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?:lttlIlKSflivillfl· ..
"Today we give our thanks, most
of all, for the ideals of honor and
faith we inherit frolll our
forefathers- -for the decency of
purpose, steadfastness of resolve
and strength of will. for the
courage and hUlllility, which they
possessed and which we Illust seek
every day to emulate. As we
express our gratitude, we must
never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words
but to live by them. "
!Rk....."!i""..1 Pr~.idr:>tt
1200 I~I II
WAShington, D. C. 20005
St., N . W
f .. t~r ..'lIi" ....1 S~rret .. '" OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS
1200 I~'h St .• N . W.
W .... hinlrton. D. C. eooo;;
/I ,\m:v VAN .\I:SD,\ I.E. J I: CHARLES H. PILLARD, Editor
l>.t..... "I;"" ..1 T""•• ""
)30 E-.., 2:,lh 51 ...... '
N~,,· \'",k. N . Y. 10010
Volume 70, No. 10 November, 1971
Firs' DI.lriet . WILT.I"~[ I.ADY)I,\ N
8M Un;,·er.ity Hh-,L. ~"itt 110 1.
Tomnto I. Ont .. ,n"A,hl Features
5<><:0,,,1 Dj.<ld,,!. JO HN 1': . FI.YNN
l~~ Office "I""" lJuil,linll
System Council EM ·2 Meets in Memphis 3
~~O Forl~·" IInn,1
Bra,n!""" MA""n('h",cH ~ O~18 1 Tower Revamping at Tompkins Cove 5
Th ird ni.t rid. ,\. 1: . .JOHNSON
'107 Il "ildi ",~. Ii,",,,, :\01
'107 \\'""hl"o.(l",, H,I. COPE Honor Roll 6
l'ilt,)'" ,>:II. ],,, , 1:,~:!8
F ourth fl'''''''''. II. H . BI.i\N"j,;NllIIIP
~:;~:, V iel,,!'\' I'kwI.
Illinois State Conference Sponsors Essay Contest 7
C;",jn"nti . Oh';" ~ ,;206
Fifth DI,tr;,-I ..1. H. 1'.\Tf' International Executive Council Minutes 10
14~1 l' ~"chtn..,
St.. N . E .. $u ile 202
. \tl,"'l~.
(;,..,., ::0309
$i.~lh D;.I.-1el. T. K )1,\J.ONE
Official 18EW Audit 78
I~no H,,~,' , ' 1:,",,1
N orth Ilnkh",ok Bu;I'!;hl(. Suih' ~9
Oak I \,·'.'~. 111;",,;_, ';O:,~I Departments
s.venth Diatdel , RAYM OND G. DUKE
2701 ,h~,,"~ K 1';"'1 Editor ial Comment 2
Suite "I~
.\rli"I(i.O'" " d"~ 7 .. 011 Washington Labor Report 4
E iJ:"hlh m.lnel. S. ~;. TUOM I'SON
I:,. "" lit.!. Wi,C<l~ f!ld", .•
~~O~ ~'""rlh -\, ... :-.. rlh
P. 0 H,, ~ 19!1q
Congressional Cable 8
Ilillinl<'". M .:ml. 5"103
N inlh n; "rid. W. I ~ V IN $ON Apprenticeship and Train ing 9
1:00 :-'mlh .:1 ('"mlno 1l.!'II1
H,,,..,I Sq"",..,.
Sui'" 301 Safety Ti ps 17
~" M ale<>. (' .. I;r"rni~ 91102
Tenth Oi_trl"l. n:\KK T. (;I..\D:-n:y
0'1/",..., om...· llull,li".,. 1. Sui'~ 100 With the Ladies 19
I~IOO W. li i""i". 11"".1
I:... ~""'nl. llIin.,i, ~OOt8
EI.....""th 1)i ~lricl. Ilflllt;I!T K. (;.\I:!lITY
Loca l Lines 21
S"lt" ::3-1, t. il> l~,I,1 111,11(.
~~'~'Ij \\'. 1 )o,11(~ Ho~,1 Research and Education 44
0"",1",. N~I,rl\"k:L r,SI1 ~

Wh it~itt
Twdfth lJi .lri d. II', n,
Buildihl(. I:"L ',S I. 2100 l'''l'lar
I'E','" In Memoriam 86
.\I ~ ", ph;'" T <",,"", ...., ~8112

Death Claims 87
On Our Cover-
.:. J. FRANSW,n'
2121 W".t W i."" ,henue
~I ih,,,uk,,,, Wi" "","in ',3~O~

Fir"t Tl i.!!'iN. 1:.\1.1'11 IIA LLOH ,\N

1:,0 w. W,,,.',· !-;'""eI, 2".1 ~'I(>O"
EI",;'·". N~\\ y" .. k 14~'OI Th is spectacul ar Western scene shows
,s.,.,.,n.1 D",,.icl, .1,\,~IES F ~1!l1.1.0N!-:'" two members of Local 77 , Seattle,
]:,2 Clint"" S,",'<1
MnrlhQm, M:t~_"clm .. 'U. 017:,2 Washington , clipping wire on the Chief
Th' I"<1 I )i.lri .... 11 .\llHY .1. W[LI.I,\MS Joseph Line in t he Cascade Mountains
1111 I; il-"" ,\,-.''''''
('jncinnnli. Ohio I:,~O', of the Pa ci fic Northwest. They are John
F ourth Di,hid. 1·1,\ mtY IIF:X1,F.Y Story and Kenny Fitch . This month's
:,01 , 'ultiftm SI .. S. W. inside front cover features a " Thanks·
",Innlft. Ccorgift 30St Z
I'ifth ]l.o;trirl. J,\C'h: e. ~lrl(lI:E giving" quotat ion from President John
~·,O~ ~;'H Hi,-,.ion
SI,';n,,/l..l,1. lli_ ""ri ;,:.~Ir.!
F. Kennedy.
SIXlh Distr'ct, THOM,\S II . PURSLEY
S227 Ill'OIIdw.. ,.
Gnh·",,\on. T"xa!l ,7~&O
Se"c"lh I L.'ri~t. IbIU'1 1 .\. 1.~;I(;ON
11~~ ::; ....""n~)· ''''~nu~
lAS \' .-.:~ ~~"n,J" Ik' I OI
tJi.t ri~t. G EOJ:GE P. I'KJ'TEII;;OK
Suite .. 03. :133 W"lIin"ton C r~"«nl
Winnivez- :.t. ll~n .. Canada

" ~"
Editorial COllunent
labor Has Acted in Good Faith
To Help Strengthen the Nation 's Economy
.. Only when organized labor received personal assurances from President Nixon
that the Pay Board as set up under hiS stablhutlon plan Phase II would be autonomous.
did the "peoples lobby" agree to serve on the tripartite committee DeSIRned by
the Administration to help curb mflatlon the economic woes 01 thiS country, Phase II
calls lor labor. management and the public to help by serving on Ihe control boards
which will curb wages and prices after the " deep freeze" IS oller
AFl·CIO President George Meany appeared before a House Ways and Means
Committee of Congress early In Sept ember of thiS year and made .1 clear that organized
labor was willing to cooperate With the Administration plan for economiC stabilization
If the machinery of the plan was free nf e:ovl'!rnment r.onlrnL When invited
10 the White House to express labor's views on what should happen afler November 13,
By Charles H. Pillard
PreSident Meany firmly stated that labor was agamst government dictation 01 wages
Intefllalional PreSIdenl and contract terms. Naturally big busmess representatives and the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce took the poSition that the Cost of lIvmg CounCil modo up m:unly by
admlmstratlon cabinet members should be the deCISion makers With no public
sector, management or tabor, Involved.
Labor leaders met with Administration offiCial' and were bnefed on the Pay Board
and Price CommiSSiOn and were given the Impression that the Pay Board would be
autonomous and not sublect to the veto of the cabmet·level Cost of Llvma CounCil
Labor became suspicious when Secretary of the Treasury John Connally at a later
news conference Indicated th"t the Pay Board's authuroty wtJltlfJ ~ :w!JloX-t to review
and its de-clslons could be vetoed by the Cost of LIVIOB CounCil of which Connally
IS Chairman.
OfltdrltZed labor cou ld not buy Connally's explanation and asked the White House
for clanflca l ion before decidmg what course of action to take In the workers interests.
The answer was forthcomlOg With a definite commitment from PreSident NII{on that
laid It riaht on the line 10 answer to labor's doubts. COLC Will not approve,
disapprove or serve as an appeal level for "'I he case deciSions made by the Pay Board
and Price CommiSSiOn, and It Will not approve, revise. veto or revoke specifiC
siandards Of cntena developed by the Pay Board and Pnce CommiSSion:' ThiS was
the breakmR pomt that labor needed. the guarantee that labor representation was not
to be used as "window dreSSing" while serving on Ihe Pay Board. Organized labor
throuah President Meany has let th e Wh i te House, the general public and management
know that labor is most willing to help curb inflallon by being a part o f President
Nixon's plan to conlrol waees and prices hul Ihill lahor was con tlnulni to oppose
Ihe President's t all measures which give nothing 10 the workers and all 10 big bUSiness,
thai watch 'doa units will be set up across the country by labor 10 momlor prices
and Ihat Ihe AFL-CIO Will continue to fight for a full employment econOmy.
It was made very crystal clear to the Administration that the AFL·CIO ellpected the
Pay Board to approve some of the deferred wage Increases after the ellptration of the
freeze and that a no·strike pledge was not given to President Nixon and that he had
not requestod ono. The AFL·CIO has not pledged th. affiliated unions of the
Federation to accept any unfair ruhng thai would come from the Pay Board.
It IS hopeful that there Will be a roll back on the wage Increases that were frozen
between Auausl 15 and November 13. and that rf'lrnadlvl'! Increases Will be paid.
GUidelines Will soon be established and legislative proposals to Congress will be sent
by Ihe Administration to back up the Phase II program of Ihe President. It IS
orSl!lnlzed labor's deSire that Congress will Impose mandalory controls on Interest
rates and profits and then the restraints on the Incre3!>e!; In wage!; that Ihe workerli
are forced to live With Will not be so hard to take.
The White House. the Congress, the bIg bUSiness Interests. and the seneral public
have heard from organized 1000bor and the pledge made on bf-half of Ihe work~rs whn
live under the collective barsamins agreements IS not a false one. The umon
members have a stronB deSire to help bnng normal economic conditions to themselves
and thelf country. It IS up to the politiCians and those who contrOl the money to
,,,,,kll tll.m ",I!;luges and actions just as strong.


SYSTEm [OUn[IL Em·2 rendered by the International Ollicc
at all times.
Director Menger discussed the up-
coming negotiations with Gould and
Meets In Memphis assured the delegates that the in-
ternational will continuc to assist
and counsel the Ilegmiators.
Chairman Carl Wilkinson re-
poned on the AFL-C IO Conference
on Jobs in Washington. D.C.. which
he had attended and which dealt
(Editnr's lIote: The loumal sraD i.I' .. System Council EM-2. Gould with the threat of impor(s and the
indebled (a System COlIl/cil EM-? Workers, mel at the Albert Pick continuing investment of American
Secrcwry Gregory L. Bayless jor Motor Inn in Memphis. Tennessee, companies in foreign plants.
,hi'}' il1forll/(l/ioll (II/(/ the (lCCOlI!fJ(III),- from August 101h through the 12th. The remainder of the meeting
ing phoros.) The ofliccrs gave their reports. days was devoted to discussion of
and Vice Chaimlan Bonnie Craw- contract proposals submined by the
ford welcomed the delegates and In- individual local bodies. Each pro-
ternational Representatives to Mem- posal was thoroughly dil>cusscd and
phis. International Representatives then voted on by the council dele-
Frank Adams, Fourth Dist rict: Don- gates. Thc proposals which rece ived
ald Crevier. Sixth DiSirict: Jon majority votes will be subm iued as
Gardner. Seventh District: and Rob- final proposals to the company.
ert Webb, 12th Districl: were pres- Copies of the contract proposals will
ent at all mectings and assisted the be maikd to all locals following the
delegates in their deliberations. exchange of proposals with the com-
The local union delegates re- pany in December.
ported full cmployment III all loca- The delegates authorized Secre-
tions, with overtime being oITered tary Gregory Bayless to bring th e
on a regular basis and with new council bylaws up to date. Once
employces being hired at most lo- completed. the updated bylaws will
cations. Various problems at indi- be sent out for local union approval.
vidual locations were discussed. Chairman Wilkinson appointed
Paul Menger, Director. and Keith himself. Charles Weeks. Bonnie
McAli ley, Internat ional Representa- Crawford. and Gregory Bayless to
tive, Manufacturing Operations. In- the Negotiating COlTlmittee.
Left to right, System Council EM·2
ternational Oflice, addressed the The delegates toured the Memphis
Chairman Carl Wilkinson with Interna- delegates in detail on a number of Automotive Plant in order to meet
tional Representative Ke ith McAliley, subjects and \\ere thanked by the the members and ollicers of Local
Manufacturing Operations. 1.0. council officers for their attendance 1227, Memphis, and to familiarize
and for the conscicntious service themselves with lhe operations there.

The System Council [M·2 officers are, seated, left to right. left to right. delegates Richard Freeman, Local 1823, Den·
Carl Wilkinson, Chairman; Bonnie Crawford, Vice Chairman; ver, Colo.; Francis Kargl, President, Local 22 17, Lynchburg.
Charles Weeks. Treasurer; and Gregory Bayless, Secretary. I/a.; International Representative Gardner; Alfred Gwartney,
Standmg, Frank Adams, Internahonal Representative. Fourth BUSiness Manager, local 1056, leavenworth, Kansas;
District: Jon Gardner, International Representative, Seventh Thomas Mauldm, President, local 1176, Dallas, Tex.: Preston
District; Donald Crevier, International Representative, Sixth E. Talton, Business Manager. Local 2174, Orlando, Fta.; Glen
Dis trict: and Keith McAliley, Inter national Rep resentative, G. McCall, Busmess Manager, local 280, Salem, Ore.; and
Manufacturing Opera t ions, 1.0. International Representative Adams.


Washington Labor Report

New York Times Survey Contrary 1.0 the press statements of the Nixon Admin-
Finds Union Members istration, a nationwide survey by the New York Times
Agai nst Wage- Price Freeze has found union members generally -antagonistic and
often hitter- toward President Nixon's wage - price
freeze . I n the nation ' s factories and shops, corre -
sponde nt s for the Times found, "worker s were re -
peatedly crl tical of the President for not freezing
profits. dividends. And interest rA te s while offering
special tax concessions to husiness . n Admi nistration
spokesmen had tried to make believe that union lead-
ers , in critici:;ing the new Nixon eco nomic game plan,
were out of touch with their own members . But thi s
s urvey by the Time s found union leaders and members
very much in s~The survey particularly noted
that worker disenchantmen t with the wage - price free~e
was empha tic among workers who lost out on a wage
increase or who se contract negotiations have been
stalled by the freeze .
Labor Urges HEW Medicare beneficiaries will be paying 13 per cent
Not To Boost Medicare more in deductibles and coi n surance for hospi t al car~
Costs January 1st beginning January I, 1972 . AFL- CrO President George
Meany called the increase "t ragic M and immediately
aske!l HEW Sect"etary Elliot L. Richardson to rescind
it . The increase means the elderly will be paying the
first $68 of hospital bills . Meany pointed out that
mo s t of the elderly cann ot afford the incrca~c . "For
many , the choice will be between food or heal th care ,"
he told Richardson in a letter .
Eight More Job Area s Eight more cities have been added to the list of
Added to "Substantial" areas s uffering from "s ub s tanti al " unemployme nt . The
Un employment Listing two major areas involved are San Fra ncisco - Oak land
in Ca lifornia and Gary - Hammond - East Chicago in
Indiana . Their addi t ion makes 64 of 150 major areas
now suffering from six per cent or more unemployment .
Last month there were 62. while a year ago the number
was only 35 . The si x smaller areas added to the li s t
were Richmond, Ind.; Ann Arbor and South Haven ,
Mich . ; Las Vegas , Nev . ; Westerly, R. 1., and
Randolph , Ut ah .
Increasing Education According to the U. S . 01"t"ice or Education, Americans
Spending Could Spur will spend a record Sa5 . I - billion to educate the in-
Construction creased number of students expected to fill the
nation ' s classrooms thi s year . Federal grcwls for
education continue to grow . They have risen from $3 . 4-
billion i n 1965 to SlO . l - billion t his year . They are
eXfJected t o reach Sl1.4 - billion in the fiscal year,
which ends June 30, 1972 . This incre ase in spending
on education could spur a si z eable increase in school
con~truction spending .


At Tompkins Cove

.... A tower revamping job at A 250-Ion P&H crane. mounted

T ompkins Cm'c on the Hudson on rubber, removes the old steel and
River, in New York, is being pcr+ installs the new. This crane has 440
rormed as a joint venture of Chester- fCl't of stick. which includes 125
Donovan. The conductors were re- feet of jib. The machine has a 25-
moved frolU a 5,200·fool span over ton counterb:llance on the fronl of
thc Hudson River, and Ihc lOp of the truck and a 35-ton counlerbal-
thc existing 440--fool tower was re- ance on the back of the crane house.
moved, down to Ihc bent leg al the h is equipped with seven o utriggo::rs.
355-fool level, and is to be replaced Moving this m:lchine requires nine
by 113 Ions of new sleel, making tractors and trailers. Three cranes
the lOwer 473 feet high. were used to reassemble it. Because
New wire to be installed wil! con- of tho:: lack of working area. the
sist of 2.579-MCM aluminum with reassembly had to be done in the
steel core-two-bumJle conductor- air. which tooK five days. This is the
double circuit with four static wires. largest mobile cran\O in the coulltry
To support the added weight, each and is operated by Charles J.
tower leg is to be reinforced with IJrook s. a member of Local 1249,
one-inch plate steel welded to the Syracuse. New York. The work is
existi ng leg. Eighteen tons of steel being supervised by Project Man-
Welders on tower revampin g job at Hud-
son River crossing. The welders are in will be used for thi s purpose. Also, ager Dean Montgomery; Superin-
the spider web staging, wh ich is tagged I VII-inch tack hoks. two feet apart,
tendent Jerry Stubbtkld; general
out to a guy wire from the l op of the al! the way up. have to be welded
tower to anchors at each corner. forC'rn:lI1 Howard " Rip" Finch; fore-
full. To fill one I:lck hole requires
men Dave Rathburn. Melvin Gar-
14 welding rods and 35 minutes plus
(Editors /lote: Wl' are grate/Ill 10 rett. and James Pickel; and job
three welds all the way up on each
Wol/acl' D. H Ollcl... Sa/el)' Dirl'clOr, leg, which adds up to miles of weld- steward PreSion Babcock.
Nl'W York Sillfe Lilll!lII(I1I',f Safery ing. At the present. 12 welders are This is a 100 per cent IBEW job,
Trainillg Fllm/, for this story tllld on the job, three to each kg, by Ihe from the project manager down
lite accompall.'·illJ: {1I!OlOl'') usc of spider web staging. through the ranks.

Bird·s·eye views of the crew tanding steel on the tower job.

.... The loe"l l un ions l i~lcd below arc 10 be congratu. Many locals contributed \\ell o\er 100% and :1 few
la!Cd for thei r dedication to the COilE VOLUNT A R Y have contributed up to 500t:f. The \oluntar) dollars
DOLLAR COLLECTION for 1971. All contributed al will be used to help organized I;lbor'lo rricnd~ in tht:
least om.' doll ar per mcmtwr for 100% contributions. 1972 ck'ction\.

I .ocfl/ UII;Oll.\' We/l Oler 100% Local 35. Hartford. COIlIH.'clicut Local 137. Fall Ri ler. 1"1<155.
Local 68. Denver. Colorado Locul4JfL I ri)), Nell York
Local 24. B aItJlllor~. Maryland
Local 144. Springdale. Pt:nn\~h';lIlia Local 439. Camdl'n. Ncv. krM!)'
Local 117. Elgin. Ill inois
I .neal r 76, J o lieT. IlIino;\ L{x'al 522, L:I\\ rence. Ma .. §.
Local 164. Jcrsc) Cit). NcYo JcP,cy
Local 1 15. Pough l..ccp\ie. New Yor~ Local 567. Porll:lI1d. Maine
Local 3 13, Witmington. Dd:lwan.:
Loc,,1 224. Nl'\1 Bed ford . Ma\~. Local 575, Portlor1I uuth, Ohio
Local 592, Vineland. New J l.! rscy
Local 64H . H;U lliltUIl , Ohiu Loc:!l 229. Yorl.. . Penlls) lvania L oc<lt 5H I. Morri!'ltowll, New Jcr<;ey
Local 700. ForI Smilh. Arka n,as Local 237. Ni"gara F .. ll ,. N. Y. Local 606, Orlando. Florida
Loca l 259. Salem. Massllchu~ell s Loca l Ii 12. Williaml>porl. POI.
Loc,, 1 743. Readi ng. Pennsy lvania
Locnl 2252. Holly\\ood, Florida l..oc:l1269. T rc:nton. Ncv. Jc r~cy Locn l 1021, Un ion lown, 1':1.
Local 338, Dt:nison. T~'xas Loc;.1 11 05. Nc:\\ark. Ohio
Local 36 I, Lebanon. I)a. Local 1594. SI. Lo uis. Mi sso uri
100% ColI/rilll/rimrs
Locul 375. AllcllIOWIl , Pa . Loca l 161 7. St. Lo ui s, Missouri
Local 5. Pillsburgh. PCl1nsyh :m ia Local 3,sO. Norri stown, Pa. LacOl I 172 1. M:, rq uetlc. Michigan
Local 9. C hicago. Illinois Local 400, A!'Ibury Park. New k rscy Lac:11 2054. Weslfidd. Mass.
Local 10. Butler. Pcnn~}r\,;lnia Local 428, Ba l..crsfield. California Local 2241. Youngstown, Ohio
Local 34. IJeori:!. Ill inois Local 433, I ngli~ , Florida Loc;112257. P:l\\ R . I.

The vol un tary dollar you con trib-

You should ute to COPE has one purpose
only: to elect candidates who are
give a buck to COPE for you and for the programs and
because: policies that will help you •••
programs that mean more secu-
rity for your family. a better future
for your children. There's no
waste fat in the COPE Dollar. It's
all hard. lean muscle ... a solid
investment that pays dividends
in better government. more lib-
eral laws. In fact.

your COPE dollar is

the best investment
you can make
815 16th st., N.W., Washington, D. C.
Illinois State Conference Sponsors

~ The Illinois Statc Conference Fund Committee were Chairman

of !BEW workers \'ras held on Scp· C,lsey Trent, President, Local 1359.
lember II th at the State House Inn Chicago; Edwin Crego. President.
in Springfield. Illinois, at which time. Local 1469. Streator. Illinois: Wil-
checks of 5500 \\crc presented to liam Ditlamore. Business Manager.
three high school graduates. winners Local 4H9. Mattoon. Illinois: and
or Inc conkrcncl."s first. sponsored George Smith. Business Manager.
essay contes!. Local 702. West Frankfort, Illinois.
The I.OOO-word C"loa),s were on The judges of the contest were AI
the subjecl. ··Organi.lcd Labor's To\\crs, of the Illinois State Fedcra-
Contribution to the American Stand- !Jon of Labor; Dr. Charles Thomas.
ard of Living:' The main purpose Assistant Superintendent. Slate of
of the contest is to make young peo- Illinois Dcparlmenl of Education;
ple understand and learn :Ibout la- and thc Honorable Representati\e
bor's role in formulating our present Thomas Hanahan.
way of life. The Illinois Stale Conference,
The winners are Nancy Monag- which has sanctioned anOlhcr essay
ham. of West FranUon. Illinois. at- contcst for next year's graduates. is
tending John Logan Junior College; the Icgisl:llhe \oice for morc than
Neal C. Villhauer. of Joliet, Illinois, 100.000 IBEW members. It has
Scholarship Fund CommlUee Chairman attending Michigan State Universit); three subcommiuCC's composed of
Casey Trent presents a check for $500 con::.tnlction locals. manufacturing
to winner Joseph Helmer.
and Joseph Helmer. of Chicago. :It-
tending the Unhwsity of Illinois locals. and utilit) locals. The chair-
(Chicago Circle). Their $500 pri71!s m:ln of the group is Peter Pesole;
Left to righi, Scholarship Fund Com-
mittee members George Smith and were carm:lrkcd 10 help towards 1l1i- the secret:lrY-lreasurer is J oseph
Casey Trent. essay contest winners lion costs al the collegl!s of their Duff.
Nancy Monagham and Neal Viti hauer, choice. They were also the guests of All mEW locals in the Slate of
committee member William OIUamore,
IIImolS State Conference Chairman
the conference. with all of their ex- llIinob arc ill\ iled to send delegates
Peter Pesole, and Conference Secretary· penses paid. to the neXl Slate conference, in
Treasurer Joseph Duffy. The members of the Scholarship March, 1972, in Springfield.



Senate Trade Bill Would A labor- backed trade bill , designed to bring an end
Restore Balance To to the expor t of American jobS and technology, as
World Trade well as res t ore the balance of trade for the Uni t ed
States, has been i n troduced in the Senate by Senator
Vance Hartke, Democrat from Indiana . The bill would
discourage American business investment abroad and
limit the jOb- destroying flow of imports into the
Un i t ed States . A bill similar to the Hart ke Bill has
bee n introduced in the House of Representatives by
James A. Burke, Democrat of Massachusetts. The Hartke
Bill would moderni z e current tax 18".'5 by ending tax
incentives which now encourage U. S . firms to invest
abroad ; replace the present Tariff Commission with a
new independent commission; set up quotas ..'here neces -
sary; and impose strict regulations for the labeling
of foreign products . or components made abroad, in-
cluding advertisements for such products .

l abor Urges Congress The AFL- CIO has called on Congress to -reassert con-
To Reassert Control trol over the economy· and pull back the -blank check-
Over the Economy it gave to President Nixon because he has ·proved-
unworthy of that trust . " AFL- CI O President George
Meany speaki ng before the House Banking Committee said
labor has nno confidence n that the Nixon Administra-
tion can be trusted to use broad stand - by economic
powers with abalance , equity . and fairness . " Presi -
dent Meany led a long list of trade union leaders who
tes t ified before the House Committee in opposition to
the President ' s heavy- handed economic measures . Meany
summed up the new Nixon economic game plans as a $4-
billion loss to workers in negotia t ed wage gains
coupled with a $70- billion tax bonanza for business
over the next decade .

4.000 Union Members More than 4,000 union members at the start of the
Call on Congress To AFL- CIO Industrial Union Department ' s recent conven-
" Save Our Jobs" tion in Washington, D. C., called on Congress in person
to back legislation designed to reform the nation ' s
trade la,,'s . Buses delivered delegates and other union
members to t he Capitol and Congressional offices where
they fanned out to buttonhole their congressmen,
acquaint them with t he problems facing workers as the
job marke t shrinks and urging their support for the
Har tke- Burke Bill . Some 2,500 were expec t ed for t he
"Save Our Jobs " rally , but mo r e than 5 , 000 showed
up for t he I UD- spo nsored effort .




REGARDS TITLE 29, CFR, PART 30 It is of utmo~t importance thflt

all lATCs in the ell:ctrical construc-
~ In 1963, the construction in- ments-S\;Indard~ lind Selection tion industry adopt and rcgister
dll!!.!r)' look a position on nondis- Procedures-a nd prcparcd thc Af- these three document'> <IS wriuen.
crimi nation, as cxprcs!lcd in the firmmivc Action 1)lan. After dis- If therc is any question ahout their
clJe policy. Thi!> position came cu~sions of thcse doculllenb with acccpting these documents, get theill
from CXICIl',iVI! dilocus)'ion within Ihe OAT. ma~ing minor (hanges and to put the objection or suggc~lcd
industry and with Labor Depart- receiving \erbal npprova1. we ch,mges in writing. Do not agree to
ment otJici"ls. who later publishcl] printcd (hem on August 2, 1971. any change!> locally, but inform thc
Regulation Title 29, CF R. ParI 30. Let us now di~(u~s thcs..: onc al National JATC Ollice.
The Nutional Joint Apprcnlico.:- a timc: Some JATCs tltay bc to ld that
shi p and Training Committee Oflicc St:lnda rds-The Ill,tjor ehangc was they arc exempt be"Ht~e of eOllrt
sen t oul procedures for the local in the non-tli~erimin"tion clausc order, home town plan, number of
JATCs \0 adopt to comply wilh the (referred to a~ a pledge), which apprcntices, etc .. bUI we rcpc;lI-
regulation, urgi ng ad option :lIld im- follows the onc in the regul:llion. all lATCs, 'H.lOpt <lntl implemcnt
plementation. In 1966. updated except that it refer~ to ,11(1/ rt'Kltltl- thc~c document'>.

Selection Procedures \~crc distrib- riOIl spccific;III ),.

uted. In 196M. local JATCs were The Local Standards, which were TITLE 29, CFR, PART 30
given information on aclive, "llinn- ;'ppro\'ed as part of (he Nalional
You halle by now receilled copies o f
alive nClion p[an~ :lIltl were urged Standards, arc acceplablc for regis-
the Standards, Setection Procedure, and
\0 tll!..:r inlo ~uc h plans, if not :11- tration as wril1etl. It is highl y un- Affirmatille Action Program from the
ready m.:livc in a plan of Ihis Iype. likely that llll)' ch:mgcs would be National JATC Office. The leller sent to
A survey malic in enrly-197 I necessary, but if any loc,ll JATC you suggested that you adopt the se
~howed continued incl'ea~c in mi- Illight want to make a change. it Items and present them to the ap·
prent,ceship registration representative.
nority participatiun in apprentic..:- must be clearcd through the Na- The Bureau of Apprenticeship and
ship program!> in our industry. Un- tional JATC omce. '11 i~ time, we Training, Department of labor, witt ac -
fortunately, ~omc local JATO.. did must maintain :I unified cffort. cept these, and we have reason to be·
not follow thc recommeluled pro- Selection P rocedurcs-Wc made heve that the SAC (state counCils) Wilt
atso accept them. Do not Sign stale·
cedures. \~ hich cont ributed to slight changcs in this document, ments or forms presented to you that
charg..:s of di~cl'illlirHlIion. suits filcd, mostly editorial. hut ~ome 10 im- are supposed to help get you 111 com·
,lI1u other actions by minority prove it and to tlW~ C it morc usable. pliance With Tltte 29. Contact the Na·
groups aided by ce rtain government cffective, and flcceptabk. Any tlonat JATC Office if you have trouble
with any of the appren ti ceship repre·
agencies. change in it must he cle,tred through sentatilles.
Due to thc f,lct that ~omc of our the National J ATC Ollice. It is tn the near future, your JATC wilt
local JATCs (as well :1<; many most important that these pro- receive a tetter from the Natlonat JATC
JATCs in other c rafts) did not fol- cedures be follo\\-ed: d.:viatiOlis or Office. With further II1structlons on:
I. using the application forms. 2. using
low ~ounrJ p roc..:du rcs in complying exceptions havc on ly led to troublc.
the ratmg forms 3. Implementing the
with T illc 29, CFR, Part 30. thc Beller understanding of their proper Affirmative Action Program. and 4.
Labor I)cp:mment revised thb reg- use ha~. in the pa~t, heen oblained other general items on Title 29.
ulation after a minimum of con~ul­ through our J ATC workshops.
t,ttion with the industry and an Your allcntion h cOIlled to one very
important point-on thc Rating Have you started that Journeyman
apparent disreg:trd of practicality,
traming class? The Blueprint Course
thc main emphasis bcing on aOhmtl- Forms. space ha~ been provided for has been comp:etely rewritten. It is
tive acti()n. interviewers to tl1a~c notc~; now thc more complete and up to date, using
Since mmt programs in our in- word. R e l1ln r)..~. appears in thnt prints on a modern, aU·electric build ·
space to remind you to do just that. ing. The reVised Code Cou rse, based
dustry ]wd followed the recom- on the 1971 Code, will be ready by
mended procedures and our mCth- Aflirmativc Action Pl an-You January I, 1972. The two theory
ods were in gencral conform;lIlce \\ill receive infurnHltion on imple- courses are now based on new leKt·
with the r..:gulation. ,lilt.! gelling mcnt:lIion of Ihi, plan. which is to books and will atso be ready by that
rc~ult~. wc had a minimum of be ;Iuopted \\ ithout change. PUlli ng
Some new courses are 111 the mak·
change~ to ma~c. We made thcse the plan to work i, part of JATC ing. Announcements wilt be made when
changes, many editorial, with some opcration, not a part o f Ihe wrillen they are completed.
improveme nts to the basic docu- plan.


executive council meeting

rhe lollowmg memhcrs of the Internatlotml Exccmivc ImT mEI\IE<;NT OF I NT£ RN,\TION,\t
Council were prc\etH: Chairman Fnmswuy and members Jml'l( Esr~ NTAT I VF.S
WllJi:ltIlS. I.elson. 1-I "lIor:l11, Moore, Mullone)" Ber-;Iey, I he 1,I·.. l. :I,)pro\ed ,he requc.\t of Brother Ut"son
I'ursle)' lind Pat terson. \\Iimberl)", to be cffecti\c October I, 1971.
The I. E.C. :.1..0 :.ppro\'ed the request for retirement of
Brother H:lrold J. Becker. to be effL"(:ti\e Februar} 29,
Pursuant to the aurhorizmion given b), the ::!6th Con-
vcntion o( the I.IU: .W. to the 1.1'.. 1.5., and the I.E.e. to JOINT ANU SURVIVOR OI'TIQN
male rc\ l"lon~ III the pension plan for olliccrs. reprCSCnla- The I.I:,C approved one application for Joint and Sur·
tj\'C's and :Issi~tants. the Inlemational E\ccUli\C Council \'i\"or Opllon, as pro\ I(.led for under Ihe pro\isions of
chongcd the Rulc:. and RC'gu l:ltions rclllling to spouse's Article III , SectiOn I I (101 of the Con.\litution.
benefit!> und Ihe clect ion to reect\'e such bencfi ts. Upon
the advicc o( the ac tuaries of the plnn. the two-rear prior L.EGAt O[J' ENSE
dcction rulc WIiS changed to onc }car. Papllents (or legal defeme. made from the Dc(en~e
Fund. wcrc e\!Uluned and IIpproH:d III uccoru:tncc wjlh
Rf:VIS ION IN I.R.E. W. l>f:N 510 N !'LAN FOR the requirements o( Article X I. Section 2 o( the 1. 8.E,W.
CANAOIAN OFFIC ERS. Rt: I'R I;;5ENTATI\'l::S ConSlitution.
In accordance with thc au thorit)' \'cstcd in it by Ihc
I. B.E.W. Constitutton, the Intcrna tional E.\~"(:uti\·c Coun· In accordnnec wtth the pro\ision~ of Article XIV. Sec·
tion II of the ConSTitution. the sum of S IQ::!A94,50 was
cil. upon thc advice of the actuaries of this Ix:nsion plan.
reduccd the deduc tion from monthl) salary from sis per- transferred from the t-.'lifitary Sen'ice Fund to the I. B.E.W.
Pcnsion Ilene fi t r und. co\'ering The mo nl hs of Ma)" June
cent to five percent. and a uthoriJ:ed refunds of the addi-
lind Jll ly, In!.
tionnl OIiC percell! of mo nthl)' sa lary Iwid into the plun
~ince July I, 1967. INTEltNA"l lON AL I'RESIDENT
REVIMO N IN l. n .E.W, "ENSION I'LAN FOR P r~sideot PIUnrd di'ICu~sed with the I.E.C. 'hc matter
CANAI>IAN Ei\II'LOl'EJ::S 01· TilE !.n. E.\\'. o( loc:!1 union~ under .!>upefvision. loca l unions on strike.
onum TlIt\N O"' I~ I C J::RS. Rt: I'RI;;5ENTATlVES the nnTiOl1:11 w(lge freele in the U.S.A., Construction In·
OR ASSISTANTS dustry Sl;lhilil':nltOn Ilo;lrd aelion ;tnd ;1 number of other
important subj~"(:t matters.
In acconJ:lOce \\,Ih thc uuthorit) \csled in il b)' Ihc
1.8.r.W. Constitution, the International Exccuti\e Coun- INTERN ATIO N AL S EC RETARY
cil. acting upon advice (rom the actuaries of thi~ plan, Secretar), Keenan pre\ellted detailed invcstment rcport~
climin:Hcd the two'percen t monthl), s,dar) deduclion. and covcring \ ariom fund~ of the Brotherhood. Hc nlso pre-
:tuthoriLed the refund of this t\\O percent of monthly sented audit report~ Co\ermg E.W. Il.A .. thc I~cnsion Bene-
.s:tlllfr p:lid inlo Ihe fund .since Jul)' I. 1967. fit Fund und the General rund o( the Brotherhood "hich
were appro\cd b)' thc Brotherhood. Treasurer Harry Van
Arsdnle. Jr .. llssisted Ihc Council 00 :t number of matters.
P:l}mellh (or strike :tssist:tnee benefits \Ierc e\:tmined
and approved. AI' I't: AL OF m ,:tOR ES E. ELUO'IT
This apl>cal before Ihe Intern3lional E\ccUlivc Council
tOeA L UNION UND ER ~UI't: RVISION arises frOIll the relllOlal (rolll oniee of SiSler Elliott, Presi-
The Intcmatlon:11 E\c<:util'e Council. lit the requesl of the dent of locnl Union :!047.
1.1' .. approved the nmintenuncc of 1.0. ~u l>crvision over The record ~hows that the International Vice President
Local Un ion 568. '1hi~ W:l~ referred to the I.E,C. under put Local Unio n 2047 under supervision in order to pro·
'hc pro\'i~io n s of Article IV, Section J (9) of the Con- Icct 3tH.I udvunec Ihe interests of ils members and thc
stitu tion. LB.E.W. Sub~equen t ly, the LV. P. h:td rClI\On 10 belicve



tha t Si,t~r Ellloll was largel} re' I>on~i bl ~, by h~r actions or Review of the record sho .... s that these members failed
inacliom. for nUlIIY of the problems which led 10 the in c:l rrying OUI the duties of their office to recognile and
neceS!;i ty to place the Local Union under International acknowl..-dge Ihe re~I>on,ibiltty lhul the)' O\'\'ed to the Local
charge. Union members. the l.ocal Union officers and to Ihe
Charscs .... crc filed asainst Si\lcr I'Ilioll alleging viola- LD.E.W. T he), belra}"ed the IrU~t that h;ld been placed in
lions of Article X IX. St.-ctlon I; Article XX, Section 5; them by the member... Lill Ie can be gained here b) re-
Article XXV II . St.'Cllon I ((i), (10) ,lnd (14) of the LD.E.W. pealing Ihe record.
Constitution. The appeal i, denit:d.
A formal hearing .... :tS held tI\ .... hich Si~ter Ellion. tlfter
due nOlice ..... ns S('(\cd upon her. \\as gi\e" the opportunit} A I' PEAL OF G I·.RA !.D S. HAH.TLE·IT
10 be heard in her o .... n inl~rc't' and 10 cross+cxamine those
Drother Bartlett ..... a\ li u~iness 1\lanllger of Local Union
.... ho presentcd 1~J.timon} :Igllin~t her inleresh. The e\i- 108. He .... as ~uspcnded from officc. on March IS. 1971.
dence before thc ~ho .... s conclusi"el}' Ihat Sister based upon the allegation that he had improperl} i\.\ued
Elliolt was afforded duc proce~s. membership card'! of Local Union 108 A hearing \.\a\
Examinalion of the record sho.... ~ beyond any shadow held on thi~ matter on J\ pril 9. 1971 ..... here tc~timon) ,md
of doubl that Si\tcr [lliolt .... as guil t) as charged. No good evidence wa\ submi lled.
cnn come of repeating here thc record of her sordid per-
(orimcc aJ. pre~idcm of Local Union 20-n. Subsequently, in a decIsion of Ma)' II. 1971. the LV.P.
rhe lIppeal i<; denied. found th:lt the ac tlOIl~ of Brother Barllc" III the handling
of certain applicants lor membership into Local 108
f\ I' I' f:AL OF t: XECUTIV[ HOA RD ~ I EM8 E RS violated Article XXII. Section~ I. 5, 7 and 8 of the
LOCAL UN ION 20H LB.E.W. Constitut ion. U\ well as those portions of the L.U.
byla .....s pertaining to up plications for membership and Ihe
II f: U-:N 1\ 1. I\ MIJROSE:
IJ ET .-" L M EAU IO USE: la .....s pcr\(ulllllg to ltpplica tlons lor membcr~hip and the
OEI.OIU;:.s L. C IIIH ~~1 ENSEN [lmount s of udmls~io n fees. The LV.P. ~ente nced Bro ther
OAI. F. F. !lACK Bartle tt to removnl from Ihe otlice of Business Manage r of
J ENN IE IIODD ER L U. 108 ,lnd debarred him from holding lIny office in an}
I.D.E.W. Local Union. represcnting any J.B E.W. Local
The aOO\e-c lled mcmbef\ ..... ere. lit one time or another. Union as a delcga te or comrn illeeman. attending an)' meet-
member, of the [,ccutlve lJollrd of Local Union 2047. ing of an I.IJ.E.W. LOC:il Union or representing a Loc:II
The I V.I'. took chargc uf the nfTtllrs of the local union. Union in lIny manner for :J pcrioJ of ten (10) years.
Upon investigatiun, he h;II'! rea~n to believe that cerlain
Prc~ ident Pillard. in denying the appeal before him.
memben of the E\ccut l\e J)o:.rd had \iol:lled provisions
of the I.IU-: W. Conslllution. nil mel)' Article X IX , Section .... em into lengthy det,lil co"ering the reasons for his de-
cision to deny the appeal.
14; Article XX. &.-clion 5: Article XXII. Section 4: Article
XXVII. Section I (10); Article XXV II , Sec tion I ( 14); From the record before Ihe I E.e.. it is evident that
Article IX . SectIOn 13 lllld Article I I. Section I of the Brolher Barllen afforded due process by the COUri
Leea l Union ")III ..... s. Charges .... ere filed, and a hearing below.
was held. From the record. it I~ evident that Ilrother Bartlcn. b}
The J.V.P. found each of the above-cited membcrs- direct contact with se\ocrlll mdividu:ib. sold memberships
Amb rose. 1\ l e:llhou~e. Chr b tensen. Ilack and Hodder- 10 those individu:tls for ,UlllS of money far in e .. cess or the
guilty as cha rged. -I hey .... erc removed from the office of amount of admission fee callcd for in the Local Union
E'{cclltive Board member, :md barred from holding an y bylaws. and aho far in e,ces' o f the amount received b}
other office or comm itt ee as~ignmenl or from r..-presenting the Loca l Union for the H dm i~~io n fees of those indivi.l-
Local Union 2047 in ;lny manner for a period of fi ve (5) wlls. None of the i nd i\' idUlIl~ concerned received ollicial
yeur~ from the date of the deci~ion. receipts for the e\c..-~sive :td mi~ sio n fees.
Review of the record convinces the I. E.C. that these The I. EC. believes ihat the evidence and lestimony be-
accu1>C(1 members were nffo rded due process throughout fore it suppOrts in full the 'in.ling of the J. V. P. in th is
the p roc..-edi l1 g~. mailer. For this reason, the :lppeal i~ denied.
JO VA NAL f O. N OII~M IIU , t971

Ou~H. IAIoI[$ W
flA~, fU~CIS P. .~

r'e l.ttrJI~t l,ul h eCltlft RllIER, lLOYD P , GOTHAM 'II' 0 ~
e... til " ",,,4 ' If th _
,, SHVEN$, DONAlD H , .. UMAU, H. £
ud, ,.e h l 4,d ad SIIt,-
sm . (1,1&11 IOrlial ,usln
a ~p ticat i DU . u I,IIDW

$~Of$IAO. JA"'[S S
RUSSElL, lACK A ....•..

" ) CU~EY, MillON R • ROElH, (RNEST L
Pluud. VINC!"I
" 11
5"'IIH, JbHN A
MtSLANt. f(ltX C._~_

Huosm; N I
8001H. WAllER H
LEMAY, LYN'! '"' )

lII£llU, lEO A
LfBRAUN, fro
STUTl, f II ,

POLLARD IoIUW[LL R ) SYlu. WlltlA'" 101 !I JIHN. IIAROLO W _ _ ~
.J ,
!YNtH fOfJJl C
"., ) PAG£. CHUtES l II K,N'IIO, SAhlUEL V
PEUY. B, R ""
$"'4110. JA/oifS I
10NES. tEONARO E '"••
IlH )
3) ) WHLS, WILU'1oI. R


llfO"'.UA, (DWUD C.
BItOW'II, J liN W ) Bfll~(" ARTNU. H I~ "'IllER, JOHN
) "':CUlLEY. ""LliE p, 16 HILL EOWAlO T.

'''' )
IIE~'1'''\o, fO!!,! R
WOOlRIIIG[' lUlU 101

WOODWORTH. lORrN s: ••• )

BEUnER, [DEN W, _ _
"" ""
SPRINGeORN. HUVEV 1.1 ) coonON, SIO~[v I I. WINTERS, WillIAM f. _
TURY, fINNI( a ]1 WilSON, tlUOLO w,

MUMS R. f.

OEAt l [ROY E ) QUAC~("BUSH. RICHARD C 18 Kille, RAY, ...
N(MEll, ROBERT "" )
KWAM, ODE _ ...... ,.. _ _ 11

• )
f {NNER, lAWR[NCE G .,"" )
!U[ 10HN A,
10NU, R08[RT l ~
) BIV(NS. WlltlAM W. 26 MEANS, CLYOE 0

) RllH. 'tUIoIO"O L 26 BEll. 1M IACOB A. ~
YA~OE80s.sCH(, IOH~ A
) ",·tJjTOSH. lOSE PH C 26 PHFrEA, lOll" P

u • )
LANe. UI"'O~O l

BROW". WilliAM R
S'IC~t[. K(NN[lH J,
GUNER, 10H~ D.
- "

,. "nn
,. )
Bun. HO"'U [,
) AGIN. t. I II CARLSON, CLU["et (,
) 51W.II. "OUBU' .. 31 8[N[OIC, OWAIN £.

pu~n. LOREN [ ,~
111 ) MADISON HAROLD, ... HOVEA, YIRGll R. __ ,_
) Mr~IINTikK, flMfR f ~ P[HUIN, SR, JOHN A,
H~LL, U .. HlNCl H. ) BRENN£tS. G[ORCt W )g
,~ •, SI(IN, LOUIS ~

fRISK C, C ' ~S

"'_GIIER, R08(RT J. '" , B£tOEN. "ARRY 0 .." WEINMAN, LAW!!£NC£ L H

oI!i MAGE, M~l W. _ __

"n P[fUSON, RAY L ,~

___ 231

--'" •• -_.,.,
lot _ 238
HABtCH. WilliAM II. _ _ ,~

"n -,.
,.,. --'"'OS
Hilln, EVUETT 'II'
""n LAVOlf. ARTHUR L __
01"'010. BAIlon I.
1 __ '"
m •• ,~

,.''"" ,.,.
KEMIIEDY. (;[OI'E r, ,~

AYRES, usn. 'II'
,~ ,~
m '"
,. m

n SU,SHKf. ono

(lISOK, OLAr p ,. m OJ
R,I.)[I(R, MILTON J. H._.
I> " ...• 2$8
HUNl JOHN F. ___ ... ,, __ ... 2fiJ
y EDWARD T...... __ Il4
82 " MIRa,
OAU, WltllAM I. ___ ,. ,___ '"

M. __ 263
"'tCHlAND, JOHN P. _ ,.
tAtOBSEH, PET{R - 1'1_


."."''"" ............
,. ,~

TYRluL lESI£iT. -,~
Tl.u .... '.Y"'OllO ,~
Ml)llEIII.I.. CARtUT ___ ,_
MUlLUHY. 1110"'.1.$ W,
DOWNn, C(UlD , .

-", '"


'"'"m ..


10' GIAUA~ E. C£LEST[ __ .. LJ.( H.

... LOJ
, .......... LO]
N[I$IUS. CftLANDO R.,_., U5
'" '".,
.. _ Ul

Bnl, JR, AR THUR J•••• _" IJi
,OJ PURSO~, ROV r. "

IJ7 '",.
." .. , 302
.... ,

II. FUlS! ALfRED II, ,U ,~

110 'UNER, G£Olcr II
STA~ln. VOiUS.
-_ ,. .~ ...'"'"
-- "'
[",ORES 'OL"'O ,
'"'" ,.
_ &11
III SlO'H. IIAlI1)lo
'"'" ,. on '"
_ 116 IECK, HUOlD A. XI
II. '"
'N '" -- "" .n OIl
• ___ 122
100M. JOliN H
~.O(~KE. JOII'l C
____ 309
m ,.'"
"' ." '"......
.""_ •• " 12~ HAWKINS. JOS(PH C "•• 160

A, .... __
12~ Sl{NQUI$T, EMERV C... _ 16G
" .. lID

1II '"'"m
'"",m ..,.'"'n,

"'•• ...
- '" MAH[R. CHULES G, '01
1'101101""'." CARL D '82 __ n'
OlSE~ OLAf j

'" 112
•• m

,~ m
.__ ,n m
__ '"
'''91"" ll' m
,- ••
_ _ ,n
...... _ 125
..... __ 125
'93 ~.
. _._ 3(ll '" ......'" OIl

, 100
.,"',,. ....,••'",
..•... 125 AV[RY. THADDEUS C. 200
._ 125 SAlE. tOBUT r 202

.. ,,_.125 S.GNASCO. EV[NTINO
..... _ 125
.. _126
KING. HOWARD '"'" ~,

riIER. "'ARliN E ,~ ,~
___ 126
," ,~


U .... Mlt. HENn
, 310

., A. 10t


nLJC~$HAW Willi.",

"" S"'"H. All. l



,~ ~,


,.'"m '"'IS


- ,.
_ _ Il'
sPo;cu, ROY A
GOOD. CHARLES II. _""_,362 ,~ W."_ 116 '"

REUST, JOHN *_. __ ,

._.. _U6

""). ,.
AlliSOlo!, fR"~" II. ,~, lRAVAl. fRAAK to .• SCI
8IlAHD{~BURG. 0 I- i613 RHOADS. RAY C. U -~,
11""'1'1011. WilliS
.1512 SHElBUR"E. RICH.RO D. 41

COOI'(R. II,1J1RY T. fI$II[II, ARM.NO 0, 48
lYS!N, GUh'lAR
- ,u'
,,. /oIURPHY, CL\RK( M


SMit H, A~ CH I [ II \970 HR'-'£NIER , VER NON O. Y

GRlml!. Will i AM r.
10111151011. U,WR£XC£ f ,,,.

n '"'"
n '"
.. 6]2
NAIIR, nRON H _ , _
,) '"mon


..""'" M(GlaH.. fUNCIS J, n
n . __ 631

HARINAN, JAC08 S -"" souaRS. fRANK H. n .. 631
/oIlllER. VIRGil B. so __ ~9

ae 'Illowinc •• t III n'.11
pusiol buefit appliutiltl
_ ... 659 '"
.,s dtn it1l: .... OllR. HAROLD E.
BON(S. C.LVIN L .__ ,~
B, _ 672

cor, EOGU H
- - ...


1I0B9$. RAYMOND C '"
175 -'",m

RIOG£WlY. CHARlH J. 1:16
nt C...cil app,,,d !w.
..dId H' lwelly-ne
(225) Ubi . isnililJ ,,,lIu-
SHHHAr.!. ""CHArtEI::14
UUlEM, ;olllt 0
.. ,/01,\11.101'. lOllIS A
PEARl. DANiEl D. Ilfi
ti ••s, as 1,1I••s:
I HE 1.0.
DEVENY, DAVID 0 ... __
21t '"mn.m
S~lIfl, ST£W~RT l UE
LlWI5. CARl05 ~ 160 NOlt. lO~EN I 211
8OISSIN[~IJ, £DW~RO A.. 9/9 MilO, /oIOSIYN A, t«I
/lU ... U SIlIr
un I'(Iwu. R£YHotOO B
Gl)R"'.lJl. lOUIS J.
BOIoO. CliffORD (
HDRCH£R. HUBERI C. I PlueE. 101111 J.
WYMAN. llOYD [ 2 HEElOIi /A.MU (
PEER. LESliE II"... 2 000111. II~RRY II
SMtiH, ~ENRY B ....
SURflUD IANts (,
$H(POO, ilt. WILli'''' A '"

SI/oIO'lSO'l, WllHO I,
WilliS. Gt [~N 0

SI0l'l[. WllllA/oi E Il WilliaMS. ROBUT O. !3J9
10HIISTON. CLIffORD A It WllUA/oiS. lllNtsl 1319
O([RE. WILlARO 'II II laGH, JACK WillIS. IftlN'E ,m
OS(POI'IIC!. IOH~ 'II 75 HUT. VANCE E. 01-11 StR/oIONS. 10M W


Th IllIowill twelve IU)
HA~LlK. fRAIlK,. ,.
" SlfOIlNS, DANIEL 101
l~PHL rArO o.

STubIOW, lRAIIK J, 1:>-1
lolil diu bitily puslan bue· CARLBERG HENRY G. __ SM Til, JOSEPH C. 1:>-1
fit ipplicalions were ~u ied : lAMM RS. HERBERT H. _
KAkTHACK. rHO I. 71 "" W][Rl8ICKI. A~IHUR C.
KLAflA, ~HILI~ I,,,

JACO BSON, R. ~ . __
RAil. G N. ".,
EHI NGER , ~ . I. H"
•" LIPhlA~ NA 1HAN
ORAl'll II Mrs j, ....... 1M
T Ho M PSO~.

.."" VoOEL~O N O, HERBERT E. 143

PEAV£Y, L II , J.l7 JOHN O. 116
ALlE N, C. O...... , 558 BUR KOVITZ , SAM 2~5 SCHOfiElD W llIAM H 14S

......"" 1~6
SCOTT. R. W. 51' COU MAN. JOSEPH K 263 MIHAl .. WilliA M J...:
unn, C. W, .. , BI6 NOBLE, lO WEll A .. 2&0 w LCO d N, 10SE~H l. 146
SN EE D, L O. .... ...... 90l LoESC:!N ER, HENRY K. 32& Btl! CH, ALEXANDER 15J
GLICK , J. 101, ... " Clfa In 1.0, 153
C ~R ISli A N . E. S. "Clrd In 1.0. HARMAN. CLiTTON L. ... 511 ~ M II~! CHARLES K. ]~9
POLL. V, "I. CJld In 1.0. EVETTS, GILBERT 633 BAL lE . rD WIN I, . 159

HINK LE. [ A Clla In 1.0. WESTrAll, ROOUI E, .. _ 648 ROCH(s r(R. DONALD L 160
BLAC K, [ARL W. 695 PO~H. SA MUEl S. ",." .... ]6l
McCOlLO M. M4RIO~ M. m CP~ H ~M, MORRIS E, 115
Th I'fernlioul he ~~fn JOH NSON. ALOEH S. m " ROftf Ah, ASHLH m
""" m
Council 1ppr"d 1ppliclflu s RnO ER W,ll lAM A, S35 AUBREV, DANNY O. _ 183
181 m td ril_1 I, pllIslan CHAIMEAS" OEORGE W 116' MASHU, lEON a. ISl

bnefit . 1 Ib 1,II,wi"1 l i.- LINDSAY, lAMES W, _ 10E9 D. MElVIII .... 200
len (16) lIIelibers: CAUBlE, HAROLD G. IJ~

.13311 "" JOII~ I.
RD C. _ _ 223
ROll H.
IHE 1.0.

or l.U.
~" EARl L
, HUiltD r.

MORANDO, fH{OlHlRE C: 5 HAl(. ROBUT f. 1'51 llW'!. ED WARD I, 2~
~O~E, ARTHUR M. IJ.l7 HAtNU. WilliA M I _ 261
MIM BU SHI ' n KIRK. CliffORD C, _ 210
IN l.U. n C£lHUoW. C.AIIOE 1.1 295
SU RCH. 10HN II , " __ ,, 292
"",. ~RUER. IOsr~H K
HANEY. SA ~ m R O I.
HARM ON, DEMPsn A...... 52'
LABON 1(. crR MAI N u.
~INC. b NEST l.
,, __ 65~ "" DAVIDSON, Mi llO N A.
PEA~£Y l ( HUll A, .... :141 " KN UI SEN, KNU T M. l32
POSTHUMUS, 1 0H~ .. ,,'"
Il .
m, "n" WOOD. HOWARD 0, ..... _ 336
MIUAU, HENRY A. ,,, ..... ,, J.l4
DUR DEVIC, lA MES .. _'" 344

WAllA CE. IA N L ....... " 2'58 KYA~. AA TI!UR W '" '.... 347
AN OEA SON [NCE N[ [. 351
rHUREA. 1AME S . " ... ", l53
f lSCIi BACHER (. H.
fOSTEN. JAM t S I, __ " l64
H ....

IOH NSON. r. L. ........ _:li!

Tbe laliDwinl Iblu IJ) 1p·
'"" BISHO~, RUSSElL A, :lig

pliulins lor mid r~ ht 10 B~RN W Hl. Bill C. 390
,~ A ~OrRSEN. fUNK R, j~
peRsln buefil were denld: '03 BLACK, lHlH( •__ ••
'03 MOllOY. IOH N •. . U9
IIAULIA. R. P. ,Clld ,n 1.0. CRH NWOOO. OTTO l, . _ 440
NOWLEY. r. A. ClnI In 10. ,~ USA'L f. AlVIN I. 440
WESTCOTT. T, I. GIrd In 1,0 . loa ~ICHAROSON l ~ , __ UI
O. 110 ~MIIM H( NRY W. UI
PAYMENT Of DUTil _ 110 lOSIER, JR. H, H. 44\
~tHlM £. WilLIAM J,
T~ '1Ielul'DUI Exec.lin
e.u.cil tbe pay-
'"H'H. JON NSO N, IR R, C.
WH 'TE. [leU T 0,
4' 1
lIIut ,I th dul~ benefit . , '" WYNIA, CLAUO[ E. ~_ 4»
der I., prnislu s 01 Arllcle
XII, SecU•• 2 DI t~e Cmll,
Iitiol 10 I~ e huficiJli u of
tbe followln l lur hedred
1nd t~irt"D" 1431) nl.,
PICKEIT, WilliAM A. ,,_
retiled members:
THE 1.11.

OF loU.
" IJ.I
fR EU NO. ~ E N R V G, ......... IJ.I
lOVR n, CHARLES C. * ....



,,, ..'" ,.
11'1 ,,,

$, '"
,_ _ _ .X

,_ ,n

""".. .

NORION, JOHN £. 1212 m

.. •, KASITSC!,. H. R. SHERR. ALBERT ,]340

12fi1 •• MUNll. JAMES W
[U~[NE 12f>1
_ MAIER, FHO I _ 340 MeUAH. 10HN H ""
GOUGHNOUR ROY E. 3011 CHABOT, WllrRID .. 2251 1218
C041(S, RALPH hi
""un o. 1m
HIlTON. IVY [. .... "...
8100LE, II08UI O.
36' Acteplable doe.rnenls were
.Card in 1.0.


" WALKER , "'ARVIN N, 369 SQblFlittd. and COlftcliDIS BIRIII oms NOT
YUODf. CHARLES _ _ 310
GRHH. lARRY G 1J91 HOV, STANLEY I, :l8O hn ben ma~e ift I., 1.0. CORRECTED
RUSHLl, ~I)RM"I t. 1'21> fORf WITT ~ lI2 recor~5 .f t~e fallow ;ot A requul ro r thnge in I~e
CAMPBEll , BENJAMIN 146\ "" TAVLOR. SAMUEl S. :J9O members: Intelnational Office records
OO HUIV. JR., [ II 11164 ANonSON. SPENCER M. 391
fOSTER. THOMAS M. 1484 RICHEY, GEORGE T 401 01 the foliDwing members
LIJ(AS, CARUNO C. ~ IN LU were deRied:
UPTON, WilliS C. lSol? ~
uces WILLIAM 8 1!1011
*1 C
. ;'
L- - - ' ' - ' ' - ;6 MEMBERSH"

LOW. JOHN 0" 47' M&CARTHY. P J. 9 IN lU
SCHMID T, RICHARD H 48] HEIlER. , S. 26 ROOWELL. H. .____ ,,_.. J)1l
WllSuN. ROBERT j. 1802
SNIDER. fRAN K P. 1831
" BURLlNGH~M . KENN ETH R 494 fRANK, G 101 J8 LUC MI £. 0 B 640

BAKER. RAYMON~ P. ~OI ao wMAN . J A 48 MARIIN.~ . G59
HALl. HARlH D, 1941
BHHH. JOHN J. ,..... 1981 COLE. COROON D. __ SOl MONGOYEN. H D. 134 WilLIfORD, J A" 691
GAMBREll. I. 101 136 SffAR'IS. H, /, .~Ia in 1.0.


.. n~


BlNun (IIOllln
" U
HHl(MS. IR .. DAlTON M 637
The I.E.C. apprned the pay-
,ro "
..... 110
HAIGHt) WltlOrN A.
ment 01 dealh benefits. au·
thtrilcd by Ibe prnisians 01 '"
"., ...... 124
{;IOVfR, VINr.fNT R.
In~I't ,""tl~. II Ihf '.I erllli,",1 Eut.,i.e l
bel' i. WIS~I'I III, D.C. n . . .uti' II"."., .r ~,ID
Artitle XII. Seelin 2 Dr "e
emlll,lin, 10 t~e rolllWing
ane kuodred and slxtY'lft! """ '.:.~:~,:: ,.'"
A _ 1301
. .. .. frohJ, sur ••'" 3, lUI .
nl .e•• "1"1M .urll, ,,,II ct•••• tl II
N"o .. h. n , .111.
II,.. I, •. , M'~"J,

061) retired rnembers' bene· '"

..." 1301 HUNTER. lEE 101 ". 7112
,.'"'" .


GR1lH, lEWIS f. RIIHUI. EARL H US BAKU. WILLIAM R. '1' GII"e •. P,Uers... Surell't
KILLIAN, ROBERT E. LOESH, HUBERT T 14} KLINE. WILlIA'" • _ _ ~ 811 1I'"r"",1I1 hecu,,,. Ct •• ,,1


for You and Your Family

A Fire Every 57 Seconds

... Fires and bad burn accidents
can happen any.... here. NCW~p;lpcrs
from coal.( to coast arc conti nually
shocking ti S wi th headlines ~ u ch as
"FI:I"h Fire Traps Children Left
HOllie Alone," "Child Uadly
Burned. Pl aying With Matc hes,"
and " Ua rhcc uc Fire F'II:.1 To Boy."
PriVaiC homes calch on fire every
57 sccond~ in the U.S.A. These fires
happen so often tlHH next to in-
juric'> c:tu<,cd by Ir:lflie :lccitknls,
they arc the leading C:lUlIC of death
for children under five :lIId the
fo urth leading C;IU:'C for the death of
chi ldren from fiv e 10 14.
Many of thesc tragedies would
nOI happen if children had beller In WClshington, D. c., the District of ColumblCl Fire DepClrtment conduc ts
IT'lining, and if families r1J;1dc C~C:IPC CI most populClr fire safety awa ren ess prog ram In the schools in cooperCl '
plans and had regu lar fire drills. t ion WIth the Sears Roebuck Foundation. Inspector WIlham B. Tompkins IS
pIctured making presentations as part of the Department's Junior Fire
Marshall Program ,
Tr:tining Sa\Cs Lh cs
Tuday, a ch ild 's world, the world
of all o f us, j" so filled wilh Ih ings
Iha t .. hock, burn. c>.: plodc , injun.;
and kill. 111:11 guidance is nccessary.
You :U1\.I your ch ildren Il1UM lea rn to
live wilh fire wilhoul injury,
Starl Traillillg Hariy . Linle c hild ren
1>hould undersland what the word
"hal" mean .. , Warn :t ~mall child
that if he touches a hOI phlle " II will
burn." If he slill insiSI" on fcding
of it, £1011'1 keep him frOIll ha\ing
the experience by shouti ng. "Nl'!"
You\ e warned him, t\ow lei hml
touch , fed and n"memocr heal. (Of
course, dont kt him louch inlense
heat Ihal will injure hill\.) Learning
in the lelhl painful \~ay possible FIve chIldren were killed in WashmR'
ton, D, C., thiS year In a fire that was
may save him frorn real pain later.
caused by replClcing a fuse With a
WIIl'11 1/(' Is Older, When you kcl penny. The resulting short Igmted a
your child is old enough. shm\ him Fire Marshall of t he District of Colum· mattress, The ChIldren were ages tw o
how 10 strike a nmtch-aw'1Y from bla B. W. Johnson displays a winner through II. District of ColumblCl Fire
In the department's ftre prevention Chief Joseph H. Mattare prOVIded thiS
hirn ~clf wit h the cover 11:11' c1o~ed :
safety poster contest conducted revealing photograph of the actual
how 10 blow it oul, righl ;IW:, )', afle r throu ghout Wa shington's Schools. fu se bo~ ,
using ii, and 10 nwke SUfe it i~ 11 0 1


smoldering. E~plain why m.lIchcs
m ust be lightcd oilly when a parent
is present. I f a child is taught to do
safcly the things hc wants [0 do, he
is less likely [0 hUI"! himself trying
[0 learn tho.::lII without yo ur he lp.

You Needn't I·I:I\(' A Fire

If }'Ol/ A\'oitl T hl' f)lll1[!l'n-E:I;·
pens on firo.:: control name the fol·
lowing as the m()~1 frcquo.::nt causes
of fire: (I) faull) he.lla" ,lIld cook-
ing equipment (1) c;lrdc~" "moking
(3) mi,>usc of electricity (4) chil-
dre n playing with match..::., ( 5) mi~·
handling (If llammable liquids such
as ga~olino.:: (6) fa ult) c hil1ln ey~ and
roof" and (7) earck.,s storagc of
If YO/l 1/1\/1('("( )'ollr H Ol/se-
There arc 12 timcs a~ many fires in
priva[c h O lll e~ a~ in Factories. One
big rca'>on i., that Factorics I1lU~t con·
form to safcly cod ..:,>. Inspect your
house 1"01.)1)1 by roo m f(II' firc
haza rds. Doc,> it con form to yo ur
O\\n ~afcl} code'!
Mal) Qut An I~ apc l'hll1
A Plcm Om Be A Uft'l·l/\w. If
you have a \\I!II·thought-out plan
for e~caping o ul of ever) rool1l in
you r how•..:. pa rticularl y the bed-
rooms. this I\la~ .,<1\": Ii\e~ v.. hen
~conds count anti I..cep th..: family
from paniding. A b:ltI fire docs not
burn inch by inch. It can leap
Ihrou!!h thc hou'>c, (.. rcolling te m per-
atures or soo to 1000 degrees
quickl) . [n sllch h":::lt. areas far from
the ori);inal lire call burst into
flame .
1. Carefully fi gure ou t at [east two
routes to Ihe outSide from every room
m the house. especially I)ecIrooms.
Allow for blocking of stairways and
halts by fife
2. Make It Ihe rule to sl eep wIth
bedroom doors closed, because closed
doors hold back fla me and smoke. at·
lowing e)(tra li me for escape. JOSEPH D. KEENAN. International Secretary
3. For upper fl oor escapes, a Window 1200 15th Street. N.W .• Washington, D. C. 20005
may be your only a[lernate route. Be
Enclosed find my check (or money order) fOI S ..... . ......_........... for·
sure e~lt wmdows work eas,ly. and ale
tow and large enough to get through. No. Desired Item Numbtr Ducnption Price
Use any ayaltab[e porch and garage
roofs as ways down to safety If
needed. Install an escape ladder Lo-
cate children In bedrooms With easy I
rooftop escape.
4 . Pick an outSide assembly point My ring site IS, 0 lif ring IS ordered) TOtil S
where the lamity Wilt meet lor " roll
Name . Card No .................... ..
call." and be sure everyone under·
stands that the house must not be Street Address or 80l No.
re ·entered lor any purpose.
5 . Know how to ca ll the lire depart· City Slate ...... Zip ......................
ment , by street 00)( or telephone. and
Th~ .boY~~i.,t1I "h(ln w,1i bo ur~h'" /1111, ."t~ Ih~ Pi ..... ' ,",OUn! II., bUll Itm,u"". I
do th is as quickly as t he house is POSU l t 1M "Plns Cftll,U "t c.. ~ t . 1M Iftlernll'QII.II. Ali rUt. l i t 'ftClrr...:. I
el ear of peo ple.
~ ---- - ----------- --- ----------------

a happy and gratefu l Thanksgiving
D ay.

The Cry of Ihe Children

Do yc hear the children weeping,
o my brothers.
Ere the sorrow comes with years?
They arc leaning their young heads
against their mothers.
And ,hm cannot slOp their tears.
Th\! young lambs are blc;lIing in the
The young birds nre chirping in
the nest;
The young fawns nrc playing with
She Heard the Cry and Answered the shadows;
The young flowers are blowing
~ Recently, was rereading The Kn ights of Labor proposed
some of the sonnets and poems of toward the west-
a national child I.lbor law in the
But the young. young children, 0
one of my favorite pocts, Elizabeth I 880s, and certainly the need fo r
Barrett Browning, and I gOi to WOI1+ my brothers.
such legislation was obvious to
They arc weeping bitterly!
dcring how many Journal readers c,reryone. Thankfulty, labor It.-gis-
They arc weeping in the pl:lytime
know that her "The Cry of the !ation in the United States. as in
of the others.
Children" was wfinen as a protest England. begoll1 with the regulation
In the country of the free.
against child labor. Naturally, my of child 1:lbor. where the need for
thoughts also turned to Mrs. Brown- protection W.IS the most obvious. Do you question the young chilllren
ing herself, the kind of person shc The four most important and in their sorrow,
was, her feelings and ideals, and most-needed features of child labor Why their leal'S are falling so?
about the social evils and the con- legislation were a minimUIll 'Ige. a The old nwn JlIay weep for his to-
ditions of child labor in those dllYS. minimum of education before enter- morrow
Mrs. Browning, incidentally, was ing cmployment, a minimum num- WIlich is lost in Long Ago;
born in England in 1806 and died ber of hours for the employment of The old tree is leafless in the forest,
in 1861. H er poem, "Thc Cry of children, and protection of the The old yea r is ending in the
thc Child ren:' was published in children against especially-hazard- frost.
[843. It is II highly-sentimeTltal, pas- ous o r unhealthful occupations. The old wound. if stricken, is the
sionate pica for social justice and A tremendous amount of chi ld sorest.
did much to bring about some re- labor legislation was passed in the The o ld hope is hardest to be losl.
form. states frOm 1902 until 19 J 6, when But the young. )oung children, 0
In those prc-child-Iabor-Iegisla- the first feder:11 child labor law was my brothers,
lion days, it was not unusual for passed. It had then been 10 years Do you ask them why they stand,
small children, some on ly six, seven, since the federal regul'Ltion of child Weeping sore before the bosoms of
and eight years of age, to toil from labor was first proposed in Con- their mothers,
dawn to dark, and even late into gress! In our happy Fatherland?
the night, especially in factories. With the conditions that were
Tho~e pale-faced youngsters, over- prevalent in those days, it is no won- They look up with their pale and
come from weariness und lhe lack der that people such as Elizabeth sunken faces.
of sleep, would often [all over on Burrett Browning raised their voices And their looks are sad to sec.
the job. Of course, the hours that ,lI1d their pens in protest. Mrs. For the man's hoary anguish draws
they worked precluded their receiv- Browning, after all, had a great deal and presses
ing even the most basic education, of warm-hearted pity for the op- Down the checks of infnncy;
and so they were kept in slavery, pressed; her poetry is characterized "Your old earth," they say, "'is very
ignorance, poverty. and poor health. by deep feelings and pathos. dreary.
They were denied any chance of She. who had been born to Our young feet,'" they say. "arc
having what we would think of as a wealth, with all of its benefits, 111- very weak;
"normal childhood" ... no time for cluding a very good educalion, and Few pace~ have wc taken, yet arc
play or fu n. no romping in the sun- who had enjoyed a delightful ch ild- we:lr)-
shine. no schooling; in short. no lift:. hood in the country. was an invalid Our grave-rest is vcry far to seek;
The child labor problem, in those most of her life, fol1owing an acci- Ask the aged why they weep, and
d<lYs, W<lS most serious in glass fac- dcnl, in her teens, which injured her not the children,
tories, textile mills, tfuck gardens, spine. For the outside e[lrth is cold.
berry fields, canneries, street trades Read for yourself. now. her pas- And we young ones stand without,
( newsboys, bootblacks, CIC.), and sionate poem protesting the evils of in ou r bewildering,
night messenger service. child labor. And, by the way, have And the graves arc for the old.


