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Lecture #4:

From Nand to Tetris

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 1
Where we are at:
Human Abstract design Software
abstract interface
Thought hierarchy
Chapters 9, 12
H.L. Language Compiler
& abstract interface
Chapters 10 - 11
Operating Sys.
Virtual VM Translator
abstract interface
Machine Chapters 7 - 8



Chapter 6

abstract interface
Machine Architecture
abstract interface
Chapters 4 - 5
Hardware Gate Logic
abstract interface
Platform Chapters 1 - 3 Electrical
Chips & Engineering
Hardware Physics
Logic Gates

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 2
High-Level vs. Low-Level
Programming Languages
•  Goal of Low-Level Language:
–  Code low-level programs as a series of machine
•  Command processor to do logic/arithme:c
•  Fetch and store values from/to memory
•  Move values between registers
•  Test boolean condi:ons
•  Etc.
–  Basically: direct execu:on + total control of hardware
–  Fine line between hardware and soFware meet
•  Goal of High-Level:
–  Generality and power of expression
–  Everything else you’ve learned about Java/C++

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 3
Machine language
Abstrac:on – implementa:on duality:

•  Machine language ( = instruc:on set) can be viewed as a programmer-oriented

abstrac:on of the hardware plaOorm

•  The hardware plaOorm can be viewed as a physical means for realizing the
machine language abstrac:on Another duality:

n  Binary version 1010 0011 0001 1001

n  Symbolic version ADD R3, R1, R9

Loose definition:

n  Machine language = an agreed-upon formalism for

a memory using a processor and a set of

n  Same spirit but different syntax across different hardware

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 4
•  1801 = Automa:c Loom (controlled by

punch cards)

–  Automa:cally controlled the warp

and weF threads on a silk loom

•  Recorded paVerns of holes in a

string of cards

–  Start of “punch cards”

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 5
Punched Cards
•  Needles went through where there were holes

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 6
Charles Babbage
•  “Father of Compu:ng”
•  2 major contribu:ons
–  Difference Engine (1822)
•  First Mechanical Computer
•  Never Finished
•  un:l 2002: 8000 parts, 2 tons, 11 feet
–  Analy:cal Engine
•  First programmed computer
–  Could handle condi:onal jumps
–  Used Jacquards “Punch Card” idea
•  Powered by 6 steam engines
•  Never completed

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 7
Ada Lovelace

•  Friend of Charles Babbage

•  Educated in Math

•  Described programs that

would work on Babbage’s

Analy:cal Engine

•  First Programmer
Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 8
Binary and symbolic notation
1010 0001 0010 1011 ADD R1, R2, R3


•  Physical coding

•  Symbolic documenta:on

•  Symbolic coding

•  Transla:on and execu:on

•  Requires a translator.
Jacquard loom Augusta Ada King,
(1801) Countess of Lovelace

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 9
Lecture plan

•  Machine languages at a glance

•  The Hack machine language:

–  Symbolic version

–  Binary version

•  Perspec:ve

(The assembler will be covered later).

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 10
Typical machine language commands
(a small sample)

// In what follows R1,R2,R3 are registers, PC is program counter,

// and addr is some value.
// Arithmetic + Logic Operations

ADD R1,R2,R3 // R1 ß R2 + R3

ADDI R1,R2,addr // R1 ß R2 + addr (immediate addressing)

AND R1,R1,R2 // R1 ß R1 and R2 (bit-wise)

// Flow of Control Commands

JMP addr // PC ß addr unconditional jump

JEQ R1,R2,addr // IF R1 == R2 THEN PC ß addr ELSE PC++ cond. jmp

// Memory Access Commands

LOAD R1, addr // R1 ß RAM[addr] (direct addressing)

STORE R1, addr // RAM[addr] ß R1

NOP // Do nothing

// Etc. – some 50-300 command variants

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 11
The Hack computer
A 16-bit machine consis:ng of the following elements:

Data memory: RAM – an addressable sequence of registers

Instruc:on memory: ROM – an addressable sequence of registers

Registers: D, A, M, where M stands for RAM[A]

D stands for data register
A stands for data/address’s register

Processing: ALU, capable of compu:ng various func:ons

Program counter: PC, holding an address

Control: The ROM is loaded with a sequence of 16-bit instruc:ons, one per memory
loca:on, beginning at address 0. Fetch-execute cycle: later

Instruc:on set: Two instruc:ons: A-instruc:on (Address), C-instruc:on (Compute).

