc awarc of the or· construction jobs in Wisconsin is
nurse call and audio·visual nurse· ganizing advantuges of thi s type of given a " letter of assent" to sign
call systems, doctor's entrance reg;· agrecmcnt. before progressing. The amount of
ster syMerns, and low·voh age signal· When the new 1972·1975 con· sou nd work included in construction
illg systems nol required or specified tract was lIegotinted in Grcen Lakc, of hospitals, schools, hotcls. and
to be in conduit, wirclllold, or race· Wisconsin, ratificd in Fond du Lac, motels is growi ng rapidly, An cx·
ways. Wisconsin. und signed in Wbconsin umplc of this is lhe sou nd and com·
The original agreement, negoli· Rapids. Wisconsin, Local Unions munication system installed by Mid·
ated in 1969 with the association. 127. 135. 158. west Communications & Audio. Inc.
uccomplished by Local Unions 158, 430. 494. 577, 890, 953, and 1147 at the Fox Valley Technical Insti·
159, 494, 577, and 1147, as~isted parlicipntcd. thcrl!by making this a lUte in Applcton, Wisconsin, at a
by Donald L. Crevier. Intcrnation:,1 trul! statewide agrecmcnt. cost of S 135.000. IllEW members
Rcpresentative. Sixth District, cov- In the pasl. radio, lV. and sound working undCr this agrc\,!lllent man·
cf\,!d six sound employers. AI the shops show.. :d up on jobs and per· ufactured. a!'>!'>embled, and installed
expirnlion of the ngreemcnt in 1972, all thc cquipmcnt along with
there wcre 26 employers signatory 275,000 fect of wire. Anolhcr seg-
to the contract. Thc type of work mcnt of this operation that is gain·
pcdormcd under this contract fe· ing continuously is thc fubrication
quires the employers to move from C'oo/;'WI'II 0/1 page 16

Bob ladd, technician. Local

577. Appleton. Wisc" tests
fabricated units.

Mike Jahner, assembler. Local

577. Appleton, Wise .• as'
sembles units.

Kenneth Tronnler. loumey·

man technician. Local 158.
Green Bay. Wlsc., te sts out
panet for Holzem Sound and Jim Massey, assembler, Local
Communications Service in
577, Appleton. Wisc .. works
Green Bay. on the punch press.

AprIl, 1973
Iracts and c'tploring the po!.sibility gates from the fou r IBEW plants
CONFERENCE of successfully coordinaling fUlure
contract bargaining by all the inter·
was fOfmed and was able to achie",..:
a three-year agreemelll ( 1972·
national unions for all of Anaconda 1975) totall ing 99.5 cenLS per hour.
OF ANACONDA Wire and Cable Plants.
The I BEW has already been "ue·
A major gain was improvement of
the Pension Plan. This plan now

WIRE AND CABLE cessful in attaining coordinated bar·

gaining for ils four IBEW-rl'pre-
scnted plalH<; located at !\-1arion. In-
fcaturcs a 30-60 clause which grants
full retirement benefits at 60 lears
of age and after 30 p.:ars of service.
LOCALS diana (Local 10(0); Sycanmre.
Illinois (Local 1543); r\'l w,~.'goli.
based on benefits of S7.50 X yo.':trs
of service pl'r month; for example.
Michigan (Local 983); and \V,H· $7,50 X 30 }''':llrs = S225 per
• A meeting of unions n.'pre· kinsville. Gcorgia ( Local 222.J) . month .
scnting Anaconda Wire and Cablc Under the guidance of Paul H . The Industrial Union Department
Plants was held at the Admiral Ben- Menger. Director of Manufacturing (IUD) , AFL·CIO. was represe ntcd
bow Inn in Louisvi lle. K..:ntucky, Operations. and Inlernalional Rl'P- bl Coordinator Joe Campagna, who
on F .... bruary 16th and 171h for rcsentativc Keith ;"1cAlik~. of ('xplaincd, in detail, wha! could b\C
the purpose of exchanging infor- Brother Menger's stafT. :1 Negotiat- lIccomplishcu through coordination
mlllion on newly-negotiated con- ing Committe..: consisting of dek- CUIl/inu"d <JII (HI~f' (6

Seated. left to right , Claude Vance, InternatIonal Repre·

Seated, left to right. Claude Vance, International Repre·
sentative. UAW; Paut Menger, Director of ManufactUring sentatlve. UAW; Paul Menger. Director of Manufacturlllg
Operations. IBEW: KeIth McAhley, InternatIonal Repre- Operations. ISEW; Keith McAhley, InternatJonal Repre·
senta tIve. IBEW: and Thomas Martlll. InternatIonal sentatlve. ISEW; and Thomas Martin, Si:dh District
RepresentatIve. ISEW. Standing. Billy Epps, IBEW Local International Representative, ISEW, Standing, J oe
2224. Watklllsville, Ga.; Anthony Smoftich. PreSIdent and Campagna, IUD, and Sheldon Bye, PreSident, Anaconda
Business Manager, Local 1543. Sycamore. lit.: William Wire and Cable Conference.
Fleeman, ISEW Local 2224; Russ Homan, VIce Presi·
dent. ISEW Local 1543; larry Peppenger, AWIU local
170. laGrange, Ky.: Sheldon Bye. IBEW Local 1000.
Marlon . OhiO, PreSident, Anaconda Wire and Cable
Conference; Raymond Batten, PreSident, IBEW local
983. Muskegon, Mich.; Frank francis. AWIU Local 170.
Vice President, Anaconda Wife and Cable Conference;
Ed James. UAW local 1444. Anderson . Ind .. Treasurer.
Anaconda Wire and Cable Conference; Bill Barker. UAW
Local 1441 : George Wardrip. BUSiness Manager. IBEW
local 1000; and Richard Chne. Busilless Manager, IBEW
local 983.

IBEW Jou.nol
General Industry

for applying
Safety and Health
Standards 29 CFR 1910
Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA has ISSUed an mdeK to the US. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Heal th Standards, 29 CFR 19 10. Under WORKPLACE STANDARDS are such headings as:
based u pon categones applicable to any mdustry, to assist
the employer, employee, union repres entative. and other
standards whi ch apply to spe<:ific safety and health hazards FIRE PROTECTION VENT ILATION
related to the workplace. machines and equipment,
ma terials, t he employee, power sources, and processes. and th e applicable references to the standards found ;"
Appli ca ble administrative re gulations are also provided. 29 CFR 1910
a typical example is ...•.
The Guide prOVides an easy·l o-use KEY INDEX to the ILLU MINATION Subp.rt Sec t ion 1910.
Occupational Safely and Health Ad mi nistrati on. I Crane Cabs N I 79(c) (4)
2. Emergency Ughtlng-
The GUide relates SAFETY AND H EALTH STANDARDS Pulp and Papermilis R 26 1(b) (7)
reqUire ments In each of the Subparts of 29 CFR 191010 3. EKl t S and bit Signs E 37(q)
each of the recogn ized categories. 4. Floor Landin gs,
Manlifts F 68(b) (14)

45, each for NO .dd.honai poSlflge .s .eqU"ed 1o. m fuhn. Guyan". end Su"ntlm. Fo. stupmenl 10 all
Ihe Guode for "'ppI~'n8 Sarety and Heallh ""U"n lhe Un.ted Slal~ .• ts possesSions. Olh.,. fo, count"• • ,nclude .(fd,tional
Cflntldtl. Me and all Centoal and Soulh
S"...d.rtls 29 CFR 1910 GENERAL POSt~g., tiS 'eq""ed fO' etlch pe,iod,cal 0'
"'melle"n eo"n t"e~ ucept A'Kent ina.
INDU STRY. Add 25% lor r,;>reisn ma,hnll B,,u,I. S"t'sh Hondu,as. F,ench Gulanfl, s"bscript ,on seNlee.

o Rem,lItlnCe (nclosed

I I I I I 11 11 111 "["iTT' 1",'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I o

(Ma ke Ch ic ks p~~.ble to
Sup~,ln l and ~nl 0 1 Doc"mDnts)

Chi'S. 10
m~ Depos, t Accoun t

Supe"nl.ndent 01 Oocuments
11111 111 1111 11 1 11111 111 11 11 I Gove,nm.,nt Pront,n. Dmce
Washington. D.C 20402

GPO 939-oo3

1 ,--:::
1 1==1 LJ.
I I--,-
1 1--,-
I 1--,-1..LJ
Ap,iI , 1973
• Every :;0 oft.:n you hear some Canad a. In 19 16 h~ tramf,;-rred 10 Uerg's serv ice pin p rescnted to him
mcmlx:r expres:; the thought lhat the Loc .. 1 Union 122. Gr... at F"lk \Iun· UI a L()(.';t l Union mccling. all Scr~"
word "Brotherhood" in the nam.: of lana. In Jum' 1~20 he dl'J)()"it~'d hilo I..:mher 21 I met \\ itll r.:pr..:""nla·
our greal organization-Interna· Ir:t"dm~ canl in LlX":l1 Union 31, tiH'~ of Local Union 640 ill Phuctlix.
tional I3roth.:rhOOlJ of H.-ctrical wher.: h... maintain ...d cont1l1uou:; I ga ... c them a brief hi~t{)r~ of
Worka:;-has lost it:; llIeaning. For !:ooU ,tanumg until hi, rl,tir ... melll Brother Berg'l> membership amI of
th o~e with ,>uch thought .. I vd,>h they 011 J ul~ I. 1956. During his 36 Local 31 'l> \\ ilol1elo tu !la\c his '\.'fvke
hau occn with me rc".'entl) in the )ears of :Icth e IIh':lIllxr~ hil> in Loc:tl pin pr... \\:llted to him at on..: of th.:ir
City of Phoenix , AriZona. Union J I , h.: ,erwd the Local in meeting~. TIle rel>pon!.C \\ as without
SInC\! my rctlr... menl frtllll tlk' ac· many capacilil'~-a!> R.:cutJing Scc- h.:,itation immediately ill til..: amI"
ti ve affair:. of our Urolh ... rho"u in r..:t:lry. Trc;l,>un;r, (In "Iriou~ com· mati\~· . Bu,incloS Managl'r R os~ ~lIg·
1969, w... h:lve maue our home in mill"'':' and a, a D.:kgat..: to th..: g":~led that a dinner in honor of
TucM)n. Arizona. On Augu~1 16. I C':llIl al Uodi ..:s and th..: r. l illnc~ota BrOlher Berg hI! held prior II) Ihe
all ellu~'d ;I l1I ... cling of rclir.:d ~l cl1I' State Fctl ... ration of Labor. In Au· next mceling of Local 64U on Oc·
bl.'r~ uf Local Union 31. Duluth. gust 1927 h..: reprL!~crHcd Ihe Local tober 16.
M innc)oOta. III) I1ulIIl; Local. AI this :t!> its D..:I.':11ut..: to the Brothl,'rhood's On thlt dOll.... Brother Charles A.
meeting the Brotherhood'~ !.I.'r\"ic.:: Com..::ntitlll in Detroit. I-k \\as on Purta. A ~"'>t:t llt Busim'sl> Manager
pins \\cr... distribut\!u to tllO!)C in his O\~ n at th ilo Cunvention, :ilo at and hi\ wife drme 10 Meloa ;md re·
allcllunnce who had not prcviotl ~ ly thai tim\! Ih..: Local I\a\ in no po~i· ILlrned 10 th... Holida) R... 'tallfan!
r ... cd\ed Ihcir~. but all of tho,>e M) lion 10 el..:n Jin:mc..: lundl money. \\ ith B t'oth~'r B..:rg. hi ~ son EJw:lrd
entitled wer..:: not pr..::"... nl. Though holuing m \! rnber ~ hip al> a ami hi' wife. Uu ~i n ~'" Ma nager
Busi n..:'>!) Mannger I{ ud~ Johmon Journe)J11an Wireman , UrOlhcr Berg Ro,,\ and hi'> wif,.. NFCA Chapter
wrote 10 Ill": :ll>kil1g if I cou ld ar- took emplo)m.:nt \\ith Ihe \I inne· M:lI1ag... r George l'lands and hi ~
1'>1l1g..: to ha\c a 60 )..: .. r :;..:r\"ie..: pin sota Po\\..:r & Lighl Cump.. n~ in ils \\ife, and )(lU~ truly and Mrl>.
prc'>clll..::d to one of the retir..:d 1110.:111' <,ervicl' tlt'p;lrlll1ent during th.: u...· John,>oll v.~' r~ \J1l hand to gr..:et
b..:r:-.. \\ ho had been unable to attend pr..:~~ion da~, of th.: 1930\ and :;0 Brother Ikrg and hi~ famil) . Aft ... r
the 1l1..:~·ting. The mt'mbcr \\;t" mak· rl.'l1lained until hilo retir.:m':l11 from a dinner v.e proceeded to Local
ing hi~ n:!oidcncc in \Ok,>;} Arillllla. th.: trad..: llll June 5. 1956. A 6~0'" hall and onke.
or COllI"":. I was h;lpP) to :llIell1pt wido".:r. he maimain.:d hi .. resi· Shortl~ afll:r our arri\al at Ihe
to do so. dence in Duluth lImil 1971 v. hen he OmC!!. Pr"'''lknl Da\ c Thoma ... W~·
TIlt' member- F rank Bl' rg-\\ as 1110wd to Me . . :!. B rolh~'r Berg is pended the r..:gular ord~r of bu"ines,
initiat..:d on Augll~1 29. 1912. in now 81 ~ear~ ~oung. of th..: meeting and \~e W':llt into the
Local Union 5~4 which wa" at that A~ I h:td agn:.:d to see \~ hat hall. With \\..:11 1)\'''' 1' 325 l11..: mber'
tilll~' kl(.',tled in Etlmolllon. A lb ... rta, could do about ha\"ing Brolher n'milll/I'II "II ,'lIl'I' 16

Left to right : John DeCartro. President Locat 640. retired Left to ri ght: Mrs. Edward M. Berg. retired
bth D,strlct Vice President J. W. Johnson presenting 60 Brolhers Frank Berg. J. W. JOhnson and
service pin t o Frank Berg. Edward M. Berg. son 0 1 Frank Berg.

. IIE W Jou,no t

• A group of formcr union mcn knew that if there were building:. to "Confidcntially, I did hC:lr th at a
wcrc having a gathcring. and Ih~ bui ld . we .... ould build them-not few of Ihe fellow\ arc going to meet
conversation naturall), turned to the tllO~e lion-union gu)'~. in ~ecret to sec if we can form some
"good old da)>;" of union conditiom "And how about Ihe 'nut' who sort of an as"ociation. Who would
- the ~mployment and securit), th:1I ..,at up frOIll in the hall and urged evcr think th:lt \\e .... ould go this rar
one fclt in having the union protect everyone to join in communit), ac- back in time. when a union group
him. ti\'ities. \ie! I was too busy with Ill)' would have to hide to hold a meet-
It wa'i with grcat sadness that hea\'y ~oeial schedule. Thm W:lS lm- ing?" continued Joe,
thcy lamcnted the dcmi"e of the pos~ ihl e," Joe said meckly. " Believe mc. if we ever get the
un ion - its untimely death - and "WeIL" said Joe in a sad lone of un io n hack again, we will have \0
they rcmini\eed lIbo ut the joy :Ind voice. " [ had 10 . .ell Ill)' cottage at le:ml to protecl o ur industry as well
happinc~s it had brou!!ht thelll. the hC:lch and my \l:'cond car. and as the contractor, we ncgotiate
"Rcmember when \~~ would "how would you belie\-c that I'm now with." Joe pledged.
up a half-huur late for .... ork every working for a non-union contractor'! " I hate In admit it. but we sure
day?" Joe a!lked. "It .... as a riot the Wow, this guy never c\'en heard of were way ofT ba ..e at the meeting
way the foreman tried 10 g~t us there a coffee brc .. k. :lIld jf you're caught when the bu . . ines, man:lgcr was
on time. I k wa .. lucky if we got ther~ taking a deep br"::lth, he is ready to urging cveryone 10 gi\'e :I f:lir day's
for the cofTee break. Ren1l:mber Ih..: fire you. [ ..,ure Illi .. , the health and work for :I fai r day's pay, Remem-
one job w..: were- on and the coffee \\dfarc benefits, e.. peciaJly when the ber wh~'n \\e ,aid, 'What a bunch
brea~ la~ted unlil lunch lime? Re- kids arc 'lick. Too bad I don't h:l\e of garbage that i\: "Unfortunatc!y,"
member the way we u\ed to soc~ the credit union to hai l me out. Joe cont inued. "WI! got most of the
him for the extra tnlve l pay? Re- " I don't know wha t this non-union guys in the 111111 to agree with us. I
member the time the stock wa .. on guy is going to pay me." ~aid Joe under"tand the hu~iness manager
thc job. and we covercd it \\ ith can- pensively. "This i ~ the first week I've C:II"t get :I job :Illywhere now be-
va" and spent the next th ree da)\ been wilh him, so I don't ~now what cause of his un ion activities,
playing card ... s upposedly awaiting my pay will be at the end of the
"We ilure lost a hell of a lot!"
the arrival of the material'! Yeah. week,
reminisced Joc. "It was handcd to
.... e ~urc had some good times," Joe "It su re pains me to thin~ of the
us on a ~iher platter. and I guess we
said, with a half smile on his face. 'good old days' .... hen \\c hOld a
just couldn't \Iand the prosperity:'
" I was so tired on Monday (arter ~trong union and good conditions
all, I had a couage at the beach to Ihm we inherited from tho ..c who "Amen to thaI," the othcr fellows
take ca re of), it was mua1!y Tuc~­ preceded u" and conI rolled Ihe work said quietly, their heHd~ bowed in
day or Wednesday before I even in town. But, we wer..: fussy! We thought.
thought of starti ng to work. Thuse didn 't want the 'nickel-and-dime' " Ma>bc I'll "ee you next week.
contractors never got wise to us- job~: we wanted the hig stuff." Joe fellows," Joe said :IS he put on his
we had a eontr:lC!! said as his buddies nodded in agree- eO;lt and Marted to lea\'e, " Maybe
"To hell with going to union ment. we c:ln ha\'c a mecting in my cellar."
mcetings.'· Joe continued. " I paid Illy "The other day, a few of the guys
dues and that was enough of a con- did mention that ma)be .... e should (E(liror'J' nOti': The (1"0 1'(' (icli-
tribution as f<lr as I was conccrned . try to start a soei:11 organit:llion. limu Jrory was writ/en "y IJrf)/her
Who wanted to listen to an Execu- They were promptly fired! "l1,e con- Jeremitlh I). 'H rear/Ii}" L ocal 7,
tive Board member or president tell tractors arc now going to make Srm'l/g{ief(/, M ass., ami submit/eel by
about the slowing down of the cco- damn sure we neve r get toget her to L oc(ll 7'.f press J'{'cretllr)" Frclllci.f X .
nomic picture. Hell, everybody cnjoy the benefits the un ion gave us, Neyloll, Jr.)

Ap,lI, 1973 15
• TIll' f)"parlnW1l1 of 1.:lhor rom- ,w i.. \wrc j",ucd in April. 1971. Docullll.'nts. G O\,~·rtl lll ..:nl J)rinting
plclcd ils update of all Fc(kr:l r job To twlp l'mplo)crs and elllplo)'l.'(,s Office. \\'a,hingfOll. D. C., a l 20
safelY and hea lth standards wilh the find stantJarJs that apply to (heir ...·...' n" .... ach. pr..:paid.
publication Dccc mbc r 16 of stand- spl..:ci lic bu-;inc ......cs, lilc O tl' upali011al Ord..:r:- ~ h oli id spec ify: " Federal
ard" for the comlrucl ion industry. SakI) and Healt h Adl11ini\\l'ation RL'gi;,t..:r, Part [I. October IS, 1972.
Chain Robbin~, Dcpul) A:.sisla nt (OSI IA) has indlll.b.l a !>uhjcct in- o<"/:upatinnai Saki) and I lealth
$ccrctaryof Labor fo r Occupational d~x ill <!adl ~t of !,tallrJarJ!>. SWrnlarJ,-Part 1910 fur General
Safely and Hea lth, !'laid th..: new nli- Fr . . e ~illgk copk!> of th.: updated ImilL. . t!')" or " FcuLT:,1 R egi~h:r. Part
lion of comlrucliull :.tandards fol- !>tandan!, ftll' the g":l1cral and mari- 11 .0":1(111..:1' 19. 1972, Occupational
low), updates of :o.landard:. fo r gen- time indu!-tri,,;), are alrl'udy a\ailable S:lkl) and I 1.:::lIth Standant..- Pa rts
eral industr~ and the maritime fmm OS HA'!> n fk ld locations. 1915- 1919 fur ~ I aritillle Imlu;,try"
indu)olry. rh..: C\)Il..,tructillll ~talld;lrd), aT. . al so or .. FL·d . . ral Regi;,ter. Pan II , Dc-
The Ihn:1.: \I{)hlnlcS contain all availabl.: at th . . ;,.: oflices. c..:mbL·r 16. 1972, Occupational
change .... iHllcndrncnlS. Jd.:lion~ and r-\ddltl\III111 COPI":), may be p m - Sal..:ty and I k:llth Stand:lnt..- Pan
corrections ::oint..: the original sl:HH.I- ch:I ...... tI from the SUpl!rinl..:ndclll of 1916 fur Clll1!>truetion Inuu:-try:'

Keep America Beautiful Award Brotherhood

<'0111;11111'111""" ("IC'· f.I
presl.'n!. Brother Berg 1\:1'\ giwn a
s.tanding OI':llioll which \\ ill 110
douht rem;un wilh him throughout
hi., remaining )..:an•. Ilia!) priVIleged
to intrnduc..: Brother Ikrg ;IIlU give
th..: J11l.'ll1b..:r\ the abo 1'...' brid' r..: . . Ulll C
of hi .. activitics during hi .. 60 ~ea rs
of Illl.'lIlb......,hip. Following pr. . ~cllta­
WIll \)1 a c..: ruficato:'. hearin,g the
~igl1atllr . . ~ (If Intemation:11 P r..:~idcnl
Charle.. II. Pill:tnl and Inl..:rnation31
S..:crct:tr} J o~ .... ph D. K\!en311 atle"l-
ing [0 BfIlth..:r Berg'~ 60 ycar,'
m..:mhcl',hip. and the (iO ),e<lr ~..:rl'­
ic..: pin. w..: 1..:1'1 the 1i:11I III fHlu thcr
standing m:uilln and the :lppl:lu;,,,:
or th..: m..:mlxr.. in .ltt<.'ndanc.....
To 111": 1hi, 11<Is becn one of the
mosl memorablc occ:l,i()n~ dUI'ing
my ye:1r~ of 1ll""llIb..:rship in the
At an award presentation held at a luncheon ceremony at t he Plaza Hotel, New
Yo rk Ci ty. Keep Amenca Beaullful, Inc. pr esented Its Keep America Beautiful gr..:at..:'1 labor union in all of his.lory.
Award for 1972 to th e Norfolk and Wes ter n Railway. It was accepted by Nor folk Anyo ll\! II hll hclk\'e~ Ihat thl.' mean-
and Wes tern Railway President John P. FISI1Wick, left. and International Repre· ing ;\tld thl.' tnl ~ ~pirit of " Brothe r-
sentatlve George Thomas, who accepted the award on behalf o f 10th District
Vice President Frank T. Gladney. The award was given for the successful one·day hood" in (lur n;mle h:l~ bee n losl
project, "Crean Up Day." involving th e cooperation of both labor and manage· lI<luld hal..: h:ld any :.ueh thoughts
ment 111 cleanH1S up debns and litter atong the property fight of way. di~pdkd hud they had the oppor-
tunity 10 aC('ompany mc to Loe;1I
.-I)mill/utl /rom (lfl::., II r"/U;'II/n//'Olll !'lIC" /1 Union 6 .. 0 and to !la\·. . md \\ illl its
anrJ imt:llial iull lJr :.utl)lIIatic switch- of h:lrgaining b) all th..: unions. H c oflicl!r:. and IIIl·IIIUCI ),.
1\001I'J ....quipmcll t. ;I1l1l()UIlC..:d thai h..: \\\)u ld be calli ng
Ag;lin I II ant 10 tuk\! the oppor-
r he [BEW lo..:a l ul1ion~ involved a J11..:..:ting. of th..: IUD I' l'e~ iu cnt's
lUl1it~ 10 c'I;pn:,., my heunfdt appr..:-
hav .... a very good 1\{lr! nrrung<.'- Cornmiltl'<.' in March. 1973.
mcn!. Ilhcr..:by . . l1lpl()y ..:c~ arc m('rn- In adrJition to Ih~' IB EW dele- ciation Itl th . .· oflicas a nd mClllba"
h..:rs or the local union in II hateH' r gat..:~ nnu Intl'rn:lliollal I h'pr..:~enta­ 01 Local Union 6-1.0 for th..: womll!r-
citks the ":lllploy<.'T i)' locnt..:d alld tl \''':~, rqm,"L'lltati\'l'~ (If the [ l A\\' hll rcc..:plion accorded Uroth ...'r
JIIOV": around th..: 'ta l..: wi thou t difli- and tILL' AW I U wcre ' Ibo in al- F ran~ Berg for his 60 y..:aJ';' of ;,":I'\'-
CUllY, fro m job to job. I..:nd:lncC, icc to our " Brotherhood."

IIiEW Jou.nol
ISEW Journeymen and Apprentices

A New Skill Improvement Text

A 208-page guIde to a/l pheses of rIgging,

knots , and splices utilizing fiber and wire
ropes and chain, Including up-to-data
information on:

• All types of bfo ckl, tack)el, and IlIngl

• Th. IlIUng and movIng of loadl
• Scaffoldl, anchoragel, and gUYI
• Davlc .. and 10011 used In rigging
• Rigging and Ilgnamng helfcoplltrl

The need for this Imponant new skil l

Improvement lexl Is spelled oul In the
preface signed by International President
Charles Pill ard and International Secretary
Joseph D. Keenan :

"' Rigging-thai Is the simplest skill in the

world.' 'Why should anyone want to study rigging?
I have been doing it all my tile.' 'Rigging and knot
lying . I could lie all the knots in the book when I was only
seven.' And on It goes. Everybody Is an expert on the subject ... or are they?
"In the year 1970, the Internat ional Ollice received reports 01 better than 3,600
accidents. Th irty-eight of Ihese accidents led to fatalities. Yel, only nineteen of 0.,,$5.00
In • "u,dy. lort
these fatalities we re caused by electrical contact. Further, halt 01 Ihese accidents !li ... dl ... ;
were associaled with material and equipment handling or usage. Therefore, (MI " chec ~.
could you honestly stale that we were all experts?" 10 .",,"..110....1
8'01".,1\0011 0 ' EI.C1r!c .1 Wo,k.,,)

---------- ---- ---- -------~c-~c-~----~~

(Un 10'''' 10 ofd.f /)~ ·-~----------·------------------------ - 1

/nterniliona' BrotherhOOd of EleclrlCI' Workl'l

1125 Fllleenth Sireel, N.W.
Wa.hlngton, D.C. 20005

Enclosed please lind $-,-,--,-,-_____ ',, _______ copy(les) 01 Ihe latest sklllimprovement course, "Knot
Tying and Rigg ing," 8t $6.00 8 copy.

NamB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.~W<,.."' ...;_---- --------------

(pi. . . . print cl. .rI;i

Local Union Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Locatlon' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Home Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Clty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Slale _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~Z l p _ __
u.s. SENATE ~
56 Democrats • 43 Republicans • 1 Independent

ALAI"'~A t.40NTANA ALABAMA }. C~.r'" f. Beoc.U (D)

I. Jot< U",o"/' lR) 4. 8;11 C~.l>l>ell J,. lDI
J~ "'~. M. Allen !~I M" e M""r.eld {OJ ~. W,II em D. 6un te' J •. 10)
John S ~Gfkr" o" ... Lno M. ,colf (0) 2. W 11 '0 '" L O,c,,",on (ll
3. Biil N;d'ol, ID) ~,(., W. a:1 1 vou'9 (RI
ALASKA NEUASKA •. lorn Bev:11 (0) 7. S.'" G,bboM 101
Mol .. G,,,v.-I (01 Corl T. Cu"', \" S. Robe" E. JOO"' (O) 8. J.",~, A. "bl~y (0)
Ted Ste,u. (~l Rom •• L H·.> • (Rl ,. Jo~. B,c~."on (R) ~. L,."· ~'". IR)
7 ........ lIer Flo~' (0) III. l A IS . p), (It)
... RIZONA NEY"",O"", ". p~ I ,; R"'l~" IDl
P~"I J. 1
f~nn:n [It
S."y Gold.... ele' It)
AI,. B,bl. (0)
How.,,; W. C."""n (0 ) ALA SKA 11. j. Hcrb~., 8... 1. (RI
I). Wtll'~'" Le"",,~" (01
AI Oonold Youno;! Il)
N'W HAMPSHIU I~. Clo"..J. P~p",~, (0)
ARKANSAS ARIZONA 15. O."t~ B. F~""I I (01
Tho'll.' J. M 'L"~r. (0)
J. W, Fulb';ght (OJ
J o~" l. '.kCI~II$" (0) Nn", CaIlO" I RI L JO"' J. bode.
2. Mo"" Ie U<t.1I OJ
$•• '<;1.'
(R) I. ao,.leI a, (80) G'O" 10)
Ar~n Cran,ton (0) H." '0" A. W. ."" Jr. (I ~. J~.~ 8. Co"I". (l) 1. D.*.~. M.'~, (D)
J ohn V. TuMer (OJ C:II",J P. C.,o (l) ), J •. • 1.;.lIey (0)
'. 8~" 8. !I.elburn (R)
Floyd Ie H&.l.ell (0) J'>lOP" M, MO"OY. (0) 6 Jotr" F. Flynt J,. (0)
Po le' H. Domin_o' (il)
Ab,.~om A . R,b;u.1f (0)
Pote V. Oo",e,ici ( R)
Jome, l. BuclieV (Co".·R)
I, J otrn W. D~", 10J
8. W, S, (BII) Stue ' "r
~. Ph.1 M. Leed,"'" 0
III. Robert G. S' ep"en; r. (OJ
Lowell P. We;cI., Jr \RI Jocob K. J.v:1I (RJ
Joseph R. 6;de<l Jr.
W ,I I' 6 m V. R"th Jr,
J, E,vin J,. (0)
Je... f\. Helm. ( R)
I. Sp~,. M, M~h"".9~ 10)
1. P~"y T M n~ (0)
L ..... too en;le, (0) Ou.~'i. N. Bu,dld (OJ I. S ' <'~n O. 5y","" (RJ
EdwIO,d J. G,,,"ey (ill M.Uon R, VOU"" (R) !. O,Y~I Han, n (R)
Sam N"M
H.rman E.
T~ ",~rla~ [0)
W II.", S.
Rober! hit J,. [R
I. Roll''' H. t~e'("l/e 1'1
7. "'~,~." r _ M".","y D
HAWAII OKLAHOMA 1. Rob~r' P. H~n'. Ir." (R)
Dani,, 1 K. Inouye (OJ Oe"".~ F. h, ' let! (It) 4. 1:J"'~'d J. Do',,:"," (R)
Hi, &m L. Foo9 (R) H.n'~ S.II",o" (It) ~, Jo"n C. }O""l"'" (0)
~, H.,old R. Co I;., (RI
M..,I O. 1I.'Field IR) 7. Vacant
Fl.n' C~uf1:h (0) S. O~n Ro<len'o""." (0)
Ja .... e' A. M<Ciu •• (R) Robe.! W. Pad ... ood (It)
9. S,dr~v •. Vo'e. (D)
Adlo' E. SIeve""," III (0)
R,~~.rd S. s.:~ ,. e·~er (It)
10. S."'u~1 H. VO~"l
II. Fr."~ "nnUM," 0
ChArlet H. Per~v 1M) HU<j~ Sco!! (R) 12, Ph:ltp M. C,a.e IR)
Il Rob.,t McClo.y IR(
INDIANA RHODE ISLAND 14, Jol>" N . ErI~nb,,'n R)
Bite" 80yh (OJ JO"" O. P."o'. (Dj IS. Le,li. C. ",ud. I R
Vo",. Ho,tle (0) Pell (0) ... Jolrn S. ".de .. o"
11. G.O''18 "' . O'B, en R)
tao It"be,! H. ", ..lrel (R)
R;ch~fd UM~
H.rold E. HU9~e.
E.n,,' F. H~II,"~. (0)
S"o'" T~"'mond (R) 'Yo Ton, h:hbu~
20, P."I F;.elley (R
KANSAS SOUTH DA~OTA 21. Ed ... ~,d R. M.eI'qdn \"
Robe" Dol e III J .. me, Abou,.,1 (0) 12 G."'90 E. Str,ol~y (0
G""'9" M060ve " (0) 1l. Me ly '. P,i,,, (D)
J~mu 8. P.~rIO" III
24 K~"""t" J. G,.y {OJ
Woher (Dee )" (01 How.,d H. 8o~cr Jr.(R)
M..!ow W. Cool (RI
B'I' "od IlJ
I. Rat J. M~ dden
1 £.0,1 F. Ldnj9",b. It)
J. le"nell J"hn,'o" Jr. (D)
Ru "ell B. Looq (0)
1I0.d Butten Inl
J ohn 6. To .... , It)·
I. Jo"n B,.dem... (D)
4, J. !d.... ,J Rou," (0)
5. EI .. oou H. Hilli'!"
MAINE UTAH 6. Willia'" G. g'ay Rl
W ,lIi~",
O. Ho'"~"'oy (0) F,an' E. Mo" (DJ 7, John r. t.'lC'1 IRI
Edmund S. MUlk'e {OJ Wall.,,, F. Ie..ell (It) 8, R0ge. H. li"" ( H)
I. P.,. 0;.
s.: r~e. (0)
9. Lu H. H8",:II".
10. Da~,d W. De""', 0
J. GlOM Seoll Jr. (ll c;.,o'q. D. A,:l~" I R) 2. Oon.ld G. B,o"·"." (It I II ...... II,~'" Ii. Hu"".1 III (P)
Cheri.; M~C. Mo .hie, J,. ( l ) Rob.,! T. St.fford lltl ). FrMI E. E.o., (0)
t.4ASSACHUS~nS VIRGINIA •. J .. rM. T. Jo"",on (It) IO WA
Frl WMrI M. Kenn edy (O) Hatty ~, 8y,d J •• (Ind.\ 5. wah." L. A.",mono;! (RJ I. bl"'o,d M"~'""r " ,
Edward W. B,,,o ' o (R) Willi"", lloyd 5~0t! (R 1. J"I,~ C. Cui •• , 01
~. Nul 5",;!h (0
L W,II'.'" R. Cotl ., (DJ
Pnilip A , Ha" (0)
Robe" P. G,iH:n (Rl
HeMV M. J.d",. (D)
Wo" •• G, M."ou",. (0) 2. Robe" H. S' HI.
1. Robe,! N. Go,mo 0)
I" S. WllOom J. Sde". (R)
,. W.I"1 M .. )n~ (R)
•. 5'_0" 8 Mrrlnn~1 IR'
Hube" H. Hump~,ov
Wolter F. Mo"dele [0
Rob.,. C. 8•• d (D)
Jenninl'l' h"dol,,~ (0)
5. R"nald " . S.,~. n It)
~. Ell. r. G,."o (0)
I. Keith G. Seberu, I"
1. W iIIi~n R. loy (0
Jo"'u O. e •• H. nd (0) Ga~l o.d N. I, o" (0) AL Pierre S. (Po'o) du Pon t ( R) •. 60'0.' E. Shr;ve, (R)
John C. ~'e""" (0) Willi. ", P,o.",;, . (0) ~. Jot Skubil z (R)
Tho"'.' F. Ea9 leto "
SIu.rl Symon,,'o" (0
I" G.I. W. M ~Ge.. (0)
Clifford P. Hon .. n ( RJ
I. Ito","," l. F. 5:1" (D)
2. Don F" ... ~. (D)
I. F•• n~ A . Stubblefield (O)

240 Democrats • 193 Republicans

1. WjW. m H. Not"~., to! ,. C:;4"~ ldyler (l) 6, L R <t~.d>o' p.~,~t (0) SOUl ... DAKOTA
1. lo monD L 104."010 rOIIl) 8. ~ <'ard H. Ic~er.J (D) " C,.·I~, G. R.,,,, ILL 101 I ~'o". E. o.,ho (D)
4. M. G. rG.~.) Sll~~.' 9. w·n·" L. H .. nllall, (DJ B. EMI 8 R.·" (~) 2 J•.•. ~, "0. o. (I
S. T- m lee C,,,'e, (R)
6. J ohn S. a' ed,""d<J~ (O)
10. a D. B. I<,n (D: 9 J ~ "'e< C. M~'I nCR)
I~. J~~~, T. 8,co,' :R, TENNESSEE
7. C.,I D. p~,~'n, (0) MO N1,o\N,o\ II Re, Al. " '101 ! J.,...~, H, {J m 'fl 0 .. len ,I)
LOUIS IA NA l. P '"hj G. S'o." R) 2 Jc'n J. Den,." lkl
2. Je'~ M , or {Di NORTH DAKOTA ) lAM .. , .... ~r :l)
I, F. Edw .. rd H.b.. ,1 (D)
1. V"Clnt NEU,o\ SK,o\
Al Mo" ""<1. N' I R I JQ~ l. E.. ,n. 10)
~ ~c~.t<I Fc!~n 10)
1. Oovid C. hun {R)
4. J oe D. W"~'JQ"".' (0) I C".>! ... T"M (~ I OHIO 6 R o· L I·o·jl,. (RI
5. OUo f. p""mM (PI 1. JOhn y, ".Colt ,I~, IS) I. '" , J. l(eat"9 (R' 1 f.j Jone, 10
I. Da." "'"I'.
r~1 2. D"n~:j O. C'r.:, (RJ O""K~." I~:
•. John R. h. ~I (O!
7. Jo~n B. 8'u~,
8. G 11-, W. L on~ 0
1I NfeVAD,o\
1. 0."""0 W.
4. T~"",,,,n G~,~,
W'~'e~ Jr.
8 j,

AI. 0",
d To .. ·· , R) ~ . 0,,110<-" L l."~ (R'
MAINE 6. W, ... H. H .. " •• III
I. Pel e< N. il:V'o. (OJ NEW HAM~SHIU 1. C[.'C"'~ J a,co ... " {Il;
1. W ,lIi " ", S. Cohen ( l ) Lo~, C. W~"'~" (~) !. \""1" E. Pe.e ,I)
2. J~"" C. Clo.~ld"~ (l) 9. Ho··' •• l. Al~~. to!
MARYlAND 10. Ct~'e"«, E M, ·e. IRI
I. W,lho", O. M .I I"'
1. CI",.ne. D. lon'il DI
I. Jchn ~. H~"I (R)
J, W' '.-. S·.,'"," II)
>--",,1 l. O~.'n~ IRJ
1. Paul S, S.. ,bo ..". rO) 1, C~a,I'1 W. Sa".j~,." Jr. (R) Il, C~." .. , A V ,,"e'
4. MO'i'''''' S. Holl I I I
~. ,"" ... ,,,n,e J. Hoqa" (Il)
l. Jamo' J. He ..",d
~ , F,~". T~"..,p ... " J .. D)
rOI !4, JO" f. ~ ~...·:·nl (0,
I~. Ct.. '""" P. w. " (RI
•. Goodloe E. By ,,,n
7. Po"". J. M.t~n"1I 01
I" 5. Pele, H. B. F'el;"I1""".' (~,
•• Edw n B. Fo".I~e ( R)
16. 2.1!)" S. hQ~'" IRI
17. Jo'n ),I . ..... ~b'oc. IRi
I . G;lb.,1 Gud" ( l l 1. w,'·,,, ... S. WiJ",,11 [ PI lB. W •• · .. l H.). (OJ
B. ~O~e'l A. Rae (D) I~ C~., e. J, Y'''~' 10J
MASS " CHUSEns '. H •• 'V Hehro,.i (D) 10. J.-n V. 5''''on Ib)
I. S'lv 0 O. CoMe 1.1 10. Pde, W. Rod nO Jr. (D) 11. lo.·, S'o'el (DI
2. bl .... ,d P. a.. ,..o (OJ II. Je,<p~ G. M ;".,~ (01 12. C~ •• ,~. AVo' " 10
l. H .. ,old D. Dono"u" \OJ I~. M ,,,hew J. R 'ald" ~) n w •• [ M"~~. (R"
4. Roberl F. 0"",," \' II, J",~p~ J. Ma, •• t. (RJ
S. P"ul W. C."",, ( Il H, Oco .... ; • V. 04n;el, (0)
I~, Ed .. ~rd J. P~"eft (OJ
•. M,eoul J. 1-1,,";1111'011 (D!
1.10rb." H. M"eJonald ( )
8. Tho",.. P. 0 Ne II
1. Jolin Jo.~p~ MOGUe,
I. "'an
.1 lUlU J" ( R)
10. M a'9~'~1 M. Hec " ", (R 2. H~rcld ~~"n~h (0) U1AH
II. J""'r. A. Bu '\."
12. G~"y E. St.(ld. DJ
\OJ I ~. G,,"" M .~.,. (01
1. W •• no O~, > COl
M ICHIGAN 1 Wendell W,.H (RJ
l. Jo;," CO'r." Jr. (01 VERMONT
2. AI UI .,.,~" ID, "l ~ -~a,J W. ", .,t.'f IR)
1. M .. ,~,n l. \" l. Ed;'~ G'e,,' (0,
1. G .. ,'Y I, ,,wn (R 4. Jo'l" Del .~o. ,>1 (R)
•. Ed .... 'd Hutd,""," ( R) VIRGI NIA
S.6.,.ld R. f.o"J (k) ! Tho."", N Dc ... ' "IO~
6. ClI"rle. E. C~.Mb"" .. ;n ( l) 2. G. W ".", Wh.,."",,, .p
7. Oo""ld W. R,eql. J,. (ll 1 O.",.J E. Saue,/ •• Id III (0
8. Jam •• H",~.y Ill) •. RoLN! W oo";el.k (tl
9, Guy V.. nd~, J"91 (Il) 5. W, C, lo.n) Da".e, CD)
10. Elford A. Ced",b.'9 ( Il) ~. M. C.ld .. ~11 lu'Ie, {II:I
II. Ph')i p f . Rupp.e (Ill 1 J, K~"".lh RCOD;"'''" (R)
12. Jam •• G. O'H ... (0) e, S'."'o,J E. ,.", (R
n. C"~rl •• 9. w; 1'" C. W.m!)I., (k)
15. Willi"m 0, Fo rd
C. 0'9'1' J " (0)
14. Lu~ion N . Nw"
10 J I. 8'0,)' I ( R)
16. John D. 0,0<;1,,11(0) WASHINGTON
17, Mort"" W. G,il/"h. (0)
18. Robe,! J, Hub., I"
17. Will iam S. 8,oom ,,,Id ( Il )
I. Jcod P""~MJ (R'
2 li".d M~~ /I (D)
I J~I,. !"'.' H.r·."" (D)
I V 10 McCo.m.d (0)
MINNESor" ~. Ihon, .. 5 Fol~V (D)
I. Albe" H. Qui., (Il) 6 Fiord V. H.e'l IDJ
1. "ncher N.I.u (Il) 1. 1,,,,1 Ad.",. (D)
1. 8ill Fr"n •• ' ( Il)
4. J o,,,ph E. Kerth (0)
5. Don.1d M. Fr.... '
6. John M. Z.... ch ~
I. kobe" H. M ulleh," 10J
1. Bob h''i!land (0 2. H.f!~' 0 St'9Q"" (D)
I. JO" " A. BI",nik I ) 1 Jehn M SI . eo. (0)
~ hn H.<hl", (D)
I. Ja mie L. Wh,tto" (0) WISCONSIN
2. D,,~ld R. Bo"'en (D) RHODE ISLAND I. Le, A, p." (0)
1. 6-. v. (Sonny) Mo"llIom.'t (D) I. Fe'.,nd J. St. G",,.,.;n (0) 2 R oo~,' W. K~t!"" ".,e;" , (D)
~ . T~ad COC~'4n (l) 2. Reb,,'1 O. T'e<Mn (D) l, VornOn W. Thom,cn (R)
5. l rUI Lott (R) Clo"'o n' J, Z. olco<>' (01
5, H~"ry S. Rau" ID)
I. Willi" ", {Bill} Clay (D) NORTH CAROLI NA
I Mendel J. D.v;.
2. fleyd Spence ( R
I" 6, Wi ll .... A. St •. ",~r (R)
1. O..... d R. Oboy 101
2. J" me, W. Symi"II IO" (D) I. Wol 'e, 8. Jone. (D) 3. W illi .. ", J*"';"9' a,y.n 8. Ho .... ,d v . F'oohli.h ill
1. Leonor K. Sullivan (D) 2. l. H. Fou",.,n (D) oorn (0) 9. Glonn R. D.... " IR)
~. William J . hndell (0) 1. O~"id N . Hen de,,,,. (OJ 4. Jomn R. Mo nn (D)
5. Ric~ard 80llin9 (D) ~. I•• ~. " nd ,e ... (D) 5. Tem S. Getty. (D) WYOMING
6. J erry Litt en ID) 5. Wilmo, Mi.. 11 (~) 6. Ed .... d l. Y"O"II ( R) I. Al I"no Renul'o {OJ
IBEW Orga nizing Vic tory
A N;'\" UA L STAT":~II-: ~I' OF t: U :CT IUCA L WO ltKE ItS'
On February 23rd, an election
was held lor the 703 eligible mem-
In Compliance with the rcquircrnenl\ or the l'r:llern .. 1 Act or Y;lrious ~Iale" bel'$ 01 the JacksonVille ElectriC Au·
We are publishing below inrormalion con lained in the annuIII ~Intemenl or lhe thonty, Jacksonville. Flonda. which
" :Iectrical Wor~cr~' Benefit A,suci;uiun rur the year cmlin)l l)cccmbi!r .1 1, [972. re!'tulled III a victOry for the 16EW,
The vote was 352 for the ISEW,
,\ SSETS 234 lor the Illdependent UniOn, and
IJO .... 05 ........ .. S 11, 15 for No Union.
UnueJ 5t.des GU\C'"IIICIII S 1.29.j.I.j(,,(IO International Representative H
Cnnadian Go_emmelll W. Gurley. F,lth DistriCt, assisted by
I'ubli!: Utilitic, 7.11.j,9_~0.OO International Representative Doyle
[nJu\tri:t1 1,40lC.050.00 Burnett. also 01 the Filth Distnct.
s r cx t-..S 26.236.695..19 headed the campa '!!:!!. lu(;dl 177.
R:lilro;,d .... 96.00U.{:0 Jacksonville, Flonda. also assisted
Public Utilities 10.7]8,739.17 III the orgamzlIlg campa'gn.
Il an~~. T rusts, &. hI'. (0.>.9~f>,12
Induslrials IU.211~,O()I),2()

F I RST MORTGAGF 10Al'S 67.480.804.114

FilA & VA Loan, 49.772.~02,2f>
Other \lort gng;: 101111' 17. 7011,'02. ~K At Safety Institute
INV I'S-I MENT RFAL I~IAII O\\NFD ~.201l.874.40
CA"II & IIAl'K ])l: I'OSns 7.610,762.96
11'0 I ER I-S I & RFN I S AC( RUED 71\1,H2.78
mil l k ASSErs 372..111\.25
ro rAL ASSF TS $119.331.63.1.72

I.It\1l1l.1I IES
RellCr\'e for L ife Certifi elltes $ 92.983,392.00
Dcuth Chlims Duc & Unpaiu 1.458,475.65
Other liabilities 811·1,202.78
Special Reserves 95.665.97
Um,\\igncd Funds 23.1\99.11911.32
l o r A L Ll AB Il IIIi'S & RI SI' RV I S $11'1,331.63 4.72

Membership Aumi\s,on & H e m~tatcmem Fcc~ $ 4.151.657.60 Recently, t he AFL·CIO labor Studies
I n t erc~t on Bonus .. . ...... . 74~.879.10
1.101.329.65 Center held a three·and·one·halr day
Dh idends on SUIC~s
4.2'>'9.690. 16 institute on the Occupational Safety
Inlcre ~1 on Morli;3i;c Lo:lO~
Rent s ........ . 319.643.74 and Health Act In cooperatlon with the
Othcr 100.:ome ... ,. 344.426.45 Center for Labor Educalion and Re·
$10.962.626.70 search at the UnlverSlly of Alabama
in Birmingham, Ala. Among the 30 par·
EXPENSES ticlpants from Alabama and other slates
$ were Brother A. D. Yearby. Busllless
/)cath Claims.
lncrea..e in Re-erve for life Certificate, 1.l64.415.00 Manager. local 1998. Reform, Ala .•
I n\1,!~tmcnt Expense 417.271.22 left, and Brother Walter PrUitt, PresI-
Depreciution 42.1195.77 dent and BuslOess Manager, local
Tuxes . 70.100.64 2048, Butler, Ala.. ri ght, shown With
Rent 44.040.00 Marjorie B. Rachlin of the labor Stud-
Salaries & Wages 388,186.32 ies Center.
I'rmting & Stalionery 10.251.011
ACllmri:l1. AuditlOg &, "tuti,tical 18.518,00
Refund s 692.174.40
T o r AL EX PI: NSES $ 9. 139, I02Al
NET GA IN FROM 01'1 I(A'] 10 .... S $ 1,1123,524.27 IBEW Bowling Tournament
..: XIIIIIII' OF n :RT IFI(-" n:." The 29th Annual IBEW Bowl
"0. AmOllll1 ing Tournament will be held in
lJc:nefit Certificates in Force 12 )1 71 ........ . 327.108 $4(»1,11115.000.00 Kansas City, Missouri, on June
Ikm:fil Ccllific"te:. ""'lIIen .t recehcd during )car 19.271 24.01l1l.750.00 8, 9, and 10, 1973. Writ!:! 10
TOTAl,S 346,)79 $432.973.750.00 Bowling Tournament, Mr. Henry
IJ.enefit Certificatcs Terminaled or Brunke, local Union 124, IBEW,
T nln,ferrcd durmg YCllr .. , ........ "., .. . .. . 17,37H 21,722.500.00 lU4 West 40th Street, Kansas
nenefit Certificates in force 12131 172 ,., ....... . 329,001 $41 1,251.250.00 City, Mi ssouri 64 111 .

Ilnw Joulnot
& tlaining
• A /IeII', shorr journeYlllal/ uges is written on each pack- or texthool.." lI11til you get
Now rcady for ~hiprncnt.
{:ollr.\'e. age and abo shown 011 shippi ng in,lructions.
the course, which C(l~L" $6.00. in- invoice.
cl ucks a student workbook. a refer- 5. Inquire at I)o,t Oflice for lid" Us LO lit-I" YOII
ence book (Training Manual for missing packages. For Certificah!\. give exact (!:tte
Loco.1 Fire Protective Sign:. ling Sys- 6. Opcn pad.agc" and coun t of completion. (Sec catalog, pag!!
tem .. by NEMA, publi"hcu jointly each item. induding tests 22.)
by NEMA and NJA r C). and a (items Ihted in catalog). For Intervil.!w Ra ti ng Form ... ,
booklet furnished by the Edwards Immediately report any short- give us the number o f appren-
Company. The cour.c should run tage to us. tices to be interviewed.
for 15 hours. three hours one night 7. Order textbooks from pub- Order film... from lllppfier as
per weel. for five \\-ecl..<., lishers. See catalog for infor- Ii~tcd 011 page') 16 and 17 of the
mation (be ,ure you have caw log.
Gel R eady 10 Onler corrected addre'scs as marl..ed Information on rotation - M:C
from NJATC. The new one article ill J uly, 1968, issues of
A few hints on ordering material:--
is McGr:lw-I-l ill. 1221 thl' IHEW j Ollrl/a/ :lIld Ihe Qllali-
for cla.!>Scs:
Avenue of Americas. New fietl CUlIlrtlctor.
I. Read the catalog. York. N.Y. 10020. Ke) point, 011 re.;idemial -!:ICe
2. Us..: order hlan"~ (do not u~c 8. Don't wail-follow through article in the October. 1972
ones from c3talog). on your orde r. i...sucs of the Qllufifie(1 COlllrflclOr
3. Order carl). 9. Do nol pay (lilY jlJl'oice until and the I IJEW JOllrllal.
4. When nHileri:!! i., rccci\cd. you have received a nd check- Allied Diclionaires ha\c been
check to sec you gCI :. 11 pack- ed all mllteriaJ. dropped from the fourth-year
ages. The Illllulx!r of pack- 10. Do not relurn any material course.

handYlnan's cOlnel
• Gardening i:. Illore run \\hcli nOI to burn tcnder shoots. And. of No. 285-Garden tool caddy . . ,
you can rush Ihe \C:l!oOn a bit cour'>l', the bottom lIhclf is handy 1.00; No. 250-Gardcn tool storage
am..l Ihe cold frame ~hown here j .. for ')toring pot.;, tool.;, and other ,hcd . . SI.OO: No. 371 -Wishing
jU'1 the thing you need to cu ltivate mi-.ccllan('()us item"', w..:ll . . . S 1.00; Ilookkt pict oring
a hobby. Tuckeu ~nug and pro- T hi~ is a project that ,Illy amateur 500 projects ... $1.00.
tectcd in their own fert ile and dl.!- can underta ke with success when
lightful transport. thc~c young. he ulles the full-... ize pattern. You
ten<kr plants have a chance to need only trace the pattern pa rt ... on
gcrminate in the winter months. wood, saw thc part... out tlnd
1'0 u!>e the cold frame. seeds may :i''>Clllbk. It's inexpensive and ccr-
be placed in pan') or individual pa- tainl) a praclicill item for all home
per cup containers; then when til\.' gardene rs.
weather gels wa rmer and the plan L\ Tn obtai n Ihe full-... L!:c cold frame
haVe matured suflieiently. thl.!Y may pattern number 444, send S I.OO by
be tranl.planled out-of-doors. The cllrrl.!ncy. chcck or money order 10:
two glass l id~ may be opened iI" Ste\'c Eliing"'l1
"hown for casy <lccc""". When the 1BEW JounHl I
lid, arc down. the heal from the P.O. Box 2383
~ UII wllrms the interior for (a!ot anu Van Nuy.... Calif. 91409
heu lthy growth. In ex treme hl'a t Olhl.!r patl c rn ~ you wi ll cnjoy:
just wheel into a s huded area so as No. 425- Poltil1l:\ bc neh .. . SI.00;

Ap.jf, 1973
'Nitll the ladies
Write Those Letters Now!

Ii LlIIJk... '" ~"' c all "cell Ihe

,I alcml'nt . ·'Wril ..: [0 )our nmgrl' ....-
man:' hundred .. of lillll" ; \~ I ac-
\!onling to \Iati~(k,. on I) aho~1 10
per cem of Ihe pcopk 1.'\ l'r '" rite 10
a cungro.:~\rnan lluring their lifetime .
Pcrhap,> the on\!\ who 1h:\1,.'1' wrill!
fl'd that once thl.:) h,l\l' \olelL
the) 'vc done their p:llriolic dLlI) a"
a voting citi/CIl.
Uut nothing i .. furth .:r fmm the
truth. m. luting j, ju .. , lllll' of a
vOl ing (;i lilcn\ (lhligatioll\. COIl-
grc .. ~ m \.'n an: \ UPPO\l,.'U to 1'1.' P I\:,>('1I1
their cOII,!itul'nh. but thl') 1:;111',
really do tllal if thdr (k'llJlk don',
wrile and (dl them ho\\ thq ,"cd on
the man~ .\ .. uc, and bill .. Ih;1I l'Ollh,!
h..!for..: the Il ou,,, and S..:nmc each
A cl.'n tu r) ago, \lhen 'l'Il.Hol's
:lIlti congn:,..lI1cn \lenl had. home
and li,,:d aillong thdr e~)II'lituenl'>
fo r as long a\ nin~ nh\llIh ... "U[ "f
Ihe )ear. Ih..-) lall..~d [0 [hl'llI ;1111..1
IC:lnlCd how Ihe) fell al)<.)ut ,ilU:t~
liom the r~', rh ... y gill :1 fairl~-l'kar
picture of home i, ... ul" and how
Ihey afr...CleU their p..'\)plt', then,
back ill COllgre....... Ih e~ \h'fe IX'l ler
abk to \Oll! according \0 ,h ... \\i'hes
amJ nc.;tb of Ihdr cOlh(ilUe nh,
Today, hm ... e ...... r. congr~·"nh.!n
~pc lld Ie~ ... (han two 11I011lh ... in thdr
hom.; :,t:lt ...... hut repr~·,.;nl 10 lim.;...
:t... lIIal1 ) IXOP",: :I, Ihen 51) Ihat 1-I0w"'''l.'r, much a" ~'ollgrc""llIcn f;unil ), and )our communil}, "h)
lea ... e,> "ritinA leller, 'h th ... llIoM IiI..I.' rl.!cching 11.'111.'1"., Ihc) \\ill Icil iI', l!UOO or bad, elc. Letter, IiI....:
praclical "ay of cummunkatilm. yuu Ih'lI Ihc) do nUl 1.. 1..1.' foml ur thaI will hdp him 10 11\:11..1.' hi"
A lot uf (X'uple dlm'l "rite lelt~'" millll.!ograph Icllcr, ""rillu,I~, ;1\ d.;d"ion,>,
to Iheir congn!'!'>l1Ien Ix,e.n....... thc) 1110,1 of Ihl'w kUer,> an: c~)m po-..:d lleforc yOU" rill.', ladi.:-,>, b..' ~urc
ill,>i,t thai 111.;il CUlIgll.'''''1I11.'1I d,ul', by lobby i... ", then ... ign..:d and maikd Ihut )OU Ulllkr~IDnd bolh ,ilk', of
r~ ••d leiter" fm m con ... ,ilm·nh, But by I)COple \\ ho hall: l'k:en pr..:'~u rl.'~l thl' i",uc or bill. Then, in }our
Ih al i... n'l true . \mong thl' many, in\() ..end ing them, Congre"mcn kller. idenlify Ihc bill )OU arc re-
man) I:Ongrl',>"m ... n \\ ho dl'lx'iIll \Ianl Ih..: indiliduaJ\ \il'"point on fl'rrin~ to b) num lx: r or popular
greatly upun mail to hdp ,h ... m IiI I.... (A .. many as 20,000 bill, ;Irc
111011..1.' dcci ... ion" i... R.... pre"tCnI.ui\c No\~, ladil..'" when }OU wrilc ~(lur introduccd in each congres,,) Don '\
Mo rri ... K, Uda ll (D-Ari/.). who letter... 10 ~o u r reprl',..:nlali\..:" do ramble on o r apoJogiLc for ~\ rilinl!.
... a) ~, " I r~a d .;ver) klll'r \\ riul.'ll me !>a y mor..: Ihan C' I am agaithl II. R, uul 11I<ll..e YUill lelll,;l I:;Jid ami \0
by a cOI1"lillll.' nl; a ... Iatl' 1I11'1lIb.,.·r 1073:' " I am for H , R, 1073." or the point. Don'l worry abolll gralll-
nwy pr()C';!,>, il il1iliall ), bUI il \\ ill " Do n', "01..: for H, R, 1073:' SUt'h mar or phm~eoJogy, and if ~Oll
be answered alld I \\ill in , i,,1 on Malellll'nb don' t lell a reprC'CI1 I:t- ~~rilc in longhand. be ~ ur(' ~o u r
reading it and IX'l'lIonally "igning the livc \cry much , Hc wan" to I..n u~\ handw riling is casy to read, If )011
rl.!ply," how a bill \~iII ,lfTecl you, ~our ha\ e a newspaper editorial or \~rilc~

ISEW Jou.npl
up which concurs with your views,
include it with your leiter and tell
)our legislator that )011 agree with Happiness Is . . . Sharing
the writer's viewpoint. • Happiness is ... ),haring-~ haring with loved ones. sha ring with
Think of your legislator as your friends, sharing with !>tranger<" )'haring wilh (hQ!,e in need.
friend and tonc your letters accord- Ilappiness is ... lnowln!! the employecs and ),taff members of the
ingly, Be courteous and don't tell International ORicc in \\a!>hington, D.C., und their friends, who
him you won't vot\! for him in tht! I:x:lieve in sharing.
next election if he tloc!>n't vote your All during the year, the cmplo)ees. membcrs of Local 2. Oflicc and
way on the bill, or male ot he r suc h l'rofc:'I),ional Employcl" Intcrnational Union. and the staff members
threats, contribute to the Marie V. Downcy Me morial Charities Fund . a
Always ~end your leuers to your charity fund that \~as :'Itartcd many )I!ar~ ago by Ihl! latl! managing
own representative and s..:nators. If ctlilor of the IB£W l OI/Tllal. in whose honor Ihe fuml is now named.
YO li !\c nd them to illO~ e of ot he r Frknd, from ollt .. ide thl! IlIIcrnat(Jnal ORice :l1\() contribute to tht!
di .. triCh and :->Iales, the lellers will fund-friends likc Ninth Di .. trict InternatiOllal Reprt!sentative Manny
r be forwarded to your own legi~­ Coute and his family. who, e\cry Chri ... tma .... bypa ...... the senJi ng of
laton, 'lIlyway. which i~ a maile r of Chri!.l rna ... carJ ... and , in ,tead, ...end Ihe muncy they would h:lvc spent
co ngre~.. ional coune ... y. on cards to the Marie V. Downey Fund. in Illl'f1lOr) of the I:ldy who
Too, alway!> )'end ~Ollr kllers to wa ... their friend and whom they :.rr lo\ed-friend ... lil e ISEW pen·
Wa!\hinglon , not the legi"lator's :'Iioner I larry Mich lill , who eontributl!!> o n a regulllr each )I!ur
home address. 1 he m.ldres!> fo r lit Chri!'otmas time-friend ... likl! reti red. 50·)'c:!r IHEW mem!x'r R. E.
!)Cnators is- Smiley who contributes periodically-friend!'> likl' Mary Downcy,
The Honorable James T. Smith Marie's mother: Virgini:. D. Weiners, Marie'), aunt: former IEC
Semite Oflice Building lIIt!mbcr Charles E. Caffrey and his wife, Julia : and former inter·
Washington, D.C. 205 10 tuitional Vice President Fr;lIIk W. Jacobs. Sr. and his wife. Irelle-
Dea r Senator Smith ( ..alutation) and many other friend), who con tribute from time to time.
for representat ives- Contributions to the fund arc al ...o often made as memorials to
The Iionorable John M. Doc the dead.
House Oflicc Building The donations add up, and the money is put to good usc. In 1972,
Washington. D.C. 20515 the Marie V. Downey Memorial Ch;lritie" Fund began the year \\i1h
Denr Mr. Doc (s:llutation) $333.17. Donations during the year amounted hl S3. 66 1.92. for :l
Anti always sign your letter> with 10wl of $3.995.09. I'wo-thou ...and, scvcn-hundred, ,ixty·fou r dollars
you r furt name and addre~. Ncver and 16 Cents wer\! ~pcnt during the )e:lr 011 complett! outfits of
write anonymously. clothing for und('rprivileg~d children at the Central Union Mission in
Wa,hillgton. D.C.; 011 Ch ri .. tma, dinner .. for thc aged at the home of
One thing to rcnH.'mbcr i.., Ihat
the lillie Sbters of the Ponr in W:I .. hington: on Christmas charity for
it's important to lnow when to
the o ld folks at D.C.; on Chri<,tma ... charity for lIel.'dy chi ldren
writl.' Icttcrs. The be ... t time i ... while
at Solomons Island, Maryland; on Children'!,> lIospital. the hospital
an il.~ue is taking shape, while your
in Wa ... hington. D.C.. with Ihe built·in deficit. which accept~ :lI1d
legislator is still formulating his
treat~ all sick children, regardless of how IlIlich or how lillIe their
op"llons. Then. when the bill is
parents can pay; and on nine individuab and otlll'T cames that ,.,.erc
introduced, send a kiter to the
d1.!erncd worthy of :lid during the yea r.
chairman of the committee to which
it i)' rdcm:d. In addition, the empln)'ees and .. taff at the Internationa l Office
filled 250 Christmas ~todillgs for the Salvation Army for distribu-
Congressmen acknowledge their
tion to underprivileged children. and four dcp:lrtlllenls at thc Inter-
mail, but if, after writing a Jelter.
nationa l Office clothed children from the Cl!nlml Union Mis... ion with
yOIl receive an IInsath,factory an-
their own funds .
.. wer from your legi!'olator, ,\rite
again. Tell him you wer..: not i<,· Happiness is ... kllowing that " ... becau\C y"u helped , Christmas
became a joy of realized dre:lI11s. instead of a nightrn'lre of impo)'siblc
fied with his answer and a)'l him
specific:. II) what you "anI to lnow. siwations for those in nec(.l." (Salvation Army)
Happi ne!>~ is ... reading a motlll,t"s thank-you note, " Thank you
(Never a.<.l how he'), going to \otc,
howe\·er. ) \cr) much for the gif" and clothes )ou gave my son. He really
lleetls thcm. Thank )OU again."
LaM but not lea ..t. be .<.ure to
write to lour congrc~.. man and tell Happines!> is ... reading the ehiilJi.,h scrawl. " This yea r was more
him when hc's done somcthint; you happ) than last year. I only hope you can know hO\\ much." "To
appro ....e or. A pat on the bacl thanl ),ou for the Christma!> bag. Th is wa.<. the IllOM enjoyable holiday
never hurt anyone, and he'lI ap-- that h e known." "Thank you very mueh fllr the Christmas bag.
EWr)lhing fits perfectt}. I had a w ry nice Chri:.tmas. I hope you
preciate it.
had a joyful Christ rna ... tuo."
So. ladies, sit down :lIld write
those telle rs. I'lelp your legislators Indeed, happint!ss is ... ~llUring.
to help you. So long!