" T rue:' s:IY the children. "it may For, all day. we drag our hurdcn And we he:!r not (for lhe wheels in
happen tiring thei r resounding)
T hat we die before our time: Through the coal-darl under- Strangers speaking at the door:
Little Alice died last year. her !,!rave ground; Is it likely God. with angels singing
is shapcn Or. ;111 day, we drive the \\heds of round Him.
Like a snowball, in the rime. iron He:l rs our weeping any more?
We looked into the pit prepared to In the factoric~, round and round.
take her; "T\\o words. indeed, of praying I~e
" For. all dOl). the whceb arc dmn- remcmOCr.
Was no room for any \~orl in the
ing. turning : And at midnight's hour of harm.
close day! Their wind comes in our fa ces.
From Ihe sleep wherl!in !>he lil!lh. 'Our Father: looking upward in the
Till our hearts turn, our hC:I(i\. \... ith chamber.
none will wake her,
pulses burning. We sa} softly for a cha rm.
Crying. 'Get up. link Alice! It is
And the walls turn in their place~: We lnow no other words exccpt
Turns the sky in the high \\ indow. 'Our Father:
If you listen by that grave. in sun
blank and reeling. And \\e think Ihat. in some p;wsc
and shower.
Turns the long light that limps of angels' song.
With your car down. little Alice
adown the wall. God n1:l) pluck them with the si-
never cril!s:
T urn the black nics that crall I along lence ~weetto gmher,
Could we sec her fnce. be Mlrc we
the ceiling; And hold both within His right
should not know her,
All arc turning. all the (iay. and hand which is strong.
For a !>mile has lime for gruwi ng
we with <ill. 'Our Fatheri' If He heard us. He
in her I!yes.
And :111 day. tile iron Wlll'cls arc would !>ure1y
And merry go her mom ents. hill ed
dron ing, (For they c<lll H im good :lI1d mild)
and stilled in
And sometimes we could pr:ly. Answer. smi ling down the sleep
nle shro ud by the lirl-chime.
'0 )C wheels' (breaking \Jut in a world vcry purely,
11 i!> good when it happens:' say the
mad moaning). 'Corne and rei>! with me. my
chi ldren.
'Stop! Bc silent for today!' " child:
"That we die before our time:'
Alas. alas. the children! They arc Ay. be silcnt~ Let them hear e;lch "But, no!" say the children. weeping
seeking other breathing faster.
Demh in lif.: as oc!>t to hom:: For a moment. mouth to mouth! " He is speechle'iS as a stone:
They arl! binding up thl!ir hcarts Lei them touch each other's hands. And the} tell us. of His image is the
aW:ly From breaking. in a fresh wreathing master
\Vith :1 cerement from the gr:ne. Of their tender human )outh! Who commands us to worl on.
Go uut, children. from the minI.' ;lIld Let them feci that thi!> coltl metallic Go to!" say the chi ldren,-"up in
from the ci ty, motion I leaven,
Sing o ut, children, as the little Is not all the life God f a~hions or Dark, wheel-like, turning c1o\ld~
thru!->he~ do: reveals; afe all we find.
Plu ck your handful~ of the meatlow- Lct them prove their living souls Do not mock us: grid h<ls made u~
cowslips pretty. against the notion unbelicving;
Laugh aloud. to feel you r fingers T hat they live in you. Ill' under We look up for God. but lears
let them through! you. 0 whecls! have made us blind."
But they answer. "A re your cowslips Stil l. all da~. the iron whed~ gil on- Do you hear the children I\cl!ping
of the meadow", ward. :md disproving.
Like our \~eeds anenr the mine? Grinding life down from its mark:
And the children's souls. which God
o my brothers. what ye preach?
Leave us quiet in the darl of the For God's possible is taught b) His
coal-shado\\s. is calling sunward.
\\-orld's lo\"ing.
From your pleasures fair and fine! Spin on blindly in the darl. And the children doubt of e:lch.
··For. oh," say the children. "we arc Now tell the poor young children.
weary. o my brothers, And we11 may the chi ldren I\e.:p
hdorc you!
And we c:lI1not run or le<lP: To look up to Him and pr;I)':
So the blessed One who blesseth all They arc weary crc they run:
If we cared for any mcadO\\s. it
were merely the others. They havl! ncver seen the sun!>hine,
To drop down in them and ~Ieep. Will bless them anothcr day. nor the glory
Our knces tremble sorely in the They answer, "Who is GO<.! that He \\ hich is brighter than the sun.
stooping. should hear us, Thcy know the grief of man. without
We fall upon our faee\. trying to While the rushing of thl' iron its wisdom:
go; wheels is stirred? Thcy sinl in man's despair, with-
And. und..:rneath our heavy ~')dids When wc !>Db aloud. the hum:m out its ca lm:
drooping. cre:llures ncar us Arc "lave.. , without the libert} in
The reddest "ower would looJ", a, Pa ~s by. hearing not. or anw.. ..:r Christdom.
p:l le as snow. not a word.


St. Louis Work Normal;
Picnic Is Best Ever
I..U. I . ST. I.O UlS. l\1O~Work in our
aua is about normal for this time of
)'ear, Quite a few of out larger jobs are
coming [0 a close. but there ~ems to be
enough smallcr worl to leep C\'er}one
Con~ratulations are in order to Rob-
en Mueller. Roy Underwood. and the
entin' Picnic Committee for Magin~ the Scholarship Winners
mo~t la\ i)h and fun-filled picnic in our
hi~tor}. The day wal> near-perfect .
... eather... i-.e. and Ihou..and~ of our mem-
bers and their familie~ enjo}ed the fes-
thitie, al lIoliday Vallcy.
The merry·go-round, a ferri~ \\heel,
and Liddie ridh. plu~ IS booths "here
our young foils could try their sUI I at
winnin!; pri:.(e~. were Ihe hill of fare for
[hc children. l'oP'Corn. sno COnel>. icc
ercam. and ~Olla, were eon~Ul11cd in gi-
g3nlic proportions. We hope Ihere
wer.::n·t 100 many upset tummies the next
Kaces "crc held for all age groups,
and :1 high poim of the day "as a ,i,it
by the SI. Loui\ Count} police helicop-
ter. After landing. the 1"'0. friendly
officeh aboard an~ ... ered all questions
and encouraged e\er}one to inspect the
l)usineloS Manager Koy W. Sachse
spent the day calling out altendance fig- Tile a ... arding 01 the liBt Portable and Sh<lde Industry ScllolarShlps 10 children 01
urc~ and finding lo~t parent~. A\ al ... a>l>, members of Local 3. New York C,ty..... s <l lI<lppy occ.sion. Lell to "gM. Ass,stant BUSIness
Manager lOUIS SI.,n; Bus,ness M.nage. Thomas V.n Arsd<lle; Pres.denl Hannibal Imbro.
Finandal Sccret:.ry Leo Hennessey han- Diane Lampshade Company: scllolarshlp ... ,nner Nancy Costa: PreSIdent Leonard Gotub. B"le
dled the dispehing of beverage tid.els Lit e Company: schOla'ship WInne' Andrew Dong; <lnd t<lmp end Shade InduSIf)' Board
and containers. I gUCS\ a picnk just Chlirmln SImon G'<lIISlein.
wouldn't be a pknic ",thout Leo's sm il-
ing face. The recipients of the award~ nrc been fcelin,. the impact of the new Nh-
Space does not permit a Jist of our Nancy Costa. daughter of Mrs. Candido onomies. Work ha~ ~Io\\ed do ... n to the
Brothers who. diligemly and "ithout Cosla. a 15-year member of Local 3. ,Io"est ... e ha,e seen in about eight
fanfare. "ork e\'ery }ear to maLe each and Andre... Dong. 'IOn of 80k Dong. a years. We hope 10 ~e the e\entual end
succeeding picnic more ~ucce§sfu l than ~killcd decoralor in Local 3'5 Lamp and of these problem\ <;O()n.
the la\1. Many man-hOUN an:: spent in Shade Dr.·bion. Our local hcld ih election in J une.
the planning :lnd e)(ecution of an affa ir The new ..cholarship progr:lnl i ~ a ne- and some inc(lmbem officers returned to
such a ~ this. It's entirely a team effon gotiated benefit of the Lamp and Sh;!de help leep the local"s bu,ines~ running
- from the officer., the represenlatives, Industry's contmCt. providing for a gran t smoothl y. while others ~tepped aside to
the journeymen. an d the apprentices. of $1.000 per year for four years 10 an lc t in some you nger blood.
T he offi~er~ and membe rs of Oll !" loe:.1 accredited w llcge. To th ose "ho have retired from office.
w"h :11] of our Brothers a!1(1 Si\ters 1 he ~chol3rship winners were congr:lt- the loc:II is gr:lleful for Ihe lime spenl
throughout the Uni ted SIllies and Can· ulated by Bu ~ine~s Manager Thomas in ils behalf. To Ihe new officers, hearty
ada the happje~t of T hanhgi"ings. This V:II1 Andale. \Ooho addrelo~d the a ... ards congratulation~ and g(l()(.! luck!
parlicul:.r holiday gives us all a chance ceremony. PiclUre~ of the ne" officers were
to ~lOp and think of :lJl for which ... e As these )'oung people "ere being taken at the recent orj!3nizational meet-
are grateful-that "e Ihe in a country honored for their academic excellence in ing.
"here v.e ha,e the right to ",orlihip in hIgh school. anothcr member's son . .... en· Our local a l'iO held its Annual Picnic
the churche, of our choice. to ... ork in neth Villor . .on of Admini~lrathe Ohi- recently. The day ... a~ cool and clear
occupations of our o"n chOl>"ing. to sian member Sidney. "'-:Ilo being granted and free of rain. It started off wilh a
vote for the candIdates of our chOIce, the 1971 Daniel Alpern Memorial bang \Ooith the j;ame bet"een the jour-
and to belon; 10 labor organizations Award for Outstanding I eader~ hip and ne)men and Ihe apprentices. Although a
whO!oC pur(l'O!oC is to band us togcther in Academic E)(cel1ence by Cornell Unher· valiant allempt "as made by the
brotherhood. sit~ upon his graduation. )ounger apprentices, cunning won out in
J A~tU GAMACIIC, P.S. SilKe the inception o f the '>Cholar.hip the end and !>:IW the victor:. the \\Izcned
progr:lm in 19~9 for lhe children of journe) men.
Local 3 member.. a total of S3.048.4OO In a rematch wilh the tug·of·\Ooar rope.
Local 3 Members' Children in scholarship fund, has been awarded. the apprentices ag;!in "ere outdone.
Win First Scholarships THO~ I "'S VAS ARS1HLC, H.M. There ... as a protest lodged that there
\\ere more journeymen than apprentkes
I_ H. ), XEW YOUI\:, ..... Yo-At a his· on the rope. but e,er},one kno ....s Ihal no
toric meeting of the Joint Board of th e Work Slowest in Eight Years; IHl-W Sruther "auld cheal, so it "as
Portable Lamp and Shade Indu\try. on Officers Elected ; Picnic Held di\:lllo"cd.
Augtht 23rd. scholarships \\cre a\\,lrded The highlight of the day "a~ the rna
for the first time 10 children o f Lamp L. U. 8, TOLEDO. OHIO-Our local, and pa egg to'S. \ Iore than 50 couples
and Shade Divhion members. like the rcsi of OUf 5i,ler locals, has lined up [0 toss eggs, settle old scores,

Toledo Officers

The Execut,ve B03.d m l mbe,s a'l. lell 10 "Rill. L. Lympf. D. Bu,ns.

Follow,ng the recent elecl,on, ' he~
men look o~ef II". """OU5 olfic,,~ R Eddlern .. n ... nd 1 "'.. ",aln.
0 1 Local 8, Toledo. OhIO LeI! to "lhI Sus,ness Ma nag'" Don DeBOlt.
President P COli'", • . V,ce P,nid"nl L. Rusch. T,.a su,., J Owen.
F,,,ane,,,1 Sec.etary A F,sche., and Sec reta ry C, p"If,ath.
Tug-ai-Wa r

AI Ille Annual P,cn,c of LO~.' 8. it wu the jour"cymcn II! th"

The members 01 the E.amin 1ng BOBrd ."e. leU 10 rlghl. O. Gra y. end of thl 'OPI ve,sus
R. Hamme., F RUBB,e ro. t IU8C50" . and B Lyle.

etc. When the ~oll.." cleared, the \linners

IIcrc non e ot her Ilwn r. l r. lind "r,. 1 \1
Slune. who ['rump' I} rn,hcd h, Ih" ,"en-
1<:1 uf Ihe rH!IJ anJ. in <I ve r y IInCIIlIIOU ~
cmhr<lce, ~n1Hshcd thei r egg. Oh. lIell !
C U U(" K !> lflR\III, I':s.

Local 9's Educational the app rent,ces

~1 Ihe other cnd.
Program Is C entralized
1., ( 1, 9 , C IlI C AGO , I !.L-One o f the
lop priorili ... , or cOllcern 10 the 1... ,.,I ... r,
or our local. o~cr Ihe year,. h", J..;~n
Ihc educ<llion of ollr IllCOlber~hip.
All are aWl1re Ihul lechnkal adlllllce,
in Ihe in(lu'lry rcql,ire elen ..... ""m"d
;ournc~men 10 hil Ihe bool..,. if the) life
1!oing 10 relll:lin :. hrel1~1 of uC\cltlp-
IllClllS .
Local 9. Over the ~c"r'. 1"" cu",I"dC,1 thm one n:n1rnl location hlU! nee n de- 400 Wiremen Out of Work;
da~»c~ on a \lide lariely ,If 'lIhje~f'. ,'ided UpOI'. "herr a ll fmure 1I'aining
rrogr:lm~ will ~ condu~t cd.
Apprent ice Applicants High
cove ring man~ iI'pecI' of the Ir:ltlc. in
"duition 10 e,tllhli,hing an dfceli\l' ;1[>- I he curri culum will he exrJndClI 10 1.. lI. II . LOS' i'Gt: U :S. CAUl'.
I'remice l.uPl' lementaq trai nin p ,dltlol. 01<'1'1 OUf re'llliremen1s, ami the: ,,,.-hool '1 h:m'" 10 the Ni.\ un t\dminbtmlion'~
r hesc educ:ltionlll progr;tOl' h,,,c h,'en Ilill he rcrnllLnent. lJrOlher 'Ic{'ann a~· econumie polic ic~ lIml thc \laj;c·"ri~e
held for vary in g pcl'ioo.l, of lillle :\1 WI- ,ur".! "Jur mcmbers Ih:1I 1he nell f.ll'ilily fr~·e/e. our wor l.. pl ~tur" here h:I' de-
eml difTerent locn lions. a, tlle !In',! for II ill he ready and opcr:lhk in the H' ry dined nlpidly ~ incc Ihe laller rar! uf
Ihem HfO"c. R ccentl~. 110Ilc\"cf. lI u'lI1c" ncar flllllre. '>crlemhe r. amI Ihcre arc in clIce" u f
\1:lO ager J"mh A. McCann annOllm:eu NICI. I.! LkK ,o\III>. BL S. REP. 4un journe yma n ",iremen o n the o\ll-of-


Wiremen's Picnic Annual Omaha Picnic for Ihe event. The big winners, as usua l,
"ere the l ids, \\-ho "'ere the rcti pienls
of ma ny gift s and p ri l.e~. as lhe result o f
J;a m e~ and contests conducted by the
l' i~ l1 k COlll mitlce, whic h was chaired by
Bro th er John B roo ~ s. Free ~ofl d l"inls
and ice cream "cre the order of Ihe
day, and there wab ;tIl ;Imple ,upply for
The Unit Two Wiremen held a lJlood
BanI.. Donalion Dat on Seph!mber 3rd.
s.: ..:ul) """I'iglrl pill" ur LJluo...I w.:r~· lol·
leCied for a very· needy Blood BanI...
This ~ho,\inS fell short of expcclnlion~,
:mu the IJ lood BanI.. Commime h plan·
nin g ways ;m d mcan~ of securing a
larger particip:l1ion the neXt time. A ~in­
Cere thanl..s 10 1hoM: Il rother~. "ho.
The Pi~llit CommIttee lor the Annual Unit somehow, found it po~~ i ble to come in
One Wiremen's Picnic, local II, los
Aneeles. Calif.. conslsled 01, left to riehl. BIll McKinley, local 22. Omaha. Nebr•• was ;md offer a lillie bit of Ihl'm,el~es for
Joe Seller. Ch.;rmlln John 8rooks, Joe out 01 Ihe hospital 10' the day and lolned our organization.
Slllas, Rlchllrd OutllC, Tom Sllor!, lind. Ihe crowd at t ... local's Annua l P,cnic. Many of 11'; forget how ludy we are,
knHling. Ed Fogelman. until \Ie gel hurt or ~ic l< ; then. "e lhinl..
abou t how ni~t: it would be if "e were
we ll again. YOII ne,cr know who's going
to need thut neXl pint of blood. Please
thinl.. about it, ll rol ht: r ~.

Scrib e Discusses Freeze;

Omaha Area Work Is Poor
1 .U, 22, O\II\I'IA, NEIIR.- We tOO be-
lieve in the free7..c, only if . . . thul one
big word, if. I' re~ident Nixon believes in
all sorts of tho,e word~ . if. h(lt, un·
less. or we'll hu"e \0 decide ure among
hi., favori te phnl'>Cs \0 inlerpret \qrge~
Who's ned for horseshoes?
Tile kids lIne lOp lor Tile blliloon ,ace. B,o·
oJuring Ihe free7..c.
Iller Rlcha,d Oulac has hIs back to the I have Ihe feeling of being a IOllly
camera; 8rOllle, Frank Tetan and Ilis pa"n in a polilical ha£s1e. Fi",t. I felt
d .. "gllll1r are In Tile b.~kground strangc II hen only we. Ihe ha rd hllh,
had 10 lal..e a ll comraeb before a wage
~tabilization bo:Lnl : Ihcn. came the I're~i­
dent's an nou nccmem of a 100ai frcC7.c,
• j U~1 what the l"ounl ry wa~ lIailing for;
however. Ihb total fren:e oJ id not in·
cludc interest ra t e~ or profits.
With the m a~~ confu~ion Ihat has
ari'>Cn from Ihe freele. it seems a~ if
therc had been no pl;mning; it didn't np'
pear Ih~t a foreman had laid it out, leI
alone a general foreman. This "'nge is
not allowed. but another is; :.ome prices
Ilrc frolen. nnlc'>'S .. there goes one of
hi, f{.vori te word~ again . . . : price~ fo r
seasonal lhing~ increa'>C. but Ollr wages
lIrc nul cOllnted as sea~on:l l.
The r o , d Joh nson F3mlly enioy£ the picnic Tim/" 100~ :L ~l!r\'ey of labor people
garllerlng. and saioJ Ih;u the response lias three-
oUI-of-four in ru~or of the frcel.o! and
dissati~ficd lI"ilh l~bor !eaders for oppo~­
worl books throughout Los Angeles
COUnty. inA il. I find il hard 10 find Ihree people
More [han 600 per<.Ons applied to our in favor of the freezc. I wonder II ht:re
loc;11 for entrance to the ;Ipprenticeship thc} tool.. their \ur'iey'.'
program Ihb year. Il i~ cerl ainl~' a trib- Ma} be, no" Ih:1I lhi'. ha~ hil SO clo'>l:
IIle 10 Local I I and the lB EW Ihal '!IO to our pocl..etbooh, we'lI sl,lTt "or~ing
many wi,h 10 join us: il is regre ttable, for candiuatcs who rCpre~nl Ihe people.
;,t the ~ame lime, Ihal only a fraclion of Worl.. in uur "re" is 1101 very good,
tlu)'lC applying ""ill be able 10 ~ta rt their and it doesn'l 1001.. [00 promhing in lhe
apprenticeship training al Ihis time. fUlUre.
September Il1h mnrl<ed the Annual On a beauliful, warm day in J uly, \\e
Unit Onl' Wiremen'~ I'icnic. Many held our Annu:tl Picnic. It ",as \upcrbl~
membl'r~ and their f:lmilil"i fathered a t run. thanb to our outslanding I'icnie
Eagle Rocl ParI.. in l OO-oJegree we;'Ih1:r Commillcc, lI ith Urolhe r Fran l I-' ranco


>l§ chainnan. T hese men de.,er\(: a 101;
u,ually. )ou hear only j:ripini!. bUI on
Craftsman Officers
that da}'. the food ",as ~uperb: the t-cer.
cold: the i!ame~, run smoothly. A, for
the rid("S. all )OU had to do ",as lool al
the lids. The adults had man~ thanU'~
for good pri.l:C'S at bingo. I he hor.e~hoe
tourn:mll:nt was "'on. throui!h much
,"'cal and lob of beer. b) 8anh and
\\ endt.
The bo) 's bile "a~ "on b) \llle 11:1-
lehon. and the i!irl\. by Julie \l ei,in!!er.
~ I any bo)~ and girb "enl home that
e\ening ,\ilh "'atches lInti money.
II reall) feeh good 10 lool OUI OHr
the cro"d lind re:tlil.e Ihat .111 Ihe<;c peo-
ple aTC BrOlhcr~ and Iheir f:lmilie,. I
,aw man) of our disabled ,Ind relired
Br()\hers. II -.eems '>0 wron~ Ihat "e ~ee
...ome of Iheo;e people o nl y on..:e a lear.
Nexl lear. I'm going 10 quit ma~inl:! e~· Olficers of Ihe Sign Crlltsm3n Un,1 01 lox:al 26. W.. shinglon. D.C .• include. lefl to "ghl.
CII"", lind ,i,it more of Ihe\oC people :1I E~ecul,ve Bo~rd membe.s leo GOOdhue and (1m .. , Miller. Chalrmlln Ron,ld Oppy. Reco,der
Ihei r hom(',. Cha,ln R.. pp, .."d [.ecuI,ve Elo.rd member John Caputo.
["hanl, 10 IJrolher Stan " ahn. ;1
,hiner do", n. '" e haJ a top profe"iona]
"'ho bmughl nlUch joy 10 the liule One\. Picnic Tim e
·\flt:r all. what is :1 picnic 10 lid~ '" ilh·
0111 a down"
Congratulalion, \0 Ihe co]'r Com-
millee for sellini! S600 "'orlh of Ik~ets
at Ihe picnic!
Ik: a proud union member.
IJlC" S \(i(.S, P.s.

Baltimore Local Celebrates

Anniversary at Dinner-Dance
1_. 1I. 24. IIAI.TI\lOI(I-:. '1O.- 0ur ;,~.#' .. ~ ...
10\:;.1 celebrated ih 10Ih Anni\cr,ar~ on
Augu'l 2111h wilh II dinner"bncc al B'II-
... '''''~~''''~-
$eve'.' commill_me" demonst.ate the lone,
timon.. \ Civic Cenler. po'nts '" the .. rt 01 lawn darts 10 poten l 'al
I he alTair ",a, :melllJed h)' ;lppro,i· app.enllce.
malel) 2.000 member.. Iheir "*,es or
girl friends. :tnd in\lled gu~sh. I he food The comm,t1_men who _.e In ch/l.&e of
"a~ e:lcellent. and II \la~ plentiful. \I;lr- plllnn,ng 10' Lox: .. 1 26's Annual P,cn.c. lell
lin\ West did a line joh in c'llerin~ thc to "ghl. frank O·Ne,lI. B,1l Hollllnd Ct.a"
m .. n B.II fosb'<KJk_ Wade $he"l/. ..nd
alTair. P, e $,denl La.ry Hoga"
InvileJ guesl ~ included Imcrnalion:tl
Secretary Joseph D . " eenHn. "'hu g",e a Our IQI;:l1 ha5 comc a long .... ay in 10
fine ~]'ICech: Kim I· ar~er. D irector. Con- ~ellr~. lInJ "'e ha\e become the NumOer
Slructiun· MOIinlellOlnce Opera lions. 1.0.: One local in our arell-fir~t in Ihe nurn·
Rohert COlllier. Director. l::le..:tri, .. l Si£n her of (ars in Ihe H umphrey ~'amp;lil!n
Industry: 1.0.: Roberl McAhlee. M:mag· l-,lf ";IT'1\:ln. in parlicipation in the hard
in g FdilOf. Jmlrlw/; Andrew JlJhn,on. hat march. in the buildin g lradc~ r;.ll).
Inh:rn'llion:ll Vice !'re,iden1. ThirJ I)i,· in lilerature di,1rihulion for pnlilil;al
IricI; AI Terry. Inlcrn:,lion:il Repre'oCnIOi' cnadidale~. in the COPE drive ISS.OO\)
ti\ e. 'I hird Dbtrict ; 10m Wille). lnler- from 1.-100 membel'\). :,nd in \oter par· All Shined up .. nd 'eady to invade lhe
p,cnlC g.ounds. are M'ke and Tel Moseley
nalional Re pre...:: nl:ot"e reprc~nting Ikipalion in lhe 1:1 ~1 lontl union eleclion III. YOU should hBve sHn them four hO",S
International Vice I're,idenl II H. HI:on· 1110', of eligible \ole"') rh i, \la, a laler!
len,hip, " ourlh 1)i,lrkl: Andre", V. re,ll \ote of conruJe nce for Jad Mc·
({'me true_ You can do Ihis b)' buying a
Reed. Ch:tpler Man:l ger. NEeA; Donald Cor ~ le. "'ho. "e Ihin~. i~ the Number
"'''II. of COPE Iklels. in~tead of one
Stegner. "resident. I"FCA: Ed Courtney, One hu\ine-Sli manllger in Ihe COlllllr)·.
tidet. and by getting )ollrself. your
I'fe,ident. B:lliunore Building .md Con- Our lateSI political campaii!n turned
"ire. your relati~e' , and you r fricnd~
slru clion I rade~ Council: the Re,erend out 10 be a Iremendous ,icwr) ror
labor. La bor-cndorsed William Donald rel!i'lert'<.l to \Ole.
Salango. neulral member. Appeals BoarJ
He unioD: bu}' union; support your
for lhe Eleclrical Ind mlr),: anti Fd"anl ~haefer \Ion Ihe mll}'ornlt) race; \\ ;titer
unIOn h) attending union meetings:. AI-
A. COirmalz. United StOlle~ CongrC'~~OIn Orlinsly. the presidenc)' of the Cit)'
(ouncil: and Ii)ma n I·re~~man. Ihe "ay, Li'e HeIlC'r{WorJ.. Union.
OInd II So-}ear member uf the IIJEW.
A fine lime \I:I~ hOld by C'\eT}one. and complrollers mce. Also, labor ha~ I~ EllWARll R. LHIO .... p.s.
Ihe drinb lind Ihe dOineing la,led all friends OUi of 18 endorsed for Ihe eoun·
nighl. Th;.nl.~ 10 Blhines~ Manager J:lcl cil. T his proves that il pay, to he aclhe Sign Craftsme n Salut ed ;
{\ 1 f:Cor~le. 8ill \lilt,. an d lhe ""Ierwin· in political ca mpaign~. Kennedy C ente r Pact Signed
menl Committee ror Ihe fine joh Ihe)' We hope eve ryone tales an acti ~e
did in planning OInd \lorlin!; 10 mille part in Ihe (:ompaign 10 m:t~e ollr I .. U. Hi. WASI II l"CTON. D.c.~rhis
this afT:lir )Omelhing 10 remember. bumper Sliclers, Ni:lon Is Thnl in '72, article is inlended to focus allcntion on


tile Sign Cmflsmlln Unil of our 1<X1l1, Journey man Linemen Needed ; Family Picnic
whic h. though nOI oflen singled oul for
individual IIl1enlion, cert ainly dese ....'es Utility Strike Sellied
rr.cnenitinn on hthlilf of il~ efforl ~ lind
10)'ally to lhe loclllnnd Ihe IBEW. L. U. ·12. II AR1" ' ORI). CONN.- Local
]1 can hone~ll y be said that. th rough 42 slill needs jOllrne}man lincmen!
the diligence Hnd IIltitude of the~ crafls· Sinn' our reeeni po\'oer company
men lowards their union a nd their in 51ril;e ha~ bet-n sculed, \'oe h:we been
du~lry. our local con lrol ~ Ihe grclIl nm-
trying 10 IiII ollr erel'o-, un holh hi-line
juril) of declric ~ig n worL in lhe and ui\lribution but hlne nol had 100
Melropolillln Washington area. The<;e much \uece'>S. '>0 far.
men are perpetually moving from job 10 It s.ccm~ thai c\-er)'onc i~ tT)IOg to
job in lhe area and, in man) in~tance~. maLe: up for 10'\1 time ;Ll1 "t onel'_ If
L«p m a\'oare of wh,,1 Irnn~plre .. in any tTa\-cling Br01he~ ,Ire inlernled in
other pha'oCs of Ihe in,ill)lr)', Adrninedly. \'oorLing in our arca. he ,ure 10 tal1
Ihere arc a few open-~hop con l r..ctor~ in aheau. Our phone number i) 101-563-
thJ~ juri~dklion, bLII \'oc urc currently :11- 7411. I am quite )Uf'e that IJu \ioc-;s
Met,n,e. wife o f loc.1 .7 tine construction
tempting tu dOloC this gap Ihruugh orga· M:m;Igcr Tnl ~h1chofer will be able tu linem.n C•• I HUHe •• ",hi.
help fully pas$tfS
ni/.ution, place you wilholll lilly pro blcm \'0 hal· • t.oL dOli to Buslnan Representa""a Mike
Our Sign Craft .. mnn Unit eurre!ll ly in- ~oe \'er . Kelty ar tt.e IlXII', Annuat Family Pjcnle.

e1l1 de~ appw~ifnately 125 members, \'oho Our congratilialion\ 10 C, Rkhard-.on

perform Ihe con\lrlietion. as~mbly. :tnU J. Conw.. y for completing Ihe
erection. lim! ,ervicilltt of :111 I y~\ of NortheaSlcrn Joint Apprcnli.:c5hip Pro-
eleclric ,ign,-an urt ill I" own, starting gram and for JOIIIIJ1!! the r,U!)"s of jour-
with the met:II. pl .. ,tir.:, and gla.» \\urL· neymen. A job \'oell done. men.
e..,. in lhe ... hop \ 10 Ihe mcn you see Our loeal picnic \I,L\ held in Augu\1
"VI Ljll~ frv", lIl..,'1 y-)lj~Le.~ and ooal- "nd \la, 11 hllge "UCCC)\, 'I hcre \'0 as
~wain ehai l'~ at huilding ,ile\, plenly of fun, refre,hment~. and priles.
Thi. unit 1m .. ih O\'on IIpprentice\hip If anyonc: \'oem hungry, It ~ure w:l~n't
progrilm . .:k(h it.. own officer" und par- the fault of Ihe comminee. \'ohich did a
tidputc, to the fulle,t e,ll:ICIIl III all local bang·up jo". Wc than)" the participating
union activilie,. The men ure a great eontractor~ for thc mun y line sift~ Ihey
,,~'><!t tu the loc:II und Ihe indu.)try. uonateli lU\'oanh the Olllin!;. 'lIId wc aho
Currenlh'. Ihe Siltn Crafe-men onke..,. Ihan~ NFCA for it\ gifh
indude (h,.irm,IO Ron;lld Oppy: \i.:e
Chairman l'I(L DccLcr; FXet;uti,c Com-
millce member-. John Caputo, Lco Good-
It looL\ :1\ if we mi~ht ha\'e to mo\'e:
our office Ihi\ month. -Ihe place \'ohere Plenlt:. left 10 ..,hi
S<:>me of the hard workin, membetS 1\ the
ELtecut,"e Board mem
be. R.tph Weltste. President Ad"an A
\'01' arc now i~ Iloing to I-oc occupied by Horton. BU5."'u Mana,er Cot.o&lrn, and
hue. ('harlc\ Golden. ilnd Hmer Miller; II..., V"""". \\'" ... '" ""Iy llO"J",J at the ~ecUllVe Board m4!mbetS Kenneth 8echtol
and Ite..:order (harl~ 1t,lpp momC"1 an)\I;)y. so it miL) be for lhe .nd Efle CII ... ,
"'ign t;olllpanic~ in aBreemenl "illl our be~t. We are hupinll thM \'oe can rclo·
local arc Behingcr Signs. Inc,: Bud's eate in Ihe lIarlford re~ion, close Iu In-
Neon Service; Ihe l olL ~ &. Miller Sign le..,.late 'JI and Koute S4. \'oh"h \'oill be
Company; l'alncL Signs, Inc.: the Serv-
ice Neon Sign ('ompany: the J ;. ~k SlOne
convenienl LO f. 1] of the Brut hers in the
Comp.IOY. Inc.: nnd \Vn ~hington Sign
We reque\1 Ilia" I'o-hcn membcr~ Ih.rl..-
Well, BrOlhe ..... thal\ all \Ie have for
thb mon1h, Itemember. be union and r
buy union,
ing in our oIher unit~ 'oCt: ele<.:lric sign h~II'" O. I ... ~ .. t .... 1'.5.
erectiun hcinp. performed on iob~ b~
other thun the ah\)le-menliUnoo com",,-
nics, the)' notify the b u~ ine .. ) manager')
onke inllllediately. Whitt ier Local Honored;
Of portlculur interesl. i~ the fuct that Annual Family Pic:nic: Held
ollr loe:II reccntly \igned :11\ agree ment
Eueutl~e 90illrd member Ern' ... Mahan , ,i,ht.
with lhe newl y-functioning Kenned y L.U. 47. wll rnu:n. (''' Ll F._Our did ht5 5hare .1 tt.e bee, booth. and su b·
Center for the I'.:rforminll Ar". Inc. lueal j, lImong the ort!;lni/:lli\Jll~ hon- station eleet"clan Ellsworth Becker appeafS
The nudeu\ of this unit b the men who orl."d :u Ihe Annuul lu bor Day I.lrel.Lf"~L .d"~ Ii."J "",II, LIo~ ' nulL~,

\lorLed on Ihe job lhrough it\ con\truc- 'pon...ored by the Los Angcle\ Calholic
lion slagc', 1I0pcfull). thh ~ill be thc Labor In)lilllle.
stJrt of a long. IU~ling rchllioll,hip \lilh Fa.:h )l'ar, Ihc in\titule pre<;('nlS Ihc
our l1C\'oe,t cmplo)er. Father ('oof:an A\'o-aru to a union anu
We held our Annual J>icnic. and de- compan) in recognition of their contri-
spite the Ihreat of "ad \'oCJther IThe bution to the all-import;,"1 '>C;\r~h for in·
commillee performed a )un~hinc dance tlu..tri;,l pc':l((' and ..ot:i:II jll\licc:. This
all U;I»). more Ihan 2,~OO mcmber). year. the city of Anaheim and the Cali-
"i .. c~. girl friend" anu Liduie) nocLed \0 fornia Angeh Ba'>Chall ream and Ihe
the ('he,apcaLe lIea(h AnllI'>Cment I':.rl;. four union) on the properly \lere ghcn
The eommillec: carried OLit i" uutic, to thc "\lnrd.
perfeeliun. and Ihe foot.! ami liquid rc- l ocal 47 pionccreu unioni\m with the
frc\hmenl \atislied the appetite" of alL !;:ity nnd ha\ enjo)cd ;tn c\lcptionally-
'1 he liule on(\ engaged in gnme~ and fine relalion,hip \'oith Anaheim for many
ride\ g.110re. It WU) Inspiring 10 ~ our )cars. The city and ollr lucal ha\c
memher) gat her in \ueh a large number. worLw under II mcmoram.lum uf agree- Jim Boyte_ telt. winner 01 the mOSI picnic:
and il \'oil) p;lT\icul:Lrly nke 10 sec so ment \'ohich l'Ont:lin) bencfit .. equal to or ,"ckel ulu. ,ecelVu con"lIullllons from
mllny of our retired mcmbers. beller than any other ulilily in the nrl'a. 8u.",e" Ma"a.e. Cou, Brott.., Boyle.
an eleel"el,n 1\ Moorp"k Subst'tlon, SCE.
-I u) MUSU.ll'. V. I'. B u~inc~ ,\I :IOager Al Coughlin ac- hillS served as steward for m.ny years,


Fath er Coogan Award Annual Picnic Successful;
Softball Team Wins Trophy
L.l. ~II, I'OH"I LA ,' !), OHE.- II wa,
tha' lime of )t'ar again-for our Annual
Ililnie. ;Ind as al",a)'\. Ihe I\Irnout ... ,,~
The: l(Xa'ion ... a~ one of Ore~rn',
beautiful \I'C,. "'lIlt'r <.;tatc " ;Irl.. nt';I'
I 'la~a\I,I. OreG:on, A, for Ihe ... t'".hc(. il
mallhed the 1000,lIion,
' he elenh for the da) lIere a~lile
fun, ~\ (lr,mJ pd/'" of a .:olor ., \ '>t'l or
.t ITlP 10 l{C'n<) ,,;t, ju" on .. of tht- finC'
prilc~ (ll~cn, mduding dine-oul tidet\.
Ii,hing ro.l\. ".I[ling ~CI\, elc.
l or Bame,. olle uf Ihe even!, indmled
11;llerl1l1ed ";llloon~ lo'>..ed from ooe
pc"on tll 'Inulher. One COUld. ,Iml JIf.!.
BCI "'Cl. I he harciWI mct "',h cnjl)lcd
h~ eICr)Une, \11 Ihme shoes ",ere pllcd
III" in papcl' ,ad\. and Ihe objc'"l ";1' In
find ~'o(lr U\III \hoc, :tnd then Hill .~IJ
~:Hd, 10 "in,
I-or Iht' nlll·_ ..·;uli\{· hingo 11.1' Ihe
j!.a01e, I here 1It'[e ,11\0 all .,orb .,\ IOtlt
ra~e\ and g,lJlle\ Iur Ihe> not lu ft,r.
(leI the &;uOlI food-hambllrge!',. hot
dogs. icc cream. coffee. and pop, I ur
loI; •• 47, Wh,U,.' CallI wu on. 01 Ihe ,ecipie,lIs 0' the f.the, COOI.n A"I,d ',om Ihe
C.lhOllc l.t>o< In~I'lule. • n ..... d .. h,ch ,s I,ven .nn".Uy 10 • .,n,On .nd • comp.ny 'n the Iten-aJ,!t'f'. there I'a, a .ocl. "'lnu
'Koln,l",n o. 1/."" conT"bulIon TO Ih" .1I·,mport.nT s"...;h 10' Indust".' pelCI .nd 10<-111 hOI and loud.
,ushC" S""n du"n, thl p" •• nl.',On, .'''•• ,,'t
To "tlhl. ""Ie Ku,b.loH, Adv,sor, Comm,UH Our .. hamplon \Oflball tcam. Ihe:
m"mb"', P.ul F M~,~I,,'. [ ..... .,11 .. " O""",'or. Cathol,c, 'n",lul.: "rchbl~hOIl T,molt.,
Mann,n,; '" Coughlin, Bus,neH Mana,,,,, local 47, .nd John CU",. P,es,danl, CI'hollc Melro Sp'lrl.~,. prc\Cnted their h,<fd· ... ltll
labor 'nsl,It.,,, league ll'Ophl 10 Ihe 101.::11.
\\ IM:n ,III I~ "'lid and Jone, CI'enOlle
"O:I'Io;u Ih" .,\Io,ud lind t\I"I'C\ the pknie Il('~'
\'ear. nnd :In)one had ,\ ... underful lime ;md i~ In"~lnr
plea'ltft' of the me:mllCf' on llCin~ liO dOt'ln't S;lIurdal. June III.
mar~ for ... ard 10 ne\! )t'ar', pilni •.
honored li e: lold the ;"..cmhh ,h'1I 'he: Oil hi~ calenll:tr i\ going III mi" a leal \\11111\1 I A,U1 M'O', 1").
~ood rehllion,hip i, IIlle 10 Ihe m:ln)'
(l00d party. Softhall Tuurn:ullcnt (hair-
'Ine mem ..... r\ lhe l(Xal ha, hilU :11 Ana" m.ln John Ca"dr) i, OTganillnl; tIM: h,II'
hcim and rho.- ",ell·llu,llthed lond f"ir-
Illimled m"n"j!ement "f Iht' "II~. ",hkh
Ik of l'lII~. ,md (:Irl Ht',,'cr. hor'>t'lhoe Brother Recei . . e s Award;
;\c~epll.'d rhe de .. i,".)n IIf Ihe "'or~e .....
pillhrns .. hamplon. j, 'Ilread~ lh,Llknj!' Area Work Holding Its Own
Ihn. th c) ",anled 10 h<; repre ..... nleu hy III~ ;HI)UII': ... 110 '0\.,,11\ tLl II'~': I,,,
l oc:LI 017, (it}' ~1:I n:'!:er ,",cilh 1>IIIrJ",;h cro"n . 1.. 11. 55. J)E,'" \lO I.... ES. 1,\ .-Onl\lI-
,Ic'<!f\e' IllLlLh nc.lil for Ihe for"':I.l!· AI COLLIlIII', B \I . gu" ~.jlh, in front of Ihe j!.r:lnd,l:Iml ,II
In(ll.inj!. ill'IH,dl' of ,he lil\ or Am"wim.
Wt' had our ~.:oml Annll,LI I ;Imily
I' ienil Ih" pa" ,ummer. lind It I\;IS :1
reul h:llI-a le,,1 mub enJll)ed Ihe fun First-Place Troph y
und Ihe rllemufablc ,Iav, I he Ilcalhcr
w:" II lillie ""lfm. Illit il didn't hamper
any 1101\ l1ic\. 'here "'ele free foud. ""fl
drin~,. ;tnd neel"- \11 h'lrrtl, tlf bc:er
"'Cnl dOlln the lilli,,, . . It,d II,.:,,, ",as
more food Ihan ,"olild IJ<' calcn.
(rcdlt for Ihe '"~~C" of the picnic
mu~. 1,:0 10 Ihe pl:lm)Cr, artd ...
\l ember~ of Iht ulh.,t' lor«' afKI staff
pUl in a i!rc:1I numtlC.'r of hOIll' of hard
"'OT~ 1'leT)one ... ho cnJO)ell .he pknic
dill "" heClIIl..c of Jnan " eople\. Jean
lI aoo;('n. and I'at I lurt". Iht' oflkt' (lirh .
•mll IllI, ill('' ' KC'pre'<!nHullt" Dale " ar-
reir. •. (arl I)ohl:>~. \M e .... t'II). Dallas
l ore, ;11lI1 lIiII I urn.'. Appro\imalely
100 more h:,rd wor~er\'lI Ihe food
ami jlOllreJ Ihe drin'" :Ind 1':111 the
~:\me!>. '1 hey are tOO 11I1I1IerUU\ 10 men-
li.)n. hili o ne ~pedul hu.!) miN he re-
membcrt'J. hecaLl~ ,he ... orJ"eu ;.. , day
in the I." " he n. \l elanu: II lIlIer, ... irt' of The "'el,o Sparkys. the h.,d·pilcn .0lt beU l<l.m 0 1 Loc.1 .8.
Portland. 0,,, .. wOn Ihe
II rmhcr Carl. "on \Ir!,,;tiun lin ema n. lh,:- ';Ist·pl.~e Itophy on In.,, div>1lon. 10. Ih"" 511!~ond su~cu"ul yu,. T".m man a.", Bob
I.ons. 10leit,ound. p'ennls tha t,op hy to Jo Schneb<lrk, ,epresent,nit Ih" local's oHlee . I"U
loCrVe\ n ~old '(,II fUI (II", julJ , h~ .li,1
We·.e pla nni nl: on an cI'en heller
Tum mamber. on Ih .. ba c kgro"nd. I,,,
10 dith t . "" Tom Se'l. !Jenn,. McCany. Bill Plch,d,
Mlk" HOuck. Ph il NOIll l .om. Don E" chon, end l.rry "111'1<18.1".


Picnickers Detroit Picnickers

Tt>e Eas!,lders g.unt .nd gr03n a 101 to

wIn Ih" lug·ot·war lor Ihe firSI Umfl In
m.n~ • yea. at Ihe Annual P,cn,c of lOl;al
58, OtII.oi\.

Gamtl p.f1lcipjOnl. al toc:at .8'. Annual PIcnic: Unfl UP 10. Ihfl wale""lIfld b.llon ton.
Needlen In '1liiy. "all Will'" ~n hlllc~me mo.e than a fii':lIre 01 speech.

the Iowa Slnle I-air. Brother Dcan Governor's Award

Baler recci\etl Ihe Go\crnor'~ Award
for Life Savin!; from Govemor Rohert
D. Kay. Bralher \la, in'lrumcntlll
in saving Ihe life of u nwn \\ ho con-
tacted 1\ 7,200·volt line.
We are very proud of Brolher,
a) he ., Ihe liNt man In our lucal 10 re-
eche bolh the IBFW Life-~1Ving AWllrd
lind Ihe Go\emor's Award. (ongratula- Th." p.r,nt. ~ the lunny of 'I. bul
Ih.... boy' •• e ••• n.SI In Irying 1M"
tion \ ag:lin, Bale! hand , at Ih. wheelblrrow race.
Worl. in our afea i ~ holding il~ own.
We h:l\e h:ld I OI~ of di'>Cu."ion \I ith our
(Jrothert about how Ihe freele I~ goinG
to affect U\, but a, )et, il \loilld be pure
conjecture on an)'one's part. '1he unem-
ployment poll~ lire high enough now, so
all v.e can do It hope il v.on'l hurt too
much. ...;e",~

I hope that e\eT)one ha5 Stttled down SlIvlng from Iowa Gove.nor ROber! O. Ra~
after Ihe I)r.',irlcnl's AU~II\I I ~Ih nn- 8.othe. 811ker 1$ Ihe .ecip,ent also of th.
18EW Llte·Savlng Awa.d for h'l rol. In
nouncemen!. A s per u\u:l I, fhey slapped UVlng tt>e lite ot a Allin who conlacted
our hnnds al;nin. I, or the life of me. I 3 7,200·vol! elecldcal line
cnn'l unders tand why men and "omen
who work wilh Iheir huntls fur !I living and the completion date w,,~ delayed a
have to be Ihe fnll guys for big bu,inc),. bit. It sure looks nice. and I 'll try h!
Don't they r.:alllt Ihat. if we didn·t give 5('nd some pictures for Ihe next i~~ue of
eil;hl for eight, thcy \\-ouldn't mule a the lUl/fllal.
The thing Ihat dislUrh~ me the 010"
P AUL w. LAt I'OON, 1'.5.
is the fact Ihal the I're,ident frole
OUf waJ:es but il\ up to Conl:rel>~ to de- Turnout Good for Picn ic
cide on the ro-called tax reduction~. As
you on tclcvhion, Ihe automobile in- At Bob-Lo Island
duSlry ~ure i ~ u~ing thh propo~(ll to in- L .lI. 58, I)I':TRO IT , i\l I CII.- A good
crea~ ~;lles. Buy II new car lind hope 10 clo\\-d IUrned ou! for Ihe local's picnic. ----
•---- ----
get a checl. 1;ller; iI's a hell of a 1;00<1 "hich was held for the fourth time al
J;immkl. Mo,t of u~ can't aflord a new !Job-Lo Island.
car an)'\II), and e~en if \\-1' could. I Lucl was "It II on our side. \lealher·
doubl that il .... ould cut uncmplo)ment "i'>C. and a beautiful day it \\-as. Exehe-
\ery much. ment grew as the boat pulkd up 10 the
F\er ,ince I hale been writing for the r-Iand. as }oung and old could see the Afl., • long. but eniOJ'lbta, day. the pic.
lo/lfIwl, I have been tellinl; l'OLJ 10 rcgh- \arious amusement rides in 1Il0tion. noCk ••• w.,1 10' Ihe 8ob-Lo boat 10 slllr!
ter :lnt.! \ute. 1 hope cleryonc re;ili..:es the fo, hom ••
Many brought their o .... n picnic bas-
M'riou'ne,s of the ,ilUulion now ant.! "iii leiS, prepnred to ~pcnd the enlire day
regi,ler and vote. Get interc'led in local. there, taling in the games. ride~, and \l ho pnrlicipaled and won the games.
st:lle, and fedentl palilic~, lind lei's J1ct m~elinl;~ "ith old friends over cool The children had fun competing in bull
!.Ome rri.:nd~ of lahor in all pl:rccl>---Cs- glas-.e~ or beer. Charcoal fire, filled Ihe thro\\-inl,:. Ihe palalO 5O.el. race, the
pecially in the White ltou\C. picnic area \\-ilh Ihe aroma of ,le;.I." ....hcelbarro" race. and other game~. The
Our conlr.l.ctor tell~ U~ \\-e can nlo\·e chiden. hamburgers, and the olu-time gro .... n·up~ tried their sl.ill al shoe toss
inlO our new buridinjJ won, Ite h"d fa,orite. hot uog~. and egg·throwing. In fuel, dllring Ihe:
'iOmc labor problems bcC:IU)C of ,lrik.:~, Many prizes we re awarded 10 those .:gg·thro.... ing. 1 suw one wife tali ns


a fte r hc r hu sband. Iryin g to get him in
range co le t him ha ye Ihe re~1 of a
Pendent Leve'
cracked egg he had th rown wrong. The
Ea~~i deh fina ll y wo n the tug-o f·\\ :,r z
comest. Ihe fi l'1it lime for al lea~ 1 25
}cars thai I l now of. T hey mu~t haye
bttn practicing.
Ille day slo"l} came to :m e nd. a~
the Hob- Lo boal "it, bello"ing "hite
~I t:lm through her "hislle. letti ng eh'r)-

one l no" ~he "a~ lea,in/1. for Delroit.
r he Irip bad wa\ cHl"dcd. but the
":Hld pla)ed. as tht pa<,-cnger, danced
an,j mingled on the ~mool h trip bad: to
our fair city. Onct ag:un. our hal, arc I
off 10 the Entertainmen t Committee for
plannin/1. :1 "'onderful day for all. "' •••
1"0: Wu t: t""()S, P.S.

Dallas Brother Develops

Versatil e Pe nd ent Level
l~ l l_ 59. f)ALtAS . Tf: X.-A I'ery le r-
S kelches o f pendent level
,>;' Ii le pc n,jcnt leYel h:1\ Ixe n dcv.::loped
b) " rOlher I30 bby Coll:ln l. an e i gh t -~ear
me m ber of o ur loc:, 1. :1\ a tool for m al- San Antonio Officers
in g quid. acc ur ate con,juit bend,. espe-
ciall y in out·of-Ihe·"ay. h:trd-Io-mea,ure
r hi\ leycl is u)C,j 10 mea\Ure Ihe
nll mber of degree\ of bend neede d a t
Ihe plae ... Ihe conduit i, 10 Ix in,'allcd ;
th ... n. il b u..e,j me:"urt Ihe n um ber
of d ... gree~ o f ocnd in the co ndlnt a, it
i, ocing bent.
T hi, Yery , imple. but rugge,j and usc-
ful. too l i, pode t ,ill:. with e:l\y. lo-rea d
d("grIT~ from 0 co ')(1 in an) of Ihe four
Quadranh a rell. p l:l ~t i<.: pe nden t llc-
gr("e ind icator. It b just a, han d y a, a
,hirt pocl et and fit s in a pocl et fo r e:l ~y
:lcee". The re i, not hing to come out of
lld ju'lm("nl and no bubb lo! to breal or
re . It "ill worl in :my pmition. :IS T he uec"t,yt Bo"rd member>l. 1.. 11 to
Followin8 Ihe recen. elect ion. Ihese otllce", "lIhl. a 'e Gene Chamberl",". Keilh Schul~.
long:l~ tIl\' pendent is not rCSIril"ted . look ave, Ihe ,..,."5 0 1 loc,,1 GO. San Anlonio. Vlttl,1 11 ln8. B,l( SWeelen. Bob MOCl'ugemb".
A, the Ul>C' of the degree me thod of Teo. leI! 10 r;gh '. Reco, Sec.el".)' Don St"nle), Hubba.d . and James 80alw"lIht.
cond uil bend ing i~ encouraged. the p.!'n- Oa8ue: Vke Pre sidem RObert V.ldez; Ap-
dem le. d i~ " fe:.1 aid in me~~ufing Ih(" pren t.ce T r",n;n l Coord,nator Oit~ o.nne·
he),; Presidenl J ohn Webe •• T.e35u,., Ralph
lkgr("("~ of be nd needed :u th e pI:L~'(" of F."zoe,: a"d Bus",en Ma""ser Robert
i n~lallation . Fo r e;l:a m plo!. c~rry Ihe 80"bel.
th rce·ounc(" level in rour ,lin po.: l et lip
the I"dder 10 mea,ure Ihe , lope o n Ihe If )011 would lilt' to h:l\c on(". j\l~ 1
ceiling of a warehou!rC. Uow nm n ~ ,je- <;end S2.65 in (" hed o r money orlkr to
grcc~ doc\ the roo f ,lope at thi, p:irIiclI- Kobby Collllrd. JJ25 James Strtl't. 0 011-
lar ,pol? 1'111 Ihe pendent h~\(" 1 U!"ide la~. Texas 7.'i227. Brothcr Collar,j ",ill
down againSI lhe ceiling and rl':Ld the ~nd )OUr Icv("1 po>lpaid. "ith iO\truc·
number of degre("\ indicated. R("ml'mber lion, OInti a mone}·bOlcl. guarantee.
the n umber of ..legree, and drop the Brother Collard i~ another t'ample of
!eH·1 b:l("l into )our pocket. the fine. thinling m E W craf"men ~n·
If )Otl miss )our pocll't and thl' 11',.", lioneu M> often in the /,,,,,.,,,,/. ., he
dro[>'> 10 lhe concrete Hoor. don't be Illember.. of Ihe local congratulate him
conCl'rneJ; it b madl' of unbrealahlr tin J(~dopinl! thb ~·erl cie'o:r and U!Ie- Ton)' Wallon and some of the boys sip
pla'tic. When }Oll get bllCl on the Hoor rullool for t~ de<;;tric ..i iooU\try. suds i" lhe back a. lhe local 60 "",on
to male )our bcrnJ. )ou r Ie"cl i~ h:lndy h"n.
11. . r 0'11. 111'. Til. 0 111.
to ml'a,urt and nla tch the number o f
J("gru\ of bend needCi.l. ' f he pend ... nl ~\vhy in lhe h ... did [ runT' and tho'IC
Ic,d \lor\.:, el>peciall) \\ell wilh ralchl"l New Officers Elected; holdmg orticc for the first time "HI
ocnd("n. t>.!gin to fe("J ..ccure in their new re'pon-
l~rOlher Coll ard. :I \icry mechanic"H~­
Job Situation Improves ,ihililic,.
mi ndtd crll fh m :LO. had been u,mJ,l this 1.. 1 t . 60, S AN A:"'TO~ I O. TF.X ._ I be- '1 he eleclion was competil i\c. 10 ~ay
Inc! for some li me 10 male conduit Ii(\e lhe ,ong goe~ ··il·, :til o"er hul Ih(" lhc le'''1. Thirty-fou r pcr-on, werC' nom;-
hemt-. whe n ..ever.. 1 BrOlher, ~,,\\' i1. ,("- cr~ing." Wel l. hy the time Ihi, "ppe:lr, h:tl~ " for lhe sc\cn-membcr E xc(util'("
cured Ih("ir 0"" from him. u,e,j the m . in Ihe JUlmwl. lhe ele~lio n wi ll he all 1l000rd . I he on ly in curnoc nt Wi lh ou l tlP-
. II1U cm:Ollr:Lged him II) m :l rl c l Ihl· Irvd, hU I (.. rgOIl(" n . pO'l lion w:t, San A n t o n io' ~ lin c\t. Ou,;-
'01 hi eh he ha s. '1 ho-.e fc -e lccled will be wo nd er in g, ne,~ /. la n:lgcr R. L. ··Ho b" Boul)("1.


The only disappoi ntmen t wa~ the nuh·
er·light turnout on ekction day. The
Apprentice Salety Class
only conclusion thaI I can n:al:h i~ that
\Ome don', gi\e a dam lU lona liS they
get their 40 hour) or that the) "ould be
..ati,fled that . re~ardless of ",ho ",on, the
local "'ould be in good h;mds during lhe
ne.\( Ih ree }ears,
Il i, Illy feeling that c\'ery nmn ":I~
\0\(:11 qualified for the onir.;e for "'hidl he
W(l~ nominated .
'11lO'tC ekcled. in addition to Ilu,ioc\\
M,lIm!:<!f Bouhcl. arc Pre'tdelll John
Weller; Vice Pre\il.knt Konert Valdez;
Rc~u"lotl~ So::~letal} DUll 1),llwe; I rca,·
tlrer Iblph I raLi~r; ;md I ~e<.:uti .. c Board
member-- (,en~' (h;ullhcrlain. ....cilh
~hul', \ trgil " ing. Bill ')\\eClen. Bob
Monul:cmba. !Slanley Itubb;mi, umi
Jame, Bo;;ll\\right,
Apprenliee rraining Coonlinalor Did,
Dennehey, "'ho j, a former nll\lIlcs~
l1lun;lgcr. tool I:are of Ihe oath of oflke. reUlVed . pprOP""I.
"I he work ,ituation here I:eh heller
every day. Our new VA ho,pllal 1\ well
unller lIay. I 'll try to get \Omc pklUrc\ Work Unaffected by Weather; I\IUII i~. R•• y Steele. :lnd J ;lme~ Strick·
lind it '<LOOp 0 11 it (or my ne\1 leller. lum!. Jr.
Grecting' to "Iillie brother" in the (ar Committee Memb ers Listed Greeley Unil Onkero;-ChninnlLn Pd·
nonh. wllrd $Ic\en,on. Vice Ch:lirm:lll Roga
I..U. 68, 01<: ... VI<:R. COLO.- Winter
JOliN WI III R. PilLS. .... cllton. Recording ~eere t <IT} Sterling
came early 10 the l)enH'r urea. "l1h lI orner. lind EA('culh'(' Commil1e;: memo
dO'>C·IO-I4 inche, of \no"' in September. Il<'r, I dJie Brunlz. Curl (hri,tian. and
but :Il> )el. Ihe ",cather hal>n't had any
22 Houston Apprentices Impact on Ih(' \\or1. ,iIUlltion. IIhidl Ic'
Jad WoI(,
I' ort Collin\ Unil offic('l"s----Chairman
Complete Safety Course m"in~ good.
J:,"le\ V;,ldel. \-ic(' Chairm"n Hh"orth
With e\tr)OIlt and ('\t'rJithing had
I•. l. 66, IIOlsro~ . '1 EX.- An ap· 1J.lrtlcll, K('<.:ording Secr('lar) "iclor \ ai-
into the ~"in, of Ihing\. I am Ihlin,
prenlke ,af('l), COUl'§(' lira, gh'('n 10 22- da lind ",(,("uh'c rommillff mcmhcr--
<;ome of lhe commiue('\ and th('ir memo
of our appr('nlic('l> b) th(' loinl Ap· \l erlOn AroclI. lr.. lerry laebon. Ki-
bers. <;0 that an)oll(' "ho hh a que\lion <.:hard Io;. la ....'oCn. and Jame~ \loore.
pr('nti<.:(',hip lind Traininll Commutee. or suggc~tion can conl:ICI onc of the
and Ihe 22 apprenlicel> "en: pr(''>C.'nled ""gil Unit onicen,.--Ch;Lirman " ('nnelh
eommiu('c m('mber'S.
" ith ~Ifel y ca rdl> and c('rtiflc:lle~ from Garrell. \ ICC Chairm:ln lame, KIO\eT
l oint Negotiation~ and Conf('fo.!llCe
the BLLre:LU of Mine, :Lnu "andard lid· "ronl. Rccording Secretary AI .. in Wit:h·
Commiuec- R:IY Cirbo. Richard Cor1.· mann , and Ex('culh(' Commillec
vance ClWJS from Ihe American Rcd r:1Il. l :lc1. Harringlon, I)on I ucero. and
Cro~\ upon completion of lhe cour:.t. lIlember-- lamc \ "rlllll ~. Ro} I-Iarris,
Romlld Neb. Aitern:, tc_Hobl:"rt I tr;inll Noel Koulicr. anJ Gar} WOOll.
rhe men. who arc seen in the aceorn· lind Albert Wri!: hl.
p:wying pholo. arc, '>Cotell, left 10 right. Denver Lahor l'edcr:L1ion- lIa nl Ke,iJenliai Unit oOicen-eleclion
Allen Vider~. Ray Brod . S:lfety Repre - Adami. Charle~ DeMoulin. Juhn Go r· peIlJin!:.
!>Cnlal;ve lt arulo..l I-luW/..I:, BLlle!!U of ton. I{obert Lcgino. und !-orrest 'I homp. I he'oC ollicer: lind comminec lIlembcr~
M ines Rcpre:.cntntive ' I . II. /<c ld~. BII ~ i · son. need ami ~hou ld receive )'our rull ~up·
nes\ M:wagcr Doc Dichl. in~lrU~'lOr I·. Northern Building ., mde, COLineil- port. Sec )'OU at Ihe union IIlt..:tin!:;
~1. !-:U",urus. and lam e~ Allen: second Robert Legino. Burt Wright. Ch"rlc, thuI\ "here il's happelling.
row, 1...lwrence Shull. h ed ILI'tlllg'. Freneh. Ed Ilo<'tc1. 1).. 11: $tal:g. l.('onanJ Jow..: \1 . Ih. Kl(t, JM., r .s.
DeLln M:ulocl , Larry !'aul, (hllrle5 Allen. Gil Cilo. Charl<'~ DeBout. John
Lambet h. ViclOr Vacel. I ra .. " (Juinn. I'eacod. Ronahl I· ggle'lon. Rohert
Raymond Sims, K('nll<'lh Goode, and Shellon. (hllrle, Chri\h anwn. Koger Annual Picnic Successful;
lohn Melvin ; third row, lim IlInll<'lI. KcalOn. 1. ('1ar1.. and Sherman har'on. Three Brothers Mourned
Bobby \Valdin!:, Ronnie Ander.on. Entertainment Commill~'C- K('ilh IJail ·
Do) Ie l'>C.'It, }am('s Aquiltord. Roger iff is ch"irman, :Ind mun) othen. help I..U. 70. "ASII INGTON. D.C.-Our
N('"I. G('II(' Trammell. Wirl'lon White· .... hen needed. Annual Picnic "'as held on August 141h
head, and Ru~'>C.'ll AU:N on. Educalion C{)mminee_Chairm:Ln Ui ll and I'>a, a re~lInding ~Llccel>~. ","lIh the
Heffernan. Ronald Johnwn. J;,"I(,~ Picnic lOl11l11 l11ce pcrfoTllllng a finc Job.
Brolher IIOwle "as Ihc training in·
st ructor for these nppre nlic(',. 110: h"s CriSlY. Lloyd Sa~er. and Dale $la!:l:. rhe food "<t~ excellent. the beer w,,~
h«'n a member of our loelll for 41 En\ironmenlul Commilt!!e Chairman 1000d ;Inu (old. and Ihe ride) \\ere en·
)ca ..... and came up Ihrough th(' ranls Ra y Redman. Carl Hutchinson, and JIl) cd b) Ihe children. The cuntest '" m·
from groundman 10 apprentic('. 10 jour· Harve) \ l a}. ncr\ "'cre Ihe recipientl> o( \Cry nice
ne)man to for('m:ln and then to \:Ifety 8 yla",s ComnlLl1ee-Ciarenc(' Me· pril.c,.
rcprCS<'nlali\e for the 1I 0llswn I Ightlll8 Cralen ..... eilh B.lilifT. Bill Oro\c). TlLn)' We un the eomrn;l1ec arc 'ery flppre·
and J>o"er Compan)' for 20 )('al"'). $Iroth<'r<>. L<'Onard AII('n. Sterling 1I0r· (i,II1\(' of the \OIUnICCr h('lp of \In.. Ar·
Brother Howu i~ "('II thought of by :111 ner. Hob McN('al. Charle~ SI;lnsbuf), nold l'ea1. Mrs. V('rnon Uladen. i\lr~.
of our mcmben; he i, loyal 10 all of the Vern Allin~, and Ton) Sirbin. 10m Roe. Mrs. Jam ..., A. J..:iJd, and
Hould('r Unit oniccr.-{"hairman ROLl IIrothcr I"J Under",ood, "'hose ('fTOrt~
Brothel'S lind hh local.
Green. Vice (hllirman l)ougla~ Lund· helped male the picnil: a ~uccc"s.
The l ATC ~tarlcd anOlh('r cla~) of berg. Rceording Secrelar)' Ed",ard E\er)one l>Ccmeu 10 ('njoy lhe music
identured appre ntices in Octobc:r. '1 hOlllp»on. and ",ccuti\e ConllllLllcc of Brother Sarn i\'liller <tnd hi~ group.
ROIIU T "IIOU" IJUIINS. !'.S. members Clarence i\'lcCmclell. J ~lnle~ II is "ilh ('~Ireme regret that we must

JOU~NAl fO~ NOV EM BER , 1971

Seattle Picnic I h .... re WII ~ :1 e h:,rge of 52.1)11 per
pcr!lOfl lind 54.00 pe r fllmlly. unu II W;ll
On Gas Plant Job
a lI:.rglli n.
I don'l .... anl 10 tnle anYlhing ll\lay
from an}one el'>C'. hili ~Ianle) Ja.:ob)
IIOU his w,fe. lteth. rellll) ,jld a ~Hmdlllli
job ..... hith indu,jed b;uhc(tllng 11'00
.... hole pi~,. Th~} 1'0",.(" ,j",li\;oll\ I ho)
O,lcr an,j hI, .... if~ . f'hylh\ ..... ere 10
lhere plh:hm~. 100. li e len<.kd liar. and
~he .... orle,j on Ihe fOOl!,
I here .... ere heer. pop. ham. 'P"I:he:llI,
bean,. ,md. tlf cour-.e. bilrbe~lIc,1 pHr!.
(ieorse ('\)lupilin h:,nule,j Ihe s"mc~
fur Ihe liu, ami all q;S 10" r~" Ihe
Scenes tile pl<:nl<: sponlOrld by ttle adult\ Ih:ll .... a' n nOI II i~ "" llC~le,j
COns tfUCt'On Unit of Locil n.
Seattle. Ih:11 a couple of Ih .... el,:l,:' lIeren'l Im'><!\I:
Wasil Slln JI<:Obl fl<:u tile elme'l, Ind
tile min In thl wll,11 hi t In thl Clnle. Is Ihe)' wac llimed. hut il .... iI' 1111 in a
~I Dobl4n ,In)" fun L,dt to diM, Loc.1 00. N orlol~. V8 .. B,o'he,~
I here ........ re Cl'en door prite •. and Ihe Tu Hollins Ind Rub.n L,neberry Mnd can·
COr1I111illee e'lI11e up I'oilh ,I nOld .... (1) du,' on _ In pllnl lob in Chesapeake
for .lenning Ihe "ren I hc ~id, 11.:1'....
lol d Ihnl Ihe one, ':Ollh'llIlil Ihe mo,1 Ihe lIifc :1110.1 lei her shop. while lOll
j;ilrh"se IIOU1tl 1,:\'1 :' whille pi .... All Ihe tend 10 Ihe local"', hu~ine'>l>.
olhe r, ilnl a qll;lrler e,lch for helpinll. '''o,'d 10 Ihe II i'>C' - lk Ihanl.("I' We
'hl)bc )Qmc of you olher pimid .... rl ,'[ 1 1.I\..e lime for lhal reguhlT cullcc
~hould try Ihis ,y~lem. "r(,;l~ , bill IIhen did ~Otl I:hl lale 11m..:
Man) of our local union t)"i~eh ;,1· (ur It priller breat.?
lended. and nclll)'·clc~ICd tl u,ine" \Ian· J O ll oll("I\ .... . JR.I',S.
:lger John SI;u'~""I i'·h clen ~'I\C a
II .... a~ a good reprc-.enlH1ion. Ililh
Pre ss Secret ary Pens
mcrnlleh from\l\'l ion. Ihe "no· Menage on Carelessness
h,lmi,h 1' 1 I) PUCt'l \(lUnd l'uI\I;'r .. nu
I il,:ht. Seallfe (II) I iShl, nnd po"ihl) 1 .1'.11.& . AT!.,," ·/\ . CA . -I Illoughl il
DiCk ROle... lelt Ind Tom Tu<:ker lalk ;Ippropriale 10 include in Ihb mOOlh\
IIl.nIS over W,lh I <:001 chink. 'lime tllhe rs. ":m} c\pre, Iheir PIc;I\·
ure lI ilh Ihe pknic :md hllpe\1 il \\IIUIt! ~"llIm" Ihe folloll ing descriplion uf
heeome lin IInnlllll nfTuir. "Yollr Wor .. F nellll ," IIhk h i, pru",i·
If II Inlere,I' )011. Ie' U) In'' ..... We'lI nentl) di-pl:l)cd ill Ihe headquarter' of
p,,\~ the informnl"," lin. ,mol il 1'0,[1 help
Ihe II I::h !.ine and Sut-'lolion ('on'lrtl~ ·
Ihe commillce lh:ciue. nUl IInl) .... hclher lioll X(1ion of Ihe GooTl,:ia Po"cr Com,
h' till II al,:;lIll ne~1 ) ...."r. hili ho .... man)
p,on~ .