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 12
The A-instruction
@value // A ß value

Where value is either a number or a symbol referring to some number.

Note: Every operation involving a memory location requires two Hack commands

Coding example:
Used for:
•  Entering a constant value @17 // A = 17
( A = value) D = A // D = 17

n  Selecting a RAM location @17 // A = 17

( register = RAM[A]) D = M // D = RAM[17]

n  Selecting a ROM location @17 // A = 17
( PC = A ) JMP // fetch the instruction
// stored in ROM[17]

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 13
The C-instruction dest = x + y

(Some) allowed values: dest = x - y

•  Used for: x = {A, D, M} dest = x

–  Calcula:ons: y = {A, D, M , 1} dest = 0

•  Arithme:c dest = {A, D, M} dest = 1
•  Logic dest = -1
–  Jumping Later

–  Manipula:ng RAM[A] (M): @17

M = 0
// A = 17
// RAM[17]
RAM[17] == 00
•  Gegng value (if M on right side)
•  Changing value (if M on leF side) @17 // A = 17
A = M //
// AA == RAM[17]

–  Manipula:ng A and D registers

•  Gegng value (on the right) @17 // A = 17
D = D + M //
// added
added RAM[17]
RAM[17] to
to DD
•  Changing value (on the leF)

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 14
The C-instruction (first approximation)

Exercise: Implement the following tasks

dest = x + y
using Hack commands:
Allowed values:
dest = x - y
x = {A, D, M} 1)  Set D to A-1
dest = x
y = {A, D, M , 1}
dest = 0 2)  Set both A and D to A + 1
dest = {A, D, M, MD,
dest = 1 AM, AD, AMD, 3)  Set D to 19
dest = -1
4)  Set both A and D to A + D

5)  Set RAM[5034] to D - 1

6)  Set RAM[543] to 171

7)  Add 1 to RAM[7],

and store the result in D.

8)  Add 3 to RAM[12],

and store the result in D.

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 15
The C-instruction (first approximation)

dest = x + y
Exercise: Implement the following tasks
dest = x - y using Hack commands:
dest = x
1)  sum = 0
dest = 0
dest = 1 2)  j = j + 1

dest = -1 3)  q = sum + 12 – j

x = {A, D, M} [PAUSE] Array review!

y = {A, D, M , 1}
4)  arr[3] = -1
dest = {A, D, M, MD, A, AM, AD, AMD, null}
Symbol table: 5)  arr[j] = 0
(All symbols and values
j 3012 are arbitrary examples)
sum 4500 6)  arr[j] = 17
q 3812 NOTE: these are
arr 20561 variable names on the
left! Which means?
Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 16
Control (focus on the yellow chips only)

D register D


A register


address RAM M
In the Hack architecture:

n  ROM = instruction memory

n  Program = sequence of 16-bit

address ROM numbers, starting at
input Instruction
register) n  Current instruction = ROM[PC]

n  To select instruction n from the ROM, we

set A to n, using the instruction @n

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 17
Coding examples Hack commands:

Exercise: Implement the following A-command: @value // set A to value

tasks using Hack commands: C-command: dest = comp ; jump // dest = and ;jump
// are op:onal
1)  goto 50 Where:
comp = 0 , 1 , -1 , D , A , !D , !A , -D , -A , D+1 ,
2)  if D==0 goto 112 A+1 , D-1, A-1 , D+A , D-A , A-D , D&A ,
D|A , M , !M , -M ,M+1, M-1 , D+M , D-M ,
M-D , D&M , D|M
3)  if D<9 goto 507
dest = M , D , MD , A , AM , AD , AMD, or null
jump = JGT , JEQ , JGE , JLT , JNE , JLE , JMP, or null
4)  if RAM[12] > 0 goto 50
In the command dest = comp; jump, the jump materialzes
if (comp jump 0) is true. For example, in D=D+1,JLT,
5)  if sum>0 goto END we jump if D+1 < 0.