Ap,lI, 19 7 3 23
local lines
Sweetheart Donce Due 10 urgcnt hu,in~". our l'u,inc'~ Mayor's Proclamation
m,magcr. Ro) Sadhc ......;h unuhle to a l-
lend the dan.:c. hlH \lUT hu,ine'~ 01:10-
agel' diu proHue the :Il1cml:m'e priZes.
Finandal Secrelar} lIem}C,..e} pr.),ide"
a Quilt "'hieh "';I, r:llncd otT for Ihc Re-
lief C'omm iltee. Tid;;:t ,ale, Ilerc 1"Cr)'
br.bk and Ilarl:!n MU ff:l) \1;1, the Iud)
Our App rentice Social Chlh 'Iho de·
serl'es recogni lion for Ihe hel[l il eon-
Irihule~ e;wh }C:lf T he fin!' )nllnl'
union menlheh of the dul> di'roen'-C'J
the priuc of 51. l oui,-namdl Bud-
Members o f Local I. 51 LouIS. Mo.. and
th er. 8""\5 .re shown il\ Ihe Relief Com- \lei<ser. It i, a 11m: ~ighl It) ....'(' a I1TOUP
minu -. faurt" Annual Sweet"""'" Oance, of you ng people ':lke :In :lclile mlere,t
in an orl(ILllil;Uion and hell' \I heneler
;l~ k e d .
In Ihi, 'I!,!C. IIhen Ihere i, " IPfW'cdl}
a COml1lU I11Cll ll\l n ~ !,!<I [l h<.'t\le;:n }oung
peopl;: and their e ldcr~, ,oml' peoplc
... hould our ap pren tice, m .,,:Iion.
Cerlainly. dilferent pe(Iplc h:II,' Jilferent
idea!>. n Ul "h.::n all l(rouJl' call \lorl. 10- Mayor TheOdore I:.. (.)em.uro Of :,ptongheld.
Mus .. sealed. 1$ shown signing • p.ocl"ma
.gelher fOT llle com mun t:ood. IOU h:l\e lIon dUlgnating January 16, 1973, lIS l ocal
the trull me:onin j: of uniuni,m. Th'lOb. 7 Inl("",,II On81 B,olhe,"00d of Eleclflcal
:I[lprentl( c'" Worke,s Day, on IN a occ"slon o f th e SOIh
AnnI vers ary o f LOX'"I 7, Spd"sfield, M"u
Noll' Ihlll .. prin g ha .. artilc.!. I<'t\ :011 Shown wllh t he mayor afO lluslnns Man·
ma~ c a concerlcd e1l"0rl 10 lIorl. ~;!fel} age . PIlllip E. Collins and P.esident William
Relief Commlnee Tre asure, Roy Underwood. on ou r joh~ :. nu dril'e "arc!) ,0 lhal IH' E. O·Conno •.
left. presents an " tl end .. ".;. prIze 10
Brother Wally Kemper. an" our fami1ic~ e njoy Slife \(1e:1lion,.
Lu\t but not leasi. hu} union-made Hincl./ey hll~ he';:n a pri'>Oncr of ":lr in
producls. 1'>orth Vietnam for mo rc th:ln lilc ~ears.
Work Expected to Improve;
J \\II,CI\lltlU, P.5. :lOli on JlInUar)' 281h, Bfol her I-l in~·}
Annu al Dance Held receilcd nOlice thaI his 'l() tl '~ tl3111C "'II'
J anuary 16th Proclaime d on lh l' oflicia l Ii,t of POW,. I juin wi lh
L. U. I, ST. LOUIS. l\IO .-Grce!in~ ~ 10
~II Ihl' mcmbcr~ of Ihe local in "i,hing
our ~ htcr locals. As of l-c bru:tT). thc Local 7 Day by Mayor R.ll"l('rt and hi ~ fami ly the hr,l,
wor~ ~\HU\lJon h:uJn', changed :1 grea t
deal ,ince \Ie la" reported on it. BtU lie- L. U. 7, SI'R I'-';CFml.l>, \I,\SS.- Al Ihe lime thi~ article i, hei"g l\Tit·
cOI'ding to all cOIl"ruclion (<,pons ;JnU Mu}or Theodore E. Demauro of ~pring­ ten ( Fehnmr) 1'1) . the IIl)fl picture in
the inform:llion ~hcn by 1in.'1ncial insli· l1e1d i-.!olted a prod:trnation d",ign:lIinj: Lo.:a l 7 is 1'1 01 100 ro,)'. There arc prl'~·
1Ul jon~ in the area. our \\or~ IliII most Januury 16. 1973. M I neill 7 Intern:l- entl)' 1"0 men on the bench. In the l:t~t
calain l) pid. up in , prin g <llld relurn 10 lional Brol herhood of 1: l<'clrical W", month, 1J\I)im,'" M:tnager Philip Cullin)
nornml. Day. on Ihe octlt)io n of the 8CJth ·\nni· \la, able 10 plH~e rno,I of the memhers
On h:]1runry 101h. the Rel id Com· H'f\ar) of I Ol.:a l 7 The IUI'al i, I!'T) \I ho "ere Oul nf worL All ,ign, lool
miHc c he ld i1) I l)lIl'th Anllual SI'cd· proml (If Ihi, rccognition , :Ind :Irlcr )W goo.:! for 'pring and ,lIllllller. hUI al
heart D:tncc III otlr union h:oll. '1 he ov- }ear,. il ;, qlule an honor. pl'c,ent, we arc ,till jll' ! huld ing our
erflow crollO.l wa~ the I:~rg<"t in the Al Ihi, lime. \\"c nrc al'\1 Orj;:lniling ow n. T he non·union prohlcm in the
h i~t o r )' of Ihi~ affai r. ror Ihe fiN lime. plans for a edehr:uiull hall ('omm emo- Springfielll area i, ¥elling \I ON. al-
I'e hlld f.mla'lic \le;uher-no ice. no rat ing the gOth Annivel"'klr) of the 10.::11. thoug h 1.01:,,1 7 and lhe Cenlr.II I ahor
,nOlI, no rai n. ju,1 plain ulll MJ,,()Uri '1 h('re i, a .... vm miucc uf appf[l\im;ltell Un ion (C I Ul :Ire comh;ming the non-
,un,hine. 15 nlCmo.:r .. h;lf!.1 31 \lorl. l11<iling :Ir· union clement on a ll front ~.
lh'lmnlln of lhe 1< ~li('f (o0101ill('c fanl:cmcnt, lIml prc[larrui,m .. ftlf Ihl .. af- Therc h:I' hee n an :weelcr:lled elTor!
Roher! Mudla and Trea~ur.::r Rll) Un· fa ir. which \l ill he hclLl a n NOlcmner on Ihe p:ln of Jaerniah I', McClnh).
d.::rwond Hod Iheir I):ml'c Commillee ~rd. We hO[lc 10 halc all mcmhCf' pre,· Hnand:.! Seerctary of the C[ U. 10 re-
as ain did :HI (lut~l:!olling joh in prol ill· cnt 10 cnjoy und ce lebrate Ihi, fmc on':!· ,ell union Iilh(1r ill Ihb nrea. Through
ing a night of fun and good feJ)ow,hip , ion. Wc are pflllllJ of II hat lnl' loe.. 1 th..: C I U. there ha~c bccn, \luhin the
for Ih o'-C in UlICn":lnce. Th e~ operate h a~ UU I1 C o~er Ih..· p;"t II(J ) ear,. :,nd \I e 1;", ~i, monlhs. 11'.0 full -pOlg..· :Id, in
wilhuUl f:mf.ln: anu tire content to go nl tht do our hc'l 10 retlOin lhi~ high local pupe r~ li"'Iing :111 or Ihe C I l.J ]0'
.. bout their appoi nteu t.. ~ I.. , qllieth and st:! ndinc in our ('ummuni ty. c;lh thai nrc do ing 11U ~ine" in Ihi, llrea
effident ly. I coultJ n'1 get the romrnillee We arc \cr) h:IPPY 10 he:lr Ih .• 1 and explaining how lhe-se local, halc
together for a !>fOUp pk lll rc, vut I IliII BWl hcr Norman Hinekl l'Y" 'on. Roner!. greatl) aidcd in the prosre~, of the com·
try again. "m be eOl1unl,: home !!oOOn. Robl·rt munit y.

IBEW J o u,"o l
It j, too soon to tell if Ihis approac h Back Pay
is working. bUI il is Il fac l Ihat a lot of
Life-Sa vers
people. parlicularly Ihose requiring
mainlemlnce and those doing ~tnlll1
building. do nol ~now who i~ lind \lho
is nOI a union conlmctor in Ih i~ panicl! '
la r nreu. T hrOugh Ihese arlic1c~. the
Cemm] t ailor Unio n hopes 10 enlighten
Ihe people as 10 whom 10 do bu~ine~,
I.ocal 7 inle lld~ to gel Ihis \lork hal'~
:lnd also maim:lin control of Ihe lurge
building in the area. This is a hig joh.
hu t for :1 local Ih:1I has been in bu,i ne,~
for 80 }'curs. \\-c ~ hould be able 10 han-
die it. BU51nen Manager Pele McManu., Lo<:,,1 17.
FIt ,\NCl S X . NlytON, JIt" 1).5. Cetrolt. presents Life-Saving AWIl.d •. Left 10
,Isht, ...... HerbSI. Bill Stephenl. BUllnen BUllnen Manager Mc Manus. ,ight, pluents
Mllnager McM"nus, fred Eilion. lind Joe a retroactive chec k In the amount o f $2.200
Van Oy ~ e. Ri ck Canine lind Bru ce Holden 10 Paul Pelletier. In ExecutIve Boa,d m e m o
SO Years Wed all missing h om Ihe picture.
bcr~, All four nrc credited with Milling
Ihe life of Brother to ltlrian l)en11p. ,1111)
~ulrcred electric , hock und e~te n,i\e
burn,_ we belicH: Ih:'1 any rnnn \lho
Cllrn\ onc of Ihe'\C all:lnh lleserves :111
the praise that ca n be ~i\ en him. We
arc I lI.·~) to have Ihi~ culiber of people
in Local 17 und the IBEW.
t\rter ,orne !on ~ and ledious ne gotia-
tion,. Ihe members " or~i ng for the "lib.
lie Ughting Commb~ion recehed 11 new
contract a nd some n:ry re wardmg an d
"eleome ret roactille c hec~ ...
T hc "orl piclure slill loo~~ ,cry good
;II Ihi' \lri. ing. and a few di"rih ul ion
linemen :Ire needed. There 3fe sc,er.11 BuSinen Man.ger Mc Manu. preMnlS II I;e",mi"ion jot" allllO'O' feltd), 10 hreal. W ,,:ate o f comple t ion to F H. "Toppy"
Bmther Vll;tor Moore . retired member Of Smi th . who completed the In unde.·
loul 12. Pueblo. Colo .• a nd hi. wife, CI., •• :1\ IIIO)t o f Ihe right·of-\lay proh!em, amund I;lIblll·lIplic in g.
reeen tl)' celeb rMed th llr Golden Weddln. h a~e I--een resohed. The un\cll wnahl)·
"'nnivlnary, \llIml we:uhl'r during Janua r y eau~cd II
,hUldo\11I on one job. a~ the conlr:lclor
Gains in Residential couldn't mOle hi ~ equipment oyer the
Work Made in 1972 road ... II :.1\0 made il miserable for O Uf
unllcrground rrc ws 10 make liny head-
I .. U. 12. I'UE III.O, ('01.0.- The }CII I' \1:11' on their jobs.
1972 wa ~ II hlwner one for l oclil 12, Wc arc ~ho ~I~rling nn illlder1J;ro\IJuJ
Our work held up real weI!. We im· ,piking cOllr~ for 30 more men. '1here
prOllcd our posilion on the residentiul will he tl\O d",scs of 15 men e(,eh. :In,1
wOI'k. :1\ ut the SllIrt of 1972. we \lere the three· hour clas~es will he hcld once
doi ng onl y :Ibout 10 per cent of il. a nd :1 \led for eight wech. The'oC people
at Ihe yellr's end. \Ie were doi ng "ell nrc in great dcman d once thcy complete
o~e r :'i ll per cent. .he couTs<:. and there is a wailinll list 10 ... a'oup 01 AlBAT .pp,enlicu a\ the Salu,'
Another mileSlone reached in '72 wa .. 11<:1 inlo the elnsscs. day school 111I5$lon .
till' e'labli~hi ng of a loeul pen,ion fund .
Oil December 22nd. Victor Moore
und hi~ wife. e llint. cclehrated th eir
Golden Weddin g Anni\ er<o.1ry. Our ~in·
N... ME .............................................................................. _ .....
cere congrutulatio n, to the'>(: fi ne peuple.
Vic hll ~ heen retired since October. NEW AODRESS_ ......................................................................... .
1965. hUI \Ie HII re memher him with a
lot of re'pecl. C,"
Pres iden l W. I . Miller am' Farl Oil'
more 111,0 :llIended the C"~lebr;l lion. I!I~­ Brothers, we want you '.E$fNf LOCAl UNION NO,
to have YOUI JOUR-
"ith them :1 c:_-.e of champagne from
the local. NAL! When you have ' .... 0 NO,
(If " • • n. ~n _ 'h...... ,lh I •• al Un: ... 1
~r\N II \ F . J OII NSON. AS!!'L IJ . M . a change of addre .. ,
pleale let UI know. OLD "'ODRESS
life-Saving Awards Given; Be lure to Include yOUI
old addre .. and pleale CHy
Work Picture Very Good don't forget to All In
FO.M[R LOCAL UNION NUMBER ................................................
the L. U. and Card No.
1:t ~1 ge nern! membership meeling. LOCHI Thil information will IF YOU HAYE CHANGED LOCAL UN I ONS
17 was proud to present mEW Ufe-SHV- be holpful In checking WE MU ST HAVE NUM8[R S Of 80TH
ing Awards to [OUf yery deserving melli- and keeping our rec-
ords ItraJghl. Mall To: Circulation Department
Ap'U, 1973 International Brotherhud If Electrical Workers
1125 15th Street, N.W.. WuhinttOl, D. C. 20005
We <Ire abo J,'I;' l lIn~ a 'u,,"-!:J hon f\ mong tho ..... in (IlIend,lII(e lIeH' t he d.11] bh. \\lilli:ul1 faSlnt;ln. /\If I iue .
....:hool and an oper:,IOr'. ...:hool m); .... memhcr, of Ihe Juint Apprenli~c.hip 0110 I II in\,!. Robert I'e:rgll<;on. I,dll In
nized. Will hHle more on Ihl' ;II pilin. (I nd r Tilllllng (onllntllce:. I oxa l ~.J\ l ied, V. \\I. '·Ioyd, ( 1.lUde t..:tll:tgher
lire formu laled. office I.alr. .lnJ Ihe •• ppremice,hip in· Winfred GOlham. Erne" Gruher. ,"ern
SI..'I;' )0,)" nc~1 month. IlructOl"l. 11 •• 11. Rufu~ lI allclI, John H anson. Her·
J \0: A. 11 111" O. I'S Afl~r Ih.: h~nqucl. Ihere lI~re refle,h· ImrJ 11 .lu.(:cn. John Itill . \ ,'rnon
InCII" :111(1 Il an dng. 1111,1 tI ~ood lil1lC 1-1 011111111"1 11 . 'nr)· H lIgh(·I. O r\illl' 11I\lr·
Work Holdi ng Its Own; '''" h"d h) :tlJ BIO Iher (, c n~ R,'e,1 of ~ncc. I hUI\)on I iI~. In;1I LCilh) , John
Ihc JA I C Jid:tn e\Celk'nl ;"Ih a\ \l C I inUhcrl!. \\I,dler J..iling,lon. I d ..... HI
H eavy Rains Hit Area WI.' arc ler) prouu III Ihe ..... nell 1"lIIr· I ulgen , I lur.:uge \lalnlllrol1l. \\ iIIi;.1ll
ne)lIIen. a, Ihe) .... ere lin ""hl"m"n\,! \l i,·h"dil. J.,~I. \' urri ...
1..1 . Jl. 1 "IA. 01110 \1tl<h lIaler
Iw~ o,er the Ibm _inn' 1111 1,111
cIa" ,inti 'hu\\ prollllIC i" IUllire jc,luer, II . \lul1I;'u. J. D. "'~lIritie. Geoq,e
1euer III "I (M;al [inc," m ',ll(l11N-r. of our lor.::ll. \kConllldl. \ \l cCra ... I In;lr Ch..mJa.
"o,)r~ in Ihi\ 'lfC';. ,. jUlt ht,Mmi! '"
On IX'<,:emrer Ylh. Ite held ollr \ n' "illi;III1 0110. I)on I I';.ff. Larl 1'.. l1on.
"wn. anu durmg the f;.1] .II1J \\mler '<.1 ' nllal (hri,III1.11 P"rt) lilt \\ memhcr· H.lrr~ "ht!lp, \ Ic\,m.tcr l'II~Jlfn . \It·
'>On •. \\e C\pericm:ed the he.1\ iell r:lin· Ihip ;olt;o(lh .. ere pre-cnll:J. ;lnd I~ ch"d Quinn. John Reel>, CI,lire Rho..lel.
fall reclf.\ led in Ihe p;"1 IUU Ie,,"'" member, rc(~iI'eli 2()· )~;tr PIl1I; li\ re· Ree\C Rohe, ... Ie, Ro ..:lh. !','rn Ruue.
WI' regrel 10 rl'p'HI Ihe .!calh of ~ci\eu ~~·) pin~: eigh. 1",:citeJ )(1. I. U So.:h"p]'.:rt. Lou;, Seifnel'. ' 1hUI11:'"
l.trOlher Ilarr) \Iben. ~c"r 1"111: :tnd nine ICI·cil.:,1 H ' ~":lr Slephen. Willi.11lI 5100.];,rl. (IitTOf"d
We ha\~ enJO)eti 1\\0 h,dhJ.I), p.lld pill,. Slindc, A,cI ~1I.m'-l)fl. I-I':'ell S\\:IIl<,On.
holid")"' pc r our nell ltgr.'el11l'lll lind Helirement .'\Ia ... t~ Ilere rrelClilcd 10 Wilhur I hump~on. t h"rlc, I r.llnel.
IUl\e held :0 ,pe~i;\ 1 mccling IU gel our Jam.:, (':OI11,·,on. CI;II'~ n~'e Di\. I hll~c Ow;,r Ulh,rol1l. It O) Llpri!,:hl. II l1hcrt
nell retircmenl plan in o"",r<ltiuo. t...}!c. 1 1mel NeI~on. A,I 'alt . \\:llra V;lIld~1 hoof. J \ ,11l Dc Bo,,,·he. An
['''':<11 l!\ h;II~(lh:11I Ie:"" h:ho·, i'oru· Lmqu"rl. "nJ John 1.lhl.>.#. \1"'. " \ imig. \k \\Itis,·r. I TIIe,1 "i1\cr.
I.ell ,1111 le~uld~ tu J.fle, , •." I",
1l1l{:hl I"",('LiI ~uell ... " .. honore,1, 0110 Ilutw:r EJII in WO!.l~h. Ch..rlc, ,\J'lIIh. John
otfer a 1I0rd or r;lir 1I"Tning III our ,I 1',"1 pr.:"ucnt ;Inti le;ldcr of our 1u..,.1 AgM. I arl \nU .. r~n . \Icrlc \ml,' r't(ln
':o,)l11pclltllr_. ··Neler IIntlerellil11alc ;. f(lr 1I1;1n) ulnk-ult }enr,. Ll'ro) Ander...,n. r.1. Andrid. (jucll\in
lealll of voirellli,h.·r,:· ,\prTO\im.lld) 6:!O Brother, "n,1 IIk'lr 1I.lgnc. J oe 1I.lhr. C B;oI,inser.·1 om B.II·
The Ohio lilt W (onferen~e, held at lIil~·) IIcrc prcM:nl. and .Iflcr dinoc:r. l"nE}ne:. (ju~ Bedel'. 1....1,1l' Ikh.lI .
Coillmh,,,. Ohio. de"h m:linl~ \\lIh Uan(1I1g ,InJ refrcshmcnl. lIere: ..,n,o,)cd. ('h."I,,~ lIelll. \If Hil~tmu. \11"" I",.~·
heallh and lIelrare r'·"I'f(...:1t1 ;tprl'e' We arc .Irl'red"l;'c 01 Ihe ;l1\,'nd.,",c "r cnlhip. John HOlien. It. 111";1111;111. A\cl
l11enll. tinll> of Ohin IA II ·( 10 alllo Ihe hll~ i n~II I1wn:tgerl \If ollr ""eT 10· Brand.,1. A. Br;lleau, \\. Br<.:nnan.
In\ur:IIKe) .,"d Ihe O,Xllil"lion:,1 !<I.lfel) ...
~",I md Ihcir II. iw~. E;u·1 JlfOO~'. (h.lrle, Jlml.l 11. 1 0ltell
and I k:.llh \c\. Bu,; nl' \\ \I:m:t~er M I~" \liII .. r "nd h" Brown. I ell (h.,"dlcr. (ier:.1d ("hild\.
It '>CCIllI .11 if Ihe P.111 I'oolemlx'r eJe.:· .1~\i ~l;lnb. l'.oul GarUn .. , llilil Dun Lc,o}. R:llph ( Ikillil (hfl. " .. llc,
lion pn"llIr.:ed a lUI uf IXl11o· I'II!>li~anl. h,,,o: he.:n !>II"). h;IV III~ 'p.: •• rh"';\lletl Ihe Cochrall . I n,I1':II Cri<;1. \\ CrU"I. Jalllc,
I IInJerlland Ihal Ihcr .. i_ .. re~u,e r ) Jrhc 10 ulg,H1it;c J~ ~'lIlplolee, Iff Re· Culpepper, I lu)"d I)" jlc). Wilfreu n.lliJ·
1'1:ln :11 .. ";.I>(e- il include. pLcnl~ of ll" puhlic I I.. dri~ & I:>':Iellll'l11cl1l ('om· '>On. I) D.llil. ROil n;[,,,. Don DiOlll
J'lirin ,IIIU .1 l·our·\lore·', SU(li,,,1
e \11111 I f M. BlIlI,11 II , JII.• P $.
1'<1111. RIIX'O. In an l\l Rlhupclli ....11
..,Icelioo, Ihe tIIen of RI IX 0 ,olnl 10
t'I! repre'>Cllled h) I (,,:al q I hi, ~)h
R;I\ EI'" \\
Don Dorr. \\alt 1.oc~':I'I. Jim I uII,Inll.
ill>ur HIli..,..". II",...:, I r·
i(I.'>On. l..el I ,,,nl. \1 I lel~'h(r. Rot-.:rl
II." l'oeil uOl1e ~ memhcr_ \If our olli .. c I linl.. J.III1"I I· uliarl. \I .ln ..,1 I ()~I \\
Iiall. ,IIlU Ihe) de-crle "ur ,0nlo'I""lul.I· I O~ICr. RtI) Illorni.:r. Jerol1l': I rci"crl:.
Se rvice Award ees Ijon~. S) he'ler Ilidgen. 1).. 11,., I ullerton. \1 ;1·
We .. <,I.:OIl1e Ihe men of RI IX 0 .,nd thclt (,. H olTI') Gellm:,". Georg .. (.".
lou~ for";. rJ \0 '>Ceilll:! Ihe lIiI \\ un· lighlly. 1 1;U1~ ( ;r.. h.IIII, Ie, (, .."h"'ll.
iOIl'I11:ld~ 1i1l>.:1 on Ih~il' lin.:, I.,.:,i;di,,·d l iurdOIl ("rall.,). I.e, (ire~n. (. ( . ri.·
ckCllh;;11 CUlilrol ('elll", ~ "01.1. AI ("UCII':V..tI,1. HuJ} H .,lt'mha.
DIRKIII I . \IL'IO'. 1'.\ ("h"rlc' 1/anl1l1. Wi11i;om 1I ,.rjll. B.trlc\
II c~I). ('].Ir.:n,.: l1 eJh1ll,t. \\ H.'l1lphill.
CO Ucnr). 10111': H errin. John Hell 11\.
Seattle Local Holds Annual II H idl. Rol'ocrt Holllil. Ralph 11,,1111.
Pin Presentation U ugh lI umphre)_. Charie, Iml>"'h
]-..;or! John"'n. ~erm'l Juhl1'>1111. Ollllll
I.. l ' . ~6 . .. I- \ n 1. 1-:, \\ \ .. 11 . ·On hnu· J"l.i. Joe J!.I/\\i~. J .le~ t...ain. \t:i~~o
;lr) 10th lie h.1l1 01lT Annll,.1 Pin I·re,· ", .. Ilio. \I ]..;.I'>On). \\ illiam t... ,'nn. Joe
III me CllrOSlmlll party 01 lo<::~1 34. Peo,la. elll,llioll. I hi, ;. alII,,), .1 h.IPP} (K,.," t... C)lCr. J;IIpcr 1 ,lIIee. R,.) LlrrcnieUI
III.. 20,y.~. p.ns .... ere a ....... ded 10 membe, •. ,ion. :!nd lie 1001. fOI'".,,..1 10 ICcing
le't to right. ....,bert S"piCh. W,'lIam F. Lar....:n, I din\,! L, r..... lIl, I 'nCH L li
Moushon. F,ed Bessl"" Raymond Jonn, man) of our relireJ 1I.,lIher... IIrother~ ..on. AI I ,ntlhcrj;. C. ( I i"h~.:. I ')lIi,
Bus;nus Man'ger Mi<;h ... ' M,lle •• Em"rson II ngu J;,,·oh'>(JI1. C I \ Imd;,". I r;LIl~ Lonj;. \\ iII;1T\1 I nndcen. h ....1 \,;".
Weber. and Assis tant Buslnus Manage. Grcen. I·olrell 1'0011"1., (,Ienn (h;,rlc., t... cnli.:. R,,"hcn Martin. Brllllo 1\1..,,1.111.
Paul Ga rdner. :lml I'd WillLIlIISoll reee;'e,1 !i.~·) John 1\1 :I\UI1. 1I.:r! \l cCleil"n. Rot>.:rl
pins. Brut her I re d John,on rec .. hed hi, \kComi'o. \r ,ll:,rJ \kGl:lllre). "leil
G raduation Banquet Held; ,j~·)ear pin. ;IIlU llrolher (t','il I)IIr"nl \l e{lia, 'orman \ Iiehel. Andrell
Organiling Victory Scored rtt('iwJ hi • .J() )ear pin. \lilchel Ch;jfle~ \l ood}. R,.~ ,\Iorril,
Th< follollm\,! 8rOlher~, ..d 2.'1 . Chnrles MurJoch. Jim i\ llIrph. H llherl
1.. 1 .J~. I' I-: O KIA. 11.1.. On D..'(.:mh('r 30·, ,LIld .l~·)c;or pin' Vklor Ad •• ml. ' cI..on. Ru,'>C1I Nocrcnhcrg. Roherl
151h. :I ~radll:tl ion hanqllcl II~I held II I J"cl. ,\rlt in,'. Ro} A \ Iellin Norri~. ("lill Ol..on. F , OlSOn. RII",<."I1
the I'coria llil lo,)n in honor uf our Ill.'" I,,, ~ .. r, \Uw,:r, lJoc. 'Iedin Hon;olh'lI\. O'crl), Roherl " " Imer, Ih rold P"·
journc)m,1II lIiTemen. Ri~·h:lru 5milh I'cler I~o .... h, JOl.Cph II wuerid. l..em;1I\ 'iOfl. Robert 1'.:.r). Ro} I' \ I)ron
Ixn n" IIrulln. Jamel Ihlr~llI. Jr .. t... en [~rolln. Goorge Hum •• Clnrcn~c W. HUI' 1''''ler5On . • nC,le l' ing;,lore. K . 1(;lm..uen.
IJ )rd. SIc'.: Fu rtl, Ale' H cr~rew.. Bruce le r. R ie h:,rJ Car~ l e ll lCn. Arnold e ,'el. \\I. RII~nllI ..... n. Llo) d Ree'e '. 1 10)J Brinn I..olxleil. 0 :111 1 0 .... cl')'. \\I;lr· Arthllr C hapl1lHn . r.l(lrrh C. C1ar~. J)CIl' RiI ZIII;IIl, A1 Robinso n. Churlcs Rohin·
ren Slone. Run T honIJ'l'>Un, :lnd Rie h:lrd zi l C lifl . Alfred G. Crowder. M}ron I.. <;on. \1. Rr der, Arne SaheSl.'n. J :t~ ~
Young. CrOlier. ' !)lI ll1'y. I cla nll Durr). Ran· Sanuvig.

II EW Journal
Pin Presenta tions

In January, l~al 46, S ... l1le, Wash ., held

ilS Annual Pin Presentation. Shown, lett 10
"ghC arft rred P. Johnson, 45-yur member;
Glen W, Charles and rrank Green, 55.yle,
membe,s; Hnd Business MHnager Gordon

Waller S~nford. Russell Sauer. M:Hh

Sch:lHf. U!O Sl·(!cnqui,1. W. Scllcerhox,
Phillip Sheridan. Clifr SI1<:rtler. R. Sih-
Ie}. John SimP'lon. 1-IO\\;LrJ Sloan. I'll'
gene Snell. Granl SIC\\;lrt. hed Slimwn.
Clarcncc Sirand. II. 5trichcrtl, lierl
SlrowJ. V. SlImlholm. I.con;m,' ., homa~.
W . Thom;"lS. JOt: Thomp~oll. Ra } '1 r:Key.
William I rautman. Thomu~ Turner. I u'
gcne Valleroy. Mel Vun In\\egcn. Wil-
liam Van Klced.. Perr) Vogu~. G.
Wash)'c, G. Whilchcad. and Marlin
CI \ 1\1 1"'(1 KI I PI'I. 1'.5.

A ssistant Steward

ThIrty-year membe~.

Brother Ed Lannigan. Local 48. Portland.

O,e .. is shown putting finishIng touches on
cllble tray II Ihe Trojan Nuclur Powl!
Plant near Rainier, Ore. Brother Lannnigan i~
also asslstllnt lIeward on the project.

Present Work Scene Looks

Good in Local 48 Are a
L U. ~S. I'ORTLANI), OIU:.-AI the
tiM regular meeting on J:muary 1Rlh,
lhe di~p'lIChcr. John Fi,chcr. reported
t lmt thc prc!>Cnt \\"or~ siluation loo~ed
good in our :lfe;l. Sncral 1;lrg.:: jons in
our jurisdiction and the usual commer-
cial and re~idenlial wor~ should keep all
ollr mcmbers wor~ing Ihrousholll thl'
Twenty·five·year members, ycar.

Aplll, 1973
T he Trojan Nude:!I' PO'lel' PI:lnt III Worst Ice Storm
Ihillier, Oregon, h us hu d ils Complelion
datc c.''''entled from Seplember. 1974. to
mid - 1975, Also. due 10 ,se, .:ral factors,
the co~t ha, fI'>Cn S,U·million. Local
.III i~ no" ~uppl)ing the projrd \Iilh
:Ibou t 125 men.
El ectrica l Worlcr~ Loca l 411 h:<lcrnl
Credit Union held ils 191h Annual
Credi t linion ~ I celin~ on h llwary 27.
J973. T htre .... " ... 11 ~ocia l hour follollel1 ~
t>y d inner ami :t ~hort bllsines) meeling
;ln d election of officers. El etled 10 Ih.::
Bo;]rd of D irctlON \\ere BrOlher. I' d
Baud.:r. Warren emig. Barne) Shoe-
1II.ller. antl Jim Ware. Elected to Ihc
Credit Commitlce were HI"Ol hers Sluarl
1\l elvin and Ken M.::icrjurgen.
Several dool' prizes "cre gh'en a\\:I)'
during Ihe dinner hour. Following the I.1eml).ers $hown In theM three pict ures Bre
hu)ine5S nweting, lherc wa~ d anci ng to employees 01 the K.a)' Uroe Coros tructioro
Terry Graham. Local 53. Karons C,ly. Mo"
the music of Ihe J ohnn~ Reil1- Quintet. ;s showro in the helgllt 01 the breek restor- Company. working a t thl Rich"rd Oebaur
J IIIIS(IIIIII'II, '· .S. Ing sarv' CI to house5 In I<ansas City, 1.1 0 .•
which had been without power fo, about
Air 6a .... "hov~ ,'I. SI~W" Rl mme,.

four daY$, as a result 01 Ihe worst ice

s lorm K~ns8S Ci ty has ever had.
Kansas City Hit By
Its Worst Ice St orm
I.. U, 53. KA NSAS nTY ••\ IO.- In Jan-
uary, K :IIl,a~ Cil) ;lIld ~urrouml ing :lreas
wtre hit h) the lIor~t ite ~Iorm KIIIl)a)
Cit) has e,er h,ld. '1 here "ere all e~li­
maleJ 50.000 tr.:.:s dOli n in "' :In,a ~ Cit)
al one. ami one ulilily reponed npproxi-
m;lwl)' 9\0110 hi ')11.000 cll~toma~ "iih-
Olll !oCrvice.
rhe icc \Iorrn slarted C;lrl)
Wn.lneSll:lr, JlInU;lr)' 3rd . .\ 10-.1 of Ihe
elllerr"'nl'~ n" .... ' .... efl~ lept on until
"'oOlIlclime on I\lonJa). J.lnuar) Rlh.
We arc o:nclo,in!: pkture~ of 111<: ~Iorlll
and our men on Ihe job.
Unlil nexi monlh. nl1enu your union
meetings and su pport org;' boor! 8t11 CunnlnghBm.
I{O'l\lU F. BO\\'\lI'I . J> .S.

Good Work Year Expected ; lracl. We \'umrlcleol ncgoli,llions in

lember ;]nJ -,enl the re,ults in ris ht
"'0- Party Held for Local 51's
CISC Approves Contract allay. \\1.' "I,I}ell wilhin Ihe guidelines, First Business Manager
L.U_ 55. ~ I O I ""f:S, IA .- With :Inu il 'Iill wol owr 1"0 month, for the
J.!:OOll we;tlller arollnd Ihe coma. lie :Ire L I ~L In :lpprOI'C it. They 111 11~1 \\orl
1.. 11, 57. St\I.T 1.AKE en Y, UT,\II-
ilrothers HUl)n " Butch" eMICr lias hon·
oplimislk Ihat "c lire going 10 hal e :1 fewer hours Ih.ln hanler~1 II "H~ rl.'lro-
ored :It ;1 ,linner in I chru;lrr. :11 \Ihkh
~ooJ }ear. Al prc!oClll. our \\or~ lo;uJ i~ ;Klhe, ,0 Ihe memOef) hl[l.e h;lcl pay
lime he \Ia~ IIfe...;nleJ "ith :1 51l·)e;lr
prell) stahle :u1\1 ~hollid picl up cI'en comins. \1 Ihe mlo: Ihe <,conomy h
pin ;Illd eerlifk;lte of ~(;lIillld<,. Thi,
more in Ihe ~prin.!:. All 01 our memhcr, :;oiIlO:. ,,,:'11 l',ub.lhI} !!et 1.1,1111N for Ihc
IOO~ place '-II I.tlr lIIonthl~ E.,enllill.·
IIho \\:Intlo \\ork arc "orlin~. ~o'·crnl11enl" nOI being ahle 10 conlrol
Ho;.rJ lIIeclin!!. Krolher C:lflcr '1I1l."n,leu
F:I..:h .... eel. I If) 10 "bit one of OUf inftltiOll
our I wellli,c BoarJ tIIceting :lIlll reall~
~ic l or relireu members. It "Ire (ii,ap- [ 'co: IIhe!'e i'-1.\ on i, gOlllg 10 h;d:lllce I.'nju~ed the opporumil~ of sillins in.
1l0il1ls lIle 10 find oul tll:11 very k l l of lhe hllllgl.'l .Ind 10 1,,;\1 "jill Ihe blue coi- HrothH Carter I\;I~ I OC:II 57\ first
OUI' a tlh~ mCl11ber~ ~o 10 vi,it Ihem. t\~ laI' \lnrler. Ir h~ ~ ecp, :111 Ulil t;t.WS :m(\ hll~ines' IIMnatler .lIld W:I~ re~pon,i"k
.1 Br01herhOOIl ;Imt ,ince the lime " ... u!X,n'l 'jX'I1\1 an}' of Ihelll, he'lI ha,e a fOf Ih~ fir,1 tornr;II:1 "!lh UI:lh POIlf.'!
ha"e on Ihi, e:lrlh is '0 ,horl· -it '>Cern~ ~urpln' Ihh )I.'ar. I ~IIPr<I'< Wille hig .unl Li ghl Comp,lIl) Brother Clrla pre-
Ihal "C "lmuM If) IU ,i,il Ihcw l'lclh- m.lIIuf;ll.·mrcr i, going 10 need ,H'lolher ",n ll.·J Ih" IUI.,II IIIliol\ "ith a kUer ev
rell. It's fine 10 go 10 :1 Brolher\ funcr.11 1001.n \0 i1\ c,ecutiH~s C;lII ~cl " honu~ pl,lining Ihe conJilil)u, ;mu "ase) ," he
;Ind tell "hal ;I "hell of a gOOll m.ln~ he this I.'ar, WI.' llla~ ha'e :1 101 o f unt"m· '"'' lhcl1I in J.lnU,If), 19:!J. Amon~
II :l'. hUI "ouldn'l il he henef to lei him 1I10~mcnt. \'"1 Ihat"\ all righl. If :1 few .;ol11e uf rhe hl!!hli~hl~ uf the kller arc
hear il hcf{lf~ he ~O\:'~'! We arc )<X)n (or_ mutlinalimmh build plan I, Oll.'r,ea,. Ollr Ihat Ihe ~re", ill Ih:11 .Ill Y 1I0r>'e(l '"
~Ollell. as will\l."~ Ihe unflowcrc" tll'al'e~ high,,;]},. l.'dIKa tion. ;Igrkl ,t tllre. Ill~di­ ,hI' ;l lIee l ;11 7tl ..:elll~ .", hour for
till I\l00m ori;11 I)a ); w, lel's he Hnle lu Clfe. 1.'1.: ~lJ 10 pul. :ulli ,-rime :<nu la'" ILul'mi"ioll !ml.'men ;111,1 75 cent, fOi
f;lce our "~ I ale(' lIith the "'on'itlion le~sn ... '~ IIre,,,il. Nixon IlilI ,ufe be It> (li~trihtlliull linemen. t\ ~Iormy ll:l ~ .... 111
rlml lie hn"C done our dut\ a\ ;1 bl'IllIC. ;111 thc men homc. During Ihe df.'pre,~ion
Brot her. Bu) union, thinl union, liI'e union. in 1929. Ihf.'ir ":IJ:C~ "f.'rc till to ,W
Six weel~ afltr 0111" olJ eonlrael t')(- We lIefinilel) need 10 gel on Ihis Iratl. cent~ .In hour. The erc" \lorked one
pired, Ihe e lse approwd our nell con· PA UL W. L.1I1 00'. P.S. \Ice~ anJ lias otT 1\\0 IIcds (Ihe 1\\0

lBEW Jou.nal
weeks were without pay). During th:n A course in Hunler Safety was ghen
time. Ihe membership dropped 10 eight.
Lile-Saver 10 2] 50nlI of mem bers, 50 thai the y'll
and Brother J . Scoll Mil ne came from be prepared for the ne:o;, hunting season.
the Internationt Office to help lIu lCh 10 A debt o f gra tit ude to Brother IbITY
cam paign and organize enough members Sampcer of I'ipc Fiuers Local 636 for
to hold an eletlion. That was done in his c:o;pert instru ctions in conducting th e
1938. and the fi r~1 contract with Ut:lh course.
I' ower lind U gh t Company was signed Brothe r TOni La nda reported thaI the
in 1939. 12t h Annual Dinner for BOnTown of
Brother CHrler gnve us many olher /[:lly wa~ recentl y held, al $50 a plate,
interesting slorie~ abo ut Local 57. honoring J im Camphcll, General Man-
We :111 had a ve ry enjO}llble evening. ager of the Detroit Tigers. Brolher
International Represcnt!ltive Vince I'ellr- Landa \lent on to -.;Iy th:1I toeal 58 i5
'>On \I<I~ " ith us and commented on how \cry actl\e in this cause and thai
hllrd the job must ha\-e been ror Butch $20,000 wa~ raised and donaTed to Mon·
in th<Xe urly da~5. signor Carroll Abbing, founder of Boys-
Uusinel>5 Mana~er Leslie A. Ikll is town of Ita l}'.
our sbnh husiness mana!,!er. :lnd we all J ACK WIUI'SO .... , P .S.
feel he is doing a rea l good job. 8",.he. Richard Martin, LOU. sa, 0.'",01,
Well. \Ie will say good·bye until the M,ct1_. if; .h. fi",' member of h11 local to
nex[ time. recel". tha 18EW Llfe·Savlna Award. Leh
.Ight. Vlca PrHklent Jim O"lon., M",. M,r'
.0 Presents Gavel
LoLtS Frucl. 1'.5. t, n. 8.oth.r Martin. and Financial and R....
cording Sec retary Dan DIAmond.
Local 58 Receives Its First
IBEW life-Saving Award
L U. 58. Dt:T IW IT . " He ll.-Our union
recei\ed il.'> fi No[ m EW 1 ife·Sming
Award. It was ea rned by 'he quid::
thinling and 'iC1f1e~~ act of "rather Ri-
chard M:lnin on December 23. 1969.
Brother Marti n was worli ng ror lIowl-
ing Flc.:tric In the subl;tation of Ihe lin-
coln-Mercury General Office~ \lhe n a Pre,.d,nt 8enn~ Feldman, Loci l 68. Denver,
plant electrician, William Ja\'or. acciden· Colo., prlsenli II .evlt 10 Broltler Fo,rest
tally Clime in contm;1 wilh a 6.9Q(),volt "B.lck" Thompson.',denl. n Re-
S\l itch. <;o.dlns SKlelary Bill Hefferman looks on.
8rother \lartin, ~ing that [he ma n
was not breathing and badly burned, Former President Honored ;
qu iclly ap plied mouth-Io-mouth re~u~i- Residential Unit Growing
1:llion. lie .... orked frantically for 25
minu tes. d uring whic h time he though t Ha.ry Sampeer. Pipe Fill .., Local 636. left, L. tI. 68. I>t:NVER. COI.O.- Brother
he .... ould ne\er be ab le to re\;ve the conduct.d a cou'" in Hum • • Safety for 23 Forrest " Brick" Thomp-;on. former pres;·
\ictim. I-in:l ll y, ~ Ir . Ja vor lItarted 10 IOnS o f membe ..... With him I, Ken MurrllLY,
. . . i ... nl PfeU secrelary uent of Loc:lI 68. WlIS honored for P:1~t
breathe on his own, and he was rusbcd service al th e regu lar meeting in Janu -
to Ihe ho~p i ta1. ary, While president o f our local.
I asled II rOlher Ma rtin if he had ever Broth er Bric l; also served as one o f the
gh en relillsdtalion hefore. Ue ,aid he IIs~i~tant busine'~ IIl:ln1tgers. Pre'>Cntation
hadl1', Hnd that he had leamed Ihe tech- of the g:lvel \\":I~ made by President
nique in lhe service. BrOlher M:lr!in ~i d Benny Feldman. A tip of the hard hat
it was:. day he·1I never forget. lie went to II mther Thompson from all of the
on to 0;:1)' Ihat Mr. Javor had bc:en memberll or our local ror a job well
pretty badly hurt and still hasn't re- done.
turned 10 work. Worl is continuing on the pre)Cnt re-
"TOther Marlin also is nOI ab le 10 modehng progmm of the union hall. due
worl, 11$ he broke his leg on a grocery for completion arout the time this ap-
~ton:: parling lot th i~ past winter. ( He peaT) in print. 'I hi~ $IH.OOO program
c:o;pects to be h.1cl on the job hy June,) ~ ho\lld ma~e a building \Uiled to our lo-
While ~tan d ing on his crutehe,. he re- cal', need~. while maling it n union hall
ceived lhe 1. ife-Saving Award from Vice Shown at Ihe 121h Annu,1 D'nne. tor OOY'- we C:1n nil he proud of. It's aIm hoped
I' re\ident Jim Darling and Finan ci ul lind lown 0 1 I' a ly. left 10 . 1t1M, art J am.. lha[ it wi lt provide a place for more so-
Recording Secretary Dan Dilun unli. '1 he C8mpb~lI. GenerD I Man Dgor o f Ihe Oetroll cia l pn)gnull~ an d get-togeThers for our
Tigers; Tom Landa. Eucutlvil 608,d ellalr.
membe rship gave BrOlhe r ~b rtin :1 man; MonSignor Carroll Abblng. founder of rncrnbcr~. 1 hope lhat I'll he able to sub-
gOOll, loud ovation for :1 job wclt done. Ooyslown o f lIa!y; and M",lon Mlcloce, mit a few picture) of [he hall in the
Wilh :, membership as IUrge as ours, Chll.mln o f Ihe Mlcll,gan Chlpt .. o f 80ys· nellr future.
I'm ~urprised that there hal'en't neen town o f I"ty.
Our R e~idenliol Unit is continuing to
mOre life-<illVing inddents, If )OU hear grow. with mon:: nnd more new mem-
or lnow of such a life-1I:lI"ing feat, be Michigan. Thc-..e men J;a\e their lime 10 ben each month. Unnd-in-hand \lilh this
sure to let the union know aboul it. ta1:e the n~"-1r)' cour<oc [0 ontain the h the union people's being able to huy
Brother Ken MUrTa}', A~si~tont I're....\ Americln Red CrO'>$ l iN-Aid Card, union·t>uilt homes. 1 can remember That.
Secn:I<.ry. reporled thaI Ihe recent An· \lhi.:h the}' renew and update once a :I few }ears ago around Den\er, a per·
nU;11 Meeting of the Michigan COn\true- }ellr at thi~ meeting. Thi\ }car. they '\On had to -.enT<;h 10 be able to find one.
tion JndUSlries' Save-A-Life Cluh "~IS :11- \lere brought up to date on the lilieS! Oy the \lay, member;hip in the Residen-
tended by building tradesmen from lifting IImj moving procedures in trans- tial Un;t is ju~t over 200 now.
throughou t Wo yne, Oakland. and Ma· porting the injured, ul ong \11th other Murch promhe\ to be a long-remem-
comb Counties, here in Southea'>lcrn clmnges. bered month by its members, nlong wi th

April, 1 9 73
" families, for, as I ~I id before. our I'm one cramp's "Old Lao)''' lhat hn' l
remodeling program should b<: compleced
A Get-Together lefl behind.
soon; che F leccric<ll "'edernl Crcdil Un- I've Irnveled a ll o\·cr-North. SOlllh,
ion's Annual Dinner Medi n!: i~ scheduled Easl, :Ind Wes t;
for chis lime: we are hoping for Ihe Wh cre\cr my linemnn go.:s is Ihe
felurn of our cOniraCI from Ihe council: place I li"e beSI.
ami IH~I hill not Ica~c, our local \lill be In a n.::w Cown we go. an lLparlment I
eclebmcinl; iI, 75ch Annile~ary. find:
AI che presenC cime, all uf Ihe plans T he new landlord a~ I.. ,. " '"lOll' long i'
for Ihe cc!cbr.tcion have nO! hcen for- I C:l~c Ihi~ Ii meT'
m(,lil.e.i. Hopes afe for a large lurnolil They If) 10 la"e ad\;HlI;,g<: of U~
by prcserll mcmUo:rs a~ "ell as old-li nl ' tramp) whi le \lc're chere:
ers. There II. ill be Ihe prcscm:u ion of ~\ ~ long :tS \Ie male chI' o\eT1ime. \Ie
M!rvicc pins and maybe a dinner-dance These II rel"ees 01 LocaC 77. Sean Ie. reall> don'l e,tre.
~orl of Ihinll. In any C(L'\C, I hope 10 be Wash .. recently enioyed a combinat,on un,t The) nlll L" all lramp~ l>!:eau'\C "e
meeting lind $ocia l gel together.
a ble 10 reran on che evenl in che nexI travcllh..: l:ml1.
}ollrrm/, if ie's nOI 100 laCe in Ihe monch, Hut Ihal cilY "ouldn'l ha\e
SOllie johs of imen~sc here in our otre:! RClired member> aucnding 1I.<'rc ('Uri \lilhOUI:l "journcy" linO:nI:lr1.
indude Ihe new 10h",- \ I:I",ille joh. Hal l. AnT}' Moel... lim !:,ulI1dJc). U~I­ The y huild (he high·line, u\er moun·
SQuc h of De nver. IIhile norch of De nver land S;lrgcnl. Ilill McGinn, AI Fr}er. l ain~ and ~cre:llns;
are che alo mic powerhou,e ;'1 PhHl vi lle Cecil 1'011'0:. (Iu}'d Smilh, Q,car T ~plin. !.oo k LIp. OlJl you peopk. a ~lecJ Iowa
a nd the Kudllk r lanl now !x'ing con- Alvin Cloning~r. and F!o>" U<!rgh. I ;'1m \dll bt.: \e\' n.
,Irueled nc;tr Windsor, Colorado. Look s endosing :1 pielUre of I h~rn for all ,.f
We don'c (arc if che 10lln gj\C~ :l
as if che ~craigh l Creel.. Tunnd job "ill cheir friend .. to cnjoy.
uamn or noc:
be eompleced Ihis sprine, II ich Ihe for- Wc repor! on COn~1rLICliun "orl.. :md
cuncra~I' co,cring ic frUln cime ILl cimt'.
If il "eren'c for a Cn,,"p linelll;Ln,
mal opcnull; ~che(luled clll' momh. Ihe y woul,It!'1 have 1I "at!'
Si!:ninJ; olT for chb month. Sec >OLI at an(1 ~omc of Ihe Olher rel~,ccoJ prnbkLlI '
che uniun mCCling'. '1 h:tc\ IIht're ic\ chal come lip. t>UI in che operatiun. on ... T hnn~ YOII, FloiM!, I chil1~ e\'er~'lll\!
happenin g. Brolhers. awfully·importanc p-crwn hn, Ilt'en ne· "ill enjo)' )our lilerarr efforl.
glecled-Ihe ~on~lruclioll 1I.0r"er\ \'ife. Sr" 110\\ L,_ R.S.
J OII ~ M. IkRI..I, JI-t .. p.s. Ldmllnd J. <. rul-tree·, 1\IIc, I-Ioi,",. -,enl
LIS a poem II. h i~'h ,lo-c, IlLe joh 01 ~or­
Journey man Classes Held ; rccti ng chi~ omi."ion for "'. II fullov.\: First Contract in 16 Ye ars
Big Jobs Lost to Non-Union A Tramp and II i, Old I lid)
Settled Without Council
I.. U, 7-'. ATLANT,\ , G \ ,-We are It may he ~i'\; 1II0nlh" or m;!) t>c CH'n LL 80, =-,O ltl-'O LK. "A .-{ \mgralUlu·
again conduccing cI"sses for upgrading nine. cions are in order 10 OLlr h "rJI~ur"ir1!!
our journeymnn lincm~n . Ac pre..enl, wc M} "01.1 Man" will cume home :,11 "'.,to:guli;lling Commiuee. I he l:ommil1ee
ha ve a w~I(li n ~ school :lnd anOl her ca- e.xciced ill'oLit :' high Iinc. lIecLHllpli,hed something clWI ha,n'l hccn
hle-~p[jcing sc hool. Rcccn1I>, HI of oLlr I load lip Ill) cr:lcJ...ed di,he., in h,H," donc ill 16 YC(ITS, gening a complele ,cc-
journcyman linemen ('orllpleled a cahle- go my pan\. ckmen! \luhoU! going co Ihe council.
splicing cour'iC. We hoJ'IC co (Idd olher He he:rrd 00\111 ac Iho: ,\lilch)ard. Olll \(Ier .,cI ... r;11 \leeks of he(!!
cypes of cta~scs chal will cnat>l ... our WI''>I Ihe} nc~t! hand~. ;1110.1 /;i\c·;tnd-cll"e. a eomplcl~ agreem~nt
Jl1embcr~ 10 dQ a ny job in li!le con~cruc­ He ru~hc~ 10 rcnt II U- H:lul, ,',)m,', "n all i'SLLC~ was reached b>' nuth par-
cion, \Llch Il' lr:ln~;t instrumenC worl... homc. and ,cart~ 10 10:"1. lin. F ;I~1t I'.Ll cy fel! il hlld !:;,ined mueh
We ha\o: been hic wilh non-union can- I hurry to pa..:1.. our ,,"I,·a-..:,. '0 \\C in che baTguinillg, umJ boch plLnies ar,'
IraCtors. ;1'0 have Olher local~ in other e(ln hic Ihe ruad. \,ll i'tied. '\1 chi~ lime, th ~ agrcement i\
arca~ of Ihe counl ry. '1'\10 hig jot>s con- Believc me. I' m nOl complaining. t-c- in Wa~hin!:lUn for apPfLIl(11 h~ Che sm-
~iSl jn s of 100 miles of I II\, on eac h C;W'iC I thin).. 11\ Itne, anment. Sin(c il hasn'c bet'n o flieiall>
werc 1m!.
Qur Heddenl record o\er the pa~1
)ear ha~ heen prelly had. We IO~1 one
journeyman lineman, Brolher Bill Gar-
land . He mmJe conlaCI on primary volt-
age. T wo morc of our Iin~L11cn werc in-
jured ~evcrcly whc n Ihe y Ihrown
from budel 1rueks, Auochcr accidenc
occurred I\hen a lineman u-.ed an Army
su rplu~ s... rcly bel! \\hieh hm"e.
Aclanla :md che sur roundi ng "rca \\as
recently hic by an icc brenL We appre-
ciale che help of our IJI'OLher~ \\ho cume
here 10 clear II up_
1. O. I I-':(,O\L!., !'.S,

Retirees Enioy Meeting ;

Poet Wife Tell s of Her Life
1..U. 77, SEATI1.E, WAS II .-Our lcw- Apprenli ce graduates of Loca l 80. Norl(lik. Va were h(ln(lred at the Annual Gradual;(ln San·
i,con-Clark,con Area Unil 77,126 curncd que( by the JOint Apprenticeship and Train,ng Comm,Uee. rront row. teft (I rlg ... t. Ray Mu, ·
ray (school): W. R. Sykes and F. M. MaUer. comm,ttnmen; Edward H(lpklns. John Kelling·
a rccenc mcecing into a comhim'lion unit I(ln, Larry Ounn'ng, Ronnie Bauswell , M,Cl1ul Teels. Jupe r Gam.el. and Th(lmas B~ ,(I.
meeting and MIC;(L! ge t-lUgelher by invil- g raduates: lind J ohn CUlchln. Jr. (BAll. Back row: CurtiS WIlliams , NECA; PL ,,101' J ones, Jr"
ing che retired mcmbers ILl attend. R,aduate: G. E. Leach, Loca l 80 Businen Ma"uger; Ke nnell, Bunting. g radua te: A. C. Lip.
fOrd. commlttuman; Ronald Bradshaw. graduale: R. A. Meye ..... commllleem Bn; Robert
E!c\'en reliree~ l>howcd up, and C\efyonc Dunn and Gene Davenport. g raduates: Jack H,cks. Local 80 President: Butc h HOdges.
had a v.onddul tillle r... minisd ng an d uB le; J . D. HOII(lmon. Jr. (d " Ktor): Ronald Gus!"I .... n, graduate; and J . E. Saker. commit ·
beine Ingel heT a!;ain. teeman.