10 e~rc\'IIO :i1lend
.. " more po" .... rful Ihiln Ihe l'omllined
.I(mle, of lhe \lurid, I, morc dead"
I hc uccom pan} tng p'~lurC\ .... cr .... Ht~en 11\;ln hlillel~; has .... reeled more htJm~
bl Km\ (ilulcr. I ~no.... \ou'lI .. nJuI Ih:,n lOe mighue\l of ,icgc gun~. M :...\a-
Ihem. <.:rc, Ihou ...,nd\ upon lhou~"'nd, e~er)'
Sill'> UO\\I,," , I'S
lear I uIl, in un.een p1:lI::e, and doc,
01.1>1 of Ihe \\-orl. ,ilclllly. Is reslh:'s,; i,
Bowling League Formed ; cle r)\,hcrc- in Ihe home. on lhe: 'IrC"I\.
Gea'B' Complon end Tony Compton seW,. in Ih", fnclor)" :11 Ihe r;lilroad eTO",n!!,.
Ihem5llves <:omforllbly II IIlI end of 1111
Ilble Dinner-Dance Planned .111,1 'HI Ihc W'I. II rin!,:' sicl.ness. uCI,:Tilua·
lilln. and dealh Oc,!rO),. cru,he,. nnd
report Ihe deallh o f three of 11111' Bmlh· 1..1 . MO. .... O IU~OU' . VA.- B" .... lj"ll j, 11\;11111': ~l\C~ nuthlllg bU I la~e, ,!II.
.... r'. Han} \I . DoLm. Hohh)' l' rHIl. "nd all Ih .... la l ~ no ..... ~tn':e (lur 10,,::,1 f<llmed ~pll rc, no one. rich or poor. young "r
Doil " rail. Our ')lllp:l1hie, ~o 0111 10 a rl1i~ed. W· pin howlin!,: leaguc. \I .ln), uld. ,!run{: or IIcal. neil her .... ido .... , nor
1hdr families. of Ihe lirOlher, "nd Iheir 1:,dit'\ lire en· nrphan,. ('11\1, :I .IHluo" ovcr elcry field
I I:Ile Ihi, Opll<)rll\llil~ 10 remind :,11 1(\llng an c\'~nlng OUI um! Ir)llIJ,l hllrd uf ;llIII il)' from Ihe lurnin!! of " grind-
o f }'Ou 10 pcrfOl'ln your Iloll .... ilh for .1 ~ I rilc or ~p:lrt:: ,(one It) Ihe mOI'illl,: or a TlIil ro;,d I(;)in.
prnpcr reg:",! In \l,fe l} D .... lI1l1n\1 ,afe Itl dale. Ihere nrc I:! leam~ I wphie, fHlln Ihe mdlllJ,l of " boa! 10 Ihe hui ld-
.... orl from your felloll .... (ll~er~. IImJ ,1111.1 " t'!anquel I'oirr 1:w;: gil'en at thc en d in .. "f " tI;lm
pica ....". aoo\l.' all. \I .. mand ';Ifel} e<julp· uf Ihe '><::.'>On, If }<)" m i" OUI vn Ihe ' Uti :Ire warned a,pin,! il. ;lIIu il j,
ment aml \afe .... orling .... ,!O,lilion' frum fun Ihi' }car. t..... 'liTe W hu,,1 ne\! le:tr. IlIlder ~"\lT conlrol. '\lur II,Jr,1 cncm}
~<lur emplOler I he 'nnlll,1 Dinner and DlIn.e. ,pun· i, ~:lfclc"ne"."
A fill,,1 I'ov.J luul flO< th.... umon ""red b~ our IUGII . Ilill I'I! htld I>n I'>.u 1. W. G"". /'.5.
bhe! t>cfore )OU lIu) Icmller ~61h al Ihe CommOOlire (OIlOlr)
(, II IOMIII\I !'\ Cluh. beuer lno .... n a, lhe 1.0 I' (Iut..
HHllher George Core an,J hi~ H.,nd I'o ill New Officers Installed;
",''''".'u''' u~ ·Iil. I hcl<: .. ill he f"..,d Roches ter Work Is Good
Construction Unit Holds hI for.1 llOG. ">(r",d hufrel·M)Ic . fhl' 1\
Successful Un ion Picni c ,Il"a)~ an enjoyahlc ocea\ion. '>0 male 1..1 . Illi. ~O(' II E."1TU~ . .... . y .- The a~·
~t>UT plan, nO\l 11.1 come, ~l>lIlpiln)lng pholo 'holl~ our ne\\l~
1.. 1 . 17. s.:,\..-n .., \\ ,\ ,, 11. Our ">c"1 By Ihe .... a). if )011 don'l lno" II ~el. de~le,1 otli~c". all of 1'0 hom arc \I i~hcd
lie Con,lru":llOn L'nll re~cnll) '(It''''''r~,1 Ihe un,on mcellnJ,l\ of I ()I;;)I IIU .Ire no" Ihe Icr)' he" h) Ihe membc:r~. Wc arc
" union picn ic Ihm I"" [I .... 'mderfttl 'm:· heing helu al lhe Shcnllon \l ulur lI olel. <;()nfi,lcnl Ih:l1. wilh Iheir leader-hip. Ihe
ce". II .... n~ held HI ,\I onroe. ;ond :tp. \l illl:'T) Shopping ,\l aIr. ,ecunu ·tlutlr lef' n .... '1 Ihree ~car, lIiII t>c prOOIlCli\C ami
pm'irl\:I1t'I} I ~o 10 :WO Oll1emJed. r:h:e. Room 3. How :'00111 Ih:Il" Urine PI'.)!!re,\,~c.


thh lime. h a gradt! of 89, This sho"s
Rochester Officers the outstanding job our a pprc n tiee~hip
eom,ittee hll! done on ils selection uf
apprt ntich.
Scrvinl!t on the comm illee. <Ire Il roth·
c ... M ike Reed. Ronnie Long. and 0ary
H urlC'>, for the Joe:!1 and Dave EI;\n~.
Lum Huffman, and U"d Oberer for Ihe
I hore Ihal by thr lime Ihis article "ork in our :ore:. "11 have
pided up. Our I;tfHe~t Nb, brea~ing in
the ncar fulllre indude the ne" I{o..,
Coonty Medie:ll (enter: "n ;Iddition to
the W:!\crl~ Ohio. Ihhpll:! I; the ne'"
Boiler Mead Corpor:.tion. (hillic(llhe; 11
senior hi,h school and an element:!r)
scholll; lind ;. new liolidu} Inn in WlIsh-
inglon Courl Hou .... , Ohio.
We thnnk our '1,leT Ia<:als 10 the
north. Columb\l~. and to the 'iOuth,
Port .. moulh, for all of the help they
han: gi.en u,> over Ihe pa~ t year. I e)pc'
cially th;!nk '-<Kat 575, I'orl<;mouth. for
The newly elected oHicers 01 Local 86. Rochester. N V, Seated. lett to "111>1. Business lIorkinll Ill\! for the pa,t ~ix months.
Man8ser Gordon Rusche r. !'fuldent He,bert Conhndy. Assistant BUlinen ManOller Dick Atl of our memher~ "ho "ani to be
MItchell. and E~ecut,ve Board Chairman Jolln Elllniler Slandinll. Execul lve Board membe rs home \houlu be hac k b) the flN of Ix-
Tom Burka and Ed Peck. R&Cordln. Sacretary .11,1 Salvion". hamlnlo. Board membar a,II, Vice PreSIdent Jim Hynn, Finsnc"l Scc'el~ry W~lt John~n, Exam,n,na BOlrd cemhcr.
member$ JOhn Sweeney <lind Oo<l BI.ley. T.ealu,,, SId Bloom. Ind (_acullve aOJl'd member Itememher, }OU art the union. 'iO
8,11 BUlha... attend }our umon mee t lllg~,
Cm.IILLs &111_111:11, ".S.
Graduate Apprentices
Unit Chairmen Meet;
Alex J oki Mou rn ed
L U, 1111, SEA·ITI.E, \\'ASII.- On Scp-
I\!mher 11th. unit chairmen from 25 dif-
fere nt unit.. rep resenting membcn. frolll
Wa~hinKton. Idaho. Orellon, :.nd Caliror·
nia. met lit the Uolid;o} Inn near I-\er·
ell, WII,hlnlltoli. for a COlt Ch~irman',
Gue,t 'pca1..ers ~ere Wayne Ohun.
Wa,hinSIOn Slate Communication, and
Fleelric:11 Ulililie\ Inspector; John I <II'"
pin, Intern;uional Rcprc..entalhe. Ninth
Dblrkl; and ['hil COI'C and Pat Finn.
Wll,hin gwn St:,te I al'>or Council. I'Ht
sho"ed an intcrc~linll movic on how
CO I'l Il~)f ~lurl ed :\nd "'h) il is ~o im'
At Ihe Anllual Appren t oceship BlnQ.Hlt 01 LOC .. i 88, Ch,llocothe. Ohio. carWicat" 01 com- Que'tion\ from the chairmen con·
plellon we,e p"esented to lI.adu .. ". DJlvld SltouUI and Jury Cach,,,", S<!en .. , t he h;oppy ceroed ,afel}, grievances. the wage
occaSIon, Ifa. I.ont row. lell to "lIh l. IIr;odu .. 'e Shoults. JATC member Bud 0"" ... (con- frec~e, and the upcommg negotialiuns_
Ir~CtO'). :IIld 1I,,,du,," Cod",," Blck row. J,f.TC member Lum Huffman Icontrlctor); .-.ssiSI· The I \ccu tl\e Board ftcl~ that rre~jdenl
Int Chap'" Mlnaller Herm Jnch~e. Cenlr.1 OhIO Chapler. NECA; JATC member Brothe,
C .. ,y Hurless; Business Mana.eo-JATC D"eClor Claylon MUSllrOVe; JA1C member BrOlhe, Gerald Naa;eI did an CJ!cel1ent job of
MIke Reed; and J '-'TC member D."e Ev .. ns (conlracto,). condu~linll his first chairman's confer·
l' n,.,ident Nagel ;Ippointed Vice Prc\i·
Wor~ in Ihe R ud,,:~lcr ;"e.. 1••IS u.:o!ll Two G raduates Honored; dent I'aul Seals to aucnd the Gener,ll
good, ~ith many lravel ing Brother, ill Telephone Council meeling in l'il1'-
the juri...Jktion. Two rather·lari>~ ,hop- Work Expected To Improve burgh. "hich lIa\ held from October
pin!; cenle ... and many urh:tll re newal
I..U, 88, C IIII.I.ICOTIlE. OIIiO-At 141h through the 16th.
protcCh, alons wit h new fncilitie, :11 c.eorj:C lJud in\lnll'tcd Ih(' "h:.i"l1('n
our Annual I\pprentice~hip lJ"nquel.
Xerox and extensive remode1in~ :11 on how 10 tonduct their DollaN for
tl u,inc..s \tana~cr and JA'I C DireClor
h.oda~. have provided Roche'ter "ilh
Cl:1}' M u~gro.e prc'>l:llled our 1",0 ~rnJu­ CQI'L drill'" and Paul Seah pas~d OUI
thl) good con'truciion picture. "Senator Henry M . '<,..;oop· Judson for
:!Iing apprentke~, D"Iid \houlh :. nd
An}onc con,idering ~orkinll in the Jerr) Cochran, "ilh their certifkate~ of Presidcnt" bumper ' Iickers and bullon~
:lIe" i, .,J"i,..:.1 to call 71(,-328-7890 or cumpklion. at the ct)nc1u~ion of the meeting.
7 16-328-789 1. lIerm Je~hke. A)~i'lanl Chapler Our local i, grieled :11 the 10\5 of
Support )our local COPr, COI'l dol- Munnger. Chillicothe I>ili\ion. Cenlml Brolher All" Joki. Ale~ passed away on
I" ..... help kcep u, ad. i..e\1 of candidate~ Ohio Central (h,"'er. I'l l C A, 1'\lended I\ugu ..1 161h, "hich "as his 651h birth·
" hu ~upport union polide, ;lOd, Cl)n~· hh con{!rJlulation) 10 our ne"e .. ! jour· day. l or many ~ear'. he "as a te)l·
quentl)', :tre "orthy or our \ote. rM:)nlen. He nole..! Ih"l the alernge of boardnl.ln at Coeur d'Alene, M;lho, and
I{ ,C It ARO Mn'cllu 1.. I'.S. all of the apprenli('I') 10 our prOGram I at had many friends,

J OU~ NAl fO~ NOVEMBER. 197 1

Henry then spo~e uf the lICt'Otllpll,h· h<:inG II I1'W members anti 10 be aClil'e
Graduation Banquet menl, of the graduil ling apprenlile, in in I()(.;tl "ifaiD. B u~ine">S ManaGer James
re;lching Ihe lit"lil le~cI of Ihcir ~;m~e,", I'ullllld. J AT C member Adolfo Di-
nnd l·uutionw them ahoul Ihe f;ld Ih"l ~"Intlro. and cla,~ ~llI"a~rr John (}.,tran-
Ihere lIre people ... ho. Ihroll!;h ncfl.riou\ uer :1].,0 sa\C: intere~ling dissertation~.
nlCan\. lOoor~ to dC\lro) oq;ani/~d 1.lhor.
He reminded Ihem Ihul it ;\ our ohll~a­
lion, Ihrough Ihe ,;oll1hillCd clrlll" tlf the Graduation Night
union and Ihe nllllr;lt·tor,. to ~re;lle
~ood "ill and 10 .;onlinue 10 m;l~e the
mrw re'pon,ible 10 Ihe people. lie al~o
,po~e uf Ihe jlCople \\ ho h,l\c ~\lne he·
fore "'. 11,(11) p;lIeJ the "'Il Y. ;1110.1 ',lid
111,,1 Ihey mthl not he forgol\en.
IIrnllwr I um,lIlt dU"oC1l hl\ rcm"rl.~
hy Ih;lIl~illg the " fA conlfllltur, for
their ~n~uur:l);em<jnt lind dedklilion 10
the llpprClIIlCC Iraining rrogt1lm. COIl1-
memi!!g thnl the futul"e of the l!!dll,lry
re~h in Ihe hand, "f the ll,)prenlke'.

G,adu,linl' ,pp.,ntlce J ohn Gillespie. Loc,,1 I llhur- \ 1amlj;elllenl COll1millee (hllir'

The 1971 I'fldue'",. ttn, of local 99.
98. lphl". st.olli tow •• d Ihe 5tale man "lcinhotr rclllinllcd Ihe )OUlli! "r;llI- P,OY,denee. R.1.
10 accept h" cerl l" C." ' rom . 'ell 10 "1111 lillie, thaI Ihey rep re-.cnt Ihe hegi!!nhlg
Ray McCOOl. JATC Ch.l.m .......d AI Shelly "f a ne" chaliellJ;': !lnd Ihnt til,,) mtl~1
JATC Sec",ary. du"". ce.emonlU at the
A.... u.1 Appre .. tlce GraduatIon eanquet r",ogni!.e Ihe necd 10 , .. pport lmd 10
ghe lhem,,"I\~~ 10 the labor mO\ement.
lie lll..o ~po"e of Ihe Impurt;tnce or
... ell·educaled ;Ipprenlice, lind journ,,)-
men ;md 'Iuded Ihal Ihe,," )UllnlJ me-
chani,~ lire Ihe Hnc~ "till 11];l~e il p,,~,i­
hie fur contrat·to,", 10 1oC'lIre ;oh, and 10
.. u~tain prolih. "hich allow them to ray
"uoo.I "!ll;e'
I nltrn~ltOnal RCl"rescnlali'e C:;park,.
... ho held Ihe po,ition of JA I C dHur-
m;ln ptior 10 hh appoinlment a~ ;.n In-
lermlttlln:'[ Replc'tClI1alt~e tllld Ilhil
~no", tir,lh;md Ihe rn:KhmaltOn, en-
countered in MICh II role. ,pol.c on II The hud lable .t HIe ll'ldullion banQuet.
'lV'll.lgic Iheme. II ... d(N::d IH~ lem;tr~, w,lh JATC Cnllrmln R.chlld S'romb~'Il.
I le"d,n.... ,y,nl' n.s speech to ,he 8,aduatl"a
h) \Iatin!;l Ih;l1. in hi~ opiniun. the uriv. aP9"ntlcu
A view 0' Ihe duce lloor .t the b.nquet ing furce j,chind UUI" loca[\ JA rc is
\\illiam D "hu certainl) has
The Fxeclilive Board. Ihe oftker,. an\1
gil en him'>Clf to the 1;loor mUIemenl in
Ih.: bu~ine~\ \lalL ;l1"ng \\ilh ;tll Ihe
th.: eI':t:lrical illllt"tr) fnr ) (",Ir,.
memher<i. e~lend lheir deepc\1 ,}mpa-
Ihih 10 Ihe fl.mily ami rdalhe~. A ~rx'd:ll Irihltlc i~ utemleu 10 nil of
Ihe gl;uhlll1e\. 11,10""red through it
Al 1)1 I'om". I'.S ;011 ,uld IOohu made thi, hllnquet. nlll unly
I'H,~ih1c . bllt ,"ccc"fullind cnjo)uhle.
Annual Graduation Banquet I-In \) J. ("O\t l'II)" l'S.
H eld By Ph;[ad elphia Local 98
1.. 11. 98 , 1'I II L,\O(o: U' III A. I'A . OIIT Graduation Banquet Held ;
[oears Annua[ App renlice (,r.tllu:tliun Bylaws Change s Proposed
Banquel "'" held Ihi, )car on Ju[) 10lh
al Ihe Ben I'ran~[tIl HuieL L.l l. ':19, I'UO\'IOENCE, R I. '1 he g(tl~
I he e\ening ~tltrtcu with COI, ih, JA-I C grauulllion h;lnquel II'l" held III JATC member Adolfo DiS,nd . o presents a
moved o n to di nner. ami lini, hed \\ilh Ihe (h"lct. \,ilh (harle, Vien~ i"eCe;'nlg watch to Ch.,tu V,e"l. the outstandIng
dancing ;lnd an o[lt:n har. Ma,ler of cer- Ihe Quhlanding Apprentice A"u rd . An applentlce.
emonie~ for Ihe evening "a, Apprenlice ('\I'dlt'nt dinnl'r \\;j, \l'r~rd, anll e~e r)·
D irector William D. Wll[),er. "ho had une enjo)ed Ihe fin" cui,ine. i're,ident Strom berg has proposcd <;eV-
tile plca\ure of introducing Ihe JA I C Our t:ongralttkt1iun, to !'.ttncl. Br;oulc). ~hanges in our hyla"'s .. "Article
membe..., in anendancc alKl (hairnl;ln of Alherl B re"~ter. Jr. Rohen B ur..~. Ri- [II. \cdion 4 I ,", ). III Ihe event a candi-
the LaOOr·\ lan:lgement Cummilt.:.: \0,,11· LlI,"d Ch"ll~l. Rl~herl (orr)". \\ illiam docs nOI rcet"iIC II majorit) of Ihe
[iam Kleinholf. Brolller Wa[~cr Ihen in· (hi'holm. J r .. \lnkohn I Iller). J.lmn HIIC' (;ll,1 ror a ,pcdlic onke. Ihen a
\iled 8u~ines\ \ 1 .lna~r l lenr) I-ornara I \an,. Michael t ilrgnuli. I'llUl I ur"llrtl. run·off e!cuion .... 11 be held bclll,cen Ihe
10 Ihe dais. Roland (o uri;l, Rit:hartl "ambulu, I u· t"O landitl:lle\ ret:elvlllg tile hig~~1
Henry inlrooueed all uf Ihe Iu.:al ... ard l>adiginn, Kotler! Gi,tnfran~c""o. numher of IOIe~. This uoe, lIul illdude
union officer) ami ;n\ IIcd gue,h.... hu in· Anlhony OI"O\,i. Stephen Lannigan. An· ,amlidates for Ihe local union EXeellli\e
cluded I nlcrnaliomll RepreSCnlllli\c Jo· ~elu I upo.). ·1 h,)IIlas I.) m:h, Jl,l'>Cph M:or- lJo.Hd or E~amining 1J0ard. The~ e!cc-
'oCrh Spar~~. r hird D"lrid; Ih"inc" ~lIa. Wi ll iam Me Dunald, \\ilIi"1Il Ni- hun, ,h'lli he decided for Ihe candid:.. c
\1 ;\n;lgcr Tom Noone. I neal :!6. \\a,h- ~'''Iro. John Q,tr;ond.:r. (iacmno (}1I;trto. re.:civ;ng Iht: rnO~1 lOle~. I he Olher
inglon. D.c.:.; tlu,ine" \Illnager Jad {";orl Ricci, " lIchud R urll~. Nun,,10.1 thanJ;c i, 10 ha\e an ab"-Cntcc ballul on
\l ceorlle. LQl:1l1 24, Bailinll)re; .Inll "P'Cllrs. :tnd ( h llrle~ Vien,. cledion day fo r Ihose unable 10 visil Ihe
B u,jne~~ Mlltl;ICI'r I'hi l II nu l) , Loc:!1 II I . J AT C C h:lirnllin Richard Slr"lllhcrg poll,.
Scranlo n. Penn~ytva n in. urGetl Ihe llppre n\lces 10 I n~c pride in I he~e propo\ah. nOI only up<.llile the


Great ad"anCe1 ha"e been made by
the cily ad milliSlnnion and various civic
and ind ustrial ,roups. \\ ho halle worked
ti rck"ly to rcHlrn l'alr-r<.On to tile ~.
no""netl indu~t riul power it was.
Worl in the tonslruction tradc~ has
~Io""ed dO""n con~idcrubl )' in I'assa ic
County ,inee the end of 1970. [b it has
Ihrout:hout Ne"" Jeril:") and man)' ureas
in lhe l-niled State,. A ""oro of Ihanl.s
:tnd ;lppn:~i:Olion i, e\tended to our sh·
ler local~ ""hkh ""ere utole to place some
of our, at ""orl during Ihi..
time. Worl. is ricling up \10\\1)' now.
:\It<.l it h elp«tcJ thaI the ""orl piclure
"" ill be IIII,,;h better during the next
Ollr deep sympathies are extended to
Ihe fal11ni,-, of Sirve Nd'c,nal :lI1d
Charlc\ Del-ino. 1\\0 of our reti red
melllber~ ",,110 recently passed away.
PHt I/. TI ~IO:-t , I' .S.

:-M')'O' Llwrence Kramer I' New Contr act Signed;
01 mlJo. ,uta.iIIllon, " Work Sit uatio n Is Good
1.. 11, l OS, " " \lI LTON, ONT.-Sorry
it\ been '-0 long bet"een wriling,. bul l
bll''': heen bll') wi th negotiation). We
scttlctl Qllr co ntrar.:t on the lasl d:, y of
the old llgrel.'mcnt. b) :t 75 per cent ,'ole
of the membe ..... hip.
lIere :m' '-OlIle uf the 11;i!hlights of the;
agreement. A, of May I. 1971. journt)'-
men recel"c $750 per hour. plus 10':0
,'.Ieltl,,,n r.I): \\1.' ..... ill reeehe 16,.. for
our I1calth and Welfare Plan. On No-
,ember I. 1971. \\e "" ill receive S7.6O
per hour. phi, lOr" 'ae:llion pay: on
nt"~1 hilS of the Punic R,ve., lite 01 •
new hlSloriCl1 p .. k. man. 0....
Lflfl 10 ,Ight. Mr,. Ma.y £Ilfln K.amer, Chait.
FaU, Ruto.atlon CommiU.e:
E. ... all,"m. auslnes. Manas.,. LOUI t02,
Ma) 1. 197::!. ""e ""ill ra'd"e S7.96. plus
ltV; ,;u:'llion pay. for a lotal package
of SII.92 an huur for 36 hour~ :1 "e<!l.
and Jack COs tl!lIO, Presldl!nt. ".0 COllflllo
& Son, el~t"cal eonl,aelo, Ro!llIrn hI" fare "ill be paid for up-
b\ I 'I \\~. bul are vcry important in Ihc
to""n aro!,. 1l1emh<!N. ""hen the contraC'-
opcnnion of a local, prim:lril) hcc:. lI!iC to ..... CllnnOI ~lIppl)' adequale parling. On
th.:) ;'fl.' \cr)' dcnHx:r.,IIC m origlO. Members Contribute Services an)' jot> or projecl requiring five or more
II j, Il-rttlif)ing 10 knolt. Ih;1\ an clee- electriti:tn,. one"" ill bo: at le:'~t 50 yea rs
lion for a union ottire ~hotl ld nOI he: To lighting Park Area of :ll,;e. (,Iv>c, ;lnd .:overall~ "ill be ~up­
turned in lO :, popularity conIC\[. if \Itt rllled and c1eotnl.'d ..... hen jobs are dirty.
\lb h lu 1ll:I;nI:tin R hj~h dell-TCC of qUIII- 1.. 11. 102. I'''T I-: HSO'I, N.J.- Reccm ly
de\ ignated a, a nalional hi\turical ,ill.'. Our tool Ji~1 i~ now do"" n to 12 items,
it) in uur union leader'hip. \\llIch ",ill
Ill(" Pa,'lIir F;III, lIrelt undenH:nl ;In C~­ one h:lcl,aw. one Ie'·el. one cenler·
rdk" :. d~c('nl. effective. nnd demo punch. one \IX-lOch square. ~ix screw-
cralie union. We ~holiid be \c ry !>Clec- Icn,i~e clean· up and r~'toTlllion 10 Iran,·
forl11 it into II beHuliful parl a nd to d'·'\Ch. !lne p.,ir uf long-nos<:d p lier~. I
ti,1.' in chou,ing men wilh Ihe be" qIHJIi- pair uf cuuinG plicr~. onr hanune r. one
!icalicn" in order [0 obloin :, hig h place il in Ihe \Cllmg Ih:11 it \0 righl'
fully d~\Cn~,. Hire ml.'[Nlre. one lnife. one pair of
caliber of union leader,hip. cha nnel loch. and one ha rd hat.
,",peed) re,o\cril.'~ for Far1 Curtin. Alexander 1I'lmilton. he;lding a s<>- Our Ne~oliating Commiuee members,
\\ho ,ulfeTell a hearl allad", lInu William clety of indu\trial kadeh. in 1791, WiIIi.tnl Corbell. Thoma, Beattie. James
Nica~lro. \\ho .. a, inJUI'ed in a mOlor,)- chlhe the 70-foot·high (all, ,iu: and it\ Jilrrc-lI. Uarry I- rn...,.r I en Shannon, and
cle aecidenl. ""ateNay. t-.eeau'oC' o( the I1:llural "".tler Uoh I':.rler. ""orled bard 10 gel a good
Hello 10 bel I'endklon. John Fer- l"'O""er rewul"C(" . as the foundin, ,ite for a)l:rccl11cnl "",thout Slnling and 10 )l:el it
gun-on. "nd \:am from Iliel. IIle cil) of Pater-on. an early indu .. lrial before the olf,! one e'\pired. The patience
II i, ""jlh tlccp regrel Ihlll I hll\l.· re dl) in )~,ns: Amcrka. :Ind Hlopcrnlion of Ihc membe~ ~Iped
,ignetl a, pre" 'oCcrelllr) . I hope Ihal Surrounding Ihe (irl.'at EllI, arc.' arc lhe committee in its achie,'emen\.
e'eryone h'l\ enjoyed my arl ide~ II) hhtoric imlustrial mllh, raCe" II)'. and rhe ""orl ,ilU:'lion Mound H;tmilton
milch u, I h'llle cnjo)"eu "" riling Ihem. l"'O"er plant' Ilml IIllip the h i~tory of in· h )Iill loolint: good. wi lh 300 travelers
,\, mO,1 of lOU lnow, I ha"e becn al· ,1",1, i,lI America through 200 yeal"l. in to"" II. MO!>l of the ""orl is in the t"U
lending college in the evening" but. un· Sponwrcd by Ih~ 1';llcr'-On NOW hig mill~ anti the MacMasler Ile.. 1111 Sci-
forHlnaldy, Ihi~ )·ear. m)' toursc~ are chapter and thc (ireat l'al1~ Commil1ee. ence (enler. 1 here arc no time ;ob~
more demantlini;: Iherefore, I cannot dc· the Great 1':011, IIrea rl."lOrlllion program now nnd none in tbe forc..cellble future.
"Ole Ihe lime I ""oultl ordimtnl) ,pend i, ..... ell under """y. r""elll) ·,;\ ml.'ml'Cr, !)vme of our IIll.'lIlben. wen t botcl to
on ""riling Iheo;e nrlicle,. It h;!., been Illy of 1.000al to::!. along"" ilh [eo (,o-.tello & schoul for 1\\0 nigh" :1 ""«k for four
plea,un: 10 hll'e been )"our pre" ....crc· Son. cleetri.::11 cuntntCIOr, f;olltrihlJl..:d ""eel, 10 learn ...1.fe rigging. The course
tar). thei r 'of,:rvicc, and m;ttcriab IQ pruvide ":I~ 'ponMHctl b) thc ConSITllelion
M AR" IJ RU'- I I I I, I'.S. lighting for the p;,rlurea. ~afcty AS'oOCiation and " a, held at Rob-


en's R e~taUl'3nl. T he class aH'raged
!l2r;. on Ihe final exam. and Ihe gradu- Safe Rigging Course
ale~ Ilere pre~entcd with diploma~ lind
~Iieler.. for their hard hals. ~ho" ing
Ihem 10 he .. afe rigger .. and compelcnt
crane signalmcn. Our Ih:mls 10 ·' Ham,"
Ihe in~tructur , for ,ul·h a fi li C job, An.
other CUlIr\\! ";'I, ~chedlileu for Septem-
All ;'Ipprel11ke,hip cOllrse will he SCI
lip 'i\XIn to ,dll ,tppremkcs who arc un-
f:JllliliHr "ilh IIllion proccdllrc alld Ihe
eonl em, of ollr lie" asrecmcl11 ami ollr
Qur local "a~ ..audeneu by Ihl." ~,~_
ins of Gordon lI a,ll."lI. a 2 1-year memo
h.:r "ho \\;h lilling in Ihe Uniled Siaies
at thc tim.: of hi, dealh.
A fomler 1,')0,,,,1 menll"". D uuS M :II·
lin,on. ":h lilted in '\ Ugu~1 while /l yi ng
back from Ihe Uniled Stllle, in a chart-
crcd I"in·.:n!;ine llin:r:t f!. Brothe r Mnt-
Im,on wa' tnlwlled into Ollr locnl in
These locat
Our dec~st ~)mpalhie, go 10 thd r
famili e~.
Canadian Get-Together profe~~ional assistance from tllO high
!lOH P,.RKLR, P.S. school counse lor~.
The members of Eleclrician\ nnd A~­
Barbara Elle n Melin sociaies. I nc. arc p1c:t'>Cd 10 aiu Ba rbarn
in the :mainmcnl of her goal~ an.! ('1(.
Wins Annual Scholarship lend their sincere he,1 "i,hc~ for wc-
L.t '. 1111. ST. I'A( L. \II~;\" .-Electri­ CeSS.
ci:tn~ lInu A"oci:ne,. Inc .. a nun·profit JOliN t- ILI' II R. P .S.
or!;'lni..:aliOIl fOllnd.:u to promole the
1,,!lfare of people en);:I!;e\! in Ihe cleclri-
",I I imll"l!"y :tnd co n,iqing primaril)' o f Prosperous Outlook Changes;
l OCal tlO IllCmbl'f' :marded it, 11th Political Involvement Urged
AnllIIal Scholar'hip. al the re!;ular Au-
gU~1 meelinl!. 10 Barham Ellen 1I1e!ill, l. U. 111. DENVlm. COI .O.--I he fiN
dau ghlc r of IIrOlher and 1<l r5. Martin W,
Mclin of 1720 l:u,1 Ho}t Ihelllle, SI. belt. loc~1
dent and Mrs
~::~~:~~~;~~,,~,: .:;~' ,.~~::,.
p:lrI of Allgu~1 ~larlcd oul It) Ix'. , )f "" it
"'':Illed. vcry pro,peroth HllIj fr 1111 1111 for
1':,ul. nina o f fun w;lh other l ocal member" a' Ollr I()C~II. T he union cl,:clion "ih Oler.
Brolher M.:lin is:t jourrn!}man electri- the" "pftns dance al the We ntworth Cu,IIng and bu,ines~ had setlled ,10\\11. I,ilh
dan and i" emplo) cd b~ Ihe Hi ghland Club. plans being made for Ihc coming and
Electrk Ctlmp:lny of SI. Pau l. remllining monlh~ of Ihc }Cllr.
Barham ha' enrolled at 51. Cloud We fini,hed nel.!olmtmg Ih~' P ublic
State Collcg~. SI. Cloud. ~linne ..ot:I , :lIld Service Company of Color"lldo ugree·
is mltjorin!! in :Irt. \\ ith th~ object of a men!. Th.: otfer "a~ ratifieu. "ith a nine
career a, ;t high 'chool art t.:acher. She per cenl general incre:"c. wjlh 1110 ","r
i ~ a gradllillC uf John...on H igh School, cent increases going 10 certain l'I.I",ifk:a-
St. 1'11111. II here ,h.: was a member of tiO th in Ihc Ga, Streel iJcparlm.'nt. ., he
Ihe Ilt:ll"ehin ll IInit. GAA. the Speclrum nine per cenl "as cfreclive on ,\u gl'"
Cluh, Ihe Pcp Clut.. and Ihe French 2nd; the Inlier portion. 10 he,·omc dlce-
Club. tll'(' on AlIgu~1 161h.
She compiled :10 e.u-elkm schola,tic T he comlruclion "orl piclilre I\(h
record . ~:inl! nmong the lop 20 in hrr good, and m~1 of ollr memhel''> in lnit
gradualing cI:, ~, of 66~ pupil~ and ",:IS I "ere looling fOf"ard 10 Ih':lf ncgtlti:t·
narnell 10 Ihe N:lliomti Honor Society, lucky winners 0 1 the night show the" tion~ and Ihe incrca~s "hich lIould
Barb:,ra had lI<'Ien )'::11"\ of art training h:"'e octurrcd around Ihe "cd "f the
:II Ihe \hlpl c\O.oud School of Art (l nd 161h . '1 he member. :11 Ihe Pllclllo Gas
hilS rccd~cu :1":Ir.b :11 the \Iinne..ola :lOd Fuel Compall), Ihc W("lern Slope
Stl' \c h df nml the Ram.,..) Counly hl ir. G:h Comp:lO}, and lhc I'\ludr.: \all\')
She ha .. al,o c,\hibiled :11 loc:11 hanl.: arl Rural Eleclric A,~ocialiun " ... re :11~0
, ho",. l()O ling forllllrd to Iheil' in,'rell't'~
I he necll'id:l1l ~ :lnd A!>,oci:IICS, Inc • arolilld Ihe lalter part of Ih~ month.
...chul:ll"~hip i~ in the amOl l!11 of $j()(j per What happel1cd on AU!;I!'.I 15111 h. of
yellr for II pel'iod uf fOllr ),ca r" Eligibil . COllr\\!. hi~tory hy now: \'\C1"},)fl': i,
ily i, limit.:u 10 hil;h ,chool gr:lduiliCS !III are of I' re~idenl Nixon\ 'pce~h. The
"ho ;lfC -.on ~ ur dllughters of mcmben hard ~ hip, imp<J",d on patH \If memhcr·
of Ihe U'sOl.·i:lliol1. T he ,,"ard b made ,hip~ b) Ihis aclion "ill be fell for a
on the ba,i~ \If .schular,hip, Characler. long time to comc. The <lor,l pllTI h lhe
.md need. confusion and th.: lacl uf :l1h"e.." HI
Seleclion i, made h} mean, of a s)"s- -.0 man) que~lion~. II appc:,r,. ul Ihis
tem a ...surinl.! .:omplete applicanl ano- lime. Ihat ..omc of OUf qlle,tion, "ill
The r
nymil y hy Ihe Eleetrkian, :lnd A ...\O- AI WUI. Go.d Alrnu. Dob DI~ek. Wu nOI be :tnsl\ered by Ihe end of Ih ... 9()-
date~. Inc. Schol"r~hip COmlllillee, wilh Joe Beattie, and Geo'ae Maf"son. lI:ty freeze.


in attend,mee. B u~ine~~ ~ I anager Kegg
Scholarship Winner anll Local 48\ lJ u~ines~ Manager Art
Bauder pre!oCnted Gene wilh a pl:lque
honoring him a, :1 ··journeynutn halchel-
man.'· Brolhcr Keg!:, on beha lf of the
:t~-.ocialiun, allO pre..cnled him wilh an
enw"ved Je,~ !oCt. Jo Sdmeber~ of Ihe
Local 4/1 "like pre ..... nwd Ge ne IIjlh a
photo album I'.hieh includes pictures of
the '\;llf and Ihe omee girl- of Locals
41i. 4'1. :lIld 1~5. fill in l'orllaOll.
Our local held it> Annual Old-TimeT!>
Dinner in hunor of the mcrnocr,> IIho
relire II ilh Iheir card, in our local and
who ,U"C "re,elilly d, "W'II'; lB EW 1)(:11-
~iom. I nvil:Jlion~ were 'oCll! oul 10 530
member, on pcn .. ion. ;1IlL1 174 ~howed
up for the dinner.
rhi- is :11\\11)' a night 10 remember.
for it i~ Ih e~e retirctl members who \!S-
tabli )hed man) of the fine rondilions
Sarbara Ellen Melin, dal,lll.hter Df BrothI', and M.s . Martin w. Melin. local 110. St_ Pilu l Ihal e_~i,t in our prellCnl !lt~reemenh In-
MlAn .• WDn Ihe 131h Annu;ol SchDlarship Dwalded by Eledrk,ans and Associates. I n~ .••
nDn-prDfil 0'8anl,aUon conslsl'n8 p"ma"ly of local 110 members. Ba,ba,a is seen he'e
term,lion:,1 Vice I' re~ident W. L. Vin-.on.
wi lh I'er prDud parents and Ihe BDard 1'/ O"OCIDrs Stand inS" 11'11 \1' .iShl. GeD'So Klein. IIho i- II former bu,inc,s manager of
GeD,se HDbreckcr. Ve.non Christensen. Raymond McMahon John Muell/! r. BrothI" Melin. Ollr locill. gave the princi pal addrc,s,
R,chard FaraSher. J .cob Huseili. L'w,,,nce HDu~ka. and John Franklin. whkh "II~ \\ell reccived by his many
friend ...
In no II:IY Ju I wi,h 10 inJicalc Ih:1I t\nnual IHFW BOl'.ling Tournament. the Hfly-)'":,,, pin' were all'anled 10 A.
(lur mcrnber~ :Ire the onl)· one~ hurt by memner, of ou r local team mulle a ~ue­ M. I'oller, 1 . A. Thomlinson. E. W.
Ihi, aClion. A number of cQmpanie" ce,,-,fu l bid fur Ihe 1973 lOurmmll'm. Hoover. and A. S. ~enic ,
Ilhi~'h em"lo) our people "ere (.-.lUght I'Uft uf the elTort wa~ boll ling $hirts im· We are loo~in g furl'.ard to .<oecing I hi~
"ith higher "flge st and:,rd~. m:,teri:11 printed on Ihe bacl- lIith '"K.C. in ·73." fine group of mcmbeh al ne.\1 yellT's
CO~h. :lnd upcr:lting CXpcn'oCS which Ihe)' BLR~ ,IRll P. Ih AN. 1'.5. (linn('r.
ClInnOI re(,:over until :tner NOlcrnocr
121h amI perh:.p, nOI even Ihcn.
All of Ihe rule chnnge~ from the CO~! Gene H eiss, Old-Tim ers
of Ljvin!: Cuuncil. :.0 far. h:I\'e lIfrcctcll H onored at Oregon Dinners
only large hu\ines, opcrll1ion,; very fcl'.
Vote r Turnout Is Bigg est
hale h.:lpcd Ihe wor~ing peoplc. L U. 125, "OR"!'LA",!). QItE,_ T hc Or- In Local 134's History
rhe one thing Ihlll Pre,iden! Nixun·s <,gon State A~,o•."ialiun of Eleelri ~·al
llCuon ,Jid l,ccomplish 11:,\ to m:ll-e our Wor~e ..... hc!d " no-ho-;I dinn('r. honorinc I..U. 13"" CHICAGO, II .I..- One of the
Ol('lllber<, :'"~Ire of the imporlan~'e of lnterr.ational Rcpre-enl,lthe G('ne liei,), best e~amplc~ ur uniuni'lIl in action anu
their imohement in Ihe polilk ~ o f thi~ I'.hu ha .. been ,l"i!,;ned tu Oregon for 24 proof of I'.h) the IIlF\\' t{lntinue~ to
cou ntry und Ihe importance of their lOle ),'ar... grol'. lXeurred on June 26th. I'.hen the
in 1I.,lion,1I "nJ state elec1ion~. B u~ine, .. '\Ianagl'r J:,d l\:e1l1l. who is member. ,)f l oc.'al 134 I'.('nt tu the ]"lOlh,
We lIr!:e all member, 10 buy COPE pre~illl."ni uf Ihe a,>wciation, '1~IC4.1 a, the in a ree<ml lurnuut of Ol'er 7.100 mem-
tid.el', Rcgi,ter, and gel your f:unily ma-rer of ccremonie," Gene received ber~. II) ciCCI Ihe ol11eer~ IIho will heall, 10 rcgi,ler an d 10 vOle. Gel many gift .. and Ilell lIi,he~ froJll1 Iho~c Ihe union for Ihe nexi three years.
}'ollr'cll Inl'olvcd. '>0 I'.C ma} be
able 10 nHt~c ~ome c hange~ in Washin~­
!Un nC~1 )·clLr 10 help beller the C:HI!IC of New Journ eymen
Ihc lIorl-ing people of Ihh COIIIl Ir)"
To <lllOte " phTa"'" of i ntern"tionnl
I're,id,'nt Charle, II. Pillard\. III Ihe la~1
conlenlion. " Polilical nelil ilie~ of union
nwmh.'r~ nT!' :, nf'(·,',<';lry r":ln of Ihdr
re~pon .. ihi!ilie~ II." cilizen,:'
JOliN C. 11 11 11lI·ItS, A~sr. 11.111.

Kansas C ity Graduates

Honored at Banqu et
1.. 11. IU. KA "iSM; (,ITY, \lO.-The
K:on ,a~ (it) Join t Apprenliee~hip llOd
Training Commitlee hO'>led n ban<luel
for lhe gra.hl:ltin g apprellliee .. on June
Cerlifkale, of complelion "ere pre-
-,clllCd 10 Jame, Ileem. Jr .. John Brown.
Frederid Collin', Ger:lld G:ulIhrill,
Walter lI:lInmund, WiIlmrn Hall'oClI II ,
I'hilli" HQ\\erton. Jnmc, Kell ). Joe
Luhen. Fred Meh!. h :ln I'elton, Cnrl Recent graduales o f local 124. Kansas C,t~. Mo,. include. front row. left tD "ghl. Paul He'·
I'ope. JlIme~ Rome, DlIr"in Thomp>on, mann. Train,ng D"ector; John B.own. J oe Luben; larry Woseman: Jam" BHm: W ~lIer Ham·
mond; and W"Ue< Cn.m"r. ;n~t", r lnr !'l"~nnrt ",W .J~m~ .. Kfllly- "'ml!~ Ram,,; Geralrt Gam·
Gar) Wi1liam~. and Larry WI'oCman. bl i"; Cal' Pope; Frede.ick Collln$: and Jaspe' Standley. InSlruCIOr. Thlfd 'ow, W,lIiam
Whilo! in Miumi. Florid:!. for the 27th H"nsen II; tvan Pelion; Ph lll,p Howe,ton; Fred Mehl: and Gar)' W,IIIams.

Fron t and Back V ersion s Election Time in Ch ica go

Seen 'rom the ,.Onl II,e Hen" Brunke.

Lelllnd F [Ilis. Otto Bu.~holde,. Fred Melli,
1973 ";~;;';'m;"' and Paul Cote man


Internationa l V,ce P,esident W L Vinson

greeU some 0 1 t he old -tImers a t the IInnuII
Old· TImers Dinner o f Loc al 125, Potti""d,
SOlen at the old·llme,s dtnne •. a.e retired
.ecording secretary Floyd Parke., re t tlcd
bU$iness . ep re sen t ativ. Fred O"ke, and
Business Represen tatlv, l ony FreItas in the
b.c~ground and rel l,ed p.eslden t Roy
Quimby in the fo.,,&,ound

~:;;;===;;;;;;':;;:;;;;. Gene Heln. IlOIlo

~n ~UI"ned 10 Oregon 10< 2.
,eal"5. wu honored at a dInner "",en b,
the O,elon SlIle Associat Ion of Elecl"cal
WOtkers. He IS ~n ht't WIth BUSlnHS The officers for the ne\l Ihret' \eaB
Manllae' John G. Kea., Local 125, center, arc lill~inC"S~ " :m,lger \oudan. P re~idem
lind BUSIness Manage' Arthu, J. B.uele •• Bill Hog"n. VicC' P re_idem Bnh WiILC'.
Loc.' .8. Po,Uand I mancial Seerel:lry DJn O·lIrien. Re·
",ording s.:creIM} Rud\' Ikrnhal'd, and
The Chkago Siadium "a~ again r rl'a'lIrt' r Jerry SlIlI;\an.
rC llicu. :mu 40 Hning Illllchinc, wac '>C I I he memhers of the r\~~'lIti\"~ Buard
up. The eleclion " a~ ~u pcr\hed h)' 16 ;Ire Ray B\lhrnann. ·Tom C(Jnnur~. Larry
1cller~ elecled h) scerC I o:oIlot at Ihe re1t· Dolan. Bob Ell iott. Al \I o, heL lone, \\ho ad m inistered the o;lth of
ul'lr i\l n)' meeting. IJrot he r Ib} Kl ed.H O' H allor:\Il, Ed Fitlger"ld. ;lnd FranL office h) the omee~, in~talled them in
",,,s Ihe judge. T\lo nctllrnl oh<;cncr~ Cunningham. thcir re~pccti\e office~, and gol\e :.d·
\lau;:hed the enl ire clection nnd \crified The E\amining o o,Ird menlher, are dres:.e\.
Ihnl it had been eonduelt'd bolh fairl), Jay Outler. JaLc (,1;1'.'. \ hlll I ~nehan. Vice I' re~ident ~ I alone eon!!rOllulatcli
;lnu imparlially. Nei l Li ochan, and Tom Sinclair. IhC' omc~ ..... :lnJ lIf1led IhI:" entire memo
Uu <inC'<~ \I ana~er AI Soudan. seeLin& Our J uly m«ling h"l~ on e\cn her<.hip 10 !!he their complele coope-ro·
his third lerm, led in the 101,11 \ote!> n;:· grealer ~ignifie;:mee \lhen I\e \Iere hon· lion and 'lIpporl 10 thC' officer.;. He a].,o
ech'cd, \I ilh 78t;, of Ille ,ott's CotS\' A ll ore-d b) the prc\Cnee uf International 3)!;ured e\cr)ooC' Ihat he and hi~ \t,11T
other enndidales on Ihe Soudan ~In te Sccrelar} Joe "'-een,m 31hl ');\lh DiQriCl \lould pro\i..!e c,ery po!>~ible ht'lp and
\lere elected by lied'I\e majori ties. i nlern"lional Vice " n."".km I om M a· a~ismnce in help ing to o\ercorne the


om,t:lde, 1'0 hich face our local :lnd the
8rOlho:rhOOt.l. Local 141 Treasure, Our Annual Picnic y,u.) hc!d on J u]y
] IIh. Rai n ,]oy,ed thLn g) dO\ln a bL t to
Inlcrnalionnl Sccretnry Keenan ga\'c a the morninll. hut Ihe aft ernoon \las
documented report on th e problems can· greal. Allain. it ..... u'> a finc :jlTair.
fronling labor lind cmpha,i7.ed th e need I hope to pre!>Cnl an article on One of
for II cunccrted <:froft on lahor'~ part to oILr olliccr, evel") month. '1 h i~ momh. I
.!;tl I" Ihe pull, :ulli votc for Ihl,)<,e candi-
am fCliturinJ; Charlc, I·. Ra:Lh. I reas'
dille, end('r~d hy CO I'F and pledged to urer.
,upporl I:lhor', programs.
Charlc~ I>cg;iO hi- :Ipprenlico:\hip in
r he direction in y,hieh our local y,ilI
be heading and the ruute it y,ilI lale to
J une. 19"~. and y,a, el«led recording
seeretar) in 19·19, ~ning in thai C;lp;'C.
reach our gO:11\ for continue.1 progress
y,ere ct"':lrly defined by 8 u,in ...,s Man- ily for o:illhl )e;'f' In 1941t he t->egan
sen-inl; Ihe balance of Ihe unlinhheu
ager ~wJ;1n in hi) report to the mem-
term of Irl."u~urcr. H ~;II.:.InC) createJ hy
the relirement of hi, r;uher. anJ hI.' ,liIl
The Ihree )ear~ ahead y,iIl be <,Orne o f
sen-e, in Ih:11 ofticc. lI i~ f:llher, George,
the I11U,t Ir)ing in labor\ ~t rllggle for
was trC:I~tlrer for o\cr 40 ye;lfs.
jU~lice and for the principles it cndorses.
We II ~~\lre Ollr otJicer~ uf our full :md Chorlc~ ' ctlrre nl committee wor~ in·
IIn'lu;llirlCd ~upport ;lIld of our conlinu- clude~ heing Ihe Irc;"urer :Ind Iru,lee of
in!,! fall h and tr\l~1 in them. Ihe Propert)' A),oci;llion. Ire,L\urer of
Charles E. Rub. Tteaturer, Loca l HI, lhe Relief IJencfil Fund. lind a mcml!cr
101. KIN{.sll \ P S. Wheelong. W. Va.
of Ihe Hn:lnct COmmillel.'. In Ihe p:t~I,
he sencd a, deleg,Llc 10 Ihe Ohio V;,l1ey
Service Pins Awarded ; Vice I're\iJenl J. B. PaiC. Sc\eral Inler' Tradelo :tnd LaMr Av~.'mbl). lh II mem-
national offlCeT\ \lere present, including ber of Ihe A!,!rct'ment and Conference
Work Remains Very Good Intern:lllon;11 'keretllr)' JOl>Cph O. Cammillee. :lnd a~ a menlbcr of lhe Ap--
L. U. 1Jf!. 1I1K~II;\,GIIi\;\ I . AI. A.- "':eo:n:tn. Inlcrnaliun;LI Trea~ure r Harry premice,hip Committee.
Scnice pin~ Hre HIHLrded each mon th 10 Vun Ar,da!e, a ...1 II C mc mber Uar ry Charles and hI) wifo:, June, IUlve three
eliglh]e memben of our loc~.r who have Ik\ky. chiluren. J une Ann . b nc~. lind J o;l11.
rcach ... d :W or more )eurs of .... rvice. Brothe r "':eenu n !,!a\e the principal ad-
He i~ pre'>t!nlly em ployed \lilh lhe
At a recenl meeling. Pre,ident Jack dre". Hnd ;1' L"U;II. it 1'0:" \ery im piring
.. nd \cr) o:nlj~hlenin~ . Brolher Keen:.n h Elm Gro,·c F1cclric ComPliny. at Ihe
Warren pre~nted 20·year pins 10 8 rol h- po\lcrhouse al Mount Storm, We't Vir-
er, ...: . c. ) one,. Curl M e~se r, and 1. P. one of Llnioni'm', m(l',t detliclued melll-
SjlC;lr~: ;1 25')ellr pin to Bernard hcr~. und hi, tll l~ , llro: al"a)~ ~Iraighl­
Orool\: ;md JO·)ear pins to W. I. ~l iI1- for";Lrd "n\1 10 Ihe point. He sened in the Uniled SUItes Army,
Corp" of Engineo:". in the Philipp,"e Is-
y,ee, L. S. Ta)IO(, and bel H. Miller. J. I . WIl so.... P.S.
Our congrntubliuns to these line union land:..
mem bers y,ho hll ~e done much to fur- TIIO 'l\~ L BU R1. P.S.
tho:r Ihe elUL'>\! o f Ihe BrOlherhood! Wheeling Press Secretary
lhc y,orl. ~illL:O l ion In Ih i~ jLLri,dktion Catches Up on News
continue) \cry good l.noJ .should remain
Retirees' Club Planned;
MJ. ul leu,t for Ihe fo re~eeab l c fuluro:. l..lI. 141 . \\1I0: 1.1 .... C, W. "A.- Wilh Harrisburg Work Progresses
B " ,i n c\~ Mana);!c r ]-la yc~ \V. Coclrell reo Ihrcah fr.1m i'L·c,i.knt F ~ercil 'l cCarty.
4Il e'I ~, howe~c r , Ihat uny' mem be r tle,ir- I tholl1;ht I h,L"] hClIer ~e l on Ihe b;.n , L. U. ]43. II AH IUSnUHG, l'A._ Wilh
ing 10 cOllie 10 our juri'>diction fir\t con- '>0 here\ an nrtielc from (lLLr loc;11. 2.7 of our membe r, ret lrcd. the loclil
I:ICI hl\ o"n husine\s mlln;jgcr. The Our 'firing dance. arr:tn~'ed b~ Chair- y, M to talc Ihe fir~t 'Iep low:lrd\ hl1\i ng
labor lIcman,j, may change from y,eel m;tn I .oui, Cnm;mli, a~ u)u<lI, y,as en- a retired membe ....• club on '-M:plembcr
10 y,l'i:l. :Ind 0) u,ing the proper chan- ;..) ..d to) "H'()Onc. ] h.ld 10 \lorl. .all lSI. Such a club y, ll~ talleJ about for
no:l\, 11 member may be: spared unneees- ni~ h l;\I M"h,,). some ti me. hUI Ih;11 y, :t~ ll) fnr :IS II got.
S:lry tnl\cI e\pcn '>C hy bringing II leller \\ e y,ero: hL"h 10 Ihe We~1 Vir!,!; nia Now thai the dale h:l\ bcen \el, Ihe ~olJ
from hi, home ]OCIII. I eder.lliun nn J ul) 11 th An informal folh" y,iII h:!\ c a clllh of Lheir own.
Our nlember-.hip recenll y \'oled 10 in- lo.... I ·IO~-et hcr \Ill' held nn l uly 10lh III NO\l Ihllt th e ~Iri l t, arO! o~er, Ihe
Cfea-.c Ihe do:ath benefil asse~'men l from Ihe Mel LLre hOIl ..... The crO\ld y,:t~ I'ilt)hurgh PI:lle GhL~S job h roi ling,
52.00 Iu 53.110 per (leath. lherchy in- ~Lll:111. an d :" lho: pulo:r ~:lmc beg:1 n. th e y,ilh tho: OlWmting Fngincer~ ..... or!;ing
cren .. inll lh ... de;lt h pllymc m 10 ap proxi- IIlher, Jecilkd 10 tr r Wh cc ling'~ ni ght IWo s h ifl ~. Norl h" e,tcrn Flcclric of
matel) $3.4UO. '1he de:'I h benefil i~ one life. [ cd h) onc of 'Jur Brol hers. they Eric, Penn,) h'aniu. j, Iho: electric;11 con-
of Ihe fi nC\L !oCrv;ce, Ihat can be made prue... c,jcJ ItJ Ihe " ilbee hI ......... Ihe \trip- tractor. Cillude !:tllLl·tenllln) ilo Ihe elec·
3\'ailal>le 10 our memhcr~. as all of Ihe poer. It ...cenh ;1\ if unc of our BrOlhe,", trical projecl man:tger. Brother Joe
mom.')' h .-.ent Ji, nlly lu Ihe tle •• ,j memo frurn Ihe ,otuho:rn p:trl of the ,I!lIr Kingslon of l ocal 504, MO:;ld,illc. I'enn-
bcr\ I>c neficillfY, y,ilhoUi a deduc lion of <'pc;. l , Sp;mi,h. llllU Ihb gul "a~ from s)-h-:mi:l. h Ihe MLpcrinlend cnt. Urolher
a ny lind. ~LL1h Amo:rica! A J;n:al time y,a~ hau Hill II ran)an IS th e 1;o:ne(:11 forem;," , :Uld
As I y,;lS "rilin, Ihis column. y,ord b) ;tl]. It) Ihe y,a). Ihe poler g;Lme BrOlher Gene F riclloOn i~ lhe fOrenllln.
y,a~ p:lw:d to me of Ihe p,I"ln!,! of br.:lle til) .. I (dO A. M. The joh i, jl"l ~Illftin ~ and Ihere arc
Brother Go:orllc F. Martin. ;, journey- BreaUa.1 ";1\ at IU:O(). anJ agHin. only 14 Lno;'n on il.
me n wircman from th e Birmingham our pre,idem came thlUllj: h. Mac hoLd T ho: ad.h liun 10 thc ('amp lI ill Kor-
Unil. iJ ru lher Marlin ";,~ a ~ cr\' eo nM:i- br... alf:"t o,cn ... d faI11i]~-,t)'le. wilh plal- \CHe !<.I"ro: b nO" 1lI1Jcr rouf ilnd i~
enliou .. union mlln :111..1 a highly ·,l ilted 10:" of h,orn. h<ll:u n, '" .. 'age, ~enLlllh1cd ma~j ng progre"". G. R. Spano!,!]e & Sons
1'0 [ro:m,m. We y,iII lill mi ~~ " Big" George. e~~" and hmnc - frie~. I hing' mu .. 1 l!c is Ihe elcclTical conlraC lor: Ihi, mllfil
and "I,' mQurn hi, pllS~Lng. lough in .....'m... locll"- hccau'>C Ih~ guy) also ha, Ihe addition 10 Lhe If ul)' Spirit
Rece ntl )'. I "":I~ privileged to be in- ro:all) putlh,,1 fouoJ ay,~)·. Hospilnl. \lhie h i. \I ell under "a)'.
cluded y,ilh a grou p from our local in GUI h' C hico Vllr\(J, A'oSbt:m t The Unemployment Compcm:llion
IlIlend;IOce al Ihe I ifl h District I>rogre~s Itu,inc" \ I,IO;lgcr of [ucal 24. O:llli- Bill . UR 9lfO. b jU,1 Uhoul complete.
" Ieeting in ""'c ..... Orleans. II y,as a wry mure. -I he 1;"1 hme y,e y,orled on the y,ith y,hal lools lil.e 10 \;elol') ror labor
piea)!ull :tm'! hi~I,I) · iilformi!th·e meeting. !klmc j •• h "11~ in Pillshurgh in 1957. an incrc:l\e in p"Yll1enl from S60 10
\o:r) abl) pre,ided o\er b)' Intcrnlltional "hen h~' 1'0 •• ~ ;1 memher of Lot;,1 5, S8 1 per "o:el an d y,jth pcn)ion (md So-


cial Security r :.) menh nOI bt:in~ ue- Lile-Saving Award Rie h.lru W 1)oo1I.)On o f HrOlher and
UllC II,'" ;j~ Ihe)' now ;lrI:'. I p.!r\onllll) ~ol "'r~. R:llph Dodd. I.illed in action
In e;lru~ ,i~ned :lnu m aile d to the ,ar- in Vi e ln.,m and honored pasthu·
iou~ I:l\.. jll, t ~~ m:my olhers momly .... ith Ih .. J)i ~ lin lluis hed Fl ying
miere'leu in larof \lid. CrQ'lS. one of Ihe hi!lhc~1 a .... ards a lie rv-
It is "ilh ~ad rc~ret Ih:'1 I report Ihe icc llI"n can rcee:he. It wa~ rre~nted hy
Pl. s~i ng of one of ollr rO:- liro:-u ll rolher~, I' re~iuenl Ni.\\)11 10 R ich;ud\ pare:nb
b me~ 1\.1 Kelrer ukd lin AII~II't 2 hi, .111,1 \\ifo:-. Ihe 1;ILto;r of tJ inuinl,: h,lIn. Ahl-
~I e hOld heen :. nlo:-rnncr of Ihe I BrW It'tlm,.
,ince l\.I:tll.:h 17, 19-'1 Ollr 11/1:'<11 c~t.:-nll~ T ho:- (il:.I,on ;Ice()mpan)ing Ihe meda l
its he:mfch ~)mp.llh) I" hi, famil) read,. rllr herosim anu e\lr~ordi·
Ol\kl\' D "1'11'1') :"'1\0"':,1'.$. n;tr)' :l~·hic"·menl in aerial nigh!. v.hile
\en in!! ,,~ It pll,n \ \lurine I I~hl
1I000hwpler \qu,lurnn 167. ri ....1 \I"rine
Clarence Lewis Prese nted Aircr;lft, in (I,lnn«lion \ll lh combal op-
cr:lli(\n~ :.(:.. in,1 Ihc C'oem) in the Rcpu .....
lBEW life-Saving Award lit of \ .o:-tn .. m (10 April 22. 1'J70.
L.U. 165. (' lil t" \ (;0. ILl,. Bl'Illh.:-r C •• renc.. lewIS. local 16S Chocaao, III
On that dl'~ . I I~lIten:lnt Dodd refueled
C I" r.:-"ce I ~ ... ". :1 Idq,I,,,,,,: ,el""r, ...,II. recently recelv~ ,he IBEW li l c·S'~ln. h" hdjcllptt.'r I .... iee. a \lltol of
recein~d thc IIlI W I ife-lialm~ A\I:LHI Awaf" 10' savln& Ihe h~u 01 two ",Om<ln Ihree c"mh"t nigh t, Itl re"clle M:trinCli
I.ap",," by gn in an ~pal1rntn' He IS seen 'Iirrolintie,1 hy :1 "nlllllerir;all)-~lIPI'rior.
for prevenling the de"lh, "f \I r,. II.:-"ic here (ecci~,nft Ihe ~war" and a lapel pin
Sne;ld a nd her dlll l)l hl er, re.idellh uf a 'rom Business Manager Donal" J. Serv~tlu5. hu, lilo:- fllree ..
,ix-nat hllihlin~ in ( hi c!<!;II. le ft. I iClltcnHllt I) mlJ w:t~ ;t1~1l pn"hll-
Brolher l ':-lli, had 1\(1.-1..:-11 in Ihe I1HIII,I) :!\\ilrdcd lh~ i\ir 1<1 1:'11;,1 for ~9
hllillling hef,lre and ,,)m~ of the ,Iril.o:- flil:!hl :111:11'.1, anJ Ih e N nvy Com.
I'e,idenh Ihere. On \1 ,md;!\, !"ehrwlr\' Killed In Action nWIIII"\IIIO ~kllnl \\ilh Comh:II '."'-.
22. 1971. he \1;,\ d"inl! repair \lorl. in II I.' hud hcCIl ,hie to return lu Ihe
the huiluin~. \lhen hI' nuli(eu Ihe o..lor lIniled ')1;11(" in \<:plo:-mbi:r. 1970. Ri·
,If J;a~. II I.' \lnrl.e:d it fC\I rninllle,. ;lnd th,lnJ "11\ .1 '4!~onu-)e"r apprentice
the ,mell I1ccllme ~Irun~.:-r \\Ifl'nt:tn \11"," hI' rnli'I"~1 in Ihl" \l a-
IJrolhcr I c .... i, Ihl1ughl , ,, 1t7' )ear-old nne,
\l r\. SneJIl lind hcr u,lUghler. '\0 he On t>ch,tI( IIf our local. I e~lo:-ml our
.... ent to their ,lp"rllllo:-nL ami I.noded on ,)mpalhie, til hi, parenh ,tnU .... ife on
lhe d(Mlr II I.' ro:-o:-ciHl1 nil rC'JXln,e li e their ~re;jl I,)"
then pll,heu Iho:- d(IOT in un,1 fOllnt! Ihe In April. 1'1711. I ne:,1 2-'1. Otta .... J. 11-
1\\0 "omen in :, '4!mr·Clln'ciuII' ~I:tle. Ilnni,. merJ,:O:-u ",Ih "tlr l(le:.I. N,)" .....c
Ilft)cho:-r I c"i, (l~ned Ihe .... mdu\\s and ~Irel(:h frtllll Ihe Indi:,n .. horder 10 a
c"lIeu ror .1 fire ,kpaflmcnl :llllhulante .... e\terl) JXlIn l al W:,lnut. IIImoi'. :,\"00"1
"nu " g:I\ ,',Imp"n) cmer~O:-nC) crew. 10 mile, e,,,1 (If Ihe 1""11 Ixtrder.
I he ,:1\ men tttmed ofr Ihe !la, ;,e ehe \lIltllllK 1l<'"~IIIII.P.s.
huildinJ; '\Cnice A 1'.1' (""mpan~ nllil-i~1
....." qUlllcd ;,~ ,,,)Inl!. "An.llher fho:- or Labor Day Picnic Held;
IU mimIlO:-'. ,II1d Ih~ cnllle Ituilding
mighl h,HO:- hlo\\n up'-· Members Atte nd School
IJII~illc~\ M,III.'):,·, 1)"".,111 J. S.·r\al'lI~ l.,lI. 177. J \ C Kso~ \rI Ll . t:. FL \ . -
pre'>Cnl,·u the 1I .... "rJ II) Brother I e"i~ I he Anm"tI I "hor D.I) P icnic for ollr
und cl)IIlJllenlCII. "Our Il)c;.1 ,milln is :tn,1 the ir f:Ullilic~ ,,~, hehJ on
dOllhl) proud IIf II rulher ' c .... i,. 'Ince he Scplemiler .~(h .11 Nc.... K iltg~Je\' t\cao:-h
i~ thc fir" mcmh,'r "f 1 I\~:\I lInl<"l 165 on Kin g,Ie) I al.e.
10 qllalify fOi the 1111 W I lfo.:-'\;"ing 00"", a mllmbe, (II
an" Ihe .(In of I lin llllJ Sl llll C' .... erc on Ihe :tgemlil
A" .. r,I." kill ed in \lct ,on In fllr ,:\·cl")<)nc. c\cn Ihe ,mallc,( ' mall
Mil I 1\.11/1.11 , 1' .5 V' .. 'n ~m ann was n<>sthllmollsly ~wMde" rr) .J herc ";" II I!re~,o:-d pole Ih:.1 th e
Ihe Olsl,nsulshed Ftyln& Cross!, lried 10 climh. and a couple of the
Iud) unc, 1I1<"le il W Ihe lup. Gelling
New Offic ers Elected; II) Ihe tup "!!~ nl) C,,,} t:,,1.. ,",ut once:
anll ~hc them our ~upport lu m~I"e OUT) )"011 ,,,I Iho:-.e. the IC .... tlJ "." " $S.OO
Member Killed in Action " heller local and to m,,~e their j.l".. hili
L.U, 176, JOl i n. il L - Our ne .... e",icr for Ihem. A, -.orne uf I" "hn h .. \c I ho:- ",(1. r,,,c .....1\ fun for I.i,h of all
oflkca ftlr the I..... ,t ehree )e;lr~ arc heen officer,". it i, nOI 'Ill e.,,~ la,1. "I!C': "I,,,. Lhe egll noee. "hich "as a
Presloent llarenr;c J \ld)llnaIJ. \icc 10 he r\·,pon~ihle ftl( the oper;!!II,n of a
I"mll), "n,IIL \ I;"ml candy har .... a~
Prc,klo:-ol Richaru II Jl.o:-\. R C";IIruin~ l'le .. 1 uniun gi\en til "II Ihe ~"I~ .... ho participaleu.
Seerelary \ Iehin 1,ld"mL I in.lllci .. 1 s.c,. Th,' uflicer~ ;rppoinleJ to 'Ilif l ATe nntl thero:- \\ero:- liqllid refre\hmcnh fur
retar) Jowph 'ee...:. T n:,I'ufo:-r 1),1n:,ld arc Training D irector Chark, I lIel- Ihe "dill! ",nncr\.
Wootlard. and BU'inc" \ I ,m,,~er I I,,)d I'ri)" Financial <;Ceret"r) Fred lI i01e" <;Ome of Ihe lI ..other~ h:,d Iheir wry-
F.. 1~lI l1o:-rlicld, Jr. H:I\ 1I:1I'lon \I"~ up- (I"ir 5i,l.. Ho:-coruing Secr~ t ar)' I)"n:lld '1'M-11'I)-llIo,\~in~ boah Ihere. :'01.1 <;(II1,e of
pointed a~ :I\,i~tllnt Itu,ine" Illllo"ger. Fel!ley. "OIl "lternale\ H;,~ H'''''i :lml the 111111"1.' dnl'ill~ Brolher, tried their
I·!celed 10 Ihe 1' ,,',"li,.· Bu •• rtl , "CI"I' l"hn R. G;'IC. Sr. I"'nll, al \I;tter , ~ iillg. Some "ere leQ
1':1111 M:tr.h. (h,urman; Jlln lI"nlll1en. ' I he contraclor represcnt;ui<e, :Ire g."lli; ~'Ille 1\0:-10:- lucl.): '01111.' \lere nOI
Secretar): I'h il BL.dhum; I ugcne D:lle \I qerhoff. \l e}erhofr r kcltic, ". lu,~) ' I he ":oIer ,,:,5 grcm. and el'
lI .. hn: .. nd \\ illi"m \Ir;"oherr) n",irlll,m: Archie 5c1ler.. (,&S I iccllic: n)one "~nt \\ljmming ..... illingl) or "tlh
n ec led eo Ihe I ""'lining I\o:lnl. "ere r ed \l icci. De l-r:mco E kctri~' ; \\ ill;"m ;t lilll~ ;,,,j'I;,ncc.
Anthon), I rO:-\.Ct"". I IIgcne I rederlcl.. Deel.o:-r. D.:c H eclric: "nd .. hem,uc, I hero:- \\:1' H dcliciou~ a~;.ortl1lenl of
(»c"T L ,r'oOn. Jacl. \\ uOt.I,ml. :II1U John c. A)er. of Aye,"" I icelric anul om I ,- (llod on It,md for the enjo)ment of e\·
Gudgeon. mond of Amolt! Wihon neelric. o:-r)'one. induuing rricu ehide n hOlllh-
Now, "e eiln ~1:II1d hehrn,1 IIlIr llOieeu On Jul y 19, 1970. Brother 1 iClllenant ern,~t)le. IIr ('olll1oe). POli,IO -,:.I:.d. cole


Labor Day Picnic Service Pin Presentations

At th.. Labo. O.~ ",en,o; of

Jlo;k!>onv,lte, Fla_, a younl,I ... It, .. ,
Ih. lOP of 11M I •• "sed pole, a, p.fl"d.nt
Paul JonH 10010.$ on.

The I~dies eompellng in 1m. ,ao;k 'ace

Th" 10111" falioWI "y thalo bau in


,Ia". "'al.ed belln... ham. and all Ihe cold

rcfft: .. hmcnt~ (Jne c;lred 10 intake.
We cxtend uur th;mb to B rOlher~ Art
Wil-on. luhn Crellm. I)aul Jone ... Bill
Brommcr. and the I· _x\"euthe Hoard for
the lin\" joh that 1111")' did on IItt- ricnic.
During [he \led. of August Rth·l3th. Both men arc rormer buslncs~ manag-
Brolhers H:lrry Baile). Bob Hulbein, ers of Ihi\ locaL International Repre..ent-
und I. \lilh our famirie:.. anended the lIIi\c Eugene "Ked" <';ol.ele) "lid Ihe hon-
Hmid,. AFI·('IO ...:hool in St. Peler,· nrs for lhem. II I.' ~Ialed Ihat he felt it a
hurg. We ~Ia}ed :11 Ihe Sheralon MOlel real pri ... ih:ge 10 prc\t:nt Brother G:ltlll.nt
Oil T:lJnpa IJ;IY. We wenl 10 SChUlll eue h his pin. :I~ it "n~ Gallant who ~Hlrled
.1:.). "hire our fal11i1ie~ "oal.e<l up Ihe him on hi, :tpprcntice~hi p in the e;trly
"un,hine. T he <.ehQ<)) was "ery tnforlllu· 1<)-10,.
li,c. and afler ,chuol hour,. we enjO)ed The hunured gl!e~t~ ~ept up a running
\,ur\Che~ with our hmilies in the pool. h:lllic of qurie\ Ihat hall occurred (I"er
I I \\:1\ beautiful placc. and "e thoughly the )ear~.
cnjo}ed the enlire "cek. I\1SO hooored. \lcrc t"the memlxn
J. C . "C~RL" Sl>UTlt, P .S.
"ho haVe <.enell 2~ or more ),c:lr, in
Ihe lin· \V . 1'>oincl)-t"0 Olher men "ere
ghen their pin,--,W 2~-}car ptns. thir-
Brothers Gallant, McCleary ty-three J()-) ...:tr pin,. t"ct"e J:;-)c:lr
W,lIlam JO\iaphson. '1Ih!. "c<::epts cona.",tu. pio,. one -IO-)c;Ir pin. :md ,i" 4S-)ellr
Receive 50-Year Pins ' a l,ons '0' his .0 ~a.,s of m"mbl,slnp f,om
Bu"n"ss Menel'" Od.,. end Inl •• nlll;on,,1
I •. U. 191 . 1<: \ EHf.:'lT. WASII.-Our Rf'p'~nl/lt"'" l".... kf!If!,.. Arter :1 ruund C1r picuITe-tal,;ins :md
loclil recenll} h;td the pri\;lege of hOI1- )arn-\"appmll. the meCl1ng was ud-
oring t"o uf il) retired melllbcl'<. W:lller journed '-0 that the mcmbers "od gllt!Sts
S. G:IlIant and John McCleary. with could enjo) rdre~hmenh and a fine dutch
SO-}ear pins for their scf\ice to the lunc h.
IB l:.W. L. ELK! • P.S.


