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-The level of difficulty of the question must be in accordance with the abilities of students.
- Problem is not allowed to trap
- The material tested must be in accordance with the type of test and the form of the question
- Set the scoring appropriately
b. Balanced:
- The material tested must be in accordance with the material being taught
- time to work must be in accordance with the standard workmanship questions
-Must be sorted easily questions into difficult questions
Sort cognitive levels from low to high
c. Organized:
- Clear instructions and instructions
- Layout of soles is clear and easy to read
4. Transparent: meaning clearly what is tested, its duties and scoring criteria
5. Authentic: The work of students must be in accordance with the real world

The rules for writing good questions for multiple choices and descriptions are as follows:
1) Multiple choice writing rules
In writing multiple choice questions you must pay attention to the following rules:
a) Material
1. The question is in accordance with the question indicator in the grid.
2. The choice of answers must be homogeneous and logical in terms of material.
3. Each question must have one correct or correct answer.
4. Material asked in accordance with the type of test / form of the question used.
b) Construction
1. The subject matter must be formulated briefly, clearly and firmly.
2. The formulation of the subject matter and choice of answers must be the only statement
3. The subject matter is not to give directions to the correct answer.
4. The subject matter does not contain multiple negative statements.
5. The length of the answer choice formula must be relatively the same.
6. Choice of answers do not contain a statement, "All of the above answer choices are wrong", or
"All the answer choices above are correct".
7. Choice of answers in the form of numbers or times must be arranged in the order of the size of
the number, or chronology.
8. Images, graphics, tables, diagrams, and the like contained in the question must be clear and
9. Question items do not depend on the answers to the previous questions.
c) Language
1. Each question must use language that is in accordance with the rules of the Indonesian
2. Don't use local language, if the question will be used for other regions or nationally.

3. Each question must use communicative language and according to the level of education of
4. Choice of answers do not repeat words or phrases that are not a unified understanding.
5. The sentence of the question must be clear.
6. Questions must be valid.
7. The choice of answers does not repeat the same word / group of words, unless it constitutes a
unified understanding.
2) Description questions
a. The question must be in accordance with the indicator indicators.
b. Limitations of the questions and answers expected are appropriate.
c. The material asked is in accordance with the measurement objectives.
d. Fill in the material in question according to the level of school type or grade level.
e. Use the question word or command that demands a description answer.
f. There are clear instructions on how to work on the problem.
g. There are guidelines for scoring.
h. Images, tables, maps, graphics or the like are clearly and legibly presented.
i. Communicative sentence formulation.
j. Question items use standard Indonesian.
k. Do not use words / expressions that give rise to multiple interpretations or misunderstandings.
l. Don't use taboo language.
m. Question formulation does not contain words / expressions that can offend students.

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