On the Job Eighty-Two Graduates ( ROI:l\esler office); anu Robert Griffith,
o f Ihe "uilders' Exchange.
, Honored at Dinner-Dance III addition to a fine dinner. those in
L.U. K6. RO CHESTER. N. " .-On Fell- :tuendance were Irealed 10 an evening of
ruar)' 16th. the Joi nt Apprenlitcship and dancing 10 Ihe music of Jim Dunlap's
Training Commillee honored the 1971 Big Band.
and 1972 gradua ting apprentices at a R, MITCtIEU, P.S.
dinner--dante beld at the Herilage lloose
in West Webster.
EightY·lwo young men \-Iere r(('os- Communications Panel Will
niled for lhcir achie\ements. completing Have O wn Section
the necessary 8.000 work hours on the
job, in addition 10 lhe 704 clD~sroom L ,U. till, SEA"ITLE, WASH.- Exetuthe
hours spen t al Monroe Communily Col- Bo;ud member George Buck instru-
Icge. JATC Chairman Bob Van Slyke memed a ch,mge in Ihe program for the
and the entin: Committee put togelher a Communications Panel for the Gover-
fine program. nor's Safely Conference Ihis fall. The
Bud Baker, Direclor. NJA rc.
at- change is Ihal Ihe Communications
tended the gradU:Uion. He pmi'>Cu Ihe Panel \\ill have a section of its ow n,
The new Cavalier Ford building lob wails
while lour employees 0 1 E. G. Middleton etrort~ o f the new journeymen lind eom- without being lied 10 Ihe power com pa-
ElKIrIc,,1 Company h ave th e ir poelu •• taken. plimemeu Ihe committee and Ihe teach- nie ... Georse allcnded the laSI conference
left to righi, apprentice IIlonlO Parke. and eh for a job well do ne. a~ modCntlOr for Ihe Communiealiom
jo ..uneymen llirry Dunning. Ray Rollman. Selecled for Ihe hi ghe~t ~Iandi n g in Pane l and did :In excellenl job represent-
and Jimmy Vaughn.
Ihe 1971 clas, W;IS I'aul \Vri ~ l cy. :tnd ing our local. He \-las highly com-
for the 1972 class. William Spall. HOl h mended by Wa yne Olson. Stale COlllmu-
appro,-cd. I can', give you :Iny of the men rece i\cd Sloo Savings Honds for nic:uion Elecl ri cal Utilities InspeClor, for
highl ights at [his lime. Iheir cffom. a job \\cll done,
President Jacl li icks appointed .:;e,eral Guests at the head table also included Bu ~iness Represen tat ive Terry
of our Brothers 10 attend the Annual Dr. J am~ Walsh o f Monroe Commu- Williams \-las recentl) appointed by Ore-
Wcc l..cnd Institute: to be held 31 the Ha l- nil} College: Frederick 8 rrne, Fe<krnl gon'~ Go\'ernor McCall 10 Ihe Ad HOI:
ida} Inn. SCOPE. K. F. Phelp\. Bob Apprenticeship and Training Dtreclor Committee for Planning Emplo}<:"e As-
Hanman, Charles Bailc). Freddie
Smahz., and John Shepherd plan to at-
tend. It is expected that this training "ill
Graduation Exercises
he \o.' f ) helpful \0 the labor movement
in Virginia.
Are )ou a regi\lcred "oter? You're
nOI? Then how about getting right "" ith
your country and gCI regi\Iered! If you
are registe red. do {'xereise )'our righl to
'ot.:! Wha l Ihis good. o ld toumry needs
is hn'i ng all of ilS. people \·oling.
Sc'eral of our Brothers h:IVe rtli red
o'er lhe past seve ra l months ItS Ihe re-
~ ult of di,ahilit y. T hey :tre Ro y C:t~h.
H cr~rt Dea ns, I-Icrman Compton, John
H. Ta}lor. :IOd George Henry, If you
happen 10 be in Iheir neig.hborhood. SlOp
in :Illd pay thcm a visi\. Brolher Lyle C.
Hard y al~o rctired and is now enjO),ing
the fruits of relirement. In r"bnll"Y, th" Jo."t Apprenticeship and
T",;n,ng Comm.ttee honored the 1971 and N"w motor jo\l.n"ym" .. R"an Cu,,,nton, 11011"
IS<;ong ... tulated by h.s tea<;he., Bob reU.
Brother Frank Hand has been On our 1972 gl1ld\l8 t .nB CI3S$IOS o f L()<;a' 86, R()<;h·
,id. list for !;e"eral months, We wbh est" . , N.Y., at a dinner.(fan<;e. Here. JATC
Cha'rm,.n Bob Van Slyke addresses the
him a nd all o f our Brothers who :tre Ba t lH!dng_
~id. a speed} rctovery.
The adl11i ni~tr:tlors of o ur ho~piTali7.a­
lion ins urance h:I"e mo,'cd their ollkes
TO Ihe Iron Worlcr~ Office Building .
.5307 Virgmia Beach Boule,·ard. Nor-
folk. Virginia. The new phone number is
Work in The area is STili slow. It
seems Ihat \\hen Brother l each or
BrOlher Syl~ places a few men. some-
one else is laid off. We have four ap-
prent ices oul of ..... ork. Wilh spring
a round Ihe corner, let 's hope th:t! a lot
of \-Iorl is also.
\Vord for Ihe wise: 'The man \\ho
pUI~ God fint will find God \-lith him at Robert Griffith of the B\I"d .. ~' Ex<;h.nge,
the last," (Unknown). ... h , preo;"nts ,. StOO SavlnBS Bond to Paul Robe.t Gfl Hith, lelt. presents a StOll Sav.
W.,sley. who had the highesl $Iandlna In Ings 80"d to 8.U Spall. who h,.d Ihe h Igh .
J. 0 , I'IOLLOMON, JR" 1>.5. th" C'an o f 1971. est stand,na in Ih" Class of 1972.

April, 1973
~islance Guidance Scn'ke. Th~ commit· Building in Chelm5ford. IJesides the nu·
It'e is a part of lhe Oro'eon Sialt Al-
Christmas Party mcrou\ gi rts they recc hed. BlI .ine,~
coholisnl and Hellith Associ'll ion. This \l nnager Frank V. SalllClla~ prc\Cntctl
will be good for T erry lx-can\(' ~o me b011l IJf them wi th an III EW ~croll an.1
high·level ~u pe rviM)ry pcr..onn/'l \Iocre relircment pill.
aI M) appointed 10 Ihi~ comminet. FII ...... " V, SILU' \~. B."" .
nusjnes~ M:ln:tger Tru.1el J.w,n·t an-
ticipate 100 much trouble h The reo
maining COnlr:I Cls to be ncgoti li1e,I, ~i n cc More Than 5000 'Hard Hats'
mOSI of them life for wagc -O("l<.'n.·f\ only. Attend Labor Rally
If an) mcmher Iloul.1 m..e It} know
Ihe whereaooulS of formcr hminc~~ rep· Ll. 99. I'ROVII)E NCE, IU.- In wh;lI
rC'iC nI:tti\"e J ac k Mclnl ~ ri'. he i, e111- h:" 10 be lhe largest rail) of orpani:.«("tI
plo~e.1 by Ihe VIIJ1e y T ele phone Com- lunor in the hi~lory o f Rhode 1,I'Ln.1.
pilny in Orego n. incidentall y. Valley nltlre Ih~n 5.!)()() "ha rd hat," of "'flail'
'I elephone Compan) merg.'.1 .,ilh The trade union .. ovcr/lowed Rhode ~-'Jn·t h ~·
Wa~hington l ekph one Compan~. and I 'a"'tu~cl in tI ~how of force :IOd
At the Ch"l lmu party 01 l oo:at 96. WorCH' ,trcnl,u h.
noth comp,wit) nov. corne umler the ler. Mus, II portion of the targe crowd of
!lew 1I.Il11e of Contine,llal Telephone p.;:Irt)nl~ ~nd chlld . cn p"y~ cloce anent,on to The lheme o f the ~pceches. made h)
ComlX\I"I~ of Ihe Nonh"c'l. Im;orpo- Ihe magic of Iha magicia n. Il u,i ne~, 1-.hnaf!er Richartl 1-. Stmmherg.
ratetl. Brot her Uyrne. Illl~ine~, Agenl . Iron
Wor ker,' Loc,ll 37: Brother ('Ol~. Re-
Al DI '10"', 1'.5. /!ion:. 1 Vice I'resitlcn t. Laborer,' In tCrlla-
tion;!) Union: IJrOlher L)ne h. B u,in~"
Christmas Party Held By A/!cnt. Pi pefiue r\' Local 476: IJrolh~r
Worcester Local 96 Winl er~. lJu~ine,s AJ:!elll. I'l uml>er"
Uni011 1.0c:l I 211: and tJlher union re lm:-
I•. U. \16. WOR CES'I EK. \ , \SS.-On -.entlll\\e... "a\ nOI unl~ It) .1ce1;m:: a
Dece mber 161h. Local \16 hel.1 ih fiN ··full-,.:ale war"' on the opcn·,hop mo\~­
Chri~lma, I)art) for Ihe ,·hildr.'n of O1("nl, hut al-o to url,.'C that all ulllon
memher\ o f l.oe,,1 \16 :11 Ihe White mcn mu\! do ha!!le t"ty i nere,,~ing Iheir
Fagle 11 ;,11 on Green Street. Wor~e'ter. pftH.hll'lI, j\}.
Well·over 200 childrcn and Ih~ir pare nlS There i, alwl\}, Ilnl! 10 per cen t in
werc pfC"'iCnt to enjo) thi, Ilon.1erful (111) union organiz:Ltion Ih.H "ark, h:tnl
.1:1). al nol producing ~ight hour,' lIor!.. for
The \ ariou~ commillee~. IIhkh helped The clown I.. nonc oth~. Ih .. n P'n,.!,,,,1 A. eighl houT~' I'"} The-.e mem~r,' d.l)
ttl ma!..e thi, part) ,\lch a Irelllentlous Wi nn San&O"cy. W,lh him are hil IOn. Paul, l"U:llly consis\s of corn in!! in a lillIe
and Pattie.Ann, Cl>arle~, and lorna Spooner.
~Ul·ce~, . .1c~crve Ilolhing 0111 thc hightSI I'He. lal).in!! up :1 " o nderful job. In!
prai!>O! from Ihe en tire mem~r~ hip . R .,ml R in'tend of :1 colfee hreaL lLnd
TI,,' d,;,iTmall of Ihe C hr i,tma, flarl)' l e;l~rn!l a linle earl y
wa~ Brother I)oucelle: the [)(,coration Comm i!!ee mcmhers RiehM.1 Strom-
Commillee con, i~t etl of Brothcr, Da\itl !>cr/!. I'url Cunin. Victor C. I coli,_ ,In.!
Wright. Jo\\: ph W,)jnarO"icl. lIn.1 Ri - John Ostra nder ha'e complele,' Ihe re,i-
dmrd ,\ 1cNllit y: tlw -I idet COnl tllillce "..-l1\i,,1 wiring agreement. Bu~ine,~ ,\1:111-
co",i~ted of Bro the l'l A . w inn !>an,otlC)". agC"r Richard SlrOI11l>er!! h,ls ~t:lnetl a
Frne't H iill. an.1 John "lu.1"m: anti Ihe ncw organizatiollal c:lm paign in Ihi,
Gi(ts anti Fuod ("ommilll'e co nsi'lCd of nrea.
Jo\Cph Horg;1Il ;Ind Rnh.' r1 l-ioT!!"n. Wi' h("~ for man) happ) }ear, of re-
Santa Clatl~ WH ~ none Olher Ih~n P~t tirel11 enl 1;0 10 Brother " Ru\~" Ru,.ctl
Lopolito. who made II 'llpc rh <;anta . Sill1p\on. who i, I'ulting aW,I}' Ihe tool,
Ilrot her M icllllc1 Marl.ari;1O .. "i,ted He ha, 30 ye ar, of memt>er,hip in our
ijusine"s Man~ &er Fran!.. V. ";llllen:l~ in loca l. Ru~, ha~ 'poI:n t the la-r 18 )ear,
photognt phing the \ :Iriou~ ,cenes li t the left to ,lght, B.olhe. Will,,,, Dy.'. Ous,,,e15 "ilh hllle J. O ' Kour~c , Inc .. anti II goe~
Manager F.a nk V. Sa"tena', lind Brolhe.
p'lrty. The pholO'i Il\~en h~ Brother Mllckowiak appear 10 be enjoying "ilhout ,a}ing Ihal he'lI be mi ~"<C tI.
Mark~rian arc ~()me of thl' finc,1 Ihi, I"e e,ctlement of tl> e childlen. h en Ihough the Pro\idence (i\ic
.... riter ha, ",'er !>O!cn. Mi~e "ill ,mely he Ceilier. the Rhode Isl:tnd J uni or Cul1c/!c .
lI\ked 10 help Olll in the photogra ph y :tntl the HO'I pi!:i1 T, u,t job, Me "inJin/!
department. Indi vi dual photO'>. along UO"'n. there i~ no one ,illine (m Ihl'
"ith Ihe ne!.wti\e~. ha\c ....."'Cn ,em 10 hench. IIhich h tI good ,ign. Lel's hope
variOIl' mcmher~ ror their pcr_onal UW. 11 ,1:1)' Ihat lIa}.
Since Ollr la,t ~ t()r} in the JOllfllll/. Rem embe r. bu) Amcrican!
Brother Willium Smit h. "ho \\a, pre,i- VleTOII C. '11 OItS, R.S.
tlent of the Retiree, Club. pa",e.1 :I"a ),.
Lllllrencc Underwood. of Ne ll l'ngl,lnd
I'o"er $cnice. p"'!>O!11 " " ;'} (Jil Christ-
Five Mem bers Pa ss Away;
nlll, Fve. Work Situation Not Good
AI the Fehruary meeting. Ihe mem -
her_hip ;.greell 10 (1I.:ce p' a rc,idenlial 1..1'. 105, IlA\IILTON, ONT.~ B f()lh·
wiring agree ment. We ure hopdul th"l crb. ,inee my la~1 "ril ing. the m("nll>er,
10't " or ~ ColO be reCl.l plUretl be<.·;Ill'C of r.l\\Cd ""a}-Don Ban,". 1'.1 "in
thi, :Igreement. I -:tul~~, ' .I,me Sim]l'><)n, Ed Bo!..l a. anti
Brothers l' reJ I\ta )llar.1 :lOti Willl;lIII apprentiCe Brian Porter. rIIC mcmber,
])ri,co ll of II ... Nt:\', En~I ;InJ l'IJ,,<.' r and ,t:lfr exlend thcir deepest ,}mpulh)
Service Company wcre ho non:d al arc· 10 thc tanlilies of these mel!.
lirement pari). helt! b) their (("11011 Oro'her M,ch ..~1 Ma,ka.ian lIuisled Ou~;'
In I-c bruar}. Brot her Jerry ;\Ialone).
..... orkcrs and management. al Ihe Elks nen Mlln age, SaUlen&1 in the p ilato laking. Sr. and Brother Joe Mililctlck rclir~d .

32 ISEW Jo u'nol
Business Ma nager Jac k Joyce and
Award Presentations On th e Job Training Director Mike Shine are 10 be
congratulated for their foresight in m a~­
jng this course available to us. Wh ile it
is volun tar)' for journe)'me n. it is being
incorpora ted into the Apprentice Train-
ing Program. Able inSlructors Joh n
Foley an d Marty ClatanolT do 3 fi ne
job. Brothers, it is eight hours well
Our retired Brothers held their first
meding of the Retired r> tcmhers C luh
on Febru,try 23rd 3t the local union
office. A luncheon I\as sen'ed. and there
was an e-.:ccllent turnout. More on this
nexi monlh.
Our huilding at 104 West 40th Sireet.
International Representative Art Matthews. in the center of Kansas City. has been
left, and President Tom Beattie, Local 105, sold, and new construction has started
Hamitton. Ont., right, present an ISEW ur ...
Saving Award to Local 105 Brother Pete. I on ,I building ,Idjoining our meeting hall
Ooren. B.ot her Frank Flynn is shown on his jOb for on our COuntry Club ground~ in South
ACO Elect.ic at the Health and Science Kansas Cily. It will house Ollr business
Cen t re, MacMaster Universi ty.
oflices. and we are e:.gerl), anticipMing
its completion sometime thi~ , lI mmer.
Wa)ne Hill. Gary l-'inh, us Edge- We sincerely hope we will be seeing
cumbe. :md Da\'e Cunliffe. rou here in K.C. for the Annual IBEW
l"he worl.. situation in our area is not Dowling Tournament in J une. A tremen·
good at Ihi~ time. Three-hundred mem- dous amount of \lork and lime arc
beh. or one·third of our local, arc un- going into Ihe pl'lnning of this tourna-
ernplo~ed at this time. ment in order to insure that il \lill be
I)o~sibh. this situation has arisen be- the finest tournament ever held.
cau..e of the ele,'ator stri~e of fi~e
month~. federal elections on both sides
of the border, ur is it bc>:ause of nego·
tiations in the union Ihi~ year? With the Work Situation Looks
amount of jobs planned for in and G ood for C oming Months
Mrs. Norm Onver accepts the IBEW Life·
Sa ving Award on behalf of he. late hus· around the city thi, year, work should
band, who died o f a heart a!lack afle. sav· break soon . L. U. 136. IURlI lI i"GII AM. ALA._
ing two men from d.owning. Making t he I would also lil..e to point out that Work in this jurisdiction has slo\led
present"t"," are President Beattie. left, arld Brother Fred Decater h,I5 retired from down quite a bit, due to inch:rnent
BUSIness Manager William Corbell.
the trade and will be greatly missed \lcathe r and other things beyond our
from the Brantford ~roup as well as the control. but we ha\e been able to keep
Re tiree Hamilton group. All the best to },ou, most of our members full} employed
Fred. during this la,'( season, The work situa-
BoD P\RKI'R. P.S. tion lool..s good for the coming months
and should improve from mont h to
month 1hroughout the coming year.
First Aid Class Propert}' has now been purchased for
the future home of Local 136. Located
on both 12th Avenue and 2~lh Street
Norlh. Ihis should be :111 excellent loca-
tion an d easily accessible to the freeway
and the he:lrt of the Civic Center, It is
hoped that plan~ C,1n he completed and
work started before very long.
Business Marlag .. r Co.-bell, teft, and PresI- The Negotiatins Committee is hard at
dent Beattie. right. present a desk ~, to
retiring Brother Fred Oecate, and flowers to work on our new contr.lct :tnd should
his wife. start meetings with NFCA shortly_ We
are hopeful that the contract can be
Be~t \li~hC5 arc sent to these Brothers in consummated. to Ihe sali~faclio n of the
their retirement years. mcmhership. without ma~ing the annual
At our regular membership meeting in trip to Washington to appear before the
Ja nuary, Brother Peter Doren was pre- Tke5e members of Local 124. Kanus City, council. We can all dream wishfu l
sented with the m EW Life-Saving Mo., are enrolled in 'he American Red thoughts!
Cross Firs t Aid course.
Award by Internalion<ll Reprcsent<llive Re..:ent ly. service pins were presented
An ~b tthc\\'s <lnd Loc<ll 105 President to the following-W. H. T emple. Eldon
T Om Beattie. Brother Doren earned the First-Aid Program Planned; Hollis. Ja mes E. Driver, John Knight,
award for ).'wing the life of a young Ret ired Members Form C lub and Lee U. $cott. 20-year members;
bo)' \lho nearly drowned in the waters Ivan Frost. George Konetes, C. C.
of the G rand River in Dunnville, I" U. 12:1. KANSAS CIT \', ~ lO.-Loca l Buchanan. J r .• and A. C. Reaves. J r.,
John O'Rash, Ceciel Cook. George 124 has initiated an American Red 25-year mernben: A. B. Lloyd. N. I).
Thomas, and Robert Sanders success- Cross First-Aid Program at the Joint Parrott. and Kermit Vaughn. 3o..year
fu ll), passed their uams and \le re sworn Apprenticeship and T raining office. 11 is members: and C. M. Ferguson. 35-)'ear
in. in February. a ,'ery fine. wort hwhile course and is a me mber. Our congratulations to these
On behalf of the local. t .....elcome benefit not only to the men tal.:ing it, fine Brothers for th eir many rears of
four new appre nt ices to the union- but to the entire con,truction indu5 t r~' . dedicated union sen'ice.

April, 1973
\\ho ha\c (onlri buted to Ihe foundation
Since our b!>1 wril ing, Ihl\ loca l h,1S
bee n 5:1fJdened by Ihe lo~~ h) d~,lIh of
Pittsburgh Social o f a new g roup associtlled \lith Ihe },;olf·
BrOlhen J. \1 Gambrcll <lnf.i Hernl<ln L ml1. hunllOg. fhhing. and 1-.o.... lmg \liu-
WilM)n, !Jolh of Ihc~ IJrOlher\ 'o4trc O\l~. In our 10000.l1. as in mOliI other). \Ie
~c:r)' ,u;lhc in IIninn .. ff'lir, ,mf.i .... ill be fino.l :..... illing "hon.c~ and ~tid \I ilh
<kep i) mi,<,ed O ur deepe'l \\ll1p"lh) h Iplc'l~ nOlc Ihc '"\lith", him t'H'n
e~lend"d 10 Iheir f:lInilie~. th"ul1h m"n) of U~ re"tiLc Ih,, (. "hell il
J.I-. \\Il-.(I'. I'~. ~.II11C' 10 union m,lltc:rs. in,ol\'ement
111;I~e\ for t>eUer a\:,ol11pli~hl11cnl', Thl~
mc"n\ Ih<ll \Ie ~houlJ ~tri<e 10 he(Ol11e
Social Held in Honor 1110rc in\ohcd in 'Ieli<ilic,. Kc 11'0.11 .1\ il
Of Past Presid ent Doyle nM}. Ihanl~. Brolher \\julinll. for \our
~\!l1trihUlions Ih:11 f'<lfm./ )UU Ihc :I\I"nl
L U. 14M. ....nSIH NC,II. I'A .-On I ;1111 relal;'~I} new ttl Ihi, uniun
I'chru"r y :!~rd, 1I'l<ll IJ~ h... ld ,I \Ul.i,1I .'Imc. ,,"0.1 r 0.10 nOI prcsume 10 ~nu\l il
in honor of P,l\t I i<.:c pn.·,utem Jim •• 11 or IT) 10 tell \011 more·lno" led]!c·
1)0)11.'. J "" uc~"I",1 not 10 h.: a l'lmdi, Loul 1"8. P'II~bu'Gh. held • .oc,~t 10 aok KrOlhcr) hU\I 10 uo) il. but I \\ould
,late for ,i~c: pr... ~idcnl during Ihe P'I!>t honor 1I ..... lhe' J,m Ooyle. pa,t "'lCe presl·
denl, Lefl 10 "8111. Syslem Counc,1 U 10 lile to a,h an..:e a ,ugI1C,II\ln f,lr }Ollr
eketioll •• ,ml Ihc 10..:;, 1 del'iJ ... u 10 ,how Business "'anager J'm Flai.-. Brollle' OoVI •. con,illcr"lion. The ..kmand upon our of·
their a p prc~'ntioll for Ihi\ P,I\( \Crvice 10 and Pr es,den l B,II MeHow. Ik..:r' ;on.! rC I'Tc..:muli\cs· "frec" 11111<' I~
th e Im:H I ami pre,e rn ed hrm "ilh a "rbl' 'lcadil} irh:rC<l,ing. A,l ~ollr pr""ldcm
":otd,, an..! hll"inc~~ m .. n;I(;..:r hOll 11I:on) ··(rc..:"
I' rl."si,k nt 11111 Merro" prc-.cnted the
il1~llmhcm ollkc" of the 101.';11. "ho
- 'y ':.1 huur~ of time Ihe)' ,pend e,,~h nlonlh on
IInion t>\I)illC'~. Or I-e honc,1 unu a,~
.... crc .111 pre ..... nt :Inu the lIe\l I)-clel:led \our ..... lf \lh) \OU h;\H'n't 'Uhlnleere.1
ol1kcr~ of Ihe 1 .ldie, Au\ilian 'I he W- for onc l·ommiu.·c or anOlher,
<.:ial "," Ilell <lltcn.lI.'d h~ the membcr~ So. \lh\ nOi arr,,-n!;c ,,, rcimt>1ll"c Ihc
nml th ... ir tudil·" ;llo ng \lilh lI u\;ne" mun \Iho ,pend, more Ihan. ':1). 1\1(1
\I .lIlnger JIm I tdg. S),lem ('oun~'il U-
1U. ;In..! Prc,idenl I.... rr) NO'''I. I oc;11
141. I' ill)hurllh ... nd Iheir .... i,,·\.
I" hll1(:' •• re nol loolrng tuo .... ell on
j huur, ;1 ",c"'l of frec li111o;' on union
hu,,"f."" . ..0 11'0,11 he '':In alToru 10 1:t~C
eqllil .. lenl lim.. olf lhe job 10 'ptll.! <I,
he '>Cc, lit IJ~ 1.1~101! ,,"li ..
diun ..... C'
O',"u,s 01 Loc.1 '48 Fronl rOw, l.ft 10
Ihc D uquc,n ..• I Il1ht l 'roflCn~ We ha\c "81>1. F,n,n.:",1 Sec,,, I• .-, J.chon [111011 ,""ould en<.:01Ir.. ge parti<.:ip;'lion h} '-Omc
plcnt) of \lorl 10 do. hUI Ihe ~omfli.ln) Tr.IISU,e, Bill Waldscllm'dl. P,.sidenl 8,11 of U~ \lho fcd \Ie hJ'cn'l llOI Ihe limc.
I);O ~ i n~t i tulcd quilc .In ,1II,lae program Merrow. R.cord,ng See,ela,V H.,old ROIl. \! .... em~ Ih .. 1 Ih .. indi \ldu .. 1 Ilho hit'
•Ind h.l~ (UI OUI "II OH~rlimc. in..:hHhng end I:.xKUllYe £I0.rd members Chu-c~ Bu,,,..
and 80b Ramm,"8. Back row [X-CUl' .... learned ;t l ime-con~lImin!; loh \lell. ;(
IT,I,d 1II11C fronl Ihc luh ,ile h:rd" 10 Ihe Board Cha«man Jim Oushaw. stewa,d [d m.1O \lc'd li~e 10 ~ .. rem.lin on Ihe ,01'0.
hca..!quarter, at Ihc end of thl' worL a.-d,m,n. Execul,,,e Board members \1,10 could be encouraged 10 ... Ia) 'Iilh il c\en Wc had heen prom;"',1 4J ,uldi· MKhl .nd Dick Zenlner. ,lid \I'ce P' esldenl lon.:er. learn it e~o:n nellcr. 'Ind Ihll\
Bue~ Conboy
lion,ll joh\ 'Irom ,. )~'IT ago. 10 Leep lip ..... nc u\ e'cn h..·uer. WoulJ ~ou I:I~C
.... ilh the \lor~ I{);III. hUI Ihc) h.I'e nOI Ihe li lllC 10 drop m..: a note on Ihi\ Idc;I'!
nt:lr~rilllifcu . ., he eomp:1II) h:.s hroull ht I ile the man ..... id. '" Monc)' 1'11'1 C\Cf\-
ill .,hout :m cre'W~ from H inlel and Ihinl1. hili il ~urc "" ~hOOI hll~' ;( lur nf
\kCu)' ilhl~lUI of ~e~ping Iheir promi..c l\h.lle\Cr ehe th.·rc h'-'
of Ii ddi llonal jot>,. O nc morc thini!. fclio\l" f.l. c,pon,ihjl·
I he IIX,II IIn ion r~c" th,,1 Ihl\ i~ un- il~. nOI 10 I'C 1;llen lil;hll ). i, <;OlIIethin!;
r'lir 10 " ur nH.·lnbo:r.. "Iter pUlling 0111 Ih .. 1 c,cr) UU;UII Ill"n owc~ to hi~ Ir:.o.Ie.
Ihi \ inform'lrion lihoul :oddilionHI joh' Wc ;1 11 lnO\l of e\ccpl ion,. t>U\ II j, ill'n-
alll! then lI,in g co nt ritClOr~ In tl o Ihe crall)' ,1~~el'l cd t>~ lhc pllh! i..: Ihat union
wor~. We re~·01!niI.C the f;1~1 thlll con- joh~ CO" morc per hour 111;111 non·union
Ir,Klo!\ arlO nc~ded al lill\~~-anu il mil)' jot>, Unlc,~ \Ie dl) mon: 1(1 ..:on,in ..·e
\le ll he on~ of Iho..c li me~-hul \lC lh.II ","IC puhli.. Ih;II " !lnion joh i,
don't fed Ih •• 1 il ,h"utd he at lhe CA· \lorlh murC' ..... c mo,1 certainl~ \liII fino.l
pcn-.c of an o\erall c\p.m\ion pr"llr,lIl1 our~"e~ in for e\en lougher sleudin!!
\\ e .Ire mO\lng e\er ....1 ~lo\ll) on Di,ltlinl1 the foreman. \uperi nlenucnl. or
,,, rCI)' proh lem s. lUll Ihe llK;ll union h ~onlr"Clor h,,, nOl hlO!; 10 ,10 \lilh it.
,Iilillcntl)' ~l r hlll1; to ill1pro\o;' OUI' 5:l fel)' \\ h;II tomm j, 11'0 •• 1 the un ion )oh i\
progr.lI11 on Ihi, PIUI'C"~ I "1 to "Bhl f're$io;Ienl Bill "' ....ow donc hellcr and faslcr Ih;ln ;1 non-union
in1:1 oll,ca,s of th" lad," Auxlh.ry; P,n,
W. It 'Ir Jllln ..... "IUS. denl B;..·to.r. Ouchle,n. \IIC. P,esldent joh. "nti Ih"l i... our be,t ucfen!iC ,,-g.Iin)1
Lind, H,I,nskl. ,nd Sec.el.t)' LO.s Bull •• "'<Itt opcrJlion~.
T"",u •• ' Chrps Henzle , ~ nol snown "Good hc!!el~ good :md \ ke i\ \I or·
Brother Wittling Given "':1.- Ri!:hl'.'
Man·of-the· Year Award A. G. "GRU.. " BI" "S. 1'.5.

I..U. 15J. SOtn ll liE:" 1>. I .... n .-\\Ic

~Onl!ra'lIl .. le !Jrol1lcr 1J0h Wiullng on Wor~ Situation Is Fair;
wi nnin ll I 01.,,1 I SJ'~ 1972 \I ,IO-of-I he- Safety Committee Appointed
Year t\\ Brolhcr Uoh', !>Ck..:tion
"ll~ :Innoum:c u ,II Ihc }anu;try meelin!;. I.. U. 166. SCIIE~EC1·I\I)\'. i'. l '--The
lind juli!;inl; from Ihc !;encra l lIppi;.u.)C. \lorl. ,\lu:llion hen: in &heneeI:IJ) i~
it \VH~ 01W;011' Ih.11 ou r I' .\i.·~u l i\c lIo,lrd fnir. \lil h a\l bllt a fe w memhcrs II"r~·
h"d mnde ;Hwlher flOplllllr choice. in J,::, We fcel \er~ forlunate. I'~ ... c un-
A re\ iew of Il rOlher Witlling's uo- dersillnu Olho;'r parIS of Ihe ~Iale and
mllcd time 10 Ihe local rea d ~ pn:tL) n11le h (oUnlry arc nOI as well off.
like Ihe li~ of SI:mding eom mittee~ lind A 5;Ifel) Commi n ee \las llppoi nlcd 1'0 )'
Plllsbu ' gh Local 1"2 Presld enl end Mrs.
hoilrds. I t'~ men liLc BrOlher Win ling l.,,., Rossa are s hown in th ,s . Prcsidenl Charles Van D arn. \lilh Glen

ISEW Jo ... 'nar

New Chairman tilln. George KUSSIlel... Oiel.. Greely. )ollr bad. thc sun Upon your face, your
Frank Fermro. JIIck Ma7.zie, P,lul "",hisl.. y cold, )our frie ndships warm. and
Whitehead, and Kent IJ ru~t. a bll of jingling slock in )'our pockets.
RON"t I> J, GAG'O"l, 1'.5. l. ELla:, P.s.

Apprentice Instructors Local 194's Letter Is

Deserve Much Credit Dedicated to Brother Keely
I_ U, 177, JA CKSOi\\'II. U :. FI .,\ ._We I.. U. 19." S II Rt: vt: I'ORT. I_A.- Dedi-
a~ fB EW Brothers should Ghe a \Ole of (:;Ited. lo)al. un ionist. and dili ge nt are
confidence to Ollr ;Ipprenli~e initrU~IOrs. JU~I a few of the words I ha\'e heard
The'IC men de\'ote u lot of time lind tal· u'iCd to de'>Cribc Brothcr K. K. Keel y.
enl to Ihe apprenticeship prol,lrarn. whkh rhc un:lnimous opinion of our members
is the b(.ckbone of the eleclrical indu~· i\ Ihat he has played a vilal part in the
Iry. T hey spend quile :t lot of limc gro\\th of l oc;1 1 [9-1. Brot her Keely is a
te;tching our Hpprenlice~ to IM:cOIne Good rei ired mcmber o f Ihis loc~l. He is we ll
Brother Gterl SlIule r, Lac,,1 166. sehorl''''
lady, NY ., is tho chai rm an of Itle local's journeymen. 'I he culiner of }Otllig men 1..110\\'n for h i~ diligent \\or~ in the :Ip·
new Sa fe ty Commilleo, in our npprcntice'hip progntm 1\ \cry prel1ticeship program. During the early
hi gh bcCtluS(' of rigid stllml,lnh that in· years. he laught ,,<,hool and received no
In structors sure qu,llified lIp plic'lng. pa)'. II I.' counl~ the hours in the o rg:tni.t-
We \houl d )1: 1 good e~;Imp1e~ for Ihc ing of I.ocal 194', Apprenlice I'roGTllm
ap prentices, Inti Ihey Me ohliguh:d 10 re- as hi~ he\t in.'e\lmenl.
ciprocate h)' \\ ll~ part of the Brother h: cely has !.en 'ed in almost
crew. Their journe} 111 ;111 on the job e"cr) ollice in the local uni on. He con·
5hould imtrllct them on the proper pro· )idel"l hh mo,t rey,arding }ears to be
cedure for e\er) t)PC of ;oh. and they Iho-.c he lICl"\ed on the 1':'I:lmining Com-
in turn ",iIIlllen become er:lft!.men, 'Illis IIllt1ee.
coopcration ".,m endeullor 10 mll~e the Il rother Keel)' is the source of ma n)'
ISFW e\en Slronger th3n it is today. inlere~trng dilemmas. Throughout his
we congrJtulnte all of the apprentices, }ear. in the electrical induSlr),. he de\el-
especiall} D:trrel F, Moody, ou"'t[,"ding oped M>me interestinG de\ices 3nd equa-
imide apprenlice of the )ear :lOd out- tion). Hrother Keel)' comes to union
stand ing appre ntice of Ihe year ill the meeting, regu larl y and to apprentice
building trades in the cit) of ladson· d;1,)I:~ occasionally. "AI one time.~
... ilIe, and [llw Gle nn E. "I horne. OUI· II rot her "cel) \a)'\, " I cou ld n3me e\'cry
5t,,"ding npprentice o f the )ear of Ihe m:ln in Local 194. Today. it has gro\\ n
SI-I CAT progrum, \\ hk h co'ers [III of M) muc h th;II I couldn't possibly Slarl."
Brolhe<s Ed FI"rllIllIn, 'eft, .nd Ted Bensorl Brol her " eely feels that union mcm·
pl"n 10 ,..,1 .. •• • pp .. nllc:eshlp Inll, ... "IO,. the M>ut heastern states for linemen.
al Ihe end of Ihe y .... J. C. "CAlli " SMnll, I'.S. hen tooay conditions for Gfanled.
lie '\.:l)~ that e\ery condition was 3n
uphill I>attle and should be respeClcd
Saut"r residing as chairman, As.~isting Work Picture Brighte ns lind ohe)ed.
Glen \'oil] he Business Manager Don~1d For Local 191 ~I e ilhl\lrated the "hate campaigns" of
the ·.Uk. " I cou[dn't e"en le( my neigh-
Glen is more .h:tn qu,"Iifieu to handle I..U. 191. t: \,ERP,'''', W.\Sill._ Thc ron\\ I WitS a union man," Brother
this po'lition, for over the last 20 years "'arming o f the y,eather, the ground. Keel) dedared
in his· time. Glen' pet hohhy Ihl~ lind a few COl1lnl(tol"'\' heart' h;]~ \ho".,n I \ cry local today has 10 ha\'e ded i·
been thut of an ambuJunce :Iuendant for a marl..ed effect on our referm l hool..'1 c;lIed men such ,IS K. K. Keel}. "I hese
one of the 1000al rt mbul:lnce o;ervi(e~ in IheS/: p;tSt 11'00 wed~. It's nothinG major lIIen arc Ihe \ery found.lIion or union-
Schencct:ld}. lie ha~ uttendeu an d corn· nur too 1:ISliog. Iml lit lellst, it'~ (\ ~tep i,m. The}' hc1ie\c in Ihe idca~ of men
pleu;-u the majority of training scmin:lrs in the right direction, It will [II IC;I\I lil..e IIcnr) Mll1er and F. J . ~IcNulty.
relaleu to the qUlllified ambu lance :11· mal..e a ch;lngc in the n;lme~ and faces Urother Kcel)'. thi~ entire articl~ iJ
tend .. nt lind is n regi\lcrcd Ncw Yorl.. at the top of the unemployed 0001... dedkatrd 10 )OU anJ the ideas you rep-
State medical e merG~ncy tec hniciltn, Il usin~ss Manager Jrtme~ O\ley i ~ resent. I fee l Ih:lt it \\'OIS our gain when
With this I.. iml of ~Apericnce hc hind him again in Wa~hingtOIl. I).C., !I~ II member lOU decided that unionism is the hac l..-
and hi ~ dedic:ltion to loca l union func- of the: Council on Indu,lrial Relntions honc of America's strengt h. \Vhere
tion~. this committee i~ ccrtain 10 b;: a n· p:tnel. lie is now gelli ng !I first hand \\ou ld \\e he if lIIen 5111;h a~ ~o\Lr!IClf
ot her out5wndi ng $ucces.~, 1001.. at problems from the other ~ide of ju,1 \hrugged their should.:rs und got
Ed FIl,"agan and Ted Bcnso n h[l\e the tat-Ie, lost in the ero\\d?
announced th[lt this will he their I:.s\ We d rajX'd our charter rcce ntl), in We salute BrOl her K. K. Keely, "Mr.
}ear as uppre nt iceship instructors, This memory o f the follo"",ing n rothcr~ 194,"
local is dishea rt ened to sce them lea\e. Robert 1I0lmes (retired). Glenn Strong.
bUI understands. For the past 15 }ears. III RHI AT PRI.5TIOGI!., ASST. P.S,
and lIerbert Baker. May thcy re\1 in
Ed and Ted ha\e done a fabulous job peace and may their families fe(ehe
of moulding our apprentices into jour- guidance [lnd solace in their hour of he· Brother Easey Appointed
ne}man ".,iremen. 1 don't think that an)'- fta\ement. Treasu rer of Local 195
one can truly [Ippreciate the ex tra linle The following BrotheN ha\e joined
3nd effon aoo\e and bc}ond the class- the ranh of the rctircd-George Pen- L. U. 19S, M II. WA U KEE. WISC. -
room hours thai are put in to the ap- nington. Cal IlcHcman. James \I nc- Brother Ken neth W. Ea!ICy has ocen ap-
prenticeship progmm. un less )OU ha\'e Donald. Arnold H olme~. Fric Anderson. poi nt\.'(1 trea\urer o f l ocal 195.
been there yourse lf, A ! the local union John Este p. Delnert WuulIh. J ohn ri o II rother Joh n Miller. our past Il"f!as-
~ri be-and I kn ow I speal.. for the en· neout. and Jacl.. Williamson. We "., ish urer "., Ix> scnoo us for many years.
tire me m bership_ thank YOll, ltd Fla na- ([Ich o r )'ou a full and huppy n:tiremenl. received :a standing Ollalion as a lol..en
Gan an d T ed Benso n. for a ~upcrl a ti\le Considering the time of the year, we of our hea rtfelt th nnks. ~ I ay hc enjoy
job. You will certainly b;: missed! close by e:'l tell(ling :In Irhh hlessi ng to hiJ well-carned rctirement.
Get-well greeting, go w Ken Chris· e\'er)' one, Mny the wind be [. lwlI),s 10 FR t: D M I:TZ, PRI:S ,

Apri l, 191 3
departlnent of Research
and Ed'ication
• .. rh..: \(ugo.: is ~..:t for wide- oil, copper, aluminum anu iron 01'1..\ but on the oth ... r hand, il rl'~ultl'd in
.-,prcad guin~" in Ih..: U.S. cl'onllmy rublK'r, i\nu ).il1lilar material. Thdr a ).ub!>tantial widening of profit mar-
this ycar, Ih~ C()l1lm~'rcc Ikpaft- in!;fI:>r"'':i.I price will be pa!>..,ed gim. Hence, with thc ('xpan).ion of
men! foro.:casts in tho.: 1973 edition through 10 the consuml'r~with a salcs, corporate profib. after taxl.!s,
of the U.S. /I/(/mlria/ Ow/vol.. Yo:t. ,mall upw:lru impact on the overall ..,hot up :n 1e:I..,t 15 per c\.·nt in 1972,
a somewhat opposing vicw up- Amcrican pricc Ic\'d. f\)lIowing a 14 per cent ri~ in
J>l.'an:d in the February 27th iS~lIo.: 1971. and arc eXpl'(·ted to ri,c b}
of the !Vall Sfrt'el lUl/rlwl. In es- O ullook
an ewn greatcr IlwgnilUu,,: in 11)73.
sence, Ihe JO//l"/la/ article rcporlo.:d The outlOOK for economic Jc- IncJmtrinl prnductinn wa.., up
that many ..:conomists see a l>harp vclopment s Juring the cour!>c of over 10 pcr cent in 1912 and i,
slowdown increasingly probabk in 1973. particularly in thl': laller p:lrI
expected 10 continue to ris..: on
the latter p:lrt or (hb year. of the )ear. i~ further clouded. The
throu,gh 1973. HOUlIillg Slarh, ho\\-
And. then. thl' January issue of ::rdmini~tnrtiun·'" propoM:d Cllts of
ever. another important ..:conomic
FlJrllllU'. in ils arlicle on "Bu... in c\'~ c'»enll:11 government program'> an(1 inuicator of our econom)·:. be-
Roundup," had this to say: " ... in prcdktilllh of tightcn..:d monctary
havior. afe \.·xpected (0 t1cclin..:.
terms of the economic growth. 1973 pohcy~\\lth Ir1tere~t r(ltes already
according 10 \0urc('s in the home-
prnmiscs to be at feasl as good a moving up---can bring a sub!>tantial building indu~lry.
year a:. ]l)72-and probably even ~ lowJO\\n in the pacc of the eco-
a bit bcltcr." nomy's ~'xpamion, if they becoml.) (l Last yellr. the core of the l':CO-
To !oay that our nalion\ eco- rl':ality. Morcovcr, the probabk nomy'). rapid ex pansion was ill
nomic ftHure I:' ::,olllcwhal uncertain slowing in the riSl' of consumer ex- rC'iidcntial comlruction and con-
coulll well be rccorckd as tilt' un- po.!nuiture~. which account for do~ ,>umer ,>pending Hom,i ng :.tarts
(h,:rstatcm..:nt of the ).:ar. Vil'WS on to two-third ... uf the lowl n:ltional rose from the depre:;!>ed level of
the economy run the full gamut- o utput. clIn add to the l'mcrg..:nce lA-million in 1970 to 2.I-million
frolll such expectation" as boom of growing economic difficulties be- in 1971 and 2.+tlIillion in 1972-
and continul':d cxpan).ion to the fo re thl! cud of the year. ,purrcd by govcrnment programs, a
pussibility of i\ lI1ini -rece~s ion. NOlldhck..,.." with 4A-million widespread housing shortage, :111(1
A l:iudul \vcishins of somc of workcr~. or 5 per C~llt of the labor increasing rea l irl!;(Jmes of many
the mon.: reccnt and :.igni ficant de- fon:l·. still uncmployeu in January. families. The volume of con).Ul11l':1'
velopment:. ill our economy even it h obligatory for thc Nixon Ad· c .. pcnditurc).. after accounting for
makes th.:- task of predicting its per ministr:ltion 10 pur~uc a rate of increal>l:d pl'ice:;, rose 6 per cent in
formance more diflicult. The go\'- cconomic cxpansion so that furth l.'r 1972. folio" ing a nearly 4 per ccnt
ernment":. gO:11 of curbing intJation reductions in Ihis un ~at i s facto ry gain in the pre\' jous year.
and thus limiting tho.; Consumcr Icwl of urll'mployment nr,' ;'lchi\'vccl. Thl' pacl' of rising consuml..'r I.'X-
Price 1ndcx (CPI) to an annual ill- This would bc con:.ona nt with the p..:nditllfl':" will probably slow dC)\\ll
crea).e of 2.5 pl'r cent seems hardly sharp g:lins made in the rate of in the carly part of this ycar. The
at(ainabk in view of the f\·c·l"rlt. prouuctivity, which many ecollo- anticipated ,lowing of imtllllJll cnt
walloping incrca).cs in the Whole- mi..,b claim i, a dement in thc buying and thc growing burden of
).alc Price IrKkx (W PI ). which i:-, U.S. l'COnOrH} 's prosp.:cls for repaymenb illl'un that the pace of
a fnrcrullIll'r 10 the C PI and corn he growth and ~lab ilil\ . ri~illg COIl:.Ull1er ('xpcnditllfe!>, dur-
u,>cd 10 imcrprl't forthcoming C PI IlIg thl' '>ecnnd part of the ycar, \\ill
behavior. Morcowr. the cpr ihelf
Economic T re nds inercu!>ingl} ul']>end on COIl!>Ulller
Tu:.e at an annual rate of 6 per cent In 1971. productivity in the pri- bu) ing powcr and confidencc-em-
in the month of January. To add to v>rtc economy rose 3.6 pel' cent-a ployment. wagl's, and the degree of
OUT co~ t -()f-living problems, wc fa).tl'r pael': than the long-term trend advanc(' of li\ ing costs. A ~hlcken­
have expcricllced two dl':valuation .. since World War I I, and ill 1972. ing ri~c of enn,utllcr spending dur-
of the American dollar in a period productivit}' accekr.Hcd to 4.2 I)C~ rng thl': ~econd half of the ycar and
of 14 month).: ncedJc~~ to mention ~ent. This ).harp ris..: in productivity , the expcct...d ucdim: of housing
its intt'rllalional cconomic ramifie:l- combinl'd with the ).I{muown in the Mans through 1973 can be o ff:.ct.
tions. Many domestIcally-manufac- increase or wage).. re).ulied in a con- only p;lrLiully, b) the anticijJ:tku 14
tured products usc imported COrll- siderablc slowd own in the ri).e of per cent rise of bu.!.ines:. inw:.tmcnl
poncnts or raw materials, such as unit labor costs on the onc hand, in plants, machines. and equipment.

r8EW J ou,nCl I
Ov~r th ~ p.hl ! H month!'!, invCl>t- lop.'!>ided boom u f bu~in e~~ OllIla).'!> ha ~ been ' '"'t by Ih..: sow rn111 ~l1 t­
m ~ lll ill plant alld ":(!Idpm..:nt
IK'W for capita l good .. , particularly in the l'llcotiragl'd unbal:tnced profil blXIJ11
illc rca~cdt in rcal ( C rill)" at a 9 per manufacturing "eclor, with decline!. -:111 l',calalion of rrnfit~ wilh re-
c~nl rate. During Ihc lalll'r part of o r .') Iowcr r a t ..:~ of cxpamion in :.Irainl on ",agl'!..
! 973, the national econolllY may other econumic '<':Clor,. I h..: f()\JI1-
' Vurk er's Eu nl ings
OCcom.: llominal..:d by a I..:mporary dation for ,uell lop,ided eondilin!1~
Ac(..'(wding In the U.S. Deplll·t-
mcnl of Labor, the av~r;rgl' hourly
earlling~ of non-'tlp\:rvi-.ory IHlrker\
in pri\ at..:, nOll-farm empl(lynh.!nI
Source: U.S. Deportment of lobar Bureau of Lobar St{ltislic$ incre;h..:d 5.9 per c.:nl octween
Jillwar) , 1972. and January, 1\)73

Inde. Do le
. , ..,
REVISE D INDEX SERIES-Refe ren ce Base, U.S. Average, 1967 - 100

tlem, It,m,
Appo.el H,alth
~ an increment wdl within the 5.5-
7.0 J>1.'r cenl \~agl' conI nil guide-
lilll" ''':1 during Ph;"..: II of thl'
Monl" y-, (om . Com·
Tran , po< '
t R"
,.o lion aurnini,lratillll\ eculiO/nk .'!>tabili L:t-
bin,d' f~d Hou,ing Upkeep

Jon, 1973 148.5 127.7 128 ,6 131.4 123,0 120.0 127.8 tion prngl';un.
On J anu,u'Y llih llf this ye;lT,
Dec. 1972 148.0 127.3 126.0 131.2 125.0 121.3 127.5
Prl"ill ... nt Nixun al1!l\IUnel'd that
Nov. 1972 147.6 126.9 125.4 130.8 125.0 121.4 127.4 Pha ~ I I I of hi, economic program
Oct. 1972 147 ,2 126.6 124.9 130.4 124.3 121.2 127.2 l\\lUld go inlo effect. '·Iene.:, till:
Sept. 1972 146.8 126.2 124.8 130.1 123.1 121.0 126.8 aUll1ini,trmion wa, ~ hifting fmm ih
Aug. 1972 146.2 125.7 124.6 129.9 120.8 120.5 126.5 malHlatllry control ~)~t ... m to IlllC nf
Jan. 1972 143.3 1232 120.3 127.3 120.2 119.0 12013 ~\I-cullt.:ll voluJltary re~trailli. But.
Jan. 1971 138.6 a:. Ill' thi\ (Jatl' ... ,ide frum change'
Jan . 1970 131.8 in till' rl'l)()rt ing rl'lluiremcllh whieh
Jan. 1969 124.1 appl~ to Caleguri..:, I, II , and III.
Jon. 1968 118 .6 tlll'rl' hlt\ o.! nul h..:en any eOllcrete
, 19.57·.59 Re le.enn ",., in.'truclillll' i"uo.!d by Ih..: gowrIl-
NOTE: Con.ume. P,ice Inde. 10. 011 ,Iem. increa.ed 0 .• Inde. Poinl du,ing th, pa,l mon lh. l11 ... nt relevunt to thl' 0pl.'raliom {If
O. OJ%. lhi. eql/alled an onnl/ol .01.. 01 in«&o.e 01 J6%. 112 X 0.3). The In" .. o.e Phuw III. N..:..:dle" 10 ':I). thi' hll'
in (PI du';ng Ihe po.1 yeo .... " ••. .5 Po;n" 0' 37%.
o.!ngcndered much confLNull ," ((l
Pe,e e nl"!!e inc.e:.... belween t..." dolel i. colculol .. d by .ublto.I'n!! Ihe Ind ...
Numb .. r to, th' "0,11.. dOle hom thaI I", !ha lot .. dat e, ond by di"ding Ihe whether or nul thl' \\ agc guideline
....'I I by Ih .. inde. numbe, fo' Ihe "",l1e. do ta. then multiplying by 100. w()uld be lkxibk :Inti 10 what lk-
EXAMPLE , for Ihe pe.iod of Jun . 1972 to Jon. !973 , 127.7 - 123.2 = •.S Ind .. POin": gr':l'. Moren\"..:r, till' E(..'omJl11ic
•. .5,d by 113.' =
.036.5 X 100 =
37"1. Stabiliz.l1ion Act will expirl' April
30th. Il1lle", it i, extended b) Con-
gr ... ". Ikca U'l' of Ihi, period of un-
eert:lint~. it i, Il1U~t dinicult tll
progn()~tiC;Il': fulUrl' wuge pallern
Source, Statistics Canada (1961 = 100f d.: vciopmenh l'\'cn though thi, i, :1
h" ... )'::11' in ",hid, a ,ub,tantial IlIlmbcr
lnde. 001e Heollh t olion of \\()r"..:r~ \\ill ha\'..: thcir wag..:'
." l,on.po. Person,,1 ood
Monlh- Yea, It.. m, '~d HO'Hing Clothing t"l ion Core R&oding
afTl'ctl'd hy contract negotiation,.

Joo 1973 1014.5 150.0 148.0 134.7 133.3 151.9 141.5 Corrd u, iull
Dec. 1972 143.3 14 7.1 146.8 135.1 133.4 151.8 141.4 In ,hml. ",helh..:r 1".17 3 \\ill h..: a
Nov. 1972 142.3 145.1 146.1 134.9 133.1 151.6 141.3 )l'ar ()f eontil1lh,:d eennomic growth
Ocl. 1972 142.0 145.3 145.2 )34.4 134.1 151.2 140.3 or \\h..:thl'r it will be a periml in
Sept. 1972 141 8 146.7 144 .1 132 .4 134 .4 150.0 140.2 \\hich l'col1omie aClivit) ,I()w~ tlllwn
Aug. 1972 141.3 145.7 143 .8 131.3 134 .3 150.0 140.5
136,4 \kp":11l1\ 011 man y fae1Or,. :til Ilf
Jon. 1972 136.7 140.5 130.2 132.3 146.3 136.5
Jon . 1971 130.3 which arc Ih)( pereeptibk' at thi,
Jon. 1970 128.2 lim('. NOl1l'lhdl"', Ilur e(..'unol11)"
Jon. 1969 122.6 performan(..·": \\ill. in Inrge mC"'Ufe,
Jon. 1968 118.1 bl' ini1LIl'nCl'u hy the Illon ... t"r) and
fj,cal policic, pur'UI:d b) the ad-
NOTE: Can"do·' (on ..,me, P,;,e Ind .. fo' 01 1 item. in" 1.2 ind ... pO'nl. dU';ng th ..
po.t monlh. Or O.B'/.. Thi, "'luolled on "nnuol 'ote of inereo., 01 96% (12 X 0.81. l11inj'tralioll. [ he,c gowrn m.:utal
Th .. Inc,eo .. durIng Ih e po.t yeo, w,,' 7.8 p"inh 0' .5.1 pt'cent. polieil" ,hould \:k.' in pur,uit Ill"
Pe.u n'oge ,"" .. 0 •• b .. lween two dol .. " ,olculo, .. d by lubl,octing lh, Inde. ""urlllg a balanc..:d expan\ion of
Numb.. to<' the &O,li ........ "om .hol 10' tI•• lore, dale, ond by d;.;d;ng the ... ,,11
by lhe ,nd ... numbe. 101 Ihe , ... Ii.. , dole, Ihen ml/llipl1ing by 100
th.: ':CllIlUIll} in 1973 '" ith particu-
EXAMPLE, for Ih .. p ... iod 01 Jon. 1972 10 J"n. 1973. ! ... .5 - 136.7 = 7.8 Inde- Pain", lar cmpha"h uirecto.!l1 toward in·
7.8 di.ided bv 136.7 = .0.570 X 100 =
.57%. crea,ing rl'llJ ineOJl1c~ und rcduci ng
unem plo) mcnt.

April, 1973
Atl antic City Local Saw Brother Lenn ie Warre n recently ciation. I) usiness Manager George Clnrk,
an d had quite a conve rslttion regunling toastmaster at the banquet. who recent ly
Negoti ates Se ttleme nt :tircrllfl. Lennie. who has been n mern- became president of Lhe Ncw Bedford
I•. U. 210, ATI. ANT IC crrv. NJ,_ ber of this local for many years. has ul- Cit} Council. reud II resoilition com·
Wage niles lind fringes \lere reopened \la)'$ been an ardent n"intor. He O\ln5 mending Walt for his service to the city.
for neguti,ltiuns prior 10 December J lSI hh o .... n plane :md started n)inJ: in the Ma)or ~lark() also rC;Jd II proclamation
bel\\een lhe Vineland Unit of the loeal open cockpit days. 40 yean bad.. at the 10 Walter ror his oUl5landing service.
and the Vineland Eleelric Ulilily (city airport at Wollaston, Massachusetts. I-Ie Sllite Rerrl.'')Cnlative Domlld Gnudclle
of Vine lnnd). look mc up for a ride one lime over read .1 resolution from the I-louse of
many of the lawns of old Pl ymout h Rerrcscnt:llives in BO'don commending
Uur Negotiating Commillee consi,ted
of I'residenl Ch:lrles R. Arnol d. lJusiness
County. He is ;1 slilled pilot, lIS \\ell liS Waltl'r for hi~ contribution to his com-
II journeyman electrician. in his o\\n munity.
Mllnllger Ed Ritchie, AI "h."nsone. Tom
right. 1-IO\ler$ lIere prcsentetl to Mrs. ;,\ Iont,
i'eroui, Barry OuranrJ. Dennis DeMl11lr.,
and International Represcnt:llhe AI Retired Brothe r Horace French b s0- and Chainll.m ReliC FOllill, II local.
journing in 5unny Horid:., and on the union electric al contractor, presented
Giles. The)' negotiated the follo\ling set.
~ ide . he is enjoying a crllj~ Ht the age Walter .... ilh \ ariolls gifts. We sinecrely
A general wage increase of 6.63";' of of 83. Brother Horace worked at Ihe wish Wah a happy. e.~tended "acation.
W:lI~ -Over Shoe Plant as an electrician Until neXI month!
1111 union ci:lssifications:
for many ye;,rs. FI) 1-.'11 tlI'IIR, I'.S.
The city of Vincland to assume :III
premiulll cO~ts on the present I.llue Our mini BI(l()(/ Banl WilS givell good GIt_ GARRISON. 1'.5.
C.o~~ / Bluc Shield Hospillllilalion con. publkit) b), the JJr()('~toll £lIferpriu.
tract lind the city of Vineland 10 IIt1sorb our daily newspaper. Anthony I'orauo
is a good promoter of Ihe lJlood I'!'O- Practicing
any fUlure increase pursuant to such
crea'iC :
premium in- gnull, which is very important to our
well being. T om Schla!:.:. our recordin.s .......-
'1 he watchman-dispatcher wage rate 10
secret!IT),. helped with Ihe BIOO<.! Pro·
he il1~rea'\\!d by 10 centS per hour before gram aJ~o. It j~ a fraternal ;Let to give
the 6.63':'iI is alld(:d: blood to help your fellow mcmhcrs in
The shift-differential 10 be increased the IU FW. Blood is life.
Brother and ;'\11"5. Fmie Hridgwood
from 20 cent~ and 22 cents to 24 cents
ilre now living in retirement in Florid;•.
:md 26 cents for the aftcrnoon and night
~hift5: God bless them!
With agreements :lnd olher loe:11 t>u~i­
Wh en lhe m:lyor of Vineland declares
ness comi njl: ahollt concerning the JOCl.1.
a holiday in addition 10 those provided
for hy ~ontrac!ll.1I terms. all physical Business Manager Franl Mom no is
wurkers of the Vineland Utility shull be nprlying syslt:matnlog}' to nlllny facelS
benefited equally; and of the JOCil1 union business office.
It is underst(l()(/ bet .....een Ihe parties As Americuns, it is truly lin inspirn-
th:lt the·me ntioned benefits are 10 tional land heartwarming act to l>;llllle Thes" a." sc""es 0 1 th " lirst atd ct&SS In
be efrective as o f December 31. 1972. our flllg prior 10 IIny meeting. Pat riolbm L.u..dl 229. Vo.". P • . Siandin•. lelt 10 .Ishl,
We congratulate John BiUer upon his is a s;u:red sentiment that can be exhib- Ste"e Clarton. instructor In S lamb&ugh.
ited in suc h a manner. Spurgeon Hak", Emerson ROdge'5, Robert
:' ppointment as chairman of the Execu- Tomes, Jeffrey Fahs. La"e," " Rebert. Philip
tive 1l0;mJ :lIld ulso Hal \villiam~ on hi~ Be Americ:ln. buy Amcric;ln. and look Eisenhart, Thomas Alb'Lght, Clarence Har-
appointment to the hoard. tor the unIOn label on any Hem )'OU man. and Gary Good. Sealed, tnstructor
huy. thus helping your fellow unionists Robert Corbin.
to nLlle a living.
MAl Arm G. Sill P\Jlll'>OS, I'S.
W eathe r Slows Down W ork;
Improvement Expected Members Join Pickets:
L. U. 223. IIR O(' t\ TO~, " ASS.- The Retiree Honored at Banquet
winter \leather hllS causcd a slowdown
of work in the arca. Some of our Broth- I .. U. 224, N EW IHmFO RI) , l\1AS."i.-
ers arc workinjl: in Ihe jurisdiction of si~­ As we read the JOIlr/wl. wc get :1 lot of
ter locnl ~ bcellu<;e of a fack of work here- good idells from each other's locLlls.
ahout~. With the advent of good Also. the letters lell us Ihal other locliis
wealher. there \liII be jobs coming Out of arc a l'>O losing wor~ to non·union con·
the ground to help emplo) ment pros- tmeton. 'Vc arc no exception. But .... ith
peCts. the umiring work of our husim:ss man-
Our chaner i~ draped in memory of ager an d Ollr members who were on the
two of our members who died recentl y. ocnc h. picket lines were up and OUT
Brolhns William E. McCarthy amI Er- prewnce was felt. Now. some of Ihe
ne~t Linehan. who were IBEW members jobs h .. ve gone union.
for many }car~. Brother MeC .. rlhy \IllS That is Ihe result of unit)'. IInity Fin ancial Secretary "Clem" Harman appli es
bandage to Brother Gary Good'S head.
emplO)'cd for muny years by Ihe Bethle- within ourselves and \lith our fellow
hem Steel Company's Quincy, Ma'-"Ich,,- IrlUjc~mcn. We necd e;lch other-"Male
sells, Shipyard. :lod Brother Linehan was no mistake about that.~ Local 224 is Red C ross First Aid Course
cmployed for m.tny ycars by Ihe Tre- ma~ing its marlc Given fo r York Brothe rs
maine Electric Company at B roc~ton. A On Jan uary 28th, Ollr loc;!1 co-spon-
moment of silence was observed III the sort,l a testimonial banquet for W~lltcr L. U. 229, YORK, I'A,- We ha'e s1arted
loclil union meeling in their memory. F. ,' lonl. who recently retired liS depart- :1 first ;Jid twining course for our Brolh-
Re"uie~eltnl in pace. ment head of the New lJedford Wire ers. \lhich is being held at the union
Great credil is due ollr deceased Department. The commi!lee thllt h:1 11 on Saturdays.
Brolhers. as they built the sturdy faun· pluJlrtI:J th,,; b"IIljucl consisted of I) roth- II is called the Red Cros9 Stundard
dat ion on which rests ollr present-day ers of our local and members of the Multimedia FirSI Aid course. and tech-
unionism and the IBEW. New IJcdford Mastcr Ek"1:triciuns Asso- niques Icarned in the course C'.ln be ap-

tlE W Journa l
Firs' Aid Class Apprentice Closses Pin Pre sentations

Apprllnllcn 01 Lout 2ll. Soou. Clly. tao,

and Iheir In$lru<:IO.-. a.. shown in Ih ....