C incinnati Unemploym ent Member's Son Is a Hit Old-Tim ers Honored
High ; Member's Son Is Succ ess
L U. 2 12, CINel .... " AT!. OI IlO-Un-
emplo}meni ~Iill i~ a phlgue !llIIong our
1000al unilJll memt-eh. A~ o f I h i~ IIIriling,
\Ie ha\'e 12() mcn on Ihe Ihl.
Se\eral joh~. ,,,eh ;I, Ihe Cohllllhia
POlller joh. 1\\1) furnilurc: ~Iurc:s. and
Ilorl.. 31 PrOl;ler and Gamhlc-. hal e (ome
10 a fini\h. lJu,inc~ .. \1~n;lger Boh \\eh-
mann h;1\ rcpurTed Ih.11 Ih.: ,Iarl of lhe
1'I()\\cr ,Ialion in \1 0"';0\1, Ohio. \\ill be:
dela} ... d 31 le;I,1 ;molher )I."ar. Bo Don~ld50n, "aht, 01 ,h. n.hOn.lly,
The empltJ}mtnl .. l\u.llion Ihroul!hoUI ".moos rock a'Oup. Bo DonaldSOn & Thl
Ihe p;1~1 ) ... ar h;" !oCriOl"I) affcctcu our H ~ywC>Ods. Is Ih. san o . RolM,' Doniidson,
l0<;1l1 212, C,nCI"nali. H" brothe,. frank.
Healt h ;lOd WelfMe "rugr:l!ll, ,I'mo~1 ,5.1$0. loc.1 212 membe,. A, 'he 'ICen' Aw •• ds NISht 01 local 224,
cau~ing Ihe plnn I" ee.l\o,: \Ipcrallng. New Bedlord. Mass.. pons we.e S,~en 10
T rU\IC':, Bill RUlherl. Wuh I ewi ... nnd members w,th 2S and 50 yea .. 01 ",,,,ee.
Ralph Grieme IHI,I III Illa~e dr;I~lic The Fxa minin g 1I0ar,1 mcmher~ are He,e. leI! to roght, Wal'er Mont SO·year
chang~s I II help :lIlclialc IlIi .. prt,hlclll. Kennelh Hea,'y, Inh" \l llTdi~nl Ir .. nnd n'ember. accepts his p,n Irom Bus,ness
,\ ti l'hilt:! S h allghnc~~y. Manllger Jlmes Mu,phy lind P"",den'
., hrnu gh\lul Ihe .. c h:mt lime ... \lC are George Clar k .
I'Tl',id<'nt Ml lrp hy npll.linto:.1 mo,: H~
Icanllng Iho,: I!'IIC 111cllnin~ of hrollit:l"
pres~ '-Cerelary al Ill". ' \11 1111'1 gener:11
hOOtl , :lIld \II! clIn unl} hupe lh:1I Ihis
meeling: .
.. ilu:l1ion I:hllng..... fur Ihc t...:Uer .. oon.
SUP!,!url Ihe union laheL Wort. union;
I-or Ihe Ilfighl~'r .. iue ..f Ihe ne\\s. ,
buy IInion.
:lm happ} \0 report ..... ,Ih Ihi) i))ue, Ihe
,ueee), of one IIf ,)IIr mo,:mhcr.' .. on\. He ROlli liT r. C\I'I'llI l 'lO. 1'.$.
i) no Donald..on. ")II uf BrOlher Koberl
anu Ihe hmllwr of I nml... ;11..0 a L()(al
212 mel1lhcr.
Pou ghkee psie Cla mbake
Uo i, Ihe le:luer .. Ir Ihe mnionallr-
famou~ II O:} ...... II.JJ .... 1 hr.I\\.:J rod. band.
I he IIc)lIl.II.,d\ :,rc 1Jlulli-fuccled per-
former, eumhi ning Itl necoml: u new
foree in mu,ic. '1 hI,'} aTe :11 homl: in
hard nx:l, counlr)' tlll<.l .... e'll,'rn. progres-
.. i~c blO." ... or Ihe ,wIlu:lr<.l, . ., he) ha'e
jll~1 fin i ~hell :1 Ihlliun .. 1 hlLlr ..... Ih anOlher ~e" "' I"*' t~'~mnn)' I~h 10 "Ihl lire
group, Ihe (},mon,h, I he Il c} .... oods per- P,.s,d.nt CI.,k, Manuel Mello 2S yu,~:
formeu in Nt .... Ode:IO". 1,0\ Ant;.<'1cs. Broth., Mont. 50 yea.s: Norman Ro~ .. s. 2S
y....: Bus,ness Mllnaae' Murplly: .nd Jack
o\I .~,i"'IPPI , Georgi:.. .!xlul h Carolina. Sen ' 05. 2S ye .....
lind Flor., ln Itnt! .... il1 \(I('n t-e '> Inrting
,mOlher Wur .... hl ch el.lHr, 12 ,Iales.
heau of Ihe Ne .... Bo,:drurd Wire Dep;lT\·
T he) h;l\e IlCrfuntle,l on nUlllerous men l. a joh he hft, had f"r :1 nllmhcr o(
tcievbi(lIl ,l;Ilion ... ha\e pl:l)cd for Ihe
)enr" Brol her Mont l'O:l'winh h:" heo:n
Cin\:irm:lli Ret! .. It:lwh,11I TC;llu. llnu arc
:111 :"~CI 10 uur 1ut::II .
currcnt ly pla}inll in W i ri~lli. 1I :O .... :lii.
T ..... e nl y· fivc·~cnr pin~ ,' cre ghcn 1"
51' , .... r \. I . JlJ., ... ~<)N. I' .S. Bru lhcr .. Manuel Mell". hi (,l'illin. Jad
5:11110', Ca rl u 1'0 1:1. I' CleT ':'onlc!,il:. Fu·
w:trd MltcAloon. AntillI' ('",hillt,:. I Ted
Annual C lambake Held ; f renc h, Jad (lilmure. \l nll U\I\ll:mtl.
Loca l Installs Office rs Tom Croot.,. J r., ;mu Norman Ro\lcrt"
The I nLerl:linmenL C'o"lI .. illt:t: Jid "
L.U. 21 5, l'Ol 'G IIK t: t: I'SIF , ' _Y.-Our (abuluu~ joh or pulling I.In .1 hulTel
local held ih Ann";11 ('tunhu l..e on h,l ) afler the meeting. The commi'1.·c pro·
17th "I lhe (rum I lho.... Gun C lu b. .idcd Ihe Il rolhe,., .... ilh a .... ell·roundcu
Ih ue I'ar~ ..... i,h member.. relireoJ BrOlh- u~""'lmenl 'If refre~hmen.... I h ... .:om-
cr.. anJ gue,1\ Itl!cnJing . ., ho,: relired millee. in~jdentall). h(I\ h«n d01ll\; :10
melllber~ .... er... gl'en Iheir lidl: b at Scenes I,om 'he Annu.' Cl.mb.... 01 local eAccllenl joh tin \ponwring fi, hin\; trip'.
215, PouShheps.e, N V
h:I'f-priec. uances. :mu \arioll\ \OCj,,1 e.cnh <.Iurin!;
1\1 Hur Jul) g"naill mt'Clinj;. our loe:,1 Ihe year.
in,l:llled ii' Ilc .... tlnkeh ..... ht) .... ill guiu e Local Honors Old-Ti me rs I hI: .:ommiltc~ l1lemhcr, ~re curro:"ll),
Iho,: hx:al u~cr Ihe ne\! Ihree )ea r~. They pl:lIlning :. C hri\lrn:" dinner·d; ..I.:e for
lire Pre,i ..tenl Willi urll I'.ll1 rph). Jr .. Viee
At Award s Night J)ccemher IJell at lhe II nrhor I!caeh
I' re,i,lcnl Kuhen \l or;ln. Bu .. ille'!! ~lan­ I.. U. 224. 1' t:" 1I F. IW OH tl, " \ SS. - Clun. Thc) ha\c re ..... r\c,l Ihe cnlirc P;II1-
ager John Varricchio. Recoruing Secre- Th i, p;t~1 ~prin~. Ollr ',)( .• 1 h".1 .101'll1er quel h.ll1 un Ihe 101' llcct. (or Jining :,nd
lary eli/for<.l ~ternberg and I r,"asurer A .... ards Nighl. anll .... e ha.1 Ihe hl.ln.1T "f tI;meing. arc goinl! f;l"I. \0 if
Urtrol<l ,\lin:lru. g",mg Oll t ~(I_ "n.1 :!.'-~C"r wn 1':1,' pm,. )011 tire rlanninJ!! 10 \;0. ~~t }IJur l i.:~;::"
The I weuli-e Boar,1 nu:ml>el'l nrc The a ...... ru~ \\eTC prc'>Cm",1 h\ U.1I,i- from the l·"nullillcc mem~ ..... a\ "'lOn ;'1\
Robert \\ ood ~lue. I u\l.lrJ IIcgu,h. Fd- nc-.s \I :mager J,Hne, Murp hl ;tn., I'll',i- r<mihlc.
\I;lr<.l Ikon ... ,. C h:trlt, Crugl:r. Jr., K:I}_ uenl GCllfge C1:lr~, A .... (If\I, piClllres \lert! l:I~en b} Bill
mun" Phillip,. Sr., J:lIne, ~milh, und A 5 (J-~0,:;lT pin .... 'h pre....:n1cd 10 TumJjn..on II I. Many IhanJ,,~. Bill,
Rolwrl Cap!,!llIino. Brulher W .. ller MIlnl , Ilho wnc~ :1' Ihe TIIOM AS J. Silt I MI ... , I'.S.


\\.ith morc th"n 500 members lind thei r "~r and Ihlll more people " c re ~ i llcd
Future Niagara Falls familie, in :lIIend llr1Cc. un Ihe job in Ihe l a~1 10 )Ctlf'l Ihan
T he loc~1 furni,hed 10 rounds or .... e. e I.illed in roll of Ihe " lIN III"t the
charcoal.broilell t>cef. rol". hulter. cof· United Slllr c~ h~. been in .. oll'ed in. Our
fcc. flOp. heer, the 1;lhle .-.cT,ice, ice delegate, " ere Brother, 1',Iul l)\ur.IL
erc;un. smile,. II tlanee b.. nd. pony rides, Dale IJ ruole W,l ll a....... and Don,lld
;md pri/c, p::lhlrc. l-h IU,"" "hll IIi" Mi~e M:.nin·, ;ll1er·

A gr\!;U fun e\enl \\':1' the I'II-chall II:IIC

10". In thi, e'enl. It u,me,," M ;III~f:er Our Annunl Picni ... \\.tI~ held OIl our
Jim K()<.~, (enlr.. 1 I "hor ('oun,, 1 I're .. i· ne" properl) on Au!!,"1 :!. h I I he m:lin
OCn! h ed Vei!!d, and Inlcrn:ltional Rep· cour<;e ":1' roa .. t heef. IIhich ,,;.~ -ca·
re...:::nt;tli\c I ranl Kild:1U lool turn, ,it- -..oned ami "iI' h;lrl1cqued in ;, pil Afler
Imp: on .1 planl o'er I.OtIO p:Ill!on, of Ihe fell" . there "ere race-. and games
ice·cold ";lIcr. "'''Iing for t h ~ rlCndhh. for e\er)onc 10 participate in All Ilf IhI:-
sadi.ti..: m\!mt>cr~ h) hll Ihc bulI~-c)e children emkd up "il h pri1.c).
"ilh lhe ball. h. ... rplunl . . . ~II "cl! r he I he Picnic Cumminec con,j,ted or
Sahllli(ln ATnI)' ";1\ happ) Ihoup:h, a~ Ch:liml!\n i.c. Widen~:tmp . ll ruce John·
Ihi~ gamc colkcled $ I ~:!. for charil). ~lOn. BTlK) l.e \V:II"'~e. K"," Llilin. DUllS

Pre.i,lent Richard h. ell hlL\ uppoml\'11 Kirchhuff. lI ilI Ruo.!ger\. ( ,len John.un.
L)1e I aidl all. Did Slnlilh. :Ind D id Bob AIli\On. Gar} 10hn,un. ,lIlti Dick
Shall' ll' Ih\! new lin inn colleclive "ar· f'illl),l h. K:lt hy Widen~ :1I1\p and Gluria
gaining Icu m. 1 :,hlll houg ht th e loy, "n.1 pri/c •.
If or!!:,"i/c" IlINlr hn, lellflw,] a Ie,· Sint'e tlUI' new property i, :Iero~. tu"n
Th i. mode . of ' he fu.u •• downtown N i~&'.... ...on the h:lrd lilly from the 1961i clcctiun fr"m Ihe union hall. much "urI. had In
F.. II~ dlplct. ,orne 0 ' t he work "-;n8 don .. he done in prcpanl lion fur the pic nic.
lind SOml '''1' will be CI'llld out by mlrn 1)( Rie h.. rd Ni~(ln. lei lhe top le:1\ler"
be •• 0 ' lOC., 231 , Nilla,. feill. N'( The pro'e ii, Thc c:m ~t:lrl hy plhhing The .. rea h"l! lu h... mo"ed ;lIId r:l!;.ed.

U'I lo.ell.ound
C.... , ..,
lall, a •• 11 ' 'hI ,op Th, do<nfId 00,10'"11 .n
1M $2. mliloon Con....,nhon
II ........ ,,,1., ..u .. ~h .... I,u" rl,,, ~ua, ..
th r.lugh :1 ne" ruk ;11 lhe NO'CInher
ISth "".,Iinnlll A I-I ·no Con\cnlion.
trees h:11I I" "" Irimmed. ~ ne" :ocr\'ice
\\.a~ put on the huilding. thc huilding
numcrou~ 10 mention a lso hlld 10 he
bu"dml .t II,. bottom I, , ... C.rbotUfldum The) can ma~e il mllmlm.,n Iha l all
Center, .Iso under conl'ruc,.on Tho otlle. local uniun, .. fti1iale ""h ,I.llt' und local had In "-: de;med. ;Ind other thing,. 100
bUIld,,,,. WIll be "OI'CIitd aile. Ihe u.s,,". ccntr;ll "'-"'te, donc.
bUIld"" . IIr' d.mol~hed 11'1<1 'hI deViO'open; Tho...: "ho helpe.1 thc "'Ommil't'e and
chose" '1 he: !-ig r",h in politic, .It Iho: cil)
:lOd count) Ie'eh mu,1 eon'e from tht' "ho dc-crvc recugllition nrc Ru,," \I un·
lal'o<lr e<HlIlcih. I hi .. hone u r their pri- dorr. Clarence Kinl;. Ron M ar~ ... ). Fr·
Niagara Falls Work Good; mar) IIClivilic,. I h t~ uni(ln, "hkh re· ne-e l dTrie'. ~h~e \I arlin. O:\,·c Robel.
fu....: 10 .Iml i!llt' lire cheating Ihcir mcm· C harlie !'ele,...,,,n, K;I) l ich; •• krq Cr~t­
Annual Dinner-Dance Planned senberg, Ste\e Young'. Arnold Gline~,
"-:r.. and f<llliing Ihem-ch·e,.
I •. U. 237, "1.\ (;,\ 1(1\ FALLS. N.l'. - Th,' iniernllliunlil union .. huhl Ihe l ey Jim I igin/:'. 1 :Irr)' H illier. \.arr) Amen.
1 he " ..r~ pi.:tuH' h(,Tt' h i!ood. with the 10 Ihi, prup<I'-;11 I he) "ill h~"e eonlrol l im Welch. Ilo" (:ILld). D"I ... Schap·
)t~cI ,llIrl ing to ri~ on the Con>cOlion of lhe KI",ululltln' Commill :e '1011 lhe pOlugh. 10"n OUII Juh .. Mq"'" DUll
Center and Lhe C:,roorundunl Center. COnll'nU"n, I hope the) pfUnde the Penner. [}a\e John'On. I'aul '\Ie'e'. Virg
' I hell(: IWO Imildmg:) aTC 'he oc!linning leader-hip .." de.pocrarci) required, Kuelcr. Imd ]ad, Amen,
or a nc" d,,"nt('"n Nijll!;tra Fall~. Thl'" 1 111" VilLI I. !'.S. KIJ"'II.N M \I\"I~.I' . S.
Nia!1;,r:, (oullly Communil) Col!e~e
c,lmpu, i, our lli~p:e~1 joll no" and
, h.)uld h'ep -.ome men Ilu,y :lIId ""rm Three Brothers Mourned; Awards Dinner Held ;
fu, Ihe ",Iller. New Journ eyme n Welcomed Labor Kicks Off Appeal
I'l:,n, f')T our Annual D in n.-T· D ancc
IIrt! IHI" hcinl! madc. II wil! be II le'li· I.. U. 265. 1.1 "(·OI.N. NE lm .- W.· :,r\! LU. 275. "II ISKE(;ON. ,\ lI e l l._ Our
nwni: d fUI' lellrlnp: lIu,ine,s Mnnagcr .. addened h)' Ih l' death .. of three of o ur ;!war\t, dinlh:r \Ii,I' hcld ,)11 Octob~r 151h
lI aTr~ ..... Jun!;ln and "111 h<: held un Illember.. ~e"ar.l I tul1.)I1. UOIl:. ld IJ . :It 1!1t' ~ l \ln.1 I a~c 110:11 Cluh. "ilh ,tc:Il
l ehru:,q ~I h nl Ihe 1';1rl."'IIY Ibmada Slot. lind nI ) (:uhcr. NClllon I' Ma rle). and ehlclen "ilh HII Ihe trimming' on
Ihe IlIeml
'00OIIT 1..,.,,,1 htlu a !;Iil: eh,mge in Qfficcr~
I he) II til h.: grelul) mis_cd h) :111 \If us.
II r(ll hcr.. D,·nni, Bcd•. Kohen I r;llicr. rh e thl'me of Ihi. }c;lr\ dinner.Jance
al the la,1 eleclion.and the nu:mh-cr, Dou!!la, Kir(hhlllf, "ill) Rll\lger;. and "II' Rene" ' "ur Ji rolhl·rhood. ~i\l)
-.cem ,.-r) h;.ppy "jth Iheir choice,. The I e,ll'r \\ iel.enl.lmp ~ompleled Ihe reo t~ruther' receiled their ...c .... ,ce pim. ~i~
ne" men hale new IdC;l~ and ha\l.~ quired .. pprenlice~hip prul;lr.ull lind re- IIf "hllh "ere :t";trocd hI .J:'i·)ear nlem·
"ho"'n II (:000 inl~rC".1 in Iheir iotos, l'Ci'o:d their ;ourne)m:,n \\.ir\!IIl;.n certifi· t>c .... , '1 he cunlrllClOh .. nd rt'1;rce~ \\.,·re
"hieh i, for Ihc ,ood of lhe IOCIII. eat<·~ :,1 Ihe \nnlHII (irlldu:llion lI:mqucl. our !!ue\t~_
A. "'mer ~rprollchc" "'e find m~1 of The lllh OI'lriel Pro~re., Mee tinf: Scplemher ~t)lh "n~ I ab"r\ Kick·OfT
rhe in'llh.· "'orl. coming 10 an cnd ~nd "a~ held :L1 Dc, \I "ine,. 10":1 Ih" )car. of Ihe Unltcd ,\prcal \1) "ife and I
Ihe ne'" tolli lllin~, 'l;lfIinl;. II 1001. ... ~ if Ot·leg:.te, ICllle'>Cnlillll u'" I..,.;tl ... ere "I'TI~ the gllc~I ' "f the "uit.ling 1(;ldc, ~t
:1 101 of Ihe NI)' ",ill be Ollt in the I'rc,i.lenl Juhn MI')o:r. Itu,ine,," /I1;II".ser Ih\! Annn,,1 h. id-OtT Dinner. held al Ihe
"cather Ihl~ "lmer. '>0 I C I '~ hope if~ a ,\ rlie I . It e.• ld, ,11111 I ~nutilC Ito"rd Doo D rop Inn. I hi, IC:I(, Ihcme for
'nild onc member, Ru •..cll J Mun""r£. Ko) Ihc fund .Iri'e i. l h:mk Guo.! You em'
rh.I!" all from Ni:I!!"ra Count) for L.. mb. ;Ind \ I.-gil Kueler Gilt' · (",e (;I;Idl) .
Ih" "'''nth I hc lllh Anntml I n"'-" \<;hool 'IX.:m- 1If11lher... ~inee then. )011 h"l-e hec n
J •.'IIS rIIUClI!lItIl~, I'.S. ,ured b) thc Ncbn,,1.11 .... 1•• 1... AI I ·C IO hearinj! Ihi, Iheme u\er and o'er. The
,,;.\ helll "I Ihe K ellul!~ ('elll;:r in LIn- need i~ great: Ihe -,cl'licc,. 13ricd. You
culn. ""chT;L,~a. (mOl Jul) 2~nd · 2~th_ can meet the\C n..-cII, thru,,!,'h )()ur fair
500 Attend Annual Picnic; AI"n!! ",Ih the n;olion\ cellOnm)'. )ilfet) ,h;lTe c,lIIlrihutlun h' thc Unltcd Appeal
Bargain ing Team Named ".1' ono: uf Ihc nwin tupie, d •,....:d. 11 Camp:lip:n_ ( iilc gl;lLl!)
";I~ rCp<IIled. 1.1 th ... -.chonl. Ihal /IIurc A .. of Ihi, "rilll1!,'. all ur our I\ r.'lhl"r,
1..1 '.25 2. AN"oI ,\tWON. ""CII . - Our people .,re ~il1clt in un· lhe· .. ccidenl. arc uff the ,icl, 1,,1 and 10 "urI,.
Annual Picnic \liilS held un Augu~t 141h, each }l'ar IlllIn :IT" ~it1cLl in Ihe Vielnam COlltinuc.1 j!ood hcuh h to :111.


Giant Plant Under Construction :'1eceptnhk ~llh. al time" up to 25 pc r
!'r."'r =-......-. cenl of our "or~ force on the boals.
I (lIhtn •• ICly. wil l, II,e IIIuj.:'-'"o "'Oil
sc heuule, "C "'III nol only h,,,c full em-
pIQ)n1enl. hUI "e "ill prob;lhl) he able
10 pf(l\ide "'>OIC lObs for 0111' k~~-forlll'
nlilC "'leI 111'1.:,11- One ~':ln onl) Ih inl. of
tke dilhe, 'One daj lie cat ehicl.en: the
ne,t da\, f"'.Ilher\,"
I le"'ll"n, \\cre helu io our loc;!1 rc-
CC'",I\, anu the ne", (JOker. "re Uu.ine"
\I ;,n'I.ger IIr lan O'Grad). I'rc,iuem Don
Br)wn \ icc Prc_idenl H;lrokt P,dk~n\.
H. cenrdinll \clreli.r) (j;uy Bernier. 301..1
The hea" 01 H'I P'OIlC!-!1'>1 powe,house
r rea,urcr Duug Hal",
and 'hi ~'x pen,lach wh,eh w,1I tarry Ihl The 1 \c,'uli\c Boar!.! mCn/her. aTe

... ".
!Low 01 WilIer I\ uel Jon..,. "'orm P:hli. Fd Pa,I. ... Hill
D,, \l ull~'
\tCI; Glen, .m,1 Buh H um-

I he I '((llIining Board m~lIIhcn arc

AI II-oj.:e. (jraham I'oirier, J im \l c-
Cllm ley. Bri:ln Ircbnd. anu Boh Hu rle.
In l ee ring lIil h tradi tion. I "i,h good
luel In Ollr new jmlrnc)mcn, \\ ho \Iere
a"ar(led Ihcir ecrlilieate, ,m,1 pl ,I'lue' "I
Ihe Annual \pprenli ee,hip Banque\-.l
tine.ll) grullp, :l~ t h ~ aCeompl,n~jng
photo indi~"lc"
Spcei:,1 ej)ngr:uuI 31jon~ 10 Brolher
Ge(Jr~(: Ha"li n,. "'1(1 "a, a":lrueu lhc
Anolher ~llw o f the POwI, houSI. The bu,Id, I'rofieicnq 1 r,)ph), for hi _ OUI\landing
Inll '5 800 lUI long. The crene al ' he lilt pcrr"nllan,e at Ir.lde sc hool.
l ook,n. down e t the pawl rhOUSI. " raled ,Or 4,~ tons,
Unlillhe nC\I time. plca'>C lIorl ':Ifel),
Dol'ol B R' WI'<, PRt S,
This is ....llmon cou nt r)'. lind Che rllns b)' th c n;.itnlllion of CI:l\ lun J" nc,.
aT(' on Coho and Chinool llrc Ihc I undcr~ land Ihal :111 r\t'n in1' of ('O l('f'
lings. Not tlCin!! ;1 fi.hcrmllfl. all I ha\ c 1;, inIl1Cnl i. hcing pl;Ulneu 11m I didn', Wor~ Not Plentiful;
10 go on b Ihc nl""ber (If Cllr5 Ililh ~el a ehunt'e 10 ",Il h) Refr,·.llIlwn t
C'UmnllUCe ("hl,irrn:m D,m B "p,IO 10
Sports Activities Prevail
hOHls ,cen un tlK> T()"d"lJl' l,!'ound our
area, Man)' of ,lilT IJrlllhcT' arc nrden t find OUI "hen,' ~n,1 \Ihtn \ III\h,', "'e L. IJ. 3U(i. \KKO",'. O IlI O-Our work
Ii-hermell :lOd h,,\c reported e.\cdlcnl '" ill 111I'e ~o!l\c lh inll "n il ror nnl ,,1LI;llion i~ nul plentiful righl Il<lW. bUI
Ii,hing. month', i,we, "e arc r1h,n"gil)g to leer 1ll"'1 of our
Our office '>Cerel!!r\, lIelen 1':I\la);, Our hello Ihi, munlh Il'\(." nut 10 1I1e11l1lcr, "orlint:, Thc OUIIOl)I. for lhe
h:" rcwrnell frurn " Iflp 10 Colorudo, ('amhridge'~ 011.1(,,1 eltnrkal t;;OnU,u.:lor. "illle, i\ 1111\ c'f1'Cciali) !!ood. lIilh a few
She drove her dallg hlcr 10 C' ulorl,do Ilo) " I leclrie, anu c mpl tJl~e. Ral ph An, "f Ihe :Ire,,', hil!'t:er joh~ endin£ ".lOn,
SI:lle College "I I urI Colli"" ..... here Ihe uer'>\Jn. IIl,b D,)C rge, D,l\c D,:eler. :10,1 \1 1,,1 tlr Ihe ulher joh>. :lrc nUl )C1 un J er
j!irl h enrolled a, :I (re, hOll an. II "1l~ an rom Hilchcn" Ik l)ll" i, <l"l1nl and (Ill' rooL lI u"cl.;r. Ihing~ loul promi~ing
enj.o}l'hle Irip. J~,pile th e rllel Ih:1I lhe)' crliled h) Boh an d I lhel 1\t",I, In jlJ2 ~. f(lr Ihe ~ pnn g,
Ir;ol'cled in an e"rl) 'n(ll\ ,wrm lVilh Bllh\ f;llher. GCM!;C. ,1:lrtC,1 thi. hl"i. "'ummct in AlTOn came to an end in
hlO feet of the "h.I,' 'IIItf, Ill''' hcrc in C!UllbrioJlle :mll " I)I.-rated i(rand ' 1) le "ilh nur AlIllu~1 Picnic.
W IIUI I N In\rLl , p.s, un Iii hi) I,h""l h in 19~O, ~incc Ihrn "il h \\hich II!" " trr01cnuo(t\ 'nl;l~h "{,ain
a COn)l"m dCIOIion III III\.' h."IOc". hut h 1}C,ng e nJt"~u t» more Ihan 5(11) of our
in limc and h;lru "nrl. , Ih'" :10" Ilhel memher\ :.tnd their f:.tmi1i~·, Aho en-
Wor~ Openings Filled; h.I\c ()I.lhl hhed a h ighl~·lnll"n hu.,ine" ju)ed l,1 Ihe "ilnic. "ere ~ .... ,mming. ~ol­
Hospital Expansion Delayed reputalion in Ihe urCD. IlhlCh hit. al"l) Je)hn ll. lInll .1 utlo~in~ machine, There
heen an ", ..... t 10 our "-":,11, th,,,Ullh Ihe ' " ' ' :I ... ,rlhOlJl !;.ame bet"cen members
L U. 299. C,\\IIIKJI)G":. OIIlO-Umi· empil')mcnl o f our memhc,,_ of Ihe IC:lm IIhie h our local fielded 10
ne<.~ Man:,ger Kalph Ander..on has re· I· Oller) "'Iriclitr, ~Ic"afll nn Ihc &111 )e;\r~ ,tgo and Ihe pre...:nt learn. These
ported Ihat he re.:ehed numerous c;,I1$ r (lrl joh. i, bad, 10 "urI. no" lie ",1\ ""11e t"'o IIr"Up., ;th.o Mafed a tug·of-
concern ing Ihe worl. in our area, a~ re· .)rr, uue to Itlne". lIurinll I~ IIeei. IIhen "'ar cuntc,'
porled in the September h,ue of Ihe I IllOl pielure" I O1",r\ _.111.1 he ""Hlld Our fllir Ic,,~ue cnded. and Ihe eham -
Joumal. and jnrorm~ us Ih,l1 all jobs lei me 1110 Ihe ehed ",,,,I. If I ,.lId pion,hlp ".1' \\lIn h" Brolhers Gene
"ere filled immCU';ltcl) IlC.'cau~ o f the '>\J\Ilclhcng mce ahoUi him l)c\aIIIU :101.1 I'etc Woo,-'"
bel o f "orl. in nC:lrh), ,i,ler locah, A ,,;,fel), rcmindcr- In u,'aling ".fel), A\ I refl<.lIIeu in m) la,1 3nicie, our
"ilh -.orne , liII on Ihe hU(Ji. He appre· ""h electric:11 relller. ,bere i. no ,"eh ,orn'all te"m. ;Ifter a )1011' 'liO n . lias
eiale~ the coneefn.:d n:'f1'I)n-..:. Ihinp; a~ hci np; alm(r-I ri~hl, YOII urc ei- tillhling fur il~ leogue ch am pl on~h i p,
II lools n, if tbe htl~ p ila l ex pan,ion Iher ~;Ire t ~ risht or ,1... ,,/ IHonp:. A fler " 'klli,f)lI1g 11 -9 \jelOr) o'er the
II ill nOI he g('llIng "nucr \\[1)' Ihi'l }ear. AMI IS, I \ l c HI 'M\, I''s, older clectrici.m~ :II Ihe pkn ic. Ihe leam
as all hids "ere Hlrneu litl"n. T he ove r· lI~nl (Ill 10 "in it~ nexl four lc:l!!Ue
all biuding ";l~ 52·million C)'CT Ihe totn l Local Unemployment High; l::mles lUld a '/'1<'1 in Ihe p to )· ,)lr~, In lhe
estimmed co~ t ..... 1 h) Iht architect. New lir~t tame. the leHm I.nod,eu off 101"
bid, are to he \uh milled Ihe 1:llter pari Projected Work G oo d !'<Celle.! D1;lIlIollu C r)~lal $illi. but in Ihe
of Ihi, monl h, L.U. 303. ST. CAT II \ HI",~.S. 0",1'._ eh.,mjliOlhhijl t;lI l1e, il 10,1 H heamiflll·
I'au l La ne l wa~ np pillflicli 10 ti ll Ihe AI Ihe I,me 0\ th" "rILm !!,. ,"ur percen t- I y·pla~eu sa me, 3- 1, 10 Ferriu! UrOI !wr,
vaca ncy on lhe r \ Celll;\C 1I,'n rd. neHle" age o f lU1Cnlpl0}111Cnl j ~ :U1llhin!!' hil i T L'uc l ins,


Local 303 Personalities

Tile OffICerS of Loc;al 303, SI Clth."" .. , 0", .,

Ire. lell 10 fllhl
Buck Jonc~. Norm P~~k,. 9,"pn O'C'ldy, Ed Posko, Oon B' ys.On,
Bill DeMuS'. Doug 9,,111, H arOld Pldl.s"y, Aleo= Glen, Bob Hum
ph'in, Bob Burke (hidden), AI Boy<:e. Brlln Ireland. and Gary BtI,,,I,, •.

Brother to All

Tre.lurer Doul
aans smiles hftpplly
.fte. ,"ml elec ted
to .nolh", te.m 0 1
o ffice. Coul hilS
been the lor;.l"s
trlnu.e. s inCI 1%1.

"'embers of the JOint App.enhc"nip COlone.!. lelt 10 "lIht

Pl5ko. Don Btys.on , Goo ••" Hawk,ns, Cy,,' B Sm'th... nd Cam P" ...I.

Akron Champions
Md .
n~1I union : ' ,. a IrUQ brolhe,
10 everyone pa.hcula,'Y enjoys _'.>"1
....ith hand'C:llpped youngste ..

Second rlace in Al.ron·~ I ndll~lrill l

Leaj!uc fur ii' fir'l }ear of pl;l)ing wa'
quite 3n a~ct!mpli' h l1lcnl. ami we lire
reall) rroUlI of Ihe IC;lm a od of Ihe lro,
ph) il y,nn
Summer acli\ ilie,. of COllI"'('. arc in
the pa~t noy,. :rnd y,c h:I\I;' becn !.Chcd-
ulin!! louch fuo.lltoall ~ames hcly,<.ocn
8rother; unll nrrnngemcnt s for
S~llln3,ill!m in \\hich to pia) bu,l.elh:dl
thi' winter.
II OHU\' SitU! II , I'.S.

The 11011 champions of loc:,' 306, Akron. C umberland Brother Devot es

Oh.o . . .... lell to "Ihl. Gene Oes,,'woO and Tim e, Energies t o O thers
Pele Woods.
I •. U. 307. ( ' U\lIn : NI.."O. \IU .....-Our
Thl lOC:II' 306 SOftball leam members be- luc:ll is proud indeed to ha\c Brother
"ama semi-champions. IUer losln& th,
".au" champIonship ,ltam... Fron t .ow, I,,,
to "Ihl. O,wid H inlcl ... Jol>n Oenovich. Bobby
La\\. renec Brehm ~, one of ib mcrnbcr~.
]I,ull,,;. 1I 1c1101I. ulle uf ull. luca l
Shultz. M,ke Turne" Paul DI/wid o.tnov,<;h, safcl) men. repre-.cntcd ollr loca l rot Ihe
.. nd Glenn Sa ... ,."".. eack rOW. Da ... 1',0111' H~I Annmll We~tcrn \lar)'land Re-
SOn . Ronme Orown, leonard Boll" JU ••
T/M)rnton. eo.kW McMO'tOW Tnm l'ipnf'rnrtl ..
gional Safel~ Scmin:IT. held in 1970. U e
Vern S'Wlor, ,nd Co.c:h Ray Nelliin. (umlil/lIl'l1 (III I'll!,!!" 40J


departrne~l lf R esearch
-. rna r- ducation

Why Women Work

ClmnginJ.: t :n\~ lind t\ lI itudcs Cr03' Scelion of A merica A wOJl\an'~ likclihood to \lork c:ln
~ \ Iore th:m 3 1 .~-lI1i lli{)n women bc gauged hy exa mining \ix import-
What arc Ihese Ilor"in!! women
ant factor<;-:lgc. ma rita l \ta lll ~.
arc in thc I:lbor fOf(':c today, bccau'ic like? Arc they :lc tili<;I ~. c:l~cer girl...
their tal ent, ar... Ilccl.bJ by the children. eduC:l tion. nice :lIld hu ...-
wive,. mot hers. or gral1dmotlll'r,?
Anlc ric:tn ('connmy. The devclop- b:lIld's incomc.
Thel'c is no one :lI1),wcr: they r\!pr\!
men t of IlCW inuu\I!'ic\ :l1Id CX Pilll - Let'~ cO I1 ~iJer th c~e cl el11Cnl~ one
~Cllt a cross scction of all Amcrican
,ion o f ot her.. have opened new at a time. A lw- A woman i" I1m ... t
WOll1en. They rangc in age from 16
donI''' for \\(11111'n in hll\ ill cs~. the to 70 :lI1d over and encomp:...... C\ l'ry
likely to "or" if ... he i" you ng. :lI1d
profcs"iorl\, and the production of ha~ hni ... hed her ... chnohng. or if <:he
r;lce ;lIId color. The) li\e on farmo:.
goods and sen icc... I hl' passing \ If i, matu re and hcr chi ldren arc
in ~ uburbs. and in central citie ...
rl'gi~ l <ltion dl.'signcd tv protect all groll n. She i~ tc~<, apt to work if ~h e
Th ..·) include the married. the ,inglc-.
worker". including women, and in- IS :l tcen-:lgcr. in hcr c hih.lhca ring
the widO\\ocd. the d i\or(·cd. a nd the
crciI\ing "oci,,1 acccpwncc nf \~(lrl­ years. or o\'er 65, Mtlrilll/ \/(111/\-
sepa rated .
lng WiH'S ,lIld mot hers ha ve donc Married women :trc more lilc1v to
Though it is \ irtually il1lpo~~ibl e \\orl Ihun widtm" bUI le.,~ Ii "ell lu
much 10 Illilke thi .. IXJ\"lblc.
to de<,cribe the \Iorking \\oman. \lork than divurced. !.epar:llcd: or
~l orc than three (Il-caue\ ag(" th.::
'-I.l1111.' women arc f;IT more lill.'!l 'ingle \\Oll\l.'n \1 pn~\Cnt. (Ilmo\\
Fai r Labor Slalllttru, Ac'" of I ?3R.
was pa\\Cd. requiring a minimum tt'''11 lllh"'r~ to cllll'r the lahtlr fore:. three-firth ... uf ,III \\\)l11cn ,,"orkl'r...
houri ... rat.,' and tl\crtimc p:ly for
e mployment. Then. in thc 1960~.
;lddi tional anti-d i..cri rn inatory legi~­ Source, U. S. Depoolmenl 01 l obor, Bureau of l abor Stotistics
lation W;lS p.....scd . '1he Equal p 'IY
REVIS ED INDEX SERIES-Reference Base, U. S. Ave rage, 1967 100
Act of I ~b.'. II hlCh n:quires equ ,,1
p<t) for equal \lorl. regard l e~~ of
"ex; Til k V II of the Ci vil R ig h t~ I"du 00' ..
It.",. ",pp(>•• t H.,.. ,,~

Aet of 1964. whieh ... lales lhal di ~­ Monlh~Y eo .

C.. m·
bin",! , ' ~d HOII. in9 Vpkup •
l ,onopo'. & R.,c
!olion ,.,....on
crimil1'llion 011 the ha . . i ~ (,rrace.
August 1971 142 . 1 122 .2 120.0 125.1 119.0 120 . 1 123 . 1
color. religion. wx. or l1:1tional origin July 1971 141 .6 121.B 119 .8 124 .5 119.3 119.5 122 .6
is an unlrmtul employment practice; June 1971 141 .3 121 .5 11 9.2 124 .0 120, 1 119.6 122.1
Ex ee utiH~ Order 11246. a ~ <lIllended May 1971 14 0.5 120 .8 11 8.2 123 .2 120.2 118.8 12 1.6
hy Exeeu the Order t 1375 of O cto- April 1971 139.8 120 .2 117 .8 122 .5 119 . 1 118.1 121.2
hc:r 13. 1967. Ilhich har~ d i~eri mi ­ March 1971 139 .3 119 .B 117 .0 122.4 118 .6 117.8 120 .6
nation on the ba<,i ... uf race. colOI'. August 1970 136.0 116 .9 11 5.9 119.9 115 .3 112.7 117.2
religion, sex. or nationa l origin by August 1969 128.7 1 10.7
f •.·deral co ntra c to r~: and the Agc August 196B 121.9 104 .8
August 1967 116.9 100.5
Discrimin:uion in Emplo) ment Act
August 1966 113.8 97.9
of 1967. II hkh protects mmt in·
• 1967 lel",en<e 10 ...
di vidual.. o\'er age 4() ulltil they
re:lch 65. regardlc ...... of ...ex. have ;111 , 19,s7.....j9 lefe,ence 10 ••
helped to promote cqutllity a nd eli- NOH, Con.ume. P,i •• I"J. A Jo, oU il.. m. in ....... d O.~ Ind ... Poln! dll,;nll ! ~. po.! monlh.
minate othc-r unfair employment o. 0.3%. llli. "qu.....,d on onn".. 1 '0" 01 ;n« ....., 01 3,6%. 111 X 0.3). Th., increo ••
i" CPl d".in9 ' he po.1 yeo. wo • .5.l tnde. Poinh o. ~ ..5%.
practices. Allhough <;uch discrimi na-
P.... "I"ge inn.,...e btI! ....,en 1"0 do!eo h <ol<ulol"d by .ubl,ocling Ih. I"du ,,"m
tiull It'h 110t }et b.:en complcldy btl, /Of 11, .. "",I;•• d,, ' ~ h " ", Ih,,' '''f III. 101e, dOlO, 0,,01 by d'.lding 'h • •e.,,1! by
er:lsed. it is now much ea . . ier for .he indu n"mbtl. h" ,II., eo.he. do' •. Ih. n ",ulhplyinll by 100.
U ......... PLE , f ... ,II., pe,iod "'''9''''. 1970 !.. "'' 11",1. 197 1 121. 2 _ 11 6,9 ,s.l Ind ..
women to find jobs and to adv:I'lcc
in the m accol'ding Iu thei l ability .
P.. in" ,s.J ... 116.9 = =
.0~ .5l X 100 ~.


arc married. ,IIILI Ihe perc.: ntage is N\.'Cd Ihe l\I o n c~ \\ ;I~ nOl a luxury, but sheer necl.!s-
rising. Chiftlrl!II-A WOI11,1II is most !li t ~ .
Data show Ihat jo b ~ arc ixcoming
apl 10 work if she h n~ no r- hild n' n, Othe r women. mostly those in the
1111)10.: availuhl c, allJ th:l l womell arc
o r if the chitd ren she doc .. have nrc lo\\,- or middle-income groups. \\01' 1..
becoming both mo re willing :lI1d
o f school :tgc or o lder. She is !c<lSI to ~upp l emcnl the f:lIll ily income.
more qualified to :Iccepl thcm . But
likely 10 work if her childr.:'11 arc T hey arc anxiou<; to hel l) thcir chi 1-
\1.hy would a \~omun \HI/ll 10 worl,.
inf:lllh or um.h:-r six. drl'U acquire a colkge education. 10
outside her home? T he \\IlI11~'n\
Edllctllio,,-Gcl1cr:l lly -;pcal ing, hdp buy or furni~h a homo.:, to pur-
Uurt.'au of th", DepartTllent of I .a bor
Ihc nHll'1.! educa tion a \~nl11an ha~, eha,,,, an addition;11 car. or to hdp
qatcs. " M o~t women in lh", labor
th e grC:lIer thc prob:lbility Ihal ~hc Ihe family Iwather that IlCca"illnal
force worl,. because they or their
\Iill l'IH..:! !' Ihe labor furce. In 1968, p... r~()na l cri,is. And, ;lIllOng tho\c
familic\ need th", money they (':111
labor fnrcc part icipation rail'S for I1Ime fortun;lIe, a wifc'~ earnings
carn_~om", work to rai\c fatllih li\-
\\om.:n ranged from 17 IX'r cenl for app..'ar to be Ihc \11:11 1111).. ~1\~"'.:!11
ing ~1;IIHlard" abOl'C thc 1o.:1~1 of
thosc I\ith less Ih:1I1 fivc Icars of m:lint.:!nanc..: of the "good Jifl'" and
pmcrty o r depri\":uion: nlh",r... 10
~hool 10 7 1 PCI' c ... nt for Ih~~c \\ ith a lik \\ith few optioll!l olh",r Ihan
help 1111'('1 ri~ing CChl .. of food. edu-
the or ilion: )..:ars of collegc. Today, Ilk ~ baSIC ncce~~itks.
catinn fur Iheir ehildrcn, Illeui(.'al
h~o-thin.l'i of ;111 \~()mcn \
care. and the lil",. The majority of T he Fulurc
havc al 1c:1~1 a high ~cho()1 educa-
wome n do nOl have the option of
lion. and more Ihan (l!lC oul of IU Will the IlwHber uf WOllh..:n la)..il1g
wnrking ~o l dy for pel'.'Iol1l1l flilfill-
is a cullege gradua le. The myth Ihal an aclile parI in the lall()1' force
education i.. wa ..led on \\omen. or eOlllintll' to inc!'en<.e? If the dcmand
To PUI il bhlllll~. AlI1l' rican
." unncce~-;:Iry. is fa<,1 di ..aprearing. fur labor. Ihe cml of Jiving. ;lIlll
women lire \\orling heC;IU~C the~
l?llCl' - ~egro women are somcw hat women's desire 10 \\orl rl'nl:UnS
nel!d the mon",y. Single \lom!!11 and
morc Iil..cI) 10 Ilorl,. than \\ hill' ",on~tanl or incrl.!:l<;es, the ;lns\\er i..
women \\ ho afe dil'()rc.:!d. ~cparal",d.
womcn (~7 vs. 49 pcr celli), a nd }C~. (jut there b a fuurth (1.:1\)1 that
or widowed Il1U~t ~upport thelll-
o lle 0 111 of el cry eighl wOlllcn worl- c(Juld affeel both Ihe a bilily and the
,dve .. and, Ofl('I1 . other, :I~ \ld1.
c r~ i~ blnck . II I1Sbw/(1'1 illcolIIl'-A Idllingncss of man) women In \\ork
r.. lany hu .. b;lIld-wife f:lI11ilb tk']1I!llll
married \loman i~ most apt 10 be on the earni n g~ of Ihe \\ ik t(l'p - t ill': ,ilailabililY of day-care facili-
worl,.ing if her hu~b:IIl(.r<; income i.. the f:unily (lu t of polen) r h", July. (k~ Annual Bureau of L:lb\)r Stali~­
bc t l~ecn S5,OOO and S6,999 (46 per 1971, M owh/v L afwr f?/'rich' ~Iat"' ... tics studie~ have ~ho\\11 Ih;I\ the
l'cnl) and least apt 10 he if "Ahout 45 per cent of lh", \\hIlC labor fm",e palticipalion rale .. of
hcr income i~ either below poor and 49 per cent of the blacl,. married \lomcn :Ife u .. ualJ) higher.
S3.000 (35 per cent) or Mcr S 10,- pour children had father~ \\ ho had if kma1..- rclali\l'S :'1t IC:l\l IX ~"';Ir;
000 (33 pcI' ecnl), Howt.'ver, il is w{lfled all )car :u full- lime job. old, and Ihus nble to c:lre for ')l11all
irn poJ'l:t111 to r",member that the,c "I Ilus. it was Ihe low earnillg~ I)t Ihe chiltlren. arc in Iho.: farnil). I hll~. it
~ i x chantctcri'>lic:) arc only u$('fu l '" fu lly-emplo)'ed father. nllh",1' than ~ecm~ reasonable to n.'l~LHnC that
guiddinc,; th",r", is no .. ueh thing uncmplo~ melll. that pl:l~ed a critical additional \lomen will ",nlcr Ihc
a~ a "'}pic .. r' AIIlt.'rie;1Il \\(101an role in th", f;lmil} '<, po\ ~'rt) ~t;ltu~:' lahor force a~ da}-care Cl'nlt'r~ hc-
workt.'r In ('a~s wch a~ thc'>t:. thc \\ik'~ job ('om", 11101'''' nUlllerous .

President Pillard Named to Rural Telephone Bank Board
• International PreSiden t Charles H. Pd1cHtl lidS been appolilted by
PreSident Nixon to ser\le as a member of the Board o f Directors of t he
Rural Telephone Bank. The Rural Telephone Bank was created May 7,
1971, Wi th t he by PreslciPnI Nixon of Public law 92·12. Created
by an amendmen t to th(1 Rural [lect rl ficat lon Act of 1936, t he Rural
• Telephone Bank is a prlvately·owned. operated. and financed corpora·
t lon deSigned to prOVide an additional source of flllanClIlg for t he de·
velopment of rural telephone systems. loans made by the bank wtll
supplement those available under the Rural Electri fication Admlllistra'
hon of the Department 01 Agnculture for the fillantlllg or refinanCing
of c.ons tructlon, IInprovement, Cllp3n"Ion, acquISition. and operation 01
telephone hnes. laclittles. or systems in ru ral areas. The Board of
Directors of the Rural Telephone Bank is com posed of 11 persons ap·
poi nted by the Presiden t, Wit h two ell officio members. t he governor
of t he Fa rm Cledl t Adminis tra t ion and the Ru ral Elec t ri fication ad
millish ator, who ser\les as governor of the Rural Telephone Bank_


At Clambake Annual Miami Picnic

te<:h"ic;~n$ Irom local

enjoy Ih., local's Annul'
Clambake "&hl, J . '.h.,;iglio. C.\e" H. Atkins, S. Crimi, and A Smith.

Committeemen serve l ood \0 hunsty plcnlc~efs al the 15th Annual PIcnic of lClcal 349.
(('(lIIlilllll'lI from po!:!' 4J) Miami. Fta.
j, a counsclor for Ihc Boy Scoul~ ,inti a
training officer lind mCIllht!r of Ihe
BI);ml 1)( D jreclol> (or Ihc SoUlh Cum-
bcrl:md Rescue [lmj Rcto\'cry Squad.
lie i\ al<;() a YMC A·certified "quark,
~afet}. c~nodng. bOi,tin!:!. skin-diving,
;lIld ""un.t-diving in'lructor. Beginning in
May of ca<:h year. Brother Brehm. wilh
lhe aid of Brothers Geurge Lehman and
Dan Wen,ler, giVe) il junior-scnior
canoeing cou"c. In June. Brother Brehm
give) a junion·senior life·)'lving c!:tSS,
and in Augu\l. he hnlds <I boating
cour'IC for water re~cuc ,quads. In he-
lllcen times. he 01fcI) a s .... illlming and
c;lflodng COllf<;e 10 the Boy Scout:!>. A ri\ing VOle of Ihanks wa~ given 10
[)Urll1g Septemher through April. for Clam bale C'h,tirlllan Jim Gall;lgher :tnd
the P:I~t 12 rcnr~. Brother Brehm's Tony D ulin. President Wi\liam H langer Is ""(futed"
proudest accompli~hment ha' heen his 1'.\UI T. CUMLK.I, I'.S. In the Dlfty Shame Saloon by a Keystone
\I()rl with handicapped young~ler,. He Kop.
slarled in 1959 al Ihe Y\ICA. leaching
a 12-)ear·01d polio viclim how 10 S\lim. Lawrence Local 32b
Roaring 20~, :lOd all eommilU:Clllen
L;\\lrcnce has "'orled ",ilh the Aile· Officers Are Elected \lore ,traw hal'. p1,,~tic vesls, and g;In-
gnny County Leasue for Crippled Chil·
L.U, 3 2(i. LA W IU: NC E, i\IASS.-At ers for arm hamh-.
dren. whic h refe rs league patients 10 hi<
c[a\)es and is his arden l b(lO~ler. With (jur regular June meeting. we ~lcclcJ T his yenr"~ picnic "m dediealed to
the help of hi) as\i,lant ,lOd wife. Chri~· new ofliecr.; for the neXI Ihree year,. James H . C:lmphcll. who scn'ed Ihi, local
tina. who works with lhe l,:iTJ~. he The oOicer, 'Ire Presidenl James F. a\ head of the cU'lodi;,1 staff for 21 •
le:u;he~ 11 class of 25 )Olmg,lefS. D(lwlinS. Vice I're~iJenl 10hn L. Wood- years, and \lllu p;I,...;d ;tway on July
The )OIlnl,: S\limmer;. ranging in age burn. B u~incs~ \ I anag~r- H naneial Scl;:rc- 22nd. J immy "'a~ it dedic:tled and loyal
from ,iJ; to 16. aTe victims of polio. cer- Tar) J amc, L. Herm:m" -I re<lsur;:r Koh- cmployee and will he greatly missed.
chr;II pahy. hemiplegia. rigidi ty. 'pastie ert ,\I . Henry. ,In() Ketording Secrelary Ihll-..e,hoc piH;hinS \Ill' hb hobhy. and
hemiplegia. Perlhcs di~e'\'iC. or olhel Denni' l O·Connell. so the James H. C:1Illpbell Horse,hoe
phy~ical handicap,. Brolher Brehm's Th~ F,eculive BOHd mCIllt>cr~ arc Pilching T ruphy w:" .I:trted Ihi~ year.
great ..." rewurd i~ nut puhlie recognition. Koh.:rt A. Barrelt. I'aul I'. Da",,)O. T he twp h)' wa, \.\on hy Brother Ralph
It is the grin on n handicapped young- Ra) monel n. Dol:ln. Arthur W. Don- Na~on's wife. han. who Ol1!pitched all

ster's f:lcc lifter he swims :lcrO'S the

nell). Cambell J. Gib-.un. lind Ra)'rnonJ
I·. Souza.
,)f lhe mi.'n.
Becau">e of Ihe t)PC and amount of

Wll I I ~M J . lIUKI. P.S. KOt ,:-on A. L, I' u:-;-u, p.s. food ~ef"\ed. our 10\.':11 \I:lS put on Ihe
unfair Ihl 1"0) the loe:11 chnpler of
Wei!;ht\latchcr~. The noho-weig hH;on-
Annual Clambake Successful; 5,000 Attend Local 349', ~ciom picniclcr~ con~lImed 3.()OO pounds

Attracts 350 Membe rs 15th Annual Picnic of h:lrhecucd rih~: 1-10 1'(Jllnds of wie·
ners: 210 pound, of hamburger: 90
L.U. 320. I'OUGIIKI·:E I'SIE. N.Y.- On L. U ••1411, ;\11"'11 . fL i\ .- T he I5lh An- dOlen hUI dog r.,II,; ')0 dlllCn h3ntburser
September 11th. "~ had our Annual nual I'icntt of uur ilK,. I "a, held at the hun~: 7/:! g:ll1un, of h:l~ed-on-Ihe-prcm­
CI:unbale. and apprl)"inmtrly '50 mcm· 1'llli.:c Benevolent A~">OCiatiun f'ar~ in i...;~ h:lled hean.: 7!l gal1on~ of eolc
bel"l> 1l1lended. Millmi on Augu'l 2l\th. with mure Ihan ,1,,\1: 33 harrel, of hcer: 6.000 ci!;ht·
Wc had a succe~~ful ramo.'. "hich en· ~.OU() memher,. their fanlili.:,. ant.! their ollnce cups of ~ufl dnnl~: :!.935 COlCon
ahled u\ to collect S I60 for CO I'h, gue't ~ in ath'nd"nce. candr ,lie"': 2.1170 hag, of popcorn; and

th:mb 10 Brother I)on Sewing. T he them of thi, )e:l r'~ picnic wa~ the 2.1192 ,no·cone~.


Fort)-onc !;;jlllln~ \)( tI,L\cing '>auce done. from ,1:lrt 10 fini'h. go OUI 10
IIocr!; Ll~ in ,ool.. in~ the rib<.. llml IS
Lebanon Work Scene Chairman I ra " Hutch'· Rud) lind hi~
Killion, uf harhecuc ~,IU~e "",r.o -.ened comm ittee. eo n ~i' l in g of Curl " ohr. Dill
wllh the ri\).,. I';.ft I J ( th e rOt)l. in!; Com- B:lrr}'. :lnd T om Care. Man) Ihiinl.~ ;tho
mittee met on the "rc.'cdin!; SalUnJa) to 10 rhe lallie, "h,) h<:1peu h) preparing
prcpllre [he ,a u('c. \Iohkh 1I1LS . [c ri\cd fOO<J <l nd ,uperl'i,inl! the I;umcs.
(lUlU •• t"~;I"" h,,,u,kd .10 .... 11 10 Brm hcr lhildrcn "hn "(In pume, included
elLI Stone h) hi, ~r:mum"lhc r. ~1;[ rl. 1{.llner. I an,1.' Gind,·r. Cr~'la l
A ] 0· (,)(1I-h)-90-fool lent \q~ u\cd to Herr. Dilllll.' 1 1)('. h ;[11. \l lle (hc1ill'.
h Oll'\(! the pllty ul'l.'a. an d undcr 1111, lent. John 50Ii.... Jr,. J,\;[nn Scdrnwn, K;lIhy
"crc \:(IIO i ... ;l1 OOol h~ ;it \lhich the chit- BarlC'l_ Uro\ln)n .... ohr. Tamm} Herr.
lIren could pl;IY lI'lm<'~ and " in lid.c\\., \t arll H'Crhan, .... .. nh Hamillon Da\iJ
" hleh c(lulJ "" 1,II.en 10 the general El>erh.lrt. 1 im iI ;Hniiton, I ric .... ohr, .lIld
'tore: .UN be rCI.h:cmcd for llifl!>. JanC'lk GindC'r
Man) lIifh \\cre gilcn <1".1)' al the }\ dlll" "Inlllng 1;;lme~ indudeJ
grtlnd dr,l\\ing, al the do-.c uf the day, I.conard ··C hip'" und Shirley (heliu~
\\ilh the hillhllllhl being the gi fl~ fur a in Ihe mill-fcedinl,t ~o nl "'I. J,,) Gimler
mcmher- -;I comp kl c ga, b;1I1oe\. uc !ll ill in Ihc ,a"::l;. ra..::~. anJ the I.alie, O\'~r Ihe
wil h ull accc'\Urio;:'-llml a !Ilctnhcr's m.'n in the Itfe-~a\er e,et1\.
"j(c. 'I fuur-pic..... <tel of u:d"ood p.llio A hlg''''''''' .p.rlm.. nl COm pI... on which A1thuu~h il lin, mining in lhc morn-
membfl'$ 01 Loe,1 36 1, Leb.non. P.......... inl!. it ,topped hef(lfe dinner :llld only
furn illii/; ,m,1 :1 ~i\·fll(ll red"ood table wOl hlng.
"l lh Ch:llh. IhrC';!IC'lled Ihe r~,1 01 lhe 11:1). I hc h10d
Of l·UlIr'>C. till of lhi~ n:quirc\ of lot \I:'~ delicioll'. l111d ;\ j;'1Od lime I\a, had
of phmning :md harll "orL tl nd Pre_i· h} all.
Itrnl Wi Il ium II I :m!"er u..ed our n:gu· I In allend;rncC' and in coo" heah h.
lar. h,lrd-"ur~jng I nlcnainmo:nt Com· were rclirC'J II rulher I den BClIllan ;tnll
millcc ,h :1 nueleu~. adlling :1 large h i~ \life.

numher o f IIppOinllllcnh. "hieh broughl l\l1cnJ;lncc h", t>een j;otxl 1"lel} at

th c "'JI~ fVILC "11 III 2~ U 1I":lIIll1:l~ allll Ihe IUCIII mccling,. Keep up Ihe gOlxl
"pp renlke~. or 16 commiuees. \lorl. See \'(1/1 :lllhe lie\! mCl.'tinl,t.
T he .... orl. i~ .... 0:11 "onh the elTort. \l y Ih:lIll, 10 I~ u~inc" \ \.1t1;Jger
\lhen Ihe ellll re,uit i_ a 101 uf Sood F i,h-cr ;Iml IJrol hC'r ' illl \lei :l1Il;hlin for
hmlhcrhood and hnpp} time, for ou r Ihe accom p;1t1linl! pielure\, , can nl"3)'
1I'iC an} help from :Iny Brother III ~cep

, Ill(:mher, and flien<.h.

KI '" III RUGI RS. 1'.5.
Ihi, column 1!0ing.
Rememher, ~arely I1f'ol :11 home and
on Iht" jot>.
Annual Clambake Successful; II I Rill K r R "("11\1 11'<. JK •• 1' .5.
lO<:I ' 8,0Ih." mennln. Ihe
JATC Initiates C hang es kn ...."ng. BIll B.. ,ry M,ddl. 'ow lell 10
roght. T,m "' cl,ul1hUn. Sylvute. ReIch. I." Plan Will Provide J obs
L U. 3511, l'E lnll A' IllOY • .' J .-Our Rudy. an d lo.enlln Earl "'clau8hhn. Al Ihe
Annual (lamb"l.e \la, held rcce nll y. lOp. ;s ,pp... nllce l , .. y "' oyer. For Min ority Peo ple
and 11 11 "ho <ll1cnded hall :1 greal dtl).
1..1 . 36..1. ItOCKI~O lm . II.L _ The
Well ,Iont" to Ihe commllleC'1
Ror.:lfol'll Il lIildi n ~, rr.llk~. in CUlljuncli"n
'Iany Ih:ml.~ to OUf Joinl ApprC'nlice· \lilh our "hlcl ,"ommunil). ha,
~hi p and Training CommillC'e for ils an Affirm"l;'e Atliun Plan (or our ;[fC':r.
dedi'lllian in pn:pJrin:; fur 1m: new I\,,,illl"" \l IIiI.l!?e. D••II•• l~iI7, one of
'o(' hool }C'ur. \I:my ch;rngC'\ were in'li· Ih.. l.. adC'r, on Ihe Building T rade, Com·
tllleJ Ih b }o:ar. rC~lI h ing in lung hours milll..... fcch Ih:lI. if Ihh pl,ln i~ lI"opled
of hurd \101"1. :lnJ e,lra mcelings. b) hOlh ,ide,. il \l ill be one of the he,t
J"\ldvc ne\l up prelllicc~ \lcre aceC'pl~d, in Ihe eOllntry. Our lex.-a t h;" alfe:ldy
and \Ie \I i, h Ihl.'m gl'Kxl lucl. on Iheir appro\ed the 1'1 (tn. hul "e are 'I ill \\:Iil-
,h: mOl1lh,' pn)b"l iun:lr) petiOlI. jill; for Ihl.' olher Irmle' 10 join u~.
The "or~ ,illl,,'ion i, ,1.)\11 now. "ilh IJa .. ically, Ihe plnn \li ll prolide ;ob~
1I1:ln) ll rolher, " lIUI of 10"11. for l~() millority peopt.: oler Ihe lle\1
Tha nls 10 our nC'ighl'uring lI u)ill{"ss file ) (':lr,. nte hl:ld communill ha.
\l an:' b'Cr~ R r . Carl\lri~ h l Loe'II 262, 1Il;r.....d 10 Ihh and i, \lillinl! 10 help finJ
l'I .. ;nfirlll. New J cr'oC~: I r,m l \l archiIlO, '11I;,lil1l',1 [1I·npk In fill Ihe'oC job,. I \liIl
1 oclIl ..I~6. ]"I.C'\\' Uru n~\lid. i'.C\l Jcr'oC}: rcpon more on Ih i, '>\lhjeci a\ I gel fur·
• "nJ Grnnt T:,le, J r .. Local ..IUO. A,hury
I'arl. New JC'r')C); for pulling our ClOSIng UP ,fl" II ha,d day's wo.k. l ell
ther informal inn
The d:lle for our 1:11 1 Dinllcr·D:mcc
I~ rolhcr~ 10 \lor l dllring Ihi, ,I"cl pc.
r ... 1 "' cl"u8h!!n. wIth Sylve"e' R",ch. al Ihe 1..1 I . 'iocitlY ":" No\<cmher "Ih.
dOlI. Hop... ~()u didn·t mi" Ihi, one.
Rcmember 10 IOle! local erarl ~ havina; c11\le\l. th ... hl~h-ri.;c O ur appr ... nlicc ,chllOl i, had in full
Pl r$clv·... III.P.5. np.ln l11Cnt amI Ihe I eh:lI1lln V.. lky Cui- ,"inl; fur .molhcr )ear. RighI no". 116
lege tlll.lilion II l'e piding l1p uf ." ,11~ ~oins 10 school on \l onJa)·~
Olher joh, eominl,t out includc ;1II :ld· and Wedne",lay,. Ir)mg 10 crurn a'
Work Situation Improved; llil;on 10 Ihe Fo\ .... napp I ;KIOr) in " jne much infonmllion ;[~ "e ca n 11110 1..1..1
First Picnic Is Success GrolC; Bohcr Rega n h,,, Ihl.' tvt-. G. F. hour. of dll~' lime.
<;.eni.:... ha) lhe S>m (.iurpio \I "c.lroni The ""\lorn ha~ droppc:d Olll of our
LU. 36 1. 1••: 11 \ ' 0 ' . I' \ . n u,lIle"~ addilion. Low bi.lder un IhC' tire h,,11 in labor m,lr~el ,Igain. Onl) reccnlly. Ihing\
f\ 1:lIlagcr 1! I hhcr rcpufl~ Ilwl the;lnon \III'> U"'''ler 11c~lrk. a l\lC:,1 IUlIled J;OO<I. hUI a, of Ih i, "riling. Ihe
worl sit u.ll ion h a~ gr,'.llly imprl)lcJ cunlraClor. ollllt)()l i~ hlc:ll , Al10m Ihe on I) Ihing
slIIce 1:,,1 "Inter. Both 1· 1 to 5I.·hllOh I h~ h r;,1 Annulli I Picnic is "C' e:m count on i, Ihc long, cold \I inlcr
arc in fu ll sl\ing. allli \\ilh ~ Iril e~ by now hi'lory. 1 hanb for n job I.cll Ihal b ju,1 aro und Ihe comer.


We deeply regret to report the passing
of two of our Brothers. Ken Boesen and
Community Volunteers Santa Ana Presentations
Kolland Wjlo;on. rhe members of our
loc:11 extend their hearlfelt sympalhies to
their famities.
Our local ... nlered the Rockford Labor
Day I'anlde and. again ..... on second
pril.... '1he commiltCe. \Iohich ..... orl.ed
lung :11111 h.lrd un Ollr enlr)'. conSI~led of
Kuger LeOlmrd. lI arold Grimm. lIell
In ~ ... I. D"r\loin Shore~. ;Ind Bob Miller.
We nil!)' ha\e WI)ll secund prize. hut in
the opinion uf the memben.. the !'arud.;
Commiltee b Numher o ne.
KOI,11l W. JOII I'1SOS. I ·.~.

Charlotte Members Donate a ••

Tim e to Community Project Torn Col •• Ira f o .... l.r. W.yne Klmhck. lou~
Crump. Tom furr. and St."", Ruff
l..lI. 379. C IlARLorrE. N.C.- In $cp-
tember. \Orne: o f our membcr~ hel ped
wire Ihe l'e\lh al in the !'ark in e h:.r·
'I he'>\' memhcr~ donale\! th eir free
lime CO lighl thi, 'rcdal communily d·
forI. Man ) lent~ and exhibil preas had
to be lICrviced .... ilh power to exhibit arl~
and t"rafh. Alo;o ,ho\lon ..... ere drama
gr01Jps. a puppet lhealer. and religious
(u,'lhillC' The ampit heate r .... as u~d fOT
conllnUOlh enlertain me nt .
I he "orl. 'Ilualion h ahuut the same
ai il .... 11' JII~I monlh. One o f Ihe new
jub, Ih ul ou r locaJ will handle .... ill he
Ihe duwntown C ivic Cenler. which is Also ill o n the .... hln' e llo r! . .... e... ("Ilene
LInd ley. Chartes low ... Tom Lamm. Ruben
hein g uone h} Ih... Wlll-.oll ElCClrk Com· Ari as. and Wally Rull .
pan y of (h"rlotte. 1\1,0. Kobin ~u n Elec· Preside," Johnson. le h . Ind Bus;neu Ma na·
ger W. L Tubbs. "Ihi. present I .11"",.
Iric "ill .10 Ihe \ Iercy /l o'pilaJ upan· tray to B,ollM. Cla,.nC41 Abe'la.t . a .el".'
,ion. I he~ 1.... 0 ,iotos .... ill n~'a ll y help our r:tn!..\ a' chid ste"ard of Unil 14,
WIth 60 ~.a" of .......... In lOCal ~I . BuHalo.
allevi:lle Ihe job ,hurla~e in our area. T a}lorlille. llJino;\. N.Y......1>0 a U.nds local 44\ meehnls.
Safel) Chairnun Tom Shinn. Unit 8,
We hope Iu h'lle mure ne\Oo3 lu re- l11inoh. rem;nd ~ us Ihal
port ne\t munth.
-.choul i, in full ,winll. Fello.... IUFW
W,\\M_ V. "'IIIIICI. , I'.S.
mcmh-n.. if )I)U dlile )our cal1. 11:II:k
ami furlh 10 .... Ilr ~ . plellSoC \Iollleh 0111 fur
Ray Bollman Retires ; Ihe childrcn. It I'nult! be :t sad thin g 10
have a mi,hap ur a..:cidcnt uccur be..:au<;c
Negotiations Beginning
I.. lI. J1}9. S I' IU NGFml .ll. ILI _.-C:thle
of a child\. or our. cllre l e~,ne~,.
I han~~ 10 II roth er Dona ld I-Iall bc,

, pi ker Ka y Bo llman. LaSalle, lIIinob. ScCrclar} ·Tre:l'Ilter IIf Unit I. Alton. 11-
r<!l ireJ un Augu'l 301h. afte r 41:1 }e:tr' of liooi,. for hi\ leller. F\er) unil has a
pre\~ \C.:relal): hope 10 hear from you.
~ T\ice .... it h the lIlinoi\ Bell Telephone
Comp!!.n) K;j) b a member of Unil 5. '00.
LaSalle·OII!!."a. MOTl.· Ih:ln ('\er-Le'l We l orgel 5·
nU~tne,~ Rcpre .... nl:nhe Eugene Cam·
J U~ I I'U I>. RI II IH MIII .'I, I'.S.
eron 'II)' Ih:11 ncgOlialion~ \Ioilh Ihe IlIi·
noi, COIl\olid ate\! I'elcphone Company
:Ire hegtnntn~. ' 1 hc} are limileJ 10 .... ages Area Worlc Is Holding;
Here. P.eSld.nt
;!nJ differenli"I, Ihis }ear. We :Ire hop- life-Saving Award Presented l.fe-Savin, A...... d 10 Oscar SchwI,e.mann.
ing that Ihe II age-price free/'c lIill be wh o ",,"v.d the hi. o f a lMart attack ...... llm
over beforc our com raI.'l i ~ up. 1..1 '. 441. S" ~-r,, ANA. CA LlF.- whil. h. wi. on • •e,vice clIll.
Our local h:l~ mem bers all olcr Ihe Well, Brothel'S. ,ince Ihi~ i, rny fi ....1 let-
<,tale. and. I might add. Ihey arc lery ter 10 Ihe lOlm"". I hope Ihotl I ca n do ert WallH~e on Scplembcr 5. 1969. It
unhapp)' IIllO'1 of Ihem) Ihat Ihi, "age il ju,tice. seems Ih::1\ IJ rOlher O,t"llr wa!o on a SoC:n"
freele hll u, III Ih ... mO'1 inopportune Our electiun has ~'ornc ami gone. and ice call. .....hen 1I,1r,. WIIII:lcc: ,topped
lime. right in Ihe middle of ollr nc~olia· \1(' ure hcgi nni n~ III \C ltl ... d.)I\ n to nor· breathin~ be~:Hl~ of a hean aline!...
liom wil h lite [li inoi, Bell T ele phone m:tl. A ~ f:l r :1\ .... orl. in Ihe area goes, Osca r applieu mOlllh·\()·nlOlith re,u..cila-
Com p:l ny. H an}one in Ihe ..:ounlry lie Me holJing our O"" n. hut hy Ihe lime lion and !>roughl her :Iround h) the time
needs a ,,,I;try increa..... it i.. lite memo thi~ leiter !;OI:' 10 pre,>~. \Ioe ,hould be additional help could be 'UnlnlOne.1
be .... o f uur local. I he) 'a} !>is Itminc\s ,I:trt'"~ to ligh ten uur hclh for lhe \10 in- IJ rolher I' d Hamon. Ollr outgoing
hn' l llainin~ h) Ih" freelc. I \Ioonder prc:~idcnl, \10,1\ Ilre..enl~u \lith a j!a\el for
\10 hal \1 :ldam Ikll i\ going 10 do .... ith
'" We had ;toother fiN for our local. his dlslin~ui,hed "or!.. fur Ihe Joeu l J UT'
the million, of dollar~ she lIill gel 10 Umther Oo,(,"ar Sc"" 'lgermhnn \loa, pre- in~ Ihe pa~1 \il[ year\.
I.eep. ~ nteu "ilh Ihe 1111 W !.ife-Saving As '>Ome o f )011 alre::ldy"" o ur

We wclcome BrOl her D:lle Julius to A\Ioard for ~ltl'ini: Ihe life o f Mrs. Rob- boll ling tCUrtl uid \ery \lell :11 Miami.