6)  if x[i]<=0 goto NEXT. Symbol table:

sum 2200
x 4000
(All symbols and
Hack convention: i 6151 values in are
END 50 arbitrary examples)
q  CAPS naming is
NEXT 120
for (LABELS)
Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 18
IF logic – Hack style
High level: Hack:

if condition { D ß not condition

code block 1} @IF_TRUE
else { D;JEQ
code block 2}
code block 2
code block 3
Hack convention: code block 1
q  True is represented by -1 (END)
q 1111 1111 1111 1111 code block 3

q  False is represented by 0
q 0000 0000 0000 0000

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 19
WHILE logic – Hack style
High level: Hack:

while condition { (LOOP)

code block 1 D ß not condition)
} @END
Code block 2
code block 1
Hack convention:
q  True is represented by -1 code block 2

q  False is represented by 0

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 20
Side note (focus on the yellow chip parts only)

D register D


A register


address RAM M
In the Hack architecture, the A register
addresses both the RAM and the ROM,
simultaneously. Therefore:
n  Command pairs like @addr followed by
address ROM D=M;someJumpDirective make no sense
input Instruction
PC n  Best practice: in well-written Hack
programs, a C-instruction should contain
q  either a reference to M, or
q  a jump directive,
n  but not both.

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 21
Complete program example
C language code: Hack assembly code:
// Adds 1+...+100. // Adds 1+...+100.
int i = 1; @i // i refers to some RAM location
int sum = 0; M=1 // i=1
while (i <= 100){ @sum // sum refers to some RAM location
M=0 // sum=0
sum += i;
} D=M // D = i
D=D-A // D = i - 100
Hack assembly convention: @END
D;JGT // If (i-100) > 0 goto END
q  Variables: lower-case @i
D=M // D = i
q  Labels: upper-case @sum
M=D+M // sum += i
q  Commands: upper-case @i
M=M+1 // i++
0;JMP // Got LOOP
CPU emulator (END)
0;JMP // Infinite loop
Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 22
Symbols in Hack assembly // Typical symbolic

// Hack code, meaning
// not important
Symbols created by Hack programmers and code generators: D=M
•  Label symbols: Used to label des:na:ons of goto commands. Declared by the
pseudo command (XXX). This direc:ve defines the symbol XXX to refer to the
instruc:on memory loca:on holding the next command in the program (within the
program, XXX is called “label”)
•  Variable symbols: Any user-defined symbol xxx appearing in an assembly program D=A
that is not defined elsewhere using the (xxx) direc:ve is treated as a variable, @addr
and is “automa:cally” assigned a unique RAM address, star:ng at RAM address 16 M=D
•  By conven:on, Hack programmers use lower-case and upper-case leVers for (LOOP)
variable names and labels, respec:vely.
Predefined symbols: M=-1
•  I/O pointers: The symbols SCREEN and KBD are “automa:cally” predefined to refer @addr
to RAM addresses 16384 and 24576, respec:vely (base addresses of the Hack D=M
plaOorm’s screen and keyboard memory maps) @32
•  Virtual registers: covered in future lectures. @addr
•  VM control registers: covered in future lectures. M=D
Q: Who does all the “automatic” assignments of symbols to RAM addresses?

A: The assembler, which is the program that translates symbolic Hack @LOOP
programs into binary Hack program. As part of the translation process,
the symbols are resolved to RAM addresses. (more about this in future lectures)
Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 23
•  SCREEN is a pointer to memory
16,384 to 24,575 (inclusive)
= 8,192 registers at 16 bits each
= 131,072 bits, each represents a pixel
0 = white
1 = black
= 512 columns x 256 rows = screen resolu:on
•  KBD is a pointer to keyboard register
–  24,576 stores current value of key pressed
•  if nothing pressed, value is 0
•  else value is key pressed

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 24
•  Hack is a simple machine language

•  User friendly syntax: D=D+A instead of ADD D,D,A

•  Hack is a “½-address machine”: any opera:on that needs to operate on the RAM
must be specified using two commands: an A-command to address the RAM, and a
subsequent C-command to operate on it

•  A Macro-language can be easily developed

•  A Hack assembler is needed and will be discusses and developed later in the

Elements of Computing Systems, Nisan & Schocken, MIT Press, , Chapter 2: Boolean Arithmetic slide 25

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