8,olh•• $, ..... C""'Otl. 'ell. apptles bandaS"

10 8.0Ih" Sob Tomes' hud Brothe, f>t1illp
E,se"ha.t ''II''t, applies bandag, 10
Rebe.!·s tI.ed ("Reb's" Krau.. ....e.. $UP.
fout pOCIU ..S. teft 10 "8hl. 'ltSI year app,en·
liees 80b Vakutshs. Rudy Lee. Roger
OIs.on, Ooug Rlenke. Dan Johnson, and
Chuck Klink. InSl,uClor Oon KeUler Is
s landlng_
AI Ihe Annuat Banquet 01 LocII 2l7. N'IIS'
FIIII_ N.Y .• IBEW s.",Ic. pIns were p ••
lented 10 m.mbe'l. He... P,,,,,dent Jlck
Kennedy. I'", p,nent. I 40-y... PIn 10
I)Osed to be r.moved. but hi wanled to $" Buslneu" W,IIi.m Johnson. "ght ••s
what WaS loh'l! on), InSI,u(:IO' Le. SI8m- F,nanc,.1 SeCtela,y LeWIS Mot'" looh on.
baulh, white shIrl ...... telln 10' mistakes.

plicu 10 injur",1 on the jail. ;,1 horne. or

wherever ne-cued. II i~ It mu~1. ((:lIow5;
YOli nCH'r lnu\\ \\hen )011 11M) need to
apply fir~t ;Iil.l techniques [0 ;, Brother
or -.oml'onc ~'OU du nUl e\cn lnu\\. But.
ilIon: import:Hu. it lould he :1 10\(:,1 one
.... ho...: life )OU (oulll "",\c. or you could
he th ... \i~lil11. 1I0l1 you could tell an - Second yu •. LeU 10 "8111. Telty Bns, Oln
Moos, Slev. Sandets, Tid RlCkwl. Grega
other per,,,n Ihe prOflCr flr-OCl'IluTe to Appet, tnst,uclOr Blyne Liml.n, Frink Co·
follow 10 help you. neky. and Mike FlllPlllrick.
Brolhcr~ Roilcr! Corhin. R..nd)' Hel- Left to ,ighl. l~yur .eclplent JO-hn Ktoos·
\\il;. I c~t ... r SlumhnuJ;h, I)c:ln WolfT. and te,man, President Jack K.nnedy. 35·ye/ll' reo
Lc~lcr \klholn hllle: ta~e n the coursc. cip,ent lewl' Mottls. Ind BUSIness Manllger
W,ll,am Johnson.
The) hal'c a l-.o t :t ~ e n thc in,tructor's
COUf ..... '>() that they c:m tcad! the eourse
to other II r01he"~ \lito \lill then b.: certi-
fied .
We h;ld tn e:;11I Ilu,inc'~ \I;mager
Roger Billel In 10 t ll~C the picture:s of
the cI:I\'iC~. E\I:ryortc el ..... -.celllciJ to be
til""d Lip. TIlird yur. Left 10 rl8hl. [Iwood "Woody"
Union Illcl""ting~ nrc still the third Boelte •. Ken ModUn. Vern SChmldl. Fr1lnk
Thu rllda) at I!;I)() P.M .. 300 Hudson Fullon. Dale P~rker. Oennll Lowell, Oon An·
derson, Chuc: k W, ebelhl"s. InSlruClo r John
Slreel. I' k;l">C !tUen,l. ! lulio:<;. let your HipJj:lIIs. lind Oave StewI,\
hushnnds out ;.1 IcnM onc ., hursd:lY
niJ1.h!:t month. Left 10 fIght. lO-yu. recipien ts Josepn Sed·
I t ~ and Vemon CI.,~son: Prestdent Kennedy;
Li s MI IIIORN. I' .S. lO yn. rech",!n ts Raymond B,oeker, Je.ome
00110\11. and James M otlland~ .nd !lusine-ss
"".n.ger Johnson.
School Nea ring End o f Term;
Work in Sioux C it y Slo w
1..1I. 23 1. S IOI '( (TI' . IA.-5iou'l
Cit)'~ :lpprentkc_hip 'iO;hoot is llC:lring
.. n end-until llC\t r"lI. \lhen the boo~s
"'ill be opened once "1!.Iin. Ih h 100;lf. "' ..
hale 2/1 upprentin" in the progr;tm. \\ e
are len proud or our 'ppremieellhip
l>roRTam. and nl.lOl Ih;ml~ go 10 our in·
,trtKtO" .lOll COITIllliLleo: nU:1l1I-oeT~.
Mc:mbe~ or the JA'I C Oil Ihe COil' Fourth Y"lIt "All Sla,s:' Selled. lell to "8hl
Te .. y S .. nhard l and Mik. Thul. Standln" LeI! 10 "Iht. 25-yea. ..c!poenls Hen.y
ll11eto" ~iUl' "re Gor.lon lI artin. 1Iil! Jerry 8aKley. Jerry C.osstey, Ind In$lrUC:lor f.edflclo; Ed .. atd Robins. Edw.rd Johnson.
H O~"'lcl. ;111\1 J im I c:",h. ScT\ing on Ihe Paul Johnson. Not POClured ... J!m KIUn· and R.lph Borelli: PresIdent Kennedy. 25-
~41r .ec'PllnIS Clayton Hyser eml Rod
union ~Ide arc I're~idem Royle Clausen. lugh and John S,ncenbl"lh.
Moy,r, Buslnen Man.... Johnson: and Wat-
Tom Corrigan. and Jim LeV). Instruc· I •• Shanklin.
tors lire Don K e~~1cr. lilst.)ear claSli: "ith "orl . W.. hope illl 1,i11 l'C bacl
Bay- ne I indcn. second yl:ar; John l-l iR' home oy the lime )011 read thi" Service Pin Presenta tions
gim. third }.. ar: illill 1';llt! Johnson, We liT.. in the proc.... ~ or negotiati ng a
new COnll";Lct. Our pro:..em one e\pir,'s
Mad e at Annual Banquet
fou rth ye;lr.
Wo rl he re in Sioll.~ City during the on June lsI. Ncgot b tin~ Comrnillee 1..1 1. 237. i'o lAGA KA F,\ U .5. N. \'.-On
first three month, of the year IIliS been mem bers :ore I' re ~klellt Royle Clilll'll:n. Fcomal ) Wl h , Ihe AnnUlil lJunquel "';L ~
very slow. a mi we have ~e \'c rnl mCIllb.: rs Business MHn:L ~er I). Nci ll ~1iller. HIIlI h.:lll:l1 Ihe l'lLr~w(ly- R :Ull ad:t Inn. It WlIS
on the ro;nl. We thlln ~ our s i~lcr IOCllls Barne Lindtn. :t ~u.:c .. ,s. (I~ U ~ It:l ! , lh:tnks to our elller·
for their help in 1Il1[Jp!yinl! our members 1,,]nnu.'" 111 coairnwn . •\l arl Y Felice.

April , 197 3
David Jordun WII~ forma ll y presc l1led
his IBEW Life-Suvi nG AWll r\! , a nd
Nuclear Plant Something New Added
IIJ EW service pins were presented to 32
memberli \I ho .... ere present.
Mcmbcrli reeC'iving pms \I ho are not
shO\ln in the enclosed photo are 3()..)ear
members Wi lliam De:l.n, G uy Co\ello.
Geor~e De Remer. I·rne..t Rutze n. MarL
Heacher. Leroy Brier ly. J llme~ BO\lm:ln,
Pele lI od:,o:,le. lIo)d L;"oy, Charles
Mo)er. Sr.. 1·r.lOk ranner. lI arry Sni\!er.
Gilberl Thomp<>On. &\\I;,rd Sle\enS, lkr-
nard Mllrwlf, Jnd la~e Roo;en.
T .... enl)·fi1e )ellr'i-J;Lllle~ Lorenl.e. Brothe. Tom McGovern. Local 261. Grolon.
Bill McCabc. Chllrle~ l oltz, I conard Conn., InSI"lctor "t General DynamiCS'
Uockadalc. Char le~ Wolcott, J ac~ I 'o~­ Eleetrlc Boal Corpor&llon. introduces these
lady trainees 10 the neW world 01 "lectric,ly
ler. John [>Cro~e. H uller! Sthmill. D ic~ d""ns tk' O.J.T. Program. L<:!ft to rlSh l.
I hompwn, ("harle~ I.elelnik. Wendel Linde Cedett, Carol Brandnor, and Willie
This aerlel View shows the Oew,s Besse Nu · Penny Foster.
h :onk. Joh n .... indlia. Clem KrUlen. Mi· Cle"r Pllnl on Lake £"1, In the jUflsdlction
chr,el Oshe... D.1Il 'I\mjal'~, .lOd Jo..eph 01 Loelt 2"5. Tot"do, Ohio,
T yron.
I ....enly years- Kltlph l rllahhUl\~.
Lnrf Y Sill If. Dom Kufrnno. WiIIilLm
We~t. Rie hlml Uren. Ric hard Jc r ill. Roh·
crt Kno~, Stuart I'rl1terwn. Sid Capone.
Andy I lIell~. llIl,t 0 ,11111 Morri\On.
Fiflcen \eolf'i-John Sc .. r~. I""nnell
I·ar~hill. John Warncr. 1 d .... ard Ciue~.
Daniel B\lfelh. Bill Chubo). Guido Co-
!ued. (I)de I-crGu~JIl. DtJn lI uhz. I.eo
I'enlli" S,1I11 C:lpone. I'eler lI op~a. Ger·
uld John-.on. rtnd I r.on~ C1 1,Ichla.
And I() )e;tr~ J oseph Smilh, Bcrn:lfd W,lhe Penny FOSler, Linda Cadett. and Carol
Brandno. pf'f:~re to tun c:able at EJeet.oe
5.hanllh;III. Denlll~ llullicelh, Marino Fe· eoat.

lice, and Donald '·cnolllg.
hMl~ 'llkIlIIlIRRY, P.S.
. ~~;~+t... &1"( ,t, ~\\.­
Negotiations Get Under Way;
Th, cooh na lower.
Dance Scheduled for May
LoU. 2-'5. 1'OI.EI>O. OIIlO-Ncgolia-
lions arc heginning to I,:ct under .... ay.
Since our l;t~1 negoli:,lions. 1\10 memh.::n
of the Negotialing '1cam. Brothers Jml
McGill lind lack Momuny, have been
rcpl'lce.! . Bot h di\! excellent jot>s \lhi le
serving their tocn !. '1 hey hal e becn reo
pl ace\! oy n rO\hl'r~ John Sllmmrr~ of Ihe
I,;.rol ~randno r Instells ty· raps to wl.e. In
Substal ion l>Cpartment and lJ ic ~ O~on· Junction box during a.J.T.
s~i of the ' inc l>CpMtmenl. I' m sure
.... e·11 be Rbly represented.
ALBAT 8pprentoees Ins pee l rubbe r tHtlnM
J u~t II lillie rcminder aooul the An·
Iwal Dance which \111 1 be hdd Saturd:IY. allotted space Jusl tJ~tln{! their name~.
l\I ay 121h. :,1 Ihe Sport~ Arenr, Anne,\. in No doubl m:,ny of our old·ti mer~ <l nu
Toledo. The [ )'oo I..e .... i~ Orchestra \1m r;:lirees \lill remcmber wme o f Ihelle
furni,h mmi,. for danl'ing. and Shasteen Brothcrs.
Calerin~ Scrvj"e .... ill aJ:ain furnish the T haI'" about all until nnt monlh.
food . IJrOlher ("hariey \ 1c(.hee i~ again S. R. "MIXL" W/,>OIl.O\\SIU. P,S.
Ihe dan(e (h:lirman. and anyone .... ho
h:,s itl1cnded Ihe dance in the last thrce
leaN kno ....s \lhM a good job he and hi, Negotiators Do Fine Job;
Instruc tor Tom McGovern shows Willie
commiuec do. Helte r Mart ma ~ jng lour Work Picture Good t-'enny FOIII . d,fferent circuits durin", a
plans 10 alle nd now. clan 5enion.
Recenlly. un arlicJ.e from lin early edi- L.U. 261 , GROTO:-" . CO ...." . -It·S hi:en
lion of Ihe Jrmmal .... itS brought 10 my a long lime ~ince your s<:rit.e has written Flel;lri.;: Hoal Corporal ion in G roton.
allcnlion. The prcss secret:try :11 the lime 10 Ihe -I..oc:tl lines" 5('ction. So. a\ the the "SubnMrine Capilal of the World:'
Ihe article \las wriucn \\011\ Brothcr Ed old saying goes, " Let's J,:CI Ihe on <Ire on Ihe upgntdc. The \lor~ picture al
DUKeshirc, .... hu prls,\cd away al lea~t 15 Ihe road." Ihi\ \Idling seems and loo~s good and
)'ears ago . It wrl ~ quile a lcugl hy article. ') re~idcnl· B usiness Mflnat:er R:,ymOllu .'ppcars ll~ if il "ill remai n so for a
Some of th e H rOl h er~ mentioned were DiCenso and his Negoliating Committee long lime, "'i1 h Ihe pre~ent ~lIbnmrine
W, Winlla rd. Fred S\lnrl£.... alter. h I :m' 10 he: commended on the fine .IOh conlr:tcts for Oolh new comlruelion :In\!
lJ:t ker. Ira Vnndcr!>.111, " red Holl7.. ,.1.1 Ihey did during Ihe delicale and If)ill8 o\'crhllu,," I he .... ork piclure rea ll y l oo ~ ~
Stea kly, Cu rl Mc Mullen, Jac ~ Kell y, period spenl 10 oblain lhe: best JWb~ib le .oO<J.
Hurry Bntnl, HUGh Anderson, H :tn ~ ,.onlract for OUf members. We Itll,e somclhins ncw 10 me nlion in
T rtnsley, li nd more. I'd ru n OUI o f m y T hings here :It Generlll Dyna micsl th e "Loca l Lines" column. As you Clln

•• t8EW !
sec by the four pholOs. we ha" C femak hrighter and Ihal il may bc pulling out Christmas Party
tr'.linces who arc undergoing on-the -ja" of the long ~I ump it hns lx-ell in.
training here. in the d:l~~room~ ami :ll~o As~btanl Bli si ne~s " Ianagcr Jim G allO
on the ~ubs. And may }'our S!;riht! Sol} Ulrncd politki:ln for ;t ~horl \, hil e. J im
lhal th e} ,Ire imkcd lIo ing a good jon. ":,o, pided hy a \ery "i ..e group 10 run
Say. fc!l:!<;..-nnd now girl~. !;ome lIll in a prim,H"} election fo r a ,ent .a.:ated
OUI 10 Our loc,,J mecting~ rhey .lfe held ;n Ihc Ne" Jer,ey A~~mnl>. Unforw·
c.'ery scr.:ond Sunt!.I) of the 1110mh al nat!."I}. he did not win . and "c feel hi~
2:00 P.M. at 5 I'Dqllonnod RO:HI. <I It", w:, ~ a gre:11 hlo" " gain't !;thor. We
)horl d islance from Ihe 1'1:tnt. It ·s II ,an only hop.: thaI. if another 0PP0r1U-
good pbee to meel }Our memhe l.... 11 0" nit} coniCS up. \\C 1·:111 ge t the pcopl~
about il'l! ~lut to cICCI him and strile out '\ilh :l
So I11l1dl fo r now-unlil "c meet hlo" for lahor ill .... e" Jer'>C).
ag:lin in " Local Lines." I h.u·s ;II! for no". R ~mcllll'er Ih.,t 1
the onc thing \It: ,·<In ,,11 \\~<lr Ilhkh Membe<1O 01 locat 281. Ande rson. Ind .• held
\Vll t t \\t "lULl .. SI ~'Il \'. Sit .. P.S. Iheir Ch"s1mU pa. ly on December 23m .
nl"cr \\e;lr~ 0111 i. a ~mile. Shown al 1he pany are tnlernatlonal Repre
VI C A:-: 1111 ' I I Lt, I'.S. sentalive E:verelte S~rte)': GoorSe Morgan.
Retiree Honored slewafd; Tom Gra),. lOC~1 281 Pre5idenl;
&nd eruce Sumner. Bu.tnan Manager.
New Press Secretary Submits Locat 1395. tndlanapoll •• lnd_

News of Muskegon Local 275

LU. 275 . \l US KEGON. \IICII.- A'
the new pre,s '>Ccrclary. I :lIn ~unmill;n~
information ;II'Olit G I imllr.1nce. which
II;" ..ent to me h~' the l"'·pI"C~~ !>Cerelarl
\ hill hir, N'l'n p:I.!.""d inlo 1;1" l!i'm~
.111 \\urld WM II \Cler;m~.1 J;\idend of
~o cent .. on e:Jeh SJ.{lOO of their GI life
tOCoI'Il 262. Ptainfield. N J .• recently hetd a imur:tnce for e.lch momh of !>Cn icc.
SUrPriSe party lOr rel";ng Srolher Jilek - Ih~ J;,idend ;, palahle e'<'n if }Olt no
George. Sr •• a membf!r of the local lor 46 longer carr}' >our 0 1 in~u!'anee. Veler- Servrce p.n rec,p'enu. front row. left 10
years. tell to righl. Srothet'l Hatty Uaf)'
and Pete Malloy. Business M.n~tler Robert tIn, "il l not recei.e Ihe di.idend un1c~ "ghl. Tom G.ay. B,lI Wrin. Brooks Slinson.
Cartwright. Assistant Bus,ness Jim thr) ;tppl~ for it. Geo'lile Morlan•• nd Runell Corwin, Middte
rOW: Gil Dav.s . Chet Zrrketback. Rube Car-
Gauo. retiring Broth. r George. and Srother 10 :Ippl} for Ihe di,·i(1cml. 'Hile to rOll, Bot! Ea,h.". and Casb. Bach. Back
George Hotmes. G I losl1r:iI1cr Di.idend. Velerans -'\d- rOW. Kenny Cflpe. Bob Sokol. Oon Ortwe,n.
lllini5tr:ll;on Cenll"r. Fort Snelling. SI. Mj~. Bag,e"~~,, Ron"te [1hefl"g ton. and
Surprise Party H eld Puul. '1 lnnc-.ola ~5111. \pplk"nh Bob Ferguson,
,hould ",dude their n;lIlle. :td"re~~. Cd
For Retiring Brother in,umm::e num!lt'r. hraneh of 'en·icc. se-
L U. 262. I' I.A I1'fl t: U J. ""J.- II is 1';:11 number. dale of birth. date of en·
wi lh honor .md pride Ihal I :I~"ume Ihe li'lIl1C'nt. ;md J"u.' of di...:harl!e.
dUlie) of press SCerClar} for l oc:tl 262. IlruthH rhoma, I' use}. reee ntl>-re·
iJ rot he r J lIC~ George. Sr.. ;t memher lired member. :md Brother 1I 0,,;utl
of t oc.. 1 262 for ..f6 }e:,r-. retired ;n t •• lc\ "ife p;I ..-.:d :I";IY. We pm} Ihal
J:onuary. :tnd a surpri'IC P:11"I} w:" helJ (jot! ghe~ their fami lies comfort.
for him :tI the Sh:llnrod Inn in Somer- Brother Jerr~ BrowC'r. retired member.
ville. New Jeuey. Jae~ ";t~ .el"} hon- i.. home from the hospilal. and Brolher
ored. :l1Id all in ~IlCnd,I1ICC p:lid Irihute Gcnt1<l hn'i b bad OIl \\or~ :Ifler
to hb long and detHeatcd ~ea rs :t~ ~ ~ houl(ler ~lIrgl'r~.
Brother "or1oer :Lnd frien d. ('ongr;tllil ation~ 10 n~w p.. renl~
J ac~ ";I~ initi<lted into I ocal ~62 on Brother :Ind \I rs. Larry Fader,. Arcn't
Septemlx-r 7. 192(,. Sinr.:e th;ll rime. he h:t hk~ \\onderful'!
served as :tn officer o f th,' 101::11 for II Ronr itT A. H,IIt\iO.... I'.s.
tot:11 of 32 )e'lr\. He setH'1I ,,~ prc,ident
twi!;c. wil h t, ,lint on th<' I :\eellthc
Bo:ml br.!1"een terms. and then on Ihc Two Christmas Parti es
F.xee Uli~ e I~oanl aM"in. Held by Local 281
JIl ek ~tarled his St.'T'icc :I~ an ollin'r
in Augusl. 19H. and l'n,kd it "ith hh I..U. 2111. }\ 1' I)F.RSO~. I:,\,I).-\\'e held
retircment from the Fxeeuthc Boar,1 in our Amilial Coffee ,LIId I lo"cr I um!
No'cmber. 1971. J :te ~ 's Ic:r\ler,hip. ( h ri'llll:l~ I'anies. Thc first pan} ";IS
along "ilh his ~l1liling fal'e alld jovial held for thi: children of the Ho"er The chow line.
wil. will he. mi<~ed b) Ihe mcmber~. ,In" l' Ullll memocr .. on Decemher 15th. Sama
we all wi~h him it long. hC:llihy. and ('I;III~. pla)cd hy Brother Gcorge I\l or· t;on fOf our PMI in taking care of Ihe
happ y relircment. g<ln. had prc~ents ;tnd eand} for e\'~ry­ r.:"tfce pot and collecting Ihc mone)
Loca l 2(j2's Annu al Dinner· D:tnee i~ boJy. "hicn timmel'llthe pany.
~c hedu!c d . as o f this wrilinl;. for Mnrdl T he \econd party ,,;t\ held for the I hirt)-one pri/e, dOnated hy' thc local
241h at th e Redwood Inn in Somerville. memhcrs on December 2:1nJ. Dinner ,,:,~ ~Olltr, l clor' nntl suppliers wcre ghen
Ne" Jer ..e). T he "ffair b n .. od:d gath· ,erve,1 at 7 : 30 1'.1\1. After ,linnl.'r. l!ifl itwa\ . After the pre\enlatioll of pri/CS.
ering fur th c mcmllel'~ il nd Ilwir "'i~e~ ecrtifk;, te~ wcre prc'entcd to BI'I)o ~ ~ l I1tern.,tion;,1 Rcpre'enlative Everettc
and ,00so a fund-rai,ing alTair fut' the 10- Slill,on. line ,upervi50r. and Bon So~ol. Ba tl c) and II I1~inc~s Mlinagel' II rothel'
enl's sc ho la rship :Jwal'lls. It i~ n ,\ol'lhy a"i'lHnl line ~upc rvisor. The n. P re~i dent William W.llier pre,cnled M:rviee pins 10
cause. "10m Gray prc!tCnled Brothers \like Ung· 25 tll Ctllncr\. I-ight IO-yea r pin ~. fi ..e
Business Mana ger Boh Cm·twl·ight re- icns~i. l)ennis SCOII. and Ihis 'Iriler with 15-} e:. r pim. five 20,),e:lr pins, fOllr 25-
porls tlwl Ihe work piclure loo~ s a lillie bill fold~, H gesturc 10 ~how hi ~ :rp1'recia- )"c:'r pil1\. one ~()·yenr pin. and IWO 35·

April, 1973
yea r pins were prescl1led. We arc slil1 ~ hort o f our gO:11 of 200
Da nci ng to the music of II t>,md ~as
Christmas Party Held;
meml:>eu in Ollf Local 29.\ Death nendit
enjo)'ed from 9:)0 until 12:)0, :md Wor~ Scene Very Bl ea ~ I'lan. A mcmber·s "idO'" "ill, wil hln
e~'eryone enjo~ed thems;:lvcs. hour, of the reported dealh. reC(!I\(!
International Represemati\e EH~rette L.U. 2U. IIiKKI /\G, ~ 1I "'II .-Our An-
nual Christmas Part y 11.;.1\ held al the $5.00 from each member "ho belongs
/J,lile) :md Business Mamlg.:r Uruce to the plan. rhi ~ is a wry big help 10 11
FI~s I.nllre m Hihhina; fin l)ccemncr
Sum ner. Local 1395. I ndi:m:IJlOlI~. l mli· "ido" in her hum of uc:cd. I urge nil
ana. and their whes were IImong the 16th. In ll llcndance wcre 410 JocOlI
union mcmbers. travelinG BrOlhers. and locul mCl1ltJer, who do not belong to
honored Guests, COJlWCt Ihc IIniOIl hall and ~ign up.
P kN t ST G. Slt ll ll)~. I'.S. gue~l~. We have hClird nOlhin~ hUI .good
I h:l n~ ),011.
things amJ appreciatiun from our travel·
In future is,uc~ uf the Imm",l. I will
Chris'ma.~s.;.~~_.., en. :Inl.l their gue~I' ~ho ,mended. We
arc alll.:I)"5 glud to shilrc our Christmas report Ihe ouh:Otne of our contTlII;:t nco
goti;ltion~ ncl"'ccn our local and the
paniC"> and picnics ~ Ith tIM: Ira,clers
"'orLing in our juris.dicllon \\ ith lhe de- r"'in I'orts Arro .. hc .. d {'hapter of lhe
liciou.) food. fine mU'I~, and danCing. '\,Itlonal Electrical C"Ontraclori A\'iOCia·
the PMt) WIIS a grand ~ucce~.
I "':1111 to remind our loe!!l Brothers OUi COJlllr:ltu1:ltion~ 1;0 te. Brother
<lnd tra\eling Brother~ "ho haven't scm Waltcr "W:lll y" W.)l~ and hi, Wife,
In their v:,c:.t;on form\ to \Iu so <IS soon (':lrol, on Iheir nc"c\! llddition to their
as po~sihle. !oO they crill he processed. famil). u baby "0), born on February
lind thcn thc men "an receive their 2mJ :lIld n"med Willi:Ull Robert.
checks. Rcmcmber, BrOlheN. :lIIend your union
We :IIC h,l,ing 100)-Oft\ M the one job
left in our jurisdktion Ihllt i\ empJo)ing Until ncxt mOl1th.
:In) :lmoum of men. Thc joh at Cohas- F. Lt Rm' W.IUJ'-, ".S.
SCI. ,\tinnC\()I". " hic h b II J"IO",c r pl3nt
being built for MinneWlu Po"er und Hug e Convention Center
Lighl. i~ JUSt llbout tomplelc. As of
110"'. "'e don't ha'e an)' tnl\elers work- Now Und er Construction
ing in our area. We h"~e tJeen hdPPl 10 I..U. 295. LrnU: HOC K . ARK._A
ha\e tra\clint! KrOlheN "orlin! "jlh us. hul.'e. m(Mjcrn COn\enlion Cenlcr i~ no",
The future loo~s \ery h1eil~. "ilh no under conSlrnelion in downtown Lillie
new worL coming up. R oc~. Ar~:II1~<I~. Mcmbers of Ihj~ locul

Arkansas Members

These BrOlherS. employed by Simco Eleclric
Com~ny. ere in51,lI1nll the e"tel,lca' wo,k
on the Robinson "udIIO.lum, remodel sea·
menl o f the Cunv,.III,UII C.llle, ,n downiown Th~ .. ~ 111<;,,1 195 Broth'rs. employed by lie
lillla Rock, Ark. Lelt 10 .IRhl. Ronltd Bake., E:tecntc ComP'llny, Ire insl",lhng Ihe .,leel.l,
c.1 .... ork on th e U·ltOry Camet<>l Inn HOlel
locll 619. HOI Ad•. : Ind fo.eman
8enn... W,lson. Mike B•• d.n,
Hunt... ",nd Ronni. BIsley. ell of Loclt
Kennelh '"'sm.n l 0' Ih. New Con ... entiOtl Cenle •. Le"
10 flghl, job It_ard Wayne Sonl"'lJ. Bill
~';' L'IIIf' R~k. A.k H ....I, Ind foreman Lou .. White.

Local 295 members. employed by Fagan

EtectrlC Comp"'ny. wo.klng on Ihe 100lcolog'
k;.1 Research Center at Ihe arsenal n ....
Pine BllIff. '''k .. le't 10 . Isht. are Orb"
piing, Curlir; Henry, Salley. W. 0
8rothe. Ted Leasetl. employed by Joplin Lyle, fo.eman George Henf)l. job slewl"d W.
Eleelric Compan~. Is rOtlflhlnfl In the new G. Wln&~.d. Kennelh Powell. A. L O.nlell,
pm.kinfl In downlown Utile Rock. and Jim W,tson.

tl:\EW Jou'nol
em ployed by three of our cont ractors- manager of Lac;,1 299 and i~ doing a
Simco Electric Campnny, L K. Electric
25th Anniversary
grc:' t job. and J im Morris p:lssed the
Company, and Jopli n Fic::Clric, are in- jOllrne}-man examinat ion, so congr.l1 ula-
stalling the electrica l \Ooorl. on thi s im- lion,. J im!
portant 1lC\Oo faeilil}, Our apprentices r!;ee nt ly Sl:med their
The new Conlention Cccntccr will be 'l<.. hooling uooer the Apprentice:.hip Pro-
com posed. in part. of a I " '!>Ior}, 303- gr,lnl o f 1 0C',j1 141. Wheeling. "est \ ir-
room C .. melot Inn H otel. 01 mUlti-1c\el gini". \Ooith P;lul Cane!. Robert Doergt',
parLing IJecL. and a r1{:\OoI}·remodeled ;md Jim Conroy serving on Ihl' Apprt'n-
Robinson Auditorium. {om pic::tion d"l e tin'~hlp Co",millec here :II home.
is sc heduled to be sometime around the \\ ith wmc of Ihe job:. finishing. I\C
middle of 1973. h;l\c N-e n fortunate to ha\e a fc\\ nC\l
Members cmplo}ed t->y another of our ono.'~ [:,'1 unucr \Ooa},. so \lC ;Ire pre"cntl~
IBEW contractors, Fagan Heetric Com- holding our 0 .... n. WorL in thh are:, is
pany. are inslalling the electrica l worL louLing good for the summer month,.
at the new Toxicologic:11 Re<;C;\fI; h Cen- Stother lJoh Gilsdorf. \lho h;l, l->een
ler al the :If'lCnal ncar Pine Bluff, Arkan- l ocal 299. Camb.idge, Ohio, re~ently cell' on Ihc ~id "'=n,h sin!;c arounu &ptem-
sas. b.aled its 251h Anniversary at the Elks ber. " up :Ind "round hut !;annol go
Club Shown in th,5 photo 1I.e International
Afte r a pred ictable Janu:Lry an d Feb-- RepresentatIve, Sco,t, 8u.lnl!Ss Man· h",~ 10 \lor~ for \Ome lime }et. Bob.
runry slump, the employment si tuatio n ager William C. Callahan. and member, o f \lC \li .. 11 }<HI Ihe be, t of IlC;llth :lnll hope
in thi s a rea is beginning to improve. ;w\! th e En tertainment Committee and w ives t,) "cc yu u on Ih., job soo n .
barring some unforeseen circum~tance~ . I O<'!I I 21,1!1's members !;cJchratcd the
we anticipa te enOllgh \lor]" to LeeI' our IO\,',LI\ 2."lh Anni\'ers~lry on J:tnu:,ry nth
memhcrs re:LsonahJy \le;"lily emplo}ed 'II Ihc {';101I1r,,-lge EI~~ Clu!'!. The c\c·
through the spring and sumnu,' r month~. n,"g'~ o.'ntenainme nt in!;luded a eOl· ~tail
The Little Rod. Joim Apprentice\ hip huur. ,le;,L ~upper. pre'>Cnl ... ion of
and Training Cummittee i~ in the proc- 1I'lt~hc, :tnd --.eni.:c pin~. and d,m.;ing to
ess of cond uc ting " ~ur\e} of our jour- the \II,\n HrO\Oon lJ,md.
ne}man mcmhcn. to delerrnine I\hkh of ,\ mong Ih.: honored gue\ts \lerc Inter-
Ihe :LV;lil"hle iourne}nwn training 11;1liun,,1 R cpre~ntati\'c Erne'l '>lUII:
courses our memhcl'~ \lould hc mO)1 in- 1 0<.',11 964. Co,hoclOn. Ohio. Hlhine~,
teresled in. AI"i];,hle eonN.''> :He I undJ- \I ,,",,ser .. nd \ 11"0. Ja~e \I "lIclt: Local
menials of Motor Comrol : Thcor) I: R7~. Z.,"ewi]le. Ohio. B" ... inc" \I .. nilger
National Flcetric'LI Code: Blueprint ,,"u \1 1'0. 0,1001 \\ il1iam,: Lox .. 1 'J72.
Reading: Theor} II . I llnd"menlals of \l ariclla. OhiO. lIu,in,~~ \I :lnag.:r ;lnd
Vacuum Tuhc Fkdroni.....: lundamenlals \I n. 'eal Iw)!;e: IOC-olI I~I , \\h ....:Iing.
o f P roccss Control :Inu Instrumentation: We\1 \ irgini;l. lI u~in{'<,~ \Ianag"r :lnu
Funu:'ment,ll~ o f ~mkondUClor Flec- lett to .oghL are chaner members Oils \l r.... Grr;,ld Kl.'lIer: \I r. and \I ..... Juc S-'!.
McCnocken, Roben Gilsdorf, Rudy D. ol,z.
tronies: :md Stati!; Control. DwIght Dickson. and Donald Hog&n. "'-'rn'l. ,Ipprenti..:e .. hip in,trtl!;tlJT: anu \l r.
An}- memher of Loc~1 1 29.'1 i n terc~tl'd anJ \l r,. Jerr}' \IeCormk~. Ch"irman
in attending one or more uf Ihe cuurscs of the Aprrcntke~hip Program.
shou ld !;Onla,', Brother Ro} Sim~. Tr:,in- I hree relired nlcmbcrs o( J 0<., .. 1 ~99.
inS D irector. JATC. :It lhe 51,tte Voca- I <trr} Po;ll. (h..rlcs D id~on. ,IOd Ken·
tional I' raining Bui lding. 1~lh and Scali neth C :lllahan. ;llong \lilh their \li\;:-o,.
S treet~. Little RocL, Arbn~;]~, Tele· \lere pre-cm to ....eJehr.He th.: O<..:,,~ion.
phone 315-0607 :lnd prOI ide the follo .... - Of the ~7 member, \I ho ~ign ... d l oc:1I
ing information_l()ur nallle: course or 299\ charier in 19~8, eight .. re ~Iill pa)-
eourM:~ in oru<: r of preferencc; your :ul- ing d\I': ...
dress: and your phOlle 1111111]1o.'f. I' in, and 1\;11~he, Ilere prcsenlcd 10
The folloll'i'lg II rOlhel'~ nrc on lhll ::!."i-}e:lr mernhcrs Will iam S!ridler.
sicL and injured 1i~t - 1 r'ln ~ Sa!~eld. R. ])on:Lld lI o~:tI1. Rud) D rolt;~. O"ight
C. R os~. Jad 1< lurph). I);]\C Billings. DkL,on. Iloh Gihdorf. Flli, \IeCracL ... n.
a nd Edgar Bro\ln. Our he)t \lhhes 10 /),lIe \l r(r:lr~ ... n. :lnu I.oui~ I Ula~.
thl'sc Brothers for )]X'ed} ;md complete I)in, ,lOd \lalChe~ (or mo.'mbcr, \\ith
reco\erie~. 10 ,IOU more )car~ \lac prC'--.cnled 10
It i~ \lilh regrel th'l\ I n:port the Ralph ,\ ndc1'\(lO. Ll"'t.:r Wilhelm. Tom
death of Brother bme~ I. I)hillip~. U itlhcn~. Cla)lOn J one~. Blair S!cl'ard.
Left to right a.e Business Manage. W,tllam
Brot hcr r hillip~ "a~ initiated into the Callahan, A.dent Gardner. and Arlin Me. Ch,lrlc, \k<all. Kat-> /)o.::rl,:e. \\ illi,ml
lBF Won April 30. 1937. anJ retired in Henry. Burl. St;lnlc) /) id,on. I mer} SlrieLlcr.
Augusl. 1'J70. I ;1111 sure thiLl all of the Boh 1I0)tJ. ;md Donald \l eigh"n.
member, :lIld fricnd~ of lhi~ delcascd Pin ... ;lnJ \latdlcs \lere also pre-.ented
Brother join mc in olrering ollr deepest to -\rdent (j:lrJncr. \\i1Iiam Call:than.
and mO'lt sineerc ~~mp;lIhy to Ihe family Therie (onrO\. ;Ind Arli ..... \ld1cnr).
of Brother Phillips. 1."i,\c;lr I1l('mhcrs.
ll.o\'o R. LHlel!, JR. "~,>r. 0.\ 1. I re grel lhal the pklUrt"l of the 2(1-
and ::_~·}e:lr mcmhers diu nOI IlIm am.
Many Activities Held; "ithout a doubt. \I rs. I ester \\ ilhelm
recei~cd the gre:!le" applause of the
25th Year Celebrated e\Cning fur her ~pcc!;h. "A T rial Run:'
AMltSS E. Me lli r-.R~. p.S.
L.U, 299, CA;\ IIIRIOCE. OlllO-As it
h:ls been :1 \00 hile since you h<l\(: heard Local 300, Federal Mediator
from us. I'll try 10 fill )'011 in on some
of the ~1!;livit ies Olef the pa~1 few
Meet With Company
months. L.l'. 300. \ IO,",'TI'l-:UI:;){, VT.- The
Willi:lm C. Callahan is now business J us , wa iting '0. desnrt. Local 300 Negotiating Commiuee a nd

April, 1973
On the Job T he local than l s the members o f the no lonlo'Cr in effect, he is still holding
various egotiliu ing ComnljUees for Ihe lhe constru!;tion industry on wage in·
I()n~. hard houn Ihe) put in. crease'S 10 5\.'.z % and may e,'cn limit in-
We picked up quite :1 few new 011' 111' crcU!\eS to 1""0 10 3\4%. InHation is slill
beh in the last se~eml mont hs nnd ex· inerensin¥ righ t along with the profils of
pect more this coming mOOlh. the huge !;orpor:uions.
Brother Dick Somcr, ..... as appoint~d We "ill hold our Annual local 302
10 the t'Jccllli,c Bu.ud al UUl L..~I lx· I';cnie in Jul)-. Ilope it quits raining b)
«utin: Ho.-ud meeting. III' ",as a p .. ~t Ihen. or "e may ha'e to Sian buil,hng
busine"s manager of I o-;al 1291. 51. an arlo
Johnsbury, Vermont (nnmlg;lmated with We had quite a nllmber of our Broth·
Local 30()). and "Cf'ed on Lhe local'.\ er.. worlin!; on the I'alm Lale job o ,'er
Negotiating Commillee. I II' i~ presently :1 pt"riod of months" Carl Doolittle was
the f:hairm;m or the St John~bury UOII the fi"'l g!;nernl foreman. then John
of the local. F"ocher of Local 595. Oalland. Califor·
1. D. f\h kRIG"'l'l. P.S. nia. tool m"er the I:Cneral job, and
Wade Turner, J r. ended up with il. Tiny
On the Job Meek, lind Child Wal,oo of Lo!;al 332.
B<Olh.r Richard Spina, lOCal 300, Mont~­ San 10-.e. Calirornia. g:ne U\ a hand for
lie., VI •. '- hard a' work. a " hile. a~ well as Pcte 5talls"onh and
Terry Mince} of LOI:al 595.
Child I'umundsen of Lo.::.t 6, ~an
Fr.lIlci,!;o. cume around twice 10 help
out on thc undergrounJ wurk. Franl Si·
mard "a~ our \taiwan forem:,". We had
a good representation of arprl'OIirc\ 1011.
Darrel Bodhein. Ko~, Hurlh:lrdt. John
/' William~, Ju"n M or:tle~. Jim,
:Ind I'red Millcr "ere :Imung the mUll'
Steward BOb Arno. lOC.L 302. M"rlln."
ea"f .. conducted the wHkLy s,,'et~ meetIng
. L:ldd of Local 33'::. "ho had
at the Palm liIka Aputmen! proteCt_ left to hcen oul of the trade for a few year.
righl HaL liInderth, Ray Bol... J.m Shoo
wakar. Jack Uberg. Jim Pe1erHn. John pur.uing ranching. "'as there. and Jim
Grossen. Juan Morales. Ctlrk Edons. Te.ry Ilamiiton. Ron ScOIl. Doug Rourl.
MIncey, Jerry Phillips. and Bob Arno. ('hncl ('a~le, Wayne Barne~. J ohn
Broth". C'.'g Cote .nd Jo. Frankiewlc:: .t Mello. and Rocky Lane • ..ume of our
work In R"tllnd.
local hund~. "ere on the job.
We h;ld a few safety problems in\ol\·
r;. ing lhe other crafts on the job. but our
~t.: ...uJ. 8,,\. AT"o. "'a\ able 10 gel eo-

\ operation. but not without a Mruggle. In

general, our 10!;,11 memllcrs and Ihe
Urolher, "ho "orl in our local arc 'cry
s.... fety-conscious and. hopefull). "e ean
innuence the olher trllde~men "'I' worl
"ith to become safety·eon-.cious too.
I'",vi. D. STtfTIWO. 1'.5.
Hard to let Ihl! gU~$ 10 hoLd .IILlI Len to
"snt. John Showaker, pel!plng over thl!
5houlder 01 B.othe. landl! •• h; Bill Duncan;
O ffi cers Training Sch ool
gener,,1 foreman Wade Turn ••• J •.. hidinS In Held for Kansas Locals
Ihe back; and Ronny Lyons. e~.tem• • ighl.
1.. 11. 3{14. T UI'E KA, KANS. -Interna-
Rainfa ll Slows Dow n Wo rk ; tional Viee I' re~idcn l 1(:Lymond Dule
Picni c Sched uled for J uly and Ihree 1L1efllbers of hi~ held Hfl
Buain... Mlnager J. O. M."lllan, left. p •• - Officer. Tmining School for all of the
senls I ph'q .... from Ihe membeB 01 local l.U. 302. MARTIi'El., CALI .... We 1<)Ca1, in Kan'illS al Local 27\. Wiehlla.
300 10 Preslde"t DIIVI Goodell. MI'$. !ttl)' runc had about double the u~ual :1I11ounl Kan\a~. on Januar}" 27th and 28th_
Lough.a". wole 01 Internatoon.t Repruent ..
of rainfall in our area for the early I.ocal J04 thanls Inl1:"rnational Vke
t, ..... Paul loulh •• ", II HI'ed.
months or the )ear. ;lOd it has h:1d the Pre~idenl Dille and Itllcrnational Kepre·
federa l mc:di:ttor ha\c mel <;c\'cta] times bad effeci o f stoppi ng a lot or ;o"~ and 'iCnmthc~ Ru DUllon. M. E. Whit Held.
with Ci l iJ:cn~ Ulilili~ Company repre· eausing a large number of our Brother) and BIKl I'edigo. and Local 271 The
~nlali\lu. and pro!,!rc\~ i~ \cry ~Jow up 10 be oul of "ork. Our .... eather fore· ~~<ions lIoere ,"ery informath"e for th~
there. We h,,\c :t Ion; .... ay \0 go al Ihis eaSlers say there is e'en more rain to "ho attended the '>Choo!.
lime. Compared with Glher companies in (ome. !,o it lools lile "e are off to a To dale. "'I' h:l\en't had .. ny impro\e-
the locar~ juri~dic t ion, they arc aoom slow 'tarlthi~ year. ment in our \lor1.. pieture for the con-
SI .40 lin hour hehind on Hileman's r:1lc. Our Wiremun'~ Unit h,t~ made .'001111' ~lrUeli()n l1leml>ers. T he .... ealher in Ka n·
With the Central Vermont ConlrtlCI propo<.al\ ror chan~e~ in the eontrau "... ~ ha, hecn ,errillie for the paSI few
be hind u\ • ... e haH: only 1110 ~mall one' which I:Jlpirc:~ in J une" We itrl: prc'\Cntly month~
left until Ihb f:ill. Mcmher. of the !'c- "orling an alternating. l::!_ and 4()"hour The Joint Apprenliec\hip and Trainin(!
gOlialin1( \ummiuec fur the CVPS eun- ",orl "eel There is a nunor Ih:.t "I: Commill~ "ill hold the apprenlicC"lihip
tract were Cr:til! ('(lt~ Wulter John:.on. ma) gel a \trail!ht 32·hour "orl YoI'd:. cUnte~t to -.elect Ihe ollNanlling appren-
R ~l p h J ohn..on. Joe C:III:lhull. Torn Smyr· Our ,tatc l egi~htture h[l~ uho made MI(h lice linem:m from K.. n~a\ 10 compete in
~ki. Arnold Meis~. Dale Diel er,on. a propo~:Ll for the whole \Iale" the di,trict conlest to be held in T ulsa.
George KinS. RiehitHI Somers. and Dlcl Although Phase II of Pre~idcnt Nix· Ollahomll, ..omelil1le in Apr il or early

T ripp. on"s W'oISC and pri!;e !;ontrui program i, Ma).

I\lEW J " u tnol

Nor mu ch has hee n huppcnin g in rhe handle fire"rfl1 ~. Ue is our 'Iulhori!) on
milit y fie ld Jately: of cour.c. thl) hc mg II guns. Kee p up the good lI.or~. !" rn ie. Seve ral Members Retire;
new }ear. \Ie \l ill he ' tllrling negotia- Th b is ju~1 a nOl e to remin..! )OU that Steward Completes Course
tion, all o\cr ag:lin. pre·ncgOli:lIlon mt::Clinb'" will he held in
Thi~ ,hould be a \er) intere\tin)! ,ear L V. JJ6. C IlI CAGO, IL L-Sc~era l
'ew I'alt.t. on t' ri..!a). April 27th. I fl·
for negoti:lIion\. as ""c \\1 11 h'He the da >, M :r} IIhh: and I rid;l}, June 2:!rnI. "'o'e .. f .... ur membe .... retired rcccnill.
conlpan} \ interprelation. the llO\crn. ~ you all a t lhe Amerkan Lellion 11 . 1 11
and :I (C\I nwre :HC- ('\peeted to reI ire in
ment'~ interpret:uion. and the meml>e r's in New Paltz. the ~\I fe" monlh~ or so. The- fir.i[
inh:rprf'I:lIion of "hal the new Pha-.e III p.1(t of the:: year '>Ccms to J:oc :I \ er) pop-
guidel ine~ mean.
r. T. CII\ll.lI\, 1'.5. 111M IUIIC f,lr retirement. We \li~h a ll of
Local 304 h:" recci~cd :1 unit chart cr our felm:d Brol hel'S :,nd Shtcrs the be~[
for one of our nCIH" r units at Ch;UHttc. Brother Taormina \If Iud in th .... ir IImg and haflJl} relire·
l(an\:I'_ Th i~ ~harter "'ill h" Ituug in Ihe rtIenh.
uni!', mecting halJ. \\ henc\er pO"it>le. al le:l~t one officer
Our ,)nlp:lthy i, c\tcnded to Ihe fam· of the 101.· ..11 llltem" the- retirement part}·
il i~ of "rOlhe", elMencc Grecn\IOO!l i;i\cn fllf mcml>t'h of Local J36.
and 1. O. U\lmgs, t\lO uf OU( retired Brl)ther J im T uormina re,..'cml), reo
memhch "ho pa''I('\1 a".IY .)ince our 1.. \, eeiled a ~pcd;,1 ce rl ificate in L;lbor
repon. ~1U\lle~ frum the Unher,it) of Illinoh.
'J hm\ a],um il fur nUI\ - 'lil Ihe !1cxt Bmlhe r '1;lllrm ina. nn in~t:'lIer. repilif'
lime. IlIilll fut" the I llino i~ Bell Telephone
CO!t1PIIIl}" SlllIlmil Ullr;Ijl.e. anu IOCll !
GIl N r . 1'11,.\. II .M. ~Ic" a rd , eomple1eu the two·" nd.onc.
half·l'e:tf COliN In one a nd one·half
Dinner Held by Local 312; )e;lf\
Meeting Place Changed I hI" COIlr.c COn\iSh o f ela~'SI.'~ in labor
Slew~.d J.mes J. T.o.m,n •. Lucll 336. Chi. ];1\1. collcethe I>:,rgaining. labor hi~lor).
LU . JI!. SI' E;::-"c[ n . :-".C. I nc:, 1 ,,:" lit" .ec.ntl)' re-c;., . .
ed • ,peel/II c. rl,11 illld I,n mdepc n\km ~Iully project. Jim
held a \kal. dinner at ~pcnccr on l eh, ca te In l.bor Stud ... from t he Un' .... e."t)' o f
lI1onol,. left 10 right. W, lIIlIm Ad.lm.n . Pro- chose the Memurial OilY M"'!kIere of
rllar) Jrd. and a good lime \I;h enju)cd As~ .. te. l .bor EducII"on 19H It\ hi, \pcl"in l flrojeel. ( ongr;,lula-
by all P,oBrlm; D•• Tunis Oekker. AUliUln1 10 the tion,. Jlln.
Brot her D. 1, Ikel., II l'rone operalor, V,ce Chancello. o f the Chlc.MO Ci.c l. C.m.
Pti&, Unive,s,ty of 111'1'10;'; and B.othe, T.o"
I' r.... 'lucnt· ll u\inl''>S Mnnngcr T om Be·
rClircd in De.::emher. min •• I,glc\ \\'" In\iled h) allcnd the Inaugu·
The meeting place and d,ue of 10(:;11 rollio" "nd In;lIIgural n .. 11 of lIlinoi~
312\ meeting, h:l\e t.ecn l'h;m{..'Cd 10 l.u~ernOf D,ln Wnl~er. B u,ine~ Man·
12113 A\he\ilIe lIigh"a}. 'ip:lrt;,nhurg, Retires ager Heil.¥le\ and IIrothC-f (Colonel)
South (arulin;!. (m the \C(ol,d ' I ue'>(fa) Wi lli.tnl Srorngler greeted each other
of e;leh munlh. I he re;lson for the during [he Inaugur,,1 cerclllonies m
( hange of lucaliolh is Ih:H Ihe m:ljont) '>pringlielu IIlt noi\. Brother Spengler I~
of Ihe mernhcr\ lI.url. in the ~1';tr1;mhurg n memhcr uf I oc:,1 J.l6 and iI colone l in
area. the Aif I ()r~c Re\Cr' .....
F . L. l UI. F.S. The l(X:ilt IOUI. a more :lethe role in
'I.tlc poJi,i~'~ durinl1 1'112 Ihan it had in
the 1'''\1 le:lr\. \\e lire lool.i ng foru,ard
Silver Cup Awardee tl) \\,lrl.i nl1 do ...... l} \lith Ihe leg,~JalUre
:u1\1 Ihe go\ernor on nceo..leo..l pieee~ of
Wit IIAM J . Ib ",,,. V . P.

Rancho Seco Job Prov id es

Presid.nt B"s,ness Thorn.. a •• B'
Work for Local 340 Members
'.)'. right. eonSr.t"I, I.. Clarence aache I_ II. J 40. 5\('1( \\lE",-rO. CA LlF._
upon his 'Iut.em.nt In. Ill1no,. Bell
Telepllone Comj)llny. T he mllj"r dTc/ft uf I ..x::rl J..lO h:o.) been
Ile~[Ilc.1 to"af.l, the completion of a nu-
cle.. r IJ'I.I\ler plant e.. llcd Rancho Seeo,
Inaugural Greetings I he nil me. R:ondlO .....·co. me;tn\ dry
rllnch, II. hich ;lptly' uc~rjbe~ Ih" "Ie ill
the \ottthC"\h:rn portion of ~:lcramento
On ~h.11 of tn. W....... r&>nl Sporl~m.n As. lIe~htcl COfp·urnllon. the !;eneral con·
soc,,>I>On, B.uu .." E.",. 104,,11••. luc.t 320. traunr. ,,\lorI..1118 \lJlh ~lc:r.l menIO 'I ll,
PoUllhk_p"e. N.Y . 'elt. ..... u preMnted •
silver cup 1o, "Sponsm.n 01 Ine Y.~"'· b)' nidr,,1 Lllllh I)"trkt IS MLI)) to,",aro..l~
B.U Spenc ••• lhe c<llllplcliQn uf thi\ proje1;l.
Cimllnd ";I' ],rul.en c:orl} in 1969 on
Poughkee psie Member Is Ihi, 1,"1 pru,c..:t and tadal' j~ 80 per
cent c\~mp1c le . or Ihe 1.200·man·pcal.
Awarded Silver Cup u,ml. f"rle \Iill ~mrln)cd. 32~ ilre clcc:-
trid:tn,. Afh'r fin;11 ('(In,tructio n h,,~
L.t I••no. 1'01 '(; II KIU·:1'5 IE. "".)'._ 1 r.
!>cen o;(lI11p1ctcd_ thrce mUflth~ "ill he
nie Mu ner. ~ LI],'Wljon elcclri~i. lII . ";t) needc.1 fur hn,,1 Ie,ting "fld :tdju~ting.
presenh::d a \iher CUfl for "SIJ'l.'rI~mllll of ami it " "'pc:eled to be in oper-..lLion ;1110.1
(he \'e:lr," "",ardell by the \V;\";t(~inl: un the lin" in [he ~rr ing of 1974.
Sporl ~nlen A\oocialion. Brot her I mie
P'Qid.nt·Bu',ne ss Man.B. ' Thoma. B.agley Rancho ~co j\ Ihe only large nuekar
gives a 101 of his time to imtruet ing the \leilm·g..::nerating flO\ler pl:!nl on :t dry
Br. . ts B,olher (Colonel) Will iam Spt",gl.t lit
youth of the area on ho,", 10 rc\/>Cet :unl In .uBu'lIl ce,.monle. In Sprongtlllld. Ill. ~jte "ilh no nearby body of \I (lIer; in·

April , 1973

de\clop i'~ full polential for jl\ Cann·
Rancho Seco Nuclear Power Plant dilln rrlll kr~
A~ v.e are all av.are. Ihe ~uh;ccl of
("an,ldian identil) is becoming increa~·
in};l) ,mportant to all of II.... It i, una·

- \(lIdlible Ihl:l!. "hen a grou p of C;&na-

dliln 1IJ1·W nlemlle!). {!\!I together. the
\Ub}Cd of eon\eT'>il!ion gel' 10 ("anadian
idenlit). hath "ilhin amI "Ithout the
n,nl, of the IIJFW.
II ha~ heen my e,'periern.:c. and I het
• )OUr" al,,\}. Ihilt one of the Ihin~' men-
tioned j" Ih;,t the J014rtrll/ docs nOI re-
n~cl enou~ h Canndian eonl ~nt. Thl~
'lIl1~lnenl nMy or nUl) not be truc. de-
pendmg on "hat }OU u~ :" :I \l1I1'Il.I.trd
for ~·OIll I"Mi ~on . hu t there b onc fnel
Ihat C:lnnOI be uisputed~in Ihi \ \lorld.
no one ii going to piel: up lind ..ohe
your problem \Ihe n you com ,ol\'e it
YUIll "clf.
If rlmadi :tn~ wa nt to see 11I0re (';Inn-
dilm '" oc;,1 l ines" lelh:rs in lhe JOll r.
11111. then more Canadiun loclIl, :lrc
Il-olng 10 h::ne 10 participate. A," )our·
o,clf v.hrn the la,t time "".\ thai lOU ,a\l
""",: ~~
_ ...........- __ 4
an ankle "ubmi1h::d hy }our 0"" local.
If "our local doc~ nOI it~ \lv.n
Memi>el"l 01 local 340. Sacram.nto, CaUf. have been wor~'''1 On the Rlncho Seco Nuclear new,leller. then the JO/mw l h onc \\(1)
Power PIII"t, shown In Ih,s """RI photo Th" found build,ng to th" rlghl 01 ttle cool;". 10 .... ·
On. hou •• s th" reactor. Th" control room ;s shown built halfway •• ound Ih" r"ec tor build· Ih .. 1 lour loe:ol can leep it, memOer~ in-
Ing end . na ehed to ii'S Ihe lu.bln. 801"",.10" (Photo courtesy o f aechlel COrporation, San formed :Ibout loe:.l e\ents. hen if you
I"3nt:lt;(O.) do h;lle \IIch a nev.-sleller. th<: II. Ihrnugll
the Jmmwl. you can "ridge the g;lp
\lcad. it .. <;C~ ''''0 h)-pcrholic. natural and "inter, o"ing 10 e~tremel}'\let st'li' from \an ~Oll\er to St. John 's by lelting
Ilrafl, cooling [0'''::''. 425 fcel high and wn~. HO\l e\'er. ,hould the: I"roH:rt-ial
all (IInd .. ,"~ lnow \lhal 1\ h;tppentng on
125 fect in diaOielcr (onoul -I] "onc~ -Ground Hog \I;:,IIhe:r fore~,I~t hi: Iroc

your I(!CIII. CII). and p'o~i"l.::e.

high), Air I ' dr.."," throll!!h the ..... thing:. ~hould he much beuer h) the 1here :Ire appro.\imnli:l) 140 Io.:n)." in
unique lo\\cr~ by mllural lImf. :It :loom lime thi~ j, '>ttn in print. Spring i\ alw C:tn:td:t .•lOd if thi~ month h lile mO\1
10 feCI per '>Ceom!. I :1I.:h lo .... er \10 III cool a time for contract neSoli:.tion,. and other,. lOU wi ll find Ihat no more th;m
.!)U,UOIJ galion, uf "'aler per minute. '>C\"I:ral Loco.1 147 ;' 1!":""1"'1I~ are due ;1 '~;lIlt fC\l will ha\C ~uhnll llefJ :In IIrli·
;Inu in one }car's time. 25,000 line fCCI for changes and :tIllcndment\ cle 10 ·· I lX:al l ilies:'
of y,jller will c\aporale. 11m ",:IIer will Spring i, nl'\O th e o,e",on for flower,. Loc:11 J~J is a construction loe;,1.
he rcpl:lccd h) the I 01\()1II South (":111<11. So. v.e find it to he all opporlune time Yuu r loca l mighl be of :t ditferent
I he end re~ult of :111 thi\ j, th,lt for pa"ing. out a couple of houqucb 10 hm",;h. ,",ut "hale\er il i,. I a",ure you
Ranco 0;;,;1:0. the 40th nude .. r po\ler 1"0 of OUf long'lime memhch of Ihe
Ih.11 the members of thi~ local nrc mlcr·
I"llInt III the Umted SIn!e' \lill produce Broade,..,,! Unil v.ho \lill com plete lj c,tcd in you. and if ~our loelll ~lIhmitlt'd
'Jll.OOc) lilo\lau, of tlj',·!rit·i!) cCllnomi· }enrs of IIU W member, hlp on J une 8th, r~gul>lrl). mcmllCr\ right aero" (":m:u ta
c<llly hy nuclear me:tll~. \l ith nu detri - They 3re Brothers Darrel Laird and M)uld IlII1~e .. h.. bit of reading up on
mental efTel:t~ to the envirollttlelll . und Fmnl Ligouri. IIrnther I igouri I~ cur- )'mlr IU':::l1. I'crh .. p~ if we cou ld I;Cl
III Ihe ,nnlC lime. a :!,(IOO·aue-foot re- renlly the {"imirman \If the Bro:tdc:t~t CI10Ul;h ('j' !lalliall partieipati"ll. "c e\lu ld
", I ,,!il will he nlade :lvuihlhle fur reere Unit. BOlh Br01hcn arc employed (11 reque\t th,lt thc CwnJi:ln lo(::,I ~ hi:
ulion. including Ihe l!lr~c la~e planned Radio--I V Station KRN I ill Dc, ~r<1uped logether. according 10 di'oIrkt~.
for \t:.ndhy coohnll- \llIter_ Moines. On hehulf of Ihe entire memo in\tc;ld (If nUIllerically. If Ih" "ere
nU\lne', Manager I G. Chrhlen<,on bi:r,hip. "c eMend 10 them be~t "i,hc<' Jone. \Ie could do :t monthb o;rO\\-
report' Ihill the \lor~ 'Illl;lllon i\ poor for a hapI') 3~th Anlli,'e' .... '~. country lOe,lul". ,,1111 vcr} htUe 1"00t;e
righl nov. We ha\c a ,urplu\ of llIan- The los, of job, to foreign imports flil'pin1t,
po\lcr. and an) locab v.ho :tre lookins should be C"ilU\C for concern ;lOumg If lour loelll doc~ not ha le :111 .mide
fur men can conlact I oeal 34() union member. eH~r)"here. Of eoul".\C. in thi, Ill"nth. Ihen ,!lct dov.n to ~our
I'ltll 1 II' I . ILI\ ••. I'.S. member' of orgaOll:ed 1:IM r CllnllOI hc: lICIt unio ll meeting and :I,l why. I-n-
bl:tmed for thi~ I os.~ of tnlde nnd unern- courage I;feater parlicil":otion h) your
pl0)menl IleC!lu'>C they buy only umon·
Members Wire Sausage Plant; m:lI:k produch Ih.. t carr} Ihe umon
JQl.:al. and if all else fai". then 101l1l11\.'('r
10 "rue ;tn art icle )our-elf
Condrudion Work Slow label. If .... e illl g<:1 togcther on thi'. perh3p\o
I _I ' . .l47, Ins \10"":S. I \ .-It v.a~ Spcaling of lhe: union label. how "e nlil) FC't to lno" each other. Suhmit·
:Ippropriale that on Ground 1l0S Dill. m:lO) label~ can )OU count on )Ollr ting lelle" 10 " Lot:al I.ine<o" nm} t>e the
\Ie sillu ted Ihe new Jimm} De:m Sau- "earing apparel1 You won't find any nn onl) "" \I ill ever clo<;c the ~nP'>
"''''se 1'1:lnt. recent ly compleled at (},. foreign-made I"roducb. So. be union: Ih:u Cli~t bel".:en us in our country.
eeol;l. 10\1:1. The pla nt. located wme 40 buy union~ SrI\1 "'Non , I'.S.
IIIi1e~ :.Qulh of Dc~ roo·loim:,. \\<,I~ wired Fill u II. I' ()W1ICS, I' .S.
oy I .ocal )41 membch. Reportedl y. Two Local 357 Brothers
mooern lIutol11:lh.:d equipment COII'eT1~ 'Local lines' Letters Will Killed in Explosion
Jile hogs 10 "ground hog" in II mUller of Help to Bridge Gap
min ut e" (lnr-e thi: hll~ ,aunler, inlo the I..U• .lS1, !.AS , t:(;I\S. l"it: V. -1t i~
modern .\:lus.1Il-e-mul ing facility. L.lI. 353. TOROYIU, O1'o'T.- M;,h fel- v.llh n <;ad hean Ihal , begin my new
Cons truction \\<or l: in the Dcs Mo ine, low Canadinn" I a"l you to read Ihis dutie~ a~ press secretary. a~ our loc;11 re-

area has been slow Ihroughout the fall article III hel p mllke the IIlJ:.W Jo/trllu/ te ntl y ~uffercd a shocling 10\, \\<;t h the