Beller luek nexi lime for Iho'>( of )011 reculefY from bllrns ,ulrered o n Ihe job.
who lool on our boys. We hupc 10 sec J im !!fl hOllle in a few
Parade, Picnic Scenes
Brolher Clarence Aberga~l . former "eek~. A 5110.:C .. ,>-,flll ~ l in sr:I(1 h;!, oceo
mem ber of Local 41 , BuiT;llo, New compleled on hi~ right fOOl an d i\ he:ll·
York. I\ho i, reli reJ now bill atten ds ins , to,,'I} bill 'Ieadil)'.
our locu l IIllion meelings reg lll:u'ly, W;t\ JOI ulJl KI ..... 1'.5.
prese nt ed with a ,il ver Ira r for hi ~ (,U
years of -.crvke "ilh Local 4 1 from Ihe
members of 111;11 local. Ilrothcr Aherga,! C harleston Offic ers El ected ;
hll~ attended uur meeling~ for Ihe r:I,1 Picnic, Labor Day Fete Held
10 )ear~ regulnri)'. With Ihb Irroc of
lo)alty. I Ihin l.. the Brotherhood i~ h.. re 1..1'. -.166, C IJ,\IU .I-:S·' ON. W. '" \ . -
10 ~13~' . Wr h1ll'c had a bll~y lime ,illee "e 1;I,t
I "I" lallillS with Thoma\ Malhew$, rrpoflcd from Ih l' capilal of W~'I \ ir·
F~ecllti,e ~crelary. Santa Ana Buildin\:l ginia.
BU$>nU$ Manager Dell SCOII , "Bill , and
I r.H.lC~ Council. reeem l}. and he lold me ) ir,1 of al l. \\Oe h:ld Ollr locIl1 uniun ASS'$I"nt Bus,neu Manager Joe W.lIs p.e·
IhM Mnyor S,)m Yorty of Lo> A ng .. les e1cllion. T :lling office for Ih ree· )e:lr pa.e 10 lead Ihe" Brolhe. s 01 Locill 466.
le rm,. arc HII',i n e'~ Man;l!;cr Dell 'x01!' CharlestOIl. W. Va .• ,n the Labo. Day p a .ad..
carneJ a curu In Local 1650] the Imer,
nationa l Allianc .. of Theat rical Singe " r~~ident Runald Co,,~. Vice P rc, id enl
Employec~ anJ \ Ioving PkllIrc I\l a~hinc Jim Iln }l i ,~. F ina ncial Sc..:retal~ James
Openllor~ nnd Ihal " Iayor I{i dwnl J. Sa nlr<ld. Record in!; Sc'"I"Cl:lr~ John
DOll ey <If C lli c;ll;Q carr i.. , a card in Wi hl in . :tnll Trea,"rcr F red Will,.
Lo cnl I of Ihe Bu ilcrma~ e ..... I\la yor Jim FHrry. Ken ny "':arp. I al"!"} (ouh,
Dl1lcy'~ fa ]her. M arti n. "a~ al ~o II memo Manuel I.egg. lInd Hill ((Ire} arc un
be r of l oc:11 I of Ihc Ho ilcrmaleh It", (llIr r,rocutillc Board.
refrc~hing 10 lno" thai "e llo hale We h;ld a Sood lurnout for Ih~' clce·
~ome union men in o Oke. in,I.'all o f jlbl lion anll "erc glad to SoCe ,ome of ollr
:llIorne), Imd bu,ine5,mcn. 11\ al,o ea,y olJer IIr\ )lhcrs drop b} Ihe h:111.
10 undenl,lnd Ilhy cerlain clc menl\ in
I n AlIgu~1. \\e helll ollr " nnllal Pi,'nic
Ihe country lale POI ~hUh :11 '>Ome of ;It Camden Parl in H untingl"n. We,t
Ihe:.e leauer~. Vir!;inia. ha,1 :1 "on,lcrful
I feel Ihe "ay to <uf'"ha l b Ihrough d'l}, "hich wa, toprocu orT b\ II frieJ Some 01 t he local 466 r.p'esental,vu In
unilY ,1111.1 th rt)u);h Ix:in); bru lh.. r,. One chidcn llin ne T ami a fanll.,li" hingo the pa'II<1~.
o f Ihe I>c~t W:I}' lu a~'<:ontpli,h Ihi, i~ hy I::ml1e. We haJ plemy .If game, fur Ihe
being llelivo.: in Ihe iOl;:iI huilding trud e\ chi ldr .. n. a lung "ith Ihe ride, nl Ih e
l"oli lwil, ani! ('I'lI1r;11 lahm co un cih. hmh parI... IIhich everyo ne enjo yed. "roc,' ial
of whi ..' h have lInlimiled kno" ledge lImn~ , wem 0111 to Ihe Picnic Commil'
aboul "ho i, lind 'Who i,n't :1 friend of Icc, "hkh indullcd Bro ther, " cnny
h.bor. Mal.. e U'>C of thc'>C or);;lnil.:.tiun,. Kapp, La rry I'ngle. Bill Samrlc,. l eroy
And remember. the man "ull..illg nCAI Legg, ,,,11.1 John Wihlin.
to you. be he a plumber. earr~lI1cr, l' ol1o,\ing the picnic. IIC gO I rc,ld) for
shc.:t mel:11 lIorh'r. bl;tc l... IIhi te, }~lIuII, oll r big Illhor Day celehrl.tion. \ron·
or green. i~ fur Ihe ~llIlle Ihing ,0reJ by Ihe Kanall ha 'aile) I ,Ihor
you lire - a pa) checl... Lei II' all e\lend Council. Ou r quecn IIlh a1 Ihe
Ihe hand of brolherhuod. pouhide of Ihe HC:lr1-0··l o"n Mot()r Inn
D Ill COlltK,N, !'S. in Cha rie,lo n. ClmJi (":I"i,...I:w~hler
of Brolher 1'I1()~e \a"h \Ia~ dlU'tl.'n 10
I"Cpr~~('nl us on Labor D:1 ). She 'la,
Un it Offic ers El ected; cro wn~d by the reigning qlleen. ViI'!linia Cindi Cassis. th e Local 466 beauly quean.
Wri!;ht, who b "Iso Ihe ennenl I'Il bs
Crews Aid in Connecticut Uniun I\IHill .
LlJ. "55, S I' J(I :'\CFIE LIJ, ,tASS,-The I ahor Dar fe,lilities inelll.led a hig
lIerl.~hirc Unit of l ocal -.155 hllJ ih uni t par:lltc. in II hich :.I! of the OC:IlIlY
elcclion~ on 'i.'pH'mhrr IOlh . The ,lmcers qoecn, rooe in c01l\ertihle~ thrOIl1!h
ciCC iI'd arc A"i,tanl Il ll\ine,~ 'bnllger dOllnlolln Cha rlc\lon. rhe Brothe ..... of
Wuh Conant. Pre,idell1 Phil Bo}in!;ton, our loclll \\ere led in the p:lmJe by
and Kecorlling Sccret;try )'red " ruu:.t:. lI u,inc,~ 'l :mll!!er Scott :111<1 A"i,lIInl
Jill,inc" Manaj:e r Joe Will,.
The fou r·man 1' ~eCtllile Hoard for the
unit o.:{ln,i'IS of 'Ian D uua. { .eorge Ih ree of Ihe "on~ of II rolh ... r Don
• He". Bub Stelen,. at1d Oll en D upro.:. O''lei!1 r..,de their hil'}elC' in Ihe paraJe
All uf Ihe ~e utlken. Ilerc r!.'clcd for :1 Ilnli did a few trids on Ihe hil .. , for Ihe
period o f Ihree )·c"r,. !'Coplc ":II~hiTlg.
/lbn y of our crc,,~ from Local -.ISS 1 he paradc ~ml~cd ih IUIY tt) th e
Ile re lio" n in Connecticul over lhe (h:II'le,ton Civic Cenler. II here lho.: fe,·
Ilvilic, conlinoed. witb f ree 111'1 d..'gs an u local 466 Brothe,s ,eg ist .. , al th e gMe lor
II"celcml o f AU~I"1 ~81h and :'IJlh 10 II,,,, 1<)(.,,1'5 Ann,,~1 rlc",e .
hclp th e lonne~·tklll 1'0 \\ er and l i!;h l ,ufl ,trinh, for Ihe publl..:. We "':Irpcd
Company restore -.en i.,:.., 10 man~ of ih Ihe uay off "ith a gig'JIlII..: firl'l\url, ,lb·
CII',IOmCr, II hu had 10--1 their 1"IO\\er he· rluy. Loca l Commends Members
.. ,,"~e of the (free1S of the high .. ind, I he Brother<;. uf I "c;(1 ~M. c\tcnd
lUll) r.lin~ of lIurrklllle Doria. he;trt)' l·ongr..IUI;:,tion\ to P re,ideol Cool.. For Public Service Acts
We arc h;tpp) 10 report lhnl. afler Ull hh recent m:lrri,,!!,'. U ' , 468, STAj\lFQKO, CO "'.... The
~ele n "cels in lho.: ho~pit,,1. J ~me~ Ril·h· Signing OUI no" frum (h:llIC\lon. u,Iiccr, and memb.:r~ of our loe:11 C\-
ard, :111 IInder~round cable ~pl;cer here \Ve,1 Virginia. prc~, Iheir ~aH , fflclion fl ml gr.lti lllUC 10
in the Bcsbhire aT.-a, b ,g'kkl JOll:>' H. Wi lli I". R.S. Hrolh..-r William Robo n ; for Ihe fine j"b


he has been doing with the Stamford No one man is re~ponsible for condi·
Pop W:lrner Mid~ct Football League.
Local Donates Flag tions. neither I're~ ident Nixon, President
Brother Bill , who is !l f:1111ily man and l\I r.llny, nor " resident Pillard. The fault
the fi n:tncial screlar y of our local. ~t ill lies with the r~nl.. IIn u file and lhe apa-
ha~ the lime 10 donate to ~ueh a fine Ihy of the amuent; we think the worlJ
e:IUSC. o we~ us a living.
IIro th\:T George " Red" Wilson. who is Let's be th:tn ~ fLlI fur all WI! Imve :\\::.
the head coach of one of the te;tnl~. ;1 150 complished and emlc.. vor 10 go into De-
deserves prai-.c for Ihe fine job he is cemncf II ith pt:ace on carlh 10 men of
doin g. The officers and men of Loc,l] good wil1. We e.'( lend our I>reetings for (I
46K Me proud of Brothers Wj["K)n and happy Thanl'.!,:iving !O all uur Brother~
Robol1i. lind Si\ler.;. I\;th th e hope Ihat )"011 ha\'C.~
We :m: also proud of Carl l..ellc. 1\ ho as much to be Ih:ml..rul for as we h:l\e.
i~ active .... jlh the Uoy &:OIlIS. ,\fld of We had .. hu,y 'limmer. and although
Don Morris. "ho h ;lcti~e with the wor l.. alwa)·~ M'em .. lu be ju~t gelling
young Marines. Conlinuc the gornl work, under .... ay. \Ie mana.!,:e 10 I..eep bu~y.
n1\: n[
BrOlher Kenned y v:lcaliuned :11 I>rince
COnl!rd lulatiom 10 lim C;I I"bn: ~ IIml Edw:lrd 1.. land :lIul \la~ :.ma7ed at Ihc
his wifc on Ihe birth uf Iheir b;lb)! I\armth of the .... ater for ~wimming: he
l\1tCII,It:t. J. lJUCC II. RI, 1'.5. also lihed Ihe friendly atmo>phere.
JOliN A. KNOX, 1' .5.
Loc al Buys Flag fo r School;
Members of l ocal 470. Ha~erhfll . Ma ss ..
Ce le brat es 60th Annive rsa ry t()Dk UP a colleCIlon and bought an Ame,t. C o mplet io n Ban q uet H eld ;
can ftag fo' Ihe new flagpole at Ihe T,ilOn
1,, 11. 470, II AVE RJ-II U . , ~ I ASS.-Th ere Reglon .' School In Newbury. Mus. Se!en at Annu al Pi cnic Renewe d
wa) parlieip:n iun by Ihe eon~trnction the lIag· ... ,'lng ceremony. a'e. lelt 10 righi,
Reco'dlng Secretary John Kno~, Sleward L. lI, 474. \l E;\ II' IIIS. TENN. -l his
worl..ers (hard halS) III the TrilOn Re· Saucle'. and Ihe schoot princlpat. M. Gu,g~n. )·ear. the Apprenticc .. hip Completion
gional School in Ne .... hury. Mn!>'<olIChu- Banquel v.a~ helu al the Albert Picl..
seilS. recen tly. and on a suggeslion of
Hotel. and Apprentice~hip Training
mine 10 the labor ~te .... anl. \Ie 1001.. up a DircclOr Willwr D:lvis 1-, to be congratLl·
collectiun of $36 from Ihe Ir:ldes and l;lIed IIgain tin pUlling on :I fine pro-
brought an American nag for the gram.
~choors new pole.
Intcrn:uiO!1l11 Treasurer H;trry Van
1 he ~tory wa, wrillen up in the Nt·l\'-
Arsd:,lc. \lho happened to be in town.
bllf.l'lll;rl Nell's and the Jlul, t'fhill G .I-
wa~ a <,ur pri,e ~pclLler. Armie I·b incs
:rll.·. The principal Ihought .;0 hil>hly of
wa~ honureu for hi~ [7 years of service
Ihe aC I Ihal he h"d a leller of thanhs
on the Appremicc,hip Commiltee. His
mimeograp hed and ((i'lrihuled to all of
good deed, arc numerous. ~nd lhe aI'!-
Ihe men :md wa, pl:mning to lell Ihe
prenliL"es arc going to Illi~s him.
~tudenl s about it when ".;hool opened.
Thb is the "nni-ersary month of our The out)t:mding :Ipprentices of this
class lIere l acl.. Gatlin. D:I"id Haines.
li'l o le Ixal-60 rcar~ young and more
eager than ever to ac\:entuate Ihe posi- and ll1ck Shand ...
li ve in unioni~m. In November. 1911. a Folloll ing lhl! di ning :lnd
mOllth before r was born. 22 men gath· Ihefe .... ere duncing and nlerry-making
ered in the Labor Temple :,nd became unli! th e \ICC hou ..... A g()()([ lime w.. \
ehaT1e r members of Loc:.1 470. The ra le had by :oIl.
of pay wa~ $3.00 a day for 1\ journey· Afler a one-year interruption. our
man lind $ 1.50 a day for hcll)Cr~ . Ap- loca l hcld ib Annllal Picnic at Ellendale
IlrI'mi t !', ~Iarlcd al 75 cenlS a da}·. and Lodge 011 June Sth. 'I here ..... erc :.i1cnd·
Ihc uay wa~ cil>ht hours long- from ance pri1.e~; a 1001 box "a~ nlmed ofr.
IUIO A.M. until 5:00 P.M . We gol lime ,I
and Ihere \I;'~ widc range of aCli\;t ies.
and one·hal f after eight hours :lnu dou- It was IlOliball, lenn's. and Ihe cakewalk- such as wflball. sv. imming. games for
hie lime on Sunduyl. lind holidaYb. and all at the tim_at local 4]4', picnic, Ihe children. -.('oul lloolh" hnr-.c~hOi:S.
even lhen. Ihe apprenlicc~ had to com- and cakewalks.
plele four rears :11 Ihe trade. The Picnic Committee did an 0111-
I think our theme ~hould be "'I
Scholarship Winne rs slanding job thi, )e;t(. in addition 10
Never I>rombed You a Rose loarUen." planning ;lnd hu)inl! for lhe picnic. mo)t
I'm slill plugging for an ovcrhaul of of the cummilleemen were in c:vidence
Social SecurilY payment-. Gel them in the scn·inl> linc,. the ~mol.;chou~. and
more realbli~. \Vage'i and prices do nOI, under the pavilion. cleaning up. The~
in Ihemsclve,. mal..e for inflation. It's men \lorl..ed hard and gave lip most of
whal eome~ ofT Ihe lOp. . land v;llues. th eir d:Ly to put it over. I can IIlIe,t to
profil , from natural re>oOul'cc~. interest Ihe facl Ilml the food W:L~ good. :I) I
r:lte~. and eoXorbitant sa l;try ~chedulc'i in noticed uthers be~ides my)Clf !:oinA
Ihe higher echelons. wilh. la,1 but nol through the SC:fving lines IIdee,
leasl. Mlldison Avenue e~pendilure~. Congr:llulaliuns to 7..cni B"ue and
I gel .... ea ry listening 10 Ihe old lament i\I;lry Loui...: hleh,. Zeni was pre)enled
that labor is 10 blame for all of Ihe the 1......... 1 474 $ 1.000 scholarship award
\I()C\ of the world. I llgree v.ilh a fair at the picnic by Intern:tlional Vice I're,i-
return on i n\l~5Inwnt. \lhether it's labor uent W. II. I'elty. and f\.l ary Lou be
or nmnagement, but it's lile :1 l!ian t Zeni Balle and Mary Louise FuchS. SOlen he,e qualified for rene .... ,,1 of the same schol-
w,lh Thel' p aren l ... "'I Inr.,,' 474'~ Annual
game o f craps. .... il h the government Picnic. we'e p,uented $1.000 "hol.rsh,ps an.hip. \lhieh ~ he \Ion l(hl year. We
ru nning th e house. a t the picnic. knOll that Ihe..c ~irl,. daughters of ollr


Memphis Graduates

local unjlm BII)lh.!h. h;l\(,: m,u.le: thdr

p;lr,'nh \ ... r~ pfom!. itnJ "e ':'lenJ our
.... "he, for their ~unlinue,1 ~un·c",.
J I(",. L. !lo11\"Ll~. I',S.

Graduation Banquet Held;

Morgan Outstanding Grad
L.t. 47<). 1I": \ t \10",T. H'X ._The
\nnnal \prrcmin',hip Gr.luuOllion Ban-
quet \la, helJ lit the RcJ ("fpet Inn in
lIe(lurmmr un /lU!!II~' :!71h r he gr:uJu;ll-
in~ npprc1llkc\, their g\lc.,I\. an.! ,peeia!
gil ... ," l'nj.l)cJ a -'(Ki;ll hOlif. follo"cII
hy .. bullet .Unn..-r.
Afh:r ,lIlHler. Ill •• ,ler of U'rer1l00les
Ted Illuulu,'. JI j,u""lured the 'retial
glJi!'l' from " I (A, l'ommillccmcn anu
onker, of I {)';1I1 479. Inlcrn;ui,mal Rep-
rc~nl;lli\c,. Hrfll'cl11icc ,,,,h,,.)1 Imlrue-
lor,. and rcpl'cwnt:lIhc\ (mOl nci);hoor-
• inll 111I·W 10.;;11 ...
Georg\' .... \Iml"o". (hapla 1'.'l nn;lgcr,
"mllh"OI,1 I,'"'' (11;lpl<.'T. N LCA, 'PQ~c
011 the prul;rc" maJe ill i'PPTelllicc\hIP
1I;linin~ Illllt:filll1', ilher "hkh. lnlerna·
lion:11 Wepre'>l:nl,l1i\C !\. R. IJre" Ion.
D hln~1 WH'n. 'f'\I~e cln l'urrenl CCOO-
11011li1; illfllil'''. \hlkc. I r:lininJ; [}irC<;lur. Beau·
mum JA) (. "nntJunn,J Ihe l1 :tme~ or
Ihe ~!;I\hli,ljng .'pprenli(c,. nn.1 liITI).
lIinOIl.'. (,O\emor. \Q.llh,·;I,1 -I e~n~
(hilp!er. 1'01 1 (A. ami Jilme, \\ (.allier.
" re'Hknl ur I Uoo:i11 479. pTI.''>I:llIcJ lhe Ji.
The I;.ra.h';ll(', :ITe (.Ien ,\l!n.lU. \li~e
1J1.,n(hilrJ. \ l.:IOT ilIum. (.eorlle R.
CanaJ;.. FJdic Collin. D.lliJ
();-",id IkJ,:c) ler. Johl1 D u,'01e. D.llllien
Duhon. Wunl1lC 1 0mCn.,l, ( .corge l or·
Iline. I hum:" Il illl. ('I;tuue Ilard y. Il u"·
ilnt II:lrrhon, Chi,r1es HCllel. ]);1\1<1 Ii i·
d;lll;o. 1 0M,1I lI in.:h. Verne R;1)' .... in1;.
Jillm Lejeune. lI ilt "lc l'her ..... n. 11:I rolJ
\tiguel. [)(1Il Milchell, Hill MOTJ;an.
M iL.e Morgn n. J .. me~ Naoouh. I)alid


lion in California. Ikfore his re tirement.
Beaumont Outstanding Apprentice hI: wa~ emplo}ed lOoilh R. H. Bou'i!;n},
_""T"I'"---' Inc .• dectrical conlr.lctor. in Nonh Car-
olim! ,
As bu,ine,~ man;tg~r. , had the honor
of pr('''Cnling Bucl. "ilh hb 25-)c:tr
se n icc pin uuriog lhe ..... nie.... Wilh thaI
smile of hi~. I' m ,ure he \\ill be enjo)'-
ing hi, retirement for many year~ 10
come. We all "i,h him til.- be~t of lucl..
Attcnd;tncc al our regubr meclin~ ~
ha, !,cen ,,'cr<lge. bUI we "ouM lil.e 10
SC'C more memben. allhe ml'(,'ting~.
L. P. Gt":,,,s, " .S.

New. Two-Year Agreeme nt

Includ es Many Ben efjts
L U . .199. DES \IOT'F-S. IA.- I ;tm
Ted BI~nton, Jr. presents Ihe Outstanding App,en tice Awar d to B,lIy Mo,gan. as T,ainlnll harp}' 10 reporl Ihal "e rati fied :t new.
OlrectQ, an o;! Mr s. Dale Moll e, look on. l .... o·ycnT ilJ!;l'eel11cn l wilh th~ [ 0"01
Po wc!' ;mu Lighl CUl11pan} of Soulh
Noble" Ray PO<;cy, J r" Jame. I> rice, Centr;.1 Iowa and SOulh .... e~lern JOW;1.
P,IUI Ray, Jerry Ri ky, Kyle Rumery,
Local 485 Personalities Brolher, Ahin P"tenon. Torn T ung-
Jad Stampley. J;lnlC' ~Iarnpley, Don !:tod . Bill T opp. an d Irving Field "cTwd
SWnIOn, Garf) 5lubbldield, lI arr)' Wil - on the l n~u(;jnce Commiuce. Th e "ego-
...on. llnd I'lllli Young. li:'tl ing Com m itlct." con,hled o f B U\ines~
Thi, }ear\ out,tan<.ling apprenlice is M:IIl<lgcr Jerr) Dunagan. A"i,lanl Bu,i-
Hill Morgan. III,' WII~ prc..enled a very nc,~ t-1<t nager Richard \ arle}. Pre,idem
nice pl'lque. along wilh his diploma. Jilci. McC<lug hc}. ,md Brother Gene
E, C. GO;o1I!>. H.M. WilI i;ml'i.On. f he')C Brolhers ;lrc keen un-
ioni~t~. :tnu it \la, on I) Ihrough their
collccli,e cffort ~ Ihal Ihis offer \O,as
Work Picture Favorable; brought hcforc 11'.
Journeyman Cards Acce pted ' n Ihe mOn~) department. \O,e recei\cd
a ~ub,molial "al;e increa-,e of eighl per
I..t ' . .IK2, ": t ' K EKt\. Ct\ LlI'·.-Greel- ce n\. effecti\{' ,\ ugu'l I. 1971. and -,e\en
ing, \0 all I!rolher~ and Si~le,..., ;md to pe r cenl. effecthe AugU'.1 J. 1972. ' n
all loca l un ion, frorn Ihe Greal " acifk Bu ..,ness Manager L P . Given ... local 485. addition 10 our e,tavli,h.:d holida},. "e
NOrlh,,('~t ! r hl' i~ the fir,1 opportu nil} Columb,... S.C.. p,e§,"n ! ~ .. Z5-y... ",''',.
p", to W, lIl;om T. "Buck" Vande,lo'd. ,,&hl. "i ll h<l\e Good Frida} off in 1973.
we ha\e hOld 10 IOorile to Ihe " Local ,oe-c,"ntly ' ,"I"ed. Our major medic:,1 imurance 10. ill be
Lineo." ~clinn of IOe ) mm'/II for some increa ..... d to pro\ iue hl)';pit<ll room-and-
lime. hUI we will Iry 10 mal.e il cu rrent
board benefih of "l' 10 560 po:r day no\O,
from now on. :md up 10 S6.'i per d ay in A ugu~1. 1972.
We arc ple<l~d 10 announ.:e Ihat Normal maternit} deli,ery benefits ,,"ere
Local .IS2 i, r (N in good healt h- mor· increltllCd 10 S~(JO. ,IS of August 1. 1971.
all y. nle nll!II}·. <lnd financially.
Our reli reme nl hcnefib have he;:n in-
We an: looUng forwotrd 10 :t large
creawd . I he " arl H 1'1;,11 ha~ hoecn
d:!!n 10 be built un Ih c ~ l ad Ri ver. here
dwnl;cd to $2.~ U per mon th pe r credited
in Humboldl Cl'jU1l y. which "ill cnable
year, of ..... rvice: Ih e I'url C Pklll h~ s
Ihe Ge()rgia- Pa~ilk Corporal ion and thc
heen c hanged 10 1.6 per cenl of Ihe
Crown Simp,on P ulp Com pan) 10 1,'' -
hi gh. con ..... cu ti ve five year, of the la,t
p:lI1d thdr l faeilitie, to \O,hite
III )e1lr,' a'·crag\." monthl y pay in excc","
paper mill~. chip honrd mill,. c hemic<l l
of S400 for each crediled }ear of :;en·
plan ts. e tc. ' hi~ \O,iIJ al'i.O induce o lher
manuf:tcwring concern~ to come 10 the ke.
G. R. " Rock" Spenc,",. who _, ked 10 '
area. many ye~'" w,lh Buck V;onderlo,d 10< R. H. The emp lo)ee CO'o I j , changeJ. I'art H
We h:He :1 ~mall mill going in the Bouhany. Inc~ ,"Ioe-cltleal connaclo•. is c h<lngcJ 10 55.00 per monlh, as per
neighboring dl> of I·ortun" . Ih h ",ill the effecti 'e date of IOe amendnlen~ \0
enahle U~ to ~cep going through the the plan. '>art C ha~ been eh;mgeu to
"inter \o'ilh our mcmhe,...,. fi,e per cen t of the monl hly ~traill h l
Our I(H.";II i, ,Ii ll ~H.""t'pting ,IOu rne>man lime pa) in ~\Ce" of 5.100, on and after
"i r~man ca ....h.
Janu;lry 1. 1972.
rhe comp,tn} anu Ihe union ha\('
AI \ I" A. Cl tl>1 1111.01. 1'.5.
:tgreed 10 Ih\." e"lablj,hmenl of .. Joinl
Safely C ommittee. "hich ,hall meet
William T, Vand erford quarterl} or :11 Olher rea~onable imer\llh
of lillie OIl the req ue,1 of an} Ihree
Presented Service Pin membe,..., of lhe commiucc. The commil'
Ll ' • .IH5. COU 'lnIA . S.<",_ D uring a Ie.' ,h:11I con,i,1 of Ihree me m be r~ ap-
recenl regular mceting. \o,c hau "ith us poinled b} Ihe comp:my and three ap-
Brother Will iam ., . MBucl." V'lIIuerfurd. poinl.:d b) Ihe union. The compan y',
\o' ho h:I' becn H.'lireu fur the pa~t }ear. Pres;""nl W W Shirrel p.uenls lin honorary )upcr\i~r of "''lret} ,h.. 11 be .. n e:l:-Qffieio
membersh,p ca,d 10 ClI."lyn Rhodes. who mcmber of the committee.
Bu.:1. let" I" Ih:H he i, ju,1 enjo) ing has been Ihe secretary 10< Local 485 for
life. He h:,d jU'1 r~lurned from :. VOIeOl- the PllSI f,ve yea ' i. The funclion of the Jo inl Safety Com-


millee ~hnll bc 10 adli-c ..:onceming
safet)' and health maller, in\ol vin1; em- New Officers
plo)cc~ in the bar!!ainin!! unit. but nOI
to handle llrinan<'('\. In the di~harl!e of
it ~ function. the commiucc ,hall con-
~ider e~i\tin{: rule, relating to ,;,fet)'.
fUI","I:.Io: '1I!;~c,tcu <l'ilngn i" 1 "lc~,
recommend Ihe adoption of ne\l rules.
and re\,e\l di~lhtin~ inJurk, \lhkh h;,lc
occurred and m'll..e recommend>ttiom 10
pre\cnt their rccurren,·c.
Our \a(ation ha, hccn incrcao,ed to
Ihe \lcd~ after 2.'1 year, of wn ile.
At thi, llritin£:. thc ,Ialll\ of uur ne-
gotiated ~cner.11 incre>!\(.' .md rctro;I~Iiv­
it)' i, ,till un..culed he,'au,< ,,' lhe I're,i·
denlinl \I,'I!e.'·pri,·e fr'''C/e.
JI~rr'i I . Fun,l 1111 I), I'.\}.

New Offic ers El ected:

Sarnia Work Is Slack
L.1I. 530. SAK... I \ , 0'" I.- At our
fe.'lllllM lIleeting of Ju l~ 6th, lIe.' elected
our nell ottlcer, for Ihe nell three }c:U"l.
I he)' lire Plc,idem William \l l,"i":ol11.
Vice.' I 're~idenl Rkhard " :IITi,. lIu,ine,~
\ I:lnal.te.'r I ra'oCr Collin~, rrea'lIrtr Al
'\ullhan. and RecorJinll Sc":felllry " en
F\ cl"illh. The newly,eleded oN,ce ..
'1 he I \eCLllhe l~o,m.J I11clllhcl" arc 60ard membe', Don OSIrOm. T,euurer I "'~~~":~C
M.nager F,ese r ColI,n •. Sland'ng. Reeord,n, SecrelalY
Don O,tfO!Il. Jad. \ld_e ll,ln, and Dale
lJaz(']c)·. member Jack McLell .n. V,ce P,u,denl R,chard
We.' congralUlate.' our 1lC" ofl1,'er. ;md
... i,h them the hc~t of IUd. Election! Local Officers
WillI.. in Illi, .IIe;, II .. , hUll ,1 ... 1.. fM
-.ornc lIme no\l I a,I \linter, \lC had
"ooul one-third of our Illem ...... r' \lorling
OUI I)f 10\111. lUll! \Ie thanl I u..:;)1 105,
II n,,"lttln. Untano. l,nll I ()Ca l Ibtt/,
"'udhur)', Ontario. for cmplo>ing our
mcmher. .
., he onl) job of ;111> ,ile going at
pr"'''''nl i~ the ... cllug ;on HI Ihe Imperial
Oil Kefinery, \lhieh prc~cnll\' hu, only
10 cle.:trician, on the jon . .,ill Wood -
ward. clectl'il'al ('tnl'fal fon' mnn <';1 111
• th:1I h... e~pccts 10 h:l\e ,Ihom ·10 I\orl..-
ing at Ihi\ job at ih pe:l" I lml \lil1 be
Tl>e election omce •• dUlin, Ihe 'Kenl elec·
in ..c~erlll month,. an\1 Ih" jun " ex· I,on 01 Locat 557. Saginaw. M,ch .. were, teft
pected 10 Insl one )cur. to righl. Wlltl ~m Ga~" .. ,,<I But. M GOr~lar,
We \lill Iry to h:II'" an HI'th:le in the ballol labulators. end Chuck Dickey. e leCl lon
JOi/rIIf/I elery month ("0111 noll' on 10 judlle.
"cep our tr.lIe ling Brot h,'''' informed
:thoUI Ihc lot'al and ,Ihout Ihe 11 .. lr" ,illl-
;Iuon here.
11 0\\ 1110 D. C,III'r, P.S.

New Officers Elected ;

Local Optimism High
L. l I, 553. 1)1 lUI \'1 . .... .C.-The loca l
clection i\ Oler, .md there halc been
quite II fe" new faec, to :Ippe:tr in office
p{hilion~ not onll new f;lce~. hUI Ltrt 10 rllll1l. Pre~id~nt J.,h" M~~A,II.u •. V.G~
ne.''''' idclI" \lith enthu,ia\m 'par"ed b)' Presidenl John Traver". Record,"" SeC.,II.y
Iheir inili:lli1e. Robe'n Gage. •• r Etton ilK. and
Bus'"tss M~l'>ag.. 0,1101'> fosle ••
Tho ..... re.'-cItCled 10 om~e.' are I rca~­
urcr ]{OJ;er !- mller :",J [."",,;Iling Th~ rum.n,ng Rn~rd m .. mh .. r~ 1 .. 1I In "Ihl.
IJoarll mcmber E.I\I:lrd [nloc:. Gary B"le" Bruce r.e'd~, and Kennelh
I he ne\lly-elce"....1 oOker, IIr... I' re\;·
dent Lurry IJ lIl'i~, Vice I're,ident An-
Lett 10 .111>1, E:.ecutiv e Boa.d membe,.
drew Udom, :lnd fiu,;n ..." M :,";,~~r- FI· Glenn T.ylor. Clifford G,egory, Pn,llp
Mncial SecrelAry DonnlJ Mllbry. Grubner, and Roben Small.

JOUR NAl fOI NO\l~MUR , 191 1

The E~e<: ulhe IJOlInJ m em~h are men \\ ho in thai hall gone. T he
James Ed\lard ~. AIi'ler Mae Pher..on. sellts arc empl)' many limes. The
Un ion , NECA Negotiators
JRme ~ HO\lell. Hohh\ Wrenn. and Char- youn!:er cro p doesn'l o;«m 10 care how
lie Smilh. The F)'lImining BO:lrd mem- Ihlngs arc goi ng. Bill. \lhen )'ou see
bers include \ Iar ... in Sc:Il:rOles. Billy tho-..e empt) '\eats. don't hear Ihe o ld fa -
Ka y. :md lIobh y ('h:.ndler. miliar ~oices, and Ihen lal.e a good tool.
If optilni~m i, 11\ J,lre:u afler Ihe next at )our-.c:l f. you become ll",are: Ih"l )'O U
Ihree )"ellr' 1\, il i, now, Ihe accomp li,h- arc Lh.:: old head no\\. I reel \\ e ~houlu
men! of job, \lell done cannot eSCllpe Ie:ll e a good union. a gooo.l ,calc. sood
Ihb IOCIII. condilion" and plenly of good lIill.
Wilh lti!;l, e,l~cm, tl,,! IJ rOlhch o f 10 mal.e: Ihe aforem~nlioneJ r'(l',iMe.
l.oI.:a J 553 eongrawl:ue, nOt only the on.:: musl gel Otlt and lote amI fishl
\linnCh. but ,III \lho put forth elTort in \lith hi, 101e_ The Pre,iden('i \I,I!;e-
their campaign, for a JOh \leU donc. price freeze is going 10 brini: plenl) of
D II' I.'> 511 11". 1'.5. trouble. ror \Ie hale 1101 ..cen the end of
il. Unle\S \Ie 1'01':: 10 J..j]f il. \le·1t Jo Thew m.n mllde up II p;o., 01 Ihe 1971
oUl'iCh"e$ in. 1( 5 a freeze on the \lorl ing Negoll.long Comm'IIH 10' loul 605. Jilek·
$Otl. M,", l.1I 10 "ghl. OilS C.nnon. P;o,,1
Saginaw Loc al Ann ounces man . bUI not on the hig\liS', I am or SI1I,unh. lind In'.'n",o".1 Rep,esent;oln'e
the opinion Ihat many poliuci;lOs :Ire B. r Wag. ,.
Res ults of Election
out 10 I"j]f unions_ ~Ian)' ullkial~ would
L.U. 557. SA G IN,\W. l\IIC Il .- 1he ~Il Ihe union man Olil . ..0 !".. yo ur
nl0" important nel" al the pre\~ nt time IIcapon ag,tin~1 Ih~lll . Ville for Ihe deh1
is (lUI' eleetiun re'liits. mall.
Our ullieer, for th e ne:>'1 Ihree )e:lr~ With the cooler we;llher here, fi~hitiS
lITe I' re,itlenl John S M:u:A rlh\lr. Vke i., a Ihing of lhe pa,1. Huntinj; i, Ihe nil:
1'1<.,,;dCIiI Jdlm I.. ll a~el..e. I( e~ol .!ins thing 110W. T he eu ll or the fidd h:15
Secretary Rul1en A. (jal:e. r rell~lIrer come. a'lJ m:m y are tal ing dO\ln their
Hlon I . lie,. and /l u~ il1C" \I:tn:,ger· J.j- 8un~ :tntl dreaming of the far-;llIay
na ncial Sccrel:H~ (;ihon J) I o,ter. hunl ing fie IJ), Be careful; life i, dear.
EIC\:led 10 Ihe I ,eCUUle 1J0;IT(J. \lere Don'l 11'1 Ihal hunling trip be a ~d one:
Kenncth I·. (iorh::. Phtfip I) umehner. 1001. hefore ~ou ~hool.
ClifTonl W (,re~or~. Ri~h"rd J. " arenl, I ";1\1 a few of Ihe old-time", around
Roherl lJ. 5111;111. und Glen n ·I aylor. lhe hall. John Webh, Jame, Duff. and
Elecleo.l 10 the I ':UllInlOg lloard. \ll.'re Man in Timmon..--tine men, The lime MO" negOII"o .... Ih e leI!. A5siSlllnl
Gary C. lIerger. /l ruce L He1o.l ~. ano.l C,lIIll' III cI~ th.:: 010.1 1001 00\. to lurn Bu',nen Man;Olle' C. E. Shiff.,. Inle,n.
Ke nnel h A. 1),11 io.l. b ..cI. on that la' i job, a nd 10 1001. oul I,onlll R.p,.unlll' .... Wig.,. Bus,ness Mil'"
IIg.' Robe,t Mo",.on. and P, nod en l EMI
The eleelion WI'~ held under the \C ru_ ther.:: 10 Ihal la,1 jon 1h:1I \l'1l'i to l'I"O'I\
lin) of eI.::ellon judge C hud, I)ide) an.! Ol er. l\len. 1001. bael. aJ;nin. YOLl can
ballot labu!:uori I\ob l\lcur'::l:0r :mo.l see a lot of goOO Ihat came by ) ou. Re-
Wi .liam G:tJ;~. mem ber Ihe many good job, ano.l Ihe . '1
l', obably lhe 1110\1 MIO\lndin, ne\l~ in gooo.l union meeting). Thi n!.. or Ihose j
nearl~ ,! deca,le h Ihe fin.1 1 \\:ore o f Ihe \I hom you helped along, It w.t, h"ro.l :It
Annual Journe)rnan-Apprenlke: ~flhall
Game: apprenllce' 22: JOllrne~ me n 2.
time'. I Lnow. but a 101 of gooU \la~
lhef(', Happy I.. nding!
My e;unera i5 n'( .... orLing. so I don't
I h" phenomenon ,hollld nOI occur for
another decade. lI~ the ,1:1" of Ihe game: hal'e any pictures Ihi ~ lime. Mllybe 0.::.'(1
lIiII l:rndllale ano.l become jollrnc)lllen monlh.
before the nexi I,:ume. C. D. McC\! I., 1'.5.
RUHlMI D. O\\IN, I' ,S,
Negotiations Conclud ed
Press Secrfltary Lam ents In Jad.son, Mississippi
Chang es in Uni on Life
LI I. 5114. 'I U I~'i". O"I , .\ .- Again,
1..11. 605. JA CKSO N. l\IISS.- The 1971
negoli:;!ion~ lIith our comr.IClor, have
been concluded. only. Ih b )e:tr. il 11;1$
to ,Ighl •• t.
f,om Ih• • mploy • •• • lid. 01 th. ' .ble. leI!
Harold w.i •. NEe.... and Ba.·
nard K ,n~.1 and Run K,na •. Ihe L E. Mye ••
he llo 10 our nI;!ny fin.: Brother, :md 51,- Cnmp.ny.
nece'!>.1.r) 10 go Ii .. Ihe Council on In-
Ie" \I ho \I orl 10 -.c:e .1 beller \\:1) of ulI,lri,11 Rel.llion~ in Wa~hinglon. D_C.
life, ami Ihanl, to IhlN: of )011 \l ho A, )ou can tell. Ihe aecompan)inl: cenl'i and $1.00 per hour aool'e Ibc
hale \lrillen 10 me. cOlllmeno.lin!; me on pholO!. of the negoliallun) \leh' I<llen jouroc}mlln r"le. re~pei:lilely. All olher
Ihe ankl~ I hale \lrillen. I hope 10 do during the time of rounJ one of lhe cla"lIkation, \lill rl:'<:l.'ill.' an increase of
my hc~t to hring a few \lor.! .. of cheer laIL). \lhen the parlidpanlS \leTC appar- 8_6 per eenl,
10 the many g,1OIl nlernbcn of Ihi~ en l l~- fre~h and happ~. It i) coneeil'lhle. I he l'\ellOlbLin~ Commilll:'<:~ eon~i~led
Brolherhnlld. Ih<ll, if Ih,' pil;lurc) had been laf".::n dur- of lI;\fold Weir. NECA: Charley
I feel thaI IIC hale 1o,1 Ihe good. ing the Ilist rou no.l of l;tll.,. 1he) might Stroupe. R. H. (Joliligny. Inc.: and ncr-
\I!lnn felloll,hip o r Ihe t)pe of brolh.::r- h;l\e been different. n;tro.l "'in/el an.! Rus, " ines, of Ihe
hooo.l I ":.101 in )cur' i:onc h)'. I hen. )011 We do lIanl 10 poim OU t. hOllcl.::r, I . F_ \I)er_ ("omp:lny for the elllplo},er<i
\loll id nrrh'c on II joh a loni: wa) frurn Ihat. regar.!lc)) of lhe !>Criou~ hu\inn\ :11 and Interm.tionnl ]{epre;,cntatile II. 1-.
humc. 10\\ on folo.ling nlOne) , nnd it h;InJ. Ihe committee. \lere ler) harmo- W,,~er. Pre,ide nt hlrl lI eno.l(i~<;.On, Busi·
w,,,n't long unlil Ihe nlen \lerc: (C;lo.Iy to niuu\ Iu"aru~ each OIher during lhe en- ne" Manager Boh /lt orri..on, A~~i,tanl th:1[ )011 h:III :1 bed ano.l food. 10 'ICC tire negolialion). I\II,in.:" \1am.~er (' E. ~h"frer. I'aul
Ihat )011 made il lu pay ,lay. Lu levi.: ... nte,.: "',:11: ~"'I: LI.llifk",;",,,. a few 51,lrunL. Oli, Ctnnon. find me for Ihl'
Ihe jOlh lind loe;' " you hall \lorleo.l Ollt gain,. and :1 fell lo,..e~ on hOlh ,io.le, of unilln
of I:ht, mld to 'oCC Ilhere 10 fur the ",::o:t Ihe tabk, Our \\;If:!C rai...:: ,Imounleo.l 10 Barring i:Olernmenl interference or
one. That \l lh hrolherhood. K.6 per cent. or an inerca~ of ;SO Ce nl\ oth er ~omplic;Hion'. Ihe abole rai,.cs
It·, lll1d of ,n,1 hI 10"). around ollr per hUlir for journeymen, Foremen and 11m he relronelile 10 ' Itt) I. 197 1.
halls :I nd to ...:e ~o muny of Ihe fine foremen .... ill st ill r.::cchc 50 J. W, RUSSl.ll , P.S.


N ew Officers, Journ eymen Newburgh Clambake

The committee ... hich planned and super-

VIsed Ihe Annual Clamb~ke and OUllna of
local 63 1. Newburllh. NY " consIsted al.
lell to "lIht. Harty MIll.". ROflald Hughes,
~r. RQn.ld HUghes. Jr, . John 03~IS, Fred
S ...n, WIllIam S3a". Edward Sager. Cyrrl
Tansey . Jr.. and George Fal~a5.

Some 01 tho flo'" lourfl.~mefl 01 loc'" fiJ7 , ... hO we.e Kuesh ft a ,ecent JATC,sponso,ed
dInner. a,e seon he.e ... ilh th<!1t WIVes. Front row. left 10 .illht. M.s Paul Gyselb.echt. Mt'S.
Ed ward Parlier, Mrs. DaVId Booth. M,s. Edward Drotlefl. and Mr •. and B.othe. David
Sch ... elckert_ Back ro .... Brothe. Gyselbrech t , Mrs and B.other J a mes leach. Brother P.rtle •.
Brother and Mrs. Russell MacArthur. Brother Booth. Bro ther O.otlell. Brother and Mr,.
Robert Clemo, and Mrs. and B rother Rona ld L.U\O,a.

New Offic ers Elected;

New Journ eymen W elcomed
L.lJ. 6 17, SA N ;\IATI<:O. (; ALlI·.-Olir
101::" ha, a new ,I,tt~ uf omecrs. T hey
fire J . T. lI arder, I're~ident: Juc lI ingky,
Jr .. Vice I' rc\i(icnt: Donalu Dcan. Re·
cording $ceretary and r rr:hun:r: and S""n 3t the outIng .. ,., Hllrry G. M,ller,
Wayne Thoma,. BlI_ine~~ 'Iannger. ASSIstant Businus Manlge r; Ronatd G.
The E \c~utive BO:lrd mcmhers are HUllh<!S. 5. " Assistan t BUSIness Manaae.
and T.easure.: Ed ... ard R Sager. BUSiness
Edward ro" Ie. Frnie (,e l\\I"lIi. Robert Manasar ~nd Financial Sec,et~ry: and Al lon
I-Iutter. ami I r;lll~ Ely. S. Mil\ckler. Business Maneger of LQcal 806.
EllcnvlU., N.Y.
Bu~ i nes) Manager Thoma, ha, "P-
poi nted Joe McGann '" "u,i",,')) repre-
Two a f the new ofliee.s of loc.'
617. S~n
Mate<>. Calif .. a'e President Joe Harde. , leU.
,,-,ntatiH'. and Viee President Joe Blnale~ , J. Among the guc,". al<;o. "ere Urolher>
Our I1CII journeymen Hnd their whcs from local 806, Ellenville, New Yor\.:;
lI'eT":: Ihe gl l e'l~ of Ihe "':tn \I alro fllvOritc beveral!e. malle for a leTy I uc,11 ~I~. I'oughl..eep,ie. Nell Yor\..;
Cuunly Join i Apprenlice,hip and Tndn- pk:I\;onl da}'. A fine. de \ kiou~, dmr· Local '6~. New Cily. Nell' Yor k: and
ing COllllllillee for nx:\.,,,,;I, .tnd a fine r.'oal·hroiled bcefstea~ hrca~f;l'I . '<rvl'll 1 0(;11 -1St!. Bridgeport. Conncclicm: abu.
dinner, whkh \las held at Ihe Airport in the morning. prece<Jed :111 "r
lhe repre,enl;.til'e, and memhel' uf N l-CA
Marin.. Hotel in Bu.linj!<lmC'. California. aho\e-mentioned aet;,ilie, ;ln,1 r('(re,h· ,tnU the .... e\l Yor\" Siale Appn:mice,hip
,\1,0 in Illll::ndance, \Iere tht.' IIllIon of· rl1enl~. Trninin!; ltuard.
Ikers and Ihe lIpprentict.',hi p in,troclors The guest-. ;1' nl\l:l)'. Ilere tht.' rr.'lired JIM SUINNO'I. R.5.
front Ih~ loclll and lhc College of San IIrolhc.~. who l'elHled many 'l"ri~, :Ind
,\ 1:111:0. 1)011;lld V:lc~hicri. lir.l }ear; di'rlllyc d pidufe, of Iheir aClive .la), in
J. T . I-larder. \twn.t )I':lr: Froe,t l-IBl-, lh.· buildin~ of Ihl: m EW Hnd Ihe t.'1c~­ Agreement Reached in Vain;
third )ear; and Bill Gundred. fOllnh tric;11 trade. Wiremen's Work Lagging
)ea r. Our eongr.lWlat;on, 10 Bu,im',\ Man·
ager Ed Sager anti hi, ,er) "aplthlc L.11. 637. RO ,\NOK E, VA , -l'lOh:lhly.
commi\let.' for :U'ranging 11 \ery inlerest- mu,t of Ihe '" Loc:!1 Linl"" coneern the
in!; progrn m that provided cnten:l inrnen t wlIgc'prke freeze impn,rd h)' 1' !'~~id~11\
Retired Brothers Guests ;tll Ihroughout the Llay. T Il<' hi~hlight Nixon.
of the day Ila~ Ihe a\l<lfding of pri1e' tu Our local failed to escape this hrain-
At Annual Clambake·Outing the "innefll of \'ariou~ elenh and Ihe ,torm of ou. President. a, Ollr linenl:lll')
door prizes th:1I \l.crc gi,en 10 people nell agrel'll1cnl \I .IS ~heduJe<1 10 go into
L U. 631. "t, \\lI P RGIJ , N ,V.- Any- h:winj; Ihe Iud,) numhcr\. ctfc~1. fhe)' had bc~n .. If",cd 4-1 ccnl ~
lime 11lal l ocal 631 member. meet .111,1 'I he pf i zc~ :lII;lnll:ll Ilere luol .. of the hy Ihe eon l ntctor~ for one ~ear. Thi~
appoi ni a wrllmitlee 10 art',IIlj!e for a Ir;lde ;ond vari{)ll\ ckctrkal appli:ull·C,. .:a-c I\enl 10 the ~Ollncil, ,tIld a~ of Ihis
day or evenin~ of hm. ont.' rwt.'d \"nO\l $cleritl of our llinncr> Ilere among thC' II riling. \'ord of the eouncil\ del' i,ion
only Ihl" .lllle. time. an<J pl:lce 10 he a,- r('jiree~. and looh to pur\ue Ihdr falor- had not hcen recei~etl.
sllred of h01l1'o of la-linl1- enll'rt;.inmenl. ile hobhies \lere al\ardc'd 10 them_ 'Lill Y B u,ine~~ \I ,IIl~ger Hubert 1\. I hher
A.gai n. LOI:al 6.1 t memhe~ and lhcir of the pril"~ were (lun;lled h} lo<:al mer- :lIld Brother Donald M ills repre...::nted
gllesh. the r~tin::ll mcmh,'r_. j!:uhercd for I:ham,. electrical eontl·ador, ... n,1 'Urrl} Ihe 10<::.1 during line negoli;IIlOn_ an" re·
Ihe A nnual Clarllb:l~c :tnd Ou ling on hOll"'::,. To Ihe~e friend" lIe "Iler ollr portell lery, ~ery IHlnl nCS<JIia!ing \lilh
l\ugu~1 2 1 ~1 al ~I. Flall~i, Grove in $in(cre than ks for their genero,it} :111d Ihl' lin~ ~orllraclor'.
New Win,hor. New Yorl.. Gltmes. fur aiding us to\lurd, :rnoth"r ~m:l'e"flll Our "od picture for the \lirl'l1l~n h:r~
music, ltlld finc food. along "ilh onc's alfair, not pided li p as Il1l1ch a~ IIC had hoped


for . line loIor l. on di)lrihu lion is hotding
ii, o"'n. TransmiloS ion ",orl. on Ihe
745.000-\011 line i, progre"i n!; on foot-
ers. ami <;tccl , houkl be creeled by the
time you read Ihk
Bu sines~ Manager Fi.hcr a nd Presi·
dent 1\1 . E. lIelm ane nded the "FI.·CIO
Con" ention in Roanole in August.
lIenr~ Ho ... ell reeehed endor;cmem for
liellll'n~ nl go\ ern or. and Brother I·hher.
our rl'g i~lnlr. :,,"s Ihat I'ach member do.
nate 10 the C:IU'>e of Ihis ... orchy candi·
d;I\e. If you mail yo)ur <.Ion;l\ion 10 lhe
local union ofYke. to the ;lI1enlion of
UrOlhcr I' bher male )nur I;h,'d or
money order pa)ahle 10 the IIcnry 1101"
ell C:lmpail!n lund.
Ilrother I·hher y,iII <,end ),Olt a recdpt
and M:e 11'1:11 the money goes to \Ir.
lI oy,el r~ campaign. Ty,o dollars per
member ",ould be a hig help. A.s
Brmhl'r H ,hI'r ....,)'. Ih i) h a bread·and-
hu tt~'1 i,~ue. ;10(1 the ciccI ion of this
m:ln mcans :1 101 to organiled Illoor in
Virginia .
Our reghlTllr al'>O renlind, all :Ippren·
lice, an,j a ll membcl". to regi,ler an d
\'ole in Ihe No\ember ele~,tion~.
Our CTl'<lil union i~ prosr... "IO!; nicely.
wilh close 10 100 mcmher~. I had prr-
\iou~l y repoTlell II1:1t Ihe line eo nlrnetors JATC Chester Work Picks Up;
... ou ld dedlh,;1 on a volu nle~'r h:"i, for Yoter Turnout Excellent
Iho-.e "'i'hing 10 p;lrticipale in the credil
union: hOlO.e~er. w(' hU\'e bee n informed lu1'. 654. CIII-.:snm. I',\ .- Finall y. a
lh:ll the enotraclOr, e:lonOI do Ihb be- lettcr from }our;tvcling eorre·
cau'oC of their pHyroli <,et·up. ,pllndenl. I rom a plc:l'anl ,I:.y "orling
We would li~ c ror all lincmCll ~nd lIli 0111 of l..oeal 164. Jer'ey City. New Jer·
ouhhJc worler, 10 join Ihe erc,lil union. sc)'. \In,1 a ,horl ,lay in l oc:01 311U. Nor·
If you ",i,h 10 JOin. ju, 1 COnl1l Cl Ihe rhlO"' n. 1·l' nn,} h:m ia. I h;t\e returned
credil un ion "nice. \I oney i~ now ;,, :.;1· 10 I <K:II 6~ -I :tn,j Ihe ~ool. clean .·on·
ahle for 10:111' for ",orlh\\hile purpo'lCS. fine\ of I \ll..en·~ Sr ~'cI - lhe cle~·l rie fur·
rhe intcrCSI flue ~ure beal~ Ihe ba nb' na cc area 10 he more c.\ ael.
1'f. IC,. A ~ YOll ma y readily a"u me from ehe
BII,incss ~1:"Hl gcr 1·bher reporl~ one abo\c. "'()r~ h;" rid ed up ..ome",h;'1 in
of Ihe be.,HlltCnde,j Fuunh IJ t,lriCI our area. hut "'I' eou l,j ~Iill u~e more.
I'rog rl''>.\ Meeling' e\er Ihi, year. and he Wc heM ollr regular eleclion~ in 1une.
pa,,--.e, on 10 )OU Ihe empha~is Ihal Ihe an,j il "'a, \ery gratif)iol! 10 ~e such
Inlernation;!.1 OUke i, pUlling on Ihe up- en th u\ia,m hy the memher\. There was
coming cl«lion. (oolrihute 10 COVE a 91l'f turnout of elig.ible \Ole.~. "hid)
an.! \Ole. Indd cnl:llI ~. t lmn~ )'ou for i, quile l'omnlcndable. F'ery onice wus
"'lIliog 10 \Cnd me wilh IJ rol hcr !-i, her
JATC .'<1. coole\ted. an,j '" ilh Ihe retirement o( 1.
f.on l row. feft to . illhl. J ilm<lS Pille. Ead
10 lhe meelioll: I "'a~n'l feeling "'ell Ihal Schobe. And T' ain,"& Oneelo. C•• I fu,ru.1 Ilcr htrt (ha mber,. Sr. :" bu,iocs\ man·
\\ecJ..end. ho"'e';!I. 3,,0.1 ~ou ld nul attend. DK~ .0... J .... ~ W,t.,. J...,..I>1, M....... ". ager. there "'ere three camltdales lur
We all mourn Ihe ,jeath o ( Brothe r W,ltl"m M" •• h"lI. and Carroll follw"t" . 11'1 .• 1 po!ot.
U\\15 M. Green. "'ho died 00 J uly 61h, I hi, is IhI' fiT"lt time thnt our onken
aod e.\leml our ~ymp.. lh~s 10 hi, (ami ly. Ronllrd L Iknnell, I);.\;d r ~31.1, i.awr- ha\'e\ed (or a Ihree·year lenn. I sin·
II. T . I'LNI)t 110N. I'.s. I' nee W. Burton. I' red Ilol1herl!er. John ce rci ) hope Ihat 111I:~' '" ill uo Iheir he'l
A Medic). Gene 1'011" !-cnlimlnu V. "nd "ill ha\c the b~eling of Ihe entire
s.:hnHd t. IheOllore 'Khu,cer, (jary I,;r- local. (Sec tIM: at't'onlpan ) log photo.)
Graduation Dinn er Held; manic. ;tnd 1I.0bert Wroot. l im TO"'he) "'hom man~ uf lhe
Dil" oma, "'I'R: pre-,cntl',j b~ I'r~i<knl )ouoger fc11o"'~ may not remember. as,
Slow Winter Pred icted \\ aller \ . Iinir. and Departmenl of 10 m~ lno'" ledge. he had not "'or~cd
1.,lI. 6·UI. If A 'IlI_TO~, O l llO-The I al'>or lertificalC\ "'ere pre:.cnled h) Earl ~i n t'e the Ahnlan job in 196 ~. p.;ls)Cd
Annual I\pprentic(',hip Gr:ldu;Ilion Din· Schoh-r. rnnlr.Ut"r rt·pre..... nl;lll\e o( Ihe lI"'ny.
ncr. 'pon-.orcd by Ihe 1A re. "';" hel d J ATC'. J:lll Shaw. one o f the real old'limers,
1It the EIl ~ Country Club on AuguSl lJu,inc,~ M nn;t~er 1I.0y ~k{'lure then in many ",ay\. al-.o pao;.,-.ell on. lie u..w
2111h. congra:u];lle.! Ihe new journcymcn and 10 be :1 lioeman u~tale ", ith Ihe 1'1'&1..
'1'10" apprentices. Iheir ",h·es. and IlM:ir 1'1;00.1 a fe'" femur'" fur Ihe audIence. arnJ he could line up an~lhing. u\ing an
gUI')ts en;a)'cu a fille buffel dinner. Af· I he e\entng "'.,~ highligheed ",ilh old roll of "tar" tape for :, plumb·lmh.
lerl\ ;lrd~. Carroll L Fil7.\\olltl'f ", ek01lled lIuI\ic nnd ,jan~ing .... hich all prC)C1lI en· J:lcl :llwa y~ had a plc;"llnl smile :Ind
all pre\C nl and intrO<.luced Ihe , pca~ ers. )O)eu. hand ~h al e for e'eryonc.
l :lrl !-uer't. Apprentice '1nUlling Dire.,;· ' I hi, ~om i nl: ",inler \\oill he lhe ,1"",e,1 'Ihere ",as Ihe unlimely llealh or orn:
lor. introduccd thi) )ear'~ l!r;ldWlle) ;Ind "'e h;l\e h;.u for ..onle llme. "tlh all of of our appren tice,. Jame ~ Van Roden. in
h:ld a fe'" :meedote, to "Iy almnl each our joh, fi ni'htn!: al about Ihe !>ame an ;lUIO :lcdden!. Th " ",as mo~t unfor·
one. tulle. tunalc. aml the Io.:al e",\cmh ils s)'mpa·
The 1971 s r ;lduale~ lIre r erry Baler, lI. u\~ . I I D. Bt KK". I' .S. Ih y 10 hi, famil y.


Pre,idem Nho n Pll! inl u ;Iclion hb
pri.;c rmd Wlige freeze:. OrGlIllized labor Local 654 Officers
had beller !lei It a li loge thcr by No\C~m .
her, 197::!, or we could be loC'eing jU~1 the
top o f Ihe iceberg.
I hat.! lin excellcnt poem <.enl 10 me
h)" rei ired mem ber ;md P;I\I pre~~ \Cue.
lar)". hl!1!e, " Doc" Dougherty, our poet
laurealc. I hope il .... 111 be u\C t.! in Ihc
"Shon ("in:ml," loC'clion ur lhe )OIml/l1
al some ume in lhe futurc . ~, i~ it
Irue Ihal Did ROhc:rh help, ~ou .... rilc
)our poem,'
.] 1 1t~"CI~"JI II' II ~'>I I' .P.S.

Annulli Cla mbake Successful;

Polit ical Outlook Discussed
L.l '. 6(ill, \\ ATERnl ' H,V. ( 'O",;'\'.- Our P,clured al Ihe sweacuII.n ceremo"y lor new officerS. a,e, lell 10 "ahl, W.lham Oea",
local heto.! it, Anllual ClambaJ..e on Au· Record'''a Sec r. lary; a.l T Welsh. EKam,,,ln& Board i Albe,t G.,se r. Ben~1ot Board;
1;\"1 21.\ ;.1 Yolmllrs (;ro~e in Pro'pect. De",,;s O. Klma". FlIla"clal Slc,.,ary; Ge rlld D. Sm. th . Eucu t'~1 Board; Edmu"d P Wade .
Vici" t ; JOh" L. Thomp.on, Jr. , BlnM.t Boa,d; RObarl B loughnd. Eucu l.~e B o~rd.
I he ..... c:uhcr ..... ;1' good. und :1 vcry good Bus,"ess Ma"8aer Snow; H W.yne H e.coc~. Benlhl BOlI"d; Cha ,'es l . ra'I , [xa m'n!"1
lime "a\ IHllI by idl. Baard; Jah" L. Thampsan. Sr Pres.denl. R.~mand P G.,denlr lI"d Joh" A Gr8SS0. EKec.
Our IhllllJ"., 10 Ihe Oill ing Commillec u"~~ Boa,d; B N,cholai Fe<;onda, Eom.n.". eo.,d ; l. Dftl Prada, Treasu rer; Rober l
C. Clar~. EKe<:ul.~" ea.rd; ."d Raberl Steph.ns. P.'I p,u,dent. who adm;n,S!ftre(l the oa l h
and 10 the ma n) Brot her..... ho donaled 01 oH.ce.
their tUllC an d ,J..ilh IU make Ihe clam·
hakc ,I 'uccc~~. The :I~com pan)ing pho-
10, "erc by 1I1I'IIlC" M:m:lJ:!cr W aterb ur y Cla m bake
Gene Aile!.
B"eJ". 111 Ihe grill! I4JJ(k, .... hen Ihi'
-.cribe Or'l .... enl 10 .... or~ In lhe eleelrkal
indll~lr). il .... ;1' apparenl hy the eltthon
rei urn, Ihal labor, in general, and union
labor, m particular, had de\elof'Co.! a ~"('r.
I;dn pol it kill ~eenne" . I hey .... erc llhle
10 di,lingui,h fricnd from foc in lhe I)().
liticIII arenll
I hi: 1:1'1 nilliOIl,,1 Clcdi\'n found m,my
"orJ".1I1g peuple 'otmg for a l·ant.!idatc
"ho promi-.ct.! .. re~tOI;r'iO'1 of I.,,, ;rnd
ordcr. 1'\0", three )~ :r l"\ laler, Ihere h
le~, fa" lind ordcr in the I;md llml a 101
1c,~ economic jll~lice for IlorJ".ing IJoI;u llle. The newl~·e!lIc' ed
bus'''us m~n.aer 01 lOCI!
654. Cheile" Pa .. Hugh M S"aw, 'ICII~'"
If .... e .... or~ through our union~ :md
Ille politi c;11 arm of hlhor. COPE. I he·
Ihe cong'allll~l.n"~ ~nrl bell wishes o'
Herbert Cham""$, Sr., lel1 . Ihe ,mmedla l.

lic\e "e tu n gliln a polilic:11 I klQr) for PUI bus.neu ma"age' who 'Kenlly ,elhed. lelt ta "Ihi . • ppre"hCe Roy DUlard.n. 50
yur member Cha rles Bon.dy, and Brolher
Ihc \\or~ing l)Cople in 1'172. Do .... c. in Joe lopel at 'he Annual Clambake of Loe.l
fa ci. hHIC [' n), other nlternatl\c" Wh:l\ 660. Walerbury, Con".
do you thlnJ".·!
1-1(1/'11 " III !tlr>.. I'.S.

Raines Appointed to Board ;

Journeyman's life Saved
L. U. 666, H,I (.'II \101\ I), VA.- We hale
1\\0 ilcnh uf II1l cre~t 10 report lhl~
mumh--om' l'/lild ami /Ill(' noll", !,'00t1
The gout.! ne,,\ j~ lh;LI II rOlhl:r 0 A.
" Wh ilC)" Kainh, II member of the !::.,.
lllll,nmg Boa rt.!, hJ~ been ,Ippoinled il.) a
labor Illemher of Ihe Cit) uf Kichmond
FlectricIl1 fJt[tlllining OOlm.!. Our con· Steve P.-ol.s ..... leh. Ch."ma" O. the Ac"y,l.n
gr:.lU lalions to Brother K nine~~ Wc lire COmml llel. le ll. co".,atulltn • willner.
delighled 10 wc him in Ihi, pt)~ition of W.lle. P. dole_~(.
rc_pon\ib,ht) .
"' ,upr fur the quid Ihm~in~ and reo lnr~'nlltlonat RePlesenlllt~. M .~e B,ade"ek,
sourcefulne" of an IIpprentice, lhh nC\l O"e a l l oc. I 66O"s OW". and ,,, hred e,athe,
item might h:lvc been An ohiluary. A,t l.mbe,l. "Ahl. sh. ,e • '.ugh
Konnl.1 C. I ceHrpenrio.'f, a j()Ilrrte)"
man. cr~ dil s sccoml·year appremicc
L:'H), A. !'rie,t .... ith '>lwlng him from
SIeve H .,bonuc ~ . cenler, Is ane 01 rhe
dealh by cleetrocutiun. Ronnie l.nd ...son's why loe.' 660 h as such good
Larry, empJu)ed hy Nurthsidc Eleclrh:. cI.mbeku.


scem~ a~ if the )oungsters ... ere dOlOg a
Rescuer and Rescued Painesville Picnic li u le drinlo:ing.
Compctiti_e ga mes for dilTerent age
t:rIIUp:I were di rette!.! b)' Brot hers Bill
V:tlen tino an!.! Chuel Price, ",ilh more
tha n 100 participating and Ihe winners
being a"':lrded prizes. There ... cre no
I~rs, hgure th:lI one OUI. BrOlhers.
I he .hhinll contest ... a~ directed by
Brolher All Grcen",ald. and the catches
"'ere II'" ;udcd a\ pril.e~.
IIrmher D.,HTyl "ebe~. ("h"illlteu of
the I nlellainment Committee, "'a~ in
Apprentle. l.rry A. Print, loc,,1 666. Rich ch;lTlle of the pon) riue). The compeli·
mond, V", roc.ntl), resell.d Brolh •• Ron"ld ti_e ho"c~hoc plk hmj; "as conducted
C. Lee"rpen!Ier from" ne"d'ial leeldenl, by Brother W:tlter Gltchul. :m..! il al·
Oel.lI, In Ihe 10e"I', leUlr,
trlleled the :ttteniion of !>ever:11 of lhe
Itrothe,,_ I he ch:ll11pion, ",ere BrOlhers
were changing the <ocrvke on n small Jim 11\1"nnl ;mll Don Male.
houl>( in 50Ulh Kichmonu, ... iring for Door pri/e~ \\-eTC don3ted by 1"FCA
electric heat !lnu window air·condition· Md Ihe local.
ing ollllel~. rhe melllberl Ih,lnl the Fnlenainmenl
" I IInn't rcmemhcr H Ihin!! uhmn il."
ComnllUee. along "'"h man)' o)ther~ "ho
)aid [ eCllrpcnller. " I remember eallng 1m\\' nOI been mentioned, for a job ... ell
lunc h, The next Ihing I renll:mher WII~ donc,
coming 10 in Ihe ho,pital:'
JO~I I'll "J"nC I-I \I L, P,5,
LarT)' HUed U~ in, " Iton nie hllu gone
inlO Ihe atlic to drop a )Iring do ... n 10
pull up a cahle. lie h:I\1 left Ille unde r Modesto Officers Installe d;
the hou)o(' to staple some cahie" I don't
lilo:e cra .... ling around under II house IIny· Everyon .... nls ,<> ..... "''''',.,. Work Outlook Is Ble ak
"'a), SO I hurried up anu ... ent L1~tllir\ I..U. 684, MOUES IO. CAUF..-We
to see \o'h:ll Konnie ... anted me to do 300 AMend Pain esville "'ere ,cry rorllln,lte to gel. nOI onl}'
nul. I saw him I)ing OH~r in the corner ~ume new t>lo.JoOd. \0 10 SJ"k'al. in our
of the anic, do ... n Linder the ell\l,', He Local's Annual Picnic of1ke~, but 10 retain some of the older
didn't an, ... er m) call. \0 I \O,ent over he .. d~ a~ \o'ell,
and 10llched hilll. I got a ~ hod. I
I..U. 673, I'AI~ ES "II.I.E. OII IO_Our
[ocal held itl Annu;tl Pi~mc lin Augu~t Our onieef) arc Presidenl J:lmes
I:!rabb(u him hy h i~ ~hoc,. ~nd I guc,s 1 1"1I11I.:e, Vice P II"i,J~III 51"nley Hick§,
7th at Ihe Dianwnu "'h,lInrocl Kecre;I'
jerked him nhoul fi\c fret. I Ir "'a\ ~till Kecording Sceretar) Gilbert Slurgi"
tional P;lr~. ;lOd II "":IS a t-caUliflll !.!a)"
breathing. so "'e ealleu an amhulance I rea.)urer Hill fire"'er. and 8mine~
anu gOI him to Ihe ho..pit,II." for Ihe otca~ion .... ilh )00 per'>(J!1s in al'
tcnd,mcc. MlInaa;o.'r.l-m:lnci:11 Seerelary Leroy Gill.
La::arpcntiCf, II 'lI1illl. ,11111111)'·I1"ill fcl· 1he I \ecUli\e Bl).ard members an:
10"', had elected to \queue into the
cramped '" orl 'race an!.! h;L1J come in
A c,!len:d lllC'al \\a, )o('l"\cd <It I :()()
I'.M.. and S:ln..!",,,hes ,Ind ,nael, "'ere
Wilford Cople), \\ ,lde Drur}'. John
can"n, and John Palombi.
eontnel wilh a rieee of IIX cllble :on!.! II '>Cr,-ed til 6:00 1'.\1 Brolhers Jlln 1111"" Mernb\'r~ Qf Ih\: I~xamming Soaru arc
cold w:uer pipe. The :trmor (If the cahle <lTd lind B u,ine~, \l an;tgcr Ihl"'ard G,lry "~Ikl" h"m, R:I) Kin~. Joe
had bccome energi/ed dLie 10 :,n impro- Georlle ~el up lind di,lrihuled the liquuJ h.luherd:ml, Diel i'eabOO)" aO(I Cecil
per installation. [ alcr inve,ligallon re· rdre,hmenls. I'our half·legs were wn- "Col tun" Kohcrts, J r.
vea led Ihal Ihe ellh1c came from lUI un· ,,""~d. ,d.)ng with 70 ca-;u of PI)P, ~o il No, Ih~n: b nu Irulh 10 Ihe rumor
grounded oullel ho.\, Ap pare l1 ll), U
... irenut had fallen off and Ihe hOI cir-
euil wire~ ... ere touching Ihe alit 11'1 hox. In s'alla'ion of Office rs
The ollic .... us hUI, allli Ronni\! "';t~
soaled .... ith per'pir:llion. ' I he re,uh ... a~
tn:ls~he Ihird·de~ree hurn, 10 hi~ left
side allli \holiider.
We vish~d Ronnie :11 hi~ home, and
he e,~peeleu to he h:'tel :It ... orl soon.
"O\"er Ihe ye:or,," he ,aid, " I have
learned 10 re,peel eleetrieil),. Trulhfully,
[ don't lnuw ",hat happened, I'm ~Iad
LHrn u-.ed hh head. I'm :I journe)man,
an!.! -he'" ill'l :I ~cond·)ellr aprrenlice,
I"d Ii~e 10 hf-lit>\{· , CIIuld Ihink Ihal
fast. We can laugh ahout it now, hut I
am comince..! Ihat. if I arr) h,l..!n't
pulled me loo..e. I "'ould ha.c been a
goner. r..! lile to !.!o \OIllClhlng for him,
bUI righl now, all I cun "I)' is Ihanl
We're glad Rnnnie I eCllrpcntier h \1i11
"'llh 11\, Wh:'tt happened In him could
hapl'C'n 10 M)One. He t:lreful I leeITic·
T.k>n& ~he o",h 01 ollie. . . . . Ihl ne ... olliur. 01 loc,,1 684. Moduto. e,,"I. Left 10 .iShl,
il)" lile fire, i\ to yuud '>CrV,101 hUI H ter· eee.' "Colton" Robe.lI. Jr., Joe On.ry. Olek P .. bod~. James Nane'!. John
rible mn,ter. p.lomb,. G.ry ··SIIck"' Ev"n" Stlnll), H.eks. Bill 8' ...... JOhn K,ne.non,'!.! S lu.S'S, .nd
R,"M(l~ \1. ROlli RIS, 1',5, W,lford Copl.)'_


Ih:1I Ilrothers Leroy Gill 'lnd Ita y King
didn' t .... "nl in the accompanying photo
Waiting To Give
11111 of modrSly of sho .... inl' Ih.' olher
ho)'s up: Ihe Irulh i, Ihal Ihey \lcre ill
and un:tblc 10 Ix presenl al Ihe in~lu ll ll­
We li re in ou r .st'cond y.:ar of ~oing
1(1 " 32-hour. four-day .... ee~ .... hen .... ork
,h) .... ~ lip and re,crtins hac~ 10 40- ho1lB
(thc day~) "hen .... or~ pid, lip I rom
all rcporl~. il ~ms Ih'lI. in Ihh 1:01...... as
In mlhl. Irue brotherhood rrc"III\. a~
lilt: mem""rs' m:,in iniere'l i, III ~eepms
11\ mlln) memtlc", 3) po<o)ible .... or~ing
M.. mho-", nl 1 ...... 1 6'17 (lR.y RM HRmmnnrl Ind. IWIII Iht., IUlI1S 10 dO",le blood 10' H••
.... hcn .... orl.: i~ ~Io ..... , I \Cry!)nc rClllilcS LOCal 697 Blood B.nk
th:n n h{)u~ per \lee~ he:,,, unemploy-
ment :,nd ~eep, more UrOlher, \I\Il'~in~.
Our hi~ jun :.1 Ihe new I' nK.:ter :II1J On Local 728 Jobs
(iambic p:'pcr prooueh pl:1I11. .... hie h
pealed OUI al Booul nO men. I~ now
"indlng up Thc oUlloo~ for work in
nLir urell looks hlcul for the nC,\:1 few
Along ..... il h Ihe re,1 of Ihc ntelllOcr-
,Iup. I !:Ile Ihh opportunlly 10 eongr.llU-
h,le our ele(ted officer,: .... 1' aiL .... anl
Ih~'m 10 ~no.... Ihal .... 1' nrc prouJ of
lhem :lnd :,re .... illing 10 help In :In) .... ay

G<\I ' N YOL'N( •• I'.S.

