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Bed Tea options:

1. Warm water + Lemon juice

2. Warm water + Lemon juice + Honey
3. Warm water + Apple vinegar cider
4. Warm water + Apple vinegar cider + Honey
5. Warm water + Amla juice
6. Warm water + Aloe vera juice
7. Warm water + Lemon + Ginger
8. Green Tea + Lemon + Honey

Breakfast options:

1. Oats
2. Poha
3. Upma rawa
4. Daliya
5. Sprouts
6. Corn flakes+chocos
7. Roti sabji
8. Bread toasts
9. Sandwich
10. Paranthe
11. Fruits
12. Shakes

(I) Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water in the Morning

1. Boosts your immune system
Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. But the question I had was why?
When I looked into it further, I discovered that Vitamin C has been shown to increase the
production of white blood cells. Those white blood cells are the defender cells that attack
bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C may also keep existing immune cells healthier and better able to
produce enough of the kind of antibodies that attach to viruses and bacteria to mark them for

2. Lemons are good for your brain

They’re high in potassium, which research shows stimulates brain and nerve function. Let’s dig
deeper. Just one lemon contains 80 milligrams of this essential mineral — which is also
important for basic cell and muscle functions and maintaining your body’s fluid balance.

3. They are heart healthy

The potassium in lemons may help control blood pressure, but that’s not all. The vitamin C
you’ll get from drinking warm lemon water in the morning may reduce your risk of
cardiovascular disease and stroke.

4. Lemon juice balances the body’s pH

Lately, you may have noticed that people are talking a lot about reducing the body’s acidity by
eating and drinking alkaline foods. You may be surprised to learn that while lemon juice is acidic
outside of the body, its effect is alkalizing after it has been fully metabolized. That means that
drinking warm water and lemon in the morning can raise the pH of your body, promoting healthy
cell function and structure and creating a less hospitable environment for bacteria and viruses.

5. It helps with weight loss

Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which could help fight hunger cravings… if you’re eating a
whole lemon. And some people lose weight more quickly just by upping their water intake. But
many people also find that juicing them and then drinking warm water and lemon juice in the
morning helps them lose weight faster. One research study found that polyphenols in lemon juice
have the power to suppress body fat accumulation. The same research showed that the same
compounds in lemons significantly reduced weight gain — even for those who were overeating.

6. Lemon water also aids digestion

Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is
an acid that is required for digestion. That’s important when you consider that a study showed
that over 30% of men and women over age 60 had atrophic gastritis, a condition marked by little
or no stomach acid. Drinking warm lemon water can help get your digestive system get moving
in the morning without overloading it. Plus, efficient digestion reduces heartburn and
constipation, so you won’t have to worry about the acid in lemons giving you heartburn.

7. Lemon water is a diuretic

Drinking warm lemon water throughout the day will increase your rate of urination, which in
turn will help you purify. Toxins are, therefore, released from your body at a faster rate, which
then keeps your urinary tract healthy. Even better, the citric acid in lemons may even help
prevent kidney stones by making urine less acidic and giving your body the citrate it needs to
break up or flush out small kidney stones. Lemons actually have the highest concentration of
citrate of any citrus fruit. Studies have shown that one of the proven benefits of lemon water in
the morning is decreased stone formation.

8. It clears skin
The vitamin C in warm lemon water helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water purges
toxins from the blood, which helps keep skin clear as well. In addition to drinking it, lemon
water can actually be applied directly to scars to help reduce their appearance. You’ll have
beautiful, glowing skin in no time as the nutrients found in lemon nourish your skin from the
inside out and the outside in.

9. And freshens breath

Not only does warm lemon water make your breath nicer, but it can help relieve tooth pain and
gingivitis. But be careful about brushing your teeth after your warm lemon water in the morning.
The citric acid in lemon juice can erode tooth enamel, so you should monitor this. I admit that
I’m slightly worried about it. You could always consult with your dentist.

10. Lemon may even help respiratory problems

As noted above, warm lemon water helps get rid of chest infections and halt those pesky coughs.
It’s thought to be helpful to people with asthma and allergies, too. This may be because the
vitamin C in lemon juice boosts the immune system and the compound limonene also helps the
body resist asthma triggers as a result. The antioxidants in lemon juice may help the body in its
fight against allergens and irritants. And the antiseptic properties of lemon might be helpful in
preventing mucus build-up.

11. It’s good for the liver

Compounds in lemon may also help your liver do a better job of filtering toxins out of your body
because citrus flavonoids in lemon can protect the liver against damage caused by toxins while
also reducing fat in the liver. Lemon juice on its own may not be a detoxifying agent, but it could
be doing a lot to help your body cleanse itself naturally.

12. And keeps you zen

Vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when you subject your mind and body to stress. As
mentioned previously, lemons are chock full of vitamin C — which has been shown in numerous
studies to reduce both the physical and psychological effects of stress. In fact, people who have
high levels of vitamin C in their bodies just don’t respond to stress like you’d expect. They feel
less of it in highly stressful situations and then bounce back from those situations faster. So, one
of the most surprising benefits of drinking warm lemon water in the morning might just be that
you feel more centered throughout the day.
(II) Benefits of warm water + Lemon juice + Honey

Prevents constipation

Looks like nothing beats warm water with a few drops of honey and lemon juice when it comes
to preventing constipation despite the fact that there are a number of effective home remedies to
tackle this common health issue. Constipation may not specifically cause you to gain weight, but
irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive problems can lead significantly affect an
individual’s weight. Moreover, people who are obese overweight often complain of constipation.

Improves digestion

Both honey and lemon have potential to cleanse the colon and flush undigested food, intestinal
cells, and other toxins out from the body, which otherwise might have built up in it. A sluggish
digestion, slow metabolism can contribute to weight gain. But having a good digestive system
can effectively help you shed extra fat, ensuring that your weight loss plan will be successful.

Helps cleanse the liver

It’s a well-known fact that a healthy liver is the key to long-term health and maintaining an ideal
body weight. Liver being the main organ which helps in purification of the body, it is important
that it is cleansed and functioning properly. Moreover, the liver is the chief organ responsible for
maintaining digestion process and burning calories.

Healthy, clear skin

The health benefits of honey and lemon water are extensive. In addition to that, it also gives you
a clear and a natural glow to your skin as its cleansing action eliminates toxins and other wastes
from the body, thereby preventing acne and other skin problems.

Apart from lemon water, it is believed that honey contains fat-burning properties. Although
honey and lemon water are beneficial for weight loss, drinking this mix alone may not assist you
to lose weight easily, simply, because there’s no such single nutrient or food that can help you
shed unwanted flabs. Apart from drinking this concoction, try eating a balanced and healthy diet,
supplemented with exercise, physical activity, and an adequate sleep to yield the best results in
terms of weight loss.

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