IBEW Jou ...o l

lIealh. of h'O memhcr~. \\ill h,1\e a full -lime job cut OUI for
Killco.l in :HI cxplO'iion of a'Cl-fw:1 On Jobs
'Iofage !llnk on J Hnllar~' 191h \'ocrI'
lhem. I'm SUfe Ihe reS! of Ihe l(X:al joins
me III IhanLing lhe eommiuce (or doing
Il rol hcr~ Donalll !l orn)a\.. an,1 Hrucc R ~upcfh ioh.
Brag!,:'. HOIh men "crc \\orlin~ on Ihe PAT Scl"-"- II!. 1'.5.
lilnl at the lime of Ihe cLlt:i.lcnl.
Brother II orl1)al. """ inllill\c,j il110
our Joc;11 iI~ a \ign eJc~lri.'ian .mll Ix· Graduates
, c:l me ,I jouroc)t1l.ln lO.irenl<ln tin \1.1) 2,
1972. He \\;1, n.1"'0 "f 111\ hTnthe,..;,
Joe lond P.IUI. arc .. Jw Illl:mhocr\ 1'( our
Brother Bra!;!: \\a\ in ili<lie.l imo Ihe
IBFW a, an Hpprentin' "'TClllan on
/\l ay ~1. IY711, li e ,,".\' 2" lit, hrOlher,
GC:H). j, <l1\() a mcmhcr
Bruce \la, the '>Cl'oml rncmhcr
I l)l:ul J,H.

prcmkc\hip da~, 10 he lillcd In '11\\

hi~ :'1'-
St.wa.d Rlch.,d W.II •• "d ge".r.1 fo,eman
UHf:. )e<lT. ... ,,1 Ebeneu ••• a show" 0" Ihe new U.S.
The 1o" of our Il rolhcr, loudlc, 1I~ POSt Ott ,el In ROCklo.d. 111.
Recent g'adua,es of Loul 364, Rockfo.d,
all 1ll1d fun.:.:, 'I' 10 reali/\' 11m! lin ;Ll'ti· Ui., a'e p,ctu.ed w, th off,c".s, Len to .1ghl.
llenl C:U1 happocn HI fin) li I1H.'_ IIU I if I\e Howa.d Rieff" •. Doll Weave., Alal1 Rydbe.l'!.
con,iLler "Ifel) fir,1. IIC 11\;1) I'C Ahle w a"d JOhn D,;ebuseh. graduates; B",",II
U"dbe,.. ,nst,ucto.; Richa,d Schmmola,
reullee Ollr .. ccideol rale, I el II' all (;e"e W"Shl. and Oan"y Salkawski. g,-.:!u·
\lorl h;lnler h. Hll pftl'e luh "'Ifell "';1 RIO!'<'; Boyd M,II",. JOhn StrObel. [dwa,d Vo"
Ih:u unOlher ,mille 'lid, .1) Ih" " ill O".ka. La,,>, B,>,"". and Thomas Wood.
JATC; Joh" Gav,,,. Bu,eau 01 App.,,"llCesh,p
0\'1 er :I~ain he \\ rille II and T,am,,,.; Robe.t Shaw. NECA; O."a
On a nlOTe ch«-rful n()le. I :Im Ilroud Oe,t~. Buslfless M."ager: and W,II'am E",,,I,
10 an nOlln~c Ih;'1 BrOlher Rid,.,ru 'k· James McDaniel, R,cha,d O'Malley, 51.".
Neel. "pprenh<:,· ""rel11;lI\. "',1\ n."~·enll) Boyd.n, E.nest Champion. End.e Scha"I.nd,
ar>d OW,!,ht NICholson.
eleeleu lu the Nel;ld.1 \1;111.' A\'..em"I~.
!JrUlner \h;t-. ed h;" h«n nne of our Brother Haxel Mourned;
nlemhch .. il"ll:e \' .,r~h 19. 1'170. One or
hi~ COllllllUiCC appoimmeoh i\ 10 lhe 14 Apprentices Graduate
Lahor COnlmiuee. I h" could ~ a "reaL
for>or. Good [ lid. Rilh' L U. J6·t ROC KI~OKI), ILL- It i,
AlthouS;h ",.)rL h" .. pldeu up enous;h ",ilh ue~p regret Ihal I inform }Oll of
10 pili 1110\1 .. r our 1",;,, 1 Ihulllo!r, 10 lhe dealh of one of our chllrier nlem· Y,ce P .... Robert ... ,ker on the n_
\lorL. "'e ~ull h:l\e nOl hcen at-Ie h) i-er«, J red Ua'\cI. li e \\;a.. ler) IIUlle In US. 1'051 OHIC. In RocUo.d, Ill.
help many o( our Irale lin ~ " rolher" union "trairo; for many )C;th :100 ,,,>OIl
!Juline" Mnn,lf:er I' rice ur),'C\ 11\ all at lhe lOp II hen it came 10 IIrhold,"~ Mourned
10 ,Hleml Ihl." medml!' rel!u[M I) IInu ~e l tlnion prindpk~. Frcd '>CHed this tocal
hcller aquaimed. ;)\ pre,id.:nl at different inlenah durin~
Ihe period o f 1911-19-19, .. nu he Ihen
held Ih .. 1 office unti l 1955. li e ha.1 ul\O
been finan~'ial secr.:lar}" pr ior 10 1949.
Perth Amboy's Work In 1957. I red lerl Ihe Iradc 10 "'orL
Scene Improv es Slightly in the Roclforu rrcclrir:a l In\llCe lion
()cpamne n\. Umil hi_ Telirement in
L.U. J511, l' EIf! II " IIIO\', '\'J .-'I he 1970. he had been Chief I leclrical
worl piclurc In Ihe loeal ha, improlcd I n,pe~·lor. We offer our ~inceTe (l1Il.lo-
, I i~h ll ) 10 lh,· IlInmh .. (0 1111\1 ing Ihc h.)I- Icnce' 10 hi .. famil).
id:W'· Our Joe:11 ha, jll .. t gr.".!u;!ted :,nolher
O ur }\ !,!reerncnl (1)l11l11ll\ee h;" !-ccn 101 apprenliee~ from our JATC P rogr"rn.
Ic r) hu .. ) bId) UT;I\linl,: lip :1 lie" l-on- The\(' llIen anu Iheir "he, \lcre tre,l1ed
Int..:l. ",ilh our pre'o('l1l one "'pirinJ,: on to " dinner and an cHning 0 111 h) Ihe
April 3(lIh <;;ame 111.'\1 ;mu inlere .. ting JAI C. :11 "'hich tillle l he~ \le re pre·
ilem~ lIill I'C lin Ihe ~"Qntr;,..:1 :'Ilcml;!. \CllIed ",ilh certificatc, pTOI:I,liminl1 them
Meeling' ""II I'C in progre,,-, ,hurtl) \lilh ~~ q lllllifieu journe}Jnan in,iue wiremen.
lhe R:uimn n.. }- l) ili""m (If J'o., l eA It , hould he noted Ih;)1 Ihe onl~ rea·
BrOlller 10 m G II1:m "',1\ re!,;entl~ hoo..· ~on the} all gradualed \ll" hc:1:;HI\C Bur-
pita1il.ed ",ilh lin injuT) \u lreTe u on Ihe nell I indbcrg ~ai u he coulJ not \land
~leeJ mill jut> in S,"I)'reville. We 1111 hope: " rour more )e:lro;" \lilh Ih i~ r: l a,~. Con·
10 see IJrOlher Gill;11l up :md !lround ~ralu["li on'. fellow ... anu Ilood lueL.
'·ery,oon. To ,Ill h.-.m opera tor memllCr. o f
BtOln', f,ed H a~.', charter membl! •• nd a
With Ihe e nfor..:ement o f O~ IIA \ Local 3M. from lI il1 W9 UCY-"There PUI p ••• 0' Local 364, d",d ,ecenlly.
<;afe l), 'l !ln(l:!ru ~, joh ,nfcl)' ha, beco me is lill IB FW nCI "'hich meel~ e'ery Sal-
a topic of di ....·!I\.. ion :It more and nl(Jrc urJa y morning a l 1600 GM r. We meet in th ere. Wc'lI be S[ad 10 hear )011 ill
union rneetin ~'. On ,ollie jol~. Ihe~ ure on 20 meier, bc t", cen 1-1.127 :lIu l 1973."
.. till havin~ dillkll l1 ) peNI:UJIIl I! Ihc nll· n 14 .300. We wou ld liL e 10 halc } Oll joi n To Iho'ol: mcmhcr, "'ho "'erc inter-
to wear Iheir l1:1r1l hal ~. B ill. rememher. ill the net. I"rn ~ure Ihal you "ill enjo)' e,le.1 ennlll1 h to :ll1 ell<l the J:tnua r)
Brolher .., il'~ for )0111' o wn pro le": lion! g par\. It's open 10 a ll I HEW me m- mee tin g 10 \ot e un the b)la\\
The .l A T e i~ now invulvc\1 in le\ling her" anti )ou'lI hear nOI on l)' members c hanJ,le rCllardmg due ... [ ~1I)' Iha nk )'011
new app lic,mlli for Ih c 'c hool y~'Hr in Ihe "H tes check in g in. hili :tho II rot h· fo r heing ""'I,'erned abOllt )Ollr loe:,1
which begins in Septcmber. Wilh :llI110 <; t e rs ill Canada who are ' tarling 10 ..: her:);: union.
100 applicHnls Ih h )'~·:, r, Ihe co mmil lec in . So. fire up , D.M., and lei'S hCM )011 ROGl It W. JOHNSON, r .5.

Ap,n, 1973
Dinn er·Dance Date Changed; in Ye ll\ it1e, Al'lun,u). Ihe n o n to Ru,- ha~ h:lnd!ell OUf cmplo)menl "iw:tl ion
schille. Ar ), lI n~:I\. and on 10 Hllrri\On. for Ihe pa~1 four ~e",", 8 ) Ihe \Io'R). Jim
98 Men Laid Off in 17 Days I\rlanS:lS. as l,ocnerdl foreman for his is also president of the Monmoulh :lnd
company, to rebuilll the city eleClrical (kean County Buillling Trade~ Council.
L U. 367, [A.',r rON, I'A.-Qwing to a
S~~lem. Hc "'a~ !II Harri.'tOn al Ihe ume Did }ou ~no ... th,1I the United SII.Ic.s
conflicting dllle ~ith the m EW Con-
uf his deHl h. suffered Ihe equiva lenl of a nel lo~, of
str uct ion Conference, Ihe Dinner- Dance
Our local \Ioill rni~s II rolher DOTflthy 900.000 joh, heo:: .. u_~ of the ri~ i ng num·
Cornrnillee ha) dwnged the dale of our
"Jr~I)·. ber of import' lItHI the mo'ement o f
First Annual Dinncr-!)ance from Arril
W, C. Ih (. \\ I_U .• I''s. AmeriO:::ln produdion o\er)Ca~ toet\\cen
141h 10 April ~hl. We apolo~ize for 1961'. lllld 1'}11"
any incon>enience Ihi~ rna) C;LlI'>C )011
I am I;'ndn..,ing a picture or Ihe I .co-
und ... iII give rcfllnd~ to an) of )'ou .. ho Best W ishes Sent to Retired nomic CummRno.l job, :111 office building
el, n't make il.
Out·of-State Brothers for j;o,ernment IIOI~I;''''' conned",d \\ilh
\\e had commitmcnl~ frolll 111 IHEW
Fort \ lonrnOlllh I he IOlal CO,I of Inh
hU'.ine,~ mam.ger_ and m;ln) olher hon· L. U. 400. AS lI l IR\' I' ARK. NJ.- \Iem· builo.ling i, in Ihl;' ncighhorhoud of $27·
ored guests repre..cnling all of Ihe build- he .... of l.oc;l l 40() IIj,h Ihe follolling re - million. \Iorc~ on Ihi, laler.
ing ln1de~. We ,in,,;:rel) hope they .. ill tired rn,·mhcr, re\idin,t.t out"ide Ihe )llIIC JOI \ 1. Bu~, [' ,So
stilt IllIend. April .:! hi is Ihe d;.), hefore ~o ntinued, happ) retiremenl.)-\\ iIIi.on!
F;.~ter. bUI il \loa) lhe on I)' (I\,.ilahlc Iko.lell. Lau,kroJ;llc Lale ... Florillll; "il-
llale open before mid-Sertemher. \\e laim J. D,lrb),. I'ompano Heach. Florida: Local 414 Base ball Teams
urge all .. ho can !tileml to llo so. We George Dalum. 10' AIIO'!o. California:
arc llelermined 10 m:l~e this affair, our Enjoy Fine Season
I.oui> l-ornarollO, VOl'h... Californi:l:
fir't in the ~7 }ear_ , ince our 10.:,11 \Io1L~ I'moq' Hepllor. Reading, Penn,»,l\ani:!; L. U. 414, I,,\N(';\ STER. I'A.-Spring
charlerell. :. ,u~~e". Arthur J;lLoh,. \Ii,mll : Jame\ [ealhenl, or 1972 hrought penn,IOt fe\'er again for
On lhe \Ioorl ,uuulion. Hmine<., \ I.m· O,al1~"'. C •• lifumi" 1.0\:;1\ 414 junior ano.l ~nior ha)Ch:.1I
,.ger Cu,o h:h hi, h;. nds full \Ioith ~II Rudolph \iogel. "r" Fori Piero::e. I lor- leam..,. long and numerous praO::IIO::I;' \ re-
men ho.:ing t,id olr In 17 \Ioorl-ing \1:1)5. ida: K~n neth Whitmor~. Sr.. I.:lle l'an,l- ~lIlted in nOI onl) onl;' champion. hut
A. of this rep()rl. Ihere :Ire ~Iill 22 local solr~ee. I' lorid:o: DC\ley tJodcn,lcin. t .. o Ch;1I11rion,. I he ("h"rgcr~ (16.)e:or.
1l1¢,! UII Ihe hell.ll. Winter I/ a,'en. I lorid,, : 8 ill Rohln\on. oldq llomin;olell l'c!,!ul:tr -.e:l<;on play :tnd
I he outlool fur ... orl in the near fu- \\ eSI p .. lm Ue:to::h. 1-I0rioJa : and Olli<! ~on Ihe mE" Nalion .. 1 Divi~ion title
ture loob \er) gnod. hUI onc ne\'cr lIerbert. Sf" I/oll)",ood, 1·lorilla. ~ ith a 17-0 II in·lo" reo::ord.
~no\lo ~hal dcl;!}, mighl crop up. ,\n)one \Io"hin~ In ~ritt" III an) of Thl' I lr,'lro" 1 14-)I';lr-(1ll1q (""nI'NI
I 11m h;trpy 10 reflOn that Mi~e the,e pioneer, of our IOCltl may get the their onl)' lo\~ of Ihl;' !oClison on their
Kucherm;:1- i, off Ihe sic~ li,1 and re,u.Jy .. from the pre ,~ .,e~n:t'IT}'. W3) 10 an 18-1 record .. nll the (jrc;tter
to go h:lc~ to ... orl. C'ongnuululion\ I. re in order for the L:lncaster Junior M,d!,!et l..c:.glle tille.
Uil1 "iehob-on. Sonny Ca.\lellann. J I~
£t lomgren. and Bud ".lTX :ore 'Iill on
follo\ling RrOlh~1'l> "'ho lIre "en-ing I.' r he 1\100 Ii!:om, haH nOli produceo.l four
·\upcr..... for I')I..'~I eomraclor~ in our ler· ~h:tmpions in Ihe 1,1" three )ear,. NOI
the ~id Ibl. lind ... e ... b h Ihe m all :t ritor)'-Ikm " :Illa. Jonl C'alll'\ell. ' Iom b.. 0.1 for II )'ollih progr.. m tha t is only
spee,l) reco\er} (harles. D,,,e I ew:lter, Uruce 1':1) lor. four lear, oloJ!
I reg~t 10 report Ihnl HrOlher I oui~ 3no.l estimaIQr Bill l ioud. The Ch.. rger\ dnminatt:d Ihl;' league
":lrra h .... p..'1SSCoJ lI"'lI)'. I~usines, \l..nager (,runt Tnle. all"lar~ \Iotth \i\ pl,,)er't on Ihe Ii",!
Hope to sec )OU all at Ihe dinner- tended the Annual I hX:lrical team. The Eleclro\ pl:lced four pl:.}'ers 1\lceting in I·lorida. on I h ~ir ICIIIlI'C', fir'l learn. T he I' kclros
RU''i111 G. BlNNIII, 1'.3. Rcmemhcr. fellows. CO I' l-" wor~' for al,o have sc\'cn 'Illrter~ returning nO:.~1
}OU all )ear nnll .. ~I-, }OU 10 help only )'e:1r. l'1.eclro-. cwo,;hes. Jim Dout ~ lind
ono::e a )ear' Ton) Allen, can harlll) wait for Ihe '73
Local 386 Mourns Much CTl:dlt b \Jue H u~jne~~ J(cprc- liCa<;on to open. rhe Charge",' ("n;u'~,
Brother Dorathy M'nt .. tin: Jim Grallon for the ~.,y he Hill O;,I-",cxxI noll Ll;'s T urner, \Ioill be

L. U • .1116. ,.1-:Xi\ltKAl'/A, ARK. -We

r('rfct to inform our Brolhcr, and Flag Prese ntation

friend5 of !he 10\\ of l\ \'ery good memo
her. IlrOlher Thorn;o5 " em DOf;olh), age:
56. of l\Iurfree\horo, Arl-an~:.~, II ho dc-
IIMle,\ Ihj~ life on I)e\,.emhe, I. 1972.
lie left hehind !t \Ioonderful II ife ,md
mOl her of 1110 '>I)n) and a ll:tughter.
It rother DO'Hl hy lias initialed inlo
our II t'Olherhood in 1'}47 .... hile he "';t~
\\orl-ing for Ihe IU A (oopera!i ..: :.1
AUl!u.)I ... Arlan",,,, It t' \Io'orl-ed there for
~i1{ month~. mo\in,: 10 Nashville, Arl-nn-
...". for the L. F M)er~ Comlru~tion
Compa ny of l ongview. Te"I'" In 1957,
he wenl to wor), for the Aril:otHt I' uhlic
Service in !Jude)e. Arizona. and WJl\
Ihere \Ioilh hi, 1\100 brothe~ Vernon
l)orulh) anll T , W. Doralh). of the
,,"'Irne company.
lie ~rayed Ine re IIppro~imatcly :1 ye"r.
Ihen returned UI Telar~lIn:. , Ar), an."IS. Congressman Jim Howa,d is shown presenting a lIag to Jim I(hk and Business Man'lIer AI
for Ihe L E. MyCf" Company. In 1~72. West. l ocal .00. A!;bu,y Park, NJ .. at the E"onom'" Command lob. lelt 10 right. Bob fritz.
IJ rolhcr Doralh) received h i~ 25·year frank Da,by. Ea,t W,lIiams. Bob Wilben, Ron Gaboury. Ge.... Hahbunon, NI"k Ba.bados.
\Io:t tch for ser\'ice rendered his com pllny. Tony Ce rro ..... Ed Pasukonl •• J ohn Anderson, Jim I(I.k (Ca rpenle~' bUllnHS manager), Sal
RU88ie rl, f't>1I Sa lomone, Dave VanNes•• Ob le Hallenbeck. Cons,eslman Jim Howard. Don
In the latt' fall. he ... ent 10 \Ioork fo r Ihe Merker. Frank VanDunen. AJ West. Tom Welltead (Iron Wo,ke , ). J ''' k Ireland, worker un·

Power Constructors of T opeka, KanS:IS, Jden t ified. John Merke •• and J ack Hua,d.

ISEW Journa l
8aseball Teams c;lrfied Iv highe r people 10 fall on
deaf e:,r,,, or lhey come hao.:1. lcul'i ng
him more eonfu'>Cd or disllusted Ih;ln be·
li e b Olena... ed" The bi~ \lJJ:c~ Ihal
he i~ 'lI['1poseJ to he gelling· ~ ~'e'
Oler;l qu,.rler of Ihem go in IHe~. li e h
under".ud. II i, righl 10 hargain for a
de.enl ",,!:Iry ha, long ~i no.: ... p;I\..e11. li e
, doc, nOI h;l\e Ihe righl 10 .Iril.e" lie h
held III ,I (he per eenl r"i..e. \lhill' fOOlI.
IIlililie\" .lIld inll're>1 ral(', dimh ~Ic.ldil).
lie h,,~ 10 carr)' hi~ conu""( 10 lhe
o.:ouno.:il. I ;lm nOI Ir)ing 10 Iiollon Ihe
",oundl n,· judllmenl. hill e.. n Ihe)
under'I:lnd Ihe prohlenh of each 10.:111
baseb3!1 , • .,ms of IInion \I ilhoul eler I>dng Ihae? Membe" or the Negotla llng CommIttee of
PC!" dis linllU'$hed Local 465. SlIn Diego. Calif., p.e shown
Ihe mselvu t h" pasl season. 1ho A 101 of days he gi-e, eight hOllr, <If
leavlnM the union oMice on J anua.y 4rh foe" (16 yn. old.), .hown he.e, won harll wor~ to lind OUt Ihal all he did th,,, fI'''1 seuion Wllh San Dieao On &
Ihe 18E:;W Nelional D,~I.lon tllle. Ihal II,IY h:I' 10 he lorn ,IIl\\n. fi r ,'ri' FI .. tttlt ComD<lny l~fl In .leM r:",1 c: Hnv·
Ihe hlame for high 1:lhor eo,,,. hUI he IlInd, Recording Se<;,etaf)': Robert Caoley.
\1:1'> nOI Ihe enFineer "ho nwde Ihe mi,· AnlSlant Bus'IlHS Manager: H. C, McMillin,
[ltel:ullve 80aro member. and Richl,d C.
I".~e, RObbin, BusmHS Mlnlger.
r here i, nOI :i Ihing ,aid Ilho\lI Ihe
,1(J1lt-1e price he pa}s for a room. nol to
lIlcnlion thc pricc of foud" arollnd it "j~ A Visitor
,'on,Uu':lion joh. Comc ;lIld ~rclld a
\I{"t'~ Iln hI> lOb III Ihe rold w mler (IT
Ihe h('1 '>lImmer, Do nOI jUtlgc him "il'
tin~ undcr an air·condilioner or a \lorl..
\ 11 I ;,m ,,,)ing i, Ihal \t,)l\ Inl.l' an-
olhl'r 1001.. :11 Ihe I>acl.hone of Lhe n,I-
liol,. (,i,.: him fl thance. If )011 hr.:;\~
hun " n.Hion will be 1m!. Agllin, III'
would Ii~e 10 ,>,lllIIe a greal d,,,,, lhe
\lorLing people.
Kememher the older nh,'lnller, IIoho
g;olc t.tuotl and \lIoe .. 1 and ..omellnle>
rctouillling in 'no 50 <l \\ inning ...ea<;.On '!'tnl time in pri..on for Ihe union" \\ ill
would I'e 1I10Ii\;thon for '74 )011 llm,idl"r I!hing:1 fe\l hOIlf\ or ~ou.
r hc le •• nh \lere :11,0 feled ;11 lin lime 10 afwnd )our union mcclln~,"
,w.,,,J, h,'lhjllct hd.] h y the ./14 'oulh
Adivi ty I' r01:r,1I1,. Dun \\'~'rI. fortner 1' ll"Il fo.: T . n OMOIr,l l, !'.S.
Dclrt>U I illcr ,\;,(, \1:1, ),iii"'" ,pealer for
the occa,ion. Former Business Manager
Local 4 14 h,, '1 Icn01~ h,J\{' h<:,'omc
\leI')' popul:lr in I.anc"'ler Counl}. nO! Pays Surprise Visit
o nl ) a~ ,' hHlllllic)n', hUI for their 'porh· Me mbe rs Complete IO-Week
Lt '. 465. SA~ l.l IEGO. CALlF._A
m:m ,hi p lind c har,I..:I ... r ", ,",.:11-.. cn.'.lit
>lIrpri...., 'I,it ":I~ lIIade h) Broth.:r Vcrn
Code Conference
hard·c •• rn ... d dc'pile th e Iud. of plIhlicil}
c~lcndcd I>y Ihe I al1l"I,I"'( Hnli'll!1ion H u~hl". former husinc,~ Il\;ln:lger. ill 1 .1 , ~III. " IlIAl'i}\I 'OLlS, 11'1). -
ollr J:lnu;,ry general meeling, Vern per. \1a IJ} of our local mcmhers hal'e nO\l
C!lAItI " I \IU'l(1tt C )'.$ ,on.llh wanled 10 pre<.enl 10 Ille mem· I'omple ted :1 10·\\ee" code ,·onfo.:l'enle di·
her,hil' a pillure of II [ocal 46~ I aOO. rerlcII til \\ ilJi;lm ("orne. T he codc <"un,
I>a~ I';""dc Ilooal laLen in 191!\" \lhl<h feren<e \1;1' de_igned 10 ~lrenl:!lkcn lhe
Work Beginning to Pick Up ; de"ieh the ';!fiolls joh d .• "iti<';lIion, ml'm!>c ....·\l Icd~c of lhe ",hanging
Worker Honore d in Words Ihill ("line under I oeal 46~" ;urj.,<lkli"n .,>dr.'_
L U. 443. \ 10 .... I GO \ It-:.n . ,\I \ . - -female lelephone Op<!rnlOr,. \liremen. Illlnn~ Ih ... <·oursc:. \Ie \lere forlum,le
Work j, hcginning 10 pil~ up. I he nu· linemen. ell' The pklure h,ld !>cen lefl II) h.. ,1' J .. d Adilm~ from III1,m:ln I II'\\!
clea r po\lerholl'>C ill DOlh.m i, pUlling 10 llroiller Hughes in the c,IIIIC of :I IIi, ..... n t"\d1cnl leo.:lll'e ;,"\1 pre""'nl ;1
o n Ir;llelcr, ., he '(lIle, Blufr 1'011 cr· rormer 1\)(;;,1 .J6!\ memhi'r" lind Vcrn film un U\er'current prolt"elion, We Ilerc
hOll'ot i, ' Iill l;a)ina; of! a fC\I men, hili feli it l\Ould \le toeller apprecialed if it ,II .... ) fOl'lun;\IC 10 h:lIe in ;liIend:,n,,;c.
\Ie ;Ire hOl'ina; Ih;11 \I.lrmer \lc<llhcr \lill \lere on di'pla) in Ihe loe .. !', h\l,inc,~ Ihruullh"ul m(hl of Ihe cour...... 1101> " ul·
hrin!! ;1 11000-.1 10 Ihal ,01>. We IIntkr,wnll (lflke kn of " \I \. \lho enlightened u\ on
thai. due 10 ,uh,urf:h:e .:ondilion, in Ihe Vern. who j, curremh a comml,- m,m} "r Ihp .;h;ln~e~ in IIJ.e code :lIld
area. Ihe IIl1de,I' pO\lcrhou<.c Ihal \liI~ ~ioncr wilh Ihe Feder-II \l ellialion ami Iherr ';,hchng ;!nd m.lIlllf;Il:llIrin~ uf cleo.'-
planned \lelo\l Sclmil \lill he ",h.mged 10 Cono.:ill.. tion Scroke in Portland. Ole· tri ... 1 "lpr;tr.lllh
it r...... ,il·furli'I' plHn!. gon. i, \1i11 a dUo.'~·ra)jng memher hn!! J \\US \I . T "'IOR. 1'.5.
Here HfC a fC\I IHll\h in honor of Ihe in I 'xa! .J6~. nnd ma inl"in, hi~ hom ... in
\lol"ini; nIHil. 1';1''' "re'>CllI. :,ml fUllln". San Dll·j!I). \lher ... he pfan, 10 rel;l'c, Local 494 Honors 66
U is (tllLlre loul.., dim, I '" ,·:In'ie, Ihe Vern \I i'hed the m ... ml1cr~ \lell and ';Iill
hull. of Ihe 11);.,,1. \I ilh no kHIP on ,illhl "'hl'lIo"' IQ the mcmoc"l"S \lho r... memhcr Graduating Apprentices
~I e m ll l.. es 100 mu~ h 10 ;11111') for \ld· hlln .i\ l oc,,1 .J65"s bll~;ne" m~n;[g .. r I.. t '" ~9~ . \ 1Il.\\ i\U Kt:t:. W ISe.. Si~·
f:lre. l>ul nO I c nOllh to re llele Ihe pre,· from I,S! 10 19M. 1).,i"( IICV. ,omne)men. mernhcN of
Sll re of being in deht. II i, joh prohlem~ ROlli RT E. C\RI I', P.5. 1.0.::11 41J~" \ll'rl' honored al Ihe Annual

April , 1973 .,
Graduates thai all or his apprentices would be ac-
cepted into the apprcnticeship progrnm.
Orglllli/.ing is not a one-man job. We
know alld appreciate the amount of time
and \lorl our business O1an:lger h:ES put
into this efrOl't, but nothing .... ould hal'e
bc:cn \uceC'"ful had it not been for the
~UPJlOrl of the entire local and ffiO'>t es-
pecially Ihe suppa" of all our fellow
n -.. fhmen in other trades \\ho honored
our pidet lines.
Mr. 1.11mb is II qualified contractor,
capable of doing I.. rge cOllllllerl:i:11 \\orl.
but he \00 ill becomc bener qualIfied and
ahle 10 du worl of this I}PC through his
a~'>Od:uion with Local 520 and the
IIJEW bc~'au\oC of the adlanced !ruining
I"rognll1l5 and al .. ilability of an inex-
Shown .re S.aduBtH 01 Local 494. Milwaukee,, who were rK.nll~ honored at a ban- hau~tihle .... ork force.
queL No lonller is Lanlb Electric our
cnemy. hut :1 ~Imng :111)'. 'Ve Me \in-
Ap prentice Completion Ceremony and RIchard Mecr. I e,ltc Moore, "'I~hael
cerci} gl:.d 10 ha~e him on our ream
Ba"'1uet, held in the hoperinl Bullroom Mudler, Michael Nndler, Rich,1f(1 Nell,
flU her than on the oppa,ing one. '\Ir.
of the Pfister lIotei. Neal NOII'e, GlIry Onarheim. II nrmon
I :1I11h h:l\ sho\\ed his ~incerity by enroll-
Fmil O. t hlrry and William Lisch, Owen. Jnmes l'eic1,Oski, John Pelermann, inl! hi~ n1\!n !I~ \\ell as himself in one of
"Cleran J ATC I1lcmher1l. \.Icrc :11'0 hon- Allen I'ogodzin,ki, Michael l'oll'er~. Ed-
our uJl~omin~ journ\!yman code study
ored wilh the prc)Cnlalion of the Indus- w:lrd I' rice, Keith Radl~e. Kohen Hei~· cuur<;c,. and his ltpprentice~ in Ihe Ar-
try Builder "":ltd " Iuque. chel. T imothy Re .... olins~i. Iknni\ Hied. prcntice\hip Training I'rogram, one of
The IFlla (,\'f,~njn[l beg;ln with II cod.· Roberl SchrniL!. JlIll1e\ Seefeldt. Richard \\hleh i\ scheduled to begin classes this
tail hour, folio\.\ed 11) dinner lind Smirh. Spcncer SllIith. Charles SUllon, .... ee~.
entertainment for Ihe grOidualcs, their Bmce Wendling. Eric Wt'rllCr, J:tmcs CongrnlUlation~. Wcldon Lamb and
""hh or llirl frirnd" and J;uc\IS. 1\1'>0 in Werner. " tnneth We~lhrool. M,lTtin empJO}c:e~! You ha\e tml) joined a .... in-
allcmJancc "erc: the prmLipll1 uffiu:n. uf Willen~, and Richurd Wildc\.
ning te:lllI.
Local 494 and [he: 1o.hl\\lllllee Chapter " rom the Kellie \Ionline are,1 arc
of the N:llionat Electric;11 Contractors D:'tIid L. Denslow, \ikhael Grimm. ROIII_kT J. HOOGI.5. P.S.
As..acialioll, ulonl: with ,Wle and federal 10hn Kocnil:~, Marvin I'aul). Jnmcs Ki-
coordinators :Ind udvio;on, members of chler. Gary Specht. Ra)lIlond rra:I~, ~nd Sa rnia, Ontario, Local
the: Ken lc: J', loraine and Mil .... ;lulcc Arca Dale VO'i).
JATC, and npprenlicc in~'ructors. FiliI> W,- rLl I • TN. Dill.
Enioys Full Employment
Fmil lIarr)'~ honor culminated 24 1.. 11, 530. S,\ R" ". o....- r .- I am happy
)ear<o a~ lin emplo)er repre..enl.lli\'e .... ilh Local 520 Successful In to ,lTlOOUnCe that .... e arc enjoying full
Ihe Apprenlkeship Cummiuee. Alo;o. Organizing Lamb Electri c eOlplo)ment. The .... eather ha~ been unu-
William I i~h, P;I~I chairman of the \u;\lI) mild for Ihis lime of )ear. The
JATe. culmin:ucd 23 )eUr~ .... ith the t .u. 520, ,\ U!JTIN, ., t-:x. One- !!rcnter purt of the .... 01'1.. in Ihis oren h
comm illee. The\oC men .... ere cited by hundred per cenl union is our goal. If oUI,ide \\ork. so \Ie have h"d no IO~1
Tom Nch1<.en. Ch:.irnmn uf the MiI .... au· \Ie had 100 per cent union organi/:lIiun timc as a rc~u1t of had we,nher. The
kee Area JATe. for dedicating their throughoul the country. what 11 beller mild II cather i~ especially good for trav-
many w lerm 1O\\:lr\1 helping young men p!:lce it \\'01110.1 he! l oc;.1 ,'20 ha, come eJlug Brot her, ;IS they call 1c:j~t afrOI'd 10
bei::OIl\C indentured a~ con\!nu.:tion elec- anolher ~tep clo'oCr 10 this elll,h'c Uto- 10!tC \\or~ \\hen they are a\\ay from
trician apprentices. "The quality of .... ork- pin. :lIld II ~i!lnl slep il Wot~. home.
nllm~hip performed by con,tructiun clec- ror Oler 10 )'ears. Weldon I.:unb of At present. I am \Iorking for FOSler
IricirlO~ in this area i~ II Iribule III I lIIil Lamb Flectric h;ls heen doing electricul Wheeler nt Imperial Oil Refinery. \\hich
O. H:lrry :lOd William Lisch," the g:lth- work in our jurisdiction-non-union is one of the biSlle~1 johs in Ihi<, arc:l.
erin!; ..... us told. eledrical \\orl. Weldon I :lInh has !>ccn At prt'oCnt. thert lire around 60 eketri-
An01h\'r hiehliehl of Ih.· (,Icning .... a~ the virtual h"dhone of the Indef1Cndent ci.lIl~ on Iht joh_
the ~plendid pcrform:.nce h) lhe Unher- Electrical Contractors A~..oci!ltion fur a Although thc job of being pre..s seerI."
sily of Wi'comin-Milwilukee Women'S good \\hile. In the p;"I. there h." heen 1,lry i~ nOI a pa)' inll one. it docs h;(\e its
Chonl~. under Ihe direclion of I co C. con,iderahle hurd feeling~ "et .... «n ,no compcn~:llion~. Thirty )ears ago. I
Mu~kateve. Their fine IlIlenl! {'onlributed lind Mr. I omb. On both sid~~ I'm quile worked in LIlUl.on. Quebec. for Bedard
10 lhe slIeeess of the Clening. ~ure. hut lIlt "ad things mu,t p:.". &: Gerotrd. nnd one of m) beSi friends
The graduate<; .... ere pre..cnled .... ith eer- During Ihe p:I~1 file )e:lN. Loc'll 520 .....1\ :I fC'lIow b) lbe name of Fronl
tifie:lles of completion. Tho<.e from Ihe ha~ !leen actilel)' engotged in allC'rnplinlt lionel... We .... orled together for two
MII .... aulee area lire hOle, Alhre(ht. to organil:e '-amh Fle~trlc. \\e h;lle }'ean or more. Ihen I .... a~ transr~rTed to
John Arlo .... ~ki. Don"ld Arndt. 1.)le lIal- no.... bt-en sU~le\~ful-rnainl)' thruugh anolher ;011 and IO.e 10..1 contact. \lany
iSlred. Thoma\ Uauer. Robin U"hop. the usc of the good. 01' pklet A pldel' Ilrne~ I thought of him and .... ondered
De:ln 'loenehcr, Sheldon Braun. Donald inl1 t:lmp.'1ign .... II~ initiated on l)c~enlher .... hcre he: \\u\. 1..:151 summer. I sot a let-
Buyesle. JerUllie Ciernuil. Arnold 19. 1972. nnd pres,ure ";1' broul1ht to ter from him. and he ......5 .... orling Oul
Chlrl. !lernard Cleppc. J ,lIlle~ Egllerl. hear on all Iho"l: concerned. and Mr. of !l Ne .... Yurk Slate loc;ll. It \\:t~ a
Victor Eir'oChele. Curtis Erdmann. I.amh ClIme to the harguining tlthlc. On pleot):ll1t ~urpri,e. and ~ince Ihen. IO.e
Thonla~ hI}, J ames Fr)t, Karl Fll1ll"Ter, fnnllllry II, 1'J7l. n~'Teement Wil~ 'm:- have gUllen tugether aOlI ha~hl"{l ol'er
Ronuld Gie'IC, Jernld IIllerle, Mauhe\\ cc'-Sfl1l1y reached. lind I umh I Icctril; old time~.
Heinen. ThomllS Johnson. Charles "e,,- \igned an agreement .... ith I oeal _~20. MII~h the s.'1me thing happened 10 our
ton. W:llter Kicla~. Jame~ Kniner, La .... r- '\ Ir. 1.11mh a~reed 10 hccome ~iSnulory hu\,"e,~ manager a )· ... "T or so ago.
ence Konrat h. Fltrt I uku\le .... ski. Wil to our condition~. and we IIgreed Ihat llil \lhen hl" was elected to office. I pili his
lillm Lundy. his qUlllified journe)mnn ele~lrician~ picture in the 100m... l. along with the
Ed .... ard Maack, Michllcl Magaw, \\ould he: .. ccel"tcd into our locill :md re,1 of Ihe ne .... ly-appainted officers, and

IBEW Journol
worl. opporl unilies in San Dit'go l bolh
inside and ouuide), Annual Awards Dinner
Environmental Impael Reports arc
holding up all ~inds or comtnKlion. nnd
Ihe city and cou nly han: 11< ..' ht';f,!ht
/imlttllWl/.f /111ft mormorlllllli In certam
building areas thaI ma\..e it iml'O~ible 10
onl:tin permi ts. I he building conlraCIOr<>,
the un ion~. lending in~lltulion~, and
ol hl,"r concerned dlile", up again~t
real ultrn·eonscrv3lhe orf1'O'ilion
",anh 10 ~top eler}lhing unlil Ihe) ilet a
""0111:/11 Iflr "II' 11t',I,-"'1 he oh;cctile
o f all dedicaled ~Om r'Ul) fmplo}ees
~h oulu he 10 thoroug hly :tnalpe all situ·
These Ih,.. photos show mlmbeB of Local :uion~. "nt;~ijl.,te .111 J)ttllolcn" 1";01 Itl
530. Sarnoa, Ont. who a." wo'~!n8 on t he their occurrence. h!lve an,",'r, 10 thl'~ Pic:t ured. left to 'ight, I,e Ninth OlStrict V.el
FOSle . Whelte, Job at Im .... 'al Oil Re"nery probltllh. and mOil: \" iflly 10 wll'c p.esidlnt W. l. Vinson Ind Brolhe, Anton
In 5"'1'11" .ow, leh to ' lghT. B, Me· Firpo IOnd P , eslden l Roy W,lkinson o f Lacel
Lrlln. n rKl rnm ~n<l I r""'I", MI,IrII .. rnw. Ihese prohlenl" .... hen c:tlled upon: ho"·
591. Stockton. C"lo'
W. VilSeli. H V"nS,c:kl", J. Brim""., A. eler. "'hen )011 are up 10 jour hips in
Robe,tson, A. Mllln,., and O. Be~ k le •• alligalor~. il i, .tiflicult to rcminu )'ou)"·
Fronl 'ow. S. Kennedy. T, Houlb'ook, "nd K. \C\f Ihal )Ol!r initial ohieelile \'a~ 10
drain Ihe ''''llmp.''
The rceent leller puhli\heu in the
JOllrnal r ... g.Hding Ro);tl Inn\ \ln~ mO~1
inll,"re~[ini=- to nlCnlhel"ll or 10<:;11 569. for
i[ "'it.\ a r(:!;uh of locat :'i69', pideling
11 non·union tomp:m) doin/! \lor\.. on the
RO\;oI I nn~ (jenera I lIead"u.lftl,"r<, in San
Diego Ihill c:tu,t'd Ihcm pruhlelm ;lnd
Iheir d"ei,ion 10 do :111 Iht:' \lorl. union.
The non·union firm \lenl union. but nol
.... i[h Ihe IHt- W. II \lenl 10 lhe CWA
l ocal :'in9', Rettree, Cluh h,,' \Iarted
ofT \Ioell. \lilh ;0 large numher of relired
Lelt 10 ••hl. J. H.,.k,na. D, Kent, J. TlluS, memhcr. partkipaling in Iheir fir" lIIeet·
I.elt '0 "f!hl, "'nl(\enl Roy W,lkinson. BUSt-
ness Mln",ger J C. Mc:Culiough. Nlnlh DiS·
G. Houle, and DRy ... "
ing. '1 he orlke,.., eleele,l :Ire 1 ee Rid· tflCI VICe P.esldent Vmson. Rnd tntl .... a.
ell~, I'rc~iuen[: I.eonard Coxon, Vice Ilonal Rep.esen' en". H. L llem"n pose fOr
II pk .... c al Ihl Ann""1 Awa.ds Oinner.
!'rc,idem; r lo)d CLI\hhen, Secrelar):
;lou F \eculil'e 11o."irU mernhcn. "cn
G"rne". Ed Jen-..:n. and I un;1 Jen'>(':n. Golf Tournam ent
1\11 retired menlhc:r. :Ire inlilft.! 10 al '
len.1 the nnl meeling, \lecling, a,'e
!x-ing hdd elcry monlh.
'10 ..... ,1111) 1. VIll". II.M.
Local 591 Enjoyed Many
Activ ities in 1972
I_ t!. 591 . S'I'O{"t.:T()"I. l" \1.11'. '-ocal
B"~k row, lell 10 'if,ht , D. R"w$On. B.
Nealy. W MII"~om , O. O",key. 0 Whillel. ~91 had ;t hanner )'car a~ f.n a, "clivil}
B. Pellons. end T Randall , Fronl .ow, R. got_. Our I il'>t Annual Golf Tourn .. ·
Ad"'r. J. ludltlanl. D. Buley. and P Schiel.
h3,,1 .
men!. held at 0,,1. \I oore Golf COllr~e These .,1
SOme 01 the membe.s who
in S1<)(:l.ton. C:llifornia. ",1\ :. gr~:t\ 'IIC- pa"k:ipated ,,, t he Annual Golf To ... namenl
01 Locil 591.
nI:.ny or hi~ old Ilor\"inl1 hllddk~ recog- te\s. II .... ,1\ hi!!hli~ h lell Ill' H 191h )1t"een
nized him :In,1 droPl'Cd him "001 bcer'''II~t ;Ind 'raghclli feed. prep:tl'eu lhe ye;lr\ aClilirie<; cnded \lilh a
\I i,he,' \:;Ir.k by the p.. rlkipatini! memher<;' \I lies. (hri-tm;!' r<orl} for the .,;hildren or
To Iho'>(': \10110 loo\" ror\lootrd 10 ~cing The )'t';u 1972 .... '" our !lx.11 l!rnduate I 0<;;11 ~91 memhcn.' .,;hildren ~Inl"
a leuer in Ihe Jm/nllll rrom 1 (10..".1 BO. I nine ;lpprenli.:e\ 10 .i0ume) m.. n in;ide ('I:tu, ".h on hand 10 ra" OUI the
a~,urc )OU IhJI I \lill do nil he,1 10 b-.:I II iremcn. The ne\l journe) men ;Ire Peter pada ~e"
caughl lip on til) letrl'r \l'ming. [ h;!d a Guidi((, Don lIokomo, Llrn Cr.. in, I hI," I:mer\,li nmcnl Committee \Ie·
ver) h",) MlfIllllcr :Ind didn'l gel man) I)fm:lrt.! GotT. \l auri ... e Goul:lr1. Phil 'lCTlC' ;1 p,,1 on Ihe bael. for a inh \Iocll
leller~ wrillen. Lo\:tto. 1 afr} \l ilchell. 110).1 5I.hatfer. (Iont:' Ihl' )c..r. and "I," :Ire 1001\"ing for-
I II"", Ikll D. Gk I ' I, I>.s. and " en Wiehe. We e"enll our hearl) ""rd 10 a mure aeli\e )ear in 197 .1. l"he
(onl!(;l1ulalion, 10 thc'oe IJ rolhef'll. commillee :llro::.d) ha\ rl"n~ 10 iniliate
No Work Opportunities fhe Annual Recognition Dinner \I.t~ Iile: IH I::.\\ 10<;;11 591 I ir\ t Annual
In San Diego hc:ld in Octoher. The loe.. 1 a"ardet.! 112 Sirircd H;t" l:>I.'rl:>}. There h;)~ ~n
pin~ for )ear. or servicc in the IBI \\ , );rO:;ll anlkiralion for one Ihruughoul
l..U. 569, SM>, DIEGO. CALIF. "JIll:li ll l:l fum l r.~c ),C"" Iv 50 )e.II'. 0'" ."1,".1.
I.nuw "e .lon·1 hrl\e III , ... mind our 0"1'1 Brothc l' AnlOnc t-i rpo ".!' :lIIM" ed II \\ 1," :ore ~cry proud of Btl'ines, Man·
mel1lhcr,hip Ih:., "orl. IHI' ,Io"td du"n 50·year pin an d "a~ (Utlgf:,!tti:lIcd by :tger J . C. Metul1ough. J il1l ha~ heen
all OH: r 5;111 Dic!lo COllnt) ,inc'c the our Ninlh Di,ldcl Vke Pre,idenl an\! al"lpoinled b) our County BO:Lfd of
11,..,1 01 Ihe )e;!r. lI ul cl-er) day, \Ie :. re \I rs. W. l. Vinson. I nte rnational Repre· Supervisor, hI Ihe Counly Ci\il ~nlce
rece ili nl: c:. I1~ frum :111 oler Ihe cOlllllr)' 'lCnl:nile 1-1 , L Zieman "as al-.o in al· Cornmbsion. We fee l IhM Ih b ad ds a
~ga nl i n g 11'/Jr/... Il l'Olher~. Ihere arc IIU 1fn d an(~. ne" t.!i1l1cmion to coun ty gOl'eru me nl, a~

Ap ril, 1973
, Retirees Clu b Hold s Mee ting ;
Work Slow in Area
a nnoll nceU recent ly by officials of th e
11'.'0 firms, fol lowi n ~ I. re~u l ar meeli ng
o f Ihe CF I' A Board o f l)irector5.
Fxecution of the agreemenl WM a fur-
I_U_ 595. Q ,U o:t. AN I>, Ci\I. W.-Menl-
bel"'; of our newly-formed relirecs' cluh ther step in Ihe order!} program being
hrld llH;:ir first meeting on J;mUlu) t 2th. carried OUt belv.een 1M 11'.0 ~)"'Iems 10
They adopted b)lay,·s and elected officeh, complete eler) pha..c of Ihe tran~fcr by
The officen; are Walt Wet.(el, I're~i­ March 3 hI. A~ a pan of the transfer
dent: Alfred Thiede. Vice Pn:~ident: I u- procedu res. CFI'A and MI'&:I.. 10 :I jOlOt
t ,lIe i!lIgers, Secretar)'-Trell\urer: IHld liIill!>, ha'c pelitioned lhe"ippl
William "Buel" f\ l urph~. 'ir" !)crgeant- I'ublic Sen il:C Commi\\ion for tim,! l'P-
"t·Aml,. pro'a! on the mauer.
nlCre wa\ an e\(clh.'nt turnutu at the Wilh oler 12.000 of CFI'A's nearl)-
meeting. with 111,111) of the old'Ullleh !6.000 memller-owners partidpatinS in a
Ileneraling a reney,ed intere,t in getting rc..:ent election on M I'& I \ purch'bc pro-
P..:lu.ed her. I. an Allday together 10 plan their IIcthuie, for the IX>'"r, the l'OIe was more Ihnl1 11'.0 10
(.o,,,b,,, .. liu .. , l .. fI III .IShl, erath.1lI flltll' ". one f;uorinr th(' ""Ie. si'ing the CH' A
Allday, Ch.,ley GoodnIght. Raymond Allday, Board of Dire..:tors :I mandalc to pro-
and [,by Allday, .11 memben of Local 605. Duril1g a past legblath'e \c"io n 10 ceed. The mcmber-owncN will reeeil'c a
Jachon, ""In. Sacr:ullcllto, 10 senator;. IlCliel'e it or h:...e price of S IO-mil1ion pillS one-and-
nOI. 10led al!aill~ 1 raj .. jnl: their own 'l,lll- one-half·million dollar~ for athc, .,~\Ch.
rie~. with Ihe thou!;ht of Ihe 1.lread)-
J) i~tribution from lhe procccJ~ of Ihe
olerburdened laxpa}er in mind,
..:tIc will he IIll,de immeuialely 10 Ihe
Senator John Holmdahl "a .. ol1e of mClllher~hip of CF I' A llfler final eoncili.
the II,,,,, ,,1m luted il down. :lOtI he ha, ,ion of Ihe mauer. accordlnll to I l.
Iruly fulfilled his pledlle II) Ihe plight of J ame~. their prc,idenl. And Donald C
the workcr. He ha~ nlm intrOOLlccd a Lut~en. M I'& L Pre,ident. ~:tiu c.. ~nt,ally
t>ill for a la.~ credit for worlinll li b hill the \lime thinll. th.11 full (,nd rrompl
\tlltes Ihal la; who "orl for pa),ment wilt be made.
wa.t;es or sal3rics should reo.:eile a reduo.:. In addilion 10 morc joh OPpQrtllOllic\
lion of up 10 SIOO in tl1cir \tate IOcome
and general ~onomic pro!;re". other
henefit::. anti~if'''lcoJ fllll1l Ihe merger in-
Recentl), the State of Californil' clude-added per\Onne!. equipment. and
found Ihal there was a huge SUrphl\ of facilities availahle for routine and emer·
1II0ney held out of our p:l}checl .. fllr gency <oervicc to CE I'A cU .. lOmer.: 24.
lite purpose of pa)roll deducllon ... Gov- hour, '>C\'en-day-,,-y,cel acee,~ b) tele·
ernor ite.. gan ha~ openl)' admitted Ihal phone to ~rlice per\Onncl at no long
the pcrcenlage talen from our 'hecl.\ di,lanee charge to clhtomer: "ppro\i.
Fla., I. sh ..... n
fla., which ... Ope.ittK d,m". his IpiO,.
may h"le been a tlit tOO mu,h at the mat~l) the <o.,me ciectric rate5 a.. no.,.,
lima from his duties lupervtSlng tBEW work heginning and thai II ~holild be more 10 paid h) CFPA memhcN. with :additional
fo. II•• Commonwealth Electric Company_ proportion The governor al\() 't,'led !!OIfeguard th;,1 rollcs from M I'&L be sub-
lhat. possibly. Ihe exce~ money ~hould }Cct to the State Public ~f\ice lommi ..-
he is Ihe first labor represemluilc ever 1;0 "lIcl to the people in lhe fnnn nf ,ion jllri~diction: full prOleCtlon of
:t p poinl~ lI 10 thi, commi\\ion. Brother ,l;Ite par" "ddition~. Th i~ moncy could C F I' A employee.. wilh no reduction in
~ h:(' u l l ollgh hopei 10 he (Ihle to en· ca,ily be absorbed in ~tu d y (;olllmiUcc, pny. ~eniori!). positio n. nr fringe bencfib.
li!,! hlcn the puhlic on the vic", of luhor on proper procedures. environmcntal im- T he CrPA l" nn emplo)er ha~ been,
in our ;.rc~. p:!cl. ~pecial a p p<Jinlee~, rc~idcn l ilil hll~­
T wo important jobs "ere Llnucrl;,kc n ~re~, elc.
for quile !tOme time. working under
by our bu.. incs~ manager nnd hi~ Negoli- IB FW contract. wi lh Local 60S h:a\ing
A close e)e is bdng lept on :, non·
:tIini: C'olllmiuce. One is the ne" \\l)rJ.· the jurisdiction. So, now our informa tion
union org:tnization in Southern
ing ngrecrncnl for in~ide wj"em;\I1, \\hich indiCAtes that Ihose cmplo)·ees under Ihe
Californi:l. Thi~ org.. niZ:!lion i~ :lItempl-
wa1 acceptcil by both sides without OUI- harll;lining unit arc I'cry plcased wilh the
in!; 10 gain approval fwm lhc I)ivi,inn
,ido help frum the Council Oil Indu,lrilL1 changeover. And rightfully "0, as they
of Apprcnlice .. hip Standard~ 10 OPCTalc
H:elRlion~. r h,~ \\a\ the fir-I lime in 12
il::. uwn "pprcnli(;c.. hip prosr;Ull. With
I'. ill ).lct an :lIcracc momhly pa)- n.i~ Or
)C:l.... lhnl \Ie negotiated and '\oCtlled S200, plu~ filling into the MI'&L '>Cnior-
y,ilhoUI Ihe eoundl\ ahle a\\;,I:mce. new federal rulings on minorll) lr;lInmg.
ity rO-ler. "ith retirement and all ol~r
Our y,aSe pm;l.,lIgc y,as CUI tI) lhe Con· y,e arc \lilI ahk 10 compl). hut 11\ the
fringe hcncfits iocmp<Jrated therewilh.
~Iruction Indu~try Stabilizalion Commit- pre)('nt timc. our y,orl piClnrr. ;\ \Iill
tee (( I\C'). tlUI an appcal y,rillen tly 1'.") down. In Fehnmry, when our l'P- 10 our lnowledi,'C. Iht:re ha" ne,er
Ollr Nellllliming COOlmiuee retrie\ed Ihe heen an R I__.A Co-operah'c purch,j-..:d hy
prenticc~ rotalCU. 16 :Ippn:;nlicc, found
10-1 y,<lge~. and Ihe)' "ere re'"~t:'ted M thelll'iClves without worl New app l i~,,· a privale Ulility in Ihe St;,le of M I~si~­
ttle origin;,] ;'greement called for.
t,on~ will h"IC 10 be 'oCt ",ide unl;1 the
,ippi, and il m:!~ very well he II fir~1 in
The 'oCcond de\C~lopmem y,a, a ney,s- lhe nation. We congratulale :all Ihe
y,orl picturc brightens.
leiter from our h\l,inc\.~ m:m"ger, '\oCnt "lIker. of the ty,o firm .. imoh'eu for
10 ea~h Illemht-r of Ihe local union on~"C WilLI'" F. 1'1I>1l1tO. 1'.5,
Iheir 'ucce~\flll"''lo.:tion of thi~
a 1II0mh 'hh \Celll~ 10 ha\'e generated
enough enthmia,m in the lo.:al memhcr-
SI UOO.OOO sale, and y,e hope Ihat il
ship to ra,'>C our momhly meeling nl· Mississippi Power & light prole\ 0111 for the he,! to all p;l(\le\
c(mtCfncd. Aho. we congratulate all of
tendllnce ~OO rer tent o\er Ihe pn'l Purchases C EPA System )UU uniun Brother., inl'olH'tf anLl \hall

Ou r worl picture seem~ 10 hc holding I..U, 60S. JA C K SO ~ . \II SS, Sillninll lool forwaru to your regu!nr allenu:lIlce
Ml'lld) for 1110l'e loc;,1 memhcr~, ami we of the pureha..c :'grcelllent cOlering Ihe <II ollr union mecting~ on the tir~t Tues-
I,mitip,' lc a sood nnd prO'ipcrou' ~ear ...;tlc of the Capital Elcttrit' Power A,\o- da) lind third Friday nill h l~ nf C'ach
for all. cialion (CEI)A) s),slcm 10 " i,~i,~ippi month.
ROIII.kT Du 80 1 ~, I'.S. I)ower &: Light Company ( MI'&I.) WIIS 1. W. RUSSI " , I'.S.