Indiana Local 697 Begins

Blood Ban~ Program
LU. 697. G I\KY A'IJ LI\\I\lO~I),
"n.-On J ul) 17th ,md 241h. "ppro\i_
matd) 160 men,""r.. of our loc:.1 partie- f~U membe<1O 01 loe.l 128. rOrl l.ud •• d.I., rr., ....... been ..o.k'''8 On 'he pawe.houll
irated in a new Blood B3n~ Program. • r Port Ever.l.d., lell 10 ".hl, Ed W.lson, Bob Cu .... m.n.s. Ron W'~Ulc •. ChIC P •• n .
Chrl' C,U'. Floyd Ande.son, and BLIck Be" 01 lowe.y Elecl"c

'1lI.,""'lred b)' Ihe \I ounl Sin"i 1I000pil:ll.
MULlltt Sillai .....,,,1 :t muhilc"o.I 1o.'I1~
unit 1(1 our hall ...... here ollr memhl:r~
g;"e :l pinl tlf hlood III male them ~'li~j­
hie ftlr Ihe pro~ r am.
• L
Three pl,tn~ ..... ae :1v:,il "l"Ile III our
Ille nlher, to prolio.le hlood rut them-
<'che, :'Ind 'ur thelf f,,,niliel for :1 period
of rrum nne 10 four )e"r~. depend'"ll on
Ihe t)'f't' of pi:," Ihe) '>elected
We ..... ill h:lve Ihe ,amc progT:lm ~g:.i n
IIC\l year ,Ind hope In ;Idd m:.n) more
<If ollr mcmocr, 10 Ihe 11100,;1 B;tnl
I he Blood Commiml.' Ihnn~, 1111 of
Ih'N' "hn lool !" In in Ihe prop-nUll Hnd
"II of 111O,e "ho volunteered their '-Cr,,-
><':1'\. I he \:Iminoell "r lite ~,,"u u lllce Danny Cra'lI .nd John ShB W hoo ~ up SW'lch
"'1 wo.k .n •• d. H." pOw •• ho .......... 11011 10 gu, " P,per High School.
Ilere "'id Vh"ic h and lel'>C Sherer.
"ghl, Joe BennIOn. H•• old .... g.nlt, La"y
\1) Ih,m~~ to "'id VI."ldl fm lhe Dufter. Ihady Thompson•• nd Len Rodm.n
pl~tttre\ IImJ informlltion in Ih,\ ani\:lc. Ch.c Pe.e~ ., ~n •• I,n. 111 Ih. lo.e.round
C"IIU I ~ 0, W" '>("." S.

Two Local 713 Men Retire;

Contracts To Be Negotiated
L.1I. 713. Cl IlCAGO. I LL 1.... 0 of
\lur rtlemtxr, emplmed ,1\ Ihe Au tomnlic
I leclnc Cump:lI1 )' in Nonhl;.le. IIljnoi~.
rel:ently re lired. Tho(.') :ire 0110 \ch\lab
.101i l uny I "'cu. We "i,h h<.)lh IIr the~

memOcr, 3 long life of harp~ rClire-
Ihe 1II0nlh~ ahe:IJ. U.. ,inc" M.m-
:.!,;er H:trry Wea'cr. toge ther .... I\h hj~
_t.,IL ..... iII nego tiat e eonl rnCIS .... ll h \l en·
Le n to "gh l. l .ona.d Mil .. lind Al Tho ...... McDowell and Fe"ese 0 1 Co.
01 Wyganl "teCI"C II I.... MoUywood Sun· [I.~I"~ ~I \"" Hullyw""",, F.~I"(,,,
lim I ndu~ l rie~. C. J. Anderso n lind T.llle, p,ln t ,n. p.ess. Cenlu.


Blood Donors T he un io n had 1I«n ..... illing 10 negotiate. cals "'hie h he lped us ou t during Ihe
bUI nOi Ihe Sia l ion. Un ion members Sl rile, includinG Locab 3, Ncw York
ha\ e been Bsl cd 10 bo)cott WQAM 's City: 25. Lonl!: bland : and 1249, Syra.
:...h ", li><:,). cuse. ThcloC lox;,ls <.:;lIInol be tlllllllcJ
An)one having any ne\OoS slories or en01Jgh for their efforts in puning some
other ite m ~ Ih;t\ Ihe) would li l e 10 h:n e of our Brolher. 10 "' orl. We a lloO th:tn l
puhlid /.cd in Ihi) )pacc. feci free to call our siSlcr locnl from Connecticul, Local
me ill 527-'}]OtJ. (lr leaVe" \Oorillen mes- 42. Hartf.)rd. I\ hic h helJlt:d ,end ~omc
~al:e al th e hall. Un lil ne~1 ml\ nlh. of our BrO lhcT\ II! Ihe,c New York jobs.
L ....n- COl'I'UI ", I'.S. Some of my g.)()\! ne,,", come~ in tell-
ing you Ihal Iht\lne" \l ana ):er Wilt i:Ull
Kkmi,h ,,"a, elecled plc\ident (If Sy\lern
Gradu ation Banquet Held; Council U-:!4. lie \00;1\ ju\1 ~oled into
New Work Slated To St art Ihi' pm!. and ;til uf our memhch .... i-Ii
him the be,1 of Im:l in hi, OC\Oo jotJ.
I.. U. 735, Ul HU 'G I O ' , I \ .-Rc- Until ne~t month. Ihinl !IOlft:I).
cau'>C of a prior COmmItment, I .... a\ oul JOI A",llIl.'>O", I'.S.
of lo ..... n lind \Ooa~ Imanle 10 attend Ihe
le<.:eIlLI)+hekl apprentice lirlldualton h;tn·
que t. 1I 0\Ooe"er, e\er)'lIne I h,lve I;tlled Ne w Business Manager
\Ooith :lholll il a\\u re~ me Ih;u a J;ood Re places Retired O ffic er
lime wa~ ha d by llll.
J llIllC~ Hr,rl of l orl t-I mti,un, luwl! . L U, 711i. ( 11 /\1(1. 1<:5 101" , S.C.-Our
was n.lIned (l~ lhe np prc nt ice of Ihe local held il\ ,peei,, 1 election to re pl aec
YC:lr. 1(:llhcr lhan ml\\ ,ome of the indi- re tired hu,i ne" InJtnageT (,eora;e M.
Com p:. ny, und the Chicago T ransil A u- LC\Ooh on AUIlU.llhl.
, jduals there. I can flnl)' repml Ihll t
thority. Arthur I MItchum \Ooon the ele.;li,ln
there ,,"as. a good repre-..cnl;uion on h;md
We .... ill ~~ep our memhers informed and "'ill M'r'e oul the remaining nine
from bolh Ihe loe:11 lind Ihc ,laiC JA1C
as 10 the progre~~ made al thc~ meel- oflkiah. mOnlhs of the lerm. l'\e\1 June, another
ings. election ..... ill hcheld.
\\ orL on lhe OC\Oo llTea college. Chilli·
AI our Au~u"l meclin$. our members. All members \Ooho \Ooere \ln~uccc~,ful
den. Eastman. and Ihe Armour Dial
in $eneml ..... ere loolins for .... ;lrd 10 the in their tlit.!\ for thi~ oflice should tale
l'lanl i~ \Oocll \Jnt.!er .... ;1)'. l\ew eomtruc·
ion~ I :.hor Day .... eelend. ",ilh wme pride in Ihc f:lu Ihal Ihey .... ere inter·
lion due 10 slart !o-OOn. :I~ an nounced
r i:lOnlnr IrlP' :I~ far U,,":lY a~ Canada e51ed in Ihe future of lhe local ;lnd Ihal
Ihrough Ihe nc .... , mcdIll, InclwJc, a new
:lIld olher, going 10 ncarhy pi:lc~s to Ihe)' \00 anted a r:JT1 in Ihe ~:Ulle.
his h.ri'>C in K co l;u ~ , lht: K Murl Shop-
~wi m , fh h, :Ind relax.
r ing Cenle r. :md Hn I-S B BallCry t- l:mu- Th()~c memN:rs who used lheir A mer-
J Oll .. C~ IIII I G I IO , 1'.5. fa cillTing Plant in Burlinlllon. ican, democra1 ic ris ht 10 vOle ~ h o ll1d
Brolher I~ od ger Hill \Oo a~ \er iomly in- also tak e pride in l hc m --.c "e ~. f(lT lhey
jure d \Ooh cn he fell II! feel from a a rc Ihe h:lc l. bone o f th is grell l loe:l!.
Local 728 Wo,k Hold.; They found il few minulc~ o f Iheir bU5Y
scaffo ld . while \Ooor l inG on Ihe Armour
Blood Bank Donors Grow Dial Plan!. He received !>e\ere illce rll- day 10 r~prr.~\ thei r npinion~ hy "ntinl;
tions on t he head :tnd 1\00 0 bro ken \"I'rte- for th c men lhey felt could hc~1 5Cne
L.U. 12K. FON:T L,\ U ln: 'U)AU:. FLA . a nd represen l our union.
brae and is now home recupera ling in a
- Worl eon !l nue~ 10 hold up in O1Jr It is hopct.! Iha l IhO!oC members .... ho
body Cil~1.
area. ",ilh nllln\ travelers .... orl ing. bUI did nOl lale the orporlnnil) 10 c,pre~s
B II'>Ine,~ M:mager James A. Weldon Brot heTl> F red KO\Ooe and Clarencc
MCh:ll~ y" Rupc ha\e rclired ~ince I IllSI their opinions .... . 11 supporl their new l)-
loOb for it 10 ~t:trI slacl ing oIT before elecled bu ~in~~ manager.
long. wrOle.
A fac l, ~Ira nge hu l true-Ihose wh o
I(ecc nll y. lliood BanI. Ch:lirman Carl Our sym r alhies lire cXleniled to Ihe
t ompl :Lin Ihe 1 0u\le~ 1 mosl orlcn ;tTC
Wue'l nnn oun ccd lhal Ihere ure now six fa mil y :I nd frie nds o f Brm her George
IhoM! wh o become ~ il ent b } ' not casl ing
two·g:lllo n do nor •. A grell\ hig "congrtl' Teidan, wh o rece nll y pH' lI way. In
checkin g Ihl' record ~, I find th at Brolher Iheir VO les. T o sile nce yo ur voicc o f
lIlIHlil)n ~" und :1 '"l l!:lnk you'" 10 II r()lher volc b you r ow n deci,io n, bUI if thaI is
WII" ~ 1 :11111 BrOlhers I-I ugo I' nigi. Fdt! T eid an W:t5 init i:tte d inlo Ih\! IBI-W on
your own dec i~ion, the n don' l bl:Ulle lhe
Harvey, Iht rold G rCN: nhaugh. Bob Ja nu ary 8. 1920. Georgc wi ll he missed
ne\Oo bu~iness mlln;,a;er for lhings Ih:.!
McC:mn. :tn d I)ollg J-orbes. 1'\Ooc nl y- b) mu ny, as he .... a~ one of IhOM: char-
aC l er~ you seldom forgel
a re nOI done Ihc .... ay )'ou Ihinl Ihey
Ih ree ll rol hel"<: h:l\e gi'cn a gallon of , hOllltl hf' Iinne You had the ortponu-
th ~ir blood. hUI sr ace doesn'l rcrmil the R. T. Sc U o,j U ULII , I' .S. nit) 10 'ole for Ihe man )'OU felt could
h~ l ing o f :111 of lhei r names. do Ihe lob ;u )01.1 \Ooan led.
All of our member. arc urget.! 10 Iry
10 ilonale III least ooc pint. If )OU can' l
Ut;l;ty Sh;ke Settled; CIHlIlI 5 A . C.'IITLII, P .S.
give pcro;onall)'. for met.!it:11 reasons, Klemish Electe d to Post
~ou r wi fe ca n. Whene' er 20 pinh are John Plonski, Sr. Mourned;
actlullul:ttcd , Ihe local give~ a ~I en l di n· I.. U. 753, NORW,u.K , COi'-lN.- Our
ner, and lhe,e ure n l,," HY~ nice uffuin 10 eilO hl 'lI--cck old mi ke wuh Ihe Connecti· Appointments Ann ounced
:. !lend . CIlI Light and " o,,"cr Compnn y W:IS sel- L. U, 806, ELI. ENV ILI.E. N. Y,- Our
Incillenl nll y, II m lher Wllesl h u~ bee n lied on Au g u~ t 201h . local m Ollrn~ Ihe rta,~i n g of John Pion-
chltirm:m of the Blood Bank since 1959 Many me mbe r\ :ore ve ry IIp~e l wilh sl i. Sr. on Septembe r 19th. John was a
and h:" IIcciun ul 31cd 635 p i n1 ~ in four Ihe Pres ide nt's f reelc. whic h affects liS very aC!l\C member unli l he bet"ame ill.
ho~p il:t ls. sreall), :IS Ihe new m :Ire not al- He \Ooas inil iated on No\emhe r 13. 1944.
AI our Serlember 3rt.! mee li ng. it .... as IQ\Ooed to go into eITecl. T hose \Ooho ~new him will mi'>!j an
tlroua;hl OU I Ih.u a line a~rcement h;ld During lhe course of Ihe ~I ri le. none ab unda nce of fricnd~hip a nd Jtood .... i11.
bee n negoliated :tnd Ih:11 Brol hcr Ikrl of our local members M'cmcd to be hurt T o Mrs. l'lom ki; hi~ wn. John. a memo
La hiff \Oo:I~ home from the hospllal. AI\O greally b)' its durallon. MI»l o f lhe ber of ollr loc;ll; and to the family, \Oo e
menlioned, "'as Ihe fal' l Ihat I(adio Sla- memhcT'> managcd 10 a;e l (' noug h .... ork u:te nd our sympal hie .
tinn WOAM ..... a~ n~i n g nnn·nnion pt'r- to )tay ahe ad of their bills. It was my rcrwnul wrrow to re ad
S() n:liilie~ bcC;tLl~ o f a co nlnlCI d j~ pUle . Local 7S3 Ihanb IhO!>C New Yo rk 10-- Ibat Harold " !Jud" Conl ey o r Loeal 567,


Portland, Muine, had pa~sed awar. We Maine I'o\\er COlllp.lIlY. He has at- Brolher Lawrence informed me that
were tool buddies for a long time in tended an NLR II hearing in Bo~ton on he enjo)'cd working on various jobs in
New Yo rk Cit y. H:lrold wor ked in the Ih b nl<t ti cr. Ohio. Pen nsylvania. :lnd itt Oal Ridge
northern ,ection of ollr jurisdictio n in The Executive Board h,ls elecled il); durin g the war years. He is a ham radio
1958. The loeal union members join me ofllcers for the COining t"' fl n. S(.wit:y So- oper,l1\lr :md holds nn advanced cla~s Ii,
in sending condolences 10 t oeal 567 and bole,ki w:, ~ elected ehainmm : Joe Dunn. cen,e. You Brothers who :Ire on the air
10 H:lrold's fami ly. secret.1ry. The new bo:trd named Cullis might gi"e him a clIII :It Palmyra. New
Presidenl Sal Acrardi h:b nppointed Ame, as a member 10 replace Tom Yorl , lIe~t "'bhes in )'our retirement,
Vil ho Mil kela as n:giSirur. $am Kurpil CleHry. "ho resigned for personal rca· Brother Lawrence,
a, sergeanl-:1t-:trmS, bel Winterbcrger wn~. C"ngratulation~ to Brot her th rold
as l>Ufcly chairm:tn, and me a~ pre~~ sec- Roge r Bach:tIld, a Lewiston meIer Sh:tW, our financi;tl secretary. who Wb
..... tary. re ader. "'a~ voted into member~hip , An a ppointed lIhtriel depuly grand ma~tcr
The Executive Bo:ml reappointed Jo- honorary withdn,wal c:trd wa~ voted for of the Ont"rio. SeneeO!. lind Yalc~ Db-
",ph L;l lllleu~. affectionately called Grandville Pcrlins. AUSLl~la Tr;tn~rnis· trict of the F&A J\.';lson< "f the State of
" Han k." to the omec of vice pre,idcnl. ,ion, He will become II tekphonc coor' New Yor~. Every good lI'i,h in your
Andy Talgart. charter I1lcmbcr and dinat or for the comp:my. venture. H:lrold.
the de<ln uf the Execu tive Iloard. has All ~hop -tewarus have been reque,ted A couple of our retired Brothers. Roy
p.H:ked hi\ side ~addle and :mnounced to notify B u~ines~ /IIunager Nixon of Hobson :lnd Ed""Hrd tlrennan, h:I\'C re-
his re lirement. He received a , land ing lIny indusuial accident,. He has encoun· cuper:lled from an illne", and an opera-
u\':nion at the September meeling. We tcred '>Orne ca!tC~ thllt h;!\'e not I1cen reo tion. Kindc~1 rega rd s to bo th of you.
"'hh you the bcSI ",ilh )'our family, purled 10 Ihe InduSlri:t1 Accidcnt Com- II wa~ nice to h<lve (tur former husi-
Andy: ,tay he<lhhy. mis';on. ness miln"ger. Brother Charles Tht:i".., at
A hOSI of our membcr~ Hllended the ' I he members of our loelll are a ,ecent meeling. Churle' lives in tyons,
Annual CIHlubakes of New Vorl LOI:als re'llizing the dTcet~ of Pre~idcnt Nixon's New VorL in a rest home.
2 15, I'oughleepsie: 363. New City: SOl, wage-price freeze. Il ems th"t werc h<lf- II will bc interesting to 'IX! what effeet
White PI01in,: ami 631, Newlwq;h, O1nd t;aincd for and chafJ;cd 10 Ihe ellSI of the P rc,ident'~ edici will :lclll:l1ly have
we .111 had a wonderful time. the packagc are now in dispute and on price~ nnd W:tAeS. You would he ~ur'
Our clambnlc was held on September ""ailing for (;Iear·eut an,"'er~. ' I he la rs- prhed 10 hear how nmny fi~h here in
18th. and Ollr fllmilic..~ and friends en· e-t problem i ~ the mailer of promotiun:11 the Finger La ~es are caught by the
jored eH:rr IIII)mem of Ihe feslivities. or progn:ssiomll rale im;rea'<C:s. T empo- --talc.-
' I hanks 10 Ed Alins and II grea t com- rary upsrade, ,Ire also in di'pute. '" is
Winter i,o't far off now. I gue~s. for
miucc. "ho did n job of enormou, mas- Ihe Illltl\t.'r of u'mpomr}' f'mpln~ee\ \\ho
nimde. Ix'eorne regul"r ,.nd '" ill not receive the man). Ihe fall 'md willl"t ltCaw"~ Il"'te
in the Fingcr t ake:s arc looled upon
rhe chi ldren were und .. r Ihe care of ,ix'month ,tep or the di,count for clee·
with ju,t :I~ much enthu~i:l\m a~ the ml-
bahy·sitter Jerry Diers. who enterlained Irk ~crvi(;e. Their health in~lIranee is nOI
them wi th game, and races. A t;,sk well .,treeled. It appear, that the man ,)11 the vent <If .. pring and MUllmcr. Hunting in
done: m;tny th:lllk~. the f,<11 :md MlOW(Llohile~ in Ihe winter
hO liom of Ihe 1i,1 is ~lI trering the 1110'!.
We Ihanl our local eontntelors and sure help to ,horten Ihe~e Ions mOlllh~.
Members ure nOI enlitled 10 any in·
"hole~ale di\trihuton for the fine "t'1c(;- cre;l~d v;tcation benefilS. "hieh tncy WILLI \M H . GI LOtI(, 1'.$.
lion of gift~ Ihe~' wnlribulcd for door "'ere not enlilled 10 prior to Augl1~t
Il ri 71'S 1 ~lh. nor :Ire they entitled to ,lilY in·
In [he lug·of-war. ollr big hahie~ "'ere crcltse in length·"f-scf\ice benefilS. II ap-- Local Expects To Move;
fealu red. ",ilh quaner·ton AI Uiegelscn pel1rs that m:m'lgement people Iran,fer-
.. "isting his team to defe:11 three-IOn ring jobs 'Ire alw :1lfceled . Cred it Union Grows
Llrr y Stoutenhurg and two-ton Ell !'i,- lIu ,ine~~ Manager Nixon. who,
L U, 846. C IIAl'TANOOGA. TI': N1"._
eh,ms· ill<id",,,t~,lIy. is ,lot fein ted to P re~ident
At th e lime of this wriling. 'We were
The special potato snd race ht,:tween Nixon. feels Ihat the controls nrc hurt-
hopin g 10 move into our ncw building
our bu~ine's man .. scr. Al J\.'l indler, ing the working man '1nd putting money
Loeal 2 15 lJu ~ine~s Manager John V,lr- on or abou t the first of thi) monlh. The
into hig busine~s. He h:t~ said thul any
rj(;(;hio. and Local 631 A~~blant Busi- new huilding is loc:tted at IJD Me-
que~tion~ about Ihe freeze should h..: I'e-
(nlhe A~enue.
ne<os Manager l'l arry 1\.·liIler Wlh won hy f.. rred to Recording Secretary Leonard
il rolncr Varricchio. Dunlon. Middle Streel. Whca~-.cL Th i~ mOh~ , hou ld help u~ a 101. :L~ "c
Tim O·Reilly. who relire.! lasl )anu- \ ' lline , These will then be referred to "ill have plcnty of parling ~paee, for
My. broug ht his family and had a ni(;e the Internalional ' 1:11f. our memhcrs.
day. Eli", P:,ch ter. (o Brother wholll wc D Wlu E. Ath~ls. V. P. At the pre-.cnt. we do not lnow \\oh" l
had nol seen in JO year,. was ;1lso therc the phune number will be. bUI the infor-
with his flLmily, Gl<ld you Ilere both mntiun ope rator will provide you with
th ere. Local 840 Work Good; the number when you c:. 11.
We :,Iso had many of our local con- Albe rt Lawrence , Jr. Retires Mrs. Ph ylliS Legg ()f the Volunteer
traetor~. labor dignitaries. :md local Ekt;l,'''' CW I)Cr~,tive look 43 new 11Ielll·
ollicials pre-.cnl. L.U. 8"'0. GEN ..: V,\. N. V.-Work in hen. into our credit uninn in September,
our jurisdiction b good at this ",riting. "'hich helped make that monlh the be~t
Lou DUII INI M. p.s. ' I he ",inter month" here in the orlh month ewr fur our credit union.
clln get very long \\0 ithoul enough work
We had a big IIIrnout at ou r Annual
Organizing Drive Und er Way; 10 ~cep evel)'one going.
Picnic. held on beauliful Chiel..3mauga
Brothe r Albert I :,wrence. J r:s retire-
Board Officers Elected L a~e. Brother Clarence Waller. the b:lr-
men l on the ba,is of :1 disability wa~ :Ip-
beeue ~in g. did a rl::tl nice job. along
L U. 8J9, AUGUSTA. r-. m .-Ilusiness pro~cd by the F xecutive 130:Lrd recently.
with Lewis Steele. Hugh Grifli th. Bob
J\. bmager Jo_ cp h R. Nixon i~ wnrkin;! 11Il Ill'other Al has been an OUhtanding Everell. lind Juck Ca~c. the Union Water POller member of our loc!11. and his kudcr~hip
I "nt the governor of California a
Company employees. The company con' "ill be mi~,ed. He hOI, been :1 member
ICllcr :I~~ing him for w:'y~ :lnd means 10
tru ls the waterway, of the Andro<;coggin ~ince 1942 and held the offiee~ of ,ecre·
quit p:lying as hc ~ms to he an
Ril'er and )Clh power 10 tnc mills. wry of the loeHI and the Fxecutive
expert. I feel now. liS :II"' :IYS. Ih"l folks
Rusine.\oS MamLger Nhon has "'~Iau­ lIu'ltd. bU5jne~s m,m~g.::r. and pre,iden!.
li~hed Ihat the Union Water Powe r I-Ie abo ~ef\ed on the Negotialing Com- ,In: ju~1 :IS good as people.
Company i~ owned solely hy Ihe Central

J OU RN Al fO R NOVEMBER , 197 1
millee !!CI'cr:t1 ),e:tfs.

FLO\\) U . W I LSO~. I' .S.
Work Situat ion Worsens; Michigan Job
Pic nic , Banquet Success ful
I..U. 86 1. I. A "' '': C II AUUlS. l.A .- At
our Seplember meeting, Il mi neq Man·
ager Jimmie I' oll ~tated thlll the worl
situation hOls wOf!oCned and that there
are now :;2 loe:!l nlen on the bench
BrOlher !-Oll:<.l th:!1 worl on the
aci<.l planl being built in the Olin com-
ple~ Ims ~1:lned but that the ckctri.;-al
worl i~ nOI e..;pc.;-te<.l to be,in until I"ter.
lie aho \latN that Voorl. on lhe nlajor
job :11 Olin i ~ 110t e~pecle<.l 10 M,iT1 until
murh 1;II('r, ;;0, HII in all, the \\orl Ollt-
luol is nut tOO fil~urablc here lit Ihis
left (0 "IMI, 6,othe,. lOlli. W,l s.o~ "nd time.
To~y PiillU, .. hltl eOOk", worked ton8 .nd Pre,i<.lent lIarlan Duhon. Chairman of " double .. lreu,l. 345·KII ,,~'" thai """. 11m
h~rd ~t b~rbecllln8 1\ the labor O.y p,cnic the L.:lb<Ir Day I'il'nle Committee, poled 3CrOG~ lh o S~l:ln~w Rovl!' by Ihe
of Loc.1 861.
praised hi\ committee membcr~. I'oho Howlrd P Fotey Company. USlnll Ihe mem·
be •• 01 locfll 876. G.flnd RapidS. M, .. h.
I'oorled !to hard to ma~e the :Iflair Ihe
hUJ;e ~lIc,e~~ 111<It it 1'0(". The uuting I'oa~
ag:lln hi."ld at the Citie~ Service " ecan Pin Recipients I{ccre:ltion Area. Ill\1 \\eS! of the
refinery, and "n, well nllcndcd. The
members and their familie~ re:tlly m:lde
a d:IY of it. r he gro"nllp~ Imd flln 1'1:1),-
ing various gMnes. and lhe t.: hilliren had
:1 b..'l.1I playing 011 the equipment on the
Hrother Duhon aho reported on Ihe
\ery nice t>anquet. held al lhoe I)ol'on·
tOVoncr Motel R e~taumnt on August
l"ft 10 nllh!, Rod~"y Ouho~ .nd Hlrold
ROUI""U 01 I"" PIc~I" Commln ... find 28th. honoring the 1971 smdu,lIc. of
Rasch, E.e .. ulwe SOflrd membe., Ihe JA rc program, lie lll~o praised
IJrother Carl ...:on<.le .... for ha\ing dune
SlIch (I fine Job of m,l\ter uf ,eremunics
Apprenticeship Banquef on such )hon notice.
"I Ihe 1,,11 picniC 01 local 876. seN; .. e
Bu~ine~s Manager 1'0,1( reported that pIns we.e e we.ded 10 Ihose w ,I'" 20 o. mo.e
lhe progre ...~ ,"eeling "hieh he Hnd y•• rs of ,,<v.ce F'flnk JUSIU •• seen "".e•
('h<:<iter I-Oolenol :Ittended in ew Or- •ecel\red hIS 3S yea. pjn.
lean~ waS H'r), interc\tiog and infurma·
Hrolher Carl S,1ndcrs I:ll\e a ,cry JIl-
Icres lin~ repon 1111 Ihe \\urhh"fl :mil
Solilhern State~ Appremiceship meetings
tha t he and the Apprcntice~hip Commit-
tee nt tenllcd recently: he al ~u thiln~)
th ose present for ~nding him nn d Ihe
commill ee to theM: imporll1nl gatherings.
Brothe r Ray Nope g:l ~e an interesting
report on COPE and urged the mell\ben
10 support the local COI'F group.
local 861. uke Chflrlu, l.,.
The OUlSlflndinl flpprenliee for I!HI Irom
Ha rold Gatt.. u.
1,,11. is s"n .1 Ihl bflnq"et honoflne Ihe
The Sid. Commil1ee reported on
a•• du.les w,lh Brolh" "m on Dowden,
Brolher, Aaron Ste\en~. J:U:'l Pu~ , !lob
member Of the [>I.mlnlnll Bo ••d. Clbtelbcrry. and I-rnnl Ru~hJllg. Prank
h:l<.I a '>Crious Ilccillenl on the job and
5u~t:lined a broken arm and leg lind !lOrth of Grand Rapi<.ls. The picnic was
bad inluric~, in addition 10 oth er un<.le- nttended by nearl~ 900 member~ ami
Icrmine<.l injurie~. We arc ull hopin.\] fnr their familic!~, :tbout 15 retired members
the be)t for him. and their "i'C:S. and Joe Gar,e). Di-
I ittle Jimmie Ra '>Ch. a 1970 gr:ldualc reclor, American I inc 8uilden Appren-
of lhe JATC prognml. i\ now ~talioned lH:c,hlp Training Program.
in Germany "ilh thi! U.S Army n1:i ,t There "ere "!Olei for e~er)'oflC and
ncering B'lllalion. a~,igncd 10 TDY tiS IO(~ of pri/C:S. One: of our comr3ctor-$
an eleclrician_ We hort he enjo)i his donated a team of ho~s. and lhe: chil-
e~peric!nces O"el'tCa). dren were thrilled with a hay ride. I
A UDII~ A. 1'11'1'111. P.S. even Sllw a few adults enjoying Ihe hay
I'(ns "ere Ili~cn out to all of ou r
AI50 .een lit 1"'1 bllnquI' . • ,e, Ie " 10
Local 's First Picnic He ld; membcr~ whu have 20 or more years of
Businus Man •• e. JImmie ro. : Robe't Work Good in Juri5diction member,hip. Brother I' r:IOl J us\U~ ..... ho
ran. Oi,..::IO. 01 "pp.entlceshlp Tr .inml hll\ been a member for 35 rear.;. "as
loulslfln.. p.rtl.lly h.ddel'l; Sidney 6 ....., Ll'. 1176, GRM,' I) KM'IOS, \II CI I.-
5e<;.eu.'Y - Man'ler. Soulh""ut loulsl.nll
Ihe olde!>t member. in terms of membe r-
Chapter. NEe,,: Mfl. ro. : ,nd P,u,d"nl In ,\ uGU~I. our lOCi'll held its fir~ t picnic ship. al the picnic 10 receive his pin.
H •• tln Ouho~. at Uor<.lon Parl. located llbolJl 2:0 nlllc!~ All of the contratlOr-$ and REAs


wor~ing in ollr jllrbdietion made this
picnic a big ,ucee,s by their dOllat ions,
City Champs
and lIe are grateful to them (or Iheir
help; il "Quldn't have- \:wl"n dnnl' wilhOlu
them .
Our than~, to Ihe!IC members Ilho
help.!d "ilh the plan' and the "orl. in-
volved. Ho",arll Miller. Marvin "Whi-
tey" Verhaar. Bill Starb:tel.. l.eroy
I·uller. Jame, I\kllligh. Carl Avery,
Maurice Vermllicn . I ran~ Delp. Bruce
Freelan d. Gordon McGahan, and la,t.
bw mO,t of all. Bu,ine-.s "hnuger John
"The !)aim" I)
Uecau.\.C of Ih.' ~II~':C~' of Ihi, pknic,
lIe are aJre;ld) m;l~ing plan~ fnr n.:xt
year", and hop.! 10 hold Qlle In th~ Mid-
I:md-Ba y Cit} arc;!.
Wor~ in our )lIri"liClion h", been
gootl. The I . F. 1\1)'cr, Corllp.lIl} ha s
2~7 mcn "or\"ing 011 II 345· " VA line :Il
Ihe present :md ha, a line goi ng from
" eno"'a to ·l .] lnlll,lgc. IIhich i~ a l~ ­
mile bundle .:ond1ll':lor 95.t-i\lC \l job,
The Pius S.lnts, coached by V,ee P'esident Wade Jud,ee and £x~ut,". Bo.rd member Tom
amI one (rom 1almmle'> rn 1 1I,]II1I;IOn, Al>lwll. L...... I 90] La'"ye!!e. LI .. won Ihe c'ly eh~mp'on~h,p ,,., thc Pony League lor \4
which i, an 114-mile bun.tle .:ondu.:\ nr and ]5)"", old bOys. FrO,,1 row. lell 10 "ghl. Keilh Sig"arel$" rYhk. MeO"de, Johll Tr.IlS·
~H 4 - MCI\I jol>. rhc~e are huth ,teel ci a ... John Fayolo.o. Bradley H"m,lla", Mark Roh,berger, Glen and V,ee Toc ...
lower line~. II IIh 'Omi! n ~w ,Icel poles Back row. Ass'Stanl Coach Abbatl. Kev,n Moo,e. B,rr Labaurdc, Chris Jud,ee. Jell l ·yIOCk.
Kevrn Judice, Pa t McC ar ly. "Old Head Coach Judice
Ihm arc 16() (':CI Ilif(h and "eigh ~9 h)T1S
ea~ h .
L. E. /'.I}<'I"; aJ'>O h;l~ a ~in!;lc wndue- 25-Year Member Ph iladelphia Officers Elected;
lor 'preau from " enowa 10 I hClford,
which I~ 117 mil", of !. 156·M(.\1 This Shipyard Work Below Parity
,,"or ~ h bdn!; , by Field Super- 1.. 11. 902. l' IIlLAI> t: I. I' III A. 1' ,\ .- All
inlendent Dcan Hobb,. <lIoSi,leli h~ (\ Iil- form, of governing h()d lc ~ mu,1 ha\-e
ford "Shorty" 1-11"'. ,hl'ir pa'l aCliun, Hnd Jcci,ion, revicl.l.:d
I he HO"lIrd 1'. Foley Comran) ha~ hy Iheir Illcmh('r,. MC(11bo:l',hip a~l;on i~
117 men lIor\"illl: anu Im~ jU)1 flnj,hcd n cxprc,-.:d via an :Iye or :1 nay.
(,.~·mi1e. ,ingk-cUlldwlOr line from Thel- I IXal QH~ h:" ('ppm'ed. by de~lion.
ford 10 \lidl:md. 'Ihich included IWO Ihe folloll ing ollicer, fur the ne,t lhree
tOIlers 287.5 feel in heighl from Ih.: rop YI!"I"; I're~ident hl"ard G,,}ton. \ icc
of the eont,rete 10 Ihe go:u I)cH~ r he l' r~'rd.:nt J.:s~y Cicmll,-I... Recording Sec-
conc rele pier' of Ihe e3,1 10ller l.Iere III relllr) Alc~ander 0'11'01.1. hnandal Sec ·
feci high. II ilh ,even feel of pie r ilhove relary Alvin Shapiro. I r.:awrcr f>a~q\lalc
llfound level: ('"eh IOlIer \\('illlll"d ap- r,pr()lIulu and BU"!1c~\ M anag.:r
proximalely 55 10lh GI'UI"I"< "''''Olly·· \r:lllhe\\.'.
Fole y i, now ",o('~ing on :1 75'mill: I he I- \('culile Hoard member, fur
bundle eomluelol" Y54- /'.I C line from ftl':-.e three y('ar, are W(lIe rJy Woodl> ,
Keno" a to 1 mlmglOn rill, '" I.n t. is Business M,nager George Mattl"'wS , Local
902. Ph,l.delph,,,, left, presen" • 2S·yur 111"ar.1 DiGiOl'lIoni. Jo'.:ph La\lo ni l·:I.
heing done under thc wper\'i,iun uf Joe servlcl!' p,n In Ronthp.. Jaleph Spa •. Jo.>hn Thomp>on, (,eorge Oed . :md
Windle)'. :IS)bll'd by Wayne <"Iesn('r. (h .. 1'Ie, Baroier.
We have quile a t>it of di,lrit')Ulion J he <);olh of ollice f,)r Ihe nelll} -
Brolher Henry ])~Hi -.e lIa~ rc,emly
wllr~ gning on nnw lind could u'c Juur- cketcd o!!iccrs "'" admlnT~t.:red b} P;I\t
ncyman dhtrihution lillelllen. 1>lost of ho,pila li /ed II ilh a 11<'<lrl el)ml ition. He
pl'c,idcnl William II . I rill.. Jr. of I' hila-
the iob~ arc going 4f) huurb. i, "uw hO"lt ,loing fine. nT'ot h~r Ro y delphia. L he mcmi)cnhlp. vra I','c,idcm
JUII " DI 01 1M, B.~ 1. lee Hro.>u"llnl under"cnt ,urgel' ~ We Gaylun. honored Brolh.:r I utz for hi,
hope 10 ...:-e Ihc'iC !JrOlhel', bad al lIor\.. pa~1 1':l1urc 3~ pre,ident IIllh a gol d
~". ",ri'l 1I:lIch.}llmc he looh al Ihe
Work SituCliion Good; I he PIUS 5ainb, a h"scball leam IlIlIc. rna) !J,ull .." 1 "II he reminded
New Presid ent Elected eO:Khc,1 Ity our vicc prc)id~T1I. WadI! that the member~ of I oc:al 9()2 did nOI
Ju dit'c. amI one uf mw I',wclltivc llo;,rd forl;ct .
l..t T. 9111 , I.A.FA.VE'ITE. I.A.- Thc mcmh.:r'. 1<>111 f\ bbolt. \lOll Ihe eily -rhc "or~ load in Ihe Yilrd i, below
wort. ,iluation h 1:ouo.1 nl thi, lirn.:, lIith Ch'1111piolhhip in the I' on~ League for
parilY. '1 he l' hilm!ell'lIia Nav,,1 Shipyard
2tJ-.,nme trOl I'cler, I\ in our juri'>- can do any job be'>l be ll.:r lh:IO (10)'
14 - and 15· }e:tr old hoy,. [his I~~ of y:tr\1 in the nati on. We do not lIanl to
BrOlh.:r Ra ymond Mi.:r rc,isned liS ,Itrllity i, ",hal Illore of our mEW 1-00: pulilical p3"n~ h'll require p:,rrly
prc~idcn1. and BrOlher (,hllrlC~ Do memb.:r, ,huuld p:)rlicip:UC in. Needle,s lIor~ load~ 10 prOlC that lie arc Ihl!
nllngue wa, elecled hy Ihe E.\ eClililc to ";I}. (lUI' IOc;11 h proud of ils l~rOlhcr bc'1.
UO:lrd 10 replace him for Ih.: une:>.pi red mcmh,'r, who coached Ihh leam. AI the 351h Annu;tl Con~cn!ion of
tCl'!lI. Brolh.:r I loyd I\l yer, II:lS clecled Sclcll ly-unc uf Olir rncmher~ hale pill h"t (oa,1 Dhlrich. held in W,,~hIl1S­
IU Ihe Excn,tiw ilolm! 1{) fill B rolh~: r in the ncec""ry 1,040 horrr, nl'~r~';lry Ion. D.C. Bu,ine~) I\ l nnager Mallhews,
Domingue', pllLee. 10 put Iheir health 3nd wclf;lre in,uran.:e
"ho liaS ;(1)lrlll11enlal in 1I1110n eleellons
Our n[(,-rnber~ IICl'e sndtkned by Ihe in Norfnl~. Vir!;inia. IIllS emolionally
in for,·c. r hi, ilem II:" negoli:,\cd in
dealh of Brol her Lawrence Soloman, hid :Id;ell by Ihe Brolher) who r(,l11em-
our la, t conln!cl. he r hi, ~iml ne", :lnd dC\'OI ion to rheir
""'ho passed :I",ay o n Augusl 271h, llfrer
a long illness. O. 1\ 1. S\U III, it S. IIccd~ :UII.I dc~ires, T hey said, "Grell te r


loyality to his Brothers hath no man." hostesses. II seems as if the ladics are
Their loss was our gain of Brother Mal·
Work on Service Center alwa)'S ready and willing to help out.
Ihew~ a~ our business manager again. We enjO)'ed Ihe visi t of some of our
.' ~t
Here are .IoOme in teresting fac ts per· retired Urothers. a nd we arc sincerely
taining 10 Brothe r M:IIthc,,~. He retired glad th at ollr disabled Brothers. H es~l
from the I'hiladelphia Naval Shipyard in Wig:11 and Ed"ard Fitzpatricl... "ere
1963, "as presidenl of our local for 16 able to allend.
),ears.. and \\a~ bu~iness manage r for We thinl.. our /le" home: i~ first class
four years. and C'Iltcnd our than\..~ to the man)
Our local proudl) ann-ounces the re- mcmbcN .... ho helped ma\..e il ~ible.
tirement of Brother (hler K. Lanned:.
We mOH:d from here to there and
\\ith 44 years of ser,ice. May God , . bacl.. fOf 22 )ea,..., and final!} decided
Our new member" all from Shop 51,
I, that "e sorel)' ocedcd ;I home "e could
be proud of. '0 Ihi~ i, il. The ocautiful
a re Fredid. W. Cas\:.d). Arther Toms.
and Carl S";ln'>On . Wclcomc. ~entlcrncn.
Remember-you reap whnt you !>Ow.
m' n"gpole. ",hich b li_itole in the ;lccom-
p;lnying photo. " 'as don:tteo.l by ollr In-
Ml!mbers of Local 948. Flint, MIch .. a ra ternational Representative Drulhers:
Bu,iness l\'l;ln;lgcr \l atlhc",s presented completmg work on Che Consume.s POWI!'
Company Serv;CI! Center in Fenlon . MI~h . namel y, Ffanci~ E. C lar\... Fourth Di ~­
a 2S-year sefvice pin to Brother Joseph He'l!. La.ry Bryan Inspects II hMlu.e proOf Irict: Robert C. "80b" I'arler, Fourth
Spar. Congratulations. Urother Spar. for to mountina. Di,trict: ;lnd John M. "Kim" Parker,
your faithful <.eTvicc:! Director. Con~truction- i\l aintenance Op-
VI/'<C t '1r J. I \CO:"/I.. 1'.5. erations. 1.0.
I'erh;lps in my ne'lt article, I will
Work Draws to a Close; have more nc"~ about our local.
C. R. URowN, 1'.5.
Better Days Pred icted
L.l!. 948, rLlNT, ' 1I CII .- Wor\.. is Local Dedicates New Home;
now being completed on the ne" Con-
sumeh I'o"cr Comp:tn) Senice Center Member Receiv es 50-Year Pin
in hnton. There are three major buill.l· • L.l. 995, 8ATO" KOI 'GE, LA_-J uly
ings on the '>Ite, an office building. a 241h was a red-leiter day in lhe h"tory
storage and ,,:\rI:houloC huilding. anJ a of oor local. for on Ih;ll day. the local
vehicle !tCrvice and m .. intenance build-
union rcached another milestone in the
ing. There are ;)1'0 three large truc\.. formal dedication of i~ ne" home.
POriS and one (;Ir PI,rt.
After the invocation b} the Revcrend
The office buil..!ing i ~ de, igned for Cla'l! Cogl!" ApP'enl,cl!sh,p Challmln and Larry T . lJailc~ II. :1 member of the
ma'limum efficiency. "ilh future necds job stewa.d, assists MIke SU'ikl In tllmmml local. the follo,,;ng di'lin!!uished l;lhor
in mind. There i, a complete underfloor fidu'e5.
le;luero cJt!(:nded !!-recting~ and "ell
duel S)~l em throughoul tm: oflice area.
\\ i~hc~ to the ollken and memN.-r; of
Some of the men employed by Franl..- our lo.:al: Jesse D. Dier. Pre~ident of
lin b.:ktric. "ho "orl..ed on the II). Local 995: John R. BourS_ Sr.. Prc~i­
month project. are Roy Bro"n. Mile denl. Baton Rouge Central Labor
5ml..i. Lurry B r);ln. ('Iare Coger,
Union: J. B. I'ate. International Vice
Ch;lrle\ Marohall. Ed I ;orbt:r. Tom Brill,
I're,idenl. Fifth D i~triCl: Thom ... ~ II .
Ed Cumming,. Curt Cumminf;~, Earl Pur~IC}'. lEe member. Sixlh Di ~trict:
Blod . and Joe Bra~hcar, [orem:.n.
Victor !Jus_ie. I're\idcnl. Lou i,ia na Swte
Thanh, 1<1 1111 of our ~i\tcr loc;tls Uthor Council: Harry Van Ar'idalc. Jr.,
Ilh irh graciollsly ,u["I["Ilicd I'orl.. for some Internatio nal Tre:\\urcr: and JO'ieph D .
of Ihe nlcmOcr<; durin!; our period of Keenan. Intcrn;ltional Secrelar),.
hea v)' uncmp loyment.
The !tC ntilllcnt ~ e)lprc~<;cd "y the
We hope 10 ha\e three big. job<; goinS<, were Icry <lppropriate and en-
Mrong. in 1972. Ihe Buie\.. ,tcam plant. a li!:htening. The pn:"<;ence of the Intcrn;l-
S40-million plam in Mont K ~. and a tional officers, not on I) thrilled our
new AC plant. \\e're I..eeping ollr fin~ers Roy Brown is CaUllhl unawa.eS whIl e chang.
ing a baltast. member;. but ;ldded dignit}' and prestige
cro~~d: oc1ler da)\ arc coming.
to the momcn tom occ;lsion.
lI u(, 1I KOl.S'>1 IU, 1'.5.
I nel uded in Ihe ceremonies. "a ~ Ihe
pre..cntation of a 50-)e;l[" service pin to
;I real old-tImer in the local. E. J.
New Meeting Hall Bourg. Sr. Thc 3"ard ";IS made b)' in-
Shown Off at Open House New Hall ternational Secretary Keenan."ho read a
citation from the offi.:eN of the IBFW
L. U. 968, "\KKf: US81 KG. \\ . VA .-
in n:cognition of 8rOther Bourg's mem-
Our Joe;ll i\ proud to ;lnnounce th;l!. on
be",hip for this length of time.
Septcmber 111h. oren hou-.c "as heM to
show off our new meeting hall. "hich The commillec in ch;lrge of arrang.e-
",h recentl) completed. II ";OS made ments pro.'ded a dance for the members
po"ible through the IM=r-.c\erance, pati- follo"ing the dedication ceremonies and
ence. and cooperation of many local held ;In open house on July 25th for all
Brothers. to \I\it and inspect th e ne" f;lcilities
pro'·'ded by the local union in which to
Some \'cry delicioll<; and tasty food
condu.:t i t~ business affairs. A \ote of
";IS !tCncd. along "ith colrcc and !>Oft
th anl..s and ;lppreciation to the commit-
drinl ~. and "e c~tcnd our sincere thanls
to Ihe Local 968 Ladie~ AUJ.iliary for tee for a job well done.
The new mel!!ing ha" o f Local 968.
R. J. M U~CII, P.S.

doing a Icry fine :md thorough job as Pa .kl!.sbu.a. W.Va .


Building Dedication Lo sing Elfort

BrOlher Larry T. Bill•• I One 01 .Ile "'8".18"IS during Ille dedlc,tlon

flovge. La., II'vlS Ih ' ;;,,;;';;,~; Cere e",ftmon,,,s waS Ihe preUnl'''On 01 a M)
monIes m.r~inl Ih" dedlc,tlon of the locII', yu. serv'"e pIn by 1"I"rn'tional S«relilY
J~"ph O. Keenan to E J 80ur... Sr. leI!
new homo.
Ihot"e. Bou.g hU alway' ..,rved tile loca. u,. h,.",
In sOme capaCity du"n. IlOS 50 yea" 01 N Y u l"ey
membe.,h.p NY., ,n the Tournament.

Resc uers

Bus,ness Manager l. A. "Tommy" Thompson

'~lends a friendly l'eelln. 10 Inl"n~tional
SecrelilY Keen ~n.
B.oth",. J Zupk" r"nl .... 11><".a1 104'1 tnn"
"land. N.Y. wu p'Uenled '''e IB[W l"e
came Ihe father of a baby boy, and Saving Award 10, saVIni a man'S hie rill'
Ifrother R. Bracco of Olerhead I incs. cently ,...klnl lhe presentahon ale P,e51'
dent Gea'ie FIsher. J,. 'elt. and BUSIness
J. ZUpkol Re c eives Award; I'orl JelTcr..on. no.... ha~ a daughler. ManGle , HUlh J. T:ogg3rt
("ongmtulalion\ tll tooth of Ille<te I'roth-
Sports Activ ities Stro ng er. anll their" ilel!
1..1'. 1049, LO .... C ISI.A'O. ' . Y .- It i, al .... a)' ,;1(1 to hale to I<orite of
Conllrawl<1lion, 10 Brother J. IlIl"~a, lhe lIe"th or " B'uthe" hut il i~ even
"hl) W;IS prc\cmtd .... i'h Ihe !B FW [ ife- Imrdcr when he ..... :., a friend. I hat\ Ihe
Sa\ing Allard at the Scptcml'>cr general c ..,c now. with Brolher E. Culrupu. "ho
mccli nll. llrOlhcr Zupl..;,\ aCl ion in ~ilV' f<,("cnlly pa,~ed HW~' y. 0111' \ympathic\ ~o
ing Ihe life of :t fellow man wa, related Ollt to hi, ilruthel" ( .. tropll l\ill
in lhe O.loho::r j"lJC of the JOI/fIIliI . be !IIbsed hy hi, frie nll\, hur he .... ill not
We 've been hu,y wi lh Ollr L;x:al [049 nc forgOH<,n .
;t(livitic~. :h lhe hoy,'ml! 'l';IClle, ,Wried Unlil Of1(' mnnlh, I rl'mind )flU 10 ~I
;Igain. \.,[[h a new, mhcd league in IIlIn- your ticleh for IhI.: Chilllren', (hri,tma)
[inj!ton Pan). Jo...ecp 'miling.
Our Ih:ml., 10 l ocal 15. IOOIl hland, CllolMU" J . LOl l i I t M, JM. 1'.s.
;U1\.1 ""1", .. ;,111), 10 lIill I inds-cy (or invit-
ing OIiT fir'I'place: ~orlh;lll Icam, the (ia~
Il ou'C (iang. 10 pluy in the !'ir" 111 1 W Local Officers Installed;
Me1ro Tourn:uncnL Our Ihunl~ :.1'>0 to
'Moonlighters' Hurt Work
the J ocal 1) I :,dic~ i\u\ili:'ry for the
fine party held ;,flcr Ihe tournament. It I.. l l, 1105. :-. E\\AIU': , OIllO-(;rtel- 10' savin_
Ihe 1,le of Brother
mu-.t h:1\e talen :, lot of ume and effort ing' from our local in IhI.: heart of recently.
on the part of e\cr),ol)('. and the) all lie· Ohio. Since it ha~ httn a .... hilt ,ince
'>Cr\e the highe,t pn.'>C for a job .. ell uur la\1 corre~pondcoce, I .... 111 try 10 Wor\'" in OUf ar('a b a sad 'lOr)'.
1I01)('. bring )011 up to d:lle. ''here h a ,lrOni: non·union movement
Loc,,1 13111. Ihdwillc, /'.1,'" Yorl., We eletted lin oUI\laolling group o f in uur juri-.dielion. led mostl) by fire·
tamc in fir't in the tournament, I<ollh men lu lead U~ fUf the nnt three )ean, men. polken,en, and factory ..... urlen
local 25 '>Ccond and ollr Gas Hou-.c I<oho are ..... irin g huu<,c\ and ~mal1 oflke
anll "C hope I<oe wpptlTl Ihem :h I<oell ;I~
(jang pi1H:in!: third. huillling\ in their 'pare lime. The ironic
Ihey rcprc'>tnt U~. T he new Onicef' lIt'e
Brother I c,ter Cypher ha\ !I~"ell Ihar Ihing l,bOll1 Ihi, movement is thaI
1 Ih:ml our ncil;hborinl.! local~ an, l nttr I're,idenl ROheft Woo lnrll. Vice I' re,j·
paft'lime t lt'trkinns arc Illembers of Ihe
hu,ine~, olli..:.: for their he lp in find in!: denl Rudy rhoJllp\On. Recordmg ~cre- A I I ·C IO in wille way or Ihe other.
I<oor" for crafts membcr~ .... ho .... cre laid 1:lry Lal<o(ence (fotheT\. I inanci:11 ~';Ie­ \\e e'tend our Ihan"~ 10 Co~hoclon
oiL lary John MlI..on. rrt'a\urer Willi:lm and Co l umhu ~ locah for picking th "I'
Brolher E. Ni tle ..... itl of Ih", Under. Gilbert. ;Ind Il."inl'~~ 1\ l;o nal1l:r I Imer in ollr slad P'C'riod
,round Li nes DepllrUl1en t. Hidwille. be- Crulhers.

We undertool a new :tcth'i ty Ihb )t'ar


Fore man ship Work shop Domi n ie~ Ilardi. Trcasurer, is conva·
le,dng al home a fter sU~lainins injuries
in an accide nt. We wi~h Dominic ~ a
speedy recovery. ASH. p ,S.

Brothers in Accid ents;

Contract Proposals Reviewed
1..1 '. 11 9 1, "EST "At\l nt: \ CII.
1'1.\ , iJ rothers Gordon Hall and
lIu, ler Sumoer recentl y "ere in\uhed in
COl11pan) ~ehidc :lcducn". The y '<lme
throu!lh a hil ~hoo ~ up. bUI il could
h.Lle been much \\lJr-.e.
We: \lerc gue~l~ al ,he 5)stem Council
l l.4 \f lami conference. Afler much ~ift·
i nl> lhroo\:lI. thc)C an.: the top 10 pro-
POOkI" ; impro~emenl in r~lirement pl<ln;
contp;lny 10 ray life in~urancc and hO'.-
pllHliwlion: improvement in \:tcations:
15 per nml inr,:r\l;l~e. \ltfeclivc June 30.
Membe " of Local 1141. Okl3homa City. Oklll, who 'Ielntly completed I he NEC A elfectlve 1972: all lJ~erti me to be paid ~., double
f oremlln5h lp Wo.kshop. Fr ont row, lett 10 ,Iflht Jolin Wheeler, Geo'ae Smith, Rtlbe,I Peny or lliple eime; IUI1.ardOIiS pay; imrrol'e'
fohn, Alvin W,tl Tony Carl,,.. Ca. , Hackworlh, and Mic~ey Pendleton_ S.c:ond row, mcnl in ,ic ~ lillle: no ~ Iiding scllic in Ihe
Sieve SmIth. Mo.". H.rtf9r'1l1. B,II Duk" J. W H."'5, PRill C'Mk ely"", Klrtr1 II n M'''l'hy.
Roy Gill. and W.'on Hu&.... '. Tlllrd ro .. , Ron BIShop. H L Froma", Ch •• le. Wooll, Che".' ItJurne)mnn classification ilnd aoo'e;
Kyl., Weldon Saw. tzky, L. Bennett, Bob Humph,.ys. Jeff)' Sm'lh, Bobby W,lliami. Smokey holida)) [he da) afler Tha n~ 'gi\ing and
Adami, W.rren [.,nul, C • • I [51"d ••. Ron Dowdy. and JKk GOOden OL\ the cmplo)ec's birthd;lY: all load dis·
patchcr;, dhtribution di\palehers. '>Cflice
-slml'pilch ..oflb;!11. Or~aniler Thomas IJrOlher Trumon Ward \lIU ~kl.ed by di~pluchers. and di ~pa'che r·clerh 10 be
Reelor enlcrcu U~ in the dty league. hi, hor<iC. Trumon. battered and hrui'oCd, p:lld on the 'llmc scale. reg"rdle~~ of
Arter !TI:IOY hour. of practice lind lin i- i~ hacl. \lorking at thi ~ lune. Iheir I(xlllion.
menl. our efforts paid olT. Our rC~'orJ Remember. safely i.. a ~",· hour·a " ld }', We mmt be open·minded and cooper·
\\:u )i't win~ and eight dcfeat\, and \Ie: :l\I\C .LnJ \ery much reali ~lic. The freele
<iC\en-da)·a·"'-eel. joj" v.ilh no 1001I1ng
placed second in the County A Tourna· timc allO\led. pIa), a major role. bUI our country
ment, nccd\ our help 10 ge t bad. on'o the
We regret the p.l~\ing of J. C. Gatrell, 1111 I A ("11\ I' <; proper elonomi~' !>\:;al~. \J ayN:- the freeze
74. a SI).)'ear member, J e~~ ..... a\ mitiated i,n'l c~aol)' \lhal )011 \Ian, or Ihinl.. "ill
into our Ioc:sl on No~eml'ocr II. 1919. do II, bllt it h a \ICP 10 tf} 10 corrcel
He rcc~hed hi) 50·)~ar pin on (k[ober Members, Employer Mourned; Ihe me\~ and dilemma Ihal e\ht. Cume
7, 1969. un ,Iu,," h. Ihe un.on ml:('ting~ and get
Meeting Discusses Freeze Ihc infurm;Llion a~ aecur:.lely as po)~i·
Rtct. Ihll t~, I'.s.
1..(1. 11 58, )\EW,\RK, N.J.- We are
Jim Nile, ..... a~ again al Ihe la~t meel·
Foremanship Workshop Held; ~ery ~orr)' 10 han! 10 repurl Ihl' de.lth~
ins. Ir)mg 10 :1I"\ler queStions trom the
of t\lO of our local IJrolher~ and one of
Two Brothers Mourned lloor.
our cmpJo)er,. The reccnll)'
Buford c"nle home Ihc olher night
membcTl> \lere IIarvey Gerald from Ihc
1..11, 1141 , OKI "\1I0\l ,, CITY, OKLA. and a, me if I had heard the l atc~t.
I & L CUIllj)an ), a mi Jo-.eph I nUl~t: Whal \ the lalc,t ') The y arc going to bus
--Consratula( iu rh to our member. \lho from \\Iorl..·O·1 ile. I' mplo)er Alfred
compleled NECA\ Elfective '·ureman· the Wnl 1'!llm Beach Underground
Cuhllllbo of Sun Eleclric, II ho "c,i,tell crew, 10 Hoy11lon and hm Ihe lJoynton
ship Wor ~~hop. held III [he 1 nuJc Wintl ~ in Jl a~hrou" Height,. New Jersc)" 1eal'e~
In n on SeplemOcr 17th and IHlh. Undcrground erc", 10 WC.,I 1':1 tm
:t \\lle ami ILHlllhtcr.
Our lhanh 10 N E(A HeM Reprc:~nl · Belldl lie 11<1., ~ idding. of course. bul
athe Jlld Gooden and NECA Chapler I OCllI 11 51! t.'lpre,..cs il \ ,)m",'Hhy and \Ie are hurdcned \lilh <;0 man) ~rious
\flrna~e r E. R. m,hop for condlKling
condolenCe) 10 Ihe f:lmilc ~ of the dc· confliCh.
lhe \lor~'hop . AnOlher \lor~~hop is cC;I«d. See )OU ne\t lime.
scheduled for April. 1972. '1 hese \lor~· AI our regular Scptcmher 2hl meet· Bt I LN J L:STICt:, K.S.
shops arc \cr) informalhe and en}'))"a· ing. lIu;.ines.~ Manaller Ml ~h;rcl Cal:lbTU
ble. Thc one held h~re: w;r~ \lel1 reccil1.:d briefcd thc o Oker. ami rncmhcr\ in ut·
by a ll \I ho aUcndcd. lendant'C on the \llige anll pricc free;re, New Officers Elected;
We are ';ldu~neJ 10 hear of the IJIl\ine~\ M;l nagcr (al:lbro empha,i/cd
Work Picture Brightens
death, of IWO of our rClired membcl'll. ccrwin poin" to \hop ,le\l:'!ru" <;() 111<11
Rrmhl''' Bufnr,1 Marlin :md (.corl>c a ll memheh of Ihe lu.;al \lill releiH' L. l. 1205, G \ I.... ES , ItI .t:, FtA .-An+
Vernon. We c,tend our d«pc,[ ,)mp'" v.h'll ehe) leg:'!l1)' hale ~ominB to Ihenl, Olhcr I\l U )C;II'\ hn\e pa)....d .•md v.e
thies 10 their familie~. The di'>Cu"ion an\\lercd man) que~tio", hal t' hlld anuther election in our local.
We ha\e had ,I ra,h of motor bi~e ac· of lhe memher~ and made Ihc COl ire. I he unl) men 10 rel;lin their office,> are
cidcnt~ nmong our member, re.:enlly. cflmplc:\ i"uc mUlh \:lcarer tn ealh of II rulh.'r (,iI Rl'llllmr \lh(l h .tnine Slirh
Amon~ Iho~ who ~hould ha\ e lefl Iheir Ih- " BOOlI job th"l he \la., unupJlO!>ed. and
training wheel, un, arc IIrolher, ho ell' '· ranl.. F' lxhito. a rcpre'oCnlaliw of ll rulher IJohl>y Youngblood. ollr bu)i,
nClh Cartcr. Bill ('o"'in. JC\'oC DeGcarc, Blue ('ro,,·nlue <;hi.:ld. II;" pre\C1lI ;md ne" rnan.lJ!,cr.
Gary Harris. and Ben 'imley. Scriuu,ry, 'll'Cnl a JKlllioll uf II.e "'cd ill!! Lia.if)'"g ~ince Ihe eleclion. hn"cvc r, IJr01her
Brolher,. il i) becoming mure appllfcnl lind ernphn'l/mg cer';Iin ",linl\ of uur Y\>tI1lIlj,luod h,, ~ resigned, and Ihe E}[ec·
Ihlll \lC need 10 cmpha~i;r.e aprl)inJ!, our inwrance COH'r,,!:e. rlli, v.n~ :1 Icry ulil'c Board appoinlcd Brolher A. J .
safely habil) at hom~ as much as \Ie do \lorlh"hile and infornmlhc !>C~~lon for Wabon. Jr .. who ran a e l ~ second for

at \I ori., Iho .... pre'>Cnt. 'he oOke in Ihe ckctlon.


H·I('I.LIlS. He :II--U urge s IhO'>C "ho hlilC
Happy Retirees nUl l o ted in reeen i )cars 10 verify
"helher or not their names :m! on lhe
roll\, '1hu:.c "ho hale ('h"ngell Iheir "t.!,
dre,loC~ shoultl :1 1"" lerif)' their reg is tr,,-
li on, !I "ill hc I>cncficial to alt member..
til gel ,lUI ami ~lItC,
'n flation h'II hll our local. AI the $c p-
tembe r meetm!;. :1 number of COsl-cullin g
tlIdhu.h "ele illltmlcd. ",llh Ihc unicer,
,m'-' Ihe I- WlUltH~ lIu:tnl memhc", ufTer-
int; to 1"1.1' a I(J lX'r cenl l'ut III pa) II
!Udl.S .I~ if Out 2~lh AnnIHr ..... r) ~ele­
I>r'IIIUn I\ill h:lle III he ucl;t)et.! fur a fell,

1l1l'lIle" :'I:tn"!;tcr :'lcnto dl~U\:.c,1 the

";I~, in "hith thc " age-price (rccle 1\
:llre('ltng nell, me mhe f'. "ho afe nu' re-
~cillng some (I f Ihc hcnclih Ih:11 Ihc
uhlel nwn ,.II.e ror sranlet.! bencfih
BrOlhe" B"Slol , Norlhwood , Irons,>e., Selle.s,>, and S ...... ne)' .ec•• ~e Ihe"
"hllh h, •., l>cen "Un h) h.lft.! ncgolia l-
.eU.emen l ChKIII ,.1 Ihe A",,,", m •• "nll 0 1 l oca l 1238, W,lm"'1I10n. Del . intl·
1'1.," th.11 ullr meeting nl!;thl h,,~ bee n
~h;l1ltlet.! tu Ihe third :'I onlla) of Ihe
munlh ant.! rlclll) .)f par~mg spa,'e "

Clearing Equipment

~OSler ~nO'I, 11011, rece.-s n.s ,el",n'l!nl

ct>eck P,u'dent 8enn)' W'I~ 'nl, Ha"y F,us receN" ht' .eh'",me,,'

- ...
a' It>e local's Sepl embe r mHI,nl

Transferred Ihc )"/'1'11<11, ," :1\ 10 infurm Ollr travel-

ing Blt,th..-r, and 1I1l ) Olher IBI W mCIll-
Nor "h,) Illi!!hl he inlefc\led in hearing
fmlll II, tn lhe 'un,hme Slale.
II flllher" :1\ of Ihi\ "riling. lhe "ork
,illl.lliun in our juri,"lioion lool\ real
g",.. ,,1 .mJ i~ gumg It,l gel hcller We
h:(le II nllcle;lr pt,l"erhou~e anu 'el'enl !
b rlle lm,piwl Joh' llcllirlg under "il).
If lIn y out-ide 01' imide Bro the l' feel,
he ~un lile on Ollr POOf wlll!e, :lIId
"(Iuld li~e '0 ~ome: III "here the ,u n-
,hine I~. he \ hollill c:.ll Brothl'f Wal\On
al H6·770] bdllrc coming.
On" II J) Sl:G<os, I'.S.
loc,.1 1238 member R.y Holsong",' fonally
801 h ., I. ans fe. 10 Ihe (dllemgo. Pow..
511110n_ Negotiators Nam ed;
Voters Urged To Register
The new officel"lO for Ihe ne\1 Ihree
\e'lr,. Ihen, arc " n:~i(lcnl 1 efr) " "rim. 1 .1 . IBII. \\11 \11' G ro~ . 1)1.: 1.. -Our
Ilu~inc" \I nnagcf A J Wahon. Jr .. , i- 1'-c!!t1li;tling ('omnullec ha~ be~'n pldell
nanciul <;Cerelarv G II Reduin!! . ,rnd f . 11 Ihe ",,!!e reopener In Deccmher
I rC;l"lrer A. I' I,ec I Ill' ~tlmmillec. con\islinl! of U u~jnc,s
T he I xeeulilc IJoanl memt>cr, ;Ire: \I ,mngcr Sam MenlO, Hen n ),,.
rhcrtlll Hunler. lI .rwh.l l-oI,ler. I ;!fry lI ullh I-red,ur}. J illi M ~r J. e~"m". l ou
( ian'line. B. I,. I' riutlcon. ;wl! J rmm)' R....,;on,J.i. Ru\'>('11 JonC\. :mll l ou
IItne' Spare.., h,,,.1 Ih fir" mceling ""h the
I he merl1ner, (ll Ihe I 'aminintl B,l'rnl ~\lIllP'tn) M'hcll"lct.! f\ll o..lulll'l 1~lll.
,He Sa mmi e W illi'rm,. Herner! Ib ll. J , \ 1.I\hc. "e ca n gel ~ ,uh' la nli~1 part of
P ('hn,l ie, John J. \\e'ler. ,tn,'D'iniel Ihe T:lt e incre;I'>(' !hnt Ihe eomp.m)' feels
\ \ ilhey. il r1Ce.h frum it,> CII'IL IIIlCrS.
One uf "re,i<Jcnl \ I.trlin') fir,1 "tl()' Re!!I'lr:lr Don -I r"cey uflles all mem-
1-00, " .• , m ;Ippv inl rntl me a, p re" '>('c- hel\ 111 he ,ure: Ihe)' are: regi\le ret.! 10
relar)' for lhe !oc'll. Ihl"eler. ] "ill dn 'Ole, Inclut.!et.! in th" group. :m~ new ••• "Sinl
m) bc~1 10 PUI some "onh"hile ne", in elll plu)ec" 18-)C"f' 011l\, a nt.! returning ope' ''' ,ons.


Banquet Honorees

A ,ecent banquet 01 Local 1251. S~ull Ste. Marie. M. eh., honored the Retlred char!(" membor Dllvid Wyers, Sr., secn here w,th h,s wife,
graduatIng appren li cu, the old t ime,~. and th e local'. lOth Annl. was also honored.
versary. The new journeymen a.e, lell 10 'isht. Kenneth luepnltz;
Mu Menerey: with Don HUffelt, 51,tI! [Ieetrical Inspecto. and guest
speaker; Melvin Daley; end Walter Sanford.