" 18EW J "urno t

Man Can Achieve Peace, Phoenix Gracluation
Says Press Secretary
L U, 6 11 , ALII UQm:RQu..:, N . I\ lEX .
- Pe"te :I~ ~n i\lcal of highe~t oruer, as
a desirable condition 10 In:,nLind's hap-
piness, and liS the di,tin" way for rnan'S
""O~le"" h .. ~ flu! ....1"';1«.1 .. ¥ovJ Jellree
of completion, Smce peace has ('!lleu in
fulfillment. all other things become as
wa~le. J e'lI~ Chri,. ',Wllht of peace
whIch the "orld coulu no' g"e. I"cw. II
:my, people can find II sc no,(' of actom-
pli~hment in the dC\tfuelion of life or of 1911 IIr.duete. end Irainlng di.e<:.
~ood~. 10', toft to risht, a.e Oou81,.. Johnson, Train-
Cumpt"t,,," ""'"II'UII',,•• n.J • b."q"et were Ins Director; and 1I."du.'e. Jon Brown,
To tontr:t ~I [LCtS with peace. consider held 10' the 1971 end 1972 II'Dduetes of J.m" Weav.r, 8mcI RObtirtlOn, G"ry ReId,
the oei~hbor, of old. in rural tummllni- Local 640. Phoenix, Ar;z , Th'l scene shows Oaniel ThomllS, Oavld Wheeler, .nd S.m
tics. whu ~t time~ of tHln'e" or other SOme o f t he appro~lmalely·200 pe'IOnS who Va squez
need would cumc to ()Ihcr·~ for "tended,
.he common good, ~cl rcu.ined Ihe inde-
pendence .hm i, lirtuat individualism.
Yel. one ,an conceiH~ "f ewn "",0
neillhb..,r~ who\e anlalllUl"Ul w"'i.Irus
one anolher Ic: . w~ Ihem :., Ihe mercy of
their warring mind\,
\I;'n can nchiele pC:lce if he w'i1I~ it!
BUI lalL tlf pealc at Ihe t(l nference table
while utlering uelll\tallng hluws. "hich

cleo rl'<;ult in ~ilhnll innocenl P'Wple
and the ucslruclion of g(xxh, ",ill only Class of 1972 With tfllrllng dl'e<:,O" e"ck
bring more :"linltls;t}, mlJre ill will. anu row, 'eft to righi, James Pender. Nlchol.s
more war. Fredericks, Thorn.. Smith, C.r101 Santa
Crul, G.ry Welssi"ller, J "mes Brewer, lind
If our leader\ of the "orld an,' unable H a",ey Willson. O"tst.ndlns Apprentice..... B,II Willm..... Front row, Roben Drau8hDn •
to blill~ pe.H;e and prO!operi\y to this ...... v..... <:omptetion ce"!lI!u" from Dllv. Don $chn .. tl. H .. ",.,.- W.. lkms. ~fse ~n
Thorn.5. Local 640 President. .nd Geo •• e Stephen Goldman, David Cool<.. Robe.t
world. indeed thC) are not worthy of HandS. NECA,. M.n"s... S<:huh. and Doug Johnson . Tralnl... DI~c·
being leadeh, Peace or the lacL of it is 10 • •
affecting ellcry hU III!!n hcjn~ on eart h. It awarued a snm ll :lpplic:lOce h) the com·
is lime for a Chtlllge to our hi1:he~\ ideals, m illcc fOl Il".:ir four-)'ellr dTort~ in the Cunlpbell. Sccrctury; T om BluLlcy, Dnd
appren l ice~hip. Ed IlrueL. I .aLe Ill}' hut ofT tu the
Tho-.;: of }OU "ho aTe retired anu
Eveqone enjo)cd helping thc gradu- "rotheN un this comrnil\<:e, The) don't
Sl"eLing a place "'here lOU tan li\·e in
ates cdebnuc their completion of the get much of the limehght-loU don·t see
comfort. plea\.(' don'l fOTl!el to looL for
apprcn ticeshlp tr.unIOg wtlh dIOner, them "'hen )OU want a loan; )OU don't
a home Ihat ":l~ not con~lruCieu by
t.lrinks and dancing until 1:00 A.M , loCe them "hen you want to dra",' ou t
pure mt luhor. ' I here lIrc ll1ei"'~ of hail-
B(li Y A. W, 1M. 1'.5. some moner, bUI don't forgel that they
ing you r hOl11c con~tructeJ h)'
are the one~ who get our ~ t alement~ 0111
labal ill Ihe !IIu\1 J e,i'llblc i"C"~ yuu
to U~ anu ma~e MIre thllt e\>erything is
can think of. Lct u~ help our Brot hers Ninth Annual Stockholders in prOl"K'r order. That's a very importnnl
and Sislcr\ in all their purc ha'>(\. Rio
Ra ocho F \talc~ i~ non· union--don't pur- Meeting Held in Local 648 job, iodeeu.
1111' Ir('Jlil IOm Jl1itter eonsi~l~ of
chase thei r properly.
L. U. 6411, IIA ,\ lII.TON, 0I110- The Guido Terl.O. Ch:lir man: Ro n lknnett.
Al JIINO C, G~IlC"l", 1'.5. Local 64!:! Hamilton Fcuernl Crcuit Secretary: anu Roge r I' ylc. Thc~e the
Union recently hel d it~ NlOlh AtlnUal fe llow, who uccide v.he. her WI.' get that
Completion C e remony For StocLholders Meetlllg. We ~t;" Ic\1 II,,: loan fo r a new car or boa t, elc. We cer-
el·enins ... ith a ler) nicc dinner and tainly depend II 101 on their judgment.
Graduates Held then held our businC5~ mceting .... hkh The ... orL 'ituation hll~n't impro\ed
was fullo ... cd by dancin!! unlll Ihe early too muth around herc, Armco Steel has
L U, 6010, l'IIOf.:NIX, AR IZ. -January mornin!! hour.;, • Slarled ;1 IlCW )00. j. new re-C)'c ling cen-
20lh was ..elected a~ thc night for . he Our credit union was formed in 1964, tef. Midlu nd Int.lustrini F leetric of
tOOlple.ion ceTemonic\ anu "anquet for aod in my opinion. it has rc;.lly prog- Clelleland, Ohio, has the joh. IInu
the da3Se$ of 1971 lind 1972 graduating r~d in nine years. We halc as'oCt~ of Brothcr Bill Berr)" is general foreman.
apprentice<;. Appro\lnmtel) lOU people alnlO'it S500.000 and halt' ntade 715 You Lnaw, ",e press 'ioCCretaries ~hould
"'ere in aHendante. inctudin~ George loans totaling SI,046.000, The di~idends be rc",arued for Ihe job "C do, Thai's il
Hands, NFCA Chapter Munager. Jim paid in 1972 101:llcd more than SI4,OOO. for now.
Gmnt, NFCA Chllpter A...\i~la n t Man- And th i~ .... a~ ;111 uone with 250 mCIIl- Loul~ Wou R,\ M, P .5.
agcr; and Da\e 'I hOrlla~, !'residenl of
bers. We thinL il i~ pretty gaud.
Local 640. We elected offieers at Ihe m.... eting.
GlIe~t ,peaLcr! inclllded Morri ~ SLin- They are Bob D;J\>is. !' re~ident and Se· Graduation Dinne r He ld;
nero BAT Regional Director, Sun Frun- cunt)' Oniccr; Tom 1"llc. Vio.;c I' ",~i­ W o rk Slow in Local 659
ci~o: Colonel NOTnlllll Frh, Statc Chair- de nt; Bilt FHcL. Secretary; Neil Burtis,
man of the Apprentice Council. Trca~urer; and Lrle Adlllan W,I\ 31'1- L. U , 659, i\IEllI'ORI>, ORE,-Oll Ja nu-
I'hocnix: Il11d DOli!! Jo hn\on, /1l'1~ter of pointed :I\sisl:ml IrCllsurcr, The other ~ry 27t h, Ihe fi r,t line con~t rUCliOll gmu-
termonics, t ... o members ure 1,m IJru~h and Bob Ufi lion dinne r was held in Sprillgficld ,
Completion cenificale\ wefC gil'en ou t Hosler. O rcgon. New journeymell allenuing we rc
br George li umls nnd Da\'c T holll:ls. Ou r Supervbory Committee consists John Gas key, Joe H ill. Don Pelerson.
T he appre ntices' wives .... ere eac h o f Howard Burtis, Cht.irman; Gene Russ Snell, an d J im Rimer; a lso II l1end-

April, 1973
ing were Dale Snodgrass. Northwest bound. Whtn ht got into the audience
Line Apprcnliceship I)ITt:etor; Haro ld participation of the act. the children
D.lyidson l.nd Ray Marvin, inslruclOrs; couldn't be htld down. -l11ey all enjo}ed
and Bob H olme~. Bob Wilzig. lind Jim the IICt Totall) :lnd hlHed to sec Ihe show
McLean. members o f Ihe Apprenticeship end.
Commitlce. Their disnll!.y ended \ery, very quicll y
All aUending cnjo)'ed tbem-.ehes, es· when they heard the jingling o f bells.
pecially durin~ the MX:ial hour. and I :Ind Santa (Hrother 1.arry Sp..'tnjc\")berS)
::1m sure tlK- Ikh es gOt a lick out of the entertd. Hefore S:mTa lnew it. he "as
film "hi{"h ~ho"ed the mlln) different encircled by dclighttd. ~rtanting chil·
jobs required of a journc:),man lineman. dren. He final1) made hi, Wily Through
We are proud of the: new journe)men the cro",d and onto the staBe. When he
and arc ~urc th •• t II.c)" "ill be II ~'I:"'iI rt:lc hed hh chair. his a\si,lanl . Brothers
to their union :InU Ihl: con'>truction 10- Nicl Philippa. Fd Kirk. and Flo)'d
dU\lry. Romance. beg:ln calling the boys lind
l :Lnuar) 271h :.ccmcu 10 be a "'ay for girb to the Mage. One by one. they nled
apprcnlice~hip in our IcclLl. :" enrly in up, lal~ed 10 Santa. nnd received :L gift. OiIan Wil.on. Local 695. 51. Joseph. Mo ..
lell •• ecelve. Ihe Elect.ic l"du5lry Cert,lic3te
Ihc dlLy a good ~ tnrt WI" made on Ihe The membe rs of I ~)Cal 675 nn'" their from Edner Rudolph. JATC Chairm8".
erection uf an indoor :Lnd outdoor pole f:unilies appreciMe Ihe efforts of the En ·
Yard at the Iminini ~hool in MedFord. \crlainmrnt rnmmi\lec nlt'tllbers ..... ho Dean nrc c"."lu)cd b) thc NuflhlO.cST
We Ihl. nl.. lilll 1I1l)·e,. Kcn Falwell. Did: put in man} houl"'l of Iheir lime to Mi \souri !-Ieetric Cooperathe in Sa\an-
Goosmann, Curl Northern, and Bill Sny· m:l~e Ihe party a succe,s. a~ u~uul The)' nah, Mi\'iOu ri. and hoth helped organize
der. Ikho a~~i~ted. or maybe I ~ houl d say are Nicl Philippa. Ed. Kir~ , Flo)d Konl - the ph r~ica l and cltrieal \\orker~ at Ihe
supcnio;ed. the mor~ than willing appren ance. Frank Whtrruy. Bill Zidtnl-oach. eoopcrall\e in 196-1, at \lhieh Time tht y
tice crew of I);.\e Soula. Lurry Rust. and Larry Spanier.;btr~. became a unit of Loeal 695. Both men
Jacl Rca. luhn Green, Tom Schaefer. The: holiday sea~on. ho\\eyer. \\IIS ha\t ser\'ed a~ chairm3n of their uniT.
and Mile Read in ge ttin g the job done . comprised nOI only of plLrties, sifts. and
We a l--.o thank the 1':lclflc Powcr and E. H. McC.u'N. B.M.
happy children. :" the wor~ 01 protect-
Light Comp:In)', who 'Llpplied the equip- ing and adYan cin~ unionhm continued
~nt ILnd nmteri:LI for Ihe job. and e,pe- as usual. On receiving II ple:1 for support Retires
cially ~lJpe r inte ndent ) Dicl Rlans lind from the International Ladi!.')' G:lrment
Gene !':Iullin for theIr dfort. In this Worktrs union. AFI -C IO, prtsident.
worth) project. When tbe yard b com- Ch:trl~ \h.rchiante. l oc:II 6H partici·
pleted. "e arc ,ure " "ill he :1 real a'i1iCt
TO tht' IIlilll) apprl'ntir~\ in t~ \()uthern
pated in a demonstraTion of unity
aglllnS t 1- arah Slach II Hahne'li [)eIMrt.
end of the \tate. menl Siort in Nt"ark.
Since our la,1 arT ide. IO.e ha\e re- i'hc G:lrmtnt Worler\ 111'1.' \lrik ing
ceived e lse appro",,1 on Ihe \\ir~men', a~ain~t Farah (wer a wlLge :Ind contract
agreement :Ind art !<Orry to report th:tt di~pute . -rhi~ Ttlle: "f Je.""")ln.l;u,, h.N~
the rat e "'a\ trimmtd from the ne- pillee :111 oyer the cuuntr). \\'ith branchc)
gOli:tted 47 cents per hour to 40 cent~ of the AF L-CIO taking p:m. lIu~ine's
per hnur. ma~ing the journeyman wire- Mllnage r 10hn 1. O'Connor lInd IJLl\incs~
man sca le $11.411. It " mdeed unfortunate Kepre,enW\L\e Nell lIoyle led our con-
that a negotiltted mle can be cut by a lingent llf 50 pielets in thl' demun,tru-
gov~rnment commil1ee. lion in NewHrl.
Construction "'or~ , hoth in,ide and Our effort \\us gratefully rtcehe ... Hnd
outside. is ~liII ~ I o \\ in our area, :tnd it ac lno\\ledged by all of tht Organilt'I"'i of B.Qlh•• C. V. "'cArty. member 01 LOCilt 691.
looks as if it will be :L coupl t Ilf nl()nth~ the camp:tign. We feel it is our ubliga. Gary ."d H'mmo"d. t"d.. rece,,\ly .el""d
before we gct going a~ltin. lion to ~upport :LII bfllnchcs uf thc . tter .e .... lng almosl '8 years "I the .. reelti·
cal I,adl .
I)on', forget. there ., a ~!l1 for every A I· I.-CIO in their endea\or allliin~1
member al the union meeting. non-union and anti-uniun activilie~, an\1
we will continue to su pport Ihem in :LIly Brother Retires After
11" Me[ t \ .... A'S-T. n.M.
WilY we c:m for II~ long as pO'>~ible. Nea rly 48 Years at Trad e
Christm as Pa rty Held; I..U. 697, G A RY ANn IIAM,\ION I),
Members Join Farah Picket IN U._ Brother C. V. "c. V." McArl)
Wilson First in Unit To retired on Dceember 29th after Soen'in.G
t . U. 675, t: U Z,\K J-:TH, NJ.- Our An- Rece ive Ind ustry C ertificate almOlot 4K )tafS at tht tltctrical tradt.
nual Childrtn\ (hri~tma~ part) was e. V. wa, born on September 18.
held on December 16th. ",ilh more than LU_ 695. ST. JOSEVII, \ IO.- Ikan 1906. and began his apprentiee~hip in
300 children in auendance. A, u~Llal, Wibon reecntly recehed the "'ectrical Local 697 in 1924. U e \\"a~ iniTi:lt~d on
there was plenTY o f kt ertam. candy. Indu\try CertHlc:lIe. Ht is the first man Decemhcr 19. t\l1,. Flectrica l "orl ",a,
and soft drinks for tht chll"'rtn and cof- in hj~ unit to rteei\'e it. a nalUral for him. )ince his father.
fee and e:.~t for the p..1.rents. The unusual part of the ~Tory i) IhM Duke. ",a, a [ong·time meOll>cr of rhe
Ho\\c"er. e\en with llil the refresh· l)can re:llly didn't ha\e to wle Ihe up- lOCal. Also. his brother, Russell, is a
menh for Ihe boys nnd girls. ~omelhing prenl1ceshi p tfllining COUN!. At the time member .,r Local 697.
morc was in store for them. The first the program \\as initiate... at the North- Brolher McAn y has been a very 3C-
item Ikas a marionelle show \I hich h:Ld \\est MisWllri Fleclrie Cooperlltive. Jime memher of the local. having ~n.·ed
the:- ('hiiclrf'n in II trnn-cf' Thr act la\lell Dcan wa~ far enOlnirh :U" ltnct.(1 h) on· on mllny c{lmmi" .'r ~ He ha ~ ;11'0 hc:-en
45 minutes. wilh the audience tnjoyin1: the-job Iraining to become u journe)"nmn a )re\\arll, ror~man . gt.'n~ral foreman.
evcry minute o f it. Ho\\c\er. that \1 •• $ linemnn, but because he w:lnled to he as and superintendent on 01,111) job!; in Ihis
just Ihc slart. Next W:IS a delight TO all well qualified a~ pos~il-ole, he enrolltd in jurisdiCTion and 011151 ctrtainly derive a
the children. plus the 1ll0Ther~ lind fa the courMi :and compleled iT on his own great de:11 of sati~faction when he reclllis
then who \I'ere prtSCnt. A magician initiatiyt. the man y proiccl ~ he helped to construct
rolled his c:lrt onto the Slage and begltn Edne r Rudolph . J ATe, presented the lind see completed in , al.e County. Indi·
his performnnce. Everybody WltS spell- certificate to De:lO. Both ElIntr and am., in the p:,~t 41!

IB EW Jou,nol
Among his other activitie). our mands from our members. and \Ie \lill Snow Doesn't Help Jobs;
Brother ha~ been an avid participant in leep )OU informed on the progre~s of
the bowling and golf leagues. lie WOolS a these negotiations. Houston C ente r Under Way
charter member and hel[lCd 10 organize Tal~s \lith the eTA fChicago Transit
Ll !. 716. 1101 5'1'0"", TEX, -In my
the Uowli ng League in 1944 and ~up­ Authoril),} are ~till going on.
la" article. [ mentioned that there \la~
ported it by bov,]ing in the le:.gue for I'rances Blandi of the Automatic I-Iec-
~now on the ):round here in 1I 0u~ton.
man) )ears. He pla)ed an acthe part in tric Com pan) has talen an earl) rctire-
\lhich i, qUlle unu,ual. and would you
the local's Golf League and M:T\ed as ment. We .... bh her "ell. t-elicH' i)'(Ju ):uc~scd it). as , write there
chairman of one of lhe commillees J OII' C\It!tI(.UO, '>.S. i~ ~no .... on the ground agam. Bad \I in-
..... hen the local sponwred the Wireman's lers arc one thing. but this is ridiculous.
Golf A'iSOCialion Tournarnt>nt in 197 1.
I cert;lIn" hope Ihat. hI Ihe tillle }OU
a~ ..... ell as !oeT\ing on other commiuee
Houston Center read thi~. the birds "ill be chirping. trees
through the )earc;. ....ill be hudding. and construction jobs
Another contribution ":1$ organbdng -held up b) rnld l'.-eather-wiJ] he 11101-
the Winte r Golf Leaj,tue in 1910. '\en ing ing once again. I feel Ihat \I ith so many
as its p Te~ident. Since thi~ "a~ :, lery hlrgc. eommcrcial-t)pe jobs under con·
~pedal inlere)t. needless 10 ~ay. he par- tmet. ollr wor!. picture will lool a lot
ticipated in many golf and ho" liog tour- better b}' mid- (lr laIc-summer.
namems foT mnny ye:lrs. Spealing of large commercinl-t)pe
Most reeentl). Brother McArty was joM. po,~ibl) thl' l:trgl'~t downto"n de·
emplo)'cd by Fisc hh.1ch &, /ll oore F lee- \'elopment cler IIndert:llen by pril,lte
trica l Contrllcting ("omp<tny. and whcn enterprise i~ fimilly under wa)-right
he an nounced that he ",ould re i ire in here in "Big- H." The lir" pha-,e of the
December. 1972. three of hi~ many UOUSlon Center will co\cr ninc ~quare
friends :. rrnnged a ~Urflri\C retire me", h loe].~. It will con~j't of numerous
pan} for him at Lee', J{e\taurant. Whit- high-rise office buildmgs 140-10-60 story
ing. Indiana. on lk<:ember 151. In part, t}'PC). '\C\Cral hOlel,. apartment com-
the su.;ce), of this alhi r wa~ due to the plex. and ~hopping area,.
planning. arrangement~. and ende:lvor The lil'St high.rtse office buildinil of the The entire del'elopmcm "ill have
put forth b)' Brothers Kenn}' Str.. l a. Houston CeOle< in Houston, Tex .. i$ topped huge underground par!.ing areas. and all
Lan}' Dads. and J im Neelc}' and to the out. the buildin):~ "ill be eonne(icd by "peo-
high e~teem in "hich the honoree "3\ ple mOler~" (for lad, of a beller word),
held by hi~ fellow electfician~. lie "as or mo\ing sid"all~, It is to be huil! in
presented "lIh a 45-}ear IIII'W pin as phru.c\ o\er tke nc.\ t 12 to 15 )ear; and
"'ell a.~ a retirement pin and IWO "ill ..... hen completed. eOl'er an entire
plaques. one from the howling league B--.qU:lre-hloel area Thinl of the
and one from the golf league. in recog- man-hour, in that.
niuon of his man}' }'ears of faithful You lno ..... Brothers. to an or-
scn'ice in both leagues. Other gift ~ of a g:mization as Illfgc as Local 716, it tale~
more personal nature \lere pre!!Cnted 10 much papcr\lorL receipb. mai l·outs. an.!
the honored gue,l, record, to be kepI you \loul\ln't belielc.
Before C. V. retired. he held the old- Most of thi, tedio",. bchind - t h e-<.Cenc~
est active card in Local 697. Now ",e wor]. i\ done b}' ~ix 10lely ladies \lho
ha l'e only three members working who worl in OUf office and ""'ho are them-
were initiated prior to 1930. Brothers sc he~ members of their own union
Harrison Ead~, I a"rence Pella. :lIId H . (Q l' F IU Loelll 129). '1 hesc girls do a
I>. Hagberg. fi ne job . ..0 the ne~t timc you're in the
Brother McAny alld hIS lovely ..... ife. hall. tal.e a minute to lei them l no"
M ildred. will con tinue to li~e in their that their efforts don't ):0 unnoticed. I
].no", they \I ill apprcdalc it.
home in I-Iammond. bm will ~pen d the Brothe'$ P,e".ol and lee Wa,m~e. local
716. Houston, Tex .• look ove r pfinlS on No. Brother\. this i~ your letter to the
winters el'\C" here. This winter they life
Z Houston Cen,e" Fisk Electric has t he job. " Loe:11 Unc~." If an) of you h:I\'e news
at Long Bom Key. I' lorida. ncar Sar;,·
sota. and )'ou C:ln be Mire he h as his items you thin!. might be of interest to
the reader~. plcase contact me and they
golf clubs with him. We figure that by
the time our golf Icague ~tarts in May, Office Gals "il] he pu, in Ihe Journlli. I do need
he should be in ~h:lpe 10 gile \Iro\..e~ 10 ,...-----, }OUT help.
Sec )011 :11 the ne\l meeting.
all of us.
H . R. K in I .. P.s.
Our best WI~hc\ for a long and happy
retirement 10 C. V. lind \ " ldred. Local 728 Scribe Reports
('1I\RlI')O Wllso'.I'.S. On Three Main Subjects
I,. U. 721$. FT. L \ Uln: J{I)"u-:_ "'L \ _
Work Situation Improved; - r hi' 1II0nlh. I,,' haw three main ,ub-
Contract Talks to Start j.!ct\ of intcre,\. Fir,t off, the ne" refer-
ral hour~ :on) memnc r heing laid off
L. U_ 713. Cllft' AGO, lI. t .-We are can now report to the hall the -;arne af-
happy to report that \lor]. i\ on the up- ternoon. Referr:ll, :. re nO\l heing is,ued
swing in pmcticall) all of our shops. If from 3:~O P. M. to 5:30 1'.1\1 .. insteau of
the trcnd t.:ontinlle,. 197_1 ,hould be a 111 the morning. 'I hi, "ill allo" )011 to
good )car for our mcmbch. picl up a referml thai same afternoon
Contract tal~~ will start with the GTE (provided there is "'orl) anu report 10
l ocal 716's lovely office gat$. $fIa led, teft to the job Ihe followi ng dar al 8:00 A. ~ I ..
Automa tic F lectric Com pany in North- righl. are Ma xi., Ziesem .,r. Edna DiC k.,y•• nd
la l e in the very nellT future. Bu\incss J u n Morga n. S tanding. Selly Fo"e$ ter,
thereby lO'oing no time from "orl. Th i~
1\'la na ge r 1·la rry Wea\'er has all the de- Ceorgia Willi a m s , and J a n e Barne ll. pla n also frees all bu~iness agents to sct

April , 1973
up any pickets, ta ke tare of problems,
ctt. fi rst t hin~ in the morning, rather
than later.
On the same note. Arnold Bleeker re-
ports th at :Ipprc nt ices will he sent out
from his office in the afternoon so thaI
they can check in al Ihe hall the SlIme
afternoon and reporl to work in the
Recentl}. nl one of our meetings,
Holy Cro~s J lo\pital sent a team 10 our
h:lll to collecl all the blood \\c could
give. Ei~hl)'-onc person~ donated. Blood Members ef Ihe Execulive Board of Locat
Hank Chairman Carl WUe)t reported S04. Ktlchener. Onl.. left 10 righ l. a.e
that 90 per cent of these .... ere new do- B'Olhers Ratph Te.signl. J~rry W,tson, Bill
Cottler, At Smyth, Bob Bricker, and Harry
nors and that the Holy Cro,~ people Hollow"y
were Ihere from 4:30 P. M. to aimosl
9:00 P.M. Brother Wucst ~IHtcd tha t the 'nformation Board
hospital would like to collcct again in
the near fUllire. and he is ~oing to Iry
to arrange ror II. I hanl-.~ go OUI to all
who gave their lime and hlood.
And now for Ihe I:I~I Ilcm. The
"Right-to-War"-" L:lw will 1;1.; coming up
in the Icgi~lfllur~ aenin !hi~ ~1:s~inn. It is
"nawn this )'enr ns House Bill 74. You
are ma~t ,trongl} urged to wrile to your
repre<.ent:lti\'c and expres~ }our dis.'lJl-'
proval of thh bill. If il pa\\Cs. 1Inions as
we know them might as well close their These s<:~nes 1Ihow membe .... of local 769.
doors. Do YOIII' part \0 helr---forwnmed Phoenix. Ariz" on Ihe lob ,,\ Moenkopi
Swtlchyard in Northern Arizona.
is forearmed.
in the immedi;lIe future 10 sec if Ihis job
will he represented by Ihe lin · \\'. I"

work,ns on Ihe a ..." and
are employed by Ihem.
Many Trave lers W orking Ihe!>C efforts, we graleful 10 Brothers
loe E~pinol.a. Colin r-.1cClear}. Md Far! being !tel up in ollr l(X:u1. The coundl is
In Local 769 J urisd iction S\even~. milde up of three IlLCl11hcrs from the
L. l l. 769, I' HO ..:NIX. AR IZ. Greetings It i~ often wilh ,urro\\' tlmt we nOle COn~truction As~ociation and three
to nil from I' hocnix. As of this writin£. the passing: of our Brothers; sll~h i~ the member, from ollr loc!ll. Our member,
we are very I:lu~y and imolved in Ihe case in the recent death of Joseph are Brothers Carl Airdrie. Keilh Part},
progression of work in our jurisdiction. "ijlld" DemareSt. !-'ver)One was "Pele" and John I'a}ne, The Apprentice Coun-
which is the enlire Slate or AriZona. to him. bUI he "l1e .... what the union was til \\ill be re~pon,il'>lc for ,upervising all
There- h con~iderablc wor" here now, a1l ubuul. phases of un lIpprcuticc'~ tnlining. It will
and muny of ollr traveling Brothers We have many and varied johs in be the ;1101 of Ihe J AC to en,"re 1hat
(roll1 locljl, throughout the country are progress in our juri~diction. \00 Ilutner- th., flllure jOllrnqlllcn of Loe:ll 1(0.:1
here helping liS. We welcome them with om to mention here. We ha\'c e~peri­ sh,,11 be nlllong Ihe best in the province.
open arm~. nnd asl.. only that thcy help enced sOme prohl('m~, some small and Since lhe JAC i~ newly c~tahli'hed. il i,
us maintain our usual. high quality of -rome -.erious. whtch ha\e been handled nOI dillicult to see the \\orl. these Broth·
",ork nnd uphohl Ollr agreement. We by Ilu~iness Manager Edward Nic"~k in ers ha~e 10 store for them\elves.
advise calling ahead i( )'011 wish to work a m:lllner I hclieve to be vcry pTOfes- The onite is r.';llIy hopping these
here. however. hecause there are always ~ionnl and ~eyed 10 Ihe \ery hesl inter- d1LY~. nOI that it i~n't bu~y any day of
~Inck times. cst~ of OUf local and the IBEW, Let'~ all the wed. hut for the Inst few lIIonths
Members of our local are prc'>Cml~' get hehind him and hi~ staff and pull to- the .... ork load has hecn unbelievable lind
involved in footing work on three gether. BrOlher~! (or one of the best
~witchrards llnd sllb~taJions. under con- J, FMAI'II{ I't:ACOCI{, I'.S. The h~1 of non-union contractors Ih:11
tr,LCI to Jclco, Inc .. on the 500·KV line are wur~ing in our area .... ould aSlonish
from Page, Arizona . to Phoenix. Ari- you. The Internationa l Omce has ~enl in
zona. We havc had fine prog,re~s on the JAC Set Up in Local 804; IntcrnlHional Repre-;cntlllives 10hn Mc-
r-,·l ocnl-.opi Switchynrd in Cameron and O rganizer Ap pointed Inni\ and J. A. Shir"i... to help Bu~ines~
are prc'iently finishing Lip. We have Manngcr Collief in this IImller.
provcd here Ihal we C'.10 do Ihis worl. L U, 804. KIT('lI E-';I-;R, O:"lo'T.-It·s Brother Collier has receh'ed Ihe con-
,uccessfu!1y and in the hlaek fo r the hccn n long time ,ince .... c·'e had II let· \Cnt of Ihe general memhership to levy
contnlCIOr. II ha~ becn a plea\ure to ter in the "wflwl. T herefore. I will a 525. one·shot a,se"mcnl on all mem-
work. on this job and see the line coop· bring you up to date on our local. bers of the loe,l!. One of Ihe main rca-
eration on our composite CrCW\. T he We now have a new slate of officers. sons for the asses,menl is to pa), the s1I1-
Mleccss of this job is in no ~l11a!1 parI 'hey are Bu,ine~s Mannger-l-ilHllwial al) of our newIY-:lppointed, full·time
due to the efforts of Ihe general fore- Secrelary William Collier. Presidem organizer, Brother Harry Uollo .... ay.
man. Stan Morton. nnd the ~Ic .... ard. Ralph Tenigni. Vice Presidenl Harry The .... ork picture in our area ha~
Ron ~ I oore. It has been a long time HoJloway. Re~ording Secretary Jerry been one of !>Criou~ unemployment for
~inec I'vc been on a job thaI had hoth a WiI~on, and Trea~urer D;Lve RClldel!. Ihe last two years, hut Ihe picture looks
good general forenllln and s\ew;.rd. AI Smyt h. Bah Bricker. and John like it ~hould improve in the ncar fu·
We have made very 'lIrn.l<lnlial prog- Nestor ma"e lip the Execul i'e 11oard. ture.
ress in organizing Ihe lran~mission line and Keith Parry. Carl Ainlrie. and John J than" our siSler locals who have
job. undertal-.en in oLlr jurisdiclion by Payne are on the Fxamining Board. helped OUi in our hour of need. The}
Seaward Construction, with :1 vote due A Joint Apprentice Council (JAC) is afe Ontnrio local~ 530, Sarnia; IO~ .

IBEW Journot
H;lmillon; 303. SI. Ca[harines; and 353, processing plan ts. [110 Sial e instillllionl>, Fox. I~rothers Louis Wilso n and John
Toronto. Our thanks even go as far as a number of slone cru~hers. am1 lhe BarrilleallA. Allernatcs arc Brothers
LOC-dl 424, Edmonton. Albena. where usual number of h os pilal ~. schools. etc. Henr} Po"e l1. De.l ter Fox, and E,\fl
some of our Brother; are no" em· Remember 10 come to ou r next meel- O·Qu inn.
ployed. Needfc5S to say. to :lIly local ing and bring a Brother "ith you. Don't A U VR~' A. P IZM'''IE. I'.S.
[ha t has a neeJ of top·cfass jOUfne}men, fail to !tee the greatc ~1 s how on earth-
our (JOice would be only too glad to ,pring!
hear from you. BILL GLl P.S.
Local 876 Expects a Lot
In dosing. I mllq report that a[ the Of Distribution Work in '73
present time it looks li!-.e la<[ year'S
hockey champion~ wiff not be participat- Work Sce ne Un changed ; I..U. 8 76. CIt ,V.'!) RAI'InS. MIC II.-
ing in thb year'~ tournament. o"ing to Outlook Not Prom ising We IIntler,t;lfld th ere \lill he a 101 of
(he high cost of eve rything. di,trihution work thi, year. as mu c h or
L U_ K61. 1.,\1":1': C II AHLES. I.A._I\t more Ihnn last year "hen \u· had aboul
Wtll J"! CO! 1..1111, Il.r-.r.-FS.
our 1",1 regular meeting held on Fehru- 75 tr,!'elef') \lorking. SUhst:tlion "ork
ar} 5th. Ilu,ine,~ Ma nager Jimmie Fo~ look, real gooU. wit h ;n lea,t four 345-
Work Scene Not Too Bright; informeu Ihe menlbcrs that the \lork sil- K V suh, plus ,<\enll 138 llown to 12-
Attend Meetings, Says Scribe uation in the area i~ about the 'Mlnle :tnd KV distribution ~ub~ com ing up. The
that there arc 2 1 m.·n on the I-ocnch al line \lork on IJR- KV ;lIld do\\n "-ill he
L. U. SolO. CE:,\,EVA. N. Y.-Now that this lime. Brot her Fo'l[ ~taled that Ihe good. \lilh only ,mall ~purt.s of FH V
spri ng ha ~ arri\Cd. our Ihou!!ht~ arc fo- outlook for the fullIre i~ not \ery p rom- going on until next fall ;lIld about 80
cu:).('d on \\ork. negotiation" the u~u,,1 1~IIl£. "ith no new jol>~ announced. miles <,chedlllcJ for them.
run of loc:lI I'm,incs,. and the ~torin~ of Brother Fo~ ,talc,1 that the fuel g:l~ sit- L. E. r-.I}er, Company and Ho"ard I'
the 'no\\'mohiJe ;lnd ge1ting out the fhh- uatiOll seem, to he a major problem. Fole} Company <lfe fini,hing lip the 700
ins rod . and until thi, 'hortagc i, re-olvcd. il i~ mile ... of 345- KV to',er lin~~ in the ~tate.
Wei!. Ihe work picture is not too dOllhtflll whether any n~w indu~trj;ll H ydakcr Whea tl"k e Compan y ";IS
br ight. hilt il aprc;lr~ that th ere arc growth wi ll 1;lko,: pla(e. Brother Fox abo ;lW:trJetl 16 mile- of 1~8-KV reconduc·
enough ne" job~ coming up to t;lke up ~ta l cd that the wor~ ,itualion all :dong toring. si.\ milc, of two seric ... Ug· KV
the <lad for the fello", on the \>cneh. the Gulf Coa~t j, ,low at thh time. lOwer lines in the Kal:lnlalo<.), ,\I ich igan.
A) for ne!!otiatiUI1~. that is a touchy Pre,ident Harlan D uhon nml Bmines~ :lre;1. and the \lirc sil.e i, 10 he 1431
,uhjeet and hc~t left up to the pt)\'cr< h lanaj"!er Fo\ allended the Annu:II Stale Mer-I. In the I lint area. !/}daker
that be. Building ;md Con'truction T r:lde, Con· Wlw'IlI;lke h,l~ 10 miles of IJS-KV ;,teel
I am sorr~ to repon that the Brothers \'elllion in ShrC\epori. I oui,j:ma. on lO .... er linc~ and si\ mile~ of 46. "-\
from the e:t~t ~ide of Ollr juri'-l.!iction ]-ehruary Jfll and -llh. Ikother rO\ re- \lood-rwle con~trll\:tion. Clifton F ngi·
(Auhurn) outnumber the Broth,,~ from poned Ihat a commil1CC \la~ appointed neering Compan} has nine miles of
the west I Gene\a) at our regular to Upd:11::: the <:on,tilll1;On ,1IId byla"s 1311· K\ wooU-pole con.~tnl<:tion 10 re-
monthl}' Illeeting'. f,tir \le:uh"r or foul. of Ihe ~Iate ..oilncil. There "ere 56 uele- pl;ICe a -lo-KV line nonh of We~t
We have 'er~ inli:re,ting meeting~. :lIld !!ates in allendance. a nd Brother T. K. Branch,
they ,holl!.) he allended h~ illl of the StilJ'1cin. former hu';ne,~ man:tger of Brother Lloyd Sny,kr. \lho 'Iorh fur
l1lel1lher~. \I an~ of the Brother, \\ho Jo I.QC'II 861. "a, re-elcCled pre~iuenl for \Iichig:tn POWcf Compan~. "'" awarded
not aHclld the meeting' do nO! realize another lear. The convelllion .... ill be thc IBFW I ire-Saving }\\\'arJ for "IVin!!
that the:).(' arc .'cry critical til1le~ wc're held in Lake Chark~ ne.\ t ~ear. " young,ter frorn dro" ning. Thb hring.'
going throllgh But will the dccisiofls Brother John Ba rrilleau.\ reported on u~ to four rnemht.·rs in our local 'I ho
mad ... by th~ reglJlar memhcr, a!lending the local retirement program (111(1 \talcd have received thi, allard. I.e!"" !-.Cl·P lip
the meeting, be "'ti,f('ClOry to >011 lala Ihal Ihere ;lre 34 1l1el11her, lira'ling pen- lil e good "or~.
on'! sion~ and rh~ on dklbilily. Brother Tcle ph o n ~ work i~ ~uppo\ed 10 hoom
One of the minor proh1em~ now con- A. A. 12-T) LeBLlIIc ,poke on the. m('II1O- thi~ ,ummer. 3nd "II "imer ,plicer, and
froming lb is gelling ;.11 the memhcrs ri a l pl:tql1C "hich i~ on tlj'pla} in the in~lnlle,.., haH been in quite a demand
together 10 get acquainted with e:lch loohy of the loc;d'~ ollke building. He We expect Ihe rar!!c~t or ne\t-to"lhe-larg-
other. So. how aooUl COllling to a meet- "ho reported on (he 10<:;11 IUil Fede,.,.,1 e~( lelephone lcar lIe hale eler had on
ing real ~oon·.' I com not do mu,'h ahout Crcdil Union anu '(:Ited Ihat the Annn,, 1 telephone \\orL
thj, mliller lhrough Ihi, column. hut I \l eeting 10 declare dilidcnd, \I"~ ,ched- We ha\C contract negotiation~ in Ihe
will menlion our new lines and bounda- ul.::d to m,'et on I- ebruary 131h. ncar future on hoth telephone and
ries of our present jllri\diclion. Starting Brother 10hn Scall~ i, I>:tck at \Iork po"~r pllJ~ ~~er<ll RF ,\ agrel."m"nts. nn,t
at th" northw<'st corner (Hid dropping aftcr undergoin!! m:ljor ,urgl'ry. and }ou ,ure fed the freae imp:.n in (he
-..Qul h, "ith Local 86. Rj~:he5tcr. New Hrother A . W \ larlm j, home fmlll Ihe ehed hili not "hen }OU go 10 htl} .gro-
York. as ou r neighbor. lIe have Ne\\ari.. ho'pila1. recuperatin!; frOI11 a "';:Iere cerie,. Sccrn~ 10 be no top on price\.
as our last Jar!!e lo"n. then J\ l anche~ler. hean allad. OUf NegOlia lin!; Committee on lde-
Canandaigu:t. Che~ hire. Ru~h\'ille. llrothcr Paul S;"oie will ent~r the phone will be Aller}' Inman. Arnold
Br;tnc hport (here "e pick lip I OC(II 13'). Vet,'ran, AJmini,lfa!ion fl o'p it al for WrdolT. anJ Charle, M agee. On our
Elmira, New York . a~ a neighhorl. surgery on hi , other rye. power ne goliatiO!ls. Ollr ('"o!llmi!tee "ill
Dllndee. J imrod, Olid. Wi llard ("i th Brother ,\I\in Winfree a ttended the cun\i<t of Fd "T ed" Fr ish ie. "Wild Bill"
Local 241. Ithaca. Ncw York. forming regular meeting for Ihe fir't time since ~ ohert~ from the U. I' .. and Bn'ee F rl."c-
the boundary). then on to Morha ,InJ ,u1T~rins .... 'i'Te injuric~ 10 his righl h~nJ land.
norlh to Skaneateles. 10rdon, CalO ("lth ill ~n :11!tomohile accident. Wc :Ire now in our ne\\ halt Ht 5749
Local 43, SYTaCII">t:, New Yo rk . eaq of Brother Jam es Fontenot was in the Vinton A,·cnue. Com~lo<:k Pa rk. Michi-
liS). Ihen CI~'de and Lyon!>. :. nd 1'.'<:51 10 hospital for a ~horl time hUI i~ now out gan 4~321. and IIhilc lie \lill h:t'c Ihe
the begin n ing. and appar~nlt) :111 right. l:tm.hc.'1ping to do \lhen the fro,t gOl.'"
We now compare in area to some of A leller "as read from Brother ViclOr out of the ground. we're real proud of
(he larger locab in uJhta te New Yo rk. I Bus~ie. State Di rector of lhe AFL·C IO, our nCII .... uilJing. The \lork \I:t, donc
Ih ink Ihal most of the mernherlohip is in regards to the AnnU;11 S[,l1e Con'en- by D.::Young & Bagin. one of lhe 1:t~1
aware Ih;1I \Ie ar.:: well dilersified as far tion "'hich will be held in HalOn Rouge. fe\l union contractor, from the huildin!;
as Ollr indll~tr) is concerned h~'re in the /-I e stated thm our local union should Iraues left in Grand R:lpid,. Dellont!!
Finger Lak es. We han: several colleges, send its full qnom of tlcleS<lI"~. The fol- Fleclric, out of Local 107. did the eke·
a powerhouse, miscellaneous machine lOlling were elected 10 attend- President tr ical work. and bot h d id a fine job.
,hops and faclories. a race lTack. grape· /-I arlan Duhon. Business ~1an ager James Our Num be r One oft"ke girl ju,t

April, 1973
started he r 21th year with L()C1I1 816. Brot hers Max Beiter, Dale Caton. and
~I ope she ma~ es tlult ImlnY morc years
Retires Orl1ln(\ I.a ym ~ n are on th e sick li ~l .
wi th U ~. 1IS her devotion to her job i ~ WAl H It L. DO ItOLN KtRCII[]\ , P.S.
super. :lnd ~hc ii the t)pe of pcrMln \Io C
need in our ind Ustry.
Work in Area Slow:
J OII' DrG I \K, B.M.
Building Association Meets
Coshocton Local Holds ' _ U. 968, PAKKEKSH U KC. W. VA.-
Annual Dinner-Dc!lnce Work in the a rea h a~ ~ Io\loell 1I0\lo n con·
~idc rahl). 'I hl' \Ioi ntl'r \Iol'a lher and lael:
I..U. 964. COSHOCTON, 0 1110- 1 ocal of any worlh \lo hile jobs hale pm quite a
964 reee ml y held its Anni\'ef<>ary Din· numbe r o f our mcmbers on the bench.
nc r-D:lnee. We held our fint " nnh·er· rh i~ ~ilull l ion h u~ n 't happened in n long
sary Dinner-Da nce 10 )e:lrs ago and time, :1, Ill' ordinariI} \Ioor" quill' a
ha \e held the m each )ear since then. number of I~l\e ll'rs. Thl're is job tall.
The di nner-llance WIU helll :It Ihe " ar~ but none of an) ~ignificanee.
HOII.'I in (;u-.hoclon. Uhlo. wit h eoc"· Uffllhe. ( . nle l o rr, loco' 9G~ , Cotoho<lon, T he IBf W Local 968 Buillling Asso-
Ohio. ' Kently re'l1.ed.
ta ils. di nner, a nll d:mcinll. ciation held it ~ Annual B u~ine,~ Meet-
We urI.' proull of our loe:,1 :In<l l i~e to ing, lind the fi na ncial statllS of the u~so­
let m hers ~n\lw it hy invilin A Ihem to Life-Saver cilltion wa~ di~cu~~ed. We ha\l' made a
our parly. Al1I o n ~ our mll ny ~ ue~ t ~ we re 101 of impruve ments lInder th e !; lIida nce
Inlerna t io nal Repre<;t: nl:l\ ivc and J\ l rs. of II l1\inl"~ Ma nager William F. Mces.
F. M. ScOIl. N FCA A ~shl:tnl Ch:lpler the f .~ec u lh·e BOMlI, officers. an ll mem-
Manager of Cemral Ohio and 1I.l r,. lIer. h(-r\ of lhe Iluil<ling A~~iation
mon Jr'>Chkc. I hl\ine,~ \I :mager :lnll At our l a~ 1 union meeting. il was re-
Mr... Bill Callahnn. I ()Cal 299. Cam· ported Ih:1\ Brothc r " Red" Dcfihaugh
t-ridge. Ohio: Brother ;md M,...,. Slanh::y \Ioa~ \cr) ill. The members regretted
Di,h'rw,l. L...... ,,' 299. 8u,i,~" M a""~,-,, their inabilit)· to "i5it ai lin!! Brothers.
a nd M,...,. I lmer CmllleT\. I \)Ca l lI DS. hut they malic per,onal contri but ions (0
Ne\lollf" Ohi\): B II,ine,~ Munll!!e r li nd '\Cnd flowers 10 BrUlher Defibaugh. Since
M f~. D:m W illi:l m~. l ocal K7-l. I..:tne~· Ihnl time. he ha~ impro~ed and is 111
\i lle. Ohio: B u,inc~\ Mamlger amI Mr\. home
Harold I'heN>le. l ocal 61IR. \l un,field, I\rother I)an Coutu. Sr. is haling a
Ohio: Bu\ines,\ Mana!!er anll Mr,. Den- tough tune \Iorlh hi\ le!;S. We hope thl'<;C
Pru;denl W,rs,on. lett. .udl e lette. leUln.
nis Joh.. nya~. 1.«.. , 306, A~ron. Ohio: BroIM' J,m Guinther thJr he h= bottn memher. \10 ill rmprOlC '>OOn.
and Pre~idcnl .. nd Mr,. (jro\e Cahert, awarded the 18EW lite SaVina A...ard, Officer. anll membc~ of Local %8
Local 141. Wh«lint:. We,1 Virgini:l, urnl Ihe ladie" au~iJiar) prepared and
The Party Comrniltce memben mu~1 At Dinner-Dance lIeli~ere,1 Chri'lm .. ~ has"els to the wid·
be com rllO.'nded :Ind I h:tn~ed for their 0\0,\ and relired and ill mcmbers of Ihe
h:lTej \Ioor l in org:,niling :1 very enjOYII- locnl. Brot her Rufu~ Cline. \10 ho owns :1
hIe eleniny. I hey (,re Ch:,irman Bill fnlil f:trm. in, i~te d on 5uppl} ing the
Barcroft. Ro,\ Corder, J im (jui nlher, he,HJliful "ppltl"
au d II ,IIUM Hutl ullutl. Rco:.eilint, (' h rishu,l~ baskets WHe R.
Brol her I rnie [ arr, ch:lfler memN:r L A'h. I"III)ll Augcn,rein. P. D. Alkin-
of [ ocal 964. rece m l)' relired arce r 26 MIn. I'>lul Carpenter. Haro ld Cook.
)'ears liS 11 Illelllber o r t hi~ loc:! 1, ot (htH!eS Clegg, J):rn Coutu. Sr.. " Red"
Ot1 [ ~ w:!~ he in'lrument:r l in forrl1lng our Delih;wgh. Ja me~ I)ooley. l:.. H. I- rtlpa-
uni o n, he dill rl10~t of the lcg .... I)r ~ . Irk .. . Waller Uu,tlc. I f. I-I. Wi!;al. O.
,\ fter our luc:11 received i l ~ churter. G. I loffman, Ralp h 10hno;00. F. D.
Frni;: was elected to Ihe oflice of p re~i· I ()cle. P D. ~1cD" nnel1. Harry Mere-
de nt. In hiler )ear~. he -,cried u, hu~i­ d l1 h. Del Mead. William Mye rs, J. H.
ne,s man:lger and Ihen on Ihe I .~eeuti\e Mitchell. Walter Province. ~ ' ilton
Board [n'DYlng themselves I I lOCI' 964'0 Annlve.· Slrehli, C. V. \lel-Ienry. R. E. Wor~ ·
Ernie lind hi~ Ilife, Mahc!1, enjoy Ury Dlnne.Dfnee •••. lefl 10 ' I'hl, B,Olh., nl;ln. 1';1lJ1 W il~on. Clifford !l UNa. ])a,id
c.1 mping ,cry much, :md lhey have a and Mrs. BIll Sh~I05"y. NECA Chapte, Men' Gorrell. I/:! rry L tughlin. Walter Harele).
e,e' Hermon JeKhh. end conlraeto, and
ve ry nice lrailer which thc)' plan to U'>C MF1', Paul Reed. and lIerman Hufman n.
often. At [ h i~ lime. [hey are ~penJing I \Iohh Ihere \Ioerc space to record lhe
Ihcir wimer in rl oridll. Local 964 \o' l~hes man)' euh\cr~, I ions "'C /o"d \Ioil/o ll,c,..,
Ernie lUld MlIllel [he he~t in thcir rei ire· BrOl hcT\ und Si'ler~ duri ng our Chri51·
menl years. IlIltS visit. 1 vj,ited BrOlhers Jim Dooley
P re~iden l Cornelius \\'i l-.on informed "nd Harry Meredith. lind il was hard to
Brotner J im Guinther Ihat he .... iII be leale them ~au!oC \101.' had a lot of "old
awarrJeJ lhe IIIL\\' Life·SallOg Award time~" 10 di\Cu ...,.
for his act in .aving the life of Franl.. The \Ioido ....·~ \Ioho reeehed basl..ets are
Wil-.on. a hoilern"1~rr, on till' 101umhm ~1 ~, AIlI.I) ~l ellon, Mrs. E. W. Slaats.
an d Southern I'o .... erhou<;e job at Cones- Mr\. 1 udlle Cline. M r~. William Ken-
ville. Ohio . on NOle mber 16. 1972. T he nelly. M r~ Garnet Burdelle. MI'1o. A lbert
rnc m ber~ o f t oclil 964 a rc vc ry proud !l Uller. Mr<;. M:lrgaret S ..... ear ingl'n. Mrs.
o f lim . Bert !"tHIll, M r~. G :,le Bcnedulll, J\l rs.
Fh'e memhers reee i\'ed AcculTon Ver:l Manley. M r~. Rohert Otto. Mrs.
\Io;tlc hes to commemorate their 20 )'ears Guy " ed, \I rs. p, V. Well ~. !\I rs. George
as mcmbcr~ of lhe IIIF\". They ure I..e o Parler. Mr_. John Roherts. Mrs. Conrad
Ubel. ])on Nay, J u me~ IIlI lIo n, Norrmm Prl)"ntes. Mrs. lI u7.c1 Wood. Mr!. Don
The love[y dIning ,oom el Ihe Pa,k HOlel.
Arse meau ll. and Ric h:. rd .Wa [lers, Con· wIth membeF1' of local 964 Ind rhel. r horn. a nd M". Gemld Wilcox.
gratulatio ns. B rOl her~! Bues tl. It W:I~ nice to li~i t th e ro! tired and ill

ISEW Journol
memOer~ anu ~iuo~\ of lhe JOC'al. allu lIIan) )ears as S<:"crctar)·lrr~.~ure r of lhe C/othe- A-Ch ild Project
rH~n if ~e can'l ,isit them oflen. ~e ~liII l ouhiana Slale Feder-Ilion of L1 hor.
ct\(:rish lheir fricnd .. hip. frOlll 1937 unli l it merged "'ith Ihe C IO
We need ne~s for our "Local tine .." in 1956. H e "'a~ then elected :t, o;ei;rr·
leiter. and ~ould lile 10 h.:ar Irom our 1;lr~·lre;"urer of Ihe merg.:'d organiu·
friends and IIrOlh ... r. ~orl.inll in othl.'r lion, and is ~liI1 ...:ning in the ....1111e ,'a-
area~. padl}.
J "u .. h.. L"\III. 1'.5. 8 rol h ..·r Hourg h:l ~ '-Cr,ell :h a
me-lIIt>cr of Ihe Regional W;lr I ,, .....IT
I~<)md. O :ll1a~. T e"I'. Worl" \\ ,.r II:
Salute d R~gion;tl " -ar ;\!:t npt:,"er Corllllli"ion.
0,111:1,. T e:O::h. WorM W;lr II : K~gi"nal
War Slabil il:'lion Hoard, O alla~. ' I e''' ...
K.,rC:IIl War: Oi,i .. ion of F lllpl"yuH!nl
'i.ecuril} Ad vi,ur) Council. SI<lle of 1 011'
i~i;tu;o. 19~5·I,)51: JlI veuik l' rob:l1ion
At!vhory COllnl'il. Siale .If I nui .. i"na. Lasl ChrlSlmas. th e Clothe·A·Child prolecl
1')56-1965; &..:relar>· 1 reawr~r. ,,)lIlhern of LOClll I().(S, Indianapolis. Ind .• clothed
La bor School. 195]·19t\3: ,md IlU the 626 choldren. He'e. membe,s 'He shown
w,apping Ihe p.chages.
1 aOOr.Managcm..:nt Comllli,,,uHI \If In·
ljllir~. 196!!· 1970.
It "ouM lx- im",)"ible I" m..:nl ion. in
Ih i, leu ... r. all uf Ihe gooJ d..:e-u, per·
fonne-u b) BrOlher Bourg. H i, con lrihu·
lion 10 free e'llerpri ..... hOI' !leen gre;,\.
BrOlher HOllrg i~ Illarrie-J ;tnd i~ the
prouu father of four :Ind one
daughlcr. All fOllr 'oOn~ ;ore mcmt>cr\ of
Local 995.
Local 995. 8alon Rouge. La_, u.lutes
8.othe. Emile J. Bo"'&. St.

Negotiations to Begin; 626 Tots Clothed In Annual

Brother Bourg Saluted Clot he-A-Child Drive
LU, 995. II \TO.... KQUCE. l.A ._ A 1..\.1. IO"S. I:"UIA .... ,\I' ( )LlS, 1.... 1). -
Ne1;oliating (onuuillec \ltl\ app<)i li led \0 I ,,,I ,e;tr'~ I.oeal IO~lt Ciolhe·A·Child
m~'C1 ~ ilh our lowl tomrolclOr, 10 ntllO' I'ro;e,'1 I\"~ :t hig: 'lie..:......'. Ih,ml.s 10 the
li;!le a ne\l c.mlmcl. I hi.' .)M eonlrad n1;tn~ ~ontrihlliion, on Ih r..:e·\I;o) Clmh ..·· The younger set I,ves aSS,Slance.
e_,pired o n \I 'lrch JI. 197_\. Ihe in· \·Child cards "nd Ih.: \ nnllal (:md)
e rtaw of 44 tenh pt'r hour. or S.S'f. ' e\l. ~·and)·fillet! ~.:d;lr ~ht"h ..uld
o\er the rale of pa) in Ihl" olu e.mlr.ttl Ii~t' hoI {·;,I.e .. ::mu ,'ontri"ul':,' grealJ} III Local 1049 Plans Picn ic;
i" the ma,irnlltlt al1o\l"," h~ the (on- 1;1'1 ,.:ar·, cand) ,",III'" Ball Team Doing Great
~Iruetion In.hl"lr) ",[;l"'ili/'lIi"n {ommil·
Clothe·A·Child "'.1\ 1i...,1 iniliale ..1 to
1'J~(1. \lhen 55U "." 'J"IC,II to clolh ... L.l!. 1049. 1.0 .... C ISI.;\ ;\,f). ;s".Y.-
AI Ihe 1,1'1 meelt1lg of I oc .• 1 t)t)S. uel· Ihr.:e neeu~ .:hiIJren. !oiin ..... lit,,! lime. "rothcr I'hll '·uko. Picnic Comminee
cgalc.. ~ere ..... lcete" to ,tHeml Ihe UHr 10.11110 n ... ('tt) .hildren 11;1\': been (h'lirman. \I ill he- a~si~leu t>} lirolher~
utilfillCd "ilh n ... " dot he, IhrOllJ;h liN." I D,lrh~ "nu I . S,\.lln_ r he Jel;lil.. of
Lou i,iana SUtIl' l edefat"'" of 1 ,.N1L
lInoun', proJe~1. our 1971 I' icnic :Ire being \ Oll!
At-!·( 10. C.)n\cntion here in H.. lon
ROllge '" ,\pril. Thc uniun. ulld~r Ihc dir('cliun of '"1<1 "ill .1p~;lr in ollr Io.:al paper. lhe
\Ve regr ... 1 HI '1,"1\.' }Oll of Ihe un· Kohen 1 illlejuhn. BII,ine .. \ \I,lna;: ... r. Grul'l"Iiuf. '111.1 in a laler i... ue of Ihi~
timel} "ealh .. of Ilrulh ..·r I r"nl. O. Peril· ;Ind June Chur~h .....·crel,lr). ;Irr;;n;:td ..·ollimn.
lou, ;Inu Brolh.:r (;tTl 1I 1I" .. un. Both of dghl ,huppin;: lour, al I'enn ... )·, On· ( ,corge J-i'h..:r. I're.iuent uf I u...11
Ih.··Circic. at \,hkh limc IOllllll ..·... r ,hup· 111.1'). i\ H'r) proud of hi, son. Cicorg~.
Ih ..'.;,c good Ilr'llher .. "ill I,,' l11i\",t! and
Ihcir memor} "il1 lun~ r~m;lin in Ih~ J"lCr' oUlfillt:d n~h ~hildren. 1he ..:hilt!rcn " junior .11 \ I.tnhanau College \tho \1'1"
hearL .. of Ihe n1<"IIl~I"\ "ert: n.· ...lIIlmentJe,1 h) KC \ cmplo)ec, nllmin"led '" one of Ihe- oUhlanding
'lIld Ih ..- r ugli'h hlllmialiun. "hidl i .. "Ihlele .. in Ih~ ,ountTl f"r hi .. perform·
I ocal 9'J~ i .. h"uur ... d "ut! pri, il"'g"d
,,,'rnpli .. e~ of 111;101 L-nite.! hllIll agen 'Ill!,"t' in gull. ueorge "url.ed in the Pori
h) ..alule one uf " .. ""I"I;u~,l ing luem,
her.. B rolh~r I mill' J BoUrl;. "'r..Sttre· dn ,tnd m.llI} non·profil ori!,tnil;uium.
Local 104lt rai ..... , mone} fur the- proj·
krrer-.on 'ard Juring Ihe .. urn mer and
pl.I\ ....1 ,l1fl .... ,11 on lhc \04') Tealll al Ihe
t;lr}·Trea,,,rer of 1,"li,i,m<l \11-( 10
Brother I~"ur~ lIlt, rurn in the juri,"i~· e<.'l in '-CHf.11 \I;t}_. Ihe mu,l promincnl \letl"O I <lurnamcnl
lion of Lo..:al 11'1<;. IBnl,I}. I ()lIi .. ian;o). of "hi~h ;,f(' Ihe l'olle":lion .. h} union \\ hik \I'" 'Ife on the ,"hjccl of _por ....
\lherc he auended elemenl;lr~ ami hiJ;h \Ie\l;on.h on thlee'''';l, Clolhe·_\-{ hi III leI me mention Ihe ·BI"" Iht' inlTi.·
....:-hool. lie .Iu ... ndeu the IlIui .. i<ln;[ "'t;lte ..:.. ru,. I'mplo~ee, ~'lIllrihuh: on a 'ulun. IIlllr;11 f,;I,l.elh;11I te;tm from IIj,I. .. \ille
J.;ni-er,il~ al Hawn Rouge in 1'J16 ,mJ I'ln t>'I .. i~ anll ,I' lI1uch ,I, thc) "i~h. O .... rh.:'IJ I ine,_ 1 he learn h:t~ !leen
\ lilled car" 101,,1, S~ '-nO_ \11 monle, oIoln{! grcal. t>o:;uinl! lhe .. \ Bends" 7()·
1917. He enli .. led in the l .... \brine
r"i~d for or ,untrif,uleJ 10 Ihi, proic~t 101 'km ...... h of thr team .. re J I indlju,
CorP'> in 19111 amI ~;t, hon.mlt>h ,Ii\·
eh;lrgcJ in IJecemt>cr. 1919. .lIt' U\ed ,oleh for lhe dOlhinJ; of un· i,1 1~;opl'linl. -I h. umi.!.!a. \1. Kice. R.
Brother Bourg enlerc.1 Ihe ~·\III'lruc· Jerprh ilegeJ ..·hildren. '~hrocJer. " S<;hul/. A GoMer. L.
liun mdlhlr~ in 1910 anu \I,,, ;nlli.lled ,\11 e~pen ..... , innlrn·t! ... u~h '" pr;n1in~ \lilo....-io. J 8rigoda\. I . \l arb. anJ I).
of Ctolh.:·A·(hild ..:afl.t... t'n1cl"J"IC'. el ..·. II l1r~u~ne. (jo. leam. J;o!
into Lutal 9~5 in April. 1911. II I.' h a~
-.eneJ the 10.::11 ;1, r"'{'orJing '-C<."Tel;tr). an: paiu for b~ reguJar lInion ",xpI.'nw,. 1 re;ld ;0 101 o f p<'l"'>Onal ne" s in th ...
fi n nnti:ll ...... nela r). ,icc prj.. ~idenl. p r... ~i­ No .. alariC's or ""i!e, a rc dcd "~led frum COll1p:tn) 1&0 Nc\\s whith tould be
denl. and bu .. ine,~ manager. li e :t\~i~lcd Ih..:..... eonlri"u lion ~: e,ery pl.'lllly col· '-Cnl IU lI1e hy in ler·onice 1Il:1il to I-licl.s-
in Ihe org:mi7;llion or th e Hal on ROllge lected i, U!oC"1O Clolhe·A·Chilt!. ,ille Ol cr hea d Lines. How :lbont ii, {el·
Cenlr:l1 La bor Union in 1931. I-Ie scnc,1 A UII III Y W . AM~IOU M . FS. las?

Apri l, 19 73
Th e iBlazers' Pensacola Broth ers o f po\ler lOoere thoughl to number he-
!l\een 8.000 und 10.000.
Again. members of Locul.. 1055 ;lnd
676 put their shoulders to Ihe grind~tone
.111\1 wor~cd Ihrough the 10nJ,l. cold night
and the next d:,y and (mothcr ni.ghl.
unti l PO"'Cf "US rcstored throughout the
:lrea. a~ II cut·OUt collector m~se1f.
I mal.c ,'onl:ict II ith man) of ollr cu~·
tomers each d:,y. ;lI1d I can hunestly ~ay
thilt in thc <lrc." hil Ihe hardt·,t, thr
pcoplc lOoae amazed al Iht efforts put
forlh by rCp;lir crc'" and the ~hort time
Hllrll are $Ome of Ihe mllmbers of Ihe
"BI ...... s." basketball team of local 1049, Ihc~ "'cre out of poller. con~idcring the
I nng 1~liln!1. N. Y. From row. lefl to riBht. D. Tllft~~ mp.mnn<ll nr LO~1I1 In5~, Pftosacola. intensity of the \Iorm.
8u'Boyne and M. Rite. Bac k row. l. MHos· Fla .. are job slewMds from Ille MlUon Mea. Wc feel ,ure thai arlcr the general
c,o, T. Kum'ga, W. Schulz, R. Sch.oeder, Left to .Ight. Brothers O'Nul Jollnsoo. publk hn~ h;,d time 10 ,tOp and analpA:
and /I.. Goldllr. Doyle At kins. Eddie Arnold. Oruel BrOCk,
and Lewj~ Mann,ng.
the ~ituation, it IIill re;(li7.C the impor-
lance of electric.11 po"er. "hieh can be
Guess Who rc'tored in ~" r h l! ~hnrl lilll!" as il \lall
after the de\l\\laling itllli record·breaking
,tonn we had. Let u~ :,11 hupe and pray
that we II ill he ~p<lred another one soon.
RUIII'~ O·DOM)'",,". 1'.5.

Retirement Party

left to tigh t. Hnemlln R. O. Reeves. Andy

Kent. Business Manage . DIIW,tt GIHey, and
Wllyne Blocker.

J USI for lun. dO you ~now who Ihll nnem~n

in til,s piCtUrll is! (Answe' ned month.'

, eXteml sincere condolences to the B.olller Edwafd Wiggin,. Lo"al 1196. Paw·
families of Hrothch 1. Rego, General t""ket. R.I.. was <.."enlly honored at a re
SI,ol'" lIid51-'i11e. IIntl J. Du, is. Under· '"emen! pany given by tile Bunching 0..
pllrtment. Lefl 10 .ighl. Pfe5,dent Day,d
ground Lines. Bellmore. \lho re cenlly Agu~'r. Re"o.dlnl Se<:relaf)l Bllal"ce B.II·
P:l~scJ a\l,,). VIl8U, Srotll,. Edwa'" WI~,ns. department
rill nc),t momh. ',ay healthy :tnJ be fo.eman War.en McDougall, Financ,al Secrll
happy. Kcrp smiling. IlIty Wil liam M"ntlla. and Exu"utive B"ard William McKenna.
CU~RLhS J. l.01 FFl.rR. JR., 1'.5.
Retiring Brother Ho nored
Efficient Lin emen Amaze At De partm ental Party
Met' •• eaders and collector. Lett to "glot.
Snow, Ice Storm Victim s H. O. Spea rs. J ,m Kulherlord, ~ill aryan,
and steward AI Taylo •• L .U. 11 96. l' A\\~r Un\ I~T. R. I.- Afler
I"U. t055. I'I-::-.ISACOI.A . FI.A.- Once for 19 yean :I, a low·motor
ag:lin. our local union mcmbel"'t nre the to complete the t:l,k al hand. operator. It,-olhcr Edlli!fd Wiggin, re-
rccipicnt~ of Ihe th:llll.S of man) Ihou· Among the Brothers in thi~ group \las tired from the LT.T . Ro)al Electric Cor·
sand, of !;realful people in the .. il) of 0111 unil pre~idem. Hrolhcr Joe \Vi11iatll~. poration on Januar~ 16th.
Ati:. nta. Georgia. ,\flcr one of the \lor,1 \lho ,-aid the ~ighl Ihe} !M")W "hen Ihe) A p>lny lOo;t~ gl'en in hi~ honor in Ihl:
snow anll icc Siorms in thi> J,lretll city\ an' il-'~d in Allnl'I~, was unhclicl-'able an d Bunching 1)epi.rlment IIhere he "url.ed.
history. Locab lOSS anll 676 of I' ensa· th:lt the way the members performed Gifl' \\ere .gi1cn by the wlT1pan~' imd
cola h;I\"e lIbpluyed their abilitie, ill under ,uch extreme wcather condition, Cl1lplo)ees. Ed i~ lhe fir~t man of the de·
emergencies. such as Ihe Atlant;, <'Iorm. w", equall} unbeliCl-'uble. p.,rtmenl to retire. F~er)onc had a 101
b)' the long hours ~pcnt by crew~ restor- Our area in l'enS:lcola, "i1h Locah of fun at the part~· .
ing po"er to the dly. 1055 and 676 wor~ing the Gulf Paller
A"TIIO:ol1" D I ANGltS. !'.s.
T he peo ple of Allanta ha~e , hOWll Company property. ha~ ~ince experi·
their gralitude by -;e nd ing mnny Ihou· enced " familiar ,illl1l1ion On h'hruary
~and~ of cards !Ind letters. There "as 91 h. we had lin :tll·da}' rain II ilh a hard
Work Remdins Good in 1205;
much ,:lid about the endurance of our frec7.e hefore d:trl. that IlIrned the rain C ertifi ed Welders Needed
Brothers and of the many lont:. hard. into ~Ieet :lI1d ice. The icc collected on
and ever·tiring huur~ put inlO re,toring po"cr lines :t1 dark. brc:iking Ihem I .. U. nos. G /\lN t-::...\V ILI .E, ,,' LA o-
power 10 Ihe :lpproximate l) 15U.WU (10"" :011 over the system. Th..,n 10 hilll" Work remains good. lOoilh quite n few
e lectrical cu,totllen knoc l.ed out by the per the crews more. it beg.1Il to snow trave ling Urolhers elllplo}·ed. We arc still
icc ~to rm. Th is is proof agai n of how until there W:I' an accum ulation of IWO in need of cerlified welders on the Crys-
" '1.'11 or.!:anized labor can operale ,IS a to four inc hes in ~Ome an:::I,. t\ fler the lal Ril-'er I'o\lerhouse project. Whi le
team in Ihe mOSI llifficult of situations lo tal fh:ures "ere in, the cu~tomers out simple we lding is a 1001 of ou r trllde, il

60 lBEW Journol
is quitc a feat 10 beCOlllC ccnificu on rill. I hi, joh involves Ihree ,tnd one-half
ou r nu clc;lr powerhott'>C. \ 1.lny of Il~
New York Job Sites mile, of ditch with I"o-b)-~ix-ineh pipes.
ca ll ourselves ",ehkr"'i. ~nd mO~1 can I he ,ill.' of t·;lnle i, o ne miliion-MC\l
··m~l..e a pa,,' on thc majoril} tJf our coprer and "ill he in~lalled ne.\1 ,pring.
jons. httl cl'nify. no! w~· ItlLle '''0 more o i1-l,.~t;,til" joh~ 10 he
Cenilication ;~ hnrd 10 oht;lin. ;,nll hid in the ne,lr (mllre.
ma ny of o ur jOUTOl')man \Iiremen are II -I·r,tme COthlfUClion COll1p~ny has
relUclOint 10 hothe r \lith Ihe e~lr.1 dTort !\\O 1,Irge di"rihntion joto,. One joh in
requiTell. I h;l\c hcen in Ihe hiling hOllis Ihe \1h.1n) !Lrc~ i~ nndcr j;enera l forc·
o f nlany local union s "nu h:ll" e.\pe ri· m,tO Cl)ue lJ uh:hcr. ",ilh furemc n CI,t)'-
efll:cd the fru~lralion of lwl h~inJl re- IOn I'almcl". \1;lrio :.I:t jc",ll. DOlI id
ferr"d out. 0\1 ing 10 Ill) in:,hilil) 10 R.llhbufn. "Ie~ Yonc hlll... ,ut,1 Donald
mect l-crtifila tion. I Ih inl.. Iha: man} of 0'( Onnnl I hl" ,el.'ond joh. un,kr Ihe ,II,
our capable BrOlhl'r" ~houhl 11":,;n them· pel'I'IOn of ·I on} ('oLLolino. i, jml
",l\ cs to meet t·erlific;ltion. not unly for ,t'lrting.
Iheir 0'" n good. bUI .. I..u for Ihc gOo.Joll of Ilut r:tlll I Icdri~ Comp:ul} h'I' di~tri­
Ihc IB FW ;tnd Ihe e1e(;tri~,,1 iOllLhtry ;1 ' Membel"$ o f L<XlIl 12.(9, Sy,acu$e, N.Y .• are
work,ns on t he oilo·sta t ,c lob in Albany.
hliliull II ori... \I IIh genera l foreman
,I "holc. If \Ie don·t tlll"t:t thc n~e(h of NY . beina done by Ut e<:: ConstructorS. Inc. (,~orge wlutru~1.. ;mt! foremell Sianic)
Ollr indLlstr}. "e a Tl' nOI upholding Ia· \l urt:iul. l)"u!!I;I~ " al'it)l1. Farl ("arm:m.
hor\ eflll of Ihc !>arg;lin. We mUll pro- .Ind Hrm.lru Veude r. Utl lTalo E1c.·lri~
le..:! our worl... :md \lclding in the clcc· {·omp'tI1\ al,o h'is ;t Iran~mi"ion j.,h in
Irical iOlItI~lr). "hcrc ,.ertilk'llion i, S} r,ldl ....... "ilh general forcm;m I :trt")
required. i, ccrl:linl y our wnrL \I.;I)()II,tld and furemen D id I ultun.
h i~ \lilh p1e:I,ure Ih:11 I rCr'Qrt Ih;tt \\ :111) r\\i~~. ;I nt! !I:ITley 1I ,)le.
our luc;tI union h:11I i, "ell un th ... II"y (<)IlI(.I.:lOr Ulilil) I inc, h'l, ,I lafge
10 heing paid for. We 'Ire 'cry proud of ,1i,lrihllllon ioh in Spring Va!le}". l'.CI\-
ollr hui ldin g. hut h,1\e he~n ..·oneerncd ' or~. untlcr Ihe ,li re~ l jllll of .t,'enCl"al
:Inoul Ihc I11vr1~"l!e ag:tin,1 it. I hanl.. - fon'man Bill 1I1:ld. (,encr:tI foreman
flll1 ). Ih i, mUI tgage h'l~ bl'en dr;l,tkall} Jim (':.hen ha, ....c\' ... r:tI ui,lribllliun
reulh:cd. and "e lo()1.. fot"llard 10 11 ~'fe\" fur Ihelll in \l id.llel(l\\n. and gell'
··m()rtgage hurnin{' p'lrly Ihi, .!IIntner. cnd for.. n\:l11 I're'ltlll Ilabe()d ha, Ihc
;" I ~ ~ongr;\tul.lliun. 10 Ihe tn~111hcr~ of
UI(j) \\orl.. in Sri ing Valle}.
Ihb lueal IInion. anti the lI]"(lth~rh ood lI~
W. Houck, Safe ty Director. observes work on '1. D. 11m" h'l' :t Iran,mi"iun joh
~I "hllic . for I hell· part in r~d!ll.:ing ollr
th e all o·stallt jgb. ncar SuHern. under ,tlp(:rinlenucl11 Art
Allhill :tIId genera l fOI"l::lllitn Budy Oel-
T Wll memher, of I oeal 1~05 rctired
111:11". lin W;llter i, jon 'te\laru. Bru"
on ~ 1 :trch "1 . BrO lher '1. F " I· u"
h:I' a di'lrihll[;on job. IImll'l· gen"r,tI
Shield,. jOH rnl'Yllwn Ilin:l11l1n. i ~ rei iring
forcm;tn l ·r".1 Sknniza. in Fllclwillc.
"ilh ol"cr 26 }'~ar~ of at·the ",rvice. Mr.
"Ed:· il ha' hcen :t ple'I,,!!fe III he a,~o­ '\ c" ' orl...
dated "ilh Y()II b()lh () n [lnd l'IT th e joh. II Yl.'r tOINrll~liun Company ha s
flrother Willi,lnl E. \l ou J y. ground· Ihree ,·Ie\\,. I n.. foremen. Gene Denne).
man. ;~ retirinl! wil h o,er 20 y e;l r~ ()f Rohe rt 1).lfue. :tIlU Jim V:IIl~plllm1c r :Ire
:KI;ve ~l·n· ice . I ha, e nO! hau the ple:I" IInder lhl' ,upcni-ion o f gl'neral furc-
ure or \\ \lith BrOlher ,\ I (loll). hill m,t!\ "- rn In' in. Ullin/;! 11":ln,mi"ion
\\or~ '1 hcr.· arc tJIan~ Olher johs. 100
congrallt lmion' :Ir~ ~cn"il1h 111 onkr
Cong.rawlation_ anu 1h;1I11.. 10tt. Brolh- nUmt'fllll' to menlion .
er~. ror )Ol1r 'cni<:e anu :I",,,,j:llion
I 0~:11 I ! -IQ ~,Ifel) Commilt.,c h",
\lith Local 1:!() ~. hl'IJ fullr "If1.'1)· dinnrr'!lI,'cling' ncro,~
T he \lc:\lhcl" i~ ,,1,,;1), ., ~ood cun'.;or- Ihe ~t'tle fllr furemen. gen .. ral fllrl.'nl .. n.
.ation:ll topic .., he Ga ine,' illc area Ila' ;Inu jllh 'll',,:m,h. "ith l11o....t uf lIlIr I:on-
g.r.mled a hi,torica1 'nU\lf'llI on Fehru- tr.I.:IO" r ... pr ......... nteu. Our J oint S.,fel}
ary 10th. ami I ,uPl'u'>C \Ie "ill l:tll.. R Simmons lind E. Boss on URO wOlk In
Committee ~on,i'h 01 Itlhil1c~~ \lannger
ahoUI il for }C:tT, 10 rome. Ahhou!!h Nyack. NY. \\ iUi.lIll Shlllh.·r :lnd l're,iul'nl " err)
lery lillie survive.1 for c'·en _e .. onu, on \\ itllt'l h'lh. 1 0<::11 1~-I9, ;tIld Cr:lig \V ii_
Ihe ground. it \la~. 10 '''} Ih~ 1,::1\t. an in.:re,"l.'d in Ihe ne:lr (lI!tIre. h"nh ,In,1 I hner W:lhl. repre ...... nlillg Ihe
e~lr:l ordin:lr) e,enl. \l any pl'ople in uur I n.,te ..·, for Ihe ...... pl:Lln arc B It,i~,s "'l11plo}er~. rh c l·ommitll.'c h,,> Ihr~"t:
area h;ld neWI" '>Cell 'no\\ . \I .II1:1gl.'l" \\ iIll.tnt I I Shu lief " Ou A"i~t­ full-ume elllpll)ee~. D ireClor \\ allacc D .
Ulll i] ne~t lim .... Iq to ;I"i . . t your .tnl lI u,inc'~ M.ttH'j;er hl ":!nl R. l'e.l... lI oud. Solf.·I) Supcfvi'>Or Rohoen Llng-
Brolhers. all uf lour IIrmher ..... Don't for Ihe IInion. ;lnd "-I.'nneth 1I}~'r ,Ind til. :tIld ullr lIllk.. girl. M rs. P;11 \l i,hc·.
hunt fur Iheir m i,t"l..e, ,md f.Lll u!"l"~; CLlren.e IJin gmnan. for Ih~: emplo)n ..... Our futurc plan, 'II1U 01111001.. :Irc nmh-
hdp Ihcm lu be !>clter Bmther, hy hcing I he,c men do " t .... rrilie jon ;Ind :trl.' tQ jng !>tIl great.
one yourself. '''' cong r'\Iul.tted hI Ihe enlire memn.:r- W\III("I D. IIOlO;:. P.S.
A. J . WII'II'. B.\ 1. ,hip uf I 0.:: .. 1 12-1\1.
("on,lIu,.tioll of a 7(iO-I-(V line fwm
Utic'l 10 A lh'ln). hcing donI' h) the Plans for Neg otiations
Insurance Ben efit s Improved ; w. A. Chl."I~·r C<lII1P~ln>. i, l·Oll1l'leleu Begin in l ocal 1306
Good Year Ahea d for Local c\crpl fur c!e:lrl-IIP IIl)rl.. A 1 .j ~- "- V line
hdng .0n~lftl<.· lcu 1» IIra,II ..·y nnt! WiI· 1..( ' .IJtl6. n El.·,\"! U I( . 11.1.._ Thi, i,
L U. 12411. SYH:AC1 ISE. i"/. Y.- '1l'm· Ii,,,,,, Cllll1pa!1) (or lhe Nell' "rl.. S1aI~ Ihl' ~C:tr (,Ir th.... ne~oli:ll ion, t1( Ih ... ,·on·
hl'r~ or l uc:I I 1 ~ -I9 :I fl' pnlluj of <Hl r I' o"a Allihut il) i, ne;lrinl! I.'Olllpklinn I)"".:! h'hpit:diz:lli()l1 . ,id lell\e. ~ml
Heallh I n,ur:ln~e Progr:lll1_and \lith Wc h;t~e HI) oil-o-,tHlic jl)1> in Alh;tll). p,,·n,jon. II i~ hope.1 Ihat lInit me eting'
ju,tilk;ltion- :" thc in'llran.·e hct)dil, '1ell YOI·~ . n~;ng in,I " lkd hy UIl.'e Con· \l11I he \lell allemlcu from no \\ un. for
hale again bt:cn improved. Wc ha ve :tn ,tru~tllr~. I ncorp'lf~ lteu. under "UpcrilllC- il "ill W~C the co m hi ned c!rorh of ,,1I
actuary swdying our pen~ion plan :\ml urnl G cne Il ood. gc neral 1"0rcll1:111 111 re;tli/c the he,1 possihlc res\llt~. T he
hop(: our ret irelllent benefi ts "ill nbo be Kuhcl·1 D: ,\'i~ . and fur~m:tn Ch.lrI~~ \l cr' ol1ker~ of Ihe 1: )("~ lI tive Bo,tf(1 c()minuc

April, 1 973
~mooth ' runnin g

to look to the members. individuully nnd conditi on every cam.
co lieClively, for support nnd coopentlion. i!'I_oiB.uiisiness Meeting gear, motor, crane. hoist. and conveyor,
At th is lime, propoS:tls arc being some of us would lo~ an hour or 1100'0
wor ~ed OUI for brief and conc he .....o rd- of lOo ork and !>Orne dep:lftmenls as much
ing and b.1d.-U p arguments. Eac h u nit us a lOoee L's ..... orl ?
should hl",'e it, propo\IIIJl submilled 10 T herefore, 10 e,'er regard )'our job as
Ihe execulhe ..ecretlir)' by April 151h unimportant L, a.s~uming a most de~truc­
The conH'nlion ..... iII be o f tlOo O days' ti \ c altitude. So. in Ihb unfurl ing spring
dur.!. tion lind will be held June 2nd and 1>I:3'oOn. leI u~ laLe an att itude o f feeling
l Id ill )k~:.hll. )un h uni l lHu~1 1I1,1Le mlporla nt on our jobs, :IS Ihe)' are "er),
plans >'()()n for elecling i[~ re presen tll ti vc Import,ml.
and uitem :! [e [0 the con\·ent ion. And ~·ou. l'e!lx the oiler. conl in ue 10
T hb prom 10 be :1 bu~)' )c:lr. Let do )our "er), intportllnt job!
u~ hope .... c 100 111 sec inlue)1 in hc:lIen ng STlI'U"'''''H U... kS II(J\\SKI. P.!),
cond ition.!> IlOd liiso the opporlunil) for
ex ploring II more cooperalhe lind under·
~I a nd ahle in terpreUttion of the contr;ICI
Meeting Attendance at 600;0 :
an d not merel) the '1 uc\Iion. .. 11 0 .... New Members Welcomed
much arc lOoe going to ge t'!"
01 K ~ II)I N I W. B K OO K ~. !'.S. I.. U, 1"13, TOLEDO, OJ IIO-Si'.:t)' per
l"('nt I)f oll r ll1 r. m h" r~ allended ou r Feb·
rua ry !I nion meeting. 1 h i~ fanta\tic per·
Local 1357 Pre pares cent<l gc i, proof of the intcre~t anJ in-
For Negotiation s volvement \lhio;h the Property I' ro[ection
De partment of Ihe Toledo Fdi'>On
L. U. US7. IIONOL UI. U, lit- The Com p.ln} feel... 1 he main lOpic under
COn[mct betlOoeen Ihe Ilawaii;m r elephone,ion .... a' the 1973 cuntracl nego-
Company :md I.OC111 1357 expire .. o n T hese Iwo scenes show BUI'nen Manage. li ut ion,. IOohlch an,~ currenll) undcr lOoa)'
J",",n F. GUlman. l ocal 1l51. Honnr"ILI, Hi ..
Apnl 30, 1')73. lind prepar.ltIOn, hll\e wl lh members 0 1 Ihe locat un,On Iliff. [xIC. .mll 100 111 he 111 force :h of May l. I!I/J.
:. lrellJy beg un for forthcoming ncgotia- u l ,ve Board mem bers. an" u n,1 al NelOo member-. coming into our local
l ion~. a m eeting called for Ihe pu.~e 0 1 " I«un :Ire (.'lIfT lIiggert. Arl Van T :IN: Il.
tng prepanlllions for the com,ng negotla·
A meet in): .... as clliled hy /l usine\s lions.
George Dcder. :md I~ob Hardt.. Wel-
Manager Jo hn I'. CiUlm:.n on JilmHL ry come ahoard. men. Bnd good Iud in the
12. 1973. III Ihc " ogodll lIolei in lIono- Retiree coming )ear.
lulu ..... ilh the 101:;11 union , 1.lff. r,C<.:u· l:>On Shuhl i~ doing 3 fine joh of
IiII.' lluard memhc:r\. and unil (h:&irmen JTT·--"'_ .... orling Acme ('on\lruclion Gate and
from the hlanlh of lI u.... llii. ' Iaui. lind Leeping lhe conlraCIOI"'i in line. That's
]o.. ' a, lOoell ll\ O:lhu_ the .... "y 10 Jo il. Don. hul be sure Ihat
i-te..:ommend:ltion, for ,lfllenJmenh to ~()ur ",IMnl)"' doc\n't gel tal.:en OUI .... ilh
Ihe co lle~lile h.lrglli ning llgreement IOocre the liue of OUI ,\1"""lce Ki,el . /-I ,,! H a~
suhmitted hy Ihe memhcrs o f Ill!,' loc,ll J u,t lidding. Donald.
union and the ,mff. Mel ]o..locl h". alm051 cxhau,leu his
11)' the lime )OU rea d thi~ leiter, pro- 1.1"lum cielmer frolll -.0 mUl'h o~e . T he
po.... l, .... ill h'l\e heen \uhmilleu 10 Ihe \.llUum clc,mer .... a' the prize \l eI re-
E\ecuti\-e BO:ln] (or (urthur Il iS<;II,~ion. Cl'i\l:J lit the ('ed;tr Point picnic 1;\\[
Unil chairmen .... ill h,llIe di'\Cu~seu the ,ummer. lind \lilh :m) Itlcl. on hi, lot·
propQSills on or (tboU( h:bru;tr), 161h. lery titLel' fr~m' \I IChi~:1II (Riga). he
~n d Ihe me mht:r, ",ill have heen l"led .... iIl be :t hle 10 h.l\e il o\Crh:tuled.
to app rove. lit the FehrulLl"Y meeti ng. Ihe H ilr~e) Ccdul i, on the "agc o f
pru po,nl, "" h k h the NCJ;Olilltillj: Cum- heing Ihe runner· up in Ul lr Be~t·nre s~cd
millee wi ll U<.:t upun. A ,, ~ine55 Manage . John F. Gu~mall. IIMh t,
congratulates Brother Phllip Kuamoo. who GlIlm..l ("OIl1C"1. wllh h" hemg fllte~1 0111
On January 211. 1973, a re[iremem Wa5 hano,ed al a ,et"emen l in ne .... ulli«.rm" lie c<lreflli. Ha r\'(. Iha[
p~ny ""I~ held in honor of Urolher
.• ',J lI .!Told Clinl. doe~n't outdo )011_ " 1-!arpy
l'hilip Ku;mloo. :1 memhcr of Ihe union 1I •• rn" h,,, :t .ri..:1. or 1\10 up hi, 'le\:H',

f!~ ~'I
~inee Arli1 14, 19..... lie .... 1\ .. \lilh Ihe
1\ I,n. ( ,eor!!e n.llli: 1 i, 'Iill rated hi~ h
eomp.lny ,in~e l'ehru;tT)1. 1'/"1 ,mJ i, tIP Ihe I<IJ<lcr. IInu )OU arc reall) ~oing
;I PB X repairm;ln. Bu'ine~, \lrmager \ I~ 10 h;lle 10 /:0 ,ume in orJcr to !-ecome
John I·. (,ul.IIl.1n :mcnded the retirement Numho:r One,
p"rly <II the Wninln;t 'il.lle I'arl. in lI i10_
Vic !,o,I.;lrhic" icz h,l' a .......... d) ·· pl~n.
IIe,t \I i.. he\ 10 lI rmher Philip ]o.. u-
rut \Ie IIrc not ~urc IOohal il i" \I ;t)be
"moo. it'~ II .... . Iy to pUI "II of us ne~t to fil"'it
J(lH~ J-. (il'/MM', 8 . \ 1. pl;tcc. \\ e .... 111 IU\I hn'c to .... ait .md M:C.
\ Iore al>out Ihe conle,1 in the nc\! lei-
Felix the O iler's J ob ter.
leI! to "ght. SrOll>e~ Ike,. Re1d . and GUI' PI IllIn: Sn I"MI TI:. !'.S.
Is Also Very Im portant mill.

LU, 1402, l' IT l's n UKG II . l'A .- lIll\c I once he;Jrd a remar l. made in refer-
you el'er fQund ~'ollr,elf re\:larding }our ence 10 the job of " I'c l i.~ the uiler" in 11 North Dakotans En ioy Pa rty;
joh :1' ,," jIII I'Ol l,'llt III It! .... ollilel ili /; "'hy? tOile of voice \l hic h COlll'e}cd ,hocl. Ih:ll Missile J o b Nearl y Don e
l-il"'l of lili. )ollr joh i. imporlant. or such lin in~ip i,j. unimportant j.Jh rejlll}
the firm .... ollid not h.i\e )OU dOing it. e\h[ed. Hot the oiler\ joh i~ \cr) im- L.U. 1.. 26. G lt /\'U J~O IU';S. N. UAK.
You're doing it hcCltUM: of }our fanlll)" portant. Do rou I. no\o' th:u if I eli:\; the I IX;I\ 1-'26 member' he ld II holld:IY
)"our children. lind 1110\1 0 1 ,1 11 occ:\Usc oiler Jidn', climb on ludder~ 10 get tu IMlI) ill Ihe lIolidllY Inn al Wesl Ac res
your e<lrni ng~ g" lIrtmlee you an income the ap paratus. or era" I undernc:llh il in hl r!!o, Nort h 1).l kol:l. II \IllS the big-
in )our f" tme )·earll. li nd prope rl )' grease, oil, :md Gel in ge_1 hol id;,} party in the hi~lor)' of

tSEW Jo". ncl

.u",e~ .e.ult. of ,eeent election held by
Lout 1501 members co".; • •n;ng th. o Hlce
01 lull·llm. p, . . kI.n t ·bu. ln... manage •.

"Iile '1001 \\ille y anll his 10lely ",ife

amI nl~nlhe" of l ocal 1501 Fxccmin::
1I0:ord. rom RO'I ]"ows ~i . I'resillcnl and
Actin g BII,ine .. ~ Mlma ger o f Loc:11 11105.
1I;rltimore ..... a' un:lblc 10 :wend bccau)('
of ,idne~~. hUI he ~nt rep resentalil·cs
fru rn Ihe union.
A, for nel!otiations .... ilh American
Tot;l li"uur Coml':rny. ....e hal'c not
gllined lin) gmu nd \incc my I ~sl :,rtide ;
on Ihe Ol her hand. we halc not lo,t an}
grOlln.1 cilher. Tho: re .... ill be more on
negoli:'lion~ in my ntXt article. I hope
I 1\111 hl"O: 'IOmelhin g more eneoural!ing
for the IIlcmbchhip Ihen.
K{)fll MT B. NORT", !'.S.

Fashion Show Highlights

Local 1505 COPE Meel ;ng
1..11. I 541!". \\1\1.'111,\1\1 , i\IASS.- T he
l ehr1l'1I')' mecling of Ihe I oc;ll I ~05
('01' 1 ('ommimc for a ehl,ngc \lid not
In It>ese 1... 0 pt>Oloa. members of locil ]426, G,and f orks. N.Oa k.. a.e shown enjoying thel. fc;,lUle Ihe oratory of ., pnllllineni
holiday drnne.,dance.
fit:ure from the M:r\~;ll hu...:t" rulitieal
local 14 ~ 6 . II comj~tcd of :1 cod,t:lil Local Elects Full-Time arw". In,telld. in dcf.·ren..:e to Ihc ladies
hour, held hy the pool. an cwellent Ilin· of uur loci l. (' ':"hion ,ho .... \\:1, ,'on-
ncr. and a dnnee. President-Business Manag er . h' ded h) the rrofe"iunlll model, of
Ou r 1h:II1'-' go oul 10 the 1 \eClIli\c 1 0110. .• loe:.1 de,ign~r uf ,omo: re-
L U. 1501 , IIM.TI;\IORE, '1I),-1hc
Board mcm~r,. \lho mude 1h i, :r m OM ~nlll\n. A~ Ihu:tl. tho-c memb~r, .... ho
memncrs of Loca l 1501 re,'cOlly lute,1
succes~fll l P'lrly. Elci )t)ne ple\Cm h"d :1 .hll"l' tn 1II .I~e Ihe pilllrinMl!e to \\ .. 1-
oltr\\hclmingly for a full·rime p re~i·
very enjo)ahle e~e n ing. al"l\l a ll "fe lool· th.11Il I\CtC IrC;1Ic.1 10 ~ IIltl" cnjolal-olc
deOl-bu~ines\ manngcr. T \lO I'rel iou,
ing fOry,"Td \lil h anli~ip.l1ion to Ihe ne\! elemlll!. 10 the point tlMI their ..!oo;lIion~
c1cC1ion~ for this officc faileu. I h" i~ a
:ltraiT. p,lid for Ihe night', c.\pcn')('s.
long.a\l;liled anu I'eleome b}la" l'h:lngo: I olluy, inl! .1 lel!i,l:uilc rcron hv I're\-
I're,illent Don:lld h el'>on imrolluccll
for man)' 15U I memhers. froOl Ctn~d:1
E.\cuuiH' 1I0llr,1 H.llol.1 John- ident O\noro, Iht\inc" \I "n:rger Jim
10 'Iexico. Dion F. Gulhrie'. Ihe innlOl-
..on. Vernon l,'lrkh. John 1 un.ll. J.lmc\ \l ullonel ,pole 10 the ;l\-.cnlhlcd mem-
heOl l're~ill~'nl-busines:. m,m"J!er. :I~­
Nelson . .,hcr.... in 11.1O'>On. John GOlh- her' ,Inoul h:'lli,l •• lion no .... pendin!! on
~lImed Ihi, office on \lar~h hI.
hers. ;101I .... ennerh Ol'on, \ ,\i'I;101 II lhi- Ihc n•• lion,,1 "nll .r .. re lelel .... hi(h. if en-
ne~\ \l;lOaj!er Gao)];111 Ol-.on anll c.. C. I he full-lim..: offlCer h~s hi, .... or].. (;111 :t\lc..!. I\ould h.111' immedi.ile CIlCtl' on
/-Ollgner .... ere al\Q inhodu..:ed. lormer ou1 f<>r hiOl ..... ilh all Ihe prohlem' fac· Ihc IIll'mntr,hifl. /'oooling Ih;1I (on,ide"'-
husiness nlan;lj;er I),ue .... ed). retired ing thi, local union such a~ organi/ing "'Ie poliliGll rrl'~\ure .... ,,' hein!" gener-
Inlernation;11 Kepn:..enl;u;le (' \1 Ku'h. ,uh\idiaric\ of Arneri..:an 10Iali",'lor ;lIc,1 in ('lIngre" ror p"".I!!e of oJ :-',1-
,lOll Intern,llion:,1 Kepre-.cnl.lliH': Garfield COOll'an) ..... hieh has Olel quite a hil of lion,,1 lIe.. llh In,ur;rn..:e ·\ 0 llOU of
Bauman .... cre al..o prt'>tnl. nt,i'lance. and prohlcm~ in all .,re,h of pcn\lun ril!hl~ .... hkh mil!hl iodu..!e 'ull
CIO"Iing rem3rls .... ere malle 1;) Inler- Ihe cOIIOtry al r:I.I:e1Tad.~ ,en i\cd h) le'llng flrililege\ after 10 )c;rr,>. Ihe
national \Ike I' re\idcnt Kohert ( ",rfit). 1 <x.11 1~01 memhcT$ for \Oleri.:an -I l)- hlt'lIIe" m,ln,lller emphll';':l'd once morc
Fle":lrkal ;rppli,IO\'c, anll lurle») .... erc I,,]i,:otor Compan)'. not to nlcntioo Ihe 1'0,11\ ,:ru~i,, 1 10 our .... dfare onr dforh in
givcn a\ lIoor pril.C~. elcr-inac;l,ing tompo:lilion from Allin· Iht: politi..:,,1 lIren" ~';rn hc:, Les;slalion
Our Ihan].., j!n 0111 10 lhe tr."elins malic T OI"li,a10r. Ilhieh h:l, emplo)e" ,'.In of len h:Ole nltnitk;Hion~ h'lli n!! an
IOClll union HrOlher, .... ho ~a!lle inro ollr \\or]; for it under" ,lIn'tan.!",,1 ~on· immedi,HC N:;rrinl! on ,"~h 111:111..:':, ,I'
arca llnll hclllCll miln ollr ''''If('gllarJ Ir:Kt. 110" y,e h.l~c ];I\h:d thi, ItlnJ,t Ilq:oti;olion,. he e~fl l :"ncd, ,into: " Ie", of
AIlM l1li~~i1e joh." I hi- joh i, I:,pid l)' \\ il h<> ul n filII time oOker i, "elt)flu 1110:. ulerl:.p o"'\iuu,l~ e.\,,1 hO:I .... \·'·n Ihe
being enrn plete.1, lUlIl our "or].. ,ituatioll On rhe \Oo.:ia l ~cene. our r otc Sodal gu;th of I"hor union~ nnd of legi,I:l101"'
will be ~er y slow IIlltil the ,111111111'1 ~'un­ Cluh fc(enlly hdd its Anm",j O},I"r ~o n cl'rnc d "ilh pros!'e"i"o: lahar law,.
\rruction Get' IInuer \I:ly. ROlhl Oil ,\ I artin~ We,\. Amon g Ihu)c in l ie ' Iated Ih;lt he ~o llid not re p ~: u oft o:n
Wil I I,IM ('u tll 111(,1,1 .... B..\1. atlcnd:ln..:e II00re Inrernalion;rl Rcpl·c..cnl - cnulIl! h the ah\()ltlle nece s~ it y fur \1 nion)

Ap,;I , 1973
increased deductibles on bo th fornlS of
covemg.::. The nel effect for a Iypical
J3-wec!. ~tay in a hU~l'ill,1 ",uulJ (,,; fin
increaloC from Ihe current $72 to $200
for an a!;cd palient. Longer ~t:IYs "ould
of COll rM: require a s realer expense dif-
fere ntial. Doctor c.'penses would req uire
an initiully-increased deoJllclible of SII5
(from Ihe current 560, "ilh a fhe per
ce nl increa~e in :.11 charges Ihereafter.
We fr:lnl. ly doubl lhal mllny of ollr
a!;ed ca n afford ~uch a leap in medica!
CO~I~. We hope that Congre,s will de-
The February COPE Committee meellna of cline 10 impo~ this burden on our :Iged
Local 1505, Wa ltham, Mass .. featured a
fashion show. Here , Pres ident USbOrn " re · poor \\ho. aftcr :Ill. ha\·c madc lhcir
luctantly" PO$U wilh Ih e mooels of LOBO. con tribution to the growth of this tri!- Shown in these three pictut es are appren-
a local des'aner. lion-uollar economy anu ask now only tices of Loul 1608. Fort Wayne, Ind .• who
received their completion cerllticales. Ray
to he per mitted 10 lil'e their rcmuining Fanger. second from right, receives his
}ear~ in dignity. comple t,on c ert,fica te from T""y Kina. Su-
Mll.y \\e join the re~t of our nation in perlnt"nd"nl of Ma;nlen.rn=e. Olhe<5 In the are Pa ul HunfU,n!!, general fore.
e ... tendins a warm "eicome to our re- man. reU. and Gary Taylor. apprenl1ce In·
lurnins POWs. Struc tor
Support CO I' E!
Hn.RY \II. r. l \Ncl:-r, I'.S.

Three Become Journeymen;

Picnic Sched uled fo r July
L.U. 16011. FonT WAYN":. IN D.- Re-
cent graduates are RllY Fanger, Fred
Tie mrill. nnd Lprr}' emhill. Congnllula
Stew a rd 5el'lle food to their 1505 SiSler. tion~. Brothers!
I he ~ummcr picnic W:I' enjo}ed hy all
who cho~ to allend. Thi ~ ycar·s pic ni c
,hould be belief yet. rhe dale i~ lul y
[st. and it will he held :11 the Franl.e Fred Tieman. second lrom "ahE. receives
ParI. . his ce rtificate from Terry King. Others in
Brother Hill Graft left u~ to enio) the tl'>e picllr<e are Gary Taylor. Paut Haen"ling.
and George Ballenl,ne
benefits or retirement. Enjoy ~Qur.,elf.
Bill !
Fi ve new apprentice~ have joined our
mnl.,. Fred Flder. Ph il Romano. Clay-
IOn Tei~eifll.' Ulrey. an d RooselClt
The Bedford boys seem 10 be enJoy;na the Haywood. Welcomc. m... n!
COPE meetina. M:tr!. Joru:m has accepted a manage-
rilll r~ition wilh the company. ·~
:lnu unio ll members 10 gel involv~d in hope it ducsn·t change him too muc h,
the [XIlilic;)1 issues whidl wi ll. in th e Good luc!.. Ma r r o!
final an:tlysis. protect or undermine their Kent King ha~ d ... cidcd 10 try his hand
Ji\elihood ;)nJ their Slandan.h of Ihing. at engineering. He started his new job
On Ihe economic fronl. seveml unfor- on Fehruary 121h. Much ~ucce ss. Kent-
IUn.,le events occurred jusl prior to Ihis BecaliloC of Ihe small amounl of lime
wrilin g which mu~1 cau!>\! concern 10 all I have to devol~ to Ihe job of prc~s sec-
working people. The ,\m eriean Jollnr retary. BrOl her Jack Penl;ln<1 tw s offered Terry King does Ihe honors for Larry Cra·
hn~ Ocen del'alued for the sc!;ond lime blll. th ird from leU. Again the onlookers are
to take over the job and try to do " bet- Gary Taytor. Paul Haen flting, and George
in 14 monlhs (afte r 35 years of Gibral- Ie. jul>. Goo..! luck. lack! BallentIne.
tar-like con~t~tn ey ), demonstrating ag:lin
Ihal "c have not yet come to grjp~ \\ilh committees sel Irp to guide and govern
Ihe und erlying causes of our sroll ing apprent ices.
tr:tde deficit Also. the monlh of January Apprenti ce ship Committee A. Brown. repre~enting Ihe r.lini~try
wilnes,.::d Ihe highest leap in Ihe Con- Hold s First Award s Banq uet of Colleges :md Univcr~ities (!n d\l~lrj al
~u nler I' rice Index in 20 yeMS. an d we Tmining Bnllleh ). pre'iCnted plaque
h;)\'e sudde nl y been brought b.1C!. to the L.U. 1687. SUDBU RY, O~T.-A han- rtlOoards 10 all appren tices. awarded by
threshold of a ~ i x per cc nt annulil rale quet was held in the La uren tial Iheir respective tr:tde collegcs.
of increase in th e cos t of Jivin g. I\1 0st University Great Hall in honour of "P' Presenting award~ 10 the mher trade
disturbing of all. however. was Ihe an- prenlicc~ who achieved top marks amJ :tpprentices were G. Levesque. Chef, &
nouncement by the administration that the be~t all-around student in Irude Cooks: R. James, United Associution of
medicare is Ilirseted as one of the casu- sc hool during the current yea r. 197 1- J' lumhers and Steamfitters: 1'. Mc-
alties of ils intended austerit y program. I!nz. It was the li rst AW(lrd~ Night held Laughlin. Sh"et Mewl Wurken; a nd R.
Currently. there are 20.6-million aged for :111 bmnches of the enlire Sudbury I'apineall. Iron
Americans enrolled in I\'l edicare Plan A District of Local 1687. The Elec tric;,! Joint Apprenticeship
( hospila1iZitliOn) ;Jnd 20.1-million en- Whal made Ihe hanquel unique was and Training CO\1lmince was represe ntcd
rolled in Plan n (doc tor costs). The ad- lhal all IT(I(Ies were represe nted and Ihat by G. Young, Sudbury Electric;)1 Con-
mi nistration proposed 10 save 5500-mil- the apprenlices were presented with struction Associatio n. and T. The rrien

lion by compelling Ihe aged 10 pay awards by mem be rs of the differen t a nd R . Wina, Local 1687.

IIEW Joulnol
First Awards Night in CollinS"ood. IIml :1 new ' ho pp ing inlu the l"il}. from our neighboring ci l}
mall on Ihe ollt.I.irl, of Ital'ne , "hieh of Dol cr. 10 COHr Ih ... lo;,d prohk m .
s hould emplo} a ,!!00<1 IIl1lllher of our One of Ihe '''is problem, \lilh a ru~h job
members for a rC\\ mOlllh \. me thi , h the no n-ullion con,r.ICI help
The turnout at Our l a~t meCling "'a, thaI COtlle\ into lhe :lfe:1 We hopc ,h:,.
ler~ poor. but I ~upl"O'e thi. mu,t be! in 'he fu lllre. th e-.e ... o nlraCI outfit s \\iII
e,\JlC!;ted during Ihe "mter mllnlh •. It. I>c ur~.mizeU. then the}. tuo, "ill rece i'e
the \lea lher conditiun. m:lI.e II haru for our hencfih.
~me of ollr memher\ 10 HHCnd. \\ ". e\lend :I ~pedal th a nl." 10 Brot her
I "ill cllN: fur nt)\I, :md I hope to Dun (ounlr~m:ln .lnU hl \ \I if.... 11<::11101'.
ha ~e '>Orne more "'fnrrn:Hiun on ;mu .mu ;'1 ..... , 10 Ihe "nke J!irh (or pUl1ini:
pi!;lure, of lilt: nell jllb. in the ne\1 ,mi- on our (hrhlm;I' P;lrt).

". ~~t~3:::
Appr., ,,hc:eshl p ,
Sudbury. Onl.. end honored app •.,nl,e:u,
A\1II0' R. Tto... I'.S.
Bu .. i"e" \ Ia":!J!cr Ric hard Pray of
Ne" 1/:lIlIp,hire :mu Joe N i~on of
\1:linc ;Irc on full-time no". a\ of reh-
hOldi ng e w"rd. Le /l 10 ,Iahl . red TM" •.,n,
Ray W.rt", Rk:ha,d e alllY, Re"e Muse. RI. ruar> 1'1. Conltr.!tu iali on~, fell o\\,.
chard Alle n, KeNY
and Gary YotJnS.
M akl, Randy McCann. Glove Job I apu l'),!!i /.c fur nOI 1t;lIin!,! :In arlkl~
in the JWlrtl1l1 1;1'1 mon,h. hUI Ill) w ere-
lar) h:lu:t mi,·up nn Ih e :111<.lr.'"
Rernemher. \COIl hlad-:md-\lhite
glo,,) phow. :lnu ilem, IIf in'er.:~t 10
1);1\ e Ito'Mom. KID 3, Koc h,'.ler. '\e"
D nl Un, t 110'1. 1'.\.

Christmas Banquet Enjoyed

By Members and Guests
Ll. [lUi7. \ 1" IU'\ . '\.S. I he (hl'j'I'
ma\ I"Ianqul'l for 1 00,;;,' 11(67 ".1.
helU in
Brothe< Ceo'se Proulx. tocat 1831. POrI5' lhe ! el!lIlO 11;0 11 in I I\nf"l.MJI lin J)c"em-
moUlh. N.H . •5 5ho... n do,ng one of h.,
R,ch".d Aile" ",ho wu .wa,ded Ihe I\on many stove ,Ob5. ref llilh In 'pIle IIf Ihe bau \le,uhcr
Ottn pl.que. U( "nd f,om lell. Is shown Ihcr~ ",I' :1 lar,!!e numher there III en;u~
wilh, lef' 10 "Sht, RII)' W,tla, Ted TM«oe". a deJi~inl" lot><.ler umner
and eery You .. ".
Member 's Wife Insists On \fler umner. e\t.'r~l,"C uan,'eu anu en·
We: firml) t..:lie\c Ihi, \\:1' thi.' Buying Union-Made Boots itllcU Ih<- mu,i~ Ilf III.' /I"rmon'lire,
Ii"" IUlle cler ill (,!nau .• th .• ' " lI:onquc\ I he ....· .... tOque" ar~ ,,1";1" enlll)ed h)
"r Ihi\ II.Uure \\.1' ~;trricd IIUI '0 'lie- Ll . 1107. l'O HfS\lOl lll. '\.11 , I he ;111. not ju,t be,au ..... of Ihe part}. hUI
,c,\full) \life of one of <Jllr meml>cr, \lent 0111 tn mlNh N-";IU'>( "I Ih". (elll""hip Ih"t "e
(,u(:,. 'f'I:.,~cr ",I' II \ I ,'f'III. I'r ... ~,· bll~ h"., hu,band " p;Hr IIf "or~ hoot,. enl") IIh"n "c're tll,!!ether
uent uf Ihe \ uJt.ur) COI"lrUUitln A,,,,· ;tnU Ihe ~hl">\: ~krl. "'rOUllht OUI Ih". 11.11:11 (. III' D \\ 1<.'111;, K ..,.
dalion. \\hll {:.I\,' ,I Icr) .... nn h) ,p~ech forel~n ,!!o'Jlh. \h... ';11\1. " Du n'l >""
·\1\0 .... )In!;;L fc" \\ur,l, \\erc 11 II ro\\" h3\e an)lhlll~ 11);IUe III the l 'nilell
;Iml \{ J um.:,_ Sl'lte~.·· rh e derl "IIU ... , ~ •. hili 11 \I ill
CI"t lIlore
Newburgh Local Mourns
1\ t,:two.t lime w:" h"d h~ all an d "C
pbn 10 h;"o: fin ,:Iell t-cUCf !-:mqucl 1"0 nMI.e " Illn,!! ,Ion .h.lrl. Ihe "ifc Three Members
lle\1 "ear. hUII~hl Ihl.' \meric'iIl,malic Il rll;.[IICl, ,11111
1.. L1. I 'IllS. ,\1-\\lll ' IU:11. '\ . Y_ ·Ih,.
I-tn \\\RII.I'S. "hen her hl"hand ('rocn ....1 Ihe N1\. hc
fl.lllnd lhc (oll,lI'inll plintell \In :t ll ie~1.' ollke r, an\! m... mher, Ilf Ihi, 111<:.. 1 ... ere
of p;lpcr-"Jf " ... t>U ) ,l!iKKI. ffllm olher ,hudeu ;Inu \;111<.1,'ncu h' Ihe w.!Jcn,
New Co ntred Drawn Up ; ~ounlric,. Ihel !tel the 1II0ne) ,II1U \lC :IH,iuenW I .le;' lh uf Ut"("her AnI hun'
)!el Ih.: goo,,"'. If ... ¢ hili j:"KKh tIl;lue in Rhlx!.t.
A Few J obs Stc,rting
Ihi. !;(JlIntr~. \Ie (:et the tOulh anu I.tXp Brolher Khr...I:! ";1, ;1 t:harter memher
I .. U. 1739. I!\I{R I I-" . U'\I . Our fk''' Ihe tIlone~ -, hi, fool\le:lr i~ ma.1c \I ith <If lhi' 1...::. 1. :1 mcmher <If Ihl.' I \et:Ulile
eonlnlel h" , !-een lIm ... n II I' anu 11111 h..- Ihe line,1 material, n) Amen~:tn IIIlIon Bo;oru for man) )e;tr,. :mu :In e\lrerneh
pre '>C nl"u 10 Ihe ~"Ol1tr.l~lur, m Ihe n~ar la bor. Ihi, :I"Uf," \1111 Ilf heucr \le:u
pr.t-I;lbor inull " Iu:ll. Brother Rlw,J;1 \I",
fmur.... ". Ihc c\pirallun .1,,1'" un ou r '1nd l"Om(url,"
.. m;m III \lhum "1.' ;111 tllO~ pnue. ;lIId
pre-;e nl !;on lra~1 i. 1\l'ril lOt h I he boot, \lerc 1II"de h) Ih ... Sen II,
A [01 of haru \\orl. ha. I>cen 1'111 inlo Rubbe r Comp,lI1) of Ro,,:1. 1,1:lnu. lII inoh. hi" .h.';nh \"" ,I I",,, lu ;111 <If u,. '1 hi,
Ihe ne ll l"Ulll r" ~ 1 h~ mem hcr. of Ih ... ReOletll her. UrolheN an d ~i ~leh. ho.! l0Cal ~\lenu, it. Ike"..,t ')mp"lh} It. h"
('on lm el (ul1lmil1e.... ..on'''I ,,,.\! of \OIeri";1I1 :!nd bu) \lniun I el\ :111 1;el \\ i f~. lI elc n. anu ht; , hltu ren. JU;ln :md
C h"rlc, Dellin. JUI: IIrl)ll n. 1l;l\e [ ,I". I>chi nd Ihe IJ llrl.e- II;lrtl. e lI ill: Ihe j()h~ -\l1lholll . J r. I lin)'. I"" I' Irrel'!;lee:t ... k_
A ~ hlun 1lid. \\ i[h;11ll (;lr',Jn. Hnd Kon "I: ,»",. m~1I he (Hlr u\ln :lnu Ihere lIil[ HI";l\' he .1 ~:ll' in Ihe
Belc~I.e~. I h ......... I1wlllhch hal .. turned We \leleo",e (,Iuri .. G U;II :11111 (ie,- IIll ion " hi. h ,'"nnut I>c hllcu.
th..: !;onlraCI ol ... r lu Ih... Ne.l!uli;tlln.i! :.Id ine \1;1 ~ (jregor or Ihe I' liming nnu We :II~" I'\leml tlur ueepc'l "IIIJlMh\
Commillee. "ho "e ~nll" "ill do il. ,\ !ailin g I.>.::p..rllllenl III M.llldl... , ter. III Ihc ("OIilie. anll l'"- w,,,r~ er, of II m ,h-
1">\:,1 al Ih e h;lr,l!all1in~ IHbl e. I h".} arc uur ne\l".,t f~ma l ... mcmher"
cr, I'lm ... e t.... W"""I I.f "'tamp,;.te. 1m:.
\Vc h"l,. ;. re" )IIh, ,trtl"1in~ "hid, and \\,,'re I·er~ g l,"1 lu hale th,.m ..... ith
~ tnu J,I",!ph II .. ". of (jencnl' Sliein,!!.
,11Onld ':::1'''' Ihe IIncnlJllu) menl ,illlalion
a lilllc Ihi. ,pring. On,. i. the auui lion '" For the la'l th ree mOlllhl, Ihe I{Ul·hc .- ' h" h;1\ been :. ,;IU periOlI of ,ime
10 Ihe B~IITic Cenlrlll Collegi:ue. al.o :111 ler linemen h:n e heen w(1!"linl' mall} for the 10c .. 1 IInil)lI.
addition to the ( ,oOlI)'l':II 1(llhhe r I'I:ml 101\1; days to hring 14 ..5- KV tli,lrihUliOIl DI\N~ K\MtN . fl . \l,

April , 1973
Christmas Banquet l/fl milton. E~levll n : E. Leslie. ell! Knife:
Don Me Donll ld . E. Well rmoulh. 1..
Gedo. I. S. Halb ..... ort h. N . Gr)'wat'he, ~i ,
lind L. Kohl . Regi n:. : and G. V. Moo re.
R. l ogan. I). Zole-.chud.• C. 1-1 Free-
man. and W. O·Conneli. Sa~I..:.toon . We
hope Ihe) enJO) m;m) )e" .... of re lire-
We :11-.0 eonj:ntlulale Urolher Du;.nc
rl eln/e ul North 1l:11I\r:lofu on winlling
fihl pri/e in Ihe pole-('limbing e"~nt at
Id rnunlon', Krontll~c J)a)~ la\, ,ummer.
In c1O\ing. if :m~ memhc:r of l ocal
2067 ha, an)' ne"', he'd h~e 10 h:lle ap-
Loclll 1867, Millon, N.S .• held liS CI>rI"mlll p.rl)' on Oecember 161h. At Ihe hUd lable, lelt pear in Ihe Jrmrrml. ple,I"" for\\uru il 10
10 righ i, Gerald, T,.a.ur.r; Mrs. AnllClel O'Enlremonl; Mrs Chnler Siandiord; Gerald m} home :Iddro:\\.
CoomlK. Superintendf'nl. Tnwn nl I iv.rpool: Mr$. Jlmes HU$thu; Albert rulton, Wnte.n
Zon. Manapr, Noya 5<;olla Po ..... Commlnoon: and Mrs. Arden Everell. G. Il u \tN~. 1'.5.

A Lot of Work Expected

For Lynchburg Local 2173
L.U. 2173. 1.""'("flnIl KG. \ A.- Ollf
m,mHger of manll(;U:luring. I ranI.. T.
Shtf\\ood. 10ld me Ihal there h ;! ~real
deal vf "'orl.. coming up Ihi\ )e;or. AI-
relld) more JOh, h;I'e I"reen ercated 10
meet Ihe ru,h of llu'Ine\,.
Purl of 11m 1\ ulle to Ihe IIIl1n~ orders
for ,Htr I'au- \I ollnl lr:ln .. formen. A ne"
con1l,;\el ..... urth S'OO.O(}O hll' heen
AlSO al Ihe head lable. leI! to 'ight. B",I~n Hhlle. PresH:lf'nt; A.den Everell. Vice P'Hidenl
1I"';mlr'.1 10 Ih.· "ompan) fllr ,peeial
and Liverpool and Cost.lCt L.bou. CouncIl member; MrlO. Bu.lyn Hirtle: James Hughes. I .... eommuler Imin f;ul\. ano Brother, I ur-
le.natron a l Rep'a$tlnlatlve; M••. Albe't rullon; Chesle. Sandfo.d. Businl!5s Mllnage •. Loca l pin. While. and Burnellc: ;ire in~lallmg
1928, HaUI.~. N,S.: Mrs. Ge.ald Coombs; M,s. C"ald Callant; and Anaelel O·Enl.emonl. ne'" equipm~nt fur Ihi' oro.ler.
!'(uldent, I.lve,pool and C"I.lct L.bour CounCil
All of Ihl\ mc .. n~ morc joh~ for our
IJrolhe" :.1 Ihe L)nchburg \\or~~ of
H "-. l'Ofter (omp.IIl). In.:.
}\( .. "1(1" iLO(l".I'.S.