Members ,eceiving service pins I",ruded, row. lell to fllll!, 01h" ""',ce pin reCipients •• e. Iront row. tell to flSht. F. O.
R,ch3,d Wyeu;. Gl!Orge Klein. Sr,. and F. D. Mct.:auy. second .ow, McCuey, H.rotd Somes. O<llvtd Wyers. Sr., <lind lloyd Bruno. Back
Phil Wyers, Waller Helgre", and He"ry Petrow Third ,ow, Pili Wyer •• row. Willlllm Nobte. Harry S<lI&e. Ctarence Gil . oy. John Chnstensen.
John Ch"stensen. Jr" Egbeel Kampe •• John nub"un. and WIllIam Sr .. Fred Luepn,lz. Andre w Husetin k. Dav,d Wyers. Jr., <lind Lester
Noble. Yon.

available a\ Carpenters Hall in New Bellcon. New Yor k. This "-ork is being lend lind 10 tale 1m active pa rt in [he
Castle. the rca~ons for IIICk of ;I llcnd- dune by A~plLlndh Bru sh Con tr ol lLnd local.
uncc at mecling~ should bc fewer. '1ree l)re),Crvmion; the uther job i~ being We have a la rse numbcr of traveling
f, 1,,,,SII,\I.L ANTONSON, 1>.5. done by I'enn Lmc ~rvke. Brothers wor~ing in our jurisdiction. :md
The 1rees nnd brush arc being dii- they lIrc more thMl "-elcome at our
po'iCd of by Ihe use of :I hu~c chipper, monthly mect ings.
Golf TOIJrname nt Attended; whic h will I:L~e trcc~ up to :!2 inc he~ in WA' \.ArT O. 1-]ollrl> , p,s.
di llmeler :lnd reduce them 10 chips in a
Cleari ng Jobs Under Way nmtter of ' A D-1 C:II pull ~ the
L U, I U9, S\' RA CUSE, N .Y.- Eleven chipper on Ihe ri~ h t-o r-v.a); on the high· Banquet Honors Graduates,
way. it is h;wlcd Ity a truck trac tor, us
members o f Ollr 1rn::11 auended the 14t h
it b mountcd un ils own
Old-Ti mers, Anniversa ry
Annulli Wireme n's Golf Tournament.
sponsored by Loca l 691. Gary :111\1 low-bo)'. L.U, 1l51. SA ULT STE. i\ IARIE.
Hamm onu, Indi:l11a, on Au gu,t 19th and Machine, suc h ns tim ber jach ;lIld i\IIC II .- Ou r laiC" class of gradua tin g
20!h. petti hone, ;,rc LI'ed to , kid Iree~ to the apprentice, wa~ fetcJ Ht a banquet a t
Local 691 and it~ Golf Comrnillce did chipper. where 1I self-loader unu power thc ]Ioliday Inn on AilS!"! 14th.
a fine joh on the tournament. and every- bell feeder ta~e o\'er. It is expec ted th:tt Rccciving tbeir cenific;lles of comple-
ooc had a re.1 1 £0011 time. ] didn't hear Ihese chipper~ will be u'\Cd more e;o.:te n- lion. werc Melvin Dale\', Kcnneth Luep-
toa many of our memt-.ers hr:.g.ging si\c1y in the future beCllU<;C of the in. ni ll. \l lIX Men-crey. and Walter Sanford.
about their ,';Cores. but I'ete Kowaney crca,in1,: numocr of areus where Ihe Don Hurrell. Stale Eleclrical In~pec­
:md John Blller won a few buc~~. T he burning of bru~h j, pro hihited. tor. wa~ Ihe ~lIe~t spea ker, He ga\'e
other Local ]249 membcr~ !lllen,ling in- Th i~ i~ lin interesting lind fu,cinati nJ; some \'cry !lood \Oo-ords of advice to the
cluded Hob Lan1,:try. Simon /-.lonroc. Ed piece uf equipment. which. I underst:mt.l, gmuuatcs and also handed OUI the diplo-
Peck , Frederick Connors. Gille~pie CO~b about S90· thou~anJ. plus anoth er mHS.
Pride, J r .. Dick Ellhon. George Scarbor- S lIlG-thou,;md for the cat~, tim ber jacks, Thi~ banquet ulS(j celebrated ollr 10-
ough. Lewis l ewis. and me. Broth er petlibotlC', tfuel tractor, etc. thnt go ~ilr~ 30t h A!lllive,~",y, amI DlI vc \ Vycrs,
Langtry and I e~orled Brothcr, Kowa- a long with th is operation. Sr. was given honorahlc mention as
ney and Baker over 10 the 191h hole to A reminder for ou r memtlcr'l--lI union bcinll a charter membe r. The other
supervise the proper investment of their m~ting i~ held :It our hall on I-'remom ch;lTtcr membe rs. "-ho were not in at-
winnings. Fa~t S}'TlIcuse, on the !irst Friday tendance. :Ire Jamc~ C:.mpbell. Ca rl
l\lembers of thc BA Chupler of our of the month: also, one mecti ng monlhly Carbon. and Clarence Matson.
local are nOlI in the procc~~ of right-of- al v:lrio,,~ location~, u~uaJly us close liS I' re~ident Murph)' I\IcCasey presented
way clearing jolls on Ih.> PASNY line ~~ihle 10 the job~ in pro~ress in the service pin~ 10 members wilh 15. 20. 2~,
from Osv.ego to Ulica and ltnother at jurbdiction. I urge all mcmbers to at- lind 30 )ell r~ o f conti nuous sen'ice in


lhe IIll:.W. George Kkin. Sr, nnd Har· joh) in the area. and E. C. I'rn )\ ha) a
old Somes received relirement pim. The
Secre tary Seeks Solution
few jobs Soing. We are JOlting '>Orne hig
rnn'lrr~ nf cerem(lnies "'cre ROOn!:)' Roy jOh~ 10 non-union eontraelO~IOO To Vani shi ng Man Problem
:Inti lJ usiness ,\I anager Wa)'ne Somes. I m:IO). in facl.
Ihink all anr;-nding had a 'r;-ry ftlll and ' clO.purl News and Norfoll arc gc,ing L U. 1367, C III CAGO. lLl_~The van-
en)O}able evenin\l, 10 merge agnin on a proJecl. A new Ishing m:m . . . . We li'e in a Illite 'hat
T he work piclure hus picl\!d lip :I Iii· Ih mplon RO<ld, T unnel i, hcint huilt. mOH') MI rust that \Ie hardly hal·e time
Ilc. bUI lO.e need II lot more worl to :ulj;lcenl 10 Ihe old one. lJot h loc:lh 10. ill 10 nOlice how r:tpidl)" t h i,,~ ;lIe ,hnn8-
hring nlore of our memhcr .. h;.d home. h:I'e a hand in il. ing.
We th:ml Local 8, Toledo. Ohio, on the 'I h: .. b ahout it thi, monlh un lhe '1:1n h:o~ been a IO.llndcrer and lighler
Monroe Powerhouse job, "nd I uc:.1 979, 'lh... liUl1. We all hope: II geh bel- almOllt fronl Ihe hesinning or hl~ 1.'\1\1-
F..c:mal'a. Michigan. on the \l ead I>aper ler ~von. enee; now. he linds himself su~pcnded in
f\1I11 job, for leeping 1II0~1 of our mem· Elm',N F. COSNJII. " .S.
fll:lee ,mll time. rapidl) lo~inll h" ,mh-
I idual]I).
t>.:" 10. urling.
Th(l hc~mninJ;) or our union had Ii!;ht-
WUII<\M G, NOKII. I'.s. John Banko Saves ing indi'iduals. Ihe ~ Mount ain Men"
In fant Son 's Life who b:mded toge ther :Ind fought for
West Nyack Local Prepares better wurkins eomlilions. better \\lIl1e~,
L .U, 1.161 , I'~: KI""" , 11.I,,- ilrOlher Jvhn
Anniversa ry Celebation and ,horter hours. 'I h... y were 111)1 10 Ix-
lI:m lo. II mec hanic at ollr Kin c:rid Gen-
eraling Sc:,Hon, was on hi, way up 10
L U, 1155. W. N YA C K. N. Y.- Our Too.l;l ). lImong 1l~ younger memher~,
Ihe main blllldm!;. IO.hen one o f his bud-
local union. as ''''lOll. i~ II h!'l'Itiw elf ac- Ihere is 100 much of a lenden~y to ,a).
"ie~ ,piled him where he WII' GoinG.
livity. "rc p:lralion, for Qt' 1' )Ulh Anni- "Lei l ,cvl'lie do ie" Unfonunatci). thcll'
··Oh. I"m GoinG up to Ihe eunfel·cnce
vcr"ory h:mquet male for :0 lime·con· is nol :11,,;,y) It George to do it. I think
["oom 10 blow up the dummy." lI is
Mlluinll la,l, but lO.e !lr,' procecdmg well it"s time IO.C ~how Ihe old-limer, Ihal \Ie
hmldy l new Ih:11 he was Going IV talc
.11,,:...1 uf ~~ltedule. "ppreci:'le Ihe Irouble~. pain~. lind hard
hi~ :lIInunl el:lS~ on m outh-lo-mOulh re·
Congressman Peler I'q'i(r has limes Ihc) hale gone Ihrou gh. We hll\e
~1I'oCil:llion . Aftcr J ohn arrived HI clnloS.
Itc.:eplcd our invilation 10 ~ttend. We 10 t.ecolne nn inlegral part of Ihe Brlllh·
he lool hi.. turn, appl )ing hi~ mouth 10
:I\'e IIOW anlliou~ly vd.ilmll to hear from erhood :md continue Ihe stnlgllie Ih"l
the pla )lie-w rnp-eove rcd moulh of the
Ille Ilmernor. It pronllse~ to he an e'>e- Ihe old ,' ill1er~ bcgltn mon)' )enr~ n~·II.
m;rnnequin. trying all Ihe IO.hile 10 re·
ning Ihat will be lO.orth recording in ev- I C;IO', lell }OU how 10 do ,I. hul I
memocr to hold her head had. lC('p Ihe
c:r}une'~ memory alhum, can Icll )011 holO. 10 ~Iart--by attending
I'a,,;,~ clear. amI ehccl to sec if he
II I.' ,ure thai }OU ;Ire a P;lft Ilf Ihis meelinG" hy leeplng one anolher in-
IO.n~ nlUling her chesl r;"e. After a cou-
hi .. tm y.making occa\ion hy ,n:.lin!; )'our formed. lind by clllmg wh:lIe'er nelion
ple uf pufT~. the in~lruCIOr ~lIi d he hnd'lIlions earl). No lideb ..... ill be i~ nece~ .. nr) 10 leep u~ from hceoming
Llune OK. :Ind John IhoUllhl, " Well,
\.Old or lO.iII be i'ailahlc :.1 lhe door. the \ani~hing man.
,h:ll\ all of that for Ihi) )c .. r~
Allmilflmc~ f>)' rrMnnlimr 0111),.
Then. it happened. lie was hume "" F'er}thmg of v:.lue require.. ·.(lmr
I're~idcn' Her013n Sunnenhlum is al-
hl\ d •• ) \In. U I~ lO.ife lold him Ih:11 Iheir SI,crilice, Attending union meellng\ is
lemj"lling co j"lubli .. h :1 '>OuHnir journal onl) :, minor in~on,·enience. hUI ,e is
IIlf:1II1 ..un, ho cnt. had become qllile ill.
e.Hlln"K:moralin!; UUT l(j,h Anni\"cr~ry. mi!;hl) Inlpurlanl if 10.;: 10. an. 10 nmin-
Bel icle )OU me. ,h l\ Ide~ an alO.(,11 101 "uddenl),. ~ h e ,home'" fur 111m 10 come
qlliclly. Kenl had a"alened from a n;lp .:oin ;[ ,I fling 11",1 dre\.ti\(~ or~anll;[tion.
e.f IImc ;lOd planning ~lc rmltn \ hould
IO.llh II 'cry hi~h fe'er. Juhn's mind Since III)' l:r~t lener. lO.e ha'e h;LII :I
c('r' :lInl)' he commended for hi, ",liam
rrn;ed-high fe,cr. a~j"lirin. colu ~pongc few promotions in our local tlre3. In
effort, in Ihis undcrClllll1g. YOII can he
ha,h In keep lhe fe\"er dllwn. I hen, as Overhead, I'd\\in Sl"lO.insli \1.1' pro-
,'~~lH'cd Ihat this j.uurn:ol lO.ill he (lnc Ihal
M r~. Hanlo held lillie Kent. he went moted 10 crc" leader. and Harold Wol-
lO.e elln :.11 be pn)1I11 IIf
intu con,ulsions. John srnbbcd ,hc hah}'. OUIll 10.11' prummed 10 lineman ~l'Cci:rL
\ce y'all :H Ihe h;,II. Unlll Ihen. lcep
n\lli~,"g Ihal the h:ld Iurned hilic. thaI
,h..- f:lil h. hl~ lingcrnlli l ~ "ere blue, and Ih;'1 he
1 :1\1 ren,c Schaffer ha\ relurned frOIll
P <\UI. F. G,lilM I"('N. p.S.
it lI~ililary Icitvc of :thscnee In Ihc Sub-
h.1l1 ,lOpped breathinll. slmilln ('t)ll'lruelion Departmen t :Lnd is
j "h!!\ mind 81arlcd ..:Iic~inll Ii~e II now :L Il mechanic.
Loca l 1340 Wo,k Slow; com pUler . , . lilt lhe hend b:ld. clear
We al", h:I'c lhree new helpcr~. 'I im·
Ihc air pa~':rlle--on an inhnl. f;\lVel
Two Locals Cooperate hUlh Ihe n~ and mou lh wilh )Ollr othy ScOtt. Richard J . Fricanu. and
J:ome, , . Smith. We arc glad to h,,,·c
L.U. IJ~O , NEW l'O lfr NI::WS. V".~1t nlolI'h~gl\e )Cl"eral short, qlli el breath~.
Ihe..:: new cmplo)ees.
luols ,u if our local rni~h' hllvc II rough A~ John "IL, applyinG the lno"kdge he
had le:orned III his classroom indOL.-tfina- " Ner Alhtultonte. of Ihe Underground
winler. Worl; seem, 10 toe ~Iow in the
tion, he 10.0\ relieled to nol'Ce a healthy Departmenl. has tran~ferred 10 II jon :t~
:lfe;l. hUI wc all ho~ th;11 il lO.ill pick
pml. color replacing Ihe lernf)ing blue eu~tOlner -eniee repre~ntali,e in the
up won.
:,rnllnd ho ent') face and lingern .. iI,. I hen, deri~al ..eetion, I'cte IO.OIS :0 board mem-
I here IIrc men "orling. hll. mOSI of
Iherc n gasp. and ,,"cnt beg:rn 10 ber. :md IO.C lO.erc M)rry to see him go.
Ihem arc OUI of tOlO.n, wi,h hopes of,
'oOmc day. corning hacl 10 Ihi' <lrea. breathe again. !'re,iltenl J ohn J . Schwan :rilntlUllce,J
I here arc some job-.. hut lhe)' )ttm 10 lIy this tillle. Kent's mother h;".1 noti- Ih nl he h•• d a ppointed Anl hon) Mend) l
be \Iuw in gelling Marted. I am ~ure fie,J Ihe doclor. lind lbe hllh) ";IS ru~hed anti RkhM11 r. H)rne as )lelO.ard~ III Ihe
Ihu l Ihings are ~Iow all o\er for tttc 10 Ihe hoo.j"lilal. Wilh 0 lemperawre of Undcr~round DcP:lnmenl al Chicago
..... urlin!; man. Lei "' :,11 hope Ihal labor 106 degrec~. il 10. as touch and go for n Norlh lie also appoinled John Begle)
picls lip all over Ih..- I'"llItn lr). IO.hlle. hUI Ih:mh 10 John IJ:mlo'~ qllicl II, ~hier \lclO.:trd. 10 replace Bob M c~er
We rcall)· lO.otJld Jile to .\Ce ,,(,me hig Ihmlmg and Ihe Iraining he had re- IO.ho ha~ re\igned. Loub A. Marl ino was
manufacturers come into our crt) and eci'cd on mouth-to-mouth re)u!ocltalion, appointed a~ the nt'1O. board memhcr. to
hmld w me faclorie, We hale lOIS of hl~ 'IIln. Kent. is ali\C: :md he:olth)" replace Brother Albamonlc, and 13,1 but
upcn I:lnd. find IO.t hfl,e ~l1otl dec lri- looay. no' le:I)!. " residen l $ apPd;nled
cilln, to do the job. Needless III say. John Banko i~ n Onn:!I,1 Killemim as our new ,ejlistrar.
10 Ihc area. we do h;I"e :1 few small MfllnG 1x)()'ler of lhe Commonwealth Brulher Juhn A. Silorn. of Ihe lI uild-
jo"". -I here is a ~m all joh lit ,he paper I"di..on Company's anmml tr:lining .\Cs- ing Service. has bttn lransferred 10 Ihe
mill in Fr.mklin. whic h will h.~ 1 0111)" a .]on o n 1ll0mh"lI-mourh re~u\Citlltion. Slore~. n~ :. ~Ioc l.nan I.
few m onlhs. Dceal! I::leelric has a few FIIIVe' s 1'. Hil I! ['Or's. 1'.5. JlllilY AL I. I N, 1'.5.


Indiana Locals Merge; Auxiliary Charter
Organizing Under Way
L. U. 1392, FU IH WAYNE, INO. -
There nrc so man), new developments in
M.S. Be ll ), Spur,
our loca l tha t it is hard to leep trlll:l of who helped es la bll.h
all of them. :lnd who wa' eh",.n
We recently completed a merger "'ith pt";d~nl 01 Ihl
newly formed letlies'
I.ocals 11121. 1822. and 2292, '" hich aUK.ha,y,
lIrin!, all of the emplo)ees repTe~nted
by the IIJl:.W on Indillna lind Michig~n
prOj'Jert) inlO our local. (jl:ld to have all
of \ou new memhcrs ";Ih us. Wilh
IInily, there is ~lrcnGt h, anrl Ihal should
help u~ in negoti:LlinG "ilh Ihj~ utility.
We have se\eral organiling campaign~
going al the present. In a recenl election
in lort WayTlC, the employees of Ihe
IJ nrtlell Tree I \pert Compan) 'oted. by P'''''Hnl Pele Lout 1439, St. loula, temhcr 27th. and f1l!ain. thh rTOgram
,eeenny p,esenled Ihe ch.tter fo' the newly,
hener Ihan II f01.Jr· lo-one mars,". to .lOin fo,med ...... ~,h.ry of Loc.1 Unoon UJ9, Wil\ orientllted for lhe guidanl;e ;Ind
Ihe IIJI' W. That C::llllpaign 'Was al>l)· h,,"- IB[W Seen d ... '>nl Ihe ce,emony, lelt to tfUming of ollr ),,"ards in thc perform-
d l,'d h) BII,ine" Man,leer John Fncle- "liIh' "r.. Voot .. M()f;~ , President M'SilOu,j nncc of their dutie~,
h:J1Ipt :Ind AssbllLnt BII,ines~ Manager SID le CounC'1 and NOltonl1 Vice Presldlnl.
AFL·CIO "'uxilia,;es; P,nldenl Chase: Billy The chid Slcwnrds revie"ed the
'J erry Gardnier. Congmtlliations on a Speir. P'Uident. lad," Auxma.y of loclt IB J--W Manual for Union Steward,. 'Ihi ~
job "ell done! 1439; and "'nn Mo$S, Pr"ldent, St, louis manual WllS jllst a .n1:l11 portion uf Ihe
Bl e~~.1 arc We wh" live undcl the CounCil, flFl Cl0 fluxH .... IOC. matcrilll recci"ed from the Intern;uiun,,\
protcc:tion of Dr. Richard's "age-price Oll1ee for our UM!.
freele. After \1'( "eels of tnc good doc- dem Carl Spe;lr. Belly. and to the birt h Our gUC$t spealer lolli' Brother Don
lor'~ medication. thc country wa~ not re- of the Ladle\ Auxiliary of Lucal 1",39, 1111011, Chairman. ~)stem Councll U- Il
sponding to treatment Let's hope it is fIIfW. and President of I.ocal Sq. Watertuwn,
not a C:I'>C of :1 \Ilcce,sful operation in Ikll)' Spellr "as oorn. reared. and cd· Ne" York. His pri.'\Cntation "Il~ cen-
which the patient died. ucated in Lemay. Mbsouri. in the IlIln- tcreu on the function of Sy,lem Council
I he NationOlJ A'>::Iucialion of r-.lanufac· cod ","hool l1imicl On Oclohr-r S. U·II. and I am ~ure thllt all in ~lIenu­
tUTer, and Ihe United St:lh:S Chamber of 19-17. s.he marricd a former ,choolm~te. anl;e were enlightened h) hi. infornlilU\e
Commcrce are complele!) in favor of Carl Spear ..... ho i~ now Ollr local union tull.
Pre,ident Nixon'~ economic policy, ,icc prelo.ident. Four children aTe the With election time fa,t apprOllching,
"·hich. in itself, i~ enough to scare off ble'~ing.o; of thi ~ fine union. I'fI:~ident Dominici. Sirnunell;1 \eqlle,ted,
1:lboring people, I he NA~ l and the C UeH), is a former member of thc al the seminar. that I e.\plain the dutic~
of C h:lve ne"er Ix-en interested in an)'· Lema}" Democratic Cluh, th e Confru· :md re~pon~ibilitie, of the local union
thing that would bellefit the wurling tcrnlt}' of the SI. Martin de 'J ours MOI Il- rei:btrar. 1 touched on the import;mce of
man, eT' llub, the l adles Auxillar) of the COPE and the nece~)lty for e~er)onc 10
1 hc Republican NHtional Commiut'1: Knil!htlo. of COIUlllbu~, and the Lind berg rcgister and ~et out and ~ote. The film,
recently said, " M eany'~ onion members &:hool Dislrict I'TA. "COPE-Good \\orl for l)emQt"raq."
are no longer poor or needy. 10 fact. "'he <;en'ed as :1 Democralic judge of ",,' ~ho"n and a pul>hcation " .. ~ di ~­
nlOSt ha,c jQined the middle c:Ia~~. wilh the St. Loui~ County I'lection Board tributed to all in allcndance,
t\o\oo Cllr, in every garagt' and a s"'im- and. :11 one time, was financial >ceretnr)' Prcsident Simonell:! h .. ~ announced
mins pool in the 1>1Ic"}'nrd."' Well. MJmc- of the l em:IY Delllucratic Club. that plans arc under wa) for the cele-
where uut there, -.omebody is driving m)' I1ltrint: lktlY nnd Carl') ~l rtiYi l ie, in bration of our local's 2jth Anni ver~ary.
cllr :lIld ~ unbathin g heside my pool. politic\, their meClings "ere so eXlcn~iYc Brothcr Robert Wllrgulc5~i is chairman
" re,idem Ni~on h;" :ld\{)I;aled " tric· lhat lheir olde~t daughter. (mdy, uf this e\'cnt, :md he h~~ informe.1 me
lle·do"n policy, in "hich. during the learned, at an eilrl) age and beller lhan th .. 1 a dinner-dance i~ in Ihe phlnning
ne'\:l 10 )ea~. "e will ,.i'e big hU5inc~s mO~1 older folh. the values and me:'ln- l>ul that dctails are "ill incomplete, I
S70-hillion and then hope 10 Hadh that ingo. of II good meetinJl hy sa,eling "'llh "ill clabornte on thi, \uh,cct III Ihe 1II:~1
some of it "ill drip do .. n to the ..orl· a to) mallet. even in her pin) pen. i'\IIe,
ing pt'ople. It might "url. but I'm Bell) i~ now pa)ing full atlention 10 RQRI lIT 1', 1:.1 LIS, I'.S,
a fraid thai, on the way do"n, there arc her recent )UCCC\S in e\lablt'hmg lhe 1.01-
going to be some 1)I1~ine~s people with dic~ Auxiliary of Local 1-139, IIH' W,
pipe wrenc he" l11a"ill!: ~U1'C th:lt must Ilf nnd of Illce!in!: its needs in her po~ition Local 1497 Celebrates
Ihe Irickles arc dh'crled into their cof· n, pre,irlcnl. 25th Annivers<1ry
rer~. After corresponding "ilh the Internu-
The llC~t election is \ery important to lionJI Oflice in janoar), 1971. and 1.. 1 1. 1497. WI-: ATi I EHI." , I'A .-Our
worling people. w get OUI and help on ,hortl}' thereafter recei\ing a repl) from l{)I;al celebrated it ~ 2Sth Annhcr,.ar) at
~oter registration dri\'e!.. Support CO I'F. Intern:ltional Pre~ident Ch.nles PiIl:.lrd. n gllia banqul"l III Loblll\ in 1~ lIlleton
The bue" )OU \pt'nu can be ,'er) Impor- lhe ladies of the au~iliary were pre- on September 4th, The local ro:~ei\Cd it~
tant -.cmcd their churter on June 2-1. 1971. tharteron April 9, 19"'6.
'1 hat's 10 for this month: l>CC you at Loelll 1439 President Pete Cha~ 'WiI~ on rhe loe:l\ "hich repre<;c:nts 7S0 em-
the uniull meet in!:, hund to present the new !;hnneT. ployec, of the lt alli.'IOn-We:llhcr1y pllilm
Rl et. B\RNtS, I',S, RI ('II~f(\l SH INNICK. I',S. of Ihe Tung-Sol lJivi~ion, Wagner 1~ lec­
trk Corporation, m:lr"cd Ihe ,peeial (lC-
CR~iun with a eocklai l hour, dinner, a
Ladies Auxiliary Formed; Sf e wdrd's Se minCtr Held; fine program of entertainmenl. :Ind a
Betty Spear Is President Anniversary Plans Under Way \:lIe c"ening buffet. attended by ~H per-
<;on'<, including Union and (ompany
I.,U. I",J 9, ST. LOUIS. MO.-Thi~ issue t .lI. 1"'8"" SYRACUSE, N,Y.-Our sec- officials.
j§ dedicated to the "Ife of Vice Pre,i- ond ,lew:trd's seminar "liS held on Scpo I>laqllc~ "ere pre<;c:nlcd to six charter


Martha OUl/cr. Emma Ellis. H annuh
25th Annive rsary Ellb. Carric Freed, Clilherirre F rilZ.
Alice Ge rh ard. Evel yn Gerhart, John
H cs~. I'larry Horfo)!:. Willi rull Horro'!:.
Kathryn Knpl.u. SaI,.h KeSler. Willium
Kblan. OorOlhy Kleppinger, \Villani
Knep~r. Slell" Ko,lic. '\[I"·h:.el 10l.inal..
Anna \leh:.lil.. }'ranl:e, \llOn;el.. CII-
\·in Monl/. Maf!pret l\lu lhc;lrn. Eleanor
NOlh'lein. PhIlip 'u". D,lnid One~­
chud, M:lrlh:. I'~II 11J\"I.i, Stella Pence,
Jo~cph l'u,~nr. Jennie KccJ. 1)onata Ko-
n"lIlo. Helen Sc'hidram. I-'Iher Scihel.
l. uur!! \hulen'l.i. Agne_ S;Il1~"vil:h. 1':111-
line "l.lIlerl. Paul Sne:lf. Ih oma, Sp;o-
lone, D\)rlllh~ ~tancl., P:,"I;ne Sidanicl..
\Ian \ ull.lI'l.v. Jll'>Cphine Wagner, Ko·
~anna \\eig;md. \1.lrg,lrel Wheeler.
Ra) momJ \\ rmil~ William,.
plaques to :~.,;;;",m;~_e;mbe's
.ecent 2511, Ann,ve.ury ~, I
I' , left George Yend);l. I lil.:.hl'lh 70b. :mu
Edw'n W Sm'tll, You"sh, Eliubetll GimbL Paul Hadzick. 1\l aq,tHrel I.Y:lh.
and MiTd'ed Sherme •.
IlHernat!onat Vice l're,iJclll A. R.
John,on, r hinl Di,tril:l, II ho Wll' whed
uled tu gh·c the main :Iddrc". W<lS IIna-
1;IIe 10 anend becau'-C of :I previllu~
comrnllrnenl. /-I o"e\er. lnlcrn:lIional
Rcpre-.cnl:Hhe \l eCoe; I dll,lrd J D:ln-
ncUc'g. \ ILl: I're$i.ienl of Inuu,lrial Re-
lalion~. Wal,tn<'r EleClri" Corporation.
Chalham. Nell Je,",c}. ami Clrlo De-
'\[ r,rco. Pre,ideO!. Uniled labor Coundl
of Lo"c r I II/erne and C:.rh<lll COllnties.
A F I.-( IO; gave inlere,!ing :UIU ;n form:l-
Ihe t;ll~,.
Mon,ignor John J. \I:lhcr. P,,'lor. SI.
Gahriel\ Church, Hazl<!lon. gale Ihe in-
\ocaliun. ltnd Ihe R e~erend Donald J.
Slump. Pa"or. Salem Lnilt"d Chun:h of
(hri_!. We:llherl). g,I\<: Ihe h.:nedicliun.
I'h" progf!lrtl \\a~ opened wi1h Ihe
Pledge of Allegiance t<> the Hag.
O ur ,11!kc r, :'re I'rc,itknt hi}. Vke
Pre,idem !)hcluon "Doc" Wjlli:"n~. Re-
co rding \cuel,u'), I ranei, Shelh~. 'I rea,-
urer Thoma, Walro. (m(1 B ",ines~ \ Iun-
a~er I man.:i;11 Secre1.H>,l.y.
III It, litO 1- . D~'I'I1lI.\>Io.\', ItM.

Local Signs New Contract;

25th Annive rsary Celebrated
--Internat,onal Rep,esen tative McCue .dd.esse,. Ih\l gethe"ng L. U. 1505. WALTII ,\\I . ,\ IASS.-Our
local and rhe Ra) Iheu" Cornp~ny ha\e
reached ;Igreement on a cunlraCI for Ihe
pt'"riOtI cmtinl1 Seplember 1. 1973,
The lerlm of Ihe new COnlr.tct "ere
,ublllllted to Ihe body for r:lt iJic;llion on
I\ ugu'l 1111h "I lhe III EW h,,11 in \\ al-
Iham In a virHlall}-un:lIlirnou, ~Ole. Ihe
IIICII~bel~ .werwhellllinsly e"uof>~d Ihe
contrac\. which provide~ for Ih~ l~rge~1
"age rai .... , 10 our hi,lory, ,ignifican! in_
crea .... ' in our pension and medil:al in-
surance heneJiI~. amI IInportaOl illlp ro\e-
men!.. in conlract language 10 strl:'ngthen
Ihe member,' righh.
PII.t of the crowd thai allended the ennive'''lIry blInQuet
In \iew of rhe very difficult cir-
CUIll~I;lnCes under which tlur Negoti al-
members. lind 62 members reeched th eir Sherm<;,r. Paul I-/ adl.ick. :lnd FnlllCeS ing Commillce operal"d. in Ihe fan' of
25·year >crviee pins. In lCrrl<tlionnl Rcprc- Smilh. :I "age freCl.c and a pre,idential prohihi-
~enlalive I'eter B. McCue, who ,erved ,IS I' re\idenl Jo,eph Fay and Bu,inc\s lio n again'l ~Iri l.c s. l' rc,idenl O,born.
1O:.~tm"SlCr, g,l\'e an intcre\ling wll. on M~n :lger Rern~rd D"nhher~ l. y pre..cnte<l Hu,ine" \!an"ger lI·lulloncy. and all
Ihe local's hbtory and presented Ihe ",r\ice pins to Evelyn lJillncr. Jo'-Cp h Iho'-C in~olve<l d~f\'e our ~incere com-
pJaque~ and their -.erv,,;e pin) 10 charter Urlen7a. lone Urow n. Ann" II Ull:'l.. m .... r ...h'I;<J"~
members George M, Youri sh. EJi1~'tbt:-lh Ann:. ('herb.1, Sarllh Corrao Marie Cui. Spc;, ~ing
uf the free/e. Ihe figu ..... s for
Gimbi. Ed"in W . Smil h, M ild red A, \er. K:llhr yn Dt:MelJi . JO'iCphinc Dunn. the monlh of AUgll~1 are public now,

JOUR N AL fOR N OVfM8U , 1971 71

and according ta the United States De·
partment of Labor, th e co~t-of·1i ... in8 in·
Swearing-In Ceremonies 1SEW Life-Saver
crease in August was .4%. which is
twicc a~ grcn t 8S Ihe lncrea~ in Jul)"
"" hen there ""as no freeV!. Secrelnr), of
Labor Hodgson ha~ admitted thaI. ~ince
taxes, interest niles, agri.:ultur;11 goods,
and imporled iood~ arc lOerea~in8 in
price. il ... ilI not be poo.\illlc 10 Guaran-
lee a price freele.
When the much·ball~hooed freezc \\.a~
fir.1 announced. m;ln), American~ ""ere
lefl "" il h the imprc"ion Ih:lt there would
be no incre:Il>C in price\ dudnS the 90- Tak,ng the oa llo of office for .he ne~. ,hree rlCCLC IlCliuo..i. Nuw _Ville) the :I"ak· ye,B, a.e Iheu newly·elt:el"d UIf'L'''~ uf
eninJ;. Local 1701. Owen~boro. Ky. Left 10 "8101,
',n,ne,al Secretary J,m Weakly. Preside .. '
Our local celcbrnted it~ 251h Anniler- W,llIam W,lky. V,ce President Pa,."n Ca.rol.
)3ry at Ihe Chateau de Ville '" Record,ng Sec.elary aOyd Jackson. and Edwa.d L"'e., Local 1805. aallimore, Md .•
Framingham. I\ l n'~;lthlhett\_ on Septem- 6us,ness Manager Dewey Van Wonkla. C.rl IoOld~ '10. IBt.W L,'.·:;aw,na: Award p",~en'ed

ber 181h. r he :Innlf ""II' aucnded by Chapel adm,n,51ers the oath. to h,m 10. h, • •ole in .escu,na two clo,ld.en
lrom e burning 100".....
more than 2.000. ;IOd ""c ... elllurc to ~ay
thill few II'crc dhaplXli!lIed by Ihe cuis-
ine, the p:llal hll IlIrrl)undinl:~. untl Ihe amount of $1.000 anll wa~ 1ir~1 cStHb-
enlertuimllcnt. '1 he prime rib, \\.cre suo li,hed in 19(;7,
perb; the ,ctting. elegunt: the ric h. ethnic "Dellr Members of Local 1805.
humor of comedinn J umm y Joyce IJj LW' Now. liS m ... ~radualion from Ihe
brought the hou'>C do"n. Unhcr.ity of \ llIr)I:lOu il onl) a few
.sc"lcd at the hC;j(J lahle. in :Iduilion dll)I awa). I "i~h 10 \incerely thanl you
to the oftker~. ""cre Sen;Hor lI ul~cr of and all lhe members of I ()Cal 1805.
~olllh lio\ton. lOnl!lcI'mun "lip" IUfW, for the \~hl)l;lr'hip Ihal you
O'Neill of Cnmhritlge. nnd \i:nillor Joe a"arueu 10 me four ~eaN ago, thaI ha~
Tull~ of 1.'I\\cll. AI~o gnldug the part)' hclretl nlf: >!snificilOt l)' to meet my ex-
"" ith their pre\cnce, ""cre International pcn\e' and renlllin in Ichool.
Vice I' relidem Juhn I Ilynu. Scwnd " I O"C II,.,,,~, Iu ~U". Ihe Il1cmhcr~ of
B.elh". Chapel swean; on (Ioe membe .. e' I (kal 180~. nut onl) becau~ of your
Dill riel ; Internalional Keprt''oCOI;!\Ile lloe E. a m'lIIng Board, wlMJ are. le', 10 "ChI.
Rkh~rd Ro~e,...: ;IOd Pre\idenl I'hillip~ Kelly a.ay, James Elde •• and "'amp Ra"erl~. finaucial a))I\I,IO.·c. bUI also bccau!>C of
and Vke I'rt"~ident Henn('mulh of Ihe the mealure of 'oClf-eonfklenct' I rc-
Ka~theon Comr.,n~.
eci\·ed. lno",ing ~ou had (auh enough in
me 10 in\('It mone~ in 01) educalion.
F.llher Roberl I G;llIagher, \it'C':
"On June.- ~ . I "ill recche 01) U.S.
Chancellar. Archuioo.;e..e of BOO-Ion and
I)cSr« in I le~tric:.1 l:.n):ineerin):. and on
a former chid ~Ie"ard of Our local.
June 7. I " ill !legin "orl "ilh ECAC of
g: ....e the in~ocntiun. I he IU:I\ll1Ia"Cr
the Illinoi, l u\titute of Technolog), Re-
I<.a, Roherl M:tnninl!, our loc:I I uniun
-..:arch Dcpartmeul in Anuapoli~, Mar),-
Ilu,ine-.s Mnna1;ef Mulloney. in his "So. III Ihi~ happ)' lime of 01)' life. as
ndtlre\\, referr('d 10 our local :1\ "I he I Ihan~ rny parent~, friends. relalhes.
hcSI /(xal union in Ihe cOtmlr~ .. Indeed. IInu lendl('r\. let me ilho Ihanl )'011 of
few IOCRh can roa\1 of hil\.ng 'tlch a LOCi'll 18U5. lUI W. for ha ... ing helpcu,
IM!;e Cl"O"d :Hlcnd :1 .. ocilll c~em in Sinccrcl} }Ullr~, ( h:lfles A. Gettier. Jr:'
honor uf their Il)c;", Afwr I"c;\ding the :Iho ... e lellcr, il i~
Our deepe,! congrallilation, \0 Trca~­ Here, a.elhe. Chapel does 'Ioe hono" for 011lioll\ lhal O ll t' gmtl, in fO(IIl \lin g Ihe
urer J im Kilro)" Ilho hcaded (hc ~Ulll­ Ihe Execuilve Board m~mu~,,.. L~lt I" "gh' , Ichoh"Ihir ha ... e hccn mel. and we fcel
millee which orl::uni/ed Ihi \ a(f"air. :,nd Ca.1 Hallerma .. , Je"y Ho"lton, Alan "bel,
Ha.old Baggot, Clarence Elder, and Gordon forhlO:IIC Ihal "e have been IIblc to ex-
10 alll<.ho ~Tled "ilh him, Payne. tenu ;1 helping hand 10 Ihe children of
II I Nln' W. \I ... ~ns l . I'.s. our Incmncn.
\\ho "as pregnant, from the burning I 110M \~ J. ROS11..01\ lol..I, l' II.1;S.
IBEW Life-Saving Award Brolher Lesler. a mild and IInas~um· Labor-Manag ement Effort
Presented t o Edward Lest er in~ In:IO. tolll Ihb wriler IhJ!, al (It<:
lime. his only thoughts "erc of reseuinG Pays Off in Safety Record
I_U. IHOS. 1Ii\I.II\IOH:t-:. \l1)..-OUf Ihe family from Ihe fire. lie. Iht". be-
local "a~ proud 10 honor une of ih came Ihe fir..t member of our 10l':11 10 1.. ( '. 1898. tA l ~EI.O\I.E . I',\ .-The
membel"'i (('cenll), (ur h.\ cour"Ge.-ou\ act recehe lhe IBEW Ufe-S,'wing A""aru. Wc~le.-rn neelric I~enuing 1'llInl cllflb
in re-.cuinll t""o ~hildren hom :1 hOIl\e li e also "as commendeu by the fire de· li\hed a ne ..... ..afety record of four-mil-
Ihat I<.al afir('. partment in hi> communit),. lion man-houh ""orleu "ithout II ui)3-
UrOlhcr ld""ard I e,ler ""il5 alerted bv Our local "as plc.-a'>Cu 10 recehe a let- hlin~ "orl inJur).
Ihe erie, for help from \lrl. ....ohl('r. ler from the firsl graduale of our 5<;hol- SafelY Commitlee Chairman Louis
and he ran to Ihe hou!>\! and ClllltEht th(' ;Ir.hip I'rollram. whi~h i\ open 10 the ('avnllueci prob-ed the cooperalion of
(WO chilureu, Jeanette lind Donna. in his children of member.. and whkh a";trd~ Ihe comp:llly :mu cileU Ihe month I)'
:I rm~. a\ thei r mOl her d ropred Ihem sehol<lr~hip~ Itril'II), (111 academie .:radcs 'nfct)' meetinl:' H) :1 major factor in this
from th c ,econd ·,II)ry Ilin,I(I", I ud iiy. :I~hicvcd in !>Ccondar) -..:hool. II "a, e~­ achie ... ement.
labli~hetl in honor of our hue BrOlher. ~incc NOI'ember 12. 1970, Ihere hilS
some ulilily W()fleN "el"e iu the neigh·
oornOOlJ with Iheir .rud equipped " ith Flmer T. Hilton. "ho "a~ chief ~l e"Hrd nOI beeu :.u accident Ihat has re~ulted in
an e.-k ... nting ba\lel lind cllmc 01110 the of the local :lIld .. ho pa~d a .....:.y due losl lime from Ihe job.
scene jusl in time to re)Cue Mr,. Koh ler, 10 cancer. The sehola('\hir is in Ihe I\\. BOIIZh U _,N O. P.S.


New Salety Record Blood Drive Scheduled :
Ba seball Te am Wins Trophy
- Alth ouJ; h Oll r fi rst blood d rive o n July
101h h:IJ only a , ma ll turnou t, :.no1her
d ri vc ha, hCl.'n s(; hed uled for Februa ry
19. 1972.
It i. hOIX'd Ihal :11 Ica~t 50 pmts of
blood clin he l'ol1ccted :ot the I-ebr!!:lr)'
blood dr;I·C.
r hc bi!; 11el\\ arounJ here h all about
our ":ow";,11 Warn Afwr In,in!; oul on
Ihe fiJ',I half of leaglle play, the team
membch "I.'rt' Ihe "inne" or the ..eeond
ha lf and \Iun a trophy. 1I 0"clcr. Ihe)'
"ere no"t.'d 0111 in the fi na l~.
Gil J:lhol". m:m:lger of Ihe Icalli. PIC-
dict, a ,urc "inner nC\1 y·e:Lr. "\ \'e
st:lrtcd ,lo" I}:' "lit! (iii. "and fini~hcd
vcry ~llOngl}. I hope "I.' can Pll t to-
~l.' l he r a I,'mn lih' thi.. 'Iext lear- and
liL!..C Ihe li lle."'
Th e Wesle,n Electric Read ,ng Planl, which hi,es members o f Local 1898. laure ldale, Pa .,
eS lllbiished II new lalely record g t l out million mao·h ours wor ked wl \houl II djs~blinll we,k Clara Ro-c. :t JO-year member em-
,nlu.y. PosHng the new .et:ord. are, lelt to rillh l . loul~ Cavalluccl. Local 1898 S" ' 01), ploy ... d :11 l..en\..II1"1. h:l ~ a I'ery talenled
Commit tee Chairman: Fran k J . CemllIQ, Plant Sefet )' COO'dlnalo,: Robert )( Campbell, Ple"l daughler \\ hu h!l~ rcccni ly had one of
G~n~rlll M~n"f:"r: and Rk"~'d M. W"m"kl. S~f"')1 Cnm"l1"r~ m~mhfor.
her ~t orie \ pllb li ~hed in lhl.' SiIIl Ffl/II-
ri$,cn r \lll/tim'r mill Clmmidt'. Accord-
ing to ClanL. her daughler\ II riling lal·
Meeting in Rockaway cnh come natur:tlly. By th~ ""3). "hen
C l ara'~ dau!;hler is nul II riling. she gue,
to Dt> An7~t Junior Colkge. r;t i'>l.'~ thr(~c
boys. and \..ce[l~ an immaculak hou'iC.
Can [to> bod) !>eat thaI!
JOlt"'; Kr.. I .fI \ 101. r'l(l:s.

Allentown LU 1972 Ba se ball

Team Enters Tourn ament
L.U. 19 72. I\I. L E ~ I"U\\ ' . I' ,\ .-Our
local union ha"Ch..'dl learn en.led Ih ... ...:a-
loOn Ihis }~Hr "jlh a re~ord of 16·6. and
thai ";h :tlHtined b) pla)in!; ..0011.' of the
101' team~ in lhe Lehigh Valley,
T he Icam members arc '>CCII in the ac-
companying photo. IIId.lenlally. }o\c
Rodriguez. Ace Whitlnwn. -r um Balogh,
Seen at a recent meeting. le lt \0 righ t. lire LoClt1 U"ion ]906, Rocka way. N.J .. Vice Dave D rudcnrnillcr. and Buddy Irw in
PrtltiO"n! J oe Horn'Ske"'Ch, "" esidon! Bob p aiva, ShOP slew ll rd Ha"y S',,~i<,~. Ex.".ul,v~ are mi,~i1\!! fl'o m Ihe piclLIrc.
~oDrd m e mber Be ll ), McGu; , e. ImeMal",n,,1 Re p resenla Uve WI lliam A. SC h mde. "'nd Executive
aD.Hd member f rancis Chimko. T he lemn. HI the limc of th i, wriling,
lI"a,> planning 10 enter a ,ofth:dl tOl1rna-
mcnt, "ith ho]X's of doing IIcll.
Redwood City Players \\'11 1.1 1M J. [)t I· I II~. P ilLS.

Three·Yea r Pact Rat ified;

Local Assists Tele thon
L,U. 197-1. O \It\IIA. ",r,:lm.- Afler
four and one-half monlh~ or
bar);:!i n;n!;.
our memlle" ralified :, three-year con-
tract lI'i lh the Wcstern F leclric Cu mp;! -
ny's Om:l ha Wor \.. ~.
T he conlntc\ II as rat ified by a n 85 pe r
cc nt majoril)' of the member, :tllcnding
Ihe meeting on Augu\t 8th ttt Ihe
Omaha Civic A ud itor ium . T he co ntrac t
WIIS approved by the International omc~
:lOd b:tc \.. in Westc rn Electric's hands on
A ugll5t 13th. t",o da)'s before the Nixon
Ad m ini,trat ion's "age frce/.t "ent into
The members 0 1 the base ball teem 01 Loca l 1969 , Red wood CIty, Ca lli.• Wlnne.s of th e The contract. whic h surpa~sed recent
second hal f of lea S"e play. agrecllle nl s re:lched by o ther m ajor in-

JOUIlNAl fOil NOV!MBU , 1971 13

Alle nto w n Te am Labor Dispute Forecast
In Organizing Drive
L. U. 1096, SVON": V ~ lI Nt- , N.s.-
Darl. and formidable storm clouds, a
prelude 10 )et another majur labor di,,-
pute. are omioou,ly huilding on Ihe
Nu\J. Scutin l:thor .cene,
T he ,turm i~ centered over the Mich-
elin Tire (orponLti~.m·~ plant l1Ci,r "ew
Gla'guw. I'rc..cntl), \ at this plant
arc non-unionilCd. \lilh the e.xceplion of
the con~tnlcliun I'\. \lho \lill be
I~aying Ihe ,cen~ ,horlly.
It appcan. th:1I the com pan) " i'pp;lr·
ent plan tu hriht 11\ \ 1»' promi\·
jng lbem ~1I.h hcnefit\ ;I, union ~a1c
wages. II ,olf cuur'oC. a lalern. and
mnny other \u,h inductmcnl \ to per-
~\lade Ihem Ih.,t the) h:l\c no need for a
union. i, \ though nunc ,)f
the aho~c-mcntim\e,1 hencfih hn~e . a~
yct. lllatcriali1cd .
HOlleller. thc ma'ICfmind, of Mkh-
elin 11;\\c o\, or underc)lim;ltcl.!,
Members 01 Ihe bueb .. U leem of Local 1972. AUemown, Pa., whlc:h h.d a 'Ko.d of 16-6 the po"er an,1 Un il ) uf the ,",U\3 \culia
,10" ,.., KnHiona, 'e.t 10 "ahl, Ken Slephens. shop ~ 'ew ..d; WOl1n,.n. J,m Dalu,s,o; Fedcmtiun of Lahar ano.! the determin;l-
Tom SIt",er; atld Jelt>' UpdearoYfl, Loc.' 1912 Treasure, Sland,na, B,U Davers, Loc.1 1972 tiun and leader.hil" of it, prl"ldcnl. John
Pres,de"I and team m.n'ae.: Ed N,eves; Ro)' J.mes; Mal1)' AUende.; Don Schellh.mmer; L)'nl.. We arc \1«,11 ;!\I:tre of Mr. I ~nl.\
and ZOllo Zan"nn.
~apJ.bil"ie~ and counlgc in Ir)mg .., fur-

du'Mial union" ,aw fi""l-p;ar "age: in- laller part of Dctoller, al the time of ther Ihe intere't~ of umonilcd lahor,
cre:l'se~ ave:r:lging 15 per cent. \lith II Ihi\ \\Iriling. I hope th"l. \lhen your haying had thc ple:"ure of hi, .,e(\ice~
co,t.o(.living chlU'>C cxpected 10 ndd \\lb- ,Ieward usl.ed. )OU gave. If nOI yet. in our own Concilialion Board hearing"
\IHnliully h, Ihe 3.2 per cenl I'age inae- plea'\e do gi'e n bud 10 ('OI'F. AI th t' Annual Conwnlion of the
menh of Ihe '>Ccond and tlllnJ )"ears. No\;. Sculi:! I ..derulion of Lubor. the
EI MI II It. hIllV,()N, A~"T, Furr.
Olher featurel> included incre;!<'cu medi- delegates prc<,Cnl. "purre,1 hy Mr. L)'n~'s
~h"" C;rf";' uhyiuu\ concern of Ihe ~it llation :,t
c;,1 in,uronee. ei,rlier retirement. and
compre"ion of )e;H~ requireo.! for ~lIca­ ~1ic hehn . loked their ~upport of a na-
tion. New Membe rs Welco med ; lion<l' and internnlional C;lnlpaign 10 IIn-
TII-cIIlC of the 16 E\I·3 Council loea· ioniz.. the \lorkeh;lt the Mkhclin plant,
tion~ hn\c n ~oll1mon expimlion d:l!e of
Melvin Dauber Honored I-Iopdllily. the worl. .. rs \lill '>OOn
Jul y III, 1?7~ . I•. U. 10119. \l E,\IH' II.U :. I' A.- We u- cume II) realil.e the uneompromi,ing p0-
I're,idem MI ~hael D, Quin!:", callcd tend a heart)' \lekome to our nel' mem- sition intu \lhich the cumpany i\ Ir),;ng
the cont r:lct "the finest ever reached and bel"<. Ike Ann Johnson. I):\\e Ikighle),. IU rnaneu\O!f them and "iB tnke the nec-
one the memhc"'hip could accepl \lith Milt Jordan. Shirley ("O,la. Margare t Cl>l>:!ry action to en.ure their o"n dignity
dignity :",d pride." Ikmler. and Roberl ('IMI.. and right, a\ \I() men,
Our orlicen; and members parlidp;!led At our regular )cplcmbcr meeting, the On the: lighter side. \Ie eJuend uur
III the nnllonwuJc J\1u ~cll lllr 1J)"'trophy membe rs of our local held :1 going-a":lY eongrolulmion\ to IIrothcrs turne.
Telelhon on LlIbo( Day by manning !CI- puny for t\ lc1l1in i):lIIhcr, who i, kaying '·Iumby. and I'!chon un Ihe recc nt midi·
ephonc, ano.! plcdgc~ , I'w,ident lion~ to their familie~ .
for a w;.rmer dirm,lc. t\ lcjyin hclped to
Quin!;m prCl>cnled thc Ml)AA reprc~cnt­ organile thi, IOCil1 :lnd ~cr\'cu :" one of T\\11 of ollr rmrt·tinll" t'lllp loycc~ haye
I\tille\ with a ched for SJ.O()() contrib· il~ fiN sccrelaric,. Good IlIcl.. Mel! We left u~. Gcorge Ander\un ha, gone on 10
utcd hy our members. and he Ih;!nl.ed arc going to mi" )OU seck hi ~ fame Hnd fortune in other line,
Ih.. mtmberl for helping to combat Ihi~ of endeavor. \lhile Lee J'rascr ha~ re-
All of Ihe ollleen imd member<; ... ere
crtppllng di'ioCa'ioC. turned 10 the campus uf the Unilcr~ity
1001.II1g fOT\\ard to nllendinl! the ~hop
Thc 0ll1ah:1 Centrol Labor Union has of .... cw IIrlln \\I id. \I hl're he h in h1\
,tew.lTd~· school. \lhkh \la, \chedliled the e,tnbli,hment uf t\lU union third year of el«lrical engineering.
for October. Afler all. " Ignora",;e is nu
pre~cript ion drug center, ", Omaha. The
exeu>c Good Iucl.. r.. llo\ls; \Ie \li~h )OU e"ery
druG een ter ~ are dedicated to reducing l>uccc".
Ihe high CO,I uf prc'\Criplion u!'Ug~ for The NUr\hwe'tcrn I'cnn\y lvania Firc-
l'tTIII f, 111l"IC", I'.S.
\Inion l!Iemher, ;tnU their hmilies. A man\ Conllcnlion ":" held in Mc:,dyille
memhe(~ union l'ard cun be u'\Cd hy in ei,r1y AlIgu,1. :Ind li rother An Getch-
Illembers of the family for ;1 \ubslantial ell ~cr~ed on onc ul the comnullces thM Santa Ana Local 2 125 G ives
saving, on nil o,er-the-eounler, health- made ,I a \cry \u~ce"ful unair. ~ l uny
rc1:!led item,.
Contract Settlement Facts
u f uur ulher Brother. uho don:lle much
I he Om\;C emplo)ee~ \lorl.iog for oor of their lime 10 local fire_fighling organi. L.LI. 212 5. SAZ"'TA ,\=' A. r ,\LW.-
local ,igned a ne\l. Ihree-)ear cummel ;t.'ltions, Thb month. "e l-onlinlle \I ilh fact~
un Augmt 13th. r hi) b the fir,t Ihrce· nbollt recentIY·l>(lIleo.! contrach covering
We hal'e t-c~un 10 prep.1re for con-
yellr :,grccmcnt e,'er reached bel"een 1.200 of our memheh. \lhich \Ie begun
Ihe member, of Io.:al 53. OPH U, :md tract negolialion\ \I ilh Ihe Mead\ ille last month.
our 10c;.I, I he nJnlract call~ for a 30 Telephone Coml'nn). whkh \liII be
F:eonoille. a dhbion u f T:!mnr F1ec-
pu cent lowl padage o\cr Ihe life uf coming up in \I :,rch. We hupe \Ie can (ronics. located in Anaheim. Calirorni;!
the agrl'emcnl. cume to .. quick and ..greeable '>Cllle- - 3 three,)ear agreement co\cring more
I he CU I'~ Comminee "'" prepanng ,,'cnllimt \li1J b" fl.;, tV,,'e'YIIIIC. than 1:!3 01 our member~, with \lage in-
for Ihc COI'E Drive, ~c heduled for the MI"L SltlN. K.S. crea~~ of l>C\cn per cent Ihc lI""t )·ear.


Ihe per cent the )Ccond }e:.r. and live
per cent the third )'ear: a cost-of-Ihing
Fifth Anniversary
provision: an additional holiday: a group
insurance pla n fully paid for by the
company: and i mprovernent.~ in )Cniority
pro vision~. prol11otion\. and la}"off and
recall clau!ii':~_ The 'egOliating Commit-
lee con~isted of H u~ine,~ \l anugl."r Clin-
ton G_ Brdme. chief ,te"ard IJ.oh Metz.
Beatrice Mci"ll."r. amI Charle, Medena.
" ai!oC'r G}p\um. "ith one di\i~ion 10-
c,lIed in 501nta I-e Spnng\ and lhe other
in Santa Ana ;' three-lear contract.
The Santa Fe Ohhion recei~ed increa~
of 25 cenb Ihe Ii"'t }e;lf. IY (ent, the
second }ear. and 10 ccnh the third }ear.
Roll form operator, abo rcceived an ad-
ditional 13-cent-per-hour incrca'l(!. O ther Bus",..s. MB,,~ger Paul Vlel .. ddrenes dele· Inlernalional RepresentatIve l ouis Gau lhier
gales at a study sessIon Ihal preceded Ihe addresses the guests at the banqu et (l o,,",
improvement. I'e rc in the frlng~ " reas celebrat,on of Ihe Filt h A"nlver5llry 01 loca l Gllut hier. Rep"aent"nt I nternatlon ~ l. s·adres·
of group in"lT;lnce. bereavernent pay.
vaca tiun I'll}. ;l!1d ;In ;!dditional paid
2200. R,mousk,. Que. (l'Agen l d'Altllres
Paut Vlel s·adressanl au. dtlltlguh lor, de III
unt .U' conv,ves lors au b"nque t. )
hoi ida}'. seSSIOn d·tltude qui II prtletldtl la ctlttlbr.IIOn
du ~;;eme annivers.i re de la SectIon locale
T he inl'ande,l'i,> nt lil,lhling fhwre com· 2200.)
panics. Wood Lighting_ Vy Cor. "'mure·
lite. and Ule Center. all loc;!ted in
Orange COUnl). California-" age in-
ere<l~' retroaclhe to Augmt IS. 1'J70.
of 20 cenl, per hour: effeclhe August
IS. 1971. 16 cen" per hour: and effec-
tive Augu'l 15. 197~. 17 Cl'nl, per hour.
In ad dition. a nothcr hOli";!} ".1, 1'0n. as
"ell <IS :1 brealthrough in Ihi, indLJ~try
in securing. for the fiN time. paiu \icl
Internahon.t ReprHenl.hve G~fge Pelt.
le:I\<,. :tCl·umubti\·e to a m:l\imum of 41:1 ,ece'vH • commemorative plaque fo, F,rst
hOUr>. The com pan) al..o pa)~ the full DiSlrict Inlernaloonal VICe P,es.dent W. udy
co-t of the health and "dfare pl:lns. m.n from lo«a.n Boul.y. Assistanl Bus;·
"hich amouna to S~4 per month per nen "'.naller and m.ste, of ce,emon",.
PrHldenl Rodngue Godboul retales Ihe (Ceorae Pell.. Rep.okentant Inte<natlonal.
emplo}ee. Contr"l-t negOtialtons "cre ach,evemenlS 01 lhe loc.t 10 d.te .nd lhe .eee.... nt une pl.que comm';;mo'al"'e au nom
conducted b) B u,ine~) \lanager Urame. Prot"Ch '0' the luture Ile Prtl~'dent Rod de M. W LeCI),m.n. VICe P"Osldenl au Ie,
a~~i,ted b) the ~hop ~Ie" ards. r'gue GOdbout qui I eKpostl lU d61~gu' Ie O'~t"cl des main de Lo"ain Bout.y. A$sist,

l'rO'So;cr InduMries. a dh i,ion of " accompli a d .. te el les prolets ani Agent d'Affa"es el mall,e de eire'
d· .. "en .. ,) mon,n. )
Pure~. Ltd.. locli lcd in I\ nahcim-a
two-}ear con tract. Wage' won IlmOunt
to 25 ecnh per hour the fir,t year and
21 cents the ),I.'(·onJ >e:lr; ;j IOlh pllid
holi day' Ila\ a l,o won. in addition 10 im-
pro\eme nh in other fringc area~. Senior-
ity prOli\ion~ relating to promOlions,
layolh. and recall were :11'00 imprO\l."d.
T he Negotiating Committee con~isted of
.....---- Swearing-In Cerem on y

Hus ine)s \la n'lller Ihllme. Bu,ine), Rep-

fl's.en l:Olhc Oaie E\':tm. chief \tc"lmj
Carl Bird'<lI. Bucl \ Jan-.on. anu Bill
J. J . P la'ti~). !ol·a t.:U in Anllhcim. :md
Sign Ex ,\ l nauf:lcluring Compan}'. 10,
(·aled in 501.nt:. Ana-a onc-)ear con·
Iract. calling for I, \.C'\en per cent.
acr~S'lhe-board ""ge increa'>(': an Ildui·
lional holiday; he;llth and welfare: im-
pro\emenlS in Olher fring<' arca,: and
fuJl)·paid group in,urance. "hich (·0..15
the t"o (·omp,mie' S~4 per month per
memt>er. A,~i,"ng Ihe bu,ine~\ manager
in negotiatioO'o. were chief ,\e"ard Allen
Grout. hlgene Cunha. DOll Il:lrucil.
and 1'.icl Brael.
l' qUtlT f\. "01111:· F\\ .... ~. I'.S.

Canadian Local 2200 Notes Inlern."onal Represenl.tlve Gordon 1. BIB), Bdmm.~lers the oath of offIce 10 the newly
Fifth Anniversary Affair elected officers of loca' 2220. le~lnlton . Ky. leI! to "ght. Bus,ness "'"nager.F'nanclal
Secretary Cha,le. Sowe.s. E...c"tlve Board member Ceoflle umbo V,ce PreSIdent and
L.1I. 2200, RI\ IOt 1SK I. OL' I-: .- LocaJ E",cuhve Board membe, L ... Commuse. EKecutlve Bo.rd member· James Blac~""eU. Exec-
utIve Board member Ellzabel" SpIvey. Treasurer Billy Oale. RecordIng SeeretalY Glenda)'
Union ~~OO. It's You ,md Me- With Fay S ~ ldmo,e . ExecutIve Board member Joe MansfIeld. (.ecul",e Board membe, Kennie
this weH·d i ~pl a yed ~Iog;m. Ihe membcr5 H 8y ~. and Intern",onal Representa tIve Bray.

of our loe:.1 we re \lelcomed at a ~pccial on t apport" du ran l ces cinq an nees et :1 $Omeone you havc I. nown for II Ions
wtc l.end ~lUdy confe rence in Rimou, l. i, rcpondu a ux qUC~ l ions des delcl;uC', limc o nly as a signature on an o!lidal
on fo.l ay 29 th, to cd ebrale th e Fifth A n- Cel ie rc nconlre (UI cOllro nne.: par 11 1\ co mmllnic:tt ion. He also dbclls~eu Ihe
nivcrS:lfy of th c in ~ [[.II :uion of Ihe 10- biln'lliel ct une soiree da nS~lIlt e "II" la extre mely- hig h COSI of living in Ala,l.a.
car~ charter, prcsiuence de Reprc';C nt anl Internationa l Ihe .ca rc ily of employmcm Ihe re, and
O ur loca l represents the plant, cleri· Go:or~l' Pella. qui re mp lacail Vice I' rc~i· Ihe wbjecls discll SSCU m Ille meeting-
cal. and Iraffic employees of the Quebec dent w. l..uJym:ln du Prernier Di'lrict, hcalth: !k1fet)'; a mod arbitration thai
Telephone Comp,IIlY ,md the emp lQYcc~ rctenu Jans le5 I' rotinees M aritime~. \la~ ,taged; and Ih .. fI."""ihilily. from
of the Lenl.urI FlecHie Compan} 's Ki- LOUIS G\O'f fill M, I.IC both the environmenml and economic
mou,l.i plant. point~ of ,ie\l, of eon,lructing an 1I1)()·
" he o rgilni7ef\ of the con ference milc pipe linc (rom Ihe oil field~ Ht
sp,ne\! no drorh 10 mal.e it a Mlcee", Sowers Urges Members Prudhoc !l.IY to Valdez in thc ~oulh.
Bu,ine" fo.l anagf.'r Paul Virl. in the To Support New Officers Bill Bower, :l frel.jucnt lIi,itor 10 our
orcning ~peech, gave a re,ume of Ihe 10- 1000al, ~po~e on the importance of SliP-
cal'~ aecompli~hmcn l S during Ihe la't 1.. (1 , 2220, LEXIl"GTO .... KY ,- Our I)'" I;"l,' dCl.leu repre'\Cnta l he ~ who su p-
five )c:.r, and rf.'vealed Ihe (ulul'e proj- cicction of ollicen. \la, held in June. and POft labor and Ihe man. Amen ,
ech of Ihe lOCH I in the hc~1 inlcre," of Ihc and re·clecll'd "lIkcr" I ha'·e been a, ..... h) 1 COlllnlenled
ih member" 1001. the O:llh of oflice. v.·hi.:h \la, au· fa\orably on management in :1 pre\ioll'
In hi, '1X'C.'h, l're,i<Jem Koori~lIe mini$tered by Internaliomll Kepre~ nta· column, 1 \'a~ e,\po-.cll 10 an edllc;Llional
G,)(lhouI emph",b:eu Ihe importance of ti\'e Gordon L. Bra), al ollr re!;llliar Jul)' experience and hale co nduded Ihat
unilY within po .... crfll] intf.'rnalionailinion, met'ling, there are many bencfil~ to he dcrile(l
10 be lInlc 10 L1eal \I ilh Illultimuionnl ill"inc" II lal1il)!Cr amI I-in;lncial Sec- from a 51ll(iy of (he altitude> of tho,e
corpor;lliun, lil.e Gcnf.'ra l Tele phone :lnLl rClar), Clwrlc~,. T rea'll r(' r lI ill), ,-Ih) function in Ih,lt area. Gcner.. lly
Flcctmnic~, \I hkh conlrol, Quebec T<!le' Dale, and Exccllliw Boafd member ,pcal.inl!. J hll"e fmlnu thrm III be \lcll-
phone :1Il.! Lenl.UrI Electrk. a, .... ell as ( .cor!;le Lamb \lcre rr·clec!ed !O otl1ce, educated. sin~le-minded. purpo ..... rul. anu
-.t"H'rHI Olhcr conlp'lOie, in man y (',,"n- 1he nCI\ ollken. are Vice Prc,ident lough, wilh ;1 »olid:lril)" :tn IlitiUlde of
IriC' of Ihe \lorlu. Lce Commu:.e. Recording $entlar), IOI:I! commitmcnt. Thr~' function as a
Intermltional Repre"ent:lli\e Loui. Glcnda) Fit) 5l.idmore. and FwclIIh ... team--oflen. the tcam Ihal confronl~ la-
GUll l hi ~r the o!licers and memo Board members Jame, BI:tcl.v.ell. Flil.a- hor', leilill acro..~ the tahle ur lit il gricv-
bcr~ for the cooperation given him dl1r- hClh SI)ivc). Joe '1 'III,field, illld K~I11!ie am:c,
ing the 1:"1 live ),ell r". During ;I qllc,,- lI a),S. Who arc your reprC'o('nlalil'c,,'? Did
tion·:lIld·an'\ler pcriod, he explained Ihe COn!;lfiltlli:ltion, 10 Ollr ollker~! ),011 hclp elecl \0I11e(lIlC whu ~:11l ,il in
operatiun- of the loeal :1Il.! Ihe 1 urge :111 of our menlber~ ILl ,uppor! on Ihe 1>.1Il1C. wmcone who 11H~ c\peri-
Inlcrnil110nal Uffire. Ihe ollker~ Jurin!,! Iheir !crm of ollieI', ence, or did }our apathy contrihutc to
T he confcrence cnded \lilh a hanl.]lIct CII.IMI 11. Sol\ I kS. B , M , thc eleclion of <;ome .,emi·lilcrale doo.!
and uance. \lith Internalional Reprc,ent· \lho will be completel), ouIC[;I'M:U ? lacl.
:llivc (,eor~c I'cua ilt the hCill! tltbJc. rc - or in[f'rt'~1 (:an hring thi" .. houl in lin),
placing j· ir,,1 D i~tric\ ImeTll;lIiomll Vice Progress Meeting Reported; local.
I' re~ident W , L,u.l}'man. \lho could nm
Professionalism Expound ed fo. lana£ement '\emh ib be,1 men il1lo
alleml beeall,e of nnolhcr imporrant en-
Ihc negot:l\ion, nrena. QlIr rcpre ..... nta·
l.'ar:rmrnt in Ih.' ~I nrilim.! P nwinc~,. 1..11, 2lZ7. SA N FHANCISCO, CALIF, li,e, ,ill"! be 1lI least n~ good. In paying
• • • _ Imllledi:llcly aftl'f his rehlrn from uibul.' 10 compelcnt pl'ofe~iollillhl11. 1
Lo: Loe .. 1 nOll. C'e~t Toi et ""oi-Co: AI:.,I.:I, ]> re~ident 0:111 Pllcillo m:II.le hi~ am aHempling 10 poinl out a po"iblc
\ 101;:111 lIllichc. bien en Vile. acclleillait tcs reporl ,II Ollr regu lar meelinl;, I-I c and (Irea of drfidcnty al Ihe loca! lelcl.
Incml're\ (Ie 1;1 Sc~'lion Locale :!2tll) lor, George Capdiel ille attended the 27th Get Ihe be,! po,~ible men cle.-Ied 1I1tO
(fllne reneontre ') nuie"le il RimOll\Li. Ie ,\nnual Ninth Oi,lri,-t I'rogre" 'lteling oflice-politkal and union lind Ihen gel
2') maio po1lr '>Ouligner Ie Cinqui~me :u the Anchorage-We'!\\:lnl Hotel. behind them :lIld givc Ihcm ..oIllC su p-
,\nnhef,;!irc (Ie ~a ron(lation. 1r1lernlltion,tI Vice Pre,ideot W. L. porI.
I u SeCtl,)11 Local 2200 rcgrOll[IC Ie, Vin«lo. Ninlh Di"lrict, opened the meet· JO:Oll'lI SC~ \ONI, .I M., ".5.
emp~o}"c, lie bureau, (Ill rc~c:Hl, e\ lc\ ing. and Intcrn:,t;on<l! l're,idcnl (,harle~
tclcphoni">le, ;J I'clllploi de 1;1 c"mpagnic It , I' illard "a~ Ihc firM spcal.e r to ;lU-
QlIch ... c T':kphone. ainsi qll", le~ emp)o)'':~ .Ire" the llpproximalely-20() l,,,"'mbkd New Officers Installed;
de ru,inc Lcnl.urt Electric de KimO\I\l.i. dclegale"
Lc\ organi"l1eur. n'onl mcn<lge ;!lIcun AI:I,l.a Governor William A. I gan. Contract Brings Improve ments
CrroT! pour 411C CClIe rcneontre !>Oit d" $cmltor Mil.e Gr~,el. ilnJ Repre\Cnmthe
1.. 1 t . 227' . liEU. ' IA\\ K, NJ .-Our
phI ) illlcrc";lIlle~. r-.1"1. lkl,'kll. o..-.i,u.:,.'t~ 1..... '1<.:11I1ed members. v.ho ar ... cmplo~eo.! b)' Ihe 1rE
I.·AlOent tl'AfTilire" Paul Viel a profile frvIII IBFW cilmp.. ign ~L1p port . lI.ere :rl~j) Impcri<ll Corpor.llion. in,tillleo.! their
de I'OCca,ion pour Iracer lin hilan 1111 guc~ t ,pea I.eI',. A roll cilll of IB FW
newl)-clec!cd nffieers in AI1I;II'1.
Ifllvad accompli durant le~ lIernier, cin4 oflici:.I, in attendum:e \\ould havr
T he officer, are Prc,idl'nt 101m Walti·
an, 1.'1 a tal[ pllrl IIc~ pro)et. ,l'ilVenlr SOllndc\1 I j ~c :1 who '~ who 01 Ihe orgnni-
pour k miCUX-ctre des Illcmbre,. 111}'er: Vi~'c I' re~i<Jent Pal M ignogaa: Re·
Ja lion.
corrJing Secrel;L(), Virginia Simud; Treas-
D;m, -on alloculion. Ie I' n',i<Jcnt Ko - 'I ho\C pl'e~enl includeJ J l:lfry V,ln
uriStl'" GU<lhou t ;I wulign" l'imporli,nce urer Gerry Bel:lIlu : Financi:.1 ScCl'eHLry
A .'~da1e. Intefll;llional Tre:Nm:r; S, E,
uc plu" en plus grande ut' ..... rrgrouper Ib y lo,~: Executi\c Bonrd ll1emllcrs Bill
Thomp'on. Internalional Vice Pre,iJcnl ,
Hughe ~. I-ranl. I' ;crce. anJ Leonard
lhln, ue va,IC" el pui,,,ante" unilc' \)ndi· 1 ighth Di,trict; Ed ('kilTY. I'rc,iuenl,
calc, intermltionale, pour pou\oir fain: Murph}, \lho is al..o our rcgi,trllr: Ser·
local 3. Ne\l Yorl. Cil): J<hCph D.
fm'" :lll\ prnhli:me~ I"n!;t'mlr~~ par 1:1 fnr- geant-al·Arms Hill Vaul;h:ln: and )hop
''''I'l1:ln , In1t~rn ational Sccrctar~': K, W.
slc\lard~ Joe Rebardo (I're· l-';lhricalion ).
ma lion de corpof<llion, multimuionales fo.1cAI\\ce , Manll,!;ing EJilor o( the J,wr-
Rieharu Oberle I A~!lCmhl)'), -I im 5i-
giganle,quc, telie, que Gt'ncTlII Tele- IIId: R. r. Barrus. Internatiol1:l1 Rcpre-
phone et Fleclronks 411; comruk QlIebec \cntalivc: ;111.1 " Big Hill", govern- nlO lle IOffice). Joe Krajc ..... ,1.j ( Ware·
Telephune ~t [ enl.urI Eleclric. llin,i ment repre-.enl:tlive. Ihe !:ttter 1.... '0 bolh hOlL'>C), IlIld Sonny fo. l alcro (ni!;hl ~hift).
qu'un grand nomhre d'autrh eompalOnie, of Vui!ejo, California, Our local r~eivcu many improve-
d"n, phl'icll1'" pay,. Danny comme nl!'d on meelin g Gover· men\) in Ihe lasl cOl11racl: howe\'e r. v.e
R"'prc!lCnl:ml Inlernalional Loui, Gau- nor Fgan, "f!'~idenl 1'!IIard, $ccrcl:lry expeci a much beBcr contract the next
III;CI a ICIIIC'C;" I,,, uni~i.,~ eI Ic' " eeIMIL. alLd Blulhe, McAIII.·cc j'ltr)on· tillie, lIno.!, Brother. \Ie mean it!
membres pour la coll<lbor.l1ion qu'ils Illi lilly lind ho" jntere~ting it h tu meet .low" WAt 1'1\n' [M, 1'.5.


Local 2276 Officers New Contract's Effectiveness
Cancell ed Within Hours
Lli. 2300, I)E NVlm . COtO.- Ollr Ne-
!;olinlin!; COmmi!lec rn c rnbcr~ _ [mcrnll -
liona l Heprcs.e m 3live 11lrry F3rrlan.
Clmirman l aVerne J:lni".;h. Gar} Cor-
les,. r ucillc Shultz, kn nalcc Zimmer·
m:m. ami Rodm.·~ Chri~!cnloCn. prc.-.emcd
:I OCW general ayreemenl on Augu~t
151h ,
AI ;!:]O P.r.!.. \Iounl<lin O:l ylight
53\iny T ime, Ihi, loc,,1 membership r;u j·
lied Ih:'1 Conlrll~1. cfre..:tive Augu,' 171h,
AI :'Jlpro xim atcly 6:0() I' ,M .. M OUlltain
D3) li1:hl 5" ,ing Time. Ihe " resident an·
nouru:c\! Ihc immedhLte impkmcllliLlion
of 1I "age·pri~e frccl.c . W ilh Ihi, mOle,
the Nixon Adrnini,lrat;on ueall a blo"
10 h,bor thlll 'Inrd. ih IifehlooU. the
Ilorler's parchecl.
'1he m('mhen. of Ihi\ local belicll! in
cqulLlil} . bUI we h31C )el 10 .;cc hit:
Among the n ewly.fnSl~lIed officers 0 1 local 2216. Bellm.,w.. righl.
President J ohn Walj,mye . and Recording Secretary V"ginl" ' ow, Treuurer hl"ine" feel lhe cold ~Icci of Ihe Nh·
Gerry Beland. Eucutive Board mamber 8ill Hughes, FinanCial Secretary Ray Fox. Executive an inn :,\e. The mcml>cr, of Ihi, loc3i
Board membe. F'lInk Pierce . ShOP s te ward Joe (Pre· Fab.icalion ). s hop stew ard hlLl'e felt il. [lec,LlI ~c of the c~pir;l1 i on of
R'ch3.d Oberle (Assembly), s hop steward Tim Simone (Office), and Intamalion,,1<!,1Ia1 lve Ollr CO nl1'3Cl. we hal'c had 10 lighlen ollr San tiago
heh, for 90 d.,ys. while hig bu,in css
conti nue, 10 receive hUlle profils in the
in Denver roml of Ih" iO''''I'''<:1I1 [".\ ~·II:uil.
T he Ni~on Adminhlr:uion h:h nOI at-
tcmptcd 10 rC~lrict profit-. T he IInl)
hope lie ha\\' for f;,ir Irealmcnl lie,
\\ilh Conllfc5" I hope Ihal ~IIII hll\c
\1 rillcn 10 your congre" man Hml )Ollf
O \N IJ;I F. [-1\1'01 S. JR .• I'.S.

With The Ladies

(cmuill/lctl from /1<1<:/' 20)
Arc ma rt) rs, by the p:lIlg \\ it hollt
Ihe palm ;
Are worn as if \\ ilh age. yet un-
A, " teC""1 gel .logether rClrievingly
2300. Denver, ColO .. th e Came raman The harvest of its m e mories can-
lell 10 roght, I '(lasure . Steve Cheek; I
lio0 81 Vice Prul d en t Stanley E. Thomp50n.
H e. e. President Janisch t al ks things over not rcap.~
Eig hth District; Vice President Gary Corless: with t"le,nllllan,,1 Vice Pre~l denl Ray Ouke,
and President V ern hnl5ch . Seventh Oistrlct , Are o rphans of Ihe ellflllly love and
Life-Saver Honored LeI them weep! Lei thelll weep!
.....:..:...:------. They look up with thei r palc :tnd
~ utlh' n faces.
And their look i<; dread 10 sec,
Fo r they mind you of their angels in
high places.
With eyes turn ed on Deity.
" H ow long," Ihcy suy. "how long.
crucJ natio n.
Will you siand , 10 move the world,
o n a chi ld's heart .-
Sliflc down wilh a mai led hccJ ils
And tread onward to your throne
amid Ihe llIart?
Our blood splashes upward. 0 gold-
Ami your purpl e :.hows your path!
BUI the c hild's :.ob in the s ile nce
curses deeper
Th a n th e s trong man in his


INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF Loa ns. advlll1ces, and deposits were checked with
I<: LECTRI CAL WORKERS the dcwiled accounts, but were not confirmed.
WASHINGTON, I). C. Furnitu re and cqu ipment is stated at cost, less pro--
R EI'ORT ceeds of furn iture and equipment sold and reserve for
FOR TU E FISCA L YEA R END ED J UNE 30. 197 1 depreciation accumulated to June 30. 1971.
"Suspense Account" (Fonnerly "Unallocated
August 31. 1971 Collections") is the control account of the e.'(ccss of
International Executive Council unallocated receipts from and o\ierpayments by local
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers unions o\er amounts due from local unions for amounts
Washington, D. C. which have been included in "Receipts Allocated:' Dur-
Gentlemen: ing thc conversion to a computer system. which is still
in progress. the detail of items included in this account
We have examined the accounts and records of had not been effecti\icly maintained. We were. there·
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for fore. unable to \erify the accuracy of the balance in the
the fiscal year ended J une 30. 1971. and submit here· account.
with the following e'(hibits, schedule. and comments: No funds collected from contractors for the pay·
Ex hibit "A"-Balance Sheet men! of pensions arc included in this report. as sllch
As at J Ulle 30, 1971. funds arc controlled by trustces in accordance wit h the
employees' benefit agreement and arc not includable in
Exhibit " B"-Analysis of Fund Accounts the accounts of International Brotherhood of Electrical
For the Fiscal Year Ended Workers.
J une 30.1971.
This rcport is preparcd on a cash basis and does
Exhibit "C'-Statement of Cash Receipts not reOcct prepaid or accrued items.
and Disbursements We examined the method of recording receipts and
For the Fiscal Year Ended made tcst·checks of various transactions. All disburse·
J une 30. 1971. men ts were checked to supporting vouchers and / or to
Schedule ., I "--Cash cllllcelled checks ~igned by the sccr.:tary and the treas·
Asat J une 30. 1971. Ufer.
In our opinion. the accompanying balance sheet.
COMMENTS prepared on a ca~h basis, and related statement of cash
receipts and disbursements, subject to the foregoing
Cash on deposit was reconciled with the balances comments. present fairly the financial condition of In-
verified by direct correspondence with the depositories. ternational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers as at
Undeposi ted receipts were tmeed into banks in deposits J une 30, 197 r. and its cash transactions for the fiscal
made subsequent to June 3D, '971. year then ended, in conformi ty wilh generally accepted
All stocks, bonds, and notes were verified by direct accounting princ iples consisten tly applied.
correspondence with the custodians or malers thereof.
by inspection. or b) examination of the records showing Respcctfully submitted.
the d isposit ion thereof. We did nO[ attempt to ascerta in WAYNE K ENOII.ICK & CO:\ t f>ANY
the suffic iency of the value of real estate or coll ateral By Wayne Kend rick
securing notes receivable. Certified Public Accountant

EX IUIUT ,.;\ ..