Local 2228 Is Bargaining

Agent for ITT Group
1•. 1. 212S. OIT\\\ \ . O'OT._ l oeal
2228 .... a~ oftki'llI~ ~'C'rlified on J.lnu3T)
26. 1973. by Ihe C:.n;lu" L"bour Rei .. ·
uun, lIu .. rd, 11\ Ihe tmrgaining .. ~enl for
a group vf IT I er11pl<)}ee~.
Members and ... ivu enjo)' the dlnne •. '1 he ernplo)ce~ .;vncerned tot:tl ;.p'
pro~irnUiely 77 lind nre in the rc~hnic:lr
Celli waGe inerea.;c plus incre;he~ in holi· and \uppon \er\Oi~e Dhhillll. "'or~ing
f,bys and olerlime. on Hnd 10 ~ur>fX.Irl of thc CmadilLn
The local """ aeli~e in '>Cnlling dele· Norllie.. \t Wideh;ono ~)~Ielll al Itewlu·
g:lIcs to lhe Western I) rogn,:~' Meeling lion 1,I .. nd North"'c~l Terrltorie" lit
in Vietori... Brilish Columhia; Ih ... CI C- "-1j:1c1.. . Goo...: lI;oy. Melville. ;m\! Hopc-
in Olla"'a. Onlario: the 51 1 in ~lIlO'>(' u"re, in I :Ihrao.lor. and :,1 S1. John', :tnd
Jaw. $a,I..:lleh","',m; :,"(1 thr SI i.·etc \leplien\Iille In Ne",fuundland
~umnler Khoo l a( Fort.\-1n, $;l'l..atehe· We ",e!come the .... new member, inlo
wan. our lI)!:a!.
Change, h;,,!: .11-.0 1;ll..en plnce in lhe D . S. O\\U)(.I. 11.~r.
olliee. a~ our '-Cerelar), (or Ihe p:.~t IIH)
Prflsld"nl Hirtle. telt, p.ennl$ a b.lel""se. ~e:.r~ retired earl~ 10 m~e up permnnenl Work Re mains Good In
" goins, ..... )' p"",,n l. 10 Albert Fulton. H!;' emplo)nlCnl as a housc",i(e and molher.
ond from lel'- ... ho h •• beef"! p_led 10 Hollywood Local 2252
m.n"80' of Uno m"ln"'ne""". Olken pje. 'iO a "I:ood·")e.- lanice. ;ond "hello."
lur .... are M .... Fulton .nd V'C" P,esH:l,nl I'e"y. "'hose plea.$.:tnt loice ~ou no'" 1.•1 . 2251. 1101.1 . \'\\001>. FI.'\._
E~e'.It. hear "'hen ~'ou eallthe omee. Wur~ i~ ~Iill good al our local. We h,nc
'1 he local IIho hired a permanenl a,· 1ll:"I)' new r11el11hcr~ among 11'. and we
Scribe Reviews Past ~ist;"u bu,ine~~ munuger. BrOlher A. "'ek(lme nil of )'ou inlo OUT IOCIlI. H Ojre
Year's Activities " ~1!cke)''' McDonald. '1 hi~ m,,,c will en-
)VU '" 111 he aclive :" union IIlcmhcls .
L V. 2067. REGI'IlA . S\S": .- In .. ble beller '>Cn·icC' to Ihe memher. In the: An aClile loe .. ! i, a he"lth~ local.
March. 1972. a t",o-,ear agreement "';I~ field. We had a "'er) good meeltn~ lasl
reached lifter four and one·half monlh, This )ear. 14 membe~ of the local month. and quite :1 hil ",a~ "ccom-
of negOlillting ",jlh Ihe SIl~kl\loon I'o",er relired from Ihe [;orporation. T he) are pll<,hed. Brolhef Chuel.. Perry ..... as ap-

Corporlliion. which re~ulled in lin 1K per Hrolhers Bill Winteri nghanl Imu J . II. JlOln ted to org:lnlle II COnlnullec 10 pre-

tllEW Jov.not
pa re for uJX:orning negotiatiO Il'. Vulun- dowll~ Ihal kCpl erew\ bu~) ..round Ihe July hI, nnd we :lfe hoping 10 gel nego-
h~ers arc \\e leu nl C. d od for ,e, .. rlLl dars. lialion' rull ing before long. We are aim·
Anal h... r commiuee W:I\ :' ppoin ted to 1' \Cepl for Ihe long hOllr~ :lIld ing for ':l lflTie~ compa rah le to Ihose in
I' i~it tho-.c memhers \\ ho arc in the hO!!- IIl1 mbl'u fin!;er~. (mr memocrs '>Cemcd I.) olher :lre11 ltIilily companies anu of li ne·
pita l. While on I h i~ ,uhJC..:I. \\c h:l\e f:ITe \\.-11 uc~pile Ihe IInu\uall)-;(lhcr-e men \\ in lhe loe:11 ~Icel compa ny.
quile a few of (Jur mcmhcl'l> Oui on ~id, conulljon~. and Ihe) performed lheir We :Ir(: 1I1111.ins prua;re,~ ;,nd feel hope-
1cale. ';'1\'1, m :1 ~;lfe and cOllllllenuaNe 11\;111 - ful in rq;,1rd 10 beller \\ages and n
I thank 5i,ler M nr~c " rul., .... ho ha~ ncr. muc h-i mprt/\cd in~untnce pl:ln,
Ihe I h anllc,~ joh of bcin~ uur local\ OII~G. GI1 I. J>"I~. ' I \\() duv,e' completed lhe Red Crcl'l'
Sun,hinc COnlrnillee. ::'he doc, a great '>1;II\II.trtl MullinlC,Ii,1 J'ir\! Aid C"urIC.
;ob and ha, for mllny }e:' ..... We neler New Local 2330 Holds \\hi.h .....1' held in Ihe .Wdllurium of Ihe
re;tlly lnow how !!\;Iny of u, h;,le re- !',1nhan.lle I)lIi',on ,II Weirton. Brulh~r,
celled M:lr1.'e\ th"ughlful rnc'-':I~e, und First Steward's Course "ho completcJ lhe coun.c ;Ind receil'cd
condolence,. '>he aho lI\il' Ihu'>C .... h" L.U. 2330. ST. JOIlj\·S. 'FI.I). Ollr ccnilk'lte\ .Ire Bill Hurr. Jcrr) Currence.
:ore in Ihe ho'pil:01. Ilow \he doc, II HIL II)l.:al i~ proud 10 announce lhal il h;l \ Curti, li mier. Diel. Ch,lmhcr,. I' fiml
I'll ne\'e r llluw. hul, M a r~e. )lJu're Ihc rc~el1ll) held ill fir-! Steward', I nlinin~ F,lar). 1(1I1'>C11 l o"\: IkI!hLld Lcon hart.
Ilreme\!. (ourIC, J u'l a lillie Ie ..., Ih:1O 1\\0 }eah Ralph )\;I\on. I lo)d I'lIllh. Bill Robin·
Congr:tlul;Hion~ 10 Shier rio I uri, "on, \ i':lor Slanl.e\i..:h. Bob Jaml..on.
;Igo. ollr .\.ffiall. inuependent II.\'QII hoc-
\\ho-.e daughter-a former ,i,ln_pre_ ~·;tme a pan of lhe IIH· W. and in Ih;11 Bob Weel.le) . IIcrm,1O o;,l.idmorc. anu
-.cnle:d Flo "lIh a 1lC\\ gTalldchiM, ,hurt lime. \\0.' hale Illore th;ln tripled CI:!Ten.e ~OI1.
Our 00" ling lenrn I, in fiN place. ollr memocr,hip. A formcr BrOlher of our local. 1';1111
Good \\url., g;l l ~, I.eep up Ihe Ill>o;.l T he nced for 'tcward'~ Iraining lIa, Umnilton. \\ ho h no" an :I..:C0l1nl:1I\1 for
\\orl.. e\')o:nli;11. n u\ine,~ M:lnai!cr J:ICI. han), lhe I'anh,mdle Oili\inn. ~ondueled Ihe
Pre,idenl Dottie Nile~ reported on lhe ..... in conjuneliun lIilh Inlern:l- ..:Ia,•. P,1U1. .... ho 11 :Iho ;1 ":f!(lified morti-
:Iroilralion ca ...... ' held on l-llh Ilon:11 Ikprc'>C'nl:llile George Gnl )'. ar· ;;-i"n. did an c\ecllcnl jo....
:Ind 151h. Inlern:ttlon;tl lteprcl('nlaliH'
/l erman /l olley did :t "ooderful job :It
T:1n~t'd for lhe cuur...: 10 be held on
\emt-cr IKlh :md l<Jlh.
"'0- Membe .....If our union e~lend hoc\1
the hearing\ us did our Griel:w,:c \\I\hl'. 10 John ' I)ttn~ ...... ho lefl the em-
'-;lellard, from larimJ' 100:;.1\ \\ele plo) of Monung:lhcl:1 Po" .. r Com p;lO)
Commillee. i(wilcd 10 aElend \\jlh ,lcII;lrd. of I <XlII
I efs all l.'CI t01.'t:tber :wd hdr oul on 10 gu 1010 flOlilic~. John i, the lir\! em·
22.\11_ Inlernali"n," lteprewn\:L1l\e I),tle plu)ee of the 1';Jnhan"le I)i'i~ion 10
lhe comrniu.'CI; rul )Ollr ideal together Ilim \ery abl) conducted Ihe COIlr<.c. II.,.
and :oIIend Ihe meeltng\, There " only ('nler flOliti..-~. \\c .... i,h John much ~UC"'
Ie.:lurc\ and lhe aetililie, In lilt: cI;I'~ C"e" ;1\ ;I JII,liCe of Pea,'e. bUI. hope-
une meeling ;\ mnmh. and il doc\n ', 1:1\\ .... l·re \er) enlighh,'nin~. full~ nOI \\hen 1(11;:11 IJrolhC"r~ "ppcar
ler) long. 1I0w :100,,1 il. 1If()lhe~ :wd l'he \\orl.: picture al pr;;-!oCnl i, ler)'
,>j'ilerS~ \\orl. fllr the luca!. 11\ \\orl.lIIg
before hil11_ 1I:<lc a h";1'1 . John!
1;.10\1 and lo{)l\ l:!(1O\1 for Ihe future.
f.1T )OU eH.-r)d,,),. I 'eculi\e Board l11el11ber\ 1I :lfn' Wil·
rMIIi IWII OM!" •. Il.5. li.IIll'. Ol.e) 1-10)". I d Wendall. 11111
1t()',1 VII LIIUN, I'.S.
Hurr. :lnd Clarence \1.011 l11el on bnll'
Negotiations to Begin Soon; an I)lh and appoinlcd IJrolher Jern
Local 2286 Mourns Loss Curren~c a, IrU'lm:r, \() fill Ihc halan..:c
First Aid Classes Held of John' OIlU{) term. II mlhcr J"IT) I.
Of Executive Board Member I.. U. 2H2. 'H: IRTON. w. V.\ .-The one of our )Olln~~r :Ind lef) e;lp;lhlc
I..U. 12116. liE \ U" O''''. 1 t: X. -\l em- (:{lmmillec for our ":IlIC negQli:llion, ha~ lincml' n. :IOU \\C arc ~urc he \\ill do :1
ho.' .... of I (1(:,1 ~~1!6 "t'fC \;Hldenl',j hy heen elect;;-d. A \\;Ige mi-e I~ due on goooJ job.
Ihe llne~pceted ,je;u h of r\e..:U1ile UO;lru
mem\1er Shirll') IJ, Brumfici,j or Itlton
ROII!;e, I ",ri.i;m;l. on Janllary I ~Ih ro l- First Steward's Training Closs
10" inl; heart .ufllery.
IIr hi, ..... n ice and dedic;llion, Brolher
Bfllmfield rcpc:llcdl) e:lihihiled hi\ ardenl
wpport nf lhe 101;,11 an,j unioni\rt\ in
general-Iir.1. in Ihe org;mi/ing cam-
paign or 1<J(.1I-69 ;iIId :If!elw,tr,h :1\ :l
member of Ihe 101:,,1\ hl'l Neg~Jlilliing
BrOlher IIrumlield\ e.lI1cern for Ihe
fulur.· of I neal 2~Kf, ",1\ prolle,1 ag;lin
dLLrin!,: lhe la\1 d.I~' tlf hi\ iIIne,\ h) hi,
re.'ommcnd"lillll 10 antlthef "');Ord mem-
t-I:r nf Ihe pc ...."n he Ihou!,:hl ,Imlllll 'IIC- him In "tJk.: Wilh .,11 due I:(Hl~id­
erallon. the I \CI:IIII\C lIu;u.1 :11 iI,
J:l\ll1ar) meetLnll nmllmalcd :H1d clcdcd
Brolher Rid\;ud • ;1.1 10 till Ihe unc~­
plfed term. Ihereh\ honorin ll Ihe .... I,h of
our dccc;I'>Cd IIr.llher ;,.,.1 fulfilling Ihe
hx:al', need f~lT ;111 ahle ~lIc..:e",()r.
Our ,)mralhie\ are \\ilh lhc II nlm·
field 1-:IIIIII}, Ilhn ...... ",rmll lIe \Iwre in Local 2330. SI. Jnhn's. NI":!., recently held ,IS li.,,1 Slewnrd's Trllinfna Ceu.u. Shnp stew·
Ihe 10" of H fricml :tnd Brolher. .,d, who attended Ihe cou rse and Olh •• s a,e pic.u .ed, SlIn'dlna. lefl '0rlghl. Inte.nn
lionlll Rep.uentatives Geo'f'e Gray .. nd o .. ve Bull; L1o,u,1 CI ... ~a . [~e-cuUve BOII.d membe ••
/. t nny of IIl1r llIelllhef\ in Ihi, nrea of Local 2330; Ray Murpt>y. President, lOCal 1620. 51 John' ,. ,.,I'd_: Mlchul Rideout . LocIII
normall)-llIild \\1I11er, rel'enll) '<Impled 2330: Joe "'0.. ;5. l ocal 2351. Churchill raul . NUd: B,ll Lambe. Locat 2330; Be," H>e .... y.
Ihe \\orlm!,: eOlldili0l11 commonl) C\PC- Local 2228. Oll awa, Onl.: CordswaU Some.ton and Ron r.eneh . Locel 1615. St. John·$. Nlld:
and Jac~ IVllny. Business Manage •. Local 2330. SUled. Don B, iNelt. Loc, l 1615: Bu<! Ford.
rienced by our nunhern Brothe", '1 he: 'I .enu,e..; B,U Butle •• Secret"y: r ,ed Bowd,lnll. AU;~l an t BUllness MI,,' ageo:
nlre OI:currence o f ~now :Lnd icc on Jan- AUll lrl Th o . ne. PreSident: Joh n Lough(orl arid Teffy Colllrli. [ucu l ive Boald mem be . s; arid
II:ITY lllh ca u'>C,1 hrca l.dowlI\ nll.l hu rn· Tnm Foley. aU of Loca l 2330; arid J oe Lode •. Loca l 2351. , 1973
The IJ rot her~ of our local extend best pie in le} po-.llJOn, un Ihe Nmionll] Worl..ers 111 Mily, Area 'I echniea]
y,ishes to krry, I'aula, and Mart Curro Labor }( ehltlun~ Itonrd anJ on the Su- College. Wi'>l:o,,,in Uni~ef5ity r ,lemion.
ence on mO'lns InlO their ney, home: preme Court. Thi~ tea m y,ill :1]'10 y,orl.. in clo<.e ton-
olro to Brolher lo.~. y,ife Alexis. and The adminl\tmlion ha' t.ll..en '>tIme lact y,ilh the 101'0 Ik...cription Commillcc
Iheir three I..iddie~, who recently mo\cd prell} good , hOl ~ III II' in it;, re\er,,"\I~ nnd our Conlract Ump.nllge Commillee.
into Iheir nC\l]Y'pureh,l'ed horn e. of mllll} ded,ion, Ih,11 h:uJ formerl} Man). man~' meeltn.ll' o,'er Ihe ne.\! -,e,-
T he rnemllcr~ extend gcl well wishe~ been in fll~or of labur :lIul in Ihe high eral month, \I ill he required h} these
10 UrOlher Georse IIarTl,. eleelricia n A court\ ney, y,.;\} of interprcling Ihe :tCI, p'-'ople ~ hoy,e\cr. nOlhing y,orthy,hile
in \ Uho;lalion rn:linlen:tnCe. Yoho had 1m: But if il 'IOlInd~ a~ if y, r llrc JUSI ~uins \liI\ 'Mined y,llhoUl effort.
misforlune of hi .. <lnl..le on De· 10 ~it ~IIII ,lnU let Ihe admini,lr.tlion un· We e'tend I a,le:r grce:ltnl,:\ to lhe
cemllcr 27lh. dermine our dcfen~e,. it ha, furguiten 011'011:10.',.., of our ",Ier lucal~. Mil) you
Brother Dicl.. Charnher i~ entering Ihe Ihe: meaninK of unlonl\m .. nd \I!to the 'pend Ihe I-;"ter holtd,,), \11th )our
J :I!,:I..~n COUni} lI o-.pil:ll :It Rlpl!;:). ,,"io" j,. r'l.I"i]ie~ :lnu lo\cd I)ne'.
We ~ t Virgi ni:!, for ,urger}. Good Iud, We the people. the \ el;t~,. arc
I)kl..t ,\" 1111)" I I ~I \"( 1\ ~. I' ~~ I . H.M.
jll,t Irying Itl male Ihi' \llIrld a rid,er
HlInnll COlli Com pany reeenily made and beller place for our f:llllilie, IInu
big ht'adlines in the papers and was the their f:lll1ihc, liiter them \Vc IHe Ihe St. Valentine's Lunch
center of TV and radm hroode:lsts \I m:n \Ole ..... the people "'hu h.I'c fought for
the ..:ompany mo~ ed 11.10 large draghne equal right,. equal upportunit}. lind En joyed by Retirees
~ hOld, acrn~, I lIIcr~tate 70 in Ohio. The equal .:nio~ment of Ihe rC'1I1h of Ihe:IC R.:TIRf:J.) \n.\IIII-.H.S {'I. UII OF
hi ghwu y's Imnic 1.1':1\ det oured for 2-1 things. IIIEW. SEA'I I l.t\. 1\ AS II.- II y,.;l~ our
hourI,. llJthough Ihe \lorl.. was finhhcd We in Mi!\ have dedicnled our ~rcat plerl'IJre 10 :tHen.! II SI Vllientine'~
on 'iChcdule. 1he jon y,all plel..eted b)' IOCllJ 10 Ihe hellerment uf our local lunch maue and <, h} our ncellenl
Cn\ironmcnloli~ls, but the picl..elS ",ere union hod). our communi!) lIn.\ nllr ho-.le". \Iro. Daniel CO\. und :,,~i"ed
y,armed b) fire' burning In barrels. nalion. We don't y,anl to ,,;I_e Ihc fl:t~. 1;1\ Mr,. A ., odd 111)\\. if }()U Illi,<;{'d
IIann;1 Co;ll ha~ mllde ~ome progres;, in "C ""alii II' he a part tlf It for progre\~ Ihi, ~prc .. d, }OU mi,~d ,omeilltnl;.
n:elniming Mrip field ... :md ctjlllility. Our 'pe,,~er :11 Ihe I'chruary meeting
CI \111 "CI Scorr, P.S. GcIIJlI~ ],.,~~ to ollr loclil nev.,. l oclI] y,a\ R. C. "feilfer of lluf "",lei:ll Sc~urit)
2336 sllIrted Ihe nC\l )Cllr I'. ilh our pres- OOke. lie e\pluined. in dClUil. 1111
Administrat ion Opposes ident :Ippointmtt thc '1egotialing tom- change, affecting our m.:ome \c\eral
millee for our nc~t contmcl. The COIll- \lido\l' e~pr{') their ,lp,He"i;tlion for
Labor, Says Scribe miltee com,,!) ul "re'lliem 1\lIen the incre ..!>C Ihe ), rece,\ed in Fcbruury.
L. U. 2J36. \l11."" UKt-:.:. "ISC.-Af· II:, ..-.el. '""mnl Ihl'lnc;, i\lnna~er An· We mi, 1\10 Brolher, thl' 1lI0nlh
ter ren.ling Ih~ man) articles in the ]oc.. 1 thony I Cmane/} 1... ,lcy,Hrd Gilbert Bis- - nllmel) IJrolher~ (,e\lrge (':ll,:er and
parch lind Illhnr jnurn:,I, cnncerning !he "uP'll..i. Brother I e ... ic:H. ;md Si,le:r Jacob Jon'>(.II1. Our ~)nlpalh) i, e\lenucd
1IlTlIir'l on Ihc 1,IMr front. we t .. n see Gretchen Wierlha. Ahern"le, arc Vice 10 their h)\ed one,.
thai nil is not pca~he. lind cream. II I're~ident I r, in I d\l<Ll"d-cn, Brolher All \lido\l' of dccer"eu l11emhet"~ I,re, thaI our pt"e-.enl :u.hlltni'lnuion i, Hurr)" R,mhe. lind Brulher '·r.. nl.. Si- eorui:llI) in viled 10 lIHend our mectmg.~
l'tnt on mnl..ill~ the union~' progre~i\t mnnL and !,:ct :lcqu:nnled y,ilh our IllCIlIN:TS'
~trld~'S for\lard tume 11.1 a o,cfct:thinl; I he 101."31 h.1\ llI;1de it mJnualQr) for \I I\es.
h.. h lind c,en o,cl Ihtn~.... hacL a fe\l dec· all meruhcr, lIppotnleu hI the i'e~oti.u­ \"0: mi, the y,Tlte·up from Ihe Re-
ade,. Slo\lI}. il " Ir}lng 11.1 S<IP Ihc ing Commillee, ;,Iong y,rlh the ;lIter· liree" A",ocl:ltion uf Delroit to Ihe 11:1}-
'trenglh trom uur loeal- :lnd Ill1ema- I1l1le,. Iu "liend clas~c, in lahor hI"' IIml ruary),wfllIIl.
lionuh through Ihe replacement of peer negolialtoll'. pr~'>Cnteu h) lhe Schoul fur AklltUI. S\lr \"1 I. 1'.5.

Joint Effort Successfu l in Qvitron Problem

• Diana Kamen, Prcsiuent and Bu ~ine!,~ Manager Kamen and Local the gu\\;'rnment contract prm IU": a
Bthin e~~ Manager of Loc;tl 1968. 1968, nid was g,lIlled through Army sound ba~..: for cuntlllueu grO\\th
lewburgh. Nl'W York , ~erving the ;tpproval of advance conlract p;ly- of Swnuard Winding. opening the
cmplo)ees of OvitrOIl Corporation'!, IIlCIHS 10 eO\er the co~t:. of produc- door, fur fulUr..: military and pri\ ale
Standaru Winding Division in New- tion anu l'mplo)r!c wage~. An ovcr- contraCh. and the hiring of addi-
burgh , announced continued plant all increa-.c 111 the contract payments lional local pcr\Onncl of 1J\ls ... ibly
operation!. following the announce- ill excc\~ of $1.800.000 has been as man) as 50U cmploy..:cs.
menl that advance payments havc granted by the go\crn rnent, placing The IlIt":rIlatiolial Onice took an
becn received frOIll the U.S. Army the Sr:tndard Windil1g Division back active part by way of making il\
for the production of walkie-talkie in a l ly-~o u nd po~ilion and vir- entire slaff ftvailable \0 eounhnale
mdios. tually guarantl'cing the future of Ihe joint e!Tort nc..:dcd It) bring
Under gove-rnlllent contracts for Ihe firm in thc community. about the mailer 10 :1 ~uccc\,fu l
the proouclion of radio unit:.. Stand- Busine;~ Manager Kamcn ~aid concJu~io n .
ard Winding's nearl y-200 em- Ovilron's Standard Winding Divi- Btl si n es~ MamlJ,;..:r Kamcn 'Ialcd,
ployces, all 1Ilr.:lHbe r~ of I BEW ~ i {)n will cOlltinue 10 be a vilal a""et '" Local 1968, it~ llle l1l bcr~hip. and
Local 1968, Iwd faced a possible 10 thc commUnil). prm iding neces- th..: entirc communit} arc grateful
economic criSIS ,.. hen technical
sary training and cmplO)mCnl for thai v.e arc fOl"lunate to ha\c nt~'n
ehnnges "erc ordered in e nginccr-
many othcrwi~l' unelllployable ;m.~a of the calibe r of Senalor Javil ~ and
ing aspects. wi thout rclalcd in-
residcnts and conlribliling to the Congrc,sm:1I1 Gilman 10 repre!>cnt
cr..'H~e~ in government payments.
Through the :t~s i~lancc :lIld com- over-all growth and dcvelopme nt of liS and o ur interc~h . Their cm path y,

bined cll ons of U.S. Scnator Jacob the :!rea in many important v. a)"•. the-ir clTort~, lind Iln:ir a~\i!. l aI\Cl· \0
J avits ri nd Congressma n Benja min The b ll sinc~s manager of Local this commu nity ",ill not be for-
gotten ...

Gilman, 26th District, sought by 1968 ind icated that the change:. in

IIIEW Jou'nol
In memORiam
Grt/III Ihl'lII 1'1/'/'1/(// light: 1;/"111/1 YO/jl" /}I"(',I(,II('1' 10 tllI';/,I;,!:II,. Gil'/' (111'111 Cllllllol'I: 1:;1'1' 1111'/11 /'/'.1/, for here
01/ Ea/'f", Lo/"/I, they (Iill 111l'i,. hel/ We will mi.u Ollr rl.'("(,III/Y-lft'fJ(U'II'11 /Jro/ltel'.l allll Si,I/al, /)/1/ 1\'(' /001.
forll'l/I'fl 10 III(' (/ay. Lonl, I\'hl'lI 1\'(' lI'il/ he I'l'llllill'li willi (lwlII I1l1d (Ill of 01/1" fOlW/ (}I1e\ ill )'U I/I" !t('(/I'I'"ly
IIIIII/(', Vlllif (lUI! \11'('('/ mOIl/I'IIf, LOI'(I. h'lUl //\ YOI/I" guidillg halld (llId IIdl! //\ 10 (leI/il'It' r/u/l lor whirh }' Ol/
{JIll 11.\ 11/,/,/, 01/ I~.:{/rlii. ,011111'11.

Lc!'lit· W. Ho(lnlllt'r, 1.. 1' . I .'I l idHu·1 111111111'1'. 1..1 ' .!) .I"~t·lih 1 ~"l1Il1'tI, 1., 1', :ll)~) \\,illililn II. .'Ilunis, 1..11. 6:\i
1)".<1 I."~.'r n. /9-' 1),,'.1 $"~'r",h.., 14. H~! /)orJ •• ,, ".
J ~, ,, 19~J '),~d N".r , ~I>,· , III. 19 7~

'lhl'l'Y /l urlo:ciurfl' l\ L. t ', 1 (;'·U/'j.!,· K" "nun. 1.. 11. !I Jul-... I,h W. Ilulh, 1..1', :1111 C1H I " • .\l c ll"III')" 1,.1' . !Jiii!
/).,'J lhr,'",h,", 111. 19-~ 1)",,/ ~",,,.·,,,b,', 17, 1~7J
/)".,/ fA"N~'r~. 10~1 1),,-.1 1"'/>"'.'1 U. /97J
CI'IlICI,' I " ('H I' IU UII, I..i!. 1 lt arr .,· .I . J.lIIU·", I..[ ',!)
f),cd J~"".' 7 2, IV7/ 1),,,,/ ~"I', •. ,,,,,,,, HI. '''71 1)"11 ).(111" I.. (:IIIIiIl~, I.,r. 3.;:1 "\rlhllr I'. S I... ·~ 1. 1..11. 11 ·1\
/)",.1 J""".'r J6. 19H /),.,.1 /),·uml,,·, II. 191J
Milton E. I.UI1I'lIl lOlIl, 1.. 11. .I">"'llh Li M.IU!!'U, 1..[ ' . \1
Vied r rb''''''r I~. 1971 1)",.1 ;"-I'"',,,b .. , II. /071 ,\ lItolli" T"u i<'ltu, 1,, 1 , 3.;3 Errw .. t Si mmoll ... 1.. 1', 1260
/)"'d J.""." !6. /O~J /), .. .1 f~I" .." J, /9~I
Ch"rlo'" II. 1.,',-b"II, I..l '. l.O \\{,;t I), "ind"1lI111l, 1..1' .9
i)'cd 'cb""' 1 II, /9H 1), .. .1 O""h" G. I O~! HH} lIw nd J" t· hd ~I ""Ilt' I'. I"l. 171 I·:. II. n,"' rinj.!. 1.. 11, I I:I!)
/),~ d I ......,t 19. I'~I /),rd ,.· b'~.'T!. 19~'
:\laur ic\' Lu ll, 1., 1' , I II . Wt:hard T h" J'lIt "lI. 1..1'. ~
/"~J 1."".'1 H. "71 I.n .. n· nt:.· () I\un. 1,, 1' .17 1 1 rban C. 1'; "!l l z,' r. L.t . 11 3~
Carl 0 , )I" ),'r, 1.,11, I Jam,· .. II . 11l,·II.. i nJ!. 1.. 1I. Ii I)«d f~b'''_" /I, /9-) 1)",.1 1""".'1 II. 19~1
/),<.1 I_"~.,, !1, /~~,
1)., ..1 ,.'b, .. ,,,,. I~;J

N. E. I)UI·~ I'II. 1.. 1 . IiI 1.1'11 E. ~i~·IIIi. LIT, 1161

'Yall ,'r (;, SIo'ill l l!w~ ,'r, L ,l' , I
O ..·J
.lam,· .. n, ",'unll"II}. I., I T, Ii 1)•••.1 Jd"".'Y I~. /~~J 1),<.1 f· .'b,".',~. 10-1
1)".,/ J"""." !1, '''il
I.,,~.,y~. Iq~,

1I11 1"I"y l'",,1idj.!~'. 1..1'. ;;1)] ( ;I'''l"j.!'' J'~lIrr:l ~·. I..U, 1.;(1;,
lIor I., S I.-v"II ~, 1.. 11, I 1t 11U1 ,·,. C. Wat >' lIl1. 1.. 1' .2 1 I),,-J h-b'''.'1 x. /97/
/) ... .1 hb,u'1 I!. I~~J /),,'.1 /).-<,·",b,·, I~~J
1)".,/ I." ..." I~. 1~7J

EII ~I' IH' .I . '1'11(11111111. SI' .. I..U . Ha,.i l Fill\t'(li. 1.. 11, .-,lll 1."",li,· I';. \ValiN!!, I..I!. 1.;0;;
Juhll l >r~· k.,. 1.. 1'. :11 l),eJ IJcH",h ... J~. /91J
D .,·J )."".'1 J~. /~~I
0 •. -.1 I.""." IJ, '''~J l)i~J 'eb'''.'1. 19~J

.JUt· 1.,'\111101,·1', ]', 1 .3 1 TIIUJl1 !,)oo ' I cl\in l ll~. Sr .. L. l ' . :.0 1 I',w l O. WI' hh,·r. l..ll. 1.;(1;;
DOllald I.. TIIUI'II. 1..1 ' . I 1),...1 hb'''.'T HI. 19~J
Ih.d I." ..." II. 10-' I)"J I." ....". ,,~,
J);~d ' ~/"~.'T. 197J

.\ rrhur ,\ l UII""II, 1.. 1'. 3 1 1':1111 ~,w. Sr .. L,r. ;;01 J ..... ·llh I), r. ... ·"I1. 1..1 ' , l :i2:!
GeorgI' IIrU j.!lI lI, I .. I '.!I U"'J ,\ ·"., ,,,bn I!. 197!
O"J O;,,,b~, !. 1~~1 1)"•.1 J." ....., !J. 19H I)tI''' I ......". 19~1

lI arr,' \ ·ikinj.!. 1..1 '. 3 1 1I11 r"ld S t llll toHl . 1..1'. :;0 1 F rallk 1I,·n ... ", 1,, 1' . 18;;!)
J ohn C. [)"II'H, 1..l'.!1 1."".'T '''~I
0 ..·.1 O N"",b", !~. /,,~! D,d I."".,t II, "71 /),".1 r..b,~.". /97J /),,'.1 /(I.

\\'a llt·r .l . II l·iIlZ,·. 1,. 1' , 110 .I uSl'llh 'l'i",I'I1I')', 1.. 1 ..;0 1 W. A. Iltll'flltllllll1, 1,, 11 . Iii::;!)
Xci>! E. Gn',·II. L. l T, \1 1)"• .1 1)..... "'/"" I~. 19~J
/);"'/ No"''',/'''' 6. '''~! 1)",.1 J~'''' .'r 11. 1~7J /),,'J 1.·1>"'.'7. /9 7J

0 11\ ill E. 1I ,'d j.! '·~, 1" I1,!1 ""Iwrt~, .1"hll"lIl1. L . l ', 110 Fr,'tI 1" ('1'1'" rUI"II. 1., 1 . Ii I:! .'II. Ii. SUkIIlI1U(U. 1.. 1' , IX;,!)
/),<.1 I."~ ., , 4. I~~J /Jord I ."u.", I~. 197) I),"" le!.'''.'1'. '''~' 1',<.1 /)u<>"br> !(!, 19~1

W il bm' W . 1I {'ldl, I _I . !I L ;t"I·.'nc~ · \\'uldl'rll, I .. l'. 11;0 Earl Lt'" Sh"rl. 1,, 11, lil:l . \ III hUl'Y I(hotta, 1..1', I!J68
Dud 1 ."".'7 19. IQ~J I),~J I."~.fl 17, 1911 I),,·d I .. b, .... ) J~. I~~J 1)".1 N'''''",b" !t;, I~~!

International Brotherhood of Electri,al Workers - Pension and Death Benefit Payment Report


TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH $ 2,608,636.46 $ 996,83921
TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST 12 MONTHS $29.189,30147 $11,124,584 09
DEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST MONTH $ 183,289,85 $ 480,59375
OEATH BENEFITS PAID LAST 12 MONTHS $ 2,417,680.46 $6,105,597.15

Ap ,lI , 1913 ..
EWBA Death Claims Paid In January. 1973
1.000a l Surn a me ,\mo un ' 1.01:;11 S urnlOm e S uru " m... ,\muunr

,, Gregg. J. I)••.
lIohen.k}·. S. J.
1.250.00 713
Dundovich. lot. M.
Milliell", C. ~: .. ..
1.2&0.00 Pens. (11) iJernRrd. F. E ....
(;ill, J. 11.

,, 1.2&0.00 1,2&0.00 "en~. ( II) ].2f'0.00

CIII'plello. A. J. 1,2&0,00 775 I.ellch, F. W. 1,2r,o,00 Pcns. (II) Jones . C. lol. ..••. 1.250.00
Ce!llr~, F .... 1,250.00 79' Hobinsun. L. F. 1.250.00 Pens. (I]J Smith. B. 1,21;0.00

CleRr)', J. ~: .. Compton. J. C•.•• 1,2~0.OO l'ell8. ( tI)
Curry. 1'. W.
Flynn, F.
1 .~5U.UU
Bonner. M . L.
Murphree. 1'. H.
I' e ll s. (1])
Pens. (11)
1'ilt"n. It. W . ..
Wrorner. L. L.
1""'lpnRn. II. O .. .
Kopp, W. C. 1.2&0.00 !lOS Blink ... 1'. 1,2;;0.00 I'l'n~. (18) AndersuII, It. V••• 1.2Ml.OO
3 Rom(lno. J . .•.•.. 1.2r,o,00 '31 l.ucnse. L. 1.. 1.2;,0.00 Pens. (IS) Hurn. G. A..... .. 1.250.00

3 Sulli"an, Jr.. D. J . 1.250.00 !J32 ltiebe, F. 1.250.UlI I'ens. t (8 ) \\ esl. IL J ..... .. 1.250.00
Umek. J. &00.00 !l5a Bortle, G. W. 1.2r,0.01) Pens. (25) <:utrle. J. J. 1.2r.o.00
Vi!llt~e. 1,. C. 1.2,,0.00 \)GI Andersen. A. 1' . .. ].2,,0.00 25 W"rre". G. S ..... 1.250.00
!169 Grim . R. W.
!'ens. 2r;))
25 (;ule, E. U. 1.2[,0.00 1.21)0.OU Ni~, I" U. 1.250.00
Keiler, 11. ],250.00 Pens. 28) 1,2~0.OO

Kane, C. F 1.25000 1002 Wilb"ek. U.
J arl'is, M. 1.2:;0.00 1021 Wcl sh. F. Eo •.... ],2&0.00 I'cn~. (3 1) Mitehell. G. E ... 1.2:;0.00
Hobin~on. C. M .• • 1.250.00 1054 Brown. C.I•...... 1.250.00 Pen s. (34) Ihunllton. C. 1.2M.00
1141 t:.......... . lIi[lbo [d. L. J . . .
(:reeley, (;. V •.. .
W"l sh, H. F.
Klllu8. J. C.
Bo-cciuhltt. L .... .
Mllrphy. W . H_ ..
Lint. 1'. A ...
1.:>;iO flO
Pens. (3~)
['ells. (:18)
l'en~. (46)
W"lI"ce. W. It. ..
IIrr ,·,·l', C. \\'.
i\t urrl l(l, C.1'. l)un"",,.
ti8 I'olitzki. P. J.
lIoll:ie. i\J. II.
13 19
Brynll, W.
Horning, M. E.. .
Pe ll s. (·16)
PenK. ( 41;)
Pens. ( 46)
Kurth. L. W.
Vert. F.
I{. ~: . 1.2,,0.00
70 l'eulnger. W. M. 1.250.00 1339 DockIng. J. II ... . 1.2:;0.00 /'(ln8.(48) Guettc[umnn. J. 1,250,00
Garland. W. 1339 Mill(lr, ~;. It. 1.250.00 P~n s.( ~8 ) I.~:.o,oo

1.21">0.00 lIiekR. E. A.
Ilulmnn. t;. v. 1.2,,0.00 ]:177 Lllmbrecht. It. 1'.. 1.250.00 ['(lIi S. (48) SeRbold. J. W. 1.2,,0.00
Tubrid~. 1'. J ... . 1.2(;0.00 1461 F~)', I I. L. 1.250.00 Pen s. (~I) I[nrner. II. C..... 1.250.00
150 1 Heiner, M. J. 1.260,011 Pens. (r.2)
Smith, '. J ..... .
Ah·crKon. II. L .. .
Mrtruus. L. I{. .•
Lu ndberg, M. E. .
OM) "'"". F:. I. , .. .
Pells. (G2)
i'''UH. (60 )
Toner, J . 11.
Whilley. G. S.
(;l .. ",u"~' I I. B.
,>0 Miskowi~. D. A. 1.250.00 1540 I."rig. S. J ..... ,. 1.250.00 Pens. (66) F(l)'rer, F. J . .. 1.2,,0.00
Wood. \\".1..
Miller. \\'.D.
liAugdnhl. )1. C•.
lIelld. W. U..... .
Pens. (66)
Pens. (6i1)
""ught. P. C.
I'e"uun. E. A.
I:!S f'icld, t:;, A, ,., , •• 1.250.00 1788 GIbbs, L . 1.250,00 Pells. (7:1) John~oll, H. S, ].250.00
!2.!, Sh"w. J. V. 1,2,,0.00 11I2~ JO}' . J. V ••... . 1.25u,UU I'ens. (77) At"'"t..,r, B. E, 1.<llJO.OO
1 ~0 1I~!.:woOlI. C, O . . . 1.2,,0.00 1(165 lI end .,}'. R. I I. 1.250,00 P~ns. (71) Il,,!.:IIIIhl, J. C. 1.2,,0.00
la4 Clanc}·. D. J. 1.2!iO.OU 2295 ,\llIrtin, E. n. 1.250.00 Pen~.(1I0) Ilodllctt. I.. t;. 1.2!i0.OO
2295 Siem.. ~t. H.
lIorn)·nk. G. A.
Moriart)'. 1'. It.
Steurb"ut. I..
1.0. \31)
IIlIrtun/(. fo·. A.
Le\"ll"eUr, t: ....
1.2.. 0,00
Pens. (811
Pens. (8-1)
Ti!!"he, J. J ..
Akin •• n...
Warhurst. G. \.
13·1 Zuel~dorr. I. Il. I,~t,(),oo Lt). (69) Boles, J. G. I,2&O.1l0 Pens. (91;) ~·Rlrb.. nks. [I. W. ].250.00
166 I'ow..,r, J. W. 1,2f,Q,00 1.0. (In) Johnston. 1'. G. ,. 1.~50.00 Pens. \~Itl) Smith. \\'. J .• ,. 1,250.00
1.0. (310) Alberding, G. II. 1.2&0,1l0
WIIII""18, F. C.
St, "'''i;, G.
Brown, C. F, .... .
! ,~5U,00
(:"IIRlt'hcr. J. II
Murt-tchinke. W.
I.~"O (J(I
I'c"s. (!rS)
1'1'11' . (98J
.\Icrr;~k. J. A.
I\'nl. Sr. It P
{'"rey. J. L ...... .
1 .~/jO.OO
1,:'[, 0 flO
212 llIe)'er, It, G. , ... . 1.250.00 1.0. (723) lillI ch, W. Jo:. I.2W.OO Pens. lIOSI Klllllltrick. I.. M. 1.2;,0.00
2ao Bull, ..... C. 1.2;;0.00 1.0. (820) iJrllnnon. O. )1. 1,2:'0.00 i'ell"".lIl2r Cummins. W. S. 1,250.00
215 McCort . A. I. 1.2!iO.QO 1.0. (11 15) Neud~'Ck. J. P. l,zr.o.OO Pen~.(1201 Mu ser,!>. J. E. I ,~r.o.oo
:!~6 Arthurs. E, M ... , 1.2,",0.00 1.0. tI2ii<l) ~:k cd"hl , R. W. 1,2t,(J.OO l'ellS. (12 1) CrllJ:l\". II. II. 1,2»0.00
21(; Browli. J, T. 1.250.UO 1.0. (14'11) 1.11 Spi~lI, J, . 1,2»0,00 I'ells. (121) T"dlng. U. II. I ,2f,0.ilO
2'1~ Summer8, I.. C. 1.~1;0.00 1.0. ~1547) Arm s tr""g. fo~. 1-:. I ,2"0.UO l'..,n8. (121) Thumn ~ . L. G. 1.250,00
259 MndJonRld. n. J, . 1.2;;0.00 1.0. ( 1727 J n"lleri. A •... ].2r.;0.OU Pens. (]2&) (:urrie. T. C. 1.2::;0.00
268 I'hill'p$, L. I, .. 1,2r,o.OO 1.0. ( 196&) Fult~. W. C ..... . 1,2;'0.00 I'ell s. ( 12;») 1llIlUlUond. W. M. 1.2,,0.00
291 Lounsberr)·. D. E. l.2at1.0U Pens. l ) !Jllker. E. L. ].250.00 Pcn s. ( ]~5 ) Kirk,,"'n. W. I.. 1.2:'0.00
302 [11","n. W.I'\ .•. 1,250.00 Pells. ( ) :-<ickellon. C. K. 1,2';0.OU Pens. (12;;) It""ie. A. S. 1.2:;0.00
:1 13 (:rny. I). F 1,2i)0.00 /'en~.( ) Mllhun. J. J. ].2;",U.UO 1'(l1l8. (12&) Schr"der. II. ... . ].2,,0.00
:113 Keen,,,,, J. A ••• 1.250.00 ren~. 0) iJtCII'U",. W. A. 1,2['U.00 l'ells.(I~~ ) \ IIUj.!'hn. [), C... . 1.2,,0.00
:t~:l t:"'lIIe~k. E. E. 1.250.00 l'ens.O ) I'(eitfer. 1';. G. 1.2;, O.uU I'ell~. \ I~I ;) ,\I),cu. C. ~; ... . 1.2 ~,0.(i0
:149 l:I"n, II. F 1.2f,0.(jI) PCM. (a) ('ullignn. 1.:. 'f. 1,~ f'U.1/U I'ells. ( I~IJ TU7.l!r, ~;. I.. 1.2IJII.lIU
:119 Cunn. J. W .... . 1.2'-,0.00 Pens, (a) Crimmins, W •.. 1.2I;u.UII l'e" Bennett. F. P. 1.2~O.OO
353 I!us~ell. J.~ . .. . 1.2;;0.110 Pens. (3) I), eh l. W. J •... 1,2;;0.1111 1'..,",;.0:11) Uo>·I". E. J ...... . ].~"O.()O
369 Len ... 11. W. 1.2.",0.00 Pens. (3) Oonofri!>, J. J ... . 1.2,-,U.llt/ 1'''''8. \1:1 1) Donahue. "":.1'... . ].2:,0.(10
:177 ZimmHm;"I, A. W. 1.2,,0.00 ['CII,.. (:I) Eli .. , F ....... .. 1.2:,0,IIU P .. "s. (I;n ) IInn sen. E. C.... . 1.2.;0.00
3~6 I)vrllth),. K. 1.250.00 Pell~. (3) G'''·lIcr. 1'. W .. ,. 1.2fill.OU I',,"s. (1:1 I ) lIud es. B. ].250.00
12;, llu a l'. W . t;, ! .2';U.iIO PCIlS. (3) (;r"'gl:'. II. 1.2,iO.OU Pens. (1;1 I) IIvl'n. II. W . I.2 f,u.Q n
128 HlIll. J. ~;. 1.2;,0.00 I'CIl~. (8) lI ochlnall, Il ..... 1,2;;0.UII j'ells.I];:I) hul7.cnb"ch. N. !.~,·,(1.01)

410 Kilifuni. C. II. 1.2;;0.00 I'''n s. (3) J{'nscn, A•....... 1.2~II.(H) !'cn~. ( ] ;I·I I Mnrllh"ll. ~:. P. 1.2:.0.110
['en~. (3) Klill]{. II . 1.2:,u.lJU I',,"g. (1:14 I \luI·IIt·r. A I."fit! tHr
'H (,hTl~lian, W. L. 1.2~0.UO
I::;!l Stewart. E. W. 1,2&0.00
i'~n$.(3) i\kCllbe. G. 1.2;;0.110 I'elili. ( I a II .l1ucller. T. to:. 1.2;;11.01)
1,2,,0,00 Pens. (3) Mey{'r. II. F .. 1.2:,U.OU I'ells. I 1:lt r I'<;t..,n. I':. fo· .•. 1.2:iO.tlO
161 1'crrlll. J. N ... 1'1'11". (:I) i(oh{'rtson. D. F. ].2:;u.lJU l'ens. (I;lI) l:ush, K
,181 Bruck . E. K 1,:!uO.UU 1.250.00
P .. n~. (;0 Hvcllt't;, A .. ,. 1.2fiO.lJO I'CIIS. (I:lt) T"II'I,lili. I.. J. 1.:!r.0.OO
lIurkQrt. H. E.
S1I8. K. L.
!'ena. (;j) ~;~IRce,~, H. 1.2&IJ.UU I'c,,~. (!:n) \Icek, C. C. 1.2&0.00
]>~n$. (a) l'it"IIBkr. J. 1.2['O.1.IIJ Pell s. (I:IIIJ I'"n<'r. R.S. 1.2f,U.OO
A1I1U ulI:. J . 1'. tal
5:12 1)lIhl strom, C. A.
I hnri ch~, C. ~1.
i'en~. (3)
Pens. (3)
l'itaurenb... rg-. W.
l:itraulJ. A. W .•...
:;"·lIn50n. F. S ... .
Pt""!. I 1;-,11)
Pens. (If,1I1
I'ells. (] :'!I)
U ''''lnngllrner. M.
~1"1l"., II. A .. .
IIrRith. J .... ,.
(1)8 UCShHS~. C. C. 1.2r,0.00 l'ell~.(3 ) \'1I1~ntill(! ...... . 1,;:[,0,00 l'e"~. Ilt;O) J,,~ul. J. 1,2;;0.00
r,r,8 Farris. II. D. 1.2i)1},00 Pens. (3J "Hl<IUH, R. 1.2~0.OO Pens. ( IUO) JlI<1e, lJ, J. 1.~.",O.Orl
r,!}" McKee. J. A. I.~,;O,O{J Pens. (3) Wr'$z"k. J. 1.2~O.oo Pells. (11i0) H<·y"vlll ~. D. I !. .. 1.2,,0.0\1
59& ~I o t·. A. II. 1,250.00 Pens, (3) W{'ru(lr, G. 1.2&0.00 I'en s. (]ij:l) l1!i ~S)', II.
X .. ... . 1.250,00
61S Stoleu, E. L. 1.2r,0.00 l'l'n ~ (31 W in>lr'1lki. A .1 1,2;,00(! l'ens.1\64/ filch. L. C. 1,250.00
ji37 Mnrri". W . II. 1,2f>lUIO Pens. (3) Zurtluh. II. T. 1.2:.0.00 I' ens, r 16·1) Wil ~OI'. E. 1.2:,0.00
li66 U.. nt.Jr .. \\. A. 1,250.00 Pens. Hi) J vhnlluli. S ..... 1,2.",0.00 I'cns. (17;;) 11",,11, W. 1'. ].2'-,0.00
701 Kiri~uk. P .. J. 1.2(;0.01) I'en~. (6) \\'III ~h.lI l. J. 1,2,,0.00 P ... ns. (n"j i\I"rllh.1l1. O. T . ].2:-,0.00
701 I.nll. ~;. 1'. 1.260,00 I'cIla. (8) l) Ill:. 1,. II. 1.250.00 l'en~. (]77) ('ummi"lt's, ~'. M. 1.~/jO.OO
702 D~llIe. J. M... 1.260,00 I'c"s. (tl) Delell. J. C". 1.2;",0.(\0 ( ]SO)
l'en~. Moore, n, S. 1.2fiO.00
708 ['rocto r, E. D. 1.250.00 I'cns.(II ) Allen. W. II. 1,2 .. 0.00 Peu (184) AIl!.'n. J. B.. ... . \.21){l.00

,. lafW Jou.nol
!'(on l Su rna"' fl ,\m"onl S urnnn.r ,\m uunl 1. ..<'11 1 S AmoulI l
Pens. (191) Ih.lmes. It . C. 1.2t/O.00 !'.mll. (1i58) M('rre ll, t·. !'. 1.250.00 Pcnl.(!I ~9 ) GraM. M . A. I.:![/O.oo
Pens. (2021 SuddflrRlh. ('. R. 1.250,00 l'eM.IM!!l IIub b>onl, W . 1.2r,o.00 P cnl.(!I ' 9) :\'el.on, A. A. 1.250.00
" ens. (220) J.'ultbu. 11 . (;. 1.2[,0.00 I'('nll, (r;7~ 1 It ene, W . ... 1.250.00 l'e nl.(949) Ollon, A. G. 1.2J)(l.QO
Pens. (24S) NiehQlu. S. O. 1,2:.0.00 I'enl, (611 4 I"e, I.. II . 1,250.(1) I'enl. (!I ' !I) I'<'l"n. G. J . 1,250.00
Pens (241')) Seeber. E. Il. 1.2$0.011 l'en~. Hi!lal l!oIl'HS. W. II , 1,250.00 I'enl. (9 '9 . Trollh.I', 1.:!f><I.OO
Pens. (2(;8) Dueck. II . 1.2MI.00 1'{'ns.IIIO!,) Mack. l. W. 1.2;'0.011 , ','ns. (953) p ..dcnon. :\1. 1. l .!!f>O.oo
Pen~. (278) Ihr\'e ~·.!'. E. 1.250,(111 l'"nll,(11 131 Benton. J . E. 1.:!t,0./}I1 l'~ n~.I!ljj"l Sardi. S. 1,2f.o.00
I'ens. (278) M ill".p. \" A 1,2f/O.OO i'rna. /1I1t.) 1101101·11. (:. II . 1.21'.0.1"11) 1'{·nl.I970, lI er)'ford, It. \\. 1.2:'0.1111
Pens. (292) s"henk. " 1.250.11/1 I'.. nl. /lHO) I.IIeki('. O. n. 1.2!tO.(I() I'.'nl. (9[15) I'rrilloull, ~ . CI. 1.2:.0.00
Pens. f2!lU lJ"rg. J . II . 1,2,/0.00 P~n •. Ir,~/ll Orf'ndorif. ('. II. 1.2!.o.()I1 ",·nR. (!l!~1 J.ona:cn...,k~r, T. 1.2:/0.00
Pe na. (2(UII GIQyfl. II A 1.2;.0.011 1' ~nR.lo;411 !lClhei. W T. I .2[01),(1'1 l 'cn'.IIO ' !!1 ('ur. J, M. 1.2:/0.00
Pens. (3021 Colenn. II . E. 1.:!fIO.1H1 " en I. (UHI JAr-ie. II . I .. 1.250.0n l'I'n •. (101111 Adam~. W, ~' •...• 1.2M.OO
Pen s. <.101;) Glln),lIrd. M. II . 1.~ r,o.OII I'.'n •. (li/i/)I Frt!nk. W E. 1.2:.0.nU I',',,~. ( 1m",) 1'" ..... " 11. B ....... . 1.2:;0./}I1
P en~. (3091 Eastmlln. J A. 1.2M.0I1 I'C"". 11;:;:\ 1 I. onl('. (' I.. 1.2:.11.1111 I'e,,". (I " II ~lc .. d. A. 1' ..... . 1.2:.0.00
Pen~. (3091 Hune. " 1.2;011.410 I',·"R. (I;:;!). E\ .. n~. " A. 1,2,.0.1111 I 'en~. ( 12,5, Flnl'h. W. T.... . 1.2:,0.00
P ens. (:l09) Cummins. II. A . 1 .2r~J.00 l'{'n~. Ili;;lll W.Ill'rm'rt'. " I:' 1,2;~J(1I' 1'.. n8. (1:t1l:!1 Smllh. II t:. 1.2:'11.00
Pen s. PO!+l n.rc;lI. J 1.2r,U.on I' ~n~. P;';:l1 1.<'l!lIlh,.1 J 1,2r.o.("1 I'~n~. (l:\t' 2, Cllnnon. II. A....
I'cn s.(3QjI) M cKi n ~ie. I .. 1,2,.0.11/) I'~,,~. I 'ilili) !'''Irick, \\ . F. 1.2[,0.(~1 I',·" •. (2017' ~I .. tthe ....... O. I. .. 1.2t.O.()0
I'en~. (311) i\l"yn nrd. B. F. I .~f,(l.I){) I'.·,,~.(llH:\) Wolfe. It. F. 1.250.l1fl I',',,~. (2If,() I ;0;10,101". C . ..... . 1.2F,O.OC
Pcns. (321;) J"nlltkn ..1. 1,2M.lil) l't·n~. (lijl,n 1I 111'tJ. A. 1.2.;U.()() I'cn~. (22271 ('"l1in3, W. C, .. . 1.2f.O.00
P ens. (:12(1) Tid ....·ell. ('. 1'. 1.2r,O.00 I' cn~. l .i;12) Il u~~rll. n. It. 1.2[,1).1111 Prnl. I 1.0.) 1I0 ..... lin. E. J . 1.2,.0.00
P ens. (3~:1) York, A . C. 1.2:.() II/I ",'nll.II;!!7) IIrr ....·I·r. to. L. 1.250.(1/1 I'r .... ( I .n .• ('llIrk. F. ~I, , •... 1.2:;O.()f)
Pen!!. <:u:n O·lllln lel. S. A. 1.2:.0.410 l'{'nR. (7112) (;rut·nwlIltl. O. Ci. 1.2:;0.110 I'tnR. 11.0.1 Ellis. W. E. 1.2:'0.00
!'e ns. (3 ~ lIl II r ..... "on . W n. 1.2,.0.00 I'e,,~. (71 12) ]I;'·II,!t·ckl'r. F. (., 1.2,,0.011 I','"'' I 1.11 .• Fleld~. \' ., .... 1.2:;0.00
l'en8. (34[)) S ..... i~her ..1. \\'. 1.2r.(l flO I'o·n~. 17UI;) Arcnd. t:..1. 1.2M.!))) I'rll".II.O., (:rlthn",nrmAlr, D. 1.2f> 0.00
l' en~. (3~:1) " IcKcc. Co. H. 1.2r.o. nll I',·r\ ~. 17 1:n ~Id :u ire . •1. W. 1. 2;'11 .00 I" '''M. ( l.n .1 11.·"I~ }' . II. C.. . 1.2[,0.00
I 'ens. (:Iii I) 1111"19"110". J . Il. 1.2r.n.OO I'c" ~' (7ltil IJ ,,\"~. (. t:. 1.2t,O.on l' ~rI~. il.II.) 1I1·1lo:.n. ( ;. It. ... . 1.2riO.(l0
Pens. (.1M!) L" ..... e.~. W . 1.2[.0.1)0 I',·nll. (7 11;1 D rin· r . It. 1.2r,O.nn I'en~. (1.0.) 1I 0bb~. W. I .. 1.250.00
I' en". f3g7) NII\"lIrrclr, II O. 1.2511.00 i',.n~. I7ltH Hem"hill. E. 1.2[,0.()(1 I' ~n~. (1.0.1 " "l,kins. E. C. .. 1.2;;11.00
!'ens.13!IO) Keller. S 'I 1.2:;11011 1" ',,",171Ii) J"~obll'''. A. I. . 1.250.f1ll I'~n~. (1.1).1 I.nC·hHnce. I'. f:. 1.2:.0.00
!'ens. (~!l-O) Snell. J. 'I. 1.2:;11.011 1'",,". (ilill W"od. It . II 1.2:;0.0/1 1'{'nR. 1 1.11.' Luhu. I.. Y. 1.2;;0.00
Pens. (3!17) J Ack""", G 1: I.'.u.n.llu I '~n~. (7~ ~ 1 \\·I1~"n. IL t.21;O,OO I' erl~. 11.0.1 Lesler. II J •••• 1.2;,n.O(J
I'cn ~. (:J! IBI Maleh'lIi. II. J. 1.2:;1+011 1"'''0. 17:12 j Il!lt,k ... II. II . 1.2r,0.On 1',·n~. I 1.0 .) ~Iti rr/(, I.. 1.~50.()u
I'en~. IHl!) J " ru's, M II. 1.2:.11 1111 I'.·no. 17:1 11 T .... eddk (;. I' 1.2r;0.()I) I' ,·n,. ( I .n. ( \l lIrl,n . J \1. 1.2:;0.011
\'c n8. (12;;) SlIlul!lI. S. J. 1.2:,n(~1 1'1'1111. fil l I Uriel. C'. F 1.2:.0011 I'~n'. ,l.n.) .'old •• eh lan. J 11. 1,2:'0.(111
P ens. (1(;;;) ('arne. J . T. 1.2:~U"1 l',·n~. I ifi)l, \I~t'r .. ltie, I .. II 1.2[~UHI I'~n~. 11.0.) ""Ir"u. E. A 1.2[oIl.nU
l'ens.141j1;) "'"'J!a n. Il 1.2t~) UII 1'(·n •. 17';01 1 ~(·lIb,·rll'.
w t:.
It S. 1.2:>1\.1)11 I 'l·n~. 11.0.) \I"nlnl{na. 1'. II . 1.2:.0.110
I'ens. (4771 I'orlrr. A. E. 1,2r.o till I'I·n •. l7li21 I;I'{', 1.2[,1'1.111' I'''n~. (1.0.1 "ulroon~'. F. 1.2:.0.00
P ens. (4 7!1) Cum"lon. W C. 1.2;,0.tlll Pen •. (771) \llIrlln, II J . 1.2:~).1"II' I '.),,~. 11./1., ~,·um"nn. W. F. 1.2:'0.0/1
Pens. ( 17!11 S"nd"rH. fl. II. 1.21,11.1", I','nll. (7721 Shr"l)', (' E. 1.2!Jll.f~1 P,'n~. CUI.I I'rlrsol. e. II, 1.2:.tI.()()
I' en~. (410) Eilel, (i. I' 1,2:,(. 1M) P.'n •. 171111 I\unr)', J A . 1,2:,0.111> I ',·n~. 11.0.1 I'l"ll.'non. T. 1.2:;0.(111
Pcns.1 11i3) ~milh. A .... 1.2:oII./WI I'I'nll. 1711 I Pcrr)·. (. {' 1.2:,l'.1~1 ",·n~. (1.11. I I', 1'. t: .... 1.250.00
Pens. (I!J(II (·olli1('n. t·. I. 1.2:~'.IHI I'l'nll. 17:'tll I;i"i~. C E. 1.2:oIU~1 I',·no. (l.U.) lirad. (" G. I.!!.)I).(N)
Pens. (4!'H Il .... un. A s 1.2;~I.IHI 1'1'''', I ~r,5, EItI."I.·hllrl. A S l,2;oIl.IM) I ',·n~. (1.0.) n"bllk. II . 1.2:.0 .•11'
I'ens. ( 4!1I1 I)ebrouo. J. J 1.~;oIJ.(MI P.·" •• (/1.;;1 , Smith. " J 1.~,.o.IMI I'I·n~. '1.11.1 noland. II. X .. 1.2[.0.01)
Pens. ( I!U) (;.,mm. J. 1\ 1,:!;.O.lMI I',·nll. (,,711 X.. rlon. 1\. E 1.~rtfU1l1 1'"" •. (1.0.1 ~"ItH. II. f' .•• 1.2:.0.0/1
I'rn~. ( 4!14j Kl tin. W . \\ . 1.:!t,O.lH! 1'",,". ()I!17 I (J~h\lrn. II. ~1. t.2[,tl.I~1 I 't·n~. I I .tl.1 Wa" •• A. 1.2:oI)()f(
I' en~. I;;IIIH ~Ione. J E. n
I,~ .• 1111 1','010. 1l11l11 lI"d(·)·. \\ E. 1.2:.o.IM' I' •. ,,~. ( 1.0.\ W1l1l3. II . II . 1,2:;/1.011
I' en~. I :,~II Char)" I' I' 1.2;~l.hl\ I'I·n •. /\112, " ",·h('\·"r. A I. 1.2MU~) 1'•. " •. 11.0., ""unit. K. S. 1.2511.1>1)
I' ens. (:;171 lIurh, J L. u;.ouu I"'no 11'.111 S,·utl. \\ " 1.2:.o.1HI
Pens. ( \"'·lIor. J II. 1,2:011.11(1 I"'no 11'111) Ikleher. E. J. 1, TOTA I.I'AYm:STS

Member's Son Wins National Honors

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tributed to our needs an d thi s is the
only way I can reach them all.
I would like to thank each one of
you who contributed to Our need s
when "Doc:" was down with a sub·
arachnoid hemorrhage. We really
needed the help.
Thank s again,
Mrs. F. Z. Holliday
E. 10820 Empire
Spokane, Wash.
lBEW Local 77

Recently. Charles H, "Chuck" SPringston. Jr , son of Brother Charles H. Spring '

ston, Sr.. member of Local 306, Akron. Ohio. toured the Internat.onal Offi ce
Headquarters, Chuck. who represen ted hIS area in the Boy Scouts 01 America
Public Speaking Con tes t In Washington. D.C., also took part In the Boy Scou ts of
America Report to the Nation actlv.tles In February. Shown, lell to rt ght. are
Harold G. Ta te, Director of the SpecIal Services Department; Marcus L. Loftis.
ASSist an t to International President Pillard; Chuck Springston; and George Atkin'
son. labor liaison. Boy Scou t s of Ameri ca.

April, 1911
Not Too fine on the Powerful line In the Shadow of a Cross My Husba nd Is a Lineman
The year was '72 In my memory, h. the .. hado" of a Back \'hen I fir~1 met him,
And 1 am hen.: 10 lell ),ou cross upon }on hill: HI! laid me what he did;
What a hIgh vollag~ crew tried 10 M y thoughts linger 011 ii, both so I laughe<.l and tho ughl, " He's
do. silcnt and so still. foo ling,
My mind envi~ions the re, with arms Or c[lol.! he's nipped his lid:'
It WIlS foggy III switch 2740;
open wide,
They were working a circuil of 1 ~aid, "Whal is a lineman?"
Someone Who sulT..:red and ~o
4160 and 7620, He smiled und said, "You'll sec."
!tlowly died.
And what they did cost the And Ihal i ~ whal I did
company plenty: A halo of thorns around ll is head When my lineman married me.
The circuit!) l1lenlioned above won't lightly hound,
go togelher for 1I1011Cy or love. ]'ve seen him hit the high ones,
Spikes d riven into that ero~s in Ihe \1 y hearl up in my throat,
l! wa~ right after dinner; grou nd . T o sel.! my whole life hanging
Thc forcmun !laid they will go lI is eyl.!s looked upward 10 il lS Bya piece of poly rope,
tog..:lher, Father in the ~ky,
And I am the !.kinner, And I lis )'oul r()~c upwurd. ewr I II! tried it on the in .. i(k.
upward , never 10 die. But I that wouldn't do.
The .. witch W,l\ open, and the lie ..aid, " I ju,t don'l like it.
jumper!; \\erc made up light: He car('d not Il is earthl)" body to )'V(' had enough; I'm through,
The foreman said cverything lohould givc:
tx- alri~hl. 1 "a, born a lincmun;
I-lis pm}.:rs wenl out to others \\ ho
The order was gi ....:n; live,
A lineman 1 \\111 die:
The swi lch wenl clo!ol!d; 1"11 ~p"'nd the rl!\t of my da)"s,
To other~ who \HHlld pa\\ on the
What happened Ih..:n only the good Climbing up th..:rc in thl.! ~ky."
hC.lwnly wonl.
Lord knows.
And pra)ed for churche~ thi .. world We ha\c two lillk daughl..:rs;
l3aJls of firc ran up and down the
to gird. He brags them up, I'm told.
And they think their dad<.ly\ ten
The foreman 'laid, "God Almighl), Then, from my mind, thb piewr.: feet lull
gel Ill) lime, fade<.l away, With u h:lrd h:ll mad.: of gold,
'Cau ~e thi ~ jll\t blows my mind."'
And with it. went the shadow of 11
cross, So when I 'rn ;Iskcd, "What docs
II was a quarter 10 one, and Ihe
Likc the coming of night and the your guy do?"
Lafayette s ub~lation kickcd Ollt.
fadin g of clay, I smik and think a bit;
And Boulder w:,s thc next to go,
He says. ' 'I'm a hneman,
without u doubt. Bu t the prayerlo in my memory arc
ncver 10M, And I'm damn proud of it!"
The head ~witchl1lan in Denver was PeHJ Heck
on the linc Rune lt L. T.Jlor Wife o f Be,n le H..,k
Loul 6 11 lOC11 1119
And ~aid things in Denvcr weren't Albuque'que, N,", ..... leo Wllke._B...e,
looking too fine.
It was a long. dark day in '72,
When ~witch 2740 blew,
Bo u lder kicked oul, like we loaid it
They were trying to hold North
Doing all they could,
The mo rul of this liule slory, I wunt
you to know,
Is that 4160 and 7620 won't go, "'.uldlna
.... reu. G,...
Lou t III
Den"", Colo.-do .........
" tB[W Journal

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