AS AT J U1\E 30. t9 7 1

On Deposit (Including Timc tXpoo;ils) .. . ..... . ..... . S
Undepusitcd Recei(ll~ 2.54.842.06
Returned ('h«:~s . . ...... ... .. . . 1,470.IS
Vke·l'reMdenl\· and Dlro:clors' Office Accounts :! I 0.200.00
Olliec hind 50.00 S 1),660.J76.48
Inlestmcnt (At 11001. V:ltue)
Curporule Stocb s 466,46S.90
Bonds 1.940.2KS.00
NOlc~ RCi;civHble Secured by Rcal E~tllie 17.635.992.2S
Note~ R ce~ivable Secured by Col1:ueral . .. 5211,500.00
Claims Under Federal Housing Adminis tra tion


Loan GUllranlees ....................... .......•.. , ... . 491.69
NOles Rtceh·able--Construction l oan Advances ............ . 1.4 18,812.00 21,990,546.84
NOles Receivable--Qther 2 16.045.;0
Loans, Advances, and Deposits .............. . 20,107.15
Furniture and Fquipment (Net) (See Comments) 469.881.06
Building Undcr Construction ................... . 7,417.992.75
Adv3nctli for Fidelit) Bond I'remiums for Local Unions .. 53.571.78
Ad\ance to Flectrical Worl.ers· Benefit Association .........•.. •. 56.719.60
S 39.885.1.11.36
Amount Due to I)cnsion Benefit Fund ................ ...•..•.


On DejX>'>il (lncludinl,l Time Deposits) ................. • ..•. S 14.925.569.95
Undcposited Rccl.!iplS . . . ........ ................... ' . 50.00
Held by Mortgilge Correspondent ..........•..•..•..•.. • .... _ __ 100.00 S 1.1,92.5,719.95
In\estments (At Uool. Va lue)
Corporate Stocl.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. S J9,6lJ.399. 18
Bonds .. . ............ . 27.174.652.9 1
Notes Receivable Secured by Real Esl(.te ................... . 100,859.372.9 1
Claims Under Fedeml "I ousing Administrat ion and Vetcnms
Administration Loao Guarantees ......................... . 1I.27t!.$3
NOlcs R ccell'ublc-Constru~ t ion LOllo Advances ..... .
RentHI Equipment (Ncl) .................... . 5 1.802.94
Real E\tilte rNe t) .. . .... ........... . 17.30 1.730.37 192.373.J02 .119
Amount Due from General and Other Funds 2.308.544 SO


TOTAL J\SSFTS S 247.IS4.164.20

NOTE: Canadian dollars ,Ire mcludcd In the ahcwe figure'S .... ithout r:!£ard to e~eh:lnsc dttfcrcntiah.



Emplo}ees' S:llar}" Dcduclions
Rai]ro.,d Ruircment Tal( . s 35.209.91
C"lar,!j.1n RC lircmenl T.,;>;cs 192.04
Brotherhood Reliremcnl 25.955.62
Withholding Tal(c~ ... .. ~ 4.891.S7
Other... . .......... . 9l't9.71 s 97.239.15
Fund Acwunls-From F .~hihit '"B'"
General Fund
ReM'f\'e for Lu,~es on I n\"c~tll1enb ....... . S 21.7l't1.l6
Re~en(' for General Opcr;tting Expcns;!s .. J O.~92.9fi9 . IO S ~OJI-i.750.26

Death Benetil Fund 2,426.9W.04

Defc-nse Fund 3.953.516.10
Convenlion "und .. 5-15.576.16
Milit.1r} Scnicc A<~s.ment Fund 25.000.00 37.~65.781..56

SLbpcn)(: Account (Sec Comments) 213.675.115


NOH'S Pa>nble to Local Umons and Othcrs s 19.800.00
Good·Fauh Deposit on Rcal Estate
Pur: hasc and Lenscbacl. Agreement
I'..scrow [)eJlO3Lts
49.37~.36 , 11(',423.36
I' und Account-hom E. . hibil "i)"
Resenc for Losses on In \CSlmcnh S
Reserve for Pen, ion I'nyments ~.076.l43.0 1 209 ..5 21.144.28




SUSPF NSF ACCOUNT ................... ............ . S247. 184.26-1.20

JOURN Al FO R NOVEM 8 ER , 19 71


WAS III l\'GTON, 1>. C,
FO R T il E F ISCAl. YEAR E:'\f)E I) JI " E lO, 197 1

1 UN I):-'
BAI.AN( F JULY I, 1970-1'er
Priur Audit R ~porl $1II.~;'il. I 04.0~ 52.243.638.21 $3,063,865.59 S 2J:~O ,O()0,OO S 25.000,00 SI90.479.5S9.98


Inc r~ ll\C
in hind AcclJunt~
Income Rccc:i p! \ AIlOC;!lled
D unng Pcrioo_Frtlm F\
hibil "C" 511.922 .481.98 $ 253.573.51 SI..!64.27IUII S 7 14 .2U~.11 S'44.21'>1),~n 47.401.740.117

Di..count\ o n l' urch:I <;C~ 0/

Nute, KC'Cei\ able .xcufcd
by Rcal r st!ue: . 111 .\176.65

Transrerred rmlll ,\ lIl iI3f)

Sen icc A!>'iC"mrnl I-u nd 259.071 .20

Tol:11 I ncrc;l~ in 'und Ae·

l'ounl\ 17,922ARI.911 S 253,H .l.S I SI. ~(H .278,JII S 71-l.2n_~.11 'j\44260.50 S 47.772.788.72

Der reasc in I un(1 Acn)un"
r xpc nsc Di ,hU"'cm~nls·
I' rom FAhih i! "C' $17,82\1.084. IR 5 70.27.!.7U S 374.fi27.87 $ 2,·H M,628.\)~ $ 1I~,11I9.30 S 211.233.341.23

Los, on Sale, of Corporil le

St..... "-' 30.1171.82

Lo,~c, on ' urL'Clo~ures of

'otc. Rccci ... able $ecur... d
u~ Relll 1 'tn tc 518.\)6

T ran.fcrn:d 10 I'en.ion BeneHt

l und 2j~.071.20

I)cprCcilll!On of Building, ami

I quipmcnel l leld U~ I n~CSl­
menl, 467.272.41

Dcpreci;lhon of IUfIlllure .IOU

I-qu >pme nl

Wril c-orr uf Aecourlls uue

rronl 1'''' 0 I OClil Uniun'
Prc ... iou,l ~ Currieu In ,>" •.
pe n-.t: AL'Count l('umiliereoJ
a~ Orgunillng l- ~pcn!>C1 20 .UO

TOlul ()ccrea~ 10 hint.! \ c·

eoun" 'i 17,t(IiO.S35.74 S 70. 272.70 S ~7 4.fi2 7.87 S 2.41!1.6211.9~ S.14-' . .!6tun S :!8.7.\1.20-l4~

NFl'!DH R I-A'>I' ) O R
A(CQUN'1S 61.6-'6.24 S 11\1,300.81 S t(t(1}.6~U,~1 'i(I.7U4,421,1I4) S S 19.U41.5114.30

BAI ANC I JUN r 1(1. IY7 1 To

30.314.750.26 S2.426,93\).04 SJ.9.n.516.JO $ 5 4~ .~7 6 16 S 1HIOO.(I0 $209,521 . 144.18
F}( hibi l "" "'

1'1011-: C;mudmn (lollur, ,Irl' inclmled in the abo,e figures ... . Ih oll t regard W cAch:tn l!t' (hlTerenli:tl\,




WAS III NC T O." . O. C.
STATE1It I E ~T O F CAS H RECEII' TS I\ N U I) ls n U RS I~ 1It "':NTS
FO il Til E FISCAL n: A.I~ ": " B ED J U"i I-: JO, 197 1

CASH BALANCE JU I .. 1970--I'cr Prior Audit RCj'IOrI ..•.••• •

I(eceiph Allocated Durin!: I'eriod
Incomc I(ecelpt'-', 0 I ~hi"it "B"
General h ind
" cr Capita SI4.9U.30U2
Ini tiatio n Fee~ UI6.6 13.1I7
l( ein~1atcmcn t Fec\ 13.nO.OO
I(eturned 'J'rta~ul' ie, 9.753.63
"Pleetric:11 Wor~cr" Income 10 1.73
SU ppllh S~Ic, 171.02.1,27
Gain on S..1Ie of 1J0nd, I. [25,00
Inlere't 1,·156.!I.~2A1
I(enl:ll Income 6.080,')fI
Fec~ on Notes Reeen aole
Secu ..... d h)' Real }-'tMC and (on,lnll.:tion loan~ 1t •.j3S,6£.
Income from Venujng Machine\ 10'},91
r(llll'rlin n\ in F~ee ..., of Ad"an~c, for F idctit} Bond I' rc'
llIiunl\ fur l ocul Union, 2.05S.B
i\ f i .celiallCot" 1.14~.11\

rOla[ General I lind S 17.9:!:!.jKI98

Dealo Benefit I 'lind
Per ('apim
, 116.649,60
Inll:rht lo~.'n.j 4:!
I)h idellih lO.:!:!.\.3-l
" repa)menl " ee, on Note, R«eilaole Secllreu b} Real hl;ole 6:!().(lO
')ales of Corporate SU)(;)" l(i{1hh lOt'" ~
TOlnl Death Benefit I lind :!~L~n,51
fen'>C l'II11U
Per Capiw S 1.0<)().~75.6.j
Intere" 17U66,<)1
!'repa) mCI11 l ec\ on NOle, I(c~ehaolt Secureu oy Rcal E~tulc 1.\ ~ ,111

Total l)efen-..(' "lind

ConH:ntion I lind
I'er CapillI
, 69.j.OO:!,-l7
1'01111 ('olllcniion I tlml 71.j.2f1U I
\l ilitary $crvice '\\'>e\\lIlcnt Funu
Pcr (llpi ta 301.1.260.50
Pen,jon Iknefit hlllJ
I'tr Cflpita ....14.~U 1.627.00
Rcimtntemcnl l ee~ 1 1,9 1iU)()
Intcrc\t 1!.9~:!.~16.12
I)jvidend) 1.9.j4.:!36.7]
Rcnlal of Rtal £)laIC I. \ 16.~3:!.o.l
Rental or llluipmenl ~6.023.I.j
Gain on of Corporate Stod,~ \lll.~1I7,U

Gain on l 'oreclo~II"'" of Nott l(ecti~3hle Secured h} Real

I'ce~ on Note\ I(ecei\able Securcd b) Real htilte anu
Con,lructioll 10llns . :!76.1I.~~,I}U

Sale, of Corporlllt ::.toc~ I< I(1hl' 16..~711.71

Total I'cn,ion Iknefil l und S .j7 ..j1l1.740,117
Tot:11 Income I( tCCiph ... 67.9IXU-lU.H
Nonincome Receipl'
COIiCtiiolh un Noles R e~civa"le
Secured by Real I·Slale S 6.535.291.83
Construction Loa n Advll ncC$ .......................... . 1~. 4 33.)(7K 19


Other .............. . ............ . 37.S66.66
Sale~ or Itcdemptioos of Bon d ~ ( Hook Value) 7, 176.406.92
Sale~ of Corpora te Stocli.s 1,Jj"4.441 .0K
E\C row 1)ep<Kit'! ..... . 114. 124.55
Fleetrical WorL.ers· Benefil A",oci:llion I'remium ~ Collecled 4,070,811).110
J nl l.' rl.' ~t Collected for EleClrical WorL.en' Benefil A~socialion 1. 2~O_O(l
Famil) Group Colleelions 36.179.86
Di'>lrict of Columbia S:lles Tn Collectw 17.1 1
Railroad Unemployment TBx--..'iysll.' m Council, 4.691 14
Repaymcn ... o f l oans, Advance\. and l)epo\il\ t6~,1)87.72
Culleelion, of Auvan('e~ for Fidc hl Y Bond I'remium~ for l ocal
Uniun, . 4\.2 16.22
St lliemc nt ~ of Claim\ unUl.'r I cdc .....!! lIou\ing Administration
a",1 Vrl('rnll\ Allmin htr:llion 11).1n Gua ranll'c~ 13~.2l1.711
Sall.'\ of I-urnimre and Equipmc:nt 275_00
TOlal Nunincomc Rcceipt\
T otal R ccl.'l p l~ Allocated Durina; Period S 1112.'1110.574.1( I
Deduct :
Decrca..c in Su\pense Aceounl . 4o.5.1106.:.~2( a)
T OT A L CAS H RECEIPTS ... .. . ......... . $ 1tn.S74. 7611.1 1
TOTAL CASU ACCOUNT ABI LITy ........ ... . ......... , .... . S12 1.378,996.43
E~pcn'\C Di\nurse-menl\-T o El!hibit " B"
Gencnll F und
Per Capila
Amaican Feder-uion of Lallor and Congress of Induslria l
OrgRn i lal i on~ .. $ 912.643.45
Buildin}t ;U1(J COn\lruClion Tr:lde~ Dcpartmem 72.0m.OO
Metal -I radc:s Deparlmenl ~6.0()O.O()
RailwlIY l'm plo)ce~ Depanmenl )~ ..~OIl.O()
Union I abel :lnd Sc:nice T r.... de\ Ik parlmenls I ~,2~9 00
C:loadian labour Congre\~ 47.1(411.90
'nllll~tri:lt I ~nion l)cop;m~nl 14640nOO
Maritime Trades Dc:panmc:nl 6,000_00
Imernalion,11 Federation of Building and Wood ... orL.l.'rs .l.476. 14
.xicntilic. l' rofe)5ional, and Culluml " mployees .1.250.00
Inlcrnillional Mt'l nl Worle ..... Fedl!rn tion 25,S96.50
Americnn "'e<1.::rat ion of Labor and Congre\s of I IlIJu~trilll
Organil.alion~ National Autiliarie~ 1.00000 $ 1.3OJ.98 1.99
COllncl l on I ndU~lrial Relations 42.997.35
Contri bulion~ 10 National Joint Apprenlfcc:~hip and T raining
Comminee for the Electrica l I ndll~lry 411.750.00
Orl1anil.lol1 h(pense~ 4. 145.668.01
Death Cluirn ......... Mcmbt:r~ . 3.150.00
Exchunge .............. . 3.015.72
8~[l f"c," Fn.'ighl. Dnl}·ag.::. ami l 'o~lll ge 162.590.61
" Eleclric:.1 Work.::r" F. ~pen'e ~ 1.403.76 1.60
"Tcchnicilln·E.n$:ineer" E.~penM! ~ 37.929.2 1
F J(pen'\l!~- l nlermuiomll Otlicers .. ... 231.822.46
InltTnlilional Vice- I'resicknts' Omet~ Mi'iCetlant{)us Expen'>Cs .. 199.409.55
OUtS, Sumcription~. Conl rihution~. Ftc. 150.137.70
Actuarial Se rvices 6.90].50
Auditing 27.300.00
Other Profe\sional Services 11I9.599.0S
Genencl I' ~penses 391.660.50
lntern,Hivnal Olliee Supplic\ 5]1.117.80
Tc:lcphonc and T elegraph 2611.62D6
R efund~ ................... . 11.589.95
Renl and I iGhl .. . ......... . ]ll.3lJ.71
I'en.onal I'ropcrl y T ax 9.195.]6
Emplo)c:c:~ S 1.479.636.44
Irlern:llionAI Offirt'r\ ftOnH:t 1
4.740.466.211 $ 6.81S,477.93
C hri \l ma, lIonuM!~ IS.945.00
Fmployee·. Reti rernenl Benefits IS.IIO I .61l
t amllhan Heuremcnr 11>;\es 2.24j. I'J
Rllilroad Relireml.'nt lox 350.84].12
RailrlXld Unemployment Tn 6'J.317.49
Contributiom 10 inlcrnalio nal OOieel"'i. Represematives. EIC.,
Retirem.::nl hind T rust ............ . ]24,999.96
Contributio n, 10 Employees' Reli rem.::nt hind Trusl ..... . .. . 120,000.00


Conlribution~ 10 Na1tonal Electrical Ikncfil F und 9.77).)2
I-i l»pilalizalion In ~ur:lncc 197.22041:1
G roup Imurancc 156.1:I!-'.99
Othe r In ~urance 66,()9J.15
I oc:II Uni on S llll[l lic~ 49 ,4 ~7.26
In ve~l m e n l Expcn\(:' 51.51<UJlf\
I'~pen<;cs o f KenH11 I' ropcn)' 24.9IHi.74
$cholahhip) 67.67046
Total General Fund S 17.829.01:l·UII
l)calh Henefil I'und
Dealh Chlim, S 62.97~.OO
I nvc~l menl Fxpcn\C\ 4.<149.67
I'remium on I'urc h a~ af BOl1(h Writtcn·Qtr to r~pen'>C 1.11]9.00
Al."crued I nlcre~1 I'urc hu..ed IJIM.U]
Tolal I) ~alh Hcnefil I·und 70.272.711
Dden...e F und
I et:al f \p<: n'>C\ S ]~9.156.6-l
'itril.c A"i,lancc 6..125.110
hlVC)tmenl E\pen.,c, 7.747,47
I' ri nlin{: 2~9 12
Kdur.d~ 1.109.64
T OIll1 Deren-e hmt.! . ]74,627 )17
('onn'mian Fund
("onH'nlion E ~pen'>C~ S ~.4ItU)]4.9]
Refunds ... ~94 1)2

fO':I! Comention lund 2.418.6211.9~

Mililaf) Ser>-ice A)'>C\\menl Funt.!
1'1.'1 Cupila T ax " Hid S 114.347.20
R efu nd ~ . 1142.10
I'cn,ion Iknefi l Fund
I'cn,ion, I'aid
Mem ber-, in lhe Unilct.! $1:Ut'S S23.913.2:<:4.2 1
\I ember" in Canada 77(UO~.<)2 S ~4.68J.~58.1 ]
DcUlh Claim' S ~.J99.6S7.27
I n'e~lInCnt E1{pen'>C) Q,.Q67"1
I'n:m,um, on l'urcha'>C) of Bont.!, Wrillen·Qff 10 Expen'>C ~7.1nUO
Premium, on I' urchll~' of NOle, Recei>!lb!e Secured h\ Real
' ·,t:lIe Wrinc n·OfT 10 !- 'pense • ~.9'2.82
,\ ccrucu Inlere,t l' urt'hn'>Cd . 34.644.'4
Intere'l on NOlo:, l'n}uh1c 10 l ocal Union, and Olher, 1,913.111
1\ lcdicaJ Exami nation, ~.91111.()()
Rciund, .. 99,\110.93
Au"lini~l rati\"f;' I 'pcn .... '
Office Emplo}('(')' ':II;lrie) S 112.423.68
Rai lro;.d Relircrncnl Ta\ .\9.6111.65
J\ailro:IJ Uncmplo)menl Ta\" 1~.~17.01
l egal F\pen'>t'\ 1I11~.911
ACl1mrial Sen'ice, 17.SI5.S0
I' rintins. Supplic ... I'O'lage. I'IC. 4A2lUJ
Rent . . . .
r owl l'el1'o,on Bcnc1il lund
4).1I40,OU 431.4)2.15
, 28.2.H.J4 I ,2J
TOlnl I 'pen...: D i~hur~mcnc, S 49,011,1442]
Nonc\pcn .... Dht>u"cmenc,
l 'urch:j!oC~ of NOlt" Kcn'i";It-h:
Sc~ured bl Real ,"-'laIc ( 1-- lIce Valuc) "i12,SICI,4f1<).I6
I. ,~'~ :
Dj,counh ReceIved on I'ul"rh:,,,,, 111.976,6~ S 12.698.4\12,81
'j.ccured b) ColI.,leral ~21UUU,(l()
\d_anee" on Con,lruction loon~ 7.739.0"4.\9
0lher. I06.S00.UO
Ilun,:ha ....' 01 <- orporillc ')10.:1., 6.IS8.2~.n
l'un:h;I ...., of Bond, ( I ~d\l,i,.: of Premrum, I II.I09.·H914
1:leurical \\,· Ikochl A)-.oci;uion I'rcmium, Remillet.! or
Ad_nnced .1.2111.107,40
! IImily Group Collc~·tjon~ Rcrnilled ~(,.7W.II('
Diql"lCI of Columbia Sule, ·I a, Remi ltcd 17.71
l{ailrO:ld Unemployrncnc r a\-S},lem (Ollndh ~.098 I~
l oan,. Ad'lInC"', and DcllO'il~ 134,41,111 II
\t.!,ance~ of !-orcdo\ure ("O-\) on "'Ole, Recei\at>le Se(ured t>~
Re;jl E.. tatc 7.01.1 '6
Ad\lIne~ for Fidehl) Bond Prcmium~ for 1.()Cal L·njon~ S 96.7SII,O{l
Dhbur;emcnlS from heroy, fkpmih 6,}.67J4~
D"hursen' ;'>"'1 from Good- I'ailh Dcpo~il on Rt':11 I-.stnte Purchil-<
lind I.cllo,cbtlcl. l ORn i\l!recment 24.)112.50

JOUUiAl fOR NOVEM8U , 197 1 OJ

Refund of Seeurily Dc poo;il on Con,tfuction Lo.1 n ............ . J7,~ 1 7.21
Refund of O'erpay mcnl on Note Receivable Sewred b) Real
E)tatc ........ . !./6.16
Build ing Conmuc tion ................ . ........ . 4,36 Z.Z117.70
l'un: h(l.'.Cs of Furn il urc lind E'luipment ....... . 3j6.jZII.O()
Rep:!.)mcnt~ of Notes 1'3)ul1lc to Loc:l/ Unions and Otl1<-'" .... . 3 IO .OO
S. 47 .76~.22~.87
S 'J6.776.nO.IO
De.ft,.", in Urm:miucd Em]lh.l)cc'· Salary Dcductiom
T OTAl (' A'i ll DIS BUR ... I' \ 11 N rs S 96.792.900.00
CAS II M I.ANC I J UNE lO, 1'J71 S 24.~1!6.096.43
(:.) !,fter adjust menl !II the :IIIIOUIII Hf S20-l .50 fur IHite·off of llccountS duc from t .... o Joclil \lnilln~ .... hrch ..... ere previously c'lrried
In ~usp~'nsc Hccount
NOTE; C'lnadi.", doliar. ;Ire mduded in the aoo\c figur~ .... itllolll reganl In e~ch;lnge tlilrercntinl,

SC Il EOU Ll~ "1"'

IN ·..f; KN,\ T IONAI. UKOTI·n m Il OO I> OF li LJ.:(~IIH CA L \\ Q RK t:H:S

WAS III :\"GTO~. n. r .
AS AT J U~ E 30, 197 1

On Dc]llhit
Anlcric;1Il Security :.ntl Tru\t Comp:.ny. Wa,hing!on, D. C.
GerICnrl and Other hrmh
VOlIl'her A\:count s 7()O.t23.2 1
Payroll Acwunt 600,000.00
Refunll Account S,OOIlOQ
Defen..e hmd Agenq ,\ccollnt 1.754.43
De:lIh Dcncn! Fund AI!.: nq Account Y.! 14.j _1
Gener.11 " und A!>cnt.:) Account 2.1.-lj') 69 S l.3l9.HI .86
Pcn,ion AencHt fo und
Vnuc her ACCIlI,"1 ~~R III"' 17
Agcn~y Account 11.84 1.44
Benefit An·Utlllt . 7 IH,n.6r
S 2,O~.~,!O.'i.47
The NHlional BanI.. uf WIl~hinl!lon. Wn,hington. D. C.
Gencnll I und Account $ lli.'i.900.68
I'en~ion ikncfit h md Accounl _--",'O".U()O.O()
l h.: Blink of NOI'II ~(JIill. \lImtreu!. Quchce. CllnllulI- Ddcn-.;,:
Fund Accounl ., 6 1.-l7 1.72
T he Ro}:.i nanl.. of Cunll<1a. \Iunlrea!. Ouellee. Canada
VI.lUcher Account S 1~6.21~.O:!
I'a)roll AC~'uunt 411.000.()(} 186,2 1~ .02
The lIn nl.. of NOlla $cotia. Chri~lillnsled. United Stale, Vir:;in
hlnmh- T ime i>epo,il, 1Lnlled St;llc\ Dollnr,)
General hind S 4.1I0·Ul!)(1 no
Death Henefit "unU 100,OOO.()O
Defen'\.(' "und 1.700.000.00
Pcn,ion "cnrlll Fund I 1. lOU. UOO. Oil :!n. :!f)(I.1I0() 00

1 he B:lnl.. 01 NOIIH ~Oh.l. 1urontu. Ontario, l annda_r'en~ion

Uelll!lit " und
l n~e,tmcnt' Accuunl fil1.74U!
Iknellt A!;"cOUnl 7U-l7.!n
hrllnlgllll1alcd rru,[ lind "',I\"in~, 1I .• r,l. Cl1ic,,!!o. lIIinoi,
'111lIe [)cPo'" Dcalh Iknefi! "und S I ~O.fI1'().1)()
Ddcn'>C " tlnd AC~Ollnt 611.416.03 !11I.416.03
T he BrOlhcrhoOll StUtc BanI... Kuma, Cit). Kan~'b- D :alh Iknefi!

. Fund Accou n1 ..... . 112 .23 11.%


A ml'ricn n F lt tcher aliona! Han .. und l ru~t <..:ompan} . I nd l;tnnpol l ~.
Time I)e po~ i t - Death Benefit Fund .. .... . ...... .. .. . S 100.000.00
Pension Benefit Fund Account 56.621.36 156.623.36
Union T ru't COlllPuny of the District of Columbia, W;"hi nglun.
D. C.- Time Dc po> it- Pe n~ i o n Benefit Fund 100.000.00
Uni v.::rsit y N;llional Bank . Cofl egt: Park. Maryla nd_ T illie [) c po~it­
General Fund s 1.'i.000.00
Contint" nwl BI," ~ & Tn"t Camp,my. Millll!uKcc. Whconsin-"' im!':
De posit- Gencral Fum.l 1.'i .OOU.OO
'liami National BanI. of Miami. Florida_ T imc Depo,it - I'tn~ion
Iknefit " und 20.(){)O.OO
United Community Nationa' lhln". Wn,hinj1.ton. D. c.-"' ime Dc·
De rcn~ Fund s 1.~ .OOO.OO
Gcncml Fund _ _, ,,
.'i.non.oo ]().OOO.oo
Banco de PUl1ce. B ro n .~. New York-T ime ])epo~i t s
Deat h Benefit Fu nd S ::!O.OOO.oO
Dcfcn'>C Fund ::!o.ono.Oo
Ge nera l I-un d . 20.000.()O
]>en"ion Benefit Fund ~O.O()O .()O 80.010.00 S:!·UI'USC:!
Held by ,\I ud~uge CUlJQpo,lucnt
Pension Ik nent Fund
Pen~ion Bencfit Fund. Inc .. Wa ~hill£ton . D C. 100.00
Undeposi tcd R ecei pt$-De po~ i tcd Duri ng the Mon th of J ul). 1971
Amcriclill Securi ty and T nt\t Com pan}. Wa, hington. D. C.
Gencm l FUlld- Vo ucher Account S 15,278.99
Pc n ~ion Benefit Fund - Vou ~ hcr Account .'iO.(\() S 7~.328.99
T he Ro)'al Bank o f CamuJa. J\ lontrea1. Quebec. Caoad:1
Voucher Account S 179.313.07
Payroll Account 2~ 0.OO 119.563.U7 254 .892.06
Relll rned Checb lA70. 1 ~
Vice-Presiden t,' and DirectOr<;' Office Accoun' ~ 210.~OO.O(l
Office Fund
TOT A L 1i24 ..~8609n.4 '




TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST 12 MONTHS 114.774.095.57 \8.457.249.36
OEATH BENEfiTS PAI D LAST MONTH $ 142.064.66 S 360.625.00
DEATH BENEf iTS PAlO LAST 12 MONTHS $ 1.358.362.1 3 \ 5.1 97.650.25

Benefit Payment Report

TOTAL PE NSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH 1 2.217.686.38 $ 757.307.38
DEATH BENEFITS PA ID LAST MONIH $ 144.785.15 $ 366,726.18

. 0
. E.AT.H. B.E.NE.fI.TS
. PA.10• LA
. 12. M
. 0.N.TH.S• • • • $ 2.304.650.97 • • • •$.5•.11. 1••8.14 .8.
3 .• • • • • • •
Prayer lor Our Deceaseli Members
111 (hi.l· :it'aSOI/ of th(IIIJ..SKiI'illg. 11'(' COlIIl' 10 YOII i ll l'Orroll'. Lor d. alld (lsJ.. YOlir hkslil/gs for Ollr
Bro rlIN.I· wh o !t(/I'{' Il'fl this l'ort". IVdCo1II1' Ihelll , II 'e illlp/or e YOII, i l1 //J YO llr 1I(,(1I'('Idy 1I/{/IIJ'io l1.l (lilt!
gil'e th l'lI/ r est , N(' III('II/her, (00, ollr Ftl/II I'f , th eir / (llIIi li e,\', II"I/o.l'e grief i,1 OI'l' IWlw!lII ill g. (II/(! l' lI!ighft' ll
th eir lJ('artJ' w i//) )'Ollr /-I o /y Spirit.
W e IlwlIl.. YOII . Lonl. for thl' hOll/llit'.f )'()II hlll't' bl's/f)wed UJlOII Ill' dl/rillg Ille yl'llr, (/lid ill the
WOrtii' oj till' IJOcl, StUlllid LOIl8ft'l/ow, we J'OY:
"Cotl of Iltt' car/II. the .fAy. Ihe JUl.' of all (I/)OI'e, heloll' .
W i' gil'l' T het' t!JallJ..J·, T hy IUI/IIC WC sillg,
A!migh t}' FtII/zcr. IW(/l'ell!Y K illg. A lIIl'lI. "

[o'n'd"I' ick II . C lal"kl', LI T. 1 Lcu :\ Iinnil'k, 1.,.1'. 18 W. A. 1~(lb ~ ' I' I ~ "n, L.t T. a :;3
lI"m Orlol" , 1 7, 1916 I n'''''' ''J II ~,,' I . 191' II"", I ... "." 111. ISSI
I " " ,.,~JJ . .. u ",y lJ. 196J
"'.r f), .. d M OlY 4. 19"/ I",,,.,,d ,.b..,.
D;d II. I~~I
J . H. 11m' lIrI'. I.. t l. 18
n, ..J M.,
f)u ..
JO. 1971

l{ith;lrd II l1ml,hri('", 1..(1. 1 1";';ouJ M Ol,,}' I". IVJ l P .:- n:., TII.,lur . 1..1' . 3:;:\
Bo". I)~uml> ..' II. /901 D,eJ .11 .,1. 1971 8",,, II~""H !O. /S90
I n",,,ud D,·u ... b .. , II. ''1J9 I H",.'~J S.. ~ " ... b... )0. 1941
v, ..
J J~n .. 14. ''17 1 W,l y n., I). William son. L.U. 18 l),~J .lI n I,. /9~1
f"",.,~J feb,,,.,, I . 1911J
J ohn J . Loch. L.U. 1 /l "J M"f O. 197' \l nrri" 1. S ('\lIU"ck , L. I T. ,16.;
8 ",,, ,11 "1 J. I'll!" I .. ", ....J J"'''.'f I. IOJIJ
I"",,,' ,·J II r " l l l . 1941 {:Ic nn (;uy, l.X. 22 J"". 1. 19-'
V i.. J .11.,
12. 1971 I "" ,. ud f),·"·,,,b,·, 1 . 1948
f) , .. J M ., 16, 19it 1,1I""I"I'II C.'
/), .. d

(""lI~ t 'Il ~. 1,.11. ,,01

lI ulll' rl L. l\lcllunnld. L.U, I 6",,, I ... ... " lII, 1 1I9~
Bom Julf 24. 191J IC:llllh I. Hac kl ey, 1..1 ' .22 {,,,,,.,,'J V .. ,,,b,,, I. H19
I ''''''''''d J" I, 19. 191 4 ',"""'ed J ~ ",~. 1917 f),..J r..b,,,.,, 111, /971
D"' J M o, I. 1971 I), .. ,J )I .,. U. 19-/
C h;. ,.j.,,, lli j: b.·(" 1..1" . ,,01
1I0\O'<lrd C. :\I ill"r, I.. t '. I DorSt'Y ,\. ("na l" , 1..11. 21 /I .. , .. M ~) 20. 1900
/I",,, II ~ ~ ~ " til. "~H j) ,,,J .11..,. 18. 1971 1.. ",., • .1 J ......,,. /'I, 19B
1"",",eJ h.IT 1. IlI)7 /),..J $ .. ",.. ... 1> .. , 10. I,};O
/) ,~,J ,1I 4f. 19-' }\ ennelh Ha mr.·n. L. l ·. 3 1
II",,, IIw ~ ~ " 17. 1918 D"lIu il< }\;\l.III;lh. 1..1'. '-.0 1
~h'nl" )' ~. Put"isollu, I..H. I l .. "i""J J ...... ". 1911j II", .. ~<""'mb~, 20. 1'1111
/I ",,, ,vo • • ," "~' I". IG/J V, .. J M ay 19. 197/ I .. ",.,.·J
.II .,,~
III. 1912
I'.. b''' .'r 4. 1¥ 7 1
I"",.,..J 1)r<~ ", bN H. 19 4 1
m "J .II", 7. IlI"1 l'aulMcllin,ltcr, L l ' . 31
Frnnk 1,"IIKdt'rl. Sr .. 1..\ 1. .;01
11 M " Ih ~ " , ' 17 . 1902
W a IT"1" .1. SIl'in, I..ll, I I ,,",.' c d ""KW H J I . 1942 II",," J." .... , ". 191)9
/10m 11",,1 2~. IN9, V"'J ,II.,
26. /971 " " " . , ••,{ J .. /, 10. 19/4
/),. J M ...· ~ 2~. H71
V , ~J M.,
1"''' al .. J ~ h><~ 14. 1941
III. 19,1 C Ilu'cnc(' W. G('rst('r, L.r. ·11
I)"d M., J. 1971 G.'ur j:(' .\ I arculh' . L. t ' . :;01
II. E. Willman , 1..11, I Bu, .. JoI ... 24. 11/94
/I",,, H, 19/J G('orJ:;e U. HII8Ch. L l ' . \I I .. ", .... d II I'.i/ IV. 10H
/,,,,,.,.J r~I"~.,, 1. 19~0 I)"J M _, 10. /'1,/
n"'d M .,,~ I ~ . 19 7 1
/) ,~J ,II .,~. 19~J
WaUer :':. Pa rkes. 1.. 1'. 86 Cnry C. Il a uicl". 1.. 1'. 69;
WHli:l n! .-\ . Bller, 1..1".9 II ..... II p,,1 /J. 19IH
II"", N".~ ... I>.·, 27. /'104
I) , .. J II I'''' 2N. 1971
1"",.u,J J .. " .. 14. 194J
' nlt,.h ·d NHC ' ~I><"' 11. 1'111 /) ... J J ~ .. ~ J. 19 ; 1
f)"J ,I/ • .ch III , 197'
Churles n . Catlin, 1..(1. 9 Geol·J{t· l'. F1t- ~ch, 1,.1'.713
f) ,~J F. ' b, ~ o', 11l. 1 ~7' 8 (;1111.,)' Ie. :-\('ih·r. 1..1 1. 110 ' ~j"o"'J N, .. ~", I,,', 2. 19J2
llf... , ,Io-P " '",b« 26. 11197 !)".J l u".' . 1~71
Itobt'l"l K Filz),!('rullt, I.. t ' . 9 /''''''''''J II~ ,;' 19. 1917
/) ,.. J II MII H. Hit /) .~J Mo , 21l. 1971
J II~,' ph W . (; uili:lllU, 1.. l 1.116!
John Gnt", J r .. LX. 130 V, ..J M." 19"'
lI e nn' r. a il IS1.('k. I.. I!. !)
o",~J )1., 9. '9-' li mn OClobc' II. 111'17
/ ..",.uJ .It.,
J. 1916
C I)'dt, L. Sch<luf. I.. l'. 1139
Geor l!c J. G;lzlIrt'k , L t'. 9 V ,eJ M.". 19 ,1 B", .. M .1 II. I9Q ~
/ .. ",., .. J F~b,,,,.,,. 1P ~ 6
D;,J )f.) II , 19-1 D ...J M., ,. I~~I
Fr;lI1k L. }\ r 'lme r . L.l". 130
II", .. .}.M ..",b" II. 1900 Il lIrri~ ' 1 1.('1 '1;;, 1... 1' . 1:;0:;
1',\111 11" lll y, 1.. 1' . 9 I",,,,,ud JoI"" /0. 19J'I
D , .. J IIp,,/ 20,1971 V "'J ,II.,
n. 1971
/ .. " .....J J .. ,,~ I. It/Jil
Vled ,\loy 11. I n l
(; h"ri l'" I~. f'alt..,nsull. L.l'. 9 GeHrKe W. Ltn,:::dnrf. 1..1 ' . 18.;
f), .. J M or I ii. 19"11 JOSt' ph A. L('\O'dlllll'k y. I..U. 1:;0:;
II",,, h"~ ", , N . I il ll~
/1I" j. ,,·J F"b '''''1 I, 19,/1
' '' '' 'dlo'J O,·« ,~b .., l7 . 19 2 6 V ... ,J M oy I~. 1971
i\ 1 ~\II ric.' E. IClJclll'. 1..1' .11 f)'eJ 11 1,, 0/ 27.1'17 1
f) , .. J ,IIa "~ Ill. 1071
Et1 ..·;trd J . }\uwals ki, L. I' . 309 .Inhn 'I :lrl) lIl1 j:lll1. 1.. 1', 1,,0:;
/~",., .. J M ."h I. 1"6
Hu ~" IC. IlUJ,:'J;:",·r. 1..11. 18 I "."",,·J 1'~b'H" ,. 1941 I) , .. J J,,"..
of . I'I~ I
I" ",.ud ,I/.,.. ~ I. I'IJ8 D,..d J ...... I. 1971
U "J "'., 4 . 1'111 Hich llrd S. Zdrnd zill l!k i. L. U, 1898
Xichola!'! :\l artin. L. U. 309 H,,," I ... ".,) U. 19 H
In,,,,,,,·J J . ...."", 1J . 19 41 I ".".u d N" ,~ ... br" " "
D "J M.y jO. 1971 /} , .. J J" " .. IJ. JlI7I

Lco .'\ nd c rson, 1..11. 353

J e rr y 11 011rlldll. L.P. 18 II ",,, J""... " 2 6 . IS99
I .. ;,;. ,.. ,J M .,, ~
I. 19110 I .. i"., ~ d 0"01.., 12. 191J
f);~ ,J II~," 1 1l . 197 1 f) j .. J J"" ,, U. 197 1
EWBA Death Claims Paid in July and August. 1971
Luca l !::i u rn " ",e SurnllnH' 1..,0:;,1 s" .. "''', ..
(: rclCor}·. N. 1.250.00 ~·o~ter. Jr" 11 . H . 1,2;;0,00 Pens. (3) Ern.l. K 1.250.00
Bnldford. K U. 4 1H.66 John~on. Jr .. H. C. 1.~r,Q.OO PenH. (.1) ('",nninl\', A. 1.250.00
,, H~ed. C. I..
~;"'en, I). I.l,
!Jujalo. J. G.
J .~50,OO
Wynin. (' . E.
~·ri8H. I.. M.
("ron;n. J. A.
Kirchner, A.
['uta. S.
1.2:;0.00 )le~lIn". II. J. 1.~',11.00 (:II 1.~.~0.00
t'~uino. N , J . I.:::)U.OO Stumreller. A. K 1.::50.()0 Pens. (:11 )Ie),crs. A. 1.250,()0
('OOlreumiLh.l'. 1.2f,{LOO Johnanll, I.. O. 1.2:;0.1111 Pens. (41 '11\~ino. J. 1.2;;0,(111
EnK~lmRn. E. I.:!r,o.oo I.uren~. G. 1,2ijO./){1 !'ens. (I'» r.nwr('nce, C, I' 1.2:;0.00
J)rclfth:~r. n. J. 1.250.00 (;ulnwski, t:. I.. lI!1~.:11 l'enR. 151 I)unn. J. 1.2:;0.O{l
Smyth". J. W. 1.2M,OIl SlIillinlCl",... J. 1.2:;0.00 l'"n~. If>! rrolller~. F. A. 1.2;;0.00
Corodl ... A. I.::;,U.!)" '-ollrry. C. C. I.~.·'() 00 PCII~. (,II IJr~''''·''' .. n, W 1.2:,0.00
K""hler. t:. 1.~r,O.OII Itub"rl~. T 1.2~11.1l() Pens. (1;1 ~chernrerhorn. Y 1.2;;0.011
J"hnson. S. It. 208.33 Till!. ('. A. 12;,0.1111 l'en9. (/;1 Mitcllell. J. V. 1.2.~0.on
LUR~her. F. L. 1.::r,U.UfI lI;lrbi ~"II. E. 1.2<,ILIIO I' ... n~. (!n 1I..,,..,,rtll. ('. t .. 1.21'011.(10
Ill'luirieks . J. II. 1.21,(1.00 \,,,1,,,,.1, n. It, 1.2;,0.1/(1 Pens. HII Brown. W. R. 1.250.0(1
1I'''lr"oI". J. t .~.iO.OO f>fI& 111l!1~~", It, \\". 1.2;'11.00 I'cn~ . 1\0) Zuhn. F . .I. I,ZiiO.OIl
HuHt'l'. (" R. 1.~r,0.OO lil.1 I!opkin~. ~;. ~:. 1.~IIO.fIn [>~n •.
(I J I Br~dehorl, II, 1.250.00
U"lne. W.
Il<-ny. ('. l..
"'''!"S''''. It. V.
I!ooku. ( '. I).
Pens. (11)
)'"n3. (Ill
Atchley, A, It.
Stone. 1\. K
1.250 (10
Sunwu. J. E. 1.2~IU)O .;411 CO(l(lrich. J. D. 1.2.-;0.0(1 I'ens. (! I I Gillespie. G. (:. 1.~:'O.orl
W,,\IIOlO, D. R. 1.2r,O.1If! ljUI Elrglrloll. J E. 1.2,,0.00 l'ellS. (III ~lill"'rd. C. I.. 1.250.110
CaUl, M. I). 1.2:.000 (:5·1 ':11",... J . S. 1.2iiO.01l l'"n8. (171 )leE\'o}·. A It 1.2;)0.0(1
Kai_er. t'. ;\. 12.~.00 liiW Jam<'l<. 1\, \\' . 1111,4:7 P('ns. {I71 ~arr~ll. 1':. to. 1.2.,0'/10
AllcHrn. F. C. 1.~:;'U)fl Ii;:;!! R"a"illL, I.. 1,2iio.on Pe"~. r 17\ ~1."r1inl\'." J. 1.2;;0 on
Palmer. J. It. 1.2;;0.00 1i8 1 Lar~('nt. A. n. I.~;:;O.OO Pens. (111) t'ielding. W.J. 1.2;;000
Leverett. \\ . W 1,:::'lUIU •;H2 Shook. 1\. :0\ • 1.~:;11 011 Peng. (1!l1 /)"("onnot. T. \\' 1.2;;0.0()
lIulu ~h. I:. \. 1.::~O.OfI li1l7 Wnr.t. t:. t:. 1.~.;0 (K) l'en8. (2,; I Tinsley, T. J. 1.2:;OJ10
I:ltrtw.i,·h. (:. A 1.~~,.).Qf) 7H0 ')ekerm"". W. J. 11:1~1 :0 Pens. (~.! Kaminski. 1'. A 1.2;;0 on
(;ruce~. J. T. l,:!"o.on il!l Knl1n ~ki, (". ~. I.:!.;O on F' .. ns. l:tl r Johnson. ('. ~:, 1.2iiO.00
Ev"n~. E. L. I.::~O.OO j~3 ~Iort~nsen. t:. M. 1.2;;0.00 1'1'119. 1.1';1 lieu Ill, (". F. 1.2,,0 on
:oicibllul'r. H. J. 1.2r,O.OO 7,,8 Kirk. P. J. 1.2,,0.U() I>{'n~. (:UII ~Ic('\uud. Sr .. r. 1.2;;000
:o\u"lCe~scr. It. M . I.~.-,o.on 7(;(1 CUlt. 1{, \' . 111\.lIli Pen~. (~!'1 Ellf'm"", E. T. 1.2;;0 00
Nj)I!'lJ. n. E. 1.0(103)1) 7';0 Tllrnt'r ..1. S. 1.2,,0.00 P"ns. (4.'11 Qui" l cy. T. J . 1.000.00
WhiH'. J. J. ! .~~,o no 77li ~ "wl'·I(In. ~L (" 1,~1j0 0(1 l'ell~. ((·1' Black, F. \\'. 1.2~0.()()
B'lw~n. W. K 1,~;iO.OO
Todd, (". K
~I"rck. (", L
Rohllnnon. II.
11""",, .. 1. It. \:.
;o;('lBon. \\" . F.
Pens. 1·171

I'cn~. ( r!l l
I] are. Jr ...1. W .
\\'ood. J.11.
Unrkletond. J. [I,
I.~;if\ 0/1
)1 uJlcn. ~I. J. 1.2:,0,00 ~Ii\ !loudreau. E. A. 1.250.00 P~n~. (5~1 :'\eI80n. J. J. 1.250.0n
(:rubcsic. T. E. 1.2:,.0.00 lI7:! Snidrr. F 1.2;;01l() I'ens. (:;;,' nnt"hart. II. 11 1.000 OIl
\·unl)".en.l'. 1.2'.0.00 ~7C, Uro..-". 1\ G 1.:':;001'\ l'('n~. {,,1 t TII}·lor. t:. II. 1.2,)0.00
Urem",er. L. F. 1.2;.0.00 IIHO FhHtem. It. W. I.~;;O.O(I Pens. H,II, L .. w~on. C. 1.2an.GO
Fre\jl, S. W. 1.2:-.0.00 ~ll;, lIarpH , A. II. 1.2;,o.UO I'ens. 11'ofL 1 \lcl.aur.::hlin. ~'. I.zr.o.OlI
Smith. Jr .. A. C. 1.2:>11.410 !I(II )lanuel. T. 1.2;;0 (In Pens. (rift I t:mer~on. II. W. 1.2;.0 00
Culkin. J. ~1. l.~'-,(} . /III !108 (;odfr~y. T. (". I.~;,o 011 Pens. (Iii; . A~cllenbC('k. L. 1.2;;0.00
1'~tcl"R. A. (:, 1.2"'0.00 ~'34 l...onnr<l,.1. W. 1.2iiO.OO I'en s. (lil'l Kriel\'er, A. W. 1.250.011
lie"",. Jr., II. Co"·ell. J. T.
II. 1 ,~ (i O.OO I .~;'(1.011 Pens. IIHil "'·!',,~~~ry . .1 1,2:;(11111
An,len"", T . J . I. ~~(I.OO !l~lli WIllk('r, ~. n. 1.~;;o.OO h'n~. (fiS 1 Horlon. C. \\" 1.2;,0.00
Shind" A. F . . t.~ 1'oO,on 100;1 t:ld""I1. A. E. I.ZiiO.Ofl Pen •. (721 W"ll"n. n. I), 1.250.00
lJerJ/:.trnm. W. I). 1.250.nn 10~" Mcl\"y. A. 1.2;,0 00 I'ens. (7(; I Picrce. I.. A . 1.2;'000
Sindl'ir. D. F. 1.:!;;0.I)O I~" ! Ton'lln ~oll . P 1.2:;000 Pen •. 171i, I'''tlers"". \\'. C:. 1.250.00
Wil ~on. E. A, 1.2;;0.00 l:17i gekuli~h. n.
D. 1.2iiO on p"nR. (771 John"on, II. E. U50(lO
!\'''' II.. ". Sr.. It. 1.2 .• 0.00 I a!1:! (;runlhftm. Jr .. J. 1.2r.o.l"l\) P"n ~. 1 77\ 1)0,,·1t"1f, r:. 1.250.0(1
('eor,l:"e. J. n. ! .21;0.00 13ft2 ("oaleM. II. ". 1,2iiO.I)O l'~n~. (771 WilloulI;lIby. M. ~1. 1.2;;0.0(1
I[~rt. F. 1.2[,000 ! Hil C"n'pbdl. B. 1.2~0.00 I'ens. 1791 (;iI~oll. P. J. 1.250.00
Stujllow, ~-. J. 1.21;0.00 1 It; I [)oh~rty. Jr .. E.!I. 1,250.00 Pens. (SOl I unsilehto. T . F. 1.2:;000
(""rnlleehill. n. 1.2.;0.00 1;,17 l"pton. \\' . C. 1.1)(\().OO Pen~. {821 IhllilT. W. L. 1.2:.0.00
I.".. nan. 1\. 1.2.,0.00 Ir,17 fleIrJ:~, W . II. 1.2iiO.OO I'cns. (fl7. 11111.11. \'. I.~;)(}.OO
Fr.'und. II . <:. 1.2~,0.OO I !)~I ll .. tl",I, J. J. 1.2501111 l'eM. 1'0 .\nderdoll. II . J. 1.250.00
Che~tu~k)". F. 1.2.-,000 2101 ~line .. r, I. . W . 1.2.,000 Pen~. (9~, \ \"~ulflln. W . L. 1.2;;0.00
Kenn('d~·.Jr .. \I.J . 1.2;,0.00 ~H:! I'roul.'l:. A . 1.2iiO 00 Pens. r9ft, l'h~lnn. n. A. 1.250.00
I'r('uder!:'ust, W . 1.2[,0.1,0 ~211:; Zinkllun. ('. J. 1.2,;0.00 l'e!Jl<. (102) ~lllr<l"ck, J. 1'. 1.250.00
O'I)",,"el1. J. F, 1.2'-,0.0(1 2211~ S~hlll!ult. A .I. 1.2,;0.00 Pen~. {I O.11 Eritklloll. A. 1.2;;0.00
lIudl':"s. 1.. II. 1.2;,0.Ofl 1,0. (111 I'rice. ,I. H. 1.25000 Pens. (10:n Butler. J, F. 1.2,,11.00
\ "l::elMll)(. II. ~ .. t.~.,fl.Ofl 1.\1. (171 K .. nlhMck. ~' .. 1, 1.2J>0.Ofl I'~,,~. 1 10.'1) ~ly~hr~l1. A, 1.2iiO.(l0
Sdu>lIcld. W. II. 1.2[,O.HlI 10. {!'lH (;tJlIdCH~. (", A. 1.250.00 Pen •. (I (1-1 \ Fosler. F. F, 1.2~0.(l0
Wi!e.,xell .•1. L. 1,~;;O.Ofl 1.0.(122\ Sl""ith. H. ('. I'cn8, (J 10 1 lludilter. II. 1.2iiO.OO
'lih,,1. \\". J. 1,250.00 1.0. (12[,1 \k("lIu"lallll. A. T. 1.2iiO (III Pens, (ll~l Alt~"real', E. 1.2.iO.00
BeUlell. A. 1.2:;0.00 1.0. 41:t~1 T('rnO"i h. ~:, 1.2liO flO I'en~. (1241 ""lllt"n. W. A. 1.2;;0.00
l!uche~t~r. n. t:. 1.~:;0 00 1.0. I Ili,,) 1\oc han~ki. 11. A. 1.2;)0.00 I'en~. 1124! 1\ram!,~. C. J. 1.2;;0.00
'lorriM"n, B. n. 1.2;;0.00 10. (24.;11 (·ol~"'An. J. K. I.:!.'O.I'IO Pens (t!nl I\"dll, n , II. 1.2;;0.00
"Iddl~ton, F. W. I.~;;I).OO 1.0. (326) I",e$l·hner. II. I!. 1.2;;0011 Pens, 112(,1 (;oo.thhrt. II . G. 1.2:;0.00
('I",·en)::"er. J. ~:. 1.2:;0.00 1.0. 4;;211 lIlIrmlln. C. I •. 1.2iil1 00 Pens. (1:)11 I (;r"y. Jr .. J . 1.250.00
Smith. E. ('. 1.2;;0.00 I.n. 11m:;) lllack. ~:. W. 1.2;'0.(\() Pens. t\~tl Abrllm. S. A. 1.2:;0.00
rUm!'t"n. \' . II. 1.2;;000 1.0. (jU";) I.n"he. J r .. II . L. 1.2iiO.00 Pens. (1311 Anji('r80n. W . G. 1.2;;0.00
""lln)(. n. E. \,::[,0.00 10./11 1; ) )Ic("ollom. ~I M. 1.2:;0.fIO Pens. 11.'111 IIcrl':olt. S. 1.2:;0.00
l(eynulds. II. fl. 1.::;;0.00 1.0. (1:1;;1 Spurner. K .1. 1.2iiO.00 1'{·ns. ( ra l ) 1\,,11~', 1'. F. 1.2:;0.On
I,('wis. ~:. T. 1,250.00 1.0, (1til \ ;o;c"·lo". W . It. 1.2ii<1 (In I'ens. !l31l ScharlT. W, N". 1.2;:;0.00
II llrll~r. \\'. ,I. 1,2;;(100 1.(),(12!) ~' ~",ith. II. II. 1.::,,0 0(1 I'e" •. 0:)1) S~hmidt. J. F. 1.21'00,(10
~ I "rkcy. X. T, 1,2:;0 flO 1.0, (\.1:)1l) 00\\"1.'11. V. I ,~:;n,O(1 I'en~. (1341 (;llnder~o", II. C. 1.21'00.(10
D",·i(!~,,,\. AI. A. 1.2:;0.00 I'~n ~. (I) <:rull. r.. F 1.~'-'0.0() Pen •. O:H) lIu,,1, J ..1. 1.250.00
1\ "ut~"n. K. M. 1.2,,0.00 I'en ~. (1) Beck, II. I'. I.::r,o nn Pen". ( 1:111 ('lurk. J. T. 1.2:;0.00
Wood, 11. (:. 1.2;;0.00 I'cnK. ( 1 \ Kl)li"". II . ~:. 1.2,'U (1(1 Pen s. (1:).11 W"od~. J.P. 1.2:,n.00
Miel·uu. II. A. 1.2:;0.00 "~njll. (L' 11l1"'J'hri(,8. l! 1.~5n.00 I'eno. r 1.'J.I \ I{m,d" J. 1). 1.2;;0.00
I\irchheiner..1. 1,21'0000 I'<'n~. (21 .'Iye ••. E..J 1.~;,n.Ot< I'en •. ( 1:14 I Kelly. C. II 1.250.0/1
An,ler~"n. E. K lI37.ijO I'l'!!8. P) (;;~Keri~h. II 1.~;,11 Oil I'e,,~. I I.'H) )1"Tk~.\'. 1.250.00
Thur.. r. J. 1.2,,0.011 I'~n~. {31 Prrri, A. C. 1.2;,(1 nil I'en •. ( I~l l Perkins. A. ('. 1.250.00
Fi .. ~hhll/"h('r. r. 1.2::;0.00 Pen •. (31 (;oldbeq:, J. II. I.~;,O.(\() Pens. 1131 1 Hurton. It. Ii. L.250.00
Bishop. It. A. 1.200.00 I'enl. (3) 1II1rt"·\jl'. «. 1.:!.,Q.O(j Pella. (I:J7, Cregory, A. \\" 1.250.00
Blackwell. F. C. 113.~4 I'en •. f 3) f)'IlTi!'n, I). 1.250.00 P"ng. ( ll!!1 Powen. J . \\'. 1.250.0f1

JOUR NAl ~O_ NOVEM&U. 197 1

Local $ urnnm e ,\", o unl Local S urnHm e AnlOunl Loc,, 1 S urnam e ,\mnun l
Pcns. ( 14 5) ltizncr, E. II. 1.250.00 Pens. (465) Stickne)". D. Q. 1.2M.OO Pens. (716) Dorsett. B. D. 1.2<>0.00
P cns. (163 ) Fisc her, A. 1'. ... 1.250.00 Pens. e474 ) Low. J. D. 1.2l">O.00 Pens. (i16) Hoslick. C. B. 1,2:.0.00
Pen • . (164 ) Fa c h. 1< . I. ],2;;0.00 Pens . (481 ) lIuber. F. R...... 1.2l">O.00 Pen •. (1 16) Ku}'kentiall. I. 1.250.00
Pen t. (180) La ndi •. I). ....... 1.2r;0.00 Pens. (483)
( 494)
Schmidt. R. II .... 1.2r,().00 Pe n •. (719) t:rlman. A. J. 1.250.00
Pens. (2101 (;0 ..•• L. t;. 1.250.00 Pens. Fieldb"cJ.;. I•. J. 1.2l">O.00 Pens. (7211 Powe". t:. II. 93 7.50
Pens. (226) ~:dd)', J. W. ..... 1.2r;0.00 Pens. e494 ) Burlingham . 1\. 1<. 1.250.00 Pen R. (73S) Simpson. O. C. . ..
Pe ns. (230) Il ull.1'. 1.250.00 Pen ~ . 149~\ "'ellon. W. A ..... 1.2l">O.00 Pens. (HI) Barnes. J . )I. 1.250.00
Penl. (230 ) Rich ..,b. I.. E. .. 1.250.00 I' ens. ( 49~ ) John son, O. C. . .. 1.25000 I'c" s. (743) Hollinger. 1'. C. .. 1.2.~0.00
Pens. (245) Wr ia::ht. C. M. ... ] ,2;;0.00 Pens. 149;;) Bumb)·. C. J. 1.21'.0.00 Pens. PliOI Wa rren. T. )I. 1.2:.0.00
Pen •. (271 ) J ohnson. D. II. ... ].2;;0.00 Pens. (501) )k(;uire. T. n .... 1.2:.0.00 Pens. (,6:j) Bachman. J. J. 1.250.00
Pe na. (2711) RII ..'linaon. E. ... ].250.00 !'ens. ( SOl) Bak .. r. R. 1'. ..... 1.2,.0.00 !'ens. (,94 ) ('illu. L. . .. 1.2SO.00
Pen.. (2S0 1 Layman. C. I.. .. ] .250.00 P .. n5. (501) lIal!lIn. I) . 1.2,,(1.00 Pe,, ~.{7911) ~hrk. O. 1.250.00
Pen •. (295) Hobin.on. II . ~1. 1.2:;0.00 !'en5. (50 41 Cole. G. O. 1.2,.0,00 " ens. (11 141 Baker. W . H. ....
Pcns. (302) Climminl("S. T . J . 625.fl(J l' ~n5. ($ ]6 ) AleJ(antier. I .. J. 1.2r.o,0I) I'fOn~. (1I1j) Kline. W . 1.2.'>O.fl(J
Pe ns. (30S) II.fOe S.,. T. W. ] .2:'0.00 P.. ns. 15171 Sherrod. L. J ..... 1,2:;0.00 !'en •. Bell. B. X •...
(1l 1I 1 1.2<>0.00
Penl. (311 ) Kab il~ch. II 1<. .. 1.2.';0.00 fI.-ns. cr.4!!) lli nkl ... H. C. .... 1.250 00 " .,nl. 11193) Burkhar t. F. A. .. 1.2SO.oo
Pen~. (32 ~ ) l l unh. J. W. ].2,,0,00 " cns. ((.;;Il !':quirf'~. IL K. ... 1.250.00 Pens. (!I U \ Bllrtch. W. II. . .. 1.2;;0.00
PeOl. (325) lIeue. E. ~1. ..... ].250.00 Pe ns . (;;I)H Tapp. G. II . 1.250.00 I'.. ns.H1I 9) Burr.-lI. A. J. 1.250.00
Pens. (:125) JI ..... e. J . I). 1.250.00 Pens. l;,Ii71 Re"d. S. H .. 1.250.00 !'en •. (':;2) Drummond. J. C .. 1.2.~O.00
Pe nft. (:1:11 ) !;penc .. r. \\" . F.. 1.2;;0.()I1 Pens. (5681 Aliu s. A. 1.250.00 I'",n,. H15:1 ) 1)0uKI .... W . F .... 1. 2.~0.00
.. (568) .. Ginsk)·. II . 1'. . ... 1.2.'>0.00
I' en~. (:I:tJI1 Allen. I.
Pen l. (340 ) ) I .. ier. r. J, "
P ... n~, (3471 C; ouj!hnour. R. E.
Pens .
P ens.
Pe ns .
L<-Fo r cs t ;er. F.
Le .. than,. H H.
Munroe. E. E.
1.2;;0, 00
!' en~. (9;;3)
I'ens. {!1681 II n r t. W. (;.
l'enft. «(170) 1I.0we. 1<. II.
.. ...
.. ...
Pens. (34!1) llilt on. I . E. ..... 1.2;;0.00 Pens. ( 1'i74) St.. nrord. 1<. B. .. 1.:!50.00 Pen'. 1972) UII,·is. C. S. 1.250.00
I'e na. (:I53 I Bo ... en. H. I'. 1.250.00 I'ens. 1576 ) S ... iee. T . .... .., 1.2~0.1lO I' rns. (10;;7) Shllin. II . ~I. 1.250.00
Pcnl. (:153) Ho beruon. W, A. 1.250.00 Pcns. (59:n "'chs. A. 1.2,jO.00 E'en s. 11011» Ad llms. L, I.. 1.250.00
I'enl. (3;;31 "enney. F. R.
Pe ns. (:153) J,u="b. S,
1.25(1.00 I'.. ns. (6371
Greene. L. M. . .., 1.2;;(1.00 E'en l. ( 1091) ('umm;n,,~ . C. ... 1I1j.G6
1.2ao.00 Pens. Perdue. G. E..... 1.2JiO.OO Pens. (11 47 ) Drupes. E. ~1. 1.2:'10.00
Pe ns. P;;:I) Aluten(-n. I.. 1.2r;().00 Pe ns . (UO) Hai.:ht. W . A..... 1.2:.0.00 I'e n~. (1I4 i ) Kru l! ... r. W. t; . . .. 1.2;;0.00
P cnl. 135:1) THylor, 1'. 1.21)0.00 Pen ~. (fi ~ !I) One, A. J. 1.2J'iO.00 Pen!!. ( 11.53) Kelly. J P. .. .... 1.2;;0.00
Pens. (:j64\ \\'i l ~on. G. E. .... 1$,0.00 Pen~ . ff';:;9) (;Io'·er. V. 1<. . ... 1.250.00 l'en ~. (I~'()5) Win k. I.. II . 1.2:;0.00
Prns . (~I; :; ) Cotlper. 1'. II. .... 1.2,,0.00 Pens. (6.')9) Ph ... l!)!!. I,. t:. . ... 1.2SO.00 I'enl. 113021 Anderson. D. E ... 714.211
Prn s . (369) ~l1l1 er. E. 1". .... 1.2:.0.00 Pens. (659) I.a rsen. H. J. 1.2:.0.00 I'C!l~, (I3~1j) Smith. J. II .
I'... nl. (369) W" lker. M. ... 1.2r,0.00 I'cn $. (fi81 ) lI a rd in. G. D ..... 1.2,.0.00 l'en~. (13;;3) lI;x. P.. I. . .. ].2;'0.00
Pens. (380) lI or. S. J. ...... "
Pe n •. (38:!) Fnre. W . !':. .....
Pe ns.
Pen ~ .
J)niu. D.
I'u.~kett . C. A. . ..
] .2;,0.00
Pens, ( 15112) ~IcLean. J. II.
Pen •. {l90lJ Hopper. G.
Pens. (:190) TII~·lor. S. S. ].2.',0.11(1 Pens. 1.021 ~I .. rtin. W. J . 1,2;',(\.00 Pe ns, (20171 W o.. hfer. 1<- II. 1.250.00
Pen l. (3!l31 We ill. J. W . ].2;;0.fl(J Pens. P(2) H u.nter. I•. M..... 1.2;'>11.00 Pens. (20~~) ~Iorrison. J. J. .' 1.2;,0.00
P ... ns. ( ")3) T hornton. R. D.. ] .250.00 Pens. ( . 02) Cook, W. M. 1.2:-,(1.00
P .. ns. ( -& 28) S.,ii)<.'rt. J. ('. 1.250.()(1 Pcnl. (22.53) Chabot. \\' .... ,. 1.2SO.00
Pen~. (102) German, C. \\' .... 1.250.00
PfOnS. ( H 9) 1>,,';1. I •. A 1.21)0.00 Pens. 1,13) E le nd. (;. L. ... 1.2<>0.00 TOTAL pAnlEXTS . .... $H I.37r;.OO

Handyman's Corner
Bag-If-All! The bag is held firmly in piace
while )ou fill it with thc aid of a
.. We take a lo t for granted generous-size scoop. It ' 1lso contains
here in Allll!rica . . a lot of the ~idc-mou nt ed racks fo r your rake
good lire cs~cia ll y. Now take a and other garden 100]S. Tru ly the
si mple invention like th e plastic handym an'S home companion.. a
bag. fo r insta nce. Giant plastic re~llIy fresh approach to solving
bags. to be more specifi c. Thcy have your trash problem,
si mply thous:lIlds of uscs in our To oblain Ihe ensy-to-follow
everyday life. but their greatest BAG -IT-ALL pattern number 493.
boon 10 moo Am..:rican man and send S 1.00 by currency. check or
woman muM be as tras h bin and money order to :
laundry hamper.
But how to hoid these bags up? The Electncal Workers' Journal
Pattern Dept
The :ms\\crs si mple i f you look 011 P. O. BOil 2383
the unit Gary Ov"ens of NBC's Van Nuys. Ca . 91409
LAUG H- i N seri.:s is usi ng. I t's
ca l kd Ihe BAG- iT -A LL. and you Other pattcrn~ you will enjoy;
can really solve your trash disposal structed. yet lightweight mobile unit. No. 250 T ool s t orage shed ... S 1.00;
problem beautifully. You simply Now if you've ever tried to hoid No. 176 H:lnging wall desk ...
take the gi:mt p lastic bag (which up one of Ihese bags :md fill it wit h $ [.00; No, 402 Swag lamp .. . 75 C;
you C;1Il purcha~e at your neighbor- grass cutti ngs. leaves or other Ira!> h No. 454 Sewing cabinel ... S 1. 00;
hood ~1() re) and ~ec urc it at four al the sa me time. you']] ! why Booklet picturing 450 projects ...
cornas inside this slurdily-con- we drea med lip Ihe BAG- iT-ALL. 75 ¢.


Complete information on this and other requirements, inslructions,
and official application forms may be obtained from your local union
or by mailing the coupon below to:

IBEW Founders' Scholarship Committee

112515th Street, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20005
Please note this is an adult program for ISEW members
only. II is /1ot ope/1 to sons and daughters of members
unless the sons and daughters are them selves qualified.
The officers of t he ISEW are indeed pleased that the
Brotherhood is able to offer these IBEW Fou nders' Scholar·

Announcing: ships to its members. It is the hope that. over the yea rs,
the award s will contri bute not only to the personal de·
velopment and achievement of th e successful candidates,
The IBEW but also to the development and improvement of the elec-
t rical ind ustry. of which we are a vital part.


Scholarship B.S.AeroS p.E.
B.S.C.E. .. . .. . .
Bachelor of Science In Aero·Space Engineering
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
. .... Bachelor of Scie nce in Ciyil Engineering

Program B.Chem.E.
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering
Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering
. . . . ... Badlelor of Engineering
B.S.E. Bachelor of Science in Engineeri ng
The ISEW lakes great pleasure in announcing the Found· B.E.E. .. BachelOf 01 Electrical Engineering
ers' Scholarship PlOgram for the 1972 Competition. B.S.U . Bachelor 01 Science in Electrical Engineering
The IBEW oHefs to its members a maximum of 12 8.E.S. BachelOf 01 Engineering Science
Founders' Scholarships annually for university study leading B.S.E.S. Bachelor or Science in Engineering Science
to bachelor's degrees in specified fields. The number of B.M.E. .. Bachelor 01 Mechanical Enlineerinl
scholarships awarded is determined by the number of B.S.M.E. Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Enlineering
qualilied applicants. One scholarship is awarded for each B.S.I.E. BachellH" or Science in Industrial Engineerini
25 qualified applicants or major fraction thereof. They
will be granted on a competitive basis to Qualified can·
didates from aU branches of the ISEW. OTHER COURSES
The ISEW Founders' Scholarships honor a small group B.S.Acc. . . Bachelor of Science In Accounting
of skilled and dedicated wiremen and linemen wh o in B.Arch. Bachelor of Architecture
November, 1891, organized the International Brotherhood B.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administrat ion
of Electrical Workers. B.S.B. Bachelor of Science in Business
The scholarships are worth $2,500 a year for up to B.S.B.A. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
four years of study. They can be applied to study toward B.S.Ee. . . . Bachelor of Science In Economics
<I ~<lch~ l ul's ~~KI~~ ill lilly of th~ approved fields listed B.I.D.... ...................................... B~t;ht l o( ul Industrial Design
below. B.S.!. M. Bachelo r of Science in Industr ial Management
Eligibility-The IBEW Founders' Scholarships are open B.S.I.R. Bachelor of Science in Industrial Relations
to IBEW members who have been In continuous good B.S.Mel. Bachelor of Science in Meta llu ro
standing for at least fo ur (4) years by the time they begin
college study or an original member of a local union
chartered less than four (4) years. It is further required
PIC<lSO send me the leallet. " 1972 18EW FOUNDERS' SCHOl·
that apprentices shall have completed a full , formal ap· ARSH IPS" and necessary application materials. I will have been 1
prenticeship as established in their trade and area. an IBEW member In continuous good standing for at least 1
Applicants are required to take the Scholastic Aptitude four (4) years before I would start using this scholarship next
Test (SAT), which will be administered in communities
throughout the United Stales and Canada. They can be NAME: ______________- -- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - ----
taken on any of the following dates: November 6, 1971. (print or typo)
December 4, 1971. or January 8, 1972.

SEND FOR IBEW (Ci ty) (z ip)

SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS [SEW l ocal Union No. ________ Card No. ________

~- --------------------------- -

Have An Escape Plan

" Planning your household's escape in case of fire at
home isn't jus t a good idea-it 's a duty and responsi-
bility. ..

The National Fire Protection Association suggests these points in

an escape plan. It notes that family drills can be the difference
between a t ragedy and getting everyone out safely. Right now.
think how your family can escape from each room . especially
t he bed rooms at night.

Make your plan now-

1. Carefully figure out at least two routes to the outside from
every room in the house . Remember, fire may block usual
stairway or hall exits.
2. From upper floors. use porch and garage roofs , ladders, or
trees as ways to safety .
3. Instruct ea ch person how to reach the planned exit. Provide
specia l help for invalids and infants.
4. Be sure you sleep with hall or bedroom doors closed ... to
help hold back fire.
5. Agree on signal (whistle. horn. etc .)-may be needed to alert
people in other rooms.
6. Pick an outside meeting place where the family will gather.
Have rule-"once out-stay out'''.
7. Plan to notify Fire Department quickly after entire family is
out of house.
8. THEN PRACTICE! Avoid a panic tragedy by having everyone
familiar with your emergency fire escape plan .

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